r r, .REAL ESTATE CITT I-H KHI V FUli SALS tCtfhtrnued.i AN IDEAL 'IIOilE Beautiful ft-ronm rli1ni In th West rrnm elstrlet; Is brand, prw and strictly modern, havlne- owk finish, hot water heat. eleant bath awrvlce, combination future, full basement and laundry. Lot 49xl one block to- car. Cement sidewalks In street nd yard Hnf built hy day lalor for home; ownt leaving Omaha and must aell at onra. Prion tS.iM). PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., First Floor N. T. Life Rldg . Tei. Doug mi, --- "A" una. $45 PER ACRE A food Wk and grain" farm of 202 acre with small bouse and barn; running water and good timber; M mlluej from Omaha; close to good town wlths two railroad. Must be Bold 'at one. Etuy term. If de lrd. Be a u at ene it you want a bar gan. J, H. J)UM0NT d SON, 1606 Farnam St. " ' .' ,.' . Omaha, Neb. b t . . , , ' 19 190 21 .-VE HAVE. IT 2 beautiful euth-front lota on Wonhlng ton Ave.t between Mil and luth 8ta., witn all luiprovfnieatai paving and all specials paid. These ara wlthtn 2 blocks of the new cathedral site at lmh and William. Very cheap at tl.3ii0 each. Would Con sider trade foe Improved property. On North ltth St. boulevard we have an almost new- 2-atory. -room house, all modern; splendid furnace, cement walks, fine lawn and 'afiad and good barn. TIM property Is within walking " distance -and can be bought for ta,8&0; will rent (or fc er .month. . BIURET & TEBBENS, 423 Bee Bids. 'Phone Doug. 4T54. . (1-11 21 A HE YOU- -thinking of finding a mora suitable 6rfk for your- real estate busi ness T .The tendency la -for an Increase of traffic an. West Farnam. Bt.; why not look at spate w jtre offering In the best appointed office building lit this district? Mr. Baker -will Jihow- your Auk for htm at 'Room 10w.be Ulag. (l) Mo ' INVESTMENT OR HOME. Two houaeat of etKht, rooms .each. In good neighborhood, , fine condition; Income 11 rer cent on.Vi.OV. Terms can be arranged, lake ua an offer.. Must be sold this month., . it. J. KENNAAD & CO.. .. JM Rrown. block. n" ,;- (1)-M3H 24 o'MONTHLY $300 OASH- t-room cottage", 'brand hew and all mod ern, with furnace, gas, city water and icwr; hardwood, finish, cement walka, one block from car. Price, 12,100. A little beauty find ablg bargain. PAYE-INVESTMENT CO., First Floor,' N.j. Y, ;' Life Bldg. Telephones Doug. 1781. "A" Uss. - - - - tl9 196 22 FOR QCJCK raaulU In selling or renting your property sue-Benjamin Real Estate Co., Ui isvVlU iilk. Bum 'phones. ,, -.. .. 1)-M178 F2S WEAL. E8TATP1 TITLB TRUST pn lv CHA8 b WILLIAMSON. Pres. . . l !; 898 FOR SALS lot 16, block 2, Hanscom park addition. Address Y care Omaha Bee, . (1)-M168 25x THK REED. AriSTRACT CO,, established 1864. Prompt service. Qet our price. 1714 Farnam.:. ... U9j-7 FOR SALIC Eight-room modern house, with lara-a barn. VUto Plnckner St. In quire . H. , Woodland, 61$ Brandels Bldg. Tel. Douglaa .2466. (19) M133 I WANT an offer on the property. 1128 and 1190 8. list St. ; two modern houses and good barn j' well ranted.. This property Is owned,. by to eastern party who must THOMAS BRKNNAN, Room L New Ypvk. Life Bldg. , ,. : ' ' (HH-M405 LIST your property with. Chris Boyr, Kd and Cuming Ste. ,-, 19 6.19 REAL ESTATE KAItM AND RANCH LAND FOR SALB -. Hebraaltav.- 149 ACRES NEAR SOUTH . .OMAHA ....... $ k r, ;. V This farm la only nlri miles from South umana. tna nest stock market In the west; about 90 aciVs level, rich' bottom' land. ba). anca rolling 'but not rough-; all can bs farmed. Crop last year consisted of about 26 acres oata and wheat, 66 acres corn. 12 acres hay land, from which two crop were cut; oi aire paaiore, A creek Tuns through me iarm, a.iso me Hurllngton and Mis souri 1 Pacific railroads cut corners of It, There Is a good 7-room house, brick foundation and cellar, that cost about .-,duw six years ago. Two-story good barn, 82x40 feet, on stone foundation; granary, rattlA m.nA lirlflr a h a mill. n.t l- I . . . . good orchard and grove: land la fanoed and cross-fenced. A good place for dairy or stock feeding pWposes. Price only 176 par acre u wa oeiore March 1, at which time possession pan do given. 31 ACRE&WELL -IMPROVED, 10 . MILES SOUTH OF SOUTH OMAHA Thirty-one acre well Improved. 10 mile South of Smith Omaha. Land all good: about 15 acres In corn. 10 acres alfalfa. 4 acres blue-grass, pasture' bud 2 ' acres In - orchard; almost new 4-room house, with vooa cellar, gooa weu ana spring water, barn about 20x38 feet and other bulldinua- hog tight; fqnre. around; part of land; one miie irom r&uroaa stauon; a good small farm at very low price, only 3,0o0. Terms: I1,3U cash, balance t equal annual pay ment at per cent.' Possession, March L 190K . . .. -- lot acres, abbtit t miles southwest of South Omaha add . miles east of Paplltlon. This Is known a the Harm-en farm, and one or me best farms In, Sarpy county. Two sets of Improvements, valued st tu.fluO. Price, 110 per acre, puly 2U.WO cash.- bal ance lai.uO, a years at 6 per cent. Rented lor casn inis year. For further Information, call on or ad dress, .. OEORSK ft rt).. 1601 Farnara. Street Omaha. ) M130 2 TWO anarts fn -western Nebraska If taken before Idareh 1. Close to town; good sail; level. 411 Bee Bldg. (4) M17i Mx. ' -rXA SNAP h) acre of th 4est land In Brown- county, Ntbrasko for1 tuoO, oash. balance one year. Apply M. Moraarty, owner. 437 Paxton block. Omaha. - .(20) M679 TWO snaps In western Nebraska If taken before March-1- Close t town; rood soil; level. 411 Be Bldg. " ' ' (20 M174 26x ,..(4. Mise41amea. . f i mi . , -WESTiJRN FARat LANDS. Crop pay man, plan; iwo cropa pay for land, while the land I 4eublmg In value. NATIONAL INVKbTMKNT CO., . - l(ilMt Baajsdaie Bldg. ... i ' .fjO)--MB4 REAL ESTATE FOR RENT 40 ACHkS-Orte mile Wat of Kort Omaha, hMlt? nllA 4enm I In A llanr B 4 Wyman, 10u f(. y Ltfw Bldg. ... .' - ' -. I ii I 23 Z REAL ESTATE LOANS W. H.- ThoDiaa Loatna Money. PRIVATE MONEY-NO DELAY. UAKV1N BHOd.. liui FARNAM. V" '".' . (g Q4 LOANS on hnyroved Omaha property. O Keefe H, i Co., iitut H. X. Life Bldg ' ' - lii 641 Buildings loakna. W. II. Thomas. - ; i. .- . (.'- M-.'40 Sx REAL ESTATE LOANS liiiunueL) WANTED City loans aod warrsnta. W. Farnam Smith ft Co., 1T0 Farnam St. tXi-46 PRIVATE money to loan on Improved real cntat., N. P. Dodge ft Co., lilt Farnam St. iZ-(Ai Real Estate Loans. W. 11. Thomas. llflO TO 110,000 made promptly. F. V. Weed, Wead Bldg., lfeth and irarnam. (22)-5tt WANTED Ixians on lmprov)d Omaha or South Omaha city property. U. 8. Mort gage and Trust Co., W. H. Thomas, aaant. 6ul First National Bank Bldg. (JB 1S6 Mchfx No Delay. -W. H. Thomas. (22 237 ax LOWEST RATES Bern Is, Paxton Block. (22-q PRIVATE MONET CASH ON HAND NO DELAY. J. H. M1THEN. 2011-1 1ST NAT. BANK BLDG. 'JILL. LOCO. UJS. 1 ttD-Mkil Cash on Hand. W. H. Thomas, -603 First National Bank Bldg. 2p M238 3x WANTED City loan. Peter Trust Co. tap-Ui MONET TO LOAN Payne Investment Co. ' (3-642 MONEY to loan on Improved city property. Hastings ft lieyden. Via Farnam St. (22)-MSJ Farm Loans. W. H. Thomas, 603 First National Blink Bldg. Hj M23 2tx PRIVATE money to luan; no delays. J. U. Sherwood, 610-617 Brandels Bidg. (ai)-647 REAL ESTATE WANTED WANTED To buy for cash, equity In two or three cottages; no agent. Address H WANTED TO BUY " SECONDHAND feed sacks. No amount too large or too siuaU, Wagnr, ul N. Will. CASH paid for secondliand clothing, ahoea, etc. Tua N. 16th St. Tel. Red l&i. . t2i)-661 WANTED To buy econdhand furniture, cook and heating stoves, carpets, lino leum, office furniture. iAA itV.. .n. and all kind of tools, or wail buy th tT ; . " I1 ijuune complete, Th highest price paid. Call the right man. lei. Douglas 3971. 25 M17 M4 AFPr0 oaa- "ound, heavy horse. Alfred Bloom Co.. 15th and California St. tib) am 23 WANTED Second-hand trip hammer In f,1 connuion. Address Trie Democrat JX2y!!?iNrJl (a5)-ML'49 2S WANTED TO RENT RT.'iSTJnNHttjr m n. ii... .1 ' ,.J w rent cottage wllh small acreage. What have vm, A .1.... ir a .. . . . (24) Ml 69 22x WANTED Large front room for young married couple, close In. ' Address p 14 Bee. (26)-M214 23 WANTED Pleasant, quiet room and board with private family, in Farnam Hill dla rlct, by a young man. Please state partic ulars. References If necessarv. Address W-16, care Bee. (26) 2J5 23x WANTED To rent one room In good busj. ness location, for saloon business. Res ponsible parties. ACdress, S 115, earn Bee, CM 228 I3x WANTED Two unfurnished In modem brick fiat. Address F 22, Bae. (2fi)-M?71 24x WANTED SITUATIONS TEAM or farm hand; good references. J, W. Bell. 3409 Harney St., Omaha. Neb (J7) MS11 22X kTOUNO mau doalrea place te work' for ooaru wnue going to scnooi. iioyles col lego. Telephone Douglas 19S4. - (27)-43S WANTED Position as tutor or governess. J. care Bee, U Scott St Council Bluff . ' (27)-Mlli I2x BANK STATEMENTS No. 209. REPORT OF THE- CONDITION OF The First National Basic of Omaha, at Omaha, In the State of Nebraska, at the close of business. February 14, l!Wti; RESOURCES. IiOans and discount.. Overdrafts, secured i $6,197,064.61 63,420.73 410,000.09 20,000.00 243.325.00 and unsecured IT. S. bonds to secure circulation U, 8. bonds to secure V. 8. deposits ' Other bond to cure, U. B. deposits Premium or! U. S. bonds Bonds, securities, etc. Banking house, furni ture and fixtures..., Dll f runt u I lunu I 8,000.00 4,O.U6 126,000.00 hanks (not reserve , ' agents) f 703.949 M , , Dub from state banks and bankers 296,77146 Due from approved re serve agents.. 1,511,602.67 Checks and other cash terns 2t636.H Exchanges for clear- , . . , , Ing house : ia.239.JS Notes of other na tional banks 70,000.00 Fractional paper cur rency, nickels and cents 1,153.60 Lawful Money Resorve Inllnnk, vl: Specie 4O09M00 i Legal tender notes.... I,9u8.748.00 6,O.022.U Redemption fund with U. 8. treasurer (6 per cent of circulation).. JOSflOfln Due from V. B. treas- zo.sw.w ttrer, other than 6 per - - v cent redomptlon fund 3,101.0) Total 212,06,151.59 LIABIT4TIESr. Capital stock paid In.. $ Soorrmoo ?urf.lu.9, ?,und-v;. ooo.oooloo Undivided profits, lea expense and taxes paid ;.. M.706.7 National bank note outstanding ilS.OOO.OO Cjie to other national w nlts 22,645,07t Due to state bank and bankers 1,892,120.42 Due to trust com panies and savings Il-flk 130,414.51 Individual deposit uhject to check 3.773,089.58 Demand certificate of Time certificates of deposit 2,2m.W1.37 Certified checks 17,960 44 Cashier's checks nii. standlnar SOST'J iT. h. deposita sfri.'aiiig L-punna or i'. 8. dis bursing officera... . Reatrved for taxes.... 17,41 86 H.l-;l.i4P.so a. . H2.696.151.a9 State of Nebraska. County of Douglaa ss: I. L. L. Kountse, caahler of the above named hank, do solemnly .wear that thl above statement 1. true to the beat of tn? knowledge and belief. " ' a . U U Kt'NTZB. Cashier. 21at day of February. iV. Derore m tnl n. hkxten, Notary Public. Correct Attest: F. H. DAVIS, - V. S. POPILETON. - , s , . Dlriictor. GOVERNMENT NOTICES , , L . V.-" ""'uc" wa, January a, ljun Sealed ptpoaals, in triplicate, will if mJ.; vV. " V11' naar , ' ' - i,, ijm., anu than opened, for furnishing and Installing elo trlc wirinu. uUclrl.- Il.lil n.i " u -. , , . - o . rm, aw; com plete. In one double set'Captaln'a quartar and two double sets Lleuienant a quarters to be constructed at Fort Dee Moines Iowa. lllf,iM,,All.,n .. 77 .. r i. , ; .-iiii-iiwi uh auucatiun here. United Btates rekvrves right to ac cept or reject any or all proposals or parts thereof. Envelopes containing proposals should be endorsed. "Proposals for Eleo- ..k, .. ,...B unKcri vuartars, and ad draaaed Captain Jno. J. Boniface, Con- J-3-27-25 S-F-a-18 OMAHA v - BANK STATEMENTS No. iw RF.POItT OF THE CONDITION OF The kraeka Naleaial Bask, at Omaha. In th state of Nebraaks st the close of buelnees, Fi-bruary 14, 1908: REeXX'RCES. Laan nd discounts. I. 4I,W7.82 Overdrafts. secured and unsecured TJ. 8. bonds to secure circulation Other bond to secure V. 8. deposit V. 8. bond on hand.. Premium on U. S. bond ., Bonds, securities, etc.. County and city war rants Banking house, fuml- ' tur and fixtures.... Other real estate owned Due from national banks (not reserve agents) .-. 14S.6W.4r Due from state banks, and bankers I.2SS.M Due frtJm approved re serve agents 362,738.19 Checks and other cash Items 2S,flVn Exchange for clear ing house 24,341.81 Notes of other na tional banks 5,000.00 Fractional paper cur rency, nickel and cent l9.2d Lawful Money Reserve In Bank, vis: 2oo.ono.00 167.71.(1(1 18.9JO.00 TM9.00 ' 11.0C9.00 11,91172 84.000.00 4,725.19 Bpecle lfgal tender note Redemption fund with 139.737.00 50,000.00 763,620.72 IT. 8. treasurer (5 per cent of circulation). Total, LIABILITIES. 10,000.00 82,132,676. 16 I 800.000 00 Capital stork paid In.. Surplus fund Undivided profits, less expense and taxe paid National bank note outstanding - Due to other national banks , $ 858,719.37 Due to state bank and banker 104,299.29 Due to trut com panies and saving banks 8.2SS.70 Dividends unpaid 1W.00 Individual deposits subject to check.... 856.218.41 Demand certificates of deposit 10,779.79 Time certificates of deposit 138.4S4.iNI Certified checks 440.21 Cashier's checks out standing 7,2434 U. R. deposits 8e.84r.46 . 60,000.00 51.367.48 196,300.00 twposus or u. b. atS' burslng officera .... Reserved for taxe.,, 47,985.02- 1,632.511.87 3,500.00 ' Total....... 22.132,676.18 State of Nebraska, County of Dougl ' I, W. E. Bhepard. cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that th above statement Is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. W. B.' BHEPARD, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before mi this 21st day of February. 1908. L. W. BCHRIBEL, Notary Public. Correct Attest: H. W. YATES, . WARREN 8WTTZLER. II. W. YATES, Jr., Directors. No. 1633. REPORT OF TtlE CONDITION OF The Omaha National Bank, at Omaha, in the State of Nebraska, at th . close of business, February 14, 1908: RESOURCES. Loans and discounts.. $6,106,415.80 Overdrafts, . secured and unsecured 1,121.40 U. S. bonds to secure . ' circulation 890,000.00 U. 8. bonds to secure 8. deposit 410,000.00 Other bonds to secure IT. S. deposits ' 100,000.00 Premiums on U. 8. ' bonds 49,orrvro Bonds, securities, etc. 633 883 21 Banking house, furnl- ' turo and fixtures 200,000.00 Due from national bsnks (not reserve agents) , 21,090,538.10 Due from state- banks and bankers... 246,358.06 Due from approved re- ' - serve agents 1,614.370.79 Checks and other cash tem ir.847.27 Exchanges for clear ing, house If3.538.44 Notes of other na tional banks 12,246.00 Fractional paper cur rency, nickels and . ceni", 3.S39.81 Lawful Money Reserve In Bank, via? Bpecle LegaF tender notes.,.. 939,!K.00 147,070.00 l,087,Si9.0O- 4.260,836.49 Redemntlhn fund with u. . treasurer (5 per cent of circulation. . Total..... 30,000.00 312.760,312.00 Jl, 000,000 00 200,000.00 LIABILITIES. Capital stork "paid in.. Surplus fund ' Undivided profits, less expenses and taxe . paid r31.fiTj8.44 866,000.00 Nation nal bank note outstanding ... Djie to other, national banks 23,698,750.57 Due to state banks and banker 1,853,700.65 Due to trust com panies and savings .bnk 184.662.27 Individual deposit subject to check 3,874,489.91 Tljje eertlficgte of .deposit 691 OS9 81 Certified checks ; 11 78225 vB'nri truecKs out standing, regular.... Cashier's -checks out standing, speotal V. B. deposits. DeprtBlU of U. 8. dis bursing officer Bonds borrowed 271,497.50 1.246 00 3!!9,345.03 181.O70.B0-10.3O7.6M.I6 75,0u0.l)0 Total. m ' tt9 7an tio iw i w w- ,;aH?"i county of Douglas-ss-niine grS o k. ,k . W" BL'CHOLZ. Cashier. Huoscrlbed and sworn to before n.. n 21st day of February. ! D,tore me thl U D. SPALDING, Notary Public. Correct Attest: J. H. MILLARD. A. J. SIMPSON, l C. NASH, - Directors. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS M5"i.H.u,'m"el1 JoJ wife to Frit J. L. Thomas to same. nam. " niomas A. Crelgh and wife to f"'c Craig, lot 2i. i.io..u 1 i , ' : ' '" 6,2u0 225 County treasurer to Jeff VV. Bedford Bedford 'A" ni James L. Taylor and" wlfe'to" Jul" I a Btjeet er. lot 1 blotk 13. Clifton Hill A. L. Havens and wlf i u, " 3Ci 1,060 3,600 Victor White Coal Co. ' to" salme.'YoU a ' W.och 17 Boyd . add... ." R. A! V Ullama anrl irA k, n OoJfee, Jr., et at, kit 9, block L Saun ders & Hlmcbaugh' add . , W-llllam J. T. Si-hluter and 'wlfe'to .y'clJ,au"r et m"- -lo-12.. 10 000 M Vn1,!l,'n."V0 M- Chrlstensen, lot 6 block 17. 1st add to South U",gil VnJic. to Tlmme. lot .a. block 3. Crelghton Heights........ S. C, DiUey and wife to Alice B. Mc C reary. lots 8 and w lot 8, block 8, Kountse Place . U??,V- ''ro nd husband'to W. H. and J. R. Segear, lot . block 2. Brown Park ....?.. . Robert R. Johnson et al. to joha aI Jolinson, lots 8 and 4, Park's aub Lew W. Raher and wife to Benson aerie No. 12u2, Fratarnal Order of tagles. lot 2. block 4, Halcyon Heights 1 1O0 1600 2.2U0 1.000 1.000 Total. -332,143 LEGAL NOTICES SCHOOL LAND AUCTION THK wt ?H Xn,, ""' In Lvouglaa county wlU U, offered for lease at publlo auction at the county treasurer office. Omaha, N braaka ThuraUy. Manh 12. le. at ? a. ni. Term of leasing and appraised valuo may ba had on application to the ceuntv treaaurer at Omaha or to tha commlaaloiwr "f f"V."S. 1nd nd ulld!nge at Uncoln- "Mr-' ToN. ComuiUsioner Public Lands and Buildings. F-2L-29-M-7 hie DAILY REE: SATURDAY. BANK STATEMENTS No. 27TB. ' RF.IXJRT OF THE CONDITION OF The Merrhaata National Raak, at Omaha, In the State ot Nebraska, at the close of business. February 11, l!i: RESOURCES. Loans and discounts.. 23 739148.67 Overdrsfts. secured and unsecured . 8,233.29 U. 6. bonds to secure . circulation 2TiO,Ono.OO c. b. oonos to secure L. H. deposits 230,000.00 vnner ponds to secure ' v.. ... U. 8. deposits "9.frt)on nonfls. securities, etc.. MMiot Fsnklng house ISo.OOO.OO i mm nauonm bsnks (not reserve snouts) Due from state barvke and bankers 411,4331 245,fn9.53 83.505.63 4.445.88 60.7190S 18.397.09 817.69 I pue from approved re- Checks and other cash Items Exchanges for clear ing house Notes of other na tional hanks Fractional paper cur rency, nickers and cents Lawful Money Reserve In Bank, vlsi Specie Legal tender notea Redemption fund with BS4.2O3.S0 100,000.00 8,239,231.72 u. 8. treasurer (s per cent 'of circulation).. lZ500nA Due from U. S. treas- urer. other than S per cent redemption fund Total.'. LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid In.. Surplus fund 622.50 36,766.971 28 $ ftno.nno.oo 250,0(10.00 . 70.700.97 260,000.00 Undivided profits, lesa expenses and taxes paid National bank notea outstanding . Due to other national ' banka 81,183,752.96 Due to state bank . Jnd1Jbanker 817,451.97 Individual deposits subject to cheek.... 2,363,890.51 Demand certificate of deposit 75.00 Time certificate of deposit ans.ngj.ng Certified check 19.111.14 '-""" ' cuecK 'out standing United States deposits Bond borrowed 169.91467 300,00.00 5,660,263 31 25,000.00 Total. 26,756,973.23 Stiat t "'Nebraska, County of Doug! 1, Laither Drake. nrM,nt nr as ss: named bank, do ofemnly swear that tfio knowledge and belief. " r LUTHER DRAKE, President. AvVruri. befor me thi8 LOUIS W. WEYMULLER, Notary Public. Correct Attest: ' F. T. HAMILTON, GEO E. PRITCHETT JOHN FV COAD, Dl rectors. GOVERNMENT NOTICES PROPOSALS FOR IMPROVEMENTS DE Arfaar1tr.,enA0fhe.,nte'ior' Office oflnSan 1W8 S.)iHa"nKton-, D- ,C- February 13. .h 8fa'?d Proposal, blalnly marked on pSsalsUtf th Wile1 envelop. -'Proposals for Improvements at Pine Rldae Agency and School, South Dakota " and AlfaJrV Commissioner of 'indUn Atralrs, Washing-ton, 1. c., will be re ceived at the Indian nffi .,, , r,J.e,. fair-.ntft?aiCh ly08 for 'u"lshlng mattr- horn o t ki , . "jiiun oi a asiry RM'lJl1' W' Boarding School. line ni.hiS . "'mployee quarters and for fur fwJ, nd rect' ateel water tank and .m Af a caPc'ty of 25.000 gallons, at th Bency.V,n "lrlct -cordance with the P n. peclflcation and ' Instruction to bidder which may be examined at this N.h V..."'cf' or the "Bee,- Omaha Neb,, the American Contractor,' Chicago, ins., and the "Iinornvemnt iiniioH,, vti- vv.lh"1!' mn?-e Lnl!1 States 'Indian W arehouse at Chicago, 111., flt. Louis, Mo.. aim umnnu. jven 1 1 1 1 1 1 . t u aA 'f... I.- 1 ... : -"J '" iiaums Kr-""? Jt-aui. Minn.. Minneapolis, Minn.. Omaha. K,.i u, , i... . Bidder. f .hJ .r"t -i-i,""' "S"'" '.' Submit with tlTelr hl'd- . .Ui peclfloatlona of the tankund tower they r-,uifii9ii nu ereiaA. c r . larra- w, ntuiiis commissioner. , F-18-a)-22-2B-27-29-M-3-5-7- LEGAL NOTICE, NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS MEET oucfi ib nereoy given that th regular annual meetlna- r th. .i,wk.u of the South Platte Land compari? will bU J xr iL . .. " "Bla company at Lin' cw., a.. lx a ciooii' a. m.. on tha fourth day of March, A. D, 190 By order president A. B. Minor secretar" Lincoln: Neb.. Fvbruan 3. 19U8. . jhjiit NOTICE OFV STOCKHOLDERS' MEET inn. alio icK uiur flnnfiai m i stockholders In 1 h , Bee Pabl t Ing company ... ... ... ... uiiiub 01 me company In the Bee building, corner iTth w. nam .treets, Omaha. Nebraska, on Mon day. March 8. 1808. at 4 oeloek p. m. By OrflPP nf th A nrnaManl UVnrr a . ' v w I T . nT; V ."AS- . . . jritdiot WHY MORSMAN LOVES THE DAY Celebrate Birth of Washington and in It e lease from Mbby with TemblnedI Fervor.' "Saturdny, February 22, Is a great day In this nation, because It commemorate the birth of our first president and our great leader In the war by which America won Its Independence, and, like all true Americans, I honor the day and the name and memory pf Washington." said Judge W. W. Morsman. "But February 22 ,has another, a personal significance, to me. and while I cannot exactly honor It on thl personal account. I cannot fail to dwell very thoughtfully upon i. It was Febwary 23. 1806, thai I was released from Llbby prison, where I spent four months as prisoner of war. I Wa exchanged by the confederate back to my federal offi cers. The forty-three years that have elapsed do not efface from my memory all the fapts and incidents of that imprison ment, nor the Joy I felt when I reallxed it horror were at an end. "Can you wonder, then, that while a a free American citlsen, I love to com memorate the day of Washington's birth. I also cannot refrain from celebrating In my own mind at least, the anniversary of my personal freedom from condition so appalling?" Injured In a Fire or bruised by a fgfi, apply Bucklen's Ar nica Salve. Cures burns, wounds, sjres ecxema, piles. Guaranteed., 25c. For sulj by Beaton Drug Co. 1 CHIEF STRIKES PEDESTRIANS Salter, la Avolalag; Collision, Dashes ( Into Three Person on the Sidewalk. In an effort to avoid a collision with a hose cart going north the horse and hn. of Fire Chief Salter ran up on the side- waia at rourteenth and Famarn street and two or three pedestrian were knocked down Friday morning. The: chief buggy, driven by Charlea Keeaee, came east-on Farnam street., going to a fire at IJ15 Dodge street. The hose cart came north on Fourteenth treet A collision wa nar rowly averted. Th chief horse alm. ran into tha plate glass window of th Union Pacific- ticket office. J. P. Zlttle, agent for . the Conned Mutual Life Insurance company, was knocked down, hi eyeglasses broken and his nose .lightly cut by the glass. Ha i. crippled and wa unable to scramble out of iuq way, as uiner Bystander did. The hind leg of one horsa was allhiiw cut and the shaft of the chief, buggy wa broken. The chief and his drWer w?l unhurt. Th fire wa in restaurant at in Dodge street, where the range bad scorched tne floor, 11 amounted to nothing FEBRUARY 22. 190S. A' MOST SUCCESSFUL CLEARANCE SALE The wonderful popularity of Ilartman's Clearance movement has been forcibly 'dem onstrated in the past week's interesting sale. As the knowledge, of the merit of liie event becomes more generally known, the sale increases in enthusiasm. People who have learned of the genuineness of the values spread the good'news, untilow it's by far the most talked of sale in progress in Omaha. GENEROUS CREDIT AS USUAL I mJ.1'' ih mllt v"-y taste and every pure. llnve you seen them? I T J MlT IV -Y I TrV the one that suits you for 80 days st our risk up from I T8 76. J A V Z' Jf.'- ri Guaranteed V";-':'..-.-" Tu Base Viarner is 14-so wimia 7-90 Made In solid oak, maple or mahogany finish, artistic design, large French plate mirror, roomy drawers, ex cellently polished, an un matchahle bargain. 168 roll BBOIIILI O Alt PUT, all wool sur face, firm f? r weave. DVC yard in any TENSION TABLE Bix foot exten elon, eaBy run ning slides, sol id oak, hand somely polished, very heavy ped estal. I4I4 - FLOWERS FROM ML VERNON Plants Set Out by First President Used in Celebration. WASHINGTON'S BIETHDAY EVENTS Many OraranlsatloB of Omaha Will Commemorate the Day with I'n. trlojlo Son; oad Speech sad Kxerclaea. Flowers grown from cuttings set out by George and Martha Washington at Mount Vernon will be used in Omaha in celebrat ing the anniversary of the first president of the United States. 1 One of the unique celebrations of Wash ington's birthday will be held iy the social science department of the Omaha Woman's club Monday afternoon and for this occa sion flowers from Mount Vernon green house will be used in decoration. Mr. C. K. Manderson Is one of the board of regents of the Mount Vernon ljadlea' association of the union, and will address the department on the work of that organi zation in restoring and maintaining the home of Washington. Friday morning General Manderson tele graphed the superintendent of the green houees at Mount Vernon asking for the lm nydiate shipment of such varieties of flow ers as would withstand the trip. The flow ers are expected to arrive some lime Mon day and will be UBed to adorn the table at the Colonial tea that will follow Mr. Manderson's address. Many of the flower In the Mount Vernon green houses have grown from cuttings planted originally by George and Martha Washington. General Manderson will also be one of the speaker Monday afternoon. The banks will observe Saturday as 3 legal holiday by c'.osing. The postof Ice w.II remain open until 10 a. ni . and then close tor the remainder of the day. This applies to general delivery, money order and regis try departments. Three carrier deliveries wll be made in the business section during the forenoon and two in the residence dis trict. .No business will be transact. d In any of the federal court and the ufha rule will apply at army lieiidiiuartem. Plonerra Will Celebrate. The principal celebration of the after noon of Saturday will be the reunion pf the Douglas County Assoclutlon of Nrbroski Pioneers to be held at Masonic temple din ing hall, on the second tloor uf the b..l d Ing. The affair will belii at 1:30, continu ing up to S p. m. A number of other more or Usj elab orate affairs will be given rtjitng the com ing week commemorative uf Wuhliihion uiij Lincoln's birthdays. Including one t be given by Gurfltld circle, L.iUIci of the Grand Army, next F.lday evening. The Daughter of the American Revolu tion will givu a special entertainment Suit able to the duy and occasion Saturday aft ernoon In the pariah house of All Hdints church. Saturday - evening Ruth Robekuh lodge No. 1 will entertain at the Odd Fellow' bull. The first annual ball of the Omaha Postal Clerks' union, local No. 11, will ba given at the Rome hotel Saturday evening. Monday evening the Young Women's Christian association will give a Martha Washington social in Its hall In the fax- tun block. The Swedish church of Nineteenth and Hurt held exercise last evening and Emil Nelson of Lincoln had charge of the music. Club to Close at Midnight. PIT8BIRG. Feb. 11. Without exontl.ui tlm police have oidered all clubs In Greutur mmuurg nodea ui nuanigiit in the future. Where- club houses are used aa hri guest will he allowed to mtar and leave "" ""I cnoonx. dui "lie aeMna of lluuor will not be m-nnttt-ri atir that V,... order Ih' the result of many complaint fru 111 parent and wive. PEDESTAL. EX- f M Q P wt . ar -m i nm 1 m a - a wm iw m a a n Large .lie Oak Hatr 5.25 THERE'S A M'DOUOALL KITCHEN "Tr-J aa 1 IRON BED, SPRING AND MATTRESS.... 1275 Bed In above artistic design, heavy posts and tubing, all colors of enamel, handsomely decorated chill work, spring Is of the best woven wire fabric, mnple frame Heavy soft top mattress, durable ticking. May be had size. RUGS Brussals Bugs, firmly woven, without mitre stains size dx, 7.75 Brussels Hugs, size 9x12, very heavy and durnbln, artistic colorings, each 1493 Axmlnster Sags, size 9x12, wie oeni maae, all wool, first quality. . , 22'5 Royal Wilton Velvet Ruga, size 9x12, high ir Q soft pile, VW oriental designs. .. j BMBaBaassaMsBsssSBaaBaBBaaBBBBKanB. i eather your nest I4IQ - I4I6 DOUGLAS ST GRAND JURY J)N RED LIGHT Body WlU Examine Into Condition In the Proscribed District, Mak Inaj Personal Visit. An Investigation; Into the conditions ex isting in the so-called "red light district" Is being made by the county grand Jury. Many witnesses have been called . before the body and It' Is understood questioned about their knowledge of conditions thero. Itis also understood the grand Jury will take a trip through the district and ex amine the situation. Among the witnesses already examined are persons interested In Juvenile court work who have become ac quainted with certain conditions in that part of the city through thulr connection with cases before the court. It is believed the grand Jury will embody some recommendations along this line In Its final report' to the court. Friday morn ing members' of the county board were called before tho body and it is understood questioned In regard to the conditions at the Jail and the best method of making needed improvements. To Cure that Tickle Spend a Mrkel. Red Cross -- Cough trope. 6c per box. " ex.ar.naa.n.ana, , rn.rtf ar-wr Kira Specials for Saturday I re . 11 2 25c Cottage Hods, 4 ft. long, and brackets, complete, Saturday Special. $4.25 Weathered Oak Screen, 3 panels, filled with Hungar ian cloth, oriental designs and colors, Saturday o special .2.98 Samples of fine Carpet, V2 yards long, finished suit able for rugs. $5.00 Royal Wilton samples, ouiy $2.50 and $3.00 Axminster Samples, Saturday Special. N. $2.00 Axminster and Wilton Saturday Special $1.75 and $1.50 Brussels and Saturday Special MILLER, STEWART & BEATON ) 413-15.17 SoulhlOthSt. 11 CABINET This chiffonier la made of olid oak, with large French plate mirror, five large, roomy drawer, neat-' ly carved and decorated, a value beyond duplication-In thl vicinity. 4 7 rolls TELTBT OA- rXT, all wool, fancy aes'gns, dum bl qualities. . . ," 99c W TT3 ,1 1 "iirif Mr. T, COMBINATION KITCHEN TABLE.. 1.95 You'll find thl table far more convenient than thn ordinary kitchen table; large, flour bin and cutlerv drawer, largo hardwood top. Hartman' Rot Blaat Baatar 5.95 ,1 nmv x..iJW"'1.,g t i A J 1 'I i.'.E i. .11 . aiaap . LOAN SHARKS , CREDITORS Money Airent Said t Have Canard Jke Downfall of Man Who Corn Throaarh llankraptcy. . The financial downfall of Louie Flambeck may be traced to the loan'- aiiarki, aevernl of whom he name In hl petition for Wnkruptcy. Paying extortionate rates of interest or usury on money borrowed Is ascribed a the cause of ty action. His liabilities are scheduled at 1500.29 and his assets at 2161- Practtcxtlly all of hi. liabilities are for monev . tputalned during litos and 1907 from loan sharks, the balances being In amounts ranging f.wm a few dol lars up to SuO. . ... 1 An Illustration of the outl-afeou usury that borrower must pay from these salary loan shark Is shown . In the' fa ct wthat the Interest on $54 for six montlvs 1 117. 80 and on 260 for the period of fottr month, the Interest paid by the borrower' is $21 Thl applies only when the payment, weekly or monthly, are made proiniMJIy, otherwise an additional per cent Is exacted on all deferred payments. , . "The Making of a Mlttenunn."' Head It. Medicine Cabinet, exactly like cut, 24 inches high, 17 inch es wide, 3' inches deep, with three shelves and glass door, nicely fim slued in imi tation m a h o g a n y, worth $3.00, Saturday C Special 1'3U 25c Cottage Rods, 4 ft. 'long, white .enameled with white metal ends, Satur day Special. 10c UH . 10c imitation oak with ends t k u Saturday Special, 2.50 1.50 95c 75c w and Body Brusfels Velvet Samples, . Velvet Samples ' I J