JB REAL ESTATE LOANS LOAN OFFERINGS We have noma choice firm mortgages on hsnrt, netting a good rate of Interest. $1,500-5 YEA11S Ge Fruit farm, north of Florence, well Im proved. $1,300-5 YEARS 0 rooms, modern, on paved street. Just sold for $2,750. $5.)0-5 YEAHS-G0 Double brick flat building, 6 minutes walk from 16th and Farnam, will rent for lino a month. Building will be finished March 16. at which time money will bo wanted. . , HASTINGS & HEYDEN 104 Farnam Street., Bee Bldg. (26) MOOS 18 FARM MORTGAGES AND BODS Yielding 5ls to G Per Cent. When secured by farms your money Is safely Invested. We have over J7.500,ono of other people's money placed safely, secured by good farms. During twenty-one years of business no In vestor with us has lost a dollar, nor taken an acre of land. We now have some very choice mortgages which we shall be pleased to have you Inspect. We buy and sell approved school and municipal bonus. PETERS TRUST CO., Ground Floor, New York Life Bldg. (2!) MONEY TO LOAN WITHOUT ' DELAY. In sums of J5o0 and upward, on Improved Omaha real estate and Douglas and Sarpy county farms at lowest rates. Money on band no delay. Call or write. Garvin Bros., 1004 Farnam. . &)- LOWEST RATES Bemls. Paxton Block. . " . 422 J Mi ' OOLD or currency to loan on Improved city property. or on farm lands in Cass, Barpy, Douglas or Washington counties loans closed promptly; caHti on hand W. H. THOMAS, 603 First Natl6nal Hank Bldg. Tel. Doug. -1648; ind., A-1648. , W-MTU 16x PRIVATE MONET CASH ON HAND NO DELAY. J. II. M1THEN. DOS 1ST NAT. BANK BLDG. TEL. DO 00. Uii (2f Mil WANTED City loan. Peters Trust Co. V (Si) 643 MONET TO LOAN-Payne Investment Co. (i i43 MONET to loan on Improved city property Hastings & Heyden. 1704 farnam St. (22)-M PRIVATE money to loan; no delays. J H. Sherwood, ttlb-617 Brandels Bidg. . (2i-647 REAL ESTATH TilMn TVanted some J1.0U0 to $2,000 loans on good PATNE INVESTMENT COM PANT, First Floor N. T. Life Building. Telephone Douglas 1781. 1 (22) 606 17 REAL ESTATE WANTED WANTED To buy for cash, equity In two AP h M. t ( n . . n .. ...... . . . . rTB. osxe Bee. (23) U TWO small Improved properties of about $1,600 value; must be bargains and good revenue producers. Owners what have you 10 otter, (.no agents.) Acldrem p WW, care Bee. (23) M668 1) WANTED TO BORROW ivAniw iu ounnuw z,uvu on my home; cost $7,000, new and strictly mod ern, win pay i per cent, AUtlrees A-SW, care Bee. (24) 742 14 WANTED TO BUY SECONDHAND feed sacks. No amount too Urge or too small. Wagner, sol N. lth. . (26)-60 CASH paid for secondhand clothing, shoes, to. h)8 N. 16tn St. Tel. Red ttS. : (25)-661 .WANTED To buy secondhand furniture! cook and heating stoves, carpets, llno leuJ",,i,0,.f.,ce. furniture, old clothes, quilts and all kinds of tools, or will buy the furniture of your house complete. The Tel. Douglas J97L ,26) M179 M4 WANTED-TO RENT .WANTED For light housekeeping, three or more unfurnished rooms, with mod ern conveniences, within walking dis tance: references given and required. L. M. OberkoUer, care Y. M. C. A. 426 817 17x WANTED T rent 80 acres, furnished farm on share In crop. A Johnson, 471 go. iMh St.. Bo. Omaha. Neb. (2i)-it38 lt,x VvANTED To rent, not later than March 1st. 6 or 7-room house; must tie in good neighborhood, good condition and mod ern. Bee. (2b)-MM6 16x WANTED SITUATIONS CARRIED COUPLE wants situation, wife thorough, good cook; huaband as coach nian or uaiidy mail. Newly arrived from England. Address Ray P. O.. Kearney. OS1T10N wanted, young man, drug clerk; college experieuce. strictly tem perate; reliable; refereuce. Max Lmu brick, Beavcrvlaw, ku. (27) M64 lllx MIDDLE aged lady desires position as nurse to children under 4 years; speaks Uerroan and French; references ex changed. Address E. kl.. lilt No. JVth Bt, U7)-M7ls lbx TEAM or farm hand; good references J W. UeU, li4v Hartley bt., Omaha, Net. KiD Mult i2x ' V A NTKI l'ollloi as manager of lumber yard, by man of sven years experience. Address K 7, Bee. tZ7) M464 ljx POSITION wanted by a No. 1 all-around clerk. 10 years' experience in general merchandise; capable of management' reasonable wages; best references K iox 6. Hubbard, Neb. (27) Mti28 lsx oiTNQ ma.i desires place to Work far board while going to school. Boylea col luge. Telephone Douglas 1S64. t27 i BOY U years old wants work In private family for room and board. Write Joiin j Kuufe. 1617 Jackauii St. (i7) 746 ltix 'REIUHTON law student would like em t P'oynienl afternoons. stenographic or commercial work. First class ref.rencea. w Addreas C m. care Bee. t."7)-M7& 17x ALL-RorND printer wants position; $18 eek. Wire or write me at once at Fair V,ur; " -'l'n come immediately. H. B. Frasler. (-s, I6x WANTED Partner, active or client, with $1.J to to Join me fft a money inakiiig business. Absolutely no r sk. Address, for lulervtew only, H ., .re lu- tap 777 i; FIRST-CLASS bookkeeper and office man wants jlea.ty position; moderate mages; A No. 1 retereucea. Address a cure (Z7)-M7.& lx REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Ieeda filed for reonril n,hm is furnished by the Kerr Abstract Co.. bonded abstractors. 3r South Seventeenth street: E A. Kpni.nn and wife to Charles L Toma. lots 6. . 7. fi m ";.., Alhr,fch t Mlllnm 8. HUH- to fl.i.,rf iu. i.'.; I. Hillls a,in .7 , " r-siher noMnb.rg and. husband "Yr. l block IN. orchard Hill bounty treasurer to W'tninm itui-l 2,J0 750 Thirteenth street add ... . R'!.gJ.rJji nrr. .n,i w,fe to Y,iv,ie"c'. "' lots 11 to 15, block J. Irene Place 1 Total mount of transfers $2,S53 LEGAL NOTICES N'nI,CEThOP BTOCKHOLDERB- MEET i JhB . rpFulr "iniinl meeilng of "J.?S'tf,,dei:" "!: Bee P.il.l .: ng oomTaal will be In the Be, bulMlng. "corner 17'th Sal dav Mr,,"L",0,,2',ha- Nebraska, on Mn"l ?r7T' the president. HENRI A. HAS Kfc.l,u Secretary. Flfrdlot NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS' URET- m. Notice nnrujr given that th Tlt .ecretaryS H,M -- FARMERS' PROTECTOR v..W?.,,ted !'"l"'le men to sell our veh.clo scale; attaches to any wagon; " Prtl m have small amUuRt vr W "1,"arry tht,r tocl- Call for Mr. Vetxel, The Chatham. 110 South 13th l,S!",,ltl,1 February 18th and see sr.ule ucmonHtriitcd CEDAB SAPISS BCAI.B k KAOKim CO. Cedar Kaplds, lows, RAILROAD TIME CARD UNION UTATION lOtfe AND MARC Y. talea raclBe. , Leave. The Overland Limited. .a :tn am The Colorado Express.. a i;U) pm Atlantic Express The Oregon Express. ...a 4:10 pm The Los Angeles Lim..aU:ue pm The Fast Mall a .M am The China at Japan MaU a 4:00 pm North Platte Local a 7:4! ... Arrive, a :40 pm a 6:00 pm al0:l5 urn a 5:u0 pm a S:16 pra a 6:4a pm a 6:60 pm a 4:4a pm a 7:06 am b 1:40 pm Colo. -Chicago Special.. a 12:10 am ueaince & Btroms burg Local bl2:30 pm Chicago A N'orthnestera. -.s. Chicago Daylight a 7:25 am St. Paul-Minn. Exa a 7:60 am all:48 pm al0:00 pm a 3:28 pm a 3:28 pm a :45 am a 8:23 am a 8:0i) am all: 35 pm Chicago Local.. .all:30 am Sioux City I'assenaer ..a 7:o0 am ..a 4:30 urn Chicago Paswger Chicago Special ..a (:0o pin ..a 8:28 pm ..a 9:i pm ..al0:00 pm ..a 30 pm ..a 8:28 pm ..a 7:60 am ..b 7:50 am ..a 1:00 pm ..a 8:00 pm ..b 3:00 pm ..b 6:36 pm Mt. Paul Minn. Lim.. Los Angeles Limited.. Overland Limited Fast Mall :3 am a (:04 am a 3:20 am a 8:00 am a 5:40 pm al0:3o am a 1:40 pm a 6:40 pm b 6:40 pm b 1:36 pm Sioux City Local Twin City Limited... Norfolk-Konesteel ... Lincoln-Long Pine... Dead wood-Lincoln ... Casper-Shoshonl ..... Hastings-Superior ... Fremont-Albion Mlsaoari Paclfle. K. C. & St. L Txo.. .a S:00 am a 8:46 am a 6:60 pm K. C. & St. L. Exp all:15 pm Chlcagro Orat Western. Bt. Paul-Minneapolis.... 8:30 pm 7: am 11:36 pm 8:27 am 11:36 pm 01. raut-iviiiineapuiis Chicago 'Limited Chicago Express Chicago Express 7:30 am 8:05 pm 7:30 am 3:30 pm 3.3V pm Chicago, Hock Island t Paelflo. EAST. Chicago Limited a 3:00 am Iowa Local a 7:u0 am Dcs Moines Passenger.. a 4:00 pm Iowa Local bll:40am Chicago XEastern Ex. ..a 4:40 pm Chicago Flyer a 1:10 pm WEST. Rocky Mountain L't'd..all:15 pm 11:08 pm 4:30 pm al2:3o Dm b :66 pm a 1:1a pm 8:36 am a 2:50 am a 4:30 pm a 1:16 pm a 3:46 pm a 8:66 pm 1.010 ana uai. ex.... Okl. and Texas Ex. Illinois Central. Chicago Express ... 1:10 pm .a 4:40 pm .a 7:16 am Minn. & St. Paul Ex. .b 7:16 am Chicago Limited a 6:00 pm Minn. & 8t. Paul L't'd..a 8:30 pm a s:a am a 8:30 am inicago, Aiuwaalcee) Bt. Paal, Chic. & Colo. Special. ..a 7:23 am all -f,n r, Cal. & Ore. a 3:26 pm a 8:30 am all:M un a 8:30 am all:15 pm bl0:16 am Overland Limited a 8:68 pm Perry Local a 5:16 pm nsnu, St. Louis Express a 6:30 pm Bt. Louts Local (from Cout all Bluffs) a M am Btanberry Local (from Council Bluffs) b 6:00 pm BlllLlNGTOJt STA. 10th MASON. Burlington. Leave. ...a 4:10 pm ...a 4:10 pm ...a 4:10 pm ...ail:68 pm ....a 8:45 am ...a 9:15 am ...b 1:45 pm Arrive, a 8:46 pm a 3:46 pm a 8:45 pnt al0:l6 pm a :lu pm 6:10 pm ali:ll pm b 9:US am al0:li pm a 7:5o pm bl0:A am 8:60 am b iVsip'm a 7:2i ani all -46 pm a IM pm 8:30 am aJLiO am aU:S0 am a 6:30 am a 6:10 pm Denver & California. Northwest Special .., Black Hills Northwest Express . Nebraska points .... Nebranka Express ., Lincoln Fast Mail.., Lincoln Local Lincoln Local Lincoln Local Sscuyler - Platismouth.b 3:10 pm Belluvue Plattsmouth.a k:0 pm Plattsmouth - Iowa b 9:18 am Hcllevuc - Plattsmouth Denver Limited al l(l,.m Chicago Special a 7:40 am Chlcaao Kx Dress a i Vi. ..m Chicago Flyer a :S0 pm Iowa Local a 9:15 am St. Loula Express a 4:46 pm Kansas City A St, Joe .al0:46 pm Kansas City & St. Joe.. a 9:16 am Kansas City 4t St. Joe.. a 4:45 pro WEBSTER STA 1STM WEBSTER Chicago, t. Paal, Mlaaeapolia Omaha. Leave. b :30 am .a 3:06 pm .0 8:46 am Arrive, b 9:10 pm al0:60 am c 6:56 pm Twin City Passenger.. bioux city Passenger. Emerson Local , ; Mlsaoari Paelflo. Auburn Local .b 1:50 pra bll:2J am a Dully, b nll ttrani cr,u o . day only, d Daily exespt Saturday.' li.J except Monday ' OCEAN STEAMSHIPS I reoresent all UuKi. 11...., Can give you rats. salllnr lists, dial grama of steamers, in fact, all Information. If you conlemDlate a trln do not ,1.1a r securing accommodations before choice i.'i-tvLiuni are asHiirn,i City Ticket Office, 16th and Tarnain, w auoress narry Ji Moores, U. A. P. D.. Wabash Ry., Omaha, Neb. Evaporated Apples aad Dried Cr.li.. NEW YORK, fr'eh. I-i,'i-iwiditl , AIP1.ES Market Is oulet, w ith func r quoted at itllc; choke. c; prime 8 'os He; 190U frvit, 7410c JJKlr.O FKLITS Nutw.il,...!-. .v,. talk of strong statistical positions the spot market for prunes is unsettled, with the larger sizes easy. (Quotations range from 61 15c for California 'fruit and from 6Jj7c for Oregon. 80s to 80s. yipricois are unciiangrd, at 21t23c for choice; 230,25c for extra choice: 4 O us for fancy. Peaches rule steady, with choice quoted at 10tjllc; extra choice iri3c; lanoy, i:HSc; extra fancv 14i ! 4c. Raisins are dull and nominal with oose MiMcatet quoted at (tj7C' sealed raisins, UtJ3c: London layers! $1.65 'tfl.ta. Cofleo Market. NEW TORK. Feb. 16 COFFEE Mar ket for coffee futures closed steady net unchanged to 6 points lower, aalec w-o reported of l.$u0 bags. Including I ei ruary at .00c; March, 00fie&c: May 054j.10c; December, 35c. Spot cof fee, ateady; No. I Klo. f c; No. 4 bantoa c; mild coffee, steady; Cordova, hli 1 ,h I',att Land company will be he d at the office of said company at Lin coln Neb., at 11 o'clock a. m . on the SUJtt ter..i Mrr.n- A. D. 1W By order vnn iMjfliu ni I Itrunlnra r tT 1 c--iif.. mmmmm 9 Z2sZ n--. V "11 GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Valuei Are AdTancinp Slowly Be cause of Slight Offerings. 2 CABLES INFLUENCE WHEA Cora gkowed a Firm Toao ai Uriel Steady Drsvlte the Heavy Selling at the Start of Trading. OMAHA, Feb. 16. 1908. Light offerings encourage buying sr values are advanced slowly. Cables cam higher and much lighter Argentina cx pectatlons Were the ieadlna factors. Wheat opened steady. with offering much lighter and values worked slightly higher on buying, prompted by higher ca bles. Argentina shipments are expected to be much smaller for the next three weeks and this became a bull factor. May wheat opened at tnc and closed at !ic. Corn showed a firm (one and held steady despite some good selling at the start Bulls succeeded In boosting values by usln the firm cables and the llaht country ar rivals as factors. May corn opened at 65o ana closed at 65Vc. Oats were gradually run higher on heav buying, mostly by locals, and the Influence felt In the strength shown by wheat and corn. May oats opened at 48c and closed at mc. 1 Primary wheat receipts were 446.000 buh els and shipments of 2:6.noo buxhels. aMmt receipts last year of 443,000 bushels and ship ments of 34 bushels. Corn receipts were 48S.00I) bushils and shipments were 317.000 bushels, against re ceipts last year or 513,000 bushels and snip merits or 470,000 bushels. Clearances were 7.on0 bushels of corn none of oats, and wheat and flour equ to 412,000 bushels. Liverpool closed foA higher on whnt anil v,d rilgher on corn. Seaboard reported HO.000 bushels of whet ann iso.ouj ousneia or corn taken lor iv port. Local range of options: Articles. Open. Hlgh. Low. Close. Yes'y. Wheat May... Jon, 9o" 90'i 0H July... tfh 87 87 87V 87Vi Sept... 81 81 Vs 81 81 81 Corn May... 66 66 64T4. 65 64T, July... 64 64 64 ' 64 64 Sept... 63 634 63 M 63 Oats May... 48H 48 4S4 48 48 July... 43 43 43 43 43 Sept... 36 36 35 ft 3D Omaha Cash Trices. WHEAT No. 2 hard. 8K&lo: No. 3 hard, &(d87c; No. 4 hard, 8ouS6c; No. 3 spring, 81 WRN-No. 3, 621 W53c; No. 4. 6152o no grade, 6051c; No. 3 yellow, 53c; No. I wnite, 5J'a63c.: No. 4 white. 610, OATS No. 3 mixed, 4"4H7tc; No. 4 mixed, 47c; No. 3 white, 47V4(&l7c; No. 4 white, 4i(i4iIlc; standard, 47'a474C. RYE No. t 74t76c; No. 3, 70(82c. Carlot Receipts. Wheat. Corn. Oats. Chicago .... Minneapolis Omaha Duluth , 21 196 197 .217 . 10 . 71 ii CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS Feat ares of the Trading and Closing; Prices on Board of Trade. CHICAGO, Feb. 15. An advance In the price of wheat at foreign grain centers had a strengthening effect today on tne local wheat market, the May option closing at a gain of lc. Corn was up c, oats were c higher, and provisions were from 2c to 64410 higher. The wheat market onened easy on re newod selling by small houses, but prfces soon rallied moderately and throughout the remainder of the day a firmer tone was manifested. The chief reason for the lm proved tone was the strength of wheat at the leading European markets. A decrease In the movement of wheat In the southwest, however, Induced some purchases. Shorts were the principal bidders, but the volume of the trade was not large, owing to com paratlvely light offerings. The market closed steady. May opened unchanged to c lower at mwawtf, sold at 3$iKiMc and then advanced to 9374c. The close was at 93fco. Clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 442,000 bu. Primary recelpta wero ,uuo iu., compared wttti wo,w tne corresponding- day a year ago. Minneapolis, Duluth and Chicago reported receipts of 3:0 cars, as against 276 last week and 333 a year ago. The corn market was strong the entire session on active demand by leading bulls, Firm cables, small local receipts and un settled weather in the corn belt were the main strengthening factors. Offerings were scattered, but came largely from holders. The close was strong. May opened !h',c higher at 6u0c, advanced to 61c and closed at 61 c. Local receipts were 63 cars, with one of contract grade. Trade In oats was again of very small volume. The market was firm In sympathy wun me sirengtn or corn. A decrease In receipts, due to wet weather, also had a bulllnli effect. May opened a shade higher at 62c, sold off to 62itTi524,c and then advanced to 63c The close was at 52c. Local receipts were 197 cars. Provisions were rather weak early In the day, owing to free selling of pork by local longs. Later the market made a sub stantial rally on buying by. puckers, based on a 10c advance In live hogs At the close May pork was up 2(?t6c at $11.27641.30. lard was &S7c higher at $7.26 and ribs were 6c higher at $9.37. Estimated receipts for Monday: Wheat, a cars: corn, 120 cars; oats, 171 cars; hogs. 63,000 head. The leading futures ranged as follows: Articles. I Open. High. Low. Closo.l Tes'y. Wheat May July Sept. Corn May July Sept. Oats aMay bMay aJuly bJuly Pork May July Lard May July Ribs May July W7 88'i 6Xs 69 03 l 90 I 8rV8S 98! 0S m 80 87 6TI 6ti63 69 0f4t an BO fa 1.4 68 68 62 &hl 63 !52ii?iH 52 4152 60 5V5"Vul D'l'-,l DO 45V4o 45. OV4ilfc -S 44 11 26 44 44 44, 4374 11 SO 11 00 11 30 11 25 11 62 7 7 40 32 6 60 11 62 7 IT 11 67 U 421 U'CTHI 7 17 7 25 7 46 37' 7 40 35 6 60 7 371 6 40 6 7 721 0 6 6 671 No. I. a Old. b New. Cash quotations were as follows: FLOUR Easv: winter ruit.ntg tinker 4.55; winter straights. $4.nVa4.40; spring pot- j. ,.-... w, spring siraignis, X4.su4i l.w: bakers. $3.2fjti4.20. WHEAT No. 2 SDrlns- 11 OfiiS'l m- xi spring. 6-rjgi.06; No. 2 red. tl4r9374.o ' CORN No. . 2. 57Vir?5xiL,.- Vr, 9 ,.n. 694j0-. ' ' KY E No. :. 77c. BARLEY Faiv to choice )c. malting, s:g SEEDS Flnx, No. 1 Prime timothy, $480. grarlex, $:fl 4... PROVISIONS Short i. io6.:'2. M-.1SS pork. northwestern, $1.1S. Clover, contract ribs, sides (loose). per bhl., $10 "ti11.W. Lard, per l'X) lts., $7.00, Short clear sides iDoxeai. t. So v( 60. rollowlng were the receipts and ship ments of flour and grain: Receipts. Shipments Flour, bbls.. Wheat, bu.. Corn, bu Oats, bu Rye. bu Barley, bu.. 3i.4 i J-'.OO 316. .0 3a7.0 0 7.0) 2X.O0) lit. loo 2v. 4V) 48.000 the but- T.'.&iO On the Produce exchange today ter market was firm: creuiiu-ri... 2'.''j:Bc: ' - j ob". , i , 1 1 1 K . hi mar. t Included. lsnl9c: firsts. ac; prlmnrgts 21c; extras. 23c. Cheese. ea.y, lo"?1I " M"'apolls Grata Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Feb. 16. WH EAT Va v $1.01; July I1.WS; No. 1 h.roTll.W?; No. 1 northern. $1.0!i'4c; No. 2 nortl.eJn $1.01; No. 3 northern! WV'jv9c ' FLOVR Steady; first patents, $5 15H6 art second patents. I5.05ua.n: first clears. 14 lk t4.: second clears. $3.:3 46 BRAN Steady; in bulk, Uti.OO. nmriM , i. ., ,. .. . . . - - Philadelphia Prod nee Market. PHILADELPHIA. Pa.. Feb. 15. BUTTER Weak and lc lower; extra western cream- tAidO MUICI, UUt -gulet. but steady; western choice 00 mti Ilr to good, free 21c. rree cases. cajis. llfi 2 CHEESE Firm and In fair demand: New York full creams, fair to choice, 15al6c Liver pel Grain aad Provisions. LIVERPOOL Feb. 15. WH KAT Spot weak; No. 3 red. western .winter 7s 8i IMturee quiet; March, 7a Vid; May. 7s d' CvKN-oimH oioadi prime mUed, Amer THE OMAHA SUNDAY PEE: FEBRUARY 16, 1D0S. ican, new, old. 6s VI oe j'a: rnme miTed. American, new, northern. &a 2d. Futures steady; February nonunnj; March, 5sv1 .NEW YORK GENERAL MARKET taotatloaa of the- pay oa Commodities. NEW YORK, Feb. 15 FI-OUR-IWelpt nt.is.; exports. 9. bbls. ; market du and unsettled: Minnesota . pntents, l". 2 o.o"; winier siraignis, 4.4orn4.4f; Mlnn. jol bakers, $4.6iti6.0O; winter extras. $J.66.a4.1b winier paients. n.tvtm.H); winter lo grades, VI Ml 4 c o. ny flour, steady; ta io good, 4 iu0.15; choice to fancy, $.. .au. micawneat Hour, dull at 13.0) per iw iHtinnn, COHNMKAL Steady: fine white and vel low, $1.4041 1.4b; coarse, $1.8o(&1.4tf; kiln dtled, O..K. ktk uull; No. 3 western, 91c. f. o. b, New York. WHKAT-Recelpts, 40,000 bushels; exports, "'to nusneis; spot market stesdy; No, red, Kc, elevator, and 9'c, f. o. b., afloa INO. i northern Duluth, $1.13, f. o. b. afloat. io. t naro winter. !.",. f. o. b., ailoa "upenmg nigtier with the northwest, win a iaier eased off under liquidation, but ws eieacuer again near 'the close with corn nnai prices showing c net advance. $1.01 -ltp'l.0l, closed, $1.01; July, 9sc; closed, Sc. CORN Receipts, 103.200 bushels; Steady; No. 2. 68c. elevator, and sac. f May spot o. b afloat; No. 2 white, 2c, and No. 2 yellow k-h i. o. d.. anoat. uption market was steadier on strength In the market for wneai, closing h,'ac net higher. Ma viuru ki ,no; juiy, M(uwnc; closed a wc. ua it Receipts, 3K.000 bushels; spot quiet mixed oats, 26 to 32 pounds. 57 He: nature white, 26 to 32 pounds, 67ti80c; clipped o iu w puunos, oayiiTioc. HAY Stesdy; good to choice, 9&&11.0O. MOt'S vjulet; state common ' to choice J91!! CJ"P- KlSc: 44j8c; I'aclflc coast. HIDES Dull: Itoeota. ITUr- r.nr.i American, tVic. LEATHER Quiet. PROVISIONS Reef steailv- fimllv Hi m 1S14.50; mess. tlO.OlKr. lO.M: hcefa hm. I i:ji Vio.ow; packet, iii.60tui2.0U; city extra India !". iJ.JUfcvt..ni;. LMit. meats, steady; pick led bellies, $7.26fufl.OO; pickled hams, $x,00 i.ara sieaoy; western prime, $7.10 7.20; re fined quiet: continent. 17.80: Boom Amur tea. .; compound, $7.0Xu7.26. I'ork steady lamlly. 16.6m 1G.IX; short clears, $1o.0jJI n.v", llltfsn, lo. 10t(l14.0. TALLOW Steady; city, 6c; country, t6c. mi E Steady: domestlo . fair to extra a"V0vc; japan nominal. PO I LTR Y A live, quiet: western chick ens, 12c; fowls, 14c; turkeys, 14c; dressed, steady: western chickens. 104il7c turkeys, L'Kc; fowls, 10(&n4c. nv I l eh Weak: creamery sDecial. 32c extras, imgaiftc CHEESE Firm: unchanged. imuo-r irm iirst western. Zlc: case count, aru'Jtc. WEATHER IN THK GRAIN BELT Fair Sunday and Not Mnch Change In Temperature. OMAHA. Feb. 1R IMg The storm center noted over Oklahoma and the lower Missouri valley Friday morn ing inovea normeaBiwaro wun increasing energy ana is central over tne upper Ohio valley and lower lakes this mornlni. Thin disturbance was followed by high winds throughout the southwest, central valleys uu lower mo vaney and caused heavv rains in the middle MiBSissimil and (ihl,. vaiieys, ana is accompanied Uy rains and snows In the lake region and eastern states this morning. A decided dron in emperature followed the storm In the cen tral valleys and southern states. The weainer is warmer in me upper Missouri valley and throughout the west The weather will be fair in this vtcfhltv .o. night and Sunday, with not much change in temperature. OlllHha r.'.'nrH of tumtiura f , , clpltatlon) compared with the corresponding uuy ol me last inree years: 1908. 1907. 19fitt. 19TC Minimum temperature ... lii 36 d Precipitation 00 .00 .00 .00 normal temperature tor today, 24 degrees, uenciency in precipitation since March 1. .94 ' Inches. Deficiency corresponding period. In 1907, .ij iui:iiea. Deficiency corresponding nerlnd In ions 2.90 Inches. ' L. A. WELSH. Local Forecaster. St. Lapis General Market. BT. LOUIS. Feb. 15. WHEAT Firmer. ana mgner; track. No. 2 red. 96Rr98c: No. naro, sn((iwnc; May, SMic; July, 97c. CORN Strong: track. No. 2 cash, fifiia ooo; io. i wnite, oawti&x-. May, bic; t uiy, oi OATS Stronger; track, No. 2 cash, 60 Ull-, l.H. WIlllO, DlltOlC. it ik Nominal, soc. FLOUR Dull; red winter patents. $4.50 o; eiira tancy ana Straiunt. I4.0Q4i.a: wiraiH, io.wnj.ni. SEED Timothy, steady, $3.75 4.25. COHNMEAL Steady. $2.90. BRAN Dull; sacked, east track. $l.ff8. HAY Dull: timothy. SB.00tix16.o0: n.uirio $9.0011.50. IRON COTTON TIES $1.10. BAOGINO 10o. HEMP TWINE 11c. PROVISIONS Pork. steadv: lohhlno- $11.60. Lard, steady; prlmo steam. 16.95. ry salt meats, steady: boxed extra shorts. $7.12; clear ribs, $7.12; short clears, i.iti. Bacon, steady: boxed extra shorts. $7.87; clear ribs, $7.87; short clears. $8.12. POULTRY Steady; chickens, luc; spring, 12c; turkeys. 11c; ducks, 10c; geese. 6c. BITTER Firm; creamery, 34c; dairy, 34c. EGOS 22c; case count, l'jc. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 9.000 9,000 Wheat, bu 40.000 SS.oon Corn, bu 67.000 42.du0 Oats, bu 139.000 68,000 Kansas City Grain and Provisions. KANSAS CITY. Feb. 16. WHEAT Un changed to o higher; May 90c; July 84c. Cash, No. 2 hard. 92uttc; No. 3, UOftpbtc; No. 2. red, SS'al.oO; No. 3, 9ta9Sc. CORN Unchanged to lower. May. 66Wc: July. 66c. Cash, No. 2 and No. 8 mixed. 64c; No. 2 and No. 3 white, 64c. UA1H-uncnanged to lower: No. 2 white. 49a 50c; No. 2 mixed, 48(g4c RYE 77c. HAY Choice timothy, $11.0OS12.00: choice prairie, SKaboc lower; $8.60g9.00. BU ll ek-creamery, firm. 33c: pack I nr. steady, autc. EGOS Firm: fresh extras, 21c; firsts, Recelpta. Shipments. 41.OJ0 48,0:0 19.01(0 ' 17,000 12.000 11,000 18c. Wheat, bu. .. orn. bu Oats, bu Options at Kansas City: Articles. Open. Hlgh. Low. Close. Wheat j j May 90y4W 90i&S 90A Jury 84 848384 Corn May 64'Sn 65 54 56A July MVs 66 64 64-6B Mllnaakee Grain Market. MILWAUKEE. Wis.. Feb. 15. WHEAT Higher:, No. 1 northern, $1.0Va,1.07; No. 2 orthcrn. Il.n3fffl.0s; May. 9:i'if93c asked. BARLEY Dull: No. 2. 90c: samole. tifi JS6c. CORN Firm; No. 3 cash, 6467c: Mav. 61c asked. Peoria Market. PEORIA. Feb. 15.-CORN-Flrm : No. 3 ellow. SSfTM'Ac; No. 4, 53M541ic: no arade. 4W47c. UATS-Mlgner: no. 3 white. 494.(SCOUc: N". 4 white, 4g-19uc. WHISKY-31.36. Dalnth Grala Market. DULUTH, Feb. 15. WHEAT No. 1 north. ern, l.(rU 1.02; No. 2 northern, 9c; May. , Mkj . 1..... , OATS 48c. Toledo Seed Market. TOLEDO, Feb. 15.-SEED Clover, cash February and March. 111.65: April. Ill hi- October. $8.30. Timothy, prime, $2.-0; Alslke, prime, xiu.tu. Oils aad Roela. NEW YORK. Feb. 15,-OlLS-Cottonseed. rm; prime crude, 28i28c; prime yellow V- Petroleum, steady; refined New ork, $8.76; Philadelphia and Baltimore 70; Philadelphia and Baltimore, In bulk 95. Turpentine, easy at 63c. ' ROSIN yulet; strained, common to good ."XI. SAVANNAH. Oa., Feb. 15.-OIL-8r.lHt turpentine, auli-t at 48c. ROSIN Firm; A, B, C, $3.30; D. $3 30- E 3t; r , U40; U. $3 4073.46; ll, $:i.4ri3 6o; $3.76; K. $5 00: M. 15.40: W Q. Is 2fi vv w $6 35. Metal Market. NEW YORK, Feb. 15. METALS Mar- ets were quiet, as usual In the absence eablee. Tin was raDOrtrH . 28.75W29.S7. Copper la weak hot nominally unchanged, with lake quoted at 1312013 17; electrolytic. $12174 12Vs; casting. $1 1.7s U 13 87 tt. Iarf i. uiet, at 13.45 3.75. Spelter Is firm, at 4.80O4 85. Iron wan nominal!., nn. hanged. ST. LOITIB. Feb. 16. METAIJ4 I S3.6; apelur, $3.85. (MU1A LIVE STOCK MARKET No Material Trade Change Surrounding" Condition. PACKERS .DEMAND MORE HOGS Desirable Grades showing- Weight aad Qaallty Five Cents Higher Sheep Market la Good Coadltloa. sotmi Receipts were: OMAHA. Feb. 15, I. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Official Monday ... Official Tuesday ... Official Wednesday Official Thursday.. Official Friday ... Estimated Saturday 4.43H 6.567 S.5.9 7.3: 6,3 13.611 12.106 13,003 10,778 6,833 ,61 7.7W 3.72S S.078 111 Big days this week.... 18. 461 3.4 16.W7 .IS, 461 Same days Inst week.. ..17.844 . 67.420 33.090 Same days 3 weeks ago..l.748 66. KS 26.4ffl Same days 3 weeks ago..l9,l!t4 71.711 Same days 4 weeks ago.. 26.515 69.3(3 Same days last year.... 1001 51.719 19.51 30.723 27,185 The following table shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for the year to date, compared with last year: . ift. io7. Inc. Dec. Cattle 130.03 148.486 1S.4M Hogs 444 878 X1S SMO 125.938 Sheep 174,743 206,674 31,831 the following table shows the average price of hogs at South Omaha for the last several days, with comparisons: Date. 1908 .1807.1906.19O5.1904.1903.19O2, Feb. Feb. .... 6.... .... 7.... .... .... 10... 11... 12... 13... 14... 15... 80 3 6 83 6 76 12 Feb. 10 Feb. Feb. Feb. ( 74 6 01 6 99 6 721 6 76 6 00 Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. 6 71 6 02 6 721 6 02 6 811 5 96 6 80 6 93 5 0J Indicates Sunday. The Official nnmh., rt na r4 tftflr brought in today by each road was: r'nttlo ITn Dhwn Wl-'a C. M. A St. P. Rv.... 18 Wabash R. R 1 17 2 29 6 3 26 3 1 3 Union Pacific R R. . . 29 C. & N, W. Rv. (cKtl . C. N. W. Rv. twesn C. St. P., M & O. By. . C. B. & Q. Ry. (east). . C. B. & y. Ry. (west) . C, R. I. & r. (east). Illinois Central Rv C. G. W. Ry Total receipts 3 31 The disposition of the dav's receluts was as follows, each buyer purchasing the num- uer oi neaa indicated Cattle. Hogs. Sheep, l.ooo 1,K3 Omaha Packing Co. Swift and Company cuaany racking Co Armour ft Co Independent Packing Co. 1,994 2,078 14 450 Total 6,922 460 CATTLE As usual on Saturday there were practically no fresh receipts of cattle. The few odds and ends on sale were picked up at just abcut steady figures. Heceipts or tne weeK are about is.buo head, snowing an Increase of nearly 1,000 head over the previous week and fully 8.000 head over the second week of February a year ago. Quite a few very good, long-fed cattle are coming nut tne big bulk of the offerings show that eeoera are economizing on high priced corn. The market started out In rather bad ha. oe on Monday but since then the trend of values has been steadily upward and closing prices for practically all grades of beef are 10U16c higher than a week ago. There has been a well sustained demand from both packers and shippers for the well fatted cattle and several loads have been taken for direct export to Liverpool, the rirst time this has occurred in sever.ii months which Indicates a more satisfactory condition of tho trade on the other aide of the water. Local butchers have taken the light and handy weight cattle freely and although supplies have been rather liberal for the time of the year, the movement has been free from start to finish. Cows and heifers show fully as much ad vance for the week as fat cattle. The In quiry from local packers has been rather better than usual wnne a vigorous aemana for shltiolng account has enabled salesmen to realise strona brlces for all decent otter lngs. Packers wanted cheap beet anu cows nd heifers furnished this more saxisiaciory than the poor grades of steers. The market for veal calves nas neiu sieaoy an ween and bulls, stags, etc., are soiling -,at o.uo lably unchanged prices. On v a sma 11 volume oi business was done during the week In stockers and feeders, tills being due entirely to tae limited offerings. The demand has exceeded tha amirtiv most or tne time ana as u con sequence there has been advance of l4i'-'5c all Blmiir the line and the week closes with practically nothing left In the hands of yard traders to tie carriea over iu hu.i uutatlons on cattle: uooo 10 cnoice corn- fed steers, $5.Ui!6.; lair to good ciioice corn fed steers, $4.ii6.0U; common to fair com fed steurs. 13.76 0460; good to choice cows and belters, $3,064(4.60; fair to good cows and heifers, 33.2W.76; common to fair cows and heifers, 2.2&'a.w: gooo 10 holce stockers and feeders, t.iour. io, inr in stockers anu reeaera, a.ojwfi''. common to fair Blockers and feeders, $3.wXjf 60 ni w-!RThere was a very fair run of hogs here today for a Saturday and no material change in the general quality of the offer ings. In fact, there was very little change In the general conditions surrounding the trade, and for the most part prices were just about In Friday's notches. The de mand from packers was possibly a little better than on yesterduy, and some oi me more desirable grades, snowing weigni anu uality, were a shade to oc nigner man 'ridav. but on the light and mixed eiulf there was no material change. Receipts this weeg nave Deen noerai. twint iU.iiW head or only a few thousand less than last week, and some 13,000 head. more than for the same week last year. ha market has been soinewnat nuinp- backed. the high point being on ednes- av and the low spot on f ri.tay. wun a ..(lc aao urices are now about 1511-Vc lower and pretty close to the low point of the yeax. Packers have been taking the ogs very freely, considering tne excessive uuplles. ;but very little Improvement need be expected In the generul market until there are indications of a material decrease l receipts. Representative sales: No. 4.. 71.. 0.. 7t.. 70.. M.. .. 2.. At. ..lol ..184 .171 ..IKS ..mo .At ..2U0 ..1S6 ..170 ..m ..im ..171 ..x ..181 ,.1H3 lh. Pr. No. At. Btt. ..N$71 47 :H Si) l ll 73 til ... Pr. 4 06 4 i 4 06 4 Oi 4 06 4 06 4 04 4 07 4 07 4 OTS, 4 0', 4 07Vtj 4 07 4 07 4 07 4 07 4 07 4 07 4 07 4 07 4 10 4 10 4 10 4 W 4 10 4 10 4 10 4 10 4 10 4 HI . 4 lu 4 10 4 12 4 1- 4 U 4 12 4 11 4 12 4 16 4 16 4 It 4 16 ' 4 14 4 15 4 If 4 20 4 20 4 M 40 Ml 40 I 80 76 40 ... 8 86 . ti 211 ... 85 81 ilJ 160 I 85 (4 21 40 I 80 78 214 ... 8 80 72 244 ... I 80 76 SHi 80 8 60 78 2-t 0 I 80 46 142 ... I 80 ttt ... 8 P2V4 70 ta ... I ,i 217 ... I ZS 18 224 ... I 8. 44 248 130 I 22i 14 8 ... 8 82 47 2U 40 8 85 78 tii ... 1 06 12 218 ... 8 M fi 2 8 ... 2 85 4S 2iJ ... I 86 14 48 ... I 6 46 2..S ... I Vli (8 ... 4 00 47 838 ... 4 00 14 -i-i ... 4 U0 87 Ib8 SO 4 00 43 201 120 4 00 40 248 40 4 00 72 1 IT ... 4 UO 40 238 ... 4 00 67., tal 140 20 180 4.. 1.. rt . 40 78.. 40 St.. .. urn 1K4 m 1D0 fell 17 ta 77.. T.. 80 80 120 120 10 74. 13. 7S... TS... . .17 ..m ..i.l ..237 ..2S0 ..2i7 . .art ..tin ..21 ..IS .110 ... ..17 ..M .2-4 ..111 ..2U ..244 .in! ..(. ..il ..1I ..tb4 ..tit 46... 83... 6... 0... 40 70 , tl 40 210 ... 4 00 68 288 IM 71 2.8 ... 4 02V4 42 !t 4 C". 21 231 ... 78 m ... 4 l,2 88 t.7 80 77 20 4 42't 81 2-tl ... 4 Oiv. M 2J ... 78 212 ... 106 6) Dot Btt 76 244 80 4 tit 61 271 ... (7 261 SOU 4 04 U lol 160 4 tt 68 826 to 4 " 66 24W 83 17 IM 4 06 . 1.10 ... 40 2b4 ... 4 06 47 28 ... TV 221 ... 4 06 66 t.l3 ... 48 -U ... 4 06 42 lol 120 8HEEP Kecelots today consisted of wenty-elaht cars, of which twenty-seven double decks were Colorado lambs con- igned to eastern trading points and were nut offered for saie on this market. The market was steady at current quotations nd .the week closes in fair shape all round. Heceipts for the week foot ud In round umbers 26.UUO head, as against Xi.uuo head or last week and Z7,0U head a year ag.. he market has shown very little change throughout the week. On Munday price declined about 10c on fat lambs, especially those carrying much weight, but since that time the market baa Improved gradually, so that prices at the close are about luttfluo higher on tianay grades of mutton, sheep mi lain us. Choice yearlings sold UD to M.1S durlna the week, the highest price paid for that lass or sturt In some time, liandv mradra of wethers and yearlings wtre also free sellers. Colorado ewes ud native-fed 4 17 ( 93 I 74 81 4 261 86 t 63 4 77 4 2 6 91 6 63 4 83 481 4 16 6 81 6 67 4 74 4 20 87 6 69 4 64 4 89 ( 91 6 70 468489 4 09 5 72 4 77 6 02 4 17 6 90 4 77 5 00 4 22 6 91 6 72 6 00 4 13 6 91 6 78 4 81 4 96 4 02 6 88 6 90 4 84 C 92 5 84 4 86 1 4 98 The Updike Grain Co. COMMISSION GEFARTMErfT 708 to 714 Drandcts Dido OMAHA. -:- ... -- BROKERS GE&YIIVJ, PROVISIONS, STOCKS AMD BONDS -PR I VATS WIRES ToloplitMMi DouglM BViTa NEW YORK SIHI. -1 III.. Ill, m ll. m ,n , in LAEIISON BROS. & CO. O Board ol Trade, CHICAGO Established 1874 Grain and, Provisions OMAHA OFFICE: Room 600 Brandeis Building Talaphonas-Douglas 2567; Ind. A2567 C. E. HUNTER, Manager yir Patronage Solicltta. Call and See lit awaj Mll: i Hi 4-MIHtft Z. CUDDINGTON Successor lo Boyce Commission Co., 108 Board of Trade Bldg. Marglns-1 cent on grain. 12.00 on stock. Public and private roomi". lor customers. Best service in Omaha. A reliable company. ewes sold up to $S, also showing a fair ad vance over the preceding wek. There has been a very fair country de mand for feeding sheen and lambs. Vt ti ers sold up to 4.9, lambs up to $6.2ki6.40 and yearlings up lo !. m a circular to their customers one firm says: With the large runs of hogs It would look as If the packers are going to get plenty of pork, and they can produce beef cheaper than they can mutton and we cannot- see where, unless we get ex tremely Hunt recelnt. Ihi.ru nrlll Iu rw....,h change In the market In the near future. However, we think for the late spring market we will see good prices, as we be lieve both pork and beef will be higher then. Quotations on mml tn rl.nlro r.t.1 h.o and lambs: Lambs, l.40if,.90; light Vear- llng wethers. $f.00&.15: heavv yearling X'J6-306-: wethers. &.0Wa6.30; ewes, 4 Hwj.OO. Representative sales: CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MAIIKET Cattle, Hogs, ftheep and Umbi Are Steady. CHICAGO. Feb. It -f-ATTI.u.Tl.A.i.... about ax head; rharket steady; calves, 5 26 : westerns. J3.804f4.76; stockers and feeders. J2.704i4.80. HOGS Receipts, about 16,000 head; mar ,teadyi "tfhts, J4.0m-a4.i2H; mixed, J4.06 4H.J0; heavy. J4.064i4.8ft; rough, J4.06fiM.16: pigs. J3.50irjt.l5: bulk of sales. J4.2K&4.25 HUKhIP AND l.Mna.Ran.ini. x,.... 15.000 head: market ai 6.30; western, J3.2tXS6.25; yearlings,' KVMe 6.20; lambs. $5.oik-(6.20; lambs, J5.0liia 90; westerns, J6.O0ii6.no. Kansas Cltr Llvt Stock Market. KANSAS CITY. Mo., Feb. lk-CATTLE-Receipts, 1.000 head; market. 16c higher; choice export and dressed beef steers. t.j.S f.6;?5: falr (food, J4.2o&6.76; western steers, J4.1u&6.4u; stockers and feeders, J3.40t 4.P0; southern steers, J4.0oi5.70; southern v..to, .rn!w.iu. native cows, z.ti(n.iir, native heifers, J3.4tKfi4.10; bulls, J.12552fi; calves, J3.75JtH.26. Receipts for week M'-ig today, 37,400 head. HOGS Receipts. 6,000 head; market closed sternly and 5c higher; top, .i:,: bulk of sales, J1.10&4.30; heavy, J4.20eu4.32; packers, J4.06ifr4.3O; pigs and lights, J3.'W(f) 4.16. Receipts for the week ending today, 94,iieO head. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 200 head; market, steady; lumlis. J6.2yfi1.tit1; ewes and yearlings, J4.50Ki6.50; wester! yearlings. J5.5oru6.25; western slieen. J3.2"(fJ 4.25; stockers and feeders. J3.NOCc;6.00. Re ceipts for week ending today, 40,100 head. Bt. Loots I.lve Stock' Market. ST. LOITIS, Mo., Feb. 15. CATTLE Receipts, 200 head. Including 75 Texans; market, steady; native shipping and ex port steers, J&.BOJrS.OO; dressed beef nnd butcher steers, J4.7oCi6.40; steers under 1 000 lbs., J3.7ti4.60; stoi'kers and finders. J2.4itf(l 4; cows and heifers J3.ixkJi6.00; cannera, J1.75rq2.i5; bulls, J2.6ifj4.6t; calves, J3.6C511 "M; Texas and Indian steers, J2.J04j5.26; cows and heifers, Jl.7f.fa4.00. HtXSS Receipts, J.OIK) head: market, steadv; pigs and llghta, J3.5(g'4.30; packers, JIOoCl.35; butchers and best heavy, 44.3U4P No sheep on sale. St. Joseph 1,1 ve Stoek Market. ST. JOSEPH. Feb. 15.-CATTLE Re ceipts, 4S5 head; market steady; natives, JI.76(n.O0; cows and heifers, J2.26ctjo.00; stockers and feeders. J3.5tKii4.DO. HOGS Receipts, 6.503 head; market closed weak; top, J4.30; bulk, J4.(GQ4.25. SHEEP AND LAMBSReceipts, 1,104 head; lambs, J6.00t(li.ii6; yearlings, J5.50L(6.i5. glonz Cltr Live Stock Market. SIOL'X CITY, la., Feb. 15.-fSpeclal Tele gram.) CATTLE Receipts, 150 head; mar kit strong; beeves, J3.5tti5.50; cows and hi-lfers, J2.50(fjl.5O; Blockers and feeders, iixmi.S; culves and yearlings, J2.aOtf3.50. HOOS Receipts. 3.7oO head; murket strong; selling at J3.9o(i4.6; bulk of saLs, M.utW 4.10. Stork In Sight. Receipts of live stock at the six prin cipal western markets yesterday: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. South Omaha Sioux City .. Kansas City St. Louis .... St. Joseph .. Chicago 111 8.S33 8.7iiO 7.7K9 150 1,H) 200 4S5 2UU 2.146 6,000 3.KI0 6.503 15.000 "206 i'.VA lp.UO0 Totals . OMAHA 39,033 24,103 MARKET. VHOLESstn EGGS Fresh selling eggs, candled, 20o. BUTTER Common. 16c; fancy tub ana rolls. lTfrl'Jc; creamery, 30c. CHEESE New full cream, Wisconsin twins. 17c: new full cream brick. 17c: do mestic new Swiss, lkc; new Umburger, liqjj ilK. , VUUII Allin itfgM. LIVE POULTRY Springs, 80; hens, 80; roorters, 3c: ducks, 8c; geese, ile; turkey a l.Vic; pigeons, 60c per dox. DRESSED POULTRY-aurlngs. fancy, to; hens, Kc; roosters. 4c; ducks, 11c; geese. kVc; turkeys, l&ulTo. ti AX Choice iso. 1 upiana, i.ou; meaium, J8.60; No. 1 bottom, J5.00; off grades, from J4.00 to Jj.OO. Rye straw, 17.00, No. 1 al falfa. Jlt.50. VEGETABLES. POTATOES-Per Du., 63T5c. BVVEET pOTA'fCliS-Kanhag, per bbl 12.75. LETTUCE Florida bead, pr hamper, (loo. per dox., 40a. CUCUMBERS Hot house, I dox., fancy, pet box, 3.uu; J doa. ckolce, per box, J1.50l ItADldHeld Hot house, per dosen. 4oc. PARSLEY Per dox., 4vu. PEPPERU Florida, -basket crates, per crate, tl.oo. PARSNIPS-Old. per bbl.. C 26. CARROTS AND TURNIPS-' )ld, per bbL, J2 Ou; Canada Rutabages, per lb., lc CABBAUE Vi Utiism ilolland Eccd, per lb.. l'c. ONIONS Spanish, pet crate. JL60; Wl. consln Red Globe, per lb., lc SHALLOTS Per doa.. (uo. TOMATOES l lorloa, extra fancy, oer t basket crate. J6.00; choice. Der basket crate. $4.00; Cuban, fancy, per -basket crate, 44.00. t'AULiKLUwtK-rw r-doa. crate. J4.04V HORSEHADD1SH Per do., foe. CELERY Michigan., per bunch. X423&0, KUMUUATS Otnuig to duality. Ber at- JOc to 4uc. BRUcbEL SPROUTS, per Qt.. 20c to Sac. STRAWBERRIES Owing to quality, 60 NAVY BEANo-Per bu., No. i. Jlat; Lima, la per lb- FRUIT" APPLES Waahlnrtoa Snow. . nev Iwtw. 1 W; Washington Junatnans, per box, 11.76; Washington Roman Beauties, per box. 81.76: Washington Alexanders, per box, J1.71; Washington Blue Pearmalns. per box, Jl.ri; Washington Red Cheek Pippins, per box. II. ?b; Washing ton Kings, per box, JLJSi NED. -I- CHICAGO Bargains in Stock 10li MINKS CO. AMFCR (pari 20 par cnt.. 1" BANITOI. t HK.MICAL Ipays 8 pr ceot.. 6e SANlTtll. fHKMrCAL, .. 60 DIM KSTRKLLAS (part 24 per wntl..! B IH)B KSTKKIJ.A3 (para 24 per cent)... m KKNDAt.L (K)l.I), MONT. (dlT.) W KENDALL OoLD, MONT k SNOWSTORM, lrta. rtl ) 4 ORHMAN AMKR. I'd PKKH M OKRMAN AMKR. COFKKR 26 rtllCA(l(-N. Y. AIR I.INB .... K V' ELLINGTON ASSOCIATION (41V) ... SOO KL FAVOR (trei. ainrkl .. 2.K' AMERICAN TELKdll APHONK M TRllll'LLlON COMMON 18 KINO CROWTHKR I CASH 11UVKR3 UNION (new) .'. .$ 1.1 : Y . 1.4 . 121 . 1.0 . 110 1 o . Hid . 4t.M . 10.611 . M . .a . tbt . 8 so . 11.60 . 7.00 600 Klnn Sol., 100 li0 Empire Tun., 11c 1J His Alllanre, 6c. ,6000 CM. Hub. o 11 fox Optlral. bid. 10IO Hon. Endeavor, 2o 3000 Brant Indep., 7c 400 Two Queent, 6i v0 Lucanla Tun.. Uo 600 ctd. Huh, to leoo lit. West. O. R.. Ukt. MO Aria. O. C, 17c lmw Anchor ). A o., 2a C0UO Dalay riorenca, 17o Bend tor 1)10 COMHINA TION OFFER 8 Storka. FKRRVARY NKWS LETTER JfST OUT-FREE. We pay cash for aetlva atotka. WESTERN BUSINESS EXCHANGE 125 EaBalls Ut. OXIOAOO, ttt. W. Farnam Smith & Co. Stocks, Bonds, Investment Securities. 1320 Farnam & 1 TEL. Bell, inei, r , . . B11' "64jIndeieiideat. AlOtM. KKCEIVER'S SAI.K. On March 3rd. at Richmond, Texas, the Assets of Brazoria Irrigation Company, comprising complete Rice Irrigation plant houses, etc. 1700 A.-ivm ..r "i.-J7 ..i V.7..J crossed by four railroads, within short dls. ui me tines or Houston & Galves- ujMnri (Jrice SiOO,0UU. For full details In- quire or XABIOW DOtTOLAS, KeoeiTer. uAiiV .3 I UJN, THXAB. Washington Bailey Sweet, per box. JITS: Washington No. Bpys. per box. J1.76; CalU forrila Red Pearmalns, 4-tier, per box. J2 uo California Belleflower. i-tiew oer Oux 12.00; New York Baldwins, per bbl.. J4 aV New York Nurthern Spies, per bbl. w'iiv New York. assirtea varleUiis. per bbl' U Sl' TROPICAL. Flint tg. 'mk 25A?K,?.FanV'v """""""kton navels, h AK7 Jnul' Whler Nellie, per 11 sizes, per fcog, J2.76; extra fancy Bun flower. a!l sixes, per box. J3 00; California Tangerines, ituo slse and smaller, per box. "GRAPE FRUIT Florida. 64 and 80 slse. per box. 16.00. ' GRAPEB -Malaga, choice, per keg J4 00 1 e. H.3b; extra rant, miu ueav, FIQ8 AND DATES-Smyrnu fg,. t. erown. per Jb.. J40Uc; Sravroa figs t t'VtlWIl I, a 'K 1'... ....... i . . - -' 1 , . 1 a ii i r (i a UVl 10 Fard dates. 13-lh. br. r,- 1V1. CRANBERRIES Extra fancy Bell and Bugle per bbl.. J10.00; exira rancy Jewey. LEMONS Extra fancy boutnerlanif Beauty. Sou and W sie. pir box. ex box "if" jLatritu- J sue.' p.r MISCELUNEOL'S, CANNED 0JODa-Con. stubOard west rn, 76c. Tomatoes, fancy, s-pound cans! U.40; standard. J pouua cam .aU f.?" ll.JfcWil.3t. Ga.ion apples. Jl.60; California spilcots. .oto3.o. Pers lii.a V? Peaches. $1..16. U C.e.che'stlOJ 1.16. Alaska salmon, red. 41 u tZiuH Clanook. flat. 'fancy sJckey. "n.y 12.16. Sardines, quarter oil. Z: htii: wul4rd, J3.86. Bwei potaio.V. Jl.anil.J6. Sauerkraut. k5o. Purepiuns sua S1- KUm, bo""- "-Pound, iil io? kWked beaua. J-puund. tug fancy, JtXwJliifc Cotton Market. NEW YORK, Feb. W.-COTTON-Futurea opened steady; Marcli, lo.tfcc; May loJ.ii -July. 10.51c; October. B.Slc. -tK,, Futures cloned steady; February. 10.43c Mur. l. 10 63c; April, lO.fcOcj l0 M,.: June, lO.aiK'; July, W.tiic; Augual, w ,r; October, D.ouc. December, 9.K6c. Spot 4-losed quiet; middling uplands. H.iiJc; middlliig gulf, I1.WS-; no salt's. LIVERPtXiL. Feb. 13 COTTON In fair d.-niand; price points lower; American middling, fair, 6 ud; good Huddling it 11,1 middling, tU6d; low middling, a.MU; Kood ordinary, 6.3ad; ordinary. 4 tod The sales of tho day wem 3,000 bales of which 3..0 bales were for shipment and ev port. Including J.soo Americans. Ri.,ii,u &.J00 bales all Americans. Futures op.n.-,i steady and closed steady; American, o C.: rebruary. 6.72d; February-Mareh 5. nWl March-April 6.71W; April-May! 6.71d; May-June, 6.70d; June-Julv. 5td: ST. lAJl'IS, Mo. Feb 15t'n'n'nw Dull; middling. 1,; sales, uom??&7 bales 22! bales; stock, n.oJi NEW ORLEANS. Feb. ls!-COTTON-SlHjt quiet; low ordinary, 70 nominal; or dinary 8 6-lfto nominal; good ordinary m.c- low mlddllnr. lo4c; middling, lHc; good miuaiitig. 11 J5-16C; middling fair 12 7-I6L'; lecuipts, "-' , saies, a.iuo liales 6.748 bales; stock. ai.SSu bales. agar aad Molasses. NEW YORK. Feb. 15.-BIOA R-Ra w. f a(J.:-f'''r r-flnl. 3.17c; centrifugal, W . . -; """'asses sugar, refined, quiet ; No. (, 4.5oc; No. 7, 4.46c; No. K. 4 i-v No. 8, 4.3w; No. lo 4 26-; No. 11, 4 20c- No 12, 4.15c; No. 13. 4KH-; No. 14, 40t; con fectioners A. 4 70c; mould A, 6.2&c- cut loaf, 6.7oc; crushed. 6.6o-; powdered 6c: granulated. 4 hoc; culies. 6.15c. ' MOLAHSKS Steady; New Orleans kettle, good to choice. 2Vu42c. open Wool Market. ST. LOITIB, Mo., F.b. 15. WOOL Steady; medium trraui a. comhlnir un.l clothing. lDrtjlWc; light fine. lV4f lfc-; htawy tigs. t , vii, per ID, iuuillc: Ualiri .n u xum ....... cartons, bficj California lis a tw'ixea sSi'."?."'!! :. iRl,fornm per lb. to; Hallowl dates, per lt., 8Vc; Kbadrawl dales, trr lb.. 6c: fl.lr Aut i. -fV. Hue, lit('l7c; tub washed, 2ojJc