D THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: FEBRUARY in, 1008 bsbsssbsbs""Ms"ssssss" w OutoMown cus tomcrs should order at once by mail ItMu r7arr! THK ftELIftBLB STRB Monday, pecial Monday jargain Offerings -Silks-Silks- llth Another Great Sale Another Big Shipment of Silks from Pheonlx Silk Mg. Co. Purchase Just Received. A second nhinmcnt of thin grout purchnne wm lclrcl In transit nnrt did not urifve in season for the other khIo. ii1 will lx placed on al Monday. Even better assortment than offered last week values fully equal if imt fuirlor. Kntire purcliase divided, into eight bin lot at about half regular prices. Klegant lilark Taffetas From the great purchase, 36 Inches wide, unsurpassed quality; priced at about half real value; at Plain and Fancy Silks Very finest new weaves, all newest wanted colorings and patterns for spring wear In four lota 4 39c - 49c - 59c -69c You eannot afford to let such an unusual opportunity for profit able buying pass. Mail orders filled till Wednesday noon. High Grade White Goods Dept. This department is now loaded down with hand embroidered Swisses, Scotch Swisses, Domestic Swisses, etc. 8t. Gall Swisses. $1.08, $l.BO, $1.00, 85c, 75c, 50c and 500 Scotch Swisses, $1.00, 85c, 75c, BOc, 40c, 30c and 250 Iomestic Swishes, 25c, I Of. J 5c, 12 He and.... 100 Fancy Jucqnards, 80c to 100 12 Ms India Linons i French Lawn. 15c India Linons. .. .C 19c India Linons... 100 25c India Linons. 12 HO rVrslan Ijuwns. 19c Persian Lawns. . 100 20c Pers. Lawns. .120 25c Persian Lawns. . 15 35c Persian Lawns. . 1J)0 39q Persian Lawns. .250 Knglish Lon Cloth. 12Hc Long loCth. .80 15c Long Cloth.... 100 19c Long Cloth. .120 25c Long Cloth.... 15 35c Long Cloth.... 19 MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY EMBROIDERY SALE s MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY A sale eclipsing all previous efforts in this line Cambric, Swiss and Nainsook Edges, In serting, Flouncings, Corset Covers, Double Edge Beadings and Allovers. All new, fresh, perfect goods in complete matched sets, BOUGHT FOR CASH AT FORCED SALE AT 50 CENTS ON THE DOLLAR AND WILL BE SOLD AT JUST HALF PRICE. Sale begins Monday, Feb. 17th, and will continue three days. Over 200,000 yards in this purchase and not a piece that is imperfect, out of date in pattern or heavy aud coarse in quality. We guarantee all perfect. 15c Embroideries and Insertings at 20c Embroideries and Insertings at 25c Embroideries and Insertings at ..7k 10c 12c 30c Embroideries and Insertings at 40c Corset Cover Embroideries at. . . . 50c Flouncings at 15c 19c 25c 75c Flouncings at $1.00 Allovcr Em broideries at Several other special gains shown. 35c 49c bar- Do not miss this opportunity to get new, fresh goods at the very beginning of the season at Jl'ST HALF PRICE. Order at Once ALL MAIL OIUKK9 PROMPTLY FILLED Order at Once. nn i J THK REUABLI TRB All mail orders given prompt at tcntion and satis' faction guar ant d The Leading Dress Goods House ,jWes We are now showing more Wool Dress flood than the combined stocks of the rest of Omaha houses put together. Quality Miptrlnr for prlres no other house compares. P.LACK DRESS GOODS. Priestley liCads All the World in Blacks. ' Priestley's $1.25 niack Voile QSc Priestley's tl.50 Queen's Cloth, at $1.9. Priestley's $1.75 Queen's Cloth, at $1.12 Lupin's French Cheviots. $2.50 grade $1.49 LuDtn's French Voiles, $l.i0 grade 750 Read's $2.60 Striped Suitings at .... $1.08 Read's $3.50 Striped Sullies ft 2.03 Ivan Simon's $5.00 UroadcloMi t $3.JS Celebrated Austrian $3.50 liroud ,'l"th $2.5?) rorelgn Broadcloth Sl.PB, $l.f. S1.E8, 12.00, fa. 98 up to S7.E0 xn.rO. Domestic Brc dclo'-.hs 700, 980, $1 a, tl.BO uu to Sl.r a Remnants and short plwcs of bn:-- skins to clo-e at. yard V,.c I Evening Shade Broadcloth, I.mvi- I downes, Serges, Voile nnd n.l kind 1 nf evening shades 95o, 39o, 4o, L RQfl. VRa. fil m tin tA fb v.r.i 19c French Lawns, 4 8 Inch 10 25c French Lawns. .150 35c French Lawns.. 1J)0 French Lawns up to $1.50 yard. 40-inch Lawns. 12c Lawns 80 15c Lawns 00 19c Lawns 12 H 25c Lawns 150 30c Lawns lyj Popular White Goods in Domestic Room. Matchless Showing of Authoritative Spring Garment Styles Spring style beauty now predominates in our busy Cloak department. A great assortment of the most elegant designs in the choicest new colorings and ma terials are now shown and every express brings new treasures to augment the dis play. As ever, the pleasure of style individuality and very moderate price are ona and variety for selection is unsurpassed. Blanket Clearing Sale All Blankets and Comfortables must go. All 59c Blankets 39 All 75c Blankets 59 Sll $1.00 Blankets 73 All $1.25 Blankets gf) All $1.50 Blankets 95 All $2.00 Blankets $1.19 COMFORTABLES Home Made. All $2.00 Comfortables. . .$1.39 1.70 $1.95 $2.25 $2.75 $3.50 Beautiful New Tailor Suits Very new est designs in all the correct materials and colorings for spring wear, most at tractively priced for early spring sell ing, at. . .$19.90, $25, $30 to $45 New Spring Coat Styles Handsome broadcloths, fine cheviots, etc., in as sortment of fashion's favorite designs, second to none ever shown in Omaha at this season splendid values each, at $5, $7.50 $10. up to $18 MANY MAGNIFICENT CLEARANCE BARGAINS MONDAY $10.00 and $12.00 Coats $2.95-Tust 100 coats in the lot, 52-in. length, in splen did assortment of fancy mixtures, on sale Monday at $2.95 $6.00 Silk Underskirts, all colors, sua)) at $3.95 $20.00 Coats at $8.95 splendid line of black chiffon broadcloth and kersey coats, satin lined, remarkable bargains at our clearance price $8.95 fear life 69o, 7SO, $1.00 up to 95 yard. High Grade YJash Goods Dept. 3rd Aisle M'.dd't Section - Main Floor We buy, sell and handle more wash goods than any town of 200,003 population in this country. We have now in stock Arnold's celebrated silk warp wash goods at, per yard, 15c, 19c, 25e, 39c, 50c and 59c T I McCay's English Woven Novelties, $1.08, Jp 1 ..", ok-, 7.v, nor, :e, 250 Domestic Wash (Jomls. 92 fine Batiste 150 84 fine Batiste 1J Arnold's fine Dimities at 12 Mt Cluster DlnilUes ...15 Idella Stripes 15 Organdie Carreaux. 10J Toll du Nord Dress Ging hams 12? A. F. C. Drefts Glnphams, at 13H Red Seal Dress GinRhnma, at 12H Silk Warp Dress Ging hams 25 Silk Warp Dress Ging hams 39 Anderson's Scotch Ging hams, at 25 Popular priced Wash Goods In our famous Do mestic Room. $4.00 Nun's Veiling Waists, all colors, embroidered and tucked, choice, $1.49 $20.00 and $25.00 Silk Suits $12.50 Handsome silk shirt waist suits, also about 20 fine panama suits, all colors, that sold at $20.00 and $25.00, choice, at $12.50 From 8 Till 9 A. M. $1.50 Satin Under skirts at 59c From 8:30 Till 9:30 A. M. $2.50 Long Kimonos at ..89c From 9 Till 10 A .M. $1.50 Dressing Sacques at G9c All $2.50 Comfortables. . All $3.00 Comfortables. All $4.00 Comfortables. All $5.00 Comfortables . All $6.00 Comfortables. All $8.50 Comfortables. . .$5.00 All $2.50 Blankets $1.45 All $3.00 Blankets $1.95 All $4.00 Blankets $3.19 All $5.00 Blankets $3.98 All $6.00 Blankets $4i25 All $7.00 Blankets $1.95 Greatest Shirt Sale Ever Griffon Brand Shirts, 59c SALE C0HTINUES ONE MORE DAY, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 17 Over 2,700 Dozen High Grade Shirts The entire floor stock of the well known firm of Will Haskell & Co., New York, secured at an average of less thai 50c on the dollar, all new, clean stock, in very best 'styles and patterns f for spring and summer wear, 4 on sale Monday at, choice o oo 3 oC (J Q i o ' 9Jp 9 0 o o 9 o 0 ttffr 9J9' Domestics, YJash Goods, Linens and White Goods 'domestic FAMOUS ROOM WIDH SHEETING. Brown. 9- 4 Pepperell 22 10- 4 Pepperell 24 Bleached. 8- 4 Pepperell 21 9- 4 Pepperell 23 H? 10- 4 Pepperell 25d BROWN SHEETING. Beaver Dam Sable 6 Household Pilger Mills 7Ht BLEACHED YARD WIDE SHEETING Security .4H Brlc-a-Brac 5H Thistledown 5H Hope Lonsdale .' gv Frut 9 Apron Checks, 7V4c grade 5 12 Vic Teazcldown . . . 7W 10c Teazeldown . . . . .5 Remnants of 12V4c fine Wash Goods, at rtf Remnants of 15c and 19c Wash Goods, at 8 25c Wash Goods 10 Full Standard Indigo Blue Prints. .5 Full Standard Red Prints 3H Remnants of fine Linen, up to $1.25 yard yard, 5c, 40c, 39c and 25 READY-MADE SHEETS. ' 72x00 Bleached. Whie Wing 39 co v Crescent 41C 81x00 Bleached. Standard 48 Waco 4 45 WamButtta, H. S 95 Other good brands, 85c, 73o, oOc, 50 Pillow Slips 18c, 15c, 12Jic, 10c and 8 Towellnj? (Cotton) lc, 3t$c, 2 Linen TowelinK lr, 15c, 12Hc, 10c. 8c, 74c, Hc and 5 Wool Henriettas 19 59c Suitings 19 Remnants of 10c White Goods. . . .5 Remnants of 12 c Toweling 5 Rempants of 25c Sateens.... 1J Remnants of Fine Linings g 12 c Towels 7a 10c Towels , 5 8Vfcc Towels ' 3 Remnants of Wool Dress Goods, worth up to $3.00, 50c, 40c, 30c and 25 Bed Room CurtainsSpecial Bargains Monday Baffled Curtain. In stripe, figured or plain, at, pair 91.49 Ruffled Met Curtains with Insertion and edge, on extra heavy net very Hperlnl value at, pair , $1.49 Tambour Muelln Curtains, regular $2.75 values, special, at, pair 91.98 Bed Seta with large motif In center and Cluny Lace Curtains with lace edge and deep flounce, full size, each $4.93 Insertion, at Ja.UO, $4.50, $3.r0 and 83.60 Slon Cltjr Cable Wet Curtains Very hem y novelty Curtains in very newest ef ferm. weave, all sorts of dcsinn, at, pair,; hi, pair $5.00, $4.60, $3.60, $2.60 and $1.98 $5.00. $3.S, $3.50 and S2.50 38-lnch Swiss' for bed set or curtain, In Irish Point Saoe Curtains With regular; new madras effects, yard 85o green apil,iue umlui priced, at, pair, 45-incu Madras, In white or cream, splen-$-' V8 to $5.00 j did value, at, yard, 60c, 45c, 35c nd SSo Two Rousing Furniture Specials jj- - -y' J .1.10 stroii0 and substantial spring, match less bargain at See our inamense line of new Furniture. You'll find assortment -the most complete and prices considerably lower than elsewhere. Kitchen Cabinet, like cut, has two large flour bins, two small drawers, one or two bread or chopping boards, and comes in golden oak or white maple finish. An almost indes pensible article in every C O home; great bargain at. . v ,4 Woven Wire Bed Spring, for wood or iron bed, wire is pensel weave, a very 'la-: - -- '!,' 4: j Extra Specials in Grocery Dept. for Monday's Sale A Saving of 25 Per Cent to 50 Per Cent on Your Living Expenses 21 lbs. best pure cane Granulated Sugar for $1.00 10 bars best brands Laundry Soap for 25c 48-11). Racks best fancy high patent 4X Flour $1.35 10-lh. Hacks best white or yellow Cornmeal 15c t lbs. choice .lapan Rice, regular 7 ',4c Heller, for 25c 10-lb. sticks pure Buckwheat Flour for S5c Oallon cans Pouches, Plums, Toma toes, Apples or fancy Table Syrups, per can 35c The finest Imported fancy Queei. OliveB, nothing finer grown, p.-r tiuart ::5o The finest Mamlzantlla Stuffed Olives, per quart 35c 6 lbs best Rolled Breakfast (;.t mea! -6o 3-lb. cans fancy Red Beets, at, per can "c 3-lh. cans Oolden Pumpkin, llom Inv, Squash, Kauer Kinut or ' Baked Keans Sc Burnham's Hasty Jellycon, nkg , f,e 1-lb. can Koyal or Dr. Price s Bak ing Powder OH or Mustard Sardines, can, 3 He 12-oz. can Condensed t.'ream. ..Tltc The best Soda or Oyster Cramers, f)er lb 6c le best crisp Ginger Snaps, lb., 6c The best crisp Pretzels, per lb., 6c The best Michigan Butter Crack ers, ner II) 6c The best Flukey Cracknels, per lb., at 12 'c Choice California Prunes, lb.. 4 He Fancy Santa Clara Prunes, lb., 7 He Fancy Cleaned Currants, lb...8VsC Fancy New York King Apples 10c Fancy California Dried Peaches, per lb 12'ic Fancy Muscatel UnUlns, lb....7VSc Fancy Seeded Hutslns, pkg....7Hc Fancy Lemon, Orange and Citron Peel, per lb 1 nc Haydtn'e, the Greatest rresh Fruit and Vegetable Sept. In the West Fresh Spinach, per peck 20C Fresh hothouse Lettuce, 2 heads for 5e Fresh Head Lettuce, per head.. 5c 2 bunches fresh Hothouse Rad ishes 5c Fresh Beets. Carrots, Turnlpa or Sharlot Onions, per bunch 6c Fresh Tomutoes or Green Beans, per lb 15c Fresh Caullf lower, per head..7Hc Fresh Pie Plant, per bunch... 7Vtc Fresh Cucumbers, each 6c Beets, Carrots, Parsnips. Turnips, Kutahagas or lied Onions, lb., 2c Fresh Holland Seed Cabbage, per lb lc Big- Highland ITavel Orange Bale Monday Regular 16c per dozen size, this sule, per dozen luo Regular 17 He per dozen size, this sale, per dozen 12c Regular 20c per dozen size, this sale, per dozen 16c Regular 25c per dozen size, this sale, per dozen 17 Vic A Regular aoc per dozen size, this sale, per dozen 20c Regular 36c per dozen size, this Rale, per dozen 25c There are no oragnes an fine, rich flavored and aa Juicy as the Highland Navels. Huyden Bros. headquarters for them In Omaha. Try Maidm9 iFirst High Grade Linen Deparlm'nt Extra Specials for Monday Ten pieces heavy Scotch Satin Damask, bleached and half bleached, two yards wide, all pure linen, reg ular $1.25 quality; Bpeclal Monday, yard GOc" 30 pieces high grade grass bleached pure linen Table. Cloths, sizes 10-4 2 M yards, hemmed ready for use, well vortb $4.00 each; special Monday, each $2.19 Thirty-five dczen 22-inch pure Irish Linen Dinner Napkins, jcuod value at $3.00 per dozen; special Mon day, dozen S1.98 One. hundred dozen large size Towels, Including huclts, damasks, hem med, hemstitched and fringed; some 19c and 21c values; special Monday, each . ." 10 All of our ::!c tnd 45c Turkish Hath, Satin Damask and Hemstitched Muck Towels; en special sale Monday, each 19 Twenty-five, i-tect heavy weight Barnsley Pure Linen Toweling, regular lSc grade; w.u-clal Monday, yard. 90 New York Importer's Hosiery Stock Secured for Cash at Less Than 50c on the Dollar The stock consists of all high class Men's, Ladies' and Chil dren's Hose, all full fashioned, made from finest silk lisle, Maco cotton, etc. Comes in all colors, plain or" embroidered, allover lace, lace foot, fancy hand embroidered, etc., regfu&r 1 4.. 64 HA Ml 1 A mm vcuuvs up tiU win ue C sold Saturday at, choice. . . V- You must see these Hose to appreciate the bargain worth and splendid assortment. Come early. In Our Hardware Dep3rfment The Brighton Wringer, No. 110, guaranteed for ...-S1.9S Iloyal Blue Washer, worth $8.00, tomorrow g5.00 $4.50 Western Washer, one day only. . .$2.50 Heavy Galvanized liouoiu Boiler, No. 8, tomorrow at 590 Copper Rim Boilers, with $2.00, tomorrow $l.;jy (J--r-i-?e5CB Solid Brass Wash Boards, only $1.98 worth 50c, tomorrow at 29 Zinc Wash Boards. Richmond brand, tomorrow. to ' "fSaf'.i 52 jl'iLC MTON J L "X m- V it. CCUhll C,J m'f H ' tm I a Only $9.00 "v Foot Bath Tubs, 65c quality to morrow at 39C 25c Linen Mop, 15c Mop Stick tomorrow at 230 35c heavy Tin Steamers to morrow at w 1 9c Japanese Table Mats, 25c quulity, all sizes . . 50 98c Decorated Flour Cans. 50 lb., at G9C 59c Decorated Bread Boxes at only .... 39c 50c decorated Chamber Pails 29C 200 tomorrow 250 Ryes, fc 10 rolls Toilet Paper, for 5 packages Hooks and size 150 5 Wire or Wojden Coat Hangers for 150 $1.00 Willow Clothes Buskem. to morrow 90 H.nvv riali'nulvori W'hvIi Tubs. lain, medium mid ninull, worth C 98c, 89c mid T.h- -tomorrow I at f)r, and. 19 t Heavv Oa'vjiiii.ci Water Pallu, 10, 1 12 and 14-quart, Uc, 17 In the Field of Electricity T A Mlftfctr Power riaett. HE electrical power plant of the Interborough Street Railway company of greater New York, turns out more of "the Julco," as the niotormen call It, than any other power plant In tho world. The opening and operation and llfe-htlng of Belmont tubes from Manhattan to Brooklyn made a large draft on the power of the plant without materially strallng Its resources. The present equliuuent of the plant rep resents In engine capacity at normal rating approximately W.ouo elect r la horse-power. Those who have marvelled at the slse and power of the great locomotive which have lately been turned out to pull freight anl passenger trains across the continent may get a better Idea of how much power this la by the fact that It represent capacity of X4) of these locomotives. The engine capacity of the plant could be Increased easily at any time to lOO.otu horsepowei, and space even than would be left within the structure that would permit of the Installation of additional generators giving from 9J.0D0 to ffi.OuO-horse-power more, so that the plant as con structed by the Inturfcorough company may be said to have a capacity of 25.0UO-horse power. The subway Is using today only about 60.000. The engines that do all this work are located In the northerly section of tho builditg la bat la called the operating room. They are aa they stand the greatest single exhibit of steam, driven electilcal generators to be found anywhere. There are nine of these machines, each driven by an engine of from S.uuO to ll.)0 horsepower. These generators turn out whal the elec tricians call a high alternating current. This current goes through great cable to seven substations, one of which Is now In Brooklyn, and In thcBe station it la turned Into the direct current that Is fed to the third rail and moves the trains. Sandwiched In between the nine machine that drive the trains are three turbo alter nated, a they are called, each of 2,003 horsepower, which light the subway. Nor mally the lighting plant is Independent of the plant that operates the trains, but should an accident happen to the lighting plant the nine traction alternate could light and operate the subway at the same time. One of the Interesting features of the big power plant Is the fact that It can and frequently does operate not alone the subway throughout It entire length, but all of the elevated roads as well. In fact, the plant at 8eventy-fourth street, built for the elevated and the largest constructed prior to the completion of the subway plant, might be said to be a part of this plant lyiw. The two plants are connected by cable. When travel. Is llj;ht, particularly In the early morning hours, one plsnt la fre quently used to operate the entire system of subways and elevated roads. Klertrlcltv f u floines. The wonderful electric )muie, the Villi Ferla Kleetra, which has been built by M. Georgia Knap at Troyes. France, clean defines the part which electricity Is des tined to play in the home of the future. If not an exact type of what most houses will be In fifty or a hundred years' lim.-, it at any rate shows progress, says Klectro Kotes. From the exterior there Is nothing un usual about the house, unless ll is the total absence of a chimney. The gatej cannot be opened from the outside, but ai soon as the electric bell Is touched the portal swings slowly open and a mysteri ous voice, which seem to emanate from a small Iron box near the gate, bids you enter. Btranger than anything else, the voice has apparently recognised you and calls you by name. If you are a friend of the family. If a visitor arrive after dark the same push button, that rings the bell will light up the way. The eate swings In place a soon a you start toward the house. M. Knap, apprised electrically of your coming, will be found in the vesti bule awaiting you. With the first step inside tha house a ! small device automatically clean the sule of the visitor' shoe. Although the house is museum of elec trical Invention and convenience, the. din ing table Is the greatest wonder. No serv ants wait upon the diners. At the touch of a hidden switch the table I flooded In many colored lights. Beside each plat 1 a little glass and metal cylinder, which be come small electric radiators at the touch of a button. Foot warmers are also located "under the table opposite each chair. At the head of the table is a circular denk, Its center traversed by a curious metal strip, with a groove like a miniature tramway. At the touch of u button the disk In front of Mr. Knap disappears as If by magic and in its place appears a steam ing tureen of soup, which rapidly travels to the seal occupied by Mnie. Knap, while the sections i-Iokh uulckly and nolselemly. If the ladle happens to be rather awk wardly placed the tureen swings around and places the spo almost In hrr hand All this Is done by the press of a fln-rer on two buttons under the husband' con trol. After waiting for Mme. Knap to take what soup she wants the tureen passes of Its own accord around the groove In the table In front of each guext until all have been served. After it has completed the Journey It disappears as magically as it caiije. In a few minutes a receptacle for dirty dishes appears and waits patiently for Its load. There Is no rattle of Crock ery, no danger from careless servants, no noise and confusion of waiters. In this wonderful way all the food, from the de licious julienne to the coffee and cigars. Is served. If the room becomes slUhlly overheated tho Inventor ptesses another button and a cool, Bweet-scented brcese fans the gueels. The air is scented and cooled by passing over perfumed water. After the dinner the visitor are invited to inspect the wonderful house. The first place visited Is always the kitchen. Here everything 1 done by electricity. Fixed In the walla are switches, meters, etc., for controlling the apnaratus. The electric heat Is applied direct, and It only takes a few minutes to prepare the food. The dishes are all of aluminum, easy to clean, p.nd each designed especially for its work. On the kitchen table are a number of electrical utensils, including a mincing ma chine, a miniature churn for producing fretih butter, a coffee grinder, a buffer and polisher, and even an electric dish washer. There wo ulso shown the motor driven apparatus which waited on the table so nicely. In the laundry the clothing Is washed, dried and ironed by electricity. The guest chambers are heated and lighted and ven tilated by the current. Klectrlc bells, telephones and clgiu lighters abound. A simple electrical devioe notifies the serv ants in the basement of a visitor at the front gate. By a series of mirrors the owner of tho house can see his guest standing in the street. With the tele phonic apparatus he can talk with him from the den. and ut the press of a finger the gates swing open or shut. House of Representatives (Continued from I'age One.) and the house knows it. He Is getting his speech Into the records, whence he will have it reprinted and sent back to his con stituent?. The records fortunately will not disclose the fact that nobody paid the slightest at tention to the gentleman's remarks except the official stenographer, who had to get within six feet of him in order to hear what was said. These stenographers lead a feverish existence anyway. Sometimes a. small discussion crops up which interests a lew of the members. They manage to hear each other above the confusion. Al least they get a general Idea of what the others say. But tlu stenographer cannot be satisfied with a general Idea. He must have the exact language. So he scoots about from one to another, pad in hand, taking; notes as he go s. It would be disconcerting to mont men to have a stenographer loom up within a few feet as soon as they opened tl.elr mouths, but representatives got ustd to thut. , One of the funniest little ways of the house Is Its cuMom of letting loose who are Interested in a certain piece of legisla tion get together In a more or less com pact group a here they can hear and be heard by one another and where they go on with their arguments and their speeches without any notice at all from the sur rounding country, so to speak, the outlying desks where the uninterested continue their reading and writing, their talking and laughing. "Mr. Speaker," say Mann, as he jump into the argument. He fca It from force of habit, for on these occasions half the time his back is toward the speaker, who for his part 's deep In conference with somebody and doesn't knertv who has the floor unyway. But the novice up In the gallery ne-d not worry. If lu lu.'i to the capltol often enough to get over being a novic e he will see duvs come when the house Is crowded witn watchful, earnest men, analyzing mlnutciy a proposed piece of legislation, contesting or fighting for every Inch of Its way of paasuge, assailing the speaker with a rapid fire rleinand for ruliii'.s which le.it at oin Ills ability ami his hit flits'. He will rea'i then that work has bet n goim; on some where. That to sit in Ills seal and MM. n to small talk on small matt rs In not reniy the chief end of roii;;n imen. Tim! swap ping stories ha.i not t u the o. i eeu;i i- tlon of the men who have lx n turning I"1-' hoiise into a good imitation of a rav null There's no use celtiiiK into a piriir. the new repreHcnlat ive from (jrorv.t o '1 the other day. He teems 10 t' ilik tl'.'t becume the house doesn't milk' grand spciches about big bills every day an ' I asi a revolutionary inea.-ilie three timet, a wo, U nothing's doing He Is liable to find '-t his mistake later and e.en to v ii-li tln-re has been more Innocuous penio'i hills and fewer pieces of radical legislation u)l cut after his particular pattern. Musings of a Cjuic 80 long us a man isn't miserable T.e ought to be happy. After all, perhaps, a rolling stone Is moru lo be desired than a rolling gait. Many a fellow loi sn't get luarri-d be cause the gill s lather rmi'l afford it. The fellow who blows his ov.n horn may come out at the little end of It. Some times fate 'makes a hero of a man, but he can I always hold In.- Job. A man shouldn't gel hi! ha. lt up Just be cause lie Is told to hump himself. Many a man complain that he Is misun derstood when he is really unintelligible. If by any chance a woman should ask you to guess her age, lie like a gentleman. Just because a mun can t keep a straight face don't Jump to the conclusion that hit Is crooked. Lots of women seem to exercise more Judgment In choosing their friend than la thuosuig their husband. New Yuik 'X'Une.