TITE OMAHA PAHA' I1EE: SATURDAY. MAIKTI 7. 1D09. a- . jii.ujm.mm ).lM,v,ll.nlu,,j;tiajYirnjlllia.iMilih,,,l:,iiJLwsaa, J,...a,s.f iumm WE' TRUST TIE -PEOPIE I SPRING 'CS WILL DE A SEASON OF IIIGII COLORS AND EXTREME MODELS. HI It;S V; - Time for you to look 7 o WE OUR INTRODUCING OUR NIFTY " I) ! v. ,5 into th.o Spring Hat Question! A TIttT TO OTJB ftTOBB WXX.Ii SBTTX.B XT. Whan you have seen our Immense fork you'll admit that we have everything you covet In men's hoad wear. - . If It'a snappy styles, the newest colors, appropriate dlmenalona or any other 'requirement of your personal taate If you like nobby, new liliuis or If you prefer more conservative shapea you'll find the hat you like at the prjre you wish to pay at our store. "-Better see them Saturday. Gfe "Asbury" J Any sljape or color you like all dimensions of ;, crown or brim soft "or stiff. The befit hat in the world at-- $2-50 flfe Rutland" The best hat ever offered for the money; will stand your severest criti cism s3 .00 GAe "Stetson" No use to tell , you, you know all about , it all grades an except ional quality at-rr . . s5 .50 HOME. IS WELL CONDUCTED Change in Accounting at Feeble Minded Institute ii Recommended. VtANCH LINE TRAINS RESTORED i Salon,, PaelSo Assures Commission Servles Will Be Resumed Ball Players' Arrested at Bandar ' Ganie Are Discharged. '. (From a Staff Corpondent.) LINCOI-I!. 'March , .-(Sieclal.)-In . ..special report of the clothing fund In the Home for the "Feeble Minded Youth at Beatrice. Stare Accountant Fairfield recom mends to the hoard that an Invoice u-i taken of the storeroom and one filed with the Hoard tif rOUltc Lands and Bulldngs ' and one at the lnatitutlon, as the balance , In the storeroom , account exceeds the In voice In the Storeroom at least ten t m ib. This clothing fund Is derived from tho $4) paid annually by parents, or In case of Indigent Inmates, by the counties from which they are sen to the Institution. Tho 1 1 , balance on hand March 1 was IS.BTI.re. of - which the sewing room credit balance was It'srNo: Delusion the way coffee ."sets on some people's nerves." The delusion is in think ing you can get rid of the "coffee ails by taking some Kind of -drug nerve tonics, etc. - ' . Stop drinking coffee at once and begin the use of POSTUM and - note how delusions give way to clear thoughts, steady nerves and that feel ing of being plumb right tide up, on the level! 'A 10 days' trial will make it clear. . . "ThereVa Reason" for POSTUM 1612 A fADNVM tf rxopxss mumru For Saturday Tarlety of and patterns newest Ideas range from to Ifry model -iome gored, others pleated, Prices range from $22.50 on 'down to nais; iney muBi De seen to be ap preciated. Prices range from $20.00 on down to. ........ Men's and Boy's Spring Clothing NOW READY Our spring line is larger and better than ever as a starter for this season we will sell men's stylish up-to-date suits in the newest spring col- Off) orings at $12.50 and. Will MEN'S DATS FOR SPRING Embracing all of this season's newest shapes. Colors are cedar, brown, gray and black. Soft and stiff shapes at $3.00, $2.50, $2.00 5Q MEN'S SPRING FOOTWEAR We are showing a special line of shoes made of vici, velour and patent leath ers at $3.50, $3.00 2 50 MEN'S ROSE SPECIAL Men's black and tan Hose, regular 15c values, only three pair to a cus- f? tomer, at, per pair Oil swws.ii xi.it mimm vwmw n n mi niii.Hijji ALL THE CREDIT YOU WANT about $1,600. Annual Itemized reports are made to the partlea paying In the f to. The report of tho Inatltutlon ahowa there are 422 Inmates and thirty-eight employes and two officers. The balance In the main tenance fund March 4 amounted to S32,842.7. This sum la to tun 4he Institution fur the mxt thirteen months, and It la figure 1 by the accountant that Superintendent Oaborn will have aboutJHOO left over in this fund. Mr. Fairfield says the Institution has . not enough employes; that the accounts a re-J kept In first class condition, the d sc.pline excellent and harmony prevails among the employes. Most of the groceries are bought from local retllers who bid for the business. ' Branch Line Train a Reatored. The State Railway commission was today notified by Assistant General Freight Agent Lane of the Union Pacific that the roal will on Monday morning next restore Us dally freight trains on branch lines in Nebraska. The trains were recently taken off and complaint was made to the com-1 mission by shippers on the lines that the curtailed service worked a hardship. Ball Playera Acquitted. In the district court this evening Wl',1 a n Holmes, former manager of the Lincoln base ball club, and the players -of the Lin coln and Pea Moines teams, were acquitted of the charge of Sabbath desecration by playing a game of ball here one Sunday last Beptember. None of the defendants was In court. The acquittal of the playera. while leaving the matter practically as it was before, Is regarded by base ball de votees as opening the way for Bunday games In Lincoln the coming season. Star few Shamvrnr. R. M. Shumway, convicted of murder in Gage county and sentenced to be hanged on,March 13, has appealed hla case to the supreme court, his acts as a stay of execution until the court has passed on the case. A see Mora Attend Meeting. Secretary Bennett of the State Board of Assessment haa received letters from forty-six assessors who say they are going to attend the meeting in Lincoln on March 10 to discuss the revenue law and get pointers about the new terminal tax law. Inasmuch as all of the aasesSOrs are new at the business and real estate has to be revalued this year, and the terminal . tax law becomes effective for the first time, considerable Importance attaches to the meeting. Com Show Commission Organises. The commission appointed last night to promote the national corn show to be held at Omaha next December met this morn ing and organised by the election of the following officers: "William Ernst, John son county, president; E. A. Burnett, Lan caster, vice president; R. Huge, second vice president; W. R. Mellor, treasurer; E. O Montgomery, secretary. The commission will create Interest among the corn raisers In Nebraska, to get them to make exhibits. Fire Eecanea (or schawls. John J. Ryder, labor commissioner, went to University P4ace today to Inspect the high school and Wesleyan university. As a result of the visit he will order at once fire escapes on both institutions, as he found the meana of escape' in case of a fire are not sufficient. Tomorrow Colonel Ryder will Inspect some of the schools In Lincoln. Fnneral ef Ururi p. Marvin. BEATRICE, Neb.,-March . (Special.) The funeral services for the late George P. Marvin wate held thla afternoon t:J0 o'clock from - the - family home In South Beatrice, -conducted by Rev. V. Q. Brown of the Methodist Episcopal church. The attendance was very large, a number of persons from Lincoln, Omaha, Auburn and other towns In the state being pres ent to pay their respects to the deceased. TL Highlanders, members of Uie Court STREETS. OMAHA. abb curn -co. bbt. ltsr first Display and Sale of Indies' Spring Salts, s Skirts, Waists, and Millinery at very Attractive Prices. LADIES' SPRING SUITS we offer for your Inspection a large new Spring Suits. Many styles to choose from. Nothing but the are shown. Prices $65.00 on down 17.50 . LADIES' SPRING SKIRTS Made of panama, serges, voiles an'd mohairs. entirely new. All fold trimmed 5.00 LADIES' SPRING MILLINERY We cannot begin to describe the beauty of our 3.95 I'll hfii wuin of Honor and other orders of which Mr. Marvin waa a member attended the serv ices in a body. The State Historical so ciety, of which Mr. Marvin waa vice president, waa represented in the person of the secretary. The remains were laid to rest In the Beatrice cemetery beside those of his two children who died some years ago. Elm Creek Man Ends Life. KEARNEY. Neb., March 6. (Special Telegram.) N. J. Durenberg of Elm Creek committed suicide at the Windsor hotel at noon today, using a thlrty-elght-callber revolver. In a diary he left he states hia money ho desires to go to a sinter. Mrs. L. Brandcnberger of Fresno, Cal. He lived two hours and a half after the shooting-, being unconscious all the time. , Nebraska. 3ievrs Notes. PLATTSMOUTH The Burlington has commenced to emply men in all depart- iiienis in ine snops nere. WYMORE C. F. Beibert of Haveloelc hn. succeeded H. F. Howland as general fore man in the Burlington roundhouse here. He commenced work yesterday. COLUMBUS Married, by Rev. L. R. De- Wolf, at the Methodist Episcopal parson ood IKtesulfls T in Lung Trouble ! v,;- ; ' : -. ' J '' '''''' '' ''jl' MRS. VICTOR uffy's Pure Matt If you mant to keep young, strong and vigorous and have on your cheeks the glow of perfect health take Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey regularly, according to directions. It tones and strengthens the heart action and purifies the entire system. It is recognlied as family medicine everywhere. Whea you ask your druggist, grocer or dealer for Duffy's I'ure Malt Whiskey be sure you get the genuine. It's tho only absolutely pure medical ui< whiskey and is sold in sealed bottles only never in bulk, fjook for the trade mark, tho "Old theiidHt," ou the label, make sure the seal over the cork Is unbroken and that our glut ran tee is ou every bottle. ITiee fl.OO. Write Dr. H. furran. Consulting. I'hvirtcjaib for free illustrated nudital booklet and free advice, .Duffy Malt Whukey Co., llochettcr, Si. X, (SPRING OVERCOATS AND RAINCOATS Xevcr before has a season brought such a variety of beau tiful models and colors some with the new box pleat back, some with wide pleat dropping from the back of each shoulder, slanting pockets or patch pock ets, and cuffs in great variety of elaboration also many con servative models for men who dislike the whims of fashion $10 to $50 age, on Tuesdny, Miss Edna Ankney of Burwell and Koy Preston of, Monroe. SEWARD Over $300,000 worth of real estate changed hands here on Monday. The country roads werev thronged with movers from one farm to another. FLATTHMOUTH She-ilff Ouinton has ! gone to Talmage, Otoe county, to attend the funeral or his uncle, Charles r.. Meade, who has resided In this state for twenty years. SEWARD Mr. and Mrs7 Bayler of Chi cago will begin evangelistic work here agiUnBt the saloons on nrxi Sunday even ing. Illustrated songs will depict saloon scenes. SEWARD The Nome hotel management has changed. Tho new proprietors are Mr. and Mrs. (1. Ruckdaschel, who were mar ried last week and are experienced in hotel management. WYMORE At a meeting of the city coun. ell last night a resolution was adopted by which the question of license or no license for saloons will he put on the ballot at the coming city election. , SEWARD At the sale of surplus stock conducted by Henry Grsff last week $3,210 were realised. Horses brought $2 apiece and this sale was not properly advertised, or it would have brought a larger sum. STEWARD The men of the Commercial club will give their annual banquet at the club rooms on St. Patrick's day. Mr. R. 8. Norval and Judge Thomas will respond to toasts and a musical program will be given. SEWARD A mass temperance meeting will be held here at the Presbyterian church next Sunday evening. All of the Protestant churches will unite. The sub ject to be discussed Is: "The Six Saloons o Soward." WYMORE Dimmit t A Jeffrey have sold the Implement stock and business conducted by them to Kellr-y Bros. The first-rinmed firm retain their coal and feed business. Kelley Bros, are-the only Implement deal ers In the city now. PLATTSMOtTTH Walter Thomas, who lias been employed In the Burlington store house here for twenty-two years, received a two months' vacation, and, with his wife, has gone to Sacramento, Cal., where he will visit a brother. SEWARD Frank Green, who conducts a saloon here for an Omaha brewing com pany, was arrested for selling liquor, when forbidden, to an habitual drunkard. He had a hearing yesterday and his trial was postponed until the 27th. COLUMBUS There have been changes among the barbers of Columbus. Clyde Ward has sold out to Jones A Ward and has bought the Thurston hotel barber shop. Lou Zlnnlcker, who. has been here in the business for nearly a quarter of a cen A. BEAUCHAIRE. SPRING TO MEN WHO VALUE CORRECTNESS IN ATTIRE The majority of Omaha men look to this store for their Spring Clothes inspiration in Clothing as well as Furnishings and Hats this store's styles have become the ac cepted standards of Omaha's fashion followers, and few, indeed, are the men who will risk buying a Suit or Overgarment without first noting what this store sanctions as correct LOOK AT OUR BIG DOUGLAS ST. WINDOW In it you will see the largest display any Omaha store will present this season but, bear in mind, the window contains but a small showing of our entire stock. You must come in the store to see what an Opening Display at the Good Clothes store means. ' COME IN TRY ON AS MANY AS YOU LIKE ' YOU'RE WELCOME WHETHER YOU BUY OR NOT OUR SPRING SUITS TOR MEN Embraces a wide range of colors fawns, tans, greens, elephant shades, mouse grays, browns and shadow plaids, checks and stripes are much In evidence. The models vary from conservative three-bulton sacks to those swell dip fronts with long lapels two buttons or three or four buttons set close together. Many have patch pockets and elaborate cuffs. The vests are models of elegance. The trousers run from medium to extreme peg-tops with wide cuffs. $10 to $35 tury, has quit and will go to farming, and J. H. Jannlng will work In that shop. SEWARD Rev. C. A. Qleason, pastor of the Congregational church of this city, re ceived a threatening anonymous letter. In which he was warned of dire things to him by "the other side," did he not quit hla work here against the saloons. TECUM 8EH On Monday evening last, ntl the home of the brlrie's lamer, ijeanw-r McDougnl, in this city, occurred the mar riage of Miss Lllla McDougal and Mr. John Bowen. a company of the relativea of the contracting parties only witnessing It. PLATTSMOUTH A heavy rain In thla vicinity lajit night flooded the Burlington machine shops and the planing mill to the depth of about four Inches of mud and water, but no damage was done In the business portion of the city by the water. SEWARD At the regular meeting of the school board the teachers of the high school were re-elected for the coming year, with their salaries increased $5 a month. Superintendent George Klndler was re elected and his salary Increased to $1,400 a year. BLUE HILL The dance and supper given by the Odd Fellows In their new hall ajid opera bouse Monday evening waa a credit to those who had charge of the affair. Red Cloud chartered a special train and came up In force, headed by their band of thirty seven ileces. BEATRICE John C. Klein, a promi nent young business man of this city, and for the last few years cashier of the Klein Mercantile company, died yesterday at tho home of hla parents, Hon. and Mrs. Jacob Klein, following an attack of the grip and brain fever. WYMORE Fred Mceks. the Burlington brakeman who was Injured in the Bt. Jo seph yards about two months ago, was brought home yesterday. Meeks felk from the top of a boxcar and broke his leg in two places. It was found necessary to re set the leg after it had knitted. ASHLAND Contracts were signed last night Between the city council and the Canton Bridge company for the 180-foot steel approach to the new bridge on Silver street, across Salt creek, whloh has been ordered by the county. iThe total cost of the structure will be aboit $8,500. FAIRBURY The county commissioners awarded the contract for building highway bridges for 1908 to the Standard Bridge company of Omaha. For wood bridges the contract price Is $3.75 per lineal foot, and $41 per 1,000 feet for ISmber. Red Cedar piling, driven, 40 cents Vr foot. BEATRICE In the home ha had pre pared for his bride, five miles northwest of 1 (Continued on Fourth Page.) Mrs. Victor A. Beaucaire, a prominent club woman of. Chi cago, 111., contracted a severe cold from being exposed in bad weather which resulted in ser . ious lung trouble. Mrs. Eeauchaire, after taking several doses of Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey, says it has helped her wonderfully, brought the color to her cheeks, and that she would not "be without it. Slio pays high tribute to tho world's greatest tonic stimulant in the follow lng Utter: ' "Ab I am a member of the Hull House Woman's Club, I was called out many times when the weather was very bad and so caught a very hard cough, and doctors claimed that my lungs were affected; In fact the left lung was almost Eone, but since I have taken jour valuable DUFFY'S PURE MALT WHISKEY, I feel better and would bot do without it. I have not been taking It very long, but I am sure of good re sults; I have good color in my face and feel that I ran work with a great deal more ambition. I cannot praise it too much. I have recommended it to sev eral of my friends and they, too, are thankful for the benefit they have ah ready derived from it." Mrs. Victor A. Beaucaire, 255 Orrden Ave., Chicago, 111. Whiskey CI Sunday Jiiiocr Bargains Sommcr yrps. Exponents of Goad Living ' Saturday's Specials Strictly Fre,h Laid Eggs, 1gc per dosen Shredded Wheat Biscuits, Qg per package Creamery Butter, all brands, M per pound lOo Standard Corn, 5c can 16c Standard Tomatoes. Qg can i. Large Redland Navel Oranges, 25c per dosen Walter Baker's Chocolate, Vc per pound Jell-O, four packages JCe for M' A large assortment of fresh vege tables to select from for your Sunday dinner, consisting of ew Potatoes rrssh Mushrooms rresh Tomatoes Swarf Oslsry ' w Basts Hsw Turnips rrcsh Mint Cauliflower plaaoh Water Cress Cucumbers Bfcnbarb String Beans Orsea Onions Badishes Bead bsttuos SOMMER BROS. 28th and Farnam Sts. 1 4?usr if n "Butter Nut' Means Better Brekvd Aak your grocer for it. The label is always on the loaf. Even better than mother used to make. Baked under the most sci entific and sanitary condi tions. It contains flour made of the best hard wheat. Health Economy Advartla In THE OMAHA DEE Cest'.'hVWest tit ik.'w i"s mvK.t1'! 'SLtfl vAli 1J '9 sAVJ VI VI mt CaSumofl C Baiting Pouilor f - Best by Test OTiES CHILDREN'S SUITS IN GREAT VARIETY The little fellows are always well provided for at this store we are just as particular to have the newest, most fetching crea tions for them as we are to have the smartest ceeits for their elders. The models show -no decided change but the beautiful colorings and fabrics are in decided contrast to those of a year ago. $212 to $10 Maple Suflar Goodies SATURDAY Saturday we will sell a one-pound dox iniea with delicious . je a maple candles tor. a3C (J Each box contains an assortment 8 of Maple Nut Patties (with pecan meats), Mexican Maple, , Maple Caramels, Maple Fudge, Mexican Panoche, Maple Cocoanut Klsaes. This is a box of regular 40c quality, very delicious and sure to please. Remember it is special for Ealor day only, at, per pound box 25c Take your Hunday Dinner with us. Table d'Hote Dltsr served Sunday from 11:30 a. m. to 8 p. m. Price 50 cents. TntSTOKifc,tDrtii;ri 1618-SO T A&KA-M T. raosa bo. Til Three Layer White Cakes 30 Cents Order one, then you will know what we de sire you to know, that there is nothing better for anywhere near the' price. Our meata and gro ceries are the best the market affords and our prices are the lowest. Johnsons Goodleft wtti'rs Company 4F CHOICE CHICKENS Our-chlrkens are choice because they are always young and tender and we dress them ourselves and we do It so they retain that delicious "chicken flavor." We charge no more than you pay elseshtre. . Our bualm-sa Is (Conducted on a strictly sanitary plan. Everything tn tli tueat litis fresh and clean. JOS. OATH ltai raraam . TeUpasa a4. 1