12 TTCR OMAHA DAILY BEE: SATTTIDAY. FEBRUARY 20, IMS. ANOTHER LOAN SHARK PREY Kan Payi Twenty Dollars Flat Princi pal in Usury. , 6HABKS TEY TO TAKE FUENITUBE Glss a ISO Hat far fOO, Pars Relta and Mara Wat Re ceipts. am4 Haw riafcta (or Hto Hsaas. Ahother assault oo tha methods ot chat- tel money loaners la mada by John O. 1 Talaer In a naw auit to prevent tha Foley Loan' company from taklnf tha household gooia of Frank Xrby, a street car con , ductor or to coleot Ms aalary on an assign ment given by htm when hard pressed for money , Tha Foley firm sent a messenger to tea Mr. Telaer on hearing of tha ault and 1 promised to return tha nota and mortgage . If tha auit waa not filed. Telaer agreed. But tha ault will not b dropped till the nota and mot-tea ax delivered. Tha loan man were anxious to keep tha matter out of print. Derby Uvea at ICS North Twenty-fourth at roe t. South Omaha, and ha a family conalatlng of hia wife, two young daughtera and hi father-in-law, who la too feebla to work. Two and a half years ago. when hard up Derby, borrowed $30, giving a chattel mortgage on hla household goods and a nota with Intereat at 10 par cent per month, whereaa the law allows 10 per cent a year. At various tlmea up to a year ago lie eecured amall amount! aggra vating $80. To cover all hla loana In one note ha gave a note for $130 aecured by the chattel mortgage and an aaalgnment of hla aalary. - Derby In deapatr at ever getting out of tha clutches of the loan eharka decided to . bring bankruptoy proceeding, but after consulting with Mr. Yelaer choae an In junction ault instead, aa the best method of liberating himself. The petition eaya the exaction! of tha loan men have taken all the money ho could scrape up and he has none to meet the last two payments. During this time ha waa also making paymenta on the loans and ha now holds receipts for $110, or $20 more than the total amount received by him, according to the petition. He also saya he has paid other sums for which he did not receive receipts. The loan company still holds his nota for $130 and Is threatening to foreclose on hla household gooda and take hla salary In ad dition, which would cut off hla Income. Tha suit Is based on the usury law and It asks that the note and mortgage ba can celled by the court. Bad Cross -I- Cough Drops, Mother's remedy fur children's colds. So. STRAWBERRIES ARE SCARCE Fine Frolt Contra la Snrh Dad Shape aa to Be In No De mand. Few If any strawberries were to be had in the Omaha groceries Friday morning. For iseveral days they arrived In such bad shape there waa no sa.a for them and no good berries ar to be had lust now. A few Malaga grapes are still In market and sell from 30 to S cents a pound. They will rot last much longer, however. Plenty of fresh vegetables are In, with the exception of cucumbers, which are scare and selling for 0 to 26 cents each. Mushrooms are also higher and scarce, selling for 65 and 75 cents a pound. A few sweet potatoes are still to be had at t to cents a pound. Tomatoes are plentiful again and sell for SO to 15 cents a pound. New Bermuda onions are In and sell for 10 cents a pound. New California cabbage came In .this week and sells for 4 cents a pound. It Is much sweeter than the old cabbage. The first car of Florida- celery la ex pected the middle of next week and will aell for 5 to 10 cents a stalk. The home and Michigan crops are about exhausted, and from now on California and Florida will afford the only supply. There Is no change In the price of but ter and eggs this week, the best package creamery butter selling for 35 and 37 cents a pound and tub and roll buttera from 30 to S3 cent a pound. Fgga ara 25 and 30 centa a dosen. Chickens ar selling at 12V cents a, pound wholesale, springs at 13 and 15 centa a pound, broilers at $6 a dosen. ducks at 15 cents a pound, geese at 13 cents a pound and turkeya at 20 centa a pound, A Serloua BreaJtdowa results from chronic constipation. Dr King's 'New Life Pills cur headache, Stomach, liver and bowel trouble. 25c. For ale by Beaton Drug Co. JCE CROP LESS THAN HALF Artlgrlal Mansfnetartna; Plants Woald Bo Good Investment Tfcla Saaasaer. Figure complied Friday by the lea companies of Omaha, they contend, snow that the shortag of tha crop la 247,000 tons. the supply being less than half the atorage capacity. Tha combined capacity of the lea houses In and about Omaha la $80,000 tons. The Ice Stored at present la less than 133.000 tons. ' "We have some hope that ws may be able to pack a considerable amount of natural lea yet," said a dealer, "but the outlook Is discouraging. Ice manufacturing machinery will be a rood Investment In Omaha during the coming season unless wa get soma cold weather m March." THE UDGB GROCERY COMPANY Vader Entlro Haw Management. J. Eloaburg A Son have assumed the management of the Lange Grocery com pany, 2308 Cuming atraet. It la their deter mination to run a atrictly first-class gro cery slur In svery particular. They will carry a complete line of staple and fancy groceries, frulta, vegetables and delicacies. meats, poultry, fish and game. Mr. Slos berg haa had many years' experience in this Una of business and he avers that tha prices tbey will b enabled to offer will b an inducement to their patrons. To tao Pnblta. rtiA uimi to be an lmDreaalnn n., that w mads a chanae in tn. ment. Tills la a mistake. Th Omaha t .,111 JftU. I . r latins - uuBiuMs ai . - . J ..hah IK - - . me same iwuu u,,u, , manage ment. IXIT1S BLAVIN, Prop.. lao Har, ny at. . . "Wanted Motners of families to writ for ur new illustrated catalogue of wearing spparel for young peopl. Mention thla saixr. lien son a inorm uuipuuan tsscar, loli Douglas St., Omaha. Halldlnar Permits. tfcrugias county, frame hospital at poor Vol, $6,000; , C. N. Dists. Thirty-eighth ( lost 1 Dwy avenue, repairs 10 a wen g, RtM R. B. Watson, Sahler, barn 5 mmmmmmmmmmmemmmi nu mi mil a. asssaaasattlaBaWsaasssa ajmuHtKtJ 1CC0 riec-s. All Silk ! RIBBONS These are beautiful nil silk plain and fancy ribbons, many styles, including plaids, stripes and checks messalines and good, heavy all silk taffetas, in widths up to 5 inches. They have been shown in r window bar- U jffc gain square, Pj) Bi at, yard , t I W HOSIERY SALE There are great lots of ladies' and men's im ported Hosiery many finest fast black lisle and Maco cotton double soles and split heels many broidered regular and out sizes, worth to 75c, Ladies', Men's rxni Children's Mssiery at 10c and 15c a pr. Medium and heavy weight lisle, and cotton some regular made with splice heel and toe and double flA txr sole two lots at, pair JaUOlaJC H ANDKERCH'FS Women's and men's plain white and colored border hand kerchiefs, fancy lace trimmed and em-1 C If) broidered edge on bargain tables, at. JC' JC"1C LONG KID GLOVES 12-button length real kids, In black, brown and tan alao 16-button length French lambBkina. black, CIQ CA tans every pair fitted at, pair J Om&Dt GAUNTLETS The celebrated Northup make, black and tan gauntlets-three great lota, 1 98 2 50 LONG SILK GIX)VE8 12 and 16-button lengths, C. 1 extra heavy, black only, worth up to 12 pair, at S We Are Omaha Agent for Those Fameus Brands LaVida Corsets d Gossard Corsets , We are showing tho 1908 models In these superior brands of corsets. Representing different Ideas in corsetry, but both the undisputed leaders of their class. Wo Invite your Inspection. Special Sale of These are regular $1.00 corsets h and side supporters, French boned with non-rustablo wire, at AN EXTRA SPECIAL SALE OF 1 HOUSEFURMSHIN'S IN BASEMENT BRANDEIS' OLD ST0HE eaun, an extra epeolal for (Saturday Tea Kettles Full eight Quart else, extra heavy sesmless full nickel plated, guaranteed not to BmOOsU quality leaa, a Dig special Q wooo. Saturday day only. BZSK TAVU qt. stse, gunulne asure ware, white porce lain lined, blue mot tled outside, acid proof, special for Saturday only, C worth 49c, at." 6 JSfEVtRrlsr rreaerttag Kettles Choice of ( or" 8 quart elxe, genuine azure ware, whito porcelain lined, blue mottled out s I d e, guaranteed acid proof fc at "C TOWaHAAGIJ Special Sat In Drug toe not, reroxide Hydrogen 10c 25c bottle Dioxlgen 15c Absorbent Cotton, lb 25c 25c Colgate's Tooth Powder 15c 2- qt. Hot Water Bottle. .'. '. .40c 3- qt. Hot Water Bottle 60c Wall rVper Bavrjavini Another of our great sales; 60c Specialties at 25c 25c Papers, high grade, ,16c 15c Papers, glits and florals, at 10c 10c Papers Go 6c Paper 3 This repreeents spring stock. No remnants. Odd rolls of side walls and cell lugs, roll Ho We hang paper at reasonable prtoea. OMAMA Page 4 for BranieU Big Ad silk em-i 29c-49c pair. . Corsets at 69c in well known makes, front batiste and 69c yt is a 5 BVaJIOslS A manufacturer's sample line of high grade razors, worth ud to 13 oo. 49c Made of best broom corn, . hard nanaie, salur- a e sv SAUCE PAJFB Choice of 6 or 8 quart else, genuine azure ware, white porcelain iined, blue mottled outside, .l'?..f....2Sc Wash WrlnaTar, Famous Ameri can "ChallenRe"' Wringer, fin ished hardwood frame at 1.89 Solid glasa bar, with hardwood ends, cleaner than ateel or nk'Vel. worth double, c at I5C Taa OenniBa Wilson Toasts four pieces at once and huats your tea or coffee pot at the same time, can be UMd on gas, gasoline ! or oil stoves 1C Egg" BeaUrn This is the genuine Lover. known by all to be the best Special mm Saturday iC Departm't. hr' Vlnlrt. Jorky Club. Carnatl nn ft nA White l.tlac ferfume, ounce, 10c tiding your bottle.) Snow Fluff Cream 2Bo 60c Milk Weed Cream 27c 60o fozzonl'a Face J'owder. . . ,27o We will close out our 11.60 Chamois Skin Vests (best made), t 11.75 SPECIALS IN Sweotland Full Cream Caramels worth 35c Saturday at, per lb 25c Assorted After Dinner Cream Pattie3, lb. 19c Assorted Butter Cups, per lb 10e i -L . l 54:crT-js:f;;3K: Til Far Food Center. Rostaurant on Second Floor. Saturday's Specials Bakery Dept. .15cv ia lhrp8 men ........ Pound Cakes, each V 3-Layer White Cakes, each 2i5cg J Wine Cakea, each Oc' ' Sponge Cakea, each e Marsipan Dainties, made from Al-; 'J mond Fate, (fruits and nuts), peT pound Mir ( Mararoons, Lady Fingers, Choco- H late Eclairs, In fact, the finest llnej; of bakery goods In the city, madej here, fresh dall. & Tea an4 CoIIce Dept. J5 Ankola Coffee roasted every is g hour In this department. Youjj? "A can ee It done. We roast all the $ $ coffee we sell; that helps to makefj H It better, because you get It hotS M from the rOaBter. Remember the v noroe 01 Ankola Is ll Anlrnlfl la cniarantanit here, and ,s, to be the best 3-pound for 1 coffee sold lnp y the world. u 60c tlna Tfitlov'a Tta tn L.' u 60c tins Tetley's Tea for. t2 . . R 10c Dr. Price's Jelly Dessert. . .6c. y 10c Diamond Gelatine Or$ , A A T I, , t ivc auvu jeiiy rowoer ....... oc 20c cakes Bitter Chocolate. 15c bottles Spices (ans't.). , .5ci Meat Dept. We hay killed for our Saturday; y trade 100 choice little plga, weigh-jlj $ lng about 36 pounds each, which $ y we will sell at the following ex-& m ceedingly low prices: m . . 4 s orequarters, per pound., Q hindquarters, per pound 7HcM Leaf Lard, 12 pounds for.. .$l.oon ?j 1 ton Smoked Hams, w ft cured) per pound v. rrom w m , m. we will sell IS 515 ion i-orK xtiDs, at, pound . .2Jc vv rnusjr aim naturauy Only. Liquor Depl. J? Friday and Sat unlay Only. 1 1 Fine American Champagne. 8 Pints . wuarts Panl. r 1. . . . yui uuimei limiiea to six Dt' tgonrtney & Go 17th as Souflaa Sts. Fhosa Bong 647' Frlrat exobange connect all XtJpta. Clean Towels Clean People i Sanitary Calliets wl( fall equipment. Ii-t iu ekplaln up propot-ltlonL New System Towel Supply Go. "iirmpnt. An Omaha Institution run by J. W. Hazelton, 23 Arlington Block.' Phone Douglas 1812. r Phone Douglas 1773 OIPPY! DIPPY! DIPPY! Have Yours OfippcecO. Silverware, Chafing Dishes, Candle Sticks, Heirlooms, Tableware, Old Clocks, Brass Beds, Chandeliers and Fixtures of all kinds, Jardinieres, Eti In fact we make Everything in metal "Good as NewA Omaha Silver Co. Kemper, Hemphill & Buckingham Silversmiths All Kinds Between Farnam snd Harney 2142 LADIE3 BIBT-WAiaT. Parts Parten N. nil All Mvauda AUuwcU. 7 I'M- Bee Want Ads SHOES YOUR DOY CAN'T KICK OUT Our boys' shoes stand the hardest wear without flinch ing. It takes a long time for even the liveliest boy to kirk 'em out. Good leather used, carefully planned, carefully made "wear points" rein forced that tells tho story. $l7i $2 $3 FRYSHOECO. and Douglas Streets ..,.iwiiuiiiiitiiiiaiustisiiiiiilLii.iij,jiuiMM.ilsai OUR BOYS; Bless Their Hearts AND Preserve Their Feet Every Saturday Is boys' day at this great shoe store. We shoe more, boys than any store in the city. Our corps of salesmen are experts In the fitting of the youngster's footwear, and not a boy In town but would rather come here for his shoes on ac count of the variety of styles. We always have just what the boy wants. For Saturday we offer our famous Steel Shod Shoes The best fitting, best wearing shoe In" the world; it outwears any two pair ever built. The prices range: Size 10 to 13 $2.00 $2.25 $2.50 Size 1 fd. 2 Size to 5i.. Drexel Shoe Co. H1J Farua SL I IPlatLiinigj 314 S. 13i 30c a YEAR 1 Pattern P- 1 Catalogue U Lai Good for One Week Only To Introduce the Paris Patterns for which we have taken state agency, we will send you the Paris Modes Magaiine for one year for only 30c; regular price, 60c. And give you free of charge one of our large 126-page Sample Fashion Cnta loKiio. Also one I'sttvru free; all for 30c. Tli In Magazine offi r is three in one; A Hume Muguzine. a Lifetime Maguilne and a Fashion alagaslne. Remember Pris Patterns are only lOo each: all patterns one price; all seams allowed. Kac h pattern guaranteed. Paris patterns show the very latest and best patterns for the season. To Ddv more than 10c for your pattern is a waste of money. We will send you a sample copy of Paris Modes Magazine for the asking. JOS. F. BILZ 322 So. 1 6th St. : OMAHA Produce Results (Ihc Home of Resin If JL THH RELIfkQLK STHB This season we're very very stronjr on tl e new mod els in Sack Suits. If you want to see some of the most swagger styles ever produced in men's clothes just come here and ask to see some of our HART, SCHAFFNER & MARX VARSITY MODELS there are half a dozen or more styles in this line some of them sure to please you. suits: 315.00 $18.00 $20.00 $22.50 $25 up to $30 SPLENDID TOP COATS values at $10.00 $12.50 $15.00 $18.00 $20.00 OR A VENETTE RAIN COATS Complete line of colors and several styles rain proof, stylish, service able prices : $10.00 $12.50 $15.00 $18.00 and up to $25.00 IN BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S CLOTHING out- stock was never so complete in showing of the popular styles and fabrics, and comparison will prove our values su; erior. YOU'LL NEVER TRY ELSEWHERE IF YOU TRY . 1M HMD Great Sale of Sheet Music SATURDAY ONLY Another list of great "Hits" for Saturday's, selling. Do not neglect getting these big hits. (Add 1 cent per copy by mall). "I'm Starving For One Sight of You," by Charles K. Harris 9c My Rancho Maid. Js- Red Wing (vocal or Inst.) Aa.sC Come to the Land of Bohemia, When You Love Her and She Loves You, Take Me Around Again, Just Someone, Just to Remind You, Snow Queen (two-step), As Long As the World Rolls On, "Just Because He Couldn't Sing Love Me and the World s Mine," (new) . . ,ZC The Following Standard Merry Widow Valse, LaSorella March, Whisperings of Love, Maiden's Prayer, The Dying Poet, Flowers and Ferns, Orange Blossom Waltz, For I Love You So, (Merry Widow) Crimson Blu hes, The complete Waltzes from "Waltz Dream Oper u" The Great Display of Fine Silks in our Sixteenth street 6how windows is attrat ting much attention. They are part of the IMMENSE PURCHASE OF OVER 40,000 YARDS FROM THE AHHLEY & BAILEY AUCTION secured by our silk buyer, Mr. Mickle, THE ONLY OMAHA BUYER ATTENDING THE AUC TION, at much less than cost to manufacture. T . SEE SUNDAY PAPERS FOR PARTICULARS. TRY HAY DENS' FIRST Satisfaction If You Buy Your nIPIlTC M the Popula iriL-n We are Omaha headquarters for choice quality and low prices. Note the saving in special sale prices for Saturday. Pork Loins 7J2C Five lbs. Spare Ribs. . . .25c Home Made Sausage. . . . 5c Sirloin Steaks 10c THREE TRAINS EAST One morning and two evening trains daily -from Union Station, Omaha to Union Station Chicago. Superior service in standard sleepers comfort-' . able and thoroughly clean berths unsurpass-d din- r ing car service meals a la carte, on the ': CHICAGO MILWAUKEE RAILWAY Leave Union Station, Omaha, 7:25 A. M.. arrive lUnion. Station Chicago 9:15 P. M. The Business Man's Trait, leaves Omaha 6 P. M., arrives Chicago l0 A. M. The third train rives Chicixjo 12:28 the TICKETS, FARNAM ST.. OMAHA F. A. NASOL GENERAL 1 MAIL ORDERS 'V PROMPTLY FILLED Copyright 19? by Hart SrhaftnM- I Marx ilRST "Time Will Tell My Love For You," (new high- f class ballad).., ZrC My Old Plantation Home, Old Faithful (two-sup), r' Drifting Leaves Reve le, ,t It Might Have Been. And a Little Child Shall Lead Them, ' There's Another PI ture In My Mamma's Frame, My Virginia, Let 'Er Oo (march) ...... &C "There's a Girl li the World for Every Boy," ( ery Q popular wajz sonfc) , .'. Selections af. He Each. Waltz Dream Waltze , Spring Song, My Villa (Merry Widow), Last Hope (vocal), Last Hope (InBtrume' ?al), Flower Song, Girlhood Days (three ttep), Every Time I I U Havden Market Veal Chops. ....... 10c-7c Rex Bacon 15c Shield Bacon..,,.,'... ,15c Hams .10c & ST. PfiUL leaves Omaha 9:58 P. M., next noon. WESTERN AGENT. rv TWA UW-;- EMS" - ; . 'j "? 0. A 1 A I.. ) i 1 . fi - i. lid tram building. i V . ' v