THE OMAIIA SUNDAY DEE: MARCH P. 1009. REAL ESTATE CITT ntOPERTT FOR I.I9 (Continue.) REAL ESTATE citt morr.RTY ron. t alb (Continued.) REAL ESTATE CITT rROrCATT fOR ALB (Continued.) REAL ESTATE citt profehty tor tkLr.. (Continued.) REAL ESTATE CITT mOPERTT FOR Bt,H (Continued.) REAL ESTATE CITT TROPIcaiTY TOrt LK. (Continued ) REAL ESTATE CITT PROPF.HTY FOR I.4LC (Continued.) N. P. DODGE & CO. HOME BARUAINS $3,3ro On T'nvenport St., east of the boulevard, on raved itroct ; -rnom nil modern house, hoi w(it beat, full lot with good barn. If you have the money and will let us how vou thin house you will surely want to buy it. $2.75 7-rnom house, within wslk fng distance, one Mock from Art. and Cumin St., eaat front, paved street, wnifnl walks, quarter awed oak and maple flooring, bur lap paper, cement cellar und:r wnole houiw. In ahort. a thoroughly mod ern hotlse. close In, at a price peon e are paying for houses two milea further nirth and wmi. Tlile house Ought to b snapped up at once. I2.M0 4-room cottage. In the nmt location, east front, walking dis tance, new plumbing. 12.2c Hnmn or Investment In the game neighborhood; l-room house, art ip ted for two families, renting for .M a month and always rented. INVESTMENTS We have Instructions to sell the property at 132" Capitol Ave. at the highest offer we receive for It this week. The around is 23x132 feet and In worth $3.&i if it la worth a cent. The house rents for $26 a month. If you want a rloae-in investment where values cannot alter nvich. make an offer on this property. The wner will five lasy terms. ACRES Ve have only three flvnacr tracts left north of Benson, on the Orphanage road, at RJiO an acre. We gain repeat that there la no acreage on the market as cheap as this as near the Omaha postoffice or the Benson post of flee. We offer to buy anything on the market neiir the Omaha postoffice at this price. When these three five-acre tracts re sold there will be none left near Benson at that price. We have engagements to show this property aa eoon as the sun come out, so call us up Monday and put your name on the list of those who want to be taken to see this prop- arty. Remember, It can be bought on easy terms. NEAR SOUTH OMAHA $300 Only $10 down and $5 per month; acre lots on the county line, at 44th St., Just west of Meilaa' and Good Luck additions. $350 $36 down, $5 per month, acre lots tn the city of South Omaha, at 4oth and Jackson and polk 8ts., fronting on two streets, high and tghtly. Out of forty lots we have but fifteen left. Don't miss seeing 'these. $1,000 Flva acres, with running water on the east line. sloping gently to the west, with sightly building place; HO rods south of county line; easiest kind of terms. $2.250 Ten or res In South Park, near the county line and 4th St.. hlch, sightly ground, with clear run Ding brook on the east line. $4.600 Twenty acres. Just off the county line, within 40 rods of the elty limits, escaping Douglas county and South Omaha city taxes. This Is an Ideal location for stock feeding, dairy or garden tract, with pl-nty of around adjoining to rent for hay or pasture. (19)- Stop the Rent . BY BUYING A HOME. SPRING BARGAIN ON EASY TERMS. v Close In home, -rooms, new ' and modern, aoos Dewey Ave, small payment down, balance monthly payments. Be it at once. $3,700. Key next door. Choice Cottage, built last year, S-rooms, bath, electric light, large attic, lot 7x100. South front S61 Boyd St.. $2,000, on very easy terms, va cant now. Omaha view, 4-room cottage, pretty lot. house partly mod ern. SU1 Maple. See it today. Owner lives there. Only $1,600. Omaha view, house and two lots, S20S Corby St., new a few month ago, modern except fur nace. If you want a choice cottage .see this. Easy terms. Only $3.0Q. 312 Burdette SL (-rooms, city water, gas and electric light, large lot. Owner said get me an offer. Has been asking $1,400. . 4j64 Seward St, 5-room house, new a year ago, large lot, south front, only H.flOO. 41st and Paclflo St.. N. E. Corner, t-rcom house and two large lots, only $1.2u0. We can make terms to suit on any of the above. U you are Interested. See us. R, H. LANDERYOU, Board of Trade. fTl. Doug. 2151. ISth and Faraam. BRICK HOUSE Barn, Fruit, Vacant Lot for Gar den. High and sightly. $650 cash, balance of $12.00 monthly T:4y ments. See it yourself. No. 2116 Korth 43th street. JOHN N. HASKELL, 014 N. Y. Life. Phone D. 6133 a- LOTSI LOTS! LOTS I BUY NOW KKO Oeergia Ave. near Shirley. toxlW. city water, sewer and aa. paved street. E(t-aani location and cmivlm'H. $. Franklin M. Bear Siih. Jli. city water, eewer and . int-dini location, adiolntng. $ Corner Jbth and Franklin. nxL, water, sewer ad gas. fWtll sell the two above lots, giving frootaae of fl. fur . Jill close to car line, a. ho4 and chun h, and are the cheapest lols with ail lle Improvements in the city today. BIRKETT & TEBBENS, A3 Bee, CM 'Phone Douglas 47T4. t.J H.iWOO fur a new i-rooro strktly modern house. With large a'tic, full cemented eilar .hiiu foundation, uamr flnlsred at oak. fine location. Just ouietde BtMIS f AKK, br-tw.en Mammon ana CUarVs bta.. on Jiih St. O W. OARUOni, Ui HaiuilWsa gti. inp-ui ga GOOD NEWS For Careful Buyers WTIO WANT GROUND FOR FLATS IN FINE LOCA TION, CLOSE IN. I have just bought and sub-divided the J. IL Mil lard tract on 24th street, between Harney and Howard, and will sell a few lots suitable for any style of flat at very low prices. Several lots were sold Friday and Sat urday and some will be reserved for buildings. If not familiar with the location, see it today, 2 boek south of 24th and Harney. ERNEST 613 New York Life. GOOD INVESTMENT PROPOSITION Two houses on a lars-e lot. "itl20 feet In the north part of town. 2 blocks from street car. One house Is 7 rooms and strictly modern with hot water heat, and will bring rental of $10 a month. The other house Is (-rooms partly modern, and brings rental of $13 a month. The property hits good barn, shade and fruit trees. Will sell the 2 hojides for $3,760. Shimer & Chase Co. 1609 Farnam. 'Phone Doug. SS87. SNAPS 9-rootn house, with lot S2xl50, located near 33d and California Sts. This faces on Calilornla St., where ground is worth $J front foot. Investigate this at once, as I can offer for only $2. It". 6-room house, nearly new. combination fixtures, partly modern, good lot, block from car. The owner leaves town this week and will sell If price and terms wll! move it. We will listen to anything you offer. If made before Friday, and if your reputation Is good you don't need much cash. This must be sold. Asking price. .). 2M1 8. STH BT. Buyers, consult with me on the above, aa thev tniist he SIS r5. lHth Offer tronm modern house, with 80-foot lot paved street and perma nent walk. This is a close-in bargain. P. C. Best, 1007-8 N. Y. Life, Phones: Bell, Douglas 2244; I rid.. A 4244. (19-6M 8 WE have customers for city property, farm lands, merchandise stocka, etc. If you wish to sell call on us. STRINGER INVESTMENT COMPANV Douglas 220. 48 Bee B dg. tl MORTGAGE SALE An eastern corporation that acquired title to some Omaha real estate by foreclosure of mortgages is anxious to dispose of the remnant and will do so at Bacrif ice pnees. I want an offer on any or all Vacant lot, east of the house 2117 permanent sidewalk. Just the place Three houaes, at 1813, 1815 and well rented. Will sell separately Two cottages, at 918 and 920 North Eighteenth street. Good location. one block north of Cuming; street. Will Good house, at 2622 Manderson South front. Will sell rery cheap. Neat house, at 1814 North Twenty tble home for small family. Small cottage, at 302S Charles street. Near Street car and school. Modern house and full east front let, at 1318 South Twenty-ninth street. Street paved. Hanscom park vicinity. Small payment down will be rate of interest on deferred payments. Thomas Room 1 New York Life Bldg. Tukey's Lots The lota we bought In Pros pect Place, near 32 and Hamil ton and Charles, are selling well. The prices and t-rms are better than anything in the neighborhood. Some of the lots are below grade, out ail have water and sewer. We offer south-front lota on Hamilton between Ust and d for $JG0. One lot en Seward, east ot 31st, for $0U. Three lots on the northeast corner of Z'id and Beward for and $Ju. A bunch of low lots between Charles and Beward. easi of Sid. for M each. Remember that these pries Include all taaea paid and tl at the terms are as low as 1.0 cash and X per month. A. P. Tukey & Son 443 Board of Trad Bldg. Phons Douglas UfL (13) For Sale at a Bariraia Corner lot. .t and south front, I kIjO, IHU3" W IWHIli, Bd.wt.f .i.w-.w..., rants for lb; 4 roomr. modern extent f jr- a nee' on time at ur canU Local i'n ,,n ;4in Hi., ao. uu-.aha. Lot 11 40. $ blocks west of X4th St. far il .a. north of Cuming; 1 Oi.ntfr. 4 runis eaclt $l.uo. S-room cottage, partly modern, up.tjira not compltu-u. ount iai aummer; ioi xijj, IOu tl. east of d St. far llnu. Vacant W.iUJ on Bhern:an Ave . I blocks Buna of 1. x. ui 31. ona ie ireta. KKL3 A. LlNLnJKtN. 6J5 N. V. l B.Og. 19 '3 8x EASTERN OWNER WANTS to sell Immediately last front lot an 15th. between stance and Casicllar. Coin 4 ooua if you act It. F. D. WEAD. U01 raroam at. (ISh-11J 7 UT your awoMTty wILk Carla feoyar, smmI Wlllllll g S)Mk SWEET Douglas 1472. OS TUKEY HEIGHTS A. P. Tukev & Son We offer todav two lots in Tukey Heights, being the first we hsve offered since Septem ber, la These two lots front north tn the south block of the sddltion and are 4" feet west of Sbth 8t. and one block north of Grand Ave. We will sell these lots for ll.V) each. Also an east-front lot on JHth Ft . south of Grand Ave., for A. P. Tukey & Son 448 Board of Trado Bldg. Tel. Douglaa (19) A HOUSE WORTH THE MONEY ' New, 5-room house, city water, bath and sidewalks; one block from car ItneL On a lot. 44xlS8 feet, in the Walnut Hill district. Will sell for $1,760, JSuu down and balance $3) per month. Shimer & Chase Co. 160 Farnam. Phono Doug. 8X17. U- BARGAIN. We have it In two well-located eight room houses. Thta Is good for Monday and Tuesday only. See us at once. M. J. KENNARD CO., 309-10 Brown Blk. (19) 4(697 8 of the following: Webster street, 40x132. Street paved, for St. Louis flats. 1317 Izard street. Inside property and sell separately. street. Street paved, large shade trees. - seventh street. Will make comfort- taken on any of the above. Low Brennan 'Phone Douglas 1264 (!) GARVIN BROS. WEST PARXAM HOMES $4,7504112 Farnam St., nearly new, mod ern and nicely papered; three rooms, recep tion hall and pantry first iloor; t.iree b.'U roome and butli room aecond tlo.; hti every modern convenience, spli nd d fur nace, "porcelain bath, gs. eii-ctri -ny, enamel clnk, mantle ami grte. chiiiti walks and brick raved stre. t. It's a aojd bargain. Part time. INVESTIGATE. i;.u Near 31th and Farnam, a n a'ly new modern dwelling of 7 rooms; eacellent n. Khburliood. Want offer. Ak us eb ut this. $3.00--Near 35th Are and Farnam. a good 4-room modern dwelling. Part tune. W-lJlMh, 1'l.ACE ll-room modern dwelling, with corner lot, l&'xUa ft. A bl bargain. i.'jio One of the swell dwellings In West Farnam district, with Iar4e sr.utid ; a lai'Ke slate roof draeil.rg: b.irn; all in the beet of repair and splendid location. ASK INVESTMENT Price $17.)0 Rent $iin. lis 8-room moi ern flats, in walking distanve, wtt. Where can you beat this? Price $.0 Kent $; nearly r w br c't flut. m a good location and In wa.klng d Price ft; " K.-nt rro rv.uble flat, in choice location, -near iS'li and Jackson. Uarvin Bros,, 1CU Farnain UN TH AND CASTELLAR. Monday uiuriui.K. for firt lluie, we place on Jie 14 lull cut i'f the bloc g, s e. i or. sth dt. iiil i'a-l. llur. use of lotj li to axl-'0 it.: pi lie- ;..nge from $jJi to Jlou. Term. .'j.''0 va.n ; bilanc, very ey intiihiy payment.-, perfect title and ahstriu t with ncn lot. Come eaily Monday and Secur choice; only It lute F. V. WEAK. Ground Floor, Wead Bldg.. lain and Farnaw ft. U 1592 S REA1, estate houeht, soM and exchang d. STRING KJt INVtSTMENT COMPANY. Douglas 1X1. 438 Bee Bldg 0- FIRST MORTGAGES Have aorn firat-elaaa and T rr rent mortgage. Do you want one or more Of thern? KxO. TU0. XNe. l.t aufl XI. ML BETM1SL PA-XTON BLOCK. Tel. Dougla Ui. t F. D. Wead t 360 Cash, balance, li SO per month, will buy nice s-room cottage on Kmmet Ft., west of Sh. south front, full lot. PtUB. splendid piece to raise chickens $1,060. $ 2.400 Will buy 7-room house on N. 84th Pt., near Emmet, has barn, lot 60s 1JV -$"iutf cash, balance can be ar ranged. $ 2.P0O Will purchase S-room cottage, I4th and Grant 8ts., corner of alley, fac ing east; room to erect store. Owner needs money, says sell at once. $ 1100 For g-room house, corner lot, mom for two more houses, paved street and brick, sidewalk on botn sides; southeast corner ZTth and Franklin. $ 4,300 New cottage on Wirt, near 24th; has $ larre rooms, with porcelain bath, marble wash bowl, hot and old water, gas and electric fixtures, narrow flooring. quarter ;el floors, highly polished, fine cement base menL. $ 1.700 7-room house and lot in Florence, With full lot, 2 blocka to car, cast of 9th St.: reason for selling house, too large for presnt owners; might trade fiT small house in Omaha with difference. $ 4,500 7-room modern house, blocks west of P. O., lias all modern Improve ments. $ 5,000 7-room modern house and 2-story barn, on West Farnam ridge, the beet residence part of city, oak finish first floor; reason for sell nu, property too large for present own ers; want to move on acreage; easy terms. $ 5,000 For 12-room house, 29th and Harney, all modern, with hot water healing plant. $ 8,250 Double press brick flat, in Hans corn Park, of rooms each, all mod ern, first fioor hard wood; annual rental, $h40. $12,500 3-story brick, on Farnam, near lJ'h, lot irixKC; annual rental (1,440; one half cash. $30.000 3-story brick, corner, on Douglas fct.; annual rental $3,XX; one-half cash. $12,5005 stores and flats, on lMh St., east front, good brick building; annual rental $1,440; one-naif cash, balance C per cent. $12,500 For fig feet, east front, on l(5th St.. north of postoffice. $ 4,ono For 68 feet on Cuming, near 17th; easy terms. $ 3,500 For 44 feet on Davenport, near 14th St.; snap. $ 3.000 For 44 feet on 24th St.. near Ham ilton, with two store rooms renting at (Jb per month. P. D. WEAD, 1XTH AMD FARNAM. 19- Look at This List of Desirable Homes We are building all the time and have a number of new modern homes for sale, Make your (election now before spring. 3021 DAVENPORT ST., $5,500. Eight rooms, 4 rooms down ftairs and 4 fiams and bath on second floor; down) stairs finished in oak, latest at vie modern improvements; full cellar; hot water heat ing plant; large lot; paving all paid. 1511 EMMETT ST., $4,500. Seven rooms, strictly modern; finished In hardwood throughout; oak down stairs; birch and maple up stairs; polished floors; papered with the finest paper; acreened-ln porch Up stairs; pressed brick foundation: stone caps; cement walks: hot water heat ing plant. American Radiator Co.'s goods; latest pattern of elect.-lc light and gaa fix tures; house Just finished. 40-t NORTH 40TII ST., $4,300 Eight rooms, strictly modern. In b-st part of West Farnam district, near - the Joslyn home; 4 rooms down sta rs and 4 rooms up stalrr; fine lawn; barn; pivrd street; on car line. 541 SOUTH 24TII AVE., $4,000. Six rooms and attic: all modern: full basement: paving paid In full; permanent walks: fine shade. This Is a house within five minutes' walk of the retail dis rUt. Owner must soil and will accept $1.2&o cash, balance parable $' per year, interest 6 per cent. House will rent for $40 per month. 4020 SEWARD ST., $2,750. Five-room cottage, modem except fur nace; newly papered; alse 24x13; on full lot, with nice ahade trees; aouth exposure; permanent sidewalks and paved street; only two blocks to car line; built one year afgo. For sale on account ot owner hav ing Omaha. 3408 WEBSTER ST., $4,750. ' A splendid 8-room, entirely modern house, on a large south front lot; one block trim Harney car line; 10 minutes' ride from the business district. Tl la house Is occupied by owner: Is a very well built nous-, w th full basement, brick foundation, concrete floor; very good furnace: hiundrv; aina In basement; the finest of oak finish and floors on the first floor: all nice sized rooms and 4 good bedrooms and bath on aecnnd floor; stairway to attic; electric lights and gaa; comb nation fixture?. Tha very best of modern op-n plU'nb ng This p'ace la rUht In every respect. We can show you througu at any time. 3415 BURT ST., $5,000. This splendid 8-room house: one bWk from Bemls park and two ccr line. Thli is one of the best houses offered for ihi money; large lt. 47xl4u ft.. 1 ft. above grade; cement rtppt and walks; nice shuda tr-e; houstr haa 8 nice roon s and ba h, 4 good sised rooms down stairs; Is flnlsued .n the finest of oak finish; basement; hrick fourdailon; concrete floor: gol furnt. e; Inundiv sink; ilie ;est of modern pluiuomg: combination gaa and electric lieht fixtures; ready for occupancy. Look at thia to 'ay ar.u see us Monday. 3334 SPAULDINO ST., $2,400. E'ght rooms. 4 rooms and reception I all down stairs. 4 sleeping rooms and bath up stalr: oa mantle In parlor: modern ex cept furnace: full lot: permanent iinewmKi; llOUSe COHt tO OU:iU aonui IB.l yvrm ago. Pplendll value for a rr-on wantlnt lots ot pom. Terms U cash, b-c ane nionthl;', low rate of lntereat. 3438 AMES AVE.. $1,650. .wnAm o.iiisro tiiwt rnmnltttd. hi city wattf, on car lin rion to m notO, Cua lot, TcTJT.a -aU Cttlt. mum in - Oftiee oren Monday eveninya until 8 3). Hastings & Heyden, 1701 Farnain 8t. Bee Building ii- FOR SALE CHOICE HOME 312S CHICAGO ST. Best Residence District Eight-room modern house, bain and beau tiful yard, large elm trees, permanent walks and paved street; $6,i) for 92 feet or $4,709 for &0 feet; liberal terms. RLNGWALT BROS., BARKER BLOCK. ns MXS $ TWO VACANT LOTS. 0xl4O, on N. 19th St. (Boulevard), near Winia Ave; $o60 ach. W. H. GATES. B.7 N. T. Liis- 'Phone ttoug l4, Os iiJd 1 Spring FOR QUICK POSESSION $1.000 43 Iafayette Ave., I rooms, city wster. gaa, fruit, near car. Lasy terms. Immediate possession. $2.40v New 5-room cottage, modern except heat; on car line; nice largn lot. k.ay terms can be arranged. $2.300 mn Franklin, 8 rooms, modern except heat; paving paid; two blocks to tar; near two schools. $:, ail 8. 3fth Ave.. rooms, modern except best. Terms $ down, bclnnce same as rent. $3.fi00 80B B. S6th Ave., modern; built by day's labor; ( large rooma; between lift Farnam and Field Club districts No cheaply built places In the neighborhood. Terms, about half caah, balance on time. This Is an opportunity to get a good home worth the money. Payne Bostwick & Co. SOLE AGENTS Main Floor New York Life Building. A FINE HOME ON 31ST ST. An elegant Vroom house, new, everything modern and strictly first -class, located on Slat St., between Harney and Farnam car lines. This houne la stories, and Is with out doubt, a morn than ordlnarly fine house. Oak finish throughout on first floor, and second floor finished entirely In birch and maple. This house Is x3"l ft. on the ground and la finely proportioned. The architecture gives the house an extra fine appearance. Is Very cheap at the price asked. $6.00. Shimer & Chase Co. Idol Farnam. 'Phono Doug. .tVT. Ul A. P. TUKEY & SON HOMES AT ALL PRICES 1122 S. 30th Ave., 10 rooms, modern ti.ft.0. 1112 8. 31st St., 10 rooms, modern $7,5nO. 261 California St.. 10 rooms, modern i7,000. 19J) N. 34th SU, I rooms, modern $2,200. 42JO Burdette St., 7 rooms, modern except furnace $2,400. 2K0 Manderson St., 7 rooms, modern $2,500. 6507 North 27th Ave., 4 room-$750. A. P. Tukey & Son 445 Board of Trade Bldg. 'Phone Doug. Il l WE sell real estate, fire Insurance, health and accident Insurance, and thi? cheapent life insurance of anyone In town. Call and Investigate. H. TL STRINGER. Mgr.. STRING EK INVESTMENT COMPANY. Douglas 221. 433 Bee R d J. 09.- D. V. SHOLES CO. 110 Board of Trade Bldg. Main Floor. $1,5003(10 Ohio St., 60x128 ft, S rooms, sewer, water and gas. Reasonable terms, tl. COO 2715 Decatur St., 80x127 ft., 4-room cottage, nice lot. Cheap. $2,700 40.TS Charles St., lot 50x130 ft., 4-room modern cottage, except furnace; nice, neat and cheap. Can be seen any time. $1750 1322 So. 27th St.. 60x150 ft., east front, Hanscom riace, 7 rooms, all modern except furnace. $i.S50 3E79 Manderson St., a very neat, tasty" 6 large room cottage, modern except furnace; lot 50xl2S ft. Very desirable. See it! $3,250 On Franklin St. near 27th. large lot 64x127 ft., good shade, some fruit, rooms, nearly new; completely modern This la desirable. $3,5001513 So. 2Sth St.. Hanscom Place, nearly new, 7 rooms, all mod., natural wood finish, lot 41x142 ft. This Is first-class. $4.250 In Bemls Park, 8 rooms, all modern, with barn and large lot. Choice place. $4,500 A dandy place, new 7-room mod. house In Dundee, 60 ft. lot, tiled bath. Looks good to us. $1,750 U'M Pinkney St., a very excellent 2-story. H-room. all mod, house nearly new; full lot and barn. Exceptionally well built. $5.200 2fi5 California, lot 44x154 ft., with a good 8-room. all mod. house, nice plumb ing fixtures; block from Creighton college and Bt. John's church. Section im proving fast. VACANT $ 400 For 60 ft. front by $2 ft. deep, west front on S!d between Center and Hickory; sewer In street. Can sell luo or 150 ft. same proca proportion. Room lor sev eral neat cottages. $l.s50 100x125 ft. N. W. corner 36th and Mason, sewer, water and gaa In street; prob ably be paved this year. Will divide. $ 90044x135 ft., west front on 11th, 68 ft. south of Arbor, or will sell 44 ft. next to it same price, or same -:ed lot on the corner of Uth and Arbor $l,05u, or will take $2,;&0, $1,260 cash, for the three lots; baluncu one, two and three years at per cent. $2,50O-H-x7 ft. S. E. corner SPth and Farnam. This Is cheap for a good corner In ' this excellent locality. Both streets paved and paid and permanent walks. INVESTMENT $8,000 New brick building with two 5-room modern flats renting for $300 per year, with hot water heat, oak and buech finish; facing on high school; walking distance and first-class In every particular. dSi HOW ABOUT THIS! $1,400 GOOD HOME OR INVESTMENT. 5-room cottage, partly modern and In splen did repui.', barn, permanent walk, near Ames Ave. car barn; will rent for ll per month; $u50 cash, balance like rent. $1,650 2H acres, runnlngwater on one side, good J-room house, large barn, chicken house and other buildings, good well and cist ern, also S bearing fruit trees, about seven blocks from Benson car line. The place la worth more money, but have cut the price fur quick sale. $4,000 GEORGIA AVE. HOME Bplendld all modern 8-room house, parlor, llhrar. rMnlng room, two large bed rooms, bath room and large kmii'-n on first floor, two rooms finished and room for two more on second floor, fine cement cellar, with all eonventencea, permanent waiks, street paved ard all spec lan paid, cl .'e to car line. This place la In ore of the best locatlona In the city. B1RKETT &. TEBBENS, 423 kee Bldg. 'Phone Dotfglaa 4751. (19) ONLY $350 CASH. $3jj00a BRAND NEW Five rooms, all modern except heat, pol ished floors, nicely papered, elegant gas and electric fixtures, latest plumbli:g; nice lot, east front; $!.'; $50 cash, bal ance $15 per month: located at 6u S. 4oth St. Call at office for key and Investigate. You can never purchase a better bouse for the monev. C. O. CARLBERG. Ill N. Y. Ufa Bldg. 091-M239 INVESTMENTS Frame store. $17 ) rental-$ !.. 6 bnck stores. $1 i rental 41S.". I brick houeea, $10 rental '. 00. I new bricks. $1.C4 rental l4.ia. Two -room bricks. tl. rental HI. 1 Three $-10001 frames. $1.S0 rental 4il.oJ. Two l-room bricks. I'Xj rental $.!. Near high school. $r rental, $7.V0. Two (-room frames, $ renXal 4:,50. Two deteabed frames. $Jri rental, $i,V. JOUM M. i'ftOi'ZLR, OPP. Ot-D P. O Bargains $J.R5t Itl and Ca Pts.. nearly new, T rooma; built br owre' for a home; mod ern, and in choice locality. VACANT LOTS Forty-second and Lafayette Ave., three east fror.t lota, enrh 5exlV: tm 'or tl r -e or four ronaea. Mnls us t.n effer. Terms easy. MS Fine north front lot on Orant S... near 4r-th Pt., one-half block from Wal nut Hill car line; aewer. water, gaa and permanent sidewalk. Sue of lot xl 0 ft. A nice place to build a home. $;! and up.We have over twenty lots In south part of city, convenient to tar barn, 24th and Vinton 8ts. Comu early nd get your p:ck. $T7fi and up. Fine choice lots i't Woods' Place, near Sherman Ave. car line. Coins In and figure with us. Phone Douglas 101S. U9t Choice Location For an apartment house or a couple of flats. Th- south west corner Georgia Ave. (.uh ft.) ami Pacific St.. f."xl4 ft. All taxes paid. Look at It Price $3,250. The Bryon Reed Co. 'Phone Douglas 97. 212 S. 14th St. 09) BRAND NEW 8-ROOM HOUSE $3,300.00 A new house located In growing district, on 4dt St.. In the west Dart of the city. All modern: lot. 42xl2N; one blocU from the car: well built: south front and a splendid house. Price $J.X). Shimer & Chase Co. li9 Farnam. "Phone Doug. 3W7. North 38th Street Two fine corner lots, fronting on Sacred Heart grounds, sightly and vety desir able; only $4,000 for both;- paving paid. J. II. Dumont tfc Son. 'Phono Douglas 6S0. 1605 Farnam Pt CM 6 )3 S Telephones Bell, Douglas 40. Independent, A-2049. WEST FARNAM HOME. Clio!ce south front lot, with 10-room mod ern liouse, oak finish In first story, separate bath and toilet for aervantj, cistern, auto garage, permanent walks; $7,501'. part cash, balance easy. A well built comfortable home In one of tha best neighborhoods in the city, and very cheap at the price. J. II. Dumont & Son. 16)5 Farnam Bt. 8 New 5-Room Cottage For Sale or Exchange Modern except heat, two corner lots, 100x120, two blocks from car; will sell for $ rash or take lot worth $100 and $1'0 in cash, balance $2 a month. Payne, Bostwick & Co., Main Floor N. Y. Life Bldr. 'Phone Douglas 1C18. (191-M344 7 $4.uuo Eight-room all modern house, closa in. $3.o Rlx-room all modem house, on bes car line In the ctty; part cash and bal ance easy until. $3.2jo Frame store building, with 7 rooms. lot Suxluu feet, on paved street, on Ca line. tl. 0m Five-room all modern coltaze. Il.aio Five-ruom modern house, except fur nace. ru-ar achool and car line. SNAP Part cash and balance easy terms. $T5o J-roorn house, with two f Jli lots, lust one block from car line. Must be sold this week. Mage offer. $H Each, two lots !ii Sulphur Springs add., permanent waiKa. BEMIS. PAXTON BIWK Tel. Douglaa 66. (U)-etx) I TWO STOREU. $3,01)0. On 24th near Hamilton, rental $; lsn' it enough said, when you think of 24th Bt. being opened through to aWuta Omaha and Hamilton paved to th St 7 F. D. YY HAD. Usjl FAR-VAM BT. (lil i4 PETERS TRUST CO., A CHOICE LIST f'.JOO On bc southwrst comer of SSth and 8o'nrJ, net 6-room c-ttae, ground si'Xl: cottage so located that t wi more can be built on same lot. Fine location. .'nOOsIn Walnut Hill district, complete 7- room house with hard wood turougn out. cemented cellar with laundry, lot 5'xlSi. south front snd In perfect condition, half block from car; house entltiiv modern. $2.SO0 This Is a stx-room house, with toilet snd bsth. full lot and stable, naif block from 4oth street car on ljifav tte Ave. Street paved and all spe cials nald. A choice location. $1,760 A thoroughly modern S-room house. fine mantel and grate In living room, rooms large and convenient, house In fine condition, on Park Ave., near Farnam. We are going to move thia soon: would consider sn offer. j.OOO lvot with three cottages near 5 h snd Sewsrd. Annual rental $.. .Make us an offer. $6.300 4'holcely located In the Hanscom Park district, full lot. east rrvni, house thoroughly modern and fin ished In hard wood, good stsl.le in rear and all In rerfect condition; street paved and all spec.ala paid Will be pleased to allow this to In t..rMtft narttea. $S.50O New snd thoroughly modern, located In West Farnam district, iinisnra 'n hard wood, with hot water heat; the best house west of $4lh St. for the money. VACANT $ go We offer one more chance to g.t this SJXU'X It. lot. oniy one huh a from Ames Ave. car line. Spring Is here. Get a place to make garden. ia This Is In the ssme nctahborhood, but Is tl corner lot snd lays a little bit nicer, with sn east front. You run renlixe a nroflt In SO days. 400 m S. K. corner of 31st and I.alk. lovs well, street paveo anu pvin paid for, one block to car. Very fhou n. $1,050 Choice corner In Bemis Park, on Uilsyette Ave., near car. rurcnuer tf-i it.aiim.. nnvlnl tax. We have several tracts of from nn--ha'f to five acres which we win re aiaa to show uo'ii application. PETKKS TUIST CO.. Ground Floor N. Y. I.llo Bldg ( AMERICAN INVESTORS CORPORATION 6.3 BRANDEI3 BLDH. TIIONE DOl'GLAS $191. Build a Home on Ono of Those 12,000 T'ie most desirable comer In Dun- d.-e. at tt'th and Davenport M a. ; i.a feet eHSt front. with permanent walk, fine ahade trees. rss snd water In street; positively the best location In this beautiful suburb. $ 600 Northeast corner fcth Ave. and Cuming tt. ; lot &xi permanent walk, only 2 blocks from Dundee car line. $1,000 Fourth lot ast of 3th St., on north side of Cass, slr.e txlix. beautiful view to the east and aouth, the beet bargain In this part of the city. $1.150-Ix)t 14. block 1. rotters Add., 40th front, good car service, paved street. $5,flrWx!M feet, on S2d Ave.. Just norh of Farnum; fine shaile trees, aspnaic pavement, permnnent walk, the very choicest of the choice. $S,0&5 Second lot south of Harney, on eaut side of SSth St., 47xir. Fine resi dences are now being finished nnd more are contemplated In ImTtedliue vicinity of this lot only $t3 per front foot. AMERICAN INVESTORS CORPORATION 663 BRANDE13 HIJTG. 'PHONE DOCQ. 2104. (no VACANT LOT $10 cash and $3 Dcr month buys full lot. northwest, near car line, on grade, in w 11 Improved district. Will fell one or m u lots. S vena II y su ta'. 1j t r persor s desir ing tu secure large noino lots. One-tenth canh and $2 per month for fine lots on and nesr N. tli Boulevard. Va have lota here from 40 to Ui ft. Irontagi and from ilOO to $iiS0 each. Tliev are H.l close to good car line, level, and on grad-. Fine comer. Manderson and ?.th Boul - vard. facing three streets, avxlto ft. We will submit ofter on this. IMPROVED PROPERTY xrcifl (WIS N. ?7th St.. four blocks from car. small houae, new. In good condition, cellar. water, lot MIXU7 ft. $1.000 Corner 36th and Dtcatur, 7-room house. jl ,yuo Fine 8-room house, close to car Hue, aewer. water, gas, hot and Cola water, bath, shade. A bargain. $2,100 2th and Patrick Ave. flood -room all modern except heat and In good conoi- tlon. at 7?ji flood S-room houae. strictly mod ern, close in; West Farnam dial; let. A very desirable pome or woum nue iu renting investment. Real Estate Title-Trust Co., CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON, Pres. Ground Floor C. S. National Bank Bldg.. 1201 Farnain St. (19- 93x130 for $1,000, overlooking beautiful grounds of Country Club. South and east front, just west of Z. T. Lindaey'a residence on Military Ave. See it. JOHN N. HASKELL. DUN. Y. Life. Phone D. 6133. (19- $273 Lot A Bargain. Good lot. IS blocks from the $3d St. car line, on Pinkney St., south front. Lot, &ux 126 ft. Price, If taken at once, only $275. Shimer & Chase Co. 1609 Farnam. "Phona Doug. ft7. Uar- W. II. THOMAS. Here Is a high-class, substantial Invest ment. A fine new, modern double brick bouse, choice location, total rentals, lew per month, or $l.zou per year; 2 per cnt of gross rentals will safety carry this class of property, leaving $tOU net per year, capitalized at a per cent, gives value Hi.". Each house has eight rooms, oak finish first fl(or, llrst-claaa plumbing . and heating, on high, level ground, not far out. Yuu can buy It for $1$.jo. W. H. THOMAS, US First National Bank Bldg 0-UX7 $x MODERN FLAT Closa to business center, built one year ago, handsome, well arranged; rsntad to blgh-lais tenants; pays large returns; re duced prlc for March. $.0U0. Terms t desired. C S. alhepard. H Board of Trade. '1S0-471 Uk I