ill OMAHA P.MLT FrTR: SATTRPAV. rTPTUWRY i. iw. i I i i t r LiSiLEO, STEWART S BEATGH'S 4.3-15-17 SOUTH SIXTEENTH STREET AHHUAL FEDRUARY CLEARII1G SALE Offers the Greatest OpportmLty You Ever Had to Euy CARPETS, ROBS, FURulTUEE, LACE CURTAI'iS OH DHAFEH1ES Uader Valne. We Eireci Attention of All Eocsa-Keepers, Eotel aad Boarding- House-Keepers to this E.IQIIEY SAVING EVEI1T If nrnitnre, Carpet3, "BLzg and Slattias, Shades, Cnr taina ard Draperies, in fact everythinx mar be bought at from 10- to ZQc less than retrnlar price. cu are not restricted to choose from a fcr items, but from our entire stock which U the lanrest selection of ufTii-furnisliinzs in Omaha. . Those who are contemplating herie-keepiii:r or need anything more in house-furnisliinar in the near future are Keirkf tinj their interest if they fail to PROFIT BY THIS SAVING OPPORTUNITY ! OT KITS aot mat n Piaaaoada, 3dliu-, Jeweler Co W Couta-i Squires. Tel. E'S:0. photographer. lStu ft Far-am. 11T X. I. DtiRlaa ahoea. 1.5-). 1 Cttitaura 1 interested, see Eilmora vbeney. ! 'ajra hava Ilock Jprinnj coai. Cen tral Coai and Coke Companr of Omaha, ljt.i and liam er streetaL rttaarat it Katkar IX The funeral leter waa ln-id Frtday after- noun from lier uome. 2 South Eleventii ee. Interment waa in Laurel If;. I cemetery, SouUt Omaiia- Tkilataila Sodaty Ma-tl- The .ia rhilauilc i.-iy will hold its arular meeiinai at Ttl w Tork Lifa buddlna; SAiurday ava-intt. Ai! ktcal arid vialitna; j alan-.p collectors are invited td be In at tendance." Woansa -nil la Card Partr Mimie !:a!ia cttunell No. I. Dauhtera of Peru Imnuut; Independeift Order of Bed ilc-n, w'H ajive a card party and dance Saturday eveuiun at Myrila hall. Fifteenth and Uoaaiaa str ta. Detaatlaai Xxmt Ksbarra Xvlftaal The hiil'sa4iv flBt ytrvnnmi a' riaramlne at the DaffenUnn home havihar dlttd dusn, Um emits tu waa iirttd Friday and the chil dren at the home snren a sletalt riiia aftar tlietr prolonajed siese. Clka F Tit Oft Celabn ittoa On account f tho deal 1 of tr. A. W. Rile)-, a trustee nf Mie lixlae. t.'te cwlebrafitm of the anni versary of the f lumlina of Omaha lodge of tile Ponevoli'iit and Protective larder of Elka lan beu postponed until Fritlay aven iiift of neat week. MaA Soya for Snul Jury of the mar.y burejiara and other bad men now in the hands of the police will he arr aigmed f ir preliminary liearln in nolle court. Their casea will ail be brought before the grand Jury, which ia to be called nert Monday. oaaa allik( Tokaa Anna M. Thoraaa haa f:in4 suit in dlatrict court for dlvor-o I ne i ran Tn e-ery business defection U prw- tiord by some. In every eity tbtrm ' r merchauia who resort to unscrupu lous miho4ia la order tj get the money. Tuny rei tha men wbo would exclaim If their perfidy was d jroertl: "I'm no refara ter this condition was good enough for my predw-esaors aad they were; aa honest as 1 am." Tears ago the Hospa Company found deep: rmiai ia tha piano bii8inta: rata that tar been frayeled for many years and showed louna pract jrt-s tn piano dealing,, W resolved that we would pu'l wt from them that we wouid biaze rhrtingh an annowm country. W dis .tyerwd that it appreciated oar efforts to safes-iard Its laterests. A. 151.1 WlGLAi STREET. BR.1ACH HOl.HE.'i Coaocii, Bioff', Iowa; Liaoofa, .Neb.; Kearney, yh. WE D EXPERT PT1.V TE1 B P.EPAIRIMfi. VYO?:iflC COAL if!. n AT L-iiT A wTOnOG COAL H. REE.' FiJVyQ WHICH n ALL RESPECTS. fCiH DOMESTIC TSE. EtC ALS Rtx X SPKI'CK DISTRICT A.M KACELS FT IS SOME. RtM X jPRIus HA.- OR TK.1RH BEE?I CIBK.AT1BLE. BIT HCXDRErx" OF COWCMSaS IS THE WESTER P ART Of THE STATU SOW PFT Hrrwo: ahe.ii or rr os .acxxc!t or ptritt. cle tltvesh A.1I LlSTIXt. QCAUTTa. FOR COOKLXG STOVES HTIsSO' CSOT EE fcXCKLLEO. PHO3 TOCR; ORDERS TO CS DI RECT. OR IOCR DKALER CA GST IT EiR TOC. SATWr lCTIO S CCAR-lXTEItO CR MCVXY R FTTX TtD. C. 0. HAlSHS Cl CO. 1SaS WAUfXX 'MOM3: DOUCU13 t n t -v 1 from Charfea C. Thomas, The petit .on I withdrawn from the Ties. A de re a ant j ing a diva to May Rtdph from Guy and ranert hy JudKe HtHTrm has been filed in itie MMfT .'). r. K . . , . ..... ...... . . . il i v ui. ip. i. Ai , : i jr rrur and mnupprt wiera ailead. Aesna alabsd Scctal Another "ret "'i""11 awtat is piannrtl tm- tatjr- ilia mailt ,n V - . ., asaortation r-oma, at which time the o!.h-r ""inwra will see tnat the new memh ra become at uatnlcd with tneir a i v-tat-s. I Th.a ia the first of a at-nes of 'hnemliers' ni;iua,-' whH U are to be held every two weeks. nit mm OLd M ate Omiiid for from t;ie . A. Pait.m state waa made in an arpeai petition Hied in district cotirt Friday hy Philip 8. Pro71 of Chicago. The sun is based on a note ailegi-d to have U-vn ir.v.-n ten years ago to Mrs. I . Fersc-n. who transferred it to Brown. ' The face of the note waa fcr E0 and the interest amounts to txJl. Because It had been outlawed County JutUre Leslie refused t.l ,llne ml 11m . i i I. .... iiia ie-.-ision. Harmaai B. rrtara os- to Cnka Her- man IS. Peters, proprietor of Uie Mer- chants hotel, and Bert Wattles, nephew of J. . Watties, departed Taiirsday after mon for an extended trip thro ugh 'he southern states and Cuba. They will first visit Hut Springs. Ark and after aevera! days there will go to New Crieans to take In the Mardi 'Iras frativaL From ttiere they will make an extended tour of the gtilf coast hotels and thenca to Cuba and Porto P.h o, Tier expect to be gone about six weeks. roe t Book ia Mail Boa A wailet evi denily belonging to Henry Schwartx of Creighton was r roverd from a mail box by one of the mail carriers Thursday. Tile wallet had poaaitily been filched from Sell wait 3 s porket and piac-d in the mail box after having been rtfTed of ita ral uaiile conttnta. A number of receipta and other papers of value on!y to the owner oi uie waiiet were lett in tne book. As- ! instant Postmaster Woodard Has tha nock. ' etbook. which may he ree rered by the owner on allowing proof of such owner ship. is Now w ran refer to results. The Hasp One" Fric No Cornmission Plan has made this one of the I piano scares in th Wf st j JSerr ousT Tea. we were a yreatest bit. But . we kept kept on until we saw dayilah t j and knew that we were on the n!x;nt , road.. J We fonnd that the public could dis- rrtminata betw-en the false and the true wa? of piaao dealing; that tt was with tut from the first; tha largest stock of pianos and our price are. tie lowest In tha United States. We are factory distributors for Kran-1 ;oh m Each. Kraaaaer, Kim haul. Bash Lane. Hailrt 4 Davis, Cabie-.Wlaon. Melville Clars. Weser Bro.. Cmaer. Z. If yoa caa t call don't fall ta write for Catalogue B and prices. CO. i i i Per Ton Delivered STBXET. 3T7. I NO. AT17L u Disiioci ! HARKHtf SEETS HILL CUT tTnion Paciac Reduces Thrr-iirn Pss lengrr Kaiei to Jorti-r'it. t.eaeral a mt Lmui late rim mm T r trmt SI fli-r bh4 SI tk r i ring his ax will fail with d't!!. sirk- to time ago ttio Hill line from St. i "in '-" " 'trricmem -thc- Paui to th Pacific northwest reduced the h-n keT his rnpMl wtiolea:e execu throng puwntw rat-, b aa-i of some """ Tnc. local reductions caus-d by the :-c-r.t law I The inwwtor hns condemned bu'ld ;n Mimmnta anil the rVetit iaw In Nor-h j 'n """ rr. but never befor- has he Dakota. Railroad have b-en Cstinc OTnt"r)ttt such a thnmuith r-unde acainet a -ltif?lon of inter-tat rt- fu comply wth th in the local i w'nt or-n ,lnt- the iavs of rat-, but aeveral inroads have tves made j 'lilrt T-ilpnt. Stone of th. hulM tn tliat pulley to diiler-nt aectiona of the I '"f" r-r thwI h:n- -on.-r-red v.:r country. Am aaoumwl in The Bn a "-k aa. the rruuls r-oouuf wit from Omaha would have to mmm- the rvduc?UQ. made at St. Paul or fre cemridiTib!e of uh thrtmtth bue-nf-m. The Union Fcr.c ia the fir t to announce that rluition. It dues o in thh of"! t-ial gtat" lynt made by Gen eral Pvmi yia r . nt L-omax Tipon h:a re- tun fro i Ctitt-i i; j F' larr 75 th T"nrn PiciTc :lr mi i mipiiny w!j rri'Kf it f!i linvt-d i ni1 to nfth" t-rn jvinta to tie ane 'r "i n-d by t or-.K-m Mt5" i m ft. j P'.j. thiis pi"n- all M wan rvT rat wvs on a parjiv -th the fr"ra et j p':l to the aa ;e i-rtr3tV!. Th "I! . Tike the -afe f-o i nt.n'tl B'ttf". Omaha, j Joeenri. L vm in an-t Ka"sa ';ty , t- Sn". H-t aen and .iit T- Kc 1 ity ::rst-. .a i ;miieoi. intttaa or j ; 'O rine and tf'fiia. nn to 1 den and Salt Lxke CM' To iTiokart tj, rate :rom the arHve narr'! points wil oe riced from 4i.v to ITS 3. and to Por ;arrd. frTna. 3 t"!e and Vmouvr to The ri-icT4t i in the n- r-t-e -:il have tne aame effe-.-t upon a.l jtu-rtccdjate P"nt. Kvrlln Krm Line fw eill. In rh'se int day of railrr..nn5 when the ra ilfudj are nd to be restzna; and not plannin" any Ian r buildina- for the jura ler. 'he mmoT haa leaked out that the BurUnc ton t fen t r ipiatiTt the imati tut ion of a new line from O Xel to mnmt wtth the mam iine fr tr i laha to Biilin s and the I northwest ' 0"!r Since the aco.niMi.on of the j !mi C.iy line by the Burtir.trton t tat line has been added to the t r rttory ' which ia tr'bMtary to O aha. The new j !:t e fro ra O ST fill to Thedford or eome oiijer point on that line wotiid r ! the HHl Hnea poila to the Black K!!U em mm. r. Durina; j the last two yars both 'he M'.lwa'akeeaiid i the Xorthweste a have invaded thaterrt- j -...v.. - w Panl ec-pt ftn-S Cmaha and t i. .d H. trill tln. Mnr mmiim n nrt -O nl i - - fte til. Vl 1 1 1 n aB ; ,- Caw -r-rt-e. lrlB union t-iciitc naa eaiainsm a a new motor ! Island and return each day. The distance j 'r"m Grand Island to Ord ia 1 miles and the jmotor leaves ord eac.t moming ana re-. t .1 turns in the evening. The motor car '.a one ; of th Pacta, shot- m Omaha, and will haul , , "' , "'"'M ,u 1 t remove t:ie fences. d trov ie sami, anil i-i.ler which will handle mail, express , . -s.-n. same and t.tat the costs thetr-of sr.atl he .-15,-.-csj.! atid bsea-iir". The motor car takes the . ., . r. . 1.' " at.M ssea . . , . i atnfct the defendants. The remainder of p ace of a steam tram which haa been,,. .,., . , . . r 01 making 'he t in. Ice Bar-reat er. me union t'actitc Ka-.iroau inpany naa j about completed ita harvest for the Wnu-r. ; iWali. h.ln0 fl,a Mil. r-i -w nn tm milt. ; not entirely cared for. The Omaha fnion ' Prff!c houses hold t, tona and l. 'fl of 1 ihi - irrJy housed. The company haa j i u ton" at "rt riatte, Eran- ston and Oapien. and haa all tha smaller houses along; the line tilled, most of them with ice from Laramie, and Chey me. Bad Ci sa Con ara Drops. Nothing better for sore thoat, Sc per box. CHURCHILL PARKER IS SICK Ula-TIss- Deasrrsrla Leader eirl-aal- III at Bia Old Ham-. Chur-hill Parker, for many years a lead ing democrat of Dougias county, is lyirg seriously ill with pneumonia at tha re sidence of E. E. Howell. H9 Izard str-et. Mr. Parker is 75 years old. He waa taken suddenly til Thursday after win and serious compllt-a'.ions are f'-ard on account of his advanced ago , He waa for many yea engaged in the implement routines in Omaha. He was the first president of tha Dahiman Democracy when it was organised two r?ars ago. During tha meeting of tha Dafilman club Thursday evening when Mr. Parker's Ill ness waa made known X committee was appointed to vutit him. Mrs. Parker died about two years ago. and Mr. Parker disposed of his home to Mr. Howcil and haa since remained there at tha request of Mr. Howell and family on account of the endea ng associations of tha old home place, tne care of winch be did not win to be longer enrjn bered with. j Ha haa no enildrea livng- I Mr- Ps-rker'a condition was not rr.atenajy i iprrjv ed Frxtay nuan. wnea 'he last word waa receive fro i his bedside. George A. Joaiyn is much better, John D. Cretgnwa js able to be up and wiil oe ant m a day or two. JVmn ba out of the house aa st aaoderates. Deptrry Game Pier-son. was sole to go ofCce Friday, and Str-et Streig-it. setting along niceiy. The eon 4it:on of Mrs. O. E. Pr-tc hett :s xmcuvvr. tad the phrncixn an c-nctpnH atxiut hrr. A Teral OMn-e of the functions of stow tac.l. liver. k: leri and howeja, ia qtiKkiy i.HToset of with EJ;t Hitters, jf.-c. F-r saie by B-atm Dr-ig Co. LUNCHEON FCR G. H. MAXWELL rta-., h- cer - stertsiaaent rial CTwai far Head af aral 4e( tla irat sua riaflna. P'ans are being made Sy . stent committi.-e of tse CMn lercial cull j to ft" noonday lum wni to 'eorgi H. j Maxwell, executive .hair-ran of tr.e Rum; ' Settlements' aaeoc-.atinn. who wil he ui Omana next Tiesouv from WasRiagt an. i The :uner.eon wiil tak-- the nace of -he ! usual executive conrniitwi meelutes T ie- ! day. and the m e ioe snip of ihe cluo aiil j be .nvtted to be present and hear Jdc. ; MuxwelL From rha at ac.Jivur of the Rur-U S.-t- ! lentar association. Mr. Mat v-il w.i! ,-.s-- t cuss tne postal questiens w.iich havt actta- ' ted both tne CDmaceial c!-.:b and Re! : EatJte exrnangv for some time juim. and drawn me attention of tne entire country 1 to a demand postal return The 3rH-aK,T I has a national reputation a an au'.'ior-ty 1 on postal iegisiation. The for lai jrvening- of the rinb orns w-il be held Thursday evening. ! hr-larr ' J. 'otca are being trailed to ail mem bers, invticg them to come to the rocima. i nrtngtng then- wives, to luck oi'r the new I rem, ma. ' Ivnrt kind of artist in Omaha .a work- ' ing on the room, from carpet layers a-ui j drape i tu pamtera and furait ure hanUiers. New car eta ara being; placed on the f.oera i of the iolify and cituik fxtm. wmle new ! hiarn chairs havo arrived fur tne billiard ' roura. -oia.-ma: ti!e old. lit chairs wnua ! umm ben used fr many ars. shocks fall a?h:l first af nil lrn)r rrtaf Hade r Wlrll Wilt We ai w'!l nut contain ATI 'V.I oka "i a j" wii oe rer-- "WT"! of SeTWn '.Vl and -A IwH'lim in the biis'ttes M-r!nTi of t:ie fit y of Omaha on t'te f'ot dav of Apr- hr 'hr'es I?. Wijw!!. city bull t- in !nfpvior The has prjrd a :nrm :it or o-i:'il!n s deemed unsafo r.i -n the f!r t day of he "i t month of ' on .t-j. ir-'S Witch : b-.n j ;oni v -an aji. uui ijicv irir T:Xefl tip and ailowd to and. The 'imit of en durance has now reached, .the in- sector atatea. ami he is set on a weptna; fr-taa.le apiinst t :e oM "shacks,'' a la IV V "Mr. Lvr y nf Hawh;'i i v.-'-mie a not T"-o!iF.SV." s iyi Mr. W;;:m;l. as I i have had thia ttif tt MTTtvmt)ation for j acme t:rr,p. rw;hf.-a :ny ?'.!--t of huiidlna j to be c ndemned -onti:na manv that h I has in itnd. but should he or anyone elm. 1e.aT,ate a-inc oth-r biiiitifn wnich s leemed ur.Mfe I wl!. oT c ttrry. Take an 1 ! ...e ei.ant e oi t.-.e etnde:nnattnn ord ho owners of unsafe sticitir.s win iven tWO we-ks' f.TTle -n W.'ltlh to t show caupe why tieir btiildmirs should not b avL After that it lies w th the ; I di. - -t'on cf the bmldin- :nppt-ct.r how ; I Ion- the st irmt may be ailnvM t j stand. Pesibiy some may be ord'-rJ j rased at once. wh,:f- oilers will be r!s-n ' Thit-y to sir-.;.- 'lays more of lif,. and ;ih- ' CHCER TO CESTRCY FENCES Kaliaa; wade by Jodae Manaea Wipiaia; Oat Kac-IoMBirea tm Land. Judge W. H. Muns-r has handed down j two decri-s in the 1'niti-d States district ! conrt in land ft-ncrra; ca?s. whtT'-in the I defendants ar a.ref tc-d to mrr love the J fences iileiradr pia t-d on pubile iaciis. en- Jtuning them from larirg any cla;m to lands so illeandy frnc 1 and t pay all tfKts in the rw The r.rst ' States A.ltert Mc!2a-.-r. Jchn Biehoo , Jonaln F y anJ I 4-a.o? K X ' "H- T;ie ef-t in this ' rat's fat I ' I .movpd ai, i;i.,r rnci i suit was and the United . 3,Ie , . , dccrr?e. i l iih sfrcinn c,. ' -i s, .. ,.'.. , '"' .' fent.;Rf of p,jbtlc .ar,(.' " . ..,.,, . .. ana directing the immediate removal or j sum fencea. In the event of failure to do . i hi i nuen snarr- -n u-tn . i - . i . I " 1 " u 1.1,1 at me precedlna; cm as m-garis the perrt-jal injunction. . TB M'HfFFIfJ APPPDTC nil i ' i Holdre se M I ni.r i in , , 'a Pres lnyterla (lairs mm raxar. Rpv. Xathaniel atof ,:rT?n. D. D.. pastor I. of the P-eshyterian church of Uolrtrge. : has aceepii the csJl issned "i nim Dy the i Avenue Prltrt- an church of i mana to " tastor. The time of ; ma comma; is not y-t known. The call issued to Dr. McGiff'n unanimous and most cordial and Sis com- i-l-a1-11 S". it ia understood, w'th j -nthuaiaifm by the entire church member j sJ-.ip. He is a man of unusaal powers and i' jiuiiiieiiiuriiij ; in one or the strong ministers of Tne synod of Xebraaka. The church, haa been w'thnut a pastor since the departure !ast fall of Rev. A 3 r. r.i. liars t. i.. who went to Fra.iston. -A rrSflTh- Ttr'-f C tw nr.-w.L.e.:. T . ri ,L.i2Z L . ou.Bjjr, imiifT rat -Jier-, trie reverse. any rar bnnj to her a li pepor..:i. A: nch tim too rrfiz be taken to boild xrp the moter -eneraJ if.n apntion, and rest.-; re her feniinine to a es.h-, normal cnn. ! ilT that nu iiaif in avct"0rnrt)i-r'- mg znin a.u-irnp,rtauir wrk is' LYDlAE.PiHKIIAF.VS Mr. it-rnier, tf Ww rniort, c wrte Lynn, Miss. CO t rs. " I s r-ra dcrora La health, suerintr fr-ira a wea-aebs petrcliar to I be-an to take Lrtii E. P:nk.i3 i's Veyeth CiTctxitind. and I was not only retire-l to" heairn but aun tie proud motner of a 3a bah ffrL I w.aii every and aiiin? woman would r-- Lviia SI Pinkaam s Verable CotnTVinnit a trial." -ars. Paul .liver, of St. Mirrin- . ri;. La writes to Mr. Knim; " fr'r years I suered fmna the w.rst fort n of female rntrub'es. and t;ie doctur sa.d I eouid not ret well jp tliout aa operation. Lydla X. Phim Ve tahli Conitci3il restored me t perfrrrt health, and I have tne rrwtt little baby girl. I will never cease ta j praise Lrdla E. Pinkham medicine," 1 FACTS FQn SICX W0r,!EM. ! -araa Vtania Co. pound, mada fi-m roota inU heriw, feaa bwa tha itaiHlaM peasiy tor fema- IUh. and as pc-t:rrel- nvH. zhmmmaiia of w-men trao crubk-d tie worst f-r-i. dou't you tr- it ? voonB A M,Shane will j f . UUUiJ a the weaker I fa AlV Tl. Warden H. D. ; -i - TTri V--.,SSnJ I to th. kOifcrl C ar Con.tuct .tr 1 I - ..- . 5.r ( i eJ : 1 j COME EARLY A.VD SOc Pmfdexrt 5rtlrtiy, vtrty 25c S0MMER BROS. x70vrT- or soos irraj. SATURDAY'S SPECIALS. 35c Lar-f, 3wt Navel Craair9. ptr dor fcatCI 3c. half la. Xo. 1. Lipton 5Q, Ta mmJi .Zc Can Trjmatops, 1 i per ran . . I w( Bst Brand Crea-iery "TC Butter, per pound Jj( 3u!k Or.r-s, pr quart jDi 3 pounds j- Cates mmji Snowhito Cauliflower, per head Spinach, pr peck Large Egg Plant, each Rhubarb, per bunt h EUILDIK ABOVE PAR, MAYBE ! jOperationB This Tear at Leait lor mal. Says Tiomai Heri i t CaaTHAcTnaS WAVT. MrTT -ffn-V Material la Arrlvla. aa Mem M Be Eaapleyed ta Caar It. 9 a Osvalag MlalaUe mt Sarrk. "Euilding operations In Omaha during the 'joining season will be at least normal, perhap better. Tha seaotin will open about i arcn is,. Many men will be required to Io the tremendous amount of work being pii.nned by the architects of Omaha at yivwrn.' This is the opinion of Thomas Herd, pr -adent of the omaha Builders' exchange and a weU-kaown contractor, who is at present building tha addition to the Con vent of the Good Shepherd. "Wa have It members here in the ex change." continued Mr. Herd, "but that by r.u means represents the total number of employers in Oma.-.a. There are mmiy rontracto i outside the exciiange, and be sides the real estate dealers and Individual home builders have their own way of build ing houses. There is no way to estimate at this time how maity men will be needed. At jresent Uiere are plenty of men, but we have had to stop sort I attempted to wrxf on the Good S'ipi;i-rd s huine I y-sterday, bat e-eryriilrg is cmrd with in. It is dangerous aa wet I as tuo cold to work. i "3111 there wll be the usual amount of : work when tne season opens. Bmidir.if m i ter-al 's arrivng and 'someone moxt be hired tu lute it. I know the artchitects are uusy ,!. piana and have had a 500,1 w nier s worx.'' mt the Bis Ones. St Among tie huiMmgs jr. er-cied junng tlie -i.-in is :;.e 5i. ! Ceceria s caihed.-al. W.jrk will r-j antd t '. un the great structure lunng i:ie summer : mil there w ll be need f tr stune . utters ! i ind brit kavers. The Cat.miio peopie ;U ' " "i'-"" '-." tan-, K.-ium tor 01. fMlumdU S par-j.i. The Joiin Deere Piow compan w.l begin work on .is building at Xin.i xr.l Itarney streets, mere wll be uiucfi r.-.TiLHieiing 01 siore ironis. many au(uti-iis and hundreds cf small homes. Ore real estate f.rm piana to build at least iwenty .".ve houses, wmle oti-ers smy ten to twenty. Wort .n cement wiil be nr.por'ant. Mar. y f.iur.ilaii-jat. a:ia x few aaprntrutun i :il be ouilt of oe u-nl and crtuiiej rock, lie toward the day eT'ien Thomas A Edii ,f$ wiil pour the ctmerete into moulds and HirtKc "pa.aj-es for tl.i)4 eacn. Ceraeot workers w 11 ae ra demand in O '.ana during the summer, ai-cordins- tj he com rax tors. i FRESH THISS STILL PLENTY Celat lrr Has Caaeea tort- tlthaaara Did tia Cat. Prir T.tK , tid a atoer h text .'ir a gi-nemi ft'. ! :ns. i.ioiign as a .s .io n-ai r jnon s ien :l aiie ti'.e pi -rry of prices at frean matter of fai-t ther--fr the advance, in ":.e rr. . n .t Has been the smaller dealers a ,o r.ave rained T'.ieimces and hutter ' aad ' itKs and the fte6i vegetables nave ail gne up a fi w ceuta. Ttii best pai kaae cre?f r-.- butter auiJ ' r-rtail Friday momum for cents a pound. iill butter and tub butter sold ' i from 2 to centa a pound. Ka'B ra no higher than they have bran, tiie best -.anoK-d eggs, selling fur 3 cents I a duat . j An un -xpe-ted cariuad at sweet potatoes ' -am tn Wednesday irrim Uluuus, extena r.g the supply a liuie Uinrr than had bcra ' r 5 1NS- 7T i i autc 1 i 1 I If 1 r . , i i; it 1 Tic worth up to 51.00, your choice, 25c (Slack Xzcarpted. ) (Treat as former sales have been thi. one out.-trip them all. Why? Beeanse it embraces more cf the kiniL? that sell fcr 73c and S1.00 than ever before. We conM easily put hnnihTMis of thee fine tie with oar i?rlny line, bnt that is not our way. Not a sinz!e tie is carrietl over from seam to Hea.- n. that is why we have these sales twice each, year. STOCK THE UP WHILE Miieir lardiiali Ve ich -mi: GROCER" JTCXSJXS When Passing By, Drop In! It will par j'JU to investigate our stor". vTe want your busi ness and as aa inducement to get it we offer th Tery beat luullty at the lowest prices, and In addition we 2-iaranter: Pmmjat Set ire. Your telephone orders will get special attention. SPECIAL- So. 1 Pork Loin, per lb 7 No. 1 Hams, per lb 10c N"o. 1 Flour, per sa-k SI .35 24 lbs. Grannlateil Su?ar with each order. .1.00 PHONE DOUGLAS 1311 H E GIVE CREE.'V TR.LDL5G STA-'ITS. Golden Flake Chocolate Special for Saturday Only. Per Pound Box These are a delicious chocolate confection, dainty and crisp, dipped in pure sweet chocolate. They will please the most fickle lover cf sweets, and give a delightful impression of rnimmal palatableness. They are packetl in plain attractive pound boxes and sell regularly for -')c on special i JJ sale for Saturday only, at. per pound box -1-3C BALDUFF'S, m.i ta, - TTe srme a Tahk I'lale D'utarr rwrj Soaalaj, tnm I IJ9 a. ( I p. at, rrkx Me PURE FOOD WHISKIES rOR HOME I'SE Old Oi traoit pure r. full tiuar-aLOa liuckenheimrr. pure rye. full ql..lO0 Siiimipf . purs rye full quart. . . iio iiond Lilllard, Kentucky Bourhon. full quart 1 M Oid Otumr Pepper Bourbon, full n 1 tVeiuon springs Bourtxm. fil 141 41.00 ! year oid ay Bourbon, per (a;. on $3.00 Ca-ifornia V ines 35e, 90c. 75a souvenirs with every purc'iaae. sot atrxi ctrm-a coivss Jamaica Rum. Per ti'iart LN Telepk ana Bmuf. 1148. CACKLEY BROS. Opposite expected. They sold whoiesaie at 3 cents a pound. Another shipment may come in in a rew aars, unt tnis wm probably tie rhe last. Celery is look-r.g a Utile gie-n :uat now, but itj ijuaiity is afl nght. It ia as tender and ens as tha white ceic -. An oversurpiy of eggplant on hand Jul, I new ought u bring tne retail price beiuw 2 centa each, the ordinary price, hut n.any of the grocers are making no differeare. T".ie beat Colorado potatoes are selling wholcsaio this week for cents a bus lit-1. I Ail of the frsli vepeabies have "moved J ilowiy" this week, in Uie terms of the conim aaion men. Pwipie 110 not se m to ! be bujing as they s:.oiiid. This is a so ! . trie or strawtterors. wtt.'i t.,e result Hint some of the commission dealers have had to dibptts of what they had for ii ta they pa.d for .t. These ier tea are retail- ii.K frjm W tu 11 and 6) cents a noar ivo ) t but some of conimmsion houses ha 1 j t .'iem fu and 3 c-nis a box. "v.e larff'r deale i have b-en i sr"t.:al srrcs on orariaes fir the la,i m,n-f Jf them selling fur less than thee i paid fcr them. The price ranges fr m 1Z to P .cs.i a doaen Chickens are a iiiile tut u,ger tnaa they were, hens selling at whoiesaie for 1Z cents and "springs'' fro i IT ta TT t rents a pound aliuieaaie. and a few guinea hens are aelLnff at S cents esc n. Ever Try The Bee Want Ad Coiuir.r.s If nut. do so. and get aatisfjUi f resuita. THE DIFFERENCE (I bt'aven the or-5'.nary restaurant, cafs or lunch riom and The Boston Lunch is very marked in the cwikin the 'juality of food served, aad the service. In the latter everything muit be superior in every respect. Aad the aerv'.r weil, TTiry bare rha pr oper system at THE BljriTO TRY IT Open avery hour, every day. ISVi FARJIA.M STEZET. V VARIETY IS LARGE 23c HBotonM Grtr StfajrArr, mstj 11c MOUSSES, 11c Quart cans, fine cooker, would be chenp at luc. PEARH. lVc. hite, juicr Bart'ets. In syrup, larse cans. reeUar 25c raltie. OLIVES. 33c CtST Queen Olives, ;ood size, good flavor. PINE.1PPLE, rte Large cans. 2 iba.. sliced. 30c quality- CORA. 2 Cl.XS, ISc. Full standard, brisht aad aweet. COOKIES. 2 DOZ. lc Our make fresh and crisp, as sorted. WHITE CAKES. 3lr 3-!ayer, the best atd largest cakes In Omaha at the pr-e ORAXGK.S U- DOZ. Fancy Redland fruit solid. Juicy and sweet. RIB RO.UT. lOc mad !i.c Cut from finest corn fed steers juicy aad tendT. ait OS. PER LB. IJe Strips a to j lbs. lean aad i'WL L.1RD. LB, arc. . , uiia. beat brands. tohnfln,Rnnfflf Pn SKUilwuii mi Mtfylw WW I 2ft h auJ Lake. Phone WebMcr 1,73 3 wim. j IW C i-l In., ' Li Ii ' ii1,, I V 1 " Choice Meals and Clean Shop Everythinar iu and aut our pice in mrpi in ii.e moat sanitary i-onuit.on. and we hail. lie Hung uuii we uunni fuiiy i teN-olltuietid- V. our owe C2ufcaaa ' ' k ' " i t.iu" n iinkvua. I ry en aia e ( vnvintei yjt ex ei',rutie f oar , met iod. If you dea. wttn ua you will Qe ' atified. Uutu in price and truaty. Jos. Satin stxir Tan laaa JR. L9l raoaa Soog. tost Meaitrr-- Econcmy 1 BestbyTest MH BaUSAlW 1 I Of nuiiiiiMin ii iiiaawafTsTT-hllhi'liWaWaTak J : t I