8 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1908. Want - ads Advertisements for tua want ad rolumne will he likra antll 12 m. for the ftrnlng edition an aatll f m. far the m or Ina and Sunday o'ltlnu. (nk mil aernmpan- all order for waat ad aad advertisement will bo accented for le than IO rents for II mi Insertion. Rate applr to either Tar Dallr or Snndar B. Alvraya mini el worda to a liar. Combination of Initial or nambrra roant aa on word. CAM! n ATE FOR WAST ADS. RKfitl.AR ri.AIKICATIOW On Insertion, per line, IO rent. Two or inorr ronarratlte Inarrtlono, prr liar, renin. F.arh Insertion tnadr on odd day. 10 rrn( per Hr. 1.00 prr llnr per month. .rK(HL CXAIFICATIOX If roar advertisement la Inserted under anr ona of the rlaaalflentlona given -below, It- will be rhnmed at the fol lowing rntea I One Inaertlon, A eenta per llnei three to mix conaecotlve In sertlnns, .1 rent ser line eneh Inaer tlon aeven or more conaeeatlv Inser tion, 2 cent per line each Inaertlon BO rent per line per month. R.tHTRR A!ND EXrHASGK. nriK chack. HRI.P WANTED FEMAtF. HELP WASTED M A I.E. Eirrpt Agent. Aolleltora and Salea- men. OFFERED FOR SALE. Cow, Bird, Das and Pet. Ilorwi end Vehicle. Poultry rnd Kara. Furniture. Typewriter and Hewln Machlnea. I'launa, Organ find Maalcal Instru ment. OFFERED FOR RENT. Furnlilied Room.' I nf iimlslied llooma. Housekeeping; Room. II on nil no; and' Room. WANTED TO BUY. Want ad for The See mar bo left at anr of the following drag atoree one I "roar corner drngglat" ther nre nil branch office for The Reo and your nd will be Inserted Jot aa promptly and on the aame rates aa at the main olllce In The Bee Building, heventeenth and Farnam Street. Alhach, W. C, i'lth and Farnam. ISoranek. 8. A.. Wi B. 16th St. Beit Pharmacy, 720 . Kith St. Benson Phil; mucy. Benson, Neb. Bcmla Park Fharniat y, 33(1 and Cuming. JtiaVi's pharmicy, 2Mil Sherman Ave. Cauvhlln, C. K., 6th and Pierre Sts. Clifton Will Pharmacy, 2213 Military An. t i. nli', J. li., 31st Ave and Farnam. Crissey Pharmacy, 24th and iko Sts. IVimak. Kmll, 1204-6 H. Utli St. Kustirian Pliarmacy, 22 Leavenworth. Foster A Arnold, ZlS N. 26tn St. Fteytair, Jihii J., 1914 N. 24tli 8t. l-loienco Drug Co., Florence. Neb. Goldman Phuimaiy, 2mh and lke 8ts. Greens PliuMiHcy, corner Park Ave. and Pacific. Grcenniigh, (J. A., 10:3 8. 10th St. (.it com vah. U. A., 1624 8. 101 h St. llnyden. Win. ('.. 2:.K Farnam. I lbiijtu11.1i Pinr. Pharmacy, 1501 S. 20th Ave. Hoist, John, O'M X. Ifilh St. i 1 11 if, A. i-.. 2:1:4 Leavenworth St. King, H. 8., 2S lainam SI. koi.tit::." Place Pharmacy, 3i4 N. 24th. Patrick Drug Co.. I00i N. 24th St. J.uthrnp, Charlts E., 1324 N. 24th St. Peyton, J.. K.. 24th ami Leavenworth. Sn-ntiun Druir Co.. 24th and Ames Ave. hehael.-r's I tit Price Drug Co., 16th and Chicugo Stf. tioiacfer, Aueur.t, MM N. lfith St. Schmidt, J. H., 21ih and Cuming Sts. Storm Pharmacy, lbth and Martha Sts. Walnut Hill Pharmacy. ifli and Cuming. Walton Pharmucy, 3(ith and Grace. Worth, (. II., 4lh and HarnlItonSts. DEATH! AND Fl'KERAL NOTICES OOI.DaTROM Tl.o funeral of Mrs. Sol tioiih.trom will bo held troin the family i . Liiieiu e, iii7 Jones street, Friday morn ui0 u1. lo o'clock. - l. .vtw.'"-,mswi.iH P.IIt MIS AMI DEATHS. Births Ktunwuiid Cumney, Omaha Ocn ciui hoHp.itti, g.ii; AUoiph Moskovitz, 2J14 i'iuiiIi iN.ocuiii.n stieet, uoy; James Peder oii, Noitu weniy-Ki'Venih street, boy; l.mll KIs, I JSoulli Third street, girl; Krhara t-'iiliu-r. i'hh South Twenty-fourth sweet, boy; A. Joy Duliha, 4L'.'S Ersklnu sneet, girl; claience Oliver, 4311 Ersklne street, tioy; Albert Wilson, 1716 Dodge street, girl. , Ueath.t Mrs. Annabella McNeil, Four temitli street and Capitol avenue, 68; Irene Bol.lcn, li'li South Twenty-third street, 17; Sarah Anna Pardee, 2o(7 South Twenty fourth street, 27; Flora R. Ooldatrom, 25i7 Jones street, 33; Charles R. McCarthy, 1307 S'imil Fifth street. 1; James R. Greene, 2G'6 Callforn'a street, GO. marriage: i.icrnses. The following marrUige licenses have been Issued; Name and residence. Age. Charles It. Itumsey, Hed Oak, la 21 Bonnie Junce Red Oak, In 18 Raymond Dye. fit. Joseph, Mo JUiale M. Welch. Chicago 2$ Fred V. Keep. Omaha ; , 19 Josephine elnrli h, Omaha..; 17 ANNOUNCEMENTS THE CITY GARBAGE -CO., office 4th and lavenwortli SLu. Tel. Douglas l:,7. . 1 5G5 BK;N PAINT1NG-S. II. COLE. 1302 Doug-lu- (D-Wb TRAVELERS' goods of quality. Trunk and Suit Canes repaired FUELING & 8TE1NLE. " here trunks are made," ISO Farnum St. Tel. Douglas 4ft9tl tl)-ia Mchl7 DAN( IN(1 Tne Prl"K ""11 at Morand's 4. iyj (oppo.ita uurwood theater) beRlns Tuesday, March 3. at t p. m. Sh-cIh1 reduced prices for this term and last chance tin season. Telephone Douglas 1041 tl -M3702x AUTOMOBILES SEND lor our list of second-hand automo biles. DERIGHT. 181S Farnam. (2)-6ti7 FOR 8ALE-Auto., Cadillac, single cylin der; Al running order: $3c0. f. o b. W J Bartholomew, Gothenburg, Neb t2-M243 28 FIRE STONE Auto tires at KarhachT , t? Ml13 Mchl BARTER AND EXCHANGE I HAVE some first mortgage ( per ctnt tweuty-yar gold bonds which I will trade for real estate. Address B 36. care Bee. S M444 ARKANSAS FARM 160 Improved, and other property for sale or trade. Acme Exchange Co., Cherokee, la 3-M710 MchlSx FOR EXCHANGE. I hsve preferred stock in a Kansas cement plant that I will exchunge for farm land ranches, residence buildings or business blocks. Kansas cement plants are now paying an annual dividend of from 20 per cent lo 60 per cent; good reason for matt ing exchange; write me. D. O. POTTd Wichita, Kan. (3) M766 Mix VMI-L trade 100 seres, three miles from town, Cuming county, good fMr set of improvements. t acres cultivation, bal ance pasture and hay, for town property and soma cash. Price $K) per acre. Eeven-acre poultry and hog farm, well Im proved, adjoining town of &,ouo. In eastern Nvbraska. for U or 80-acre farm near ome town 111 eastern Nebraska: price Will put in some cash. REED BKO8.. LAND MEN. Madison, Neb. w (3I-M739 29 1 ACRES, Edmunds county. South Da kota, to exchange for college or r-hl-d-nce. Omaha preferred. W. G Clark Nebraska City, Neb. (3 MSff Mix BARTER AND EXCHANGE (Continued.) $33,000 Clothing Stock Strictly up-to-date stock of men s clothlne. In Omaha, must be moved from pres-nt location; owner wishes to exchange fr clear farm land: this stock must be dis posed of Immediately. W. S. FRANK, $21 Neville Block. Tel. Douglas. I3 Mi Ml BUSINESS CHANCES DO YOU WISH TO MAKE A CHANQEJ T11E LEXINGTON STEAM LAUNDRY NEW EQUIPMENT. NO COMPETITION. MONTHLY INCOME $500.00 Apply for prlco and particulars. Pa lac Restaurant. Lexington, Neb. 4) Mitf March I DRUG STORES for sale everywhere. F. V. Kniest, 707 N. Y. Life. Omaha. (4) 6S9 MR. MERCHANT, do you wish to realize 1"0 cents on the dollar for your merchan dise. Art. 1 reus Omaha Salvage Co.. 1111 Farnam St. (4) 369 2 FOR 8AL.E Improved farms and land, also business property. Restaurant, confec tionery, flour and feed and sale stable In connection. Price, 14,000. Charles Btiburek. Ppooner, Wis. (4) M246 28x $350 BUYS business that cleors $30 weekly ; suit anyone, as experience la not neces sary; will stand Investigation; reason for selling, another larger business requires all my time. Address O 23. Hee. (4) M273 29 it INDUSTRIAL AND MINING STOCKS UOUG1IT AND SOLD. ROBT. C DRUKSBDOW & CO.. STOCK BROKERS. Tel. Douglas 3f5. 809-10 N. Y. Life Bldg. OMAHA, NEK. t4 Anil Mch3 TOR BALE SALOON STOCK AND FIXTURES Address, K. L. rK "HUMAN, BLUE HILL, NEB. (4) M368 Mch. 17x I HAVE some desirable real estate which I would trade for guaranteed stock or bonds. Address F 39, care Lee. (1)-M44u C. P. NORWALL & CO. HANKABLE SECURITIES FOUR DEPARTMENTS. Stock-Bond, Rwal Estate. Loan and En lneering Depts. 478-SO Brandeis Building. 'Phona PAiug. ij6. Omaha, Neb. (4) M536 29 FOR SALE Wallhf r'a harness shop at Lincoln, Neb. Excellent opportunity to secure a fine established business. Sales last year, l,7oa Immcdiatu possession given so purchaser can have benefit of spring trade, Q. A. Wallher, Adminis trator. ' (4) READ the world In your pocket. Life's problems, the world's grandest scenery, 26c. Address Mrs. B. J. Hamilton, Wag ner, Neb. (4) M769 Mch!4x FOR PALE A saloon In good live town In southwestern Minnesota; a snap for a German Catholic family; reason for sell ing. Address Wllmont, M!nn., Box IS. (4 170 Mch 4x EXCELLENT investment; will make Mg profits; quarter section of rich Canada wheat land four miles from Wliltewood for J2,4"0; $600 cash; balance five yearly payments; 6 per cent; write at once. Ad dress Y 277, care Bee. (4j M7ti7 2tx FOR RENT. Drexel hotel; loo-room hotel. For par ticulars inquire of THE BYRON REED COMPANY, 'Phone Douglas 297. 212 So. 14th St. (4t 230 INSURANCE men looking for large office, with good light and fire proof vault, will find a nice arrangement In one of several offices which we would be pleased to show. Apply R. W. Baker, Supt., Room lOu, Bee Bldg. (lf Mbl IF YOU want a reliable business; large In come, small Investment, no competition; see Hildreth, 019 Bee Bldg. 4)-67) ROOMING HOUSES for sale, all Blzes; fur nish part purchase money lf wanted. Uangcstad, Room 403 Bee Bldg. (4) o71 E. G. UANGE8TAD can help you got In or out of business. Room 403 Be Bldg., Omaha. (4) 672 IF YOU HAVE any idle money and want to Invest It In a sound business proposi tion, paying large profits, address K i'.). Bee. (4)-M677 2i FOR SALE Fine restaurant; receipts, $10; rent, $15. Will he sacrificed if sold at once. Price, $100. Adam Wilson. 1212 Farnam. (4) M773 lx IF YOU HAVE small capital to invest I can show you certainty to make great profits. Address, M 904, Bee. (4)-M67S 28 ! WANTED A partner with small money to Join well known Dusiness men In proposi tion that pays big profits. Address. N .!, Bee. t4) M79 28 FOR SALE First-class rooming house; fine neighborhood; close In; roomers all good pay. Will be sacrificed If sold at once. Apply Adam Wilson, 1212 Farnam. (4)-M774 lx FOR SALE! Furniture and lease nicely furnished apartment of four rooms; mod ern In every respect; steam heat; faces two streets; only few blocks from P. O. ; fine placo for man and wife or two or three men. Address J 8, care Bee. (4) 702 29x MILLINERY stock for sale, chenp; go d location. Write Box 343, Mead, Neb. (4)-M72i M4x WANTED To know of a location for an experienced physician. Address Y 278, care Bee. (4 M770 lx INDEPENDENT Telephone bonds wanted In exchange for desirable real estate. Address F M, care Bee. 14) M 771 WANTED More capital; active or silent. In well established Omaha Jobbing bt:al nesa; Investigate. Address H 68, Bee. t4) M778 Bx BUSINESS DIRECTORY Architect. WU4 CAN offer the best lighted office In the city for this line of work; room 6l'2, having a north liBht, with all conveni ences of a well appointed office building. See R. W. Baker, Supt., Room lui, lt.10 Bldg. 15)-M6t4 Bath. HAMMOND BATHS. 107 S. 14th. Tel. Douglas 8915. Wednesdays, ladles' day. tit M&73 Carpet Cleaning. A. J. JETT, carpet cleaning. Tel. D40!X 15) MS' Mchlo Chattel Loan. Chas. D. Stanton Loan Co.. 501 Bee Bhlg. t"--374 Chiropodist. DR. ROY, R. !, 160& Farnam St. Doug. 6497. tiii 5ia Creameries. David Cole Creamery Company. (5) M570 Dentist. BAIIJSY A MACH. 3d fir.. Paxton D. lews. (.'.) 677 WE WOULD like to have you look at th. office room. No. boo, facins; the foutn tins room would be particularly well itu ated for one wishing a well appointed d-iitist; office. Apply to Mr. Jiukcr, Supt.. Bee Bldg.. Room 105. (5) M6ii Drantaklnc - IN FAMILIES Misa Sturdy. Tel. Harney 135S- t5)-o,J M DOWELL Dressmaking School, Vi For nm l. ii)-5 9 Florists. HESS & SWOBODA. 1415 Farnam St. , t!) :to U HENDEKoON, lil9 Farnam, Tel. D. 1MJ li;-il Trying io do business in Omaha The BEE is like digging a well BUSINESS DIRECTORY (Continued, i J. H. BATH, 1G23 Harney. Tel. Doug. dCW. t6t 62 Jerreler and Watchmakers. N. P. STILLING Watch, clock, Jewc.ry repairing. 2-3 Paxton Block. Tel. U7 (5) 64 Hotel. THE SCHLITZ. European, lGth and Harney. , (6) Bvl Locksmith. KEYS, etc., Heflln, 1324 Farnam. Tel D. 2974. W Millinery. INDIES' hats made over, also new hats made; experienced milliner; hats, feath ers and flowers cleaned or dyed; new ma terial at lowest prices. Miss E. Ieola. Pepper, 614 S 2Sth 81. Tel. Harney Xm. (5-M!21 M16x Office Supplies. FILING csblnets. flies and ledgers, loose leaf devices and office fixtures and sup plies of 'all kinds. Anchor Publishing Co., 306 8. 18th St. Tel. Doug. frVK!. Ind A-1M2. (5) M106 Mchl7 Music and Language. PIANO lessons. Mrs. Ritchie. Tel. Web, (6) &ti Moving" and Storing. Expressmen's Delivery Co., office, 214 N. 16th St.; warehouse, 2207-9 Izard St. (S)6i7 Osteopathy. Dr. Bowser, over 1602 Farnam. Tel. Doug.6370 (B)-619 MchlO JOHNSON INS., 418 N. Y. L. Tel. D. V64. , (5)-&88 Photography. C. B. TRUSSELL, 116 8. Wth St. (B)-6S9 Printing;. BEFORE placing your 1D09 calendar order don't fall to see our Imported line. Lyng stad & Jorve, printers, 16th & Capitol Ave. (5) 590 EVER STOP TO THINK of the time loBt poking up the average printer when you want a Job In a hurry? Ever try us? ANCHOR PUBLISHING CO.. Printers and Office Furnishers. 906-312 S. 19th St. Telephones Bell, Douglas 6562; Ind., A 1M2. (5 M764 M17 JOB PRINTING Call Beecroft. Doug. 4503. (6) MS72 M16 Publle Stenographer. Miss Shepard, 804 N.Y.Y. pub. stenographer. (6) M213 M16 Shoe Repairing RAPID 8HOE REPAIR CO. First class work. 161Sft Capitol Ave. 'Phone Red 994. (6) 591 BHOES repaired right, called for and de livered free. Standard Shoe Repair Co., 1804 Farnam St. Tel. D. 7ut7. (B) -692 Safes, Shatters, Etc. OMAHA SAFE ND IRON WORKS makes a specialty of fire escapes, shutters, doors and safes. G. Andreen, Prop., 102 8. 10th , St. ' (5)-693 HELP WANTED FEMALE Housekeepers and Domestics. MILLINERY and dressmaking, hats trimmed. Mrs. Delmar, Room 14, Wead Block. Northeast Corner 20 and Farnam. (7) M970t! WOMEN'S DOMESTIC GUILD, 1902 Farnam St. Cook, small family, i. Cook for small boa'rdlng house, $7. Girls for general housework, 5 to V. (7) M7i 29 HELP furnished, male and female. Tel, D. -&S4. Canadian Office, 15th and Dodge. (7) -694 GIRL for general housework; 4 In family; good wages. Tel. Red 6100. (71-22-1 27 WANTED Girl for general housework; good wages. 4819 Cass St. 'Phono Har ney 1061. (7)-233 GIRL for general housework; good wages; small family. 3012 Mason St. (7)-M504 29 FIVE girls for cleaning and pressing cur tains: good wages, steady work. 2907 Leavenworth St. (7) 646 27 GIRL for general housework, $6 per week; laundress kept. 1248 8. 7th Ave. (7)-646 27 WANTED Good girl for general house work; no laundry; good wages. Tel. Har ney 803. N (7)-701 M3 WANTED CJood girl for general house work. Inquire at 1124 So. 29th St. (7) M709 29 GIRL for general housework: no washing. 3315 Burt St. (7) M752M4X Miscellaneous. FIVE girls for cleaning and pressing cur tains; good wages, steady work. 2". 07 Leavenworth St. (7) 643 27 WANTED Teacher. 1418 N. 24th. G. Myers. (.7) 734 a HELP WANTED MALE Agents, Solicitor and Salesmen. WANTED Salesmen to Introduce our new Commercial Survey of Nebraska; these surveys are a splendid compilation of facts, figures and drawings and of won derful value; railroads and Interurban lines are shown up to date, special atten tion being given to them; all counties, towns and postofflces fully Indexed and populations given; many other features too numerous 10 mention; a special opp.ir tunlty for energetic men. Rand, McNally & Co., Chicago, 111. (9) M766 28 HARDWARE salesman wanted to handle a small patented article as a side line, In the corn belt only; good profit; sample free; write to S. Kvam & Co., Nel 2.KI1 Ave., so., Minneapolis. Minn. (9) M768 2x YOU can make $26 to 11(0 week In mail order business; 110 canvassing. I made $j.0tu first year. Why work on small salary. Free booklet tells how to get started. Mgr. American Mall Order Bu reau, Detroit. Mich. (9) M933 M16x WANTED Three experienced men's cloth ing salesmen; state experience. Refer ences and salary expected. Address C 63, care Bee. (9) 736 & TWO young men living In Nebraska to travel for wholesale house Just opened; salary and expenses; Atlantic Mfg. Ci., Ml-;,15 NorthweHtern Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. (?) M761 29x Boys. WANTED Hoy 16 to 18 years of sge for ra'lrcad office; good chance for right boy. Aiklress in own handwriting, P W7. care Leo. (9)-M730 29 Clerical aad Office. LEDGER CLERK-4W. Shipping clerk, must be thoroughly ex perienced $75, Traveling salesman 175. Traveling salesman $156. Call or write for complete list of vacancies. WESTERN REF. A BOND A8HN, (Inc.), 121-7.3 N. Y. Life Bldg. (1070 27 msmszttmsaamai HELP WANTED MALE Clerical and Oftlee Continued. POSITIONS for Crug men everywhere. F. V. Kniest, 707 N. i. Lite, Omaha, ( S1 . W A NTEI Competent drug clerk. Owl Drug Co. (l M758 29 MAN with some capital for responsible office position, good salary and chance for advancement. Address with full par ticulars E 66, care Bee, (9) MT69 l'x Factory and Trades. WANTED Good all around blacksmith, steady work. N. P. Brown, Atlantic, la. (9) MU6 MchlT WANTED A practical printer with small capital to lade care of a good Job and newspaper office In good town In Iowa, publishing two papeis. Write for par ticulars. Address w 9o6. care Boe. V (9) M300 WANTED At once, two machine sheep shearers. Address E. E. Strouse, Webb, Clay Co., Iowa. (9) Mils Mch2 WANTED Good male stenographer for railroad office. D 64, care Bee. (9) M706 lx POSITIONS open to firemen and brake men; big pay and rapid promotion; ex perience unnecessary. Apply at once, personally or by letter, to National Rail way Training Ass n, 6-0 Paxton Blk., Omaha. Neb. (9) Mu8(5 Mchl2 WANTED Two good tailors, good fay, steady work. 2024 N. 24th. (9) Mii94 M3 WANTED At once, a first-class sausage maker and butcher. Must be Industrious and not afraid to work. No outcast or booze fighter wanted; will pay good wages to right man. Address Y-233, card Bee. (9) M257 WANTED Architectural draftsman. Write to, or 'phone A. II. Dyer, Fremont, Neb. (9) M715 Mchlx WANTED Printer for ocuntry office; must be good on ad. and Job work; no booxers; married man preferred; reference re quired. W. J. Sooggln, Bridgeport, Neb. (9) M714 28 WANTED Man thoroughly experienced In broom manufacturing business; Catholic man preferred; references required. To right party aa Interest will be given. Small city with church and good school. Address Y-2"79. care Bee. (9) M711 28x Miscellaneous. FREE Employment Bureau, supported by Business Men's association; help work men find rosltiona. 625 N. Y. L. Bldg. (9-483 WE GUARANTEE YOU A TELEGRAPH JOB on the Union Pacific B. R. if you lparn Telegraphy at our school, and also a place to work rot your board while attending. Union Pacific train dispatcher's wire and station blanks installed n the school for practice purposes. Write for full Informa tion QUICK. Boyles Telegraphy College, 303 Harney St.. Omaha, Neb, Official training school U. P. R. R. (9)-482 HELP WANTED MAl.K AND FUM ALE. WANTED Men and women of good ability and strong personality to represent Dodd, Mead & Co., to sell the new In ternational encyclopedia In Nebraska, South Dakota and western Iowa. Pre vious experience unnecessary. 718 N. Y. L.. Omaha, Neb. nn)-M173 Mch4 LIVE STOCK FOR SALE itoraea and Vehicles. '. I BUY, sell and exchange horses on com mission. Mares and horses always on hand. Cheap. Myers,, 1114 Douelas St. til) 937 TWO rubber tired hacks; good condition, cheap. W. O. Forbes. 1126 P St., Lin coln. Neb. (lt)-M177 FOR SALE New runabout buggy, has large rubber tires, is In fine condition; cost $125; will take p& F. W. Car michael, 642 Paxton. Blk. (1D-M7D6 1 DELIVERY wagons at Karbach's. (11) M9U March 1 WE HAVE BUYERS every day for horses. If you have any you want to dispose of. We buy and sell on commission. Ths Harney Street Stables. UD 47 FOUR-PASSENGER Rockaway. also run abouts; sacrifice sale. Pfelffer's, 2h20 Leavenworth St. (11) M254 Mch 21 FOR SALE First-class driving horse, two carts, harness and saddle, also phaeton. 'Phone Harney 1537. (11) Ml9J 28 Poultry, Katgs and Squab. SCREENINGS 11.25 per cwt. Wagner, 801 N. 16 81. (ll)-485 ROSE COMB R. I. RED EGGS for hatch ing. Pens headed by prize winning cockerels from North Star Poultry Show, Minnesota. 1.5o to $2.tn per 15. Mrj. James H. Halplne, 4602 Center St., Omaha. Tel. Harney 35:8. (11) M319Ai2x ONE dozen Buff Orptlngton hens for sale; also eggs for setting. 3327 Spauldlng St. (1D-525 Govt. Book free. Model Squab Pens. Omaha. (11) M102 M2 SQUABS Will contract with owners of un used sheds to raise em. Address J 991, Bee. (11) M676 M25 LOST AND FOUND LOST Pair of pants on Sherman Ave. car, 15th and Howard fits., February 24, about 6:45 p. m. Reward for return to 310 Ramge BUlg (12) 751 29X MEDICAL ANY poor girl In need of a friend call or write to the matron of the Salvation Army Home for Women at 3324 N. 24tb St., Omaha, Neb. (12) MI06 WE HAVE a number of small offices, ranging In price from $10 to $15, for rent; Janitor service, electric light and water free; elevator runs until 11 p. hi. each night. Apply R. W. Baker, Supt., 105 Hee Bldg. (15) M69 FREE medical and surgical treatment at Crelghton Medical college, 14th and Dav enport Sis. ; special attention paid to con finement cases; all treatment supervised by college professors. 'Phone Douglas 1167. Calls answered day or night. (13)-12 BEST nerve bracer for men, "Gray's Nervs Food Pills." $1 a box, post paid. Pherman & McConnell Drug Co.. Omaha. tl3)4S MONEY TO LOAN ALARY AND CHATTELS i FOR A SQUARE DEAL GO TO THE PHuENIX CREDIT CO. For Chattel or Salary Loans. 633 Paxton Block. 'Phone Douglas 748. Ui 492 NEED MONEY On account of sickness or any number of small bills pressing you. You know February Is one of the hardest months of the year to gut over without being pressed for a little ready money. Will YOU NEED any extra money 1 If you do, don't fall to call and sea us about It and take advantage of our un usuallv low rates. OMH MORTGAGE LOAN CO. 119 Board of Trade Bldg. - ' (14)-7M ft T O L O A N-L O W lnriau hate m sums to iVllJI IC V a3 Bm ,v-'w I 'phone Douglss 2904. UNION LOAN COMPANY. (14) 4M FURNITURE, live stock salary, losna Duff Ureen Loan Co., rovm s. Barker Blk. (14 ts without usin with a Needle MONEY TO LOAN alary aad Chattels Coatlnaed. P. O. NIELSEN St CO., . LOANS. 703 N. T. Life Blug. Phono Doug. 2204. (14)-M97 MONEY LOANED SALARIED FEOPLB and others without security; easy pay ments. Offices in 63 principal cities Tol man, room 714. New York Life Bldg. (14) -491 CHATTEL salary and storage receipt loans. Foley Loan Co., 1504 Farnam St. (14)-493 EAGLE LOAN OFFICE-Reltable, accom modating; all business confidential l.tof Douglas. (14)-48S NOT A LOAN SHARK. Money loaned on salary, chattels, etc.; confidential E. Z. Address B 2, care Bee. - 04 M708 Mix OFFERED FOR RENT Boarding; aad Rooms. VIENNA hotel; private dining rooms: cafe. (lot 494 LARGE front room with alcove suitable for two or three persons; furnished or un furnished. References required. H4 8. 19ih Bt- (15)-M,80 Mtsx DEWEY European Hotel, 13th and Farnam. (16) 495 DESIRABLE room, fine location, walking distance, excellent board. US 8. 25th St. (15)-607 29 ONE large, also one small room, both verv comfortable, with excellent board. 2616 amain. U5)-o9 kJ?65 tTont alcove room with board. 123 So. 25th Ave. (16) 231 27x GENTLEMAN wishing quiet room, all ,m, e,r.n wl,h board can find same at r.Vi Ca" St references. Tel. Douglas b4U- (15)-643 M3 FOR people looking for board and room .rlr"t-claa home can be found at the old Paxton residence, 206 8. 26th Ave.; one floor reserved for gentlemen, with reception room and bath; can accommo date 8 or 10 young men; everything strictly first class. (15) 700 2Sx FIRST-CLASS board and room, 2472 Har- ol- (15)-740 4x Furnished Rooms. WE DO expert, piano moving at lowest prices. Tel. Douglas 166. Schmoller tc Mueller Piano Co.. 1311-1313 Farnam. r.lo 486 TWO furnished rooms, steam heat. 1506 Farnam Bt.. 3d floor. (15) M1S1 VERY deslrarle, references required. 640 8. 24th St. (15) MU32 Mchll Fi.P.,"team "eated, all modern rooms. 24,2 Harney St. (16) M5S9 Mch lox ONE nicely furnished southeast room and board; all modern conveniences. Iu31 8 30th Ave. (15)-M776 1 ' WE i IND you any kind of rooms. In any part of the city, FREE OF CHARGE. Rooming houses bought, sold and ex changed. CITY ROOM RENTAL CO., 'Phone Red 8046. 642 Bee Bldg. (15) 6S2 M9 2110 DOUGLAS-10-mlnute walk; modern. (15)-279 M2ix SECOND floor front room and bedroom bay window, gas, furnace heat, hot and cold water; desirable for man and wife or two or moro young men; $0. 218 No. mh- (15)-M513 29x DESIRABLE room, fine location, walking distance. 218 S. 25th St. (15) 608 29 NICELY furnished rooms In new modern flat. 214 No. 2ith St. Tel Douglas 39Wt (16J-649 ELEGANT room to business couple with or withjut board, private family; references' no rent sign. 1918 Cass St. Tel. I iriuglus 641 4- (161-542 M2 FOR RENT Within easy walking distance In up-to-dute new flat, medium sized' nicely furnished south room; electric lights, hot water heat, telephone, etc. 2406 Harney. (16)-MS7 M3x MARCH 1, south front room with break ing 11 ucsirea in new tnoroughly mod ern house; walking distance; private fam ily. Tel. Harney 4077. (15735 1 Unfurnished llooma. t ROOMS, ground floor. 1120 N. 17th St. G6)-aiR FOUR ROOMS-Modern except heat, for light housekeeping for adults. 2215 Burfi (15-M4n 29x FOUR modern. heated, housekeeping rooms. 2223 Burt St. (15) 275 27 FOUR unfurnished rooms close In. Tel. Red (15) .33 4x TWO unfurnished rooms, modern, In private family; housekeeping privilege 614 N. 22d. . 'Phone Douglas 4678 8 v (15)-749 Ml'x Housekeeping; Rooms. BEAUTIFUL south parlar. kitchen and sleeping rooms, 2474 Harney. Telephone Douglas 6300. (15) 941 TWO excellent modern furnished rooms for housekeeping; 'phone In house. 2f,74 Harney St. (10) 229 NEATLY furnished rooms, all modern steam heated always warm. 218 N "sj St. (16) M2J0 2 THREE or four nicely furnished rooms complete for housekeeping; main flo.ir 2018 Davenport Bt. (15) 276 2bx S LARGE connecting rooms, nice halls, front and back entrance, gHt, range and water in kitchen. 1615 Cuming St. In quire 1918 Cass St. Tel. Douglas 5111. (15) 750 M4 Apartments and Flats. FOR RENT '-room flat, 29th Ave. and Douglas St. GLOBE LAN) - AND INVESTMENT CO.. 'Phone Douglas om,2. (15)-M735 IN SCARGO apartments, South Omaha. 3-room and 6-room apartments; all mod em conveniences; steam heat. HALL, il7 First National Bank Blug. Tel. Hed 7406. (16) M457 22o4 N. 21 ST ST., 7-room flat, modern, fur nace, gas, bath, hot and cold water; n w decorations; $X. Hastings & Heyden, 171 Farnam tt. (15) M779 2S NEW 4-room modern brick flat. 2210 Nicholas. $21. References. Patterson, lia3 Farnam St. (15) M767 1 8-ROOM modmrn flat, 1613 Burt St. Inquire 2447 Spauldlng St. Tel. Webster 3013. (16) 698 12 Furnished House. FOR RENT For six month to parties without children, neatly furnished 7 riMiin cottage on Georgia Ave., $35.00. Referenoes. Address G 57, rare Bee. 115) M775 lx Iloases aad Cottages. FOR RENT Three rooms, city water. 112 N. 17th SU C. M. Bacnman, 436 Psxton Blk. (15-MUl Maggard Van A Storage Co., 1712 Webster. (li)-j HOUSES. Insurance. Kingwalt. Barker Blk. (16-602 FOR RENT Eight-room, modern house. 414 N. 21st St.. 136. THOMAS BRENNAN. Room U New York Life Bldg. (U) 491 BALL room snd lodge rooms. Fraternity Hall. 1816 Harney, opp. publio library. See JaolM Oi)-6ol OFFERED FOR RENT Hetaei and !' taea Coat Innea". KOUNTZE TLACE district, near 24th and Binnev, one block from car, fine 7-room. all modern home, will be vacant March 1. laa If desired; cemented cellar, with hot and cold waler; house nearly new. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE COMPANY. 1001 N. Y. Life Bldg. Phone Dong 2)52. (15)-M36 29 OMAHA Van and Btorsge Co.. pack, move, tor H. H. goods. Storehouse 1120-24 N. 19th; office Its Farnam. Tel. Doug. l.V9. (16) tV.v 1 RMXK from 24th Bt. car on Maple; new strict I v modern 7 moms, $2?.ffl. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE COMPANY, 1001 N. Y. Life. Tel. Doug. 21-2. (16) M 777 S HOUSES, flats, Garvin Bros., 1604 Farnam. (16) 498 FOR RENT 4V room cottage, good cellar, east front, south part of city, $12 per month. C. M. Rachmann, 4J6-37 Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 26o9. (15) 24 6-ROOM cottage, modern, 629 So. 27th St., hot water heat, bath room, etc., gas. Tel. Douglas 8475. (15) M7iU 1 $40.00 S-room modern brick flat; 3003 Pacific St.; best residence part of city. Key at 1 8. 35th Ave. 'Phone Harney S2tsl. M. Kellner. (1S1-M770 FIVE-ROOM brick flat, ground floor. T15. Inquire 2212 Spencer. (16) 2X2 27 x PHONE Webster 1798 If you wish a J6 -room, all modern house, best locution, for $30. (15) vMtiSl 2 7-ROOM cottage. 3868 Seward, modern ex cept furnace; barn, fine lawn: two blocks from car. Inquire 3872 Seward. (15) M515 FOR RENT 8-room cottage; house mod ern. 3031 Marcy St.. $27. Apply to C. L. Thomas, room 412 Bee Bldg. (13) 638 7-ROOM modern house, corner 32d and Cass Sts.; one block south Harney car line. (15) M;i2 Mchl HOUSES Peters Trust Co.. N. Y. I Bldg. (15) M215 8-ROOM, modern except furnace. 2412 Spalding St., $30. 6-room, modern except furnace, 971 No. 26th Ave., $18. Storeroom. 1I0 No. 24th St., $16. Six rooms on second floor, Jth and Par ker Sts., $14. Chris Boyer, 22d and Cum ing. (15)-560 601 PARK avenue, new modern brl.k house, hardwood finish; 7 rooms. Tele phone Harney 1610. (15) M69G 29 HOUSEHOLD goods packed, forwarded; cheap freight rates, moving and storing. Expressmen's Delivery Co. Tel. Doug. 3L (15)-6J4 TTOTTSF.S ,n a" Part" of th c,ty- Creigh (lo) 60) THE elegant residence at 266 8. 7th St.. Council Bluffs, for sale or rent. Apply to J. J. Brown, corner house south, or to W. Binder & Co. (15) M306 M8x $14 5-room cottage, 1106 N. 18th. $8 THREE rooms, at S20S N. 2th St. $27 6-room modern house. 6-room steam heated modern flat. BEMIS. 308 PAXTON BLOCK. (I61 M216 FOR RENT Six-room modern house In good location. Enquire J. W. Young, 2205 Sherman Ave. (15) M529 28 7-ROOM modern cottage, 3730 No. 18th St., $25. Telephone Webster 1849. (16) 539 19x NEARLY new 6-room modern house, ex cept rurnace; strictly first class, $20. 2813 Seward. Key next door. (16) 737 28x Hall. FRATERNITY HALL, 18th and Harney; new, clean, ground floor, ball room; no liquors allowed; $15 a night. N. P. Dodge & Co. Tel. Doug. fc2 or Ind. A2S29, or see Janitor. (16) M42I LODGE ROOMS Brandeis Bldg. Inquire Room 819. (16) M760 i9x Offices. TWO fine largo office suites In the Con tinental block: choice location for physl- nun or nt'misi, ALFRED C. KENNEDY. 209 First National Bank Building. 161-507 FOR RENT Desk room in new Brandeis fciiag. f none Doug. 26 or address F-6, care rsee. (16) M104 DESK room for rent; reasonable use of dolii pnones. czj lies tsiag. (io) 1& DESIRABLE OFFICES We have two rooms on the third floor wnicn can De remeu single or in suite. These offices have an east light and large vault for each room, and the entrance faces on tne Deauttrui court of The Bee Building which affords the best ventilation. To any one wishing large office space this would be an excellent opportunity to secure a home for your business. We furnish light, heat, Janitor and elevator eeivice iree. (or runner particulars see R. W, Baker, 106 Bee Building. (15) 644 DESK room, stenographer and telephone service. j.ei. jjougias tiura. (id) tit; FOR RENT An office In the new Rran deis Bldg., with the use of the reception room, stenographer and telephone, Doug las 4911 or A 2911. (15) 7otf Stores. 8-f TORY and basement, 22x100, 1003 Far nam. Apply 814 First Nat'I Bank Bldg. (15)-4-.)9 4-STORY and bastment building on Far nam St., adj. M. E. Smith Dry Goods Co., bet. 9th and loth Sts.; equipped with an elevator, fireproof vault. R. R. trackage and loading platform. F. D. Wead, lSvl Farnam St., Tel. Douglas 1629. (15) M167 MODERN store room In new Scargo Bldg., 24lh St., South Omaha, P. O. block. Hall. 817 First Nat. Bldg. 'Phone Red 7406. (15) 10 2 NICE, light rooms, 17th and Capitol Ave., cheap. Anchor Fence Mfg. To. (15) M3t,l March-1 OFFERED FOR SALE Fencing, ANCHOR and Iron fencing; wire fencing 6c per foot. 206 N. l'.tli .St. Tel. Bed 614. (16j-.)12 Piano, Organ, Mualcal Instruments. FOR SALE Fine upright piano, chep; 1721 Davenport St. (16) M171 Irviinriicra ttrrl il Machine. FOR SALE High grade second-hand type, writers; good condition; a burguin at jio. Call room 003, Bee Bldg. (16) 671 ALMOST fiew standard $100 typewriter fcr sale at a great sacrifice If taken at onrn. 441 Brandeis Bldg. (16j 6(i F2a TYPEWRITERS-Royal, visible, $6j"bet any $100 machine. Typewriters for rent, all makes, sold on payments, repaired. CENTRAL TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE 1UJ7 Fsruani. (16)-M927 Mchl Mlacellaaeoa. MUST MEET OBLIGATIONS. Offer my H-kl. diamond ring, beautiful fiery alone, $50. Answer quick. D 2o, care B. (16) M-t Mch21 FOR SALE New and second-hand billiard and pool tables. We lead the world in cheap bar fixtures; easy payments. Brunswick-Balk Colliiidar. 407 S. loth St. GUi 613 SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO., best mixed paint. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co. U.i;i GAS. ELECTRIC AND COMBINATION FIXTURES Largest, most up-to-date slock at lowest prices in the. city, select now. Delivered when needed. Inspection Invited. BURGESS GRAN DEN CO., I.J 8. 15th 8V TsL Doug, 681. OFFERED FOR SALE Ml.eellaaeon.:.f ontl.aedT " ONE R. E.neck band press, $20; one It . H. cuff presa, $J; orin It. A f). steani bosom press, $itm; one pearl marking ma chine, $; one Hatrn 4-rol domestic band Ironer, i:;0; one KKiiptre combination yoke wrist and neck band Ironer. $26; one Bishop shirt stnrc'her, with stripping de vice, Mi; one Sinclair easy ahirt starcher. $rt. Bluff City Laundry, '4 m Main PUCo. Uluf rs.la. tlt) M27I fci COAL All kinds, free delivered, same flay if. jrou 1'iurr, inniiuii Coal vsrd Tpl', Vu4,12'.1"."" dP- r!-an nui coal, 6 bushels for $1. (16I-MM7 DRUGS at cut prices: freight paid on all 9 orders; catalogue free. Sherman Mc Connell Drug Co.. Omaha. Neb. (1&-$ij FOR SALE-Several show cases, new pes- nut roaster, large coflee mill, two lirir automatic oil tanks and stor fixtures too numerous to mention. Globe Land and Investment Co., Omaha, Neb (16)-3:7 MUST RAISE CASH QUICK Offer S-carat diamond ring .V; Vcxrut ring and stud $:i. Must be sold at one. W. Ritchie. 1212 Harney. Red .V.16. (16)-M266 MclJ 2ND-HAND overcoats and firearms. Singer) 418 N. 16th. (ln616 BEND US your mall ordrs for drugs; freight paid on $10 lots. Myers-Dillon Drug Co.. Omaha. (16) 618 HOMEOPATHIC remedies, wholesale, re tail. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., it.h and Dodge Sts.. Omaha. Neb. (16) 620 HALL'S safes, new. 2d-hand. ISIS FarnnrrT 16)-6.1 FOR SALE Furniture and lease nlcelv furnished apartment of four rooms; mod rn in every respect; steam heal; faces two streets; only few blocks from P. O ; fine place for man rnd wife or two or three men. Address J 8. care Pee 16 TV'S 29x PATENTS PATENTS THAT PROTECT- books for Inventors mailed on receipt of 6c postage. R. 8. & A. B. Lacey, rooms 29-39 PhcIiIc Bldg., Washington, D. C. Established ImU. (17)-t2J LARSON & CO.-Book free. Neville Bldg. (i;)-i-5 D. O. BARN ELL, Paxton Blk. Tel. Red Till (17J-624 U. A. Sturgis, 619 N. Y. L, Tel. Doug. 3m. (17) 766 McllUx PERSONAL MAflNKTKJ treatment and bath. Mm. i.UUliX-Al sjuhu, 11a m. mty. Id fioo.-. (I) v2.' LIEBEN, costumer, 1410 Howard. Open eva. (18-Ui THE SALVATION ARMY solicits cast-o;( clothing; In fact, anything you do not need. We collect, repair and sell at lit N. 11th St.. for cost of collecting, to the worthy poor. Call 'phone Doug. 413j and wagon will calL (1! ;8j SEEING Is believing, watch Satin skin cream heal chaps, cuts, cracks or sores. 25c. (18)- MASSAfiE nd Boom . 1201 iu0OU Farnam (St. 3d floor. (18)-MU2M3 NOG RAY Guaranteed give permanent rich dark color to gray hair; youthful appear ance renewed; absolutely harmless; fi.ll treatment $2; sample 5oc. Hunter, 2W Bee Bldg., Omaha. (18) M7J SYRINGES, rubber goods, by mall; cut rices. Send for free catalogue. Myeia !llon Drug Co., Omaha. (18) 52!i WE RENT, repair, sell needles for old sewing machines. Neb. Cycle Co., Cor. 16th and Harney. W) 0 YOUNG WOMEN coming to Omaha m strangers are invited to visit the Vounjj Women's Christian Association rooms. 1516 Farnam St., where they will be di rected to suitable boarding plHce or otherwise assisted. (18) 915 PRIVATE CONFINEMENT HOME-MvT Dr. King. 1324 N. 24lh. Tel. Web. 355a (18.1-5.11 OMAHA Stammerer's Institute, Ramgo Bldg. (li)-2 SEE Madame True about your face. Com plexion treatment. 2iXD St. Mary's Ave. (18) M796 i!'x A. J. JETT, window cleaner. Tel. Douglas 4096. (18)-M809 Mchl5 ALVIN II. QUIMBY la earnestly re quested to communicate with his brother, G. J. Qulinby, 616 Union Ave., Portland. Ore., who will pay liberal reward for his address. (18) M754 lx MME. ZEREFA. Armenian massage. 520 8. 16th, Flat 6. 'Phone Douglas 6M5. (18) M691 M3x REAL ESTATE IIEAL ESTATE DEALERS. PAYNE INV. CO.. 1st floor N. Y. Life. Douglas 17S1. (19)-633 GEORGE A CO., 1801 Farnam. Tel. Douglas 71 t (19) 532 CITY PItOPERTY FOR BALE. NEW BARGAIN 25th and Spencer fits., new house Just comoleted, never occupied; has reception hall, parlor, dining room, den. Kitchen, refrigerator room, pantry, cloak closet on first floor; 3 large bedrooms, large closet off each room, large bath room, medicine closet and linen closet off hall on second floor. Lirge size Royal Victor furnace, best of brush brass combination fixtures and best of plumbing. First floor except kitchen finished In oak, pol ished oak floors; large base ment with cement floor. Inside and outside entry. This Is a bargain at $3,700; easy terms, AV. FARNAM SMITH & CO., 13:0 Farnam St. Tels. Bell Doug. 10J4. Ind. A 1064. (191-746 27 CLOSE IX CORNER- U)T WITH COTTAGE. Beven rooms and bath, southwest rornr 25th and Charles Sts.; lot fronting 120 feet on Charles St. and feet oil 25th St. Price, $3,5.0. W. II. GRIFFITH. 27.21 CMICAUO BT. 119J 733 24 THREE BOULEVARD LOTS for $700 each. These lots face west on the boulevard. Just south of Uuvrnworih St., only Vi block tu car. THE BYRON REED CO., ' Phone Douglas 197. 512 8.14th St. (19 747 28 (i-ROOM MODERN HOME within two blocks of the Rarnard apnrt ment house, corner lot, on paved street, practically new house, well kept up by owner, who is compelled to make a changn. A bargain at $3.0-$1.0of) cash, balance In easy payments; 6 per cent Interest, Harrison & Morton. 913 N. Y. Ufe. Tel. D. 211 (19.1-74 27 BRICK COTTAGES. 5, rooms each; brand new, nicely pollshel Tliiors, well pais red. gas and electrlo light fixtures; nicly Tying 1 aat front lots; cement cellars, elegant woolwork excellent plumbing; (X H. 4oth, $2U)j; 1018 S. 86th Ave.. $2.6j0. Terms tj suit pur. chaser. C. G. CARLBERO. 911 N. Y. Life Bldg. 1)-M7I1 29 $2,000 BUYS t-rooni housu and full lot, fronting east on 2lth St.. near Burdette; because iion-renhieht owner is anxious to sell F. D. WEAD. ISol Farnam HI OS-M772 1 '2uHeiAI'EvEIhtr,?0In mlri house, with large barn, lt Plnrkney Bt Im Qu re F. H. Woodland, 61 UranJ.i. nfZ UeL Douglas MM. JHt--Ml51