ANY iocs. 7 y; ni" rr; i I rrirvsri i " w m 1 '. " ' 95&sfim You'll Admit the Wisdom of This i&x&se 'psiiif .of Boys'- RIew prii 1 ear, nee ovem 3 iif and Overcoats Our 190S Sprintf Styles in Boy's Clothing Will De On Exhibition hn season In ovr we hav .""nnoth'r rn k" f 1" ,n .F,,rT,1,u " hundreds of patterns In Carpet. an n.irs that ars discontinue hy th. makers ami i R22ivZrv nVrt i'LXV h ? "T'r. r nSr' "riflce and you 11 admit the wisdom of such a movement Price, are now 5. Not ta.oel.lithonnnr.11. Vh 2. d1""1'""' "t below cost to .end the rood. fly-In mto the home, of the people-int? i. .iie lonay a sprciais thousand, more like them here, but the .pace la not large enough to mention them all. v rdnrd Ik TOUB home, Credit Terms Specially Lowered During This Sale THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SATTttDAY. YV.WWV n&rfman's Sanitary Sleel C.ucH S375 This sanitary aU-el Couch Is offered at an eieeptlon ai saving. All anle Iron frame, American wire top. three rows steel supports. Seamless Wilton Velvet Ruga, 1BS. Guaranteed durability, color effects Klegant. i ifl ' r Irm weaves, durable, yd.. itp"i This Dresser Is of above attractive design, three large roomy drawers, large French plate mirror, hand somely polished, and neatly carved. BRIEF CITY NEWS Boot Print It. Diamonds r&holin. Jeweler, Coal $3 Coutant &. Squires. Tet D9S0. Blnebart, photographer, 18th Sc Farnam. ( Bowman, 117 N. IS. Douglas shoes. $a. SO. Pnkll aocoantant-auditor, R. F. Swoboda. . Toioe Cultuxa If Interested, see Delmore ) Cheney. f W always hava Rock Spring, coat Cen I tral Coa". and Coke company of Omaha, ' ICth and Harney streets. Special at the Chesapeake today for din ner baked pork tenderloin stuffed. J. U. 'Dennis, proprietor. Beginning- the Month Bight by-ntanlng your savings account with the City Sav ings Bank. 1 James Allen Knch Better James Allen, the golf p4jrerv'WlO"haS been seriously 1)1 at St. Joseph's hospital, was reported much , better Friday. j Bo Better Tims to begin a savings ac count. Don't wait! ' The City Savings IBank will help you. Every person should have a bank account, Deeds (or 81s Lots A deed transferring to Bt. Phlloniena's parish tne six lots '.t k recently bought from the Elizabeth Kountae ( Real Estate company for a cathedral site 'was placed on record in the register of deeds office Friday. The consideration named was 111,600. Way Is Mot Tiadact Bepaired Counclf ". liian Brucker has started an Invest'gation ' to find out why the viaduct over the Union I Pacific the Burlington and the Rock Is l land tracks on Eleventh street has not j been repaired and reopened to the u-e of ; the public. . Tlrea Vlpped in the Bnd Two f Ires i' were nipped In the bud by the fire depart- Effpcled by gentle anoint ings uwith" Cuticura Oint ment, the Great Skin Cure, precededby warm baths with For preserving, purifying, and beautifying the skin, scalp, hair, and hands, for leczemas, rashes, itchings, irritations, and chafings. and for all the purposes of the toilet, bath, and nursery, this treatment is priceless. it vn flllll TOr?l 14 II IXt,.--. f YJ 13 I aia. No mitre aeams, first quality, Z- I"' v w, l m lav i i ni i i i r u . m t.m Jt Jtt r i Ingrain Carpets Linen chain, re verslble, yard... In grata Carpets All wool, guar- CO. anteed, yard Wv This Lirgi, Elignt This Kitchen Cabinet Is Just like illustra tion. Made throughout of the best selected material and constructed n a most thor oughly dependable manner. The top has six roomy spice drawers. The base has two large flour bin and cutlery drawers, mold ing board. The price Is greatlv reduced and the entire lot will soon be sold. Brnasals Carpets 63c Bitra Brussels Carpet Handsome Coloring x6 BtUSIELI BUS Firmly woven, guaranteed Hx9 BBVBBEI.B BUGS Very heavy and durable maae, bp. wv fnpr" uress- isjr y Teather your nes I 1414 -I-4I6-I4IS ment Friday morning. Both were caused by defective flues and each did damage of only $20. One was at 4 a. m., In the home of Everett V. Smith, 3C33 Marcy street. The other was at 8 a. m.. In the flat occu pied by Abraham Kettelman, 2601 Cuming street. Embargo Hot Lifted The embargo on unvacclnated children attending school has not been lifted and the health commissioner Is as strict as ever In enforcing the rules. An officer was called Friday morning to eject a couple of children from one of the city schools who understood that thoy could now go to school without being vac cinated. Chicago Banch Case Goes Oyer A. a re.ult of the motion for a continuance in the case of I E. and P. J. King and F. S. Baird which was argued In the United States district court Thursday afternoon. Judge Munger lias set the case over until April 0. This Is the land case In which Senator "Billy" Mason of Illinois ' is the chief counsel. Clerk and Hotel Owner Marry Fred Rogers, clerk at the Arcade hotel, and Mrs. Josephine Hope, proprietor of the Ar cade hotel, were married Wednesday by Rev. F. L. Loveland. An effort was made to keep the wedding a secret, the license being concealed and the minister Instructed not to tell, and it was only by accident that friends learned of the marriage Fri day. Prise Drawing's Exhibited in Schools At the Central school Tuesday, Wednes day, Thursday and FTldAy of next week will be exhibited 100 mounts of the best drawings made by school children in the larger cities of the .country. The drawings were selected as the best in the United States by a committee at the national exhibit In Cleveland last May. Amonj them Is work done by Omaha children. Breakfast Pood Plant Incorporated The Uncle Sam Breakfast Food company, organized to manufacture a food Invented by Lafayette Coltrin, has filed articles of Incorporation with the county clerk. The corporation has an authorized Capital stock of 100,000, but It may begin business when 10 per cent of this amount Is paid up. The Incorporators are Lafayette Coltrin. Pat rick Duggy, Ambrose H. Lee, John M. Mc Qowan and W. B. Van Sant. TWO RUNAWAYS. ONE SERIOUS Driver Gets Broken Lea;. Horses Are Hart and Woman Becomes a Heroine. Two runaways nested a broken leg for the driver of a coal wagon, serious injuries to his horses, an unidentified woman as heroine, and the miraculous escape front Injury o B. Jetter, the Bouth Omaha brewer, arid two other men In a carriage In the middle of the day Friday." John Inihan, 301 Mason street, had his right leg broken by being thrown from his wagon during a runaway In front of I lie Rome hotel. Sixteenth street, at 1:15 Friday afternoon. Ho was 'driving a spirited team with a heavily loaded wagon of coal slack for the T. C. Havens com pany and the team scared at an automobile at Sixteenth and Jones streets and ran away, the neck yoke falling down. Lanl han lost control of the team and he was thrown out In front of the Rome hotel. The team kept on to Howard street and turned east and ran into the curb in front of the Sunderland block. Here the heavy wagon was overturned and both of the horsea were o badly hurt that one of them, at lfast, will have to be killed. Lanlhan was picked up from the street and carried Into the saloon next north of the Rome hotel ami taken to the Omaha General hospital In the police ambulance. Both bones of his right leg Just above the ankle were broken squarely in two. Ona of the first person, coming to his recue was a woman. She rendered every asslstan ;e she could, and then seeing men coming to take care of the Injured man. she fainted. She was a complete stranger to Lanlhan. Little short of a miracle avet Mr. Jetter and his friends from serious Injury at Twentieth and Farnam atreets. when a closed carriage belonging to O. W. Mnsher of South Omaha was completely upset and smashed and neither John Irwin, the driver, nor the other, suffered the slight est Injury. The carriage was returning from Forest Lawn cemetery and coming down Twen tieth street past the Omaha club, the hors". became unmanageable and got beyond the control of the driver. They ran across the. sidewalk on the south side of Farnam and hit a street car pole, smashing .he car riage, turning it over and breaking the glasa. From the wreck came the two oc cupants and ths driver nore the worse (or tbs ah&Xeua This remarkable Couch value will attract hundreds of buyers this week. All steel spring construction, guaranteed upholstering.; solid oak frame. Smith's Host AxmlnMer Rues, AX II 1 1 Mil I M II 1 Hf 1 S--aSSSSBBBBaSBaaSBBaSasS-SBaSSSSBSSSSSasSSSSS..SSSSBSSSVSSS....aaS aia. No mitre high soft pile Smith'! Axmiaster Carpet best made, high soft tl pile, yard Wilton Velret Carpet In light and dark shades, Q CI- yard JJH Inlaid Linoleums Hardwood 17 Pattern. V c Printed Linoleum Kitchen Cabinet $5.98 7.75 H.95 All guar anteed DOUGLAS ST GIRL TWICE ATTEMPTS LIFE Daughter of Rich Bostonian Tries Suicide in Vain. NOW AT M0NADN0CX HOTEL Defying; Father, Marries Ball Flrnyer, tomes te Omaha for DlTorce, Spends Money, Works as Do mestic, Drinks Poison. Mrs. Bernard Cassldy, wife of a ball player, formerly Miss Lorma Werner, daughter of Dr. J. O. Werner, a promi nent Boston dentist, with an office at 172 Commonwealth avenue, a child of culture and refinement, graduate of a girl's semi nary at Springfield, Mass., lies in a room of severely simple furnishings at the Monadnock hotel. Fifteenth street and Capitol avenue, recovering from two at tempta at suicide. She has passed the danger point and Is now able to sit up for a few minutes at a time. The story of this life. Just 21 years old. reads like a novel. Told by the young woman herself. It is epitomized thus: Born and reared in a typically refined New England home, with never a want tin supplied, educated In a girl's school, she lost herself in the charms of Bernard Cassldy, an outfielder for Lowell and other New England baso ball teams and finally became his wife. For this her father threatened to disinherit her. Abused by her husband, who degenerated after his marriage and lost his prestige as a ball player, the girl was forced to leave him. On her father's advice she came to Omaha to seek a divorce. Her resources gave out and her pride forbade her asking for more money from home, so she sought work as a domestic at the home of Dr. A. V. Laird, 1809 Farnam street. She was sent there by the Young Women's Christian as sociation and she worked a week and told her story there. In despair she attempted suicide and fate triumphed twice in her favor. W ill Not Try it A vain. "I will not try it again," said the pretty girl, with a smile curling her Hps, lurched by the deadly drug. "Will I go back east when I get up?" she asked in response to an Inquiry. "Cer tainly not. I will stay right here. Mrs. Baxter (proprietress of the Monadnock) has been good to me and I like the west." Mrs. Cassldy was at the Midland hotel on North Sixteenth street when she took the first poison. That was Monday night. She drank some laudanum. It strangled her and was emitted before getting into the stomach. She tried again, but either her nerve or the poison again failed. Dr. Fltzgihbon, police surgeon, was called and treated her. The matter was kept per fectly quiet. "At the request of the Midland hotel people I left there and camo here to the Monadnock. where I had been three days before," rTsrld the young woman. "I was half dead, but Mrs. Baxter took me In and has been bk kind to me as she could be. I wrote to papa when I took the poison, telling him everything. He haa been a good father, rr.uch better than I have been a daughter. But 1 have not been so very wicked. Becomes mm Ardent Kan. "You see, I became an ardent fan, oh, so wild. I would rather go to see a cme of ball than do most anything else. And then I met Bernard. "No F-ernard will not bother me here. He will only die laughing when he learns what I have done. Nor will papa come out, now that he know. I am alive, but I am looking for some financial assistance from him. He sent me $.5, which I got yester day. You think that's strange, since he Is a rich man? Well, I thought I was in big luck to get that much from him. He feels terribly toward me." Mrs. Cassidy's throat la burned Inside and out from the poison. So are her lips. She scarcely speaks above a whisper, but Is In Jovial spirits. Bhe Is a beautiful girl of pronounced brunette type and has the typical Bostonese accent and the evi dence of education and culture in every word. Wanted Mothera of families to write for our new illustrated catalogue of wearing apparel for young people. Mention this paper. Benson ft Thome Co.. Lilliputian Bazaar, 1516 Douglas 6t., Omaha. Announcements, wedding stationery and calling cards, blank book and magazla. binding, 'fnon Doug, ltd JL L Boot. Ino. seams, first quality, Solid Oak This Sideboard Is made of solid oak and every effort has been given to the details of workmanship and finish, roomy compartment, large linen drawer and two smaller ones. 4 HOLMES IS FOUND GUILTY Yoisz Lawyer Convicted of Kuibcz-sllog- Fonda Collected for a Client. Disregarding his Insanity plea, the Jury In district criminal court found William H. Holmes guilty of embezzling $Bi7 be longing to Joseph Schwenk, his client. Coupled with the verdict was a recommen dation of leniency. The Jury went out at 11:10 a. m. and tho verdict was received at 2 p. m., after the Jurors had returned from dinner. It Is un derstood the first ballot stood 10 to 2 for conviction and only three ballots were re quired. Holmes Is a young lawyer who had prac ticed In Omaha for four years with bright prospects. He is a graduate of the legal department of the t'niverslty of Iowa and of Yale. In tho w!er of J907 he began to dissipate and became Involved In a number of questionable transactions. In March ho fled to Ogden, where he took an assumed name and lived until June, when he was discovered and brought back to Omaha. He admitted appropriating the money, but pleaded insanity. In support of his pica ho Introduced evidence showing his grandmother, his uncle and his father had all been in an asylum at Augusta, Me., and his uncle and father had died there. A number of associates testified that he had acted peculiarly both before and after his arrest. Others with whom he had worked declared on the witness stand ho was perfectly sane. In his closing argument, County Attorney English ridiculed the Insanity plea, saying to entertain it seriously would be a reflec tlo on his and the Jury's intelligence. Judge Sears instructed the Jury if It found Holmes sane enough to distinguish between right andwrong he was not In sane. Tailor Held as Inreniilary. JOHNSTOWN, Pa.. Feb. IS. Charged with having started a fire at Barnesboro, near here, last week, which caused $100,000 loss and burned a woman to death, leroy Adamousgy, a tailor, who occupied one of the burned buildings, was arrested today. It is alleged he started the fire In order to collect Insurance. 10- r'i?XiC - - "Better Than vvu. ffny? Home made." t irfiy Butter Nut IWas Bread-Bc- ' fffiv Baked under vGlPIJI ifchf tue most sanitary 'SEvAlf i if conditions. VTrl I Ylff Buy on0 ot tnese l 111 luclous brown loves tA w and know for your- JMJ R Best hard wheat r flour used In Butter lj TWA Nut Bread. Ask 'our Krocer for It. y ?ei7-10 LEAYENrVORTH 5T. PHONE D. 1507 wsea oy , i Millions ss-,-", mmmn l Ming 7 Powder I VbSSb fVBipH with the Pur J" ship are not usually combined in boys' clothes. Whether for school wear, dress or ordinary occasions or for little boys or bigger ones, you'll have a wide 6weep of styles to select from and the prices will be lower than you have ever paid for similar qualities. Ages 3 to 1G years. . .2.95 12.45 r3tKT.s.2.45 - 4.95 FUND FOR PARKS.M PAYING Regular Money Cannot Be Used for Boulevards, Board Holds. ASKS TO! ACTION AT ELECTION If Bond Issue la Not Carried at Polls Improvement Work, Members Sar, Cnnnot Be Car rled Ont. Construing the provisions of the city charter to mean that the regular funds of the Park board are to be used exclusively for the Improvement of parks and not for paving streets and boulevards abutting, the Park board nt Us meeting Friday morning recommended to the mayor and city coun cil that at the coming spring election the matter of voting bonds for paving streets abutting parks bo acted upon. The city charter grants the board the SOMMER BROS. EZrOBXHTS OF OOOD UTXHO. SATURDAY SPECIALS Eggs, fresh laid, per dozen Royal Baking Powder, 3 S C per pound Dr. Price's Baking Powder, gO per pound Kellogg's Toasted Corn Flakes, 25c 3 packages " Curtice BroB. Blue Label Catsup 1 p per pint bottle 1 "" Large Kedland Fancy Oranges, per dozen New Beets, per bunch New Turnip., per bunch Cauliflower, per head 15c and 25c 05c 05c 20c Spinach, " JRc per peck ww SOMMER BROS. 28th and farnam Sts. CANDY NEWS Xut rattlos, Saturday, C n jkt pound box sC This 13 one of the most delicious confections made and sure to please all lovers of sweets. They are made of rich fond dant, cream, natural fruit flavors and crowded full of sweet pecan nuts. We make them In the fol lowing varieties: . MAI'LK NUT, VANILLA, CHOOOLATK. STKAWBEUUY. For the benefit of those that have never tasted these delicious Nut I'attlea, which sell regularly for 40 cents a pound, we will spe cially price them for Saturday only, at. per pound C box. 7G IS OUR PASTRY DEPARTMENT Whipped Cream Puffs, Maple Eclairs, Sugar Cakes. Plea (all kinds), IJlly Locks. Charlotte Kuss, Butter Cream Bolls, Ba Ba Cakes, Patty cichells. The Store tor DrucAci f.v 1318-30 TAM.H A.M ST. BUAMB W k 1111 m w i w s Table d'Hote Sunday, lrlce BOc, 9 SATURDAY Morning You'll consider this one of the larg est and most attractive displays of Boys' Spring Clothing that has ever been brought to your attention. You'll find a great variety of fresh new goods and the numerous new patterns and color effects will please you. "What ever the price you'll note the un mistakable evidence of quality iu every garment. Such elegant fabrics, sueh tasteful colorings and such splendid workman right of Issuing bonds In the sum of $5o.OOO for this purpose, providing tho proposition carries at the polls. The Issuance of these bonds was voted upon by the people last fall, but was lost, due In the opinion of E. J. Cornish, member of the board, to their not understanding what the funds were to be used for. On account of thefe being plenty of money in the county road fund, duo to the paying In of the Inheritance tax, no road fund levy will be made this year, thereby cutting down the funds of the Park board. But under legislative provision It cannot touch the Inheritance tax which Is held now to be for the exclusive use of country roads, though the money was paid In from estates left by residents of the city. The charter provides that when Improve ments are to be made upon streets or side walks adjacent to parks and parkways the cost shall be paid out of a special fund to be raised by the voting of bonds. The sum so raised shall not bo used for purchasing adidtional lands for parks. If tho matter is not voted on, or In case the proposition should be lost at the polls board member, state that contemplated lines' Of. Prnnn TrnAlnrr uu uiucii iiaumg ouiiiipo ncc To Bignallze the opening of our new and complete grocery and mar ket under new management, we offer every visitor Saturday Thirty 8. & H. Green Trading Stamps free. We have started an up-to-date bakery and we offer the finest pro ducts at prices that will be sure to bring you back again. SATURDAY'S GROCERY SPECIALS. 50 Green Trading Stamps with one 48 lb. sack Purity Fleur 81.40 SO Green Trading Stamps -with one - lb. Uncolored Japan Tea 60o 25 Green Trading Stamps with one lb. Mexican Java Coffee 300 20 Green Trading Stamps with one lb. fancy Golden Santos Coffee. . 850 30 Green Trading Stamps with H ll. pkg. L'ucolored Japan Tea .... 8So 100 Green Trading Stampa with one lb. very best Gunpowder Tea 73fi 10 Oreen Trading Stamps with one lb. Bumford's Baking Powder. S5o 120 Green Trading Stamps with 3 lbs. of Lange's Special Coffee $1.00 100 Green Trading Stamps wilh 3 lbs. Mocha and Java Coffee. . 81.00 Soda and Oyster Crackers, lb... 60 20 lbs. best Granulated Sugar $1.00 All Orders Given LAHGE GROCERY CO. J.'SLOSBURG & SON, Proprietors. THONE DOUGLAS 15.10, 8J3. SMOH-IO CUMING STREET. R, E.WELCH "THE GROCER" 24th and Farnam Streets Telephone Douglas 1311. MeatDepLi Douglas 1360. Grocery Dept. We offer quality, cleanliness, prompt attentioq and the lowest jtossible prices. We carry a complete stock of staple and fancy groceries, fruits, vegetables and delicacies; also an excellent line of meats, poultry, fish and game. SPECIALS TODAY No. 1 Pork Loins, per lb., 7c No. 1 Hams, per lb 10c Spare Ribs, per lb Gc We give S. & II. Green Trading Stamps. Try Our Chickens Hvs us yonr order and we wui eoa Tlnce yon of ths excellence of our way of dressing them. They ars always fresh and tender and baTS tbs oMckea, flavor. . Our Bfaat, rish. Oysters and Crams ars ths hast the nuwket affords, aad ws charge bo more tbaa you fears to pay lawwbws. Wo Keep Our riaos Strictly Baaltary. JOS. BATH, KIAT IUXEET. 1921 Tanuua St. 'rfcoas Doug. e&64. A work of improvement will havo to be cut down. The gift of additional lands for 'Bluff View park by W. I. Klerstcad wa accepted with thanks by the board, subject to rat ification by tho council. Two years ago Mr. Klerstcad gave an acre of ground on Florence boulevard, north of Ames avenue, for a park. Ho now adds a tract 33x225 feet to iU An American Ring Is tho great king of cures. Dr. King's New cold remedy. BOc and $1.00, For sale by Beaton Drug Co. Discovery, the quick, safe, sure cough and Railway Notes and Personals. Ouy D. Thomas left last night for Spokane, where he takes his now position of traveling freight agent of the llurlliig ton. I.yninn Sholos. division freleht and pas senger agent of the Omaha line, and Frank Nicholes," superintendent of the Nebraska division, left Friday for Minneapolis. Hardy B. Webb, nlpht agent of the I'ull mun company Ht Union station, pilped as he was ullghting from a moving train In front of the station nnd the wheel paused over a finger of his rlrht hand, crushintr It so that amputation was necessary. Iln was taken to St. Joseph's hospital. Ofnmnn Trnn To Er- 4 cans Corn or Peas 23o 23c Pears or Peaches 18o 10 bars Laundry Soap BBo 15c pkg. Currants or Raisins.... lOo 26c Snlder's Catsup 1B BAKERY DEPT. Fresh Bread, loaf f. 4o 10c lies , ., So Two-Layer Cakes 30o All Other bakery goorl-i In proportion. MEATS I KEATS 1 Fresh Hams, lb. . , f Via Bacon, lb Hmo Ham, lb TVio S. Pork, lb 6te 12 lbs. Leaf Lard $1.00 Spare Ribs, lb , 6Vo Boiling Beef, lb 4UO Pork Hoat, lb VHo l'ot Boast, lb 7c-o Prompt Attention. Pork Butts, per lb 7c Peas, Corn and Tomatoes, dozen ... SI. 15 Fruit Brandies Strawberry, per quart. . . . Raspberry, per quart Cherry, per quart Apricot, per quart Pineapple, per quart Banana, per quart u.oo U.00 il.00 S1.00 Horns Made Grape Wine, gallon 91.10 Cackley Bros. Opposite Posloff lew. TELEPHONE DOUGLAS II 48 18. WIS