10 THE OMAllA PATLY BEE: SATURDAY, FEBRUARY P, 1908. Want - ads AdTfrtlavmriili for the want ad folimin 'will he taken III 12 tn. for the rtralot edition and nntll p. far the mornlngr aait Kaniif editions. ( auk mailt accompany all order for want ado and no adrertlaemrat will he areepted for lea than 10 eenta for flrat Inaertlon. ftatea applr to either Tke Dallr ftnnday Bee, A I war a enant ata worda to a line. Combination of Initial or namber roant aa on word. f A ft 1 1 HATF.ft FOR WAIT ADS. II Km 'MR CLASSIFICATION Ona Inaertlon, per line, 10 eenta. Two or more eonoeeatlro Inaertlon, per line, II eenta. X.arh Inaertlon made on odd dnye, 10 peata per line. gl.OO per line per moatk. SPKUA1. LAftSIFICATIONS If j our advertlaement la Inaerted wader any one of tke rlaael Aratlona ltr l.elow, It will be charged at tke fol 1 lowlna; rateai One Inaertlon, 4 eenta per llne tkree to els conaerotlve la aertlona, a eenta per line enek Inaer tlon aevea or more conaecntlvo Inaer tlon, 'J eenta per line each Inaertlon) SO eenta por line per month. HtQTKR AD KX CHAN OB, BI SIKSS CIIANCKS. IIKI.P WASfTRD FEMALE. 1IKI.P WANTED -MALE. Except Agents, gollcltore and Sales men. ' ' i OFFERED FOR SALE. Com, Bird,' Doara and Pets. Horara and Vehicle, Poultry and Kxare. Furultnre. Typewriters aad Italic Machine. Pianos, Organ and Mnaleal Instra . mcaita. OFFERED FOR BENT. Furnished Rooma. I nfurniiked Kooma. llonsekeepina; Hooma. Board In a; and Rooma.' WA.VIED TO BUY. ' Waal ads for Tka Beo mar left t nuy of the following drag; atorea one la "your eoroer drogglat" they are all branch offleea of Tko Bee and jour ad will ko Inserted Jnat aa promptly and oa tke same ratea aa at I lie unlit oftleo in Tko Heo llalldlng, Seventeen Ik aad Farnam Streets. Albach. W. C, 40th and Farnam. ' isemnek, H. A , 1402 S. 16th Bt. 1 Rreht Pharmacy, 720 S. IWh W. Benson Pharmacy, Benson, Neb. lieinls Park Phurmacy. 23d and Cuming. Blake's Pharmacy. 2816 Sherman Ave. 4'aughlln, C. K., lh ami Pierce Sis. L 111 Lou ilill Pharmacy, iU Military Av. Conic, J. B., Hist Ave. ami Farnam. JCnisscy Pharmacy, 24th and Lake bts. cYiinak, Etnil, 1M-6 B. Win St. Eatinan Pharmacy, 2S02 ljeavenworth. I'.. hut & Arnold!, 213 N. 25th at. h'nylns. John J.. 11)14 N. 24th. l-'lorcncc Drug Co., Florence, Neb. Goldman Pharmacy, 20Ui and Lake. (Jrct n s Pharmacy, corner Park Ave. and ?aclfic. Grccnough, G. A., 1025 6. 10th Bt. Grcciiough. U. A., 1624 8. Will Bt. Jiaydcn, VViti. C, 29-o Farnam St. llaiiscout l ark Pharmacy, lw.il S. 28th II. il.M, John, 6-4 N. ltlth Bt. Huff, A. L.. 2924 Leavenworth St. .'King, li. 2238 Farnam Bt. Jvountze Place' Pharmacy, JIS04 N. 24th. rl'iiii'K Drug Co., 1624 N. 24lh 8t. i.ellnop, Charles E., 1321 N. 24th St. l't'yiun, L. fc.., 24th and Leavenworth. -bai'Htuttu Drug Co., 24th and Ames Ave. bi'lmt'ier'a Cui Price' Drug Co., ltlth and CllH UHO. - Bc-huefur, August, 2031 N. 16th St. " Schmidt. J. li., 24th and Cuming Bts. Sturm Pharmacy, 16th arid Martha Bts.' Walnut Hill Pharmacy, 40th and Cuming. Walton Pharmacy, 2uth and Grace. Worth, U. 11., 4uth and Hamilton fits. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Jtirtha Ward Waetley, 18.18 North Seven-tet-irth, girl; John Dwuiiaon, 2418 Jones, girl; Petwr Urunnor, Hi Wetf!tld ave n uu. girl; F. K. Kinkenow, HU Btanturd Circle, gill. Dcutlia Mrs. Ellen IA Moore, Fortieth and Popplalun, 't4; Mru. Ida Bwannon, xvurth T wenty-scconil, 45; Kiniuanuel Bclintfllbuckcr, .lo Miami, 5l; Kstlicr Ueter, 22u6 South Kltsvi-nth, 7. l. m CARD OF THANKS. HU1IN Wo desire; to express our sincere thanks to the many friends and neigh bors who rendered us such valuable as sistance during the illness and death of our dear dauKliter and sister; also for the many benutilul floral designs. Mrs. Mary lluhn. Miss Mamie Huhn, Mr. and Mrs. IS. M. Buhofield, Mr. and Mrs. li. K. Hclncke. KRKJC'.I We wish to thatiTP our many friends and neighbors for their kindness and sympathy; also for the many beautiful floral offeriiiK sent us during- the death our beloved son, Eddie. Mr. and Mrs. K. J. Krejcl. 31 Bl C I . wish to express my heartfelt thanks to my many kind frlepds and neighbors for their sympathy and beautiful floral tributes sent during thu illness and death of my beloved wife, Ellis Sleh. 'ieorge Slop. MARRIAGE LICENSES. The following ' marriage licenses have keen issued: Name and Residence. " Age. Frank Cuse, Omaha 44 Kin ma liaynes, Omaha 43 ' ANNOUNCEMENTS TELEGRAPHY Tlio telegraph department of the Omaha Commercial college, lstlt and Farnam Bts., has belt mads 4 ho official school of tela )raphy of ti U. P. K. H. Co. Students I uaianleed positions on U. P. R. R. AY' rile aa at ,0111. -Address llohrbough tiros Omaha, Nob. (1 M8 Febla VilE CITY UAHBAGE CO., offica 4th and Leavenworth bis. Tel. Douglas 1387. 0462 BION I'AJNTING-S. H. COLE, 13j2 Doug. . 'as. (l)-463 AUTOMOBILES SEND for our list of second-hand automo biles. DEK1UHT. 1818 Farnam, H)-IA KIRK STONE Auto tires at Karbach's. M9U Marcn 1 IKWlilJ, runabounl. stanhope body, with , top; side curiam and storm front, com- - plcie; good condition; will sacrifice for .M. as i need cash. J. H. UeLong, care i.auson lias r.ny.no Ac bupply Co., th 4UTOMOBILE Two cylinder Cameron wltli tonuouu; shuft firlve. sliding gear direct on high speed; engine under the hood, car Is nice shape, looks nearlv llku new; speedy and food hill climber new tires. i'ur cost ITiO; want for quick fule. C. W. Lindsay, Anthon, la. ('.';-M3T7 9 BARTER AND EXCHANGE HAVE 1180 acres good Nebraska land, would sell or trade for general merchan nik or hatdware stock. Address Y 221, care Bee. 13-Mr06 lOx JC.CW, up-to-date 60-barrel mill for cheap lund; good trade; good shipping facilities Hh bltio track. Owner not a miller. For particulars address Y 73,' care Omaha Bee - tSj Ma8a 10 A anod lMVacre prairie farm In 1uint. ill level land, new 7-room house, price $n6 r 'r m ir. nini biocs, oi general merchan iie or hardware. If you have a aivrk i-acimiiMr, auiirei ueorge v. Threlkeld Mt. i' i lion. 111. (3)-Miai t I HAVE several small diamonds good wliile stones, will trade for office furul Uua or something- 1 can use; must Itava tuuiu vah.' E 9US, care Bee. 0)-M63S Fl TRADES. TRADES If you have some thing for Mile or trade write us; we match every thin;. WAIT INVESTMENT CO. 4U1 ie Bldg. 4AI-MT5 F24 BARTER AND EXCHANGE (Continued.) IF VOU have any good property that you will exchange for other good pmpertv send us diwrlptlon. Our business Is to mucn it. The Nebraska Trauma t o., Yifik. Neb. (3) MH t A LIVE ONE. Have a good mining stock to trade. What have you? L 634. care Pee. (3) m vVANTET) to sell, 640 arrea good Nebraska land or would consider trnde on town property. Address Y 23 tsre Hee. (.1) M7C5 10X 4.fKVi STOCK In the Orr Oss Engine Ptarter Co. of Omaha to exchange for four-ry Un der automobile; must be In good condi tion. Address 0-944, cure Hee. (3I-M166 8 TO EXCHANGE Stock of dry goods, well assorted, for farm land. Apply Y 229, Hee. (3) MZ!9 13x FOR BALE Or trade, 64o-arre rsnch In Brown county, Neb.; will sell for cash or trndo for town property, hardware. Implements or merchandise to amount of land. Trice; 110 per acre. Write to Anderson Bros., Bpencer, Neb. (3)-M728. 330 ACRES land to trade for city property, Fine soil; level land, tlood improvements. Foster & Williams Co., Leshara. Neb. (3) 22S 12x BUSINESS CHANCES A BIO SNAP Treated In tht heart of the retail dis trict. A fine, large pool hall, with all Conveniences to fit up a first class place, A SHOE SHINING PARLOR. FMted up In first clsss condition Is also located In same place. Must sell Imme diately; owner leaving city. Addross A 843, Bee. j (4)-M730 x INDUSTRIAL AND MINING STOCKS BOUGHT AND SOLD. ROBT. V. DRUBS F.DOW & CO., STOCK BROKERS. Tel. Douglas 3f65. 809 N. Y. Life Bldg. OMAHAi NEB.' 4-Mlll MchS DO YOT.T WISH TO MAKE A CHANGE? TIIE LEXINGTON STEAM LAJJNDRY v NEW EQUIPMENT. NO COMPETITION. MONTHLY INCOME $500.00 Apply for prtco and particular. Palace Restaurant, Lexington, Neb. (4; M727 March IX DRUG STORES for sala everywhere. F. V. Knlest, 707 N. Y. Life. Omaha. t4) 469 E. G. GANSESTAD can Jielp you get In or out of business. Room 403 Bee Bldg., Omaha. ;,. . (4) 4o FOR SALE Harness business, established 21 years, in excellent town of 2,600; splen did chance; rue other shop the only competition; nearest town 20 miles. Ad dress Theu. Figgs, Chadron, Neb. t4)-M73l FOR SALE. IMPLEMENT BUSINESS In the best county seat town In northeast Nebraska. We sold 140,000 worth of Im plements last year; this stand has always been tlm best In town; this Is the best proposition ever offered for sale In this part of the state. Wo will sell the stock and rent the buildings. Call or address Morris & Bchwabland, Hartlngtnn, Neb. (4-M178 V Do You Wish to Make a Change IF YOU have a farm,-home, business or property that you wish to sell or ex change, write us. GLOBE LAND AND INVESTMENT CO., OMAHA, NEB. (4) M179 Feb23 ; FOR SALE Drug Store, best proposition and best located store In Denver, Colo. Owner has to leave Denver. Invoice about . 8,O0O. E. L. Foster, 2307 East Colfax, Denver, Colo. 14) M712 14 FOR SALE Harness business, splendid opportunity,, voiiiiiy prut, guu.1 irtaue. AUiiren tv iiiiaiii Hardt, Nelson, Neb. (t) M301 14x A WIDE-AWAKE business man who has . a, few thousand dollars Idle wishes to go Into business as active partner with someone who is a hustler and either has a business or knows of some good business. 4.0 start. .Address K-958, caru Bee. , (4) M20S x FAMILY HOTEL FOR SALE. Owner leaving Omahu. The lease and fur niture of the best and most conveniently located family hotel of 36 rooms In Omaha, always full of high-class hoard ers; must be sold at once. It's a mon,ey muker. Just the place for family who wants to send their children to the fa mous schools of Omaha. Call on or ad dress owner. W. W. D., 926 N. Y. Life Bldg., Omaha, Neb. (4) M2J3 BLACKSMITH, Implement and repair business for sale at a bargain If taken soon; would consider exchange for farm land In good locality. Answer,. Lock Box !45. O'Neill, Neb. (4) M655 8x ALL kinds of bargains In rooming houses; cash loaned If needed. Kelly & Stone, 220 Neville Blk. Tel. Doiif. 4664. (4) M866 Febl8 FOR SALE Furnished hotel, 21 rooms, good business, barn, garden, fruit. Harri son House. Meadow Grove. Neb. (4)-M5S7 F15 PARTY with $4,000 or J5.00O can make 10 per cent on his money, no time required, no risk. Address O 806, care of Bee. (41-M866 JUST returned from Old Mexico; have ( mining claims In great copper dtntrlct; not prospects, sell or bond. F. T. Darling, 634 Paxton block. H M163 lOx I OFFER investors an Industrial stock that Is substantial and will pay from 60 to 300 per cent yearly. For prospectus and Information call or address L. J. Ross, president, 6KI Brandeis Bldg., Omaha, Neb. 'Phone Douglas 3750. 4)-M908 9x FOR 8ALE, trade or rent, brick black smith and wagon repair shop. 22x64; well equipped; power gasoline engine, in good county seat town. Address P. O. Box 424, Nelson, Neb. (4) M20J 9x FURNITURE and lease to three good brick t'i per day hotels In central Nebraska towns. Price 11,800, $2,600, $4,000; rent $ii. $60, $100. Buy one of these and step Into a good business. The Nebraska Trading Co., York, Neb. (4) M&9S 8x A SNAP. Fine grocery and notion business for sale at once; best location on Broadway; doing good business. 2227 Broadway, Council Bluffs. (4) M6si 9x ROOMING HOUSES for sale, all sizes; fur. nlah part purchase money if wanted. Gangestad. Room 4u3 Bee Bldg. (4) MluO GROCERY and feed store for sale in Coun cil Bluffs; also some small farms near town. 411 Bee Bldg. (4) MiW6 8x FOR BALE My btook of drugs and sun dries in southeastern Nebraska; have good "trade, especially good prescription trade. This Is a good deal and will nut be open long. Address Y 222. care Bee. 4)-M9ul 8 j WANTED Partner In legitimate business. rri a miRiiru iv y tr I , isuv conil Ifi U I itU. Adtiresa U 631, cmre Be. Mi Mlttl 8x IFOR SALE Furniture and lease of three- story brick hotel nf w) rooms, located in Parsons, Kan. No trades. This la a money maker; investigate. Address W. J. Mack. Pittsburg, Kan. 4 M170 9x - ONE HUNDRED dollars will start you In the wholesale) biscuit trade.. Write for terms and territory. Comstock 'x.k & Co.. Cliicago, Hi. M243 ax FOR SALE 11-room boarding house; has 12 roomers; corner brick flat; malkliiK distance; water paid; has bath, s-as and furnace; all furnished. Andre with references L 941. cure Bee, or Tel. P"uulas l.lo and Douglus 147. (4) 10S It LUNCH, cigars, tobacco, confectionery, pool room. Ivi2 No. hith St. (4) 26 9x INVESTIGATE our proposition and tell us why 600 to 15.000, ca-sh or trade can't be Invested wth safety. It will stand the Inspection and is good in any state. Inquire, 642 Bee Bldg. (4) M301 lOx HAVE 1500; want partner with equal amount to engage in medicine tnVg. business. Address Jl 938, care It-e. 14 M300 10x FOR SALE Drug stock Invoicing s.xmjI 83.600, In town of 7X population In western . Iowa. Reason for sellitis;, Kolng out of cli uc bualueas. For particulars addresn V-Ul, car of Omaha Bee. tlJ-Al.&9 14 j'"''""'" I.,. m.u.iu.isw UMMUia,Uj1aLaj .Wmi!u,aaiIHimgl ffenMliK1..lu.i There are many people in Omaha who make a living out or two and three, line want ads in The BEE BUSINESS DIRECTORY Anrlloneer. IN NEBRASKA OR IOWA Sam Hoff, Omaha. (5) M706 Feb8x Batha. HAMMOND ' BATHS. 107 So. 14th. Tel, Douglas 3916. Wednesdays ladles' day. l&) M 174 Creameries. David Cole Creamery Company. (& M1T6 Chiropodist. DR. ROY, R. 3, 1508 Karnam Bt. Doug. 6i97. (6 461 Chattel Loans. Chas. D. Stanton Loan Co., 601 Bee Bldg. 6) 4li3 Deatlsta. BAILEY & MACH, 3d fir., Paxton. D. 1085. (6) 404 Hotela. THE SCHLITZ, European, 16th and Harneji IB j 111 Dreunsklsg, IN FAMILIES-Miss Sturdy. Tel. Harney 1368. W wo M' DOW ELL Dressmaking School, 1623 Far nam St. W EXPERIENCED dressmaker, aewlng by day In families; good work guaranteed. Call evenings. Webster 1809. (51-M733 F18x Florist. HESS A SWOBODA, 1416 Farnam. (5) 467 . L. HENDERSON, 1519 Farnam. Tel. D. 1263. 10) a J. H. BATH, 1623 Harney. Tel. Doug. 3000. Jeweler and Watchmakers. N. P. 8TILLING Watch, clock, Jewelry repairing. 2-3 Paxton Blk. Tel. 3W. (4 470 , Lockamltha. KETS, etc., Heflln, 1334 Farnam. Tel.D. 2974. ) 471 Mnalo and Uninage. PIANO lessons. Mrs. Ritchie. Tel. Web. 2292. (5)-473 Office Sapplies. FILING cabinets, files and ledgers, loose leaf devices and office fixtures and sup plies of all kinds. Anchor Publishing Co., 3oti S. 18th St. Tel Doug. 66t2. Ind. A1662. (5)-M697 Flo Moving; and BtorInr. Expressmen's Delivery Co., office. 214 N. 16th St.; warehouse, 2207-9 Izard St. (5) 474 Osteopathy, Dr. Bowser, over 1502 Farn'm. Tel. Don;. 6370 t6) n II JOHNSON INS., 418 N. Y. L. Tel. D. 1664. Photography. C. B. TRUSSELL, 115 S. 16th St. 475 Printing;. BEFORE placing your 1909 calendar OjTder don't fall to see our elegant Imported line. Lyngstad St Jorve, printers, 16th. and Capitol Ave. (5) 478 EVER STOP TO THINK of the time lost poking .up the average printer when wan' a tib In a hurry? Ever try us? ANCHOR PUBLISHING CO., Printers and Office Furnishers, 306-312 S. 19th St. Phones: Bell, Douglas 5662; Ind.. Al.r,62. (5) M592 F27 Public Stenographer. MISS SPEHARD. 804 N. Y. L.. rublli stenographer. (6) M213 Mch5 Shoe' Repairing;, RAPTD SHOE REPAIR CO. First class work. 1618',4 Capitol Ave. 'Phone Red-W4. (5)-476 SHOES repaired right, called for and de livered free. Standard Shoe Repair Co., 1804 Farnam St. Tel. D. 7567. (6) 477 Safea, Shatters, Etc. OMAHA SAFE AND IRON WORKS makes a specialty of fire escapes, shutters, doors and safes. G. Andreen, Prop., 102 8. 10th St. (61-479 HELP WANTED FEMALE Honsekeepera and Domestical. WANTED Girl for housework, good wages. Mrs. W. W. Bingham, 3328 S. 24th St. t7-M996 WANTED Competent girl for general housework. Mrs. J. P. O'Keefe, 4150 Dav enport Bt. Tel. Harney 2842. (7)-M161 11 WANTED Two girls, chamber maid and dishwasher; good character required; tickets furnished. Address Perkins hotel, David City, Neb. (7j M199 9 WANTED Girl for general housework; prefer one that can go home niKhts. 123 Wirt St. (7 M222 8 PLEASANT home work for ladles, $1.50 dally. Send stamp. Ladies' Guild. G 3.(6, East 60d Bt.. Chicago. (7)-M654 lSx WANTED Maid: must be neat and good cook. Tel. Harney 413. (7) M123 9x HELP furnished; male and female. Tel D. 684. Canadian Office, loth and Dodge. (7) 480 WANTED 76 girls, not under 14 years of age. to prepare catalogues for mailing. Nebraska Clothing Co. (7) 225 14 MIDDLE AGED WOMAN for general housework. One who is fond of chil dren. Enquire 829 So. 19th St. 7-M2r.O S LOIRL for general house work: laundress kept; 15 per week. 1414 Park Wild Ave. 11 -Ol 9 t WANTED Neat girl for general house work; three in family: best wages. In quire 2617 Capitol Ave. (7j 269 9x WANTED Experienced cook for family of two; best of wages. 2037 Dodge St. (71-271 WAITED At the emergency hospital, a laundress; someone who has had small pox. Apply Board of Health Office, or telephone Douglas 601. (7) M2N2 10 WANTED Good girl for general house work. Apply, 2804 Poppleton Ave. (7) M297 lOx GIRL for. ' general housework, five In family, no children; warm room, with separate bath. 1314 S. Soth Ave. IT M305 14x Mlacellaaeoa. WANTED Bright, neat young ladv who can do good printing with pen. Address with sample of work. F 9J6, care Bee. (7) 2H4 HELP WANTED MALE Agents, golleltera aad Salesmen. WANTED Salesmen to place our new rocker deal with 300 6c cigars, locallv and - throughout Nebraska and Iowa. Address Crowu Cigar Co., Milwaukee. Wis t9)-rf!X7 9x HELP WANTED MALE A grata aad Salesmen Contlaned. WANTED Reliable man In each locality to advertise our goods on commission or salary; IW a month and expenses. 83 por day; entirely new plait. Write Empire Medicine to., ixuidun, Ontario, i anaaa. (9 Mlltt 9x GOOD proposition for live canvassers. 1212 Harney. 19) MASS Feb27 NOTICE TO PORTRAIT AGENTS If you want good satisfaction and prompt ship ments, let the lnman Portrait Co. do your work. 418 New Era Bldg., Chicago. (9) M128 Feb22x WANTED Salesmen to hSJidle the best side line nf portal cards at a good com mission, from a reliable firm. Webh Frey sch lug More. Co., Kansas City, Mo. (9)-MJ66 9 WANTED Experienced traveling sales man for coal, lumber and building ma terials'. Will have to live In Bloux City. Applicant must give reference and state salary expected. Address G-884. Omaha Bee. (9-M266 GENERAL furniture salesman, at once; first class position; write particulars. Address M 889, Bee. (9) M241 Ux WE want a few more good men to assist In real estate work In outside territory. 411 Bee Bldg. (9) M904 8x WANTED Solicitors with experience In book or picture business; good Income; permanent position; reliable Omaha firm. Address C 960, Bee office. t M3 WANTED Young man to travel for locol firm, single man preferred; good paying position for right party. Address F Bee office. (9 M962 WANTED Representative for our line of overalls, shirts, pants, in your territory. Good commission to first class salesman. Only men of experience and those with trade need apply. Hugh Aron. 234 Market SLehlcago. (9) M2S8 Sx Clerical and Office. SEE OUR line of lxose Leaf Iedgers. Binders and labor-saving accounting forms. Imperial Loose laf Ledger Co., 811-312 Ramge Bldg. Tel. Douglas 1493. (9) M377 POSITIONS for drug men everywhere. F. V. Knlest, 707 N. Y. Life, Omaha. (91 81 Factory aad Trades. I WANT a good, sober, honest man, who has had experience in moving brick and frame buildings; good wages and steady work. I. A. ' Murphy, 1101 B. Main Ave., Bloux Falls, S. D. (9) M663 F17 WANTED Coat, vest and pants makers; also good bushclman; steady work. Laei, tho TaUor, Sioux Falls, S. D. (9)-M169 lOx WANTED A practical printer with small capital to take care of a good Job and newspaper office in good town In Iowa, publishing two papers. Write for par ticulars. Address L 906, care Bee. C91-M300 WANTED Man and wife to operate tel ephone exchange and repair lines. Must be experienced. Address F. C. Crocker, Filley, Neb. (9) M214 8 WANTED Good carpenter finisher. Call Tel. Web. 4128 after 1p.m. (9) 272 8x WANTED .Men to learn barber trade; few weeks completes; 60 chairs constantly busy, licensed instructors, tools given, diplomas granted, wages Saturdays, posi tions waiting, wonderful demand for grad uates. Write for catalogue. Moler Bar ber College, 110 8, A4th St. .. , ) M286 13x Sllscellaaeons. FREE Employment Bureau, supported by Business Men's association; helps work men find positions. i626 N. Y. L. Bldg. (91483 WE GUARANTEE YOU A ' Tt'I L'l" O i I.T I T " I 1 1 n l'nlon Paclfiu R. R. If you learn jcninjuij ai our scnooi, and also a placo to work for your board while attending. Union Pacific train dispatcher's wire and station blanks installed in the school for pinctlce purposes. Write for full informa tion QUICK. Boyles Telegraphy College, 1S03 Harney St., Omnha, Neb. Official training school U. P. R. R. (91482 YOU can make $25 to $100 week in mail order business; no canvassing; I made $5,000 first year. Why work on small salary? Free booklet; tells how to get started. Manager American Mall Order Bureau, Detroit, Mich. (91-M234 Feb 10x WANTED Foreman for shoe shop, man without family; $40 per month, room nnd hoard. Address, with references. State Institution, Y 228. Bee. (9)-M:'42 8 WANTED Foreman for county seat weekly, eastern Nebraska, by March 1; married man. Address Y 2.S0. Bee. (9)-M24l POSITIONS OPEN FOR FIREMEN AND BRAKEMEN; big pay and rapid promo tion; experience unnecessary. Apply at once, personally or by letter, to National Railway Training Ass n. 620 Paxton Blk., Omaha, Ngb. (9) 136 Feb 7 WANTED Young men to study structural drafting; evening classes, 8:00 to 10:0i p. m. : tuition payable monthly. OMAHA TECHNICAL BCHOOL "OMATEK," Room 3 Wead Block.. 18th and Farnam. (91-M134 HUSTLERS wanted everywhere; $25 to $30 made weekly distributing circulars, over seeing out-door advertising. New plan. No canvassing. Merchants Out-Door Ad vertising Co., Chicago. (9) M284 fx YOUNG MEN to prepore for examination for railway mall and other government positions; superior instruction by mall; established 14 years; thousands of suc cessful students; sample questions and "how Kovernmont positions are secured" sent free. Interstate Schools, (Vdar Rapids. la. (9) M582 F15x WANTED A steady, sober, reliable young iimu in Hum in risn pacaing room and learn the fish business; must be able to keep account of stock and have the knack of handling men; permanent place for right party; don't apply unless with Intention of remaining permanently If satisfactory to us. Call afternoon Friday or Saturday on foreman A. Booth ft Co law Leavenworth St. (9) 270 8x WANTED Ixt graded; call on or address ;:. ""innun, 2111 Ohio 8t., or 'phone Acb. 2502. (9)-263 9 DISTRIBUTERS wanted everywhere; tSi to ou nmue wecKiy uisiriuuMnir circulars, samples, overseeing gen'l adv'g. Experi ence not nefded. No canvassing: steady Address. Reliable Adv. Bureau. Howland Block. Chicago. 9 M',vi fx AT ONCE, sample distributers evervwhere $4 per l.ooo paid. Hummel, ;:6.'i7 Indiana Ave.. Chlcagf (fti M.is -Sx HELP WANTED MILK AND FEMALE. WANTED Men and women of good ability aim strong personality to rcpreoent I'odd. Mead Co., to sell the new In ternational encyclopedia in Nebraska, South Dakota and western Iowa. Pre vioun exierlence unnecessary. 718 X. , Y. L.. Omaha. Neb. (101 M173 Mch4 LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horace aud Vehicle. I BUY. sell and exchange horses on com mission Mures and horse always on I nuiiu. i neap, juyers. iu uougias tit. ; (11) 937 TWO rubber llred hacks; good condition. choap. v. o. Forbes, ll-o P Hi.. Lin coin. Neb. (ll M177 FOR SALE Gentle fatnllv driving horss. 5714 N. Mlh St. Tel. Webster Shi. (11I-M291 9x DELIVKltY wagons at Karbach'a. u Aim March 1 mm . m.m--! H'mi KSV business in LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Ilorara aad Vehicle Continued. WE HAVE BUYERS every day for horses. If you have any you want to dispose or. We buy and sell on commission. The Harney Street Stables. (11) 4S7 Poultry aad E. SCREENINGS $1.15 per cwt. Wagner. Wl N. 16 Si. OD-485 GOVT, bbok free. Model Squab Co., Omaha. (11 M102 M2 FOR SALE S. C, Buff Orpington cock erels, puro brod (Cook strain), April hatch, 1907; fine large fellows. It. K Oxborn, Harlan. Ia. (11)-M24 Sx Cow, Bird, Dog; avad Pet. FOR SALE Cheap, Registered Red Polled cattle, consisting of six young cows and three hulls. Lewis Blanchard, Dakota City, Neb. 11)-M6i8 (x LOST AND FOUND LOST Lady 'a gold watch, with black fob; letters "J. O. B." engraved; leave at office. Courtney & Co., 17th and Douglas. Reward. i tl2 M247 8 LOST From Union station last Saturday night about 11 o'clock, English Better, spots on front legs aJid small black dots on extreme and of tail; body white; an swers to namu of Bi Ight. Reward for re turn to baggage agent Union station. (12) 275 MEDICAL BEST nerve bracer for men, "Oray's Nerve Food Pills," $1 a box, postpaid. Sherman 6c McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. (13) 48 ANY poor girl in need of a friend call or write to me matron of the Salvation Army Home for Women at 8824 N. 24tb St., Omaha.'Neb. (12) Mloti FREE medical and surgical treatment at Crelghton Medical college, 14th and Dav enport Sts.; special attention paid to con finement cases; all treatment supervised by college professors. 'Phone Douglas 1167. Calls answered day or night. . (13) 129 MONEY TO LOAN SALARY AND CHATTELS LET US HELP YOU If you are In need of a little ready cash come to the OLD RELIABLE LOAN HEADQUARTERS. YOU WILL FIND our terms are more reasonable than can bo obtained elsewhere. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO., 119 Board of Trade Bldg. (14) 487 DR. PRIBBENOW'S MONET, loaned on furniture, pianos, horse, etc, any amoul.t: leBS half rates: oerfect pri vacy and Immediate attention, on any terms, payments suspended when sick or aisaoiea. m ivaroacn uiit., zuu a. lotn Bt. U4) MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE and others without security; easv pay ments. Offices In 63 principal cities. Tul- man, room in, ixew xorK Lite ttidg. (14) 491 FOR A SQUARE DEAL GO TO THE PHOENIX CREDIT CO. For Chattel or Salary Loans, 633 Paxton Block. 'Phono Douglaa 745. (14) 192 Money TO L O A N L O W RATE In sums to suit. 310 Bee Bldg. 'Fhona Doueiaa 29u4. UNION LOAN COMPANY. (14)-490 EAGLE LOAN OFFICE Reliable, accom modating; all business confidential 1301' Douglas. . (14) 488 FURNITURE, live stock salary, loans. Duff Green Loan Co., room 8, Barker Blk. 414) 489 CHATTEL, salary and storage receipt loans. Foley Loan Co., 1504 Farnam St. (14) 4M OFFERED FOR RENT Boardlna; and Rooma. VIENNA hotel; private dining rooms: cafe. (16) 494 DEWEY European Hotel, 13th and Farnam. (15) (96 DESIRABLlif furnished rooms with board, 123 South 25th Ave. (15) M254 13x WARM front room, beautifully furnished, at the Pleasanton, 2324 Harney St. (15)-M!9 8x BEAUTIFUL southeast room and alcove; private family; block from car; north Hanscom park. 'Phone Harney 1.148. (15)-M116 9x DESIRABLE room, fine location, walking distance, excellent board. 218 S. 25th Bt. (15) M873 8x ROOMS, with board; walking distance. ZT66 California St. (15) 151 l)x ROOMS AND BOARD Everything new and strictly modern, between the two best car lines in city. 1823 Wirt St. (I6)-M221 9 ELEGANT apartments for four young men; refined home for right party. Address G 937, care Bee. (15) M297 lOx AM ALONE most of time; would Ilka to room and board: married couple. Ad dress II 885. care Beo. (16) M29S10x Famished Rooma. WE "bo ex pert piano moving at lowest t rices. Tel. Douglas 1625. Schmoller & Mueller Piano Co., 1311-1313 Farnnni. (15) 196 CENTRAL, all modern, 3 fine furnished rooms; bathroom and hall. 220 N. 23d. (16) M919 LARGE, beautifully furnished front room for two gentlemen. Modern, wllh run ning water. No. 112 Bouth 24th St. (15)-M251 l.'lx FURNISHED ROOM suitable for two Board If desired. 1613 Burt St Tel Douglas 3953. (15) M253 9 ' Wo find you any kind of rooms In any part of city." FREE OF CHARGE. CITY ROOM RENTAL CO., 'Phono Red 3045. 642 Hee Bldg. (16) M217 F9 PLEASANT south room, 2616 8t Marys Ave. (15)-M249 20x FIRST CLASS furnished rooms; modern house, 2408 Cass St. Tel. Red 6225. (16)" M729 LARGE front room, with small bedroom adjoining; furnace heat and gas: good place, $6. Also other rooms. 218 N lth, (15) MH60 8x FOUR rooms, furnished. 1708 Clark. (lot M973 8x TWO furnished rooms, steam heat, 1506 Farnam Bt.. 8d floor. (16) Mlsl MODERN furnished rooms, with or with out board, 2611 Chlcugo, Tel. Douglas 6213. (15) MA lo GOOD hack bedroom, modern, cheap 1920 Capitol Ave. t (15) M217 12x NICELY furnished rooms in new modern flat. . 214 North 25th Bt. Tel. Doug. 3?Vi. (16I-.M121 Lx A BOUTII front room In house. 2208 Douglas Bt. modern brick 151224 12 , I nf nrnlahed Kooma. FOR RENT Three or fctx room; modern, with heat: Martls block, 16th and Web ster, inquire engineer of building. tloj-M!;4 tx OFFERED FOR RENT rd Hoome Conllnned. FOUR modern rooms; furnace, parlor floor, near park. 16o B. atth. (15)-640 MODERN, newlv furnlahed rooms, cheap. 2404 Capitol Ave. (15) M269 l.tx FOUR rooms In residence No. North 17th St. Exclusive bath room. Tel. Web ster 3169. (16) M974 8x TWO atrictly modern rooma, private family; housekeeping. 614 N 72'1. Tel. iKMlglas 4678. OS) M2fl lOx Apartments aad rials. FOR RENT-14-room flat, 29th Ave. and Douglas Bt. GLOBE LAND AND INVESTMENT CO.. 'Phone Douglaa Wd. 15)-M7S lloaaekeepiag Hoom. BEAUTIFUL south parlor, kitchen and sleeping rooms, 2474 Harney. Telephone Douglaa tviO". (lil-41 FURNISHED room for light housekeen. Ing, 24th and Cuming St., over drug store. (16)-1V2 Ux I FURNISHED front rooma for light housekeeping; light, heat, In moderi Douse. ax uavenpori bt n&) 266 llx lloaaca aad Collate. HOUSES ,nan Po'thclty. Crelgh doiib at co., oca tJuiiding (16) -600 BALL room and lodge rooms. Fraternity Hull, into iiarney, opp. puDiio library, b janitor. (U)--toi HOUSEHOLD goods packed, forwarded cheap frolght rates, moving and storing. Kxprtyismca'a Delivery Co. Tel. Doug. 394. (In) 604 FOR RENT 4-room house, strlcllv mod ern, 813 & 7th St., Co.uncll Bluffs. 'Phono 1671 Be!l. U5)-M140 10X FRATERNITY HALL, 18th and Harney new, clean, ground floor, ball room; no liquors allowed; $16 a night. N. P. Dodge & Co. Tel. Doug. 829 or Ind. A2H.J). or sea janitor. (I5)-M42l OMAHA Van and Storage Co., pack, move, score ji. ii. gooas. storehouse 1120-24 N. lDUi; office 1609 Farnam. Tel. Doug l.Vtt. (L)-OiXt THE elegnnt residence at 266 S. 7Lh St. Council Bluffs, fur sale or rent. Aonlv to J. J. Brown, corner house south, or co w. uinaor et tjo. (In) m.sui M8x FOR RENT 6-room cottage, good collar. east front, south part of city, $13 per month. C. M. Bachmami, 430-.17 Paxton BIK. Tel. Red 2039. (15) 284 FOR RENT Three rooms, city water. 1S26 jn. jtn Bt. c. M. Bachmati. 436 Paxton bik. (15)-Ml:ll SIX-ROOM cottage. 2603 Franklin St. (ln)-97 Maggard Van A Storage Co., 1712 Webster, (16) 506 FOR RENT "-room cottage: houso mod ern. 8031 Marcy St., $27. Apply to C. L. 1 nomas, 'room is uee Miug. U) KW HOUSES, insuranco, Rlngwalt, Barker Blk (15)-V)2 HOUSES, flats, Garvin Bros., 1604 Farnam (15) 498 FOR RENT-Eight-room, modern house, it r. iiiac Bt., im. THOMAS BRENNAN. Room 1, New York Life Bldg. (f5) 499 SIX ROOMS on second floor, 26th and Parker Sts., $14; (.rooms modern 2d floor, 1302 N. 24th St., $15. Chris Boyer, 22d and cuming. (15) 116 04 SOUTH 27th St., 12 rooms, steam heat furnace, strictly modern. $60. 6-room, strictly modern steam-heated flat 1 mm inn ruicnoias bis. 2522 Rees St., rear, 3-roonj house, $6 por month $25, blacksmith shop with complete set of loom hiiu o-room counge in lirsc-ctass conaicion: privilege to purchase later. BEMIS, PAXTON BLOCK. (I5)-700 TWO-STORY full basement, house, com pletely modern. 2015 Willis avenue, Particulars. "Phone Harney 2675. (16) M294 lOx FOR RENT Six-room cottage In good re pair; modern except heat, $22.5flt per iiiunin, 1.113 ij o eoucn cimana. con ran Young, 1518 Dodge St. Tel. Douglas 1671 (16) 746 FOR RENT New 8-room brick house, va cant Feb. 1. modern and complete In every respect, at 1511 8. 29th St. Inquire of the the owner at 1509 S. 29th St. Telephone narney iou. (15) 270 SIX-ROOM house, new and modern. Near 42d and Dodge. 411 Bee Bldg. (151-196 llx NINE rooms, modern; stable; close In; onty 12 .ou. Mccague Co. (16) M293 lOx HOUSES Peters Trust Co., N. Y. L. Bldg. (16)-M215 tern; Second and Frances Sts. Walter ureen company, m Nw xork Life. t (161-M211 12 $42.60 PER MO., 1511 B. I9th, new 8-ro75m, modern brick house. $65 per mo., 2634 Harney St.. new 10-room, moaern nricK nouse, nara-wood finish, nii water neac, very aesiranie. Apartment, heat furnished, 416 8. 26th Ave 6 rooms, oak finish, hot water heat. GEORGE & CO., 1601 FARNAM ST. (16)-23i 7 Offices. TWO fine large office suites in tha Con tlnentuj block; choice location for physl clan or dentist. ALFRED C. KENNEDY, 209 First National Bank Building. (I&1-0O7 DESK room for rent; reasonable use of h,ilh Inknn.. C'J L, ... iji.i.. .... , r n SUITE of nice offices In the Omaha Na tional Hank Uldg. 'Phone Douglas 230 C u. spauiding. Suptr (15) M934 10 EAST front office, Wead Bldg., ISth and farnam. (15) 190 11 DESK ROOM ; vault; reasonable to desir able party. Hoom 4 16. Bee Illdg. (15) M299 x Stores. S-STORY and basement, 22x100. 1003 Far nam. Apply 314 First Nat l Bank Bldg (16) 609 4-STORY and basement building on Far nam Bt., adj. M. E. Smith Dry Goods Co., bet. 9th and loth Sts.; equipped with an elijrator, fireproof vault. R. R. trackage and loading platform. F. D. Wead, lwl Farnam St., Tel. Douglas 1529. (16)-MT67 MODERN store room. In new Scar go Bldg 24th St.. 6outh Omaha. P. O. Block hali' 317 First Nat. Bldg. Phone Red 74m;. (16) 610 1812 Harney Bt ' 32x100, one or two stories; suitable for storage, garage, laundry, etc. 8. B. Curtis, lsiS Harney. (15) 611 $15 PER MO. for N. E. Cor. 20th and Burt Bts. This store will be plastered, papered and placed In good repair. $35 per mo.. 2127 Farnam Bt., store room with good basement and brick store room at rear; lease 3 to 4 years to good party. GEORGE & CO., 1601 FARNAM ST. lli)-237 l.Nthe hesrt of the retail tlstrlct. next U corner, passed by four car line, store room 132 feet by 112 feet; cement basement; new buldlhg Address K Mention your bulneHM. (J5 MIJ6 9 OFFERED FOR SALE Typewriters aad Imlii Machine. FOR BALE High grade second-band type, writers; good condition; a bargain at ). Call room 6U1, Bee Bldg. (16) 671 ALMOST new standard $1011 typewriter for sale at a great sacrifice If taken at onr. 441 Brandela Bldg. (16) mt h'A TYPEWRITERS Royal, visible, $15, beat any $10u machine. Typewriters for rent, all makes, sold on payments, r"palred. CENTRAL TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE, 16u7 Farnam. (16)-M927 Mrhl OFFERED FOR SALE (Continued.) Fenrlna. ANCHOR and Iron fencing; wire fencing 6c per foot. 206 N. l7Ui Bu Tel. Red 814. (16)-612 Piano, Oraan, Moalcal Inatramenta. GOING AWAY $mo LTRIGHT PIANO CHEAP. 415 N. S3d St. (16)-M.1& F20 Mlacellanroaa. FOR BALE New and second-hand billlsra and pool tables. Wo lead the world in cheap bar fixtures: easy payinenla. Brunswick-Balk Collendar, 407 B. 10th St ; lfi 613 FOR FALE-1.500 feet S Kccond-hftnd wlr cable. W. H. Bridges, engineer. Bee Bldg U6I-M453 X DAYTON COMPUTING SCALE "st a bar gain. 3uS N. 16th St. (16) 1!H FelvS OAS. ELECTRIC AND COM IUNATION FIXTU KKN Largest, most up-to-date stock at loe.t prices tn the city, solect now. Delivered when needed. ' Inspection Invited. BURGESS GRANDEN Co., 13 8. 15th St. Tel. Doug ti. (16)-M.M4 BEND US your mall orders for dniRp; freight paid on $10 lot. Myers-Dillon Drug Co., Omaha. (i6)--6ls DRUGS at cut prices: freight paid on all $10 orders; catalogue free. Sherman A Mc Connell Drug Co., Omaha, Neb. (16) 516 COAL All kinds, free delivered, same day as you order. Rosenblatt's coal yard. Tel. Doug. 412. Retail dept.. clean nut coal, 6 bushels for $1. (16) M517 IOWA farm mortgages for Bale, secured on farms In southwestern, Iowa; 5-year loans at ( per cent Interest. 'Squire & Annla, 1U Pearl St., Council Bluffs. Ia. (l6)-M256 Febl0x' HALL'S aafes. new, 2d-hand. 1818 Farnam. (US) 623 2ND-HA.ND overcoats and firearms Singer, 416 N. 16th. (161-516 FOR SALE Several ahow cases, new pea nut roaster, large coffee mill, two large automatic oil tanks and store fixtures, too numerous to mention: Globe land and Investment Co., Omaha, Neb. (16)327 HOMEOPATHIC remedies, wholesale, re tall. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., 16 h and Dodge Bts., Omaha, Neb. (l 620 BH ER WIN-WILLI A MS CO.. best mixed paint. Sherman & McCopnoll Drug Co. (161-521 FEW pieces new furniture for sale; nlso gas atove, at once, cheap. Tel. Dotislas ft- (16)-197 7x MUST raise cash quick: no trades; t4-K. diamond ring, $25; smaller one, $15; -t-K. stud, $25; all beautiful live stones. W. Ritchie, 1212 Harney. Tel. Red 3516. . (1B)-M2R0 Mch 7 PATENTS PATENTS THAT PROTECT-S books for jiivt-iiiuie iiinneu uu receipe 01 oc postage. R. S. A A. B. Lacey, rooms 29-39 Pacific Bldg., Washington, D. C. Established 1x69. (17)f.2B LARSON ft CO. Book free. Neville Bldg. (17)-52o D. O. BARNELL, Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7117 (17)-524 H. A. Sturges, 519 N. T. L. Tel. Doug. !m. . (17) 572 14x PERSONAL MAGNETIC ZnTmxXu oT: Vic; Jti LIEBEN, costumer, 1410 Howard. Open eve. (181528 A HOME for women during confinement. ve una nomes lor cables where mothers cannot care for them. Mother Lee, 40J Bancroft St. 'Phone Douglas 1921. . ..... (18)-29x THE SALVATION ARMY solicits cast-off ciotning; in fact, anything you do not need.- We collect, repair and sell at 134 N. 11th St., for cost of collecting, to the worthy poor. Call 'phone Doug. 413i and wagon will call. . (18) 785 MASSAGE ?nd batn"' Koom uo x u"oa Farnam St., 2d floor. (18) M112M3 SATIN smooth skin secured using 8a' in sKin cream ana Satin skin powder. 25i. (18)- SYRINGES, rubber goods, by mail; cut prices. Bend for free catalogue. Myers Dillon Drug Co., Omaha. (18) 529 YOUNG WOMEN coming to Omaha as strangers are invited to visit the Youirr Women's Christian Association rooms. 1516 Farnam St., where they will be di rected to suitable boarding places or 'otherwise assisted. (181915 WE RENT, repair, sell needles for old sewing machines. Neb. Cycle Co., Cor. 15th and Harney. (VS) 6.10 PRIVATE CONFINEMENT HOVE Mrs. Dr. King, 1324 N. 24th. Tel. Web. ,r,9. (I8)-5:S1 OMAHA Stammerer's ' Institute, Rami; mag. (If) 632 HEADQUARTERS of the great 'rheuma tism ano neuralgia remedv, Jo-He Oil, permanently located, 809 Karbach block, loth & Doug. Bts. T. B. Forgy. Gen'l Agt. I (18)-M724 F1 GIRLHOOD KLOOM-r-Tha most natural coloring for cheeks and lips In the world, absolutely harmless, cannot be detected even In sunlight. Send 26o for trial bottle. Girlhood Bloom Co., 1710 Michigan Ave., Chicago. (18) M820 8X NOORAY Guaranteed give permanent rich nara eoiorito gray hair; youthful appear ance renewed; absolutely harmless; full treatment $2; sample &0c. Hunter. Bee Bldg.. Omaha. il'i)-M283 lo REAL ESTATE KEIL ESTATE DEALERS. PAYNE 1NV. CO., 1st floor N. Y. Life. Douglas 17S1 (19) 633 GEORGE &. CO.. 1001 Farnam. Tel. Douglus 751. (19)-632 PETERS TRUST CO.. N. Y. Life Bldg. (19)-535 CITY rnOPEHTY FOIl SALE, OWNER SAYS SELL he 8-a. improved farm In Jefferson l'. hat we have been advertising and lias cut he price to ti.'l'M. It must be sold before March 1. W have a tenant that will pay $25o cash rent. Borne one will get a bar- 11. . J. II. Dumont & Son 1606 Farnum Bt. Omaha. Neb. (l9)-274 T ACRE TRACTS FOR SALE NEAR SOUTH OMAHA : We have a number of very desirable building sites on 36th '' Bt. road and west very best of garden and fruit land. Price, $200 per uoro up, very reason-' able terms and liberal build ng restriction. - ' GEORGE & CO , W' FARNAM" ST. H9)-JS4 I $3.5u0. Good-sized lot and 7-r. house on St. Marv'a .Ave., ii'-i ' in cssn. r. D Wead, lMil Farnam Bt. ' (19) 18) 7 ' (360 East front lot In Wmdxor Plac nem ibuiecom park. F. D. Wead, 11 Far' nam Bt. (l)-V.rt 7 FOR BALE At a bargain, new S-room cot tage, ull modern ekcopl furnac; eorn, , lot. paved street, one block to car; easy terms. D V. BHOLF.S CO.. 110 Board of Trad Bldg. C9I-M2I5 II WEAL EHTATH TITLE TRUST ' tit " CHAS li WILLIAMSON. Pres O. (i)-6Jn