Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 16, 1908, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 4, Image 12

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Want - ads
Advertleententn ta the wast ad
relamaa will K lakra aatll It as. for
th edition and aatll . ia.
for lae Mralc and Bandar edltlonm.
CJ mast aeromannr all nrdere for
ul ade mm mm (4rr1tranl will
t a ted far Inu than lO eeata tow
rat Inevrtlon.'
Hat apply ta cither Taa Dally ar
lt4r Bee,
Alitan mill als words ta a llaa.
Caathlaatlaaa af laltlals ar nattn
ncni'i An rt lltliririTln Oa
Ineertlan, per 1 1 a, 10 Twa ar
sera e-oaaeeatlve Ineertlone, per llaa,
reals. Each Insertion aa ad
4ar, 14) reals per llaa. fl.BO per
' llaa per month..
aar advertisement la Inserted aader
ar mm af the elaaalflcatloaa given
below. It wlU ba charged at the fol
lowing; rateai Oaa laaertlon, 4 eeata
llaei tare ta six eaaaeeatlre ln
ertlona, 8 eeata per llaa each laser
v lom ktc ar mare eaaaeeatlva laser
Maas, 8 eeata per llaa each Insertion
) eeata per llaa per montk.
Except Areata, Solicitors aad Sale.
Cawa, Birds, Uoeja sal Pets.
Hersea aaal Vehicle.
Poaltry sat EcaTK
Faraltara. '
Typewrit era aad liwlif Haehlaea.
Flamoa, Urgaaa aad Musical 1 astro
Faralshed Reossa.
VafaraUMcd Rooms,
Hourkeeylsg Raaat. '
Board lac aad Raaaaa.
Want ads for Taa Baa way ba left
at aar of the following drear stores
aaa la "rear ceraer dcusjgUit" they
are ail braaoh offices of The Ilea aad
V rear ad will ba laaerted Jaat as
promptly aad oa the name ratea aa at
the amaia office la The Bee Balldlas,
' aeveateeath aad Faraaaa Itraets.
Albach, W. C, Wlu aud Farmiiu,
BeraueK, 8. A., 14t o. 16th bu
Uecht Pharmacy, liW B. Ifclh bt.
Benson Pharmacy, Benson, Neo.
iieiuia i'eik pharmacy, ud una Cumin.
Biake'a Phartuacy, bherman Ave.
Cauglilin, C. K., Ui and Pleroe bis.
Clilion iilll Pharmacy, 8213 Miiuary Ave.
Coule, J. 11., Hist Ave. and Farnauv.
Crissey Pharmacy, Miti and Lao bis.
Ceriuak, Uuiil, le4- b. lUi bu
Eaatuian Pharmacy, gsv Leavenworth.
l'slcr Aruuliil, Hi H. 2&U1 bU
Freyiag. John J., 1914 N. X4ih.
Florence Drug Co., If luiencu. Neb.
Uoluiuan Pharmacy, 20th aud Lake,
Ureeu's Pharmacy, corner I'm it Ave. and
Ureenuugh, O. A., 1025 S. Wtb. BU
Ureanuugti, U. A 1W4 b. loin, bt.
liajueu, Wm. C. 'iia) i?arnam bt.
Umuuum l'uarnmty, luwi d. 28th
Hoist. John, 624 N. 16th Bt.
iiulf, A. Lk, itC4 Leavenworth 8U
kui, 11. b., Lu fr'ainam uu
KounUt Hues t'barnmuy, lw4 N. 2411).
Patrick Lru Co., lt4 M. E4llt BU
LiUirop, ClJUJlBS lii., 1U4 M. 441U 8t.
fey ton, L. K., 24U1 uid Leaveu worth,
buratuita Drug Co., Mlh and Allies Ave.
buhaetcr a Cut trioe DrUK Co., mill and
benaefer, August, 'MU N. mh 6U
bcuiutdl, J. ii-. MUi and Cuming Sta.
blorin i'harmauy, ltim and Martha rlts.
Valnut UUI ftiarniacy, 4uih and Cuiulug.
Valtou Pharmacy, iSuui and Urace.
Worln, U. U., tutu and itaiAiiiwn bl.
BIJXT Ouatava b., February 14, 1908J aged
o years, v
The funeral of Oustave F. llllxt will be
held Tuesday at i p. in. from his late home,
HIM. burl street, interment will be ln'i'or
ent Lawn ceiiietey.
OltOOM Mary Ann Elisabeth, Feb. 14.
Funeral from reHideuce of dauKiiloj, Mrs.
Mottus, 2127 Farnam, bunday, neb. lu, at
11 o'clock, noon, luternieiit, Council Uluft's.
KUNYON-Mra. Ellxa, Feb. 14, 1!08, aged 8
Funeral Bunday at 2:30 p. m. from resi
dence of her daughter, Mrs. Dora Thomp
son, Eth and Mauleon tit., Florence, Neb.
Interment, Forest Lawn cemetery. Friend
The following marriage licenses have
been issued:
- Kaiuo and Residence, Age
,?. I, unu4"a 26
vii, 3jvnt:iiif er, umana.MM.i,. ......
Ignao Butkua, South Omaha
LarUira Pupaxalte, Bouth Omaha...
John C. Lueth, Avoca, la
Kintlla TellewBky, South Omaha
Joseph Q. Dunn, Pittsburg, Pa.......
Uugeula C. Camberg, Omaha
We wish to extend our heartfelt thanks
to all our kind friends and neighbors and
especially the National Live block Co of
bouth Omaha, the Orpheum employes, the
J. I Iiraiidcla & Hons employes and A
Booth & Co. and employes, for their beau
tiful floral offerings and kind attentlona
shown us during our recent bereavement
Mn the loas of our beloved husband, son
and brother, Binion K. Kohn.
We wish to express our sincere apprecia
tion or sympathy and kindness shown by
friends and neighbors In our recent be
reavement in the death of our beloved
daughter and sister, Gertrude
Ilirths Robert Dosler, 41S Bouth Twenty
fifth streeU boi John Prlnosil, Hl William
street, girl; lLvM. Bellinger. 10&4V4 Bouth
Twentieth street. , girl ; John W. Hinson.
1713 bouth Seventh street, boy; H. Brldwelt
iSHi Lake street, girl; John P. Bolaud. 2714
bouth Sixteenth stroet, boy.
Deaths-Harry iO. Straight, 431 North
Twenty-fourth street, 4U years; Mra. Elian
Runyon, 7w Bouth Fifth street, tti ynrtr
Mary Ann Kllsabeth Groom, ai27 Farnain
street, DO years; Mrs. Jsnette Vogan,
North Sixteenth streeU 15) years; Alfred
II. Palmer, 4K3 Davenport streeU years.
BEND for our list of second-hand automa.
bUea. DEK1QHT. l&i Farnatn. w-4it
llOLSMAN for aale, rondel 10, alightly used,
fine condition; coet tSt. A liftmaln. l7
W. Morsman. 616 M, V. Life BldK.
(2 M708 16x
FIRE 8TONBJ Auto tires at Karbaoh'a.
IZ-M9U March 1
TAKKN on foreclosure, Jackson 46-horse-power
and Rambler 18-horseower tour
ing cars; practically new cars; positively
cheap for cah. Come or wire. H Hut
ler, Northwood, la. (lij cj8 lsx
When writing to advertisers, remember It
only takes a stroke or two of the pen
to mention Uia fact that you saw the ad
In The Bee.
The telegraph department of the Omaha
Commercial college. Uth and Farnam bis.,
has been made aa official achoel of ui
raph of the U. P. U. H. Co. Students
(uaranteed poalUona on U. P. R. R. Write
uf at once. Addresa llohrboagh Bros..
Otnaha. Neb. . U Mo FebU
THh! C1TT GARBAGE 'X.. off
Lavu worth bia. Tel. Doug1
tlGN PAJfiH.NUa. IU CVLil,
Ice 4th and I
, lM. Doug. I
The old method of serving aeveral yeara
an a messenger or helper to become a
telegrapher is becoming aa obsolete aa
It Is becoming unsatisfactory ta the su
perintendents and managers of big rail
road systems, gigantic telegraph com
panies and brokerage concerns.
now has the largest and moat complete
telegraphy department ' throughout the
entire west And, depend upon It, It
would not be teaching telegraphy at all
unless it waa in a position to produce
Ipractlcal telegraph operator men and
women whs can send and receive with
"chained lightning" rapidity and un
erring accuracy
If It was not equipped to graduate pu
pils who would have every technicality,
every trick of the art, every Utile
"knack" of telegraphy at their fingers'
ends, it would not have been selected
as an official training school by .the
Union Pad f la R. R., and the Union Pa
cific R. , R. would not have installed
Its main line train dispatcher's wire
Into the school and guaranteed to take
all the competent telegraphers It pro
duces; and the Union Pacific R. ' H.
would not be furnishing Boyles College
with all its telegraph 'and railroad
blanks to be used in the telegraphy de
partment, free of. charge.
The Union Pacific R. R. is doing these
very things andencouraging Boyies Col
lege telegraphy department In order to
help supply the demand for telegraph
operators for Its system. It must be un
derstood, howeveri that it Is not a re
quirement of Boyles College thut any
student accept a position with this com
pany unless he chooses to do so. Seven
teen other rail ron d center here and are
needing hundreds of telegraphers now
and will continue to be calling for them
for years to come.
A special telegraphy booklet Is furnished
promptly to any person upon applica
tion. A 7S-page catalogue is also published,
covering all departments of the school.
Apply for either or both of them.
10th and Farnam Sts.
TEED. We have the moat thorough and
practical telegraph ' school in the conn,
try. Every convenience for students'
benefit, including motors, dynamos,
BWltchboards, railroad blanks and book
and all kinds of telegraph Instruments.
Wecan make an operator out of you If
you want to be one. Write at once for
full particulars, FREE.
Omaha, Neb.
ARKANSAS FARM 160 Improved, and
other property for sale or trade. Acme
Exchange Co., Cherokee, la.
(3) M710 Mch. 13x
HAVE 160 acres good land to exchange for
$4,uuu or )5,uu stock of drugs. For par
ticulars address Box 483, Albion, Neb.
U MG27 17x
Have a good mining stock to trade. What
have you 7 L 634, care Bee.' (8 4
FOR EXCHANGE Good clean stook of
general merchandise Invoicing about
tM.UW, located In good county seat town
in western - Nebraska, to exchange for
land In northwestern Nebraska or south
eastern Wyoming; land must be clear of
encumbrance; give complete -description in
first letter.
309 Clapp block, Des Moines, Ta. '
(3) M716 16x
WE have a client who has 160 acres of
land In Minnesota valued at f4,K00 and
about 14.000 in cash to exchange for stock
of merchandise; give full particulars in
first letter.
306 Bo. 18th BU
C3)-M5S5 17
A fine farm of 180 acres Zhi miles from a
good little R. R. town In Harrison county,
Iowa; 126 acres In cultivation; fair Improve
ments; price, 176 per acre; enc. $5,Ouo; want
stock of hardware or merchandise for
Room 4, 1st Nat. Bank BUlg.
t3) MX3 17x
WANT a first-class lunch counter or
rooming house. Have North Or South
Dakota land. Land well located. Price
right. Will consider nothing but a live
proposition. Other good property. Ad
dress W. G. Clark, Murray Hotel. Omaha,
Neb. (3) M63ii ISx
FOR SALE Or trade, 640-acre ranch In
Brown county, Neb.; will sell for cash
or trade for town property, hardware.
Implements or. merchandise to amount
of land. Prio, 110 per acre. Write to
Anderson Bres., Spencer, fiab.
(3) M728
FOR TRADE Modern 8-room house, well
located, Chicago, fur Omaha property. N
. Kii, Bee office. (3 646 1L
TRADES. TRADES If- you have some
thing for sale or trade Write us; we
match everything.
401 Bee Bldg.
(3)-M2B F24
TELL us what you have to sell or wish to
buy or exchange. B. E. Bierer & Co..
411 Bee Bldg. ,. (3 ttl,17x
FOR EXCHANGE Some forst-class In
come property in Omaha end Council
Bluffs to exchange for merchandise.
806 a 18th St.. OmahaTeb.
(3) M684 17
I HAVE several small diamonds, good
while stones, will trade for office furnU
ture ar something I can use; must have
some cash. E UK care Bee.
(3) M636 Fl
FOR BALE or trade, one-half Interest In
well established real estate business In
Omaha, paying large monthly returns,
ground floor office, extra well located;
cheap rent; will trade for land or town
firoperty. If you want a money maker
nveatlgate. Address B 4 care Roe.
13) M-VJ4 20x
Income city proierty. for eastern Ne
braska farm land.
Tel. Douglas 612. 40 Bee Bldg.
(1 771 16
A new drug stock in a good live town IS
mllee from Council Bluffs; will Invoice
about 11,700; the only drag store in the
Room 4. 1st Nat. Bank Bldg.
(3) M24 17x
FOR EXCHANGE for stallion and other
horses, my equity In 160 acres, choice raw
land, located In Merrick county, Ne
braska: will trade one eighty. Address
P. O, Box 94, Clarks, Nob.
(3)-M948 17x
330 ACRES, clear land, Merrick county
owner will sell for 16.0m cash, or take
clear Omaha property In trade, would
prefer two detached modern houses.
HASTINGS ft HEYDEN. 1704 Farnam St.
' (3) Mst4 16
TO EXCHANGE for Omaha or South
Omaha property: good land, well Im
proved i 7-room house, large barn; about
16 acrea In bearing apple orchard Just In
its prime. Owner has realised nearly M.AoO
In two yeTfa from orchard. Price 14 4.U.
H. U.-Ml Gee, 14 Pearl Bl., Couneil Bluffs,
la, - U-MiLU lux
(Continue d.
." Income business property, Bouth
Omaha, to exchange for good western
' land.
ftouo Bouth Omaha residence property to
exchange for western land.
tOO acres Logan county, Colorado, for aale
Cheap, or Will exchange for good Omaha
property. This land adjoins Julesburg
Fine section, Cheyenne county, Nebraska,
(north of Potter) and close to railroad.
Will sell cheap or trade for good Omaha
or South Omaha property. Write for
223 Board of Trade.
(3)-744 M
For a private hospital, bearding or room
Jng house; 16 rooms; painted; all mod
ern; two-story; built 6 yeara ago; house
Krffii two lots 132x1. feet; for, sale or
exchange.. 2319 a 13th BU, city. (3)
Eight-room, modern residence In Hanscom
Park district) good barn, everything In
fine repair. Price, 16,000. Will take
Omaha lot or farm land In exchange.
Choice building lot near Field club, on
paved street. Want to exchange for a
modern residence in West Farnam and
pay difference In cash.
Three modern, 8-room flats, paying a big
Interest on 120.OU0, to exchange for farm
land of equal value.
320 acres tip-top land 6 miles from Pierce,
Neb., $46 per acre. Want Omaha resl-
denceN or Income.
110 Board of Trade Bldg. Telephones: Bell,
Douglas 49; Independent, A2ol9. (3)
A flrst-clase corn, wheat or alfalfa farm
of 433 acres located about 2 miles of one
and 8 mllee of another R. R. town In Holt
county. Mo. At present all In fine hay.
Not a foot of waste land; all bottom land,
black soil; a large ditch runs through the
farm, which gives 1C a perfect drainage.
Price, $75 per acre enc; 110,100 at 6 and 6
per cent; owier Is anxious for stock of
merchandise or hardware.
Room 4, 1st Nat. Bank Bldg.
(3) M823 17x
Quarter section In Greeley county, Kanras,
for Omaha city property. i
Half section in Red Willow county, No-
braska, for city property.
Quarter section .In Hyde county, South
Dakota, for city property.
1G09 Farnam, Douglas 3S0T.
. 13)-
FOR SALE 160 shares Union Stock Yards;
dividend March 1st goes with stock; make
offer for all or any parU Address N 978,
care Bee. (4) M663 17x
DRUG STORES for sale everywhere. F. V.
Knlest. 707 N. y. Lite, umana. vu
FOR SALE 17,000 stock oi general mer
chandise. Must be sold within thirty
days for cash. Address J. B. Mellor,
trustee, O'Neill, Neb. (4) M606 15
Tel. Douglas 3666. U N. Y. Life Bldg.
4-M111 MchS
ATTENTION, merchants.. Here is your
opportunity to open large dry goods or
general store at FalrTleld, Neb.; good
town, with no competition; two-story,
BO-foot front building for rent, all one
room. Paul Beiffert, 1906 Euclid Ave.,
Lincoln, Neb. 4)
$300,000 corporation owning the finest mica
quarts and feldspar veins m America of
fers for the purpose of full equipment a
number of Us shares at 60 cents, par
value 11. Property free and clear. No
agents, brokers or commissions. Ground
floor opportunity in a handsome paying
proposition. Prospectus on application
only. Maine Mica Co., 150 Nassau SU,
New York. ()
TURNED Illustrated guide book and list
of inventions wanted, free to any address.
Patents secured by us advertised free In
World's Progress; sample copy free.
Evans, Wllkens ftCX)., 6SS P St., Wash
ington, D. C. W
YOU can never profit by business chances
unless you have soma money ; small sav
ings are the foundation of large fortunes;
start a savings account with J. L. Bran
dels & Sons, Bankers, 16th and Douglas
Bts. Assets over I4JO.000. (4)
INVEST small'money now In hlgh-claas in
dustrial enterprise. Will yield 100 per
cent in a year. 616 Bee Bldg. (4)M9ja ,2
MANAGER WANTED An Ohio corpora
tion manufacturing household necessity,
desires Nebraska manager; demonstra
tion In leading department stores; office
furnished; three years' contract; salary
ij.HW and commission: good opening for
man of character arid aftllty. Address
Manager, 701 Snowflake Bldg., Toledo, O.
i ; 1
WE HAVE money to loan or Invest any
where In any legitimate enterprise. Write
ck-arly for full particulars. Hank refer
ences if required. Bankers' Note Broker
age Co., Syracuse, N. Y. (4)-842 16x
SECURE 99 cents Interest on every dollar
by investing now In rich tin mine. Write
for full particulars Immediately. Suite
1415, 170 Broadway, New York.
- - ( () 832 16x
IS IT worth 60c to alwav have warm
home upon arising? Will furnish illus
trated instructions enabling yotv to equip
' any automatically -control furnace with
inexpensive device. Send stamps.
Dominlck, East Orange, N. J.
(4)-33 16x
A CORPORATION wants service of two
men who will Invest S4.0IK) Jointly; money
returned first yenr with satlstactory com
pensation ' for serviceaf permanent and
lucrative position. Blackburn, IflS AV'est
Broadway, New York. (4)' 834 16x
BOMETHHv'G NEW Our guarantee plan
of stock purchase combines ihe profits
of ' speculation with the security of in-,
vestment. Write for details, Paige &'
Thorburn, New York. 14) SB lfix
FREE Creighton's Financial Magazine
keeps you posted en the curb and mining
stock market; speMal advice in this
month's Issue; also special forecast of the
market. Bend for free sample copy. Himh
M. Crelghton Co., 2a Broad Bt., New
York. (4) SJ2 ltlx
MONEY Do you need It? We are In a
position to furnish capital for any meri
torious enterprises. We can sell your
stocks and bonds quickly, on cimimUs on
basis; money advanced on good secml
tles; charters procured in any state. D
not fail to confer with us. It will be to
your Interest. R. Kautz & Co., Hankers,
Tacoma Bldg., Chicago. (4) 8:17 16x
BUILD a 15,000 business In two years. We
start you In the collection business; no
capital needed; big find. We teach secrets
of collecting money; refer business to you.
Write today for free pointer and new
plan. American Collection Service, 41
Btate, Detroit, Mich. ' (4) N&6 16x
CANDY MAKER 11.70 buys halfjnterest
In Ice cream and candy business netting
$3,Ouo a year. Bonn, Sheldon, la.
(4) 95,2 22x
Omaha grocery, stock and fixtures about
13.6tio; monthly business, 12,US0. Good lo
cation. '
Electric light plant, water power, up-to-date
equipment 19.500, and cheap at that.
Omaha manufacturing business that's a
gold mine to anybody. Plant and stock
worth $10,000, but will sell at a big dls
fiotint for cash If taken Immediately.
110 Board of Trade Bldg. Telephones: Hell,
Douglas 49; Independent, A2049. (4)
FOR BALE Six landaus, fair condition,
$U10 each. 110 Board of Trade Bldg.
(41773 16
ONLY hotel property In town, furnished. In
first-class condition, good businesa
Owner wishes to retire. Price, I3.0U) with
suitable termi. Box 80, Marquette, Neb.
(4 968 ltix
FOB, BALK Millinery atore In .small
town; no competition; doing fine busit
ness; must sell at once. Address W
' 999. Bee. (4) U807 11
Drexel hotel luu-room hotel. For par
ticulars inquire of
'Phone Deuglaa 897. W 8. 14th St.
... iVTAli
ItAVB you noticed my youngeet child, the
New York Mobile Car-Sign Co.T Has Its
offices In The Bee Bldg., and Its large
advertisement in the display columns of
this paper today. Look for It. Yes, It's
a child of mine, and a right lusty young
ster, too. All Car-Sign people who are
right are prospering. ''Maybe there are
aeveral new-members of the family to
whom xou have not yet been Introduced.
Got a regular Roosevelt family of Car
Sign organisations. Let me send you a
copy of CAR-SIGN NEWS. It's FREI1
I leave for Cotorad Springs and Albu
querque, New Mexico, Tuesday afternoon.
Call while I am In town, or wait until i
come back, or see my representative while
I am gone. Joyfully, THEO. KILVRA8,
the Car-Sign Man. 21-22 U. a Nat'l. Bank
Bldg., Omaha, Neb.
(4) M816 18
Take Notice
We have Just come Into
possession of one of the finest
drug stores ln the state,
located In a good county
seat of 2.000 Inhabitants In
eastern Nebraska. Corner brick
store,' best location In town,
rent reasonable, all modern
Stock, fountain and fixtures
new and up-to-date In every
respect. Doing good business.
We are not druggists and
are going to sell. If you are
even thinking of buying It will
pay you to investigate this at
once, as it is on the bargain
counter and must be sold.
401 Bee Building, Omaha, Neb.
Boll 'phone Doug. 4693, Ind. A1904.
(4)-797 16
OUR CITIZENS who purchased stock
when the Omaha smelter started became
very wealthy. You may do likewise by
purchasing stock In our big ore reduction
plant now being constructed In Colorado.
Our business Is buying and treating ores,
and will pay from 60 to 300 per cent on
Investment; no risk; no competition;
water power, railroad, abundance of ore.
L. J. Ross, president, 683 Brandels Bldg.,
Omaha, Neb. 'Phone Douglas 8760.
(4) M924 23x
WANTED Manufacturers and business
men to Investigate these exceptional
propositions in the "new state of Okla
homa:" For a structural steel and
bridge plant, pork packing house, straw
board ' plant, nutural gas stove plant,
-large broom factory. These nre only a
few of the many excellent industrial open
ings on our lists; good Inducements
probably given. Specify which interests
you and send for book, "Opportunities."
M. Schulter, Industrial Commissioner,
Rock. Island-Frisco Lines, SU Louis, Mo.
(4) 880 16
DO YOU WANT to start in a business of
your own and make an Independent in
come? We wadt one good, honest man
or woman In every county throughout
the United States to be our representa
tive. We will start you In the shoe busi
ness If you have a small amount of cap
ital and time to spare; you become part
owner In the largest co-operative shoe
company In the world. Write for partic
ulars. Don Shoe Co. (Inc.), Boeton, Mass.
, (4) ttCO 16X
60 NEW Improved Hllo penny peanut vend
, ing machines; will earn H5 weekly for
you and not interfere with your other
work; $2,340 yearly profit on $600 Invest
ment. Hllo Gum Co., Inc., 127 Market
St., Chicago. (4) 884 16x
GREAT OPPORTUNITY-Selling goods by
mall: Improved plan, new catalogue list
ing high-class morchandlse. If you can
Invest $26 to $100 write us; we will show
t you an easy way, Mllbum-Hlcks, Chi
cago. (4) M887 -ax
jWILL sell 10 shares Nebraska Telephone
atock at 87 with accrued interest to
buyer. Address Y 296, care Bee.
(4) M709 16x
FOR SALE 20 shares German American
Coffee stock; price $50 per share, and as
signment of 1907 dividends. Address Lock
Box 669, Grand' Island, Neb.
- (4) M71120X
FOR BALE 11-room boarding house; has
'12 roomers; corner brick flat; walking
distance; water paid; has bath, gae and
furnace; all furnished. Address, with
references, L 941, care Bee, or Tel. Douglas
3616 and Douglas 147. (4)r-Mu97 17
IF YOU want a reliable business; large In
come, small Investment, no competition!
' see Hlldreth, 439, Brandels Bldg.
FOR SALE Cheap and on easy terms,
residence and meat market in town of
1,000, doing good business. Address Y
801, care of Bee. (4) M636 18g
WITH small capital you can secure In
terest in business with no risk and great
future. 615 Bee Bldg. Open evenings.
(4) 567 15
ROOMING HOUSES for stile, all sixes; fur
nish part purchase money if wanted.
Gangestad, Room 403 Bee Bldg. (4) MluO
READ the world in your pocket. Life's
problems, the world's grandest scenery,
tic. Address Mra. B. J. Hamilton. Wag
ner, Neb. (4) M759 Mchl4x
FOR, SALE Tailor shop in Wakefield.
Neb., fixtures and tools; good opening
for married man; cheap rent and plenty
of work. Address Box 17, Tekamah, Neb.
(4) M673 2tix
PARTY with $4,000 or $5,000 can make 20
per cent on his money, no time required,
no risk.- Address O 806. care of Bee.
FOR SALE Harness business, established
21 years. In excellent town of 2.&00; splen
did chance; cne other shop the only
competition; nearest town 20 miles. Ad
dress Theo. Figgs, Chadron, Neb.
HERE Is a chance to get out at once;
grocery for sale at 15 per cent discount,
helliiiK full amount of stuck every month.
.'27 Broadway, Council Bluffs, la.
(4) M695 lfix
SEND us your name; we will mall you
free book telling how to secure sub
stantial life income fur small Investment.
Answer W 894, lice. (4) 70 15
$250, $"i(X. 81.000 and ovei will give you ex
clusive right to sell our machines iu dif
ferent states. Investigate, pick your s ale
and figure with us. Call and be con
vinced. 542 Bee Bldg. (4) M722 lfix
DO YOU NEED CAPITAL, extend or start
business? If so write me before arrang
ing elsewhere; exceptional facilities pla
cing stocks, bonds quickly. Everett Du
four, Corporation Attorney, le Droit
iihlg., Washington, D. C. (4) 896 16x
FOR SALE A small stock of furniture in
a good town of b.000 In central Nebraska;
fine I-story brick building, modern, rea
sonable rent, a snap. Address D 9m.
Hie. (4) 905 16x
$3,fli0 TO $10,000 per year easily made In
wheat If you know how. Write Hex W,
Chicago. (4) 945 V
WANTED Names of those who have lost
money or made unsatisfactory invest
ments in mining stock. We can help yeu
recover you loss,. R. D, Robinson Co.,
Los Angeles, Cal. (4) 9fi8 lfix
PARTNER WANTED Must have small
capital. Need not be a resident of elty.
Business pays big profits. 615 Bee Bldg.
! (14) M9I0 22
STORE BUILDING for rent. Good opening.
Good town. Good location. Address
Union Stale Bank. Harvard. Neb.
(4) M329 23.
ALL kinds of bargains In rooming
houses; cash loaned If needed. Kelly at
Stone. 220 Neville Bik. Teh Doug. 4664.
(4)-ilSS6 r'eblS
FOR BALE Furnished hotel, 81 rooms,
good business, barn, garden, fruit. Harri
son House. Meadow Grove, Neb.
V (4)-M687 F15
INSURANCE men looking for large office,
with good light and fire proof vault, will
find a nice arrangement In one of several
offices which we would be pleased to
show. Apply R. W. Baker, Sunt., Room
loo. Bee Bldg. tli) Mtxl
Owner leaving Omaha. The lease and fur
niture of the beet and most conveniently
located family hotel of 36 rooms In
Omaha, always full of high-class board
ers; must be sold at once. It's a money
maker. Just the place for family who
wants to send their children to the fa
mous schools of Omaha. Call on or ad
drees owner, W. W. D., 926 N. Y. Life
Biag., omaha. Neb. (4) Mia
This book tells all about Patents and ho
to obtain them. Explains the cost of a
Patent and our methods of business. Illus
trates 100 mechanical movements and con
tains portraits of all the famous American
Inventors. Book mailed free to any address.
O'Meara & Brock, Pat. Att'ys.
918 F Street, Washington, D. C. '
(4) 793 lCx
FOR BALEv-81.000 stock, seeds, feed, fruit.
vegetables, uueensware. racket, notions,
etc-; leading trade, $12,11) yearly; county
sent of 8.00H. rural trade 6.000; phones.
800; Girls' Btate Industrial School, $K),C:
high school, summer normal, 7 churches,
3 railroads, etc.; reason for selling store,
other Interests demand attention. Also
for sale, five residences-8, 4, 9. 11 rooms
each: 30-room hotel: all rented except
hotel; first two close In, others adjoining
Shady City park; also have aio-acre farm
1 mile out Tor lease. Address Box a&,
. Geneva, Neb. (I) 84S 16x
"THE new state of Oklahoma Is reached by
no other line to as srood advantage aa bv
the Rock Island-Frisco lines, operating
tnousanns ot miles or tracks in the new
state. The Industrial and business devel
opment already started Is wonderful, but
particularly good openings exist for In
dustries not needing very much capital.
These embrace machine shops, elevators,
cotton gins, flour mills, broom factories,
woodworking plants, etc. We have ac
curate new lists of fine openings. State.
specifically kind of location wanted. Com
plete descriptive bHok, "Opportunities,"
sent free. M. Schulter, Industrial Com
missioner, Rock Island-Frisco Lines, St.
Louis, Mo. (4) 879 16
s Apply for prlco and particulars.
Palace Restaurant, Lexington, Neb.
(4) MJ27 March Iz
BRANCH SALEB-Manager wanted . by
new factory operating lis own plant; ex
clusive line of over 500 fast selling house
hold necessities and specialities; no com
petition; big profits, entire product ea-slly
sold; 81,200 a year satary und commis
sion. Only those prepared to take stock
In company need apply. Money needed
to enlarge plant. Address Box 296, Wells
vllle, N. Y. (4) 836 16x
FOR SALE Blacksmith shop and todls, all
up-to-date and new, for sale cheap. Josef
Droblrny, Lynch, Neb. (41
Do You Wish to Mane a Change
in xou nave a farm, home, business or
property that you wish to sell or ex
ihange. write us.
(4) M179 Feb23
E. G. GANSESTAD can help you get In or
out of business. Room 403 Bee Bldg.,
Omaha. (4) 466
STOCK, bond offering, mining, electric?. In
dustrial or railway company wanted for
sale; commission basis. Addiiess, full par
ticulars, Clientele, P. O. Box 208, New
York.' (4) M789 16x
WE CAN offer the best lighted office In
the city for this line of work; room 622,
having a north light, with all conveni
ences of a well appointed office building.
, Bee R. W. Baker, Supt., Room 106, Be
V Bldg. " (5) M694
Omaha. (5) MioS Febl8x
HAMMOND BATHS, 107 Bo. 14th. Tel.
Douglas 3915. Wednesdays ladies day.
U) M 174
Carpet Cleaning.
A. K. JETT, carpet cleaning. Tel. D409
(6) M808 Mchlij
David Cole Creamery Company, (fii) M175
DR. ROY, R. t, 1606 Farnam St. Doug. 6497.
(6) (W
Chattel Loans.
Chas. D. Stanton Loan Co., 601 Bee Bldg.
(6) 4tu
BAILEY ft MAC1I, 3d fir., Paxton. D. 1085.
(6 404
WE WOULD like to have you look at the
office room No. 550, facing the south;
this room would be particularly well
situated for one wishing a well appointed
dentists office. Apply to Mr. Baker,
Supt., Bee Bldg, Room 106. (6) M'io2
IN FAMILIES Miss Sturdy. Tel. Harney
1868. (6) 466
M'DOWELL Dressmaking School, 1623 Far
nam BU (5) 466
EXPERIENCED dressmaker, sewing by
day in families; good work guaranteed.
Call eveuings. Webster 1809.
16) M733 FISx
HESS SWOBODA, 1415 Farnam. (5) 467
U HENDERSON. 1019 Farnam. Tel. D. 1263.
. (6) 4u
J. Hi BATH, 1C23 Harney. Tel. Doug. 30U0.
THE SCHLITZ. European. 10th and Ilarnejl
(5) 471
Jewelers and Watchmakers.
N. P. STILLING Watch, clock. Jewelry
repairing. 2-3 Paxlon Blk. Tel. 4J17.
t 170
KEYS. etc.. Ueflln. U24 Farnam. Tel. D.
2974 ta)-71
LADIES' hats made over, also new hats
made. Experienced milliner. Mais, fea
thers and flowers cleaned or dyed. New
material at plowest prices. Mlsa E. Le da
Pepper, 614 B. 2Mb Bt. Tel. Harney 3! J -8.
(6) M9-1 Mlax
' Masle anal Laagaag.
PIANO lessons. Mrs. Ritchie. Tel. Web. 2293.
(5) 43
Expressmen's Delivery Co., office, 814 N.
lbth Bt.; warehouse, 2207-9 Ixard St.
(6 471
v Office Sapplles. -
FILING cablneta, filea and ledgers, loose
leaf devices and office fixtures and sup
plies pf all kinds. Anchor Publishing Co.,
3oa S18lh Bt. Tel Doug. &ir.i. Ind. A1&62.
(6) M597 Fla
Dr. Bowser, over 1602 Farnam. Tel. Doug. 6370
" (6) 619 MclilO
JOHNSON INS.. 418 N. Y. L. Tel. D. WA.
(& tuu
Print la.
BFFORF) flaring your 19t calendar order
don t fall to ace our eiegam impuri-u
line. I,yngtad ft Jorve. printers, Villi
and Capitol Are. i
of the time lost poking op th average
printer when you want a .!" in a nuriyr
juvwr try wbt
Printers and Office Furnishers,
80K-312 8. 19th "t.
'Phones: Bell, Douglas 62; Ind.. A1663.
B)-M..92 F27
JOB PRINTING Call Beecroft. Poug. 4m,
(5) M9.8 Mlo
Pabllo Stenographer.
Miss Spehard, 804 N.Y.L. pub. stenographer,
t,o) niia meiio
Shoe Repatriate.
work. Capitol Ave. 'Phone Red 94.
lt i
SHOES repaired right, called for and de
livered free. Standard Bhoe Repair Co.,
wu arnam Bt. Tel. v. ibw. wu
Safes, Shatters, Kte.
a specialty of fire escapes, shutters, doors
and safes. U. Andreen, Prop., 102 8. 10th St,
1 - to) 4.
Agents and Salesladies.
LADY agents are making 126 ner week
selling our great line of necessities; no
scheme; particulars free. Write us now.
loung, it JLiearoorn Bt., D. 61. Chicago.
(7 M7oi 16x
LADIES make monoy selling guaranteed
silks direct from looms. Cut any length.
One-third saved. Express prepaid. Write
for Information. Lenox Silk Works,
yirunBwicK unices, jNew rork. (7)
WOMEN earn $4 dally selling article at
every woman needs and buys at slftht;
experience unnecessary; particulars tree.
venus Mlg. Co., 84 Btate ot,, Chicago.
v (7 943 lfix
FOl'R educated ladles of good address, ca-
panle of Interviewing club women: re
mtinerative permanent position offered to
rigiu persons The House Beautiful Co.,
im itepuuuc Biag., cntcago.
(7)-949 16x
Clerical and Office.
LADIES Copy advertising letters at home;
0nn nnlr, I. 1 . . . ... i
P""" , . C'ftlj , aj n?t leiire. 1111
necessary; send stamp. Sample Mfg. Co.
Detroit, Mich. (7)-71 16x
LADIES to copy letters at home; spare
nine; gooa pay; casn weegiy; reliable.
sena stamp. z,ecg Co., Morristown, N. Y,
(7)-865 lfix
MAKE $10 weekly, spare time, writing
postais. particulars 10c (sliver). E. Winn,
m v. ijiiierty bu, Cincinnati, t.
(7)-69 lfix
WA NTED O I rl for general office work,
Apply 609 Merchants National bank. Mr,
Russell. (7) M975 19
Factory and Tradea. '
wanted, at once, for city work,
excellent position for capable
person. State fully qualifica
tions and experience in reply to
this advertisement. Address E 5
care of Bee.
i 7 M-779-17
LADY sewers-make sanitary belts at home
materials lurnlsned $15 per 100. Par
ticulars stamped envelope. Dept. ati&,
Dearborn Specialty Co., Chicago.
. l7)-95 16x
V ANTED Experienced trimmers for out
of town positions; good positions to com
petent persons. M. Bplesberger - & Son
t j 10
WANTED Girl to learn hair trade, steady
unrli IP A Col.orl.,11 K,i
.. ... . . ..... . . . v i isova 19
Housekeepers and Domestics.
MILLINERY and dressmaking, hats
irunnieu. Mrs. ueimar, Room 14, Wead
Block, Northeast Corner 20 and Farneni.
(7) M9"0 lS
1902 Farnam Bt.
Cook for ranch In Wyoming, $'s0 and trana-
nnrlu t inn
Housemaid for western Nebraska, $25 and
Cooks and housemaids, $5 to $7.
. (7)-M087 15
PLEASANT home work for ladles, $1.50
daily. Bend stamp. Ladies' Guild, G Su6,
Jt-asl ua Bl., cnicaga (Y) M664 18x
HELP furnished; male and female. Tel D.
884. Canadian Office, 15th and Dodge
' (7) 480
WANTED Girl to wash dishes. Apply,
JO-0 Will, ou WJ JU0O1 J.K
WANTED Girl, for general housework-
wages, o.' per wee. ino washing,
Apply, 315 Bo. 31st Bt. (7) M317 16
WANTED Girl for general housework.
Apply morning or evening. Mrs. Shook,
635 Park Ave. 17) 612
1902 Farnam St. ,
Cooks. hoilMemnulH nnH oirla tn.
housework; wapNi $6 to $7. (7)
WANTED An experienced laundress every
Monday and Tuesday; 1043 Bo. 3(Hh Ave.;
references required. (7) M695
WANTED Girl for general housework.
3012 Mason Bt. , (7) M553 16
WANTED Good girl for general honso
work; no laundry; good wages. U s.
SMh Ave. 17) 733 20
WANTED A neat young girl to help In
small family. Call at 2216 Burt.
(7)-M764 16x
GOOD first-class woman to do cooking
and laundry work, $7 a week, at 143 N
31st Ave. Tel. Harney 1103.
(7)-M827 22
WANTED A first class dressmaker to
take charge of dressmaking department
in I. 11. Chase's department atore. Stur
gls, 8. D. An excellent opportunity for
right party. Apply at once for particu
lars, giving references. G. A. Lancaster,
Mgr. (7)-M674 15
WANTED Ladles, $1 a day In spare time
at home. You have no canvassing, ped
dling or publicity. Strictly honest. No
deposit on goods. Send stamped en
velope for particulars. Ladies' Aid, 46
Main St., Durham, Conn. (7)
MAKE $25 weekly, spare time, mailing
postals; particulars loo. Box T6, Walt
ham, Mass. (7) 891 lGx
ANY Intelligent person may earn good In
come corresponding for newspapers: ex
perience unnecessary; no. canvassing
Send for particulars. Press Syndicate
Lockport, N. Y. (7j .
LADIES $1 every day at home; addressed
envelope for particulars. Indies' Aid
2436 Dupont Ave., 8., Minneapolis. Minn
(7)-4 rtlx
WANTFD Bright young women or prac
tical nurse under 36 to train. Bix - to
twelve months. Salary up to $12 per week
goes on while training In your city.
American Training School Nurses, 130
frilly Bldg., Chicago. (7) 9.19 16x
Agents, Solicitors mad Balesatea.
waui gooa tausiaciion ana prompt ship
ments, let the Inman portrait Co. do
your work. 416 New Era Bldg , Chicago.
(9) M128 Feb22
GOOD proposition for live canvassers. 1211
Agehta aad SalesaienCoatlnaea'.
WEvtieod a few high grade saleomcf
to sell our splf-mfasurlng oil tanks'
H you can sell goods and are willing
to work, there is no better opening,
Tour earnings will be limited only t
your own ability. We have been li
business twenty years, are well es
tablished and good men can make no
mlstajve when they come with us. Ap
plications must be made by letter and
references given'. Address 8. P.
Bowser & Co., Inc., Box, Y 295, care
Omaha Beo. (9) M882 17
WANTED City agents for accident Insur
ance; best seller In state; $18 per -eek;
steady work for men of good character.
Addresa Y 299, care BedN () M.'Ji 16
WE WANT two good salesmen on guar
anteed salary; must take an Intormt in
business. 616 Bee Bldg. Open evenhs.
(9)-66ii U
BOOKMEN Dd you want the best prnro.
sltlon out? new and a money iimk, r;
rou are cordially received everywhere;
his is an exceptional opening for the
right man. Address J 974, care Bee.
(9-e07 16x
WANTED Representatives for our line of
iveralls, shirts, pants. In your territory;
rood commission to flrst-clnsn salesmen;
only', men 'of experience and those with
trade need apply. Hugo Aron, 2(4 Market
6t., Chicago. (9)-M761 16x
AGENTS $160.00 per month easily
made selling my new patent floor
mop; sells like wildfire. If you want
a crnckerjack article, write to W.
Illlker, 379 Grand Ave,, Chicago.
AGENTS Introduce "Picturesque America
Series" postals. Send H)c for 23 beautiful
views, all different. International Trad
ing Co., 32 Park Place, New York.
WE PAY $.1P a week and expenses to men
with .'rigs to Introduce poultry compound.
Year's contract. Imperial Mfg. Co., Dept.
64, Parsons, Kan. (9)
AGENTS wanted for a high class beauti
fully printed and Illustrated dollar-a-year
woman's magazine: commission, 60 cents
on each dollar subscription. Write for
agent's free outfit. American Horn
Monthly, 6 Barclay St., New York.
' (9-
WANTED Salesmen of ability and nent
.appearance to call on all merchants In
Xhelr territory; elegant side lino, con
venient to carry; good commissions;
prompt remittance. Belmont Mfg. Co.,
Cincinnati, Ohio. (9)
WANTED agents, with rig to' sell Dr.
Eaton's veterinary medicine cases and
remedies; guaranteed as represented or
I Eaton Chemical Co.. Kasnta. Block. Ml,,.
neapolls, Minn. (9)
AGENTS $300 every month sure selling our
wonderful seven-piece kitchen set; send
for worn statement of $13 dally profit.
Outfit free. Thomas Mfg. Co., 624 Jef
ferson St., Dayton, O. (9)
WANT FID Agents, men and women;' per
manent employment to reliable people.
Liberal cash commission paid for selling
our Roods to the family trade. In com
munities of 1,000 to 10.000 population.
Bodenhelmer Coffee & Tea Co., Bt Louis.
AGENTS $30 per week handling non-nvi;-netlc
watches. Our Installment plan en
ables you to make easy sales. Big monev.
Union Watch Co., Maiden Ine, New
York. (8) 837 16x
AGENTS to canvass for 1909 calendar
orders on big commission. The largest ,
and most eluborate line ever offered.
Quaker City Calendar Co., 246 M. S 34
St., Philadelphia, Pa. (9) 838 ldx
A ROMAN CATHOLIC representative
wanted In every parish to Introduce high
grade financial proposition having support
' of clergy. Light and remunerative work.
Part or whole time. References required.
Willis. Lock wood & Co., 60 Congress St.,'
Boston. Mass. ... I . . (9)rHB89"16x
NEW business, nothing like Jt In country;
pays $2110 month, anywhere. Nothing to
sell. Either sex. Spare time. Particulars
stamp. Wcldon Company, 38 Baldwin,
Cambridge, Mass, i
(9 W 16x
SALESMEN-We will contract "with an ex
perienced novelty salesman to sell our
line of calendars, novelties and bank sup
plies In Nebraska for 19118. Commission
contract. Letters without full informa
tion will not be answered. This Is old tr-
"Tltory splendid opportunity for an ex
perienced and reliable man. The Economy
Advertising Co., Iowa City, la.
(9) 894 16
AGENTS make money selling our post
cards; send 10c for ten fine cards, and get
our attractive offer. Smith Co., T.ury-
town, N. Y. (9)-898 16x
AGENTS WANTED Cigar-shaped pipe;
cannot be told from a cigar; satnnlo 10c,
dozen 48c by mall. E. L. Leigh, Bristol,
Pa (9) S99 lttx
WANTED A good, live Implement man,
country trade. Must come with good
references. Address Valley Machlr.e
Company, Underwood, la. (9) 881 10
SALESMEN Are you not willing to make
some good side money without tne least
possible risk or expense? No sample to
carry. Start now. Davenport Ice Chip
ping Machine Co., Davenport, la.
(9) S64 16x
$25.00 PER WEEK and traveling expenses
paid liy rename house to suiesmen m
visit dealers. Experience unnecessary.
Puritv- Co., Chicago. (9) 857 lx
CIGAR salesman wanted; experience un
necessary; $100 per month and expenses.
Peerless Cigar Co.', Toledo, Ohio.
(9)-68 IS
AGENTS WANTED Hondo diamonds; ex
perts puzzled to detect from genuine.
Bamsles free to those who act us our
agents. Hondo Company, Dnlliw. Texas,
Dept. 132. (Ht-Y.9 lfix
AGENTS make WO per cent profit selling
"Novelty Bign Cards;" mercnams uiiy iu
to 100 on sight; 800 varieties: catalogue
free. Sullivan Co., Chicago, III.
(9) 3 16x
THE Kemper-Thomas Company of Cincin
nati, Ohio, want, sioe-une irvrim .uij,
can make easily tJ6 to f.0 per week
carrying up-to-date advertising fana; our
exclusive special desinns. Season now
opening. Apply Fan Department.
(9 WO 10X
AGENTS' Fortune Mnker! Wonderful self-
working washer; Om-s me wasinng oy
Itself; runs automat ieully by water press
ure; saves all the hard work of wash
day; new Invention; sales unprecedented.
Agents wanted who can handle high-class
proposition; exclusive territory; $:i0 to $i0
per mouth. The Eagle Tool Co., Sole
Mfrs., Dei. 165, Cincinnati. O.
() Rfi ISx
WE START you selling dlamonds. Don't
rail getting our unerai oner; iinuy
sure. Carbon Diamond Co., Syriu trse. N.
Y. Mention paper. 9)Sfi7 K.x
GASLIGHT from kerosene lamps by using
our patent burner; no chimneys nor
wicks: description free. Agents make
good Income. Gaslight Mfg. Co.. 23 Park
Row, New York. (9i-8t lx
WANTED A high-class specialty sal.- .
man one with medicine experience, sell
ing to the drug and general store trade,
preferred. For such a man. we have a
fine oprtunity. The liberal salaries wa
are paving our salesmen will Increase
yours from $10 to 160 per month on the
same amount of sales you are now se
curing for the older houses. Give age.
experience, and lines handled In first
letter. Correspondence confidential. Box
6C6. Chicago. (9) 873 16x
TRAVELING salesmen make $2,400 to $3,000 "
commissions per yrnr senilis; wnue lean.
Why not you? My lead la guaranteed to
dealer and user. Pocket sample, t E. L.
Brown, 3617 Lucas Ave., Bt. Louis.
(9)-73 16X
WANTED Experienced salesman; goods
sold on long time; proposition esperially
attractive now on that account; write for
partiiTUlara. MeA Wster-Coman Co., 266
Dearborn St., Chioago. (9) 875 16x
NAGER wanted In every city and
i-uunijr, imiiuiv uni puyutg business
knowiv legitimate, new. exclusive con
trol: no Insurance or book canvassing.
Address Chas. IlalsteaoV 84 West JHtb)
Bt,, New York. 7 0)-M laa
C. a TRUSSELL, 116 a 16th Bt. (5) 471