V TITE OMAHA DAILY BEE: THURSDAY. .TAXITAUY ions. Manufacturer's Stock Sale of ScV5 Bargains Surpassing any Before Offered CLOSING DAYS OF WHITE CARNIVAL SALE Our entire Weiat Section on Second Floor Devoted -to thle Sale Such Won derful Bar gains in Silk Walata Never Offered Before Come Early and Secure First Choice of the Lot: mS Skirts it from 12 1-3 Reguht Vitue. WAIST SALE EXTRAORDINARY n THE It EL J AS LB STRB Surplus Stock of Three ManufacturersOver. 4000 Skirts in the Lot. On Sale Thursday at . . . , ....... . V TO ys VALUE , Brandeis cash secured from three of New York's lead' ing manufacturers thousands of waists representing their entire surplus stock and samples of high class 10 J lq)j HUpt-p? jjjfe I , .-..jlil- iiii mi 1 1 in mummer m MET WAISTS and LACE WAISTS AT A GREAT SACRIFICE These waists are some of the most beautiful and elaborate effects' ever shown at a special sale in Omaha. Exquisite dress and evening waists , prettiest of messalines, nets and filmy laces short or long sleeves white and evening shades, also some charming tailored silks -all sizes. These elaborate waists are ab solutely worth up te twelve dol lars yeur choice Thursday at 6ILK AND NET WAISTS ACTUALLY WORTH UP TO $10.00, AT 598 Q) Many of ttaeBe are In those stunning plaid Bilks also very pretty dress and evening styles, dain tily made. Everything in white, short ends and remnants at prices that have no bearing on valnes or qualities. The grand white sweep of odds and ends Thursday. ft ACRIFICE IALE OF 1 QTunmric silk waists for DRESS AND EVENING. ACTU ALLY WORTH UP TO S6. AT La Many those practical plain silk waists plaid silks for wear with suits and separate skirts also waists in evening shades Wlf R 3d FLOOR $10.00 SKIRTS FOR $4.95 Voiles and Panamas in all the newest spring 1908 models, new pleated effects and gored flare models; 87 of these Thursday at one price ' SALE OF MUSLIN 135 Children's Wool $4.95 T UNDERWEAR Corset Covers, Drawers, Gowns and Skirts, hand trimmed in lace, embroidery and tucks, worth to $1.00, qn Thursday Dresses, worth $4.00 Sa to $5.00, and a few 111 even worth $6.50 K made of fine merges and Thursday ,...$1,981 HEW ALLQVER EMBROIDERIES Also striped effects "in new embroidered wai stings and frontings a splendid assortment of these new; crisp allovers in the most charming patterns would sell in a reg. spz ular way at $2, a yard KJi 40C EMBROIDERIES AT 18C YD This is a very special offer of 13-in. and 18-in. Swisses, cambric, nainsook. flouuc ings, skirtings and corset cover embroideries, also wide inser tions and galloons all choice new designs, worth up to "j 'pSN 40c a yard special 1 1 y-v for Thursday, yard U tsZ?y ROOM SIZE RUGS Advance sample line of room size Rugs, 9x12, sells up to $19, flfft 7C Thursday l.ltJ LACE CURTAINS Cable Net Lace Curtains, in neat parlor effects, big variety of patterns, sells up to $5, spe- QQ . cial per pair $uvO 3 BASEMENT SPECIALS THURSDAY CKAMBRAT GINGHAM 'Heavy seersucker and cham bray ginghams, in plaids, checks and plain effects, suitable for boys' waists, children's dresses etc.,, yard ....... Q'ofgp APRON GINGHAM Blue, brown and black and white checked apron ging ham all size checks de sirable lengths will go on sale at, per yard 5c BATISTE Waist and dress lengths in very fine batistes, light and dark grounds, neat floral de signs, rings, dots, stripes, etc., worth 15c, at, yard " ' r 6ic CAfc Striking bargains in fine cornets, wt3lc long or short hip models, -ample lines of corsets that are made to sell at from one dollar to two dollars, some with hose sup- i f"K porters and trimmed top and bottom with J i! jT dainty lace and ribbon . . . . w GOAL OFFER EXTRAORDINARY We have five cars of Capitol'Coal just switched1 Into our yards. ' To move these Quick and load the coal direct from car to wagon we will , make this extraordinary offer: 150 Green Trading Stamps with each ton Capitol Coal. $7 BENNETTS BIG GROCERY corrsss coffees coffees Boasted Daily, in Our Coffee Department. Bennett s Golden Coffee, pound . ...260 And 30 Cireen Trading (Stamps. Santos Coffee, pound 1.I80 And 10 Green Trading Stamps. Teas, assorted, pound 480 And 40 Green Trading Stamps. Tea Hiftlngs, pound 16o And 10 Green Trading Stamps. Bennett's Capitol Baking Powder, lb. 840 And 30 Green Trading Stamps. New York full cream Cheese, lb. ...320 And 20 Green Trading Stamps. Joll'O, assorted, 3 packaaes SSo 'fgSp.TTf And 10 Green Trading Stamps. ifc'it-'J Bennett's Capitol Pancake, package lie aiiu i urteii jiauing oiaiupa. Smoked Salmon, can 15o And 20 Green Trading Stamps. Corn kstarch, pound package 4o Table Layer Raisins, lb. 800, 15c, 12Uo Pure Jelly, assorted, jar loo Tomatoes, Golden Kod, can 100 Corn, Red Clover, can So Diamond S Chilli Sauce, bottle SSo And 20 Green Trading Stamps. nars sto oxes So m lf33iS?A Diamond C Soap, nine ba )STT3 (Safety Matches, dozen bo f -fry I j'DHn soap ronsn, mree cans aeo "-i'Ajl Ar"1 10 Green Trading Stamps. f-iiV a i Evaporated Black Raspberries, lb... 40o H'.w yj Laundry Queen Compound, package. 6o "J HAVE YOU SEEN THE HEW 9x12 ENGLISH WILTON RUGS? These are the richest, most elegant Rugs ever shown in the United States at a moderate price one-pieoe, a Ala . a. 1 .1 I seamless rugs, in Deautnui patterns ana coior effects actually $60 value, at, each . ajr Cindtf f tl ME AT THE FOUNTAIN iVETLAND Shpat BRANDEIS Music ATTRACTtOfiS EXTRAORDINARY THURSDAY CANDY SPECIALS lb. box of genuine imp. glace French frutti.regn.lar A . 20c value, at. . 1UC lb. box, regular 40o ..,.I5c CHOCOLATK iAV Ai usual, fine assorted ehocolatoa, 40c krua, ""......2Cc SHEET MUSIC Specials at lBc Melody of Love, Merry Widow Waltz. Honey Time, While You Are Mine, Honey Boy, Pansy Ansy Ann, Sweet Pleklea Rag, Everyone Waa Meant for Bomeone, Rose LeavwB, 'Neath the Old Cherry Tree, For est King, Ntfcht) and Day, each , tOT SATURDAY S We Announce tbs Biggest Special Clearing Sale Bargains in February Style Beok FREE Jor Asking y '422 Oneida Community Silver, 1847 Rogerg Bros.' Silver, Clocks, Bronzes, Novelty Set Pieces, In fact everything In stock. DIG SACRIFICES NOT A GOLDEN BUT A. SILVER OPPORTUNITY 25 PER CENT DISCOUNT Next 30 Days on all SILV ERWARE PLATED OR REPAIRED. OMAHA SILVER COMPANY 314 SOUTH 13th STREET. Between Farnam and Harney. RESTAURAHT ' 2nd Floor. Taka tha Ierator. Yn'U eiiJoT jrow lunch tn thl delightful Cafe. OMAHA'S PURE POOD CENTER Vour noonday lunch should be tho rfrfsh lng break In your day's work. We aim to make-It so. LiKht. est, neWt and niotit moderately priced good restaurant In Oruaua. AtCERY t Cocoanut Butter Sponge Cake, t. cn . -laW Silver Cakes, flu nutty flavor, at, aaca 13 Almond Sponge Caka, at, aach qa Old Fashioned Ganger Blabs, t. at, each , . , , rrtO Mar si pan Dainties (Nneat aver), per pound .,,,,, , . , 59 mm i"""sa"lsssBa" lMSBBaaMaNSBMBSMsaMBa Courtney &. Co. Jhone Douglas &A7 AN KOLA Good eotfea is not a luxury it to a necessity and it pays for itself by starting eut each day In good tamper, Ankala is the meat talked af eoffea ia Oma ha It is the hast S-lsa. for a dollar coffee ia the we8t. Ask for a free sam ple. 1 1 OLIVE OIL Tor your health's sake ' use plenty of olive oiL Gailliard's French Oil : ( " Bottles, small, 4;h .J3 Bottles, medium, each .40 Bottles, large, each ,,,,,,,,, ,75 1-4 gallon tins, each , ,, ,g5 1-S gallon tins, each .l.GO I gallon tins, each ....$3.00 Courtney fit Co. lTtti and Douglas Htm' DR. BRADBURY. Dentist. lIVK.ti.- 1506 FARNAM ST., OMAHA. Phona Douglas 17S6 Extracting 23c Porcelain Fills. .91 up Crowns .... $2.50 up Bridge Work . f 2.S0 up Plates 2.00 up We make a specialty of metal and roofing plat. Painless work tn all operations. Open evenings till 8 o'clock. Bee Want Ads Produce Results 2 A. ' HI rr ' jajg""" " f ! Extra Specials Thursday IN OUH FA!OU8 DOMESTIC ROOM FROM 9:00 TO 10:00 A. M. One case of 16c India Llnon, twelve yards limit, at a yard 8M FROM, 10:80 TO 11 :30 A. M. One case 32 In. German Blue Calico, extra heavy, regular 12 He grade, 10 yard limit, at a yard 6 1st 25c Fancy f 7" 1 - i 120 A. F. C. Sateens, yard. I I 2. Ginghams, yd 15c Sllkoline, at a yard 36 in. Percales, all colors 9ic 10c 12 Vic White Goods, yard. 19c Dotted Swiss, yard. 7ic 5c 10c 10c Some Interesting Prices on Groceries CRACKERS, FKKS1I FRUITS, VEGETABLES. ETC. THROUGH OARS TO MOBILE ALA. Uvlc Omttit via tho WABASH VbU. itt, Brout to Palmetto Beach, Aia.. I tulle aeroaa th Bay. k.le- fant nw Hotel. Boatlac, Bathing, lahicu In February. Think of It! The mwat oharmlnf place on the gult eoaat. r'or deacrlpttve mattrr. ratea. slavpaff evau, aUia call Wabash City Of Woe, lftb. ana Farnaiu, or addraaa. HARRY E. M00RZS, El 1 El O. 9. Wabaaa Jk Omaha, Yea. Jin Enthusiastic Customer Toln lmr Brixcr ttmt If h ri"funil to liundla ! It-PIK" I'rr paratlou ahr would trad els.'HIiHie (the ki.rw mIip could mukn Ionian, Ointoluta and fUKiitrd pl-a tHiir tlimi the esLpftrt cook If alio ii.-d "l'fl PiK" aa all the Ingredient, carvtully pr parvd, are la the package ready for Ira inedlaUi uan. IStu-h package, enough for two large plea, 10 ctilita, Order a doxen today from your gro-r. Knellunt alao mm a judaing aauce, cafca fUUug. olo. what they drink at the Waldorf-AstorU Hotel BAVSONS SCOTCH 6 COMBEIL IRISH -WHISKIES leu Miiro TSeWalJorf Imporutioa Company-Waldorf-Astoria Hotel ' nsw voaa. V lira. Window Sootiiloff Eyrop" fu Von iwmI for owr 8TXTT F1VB YFAPB tfr VlM.luKS of MOTIlrHS f"r their fHIlfiRiS V HII K TEETrTl.Nd. i;l PHirElJT Pr(X!fcnrf. Jl (HrrnrHih-ini.ri m rtFSHiLeorvis ai.i ly ail pajwi rvr.y reneiiff fii low' HootUiiK Hy J: la Bly-Jlve cnle fVlKD Milt. fifl BUI rmn a ho tile rril.IO. ana la th lwt rBUnKniHA. HoM br rru(i.tlu Mr world, fia sure and ak for "Mr. Vmi. aoa imse ao otber kiol la ftuaranUrfwl undav las Act, iuna afnh. Karlal ttroSa r . v T . .-.., Li... . ; . . . . 21 pounds best Pure Cano Granulated tSuttar for ll.'M) 10 bam best brands Laundry Snap for 2Sc 10 pound bent Granulated White or Ycl- Vlow C'qrnmeal for 25c 8 pounds beat Hand Picked Navy Beans for 2tc 6 poundH choice Japan Hlce for 2!c Snvder'a Catnnp, per lare bottle . ...18c 1 pound can Koyal BaklnK Powder' for 3ftc Peanut Butter, per Jar 9c Plain or Stiffed Ollven, per bottle ...,8c 3 pound can fancy Wax, Green, (String or Lima Beans for .' iV4o 1 pound can addorted Soups for 7Hc 1 pound package Macaroni for 12 oz. can Pet CreHin for 7 Ho Oil or Mustard Sardines, per can . ...3Vic Choice California Prunes, per pound Be Fancy 3 Crown Muscatel Raisins, lb. c Fancy cleaned Currants, per pound 9c Fancy Heeded Raisins, per package 9c Fancy Kvaporated Apples, per pound 8c Fancy Lemon, Orange or Citron Peel, at per pound 15c The best Soda or Oyster Crackers, lb. 6c The best Crisp Pretzels, per pound ...5c The best Michigan Butter Crackers, per found 5c is best fancy Mixed Cookies, all kinds, per pound 10c See our full line of package goods that I'Oiaplv with the state laws. akothu cam or out famous HIOHLAHD HAVEL OKAROE8 AKKITEO. There Is no fruit as pure as the High- ray HRYDENS' SEE On Your Trip to Chicago Select the railway that gives the best service In sleeping cars, dining cars, library cars and day coaches. " ' Special advantaces electric lighted trains thoroughly clean carB unexcelled service la dining cars, and comfortable berths la sleeping cars are assured If your ticket Is for one of the trains of tbs CHICAGO : MILWAUKEE & ST. PAUL RAILWAY:, Union stations in both cities.; Three fast trains, daily. Leave Union station, Omaha, 7:25 a. n,; Arrive' Union station, Chicago, 9:16 p. m. The Business Man's train leaves Omaha 6 p. m. AfriT?". Chicago, 8:30 a. m. Another train at 9:68 p. ui. . Arrives Chicago, 12:28 noon. , , Tickets, 1524 Farnam St., Omaha. F. A. Nash, General Western Agent if vWlaHatafataSI CHBCA&O U , WESTERN t Ji RAILWAY THE R1CHT ROAD To ST. PAUL AND MINNEAPOLIS DKES8 AND WALKING SKIRTS, worth rojrularly up to $15.00, choir at each SS.98 S 4.98 an.l $G.03 A tirrat lurchasc, for cash, of over 4 (MM) fine lrtts and Walking 8klrts. bur plus Stock of three of New York's bnt known manufacturers. Choice t( FYencli Voiles, Panamas, Clay Worsteds, Serges, Hllks, k-tc., etc., alniOKt nn limited aswortment of elegantly tailored, finely finished garments ; all tha most approved styles and colors. Actually worth to f 15.00, on salo In three lots Thursday SILK SHIKT WAIST Ht'lTS Worth regularly to $20.00, blues, blacks, browns, fancy checks, etc., made of Slmond's best taffeta, at ..$10.00 915.00 Coats In black kerseys, chif fon, broadcloths, etc., satin lined, 200 in the lot, choice $6 95 2.98, 4.98, 6.98 HANDSOMK TAIL011 SUITS Mads of all wool broadcloths, cheviots, etc., plain colors or fancy mixtures, pony and Prince Chap styles, delightful bargains at $7.50 $ 1.00 CONKY FUR SCARFS, sold es ularly at $1.00, will go on sale Thtirs day, to close at choice 30 FROM 1:30 TO 12:30 P. M. One case 15c, 40 In. Law us, ten yard limit, at a yard 7HJ FROM 8:00 TO 4:00 IV M. One case Apron Checks,' jregolar 7H grade, absolutely fast colors, at a yard . . . .53 10c Towels, f 1 -at each. . ..... .f 2 t 15c Towels, at each .... 19c Towels, "f II at each land Navels. They are the rlchrst flav ored juicost, and iweJetest orango that grows. We are headquarters In Omaha, for the Highland Navels. Thursday morn ing we will open this car, and sell them at the following prices: ' 126 size, that retails everywhere for Mo dozen, our price 900 160 atxe, that retails everywhere at 4o dozen, our price 8 So 17trKl.i', that retails everywhere fur Scio dozen, our price floa 200 size, that retails everywhere for 2IiO dozen, our price 1714 250 nlie, that retails everywhere for '.'no dozen, our price 15o 2R8 size, that retails everywhere for.lf.ci dozen, our price lOo Don't buy anvthlna but the Illirhland Navels, there Is uo substitute for these Oranges. FRESH TXOETABLB lKIOB8 2 heads fresh Hothouse Liettucn for ...do 2 bunches fresh Hothouse Radishes for 6a Fresh Beets, Carrots, or Turnips, per bunch , Oo Fresh Cauliflower, per head 12H" Freah Brussell Hprouta, per pound ilOo Fresh Cucumbers, each 7tya Fresh Wax or Green Beans, per pound IRo 2 heads fresh Celery for r,n CookliiK Apples, per peek I Do hresn rspinacii. per peck J0o 2 bunches fresh Parsley for to Freeh Holland Seal Cabbage, per 'lb, lo Fresh Khalot Onions, per bunch to Freali Roasted Peanuts, per quart ....to Iarge Braazll Cocoanuts, each -....to V) Two aumptuoutly equipped tram daily, making faA time. Finest Daiing Car Service. Get a ,Gde lo St Paul,1 a comprehensive lift of atradive places to tee in the Saintly City, free for' the ling. Hit FanuM lUrul, OMAHA (MSP 6v. Ii 1 a- i