TIIE OMAHA DAILY DEE: MONDAY, MARCH 23, 1D08. WANTED--TO BUY (Continued.) BK.HT pr paid for econIhnd furniture, carpet a, atovea, clouting, shoe, etc. Red ANTED Stock nf general md-a.. 13,000 ta ,00 tn town don to Omaha; will bur for ruh t illiwurt or trade land. Audres Box, 4. Spencer, Kan. (26 UM WANTED To buy secondhand farnltur. cook Mj hlt atovea, carpet, lino leum, office furniture, eld clothe, quilt and all klnda of tools, or will buy th furnrtur of your linuae (raiMt. Tha highest price paid.. Call the right man. TeL Douglaa tr.L 0S M179 M4 SECONDHAND feed aarka N arnoant t larg or to amau. Wa-ner. Sol N. JtUu , (S) 471 CASH paid for secondhand dothlng. ahota. to. M . 16lh BL Tel. Red 3Jfi. .... WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED-Wort fin private family pre ferred! by a burineas college student, la exrhan- tor board and room; aa ex cellent oook, or ri mm 1(t horses, fur nace, etc. Address A 821, care Be. (27 4M lt POSITION wanted ay yenna; -man who' la food atenographer.; ha had considerable experleno aa office clerk; can furnish beet t Wercncra; salary la no question, but position must hav chance of ad vancement. Address B-122. rare of Baa, (27-M4r7 24x GOVERNMENT NOTICES PROPOSALS FOR HOETNO ANIMALS Office Chief M., Omaha, Neb., March 11. 1908. Sealed propoaala for shoeing ani mal at J. M. Depot, Oina.Ua, Nebraska, during fiscal year beginning July 1. 1908, will ba received here until 10 a. m., April 20. W and then opened. Information furnished on application. Envelopes con t dining propoaala should be tndorand "Pro poaala for Shorlne; Animals." and addressed to D, .. McCAJttHT, Chief Q. M., Omaha, Neb. M71--?4-2RAl7-18 RAILWAY TIME CARD I JUOX TATIOXlOtb. AJTD .MARCT Valoa FarUU; ta. Tka Qrerlaat limited.. a l:H am The Colorado Kxpreaa..a tM pm Atlantic Kxpreaa ........ Tfca Oregon Kaproa....a 4:10 pm 1'ha I.oe Anrelaa Litaa..al:U pm 1 ha Faat Mall ...a t JW aa ' Chlaa At JaDaa Arrive. 1:49 pra 6 09 prn al:l6 am a 1:00 pn a :I6 pm a k Ai pin a 6:50 pra a 4:46 pra a tan am h 1:40 ran MaU 440 pm North Platte Local a 7:42 am CorflL-Caiaam Special, .a U:l am Beatrice Stroma- bwrc Zooa) ......Mt30 pra Laleasa Great Werter . Pt. Paul-Mlnneapotla.... 8:9 pm 4t. Panl-MlnneapolU 7:30 am Chicago Limited M ) pm Chicago F.xpresa 7:80 am Chicago Bxpraaa ........ 1:30 pm ILUnola Ceatral-e 7:30 am 11 f pra 8:27 am 11:35 prn Chicago Expreaa a T:15 am Chicago Limited ....... .a :00 pm a 1:46 pm 8:30 am Chlcaco, Mllwiolm UU Paal Chla eV Cele. Special... a 7:A am all:B0 pm CaL at Ore. Eapres....a M I'm a t-Ji pm Orerlaod l.lnttad .....a $m pm a t:K am Perry Local a 6:1s pui all:uv am Chicago Jk Nortfcweatern-- - Chicago Daylight.. a 7:2s am Ji:4g pen bl. 1-i.ul-Minn. Jbjtp a 3 : am aiu:u Chicago Local ,.aU:e am a:2tua bloua City aaaeDser. iM un a 1: pm Chicago Paaeoger a 4 JM vta a ;ti am Chicago Bpoolai.... a a:W pm a am .a 8:28 pa a 8:oo am Loa Angelea Umiud Overland Limit.. ... voat-Matt ..a K'J urn al2:n un ..iQ:Ajui a 8:88 am . pm Btuux city xcai........a im pm a :M am Twin City Limited iljjns aaMant Norfolk-Boneateel a 7:4o am a 6:40 pm LlncAin-Long i'tiia .....a 7:i am al0:a am Deadwood-Llnoala a 1:00 pm a t:f pm Lu(wr.Miiucr w put a o:w pra Mastlnga-faupetior ......a IXW pm b i:40 pra Vremcnt-Alltloa ........b pm bliiu . M abaak Bt. Loola Expreaa....'...a 6:80 pm a : am Mt. Louie Local from Council liluffa ll:Mun all:16 pm 8tandberry L al (from CeMtuU. -Bll4v.o.. J 1:40 pm". klfi:l am MUaoarl PaalBe , K. C. it L. Txp.....a 0:00 am a :tt am Iv. C 4k SU L. 4ii4....jill;i6 pm a f :tx pm Ik lea go, Rock Island Jt Pacll EABT. Chicago Limited .v,....a J .00 am all:0u pm Iowa Local ...a 7a am a 4. pm Dta Molnt Panger..a 4:00 pm aU:llo om Iowa Local .....bll.-e am to y:66 pm imt:ejv ciuivia a-a..- v.ew pia aiae pm CUkajio Flor a e.l pm a l.ia am Rocky Mountain L't e..all .li pm a 1:60 am Colo and Cal. Iti a 1U0 pm a 4Ua) pm Val. ana iuh M..i.t e.w pm a i;ia pm BCKLlGTOX 9TAlt)th A MASON Barliagtoa-4 Leave. irri DaoTar AV California... .a 4:W pm a : pm Nortbweat tipectat a 4:10 pm a k:4a pju xiiaci nii ..... -iv (imi N or i h went Expreaa ...,.ail:o8 pm Nobaaka poinla ........a k:4& am NtruK lucp.eaa a 1.16 am I In.-oln Kaal Mall a 1:4& ua a 1.46 pm alft:i6 pm a 4:li pm .ll vm al2.ll pm b :UJ am AM:ls pm f :6 pm ' Lincoln Local - Llnooln Local .......... Llaooln Local -. bM'uyler PlaUamouth.b X.'O pin ttellwue - flattainoutb.a :iM pn a UM am Haltaaiotitli - luwa....a U.U am Bellevua - PlattamouUl fcl:3o Dm Denver Limited m 4:10 pm a 7.25 am tmcfcav wfc."" ......... A.wni Cbea-o t-xpreaa a 4:Du pm Chicaao Flyer a :0 pm Iowa Local a 14 am it. Loula Expr a 4:44 cm 11:44 pm o :xi nm l:0am ail:a ain Kaaaaa City 4k bt. jo..al0:4a pm a t.m lm Kanaaa City Bt. Joe. .a J6 am a :ia Din Kacae City 4a St. joe..a 4:4i pm " aii :ja am WEBSTER STA-lgth WBtlTBa Ckteago, It. PaaL Ulaaeapella Oaaaeua. s Leave. Arrive ' Twin City Fa men fee b 30 am b t:lO pm Pious CUT 1 anger...a .( pm alO:W am tmereoo i..ee.waui 0 s:M pea ai iHHn riruii Auburn Local tt.Upm bll:2laa a Dally, b Dally except 8unday. e Bun. day only, d Dally except Saturday, a Dally OCEAN STEAMSHIPS CAliADIIUl PACIFIC Xxpreas Line of tka Atlaatla. LESS VKAIT rOVB DATS AT HA, rtrlng tka maa ' Ike garnn ull troia Quehe Llverpeel: Uai aa4 taasrliMM. Ulam kaa ar alia at atMiiena wataie at Uw SL Levreaoe alver aa4 Quit toott eeeaa tna. Vm tkie real a4 4 (eulilnea, Inaaw Mlliag IUu I rate ao Mil, Aeyly t any ticket ar C. . 8 EH J AICTlf. Oea. Aft, 3t Soata Clark B treat: Oalcafo, Hi. . , s AEROPLANE CARRIES TWO MEN Oacreaafal 'llht by French Machine Eathnalaatlealry Cheered by Taeaaaade. PARIS,. March 23. Following hla record-breaking performance of yciteiday In flying a mile and a half In hl aero plane. Henry Farnam today mad another epeatacular flight at laay, covering tae and a half kllometera, a little lea than two miles la three mtnutea a,nd twenty, one seconds. Later, In company' with' Leon De La Orange, he entered the latter' a aeroplane, wlik'ti moved over the ground at a rate of about thirty miles an hour add then went into the air, making a ahort but highly aucceaxful flight This la the f Irat tlmu that an aeroplane carrying two p-rona haa made a aucceeaful flight, and tha aeronauts were enthusiastically Urn Vmmm mm erd. There la no case on record of a cough or cold reaultlng In pneumonia or couaumptton after Foley's Honey and Tar haa been taken, aa it will stop your cough and break up your cold quk'kly. Refuse any but the genuine Fuley'a Honey and Tar la a yellow package, Contalna na opiates and la safe and iww for sale by all aruggiata BADGERS CET SEVERE JOLT Bate Ball Prospects at WiseoBsU UniTersity Go Glimmering. THREE BEGU1AE3 DOWN AID OUT Faculty Baa Flay Ritm with Mope of ri Rnanta , of Tram Pat ia Work at Practlft. 6TATE fNIVF.RSITr. Whi. March 25. (8peclal) Baae bll proaperta at tha tTnl veralty of tViaconatn have been riven a bard Jitl tnla week by the announcement that Cajitaln Kaulfuea. ahort atop on the Bnriser nine, and Mnrwmer. tha most rrcm- lalng nandlflate for catcher, may not be eligible to play thla apring on accanrt of trouble with the fatuity. Both of theae mea were the tnalnetaya of the team, and their loea will undoubtedly put a crimp In tha r-hamptoriBhlp aeptratltma of the cardlnnl. They will bo elveb a rh anna trs reraln their cllsTbnila May 1. but in the meantime CoacTi Barry la wondering who ha will put In their plaoea. Thie.makee tha third regular who haa been placed on the down and out Hat. ae Jimmy" Whlttler. the clever little thlrd- baaeman. liaa alao been put amler the faculty ban. WhlUier, who played the third Back last aeeeon, Juat rounded into form at the close of tha aeaaon laat year and he waa expected to fill a ba 1 hole In the Badircr Tfne-up. WlneonMn has tiot hid a good thtrd-baapman alnrw tha time of Flatt Brush, and JVhittlor showed every Indication of becoming a atar. as his only akaaaa was with the timber, nit tils waJHng abirlty and hase running more than made tip for thta deficiency. Oatloafe ?iot Bright. coach Barry la not optlmiatlc over the proapecta.' Some fifty men have responded to hla can, but as nearly three-fifths of theae have either been "conned" or else freahmen and therefore Ineligible, he Is not left with a very large squad. The students have great confidence In the ability of the new coach to whip 'out a first class team. The coach expects to rnt the men out of doors within a week and then he -will have a chance te see just what they are able to do. The coach, expecte to turn out one of the beat college batteries la the west 1n "Diir" Knight and Barlow. Both of theae men were Ineligible last aeaaon, but they made envlahle records on the class teams. Tha former went through the season without having a defeat registered agalnat aim. while the latter caught on tha champion amp taw warn, in audition- to being a elasay twlrler. Knight la a handy man with tha willow. He will have aa an alternate. Johns, who . earned . his right to a "W two years ago. It was expected to have Messmer alternate with Barlow, but with the big . foot ball player out of It, the honor will probably fall to Wolff. Should another election be required to fill the vacancy of captain, an Interesting Buuauun win oevtiop. mere are only two men who deserve the place, Messmer and Rogers. The former la captain f the track team, and led the Badgera on the gridiron laat fall, while the latter was elected cap tain of next yetr's foot ball team and has served as captain of the basket ball team which) virtually tied with Chicago for the western championship. Neither of them is anxious for the caree, and It may go to Nackelstone, who played In a part of the arte last year. The latter will have to go some, however, to make good thla aprmg, aa Dacy, a sophomore, la putting up a splendid fight for the initial. Marh Need of Practice. . The Badgera will probably get into con dltlon wtth the Madison State league team. Dr. Hutchlna has offered the "proa" the use of Camp Randall field and the practice game should do the 'varsity a world of good. The first game will be played here on March 17, with Coach Huffs aggrega tion from IlUnola. Northwestern unlver alty will meet the Badgers a day later. Harold Drew of Milwaukee, a Junior In the college of engineering, haa been elected captain of next year'a cross country team, Drew haa been a member of the team for the last two seasons and Is expected to clean up several points for the Badgers In the long runs In the spring meets. AMERICANS LEAS AT CHESS roar Oamea Derided ta fable Match with British Stndeata. PHILADELPHIA. March 11 The Ameri cans had a decided advantage' when play In the cable chess match between teams rep resenting' Oxford and. Cambridge of Eng land and those representing Columbia, Har vard, Tale, Princeton, Cornell. Brown and Pennsylvania was adjourned. According to the rules agreed upon, the play, which had started at 8 a. m., ceased at 4:30 p. m. Four games had then been decided and ef these the Americans had won twb, lost one and drawn one, giving them a score of 2Vi to lVa for their British opponents. Draws were offered to the Britons on the two unfinished games, but the latter de cllned, preferring that they be adjudicated upon by Referee Walter Penn Shipley of this city. Mr. Shipley would not give his decision on the spot 'and atated it might be a week before fca opinion was given. Experta la attendance on the games gave It aa their opinion tonight' that the Ameri cana would retain their lead after the ad judication and in that way win the match and the Rice trophy. The Americana who won their games were Ioula J. Wolff of Columbia and C. Wll llama of Princeton. W. H. Hughea of Pennsylvania waa beaten on the top board by N. J. Roughton of Oxford; K. 8. John ston of Harvard drew hla game with B. H. R. Btower of Cambridge, while the game between H. Blumberg of Columbia and H. Lobb of Oxford and that between I. Ash of Pennsylvania and C. Q. Wood- hoiite of Cambridge remained unfinished and In dispute. The match waa played from the hall of the Houaton club and Inna of Court hotel. the two places being connected by direct cbloa. Not a hitch- occurred the entire day. It was tha first time that play on thla aide bas taken place on the campua of a unlveralty. OMAHA TEAM LOSES TO LINCOLN Dropa from First Place to Tie with Crete aad Central City. LINCOLN, Neb.. March C (Special Tele gram.) Omaha was defeated in the Young Men'a Chrlatian Association State league game with Lincoln laat night. The score waa 17 to U. Llnooln aecuaed the referee of favoring Omaha on foula, but by excellent team work took the victory, anyhow. Paul Anthes, Lincoln's center, outdid himself by throwing eight goals.. The defeat lowers Omaha from first place to a tla with Cr.te and Central City. The lineup: OMAHA. LINCOLN. Cohn ...L.F. R.F. Mitchell Wesaen ...R.F. I.....C. ...lq. ...K.a LP C R.O L.O .. Schurr llanaon .. Ande raon PJerrou .. . Anthes .... Bags . Hiltner NEBRASKA LOSES ON A FOUL Had Game with alia areata t'p ta tha Laat Mlaate. LINCOLN. March zt-lBpeclal Telegram.) The Nabraska tlrla' basket ball team had the victory In the game with Mlnne- otk tonight until a mlnote before time. A foul was then allowed to LnherkV center, and with a frea throw ahn made a point to lie. rtve tnlnutea mora of play gave tha game to Mlmienota by A boo re at 91 te 21. The game waa devoid of aerial tonal p1Va, . ' . lltCELtl Wltl THM DERBY Meritor, raTtrite I lit City Park 'lake, Finishes Third, NBW ORLEANS, March C The hersee hick were defeated by Meelirk ta laat Saturday' derby ran MeeMr off We feet and beat him by aeveral lengths In the City Park derby, 110,000 guaranteed. An gelas won, with Chapultepec second and Jrleellrk third. Plnkola was the only other horea la the race. The distance waa ana mile and a quarter and the time, 2:04H. act m track record. Chapultepec made the pace untfl the stretch, with Meellck hang ing on two lengths back and failing to re spond to the punching of Jockey Dugan, who vainly tried to work Meellck forward. Angelua atayed juat behind Meellck trntll the atretch, when he moved with a rMh, passing Chapultapcc and. taking the lead at the eighth pole and winning by four lengtha, with Chapultepec about two lengths in front of Meqllck. Meellck was 1 to I avorlt-and backed feneronaly. The weather waa cloudy and the track fast. Summary: First race, four and one-half furlonaa: Intervene (10. A. Minder. 11 to 1) won. Nigger Baby (106. Powers, It to 1) second. Hrougnam nil Notter, 3 to zi third. Time: 0:64. Utile Moan, She Wolf, Speight, Font. Tony W., Bookbinder, Swing .and ire bur also ran.. Second race, steeplechase, ahort course: Dr. Logan (161. SotlL MUU won. Ooid .ircie (110H. Archibald, 7 to 1) second. irio iVM, McKlnney, to 1) third. Time: 2:67. Dr. Hurd. Bluster. Imnetent Pullar. Bank Holiday, Profitable and Sand Catcher aiso ran. v Third rac. el fin-tone-. banfllcan: Cooney K. (Wl, Hartlg. 9 to 1) won, Hyperion II rn, J. I., II to S) secrmd, Oramaldy (104. Bruaael. 14 to 1) third. Tkne: l:tt Patsy, Agnes, Almuller and fa net also ran. Foarth race, mile and a ouarter: An giitis (llfl. Notter, 11 to 6) won, Chspultepec (iZ. Mcoantels, 11 to second, Melc (U7, F. Dusan. 1 to 2) third. Time: 2:044k. Plnkola alao ran. Chapultepec coupled In stralarht betting only. Fifth race, seven furlongs, selling: Blue lies (fX, Schleainger, 12 to 1) won. Phil rmcn Minder. If to 1) aeormd. Royal Ben HOI. Cheney. 1 to 1 third. Time 18. Bucket Brigade, Plnstlcker, Cock Sure, Berrtnont, Vlnoriite, Rickey, Llsterlne, Brown Th atle and Caner alae ran. Sixth race, seven furlongs, eelllng: Mer rick aw, Notter. 8 to 6) won. Financier CM, B. Dtifrsn. 3 to 1) second. Roval Onyx Clot. Le!bert..4 to 1) third.. Time: 1 :27. Posing, Misa Delaney and I .a Souer alao ran. Heveata race, mile and three-sixteenths. selling: Jack Witt (104. Cheney. 4 to 6) won. Hooray (102. B. Flvnn. 4 to H second Donna 1W. Z. Sumter.. 7 to 1) third. Time 1:66. Double, Docile, Adesso, Prylanla and Betsy Binford also ran. Molear Wlae Alaaaltaa Parse UOS ANGELES, March 22. In the fea ture race at Santa Anita park this after noon the Alamltoa puree at one and one- eighth miles, the heavily played favorite. Molesy, bested the second choice. Light wool, by a length. Summary: First race, oae mile: Friar of Elgin (91, Goldstein, 1 to 1) won, L. C. Wldrlg (94 Martin, 2 to 1) second, Esther B. (100, Arch ibald. 16 to 1) third. Time: 1:S. Elisabeth r., turd of faaaaire, Red Renyard, Rude bek and Perry Wlckea alao ran. Second race, fodr farlongs: Madrtlene (110, Burns, 11 to 6) won. Royal Stone (10ft, Rona, If In It u,nnH Aunt A u -U 1 1 K a.uil(.. 40 to 6) third. Time: 0:HSMl. Ladv Pennaaller! cnuia, LAike Kamus and Inclement also ran. Third race, five and one-half furkma Kli (192. Schilline. I to Si won. JaarleT lUH. ma rim, s to l) secona, ArKiierta (ion, Koea, a to i) intra, lime: lisw. Kiraei. canardo. Billy Maybam. Lord of the Foreat. Paclflco ana uuiy idee also rsn. t Fourth race. Alamltoa hsndlcao. mile and one-eighth: Molesy (5, Burne, even) won. Light wool in, schilling, 1 to t) aecond, Edwin T. Frier (104, Martin, J to 2) third. Time: 1:61 Mareter alao ran. rurtit race, seven furlong: Suaerain 006, Schilling, 1 to U won, 8. A. Carlisle (106. Roaa. 1 to 1) second. Decorator vn. Van Duaen, lo to 1) third. Time: 1.23H- Joseph iv., Lrftkevlew, afaxnal, Waldorf, Harvey Clark and Lancashire also ran. Sixth race, mile and three-sixteenths: County Cierk (106, Schilling, 6 to it) won. Sam Bernard (85. Ooldstein, 9 to 2) second, Rublno N. (106. Bhriner, 7 to 1) third. Time: 2:00. Ormondea. Right. Joate 8., Matador. Braax, Sainrida and Bile also ran. Seventh race, five and one-half furlongs: Pal (106. Barnes. 1 to 1) won, Giovanni BalPrio (105. Van Duaen. 11 to 1) aecond. Toddy Hodge (104. Schilling-. 1 to 1) third. Time: l:0bt. Prince Frederick. Rosemary, Reuben. Bribery, Andlche, Jillette and Annie May also ran. Lea Rosa Wins Bell B takes. CHICAGO, March 22. Calvin Demarest of who won the Colin stakes at Santa Anita last Saturday, again proved his claas at Emeryville today by adding the Bell stakes to hla list of victories. Summary: First race, one mile and seventy yards: Huerfano (104. W. Miller, 11 to 10) won, Sea Lad (107, 14) to 1) second, Mlssmaln (102, Ballndo, 10 to 1) third. Time: 1:45ft. Nancy, Captain Buah, Bxito, Cocytua, Maia, Bt, Or loff and Frank Skinner alao ran. Second race, six furlonaa: Mav Emella (111, Buxton. 11 to 10) won. Lord Kelson (112, Gilbert. 16 to 1) aecond, Halvaga (112. W. Miller, s to l) third. Time: 1:1 Hedrick, Nagasam, Andrew B. Cook, Seellne and Phlllgoe also ran. Third race, one mile and seventy yarda, Sonoma handicap: A. Muakoday 104, 10 to 1) won, Cloyne (91, Gilbert, 4 to 1) eeoond, Maaaa (98, J. Butler, 9 to 1) third. Time: l:4bv J. C. Clem, Brookleaf and Fanta also ran. Fourth race, four and a half furlonga. Bell atakee: Lea Rose (118. Muavrave. SO to 2) won, Roee Queen (118, Scoville, 13 to 10) aecond, Del Cruxe (110, Keogh, 1 to 1) third Time: 0:6314. Woodlander, Tom Hayward, Moaeart. El Plcaro, Blameleas, Seattle and Carmlssa also ran. Fifth race, one mile and seventy yarda: Ten Oaks (109. Butwell. 1 lo 1) won, J. R Laughrey llo, Lyotirgua, 14 to 6) aecond. Husky KH. HHdebrand, to 1) third. Time: 1:41V4. Henry O, Jaunt. Tonic, Corrlgan, Arcourt, Maxtress and Vriumph alao ran. Sixth race, ala furlonga, Toenlaa handi cap: Paparlotta (100- Lycurgua, 1 to 1) won, Johnny Lyona 1S, Hayee. 6 to 1) aecond, Cloudllght (93, A. Walsh, to 1) third. Time: 1:11 St. EtmwooO, Ocean Shore, May L, Blondy and St. Ft ancle alao ran. A mea Faat Ball" Card. AMES, la., March's. (Special.) The Ames foot ball card for 1908 Is complete and. la aa .follows: October 1. Coe at Ames; , October 10, Minnesota at Minne apolis; October 17, Cornell at Amca; Oc tober 24, Mornlnslde at Amea; October 11, Nebraska at Amea: November 7, Mis souri at Columbia; November 14. Giin nell at Ames; November 21. open; Thanks giving day. Drake at Dea Motnea. ' The track schedule la aiso out. as fol lows: April 16. home meet; Mav 1, Drake at Amea; May 9. Grlnnell at Amea; May 21. Valley meet; May 2. state met; June 6. conference meet. West Hlfth or Dea Moines will meet the Amea freahmen on April 22. and Eat High will hold its home meet on May 1. Hawkeyea schedale short. IOWA CITT. la.. March 2!. (Special.) Head Coach Catlln left for Chlrago last nlg-ht on bla queet for the Hawkeye foot ball team next fall. He will confer with Coach Stagg on the matter and hopes to be able to land at least the Chlqago game and poaaibly the date with the purple aa well. It has been many yeare eiuce lewa mixed Willi Northwestern, and a game with them would be a great drawing card for the local gridiron. If one of the two lajohtalned Iowa will probablr fill up on srkte itamea. of which Grinnel wtll have the first choice of data. Scarlet aad Black ChasapleasJ GRINNELL. Ia., March 22 (Special.) Although Iowa college had won Vic toria over the unlversitiea of Minnesota, Nebraska and Iowa In baaket ball, t. Imp son college dlaputed its right to be callod the champion of Iowa In that emne. In ronscuuence of . thla dispute two games ' , w wt-u ifi.jm ,111. wrvn. wiv in uin neil and one on neutral ground In Moinea. both reaultlng fn vlctortea for the acarlet and black, with the scores of 46 to 19 and 17 to 14. Indoor Base Ball Victory, MARSH ALLTOWN, Lv, March 11 (Special.) The Lennox Furnace com pany'a team won the pennant laat night in the Young Men'a Clilattao association Indoor baae ball league, which haa played four game a week since early In Novem ber. "The winning team haa been lead in the leaaue tor the laat alx work. It flnlahes with a record ef thirteen games woa and three loeL seve other team BiaU up th leagua. WRICI1T LEADS B1LUABD1SIS Sua Fraaeisco Man Only Amateur with Perfect Score. HOFPE WINS.. FROM SCHAEFER Caaelswol Defeated Skneaaai la Afte. aena Game lai New Torl and ntton Beat Cahalgael la Evening. v STANDING OF PLATERS. Won. Lost. Pet. lono .8ik) .7TW .2M . ,000 Wright 4 0 Demarest ( 1 Crmklin 1 1 Gardner ..1 1 Pnerawmburs; 1 1 Jackson 0 6 CHICAGO. March 21-Calvin Demarest of Chicago was the victor In last night's game f the national amateur 14.1 billiard tourna ment, defeating C. F. Conklln of Chicago, 400 to 211. The result of tonlght'a game puts H. A. Wrlghtf Barf Francisco In the lead, he having wrm four straight games. Should Wright defeat Conklln In the game Monday he wilt win the championship. Should Conk lln defeat Wright there will be a three- cornered He ta be played off among Wright, Conklln and Daiarat. Demareat played an erratic game tonight after the fourth In ning, fit hla second effort he collected eighty-one and In the fourth ill. Hla runs were 'small then until the thirteenth, when he gathered In eighty-five. - Conklln was badly off . In hla stroke throughout th game and the highest run he could collect was thirty-nine. Score: Demareet i. CI, 111, S. 2, 21, 21, 0, 1 12, IS. 85, 0, 22, 1, 8, 1, 16. Total, 408. High ran. 111. Aversge, 21 1-19. Conklln-3, 8, 21, 17, 0, 0, 82, 1. 0, 2, SB. 18, 11 0, 14, 14. 1, 85. Total, 211. High run, 39. Avers?, 1113-18. In the afternoon game of the amateur billiard tournament today H. A. Wright of San Francisco defeated F. W. Gardner of Passaic, N. J., by a score of 400 to 126. Wright took the lead h the- second Innihsv when he collected seventy-seven, and was never overtaken by Gardner, whose stroke was poor except in the eighth Inning, when he made a run of seventy-five. Wright played the etrongeet . kind of a game throughout, scoring runs of 77, 86, 62, 60 and 67, and ending with an average of 8910-11 Gardner's h verag was. 10 M-11 Score: Wright 3, 77. 0, 19, 86, 1 8, 11, 8, 61, 80, 7, 1 Total 400. High run, 85. Average, 30 10-13. I Gardner. 0, 8, 4, 1, Hi 0, 75, 8, 0, 20. 5. Total, 156. High run, 75. Average. 1010-12. Three tlaaaea for New York. NEW YORK. March 21. Willie Hoppe de feated Jake Schaefer at 18.3 balk line bil liards tonight, 400 to 142 points. Hoppe's high run was 90 aad hla average 331-11 Schaefer's high run waa 41 and his averaga 1210-11. George C Sutton defeated Casslgnol, the French expert, tonight, 600 to 265 points. Sutton' beet ran was 104 and his average a 6-12. Caaatgnol cored M as his high run and made an average of 26'3-ll In the afternoon game Casalgnol defeated Blosson, 900 to 260. STAND1XS Or . 'LOCAL BOWLERS Omaha Bicycles Ar First and W. G. Clarks Second. Standing of the teams In the Commercial league for the week ended March 19: Played. Won. Iist. Pet. Pins. omana Bicycles 75 so is .goo 67,H3rj W. a. Clarks. 76 Byrne-Hammer 78 62 64 23 24 82 41 S7 40 48 61 68 6A.j58 6S,9: . .6S2 .673 .4M .m .372 .300 .221 .224 Falstaffa 75 43 8t 40 Gold Tops.. Poetofflce .. 70,301 72 i 35 78 a 41,176 5,fi70 Crowns Independents .. T5 i i 27 62.949 Dally News 7SoJ 21 Cole-McKennas 75 , 17 Individual averagaa; 6K.08S 61,167, Benxer . . Harell .. Wlni . Rempke Hull Dudley , Keyt .... Mills ... Hamfta . Klaurk , Oilareatk . IMILeani . 13 Can . till Norea . 1 Uratie ..v.. , J7 Smlih . Ifi Oordy . 2S7i SUwaoa .... . 1-l Pateraoa .... . 1M Jar . lUlf'aua-lilln ... . lol r. Nlclaoo.. . lM;ghulta . li Haehr . lMlGoeM . IW'lRlna . Snetmaa ... .... 171 .... 17t .... 171 .... 17 .... IS .... 1H .... Itt 1(8 164 .... 1M .... ! .... iA .... lt .... 14 Carman Thomaa .... BMlta ..... Paler Lehman .... Cosswcil Hlnrlcnt ... Martin Btapankorat Va Scott H. Prime a Nelam Bryae Weet Mutton Orotlwar ... C. Prlmaau. Drlnkwater . Rlsoa .... Paaertag .... Boor. ...... .... !. .... 1H .... '! 17 Colltna Hotor4 ... Mafcnner Vandeurer .... 1J 1771 177 ml .... 1 .... 16 .... 1 .... U .... n .... i; .... lr.j Ruah I7S PaUenwa 1"S Traynor 171 Tcmpklna. , 175 Orlnvk ... . 1T4I Houak ... J7t! Hoolaa ... TN Wiley ... . li4Ohatllae , .... r .... 1" .... is .... 14 .... l.)4 lr Polear ... 1730.-rk .... 17.1 Clarke ... 122 J. Nlalaoa. 1721 Pollock .. 17l Matthea . 17 . .... 1SJ .... lot .... V .... lSi ....160 n. Kuato Havens McKelvy In the Commercial league the team lineup Is probably what it will be after the season ha closed. The boy are now hustling for Individual records, and some nice scores have been made during the last few games. Last week Orolte rolled the high three game with a total ef 828, Keyt followed wlthSll and the "old reliable" Ben Hull pulled down 606. v Standing of the tea ma In the Omaha Bowling league at -he end of the twenty third week: Played. Won. Lost. Pet. Met Bros 9 5'( Id .7r, Fins. 64,970 5X, KIO 57,177 SS.fifiO 1,4) 6I.SHS 56,703 Gate Citya M 39 27 ,5M On I mods 68 88 69 34 87 21 30 2S 19 36 S3 49 .576 .5C1 .493 .476 Strrrs Blues.:. Indians Reed Bros.... 63 69 Omaliaa 20 .ant Standing of men above buo. average for three game; niakeaey .1.. 11 1 Hart lay 17 IV ...f. 171 17 171 J7 ..... lit" ITS 171 171 171 171 171 170 IV ia Ik 17 17 Meal Hualtn(ta UtrAe Ztmmn aiaa RpyDOldl Marbla Cue h ran Den man Braaaa Conra Jokaaoa C J. rraaclaoe. . Vail II O o. rraaeUM.. Can4ler Frtuwaer M. D. He Brmlaal Moor lonaa 1W 1171 ws: m 1M IM Pranck .. Oo Poraytke Trac .... NefT MM'mt , Maurar .. Hlnrtchs , Andanus Welty ... Frufe ... . Pail in' , liu in Wvbar . WH Haaioa . l'l A. C. Rm4 , li Lyons . ltKki BB8laa . latlanaMoa . M Chansatroni . ll Bansele Schedule for oomlng week: Monday Reed Bros. vs. Stors Rlues. Tuesday Gate Citys vs. Mets Bros. Thursdsy Bvnos vt Onlmoda , Friday Indians vs. Omaliaa. ' ' ATHLETIC SCHKDli.ES TOO I.OfG Prof. Sasall of CWIverelty of f'hleag Saya They Maat Ba Reaaced. CHICAGO, March K.-Prof. Albion W. Small, the representative of the I'niveralty of Chicago on the weatern Intercollegiate conference, aald today regarding the action of Harvard, unlveraity In reducing . taje number of Intercollegiate contents: "I an not familiar witk conditions in the east, but if they are at all aimilar to thoae recently prevailing in the west some such action aa haa been taken by Harvard unlveralty waa inevitable. The athletic featurea of the universities have grown, of late, to overbalance other work, snd I fully believe that other esstern universi ties Will be compelled to follow the lead of Harvard. . In the weat we have already taken action by which th number of con test waa reduced." Beell Throw Weat Polatcr. Fred Beell threw Johnson, a local man, at -West Point on Saturday night In two atralght fulls. The firat tall Ueled thir teen and the aecond seven minutes. John son is a larger man than Beell and strong. Emll Klank snd Beell returned to Omaha Sunday morning. . Meat rood le Poison to th dyspeptic. Elect rio Bitter cur dys pepsia, liver and kidney complaint and debility. Price , for sa'ie by Beaton Drug Co. ECHOES OF THE ANTE-ROOM Kalchta ef the Mystic Circle Preparing- far a Xlaht 4 "porta. Are Knights of the Mystic Circle, frotto No. 1, ore preparing for a nlaht of aporta. It probahlv will he held about the mid dle of AprlT and will inclrtde wrestling, Turning and ft her frame of manly art, tnchidlng an amateur boxing affair. The Knlghta have recently given everl Well attended stag eoclais and the officers have concluded that a fittinsi . rlimnx ball be a night of erort. The protrrem will be under the direction of Sum Scott, the nreldont. and D. II. Christie. supreme preoldent. Another 4 affair planned by the Knlphts Is-a visit lo Hlalr In large numhera to Install grotto No. z. Anotit roil are expeciea to go irom Omaha on a apecial train, Fraterntal t'siloa of mt-r4ra. Banner loda:e No. 11 will rive Its annual spring races at the hall. Klghteentni and Karney street?', Thursday evening. April 2. Mnncinm a intivn No. lit in RKAin con ducting its meetings In the larno hall f Fraternity biilldlnar. the repairs haling been completed. The lcxl(re will give a number of public entertainments In the near future. A poverty sc',:l is being arranged for April 1, nnd a comedy, A Bachelors' Congress." will be given ur lng the latter part of April. I.adlea of the tirand Army, Garfield circle No. Jl la making ar ranaements for the celebration Of th elx teenth anniversary of the organisation of the circle On the evening of April 10. This circle will hold Its next meeting Friday evening. Gettvabura circle No. 48 will mwt Hon flay evening In Barlaht hall. The meet lng. It la said, will be an Important one. Maaonlc. The last week bas been a lively on In Masonic circles. The chief feature of (he week waa the hnldine of the neventeentin annual reunion of the Scott ie.h Rite Masonry of the Orient of Omaha. About aixtv candldatea were elevated to the thlr- tv-second de-tree of Masonry, the poxtulantg being from all parte of the state. On Fri day evening Shriner met at Tanjoer tein pie and admitted a large class with appro priate ceremontPB and torture. The class consisted or incsr: Frlta R. Akerland. Valley; Arthur If Anthony, Central City; Irving E. Barlght Omaha: Aaron M. Hcardslev. Fremont Karl W. Hock. Omaha; Thomaa F; Bourke. Omaha; Henry A. Brown, Chad ron: John C. Carr. l.exineton: Iyewla N Oohn. Omaha; Koro D. Clark. Omaha; P. E. Crumrlmc. New York; Albert K. ciirta Charloa E. Dixon. Albert Kdholm. Thee- dore D. Ettlinaer and John D. Evans. Omaha: Frank L Fox. IrfXinlon: Frank C Gardner, Omaha: Ion H. Ooss. Smith Omaha; Harry Greenblatt and William A Hooper. Omaha: Chan r Itowe, A Inn worth: Martin E. llnuscr. Iexlnirton William Hutton, John T. Jarvta, eors;e N. Juhl. Jamea C. Kennnrd and Oliver I Iewln. Omaha; Arthur J. Ltndley. (Vn- tral City; John B. Lyona and Harry 1 McCartney. Omaha: Robert J. Mackey Central City; Carl L. Mad. ion, James it Morton, Charlea N. Nelson and Charles E. Olson. Omaha: Richard F. Osborn and Iiewla W. Osborne, Alntrworth: James Phillies. Oeonre W. Planner and Ira W. Porter, Omaha; Charles A. Randall. New man Grove; W. B. Redfield, Omaha; Wil liam R. Roarers. Emerson; Norman Rot hols, William 8. Rowe, Charlea L. Saun ders. Allan C Scott. Lyman Bearle, Joseph D. Short. Harry O. Steel and Frank Stein, Omaha; Alvin F. Strain, CrelRhton Reid 'A. Thomas, Pender: Anton Thomp aon, Omaha; Theodore Tlllotson and F. A. Van Sant. South Omaha; Isaac R. Varf Tuytw and Charles A. Warner, Omaha; Heniamin c. Nerr, lexinrton; William b Wllke. South Omaha: I. B. Zlmman and F. J. Fitzgerald, Omaha. Order of Scottlah Claaa. Clnn Gordon No. 63 met Tuesday evening. Dr. W. R. Hobha, who ha Just returned from an . eighteen months k.urepan trio gave an interesting story of hla travels. particularly through Austria. Clansman Preasgrave of St. Paul apoka and aang a Bong. Secretary Llndaey solved the prob lem of "Who Ase the Children or Israel T to the aatiafactlon of himself and the clan Songs and recitations concluded the pro gram or an enjoyable evening. Knlahts of the Maccahees. Omaha tent fto. 75 held its election of orncers Thursday night. Tneae were chosen: Commander, H. E. Oatrom; lieu tenant commander, W. E. Cady; record aecper. Thomas E. Gerln: finance keener, B. F. Boon; chaplain, H. M. Martin; ser geant. J. R. Oliver; master-at-arms, C. H. Codding; first master guards, J. H. Lyna ataa; aecond master guards. A. L. Edxon aentinel, George Slutter: picket. A, J. Blali. Installation of officera will take place next Thursday evening at Odd Fello hull. Fourteenth and Dodge atreeta. Improved Order of Red Men. Tribe No. 2 will exemplify the adootlon o new members Monday evening. The enter tainment committee- is arranging for a big meeting on me oaie oi the open session Monday evening, April 1. Members sre in vited to brine their friends nn Ihla neeaaliin. Refreshments"-- will be served. Adrlreasa will be delivered by Judge Button, George a. jnagney, t l Baundere. Hugh Meyers, ur. a. aterriam and other. Mlecellaneoas. Omaha lodge No. 1, Royal Achates, Tues- nay evening naa a dance. r.mill new memnera were elected in Initiated at the meeting of the Omaha Elk Friday evening. Omaha lodge No. 39 will elect orncers lor the ensuing year at it meeting next Friday evening. An elabo rate luncheon will follow the election o orr leers. William McKlnley lodge No. 1, B'nal B'rith, gav a dancing party at Rome hotel Thursday evening. The Women's Relief corps of Grant post will be entertained at a kensington at the home of Mrs. Allen Hoch, 2tt3 Harney street, lueaday afternoon. Mrs. J. A, Dempster xviil assist Mrs. Hoch In, th n lenainmeni. i The boosting committee of Alfaretta council. Degree of Pocahontas, haa made arrangements for a claaa adoption of fifty or more candidate and act April 23 aa the ante. i no Banquet win be Held In in Rohrbough building. PROCEEDINGS OF THE HOUSE Fortification BUI ta Paeaed After aa Extended Debate Aaaona; roagrcaausca. WASHINGTON, March 22.-Wlthout being materially amended In any form, th fort I ft cat ion appropriation bill was paaaed by the houae today.. During the cloalng de bate th War department was crltclsed by several member regarding th money pent orf fortifications at Bubig bay, which, it was charged, was Wasted, In view of a later recommendation that the defenses at Cavite be strengthened. Criticism likewise wa offered to the estimates of th depart ment, amounting to 136,000,000,' which, it waa atated, could not have been expended within ten year a. Th democrat at one time procured the adoption of an amend ment permitting the aecretary of war to purchase abroad "any" war material, but the republican leaders rallied their .mem bera and reversed that action, leaving In the bill a restriction to "limited" quanti ties. Discussing the expenditures made for military and naval establishments of th government, Mr. Tawney of Minnesota, chairman of the committee on approprta Hons, repeated bis warning of a deficiency made earlier in the session. He declared that If expenditure for these purposes increased In the next two or three year as they had In the last two or three years and the revenue continued to decrease "it will not be two years hardly before we will be spending- 70 per rent of our aggre gate revenue ou account of wars, we have had or wars we axe afraid of." At present, he a,ld, the rate was 69 per cent. An amendment by Mr. De" Armond t PROCEEDINGS OF THE SEXATB Legislative, Eaeeallvo aad Jadlclal BUI la Passed. WASHINGTON, March 21-Almost the entire session of tha senate was consumed with th consideration of legislative, execu live and Judicial appropriation bills. The bill aa finally paaaed carried an approprla tion of S32.946.Cil, the amount added to tbe house bill by ths suuate being 1042.611 A 4:36 the senate adjourned. By using the various department of Th Be Want Ad Page you get qulta return at m small sxyens CHAMPIONS START MONDAY Bourket Arrire and Will Report and Serin Practioe Tomorrow. CAPTAIN FRANCE IS ON HAND Ha avad Pa View th Oatleek for Aa other Nmsst wtth Cewtpla cenre Few Che ages la Trees. Captain French nd LeBrand arrived from tha west Saturday and regular prac tice of the Rourkcs will atari Monday. Bllm Hall arrived Saturday noon, o with Franck and LeBrand on the. ground, Bel den and Autrey already In and King and Graham and. Austin du tomorrow, the Champion should haV a full line-up Mon day, which Is reporting da A .new constituted th Omaha team will be Gondlng and Lt Brand, catcher; Autrey and Dolan. flr base; Graham, second base; Ftanck. short stop; Austin, third base; King, left field; Welrh. center field. snd Bolden In the gun garden. The pitching staff Includes War Sander. 811m Hall. McNceley, Hollenbeck. Rltiman, Mel. Clark, Isaacs and Williams. Thompson, who cost Pa Rourk $1,009, was traded for tiousenoiner, wnoae ae mands were too strong tor Pa. The last heard from Housholder he had reported to the Fresno team. Rourke Is figuring on a trade of Householder whereby he1 will get a good pitcher or an outfielder. Noah Is still an uncertain quantity, as the Columbus team now' claims to have seat a contract to him, which the latter did not receive. Columbus has the first call on hi services. Pa has offered Columbus good bargain for the giant snd he may be seen In an Omaha uniform this summer. The team ha hern taking every advan tage of the pleasant weather with which this section has been blessed during the last month and tbe player who have win tered here have put themselvc Into fair condition. Jack Haskell, chief of the umpires of the Weetem rearne, bas also been In active training and ha cut a score of pound from his weight. Exhibition Games Arrawared. . Pa ha arranged exhibition games for each Saturday and Sunday until the open ing of the acason, and a few minor games Wll! be played on week days, but the greater portion of tho time, morning and afternoon, will be given over to hard work under the guidance of Captain' Franck, The dnt an arranged will be the Origin als for next Saturday and Sunday; the White Sox No. 1 for three games. April S. 4 and I; Stouk City, April 11 and . For many years It haa been tit custom of the Omaha team to play tho opening dates with the Lee-Glass-Andreesen team, and this practice will be adhered to thla year. With five good righthander and four southpaws. Fa haa great hopes of finding plenty of good substitutes for the pitchers he has lost. The infield is practically the sam a It waa at the close of last sea son, when th speed of the quartet was the talk ef th whole league. The outfield la the came a It waa In th cloning part of the sesson, when th final spurt for the pennant wa on. , Although the Western league aeaaon open April 16, the opening game for Omaha will be April 23, when the band will play and the pennant will be unfurled from the tall pole at Vinton street park. Franck Bare of that Flap;, "W will win that pennant . again this year and win it by such a margin that it won't do some ot those manager any good to protest games," aald Buckerlno Franck, captain Of the Omaha team a h sailed Into fhe Smoke Houae Saturday evening, brown aa a berry from a aeaaon of out door sport In southern California. He wa accompanied by Kid LeBrand. "W the sort of ball th Otnaha fan can en thuse over. "I saw Householder as I left Los An geles, and I think he wlH be found In th Omaha lineup when the season open. H I .a corking good man and will help to give us a faat outfield. "Chick Autrey will set this league on fir with hla first base playing. Mark my word. I know what I am talking about, for I have been playing against him all winter and know what a player he has been. "We had a feur-dub league In southern California, two team in San Diega and two Id Lo Angeles. I wa manager of one of the Lo Angeles team ahd only played occasionally. Chick played all winter and I In fin ahape. George Van Ualtren told me juat as I left that.we had a prlxe In Autrey at tint and aald he considered hi work great. ."Most of th boy should be here by Mon day and we will go right to work. I think Graham la to arrive Sunday morning. Pa ha a Una bunch of pitcher lined up tor th start, and I am aur we will find some good one In the nine who are now signed." RHODE ISLAND DEMOCRATS Resolution Endorsing- Bryan ' to Re fcrrcd to th Deleratloa to . , Dearer Convention. PROVIDENCE. R. I.. March .-The democi atlo atate convention, in a lively session In Muslo hall Saturday, decided not to pass resolutions favoring th nom ination of W. J. Bryan for th presidency, but referred th resolution to th delegales-at-large to act upon at their Individual dis cretion. Th convention selected eight dele-gates-at-large, who will go to the national democratic' convention unpledged. National Committeeman George . W. Greene, a close friend of Mr. Bryan, was elected one of the delegate and will un doubtedly succeed himself on the national committee. After the convention the Bryan men ex pressed themselves a perfectly satisfied with th results. The delegates-at-large ar aa follows: Governor James H. Hlggina, Pawtucket; former Mayor Georg W. Greene, Woon socket; Judge Frank E. Fltsalmmons of Lincoln, Colonel Patrick H. Qulnn of War wick. Peter C. Cannon of Providence, and former Senator Sumner Mtywry of South Kingston. Senator T. P". Gore of Oklahoma attended the convention and addressed It upon ques tion of national Interest at h close. . George Fred William of Massachusetts was also present, and both men received a warm greeting when they appeared on the platform. WOMAN FASTS FORTY DAYS C'hleac School Teacher Koaala Revord Made hy Dr. Tsssrr la th N . Eighties. LONG BEACH, Csl.. March 22,-Mlss Etta Prlscllla Grove, th Chicago school teacher who has attracted attention because of her long fast, at noon today completed the fortieth day ef her abstinence and an nounced that she would accede to the re quest of her sister and partake of nourish ment thia afternoon. In the effort to e nml the record of Dr. H. U. Tanner, who fasted forty days In the eighties. Miss Grove's weight waa reduced from 123 to 106 pounds, but sh declare that ah felt na 111 effects from her experience and that sh could hav continued fasting for a month longer. AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA F.aat r he audita Teachers' Associations . I to Meet Hero F.arly la April. The thh-d annual session of th East Central Nebraska Teachers' association will b. held at South Omaha. April I to t Addreases will be delivered hf a number ol leading educator a during the es!on. in eluding Dr. William A. Quayle of Chicago Dr. M. V. O Phea ot the University of Wi, cooslft, Superintendent Wk M. Davidson ti Omaha, Henry A. Buc.htel, D. D.. UU D chancellor ot tha fnlverslty of Denver mni governor at Colorado; Superintendent W. N. Clifford of Council Bluffs and President Guy W. Wadsworth ot Bellovue collage Th program replct with Interest tot the entire session. The meeting will b held in the - South Omaha High school auditorium. ) Contractors Reply . ta City, The South Oimlia administration has re ceived a communication from tha attorneys rf the Champion Iron company of Kenton, O., I-arabcrt 1 A Winter. The cause a eemmwnieaitow from -tho veunoW to .the company Informing It r( a resolution passed by ttwt city council requiring the jail cell to be removed in the part where adjudged defective, at the xpne of the Champion Iron company. When thla wa received th company prepared a lengthy reply. stating that it was In no way to blame for the style r.f construction and that It had submitted plans for the cell with grating. These plans Were rejected nd plat de manded. Other plana Wera prepared ami th plate Indicated, and these were sp- proved. Th communication charge th architect with being to blame for all th present defects, therefore the company warned the city not to attempt to spend the money set aside for the payment of tha contract. O (ng on, from the etatement ot Its rights, as the company maintain them, the company madn th following pointed charge: "Moreover, you have heretofore wrongfully expended a part of the building fund In the payment of th Park contract (plumbing) and the Carpenter and Connell contract. Tike contract of our people pre ceded thpso contract and waa entitled to first payment out of these fund. "fou will realise that the present course contemplates further wrongful disbursement of money from theae . funds to the extent of the fall amount of our contract. Thesa funds nre rmpounded in our behalf and clearly you have no right to expend or at tempt to expend them for any other pur pose, and you roust krtow now that any -attempt to do so can not and' will not de feat our right to reoover and will sim ply unlawfully and wrongfully add further burdens upon the taxpayers." Fight on Telephone Franchise. As a check to the passage of the fran chise ordinance for the Independent tele phone there la In circulation a lengthy peti tion asking; that the question of the fran chise) be submitted to a vote of the people. Over 200 signatures were secured to th petition. Tho petition waa filed with the city clerk yesterday. The name art most of them people who regularly patronise the telephone service. Th Good Government leagues which met Friday night, alao took up th telephone franchise and passed resolution declaring the iuestfon should be submitted to a vote and also that tha proposed royalty waa too mall. V. M. C A. Program. Tho second day of the formal opening of the Tounst Men'a ' Christian assoclstlon proved to be popular ' with.- South Omaha people. A large number attended tha vari ous meetings held during the day. Th evening Besslon wa given over largely to athletic. The address . of Judge A. . L. Sutton was one of the features. He em phasised the objects ot the association a in keeping with the effort of all th ma chinery of law and good government. It was designed to assist those who were weak to throw such aafeguarda around them a they needed until able to protect themselves. The -choir of the Presbyterian church rendered three eelectlon. ' Kenneth Whit gave an exhibition Of tumbling and bar work. Tbe Bouth Omaha police department demonstrated Its ability to pull against the city by outpulllng a team organised by John Van Wle. The policemen easily wpn two out of three. The first pull waa given to th city team because the 'plank on which the teams sat doubled and the policemen ceased their efforts. The fall was not earned. I. A. Kellogg made an exhibition pole vault, reaching nhie feet without competi tion or previous training. A mat class did some laughable stunt following the leader. The evening closed with an exhibition game bt basket ball between two association teams. Watchman Has Close CalL E. W. Reynolds, a watchman for Swift and Company, was shot through the lobe bt th left ear last night about 1 o'clock. Reynolds was going his rounds at the south aide of the -plant when he discovered son, one apparently attempting to steal some thing. On rinding himself, discovered the . man at once opened fire. The bullet clipped the lobe of the watchman's ear and so startled him that he allowed th man to bolt into the darkness without replying. The police are of th opinion that the Work wa that or metal thieve who had Intent on some of the bras of th smaller en gine of the plant. One man wa placed under arrest on suspicion. H denied hi guilt and said be could prov. hla where abouts. Made City Gossip. Mike McDonald. 4317 S. reported th birth of a daughter yeateiday. Jetter'a Gold Top Beer delivered ta any part of th city. Telephone No. 1 Good "-room houae on car line, ereod neighborhood. Apply 610 N. 15th St., So. uniana. For special announcement of Mia Ryan's millinery opening March 7 and 2a watch a later Issue. Chattel Loan Weekly ar .monthly pay ments. Fidelity Chattel Loan company, 404 N. 24ih St. W feel certain that our customers will feel "at home" with us. Live shock Na tional bank. The Hoy a I Highlanders will entertain their fn-na at a dancing party Wedno duy evening. . The Bohemian Improvement club will meet thla afu-raooa at Barton's hall, Twen tieth and V) street. . .. Tbe women ef the Methodlsf church will give a dinner and eupper Thursday evening at the parlor ot the church. Carl Clark, who has been working In the engineering department of the city, Wtll leave for California Wednesday. , Gertrude Roachke. daughter ot - Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Ruaclike, 4il North Heveiiteemn street, died yesterday morning. The funeral la today; burial at Laurel 111,1 cemetery. William Wyrlck wa convicted of petit larceny for stealing corn out t a freight car in Albright, lit pleaded guilty and wa sentenced to fifteen day in lb county jail, Saturday afternoon the normal training ' class at the liiah school took the atate ex amination in geography. 1 he answera hav btn forwardud to the atate department of public Inatrucilon fur grading. - For 8al a-roosn cottage in north part ot the city; 10-ruom house, T nty-flret street, near I'; 4-rooin houae. Nineteenth alreet, near W; 4-room cottage, near Corrlgan school, cheep. Tralnor, Caldwell 4k Co., N. E. cor. 2lh and N Bt. J. If. Ivovern waa taken up ta A Stat of wandwring mentality Friday night. He claimed thatie had been alturred In Omaha and had been robbed of 176 by unidentiru-d partiea. Saturday morning h wa appar ently well and waa relnaaed, , . . K out sky' for latest styles of wU paper at greatly reduced prices; ready my,d pslnts ht 6o per gallon. We do peJiuir g and paper hanging. Window g!a atid glaaiag. Doa't fail to eonie and ) our line and price before jroil kni