TIIE CttfAIIA SUNDAY BEE: MARCIT 8, 1!0S. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARIET Wheat Weaker Because of Decline on the Continental Markets. NO MATERIAL CHANGE TODAY Weak Reports freest Liverpool Offset tl BrasWtrets H porta (or the) ) Week u Uaeaalarsa Da- elosd Tawara Close, OMAHA, March 7, 1908. There was tio material Chang In tha filiation today. Wheat ruled weaker on the continued decline of the continental markets and corn remained strong, with buying for a prospective Increased oemand. Wheat ruled quiet from the start with valurs unchanged. Weak Liverpool cables , offsot the bullish Bradstreet's exports re port for the week. Uneasiness ueveloped toward the close and prices declined. May wheat opened at W4C and closed at Wc. tern opened strong and aggressive In Spite of tha weakness In other markets, buying was general and became the main feuture and strength of the market. May corn opened at b'l c and closes at 6iJc. Oats ruled a trifle weak and lacKCU any support to hold against the lower wheat market. Shipments are heavy and the movements are expected to Increase. Oats opened at ttftc and closed at 4Mio. Clearances were K7o,Wu bushels of corn, fc32,0uu bushels of cats, and wheat and flour equal to 13,447 bushels. . . Liverpool closed SMVfcd lower on wheat nd unchanged to il lower on corn. Seaboard reported la,WW bushels wheat taken for export. Lac at range of options: rtlcles. Open. High.) Low. Close.j Tegy. iWheat- May... 86ty W'A MV4 July... Wi ttv 8, Sept... 86 85 83 Dorn May... 87 67 67H July... 65 ofi" 5ciVi Sept... 66 U 50 484 49 V4 49H July... 44V 44V, 44W Bept... 36 36 Wi 4 83 67 Gf 49 44i S44 W4 86 t' 66 Vi 6 49H 44 86 Omaha Cask Prices. . WHEAT No. 2 hard, t7&9c; No. S hard. H'aWc; No. 4 hard, 914y; No. S spring. ,7CORN No. 8, 6555c; No. , 6Mff56c; No. I yellow, 68tc; No. 3 white, 66H4Wc. OATS No. S mixed, 48ji4Bc; No. 8 white, 4''&k6ttc; No. 4 white, 4t4490. RtE-No. 2. 777Mic; No. 8. ?W8c. Vmrlot Reeelpts. Wheat. Corn. Oats. Chicago 31 W a M InnMArmllsi 211 Omaha 18 10 26 Duluth a CHICAGO GRAI5 AND PROVISIONS Feat ares mt the Tradlagr Closiatsj Prices os Uoaru oi 'iraae. CHICAGO, March 7. The wheat market broke heavily today, because of fine crop prospects In this country and bearish news from abroad. At the close May wheat was off 2(6'Jc. Corn was attc lower. Oats were off c. Provisions were Sc to So lower. The market opened weak because of re- and Danublan ports and large offerings irom Argentina. tornmiion imuor pit traders sold heavily when It was re ported that the crop In this country was In good condition and that present pros pect are favorable. Shorts also were active sellers. Many of them were forced v. . iDu o ,'. a tic nn thev were again putting out their lines for -the distant montns. i ne i-aau uruiu - a standstill and receipts were reported as .. 111 -1 . 1 1 nn.,, Ihl UlllthWtflt. May wheat opened dte to hc lower . - - - . . . i y. ......... aau6,aLt. ann - . . " ... 1 ... -1, -, oi:SLr. 'lnnmnicpl of wheat and flour were equal to 4. WW bu. Primary receipts were 468,000 bu., against 664,000 bu. on tha corresponding day one year ago. Minneapolis, Duluth and Chicago reported receipts or am cars, against 197 Ctrl last week and 4a cars one year sgo. . , . I I in l U 1 1 1 niflinri " -- - clined more from lack of support and In i hi. sn V-.-.. a uaa fT SnV bearish newi. LncKl receipts were small a. i i .4 ..ik.s Im Via nnrlhWPIlt IS una ma cum wruici v " - said to be delsylng the commencement of - srrtng farm work, but these factors were ' offset by the lack of demand. The close was ea.y. iiay u vjv " o higher at B34ilo, sold between b33 630 ana Kc, ana cioai-u v lim-al receipts were oars, with none or coniraci niuo. A. The oats market was dull and there was a general lack or support which --"""" prices, altnougn mere was no " , . T ., n .nlrn.u. nf wheat anil sure r a i i tci. corn was the chief Influence. May oats opened a shiide lower at &3c. sold between ao and 63c and closed at 63c. Local receiinw were t The provisions market was steady at the . K -i ..,..m hv tha eastern opening, on n.j-i . ,. ; " peculators and hlKlier prices for live hogs. Later, the weakness of grain and some . 1 .... .... nnw.. fiuniMl a reac- ' tionV'the close May pork was 26c lower at I1Z.UO. isrn wbp i-" 11 ' . '- Kstimatsd receipts for Monday: Wheat, 4 cars; com. S.1 cars; oats, 431 cars; hog. H.foo read. . ,w. The leading luiurcs rnnou ,....- Articles. Open-I Hlgh.l Low. Close.Yes y Wheat May July Sept. July Sept. Oets May bMay aJuly Pork May July Lard May July RJbs May July I iisr 93Mr W WQ- aHfl 83 ;! 61 tj0iSl 81 6fl, 61 61 46 - 46 II 30 12 32 jt 65 12 67 1 96 7 95 I 16 6 16 S 88 87 7 16 , 7 17 MtS'.IMH'fTV 90 91 901 l 7 WWP 3Vk" 8V r, m 60 6D 6$ 63 80 tt 6S ,611-fi'V, 61r bl 46 4 13 06 12 40 7 87 12 06 12 80 12 40 12 fl6 7 87 7 96 8 07 8 17 C 77',i 815 7 07 7 16 8 o;i 6 75 7 07 No. I. a Old. b New. rah mintntlnns were as follows: FLOl'R Steady; winter patents. 84" 4.86; winter straights, 4.H.5f.; spring pai- enls, 6lif.bi; spring straights, )i.auai.w WH EAT No. 1 spring, 21.lcffl.12; No. 3 prlng. tlvai.l2; No. 2 red, fl6'n9sc. IXJHN-No. 2, oynfilc; No! t yellow, 629i 3o. OATS No. 2. 62'S5:r; No. 2 white, (3c; No. 1 white, blo.'o. IIYB-No. 1 81c. rA HI .ET Fair to choice neltlng, 83W KBDS Flax, No. I northwestern. II. IS. Prime timothy, $4.75. Clover, contract grade, 830.00. PROVISIONS Short ribs, sides floose). 86..rii.W. Mess pork, per bbl.. J11.7rrfii1.8', Lard, per loo lbs., 87. (fc. Short clear tides (boxed), S8 oOn6.M. Wllowlng were the receipts and shlp- msnu or flour ana grain: Kecelpt. Shlnmnt Flour, bbl 31 11K Wheat, bu 25 000 41 5n Corn, bu 415:4m) 14H.0iiO Oats, bu. 42I.5iiO 2il,O10 TaLttys. bu il.i'W 1! s.Bi.srley. too 53.700 l,7o0 . " On the Produce exchange today the but , ' tr market was firm; creameries. 2-'tr2sc; ', dairies. KuVJ6c. Elggs, firm; at mark, cases ' Included, UHurKc; firsts, luc; prime f!rls, tv; extras, i.'c. Cheese, steady, 13 J 14c Mlaueagiolla Grata Market. i ..vw i r..i i ,a . . ... t i - it i.i . . mpr.irvLiio, junri'ii . . 1 1 i ii. 1 hard. (1.11: No. 1 northern. $l.o; No. 2 northsrn, tl(V:; No. 8 northern, 81.ulii ..ov; May, i.it'; July, ! ('. l4l5AV l. Ktilb i.i, t l im.! l M PLOL'K-Cnchanged: flisl pslents, $5 4Srj S et); second patents. 85 2S4ii.fio; first clears, 84.46jr4.65; second clears, 83.ooii3.60. Mllnaake Urala Market. MILWAl'KKB. March 7 Vi' H KAT Mar ket lower: No. 1 norllit-rn, Jl linil 1J; No. 2 northern, 81.09ft 1 10; May, Vilc. KHkcd. EAHLEY Lull ; No. 3, Hoc; sample. 65 kto, CORN Lower; No. J. cash, 69t!Jc: May, 8u, bid. Pearls Uralsk Market. PEORIA. 111., March 7 - CORN Un changed; No. S yellow, tilAl'c: No. l ctlc; No, 4. 6c; no sraUe, 62j&4c. OATS Steady ; N i while, ulc; No. 4 white. 6ou61c. WHlSKY-l.a6. Dalatk tirala Market. DULVTH, Mini) 7-WHEAT-No. 1 northern, 81.07; May. 31 .05; July, 31.0. Teleda teed Market. TOLEDO. O.. March 7. SEED Clover, tash, (14.10; March, 6U.; April. il 6; Ocio- bcr. 87.(0; prime timothy, 82.30; prime alslka, 311.90. NEW YORK GEMERili MARKET (taetatleas sf the Day Varlesis CflsasaoalllFS. NEW YORK. March 7.-r"LOl'R-rle- relpts, 26.t bbls. ; exports, 4 4 bbls. ; mar k"t unchsnged and quiet; Minnesota pst eris, I5.3r,'p6.75; winter straights. 84.4VS4 70; Minnesota bakers. 34.6of6.1(; winter extras, 3J4.i&; winter patents, 34 SM16.OO; winter lr' grade. 61 Wu4 IS. Rye flour, steady; fall to good, 34tiOti'4,90; choice to fancy. xa.uwrft.x. Buckwheat flour, nominal, 33 per 100 lbs. uuHNMBAle-steady; nne whit ana yel low. 81.4Mil.60; coarse. 8l.3txBl.40; kiln dried. ti.2rVqlt.g6. RVli Slow: No. I western. 88c I. e. b. New York. WHKAT Receipts. 12.0(0 bu.; exports. 1.12,601 bu. Spot msrket easy; No. 8 red, 31 03 elevator; No. 2 red, 31n f. o. b, afloat; No. 1 northern, Duluth, 31.17 f. o. b. afloat; No. 8 herd winter, fl 14 f. o. b. afloat. The bearlshness of foreign news prompted over a cent break in the local wheal market today and It closed heavy at lValHo decline. May. Il.0f.fi 1.0; cloxed at 31.": July, WV.ctrJl ..; closed at 9c. corn Receipts, 3.2:26 Du.; expirts, Si.om bu. Spot market steady; No. 2, 71c elevator ana iac r. o. d. afloat; jno. x white, f'v: No. 2 yellow, &c f. o. b. afloat. Option market opened firmer on covering, but broke with wheat and closed net un changed; May, 72&7itc; closed at 73c; July closed at 70c. , OATS-Recelnts, 72,000 ba; exports, '4.720 bu. Spot market slow; mixed oats, 28 to 83 lbs., 67c; natural white, 28 to 32 Ins., 67 $)c: clipped white, 82 to 40 lbs., eOfetftc. HAY Fair trade: good to choice. 1.00a 1.10. HOPS Dull; state, common to choice. 1907 crop, Siil4c; ISHsJ crop. Irc: Pacific cosst, 1907 crop, 6w9c; 19i crop, 3!5c. H1DKS rasy; Bogota, 17c; , Central America. 17c. liKATHKK Quiet; acid, 2OET770. PROVISIONS Beef, steadv: family. 4.60 ipl5.(; mess. 311.0iV(11.60; beef hams, 3l'5.0O 4j'27.0O; packet, 312.0(Kd 12.60; city, extra India mess, 321.C'(j)22.00. Cut meats, quiet; pirkled bellies, 7uc; pickled hsms, 8c. I.ard, steady; westerrl prime, 7.7Mj.7.86; refined, barely steady; continent, 3S.20; South Amer ica, 38.75; compound, 3.77.12. Pork, stesdy; family, 316.004il.Ofl: short clears, $14 ry 15.76; mess, 314.(14.75. tallow steady; city. 8Z per pkg.; country, 4gi6c. H ICE Quiet; domestic, fair to extra, 8 o. PtJULTRY Alive, dull; fowls, 14c: tur keys, 14c. Dressed, quiet; turkeys, 12S18c; fowls, 10Cgl3O. BLTTKR Weak: creameries. specials. 29c; extras, 28c; third to firsts, 24fe7; held, third to specisls, 23if28c. v iit;jjjt; nrm but uncnangea. KGGS Weak: western firsts. 21c: sec onds. 20321c. WEATHER. IJf THE GRAIX BELT Fair Baaday Not Mack Cbaasje ia Teaiperat are. OMAHA, March 7, 1908. The storm, central over the upper Mis sissippi valley and upper lakes Fridajr morning, continued its rapid movement eastward during the last twenty-four hours and Is disappearing off the upper Atlantic coast this morning. It was attended by high winds and severe weather over the lake region. Fifty-six miles per hour occurred In Chicago during Friday after noon and winds approaching that velocity were general throughout the lower lake region during the night. A ridge of high pressure has extended southeastward across the country from the northwest to the east gulf states and generally clear weather prevails throughout the central and western portions. The weather Is much cooler throughout the central por tion. It will continue fair In this vicinity tonight and Sunday, with not much change In temperature. OmahU) record of temperature and preci pitation compared with the corresponding day 01 tne last tare years: IHOB. 1907. 1906. 1906. Minimum temperature.... 24 2 94 29 Precipitation 00 .00 .01 .00 Normal temperature ror today, 31 degrees. Deficiency in precipitation since March 1, 08 Inch. Deficiency corresponding period In 1907, .21 inch.. Deficiency corresponding period In 1908, w incn. L. A. WEL8H, Local Forecaster. t. Lamia General Market. ' ST. LOUIfl. Maroh 7. WHEAT Lower: track, No. 2 red. cash, 81.0SiDl.O4; No. 1 bard, 31.0W81.O4; May. B7c; July, 87c. CORN Lower track, No. I cash, 82ffl 88c; No. S white, 63o; May, 60c; July, 69 OATS Lower: track. No. 2, cash, 61c; iNo. x white, &3(i33o; May, 6lo. RYE Scarce at 4c. FLOUR Dull 1 red winter patents. 84. G 4.86; extra fancy and straight, 84.20(34.50; Clear, w.tKxgtf.so. SEED Timothy; steady; $3.7&4.S5, CUKNMKAL Higher. 33.00. BRAN Higher; sacked, east track, 31.18 HAY-Steady; timothy, 310.0018.60; prai rie, ooia i IRON COTTON TIES 11.01. BAQGINO 8c. HEMP TWINB-80, BUTTER Weak; creamery, 24fT30o. BQQB lxwer at 16o. cass count. POULTRY Firm; chickens, 11c; springs. 14c; turkeys, la&iac; ducks, lie; geese, 60 IU. PROVISIONS Pork. lower: lohhlmr 812.12. Lard, lower; prime steam, 7.fc!J 7.82. Dry salt meats, higher! boxed extra snorts, f.i; ciear riDS, .oo; snort clears, 37.27. Bacon, higher; boxed extra shorts, 87.67; clear libs. 37.76: short clears. 38.87U. Receipts and shipments of flour and grain were as follows: Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 8.WO 7,000 Wheat, bu 48,0 49.000 Corn, bu 86,000 20,000 Oats, bu 102,000 41,000 Kaaaaa City Live Btaek Market. KANSAS CITY, March 7. WHEAT-10 2o lower: May, 2c; July, 4c. Cash: No. I hard, 965Wc; No. j, MQMc; No. 1 red, i.nfi'i tu; no. 1, mcai.w, CORN Unchanged to c lower: Mav, K7Ur. Jnlv fttUi.i- Pnh! Mn n.1.. 67o; No. i mixed, 67c; No. I white, 67o; No. 3. 57Ac. OATS Unchanged to c lower; No. white, 5061 c; No. I mixed, 4&4jtc. K rJ lie. HAY Unchanged to 26c higher; choice timothy, 11.00(ifl2.00 choice prairie, 39.009 9.60. BUTTER ?1e lower; creamery, 29o; pecking stock, 17c. EGGS c lower; fresh extras, 18c; cur rent receipts, 16c. Following were the receipts and shipments of grain: Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu 112,000 83,000 Corn, bu 80.000 42,000 oats. bU 19,000 8,000 Options at Kansas Cltyi Articles. Open. Hlgh.l Low. Close. I ! 92 671 67 B 66 66A Philadelphia Predsrs Market. PHILADELPHIA. March 7 BUTTER Market 1c lower; nearby prints, 32c. EtKiS Firm: fslr demand: Pennsylvania and other nearby firsts. 23o at mark. same. current receipts In returnable cases, Xo at nmih: western, choice, jc at nmrK; west ern. fair to good. 20W22c at mark. CHEESE Firm: fair demand: New York full creams, choice, 16 16c; same, fair to good, ltc. I.lverpaol Grala and Provlsloos. LIVERPOOL. March 7. WHEAT A not firm: No. 2 red, western winter, 7s 8d; tutures, quiet; srcn, iu zfea; may, is .a July. 7s 4d. CORN Quiet; prime American mixed, new, on ici; prime A merles n mixed, old 6s 4(1; futures, quiet; March, 6s d; May iw mu. Evaperated Aaples aad Dried Frails NEW YORK. March 7. EVAPORATED APPLES Msrket continues weak: fsncy are uuoied at lOHc: choice at Htiyc prime at 7tj7c; Canadian at 7&'7c, and common 10 ratr at vnle. DRIED FRL'ITS-Prunes are In better demand, with prices steadier in tone. Quo tations rsnge from 4Vc to 15c for Call fuinis and from 6c to ltc for Oregon fruit. Apricots are quiet, wltlv clictee quoted at lfcti-'lc; extra choice at 22SiC3a. and fancy at L'4ti6c. Penches are steadv, with choice quoted at 10loa; extra at UtHc; fancy at ll:2c, and extra fancy at 18'4c. Raisins shorn- little Improvement, with l ie is muscatels quoted at 6 Vole; seeded raisins at 6ec. and London layers at n.tUl. Tfc agrar aad Me lasses. NEW YORK. March 7.-8UGAR-Raw strong; fslr refining, 33tv34Mc; centrifuta' 98 test, Jc; molasses sugar, 8.140 IJJc; refined steady; No. 6, 4ioc; No. f, 466c; No. 8. 4.60c; No. 9. 4.46c; No. 10, 4 36c: No. 11. 4 30c: No. 12. 4.25c: No. 12. 4.S0.-: No. 14. 416o; confectioners A. 4.9r; mould A. f Soc : cut loaf, k.soc; erushnd, 6. Tile; pow dered. I Kv; granulated. 6.00c: cubes, t 26c. MOLASSES let ; New Orleans open aeuia guoa 10 cnoioe, ssyut Wheat Msy 94 96 July 80 - 87 Cora May 67 67 July 57- 67 SEfTYORKSTOCIS AND ENDS Market Breaks Into Animation with General Sise in Values. MANY REPORTS IN CIRCULATION Rarnor ef Advaace la Freight Rate ta Avoid Cat la Wain Caasea itreagtk la Railroad Issaea. NEW YORK. March 7. The stock market broke Into snlmatlon today with a compre hensive uplift of prices. There wss a dis position to attribute the demand still to professional sources tor the most part, the short Interest having become Increasingly uneasy with the power of resistance shown by the mirket through the week. News of conditions in business and Industry did not Indicate any marked change from the recent mixed results, bat the action of the market either gave rise or plausibility to some reports thst were current of meas ures in contemplation by concert amongst powerful Influences to work a betterment In conditions. The coincidence of the presence In Use city of several presidents of large railroad systems of the country was responsible for the credence given to one of these reports. This was to the effect that a proposition was to be made to the national authorities on the part of the principal railroad com panies In concert for an agreement on their part to maintain wages of labor on their systems, if they shall be allowed by the Interstate Commerce commission to make an Increase in a fixed ratio in the rate of freight charges. The enormous change In net results to follow a change of a fraction of a mill In the freight charge ror conveying one ton a mile on the rail roads of the country has often been com mented upon and illustrates the Importance which such an adjustment would have. 01 any official confirmation of this report there was none. The same was true of an assertion that the anthracite carriers had worked out a plan for meeting the com modity clause of the Hepburn rate law, which goes into effeot on May 1, and which had threatened serious embarrassments to those companies. The announcement that the Knickerbocker Trust company would be permitted to resume business was a favor able factor. The reduction In the official discount rate of the Imperial Bank of Ger many and a decline In the private dlsnount rate In Paris witnessed the relaxing ten dency of the world's money markets. 80 did the local bank statement, although the supplementary statement of the actual con dition of the banks on Friday evening and ot the institutions outside the clearing house had to be looked to to trace the im provement, rather than the regular state ment or averages, xne increase in loans showed by the latter evidently reflected the effect of last wek's operations, the ac tual loan item on Friday evening showing a sharp contraction. The market closed very strong at the top level ot prices. Bonds were steady. Total sales, par value, 31.878,000. United States 2s, regis tered, have declined per cent and the 2s, coupon, and 8s, Pr cent on call during the week. Number of sales ana quotations on stocks were as follows: Baits. Hlxh. Low. Close. Aiams Express 1S Amalgamated coppsr n.uu 01 "k wtt m An. C. A r 3.K10 tovi ' Am. C. A r. pfd J) Am. Cotton Oil J0 37 J Am. Cotton Oil ptd J Amarlcao Kxprsia lw) Am. H. A U ptd " J American loe Securities.... 700 14 14 lVt Am. Unseed Oil J Am. LIUMed Oil ptd J Am. IeomotlT 1,10 4 Am. liocoinoUTe ptd ? Am. 8. A K 31,200 40 Am. S. R. ptd 3 H Am. Sugar Refining Am." Tobacco pfd ctfa.- tfWO HI 114 7 Anaconda Mining Co. .4 1,000 f It 4.9UO 1" Ml 400 tntt iwh 100 63 63 1.1W 11 80 "t'.m 'ioii 1,400 147 144 600 167 les 800 M 7 !0O 4 1.700 144 141 IS.KH) lit 111 '"ioi .'iiii 'iivi taio 17 1M MO t4'4 13 62 M I.OOO 41 41 100 8 M 1.0U 1114 " DUO 6 til 1,600 161 141 100 47 476 300 17 1S4 100 42 41 1.600 1 t 3.100 12 12 1110 liH 16V, "i.ino iiiii iiivi WO 129 IX 'rino '&8 '6714 3.W0 ta 31 Atchlaon Atchlacm Dfd Atlantio Coast I.lne 41 31 w Dalilmore A Ohio Bat. ft Ohio ptd Brooklyn Rapid IT Canadian Pacific Central of New Vsrawy. Chesapeake ft Ohio Chicago Ot. W...s 4 146 114 Vi 4 13 41 Chicago T. ft T Chicago T. ft T. ptd C., C, a ft St. u Colorado P. ft I Colorado ft 80 Colo, ft Bo. IM ptd Colo, ft Bo. in ptd Oonaslldated Oas Corn Products Corn Products pfd Delaware ft Hudson Del., L. ft W Denver ft Rio Grands V. ft R. O. pfd Diatlllcrs' SMurltlss Krte Brie 1st pfd Erie 3d pfd General Klectrlo Illinois Central International Paper Int. Paper pfd Int. Pumpi Int. Pump pfd Iowa Central Iirwa Central ptd Kansas City Bo K. C. Bo. pfd Vulenlle ft N Meitcaa Central Minn, ft 81. 1 M.. Bt. P. ft S. B. M 14.. Bt. P. ft B. B. M. ptd. MlaMurl Pacific M., K. ft T 41 m 13 61 16114 47 16 41 17 111 126 37 ev It 3300 10 too II 11V4 II 4IV4 47V4 48H 600 ilVb so 100 17 17 11 mo 1044 "4. nx 101 M0V 101 lit 114 100 136 1.400 II 300 1IV4 g 11 IS M.. K. ft T. pro National Lead N. R. R. of M. pfd New York Central N. Y., O. ft W 1. Norfolk ft W N. ft W. pfd...., North American Pacific Mall Pennsylvania People's Uaa P., C. C, ft Bt. L..... Pressed Steel Car Pressed 8. C. ptd... Pullmas Pslses Car Reading Reading 1st pfd Reading M ptd Republic Steel Republic Btrnl pfd Rock Island Co Rock Ialand Co. pfd.... Bt. L. ft 8. P. 3d pfd.. Bt. Loula B. W Bt. U 8. W. pfd southern Pacific 80. Panne pfd 80. Railway Bo. Railway pta Teiae ft Pacific Union Pacific Unloa PaclSe pfd I). 8. Ripreaa II. B. Kealtf U. 8. Rubber. V. 8. Rubber pfd V. B. Steel V. B. Bteel pfd Va. -Carolina chemical Va.-l.aro. Chem. pfd Wabaeh Webaeh pfd Wrllt-rargo Eipreas ... W aetlngnous Eleclrls . Weatern Union Wheeling ft U E Wleconeln Central ..... Wla. Central p'd Northers PaclAo Central Leather Central Uealher pfd gloaa-tihemolu 8teel .... Oreat Northern pfd Interboruugh Met I nl MM eld .. UV4 4Vi ... 3,100 4014 4 60 (.600 H 6V 7 i o 10V4 "V4 lnO 0 6V4 100 19 1 TOO 44V4 4J 4414 34. mn 11414 11414 liV4 1,100 17 H 8714 100 86 400 31 "it- sou 1014 Tl 161 4.200 300 37 :::::: ::::: ::::: It m 14 1 1,100 ilVtj 17 l.0 II 11 1144 M0 R 28 7' 2t4 22 W4 22 Vi 17H 100 10 10 3.WI 7014 86 70V4 200 10IV4 10SV4 10SV4 KM) 00 214 K4 n 100 is. u 14 71600 117 114 117 T14 11 40 r i i 114 7714 400 7Vi Tt .... II 400 II n ... 11.S00 11 Si Mi 18 0 300 14 aU 40 4 coo 200 two 40 41 4 40 3 4 14 M 12,101 134 138 li44 100 17 17 II UO (BV 12 81 , i0 4'4 4.1 44 i nn iao u 110 100 7 1 100 1 II II Total aalea lor tne nay. wi.mn ,wi. I.endoa Stock Qaotatloas. LONDON, March 1. Ar.-.erlcan shares met with fuir support during the greater part of the day on the stock exchange, Linn nunieri a fraction over parity, but reacted later and closed easv with the exception of in ilea Btates eteei, wnicn was steaay on tne nener auvicee. London closing stock quotations: C onto la. money .... 17 8-14 Mi.. Kan. ft Texas.. 13 do ai count 17 1-14 New York Central.... 18 Anaconda IS Norfolk ft W 11 Aichieon do ptd to pfd UVt Ontario ft W H Ralttnv re ft Okie.... Pen leaala i Caaadias Pacific ...141 Rand Mines : i'hnMki k Ohio.. M keadlna 60 ( hi. Great Western.. 414 Buutbera Railway ... 114 Ckl.. Mil. ft Bt. P. ..116 do pfd OS Hatri 11 Southern PaclBc 70 Denver ft Rio 0 14 t'nlua Pacific 114 do pfd 4s do pfd U rn. 111a I'nued Butes Bteel... 1114 do 1st pfd ids do pfd !. MVi do Id pfd nviWabash I Grand Trunk 16 d pld 14 Illinois central 12 Sbanlak 4a it Louis, ft Nashville.. IVjAmai. Copper el fcllAEK Bar, quiet at 20l per ounce. klilNKl-3 oer cent. The rate of discount in the open market for short bills is 3i3 8-U per cent; for three months' bills, 4 per cenu Treaaary Btateaaeat. WASHINGTON. March 7. Today's state ment of the treasury balances in the gen eral fund, exclusive of Uie Sl60.OCO.0u0 gold reserve, shows available cash balancs. 3267,- 371, 7i; goia coin ana Duinun, m.miai; gold certitlcaies. xas.sM.aiv. Farelga Plaaaelal. LONDON. March T.-Money was In smal ler demand on the market today and there was a good supply. Ulseounts were easy. It FCRLIN. Mareh T. Price nn (ha terniraai tadsy were quiet and trading rather firm, American shares were quoted higher. PAKlrl. March I. Prices on the Bourse today were weak. New York Money Martcet. NEW IORK. March 7.-MONET-On Ball nominal. Time loans, easy; sixty days, 8 per cent; ninety days, 8a4 per ctnt s.x months, 44j4 per cent. HH1MS Ma,rtCAMTlL.H PAPER 6144i per cent. BTBRUNO EXCHANOEJ-Steady, with actual business In bankers' bills at 84.8&tf 4.MK40 for demard, at 34.K.T4) for sixty -day siLiV r. tv ttar, eoc; Mexican dollars, frc, BONDS Government, steady: Railroad Steady. t losing cunt at Ions on New Tork bonds wers as follows: C. B. ref. 3s, ng....tnL ft K. snl. 4s M do emrsen 104m Mas. e. s. 4s M 0. B. Is, reg 11 Mex. Central 4s 12 do coupon lot de let ISC If U. 8. new 4s, reg... .13 "Minn, ft St. U 4m.. 38 do coupon 122 M , K. ft T. 4s M Am. Tobacco 4s s Mdo Is 77 do Se 10-.! M R. R. of M. n. 4a. an Ati hleoa gen. 4a N. T. C. g. I1 18 do ad. 4s M N. i. C. g. 6a 113 Atlantie C. Ls 4a.... SO No Facias 4s... MO Bel. ft Ohio 4 H do la 71 dn la . N ft W. . 4j f Brk. R. T. c. 4a. 01 O. . U rfd. 4s t. (ntral of Os. IS... M Penn. ev. I 'its M14 to let Ine So Heading geu. 4e.. ... 4 lo Id Ine 4 St. L. ft 1 M. e. as.. 104 do Id tne 36 8t. U ft fl. T. tt. 4s. W Chen, ft Ohio 4a.... 7 Bt. L 8. W. e. 4a.... M Chicago ft A. Is.. (1 Seaboard A. U 4s.... 44 C B. ft a. a. 4e.... H Bo. PaCiBc 4s 6 C, R. I. K P. 4s.... b do let 4a etts do col ba U So. Rtllway 6s 61 CCU. ft Bt. L. g. 4s H Tela ft P. ls im Colo. lnd. Is, aer. A. 42 T., At. L. A W. 4a.. Colo. Mid. 4a 60 Unloa Psclne 4a Celo. ft Bo. 4a. M do ev. 4s 84 Cuba 6e 100 P. B. Bteel M Is 18 r ft R. O. 4a Bl Vabaih ls 1"2 Dlnlllera' Sec. 3a... (7 do deb. B 17 Erie p. I. 4s 83 Western Md. 4s. 63 do gen. 4s b7 W ft L. E. 4a Oft Hock. Vsl. 4e....lJ Wl. Central 4a 80 Japan 4 77 Atchison cv. 4s 84 do 4s ctfa 36 do cv. 6a M do od eerie 84 Int. Met. 4s 66 Bid. Ottered. Bostoa Iteeki aad Beads. BO8TON. March 7 Call loans. 44tt per cent; time loans, 6ffi per cent. Official closing on stocks ana Donas: Atchlaon adj. 4a. 84 Atlantie 10 do 4a M Rlngham 1 Hex. Central 4s 81 "Cel. ft Heels .686 Atchison 70 Centennial do pfd 18 Copper Hangs Stt Boston ft Maine 1U Dal; West 10 Boetnn Elevated 11 rranklls 8 Fitchburg pfd Ill OreobT Mexican Central IT Isle RovalS k N. Y. N. H. ft ft. ...13 Mars. Mining 3 Union Pacific 117 Mlrhlno 7 Am. Arge. Chem 16 Mohawk 4 do pfd 80 Old Dominion Am. Pneu. Tube 4 Osceola B0 Amer. Sugar 111 Parrot 17 do pfd llQulny XI Am. T. ft T IGShannos 10 Am. Woolen 10 Tamarack 66 do pfd 71 Trinity 18 Dominion I. ft B 16 Vslted Copper e Edison Elec. lllu Son V. 8. Mining 29 General Rlertrle ....117 V. 8. Oil 10 Mass. Electric 10 t'tah , 48 do pfd 43 Victoria 3 Mass. Oaa 62 Winona 6 United Fruit 118 Wolverine 133 United 8. M 42 North Butte 60 do pfd 36 Butte Coalition 11 V. 8. Pteel w Nevada 1 do pfd S6 Cal. ft Arizona Adventure 1 Arizona Com 17 Alloues 24 Greens Cananea 3 Amdlgamsted 61 Asked. Bid. Clearlagr Honse Baak Statement. NEW TORK, March 7. The statement of clearing house banks for the week shows that the banks hold 31,136,975 more than the requirements of the 26 per cent reserve rule. This ls an Increase of 8873,300 In the pro portionate cash reserve as compared with last week. The. statement follows: Increase. Loans 81,164,349.200 83,281,600 Deposits 1,175,700,500 8.760,iO Circulation 62.1(12,300 1,871 3 0 Legal tenders 58,772,400 1,078.000 Specie 265,288,700 8,970,500 Reserve 824,061,100 l,tu2,S0O Reserve required 282,025,123 2,019,300 Surplus 30,135,975 , 873.300 Ex-U. S. deposits..... 43,764.500 634,300 Deorease. The percentage of actual reserve of the clearing house batiks at the close of busi ness yesterday was 27.65. The statement of banks and trust compa nies of Greater New York not members of the clearing house shows that these insti tutions have aggregate deposits of 3739,396, 500; total cash on hand, 863,632,400, and loans amounting to 1772,690,600. Bank Clearing's. OMAHA, March t. Bank clearings for today were 82,871,131.13 and for tha corres ponding date last year $2,189,977.47. 1908 1907 Monday 3 2.438,809.81 $ 8,108,461.67 Tuesday 2.867,900.47 2,156,187.93 Wednesday 2.848.2J4.97 l,497.B56.18 Thursday 2.563,742.91 2,398,110.08 Friday t.449,401.14 2,442.616.04 Saturday 2,871.131.13 8,11:9,977.47 Total 815,039.210.23 $14,7f3,909.?8 Increase over the corresponding week last year S245.900.68. few York Mining; Stacks. NEW YORK. March 7.-Closlng quota tions on mining stocks were: Adams Oea. 6 Little Chief 3 Alice 160 Ontario 200 Brunswick Coo.' 10 ophlr 210 Breece 18 Potoel 1 Comstock Tunnel .... II Savage II Con. Cal. ft Va 6 Hlerra Nevada 36 Horn Silver 10 Small Hopes II Iron Sliver UO Standard 100 Laadvlile Con I Exports and Imports, NEW YORK. March 7. Imports of mer chandise and dry goods at the port of New York for the week ending February 28 were valued at 313.772,260. Imports of specie at the port of New York for the week ending today were 386,460 silver and 8oti6,040 gold. Exports of specie from the port of New York for the week ending today were 34, 765 gold and 1622,660 sliver. Cotton Market. LIVERPOOL, March 7. COTTON Spot, moderate business done; prices 4 points lower; American middling fair, 8.62c; good middling, 6.28c; middling, 8.00c; low mid dling, 6.6tc; good ordinary, 6.22c; ordinary, 4.72c The sales of the day were 8,000 bales, of which 600 were for speculation and export and Included 4.600 American. Receipts 16,000 bales, including 15,DiO American. Futures opened easier and closed barely steady. NEW YORK, March 7.-COTTON-Fu-tures opened steady; March 10.16c; May, 10.59c; July, 10.37c; August, 10.1610.20c; Ot'toi'cr, 9.91c; December, 9.91c bid. GALVESTON, March 7. COTTON e Steady, 11 7-16c. Metal Market. NEW YORK, March 7. M ETALS The metal markets were more or less nominal in the absence ot cables. Tin was quiet at 829.268au.00. Copper remained dull, with lake quoted at l2.37'a 12.60, electrolytic at 312.22i&1237, and casting at 312.12r 12.25. Lesd was dull at 33.9l.iu3.75, and speller quiet at 34.65&4.T$. Iron was nominally un changed. ST. LOUIS, Mai-clT 7 M ETALS Lead, weak at 83.60. Spelter, weak at 84.62. Cotton Market. NEW ORLEANS, March 7. COTTON Spot, steady, o down on all grade! ; mid dling, Uc; sales, 1,700 bales on spot and S7& hales to arrive. ST. LOII8, March 7. COTTON Dull ; middling, llc; no sales; no receipts; ship ments, 8 bales; stock, 22,217 bales. Coffee Market. NEW YORK, March 7. COFFEE Fu tures cloud steady net unchsnged to S points higher; stiles were leported of 6,2 bugs. Including May at D.y.'yuc ana De cember at 6.2ou. Spot coffee, quiet; No. 7 Kio. 6 3-16c; No. 4 Santos, 8c; mild coffee, dull; Cordova, lt)613c. Oils aad Roala. NEW YORK. March 7 OIL-Cottonseeil, em ay; prime crude, 2b'(j2sc; prime yellow, 3uc. Petroleum, steady; reltned, New Yoik, .7u; Philadelphia and Baltimore, ..o. Philadelphia end balltmore, 111 bulk, 1.1.6. Wool Market. 8T 1.0CI8, March 7. WOOI-Bteady ; medium grades, combing and clothing, 20 vj''ic: iigm line, lofy r.c ; neuvy line, 140 ljc; tub washed, ittxu&ic. Kansas City Urala and Provisions. KANSAS CITY. Msrch 7. CATTLE Re ceipts, 3,209 head, Including 100 southerns. Market steady; choice export and dressed beef steers, Jo.34i5.7n; fair to good, 84.6tf 136; western sleets, 34.Sodit.60; stackers and feeders, b.4oj.9u; southern steers, 84.UOW 6 36; southern cows. 82 4j4.00; native cows, 82.iKKft-4.76; native heifers, 33.etVtv6.j6; bulls, U 3i4 .60; calves, 84-OUa-eO. ttecelpls tor the week, 33,000 head.' liuOci Receipts! 8.O0O head. Market 10c higher; top, 34 67; bulk of sales, 14 4M 4.60; heavy, 34 fr'ai 67: packers. 34.50(rt 66; pigs and light, 4.iA"tH.6o. Receipts for the week, so.OOO head. bHEUP AND LAMBS Receipt 1, none. Market nominally steady: lambs. 8&2&4ie.ll0: ewes and yearlings, 34.764j6.76; western year lings, 36.90ftl30; weatern sheep, 84 60t6 BO; stockers and feeders, 33.506.36. Reoslpls for the week, 30.3UO bead. OMAHA LIYE STOCK MARKET Closing Quotations Fifteen to Twenty Fire Higher for Week. CATTLE MARKETS UPWAUD TREND Receipts of lioera Only Moderate, Pi Ices Rallaar rive ta Tea Cents Higher Ferrer taeea Received. SOUTH OMAHA. March 7, 1908, Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Official Monday 8.614 8.4 B.onl Official Tuesday 8.0S4 20.1i7 8.437 Official Wednesday 8. in 2 14.43 8.231 Official Thursday 8,786 W.8 4.733 Official Friday 1,037 7.908 8 bsumatea Saturday .... 33 b.iou Six days this week.... 18.196 7.035 1 9.371 Psme days last week.,..18.M7 67.9V1 27.748 Same days t weeks ago..l.36 64.2S3 23.409 Same days 3 weeks ago.. 18. 461 3.94 2ti.W7 Boms days 4 weeks ago. .17.844 87.4-0 33,090 Same days last year. ...21,161 39,826 27,119 The following table shows tne receipts Of cattle. ho and eheen st South Omaha or the year to date, compared with Inst yeart ions larff. Inc. Dec. Cattle 183.208 212.029 28.821 Hogs 6S1.r6 42.127 172,119 81'sep 246.266 824,874 79,108 ine following table shows the arK price ot hogs at South Omaha for the last several days, with comparisons: Date. I 1908. 1W7. 11908. 190s. 11904. 11908 . 1902. Feb. 28... Feb. 27... Feb. 28... Feb. 29.. Msrch 1 5 40 6 93 S 88 S K6 6 S3 C 82 6 to 8 13 S 091 6 23 March 2., 68 7 041 6 19 7 0 i 6 2$ 7 11 1 7 041 6 21 March 8.. 5 12 March 4. 6 Otj March 6 5 07 March 6. March 7. 4 89 8 13 7 loi b 09 Indicates Sunday. The official number ot cars brought In today by each road was: Cattle. Hogs. Sh'p. Hr . C. M. & St. P. Ry.... 13.... Union Pacific 16 C. It N. W. Ry. (east) .. 4 C. & N. W, Ry. (west ..26 .. 1 C, Bt. P.. M. & O. Ry. .. 3 C. B. & Q. Rv. (east). .. 2 C, B. ft Q. Ry. (weBt). .. 11 .. 8 t;., w. 1, ft P. (West).. .. .. ,. 1 Illinois Central Ry 1 C. O. W. Ry .. 2 .. . Total receipts 1 8S .. The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing the numbeh of head indicated: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep Omaha Parking Co..... 5tl .... Swift and Company 1,199 .... Cuduhy Packing Co 4t3 .... Armour & Co 1,711 .... Hill & Son 11 J. B. Root V Co 12 Morris 619 Alstead 257 .... Kingman , 416 .... Other buyer 6 Total 29 8,120 CATTLE There was the usual small Saturday's run of cattle today and prices were nominally unchanged. For the six days receipts have been comparatively light owing largely to the impassable country roads and the difficulty In market ing the stuff, so that the supply falls some 2,000 head short ot a week ago and nearly 6,000 head short of a year ago. In point of quality the offerings showed no particular change, the bulk of the receipts- 'consisting of fair to pretty good corn-fed beeves, with a scarcity of ohoice well finished grades and not a great many of the strictly Inferior kinds. The market has been on the up turn from start to finish, closing quotation being about 154i25c higher than a week ago. The demand from local packers has been well sustained throughout, while vigor ous competition from shipping and export buyers has .made a lively market and kept the offerings well cleaned up. De slrablB light and handy weight beeves have been the best sellers and show the full advance, v hlle the heavy cattle, unless choice, have been rather slow sale and, In some cases, are not so very much higher than a week sgo. Eastern markets have experienced much the same conditions and the tone to the trade has been healthy and strong throughout. In butcher stock and csnners the ad vance has been even more marked than In fat cattle. There hns been a vigorous Inquiry from both local packers and out side buyers for decent killing stock aad the tone of the trade has been firm most of the time. Fair to good grades are selling to better advantage than either the cliolce or the commoner grades, the outlet for the latter being still somewhat restricted. Veal calves are selling at strong prices, and the same holds true of bulls, stags and rough stock generally. In stockers and feeders the movement has been very light. Both supply and de mand have been limited, and while the tone to the trade has been weak, the ad vance In beef steers has naturally tended to sustain values, and the bulk of cattle are selling Just about the same as a week ago. Light grades have the call as usual, but the demand Is limited and the tone to the market rather weak than other wise. Quotations1 on cattle: Good to choice corn-fed steers. 8s. 26ft. 75; fair to good corn-fed steers, 34.7tKau.16; common to fair corn-fed steers, 34.0&4.66; good to choice cows and heifers, 34. 1041ft. 00; (air to good cows and heifers, 83.4O((i4.0O; common to fair cows and heifers, 82.2fir4.26; good to choice stockers and feeders, 84.2O94.60; fair to good stockers and feeders, 33.60 4.10; common to fair stockers and feeders, 33.orK-a4.6o. Representative sales: COWS, No. Av. Ft. No. A v. Pr. 4 M 18 3 165 3 60 3 MO 8 26 BULLS. 1 1040 8 M CALVES. 1 IN IW) 1 110 6 00 1 110 4 60 1 160 I 23 1 I0 4 75 1 120 I 10 STOCKERS AND FEEPERS. 8 Mu 8 35 10 441 I 73 HOOS Receipts of hogs were only mod erate this morning and no particular change was noted in the general character of the offerings. Stronger markets east, a sharp advance In provisions and a vigorous local demand were all In seller's favor and prices ruled 64i loc higher from start to finish. As compared with a week ago the market ls all of 1016 higher, the advance being more on the light and medium we.ght hogs than on tne Heavy grades, Uenerat condi tions surrounding the tiade show very little change na compared with a week ago and the advance in prices has been due largely. If not entirely, to the reduced supplies. Local packers as well as outside buyers continue to show a preference for the heavy and butcher weight hogs, but the scarcity of these Is bringing about a better demand for the light and light mixed loads, and the range of prices has been prowing narrower right along. Tops today brought 34.62 as against . yesterday ana tne milk of the trading was al 84.40&-4.43 as against 4.3vtf4.3i yesterday. Representative sales: No. Wt. Bh. Pr. No. Wt, SB. Pr. 1 .184 40 4 it ill ... 4 43 It ...1H 4 Jf It Sl ... 4 41 103 172 ... 4 15 i; li II 4 41 1! 175 1") 4 S7" 6 2 130 4 46 kH 10C 10 4 37 S (4 244 1U0 4 46 H IM ... 4 17 V 65 151 1.0 4 45 M y.s 30 4 I7H I ..l4 3D 4 45 It 1H ... 4 40 33 m aO 4 45 14 181 K 4 40 It r7 130 4 45 44 iH5 ... 4 40 U 2.'5 ... 4 46 J :V4 ... 4 40 W t4 ... 4 45 71 1 ... 4 40 77 126 ... 4 46 Tl :Z ... 4 4 44 116 ... 4 4 1 ... 4 4I !(0 ... 4b 34 t ... 4 40 77 V ... 4 45 14 11 ... 4 46 43 Btl 80 4 41 6... .....19 160 4 40 77 Ml 40 4 46 T7 IS) ... 4 40 l. 341 40 4 45 7i 1HJ ilt 4 4u 15 117 ... 4 45 61 214 ... 4 42Va 64 245 40 4 45 44 11X ... 4 4IVa 14 ill ... 4 474 15 1J ... 4 42 V, 1 -,.1 ... 4 47 V, 71 11 N Hi Tl H 40 4 47s, 51 2a 340 4 42 V, ) ;i ... 4 47V, 77 14 ... 4 41V, K f.4 ... 4 47 V, 11 3:1 0 4 42V, 41.. ZS& ... 4 47V, 1! m iv) 4 41 71 260 10 4 47 VI 74 W6 1 4 42-4 MT ... 147V, 18 l- ... ItlV) Si 271 ... 4 47V, t t l 40 4 42V, 71 IM ... 4 47 VI 17 IM U 4 42 7 2fl 40 4 So 71 2c I 30 4 45 11 171 III I 50 II HI 10 4 45 II IMS It (H 34 3.1 40 4 44 41 116 ... 4 52V4 SO 3j1 ... 4 3 77 tM ... 4 52 va SHEEP With nothing on sale today, re ceipts of sheep for the week number 13,371 head as against 27,743 head last week and 37,119 head a year ago. It will be noticed by the above that supplies show a consid erable decrease not only from recent weeks but from the corresponding period a year ago The market on lambs during the week has buert more sstlstaclory than ror soins time bark. The supply was somewhat short of the demand so that prices 'were forced uu ward 164j2oo over recent quotations. Colo rado lambs sols during tne week up to 36.75. while Meilcsn lambs sold earlier In the week at 36.60 and later at 86 9u. Western fed lambs carrying good Weight brought 86.60 while other grades sold proportionately 4 11 6 m 6 98 I 4 10 76 6 04 4 771 4 22 6 79 6 11 4 84 4 29 ee ee ee 88 8 05 4 80 4 2D 6 76 6 99 4 72 4 20 8 11 4 76 4 24 9 73 4 81 4 22 72 22 4 32 74 8 20 4 85 4 43 76 6 13 4 891 Tho Updifto Grain Co. COMMISSION DIPAXTOftrr 700 to 714 Drandcls Qldg. OMAHA, NEBRASKA IB O IK E IR S GRAIN, PROVISIONS, STOCKS AND BONDS PRIVATE WIRtTS TalaplnaM NEW YORK 8 GOLD BONDS with absolute: security SECURED ? REAL ESTATE FOR FULL SAMUAL rnONE DOUGLAS 895 Z. eUDDINGTON Successor to Boyc e CommlMlon Co., 108 Board ot Trade Dldcj. Margins 1 cent on grain, $2.00 on stock. Public and private rooms for customers. Beet service In Omaha. A reliable company. well especially toward the latter part of the week. For mutton grades ofl ewes, yearlings and wethers, the trade has been even more satisfactory than that on lambs. Prices Improved from day to day so that values are 26 43 60c higher than a week ago. The movement throughout the week was brisk and the market all around ls in very good shape for this time of year when It ls con sidered that during the Lenten season the demand is not so brisk. A considerable number of shorn sheep and in in lis are now arriving and the num ber will undoubtedly Increase as the spring season approaches. As a basis for opera tions, quotations on shorn stuff are given as about 60c under wooled stock, of the same grades. Quotations on shorn about 60c under wooled stock. Quotations on good to choice fed sheep and lambs: Mexican lambs. 86.60tfr4.90: western lambs, 3H.iii'fi.70; light yearling wethers. 86.6046.10; heavy yearling wethers, 8B.2526.75; wethers, 36.00tJ.7B; ewes. 34503' 4.60. CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Steady Hogs Tea Ceats Higher Sheep Strang-. CHICAGO. March 7.-CATTLB-Recelpt about 800 head; market steady. Heeves, 84.1fCu.20; cows and heifers, flOOirt.OO; Texans, 3-'.9094.80; calves, SC.2337.26; west erns, l4.00tH.80; stockers and feeders, 32.&IK3 4.80. HOQS-fftecelpts about 16,000 head; msrket, 10c higher. Light. 34.354.0G; mixed, .4.4Mf 4.70; heavy, 4.40S.70; rough, 84.40a4.60; pics, 33-7543)4.40; bulk of sales, 34.4&S4.S5. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts about 6,0u0 head; market strong. Native, 88.6031 6.tu; western. $3. 600. 85; yearlings, tCUXji 8.60; lambs, 35.607.00; western, S6.6tttl7.00. St. Eoals Live Stoek Market. BT. LOU18, March 7. CATTLE Receipts, 160 head, Including 76 Texans; market steady: native shipping and export steers, l.V.((j 00; dressed beef and butchers' steers, 3B.Hfiijo.66; steers under 1,000 lbs., 83.76 4.50; stockers and feeders, 32. 60X84. 7S; cows and heifers, S3.3t(gC.8&; canners, S1.75ifr2.6fi; bulls, S2.6tK34.80; calves, 33.608.00; Texas and Indian steers, S3.2&6.4S; cows and heifers, ll.7W4.00. HOOB Receipts, 8,000 head; market 10c higher; pigs and lights. 83. 77x54.70; packers, M 16&4.70; butchers and best heavy, S4.e&9 4.75. BHBEP AND LAM US-Receipts, 200 head; market steady; native muttons, 83.2ftfi6.&0; lambs, 84.2Ct.60; culls and bucks, S3.26(jj 4.00. Bt. Joseph Live Stock Market. BT. JOHEPH, March 7.-CATTUO-R-ceipts, 473 head; market nominal; natives, S4.V(t5.s); cows and heifers, S2.4Cka6.10; stockers and feeders, 83.604.6O. H0043 Receipts, 6,S3 head; msrket XOc higher; top. 34.70; bulk of sales, 84.604.A0. SHEEP AND LAMB&-Recelpts, 4!7 hoad; market steady; lambs, 36.2634.76; yearlinss, 36.70i3.36; wethers, 85.266.76; ewes, S4.& 6.60. Sloax City Live Stoek Market. SIOUX CITY, la., March 7. (Special Tele gram.) CATTLE Receipts. 300 head; mar ket steady; beeves, 83. 76. 40; cows and heifers, f2.784r4.S9; stockers and federa. f8.0OTT4.5O; calves and yearltngs, f ?.75fl?.60. HOOS Receipts, t.800 head; market ICe higher; selling at f4.2094.60; bulk of sales, f4.3&64.46. Stock la Bight. Receipts of live stock at the six principal western markets yesterday: Cattle. Hogs. Cheep. noutn irmana 03 s.iiiu Bioux City K) Kansas City t.800 St. Iuis li"0 Ft, Joseph 47S Chicago 800 3.3(10 6.000 3.0.10 8.3X6 15,000 200 407 6,'JOO Total receipts 4.356 38.736 .6u7 OMAHA wholesale: market. Coadltloa of Trade aad Quotations aa Staple aad Fasey Prodaee. EOOS Fresh selling eggs, candled, 20c. BUTT EH Common. 16c; fancy tub and rolls, 17Ulc; creamery, 80c. CHEKS E New full cream, Wisconsin twins, 17c; new full cream brick. 17e; do mestic new Swiss, ISc; nw limburger, lb 16c; young Americans, 17:J. LIVE POULTRY-Springs. 8c; hens. c; roosters, 3c; ducks, 9c; geeae, 9c; turkeys, 12c; pigeons, 60o per dos. DRESSED POULTHY-Sprlngs, fancy. 3c; bens, 8c; roosters, 4c; ducks, 11c; geese 8'c; turkeys, lpl7c. HAY Choice No. 1 upland, 87.60; medlunv t6.ro; To. 1 bottom, K.00; off grades, 84.004. 6.00. Rye straw, 37 00. "To. 1 alfalfa. 311 W. F-RIITS. APPLES Washington finow, per box, fl.&u; WaHhinKton Jnna'hans, per box, $1.76; Washington Roman lleautles, per box, $1.7.;; Washington Alexanders, per box. 81.76; Washington Blue PcHriuutns. per box, 31.75. Washington Red Cheek Pippins, per box, fl.75: Washington Kings, per box, 8)1.75; Waahlnnton Uuilev Rttt;. per box. 31.76; Washington Northern Buys, per box, 31.75; California Red Penrmalns. t-tler, per box, fJ.Oo; California Uelleflowers. 4-tler, per box, I2.0U; New York Baldwins, per bbl., 84.6u; New York Northern Bpvs. per bbl., 34.60; New York assorted varieties, per bbl.. 84.60. VEGETABLES. POTATOES Per bu., 654171. SWEET POTATOES Ksnsas, per bbl., 82.75. LETTl'CE Florida head, per hamper, 83.00; per dos., 40c. CUCUMBERS Hothouse., 2 dot., fancy, per box, 83 00 ; 8 dos., choice, per box, 31.60. PARSNIPS Old, per bbl.. fc.25. RADIHHES Hothouse, per dos., 40c. PARSLEY Per dos., 40c. PEPPERS Florida, per 8-banket crste, 84. 00. CAULIFLOWER Per f-doi. exate, $3 00. TOM ATO i 8 Florida, extra fancy, per 4 baaket crate, 3tt0u; choice, per 8-basket crste. 34 od; Cuban, fancy, per 8-baiKrt crate, 84 IO CARROTS AND TURNIPS-Old, per bbl S2.0O: Canadian rutabages. per lb., lVo. CABBAUE Wisconsin Holland sued, per lb.. l'c. ONIONS Spanish, per crate, fl.60; Wis consin Red Ololie, per lb., lVtf.. 81 1 ALLOTS Per djs., Wr. t HORSERADISH Per dos., 80c. CELERY Michigan, per bunch, 26336c. KUMqUATS Owing to quality, per qt., ftxii 40c. BKUeBELft SPROUTS Per qt.. 20c. STRAWBERRIES Owing to quality, fr3 66c. NAVY BKAN8 Per bu., No. 1, tJ.sO; lima. To per lb. BEBTF 4UTfl. Ribs: No. t L3i4jc; No. 8.' lie; No. t, to. t Kt. noiiflea) 33)Ta id. ABaa a CHICAGO INFORMATION BURNS Jr. 614 N. Y. LIFE DLDG. Dividends-Stocks : . 4 We are offprint Investor this week snsM sseel. ally desirable slocks at tempt Ins prices. All f these stand well. Write tor inform at too If 4e sires, but delay mesne cbanoe of losing st theas I prior. ' KRNDA1.L OOI.D, Mont., pari monthly lva 30$ harea at 11.10. A 7 per cent PREFERRED STOCK In a nun4. ee- , tabltshro. commercial oompaoy extene'lns Its bust nne. Par 3100. Any pan M shares at par. ixm tSTUEI.LAS MINKS CO., para 3 per rent monthly dlTidenaa guaranteed. 16, to, 10D or 63 shares at 31M. Likely to adranoe shortly to 83 . Stork In Industrial Co. baring 33.MO.OfiO assets; earning 3SO0.OOI) resltr: surplus. 3J70.UOO. Pfd. stock , pays per cent. Prion, par. Coounoa pays 13 pel cent Price, 3166, netting 3 per cent. Partlculari os request. BNOW8TORN, IDA., larsest oopper property I northwest. N w shipping ore again. Dividend '.J payer. fi'W at 31.70. 3v) TKIDt.LL.10N Com. Well known. Price, 32 10. 300 NIPIB81NO at 37. A t per seat Buy at tnia orire. I'TAH BTOTK8 furnished specially fine chancel 7 for profit at this time. Among bargain we offer: niVIDEND STOCKS PR()SPB.TT8 Berk Tun 81 lono Bo. sV TinUc. . . .l"o '.t Orand Central UOfcxiO Con. Jeft. O. A Clio t Coinmbua Con TO Coo. Flagstaff 80o Uncle Ham Con W 1600 Beven Trough ...IU Daly Judge 4.36 too Yankee Con 400 BEND FOR QUOTATION 8HBBTB rRBB. j Western Business Exchange IBS TaA SAX.I.B ST. OKZOAQO, XX Ih SIX MONTHS FREE TO INVESTORS FOR THE) ASKING we will send you our publication for six months abso lutely free. In addition we will give free advice, information, and reports on any mining, industrial, manufacturing, or railroad enterprise. Also statistics, as sistance, advice, and Information on any financial matter Including listed or un listed stocks, bonds, or other securities. Remember, that merely by way of Intro ductlon and advertisement, our publica tion and service outlined are positively i free for six months. Write us today. SHERIDAN'S FINANCIAL ADVISOR 8S9 BEOTJUITT STTIXiSOrO, CTXIOAGrO, ... UX8T0XSL T 12 DIVIDENDS PAYABLE 1 PES CENT EACH MONTI - Never MUsei By a lead and sine mining company operating valuable properties at Joplln, Mo. Eight of -nine directors are bankers. OLD DOMINION MINING CO. For full information, prospectus, etc., address CM. SHELDON & CO. nit 413 Monroe It,, Onloafo. alts 818 W. Setb sH, Hew Tork. W. Farnam Smith & Go. ' Stocks, Bonds, I nvestment Securities. 1320 Farnam St. TXL Bell, 10434; XaAepenasxtt, sUOtM, Iiin: No. 1, 18c; No. 2, lSc; No. 8, Ho. Chuck: No. 1. 8Hc; No. 1, c; No. I. 6Vjr"-. . Round: No. t 8c; No. S, 8Hc; No. t. 8c. Plate: No. 1. 64e; No. t. 4c; No. 3, 4Vc. TROPICAL. FRUITS. PEARSLxvra fancy wlntsr Nellls, per box, 12.75. ORANGES Fancy Washington navels, all sixes, per box, 82.75; extra fancy Bun. , flower, all sizes, per box, 83.00; California Tangerines, uu slse and smaller, per box. 32 2ft. BANANAS-Port I.lmon, owing to atse, per bunch, 81.50 to $3.1. LEMONS Kxtra fancy SnutherlanA. Beauty, Sou to E80 size, pe r box, 84 00; extra choice Justrlle., 3-0 to 300 slxe, per box, 83.76. FIQ8 AND UATKB bmyrna figs, 7-. crown, per lb., 4rl5c; Smyrna figs, g crown, per lb., lii&lUc; Suiyina figs, 4 crown, pr lb., liyilr; California figs, boxes, 10 cartons, 6c; California figs, boxes, 18 carton. tOc; California flga, bulk, nef lb., 5c; Mallowl datoa. tier ' Ih., Vtc , Knadrawl dates, per lb., 8c; Sair dates, per lb., rc; 1'ard dates, IC-lb. boxes, pet lb., 8c. tiRAPES Malsga, choice, per keg, 8100; Malaga, extra fancy, 34. b0: extra choice, per keg, 84.26; extra fancy, extra heavy. CRANBERRIES Kxtra fancy Bell aad Bugle, per bbl., 3!0.0v; extra fancy Jersey, 1-er bbl., 88.00; extra fancy Jersey, per bog, 33.00. GRAPK FRl'IT-Florida. M to 80 slse, per box, 36.i0. MISCELLANEOi:8. CANNED IKJOUti 4'orn, standard west ern, 75c. Tomatoes, fancy, 3-pound cans, 11.46; standard, 3-pound cans, 81.20. Pine spplra, grated, 2-pounu, ii.Mti'i.'H): sliced, 8l..61.3&. Uullon apples, 34 50. California apricots, 8".'.6f.'ij3 .30. Pear. 3:i't3.14. Peaches, 31. sums. 15. L. C. Peaches, 3'.M0i 3 18. Altka salmon, red, 3140; fancy Chinook, flut, 32.15; fancy sockeys, flat, Hard. 11. a. quarter o.l, 33 tiO; three quarters inuatard, 3 86. ftviet potatoes, 31 a.S1.36. Sauerkraut, ICc. Pumpkins. 8110 i 11 00. IJinu beans. 2-pound. 75c'a81.tf. Boaked bi.'aria, 2-pound, 6Xc; fancy. 81.26(01.46. CALIFOKNIA IiRItU KRl'ITH Prunes sre somewhat unsettled by freer offerings from second hands, who seem desirous of moving supplies ot tmmedlats grade. Quo tations range from he to to fur California fiult and from 6'V" to 8c for Oregon. Peaches are very firm, with fancy yellows quoted at 13'ic. Nl'TS California No. 1 8. 8. walnuts, per lb., 17Vc; iinporled Tarragona almonds, per lh., 18c; filberts, H rani Is and Jumbo pecans, 13c; butternuts, Ier lb.. liVc; No. 1 H. p. peanuts, roasted, 8c; raw, ee; saJtaid pea nuts, per box, (Lis, Itaataa ttliaailiittlei. bar lb 10c, I