THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: MONDAY, MATtCTT 23, 1003. LIFE AMD ACCITJEWT HOME FXRNISHINGS REAL ESTATE. REAL ESTATE. TOM S. KELLY Manager Ufa and Accident Depart ment for Stat of Nebraaka. Tb Traveler Xnsuraac Company liartfort. Conn. 120 Bee Bids. Omsna. Nob. ORCHARD & WILHELM You buy here with perfect confidence, both in the price and in the quality; DIRKETT & TEDBENS BCAX. P8TATB. BPBCTAX. ATTBIt TlOIf TO CABtB OP PBOPXMTIXB. IWSUBAWCB, RIHT1LI ABO IBVEBTMSMTS 423 Bee Bid. 'Phone tour. 4754. HOME BUILDER AM work flrst-clnss. will draft your plan without extra expense, let us show you some of our buildings now under construction. , c. p. traver, xxsmzEi Seven Years of Omaha's Progress 8 HOME FCRTIISIIERS. 17 O A T6BVRC ft TT Feather your neat vcrhitcre. If you dsslr goods at big tnaUty, loir prise and easy ton It be hoeve you to trad at TOE PEOPLES STORE ltt aae PAEEAM BTS. PIANOS. M-IOH. CLASH PXABOS Reasonable Ttmi Large eelec-ted stock of Webar. Mehlln, Henry and 8. A O. Llndeman, Foster To. Schiller. KlTTKUm PIABO CO. ' Mfa-r. aad Dealere 1613-10 Ruiw. Omaha PIANOS. Everything In Art and Music A. H03PE CO. 1513 Counlas St.. Omaha N PIANOS. J. S. CAMERON Manufacturer' Stat Agent GRAND and UPRIGHT PIANOS 106-8 No. 15th SU Omaha. Nab. TL Had J 841. PIANOS. SCBMOtlta HVELLEB PXABO CO. PIABOS UwiatAoturtni and Dealon In Bifn Orads Planoa Over WO Planet ta Slack 1311-1313 Farnam St. Omnha, Neh, Mt'IC DT MAIL. Illustrated Music School, 1611 Farnim o.-x . to Mualo by 'Mall ?;J LH , . Eight different V't-i .J''! -U? courses. Investt- ?Bte them at the store of the Porflrld Piano Co., Omnha. riinxonnAriis and records. Columbia Phonograph Co. , Oold Moulded Bo- ) ft P . 'V "d ta fit any Cylin- f 'hp 'i'CNw.' ' "or Talking Machine t liJJ '.vM-lx made You - throw) - .gij away nwnfj If you pay mora. 1631 p abb ax itbiit tlUARS, RinilER GOODS A DRUGS ereoi-ipUoa Aoeuxaoy Guaranteed, fyrtngee. Rubber Oooda by Mall, out price a. bend for frae catalogue. Band ua your mall ordera for drug. Freight paid on. f 10 lota. ' Cigar it cut pncee, loo cigars, leu . . Myers Dili us . Drug Co. divosi paikti )h and ywmam, 14l Harney. CANDT. Craft Guild smans Confections Bold by OIOaUB BOOSES, ISO Parnam BREWERIEi. Always Ask for Uletz Bros. Brewing Co. FAKOLS KEG AM BOTTLE BEER -OMAHA. WATER FILTERS. sun pubs, bpabexxbo) with bt tnmro mis. SOUBX WATZB TII.TEE.S, C. D. BUBER, Mfgr. 1301 Parnam - Bt ' Omiha, TELEPHONES. IN OMAHA , 17855 Subscribers NEBRASKA TELEPHONE CO. PHOTO SUPPLIES. JOBSEAS AMD BUIPPEBB OP PHOTO SUPPLIES LABQEBT BOUSE iJt I'll WIST. The Robert Dempster Co., 1311 PABWAM BT. OMAHA. SHOE REPAIHINQ. Standard Shas Repair Co. 1804 W. do th. work right, phon. Dong. f 64T and we will call for your work. We sou polish, laces and sho special ties. ll.KASI.VO AND DYEINQ. W. are linulguurteii for all cleaning, dyeing, preesineT and repairing of la dles' anil gentlemen's rlothlnir. youb tease solicited THE WARDROBE 1010 Famam Branch Office, 111 Leavenworth. Telephone Doug. 172. LAUNDRIES. nm mmyf Wir We don't Iron shirts at all. We pre them. Thta aivea ail attractive ft ale h jultuout wearing out tha linen. ZTAJrr srrsAMt zAvarnmT Knt. )T. Alias B. slanUtaa, sfgv. 11 B. Ilia . Tel. Xfente-la SM, THllUi AND LEATHER GOODS. rf TRUNKS M SaN Cscs, lau aa4 lUw racket kawks rtnrc & traui Tl Bwag. aot raraeai SURETY BONDS. Lion Bonding & Surety Co. A Home Company wttli Aseets In Nebraska. 314-318 nw TOix xara avxtiBiira Telephone Douglas 552. MINES AND MINING. For Information ooneernlng lea-lti-mata wining In Brltlata OetemMa. srtdrasg F. II. KNIGHT Booma 418-SiO Columbia Bid jr. 8POXABX, WASKIIfOTOIT. ' MONUMENTS. MONUMENTS Largest Stock in the West J. F. BLOOM SL CO. 1811 Famam St. Omaha, BANKS. FIRST IIATI01IAL BANK OMAHA Capital and Surplus, 91,100,000.00 BANKS. United States National Bank OF OMAHA, NEB. United States Depository lad. bj4 Famam Sts. BANKS. OMAHA NATIONAL BANK ..OMAHA. Capital $1,000,000 BANKS. J. L. BElANGEiS & SONS i BANKERS PAY 4 INTEREST ON DEPOSITS SAVINGS BANKS. 4 Interest on Deposits CITY SAVINGS BANK ieth ana Dawclas Omaha OFFICE FURNITURE. Best Selection DESKS OMASA PRIMES CO. 1 0th sad Faraaoi sts. INCORPORATORS. XfZT EXPBBTS Incorporate Your Company. Money to Promote Good Propositions.' THE MERCANTILE INCORPORATING CO. 314-31B BBW TOIK X.XPB BVXUIBO. EMPLOYERS' REFERENCE AGENCY IB TB1S BAY Or 8PBOIAX.XSTB you waste time and money selecting your help. WX4 ABB SPZCXAXXSTS Tha best ability In tha city is listed with ua Give us your needs let us assist rrai no charge to employera WIST. BSP. k BO WD ASS. Bnlt 7a B. T. Life. Tel. Pong. 4883 REFERENCE AGENTS. HIGH GRADE POSITIONS Keystone Surety and Reference Agt Xnol " B. S. CX.OTUB, Oas. MB. Suit 404 Be Building-. REFERENCE AGENTS. BOW WOULD TOW XXKB ZXPSBTS to secure your help, saving you tim and. money. Competent Clerical. Sales and Technical Help furnished em ployers, without charge, OUABABTZB BZP. STTBXTY CO Phone Bed. 6444. 633-4 Brandals Bldf. OFFICB SUPPLIES. Office Supplies rerytliiaf from a Pin to a Tills , Cabinet . OMAHA PRINTING CO. 10th and Parnam Bta OFFICE SUPPLIES. LOOSE LEAF DEVICES ruins; Cabinets, Piles and ledgers, Offio fixtures aad BuppUes .. of All Binds. Anchor Futllsrtlnfj Co. 308 B. 18th St. TeL Bong. S568. TYPEWRITERS. We will rent you a Typewrit er as low as $2.00 a month. Central Typewriter Eaohang 1607 Partem Phoa Bona. COS AUTOMOBILES AND SAFES. J. J. DERIGUT & CO. Wholesale and Retail Safes and Automobile ' 181A-181S FABNAaf STREET Mall Order, jewelry auX Fresa. Goods WESTERN SPECIALTY CO. BBOKZKS ABB BXBTBXX TTOBB Wholesale Ieelere In BOTXLTlBa, pmiiMJtrM CrOODS htaU Order BapyUea el All Ale OS First C'laaa Agents Wanted OMAIU, NtB. ErTT-ir I Proof of growth and development la the best poa Blble advertisement for a city. The Bee bos shown, in this department, something of the amazing rebuorces' of the section tributary to Omaha, and the growth and development of (these resources In the last few,' years. Omaha has experienced tha quickening im pulse of this growth and its benefits are strikingly re flected in an astonishing progress in every line ot activity. The growth of the city since the census of. 1900 has been so marked that it is certain that when the censuB of 1910 is taken, Omaha will present proof of advancement that should attract national atten tion. The growth of the city has not been on narrow lines. It is shown in the trebling of the jobblag bus iness, in the bank clearings, real estate transfers, building permits, school enrollment, poBtoffice re-' ceipts and in every activity that furnishes an index to substantial progress. In school enrollment, for in stance, an Increase of 40 per cent Is shown, exclu- ' t JEWELERS AND ., WATCHMAKERS B.P -STILUI16. SImms BXyert Watch. Clock and Jewelry Repairing. sSKs-Special attention . to ri V. - complicated and lntrl- csnuSff. cat. repairing. All "MWV work guaranteed. Bona 8 Favtoa bioci. JEWELERS AND WATCHMAKERS Guatafssn Q. Henricksort SJaooesaera so 9. B. nODatAJT Sj CO, Jewelers Q. Watchmakers 1B14 Capital Aveaaa. ' PIIOTOGR APHER S. BBW X.OOATIO.-f WIA BXAO. 18th and Famam PHOTOGRAPHERS. 107 SOVTH 16th STREET MILLINERY. RILEY SISTERS exclusive . Millinery ' 517 SOVTH :ath STREET OMAHA DENTISTRY. MATTHEWS OBIOXBAXi BAXBXZSS BBBTTXR - Xrfeat and Tlaast Dental Offlaa West at tTaleafe BMtt 4, Bushman B)k.. i(th and tkoos. HAIR STORE. SEE MONHEIT'S BXOXTfSXTB BAXB BTOBB Tor BTerythlna la Ralr Goods, Hair Work, Bair Breealngy Bwltohas, wlfi and Xopeea. 1411 7 ABB AM BT., OMAKA. XfBB. Telephone Xorlas saas. OPTICIANS. Tiis H. J. Penfold Go. WB XJIAO. OTBBBS TOUOW BCXXXfTZPXO OPTXOXABS Sea Oar Bew Torio Leases 1401 Farnam Be Omaba, Neb. Olive Oil, Candy, Mineral Waters. Imported OUve OU XHreot Preni Italy par gallon. Special prices to dealers. Agents for Hurler's fin candles. Freeh dally. Agents fort White Rock Mineral Water and Mountain Valley water. Myers-BUloa Bras; 0. lath and Parnam. Eaglaeer and. Mfa-. Machinist. P. MELCHIQR'S MACHINE WORKS MABVPAOTtfBXBO ABB BB PAXBIWO) OP AXXt xcoros 1 OP MAOXXBBBY Brocttaa aad Ovnsmltins; BnginsssB N. E. Cor. 11th and Howard St., Omaha. WAGON BUILDERS. ANDREW MURPHY & SON Wagon Duilderg OMAHA, NEBRASKA BOILERS. W1UIOK BTKAM BOU.JSB CO. tart, el Tahilar rta sas Hrt Bex Beflert OH see waer laaaa, Slacaa aa4 areecatag Br.irl tod Baa Seller Sanghl ' llilffiufi ( ntiar aaaet Factory lth and Pierce Sta., Omaha MACHINERY SUPPLIES. JOSEPH R. LEIIMER. eadqnartsrs for Bvsrj thing Blaotarloal Ballway, Steam aaA MU1 BuppUes, prompt Balpaaeat aad Satiaiaetloa Guaraataed. 1218 PARNAM STREET ELEVATORS, SUPPLIES, ETC J. R. KENNEDY Passenger and Frtlaht Elevators IVrPUCS asMt KEPAJSIMO ' Pboae Boaglaa SSlrl. 104 B. lfcth SU. slve of the attendance at the colleges whfch have had their greatest development since 1900. In real estate transfers there has been an increase of more than 100 ',. per cenf. . In building permits, the record of 1907 shows an increase of nearly BOO per cent over 1900. An increase of nearly 100 per cent is -Bhown In bank clearings and bank deposits show a comporatlve gain . of more than 200 per cent. Postoffice receipts, an accepted barometer of business conditions have nearly doubled since IS 00 and the library circulation bas in creased B0 per cent.- With a gain of nearly forty per cent in population in seven years,, there were, fewer . deaths in Omaha in 1907 than in 1900. The figures quoted are from official reports or estimates: DATA. t 1900 ' 1J07 Increaen Population 102.300 147,000 45,000 School enrollment . . . 11,633 18,011 4.978 Real entate transfers. 15,640,719 $11,314,(427 15.773,268 . Bank clearings 297,433,870 IS67,515,788 $270,073,418 Bank dcposlta J19.4fi4.248 $4,075.411 $2ft,611,l3 Building permits ... 1950,802 $4,53.43 $3,575,841 ' Postoffice receipts .. $394, 8 735,194 330,405 Library circulation .. 188.241 227,446 61.226 Deaths 1,008 761 Marriages 1,172 , 1,815 - PLUMBING. r Lynch Bro urn " . sa. SANITARY PLUMBING. T. F. DALFE nVKBTSTOv HOT WATXB AJTB 8TBAM HBArnra Oas and Blaotrlo risvurea pali Work a Bpeolalty ng. T43. ieo7 Xowara $M. CLEANING AND PLEATING. Pleating All Kinds ....DYEING AND CLEANING.. RUCHINGS, BUTTONS. ETC. Eenri for prlr-e tint and samples IDEAL PLEATING C. BOl Donglas Block, Omaha, Bab. CORNICE!' WORKS. Vomica Bat. lasa, sjtwel VelUa-a B, X. - OABTXB IRXET WCBTAX. WOBXI Plnlala, Metal BtooXlng, Tanks, Sky. Ua-kta, Sheet Metal, Fre Proof Wta ten. X.ara- Btook e Metal O emus' 171$-t-2I-24 BL Karya Avenue Tel. Doua. (OS. ' OmaJia. ELECTRIC. SIGNS. SB VS POB ELECTRIC SIGNS' Omaha Electric Light & Power Co. , Tux Dovax-As loca. FIXTURES, ELECTRIC AND GAS. Gas and Electric Fixtures "Wtwaaia; 4BMaia BtRGESS-GRAJVDLN CO. TeLDeae. tl ' S1SS. IHkSt. GAS WATER HEATERS. Why heat up your coal ransa Just to beat water when a Oas Water Heater will (ire you enough hot water for a bata In a few minutes. Ws seU them. OMAHA GA8 CO. STEEL ENGRAVING, PRINTING, ETC. KOTERA a COMPANV Stawl and Copper Plat En. graving. Kmboaaing and Printing 1101 Jacks SU suaa, Nsk. ENGRAVING. HALF-TONE ti ZINC ETCHERS ENGRAVING. ANIMAL FEED. A. VV. WAGNER WksktaW aa lei ail Dealer la FEED FOR ANIMALS TaL Douglas 1141 S0U5.9-7-B-U N. 16th Sc. Omaha FEED FOR ANIMALS. N. ROSENBLATT ' Whnlaaal May, Braa, Oata, Pe BE9T QBADKS OP COAL, Ofttoo, Oaal Yard and drain BOsratot TaL 1411. 1221 Nloholas BL WHOLESALE SHOES. Hayward Bros. Shoe Co.'s STANDARD FOOTWEAE BAS PBOTZB BZBT BT TEST. OMAHA, : : : NEBRASKA MOVING AND STORAGE. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO. Moves. Packs and. Stoma H ousel vreoaa. Paeme Beaglae 1564 160T 7. RESTAURANTS. DESIGNERS.' Ll us DRAW you a DRAWING mat Will DRAW you trade. X. O. BVBBEKL A OO, Commercial Artists 12k N. T. Life Douglas 514 BUILDERS. The Western Home Builders Will Baud Tear Heme 'for Ton and Xat Ten Pay for It Like Boat S1-3S V. a BATXOVAX, BAHXC BX.OO. Phoaa. Song. 4603 WHOLESALE AND RETAIL PAINT Wa are cola arenta for X.ewe Bros. XCifk Standard Paints and B. Bj XC -fav-1-X.M, P. ft B, Bakote and a oomplet Una of Taraisk Call or write for color card. Myars-Dllloa Brag Oo. .-.w PAIBTl lath a ram am. 141S Barney. SIGN PAINTING. S. fl. COLE SIGN COMPAQ SIGNS f Brery Basoriptloa 1S0B 2en-las St. TaL Boa. 8S1B FURNACES. AMERICAN FURNACE Btm.T X.XB-B A BOTLZiB 0X,ZAB, DCBABX.Z, ECOBOMICAXt W. S. HEATON ISIS Wo. B4th Bt, 'Phone Web. SOB. COAL. Central Coal & Coke Co. , OF OMAHA 15th and Harney PRINTING. Good Printing No job too small. No job too large And the a&me careful ' attention to detaila. OMAHA PRINTING CO. lota and Parnam Bta. PRINTING. PRINTING. Hava Root Print If" 1210-1 31 S Howard St. Omaha. Nabraska. TaUphona Douglaa 1604 PRINTING. trao. B. Basil Albert fjltnstar SNELL PRINTING CO. PABTICULAA P BUTTE KB BIO South 18th Bt., Omaha, Bsh. Telephone Boaglas S76 OOX.OB WOBX -t- -I- ZMBOSSXBO PRINTING. Imitation Typewritten Letters. Practical Printing, Bo fob Toe Largo o Too Small. WOBJC XUOBT ' PBICBS BXSXB ANCliOH rUBLISHINQ CO. ' 30 Bo. 18U St. TeL Dong. 396S PRINTING. OOWTIWZVTAX, PBIBT 8BOP ALL WORK 0000 AUti W y.X.Cilp.r lhma tba Best. Get our estimates and savs money. Telephone Douglaa 4603. Boom SI V. B. Wal l Bank Building, OMABA. I I I WESJLABXA. PRINTING. TYPEWRITTEN LETTERS ASS TXH BKBT BOORTSBI roa voca BtVhiniiaa WB MAKB TMJB PUATAICT BXsTB MANGUM CO. CO. Telepaoae laas 1M ae. isth St, SI I I I (I I I I a i I J REAL ESTATE. Globe Land and Investment Co. BBAXi BBTATB and IBVISTMEHTS Parm and Bench Land for Sal or Trade. 90S S. 18th St. TaL Song. 8569 REAL ESTATE. A Fine 8-Room Modern House Hear 35th and Parnam. - afiKflfl Will seU for JpUOUU Hutchinson-Bollard Co., 1683 PABBAXC TeL Dong. 418 REAL ESTATE. IF YOU wi"'1 your property well rented and Riven proper attention, plve un the agency. THE MCAGUE INVESTMENT CO. ISO Doflre Bt TeL Dong. 418 - REAL ESTATE. 8703 B. 84th St BW 7-Boom Bona, 8. B. Front, Corner Lot, 68,680) $600 Cash, $85 Per Month, J. W. RASP CO., 68S Brandsls Bids. Douglas 1653. REAL ESTATE. iro4 rsNAM .J REAL ESTATE. iwos r Tel. Beaa;. BSST SKimer Q. Co. BBAX. BBTATB, im f BBTBJSBTS, BBBTAX8, XBSTJBABOB BUTJUDBBS OP XODBBB XOVBBS Omaha, Bebreaka, REAL ESTATE. . XC DUMOsTT-. J. B. BTTMOXfT. J. H. DUMONT & SON ' BBAX, ESTATE, BTOCXCfl, BOBSB BEBTAXS, X.OAB8, PXBB XBBVBABCB 1606 PABBAM STBEET, TaL Douglas 690. OMAKA, REAL ESTATE. Payne Investment Co. OITT BBAX, ESTATE, X.OABB ABB B2IBTAX.S, LABDB ABB BAJTCBBB Tha "Alfalfa Land Maa." Mala i'iv. N. Y. L, Bids, Omaha REAL ESTATE. ALFRED 0. KENNEDY BBAX, SBTATB, X.OABB, XBBTJBABOB, BEBTAXS BOB rirat Batlenal Bank Building, TaL Dong. TBS. OMAKA, BBB. REAL ESTATE. Bew House 4115 Dodge Street Modern house of 7 rooms and re ception hall; finished In oak down stairs, hardwood doors and finished floors throughout. Price, (4,760. Csn make terms to Rood party. JOHN W. ROBBINS ISO! Psrnsm Tel. Dou. BBS REAL ESTATE. D. V. SDOLES CO. Real Estate, Insurance 11B BOABB OP TBABB TeL Donglaa 4. HEAL ESTATE. Iioals Barka Chas. Stslgsr DERKA a CO. BEAX BBTATB City Property, Parrn Lands, Leans, Investments and Pire Insnraao Office: 3t N. Y. Life Bidg. Tel. Dourlaa 7497. REAL ESTATE. CAXX, POB OXTB PLAT OP WEST FARNAM LOTS $14)00 te $1,600 Bach Harrison & Morton SIB B. Y. Life 'TeL Boag SI 4 REAL ESTATE. MORTGAGE LOANS $8,000,000 TO LOAB on Improved city property. If desired loans can be closed without delay. W. H. THOMAS, 80S PXBBT KATIOBAL BABE BLDO. REAL ESTATE- ERNEST SWEET 617 New York Life Building, Real Estate. Investments. REAL ESTATE. GEORGE (SL CO. Real Estate Abstracts of Tttl Investment Seeurttls 1601 Farnam St Omaha. Neb. REAL ESTATE. Peters Trust Co. Main' Floor, B. Y. Life Bidg., MORTGAGE LOANS. REAL ESTATE. KE.YTALS, I.VSlkUM'E "REAL "ESTATE. GARVIN OROG. Bay aad sell BkaAJb LBTATB. Trfiaa BLosajr aw OoUset Beat proparty. Baal Estate, 1604 ST. REAL ESTATE. CHEAP IDAHO LAND J.'TiT 000 ef !rrlcted !anfl ! lTPPr Snake River Valley. If Interested call or write for terma excursions every 1st A 3d Tuesday. W. B. PBABK Phons Pong. 3 HOP 3a 1 Neville Elk. REAL ESTATE. WALBUT BILL Bine-Boom Rons, south front, large lot, water, light, only half block to oar. $8,850. Be us foe terms. O Kecfe Heal Estate Co. 1001 N. Y. Uft Bidg. Omaha. REAL: ESTATE. K. B. Payna. S. p. Bostwlck. E. M. Slater PATNE, BOSTWICK A COMPANY , 5- ESTATE, BWWTPATS CITY X.OABB, XBBITBABOa Mala Ploor B. Y. Llf Bldf. Telephone Douglss 1011. REAL ESTATE. Russel & McKitrick Oo. 438-33-34 Bamg Bldg 15th Barney Choice building lot, 110 cash. (5 per montbi 0od cottage homes 111 ilS' ,,0.PSE month. Modern horns 1100 cash. 120 per month. MEAL ESTATE, 17. Farnam Smith & Co. Loans, Real Estate. Rentals and Fire Insurance 1800 PABBAM BT. OMASA. REAL ESTATE. Investments, R.ceJ Estate, Rentals, MortatfA Loaos INSURANCE M. J. KENNARD ta CO. SOB-SIO Brewn Bloafc. REAL ESTATE. Beal Bstat' Xnaesane Abatraot of TiUaB Beaas Beatale The Byron Reed Company ' BIB Bkmth 14th Btreot Pheme BS7 OMAKA, BBB. REAL ESTATE. BENSON. (EL MYERS SIS . V. LUe Bid,, OMAHA Special attention given to prop, rty lor out-of-jtown clienla. REAL ESTATE. THOMAS BRENNAN First Floor New York Life Bidg. Mes specialty of handling; property owned by eastern parties, and lias sx cluslv agency of every piece of prop erty on hie book. LeM Keety el lb. Uwtet fefrenl l.t. U. REAL ESTATE. BENSON Q CARMICIIAEL Real Estate, Care f Prspsrties, Insurance, Loans ' 648 PAXTOB BLOCK. OMABA," REAL ESTATE. , WRIGHT & LASBURY Real Estate and Insurance Tel. Douglas 152 ' ,' 504 South Sixteenth Street. REAL ESTATE. KX1 H(t.MKnd INVKSTMENT Hanscom lark Iistrlct, 7 room house, lot fronts on two paved street, room for another house. This la a splendid Investment st $3,300. NATIOXAL INVENTMKNT X. 581-568 Brandsls Bidg. Then D, 691 ABSTRACTORS. S. F.L SADLER & SON Abstractors and Title Examiner New LcatlB SOI Seats ISta St ABSTRACTS OP TITLE. NEALE & NORTON ABBTBACTf OP TXTX.B Twenty Years Sxpsrisncs la Omaha. S16 Soatk Seventeenth Street. Bee Building. ABSTRACTORS. Midland Guarantee & Trust Co. Incorporated 1885 Abstracts of Title. Title Insurance 1714 Parnam St. TaL Dong, eat ABSTRACTORS. S EED ABSTRACT CO. OWsst Absuaet Off lee In Nebraska. . 171$ raraaa Street autba, Ik. ABSTRACTS OK TITLE. BETTER BE SAFE THAN SORRT Get a i Ef Fl R R f 9 Abstract 30S 8. 17th Street. ' PrBMCITY DESIOMS.. I