, THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY. FERRUARY 29. 1908. P OMAHA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY, FERRUARY 29. - -w - m m m m m m m m - w w w w w w w r u u m m n - va m w uj t Bargain Offerings of Keenest Economical Interest in Saturday's Sales at Hay den's Charming New Garment Models for Spring Fancy Sofa for 39c Billows THE RBUABLK 8T9RB M the Window Display ct new Sofa rtUows Th hiti of the seaann- are the "Indian Heed.'-- "Paddle Tour Own Cano.." "Iitu of Good Fish In the Sea," "Prlscllla" and "lloma Sweet Home." Extra Specials Saturday You'll find the greatest lot of tip-to-date staple goods displayed at Special Bargain Prices in our Fancy Notion and Novelty Goods department Saturday ever offered in Omaha. 1 REE THE OIIEAT 7W COUNTER , s ,15c Fmnef Rnchlnus, Per Yard, 7Hr The opening big map of the 'Season, all the principal colors and staple styles Included la this lot: 15c Side Combs, pair 7H? 16c Hair Brushes ..7Wc" 20c Hose Supporters TW 20c Dress Shields, palr....7$C 15c Embroidered Collars, pr.7JC All goods strictly A-l the big gest bargains ever offered. 25c All 811k Veilings, all colors and styles 7 He Tooth Brashes 7H 16c Pearl Buttons, dozen. . -7Hc 16c All Silk Ribbons 7Hc 15c Celluloid Dressing Combs 'or -7 16c Back Combs 7H Ladies' and Children's Hose Ml WW'S Special bargain offerings In surplus stock and sample Hose that will delight the moot critical purchaser Saturday. Ladles' SOc Lisle Hose, In allover lace, lace boot, embroidered or plain gauze llsles, all colors. Including the new shades of browns and tans at, pair 3o (Three pair for fl.OO) Ladles Sample Hose, worth to SOc, all styles and colors, exceptional bargains Saturday at, pair 25 Ladins' Lisle Hose, light, medium or heavy weight, all sizes Saturday 19 V Ladies' 10c Embroidered and Allover Lace Anriirtav noli 1 O U , - - uu , f ........... Children's School Hone. I9c quality, tine or heavy ribbed, with double heel, toe and knee on Bale at, pair 12 W Rug Sale Extraordinary l . MONDAY, MARCH 2. Over $20,000 Worth of High Grade Rugs Secured for Cash from the Well Know wmSL- F. B. and L W. TenefffNUfa At An Average of Less Than 50c on the Dollar ' The stock consists of Room Size Rugs In AxminBtera, Smyrnas, Tapestry Brussels, Wilton Velvets, etc., and small Rugs of every kind and description, and all go Monday, March 2, at ABOUT HALF REGULAR I'KICKH. 9x12 Axmlnster Rugs, floral and oriental patterns, regular $30.00 quality $11.93 ReverBlble Smyrna Rngs. handsome patterns, regular $12.60 values A 94.48 MANY OTHER MATCHLESS BARGAINS SHOWN. SEE WIN- . DOW DISPLAY. WATCH SUNDAY PAPERS. Never in Omaha has a more comprehensive collection of new fashion thoughts found expression. The very latest style innovations are shown in such splendid variety that the desire of each customer is almost certain of fulfillment here. NEW TAILOR SUITS FROM $12.50 TO $75.00 Over 1,500 handsome new suits now in stock, a display embracing in its scope tlie most attractive style ideas of American nnd European desi.arners. All are splen dainty tailored, the elegant fabrics and rich new color ings are a delight unusually attractive values, at, $12.50, $15.00, $18.00, $20.00, $25.00, Up. NOBBY NEW SPRING JACKETS AT $3.95 to $25.00 All the mont charming style conceptions in fine coverts, serges, broadcloths, worsteds, etc., silk and satin lined, splendid varietv and delightful values, at $3.05 S5.0O 37.50 to $25.00 Most Important Garment Bargain Event of the Entire Season Begins Saturday, February 29th. All odd lots and sample garments will be closed at one price in Saturday's Sale at a small fraction of their real value. 7S Stylish Tailor Suita, 3.5 Handsome Nilk Suits, 25 Caricnl Coats, 50 Voile and Silk Skirts, all worth from three to four times: Sat urday's Special Clearing Sale price, choice $7.50 Jap Silk and Net Waists, silk lined In ecru or white, $5.00 values, Satur day $2.03 Manufacturers' Stock of Waists Over COO dozen In the lot, secured by our buyer for cash at a tremendous bar gain; Nun's Veilings, Slclleans, etc., tucked and embroidered, all sizes, and colors, newest styles, many worth $4.00, choice 98 Women's Long Kimonos on sale at, choice 9S Manufacturers' Stock of Skirts All newest styles, materials and colors In walking and dress length, regular values to $7.50, choice in Saturday's Sale $2.50 Women's $2.00 Underskirts on sale Saturday, choice $1.50 $5.00 Children's Coat, all sizes, 1 to 5 years, all colors, 100 to select from, choice $1.50 $5.00 Children's Iresses, great variety, splendid lot for selection, sizes 6 to 14 years, choice $1.98 BIG TOOL SALE SATURDAY Buck Bros, ft Barton's high i grade Chisel" and Gages. Turning Chisels, etc, etc.. worth from SOc up to $1.00, all sixes, H-lnch up to 2-lnohes. at, each 10, lo ud 88o Stanley Box Rules, two-foot each. 6o Haley Knuckle Joint Block Plana 70o 750 Stanley Block Plane. only....40o 11. 85 Bailey Iron Smooth Plans $1.88 Atkin s blue, steel 26-ln. Saw, worth $1.65, only 75o Henry Dlsston's D 8 86-in. Saw, worth $1.75, only 91M Set 1$ blue Auger Bits, worth II. 60, at vi.es Nlckle Plated Combination Flyers. worth bbo .w All a! lea fol screws V ma 9bo xx corns Now is the tlms to buy, we w1H put on aale one solid oar of Waah Boilers and Tea Kettles at leas than prtoe Saturday. 14-os. solid all copper Wash Boilers, No. 8 else, worth $4.60, each .. .13.49 14-os. solid all copper Wash Boilers, No. 9 size, worth $5.00, each, 12.75 14-os. solid copper, nlckle plated Tea Kettles. No. 8 size, worth $1.49, at, only 89o Do not be deceived there are nlckle plated Tea Kettles sold usuallly for Vac each, but they are not copper they are block tin. These are copper. 25o padded Sleeve Boards on sale at, each lttHo $1.60 steel Roller Skates, Saturday only 88o Seven rolls Toilet Paper for 06o Family House Scales, worth $1.26, ' each 68o 5- tte Parlor Brooms, only 18Vo All sixes Chair Seats, worth to lOo, So 6- foot Step Ladders, worth $1.25, for house cleaning 69o Blue enamejed white lined Sauoe Pans, Preserving Kettles or Dish Pane, worth up to 60o, only Silo SPECIAL SHOE SALE SATURDAY Men's box calf, vlcl kid, gun metal and patent colt $3.50 and $4.00 shoes, Union from the big purchase of the floor stock of the Kprncer Shoe Co., at Men's box calf, vicl kid and patent colt $3.50, $3.00 and $2.50 values Men's Fireproof Moulders' shoe, a $2.50 value . . Women's Russia calf and chocolate vicl kid $3.00 and $3.50 values, button and lace. Little OenU', Youths' and Girls' calf and vicl kid Bluchers, a $1.60 value Boys' and Youths' $1.50 satin calf and Little Gents' kangaroo $1.75 seamless shoes. Child's 50c dongola lace shoes U9t Women's patent colt, vicl kid and gun metal Bluchers, regular $3.00 nnd $3.50 lu $1.93 Men's satin calf and vicl kid. from the Spencer floor stork, $2.00 and $2.25 value $1.50 Mnde $2.50 $1.93 $1.75 $2.50 08c -$l.li Groceries Groceries Groceries Read These Prices for Saturday's Sale Prices that mean a saving to you of 25 to 60 per cent. 21 lbs. best pure cane Granulated Sugar for $1.00 10-lb. sacks best granulated white or yel low Cornmeal 16c 10-lb. (tacks best pure Buckwheat or Gra ham Flour 85c Gallon cans Golden Table Syrup 85c Gallon cans Peaches, Plums, Tomatoes or Apples 8&C 8-lb. cans Golden Pumpkin, Hominy, Squash, Sauer Kraut. Baked Beans 7 He 1-lb. pkg. best Corn Starch 4c 1-lb. pkg. best Cold Water Starch 4c Wiggle Stick Blueing, per stick. ..... .3c Wiggle Stick Combination pkg 10c Oil or Mustard Sardines, per can SHc Erjf-O See, Malta Vita, Dr. Prlce"s or Corn lakes, per pkg. ...7Vic 1-lb. can Royal or Dr. Price's Baking Powder 85c Large trttles Snyder's pure Tomato Cat sup lHo 1-lb. cans Assorted Soups 7 Ho Fancy California Prunes, lb 4 Ho Fancy California Peaches, per lb...,.12Hc Fancy California Raisins, per lb 7 He Fancy Cleaned Currants, per lb.. ....8 Ho Fancy Evaporated Apples, per lb iOc Fancy Seeded Hnlslns, per pkg 7 He Butter and Cheese Bale Saturday Fancy No. 1 Dairy Butter, per lb 23c Fancy Creamery Butter, per lb 2fic Fancy full cream Cheese, per lb luc Fancy Brick or Llmberger Cheese,. . 1" He Fancy full cream Domestic Swiss Cheesn, per lb 20o Neufchatel Cheese, each 3o Trash Vegetable Prices for Saturday Large Cauliflower, per head 10c Fresh Spinach, per peck 20c 2 heads freeh Leaf Lettuce 5c Large Head Lettuce 1 6c Freeh Beets, 2 bunches for 5c Fresh Carrots nr Turnips, per bunch.... 5c Fresh Green Beans, per It) 15c Fresh Pie Plant, pr bunch 7 He Fresh Hhalot Onions, 3 bunches for,...10e Fresh Tomatoes, per lb 15o Cape Coil Cranberries, per quart ...Ho t bunches fresh Parsley Be Onions. Beets, Carrots, Parsnips, Ruta bagas or Carrots, per lb 2c Fresh Holland Seed Cabbage, per lb....lc Taccy Highland Havel Orange Bale Satur day, doa., 7Ho, 10c, 13o, 160, 17Hc, 800 Watch the Sunday papers for the Big Special for Monday.; Fancy China for Saturday Saturday we will place on sale over five hundred pieces of fancy decorated Salads, Plat ters, Bread and Cake Plates, also a pood ass6rtment of fancy decorated 2-qt. Pitchers. Your choice of any of these above mentioned articles for Satur day only 15c Imported English 6 and 8 cup Tea Pots 23c White Austrian China Cups and Saucers, a set 30c Gas Burner, Chimney and Man tle, all for 23c ALL MAIL ORDERS CAREFULLY AND PROMPTLY FILLED. TRY HAYDEN'S FllRST ir 111 THE RELIABLE 9TRB 25c 25 c 25 c 49c SPECIAL SATURDAY 60c Elastic Holts at. . 50c Hand Pass st. . . 50c ladies' Purses at. $1.00 Hand Bags st. . $1.00 Ladles' Belts at. .,); Grand Book Sale We sell any and all of the late Books for less than other houses in Omaha. The Tort of Missing Men In the Snn! of TarMi In the original original edition, regular edition, regular prlco .price $1.50; Saturday T7C $1.60; Saturday HALF A IHKJl'F In the original edition, regular price $1.60 Saturday Satan Sanderson, The Black Hag. The Brans Ikml, Kosalind at Bed Gate, The B-st Man, The Heart Line and many other $1.60 fln copyright hooks on sale at : JOC 2.Sc Cloth Hound 12-Mo. Hook at 7lc We are closing out this line of books and will soli the entire line on Saturday re- 71 ular 25c books at. choice f 2C PAPKU XOVKLS Big list of titles on sale Saturday, choice 2t New Corset Models Most Complete Line of New Corset Models In Omaha Shown Here. All the Warner's Corsets for spring embody the hip subduing feature. Ve carry a complete line of models for all figures, from styles for very fleshy women, that grade down the hip line, to models for the extremely slender figure which require a little help to turn graceless' lines Into pretty and attractive tapering off. Style 221 shown here is a very popular long skirt model for the medium form, the corset skirt dipping over the hips, shaping them Into fashionable lines. Come in fine light-weight batiste, with security rubber but ton hose supporters attached at, pair $1.50 ft. 50 Itatinte and Coutilie Corset, one of the stand ard brands, long hip models, with high or medium bust or girdle top, heavy Hale hose supporters at tached sale price 75 nmni, ni,i,ir line 01 new corset nioueis 111 fiu;.mV Omaha shown here. V1" sGreatest Silk Bargains Ever. Over M,000. Yards of Elegant Silks Secured for Cash from the Chat Auction of ASHLEY & BAILEY CO. Silk Stock . At a Price Far Below Cost to Manufacture. Rough Pongees, Rajahs, Rubaiyats, Auto Silks, Shan tungs, m piain ana novelties, plain Messahnes, black and color Taffetas, choice Novelties, checks, stripes and polka dots, etc., colored crepe de chines, evening novelties in rich Brocades and print warp effects, ac tual values up to $LoO. a yard, in three great lots, at, yard 35c, 45c and G7c On sale Monday, March 2d. See Window Display. Watch Sunday Papers. KM r I Hayden Bros Cut Price Druq Dept. SATURDAY AN0 MONDAY SPECIALS FOR TWO DAYS - 1-lb. pkg. 20 Mule Team Borax.... 9o Ivory Koiip, per cake 4o TOUET ARTICLES HOC Schneider Wsteis' Face Cream 39o FiOe Hiker's Violet Cerato 39o 5Uo I'ozxont's I'owd.-r 38o 5c Kastman's Benzoin and Almond Lotion 16o SOc LablnncliA Face Powder ".380 OUT PRICE PATENT'S $1X10 Scott's KmiilMou 880 50c Syrup of Figs 4 60 25c Cough Hyrup 14o (1.00 a. fci. h 89o ?3.50 Horllck's Malted Milk $3.95 r.Oc iJoan's Kidney Pills 40o 1 -00 Price's Favorite Perscrlptlon B9o 11.00 Mother's Friend 89e KUBBE GOOD 7 So Rubber Oloves, maroon rubber 3o $1.60 Syrlnun 89e 2-qt. Combination, S year guarantee for ci.es $2.00 Seamless Fnuntsln Syringe 01.O $1.75 Seamless Fountain Syringe, 89e II. 80 Hot Water Hottlo 800 J.'.OO Hall's VsglnaJ yrlnse. . ... . .880 fc. ' " I I 1 1 1 . . ' ' IJ -i- J NOTES ON OMAHA SOCIETY Mrs. W. P. Harford and Miss Harford Hold Large Reception. C0ITEE FOLLOWS IN EVENING Hound of Formal and Informal A f--. fairs, Large ' and Small, Betas' v . Given for Prospective Brtdee. Mrs. W. P. Harford and Miss Harford were hostesses of one of the largest re ceptlons'or The' month Friday afternoon, when they entertained In honor of Mrs. frank Resler. The house was beautifully decorated, a different floral scheme being used In each reom. In the drawing room, where Mrs. Harford and Mrs. Resler re ceived, was a simple decoration of ferns and yellow daffodils. In the library the mantel was banked with palms and pink asanas, while In different places around the room were bouquets of sweet peas and pink carnations. In the dining room the color scheme of green and white was car ried out 1n the decorations and the refresh ments. A basket of ferns and white hya cinths tied with tulle made an effective centerpiece for the table, while on the buffet and plate rail were randies In stiver holders with green and white shades and frn tied with white tulle. Assisting her were Mrs. W. H. Wyman, Mrs. Draper Smith, Mrs. Jamea EL Dahlman. Mrs. E. V. Heaford, Mrs. C. T. Morris, Mrs. Clarice Shelley, Mrs. J. P. Thorne, Mrs. O. W. Wlckersham, Mrs. Emma Byers. Mrs. Harly Chapman, Mies Whttrnaruh, Miss Burgeas, Miss Rita Clartte and Miss Har ford. About 276 guests were received be tween 3 and 6 o'clock. Friday evening Mr. and Mra. Harford will give a o'-'ock coffee for Mr. and Mrs. Resler, w. 1 the same decorations will be used In the rooms and refeshmenta will be served from small tables. Thoee assisting Mr. and Mra Harford will be Mr. and Mra. O. W. Wlckersham. Mra. Emma Byers, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Dale, Mr. and Mrs. a W. Lindsay, Dr. and Mrs. John Tllden, Miss Erma Pickett. Miss Whitmarsh, Miss Burgess and Miss Mary Harford. Pre-lVavttal Affairs. Miss Marybeth Wallace and Mr. Mortl t er J. Brown, whose wedding takes place Tuesday, March 4, have been honor guests t: a number of affairs. Saturday Miss ynthia McCague entertained Informally. Thursday evening Miss Theresa Wallace entertained and presented the young people! with a large silk American flag. The guests Included Miss Marybeth Wallace, Miss Beulah Evans, Miss Amy Cooper, Miss Bess Dumont, Miss Cynthia McCague, Miss Rose McMillan, Miss Belle McMillan, Miss Emma Allan, Mr. Mortimer Brown, Mr. Stanley Brown, Mr. Edward McMillan, Mr. Herbert McMillan, Mr. Clyde Camb fcn, Mr. Burdette Lewis and Mr. Hugh Cured of Croup by Chamberlexin's Cough Remedy ' ' ' f s ' V - i JAMES GRLBB. EDITH GUUBB. "When our children were small they were subject to croup." says Mr. J. K. Gruhb of 723. South Kourth street. Albuquerque, N. M. "One night they vere hoth taken at ence. I ran for the doctor. They grew woree very rapidly. My wlfa thought they would aurely die before I returned. One of them already looked Mke death, when she remembered that she had a bottle of Chamberlain' Cough Remedy la the house. She rave them large doses of It, and when 1 re turned with JJie doctor the babies were all right, the danger was over. She told the doctor JuBt wliat had been doue and what he had done. He said he did not Iclow what Chaniberlaln'a Cough Remedy was made of, but that It had. without uoubt, saved the babies' Uvea." Chamberlain's Cough, Remedy contains no avium or other narcotic and may be given to a child with perfect confidence. Wallace. Friday evening Miss Beulah Evans will entertain at dinner for the wedding party, when a centerpleoe of yellow Jonquils will be used and hand painted cards will mark the places of Miss Wallace, Miss Theresa Wallace, Miss Cynthia McCague, Miss Bess Dumont, Miss Amy Cooper, Miss Evans, Mr. Mortimer Brown, Mr. Stanley Brown, Mr. Elbert Brown, Mr. Burdette Lewis, Mr. Hugh Wallace and Mr. George Wallace. Satur day afternoon Miss Bess Dumont will en tertain Informally for Mlas Wallace. Mrs. Leopold Heller and Mra Sol Berg man entertained at a large bridge party Thursday at Metropolitan club in honor of a number of visiting women, eighteen tables being placed for the game. Several guests played the game of Lotta. The prices of the afternoon were won by Mrs. A. Martin, Mrs. M. Miller, Mrs. Theodore Mayer, Mrs. B. Newman and Mrs. S. Ooets, the guest prize going to Mrs. Car lisle of New York. Luncheon, served from small tables in the dining room, followed the game. Barwood Parly. Mra M. Mullen entertained several friends at a box party at the Burwood Wednesday evening, followed by a supper at the Rome. The guests Included Miss Rona Wllrodt, Miss Clara Beecher, MIbs Mable Beecher, Mr. Melvln Moore and Mr. Walter Wllrodt. Prospective Pleasares. The Ladles auxiliary of the Travelers' Protective association will be entertained Wednesday afternoon, March 4, by Mrs. J. L. Adams at her home, 1514 North Fortieth street. Instead of the usual game of cards, it will be a juvenile party and the mem bers are to bring their first pictures. Mrs. Adams will be assisted by Mrs. R. S. Bacon and Mrs. E. B. BTanch. In honor of Miss Florence Paine, whose wedding to Mr. Edwin M. Slater Wednes day, March 1 Miss Huntley and Mis Mabel Huntley will give a box party at the Bur- wood Saturday afternoon. Mlas leah Man delberg will entertain at luncheon and a linen shower next Wednesday, and Miss Pulne's mother, Mrs. John J. Boucher, will entertain Informally Saturday afternoon, March 7. Cards have been Issued for the wedding of Miss Clara Gertrude Redmon, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Redmon of Mo vllle, la., and Mr. James McEachron Stoney of this city. The wedding will take place Wednesday, March 4, at high neon, at their home In Moville. Ia. Come and Go Gossip. Miss Strauss and Miss Sarah Strauss of Titusville, Pa., are exported Frldny to bo the guests of their sister, Mrs. M. Meyer. Mrs. T. M. Orr will leave Friday eveninr for a visit In Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Abe Reed and Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Hull will leave Friday evening for Cuba. Dr. W. O. Henry and Dr. E. C. Henry have been called to Camp Point, 111., by the serious Illness of their mother. Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Davis left Thursday for a three weeks' trip to Cuba, St. Augus tine and Palm Beach. WOMEN WILL BOMBARD TAFT Milliners and Dressmakers Demand to Know Certain Things. NO DUTY ON FASHION PLATES That Is the Decree They Propose Is suing; to the . Preferred Candi date for President When He Comes. Wben you have anyrmng to sell, adver tise It in The Bee Want Ad Columns. Brraa Hear lies Memphis. MEMPHIS. Tenn.. Feb. 28 William J, Brian arrived here today. He will deliver a lecture this afternoon and tonight will speak at a banquet. He will be Introduced hy Former Senator E. W. Carmack. Mr liryaa will tomorrow address the members u me aiisaisaipi legislature at Jackson. Grief and indignation among the dress makers and milliners may culminate in a large number of women atendlng the meet ing in tlie Auditorium April 6, when "cre tary Taft will deliver address, and hurling some direct. If not Impudent, questions at the favorite candidate for president. The United States general appraisers have sent out a general order holding that fash Ion plates from Paris cannot be admitted free from duty. Secretary Taft may be asked to Btate his position on the matter, and unless he favors admitting such works of art free he may have trouble with the Amalgamated Order of Union Dressmaker and Milliners. Worse than that, the appraisers Intimate that the fashion plates are not works of rt. They say the sketches are artistic In appearance only so far as the landscape In the background is portrayed or In the faces of the figures. "That's a direct slam, so It Is!" said a blonde dressmaker when she heard that If she received plates from Tarls In the fu ture she would be compelled to pay the duty. "The rule says the gowns and hats are not artlBtlc; that Is the worst rart of It. There is going to be trouble for some one If the big stick descends too often on the women. No wonder they want suf frage. A few weeks ago a terrible duty was put on powder puff. Now It is fash ion plates. The next thing we know wo will have to get all our faahlon plates from Washington and the designs will probably be made by a congressional committee. I am getting tired of the tyranny myself. Our fashions shall not be crucified in polit ical conventions and our rights t rumpled In primaries any longer, and we will hsi Mr. Taft about It.'' bulldtng-s suitable for factories and other Industrie. Pints of the ground are to be filed, with tentative Trices and photo graphs. When a business man visits the city with a view of locating a factory or warehouse, the commlHsioner will be en abled to show him the outlook for a site and refer the prospective purchaser to the agent having the site for sale. At present the outlook Is for the car shops and another Industry, which will require an expenditure of equal size, a starch works, and the representative of an automatic threshing machine factory Is looking over the city with a view of locat ing In Omaha and manufacturing the threshers "near the point of greatest consumption." LIST SITES JFOR FACTORIES Gnlld Proposes that Ileal Estate Men IteuUter Suitable Locations for Plants. Factory and warehouse sites with track age are numerous In Omaha and real estate dealers have no disposition to "hold up" firms which propose buying In Omaha, as tluy frequently do In cities where there is a site much in demand. Commlia'oner J. M. Guild of the Com mercial club says that as a result of the vU't ofVT. A. Ralston of the Ralston-Le-Baron Car company to Omaha, real estate dealers have offered many more suitable sites for various Industries than he ever suspected were available, and the real es late dealers are all Inclined to keep the prices down to encourage the location of new Industries. ' The commissioner has suggested to the real estate dealers that they file with the chib a I t of their trackage sites and PRIVATE LETTER GIVEN OUT Action of Norrls Brown In Disclosing Personal Metier Surprises Men In Omaha. While Senator Norrls Brown has given to Wntihington correspondents of Nebraska newspapers a letter which he says was sent to Commissioner J. M. Guild of the Omaha Commercial club, stating his atti tude on the long and short haul clauses, no such a letter has yet been received at the Commercial club. Disputchcs say this letter was dated Feb ruary 20. Tlie Cnmnierci.il club has re ceived a brief letter frvm the Junior sen ator from Nebraska, postmarked Wash ington, 9 p. m., February 15, but It does not deal with the proposed amendment of the long and short haul clause. Commis sioner J. M. Guild would not discuss the dispatches sent to Omaha papers about the letter, preferring to aalt the arrival of the letter. Some surprise has been ex pressed that the senator should give out a personal letter to the Omaha Commer cial club for publication in the newspapers before It Is in the hands of the club. PAY ASKED F0R GHOST FEAR Woman Sues Street Car Company for Daughter Jumplna to Avoid Graveyard. The responsibility of the street railway company for injuries to a girl who Jumped off a moving car rather than pass a ceme tery In the dark Is to be determined by a Jury In Judge Day's court In the suit of Mary A. Kruger against the slreef rail way company. Mrs. Kruger Is the mother of Melte Kruger, who waa Injured four years ago, when she was only 13 years old. She was riding homo from work on a West Q street car, and charges the conductor did not stop the car at Thirty-first street, where she wanted to get off. Fearing she would be landed near the cemetery, she Jumped off the car without waiting for It to stop at the next crossing. According to the testimony, sho was superstitious and afraid of ghosts. Her mother is now suing the company for $1,700 for money expended In treating the girl's Injuries and for the loss of her services. Since the accident the girl, who weighed only seventy-five pounds four years ago, has become a young woman, tipping the scales at 1M pounds. Another suit against the street railway company for general damnges, growing out of the accident, Is In the courts and will come up for trial soon. v JUMP TO ESCAPE FLAMES E. L. Huntley and Sick TSephew Leap from I'pstalrs to .Save Their I.Ives. Edwin L. Huntley and a sl.k nephew wen forced to Jump from the roof of their front porch when fire broke out In their home at 2ni9 Douglas street, Friday after noon, and damaged the house and furniture seriously. The furniture is damaged to the extent of $5o0 and the house more. Mr. Huntley carried $Ti00 Insurance and Fell & Pinkerton company, First National bank building, agents of the house, car ried $3,500 Insurance. "I was upstairs talking to the hoy, who was sick in bed," said Mr. Huntley. "I had occasion to go downstairs and en countered smoke. It was too dense to en able any Inquiries on my part. I couldn't tell where or how the fire started,' hut was driven back upstair, where I got the bT and rushed to a window and onto the roof of the porch, from which I leaped to the ground. Mrs. Huntley and my sister wera down town." THOSE SUDDEN TWINGES Pain ia nature's signal of distress, a warning that must not be ignored. Those sharp twinges In the back, those Btab-llke pains that follow any sudden twist or turn, are simple signs of hidden danger in the kidneys. No trouble starts more easily, gains ground more rapidly, nor proves more often fatal than any disorder of the kidneys. All the outward appearances of health may remain until a terrible disease has taken root. It Is best to learn the duties of the kidneys, to watch for early signs of trouble, and to correct any Irregular ity before its serious stage begins. The blood soes to the Kidneys In an Incessant stream, to be cleared of poi son and relieved of surplus water. This is iiassed off by the kidneys in the rrlne. It la Ihe retention of poi son In kidney trouble that breeds futal disease. Don't wait. The moment you feel any uneasiness, lameness or pain lu the back, the moment the urine shows Irregularity, either In its appearance or In the quantity or number of the pass ages, begin with Doan'a Kidney Pills. This remedy has been curing kidney troubles for seventy-six years, and never yet has failed to give relief if taken in time. It cures the kidneys, and thus cures backache, lame back. ITMIi I. -i . Te TT i n-y ..-r hendaehe, dizzy spells, urinary trou bles, rheumatic pain, gravel, dropsy, swellings, nervousness, languor, sci atica, and all other symptoms of kid ney troubles. Fifty thousand people have testified to the worth of Doan's Kidney Pills, Here's a home ense: OMAHA I'ltOOK Mrs. Thomas P. Norton, 409 No. Fourteenth St., Omaha, Neb., says: "I have never had need of a kidney remedy since Doan's Kidney Pills cured me of kidney complaint some years ago. When I first learned of them, my condition was serious. The pains In my back were almost unbearable and It waa Impossible for me to stoop without experiencing sharp twinges throughout my body. At night I tould not sleep on account of the sever ity of the pains and arose In the morn ing unfit to commence the day's duties. Headaches and dizzy spoils bothered me a great deal and there were various other symptoms which showed that the kidneys were the source of ull my suf fering. My h:sbund finally learned of Doan's Kidney Pills and procured a box tor me. 1 hnd taken them but a short time when l obtained relief; continued their use and was rewarded with a complete and permanent cure." josmi.vrrssxa DOAN'S EODNEY PILLS. old 1)7 all deaJer. Mca M eeat. F08TIJUMILBTJRN CO, BufaJo, N. T, FrorUtora.