TUE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY, FEKKUARY 20, 1003.- BRANDED BARGAIN LEADERS S s s i 1 O IJ Hi s s s LOU s s X s s SPECIAL: A Big Sal cl Genuine II j degrade neatherbloom Petticoats Here are two of the biggest bar gains in the United States Heather bloom makes the most practical petti coats, light and durable, rustles liko silk and wears better. Select one Sat urday. $3.50 Heatherbloom Petticoats $1.08; Extra full skirt with wide underlay and wide flounce bottoms rows of , shirring and scalloped eyelet embroidery, all lengths and sizes black only a good $3.50 value, at $2.25 neatherbloom Pellic oats, $1.39 Good full skirts with wide flounce bottom, shirred and stitched with ' 4-inrh underlay all lengths, black only. The genuine OQ Hyde grade Heatherbloom and would be a bargain at 1 $2,25 special at 4 SATURDAY SPECIALS IN CLOAK DEPT. 98 WHITK rETTIC'OATH In muslin and NIOHT GOWN'S Very pretty effects, nainsook many are elegantly trimmed high and low necks, long and short with fine laceB and embroideries, wide, sleeves, embroidery and lace trimmed, deep flounces, and worth g o some slip-over styles g q up to 12.00 il0 w,de Bnd ful, worth ' Sif at..... J J up to 12.00, at Willi K and COLORED WAISTS 1908 WOMEN'S $. WHITE WAISTS at 91.50 new-styles, white linen waists with Long and short sleeves include long w short sleeves, also dainty col- . many stunning samples f ine ' lawns ored waists, In plain colors, g and nainsooks open front PA ring dots, etc., worth Itflf and back worth up IJU 2.00, at to $3.00, at S w Cere Is a Big Bargain Yon Are Looking For SHIRT SALE Men's $1.50 and $2.60 Shirts at 39c and 50c No store in America ever sold such, good, well made, new and up-to-date shirts as these at any such prices. Not one shirt in the lot worth less than $1.00 most of them up to $2.00. Buy your spring shirts Satur day all kinds with collar attached or separate thousands on big bargain square all sizes, at lk life We are showing in advance of the season our exclusive Manhattan and E. & W. shirts the swellest effects at $1.50 to 3.50 MEN'S $2.50 NIGHT SHIRTS AT 75c Manufacturer's samples of men's Night Shirts the finest and most attractive styles in linen, pongee and French mesh. Have you seen the window display? They are in all sizes and are positively worth up to $2.50, at....... 4 lip a s s . a AN EXTRAORDINARY OFFER Such chance ft this has never been offered In Omaha Men's Fine Pants and Vests Actually worth 4 flO $1, $5 and $6, at I-tJO A prominent manufacturer In making up fine suits to sell at $12. BO and $1B. spoiled 1,000 coats in making. We bought the vests and pants for less th an actual cost of the materials. All are now patterns all regular sizesall fine quality and worth easily $4, $B and $6, Saturday you may take your choice of the entire lot Main Floor Old Stora 98 75e ----------- r S s s ALL THE SAMPLES FROM AN ATTELB0R0 MFGR. MOUNTED COMBS Imported Conibs set with fine white French stones. No two combs alike mounted in Jude, Coral and other fancy settings usu- r&k 7D ally sell up to $8.00 Inlaid combs set with fancy stones and gold plated inlaid combs extra heavy quality. All the mounted combs made to retail 4 Ap at 25c and 50c, on front bargain square, choice, at AUC MANICURE PIECES : Manicure Refs'at silverware section Flower Girl '.and 'Automobile Girl design in tooth brush, nail brush, files, shoe horns, but- 4 ton hooks, letter openers, etc., at, each A 31 In Silverware Section-Main Floor-Jewelry Dept. your choice at 75c, $1, $1.50 $2 and $2.50 S s ItoKciV nef grape dentin French gTey TeaBpoona, Saturday only, 7 Bet Of BiX....k- lv French grey grape design Dessert Spoons, French grey handles, set ot six. . . . 1.49 French grey grapevine design Tablespoons, Sat urday only, at, Bet...... ...1.69 j Men's Overcoats and Suits $10 Several hundred high grade Overcoats and Suits for men in good servicable 1907-8 styles have been selling for $15.00 and $18.00 Saturday. . " V; AN EXTRA SPECIAL-YOUR CHOICE In Advance of Regular Season We Show the NEW SPRING SUITS The Smart New Skirts 190 8 Waists Prelly Novel ties In Spring Coats Exclusive models in spring tailored suits are shown at Brandeis every favorite of 1908 fashion is represented many copies of French spring models charm- $OG! ing variety......... JI" 1 Any Boys' Heavy Knee Pants Suit These are $3.75 Any heavy suit in the entire house worth up to $15.00. straight pants and knickerbocker styles nothing reserved,- all the boys' fine suits included. Your choice Saturday of the entire stock at On our second floor we are showing the newest and prettiest ar-, rivals in spring suits for boys. The 1908 styles are prettier and dress ier than ever before. The most pleasant and thoroughly equipped boys' department in Omaha. SPRING TAILORED SLITS 2 New Groups The modified prince Chap Suits for spring are included iii this very special assemblage as well as strictly tailored suits smartest prids.T. .... 14- mt 22" S . - ? s j Specials in Men's Women's Shoes s Spring Skirts Voiles with silk bands, panamas in colors and blacks, worth up to J98 98 $10.00, at....... i -0- THE NEW SKIRTS FOR SPRING New i arrivals in voiles, tailored taffeta silks, . cheeks'5: and striped panamas gored and flared, habit backs, etc. also juniper skirts.. Silk Petticoats, fine quality heavy rustling taffeta, all desired col ors and blacks, great yf 98 C98 values at SILKS 4 6 . r-i w CALLING CARDS Prom 39o par 100 Up. Lien Carfls, per 100 ......69a liuslnesa Cards, 300 at 9 So Coma and Bee our Automatic! turn them out. East Arcade. S i 7!!-$l(h-$35 1 i f-5!! 1 Women's High Shoes To make Saturday a big special bargain day we offer several hundred pairs of women's fine shoes, in dull or patent leathers, 'all sizes, worth up to $4.00 pair, J (Jjj New Spring. Oxforda for - Women are Mere the new Btyles are extremely pretty. Men's Shoes Good sensible, comfort- . giving shoes, in new styles, made to fit the feet properly, dull or shiny leathers and worth up to $4.00 and $4.50 41 QP a pair, at. &vO Brandeis has the most complete stock of rubbers In Omaha. Moderate prices. Showing and Sale of New Spring Oats Not a bit too early. Do among the first. Make your selection Saturday. The celebrated Tiger Special $3.00 Hats are here, at 82.00 Ciiamplon $2.50 Soft Hats are here, at.... $2. OO Ths Brandeis Special Soft and Stiff Hats, at $2.00 Cerebrated John B. Stetson Soft and Derby Hals, iu all the latest styles, at ...... . $3.50 fei ENGLISH WILTON RUGS Room B!e Rug's, aeamleas and made In the richest and 9Q most artistic designs, $60 valuei, at BRANDEIS LAND PROBLEM IN POLAND Passage of Expropriation Bill Eousej German Land Owners. SOCIALISTS GROWING EXULTANT Trlnvlple Endorsed Mar Rrrmtnallr Man Iteprlaal Ipron Arlato rrtii ( Empire New Groaplac of Lords. 13ERIJN, Feb. 3. Few legislative meai urea ol rerrnt yeara hava ecltd auch deep Interest among the peopla aa the PoIIbIi expropriation bill, the prlnrlplo of wtilch waa ratified In the I'rusalan House of lxrd yeiiterday, nor has any measure pro duced auch aharp antagonism In the highest circles of German aoclety. The measure now returns to the cham ter, which la expected to accept the slight changes made by the House of Lords with out encountering snrtous difficulty. It was noticed yesterday In the House of Inrds as a striking circumstance that a number of persons bavlng the closest rela tions wlta Hmperor William voted against the government. These Included Puke Kmst Cumber Schleswlg-Holateln. the emperor's brother-in-law; Prlnoe su Kuernstenberg. who holds one of the high est positions In the emperor's household: the dube of Trachenberg, ITlnce Hatifeldt, chief of the royal cellars; Herr von Vedel Fiesdorf, who was at on time minister of the royal house; Admiral von Hollmann, ex-minister of marine; Count Thlele-Winkler, one of his majesty's favorites among Jell-O wit 'WhippedCream' DESSERT to-day the great Industrial magnates of Germany, and General Count Haeaeler, who has been the recipient of many marks of special favor from the emperor. Members Dreert Crown. The votes yesterday showed Irregular groupings. The strength of the opposition was with the great aristocratic land hold ers, who rejected the principle of expro priation because It might prove a danger ous precedent later should the socialists coma to power. One of the great landlords even expressed apprehension lest the radi cals, if they ever secured the upper hand. would use the present bill as a warrant for dispossessing the German owners of largo estates. The conservative speakers yesterdny taunted the grovernment with passing a measure that can give utterance only to aristocrats, Inasmuch aa It is based on the socialistic principle of the supremacy of the state over the rights of private property. It was remarked also that the speeches of the ministry were pitched In a tame sjd apologetic tone. Chancellor von Hue low's address was especially regarded as unusually Hat. He fuil.d to hold the at tention of tho house and throughout tho long day ho wore an exprcnslon t rrluus noes, evidently sharing the current opinion that the governmmt would lose the meas ure. After the vote. however, his whole demeanor changud and liia face beamed with undisguised dejlght. TERMINAL PROPERTY VALUE (Continued from Third Page.) golden wddlng at their bomu in. this tlty yesterday evening In the presence of about eighty Invited guests, all Intimate friends and fellow-pioneers of the venerable couple. The guests were entertained at supper, and later In the evening were served coffee and cake.. A fine serenade was fc-iven by the First Regiment bund. During the evening addresses were mada reminiscent , of old times by Judgo Paul Anderson, who pio neered with tho Ebbesons, first in emi grating from Denmark forty years ago, and later la Howard county, and by Hons. P. M. Hannibul of Dannebrog and T. Hit manson of Kearney. Rev. J. Chr. Peder sen, the pastor of the honored couple who acted ae toaetmaster,' closed with the pretty tribute to their charter. because ot illness, causing continuance until the next term. Bchmeltzer Is charged with being the futher of the Infant child of his 14-year-old niece, Gladys Bumpson. Schmeltser Is an old resident of the county and close to 60 years of ago. The caae of the state against Bob Saddler, who la charged with giving In toxicating liquor to Mike Lavello at Clarka, was dismissed on the motion of the county attorney, and the case agalnBt M. W. Gregory, who was charged with adultery. was continued over to the next term of court. During the session of court A. P. Baird and W. II. Crltes acted as bailiffs. There being a vacancy on the DoArd of Insanity Dr. Earl F. Boyd waa appointed to fill It. St-hmeltarr t'aao Delayed. CENTRAL. CITY. Neb.. Feb. .-(Special.) One Juror was withdrawn from the case of the state sgulnat Jacob Bchmeltzer Nebraska. News Notes. GKNSVA The Burlington road la running trt-weekly freights at present. WEST POINT The Cuming county rural mall carriers held their regular meeting at Beeiner on Saturday. YORK At the residence of the bride in north York occurred the marrtnge of John J. McCall and Miss Myrtle li. Charlton. WAYNE The Wayne Commercial club has taken steps towards securing In the mar future a naniiaome luu.uuu nigh school building. PEATUICE-Frlends of Mrs. Eliaabeth Cuininlns, a pioneer resident of lieatrice, yesterday assisted her in celebrating her Slst birthday anniversary. WEST POINT The hardware firm of Hunckfeldt & Jark of I)eemer has sold out its stock and business to C. M. and W. II. Cumstock of Oakley, Kan. KEARNEY Themarrlage of J. D. Haw thorne of tills city to Miss Clara, Otllman ut Peru, III., comes as a big surprise to the friends of the groom. BEATRICE Guge county land is going skywurd as regards prices. Fifty-eight and a half acres near Blue Springs sold for flOu per acre a few days ago. DI.VE 11 ILL, A. F. Slebrasa sold hie bhu'ksmith shop Thursday and will give pusMfasion March 1. The purchasers were i'liiup nock ana Jacob Uoii. RIA'E HII.Lf The management of the tur livery barn changed hands the first of the wrek, Henry chleuhtman selling on i iu air. iwnion or Hustings. KEARNEY The masouerade ball aivnn by Invitation by the caduts of the Kearney niunary acaaemy -l-fiursoay evening at the city hall was an exceptionally brilliant anair. WYMORE From present Indication, the only Ihmuks that will oomo before the voters tills spring will be the question of lloense or no Ucenee and the question of economy in town management. ASHLAND The Congregational church. whoso recant pastor, Kev. T. William Car son, accepted a call to Manltou, Colo., last month. Iiaa extended a call to Rev. II. K. Ueaver or Anamoea, la. WYMORE The furniture stock of the late It. li. Jones na been sold to W. A. Daw sun, who runs a furniture store here. This leaves Mr. Dawson the only dealer In town. The deal was made yesterday. KEARNETY Eugene Michel died here at the Windsor hotel, aged M years, of pneumonia. The deceased was well known, and leaves considerable property about Fort Kearney. He leaves a brother and a son. GRAND ISLAND Fire was discovered In the five-story building of M. F. Bouquette, but was extinguished before much loss re sulted. The fire originated on the floor of an unfinished suits of rooms and Its cause la a mystery. AUBURN Kalab O. Dpnnla Hind t il home In Island precinct Wednesday after an Illness lasting several woeks. Mr. Dennis was one of the old settlers of Ialand pre cinct, having lived there for the last twenty- xive years. YORK Til a board of directors of the Young Men's Christian association of York elected the following of floors: Prof. W. W. Bioner, president ; A. V. Nelson, vice presi dent; Dr. McConaughuy, secretary; W. W. nrycaoii, treasurer. PAP1DLION Mr. O. McKlbben's resi dence, with all ila contents, burned about 2 o'clock this morning. The house and contents Is a complete loss. He had about n0 Insurance, which will cover about two- thirds of the loss. BEATRICE Word was received here yes terday of the marrlago of Phillip A. Bln dernagle, a prominent young farmer of thla section, and Miss Bertha BroKius, which took place at the brlde'a home at Bunbury, Pa., Wednesday afternoon. BEATRICE Three marriages were sol emnised here yesterday, the principals be ing Ueorge Michael of Armour, Neb., and miss Anna ivrause or lieatrice; William 8. Mct'own and Miss Eva Pearl Falser, both of this city, and James H. Huxelton of FU ley and Miss Uussie V. Smith of Swanton. PAPILLION A series of meetlnira fnr men has been started here. Next Bunday, Ome&aOil FOIl ANT PAIN Omega Oil U men-colored liniment, different and oetter in every way than any other liniment in the world. It etops any pain in the hands, feet, Bbouldera, back. knees, ariklea, arms, neck. AH you need do is to rub the pain with the OH, and way goes the pain. at 2 p. m.. Prof. Blothower, principal of the high school In Papllllon. will deliver the addreas. The following Sunday H. Z. Wed gerous, a leading attornev of town, will speak. There Is a good attendance at these muetings. ASHDAND Thu Rock Island railway haa laid off the large force of men which II has maintained at South Bend the Inst ten days in fear of trouble to Its Platte river bridge from the breaking up of the Ice In the river. A large amount of dyna mite had been stored for use, but very little difficulty was experienced. BEATRICE Fire of unknown origin last night partially destroyed the drug store of C. IL Manning at Dowislon. By hard work the vitlxens of that little town kept he fire from spreading to adjoining build ings and saved purt of the stock, which waa vulueil at S1.50. The loss will reach I1.U00, portlully covered by Insurance. BEATRICE Charles Rtotshcrv and Miss Cora Temple were united in marriage Wedneeday at the home of the bride's mother. Mrs.-Jane Temple. Rev. Mr. Tay lor of Bloo Springs officiating. Mr. and Mrs. Stntshcry left on a wedding trip to points In Colorado, and will make their home at Des Moines, N. M. ASHLiANl) Farmers alonir Wahoo creek. between Memphis? and Ithaca, who have experienced much dumage from the annual inuniiniionH ot the stream, are contem plating changing the course of the creek. so hh to f..w v I, rough the Burlington rail way s uucii, between thOHe two points. The chanpe will cost tlO.OiO. but will ro. deem Kf-viinl thousand .un uf uimoai UKrlei-s land. Al'BI'RN A raid was made, on a Dokur room about midnight last night and seven fellows put under arrest. The police Judge was Induct! to leave his b.-t and come to his office and a trial was helit l'.r tli of fenders at 4 o'clock tills morning. They were each fined hoavllv and released on the payment thereof. This is tho second raid which has been made In the last three weeks and It is hojed that It will be the means of putting a stop to the siwrt. TO'UMBKII-Orion Lukens, the l-year-old aon of John Dukcns, the family home, being four miles southwest of Vesta, had an exciting experience with a western horse Wednesday. Young Eukens had lassooed the animal and had takes a hulf hltih in the rope, and had it about his body. The animal ran away, dragging the lioy for nearly a half mile. His clothing. Including one ehoe, was torn from his Ixjily und his flesh was rnnsiderably lacerated. No bones were broken. KEARNEY Tho Buffalo County Bee keepers' association, of which I A. Ganson Is President and A. P. Halgren secretary, will meet at the city hall March 10, the meeting being culled not only for an elec tion of officers but also to secure better recognition from shipping points, and lower rates. Juut now the asHoclutlon has a large niemliershlp, and with the Increase of the bee men In this district, they will at on sea to a greater output of market able honey and take up new Ideas In this Industry. TECUMdEH-Mr. W. Wallace Coons and Mlas Benele B. Brelner were married at the home of County Judge James Livingston, In this city, Wednesday evening at o'clock, the Judge performing tho ceremony. Mr. Coons Is the local man ager of the Johnson County Home Tele phone company and has lived la T'T'iri-efci for a year and a half. The bride Is the daughter of Mrs. C. K. Foreman of Afton, la., and was reared in this city. For some time she was engaged In telephone central work here. ASHLAND Conditions of general pros perity prevail in Saunders and Cass county. The record of mortgages for Jan uary In Cass county show that mortgages were released amounting to over S,0W more than those recorded. The further prosperous condition of farmers Is shown by the high prices paid at the numerous sales held throughout Caas and Baunders counties the .last month. At practically all of these sales the amounts realized were In excess of expectations, and nearly all sales were for cash. WEST POINT The Cuming county farm ers' Institute was held In West Point on February and 20. with a large attend ance, which would have bees a record breaker had the country roads been In good condition. The meetings were held in the court house. In the corn exhibit, which was of high quality, the prize were taken by the following: White corn, first, James Molgard; second, S P. Johnson; third, Frank Thompson; fourth. EuUel Krienke. Yellow corn, first, J. J. Clausen; second. C. Y. Thompson; third, James Mol gard; fourth, Ueorge Dowlts; fifth, Adam Sohlferl. A Life Problem Solved by that great health tonic. Electric Bitters, Is the enrichment of poor, thin blood, and ti on,tliriili,B tho weak. Kks. Fur sale by Beaton Drug Co. Wanted Mothers of families to writs for our new illustrated catalogue of wearing apparel for young people. Mention this paper. Benson & Thome Co., Lilliputian baxaar, 1616 Douglas St., Omaha. REPUBLICANS SELECT DELEGATE Primaries at Aarora Result Is Majority for Taft. AURORA, Neb., Feb. 28. iBpedul Tel egram.) At the primary election held last evening for delegates to the county convention the city of Aurora gave Talt a majority of 48 and two outside pre cincts gave him a majority of 24. Move to Malta Hastings Dry. HASTINGS, Neb., Feb. 2s. (Special.) Ministers of seven Hastings churchej hava announced plans for a mass meet ing next Sunday afternoon, which, it Is believed, will be the opening event of a campaign to make Hastings a "dry" town. These same ministers, who repre sent the PreBbyterlan, Congregational, Methodist, Baptist, Evangelical, Christian and United Brethren churches,, havd been conducting union evangelistic serv ices for the last two weeks and tho series Is to continue (or at least a Week longer. Cost Ho Per Boi Yon Save Sl.eS la Doctor bills. Red Cross -I- Cough Drops. Ever Try The Beo "Tant Ad Columnar If not, do so, and get satisfactory result. YVn Ting-Fans Arrives. BAN FRANCISCO. Feb. egThe steam ship Siberia, with Wu Ting Fang, th new minister from China tu the United States, on board, arrived hers this morn- (Q (0 (Q IHD OF CA7AHRH Even In Its early Btages Catarrh is a most distressing ailment, caused by the stuffy feeling in the head, ringing noises In the ears, watery eyes, difficult breathing, continual " hawking and spitting, " etc., but when the blood becomes thoroughly saturated with the impurities which produce the disease it becomes a serious and often dangerous disorder. Then the bronchial tubes are attacked, the bladder and kidneys diseased, and often the lungs become affected by the constant passage of impure blood through them and Catarrh terminates la Consumption. The Impurities and poisons in the blood which produce Catarrh, can never be removed through the use of sprays, Inhalations, washes, etc. Such treatment cannot reach the real cause, and their use alone should never be depended on to cure the disease. S. S. S. cures Catarrh by cleansing the blood of all impure catarrhal matter. It goes down and attacks the disease at its head, in the circulation, and removes every trace of the Impurity that is causing the trouble. Then as rich, purified blood is carried to all parts of the system the symptoms gradually leave, the health is improved, and S. S. 8 makes a permanent cure of the trouble. Special book on Catarrh and any medical advice desired sent free to all who write. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLAS TA OJU