f, THE 0JIA1TA DAILY BEE. nrrRSTUY. IfAncn 12. 150. Tin: Omaha Daily Bz TicToa hoszisate. Eorroa. tiwf " Or ar P -f or'x a aarond ti'i Is- r-:rnnit Anivt.-, ar.e vf ! n-i . . ' " , lhi-.taf ft. ni y.r . .. Ir.a fiitr-i-wtin hiit, s- Kr, m 'tv a m.1. p- ta ativry v Clrr Ofn rio l,yrtiMnc f -i'unr-v!a fc'n"..m. ) Tr K tal iJf IMTrMI! (X'W.RaTONtr.Clt C"minvfiiM rif:oa afl mot rf wr awl fTATtnrt.iTT or ctrccuattot, ff f .n-ftr-. iwri rfr. 11 r tha tft -.tn iimM f f H ni4 OTal' !f4 Af T til7. MAm1n4i I- MMK-a of for-iry, IWi, aa t. .......... a.r9 tSJM t. .......... -! ,... Mas t. .......... mjfim 1MM t ux ... 3KM aatt !.. 11 Mjai u 17 14 a.T 14 aaja 9&v34i& it.0.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. tM 14 MM it aa7 14 12 1 if it i 14,,... moo ......... aauM 'La aaaold and rtu nu4 eplM.. Xt total lvaa.iia Vilf avaraa-a VlAal QEjftSiZ R TZAOrTXTt. Traur. ColMMrflyd In my ynrnmr tiut rwm ta bafore aoa taia Pi fi nt Hr, lv. HOUiHT HL.VTCR. Notary futile. WHet oct r Ttrwaj. Sab ia Wvla tfea rtty t. prrilr aa14 baf Tba aaaf!' a Ibaw. aaaeaaa will axaa aa (m mm raaa4. Csatar's ehfaf scout is dead again. Ja Naw Tork tbU tlm. Japan will eana no tronbl la China If China will only do as Japan aika. It taroad oat to ba aothl&x bat waur, bat tt might bar bea th raal toff. ls populism popnJar anywhere?" aaka aa atra nwspkpr. -Parhapa ot nadar tkat nam. Aad to think that it was a plumber who mad th demand on a banker for a forkorer of 18,000. Ta Danlih Laadathing has paasd a bill for wonan's suffrage. Th Landsthing ta wall named. According to Gorg Goo Id 'a suto- I meat, bta railroad Is eating op money lik a Trtrnth brother-fn-Iaw. SnatOT Tillman aas h kaa nrrer teaa oa a war ?al. If caaaot aay I a ntach aboat th war path. ueneraJ Ulls la writing a book. It will aot b dedicated either to th eresideat at to Oanral Cor bin. Scref.arT Rtr.w u aoTi Chrf.tUa IVtanUat. bat still ha rr.mA. ataant traatma.t for an.rchlaU. Iacmptnt school teahers ar 1 tad, hat so la Incompetency in any fcther pablks offlr cr employment. Empwror William may decid to ind a trmsty measngr th nxt tlm toatead of aerc1slng hi fountain pen. I Th Aldrlch and Fowler currency tills ar up for th laat round, both winaea ana snowing rvidenc of se vra yanjanmmu To rapabllcan stat convention dele gate and visitors: Make yourselves at bom, and If you do not s what joa want, atk for It, Aa informal canraas of cor.ra shows that th expreaa companies ar tlll-oppoaed to th adoption of th parcels post system Th brick paving contractors seem to bar a longer pull with th preot democratic city council than the as - phalt paving contractors. . JTTT"""-" la aaatem paper haa an editorial on "Bryan's Last Platform." it Should b lateat, not last, platform. Mr. Bryan la fa robust health. Th Tombstone trust haa reduced Jrrtawi. This will be cheering news to thou who think a tombstone la a Handy thing to havs around the house. Governor Johnson may be endorsed by Minnesota, but Colonel Bryan has SMI ranees tbat the Hawaiian delegate to Jnver will be as loyal as he was at Chicago. If the local trades unionists expert to derive any benefit from their pro- posed trades union revival they will have to take care that it Is not turned latd a Bryan revival, u ftwarthmore college has finally do cliJ not to accept that f 1,000.000 wMih waa bequeathed to It on condi tion that the colloce abandon all ath letics. The fact tbat the securities are now quoted at but 1100,000 had! -o Influemj on th board's action. TH utrcLtr.A ITJie CO.fTe.TTJr Ti rtiMaa at r,nva.:nn. ws!'ti fa aVvnt to la Cma.1!, t fa oaf repr-a-ntaciv gathering t ta prty srvit f.ir sader ta aw lavs governing aotnlaatlon sad lc rirttva. Ttl convention, la k.M 6"t a. la four fr aad Ira dit: are eonSnert M tat set-n-floa aad taar.nc- rjon 4elgafe th saiot a; aom- mating ernv w-iu T Brwnt cuavention. avrrdiag t4 tit apportionment, la acrradlted wirh. J1J detesst, apeaitlaa; for every ! ef th alaety .oatia. a Iarg majority of wiem may b eon a ted tjtg 4 U la attendance. TV: coar sen r.lon, tkerefor. win afford ta r-B-itBlir.aaa of .Vt.raka ta ocportaalty U art trrtaef from a:i over tn state to pat tamMves ta ngatiag irlta for ta aationaj r.ampalja tHat la lm junrflaa;. Wi'a tit stti aamiraac tkat Mr. Bryan win kad Ik democratic prest onr.ial tick, ft Bkoove ta repua Hraas fa Bryan's km state to keen all tarfr fyre Iotiiat sad to present a salted frrrat t ta political enmy. Ta Btat convention caa d- great del fa tau directioa of aolid:?7lo ta repiMIcaa strength aad disappointing t& democrat! k of rennaUcaa dis sension, wlthJit wklch dnocratl suc cess fa Xeoraaka tils year Is no, even JMtt AT LYSCB LAW. Gottnm Ho Smith of OnrU arr laarta room for doi.t aa to kla ...... w A . .iln Bfr tk popl of kia stat. Wkll k fa frasiat!y straoaa aa4 -trtn?y rail fa kla rteai, h kaa always k4 tk r.oarac to fliit for kU eoartetioas aaj kaa asually com oat a winner. K kaa Jut ukaa U- si wttk ta pardna board of Gr?:a aaf fa so doiac kaa read tk aut a lectar tkat will b appreetatd ala- tUr oa tk abas of tk pardon in? pow r. Tkre Bardrra ta tk Oorzla pa- ItBtlary aad app!ltaUoo for pardoua f!d with Oyraraor Staltk. Two of tk ma kad k(Ild tklr wlrea aad tk othar kad slaia a fellow was ia eid blood. Loag petitions war filed wtta tk tjoreraor aad attoraeya and frlnaa of tk eontirta preaentd many arKaments and appeals for eieentlrt tlemeay. Goremor Smith referred tk eaaea to tk pardoa board, al thoaxh not bound to trtUrw fta recom mendations, and retired a farorab! report. Bat h eoncladad to condact a little fnreatigatton of kla own. II (went orer all th record and doea- Otats fa th caa. earefolly and dia naaaionatelr. and rar th petitioners fQi: pportonity to present their arr- lmBfa to Hm Then, after matnr I deliberation, b dar.ldod that b waa not JatI6ed la mitigating th sea- tncea already I mpoaed. la announcing, his decision In the threw caaea, Oorernor Smith has taken oef-asion to send a meaaaxe to the peo ple of tba stat tbrongh.th newspa pers. II declares tbat there waa no oestion whatever of th guilt of the aeoed, aad tbat there won Id b fewer lynchlngt In th stat If murder vera mad mors unpopular by th con- rVrtfon and enforcement of aentencea anon marderera. Mercy and tender- hearted neaa, h declared, sbosld not b th fnatrnmenta of defeating th law. Too many governors bare failed to be as courageous as Governor j?mUh in restating preaeor In behalf of con- 'bort' com- 01 0 aw-nra or paroaa . r"Tl WUb " " "DpU4 ",W!-nt on th part oi in eiecouv 10 reioa 10 n 01 P0' 'Pt Ja proved. drvln caes. Too many governors bav failed to appreciate that feature of their daty. Tfl pabtiz add thk rmtimyt: Detailed reports of the proceedings of th first Philippine asaembly far- nuhea a rather strlblna- answer to tb ebarges mad by Mr. Bryan In the s.braaka democratic platform th rcuiA model for the Denver declar- w atlon and emphaaize the differ enc In th attitude of tb two national political parties on the Filipino prob lem. The Ohio platform demands "the development, step by step, of popular government in ta rnmppines. ine Nebr" Platform, prepared by Mr. Bryan, "conaemns in iperiment in Imperialism as an Inexcusable Mnnder and "favors th Immedtat declaration of tha nation's purpose to recognlz M Independence of th Philippine 1 Islands as soon as a stable government can be established." I Tti nrmrti frtjtn Manila hn that the Filipinos are not at all worried m K..ti I that, Ifltfi rmr In i V. a 1at sniplrlous of the promlaeg mad by the republican administration to grant In dependence to tba Islands when con dltlons are fully rli for .local a-If government. The first act of the new Philippine assembly was to thank President Rooaevelt and the American rongreee for the creation ui the Philip pine legislature, with Its enlarged liieaaure of self-government. The first bill paaasd appropriated 1 1.000, 000 for the construction of public achool buildings and many wise meas- urea have been adopted for the educa t'onl D4 Industrial development of tD w'ands. Tua debates ahow tba tDW ubjects have been given Intel!! Kent consideration ty the members who evidently appreciate the reaponai billty resting upon them In this, the! first experiment In making laws for their own government. .The members of the assembly are clfarly exercising tnelr newly acquired rights wisely. There Is no Insistent demand for Immediate Independence I of ti talanda. While on of the pollt ical prJ Ku.i taia la aioa fa Cut ras9?api, ta bat arafliEeat ef t& F'.iJjlaoa !a IarrnI la faror of foITo la tin ai&aa UM !a-a t 8wrtar7 Tift for ta f.iramat of ta arrav W'.Af. Ta.'a program a: m ta ajpral of ta AmrVaa pop. It onoai 5 a pmfrtfiratd er ta fttU;ppaa aitll in-.a tlai aa ta aa-ti- ta fir:7 (J'aionatritM talr caovlty aa.l 3"aaa for atf-fwra-mat. Xa wr.I erarnJ taat ta gT rar.waya aai otlr traaaportatm la trata of ta ro'iatry trr aot karl kit by tk entnarraat. fiaaaf.tai aa.l la tfiar.riai dprato wiu-.k earn apoa ta eowatry fa tk cloatac motitlia cf IJ17, kit Mffl of tk oaspltil aa nial rporta of railway opratloa for I7, ao-r tela Bia4 paailit. asrr to eapoa ti arUfli-.lal'.iy of ti cry aNat ti ralaona 't of aoanl hoaai UHJiIatloo. Tk raprta Jaat axa4 ty ta raaylraa!A aa ky ta tWawara. Lackawaaaa, A Weatra faralaa d tAAlj fateWJaj r?l!ac. Tk Rail way a;, wkfck kaa aTr ba a ea4 of praintla railway mattn ta a Iijfit aafarorail to tk corporatloaa fa tflaciaalag tk Lakawaaaa'a report, aaya: 1?! T"! arntuc pnmtr maA aw c5 tal.Mfj T Out Itiwrt. tw.kawxoaa at wrTn, crona; tt a wrrv poaio amon tfi lAnr radwars th ewsntrr. rr.(t- ntw rr;fi.ul In Ui aaatwi report fnr 117. Earning wr th Urc ta Mtnry ot th ewnpiiT. ant mm tn irwiry ramir ui vw. wfetr.h morta-aaa T sr cent bead, matarta an mlw 1 laat. wr paJt Oittia of Uil srran mniA timmt ta ostte4ict p4fI otvtutatlori of tft enmpaay are hnv (tad by If J CHJDfl im estpttaj stock, aitaoih ft In. of eonrse, raapnnatbi tot kaavy rntaia aarfev tka trma af tta laaaea af aubftiay ptDpaniea Th Uf.l aarpiiia kt iul la IXi par cant att th rro-k jHt thia fisxir, afab4 t Ui pr cent itrUimAa paid, fcx&r- rata totai ara!na applieabia I U stock of IX-i per cans. So rmarkabia a showlnc ta a yav a acly of hti enmtm. bat aJoa, Inrwiri th etoac, of SacUatna IraffVe. waa aiaa t ptta of mar.y eombatlca; trtflt- wbicft Ieauiant W. H. Tneadai iacnaas tn hia TMrtomry tuctd styi. Th "cxistomaiT lactd style" referred to by the Railway Age ta shown fa President TrtiesdaJe's addreaa to the atockkoldcra of tk company In which declares that "ft Is plainly th plan ani porno of both of the great polit ical parties to make th great railway interests and th larg fn vestments ia there the pawns fn their games of polit ics." Without reference to the merits of the charge, a net profit of IS. 5 per cent would seem to b enongh to sat isfy Investors snd soon Id b cheering to managers and officials. Th Pennsylvania report, again noting from th Railway Age, aows gross earnings which "for the first time paaaed the 1150,000,000 .nark." The total net lncom was f SS.11S.SS4, aa compared with i.Jl.00 in 108 and 152,51,500 In 105. When It Is remembered that HOC was the most prosperons year la the hiatory cf American railroads, Jhe showing for 907 must be considered highly grati fylng. The net earnings of the cotn- pany available for dividends were something In excess of 10 per cent on the enormous capita 11 nation f 1315.- 000,000. After dividing 21.03F12 for 1507. an Increase of more than 2,000.000 over th 106 dividend, th company has a surplus of $11,5,20 The president of the Pennsylvania alto joins Mr. Tmeadate In lamenMi he attitude of congress and the Ivgis- latures towsrd railways. In the mean :m, the railroads appear to be doing tol rably well. Omaha Is down for several contrlbu tions to the program for the meeting of the State Association of Commercial Clubs at Grand Island. The Commer cial club movement got its first foot- bold In Nebraska here In Omaha and It has now reached out Into every pushing prosresalve city in the state. The supreme court of New York has ordered a full recount of the vote cast la th mayoralty contest In 1905. It would b embarrasalng to Mr. Hearst to be elected president of the United States this fall and then havs the courts bold that he was also mayor of New York City. General Fred D. Orant says it would take 1,000.000 men to defend the Pa cific coast against an Invasion by the Japanese. General Grant'a father car ried on a campaign against a more formidable foe than Japan would prove with about one-tenth that num ber of fighters. Revision of the tabulation of the ballot In the late democratic state con ventlon shows that Ig. J. Dunn o Omaha, and not Mayor Brown of Lin coln, received the top vote. This ought to key Mr. Dunn's nominating speech at Denver up several notes higher. The appointment of park commis sioners by our district Judges would in effect, be to turn the administration of our parks over to four counties. Omaha ought to b able to handle Its own affairs. The Boston council has been asked to lower th salaries of the city offi cials. Th request did not come from the officials or from those seckin places on the city pay roil. If the republican state convention should transact Ha business wlthou au uiul'uitiou of iuiaruul Siiliuusitjr tb democratic world-Herald would be dreadfully disappointed. Frank Boyd Gary has been chosea United Elates senator . from South Ctntioa. H: iorapor taat k 4ia aot ramai TKsaa ta ta Vaat. laiij-at Saafor Tk N- Tork Wort I kaa aaat4 tx:Ma d:irat amorrta a ar raahl aa BraMaf!&I eaa!llat. M.. Erraa w'.Il nso ta real co at Th Co1ln-wwMl ir.hiwl bnar4 la a14 t- hnM an ati rwnamtsHM fir t r.n an ua aoartr a chiMri tone Haw ilMt fhr ar.ftnnl Bmrl Kwif7 Jl trttw tn a taac baftfcaf'.ip ta In a b4 war wtunt fra armnr it la ton inw. Of emir, aot fttn Inmu, tt on'l klk K a abt anchor tt wtta a tmSftr j pta. ta-w 4 Mty. If Xra Htrr CrHa r.l7 aaij that ad wral4 rf kava kr daa.tair marry a ann. Qt awTormaa tf.aa aay dufca an arrliv : rtalniy 4'wrttm mil ef ta arsfxaatno. Amy CM Xaaw WOI ft. Latii Oio6-DuKTa. Tb mfrr-W)r aaat Bryaa ba Sfaoa- tntm kf BK waa KJT. aa4 ta) Unft rr.JH). WV can ktanw th Kaaaana. iaii'imia aaat t!rn thy fnimv Jabs Joboaaa, Jifcn Imtta ar Jifca !? liiialH C FTttabw Dlapattu. Oratfantr.S' tha aHeawl aaaardow rf afS- ctal aatherlty trial ta maa wa drtska water rRIatry la a smdyao'tdl K ta etaarTy apoerrphaL Tha. du i drtnka taa ori:aary waty of err eftiea ta tka faaa of eelerjiifla warBlnga wmld ewaaUJer wat tti" ap ta t& eannon'a mawta a efltnia atoat. amy yT A4Taa St. Loula ftepvbrie. iitu-a th paaaaa by tb anat ef th army pay bta nr amy titk are hapvy In ta proapact of fetttne' mora money. If th ncwin H thronsi th bnwae aot!k- tag wm b aif ta eomplet. thetr f-ttelty- aacept a rMaaatton of th martinet rcerxLa- tkkfis whth hava fcarui 1 them oora tftaa etmvfh af lat.t Warm I a aa t HS. Pfcllaitalpfct Reor4. Th winter befaa wit th Eoyertown alMoghttt of th taooeanta aad eaaa with th Cbrrabuul tLao-rtter of tha tenoeenta. By dVXas thtr Sijty thraafhowt th eaontry front Uis tlm on. tbna wbo ar in a po sition to act may eo aafcuard fomaxe sa4 so eniarc and rat!xsaits ezie aa to aiaka tmpoaaifcl a ataotrhtar of th lano- centa next wtntar. Lavlasr tkc CMS Kw tacky Haaae. Ptttatxtrg Xria patch. It fa hx4 from Kentacky that many farmers ar trytne to U oat and leave tha state, bat Uvey f.s4 th Ua4 vaJaes siamp- lns bacaa no oaa wants to bay f-rr wharo eropa caa ba cut to pwca. barns bvroad by mid&tcht tarrortata. aad tanners takca ojt of bed and whipped for pianttns Uiair own land aa they choae. Tht la an navitahl eoaatqueaee; yet la tba Bear fu ture sowm Keatacklana will ba wondering why Kentucky doaaa't proa per! OMBATTTXG TUB WHITE tXAGCC riaaaelal CatMrasnint far tk Prtatlaai af Bteaearek. Bwff40 Rxpreaa. Sots Idea of hrscp of tba great tuber- culoeta concrae which la to b heid In washincton, and tb thorouahnaa with wnicb It la coaatdenna tba great problem Involved la com batting the diaeaa which aaedieaely cam off mors person than any other single agency of death, la ahowa by an offer of pnsea mad by tha central committee. Prtzea of tl.SC and medaia ar offered t'r the beat rvtdenc of effective work In h prevention or relief of tubereuloal by ny voluntary association sine tha laat lotemaltooai congrtae In 1M; for th be.it axhlblt of an existing aanltartam tor the treatment of curable caaea of tuberculosis smong tba working elaaaes; for tha beat exhibit of a furnished house, for a family or group of families of tba working class. designed la th Inter eat of tha crusade against tuberculosis; for tha beat exhibit of a dtapenaary or kindred Institution for tha treatment of tba tuberculous poor; and for tha beat exhIMt of a boepital for Ue treatment of advanced pulmonary tubercu losis. Then there la a prise of OjO of Ifcred by tha Smithsonian Institution, for tha beat treatise that may ba submitted on Tha Relation af Atmospheric Air to Tu berculoels." Prlsee of two each ar offered also for edocationaJ lea nets, and there axf numervua medals offered for various ex hibit. It professional Interest wera lacking In thta great meeting aad Its obiect. these vary liberal prtsea would certainly stimu late It. But fortuaately neither Interest nor effort aeeda stimulation. Tba deadly ravagea of tuberculosis, and tba later knowledge that they may ba c becked, even prevented, practically stopped, bav served to waken th profession to tha necessity of Intelligent and constant effort In educat ing others In th knowledge of what to dp and how to do It. STKALIXO REPIBLICA THCRDER Nebraska Daaasm(l Platforms Eekae Obi Reaaklle,. Ueelarattaas. Washington Tost (Ind ). Tha platform of the Nebraska democrats. framed by Mr. Bryan as a feeler of tha country. Is plainly a dragnet designed to catch all kinds of voters. It repeals many of the paras raphs of tha Taft platform adopted at Columbus not word for word, of course, but meaning for meaning. Th Ohio republicans favor "the prosecution of Illegal trusts and of monopolies and of evil doer, both In tha public service and In th commercial world, together with tha enforcement of all wholesome measures which havs mad safer tha guarantee of life, liberty and property." Th Nebraska democrats favor "tha vigorous enforcement of th criminal law against trusts and trust magnates snd demand the enactment of such additional legislation as may ba neces sary to make it Imposslbl for prlvat monopoly to exist In th United States." This la tweedlede and tweedledum drawn ta a fin point. Th Taft republicans of Ohio favor re vision of tha tariff; so da th Bryan dem ocrats of Nebraska. The Taft supporters shout for a "sound financial system" and tha Bryan supporters echo tha shout. Both sides favor th early completion of th Panama canal, protection to th down trodden working man. Impartial enforce ment of law. Individualism, modification of th law relating to Injunctions, an em ployers liability law and a lot of other re form calculated to hssteti the millennium. Th campaign next summer svldently will ba one of men and not of polklea. If th Ohio and tha Nebraska platforms ar faith ful harbingers any republican nominated could atand without difficulty oa th dem ocratic platform, and vtca versa. Since Ht. Bryan haa tried talce to draw votes trom tha opposition and failed, there la no t-a-eon to suppose that b will accomplish th fast next fall. BDtlO A tOtT SEW TWftftU BlewSs-s aw tk rsrmt af Ufa ta tk faVafJSBS4' saV ttr-rtera sf til Ban af Uteris Amerfcr. mm tit L'a E;n M.irse s tr.t.tar.:on. wlicft wnc drrwt Berre trft rnnr1;vf gs'e tivrt Or.ihi-. Dave bent e.:t upon ' mat gn. trf. tnat fa enatfy rrnrk trafiasse t'.rna. Tie hiTT fie,! m th Cait! ftat ffirrutt ennrt f New Tjt"S 6y the r-rTW fre th bank i snta a ww ieeitra sf tli mtdj af r.nauwiai kicaa; wws car rW that slxty-year-olil kaaXit-atiun tnc bankmpti-y. Acrwrtlng trt t!: impiain5. tM bank 6iat kwivfly ta traonactiona hi Amerbsaii Ic Se-:nr1t'es eompajiy sto:k, w&u-Jl K kenailt frvnt Mr. Marm at dif ferent time, ax a deal af HaHary Steam ship crmpaxr sux k. fa savaral traaaae tiana ns th stock ef the Chaa Natioaai bank, fct trade la Calawar A Kadsoa. bt tH aorcnaa af a laxga stork of stork bx ta Lands Ftrcaa eotnpaay. a real ea tate enrpcraxion. aad ta Aaawtnga la tka enrnmon aatt praferaat aftArv ef tk Wall Strie Eschaaga BuiUmg associaOon, wkick awn th twenty aavsa Stacy boiidh tng st C-C Exchaag Place, ba araiftk tk bank s offices ar situated. Th heaviest keaea were the iacorred la tk "Ic Tmst stock deaUa. wfcick ar Blacad at-VSu.jMS, anal ba th Land Par chaaa enmpaay traaaactian, wftich are aturaatsd at .!, Th tcta te th bank throog! its awaarsMp f a majority sf ti stock af th Wail Street Exehaasw aiXd.ag aaaociatioa ta placed at fc'.0 at Wast. Several traaaactinns ar aaentioned tn aicaUac transfers af stock to dummy par c&asers sad heavy kiaaa xaao by th baak aa rock transfer. Tb tea king's clerks wera aaade) aa ef tn the shady by which, Morse I said ta hav proCted. Among th directors cited t appear ta court ar thee "frensied financier.-' Charles W. Mars, tk ice king, sow nader indictment; John K. "TUgler of th Standard OU compaxty; th executor ef th wot of Charlea T. Baraey. late of the K.-.irk 'TSyjrk'r Trust; John W. Gates, financial sport; Charles M. Schwab, finan cial sport, snd Wni'-ajD. r. Bavemeysr of th Bi4xr TrusC A whit face at a window pan tha white grx.7 far cf a women tbat was aiL For tw daya wayfarers la Berry street. Will iamsburg, saw it at a window on tb sec ond floor of th house. No. ICS. Th fare waa framed ta still whiter hair. Th neighbor knew th white face was th face ef Af ra. Margaret Dorm, but they theegbt ah waa merely watching for ber "oH ssaa J oka. They did not notice whether th fac ever left th window even for a moment. Strangers looked up at th sad ptctare and paseed on. John Dunn aad kla wife Uved at K8 Berry street for -cany years. Theirs waa a Darby and Joan existence. Two datectlves, tn passing, observed the woman's fac at th windVrw. Strange." both said at the earn moment; and they went sp to see why th old woman had aat there for s lorg. They called to her wien they entered tb room, the door of which waa unfastened, bat there cam no answer. They touched her on th shoulder, but she mad no movement. Then one of th men placed a hand on th forehead; tt waa cold, cold in death. Old Mrs Margaret Dunn had died at her pot watching for her old man John, who had failed to return. Her ia something for tha advocates of skyscrapers to think over. Tbe highest building In New Tork and bx the world la tha Singer tower, VZ faet high. Its ar chitect la Ernest Flagg. Friday Mr. Flagg went before the new building code com- m.'sslon and strongly urged for New Tork exactly such a law aa was asked far In 1 Massachusetts last year and defeated by certain Interest. Ha argued, that ta to y, for a height limit not to exceed m tlmea the width of the street, with a maximum height cf 18? feet. The board of fire underwriters, represented by Presi dent Gearge W. Babb, did not go so far, but he, too. called a halt on tha craze for high buildings to 110 feet or fifteen stories. No building, he declared with emphasis. Is really fire proof. It la nothing new for a bank to want to know something about th men with whom It la doing buMneaa. but now the depositors ar getting mors particular and ar becom ing deeply Interested In th men who handle their money and want to know their associates, habits of life and general New York business methoda. As a result of this detect Ire agenclea are finding a new line of work. It ia also said thst this same sort of thing Is going on In many directions and that depositor in the banks of the rnetropolla are mora than ever interested in tbe personnel of the banks with which they are transacting business. In speaking about tha matter a member of a lower Broadway detective agency told of a group of seven depositors who bad Joined and retained him to report on the directors of tha bank where they did business. About a weak after ba had re ported that there waa on questionable man In tha directory, who waa engaged In doubtful transactions, tha man reaigned and tha bank took particular palna to glv th matter tha braadest publicity. New Tork City has bought eighty-one automobile, at a coat of IJAOtn, In th laat three yeara for tha usa of department chiefs and their subordinate. Very likely tli. car of and repairs on th machines In that time hav cost t200,M more. Th wages of elghty-on chauffeurs at tl.XO a year amount to almost tlOb.OOO a year. The city "frusta to tha conscience" of Its em ploye not to use these machines on private pleasur trip. It la a vary trustful city. Kllllag Bargain Rate. Louisville Courier-Journal. Notwithstanding general slaeknei. of bus iness, man-killing Is paying well In Breathitt. Judge ifargls regular rat, tea- tlflea on man, was $100 per murder, but Beech drawa down aom IX.CM) or tX.Ouu for one Job. Sarvla m Ommm (Had. Washington i'ost. Th democrala wlio ar saving up their spare change to enable them to attend Mr Bryan'a inauguration will b able to Invest the proceeds In a new suit of clothes after tha returns sre In next November. Weak Heart Upon the heart action depends not only health, but life. If weak, the circulation is sluggish, and the supply of nourishment dimin ished. It also fails to carry oil impurities. Disease follows from decay and stagnation. Dr. Miles' Heart Cure stimulates the heart action by strengthening the heart nerves and muscles. 1 bad frequent sinking spells, some time a many as three iu a day. during whlrh my heart woula seem to stop beating, mr Hating the calling of a thI.Iaa ta resuscitate ma. Before fln nshlng th first bottl of In. UtUa lesrt Cur the sinking spells had ceased, and I took altogether Sva bottle for a comiiete cure." hiliik.ee A U2NNET. Indianapolis. Ind. If first bottle falls to benefit, money ba-.k. MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, Ind. lIi!e'tos3 Pure Grape Creaa cITcrto j w -' I 1 l.-re.f I SMelils file Food from Almn PERSON At, NOTES. A Chicago sua propod K times befor ba waa accepted. This waa not so much for a Chicago man. Th three men who tnterrupted cort pro- eeedinas In Alabama bx order to kill each other wera clearly In contempt. Peary ta my nearty prepared for another dash, to th poi that soma step should, be taken toward getting ready the relief ex pedition. Jamea Douglas, vie president of th American Institute of Mining Engineers, gar th historic land on th New Trk Palisadea which th govern meet haa ac cepted through an act of eongresa. The property ta said to b worth naVHVJi - Th high place that John Burns, presi dent of th local London governmeat board, haa assumed tn th eaUmation of th pub lic is m unrated by th fact that th Spec tator, a most conservative weekly newspa per, seriously suggests him for th highest poet la tha cabinet, aameiy. tha chancellor ship of the exchequer. In the event cf Mr. Asrjullh finding It necessary to resign the chancellorship to become premier. "Had I married I believe i' would have Itved P years." says Charles C. Cluaker. tt and a bachelor, the oldest living Elk tn th world. "It Is my greatest regret Uiat I never found a wife. Now I am too old." Clusker waa bora in Kentucky and was on of the great army of fortune hunters who crossed th plains to th new Eldorado In '. He had the asuai quota of hair breadth escapes snd mad and Hat several moderate fortunes. He Uvea In San Diego. He carries his age remarkably wed. One would not mspeet him to be more than T"V He I ruddy of countenance and surpris ingly active. Samuel I Clemens (Mark Twain), the author, and H. H. Rouera, the Standard Oil millionaire, are having a fine tlm In Bermuda. Well Mr. Clemens la tn ap parent good health, Mr. Rogers, it ia said, shows signs of. weakness on his first few days there. One day Mr. Rogers, it la said, attended a baa bail game with Mr. Ciemena. aad after the game had to be helped from the grandstand. It is sal.!, however, that his condition is Improved. Mr. Clemens is a familiar figure at Ber muda and wears bis famous white ru.t all tbe time. MOST POPTLAR Bl.VKlStt BILL. Meaaar far- Eatabllskaaeat af Faatal Saving Basks. Pittsburg Dispatch. Though there la- small probability of the enactment of a currency bill at this session of congr? a far more popular banking bill may be passed. Senator Knox Introduced a bill for the establishment of postal saving banks. We do not know that this meas ure will b4 endorsed by th American Bankers association, but It will b endorsed by many persona at the other end of tha banking line. A large proportion of the people of this country are of opinion that postal savings banks will be of the widest benefit to the public, and some very cap able financiers have declared such banks will be of the greatest value to the bank. Ing system of the country. Postmaster General Meyer ia a strong ad vocate of. the postal savings bank and has devoted much attention to the subject In his annual reports. President Roosevelt has fully endorsed Mr. Meyer's recommenda tions. The bill of Senator Knox la fully in lin with th administration's desires and It needa no prophet to predict this will be the moat popular banking bill of the present session. El'otvnlng, Eiing l Co OjOTHINO, FURNISHINGS sand HATS A IBcBcHlTUltilfilLIlfl HE 6ho wing that we are making in advance of the season of washable suits for children of beautiful distinct styles of the newest 1908 designs is attracting much favorable attention. Spring styles in Misses Tailored Coajs now await your inspection. Look at them while the lines are fresh and complete. Our Furnishing and Hat the newest and best for both f-aBH 15th and Douglas ly 15th and Dui lag Streets (C) a Streets t t R. S. WILCOX, 1VI or. t 1 MIRTHITL nr.WtRKS- "T? waa on th vrsr ".f fvl-ire.'" "What avel him from' tn fu'" "The fact that It waa a surir.g sea.tonV EaU.rn.DTe American. "Ton say yen awn w'.ra yo-ir m:r!. i biankT- T-s; Strang-. wa.nt. tt" "Well, it wta strain" tfiat 701 non.:vil tt." PhiUd'lnia Ledar. Prown Ts. sir; Dr. Jor. cur. Minister No. ray friend. PmvWea.: eur-d you. not the doctor. Brown Weil, mayb- He St Bui t.l ali tor will charge for it. jKign. "Doa't y o i think." sujtg-wtsit -.a o; t friend of ta family, -icas yn wi-ild. J. well to keep s watch on your soa?' "Impoas-.bia"' repi.nt jonif l-iii-y father: "it woabla't be long befor- he'-l exchange- tt for a pa ticaet. " Cki;ag. Tnounw. Young LadT Visitor What la t5at t.xrta sound I hear? Ot-i Farmer That's tr-e gea a-hrtajen. Young La.ly Vutttor W ay, it. ia a jarty autoraobtlisuT Old Farmer That's wins I said. Balti more American. ISU'lL 1ET. 8. E. KUer in t?i Record-Heral.t My little boy has leam-wf a lot ai.i '.e firvt started ef to seai; Much that I tor. a ) forf.it ite bis b'H laceir learneii by die; t ence knew t-w t, pait. but n.-, w tl'.e knack somehow ia son tram me: H fatrty chews tr rtarr.cMr up. ); ti:i th wool thing to- a T, 6ometimes h-t ta tnr'.uvii. I fear, to Io? upr. in with d:! i rv, . But I still com la haniy here I earn tie pleasures that wa gaou I cannot nam th fcouniartes cf r;m or Beioochtstxn; H does it aiich th grtst ei, in i prtmdly shows m- tr.t h ran; Ha works out pro&leraa that I i.-.-i". although I coul.l iiive snivel t.:r.i once; Somet.m I more than haif :ut tia: he n'gariis m- aj a i-niT: Perhaps 1 n-.igct g- ba. k s.i ia.-a '.; I hat fewr daily car'-j. - . Butaf teg, il. t IS', earn tit i jv5 . tals. t cJtlia kc wears. " - My little boy is t.?arn,rtTg fist, a I Ij-j year after rear; The record of th ralaty fast, t: tr ; - vagu. to him are el,. tr; He writes a be-tt.r h.M t.ua 12 i'.J are more pliaiy ma is. H sretl words trial I carnot spLI th- dirtkonary s aid. He Is inclined som:ur.. I f-ar. t t: n'c my hoyaooJ as cJsr,oc But I stiil cotne in hinJy her; I foot -l"- bills and pay tie rnt. resoi&xz. (Estat&abed Xs- Cars IvAfl Yarn Swas. vyhooplngCowgh Croup, DroflchrtJs, Couehs, Diphtheria, Catarrh. Confidence can be ptacrd ta a rem edy, which for a cjuarier ef a centory nas caracu noquaaucu praiac jixsuiu nights are assured at one. . Ctcsocjm is m Booa to Asthautlic All Drvsrtsit Stn4 tcitil far Sm- XTlfttt M tHi. CreaoKm AnttswtiClc Throat Tatle toe the irrluued tciroat, a roar d raggut rroan ia. mciaaismpa , Tkt Vapsraekss Co, laOrwSaaSt.lCY. departments are stocked with men and boys.