Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 28, 1908, Page 7, Image 7

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Lower Cables Hake Eaiier Opening
for Cereal Values.
Raying the Setback gent Valaee
Farther aaA a Good Gala
t 1 , TUrffr the Net
- - . - Remit.
: v .. ;.'.. -jf ;
t ' : OMAHA, Feb. XI. IPOS.
Graln-'vslue Ilidwed an easier opening,
caused by, lower cables. The domestic all'
nation la strong and buying one the set
backs arnt vaJuaa higher and a good
registered- ' .
Wheat opened lower on -weak cables and
f re selling by longs. Conunlaaton houiai
had resting orders In and shorts came In
heavy on the decline, starting prtoes up,
and buying Increased steadily on the way
Ut. May wheat opened at Mo and closed at
Cum was steady to Birong from the start.
Demand was gurd and opened way for
higher .values.- 'liiere was no corn on the
maiket and bid had to come high to be
teoognliej. . Tha corn market Is In ex
cellent ton. May corn opened at 660 and
closed at
Oats opened, a chads lower with offerings
free from elevator pwiple. The market soon
toned up when wheat and corn began to
advance.- May oats opened at 48c and closed
a. 4Kc.
Primary wheat receipts were 331,000 bu.
and shipments v.crc 2i;,0u0 bu. agalnnt re
ceipts last year oC 6K9,0u0 bu. and shipments
of 2J6,0UC bu.
Corn rectipts wero 351,000 bu. and ship
ments were 342,(00 bu. against receipts last
year of 49,UX bu. and shipments of 682,000
Clearances were 1,019.000' bu. of corn, 8,000
bu. of oats and wheat and flour equal to
246,000 bu.
Llvrepool closed UftXd lower on wheat
and Vd lower on corn. Seaboard reports
nothing taken.
Local range of options:
Articles. Open. Hlgh. Low. Close. Ye'y.
..'heat I
M.t.v. . .
J uly.. .
i n't
.1 ily...
G vt...
92 92 95-H 92
K5'i Hi 8o4 86 "',
8i I isi m 8:4 81
f 65 E6 6T.4
!'" CStf 63 53 MH
o-l M 64 63's
iS 4V 4H W 4
43V, s:P 4?.V4 43 43
34 Zi 34 34 34-v,
Omaha Cash Prices,
WHEAT No. t hard, 93fi!l5c; No. 3
hard, 82i93c; No. 4 hard, 804jb9o; No. 3
spring, 9c4j1f7o.
COHN-No. 3, B3,64Hc; No. 4, R3gi3Ho;
no grsde, 6Hi52c; No. S yellow, Hhyit
(Ac; No. 3 white, 6&54Hc
OATS No. S mixed, 48c; No. 8 white,
47fy48c; No. 4 white, 47c; standard. 47
i 4c.
Iti'lS-No. 2, 74t&76c; No. 3, 7173c.
Carlo Receipts.
Wheat. Corn. Oats.
Chicago 17 186 229
Minneapolis 174
Omaha 14 112 15
Duluth 8
Features of the Trading; and Closlnn
Prices on Board of Trade.
CHICAaO, Feb. 87 Wheat prices on tha
local exenange advanced more than 3c to
day because of kmall primary receipts and
an urgent demand for cash grain. At the
cioao the May delivery showed a net gain
of 2!ic. Coin was up o. Oats were
ffoC higner and provisions IO44I6C higher.
The wheal market opehed weak because
of a decline of more than Id at Liverpool,
lieloie the end of the first fifteen minutes
of trading, however, sentiment had changed
tu the bull side and throughout the re
mainder o( Iba lay the market showed un
usual strength. The domestic situation waj
ti.e cuief bullish Influence. Primary re
ceipts are still running very light, the total
arrivals today being 631,i00 bu. against 681,
bu. on the aume day last yean The
domund for cath wheat here and at out
side markets was strong, several reports
holr. received ffpgi the southwest,- telling
of damage by iTiohesslan fly. Demand was
general wtlil shorts and prominent buils
leading In the buying. The market closed
airong near the highest point. May opened
Viikc to 41o lower at UGli'Jo'AC, advanced
to W-S1j9SH and closed at tt.,c. Clearances
of and flour were equal to L4b,0u0 bu.
Minneapolis, Duluth and Chicago reported
sertlpta of 19tf cars, against 108 cars last
verk and 100 cars one year ago.
Tha' eirn market was strong all day on
active demand by shorts and commission
bouses. The factors responsible for the
bnssc demand were small receipts, largo
clearances, talk of small farm reserves and
the sharp advance In wheat. The cIoha
was strong. May opened o lower to o
higher, ut 60VC1V', advanced to 62c and
closed at (Uc. I -oral rucelpts wero 185
cars, with none of- contract grade.
Outs were strong because of the advnr. ?
in wheat and corn. Trade was light. May
opened unchanged to He lower, at G.iiiuJC,
advanced to 5i(c and closed there. Ljcal
receipts were 229 cars.
Provisions were firm despite an easier
market for live bogs. The strength of
wheat and corn was tha chief bullish Influ
ence. At the close May pork was up 15o
at til. Id. Lard was 10c higher at J7.63. Ribs
were li512o higher at S6,57ft.
Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat,
10 cars; com, Irt- cars; oats, 180 cars; hogs,
U.OtO head.
Articles. Opon. IIigh. tow. Close.l Yea'y.
Wheat j j i j
May IW a498j,1rH 95 91,95
, July . WTfc'U! Ws 8y 93 90'4
B-pt. 87S b7 W I87V'(J
t?orn I I I I
May OT46m 62 n?t t 61
July ' 59 fTi W ,S!Vti'TiBlf5s'if
Kept. UViWM ' f 584 09 it i
Oats- I - I
aMay 62jr53 M eTi B3H1 53
b.May 61 61 61Hi 61 614
aJuly 44- 46 tt 4 46 til 44
bJuly 43 ! 43 43 43
Pork- I
May 11 S7H 11 60 11 87 11 55 1 11 40
July 11 77V 11 97Vi 11 T 11 11 77H
Lard I
May 7 45 T67V 7 45 7 Ct T 46
July 1 66 7 W I 1 66 7 77H 7 87V4
Ribs I
May ' 6 47 6 67 47 6 67 6 47
July 7 87 75 W C 77
No. t. a Old. b New.
, Cash quotations were as follows:
FLOUK Steady; winter patents, S4.3
.4 60; winter straights, HHI&X4&; spring pat
ents, JS.Owy 1m; spring straights, I4.20.a4ij;
bakers, 33 lwu4.).
WUhiAT-No. i spring, $1.07e1.10; No. 3
spring. 97rfttl.09; No. 3 red, 94iiHlSc
COftN No. X fcittt&c; No. 3 yellow, 61
OATS No. X ti⪼ No. 3 white, 613
HYB-Ko. I, 820. V
BARLEY-Falr to choice malting, SSo.
8KlilJtJ Flax. No. 1 northwestern, 31-19.
Clover, contract grade, $19.60,
PROVISIONS Short ribs, sides (loose),
K8'WJ"H- MM pik. per U.I., tll.X-
U.17. Lard, per Us) lbs., r.27. bhott
Clear sides (boxed), W.87u .62.
Following were the receipts and ship
ments of flour and grain t
- Receipts. Shipments
Flour, bbls. , 46. 7 w) 2&.wi0
Wheat, bu... 26.000 63.100
Corn, bu 17S,0 126,0s)
Data, bu 243.0U) lo'Mt)
Kye, bu...; l.Oud 4.li4)
barUy, bu , 66,100 31,6u0
On the Produce exchange today the but
ter market was steady; creameries, Uttf⁣
dairies. 3vt2Ac. Kggs, firm: at mark, cases
Included, iwt 20o; firsts, 21c; prime firsts,
Uc; extras, tic Cheese, firm; Ujl4c.
t. LosU Geaeral Market.
ST. LOUIS, Feb. CT WHEAT-Higher.
strong; track. No. 3 red, cash, elevator,
1W; No. 3 hard. 310uiil.(tt; May, 9y',c,
July, V: September, 7o.
CORN Strong; No, 3 oasU, 68ij6ic; May,
Uc; July, MWtittHa.
OATa Steaity; No. 3 cash. 61Jj62c No.
i white, biQUe; May, tvc.
RYE Quiet, 810.
FLOCK Quiet; red winter patents, H.WXft
L76; extra fany and straight, 34.10ul40;
Jlesrs, ti 403n.Su.
SKUD-iiiuotliy, steady: 337584.S6.
CoKNMKAL-fiteady; U.W.
HRAN-Btrong; sacked, east track, 3L09S
llAT-Steady; tlroothy. I10.0O5J16.6O; pral
1e, 38.uyil.6u.
IRON CurrON TIES fi io.
RAU'llN'tl loso.
IlKMH TWINii-llo.
I'HjVISloN8-Pork. higher; Jobbing.
01 .5. lrd, l.lgher; prime steam. 37.oi7. tit.
My salt meats, steady; boxed extra shorts,
IT: clear ribs, N.76; short clears, 7.IT..
Uaoiin. steady: boxed extra shorts, 37.b:;
.'Iht rlt., 7 50; sliort clears. $ 12.
roULTI.T ulet; I kens, loViC; springy.
da'ry, 2c B'eady; .creamery, l-ru3.c;
LuOa 18c, rase count.
Flour ,ki. Receipts. Shipments.
AVatVbu l1""
lorn, hn ...
U. DM M ,,) fl, ..
Oaotattoas of the nay on Varloaa
eel p ts, 23.66 Larries; exports, 13,700 bar.
I. !i.,'r",rket firmer; Minnesota patents,
IS20I&6 6O; winter straights. I l.30D 4.i0;
Minnesota bakers, 34.60Si.W); winter extras,
-''tf4.15; winter patents, $4.6iKv(4.W; winter
low grades, .6?-?H 'tf. Rye flour, steady;
I? r i'"d' M.HH.; choice to fancy.
7rO(',ni.26. Buckwheat Hour, dull, 13.00 per
100 His.
COFtNMEAL Firm; fine white and yel
low, 3L4&l.&o; coarse, 31.35S1.40; kiln dried,
K .
x.KYrr,ul,: No- western, 90c, f. o. b.
New York.
WHKAT Receipts, 27.000 bushels; ex
ports, 60.500 bushels. Hpot market strong;
No. 2 red, 3192, elevator, and 31.03, f. o.
b. afloat; No. 1 northern Duluth, $1.18,
r. o. b. afloat; No. 2 bard winter, $1 14,
r. o. b. afloat. There was a panic among
W ,??, 8hort" today following extremely
bullish cash wheat news from Ine Interior
markets. Prices Jumped 2c rrom the
early low point and closed i4i'2Ue ntt
hgi,f M.njr- l 0i 9-16M1.05 3-16, closed
?7 ';?' July- 87 ll-16c&1.00. closed at
4) 1 . 0 0 "4 ,
.,CH1?Ji?eec,Pt' 29,000 bushels; exports.
87,469 bushels, bpot market firm; No. 2,
68c, elevator, and 61 c, f. o. b. afloat;
No. 2 white, 62 o, and No. 2 yeilow, 62c,
bl afloat- The option market was
without transactions, closing o net
h!Ki'f: May closd at 70'ac; July closed
OATSTRec,1P,l. 120,000 bushels: ex
ports, 2,300 bunhels. Spot market firm;
mixed oats, 26 to 32 pounds. 7c; nat
ural white 26 to 32 pounds. 588)61T;c;
l?Ped whlte. 82 to 40 pounis, 60(i66c.
AJ Firm; good to choice, 96c(tf 31.00.
,yVti ""y: state, common to choice,
19"7 .crP. 9t)14c; W crop. 4gc; raclflu
co,a?!' croR- 66'c: l6 crop, 4(it&c.
HlOLs Wulet; Bogota, 17 o; Centr"al
American, 17c.
PROVISIONS Beef, firm: family, 314. bO
15.w; mess, 311.00iill.6O; beef hams, tu.VW
6tx); packet, 312. t 12,50; city extra India
mess, 321.00(11 22.00. Cut meats, steady;
pickled bellies, 37.25.0O: pickled hams
s.ou. I,ard, firm: western tirlma. 17 3ii.i
TALLOW Oulet: rltir KUn
RICE Quiet; domestic, fair to extra. S'i
POULTRY Alive, firm: western
ens, llc; fowls, 13c; turkeys, 14c; dressed
steady; western chickens, 104i'17c: turkevs
lftMHc; fowls, 10fgi4c. '
30l;3lc creamery specials.
CHEESE Steady and unchanged.
ooI'S8-"1""! wetem firsts, 23c; seconds.
Probably Fair and Warmer for the
Fish Dar.
OMAHA. Feb. 27, 1908.
The weather is colder generally every
where east of the Rocky fountains, the
fall in temperature being quite decided In
the upper valleys and lake region. It la
much warmer in the mountain district The
eastern storm is slowly moving off the
upper Atlantic coast, but generally un
settled weather continues throughout the
eastern portion, with light snows falling
In the middle Mississippi and Ohio valleys
and lower lake region. Generally cloudv
weather prevails west of the Mississippi
river, and it will probably continue cloudy
In this vicinity tonight and Friday, with
warmer tonUht.
Omaha record of temperature and precipi
tation compared with the corresponding day
of the past three years:
1908. 1907. 1906. 1906
Minimum temperature.... 11 26 18 29
Precipitation 00 .03 .00 .00
Normal temperature for today 27 degrees.
Deficiency In precipitation since March 1.
6.33 inches.
Deficiency corresponding period In 1907,
4.14 Inches.
Deficiency corresponding period In 1906,
2.93 inches.
L. A, WELSH, Local Forecaster.
Kansas City Grain and Provisions.
higher; May, ST.Vic; July, 86c. Cash: No.
2 hard, t7c'n 31.01; No. 3, 96f(iy9c: No. 2 red.
31.OlYul.03; No. 3, 97H99c.
CORN Unchanged to c higher; Mav,
55c; July, 65c. Cash: No. 2 mixed, &4o;
No. 3 mixed, 54o; No. 2 white, 64"affi&5o:
No. 3 white. 64fu&4c.
OATS Unchanged ; No. 2 white, 5051c:
No. 2 mixed, 4!ii4c.
RYE 74'a78c
HAY Choice timothy, steady at 311.00
12.00; choico prairie, weak at 38.609.00.
BUTTER Creamery, lc lower at S2c;
packing stock, weak at 19c.
KUOS Unchanged to lo higher; fresh
extras, 19c; current receipts, 17c.
Receipts. Shipments.
Wheat, bu 28,000 40,000
Corn, bu 16,000 66,000
Oats, bu 10,000 7,0.0
Quotations at Kansas City as reported
by Logan & Bryan, 112 Board of Trad
building, were:
Open. High. Low. Close.
iruii, iirmer; continent, .0!V,
Amerla. $8-50; compound, 36.87
J-12. Pork, steady; family, 315. ooS
$?3050ftU.00Clear8' 14-60l5-"i n,os3,
Wheat . '
May 92 96
July &i 87
May 65 66
Ju:,- 64 66
65 C&3Ti
"iu a
YJinneapolla Grain Market.
May, 3107; July, 3106; N. 1 hard,
31.12112; No. 1 northern. 31.09tD
1.10; No. 2 northern, 31.071.08; No. 8
northern, $1.03 4f 1.06.
BRAN Firm at 320.86 9 30.60. In bulk.
FLOUR Market lOo higher; first
patents, $6.85$6.60; second patents, VS. 25
it 6.4 0; first clears, $4.354.45; second
clears, $3.4003.60.
Liverpool Grain Market.
LIVERPOOL. Feb. 27. WHfJAT Spot,
dull; No. 3 red western winter, 7s d; fu
tures, quiet; March, 6a lld; May, 7s d;
July, 7s ld.
CORN Spot; prime mixed American, new,
steady, 6s 2d; prime mixed American old,
quiet; 6s 4d; futures, steady; March, 6s
Milwaukee Grain Market.
MILWAUKEE. Feb. 27. Wlf EAT1 Mar
ket higher; No. 1 northern. 310Wsil.U; No. 2
northorn, 31.07ai.09; May. lo bid.
BARLEY Firm; No. t 93o; sample, 700
CORN Finn; No. 3 eash, 67Q69c; May,
67&o asked.
Peoria Market.
PBORIA, Feb. 27. CORN Strong; No. 8
yellow. 6Kc; No, 8. 60c; No. 4. 6iiiClc; no
grade. 6Mf.2o.
OATS Higher: No. S white, 61U2e; No.
4 white, 60i)0uc.
Toledo Seed Market.
TOLEDO. Feb. 27. SEEDS Clover, cash
and Fubruary, $11.60; March. $11.60; April,
$11.40; October, 87. W. Timothy, print, $130.
AlHlkn, prime, $11. 5.
flaloth Grain Market.
DULUTH, Feb. 27. WHEAT No. 1
northern, $1.09; No. 2 northern, 31.07;
May, 31.06; July. 3106.
Metal Market.
NEW YORK. Feb. 17. M ETA IJB The
Ixmdon tin market was slightly lower, with
spot quoted at 128 1 and futures at 128
2s 6J. locally the market was easy, with
quotations ranitlng from 3J fci to 83(79.
Copper was higher In London, with spot
closing at 58 5s and futures at 68 ".
locally tha market was reported dull, with
lake quoted at 312.G2,12 .87: electrolytic),
313.6)13.76; casting, $2.S7V4'L2.&.,. Lead
was lower at 13 15s In Induii. Ixxally the
market was dull, at $3.71113 75, Spelter de
clined to 21 6s. but remained dull and
unchanged, at $4.7r,iiH.18 locally. The Eng
lish Iron market was unchanged to a little
lower, with standard foundry quoted at
4!s and Cleveland warrants st 60s ld.
I .orally the market was reported un
changed. No. 1 foundry northern Is quoted
at SlM.2wriMsj.75: No. 3 northern foundry N.
1 southern foundry and No, 1 southern
foundry soft. $l7.7!rl8.3R.
ST. liOUia FVU 27. -M ETA L&-Lead,
steady; 83.65KiO.75. Spelter, firm; 1.NU45.
Coffee Market.
NEW YORK. Feb. 27. COFFEE Market
for coffee futures closed steady, net un
changed to five points lower. Sales were
reported of 34.0 bags, including March at
5.90c. May at 6uoc, July at 6 10c. September
at 6 15c and December at t3u:. Spot coffee,
quiet; No. 7 Rio, c; No. 4 Santos. kVrj
Ko. Mild coffee, quiet; Cordova, lovjljjic
Bnak Clear! age.
OMAHA, Feh 27. Rank clearings for
today were 81.it51.771.37. and for the cor
r, iK)iidir,g date last year, $1,961,12.69.
Condition! in Wall Street Market
Show No Improvement,
Volume of Dealings is IMear Low
Reeord Steel Issues Slightly
Higher on ' Large Orders
for Rails.
NEW YORK, Feb. 27. Conditions In the
wtoek market showed no Improvement to
day and It was the general comment that
the day of small things has arrived. An
air of gloom pervaded the stock commis
sion houses In the financial district, the
current volume of business being wholly
inadequate to provide for ordluary ex
penses. Dealings not only continued at
a low stage, but the lethargy of the price
movement was more nronounocd, de
tracting from the ability of the room
traders to scalp their fractional profit in
the course of the day. The sales for the
day were still slightly In excets of the
record low level of one day last yta.',
but with that exception the dally business
at the Stock exchange is less than has
been done on any one day In over three
So far as the general condition was re
flected In the day's sluggish market, thnt
In the metal trades was of Most inf I -ence.
Authorities were agreed In assign
ing some Improvement to the sttel tradt-,
due particularly to the r'atlng of steel
rail orders by the railroads, from which
some re-employment of lahor In the trade
Is hoped for. The reported increase In
rolling capacity of the United States Steel
corporation was regarded as of cheering
Import. The stocks of the corporation
were as little affected by this favorable
news ss they have b?en by unfavorable
happenings. It Is held as a belief In the
financial district that support of these
securities Is an integral pari of the policy
of the forces behind the steel corporation,
which Includes also the maintenance of
stable prices for the product In the at
tempt to restore general confidence in the
connections of affairs at large. While
the United States Steel stocks have given
signs of being "pegged," their action to
day did not Indicate a disposition to ad
vance prices. The coppers were more re
sponsive to various favorable reports that
were current regarding that industry.
Large sales of the metal were said to
have been affected and the surplus stocks
largely worked off In that way. Rumors
were circulated of an Intended resumption
of activities In the Butte copper camps,
but these were without confirmation.
Equally unconfirmed were the reports of
buying of the stock by Inside Interests In
the company and of a possible "deal In
contemplation." The circulation of state
ments of that kind indicated the
professional character of the market.
The appointment of a receiver for a
subsidiary Gould railroad In Texas had
some depressing effect on sentiment, not
withstanding vigorous asservatlons of the
riurely local causes of the incident hav
ng to do with Texas legislation. There
was an Impression In the stock market
that chances were Increasing for the en
actment of a currency measure ut Wash
ington and this was of some effect In
sustaining stocks. Railroad earnings re
ported showed no marked change In the
unfavorable conditions for Boirte time pre
vailing. This was a special influence on
New York Central, which was a heavy
spot In the market. Returns of the great
foreign banks showed a considerable ex
pansion of their outstanding credits and
money rates abroad were affected In con
sequence. Time money rates hero for
longer periods were higher. The slight
movements In the stock market were not
held with any constancy.
Bonds were Irregular. Total sales, par
value, $2,820,000. United States 4s, regis
tered, advanced per cent on call.
No. of sales and quotations on stocks
were as follows:
Bile. High. Low. Close,
Adams Expreu 177
Anulmmatrd Cnpptr 61,100 61 "4 49T4 fo'i
Am. Or A F tivi
do ptd..., h9
Am. Cotton Oil 100 K 2Z la
d i ptd 85
Am. Exprew lfeO
Am. Hide & L. pfd , " IS
Am. Ice gno 13 u4 11
Am. Linseed Oil 100 t 1 i
da ptd 17
Am. Locomotive , ,
do ptd. 88
Am. Smelting A , . "4 b
do pfd . - zn ut " S IS .
Am. guitar Refining SnO ni 113 111
Am. Tobaeeo pfd oertlf 1W 77 77 77
Anaoonds Mining Co t,7no 39 ns IS
Atchison 1,200 84 44 8U.
do pfd 83 1
Atlantic Coast Line 2"0 SO ( go
B. & 0 600 ltl 714
do pfd 83
Brooklyn R. T 1,!K 114 40 40
Canadian Pacific 100 U3 141 143
Central of N. J 175
Ches. ft Ohio 2H
Chloago Ot. Western 1,000 S 314 1
C. N. W 1S
C, M. tc St. P l.m 10 10S 108V
Chicago T. A T 2
do pfd , 15
C. C. C. A St. L 4
Colo. Fuel A Iron HO 16 lft4 14
Colo. Southern !') 22V 2Hi
do 1st ptd Km US (1 H
do id pfd J-H 40 40 40
Consolidate! Oas :. 1"0 i x4
Corn Products S00 11 11 11
do pfd MO H 68 67
Del. A Hudson IU0 147 146 147
Del., L. A W &O
D. A R. 0 600 15 lf. 15
do ptd 100 42 42 43
Distillers' SscurltlM 1 2x Z is
Brie 40 13 IS 13
do 1st pfd 100 17 E7 ;
ds Id prd 1
General Electrlo 100 11 114 111
Illinois Csntral 133
Inter. Paper 300 8
do pfd ano 67 57 67
Inter. Pump 100 1S 11 18
So pfd 10-1 1 47 48
lows Central 4") 11 10 10
do pfd tOO S8 S3 17
K. C. Southern It
do pfd 40
L. A N 100 94 rO 1
Msxtcan Central I.Ihw 18 II It
Minn. A gt. Louis 10
Minn., St. P. A 8. Ste. M. 100 6 i 4
do pfd 130
Mlssourt Pacific ." fl SO 30
M., K. A T 4"0 18 18 17
do pfd 300 4 4i 4
National Lead 8-0 41 41 41
Nat'l B R. ot Mex. pfd 4s
N. T. Central 11.600 4 3 4
N. T., Ont. A W ao
Norfolk A W 100 6 49 b
do pfd W
North American 100 42 4L' 43
Psclflo Msil 4'K 28 27 17
Pennsylvania 1,100 1W US 111
People's Gas 85
P., C. C. A St. L. o
Pressed Steel Car 100 18 J 1
do pfd 73
Pullman Palace Car 1M
Reading .' 15.100 W 14 f.
do 1st pfd 88
do Id pld 2u4 18 78 77
Republic Steel lf
do pfd 400 4 gj (5
Rork llsnd Co 11
do ptd luO 21 21 21
fit. L. A S F. M pfd 21
St. Louis S. W 10
do pfd tf.'i
So. Psi'lflo 1.700 68 48 4
do pfd kw
80. Railway SO 10 8 3t,
do pfd l.S Si IS '
Tsxas A Pacific S.V) 1S14 1414
Tol., St. L. A W I'M) 14 14 14
do pfd l' 81 34 S3
Cnlon Paclflo SS.T'O 114 n.1 113
do pfd 200 80 so 70
T. . Kxpresa 80
U. 8. Realty l
V. 8. Rubber 6"! 18 18 18
do pro "v 7s 17 77t
tj 8. Steel 15 t 2 2
do pfd 1.4O0 92 1 Vi
Vs.-Taro. Chsmloal tu) 14 16 114
do ptd 40
Wteh 1
do pfd t'H) 14 14 14
Wells-Ksrgo Express SUO
Weatlnghnise Klectrlo 9
Weetera t'nlotl 48
W. A Lake Erie 1C0 1 ( s
Wisconsin Central .... 13
do pfd 37
Northern Psclne 11,6") 12- 121 121
Csntral Leather loo 1 14 j.-
do ptd 80
Sloes-PhefnVld 3&i
Onet Northern pfd 2.0 11 ll
Interhoro Met 1 7 7 7
do pfd 0 '2 20 1
Total sale lor the dar. i3.4uo shares.
New York MlalntT Stocks.
NEW YORK. Feb. 27. Closing quotations
on mining stocks were:
Adsms Con I Little Chief u
Alice ISO Ontsrto tlb
Bree 1 Ophlr uo
Brunswick Con 1 l'oi al n
Comstot-k Tunnsl .... 23 Raves 41
Con. Cel. Va 41 Sierra Nevada 2s
Horn tll .- M Small Hupta la
Iron Silver 12& Standard 111
LeadTllie con 46
Foreign Floaarlal.
I1NDON. Feb. 27-Money was much
wanted on the market today and rates were
firm. Discounts were quiet. On the Stoca
exchange the settlement was concluded
satisfactorily, but business fur new aiy-ount
was of most meager dimensions and the
bank return of almost 3,'i.'n0 rlled to
infuse life Into consols and gill-edxed se
curities, which cloeed easier. Foreign
siiarss were supported quietly from Paris
while copper shares moved higher. Ameri
cai s Ktrs lu.'d sti-rdlly above pirh'y In the
forenoon, with little stock changing ban. Is
j?rlccj dropped later, but hardened with
modoratei New York support In the after
r.oon, and closed quietly steady. Mexican
rails essed cm Hie realization of the fears
of a poor January statement.
BKRUN. Feb. li. l'rh-es on tha Bourse
today were irregular and the geneml ten
dency was slightly better. American scares
Improved iik n local buying.
FARIS, Feb. x7. Prices on the Pourse
today were firm.
New York Money Market.
NEW YORK, Feb. 27.-MONKT-On csll
easy at Wat per cent: ruling rate, 1.;
closing bid, 1; offered at 2 per tent. Tloie
leans stronger on long dat's; sixty dnys,
3(i4 ninety days, 4'i;H; six months, 4'A'j
4 per cent.
per cent.
8TFJ11JNO KXCHANOE Steady with
actual business In bankers bills st $t StJ.Oif
4 f67B for demand, and at $l.tJ5 tTt.t36 for
slxty-dny bills; hil.s, $I.S3.
SILVER Dar, oo'ci Mexican dol ar,
UONDS Government, firm; railroad, Ir
regular. Closing quotations on New York bonds
were as follows:
U. S. rer. 2a, reg. .. .106 Japan 4a ctfs 8f
do coupon 1(4 do M series &.'
V. 8. . reg lol L. A N. unl. 4s 4
do coupon 11 Msnbattsn e. g. 4s.. 94
V. S. n. 4s reg 121Mexlcn central 4s... 83
d coupon 121 do 1st Inc 1
Am. Tobacco 4s 63 Minn. A 8t. U 4a. 74
do 101 M., K. A T. 4 4
Atchison gen. 4s.... 87 N. R. R. of M. c. 4a 77
do mlj. 4s 7 N. Y. Centrsl g. Sa. 8
Atlsntlo C. L. 4s 83 N. J. Centrsl g. 4s... 121
B. A O. 4a M No. Pacific 4s loo
do 2s do to 71
nro.klyn R. T. c. 4s 9 Norfolk A W. e. 4s
Central ot Oa. Ss ire. S. L. rfdg. 4.. 87
do 1 Ino 62 lnn. cr. 3s 3
do S1 ine 4 Reading gen. 4s M
do 8d Inc 21 St. L. A I. M. e. ns.lo4
Ches. A Ohio 4s....l8 St. L. A 8. F. tg. 4s 6
Chlcsgo A A. 88. ... St. L. 8. W. e. 4s.. 61
C. H. A Q. new 4s.. f.t 'Seabonrd A. L. 4a.. 41
C, R. I. A P. 4s.... 87 So. Pacific 4e 84
do col. Se 43 Jo 1st 4s ctfa 88
0'C. A St. L. g. 4a.. M So. Kailwar 6a 87
Colo. Ind. 6a series A 4 Truss A Pscldc'8
do series R 68 Tol., St. L. A W. 4s 68
Colo. Mldlsnd 4s 8i Union Pailflc 4s
l olo. 8 flithern 4s...lMI do ct. 4s f
rTiba 6s 3 U. S. Steel 2d 6 88
f. A R. O. 4s .. Whash lts 1(!
Distillers' Seo. 6s.... 8.1 do deb. B 88
Brie prior lien 4s ,Westmi Md. 4s M
do gen. 4s ,. ike Brie 4s 71
Japsn 4s 77 Wis. Central 4a (2
Offered. Bid.
Doston Stocks and Bonds.
cent; tlmo loans,
closing on stocks
Atrhlson adj. 4a.
do 4a
Mei. Central 4s
Atthlson i
do ptd
Ttoston A Albany.. ..
Forlon A Maine.,,..
Boston Klevsted
K-ltchburg pfd
Mex. Centrsl
N Y.. N. H. A H. .
Union Pacific
Am. Arge. Chem
do pfd
Am. Pneu. Tube ,
Am. Sugar
do pfd
Am. Tel. A Tel
Am. Woolen ,
Dominion 1. A 6
Edison Kl. Ill
fteneral Kleotrlc
Mass. Kleotrlc
do pfd
Msss. Gas
t'nlted Fruit ,
United Shoe Mack...!
do pfd
TJ. 8. Steel
d pfd ,
Bid. Asked.
27. Call loans,
3VfN per
b(o per cent.
and bonds:
8o Adventure ....
84 Alloues
. 61 Amalgamated
i 48 Atlsntto
84 Bingham
,200 riumet A H
.136 Centennial ....
127 Copper Rsnge.
.321 Daly West
17 Franklin
,131Granby ,
11.1 Isle Roynle....,
. lMar. Mining..
80 Michigan
. 4 Mohawk
112 old Dominion.
112 Oareola
1S Parrot
, 79 Qulncy ,
1F Shannon
00 T miracle
115Trlnlty 7! ,
. 11 United Copper,
,42 V. S. Mining.,
61 V. S. Oil ,
116 Utah
, 41 Victoria ,
2 Winona
, 2s Wolverine ....
, 24
.. 1
.. 27
.. 6"
.. 10
.. 1
.. 23
.. '
.. 4
.. 8
.. 83
.. 21
.. 2
.. 7
., 60
.. 3
.. 1
.. 17
.. 22
.. 10
.. 66
.. 16
.. 64
.. 82
.. 944
.. 28
.. 4
EGOS Fresh sewing eggs, candled. 20tx
BUTTER Common. 16c; fancy tub aaj
rolls, 17'il9c; creamery, 30c.
CHEESE New full cream. Wisconsin
twins, 17-c; new full cream brick, 17o; do
tnestio new Swiss, IXc; new llmburger. lift
16c: joung Americans, 17Vjo.
LIVE POULTRY Hpnngs, c: hens. $o;
roorters, Sc; ducks, Be; geese. 9c; turkeys,
WAv; pigeons, 6110 per dos.
lORESSED POULTRT slDrlngs, fancy, tc;
hens, tc; roosters, 4o; ducks, 11c; geese,
2o; turkeys, lt3-17c.
HAY Choice No. 1 upland, $7.50; medium,
$8.50; No. 1 bottom, $6.00; off grades from
$4.00 to $5.00. Rye straw, 47.0u; No. 1 al
falfa, $11.50.
POTATOE8 Per tju., 0513750.
BWEET POTATOES Kansas, per bbl
LETTUCE Florida head, p,.- hamper.
$3.00; per doz.. 40c ,1.
CUCUMBERS-Hot house, i doJ! , faney,
per box, $3.00; S do, choice, per box, JL&0.
RADISHES Hot bouse, por dozen, 40c.
PARSLEY Per doz., 40c
PEPPERS-Florlda, -basket crates, per
crate. 14.00.
PARSNIPS Old, per bb? f!.Z3.
CARROTS AND TURNlPd-')ld, per bbL.
$2.00; Canada Rutabages, per lb., lc.
CABBAUE Vriaconsin Holland Seed, per
lb.. lc. .
ONIONS Spanish, per crate, $1-50; Wis
consin Red Globe, per lb., Ittc.
SHALLOTS 1'er tfoz., 8O0.
TOMATOES Florl'iu, extra fancy, per
basket crate, $6.00; choico, per basket crate,
$4.00; Cuban, fancy, per 6-basket crate, 44.(8).
CAULIFLOWER Per 2-uoa. crate, J3.U0.
HORSE HADD1SH Per d.o.. SOc.
CELERY Michigan, per btincli, 3F4J35o.
KUMQU ATS O wring to quality, per qt,
80c to 40c.
BRUSSEL SPROUTS, per qt., 20c,
to 6c.
BTRAWBERRIES Owing to quality. !0o
NAVr BEANS Per bu., No. , ills).
Lima, 7o per lb.
APPLES Washington Snow, per bog,
$1.60; Washington Jonathans, per box, $1.75;
Washington Roman Beauika. per box. $1.75;
Washington Alexanders, yer box, $1.75;
Washington Blue Pearmams. per bo:.-. $1.75;
Washington Red Cheek Pippins. ).i lnx.
$1.76; Washington Kings, per bti. il.'.S;
Washington Bailey Sweet, per bo. 11.75!
Washit.glon No. bpys, per box. $1.76; Call
fornla Hod Peatmulns, 4-tler. per hox, $2.18);
California Belleflowers. 4-tlei. per box.
$200; New York Baldwins, per blil., $4.50;
New York Northern Spies, per bbl.. $4.W;
New York sasortert varieties, per bbl., $4.60.
PEARS-Extra fancy winter r4e!lls. per
box, $2.7f
ORANGES Fsncv ' Washington navels,
II slues, per box, $2.75; extra 'ancy Sun
flower, all sizes, per box, $2.00; California
Tangerines, 2ou slse and smaller, per box,
$2 26
BANANAS Port Llmon, owing to clxtL
per ounch, $1.60 to $3.00.
GRAPE FRUlT.-f'lorlda. 4 and 40 slse.
per box, $0.00. 1 "
FIGS AND DATES-Smyrna fgs, T
crown, per lb., 14v!5c: Smyrna figs, s,
crown, per lb., l.'alic: am; rim rigs, 4
ctown, per lb, luvj-Ue: Califc-nia rigs, boxes.
10 cartons. a5c; California :ina boxes, li
cartons, 85c; California figs, biiik, per lb.,
tc; Hallowl dates, per It... dVc: Kbdraw
dales, prr lb.. 6c; Ealr date, pet it., i-uc;
Fard dates. 13-lb. boxes, per lb, Ha.
GRAPES MaUta. ulinlce, pr keg, $4.00;
Malaga, extra fancy, $4.60; extra choice,
jjer keg, $4.23; extra, fancy, extra beavy,
CRANBERRIE3 Extra fancy Dell and
Bugle, per bbl., $10.00; extra rancy Jersey,
per bbl., $6.tM; extra fancy Jersey, per bu.
LEMONS Extra fancy tSoutnerland
Beauty, SUO and 360 st, per box, $4.00; ex.
tra choice J untrue, Juo and 3w size. Per
box. $3.Vb.
Ribs: No. 1, i'JWc; No. 2, 11c; No. 8, 9c.
Loin: No. 1. lc; No. i. 13c, No. 8, lie.
Chuck: No. 1, 6He; No. j, f,0i 3 51,
Round: No. 1, He; No. 2, 8Vv; No. 3, He
Plate: No. 1, 6e; No. 2, 4S,"; No. 3. 4Wc'
CANNED UuOlJS-Curn stubJaia west,
era, loc. ToinatotfH. iw.--y. 2-pounU cans.
$1.15; standard. 3 p u::d tuiik. 4 1 Hu
apples, ..rated. 2-pound. $:.tf2.ik: sliced.
tl.70ii2.35. Uailun upples, $4.50. Callfiirnla
apricots, $i.6i3!W. I'tais. $JI.KKa;i.l5,
Peaches, $l.tu;3.15. L, C. peaches. $: 10 J
I lo. Alaska balmon, red. 11. 4o. fancy
Cisinook. rial. $.'.15; fancy suckeys. flut,
$2.15. haidincs, quaitar oil,, three,
uuarters mustard, 23.35. Sweet potatoes,
$l.i41.3s. Sauerkiaul, 85c. Pumpkins. 404
lutl.00. Lima beans, 2-pouiid,,
busked beans. 2-you mi. hoc, fancy, 1.2il 46,
re somewhat unsettled by freer oileringi
(rum aecjud hanils, v. 11- aum ilesuous ut
moving suppllerv uf immediate grades. J no
tations UU8C from m tu c .or calif ut ma
fruit ana from bVxc to ot for Oregun.
Peaches are vciy Uiiu, Willi tauty yeitwvkd
QiioltU HI ldC.
bUUAR li.auulateo. cane, per sack,
$fc. 40, Ooel, eoou, vat lout, ec, cubes,
owdetea. U.idU.
ted sna4.pi:t, i-c, flouiiuers,, mackerel, 1KJ
euc per 11011. voUusli, (rcsii Iioicii. Uv; had
duck, licou lloi-'ll, lie, siuelis, Ijc; shad
loo, 4ou per 10.; frog lags, oo pa uu.,
Sietji s-a iuiuo meat, Luc pur iu
llXDEa AND TALLuvt-vjieco salted.
No. 1, su; Mo. 2, 4c; bull blues, 3c, maea
uusaueu. No. 1, 4c; greon uosauvd, .o. i.
$0; bursa lililes, )1.0u4.w; sii pa.ts. 'se
4,61tw. islle- No. 1, 4',sc; 2
NUTS California No. I b. 8. wainuts, per
lb., 17Vc, Imporied Tarrajona alraouds. per
lb., ibc; lilosrls, Brazil and Jumbo pecans,
13c; botun.uis. per lb., Ue; No. 1 H. f.
ueanuls. tuuisu, ao; rata, c; sailed pea.
nuts, per box, 4115, Italian cIiumiiiuls. per
lo.. luc,
COFFEE Roasted. No. SC. "fie; No. $0.
tic; Nu. 25. 11"-. No. 20. I4c.
FISH Halibut, 1'c, lu.ui, Uc; plcVerd.
10c; pike. 14c; pike. Ueih, frozen, lie; wM e
bah, 14.jlta.; buila.o, 14c; bu.iiiea Js. sainiitd
sncl ditsed, 1.x.; caitisa., 17c; whits
perch, 7c; v. litis bas. 15c, Liaca buss, 2c,
toiittsh, u'uic; ciapplrs. buac; large crappiA
15c; ben lug. ft-sh troxe.i. K, wniitnsn
frozen, Lillet 4-u:aticl. truslt fioiou. lie;
Cattle Buyeri Bfgin Late and Pricei
Drop Ten Centi Lower.
Lsmbi on Levrer Level, Prices Ilelaaj
Fell Ten Cents Below Week
Age Feeders Are
SOUTH OMAHA, Feb. 27. 1TK.
Recelnts w.r.
CatHe. Hogs. Sheep.
... 3.S'i 6.;t4 8.144
... 12,171 4.S41
.. 8.S71 11.2S.1 I.OHu
... 4.8i) I2.8t 6,l"l
Official Monday ....
Official Tuesday ..
Official Wednesday
Estimate Thursday ,
Four days this week. ..17.114 41,99 25.5 4)
Same days last week. ..14.712 31.1.17 18.5J
Same days i weeks ago..l.272 46.UU 17.04s
Same days 8 weeks ago.. 15.517 8.v21 22.M
Same days 4 weeks ago..l9,4ti 51. 2 26.878
Same days last year....l,607 37,t.5 JS.OfcJ
The following tnble shows the receipts
of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha
for the year to date, compared with last
litf. 1307. Inc. Dec.
Cattle 1(5, .WH 1S7.741 22.17J
HKS 6M.-J51 412.114 13iU37
Bheep a,702 279,636 S5.03I
The following table shows the averag
price of hogs at South Omaha for the lasl
several aays, with comparisons
Hate. I 19118. l'J07.19UC.19o6.lI'C4. 11903. 11901-'
Feb. 17...
Feb. 38...
Feb. 19...
Feb. 20...
Feb. 21..
Feb. 22...
Feb. 23...
Feb. 24...
Feb. 25...
Feb. 26...
Feb. 27...
4 05 I 6 91 4 731 B 03 7 021 8 "9
4 It) 4 47 t 00 97 6 79
4 15 6 7Si 6 9S 6 12 91 5 87
4 18 83 6 9S 4 66 t 26 6 99 M
4 07 6 82 S 92 4 68 96 $3 8S
3 97 6 82 6 95 4 74! 6 ft 6 96
6826IM 4 69 8 23693
4 OC'v e06 4 605iOMB5
4 11 6 79 4 74 6 32 6 82 5 9.1
4 I1i 6N S!H 6 4i 6 93 6 88
4 10 6 76 04 4 77 6 32 1 6 86 6 S3
Indicates Sunday.
The offlclnl number of cars of stock
brought In today by each road was:
r. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Hr s
C., M. A St. P 8 7
Wabarh 4
Missouri Pacific 3 5 "i "
Union IMclfic 38 64 11 1
& N. W., east 7 3
C. & N. W., west 60 62 3
-:., Bt. P., M. A O. . 19 11 1 1
C., B. & Q., east.... 5 3 .. 1
C, H. & Q., west .18 40 6 4
C. R. I. A P.. east... 7
C. R. I. A P.. west 1
Illinois Central 4 2 .. ..
C. G. W. Ry 2 3
Total receipts 174 182 ' 23 7
The disposition of tl.e day's receipts was
as follows, each buyer purchasing the num
ber of head Indicated:
Cattle. Hosts. Sheen
omnm racKing Co....
Swift and Company....
Cudahy Packing Co
Armour A Co
626 2.679 1.089
2.X68 1.261
678 4.0M 1,198
615 8,027 633
24 337
Schwartzland A S 113
Vansant A Co.
Carey A Benton 144
Lobman A Rothschild.
Hill A Son
F. P. Lewis
Huston A Co
J. B. Root A Co
McCreary A Carey
Sam Werthlmer
H. F. Hamilton 62
M. Hagerty A Co
F. O. Inghram
Sullivan Bros
Lehmcr Bros
Holstead Packing Co.
St. Louis Packing Co.
Kingman Packing Co 653 ....
Krey Packing Co. 281 ....
Other buyers 412
Totals 4.101 14,260 4,181
CATTLE Receipts were quite liberal
again today and included a very fair per
centage of rather desirable beeves.
ern markets all reported liberal receipts
and declining prices and this practically
had a rather depressing Influence on the
local trade. Buyers started out late in the
forenoon and opening bids were generally
fully loo lower than yesterday. Some of
the desirable handy weight cattle did not
sell so very much lower, but the heavier
grades were very poor sellers throughout
and felt the full effects of the decline.
Today's decline brings prices down to about
last week's closing level, and the demand
from both local packers and eastern buyers
is apparently not very urgent.
The market for cows and heifers suffered
fully as much as fat cattle, and the bulk
of the business was done on the basis of a
(xtflue decline. Medium and common stuff
suffered more thun the better grades, but
the dnmnnd for all classes was smaller
than It has been of late. Veal calves were
in good demand and fully steady and the
market for bulls, stags, etc., was quotably
Business In stackers and feeders was not
very rushing. The demand from the coun
try this week has hardly been up to ex
pectations and the trend of values has
been lower except for the desirable light
W'elght stuff. Common, heavy and medium
weight steers were slow sale at unevenly
lower prices.
Quotations on cattle: Good to choice corn
fed steers, $5.106.50; fair to good cornfed
steers, $4.606.00; common to fair cornfed
steers, $4.O01t4 4O; good to choice cows and
heifers, $3.'jOic4.75; fair to good cows and
heifers, $3.2rfi3.86; common to fair cows and
heifers, $2. 26w -3.00; good to choice stockers
end feeders, $4.20'Si1.7&; fair to good stockers
and feeders. $3.&Vi4.10; common to fair
stockers and feeders, $3.0tXu3.60.
Representative sales:
No. At. Pr. No, At. Ft.
17 778 4 00 21 mo 4 86
14 830 4 10 19 1210 4 M
16 I5 (vj 14 1254 4 80
It 1084 4 40 14 1210 6 00
82 804 4 60 10 1236 i 00
19 1068 4 65 16 IMS ( 06
t 1CJ 4 40 in 6 06
14 1064 4 40 II 1837 t US
18 1172 4 46 18 1480 g lo
10 I'M 4 10 20 1202 6 It
10 1114 4 U 18 UbO 6 20
21 17 4 76 87 1415 ( )
42 1133 4 76 S3 1104 6 20
IS 1"-) 4 76 29 HIM 4 8.
4J 12JS 4 80 8 12,0 6 80
18 USD 4 80 7! 14T1 4 40
2 tti 2 45 40 464 85
17 46 IS) 14 llJ 85
7 8W1 2 60 28 m IIS
64 4l 2 75 6 106 4 00
18 K4 2 86 I 1 4 06
6 81 2 W 8 rW6 4 10
12 vl I 60 17 110 4 jo
2 H"2 6" 6 ilS 4 16
2 1130 I ) 4 1227 4 ) '
16 884 IU 2 1146 4 86
H 8K3 I 46 8 1271 4 60
15 t'4 2 so t 125 4 &o
4 U12 3 1104 4 60
84 400 I 60 10 4M I 84
2 7' 2 ) 6 874 I 15
11 (It 2 7u 15 4 85
"2 2 75 4 Ml K5
1 4S S 75 13 473 4 16
10 641 2 ,0Bl,t, 4 75
t 470 75 1 8.V) 4 00
t U"t I 00 1 lleO 4 00
1 1S" 3 10 1 1790 4 on
t 11 5 1 ; 4 oo
I l-'o S 46 1 1.-.8Q 4 oo
1 1231 I 76 1 ujo 4 qj
4 11 2 0 1 2230 4 10
1 2 -30 4 00
1 1n I M 1 140 b f
1 l" 4 09 I a K
15 4 25 I Ifa 4 w
t 14 4 75 1 1M J5
4 10 n 1 140 60
40 664 S 46 5 8S8 ' 4 f
18 61S I 78 4 84 3 4 M
20 612 2 76 I u0 4 15
17 2 I Bt 26 K4 4
16 'i I IT 874 4 45
2 4 00 It 84 45.)
4 4?4 4 00 I pvr, 4 jo
70 ! 4 00 21 lotj 4 4,j
14 1 4M 44 .1MJ 4 to
S 621 4 06
HOGS Receipts continued liberal again
this morning and the quality of the offer
ings has showed very little change from
day to do-y. Indifferent advices from east
ern markets were responsible for a rather
slow opening of the Hade and most of the
early business was at prices ranging from
ab'iut ntttdy to a shade lower then yester
day. The nerul good demand resulted
In a rather firmer feeling as the day ad
vanced, and the close was at prices steady
to a shade belter than yesterday's aver
age. The top a as at $4.30 and the bulk
of the trading was at $4.oVu4.So, the saintf
as on yesterday sales:
Me, At. Sh. Pr.
100 144 ... S 40 ,
41 1.1 W IU
77 178 40 4 0
7 1X5 6 4 'JO
75 tii 160 4 Ol
7; 14 40 4 Ol
4.', 1 4J 4 0i)
ej ni ... 4w
Sk i. i m 4
57 11 ... 4 Ki
78 180 ... 4 06
SI 2 4 ... 4 I
87. 171 ... 4 06
8 174 ... 4 oi
84 17 40 4 i'6
8J 11 ... 4 04
(4 2 2 40 4 U7V,
81 181 4tf 4 VI
At. ID. Fr.
...m ... 4 Itru
..248 ... 4 Li'
...231 20 4 12-4
.. 1 ... 4 U4
...2J 4) 4 !li
... 4 12 '4
4' Ut ... 4 1314
M .214 4J 4 IS
3 126 144 4 12-
! ... 4 1Z
i'4 ... 4 12
It ... 4 12
Jl 14 ... 4 U
6 224 ... 4 13
Vi !M ... 4 II
U 24 40 4 15
45 Ji! ... 4 IE
11 8eJ W 4 16
The Updike Grain Co
708 to 714 Drandels Oldfj.
OMAHA, -:- -:- -:- NED.
O R. O K E R S
Telephone DouglM B4TS
c?p) o2 (Q)
Every day, March 1 to April 30, 1908,
you have the privilege of thia low one
way rate to Portland, Seattle, Tacoma
and other points in the Northwest, via
the . '
Union Pacific
the short line to Portland, running
daily fast trains. Inquire now for any
further information and make berth
reservations at
1324 Farnara St. Phone Doug. 1828
M 182 80 4 07
21 201 40 4 0714
71 224 ... 4 07
82 204 W 4 07
74 212 ... 4 07
M .aa ... 4 07
78 184 ... 4 OT
Tl. ...... .224 ... 4 07
76 214 80 4 07
17 322 80 4 07
72 2-.9 40 4 07
70 228 80 4 10
L 235 ... 4 14
74 244 40 4 10
12 181 ... 4 10
80 200 ... 4 10
84 2114 ... 4 10
74 182 ... 4 10
44 214 10 4 10
78 201 ... 4 10
13 227 ... 4 10
44 211 ... 4 10
83 204 ... 4 10
1 412 $0 4 10
6 1-.S ... 4 10
....284 ... 4 16
11 ... 4 16
....2V16 80 4 15
....if.O 80 4 16
....246 ... 4 16
....244 ... 4 14
.... 40 4 18
....til 140 4 16
tS 80 4 15
....2.13 ... 4 16
....246 ... 420
...VA ... 4 20
....240 ... 4 CO
....808 ... 4 24
...238 200 4 20
87 274 ... 4 80
67 S31 80 4 80
46 286 100 4
46 S87 40 4 22
2 834 ... 4 22
60 8U5 80 4 26
14 2(1 40 4 26
66 282 10) 4 27
44 262 60 4 20
BHEEP The delay In the arrival nf
trains Interfered with the movement In the
sheep division this morning so that It was
late before any trading of conseouenea wn
done. The general trend of prices on lambs
was toward a somewhat lower level so that
up to ine present time values are at least
loinr.o lower on lambs than last week. For
mutton graaea ot ewes, yearlings and
wethers, there has been no tmrtteiitur
change throughout the week, as these
grades sold today at fully steady figures.
jr.e maraet in ine iseaer aivislnn wu
dull, due net only to a lack of supplies but
also to the limited Inquiry from country
buyers. A few loads are going to the coun
try at current Quotations but lust at thu
time the market Is quiet.
UUOtatlOllS On gOOd tO Choice fed
and lambs'. Lambs, $.40iSt.6S; light year-
ing werners, eu.Duiav.uu neavy yearllne
wethers. 25. 3"lj6.06 ; wethers, $S.0o4jC3o
ewes. $4.rrj6.O0.
Representative sales:
61 western wethers & yearlings 98 E 80
43D western ewes 112 B 00
2b western ewe culls 10S B 00
5f6 western lambs 63 6 0)
437 western yearlings 103 6 t't
Cattle and Sheen Steady -Hoars
Steady and Firm.
CHICAOO, Feb. 27. CATTLE Roeeints.
about 7,000 head; market steady. Steers,
ti'Jblfi.n: cows, $3.26'.00: heifers. 22.5
6.26; bulls, $3.40K6O; calves, $5.767.26; stock
ers ana teeaers, I2.i&4i4.tiu.
HOGS Receipts, about Sfl.000 head: market
steady and firm. Choice heavy shipping.
$4 J -'.re). 40; butchers, $4.S6((N.40; light mixed,
$4.26?M.a6; choice light, 4.304.!ti; packers,
MKi'ot W; pigs, $3.60X4-1.30. Bulk of sales,
BHFKP AND LAMRS-lReeelnts. about
lf.ono head; market for lambs weak; sheep,
steady. Sheep, $4.26'v6.G5; lambs, $1.0O4!.K5;
yearlings, Vo.'UiVi.iO.
St. Loots Live Stock Market.
BT. LOUI8, Feb. 27. CATTLE Receipts,
f.aoo head. Including 700 Texans: market
steady; native shipping and export steers,
$5.Sfni.00; dressed beef and butcher steers,
$5.16.76; steers under l.uOO lbs., $3.7M4.:0:
stockers and feeders, $14o'rt4.fio; enws and
heifers, $3,401(6.15; canners, $1.76fl2.T; bulla,
S'.SOftH.eO; calves, $3.6nr(r7.&0; Texas and In
dian steers, $3.0CK&6.4; cows and heifer,
$1 7M4 f0.
HiwiB-Receipts, 10.000 head; maiket 10c
lower; pigs and Ilaht. 13. 6.-1 4. 30: us ki.
24. 04. 1; butchers and best heavy, $1 Jxu
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 5T4) head;
market 10c lower; native muttons. 23.16.8
6.X; lambs, $4.2&U 8; culls and bucks, $i;6
Kansas City Live Stock Market.
ceipts. 6,500 bead. Including (00 southerns;
market strong. Choice export snd dressed
beef steers. $6.2Ot6.70: fair to mnil. 2I6ik.i
6.15; western steers, $4.266.50; stockers and
reeaers. 3.2'ra4.76; southern steers, $4.X'ii
6 : southern cows, $2.604.00; native cows,
$a 004.66; native heifers. $3. 106.00; bills,
$3.2KTi4.26; cs'ves, $4.ZS4).60.
HOGS Receipts, i3.00u head; market op
ened weak, closed strong. Top. $4 40; bulk
of sales. 14 15'r4 36. Heavy, 14. 35 'i 4 40; pack
ers. $4 304.36; pigs and liHhts, $3.7&'(H.27V.
BHEEP AND LAM lid Rncehits. 5 ooO
head; market steady to strons. Lambs.
$6 2T.1i1.65; ewes and yearlings, $1 tr".6.40;
western yearlings. ti.4Oti8.20: western sheeD.
$4.2tii6.30; stockers and feeders, $3.5oii 6.00.
Stock la Bight.
Receipts of live stock si the six nrlnclDal
western markets yesterday:
4 3ll
1" 131
I 411
South Omaha.
Sioux City....
Kansas City..
M. louis
St. Joseph
.21.1U SC. 634 25.&41
Sloes City Live Stock Market.
BIOUX CITY. Ia., Feb. 27.-(Soeclul Tele
gram.) CATTLE Receipts. 400 head; mar
ket p nigner; stockors steady; beeves.
23.s0(u6.4O; cows and nslftrs, 3 6wal.6o;
mi iss'iufMjai. .1 -
stockers and feeders, $3.0024.26; calves and
yearlings, $1.6O4ii2.80. waives ana
HOasRecelpts, 4.3O0 head; market was
steady, selling at $3.7&a4.30; bulk. M104.u.
St. Joseph Live Stock Market.
ST. JOSEPH, Feb. 27.-CATTLEwReoPipts.
1.6H2 head; market steady. Natives, Ri&ru)
6.75; cows and heifers, $2l4.16.
HOGS Receipts, 10,44 head; market 6a
higher at $4.40 Bulk of sales. $4.a54i4.30.
SHEEP AND LA M RS Receipts, 8,441
head; market 10c hlghor.. Lambs, $6.0042
6.70; yearlings, $G.40tfcti.00.
Wool Market.
BOSTON. Feb. 27.-WOOL The local
wool market shows signs of a revival after
many weeks of stagnation and declining
prices. Huyers, however, continue cau
tious. The following western quotations
range as follows: Indiana and Mlssourt,
three-eighths blood, 304310; one-quartor
blood. a7i)'Jc. Scoured basts: Texas 12
months, 6x4ac; fine, 6 to 8 months, fiiWOc;
line, fall, 480600. California, northern,
6o.ulc; middle county, 6o'u67c; southern,
63'u56c; fall free, 46480. Oregon, eastern
No. 1 staple, 6870c; eastern No. 1 clothing,
6062c; eastern average, 68fttf); valley, No.
1. 6iH'A)c. Territory, scoured basis, fine
staple, 6ii'J0c; fine medium staple, 654nl7c;
fine medium clothing, t&i(67c; fine cloth
ing, 68'aWc; half-blood,' 67'360c; three
eighths blood, 6iV(67c; quarter blood, 64
68c; fine pulled, 63tutc; A supers, 4&fr48c.
ST. LOl'13, Feb. 27. WOOL Steady ; me
dium grades, combing and clothing, fl23c;
light fine, 174420c; heavy fine, 14ul6c; tub
washed, 2642630.
Cotton Market.
tures opened steady; March 10.43c; May,
lO.tioc; June, offered, 10.66c; July, 10.4c;
August, lo.31c; October, lo.OSc; December.
Futures closed barely steady; closing
bids: February, 10.81;; March, 10.37c; April,
10.47c; May, lO.Uc; June, 10.4Vc; July, 10.43c;
August, 10.26c; October, 10.02c; L cember.
Spot closed quiet; middling uplands, 11.46c;
middling gulf, 11.70c; sales, 100 bales.
GALVE8TON, Feb. 27.-COTTON"Lower,
Ve. .
ST. LOUIS, Feb. 27.-COTTON Steady ;
middling, llc. Sales. 66 bales; receipts,
14 bales; shipments, none; stock, 22,827
Spot steady, with prices unchanged; mid
dling, llc. , .1 '
Loadon Stork Quotations.
London closlns- stock quotations:
Consols, monpy .. 87 6-14 Mo., Ksn. AV Tex.;.
to scrouat 8"S New York Centrsl...
ADsronat 4H Norfolk A Westers.
atrhlsnn T to pfd
do pli 8nnt. A Wrstsra
Bsltlmors A Ohio Pennsylranlt
Canaillsn psslflo ....141Rsnd Mines
Cheupeik Ohio ... 27 gesdlnf
Chi. Greet Weslsrn.. 8 Bouthern luilwsy .,
1 ni., mil 42 si. do Ufa.
Vf Beers
in eouinern rsrino
Denver Hlo R-.
do pfd
do 1st pfd
do 2d pfd
Orsnd Trunk
Illinois Central ..
Ixiulsvlllp ft Nash
Kx. dlv
1 Unlos Psclfle 117
44 e jo pfd 82
12 t'nlted flutes Btecl... 2814
28 do ptd 84
. 10
. II
. 82
WsUsli 444,
do pfd 16
ipsnlsh 4 22
Aailgmte4 Copper. 61
BI LVER Bar. quiet at Hd per ounce.
MONEY oyii4 p cenL
The rate of dlncount In the open market
for short bills Is irn3K per cent; for three
months' bills, 3Vi per cent.
Hank of England Statement.
LONDON. Feb. ?7.-The weekly statement
of tho Bank ot England shows the following
Total reserve. Increased sTJWOOO.
Circulation Increased 230,0110.
Bullion increased 579.66.
Other securities Increased 3 261.000.
Other deposits Increased 3.741..
Public deposits Increased 1,840,000.
Notes reserve Increased 317.0uO.
Government's securllles unchanged.
The proportion of the bank's reserve to
liability this week Is 49.13 per cent com
pared with 63.45 per rent last week.
Oils and Hosla.
OIL CITY, Feb. 27.-OI IWredlt' balances,
$1.78. Runs, 3M.078 bbls.; average, 148 Ki
bbls. Shipments, 196 bbls; average, 164,.
2 bbla.
SAVANNAH, Feb. 27.-OI L-Turpentlne,
firm; 64H,c. Sales. J6 bbls.; receipts, 160
bbls.; shipments, 196 bbls.
HOSIN Firm, guote: A, B, C, D, $3.40;
E. $42Htl3.6t; F, $..46i3.tV; . tVif";
If, $3.K; I, H i; K. $19'): M, $6.en; $?;
WO, $6.26; WW, 5.
Treasury Itstrnient.
! WASHINGTON. Ki'b, S7. Today's stale-
niert "f t." tr i cry lu'.urr.-g in the .)ti-
eral fund, exini-l'e or the $150,00 V00
gold r s rve, shim..: Available a-h bal
ance, $2.fiGri.372; gold coin 411I bullion,
;20,062,i03; g'lld cert If testes, $10,771240.
Hank of Ke a la nit Dlsecnnt.
I1NIK5N, Feb. 27 Ti e rale of d'seount
of ti.e Bank of England remained un
changed toduy at 4 porcvut.