Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 15, 1908, Page 9, Image 9

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fKTIt.KSTRlST? CO.. N. T.- Life Bide
t .' t ... d)-S4t
'. ,
;Hrm4f--77i npifnport ft; Van virfilihtile
. e.n(rnv:' rK-vptlon hull, parlor, dining
rwni sn-1 kitchen on firm floor, finished In
, oak. Oak floors: four rooms snd hath on
swop'd XVior;. Isrce full-bricked basement.
oiiLalde tcllar ' entrance; cement . walKs,
?f. asphalt .' UMtiif street, dose to Central
t .bunlevarjJ: Ihe. roe-mion 1 -very desirable
J and In walking 1lTarrr rlow) town. Owner
ban put thorr1' ilnwn In order to make a
quicTe sal": house in ready to move Into
..HASTINGS & IIKVIjKS.' len Farnam St.
. . . ; " . ' ! i-a is
i.l... ! Jlllil - ,
Ton Intend to build a rew house In r
'Oldan will) voiu own Idea some rtHy;
.bet tr. be pavjin on .your lot now. We
haye .The niln'Pt. mom slghtlv and best
.located lota for tip to I.ViO anywhere
. lie, oupdv Pay-ti'i. cash and balance tn
lr month.' You't mis then" small
suros nd oin Jisvo die lot paid for; over
o, ro?nu w)di b. . trt, fjilivr. We can surely
pleas yon' ; C U or plume us.' hikI we 11
. take, von tc'e the lots at any time.
Ramgs' Blrfg.
and Harney.
(IPi M3 15
' IVe-Tlavr; for' kale 'ISA foot frontage .n
the, Boulevard, "between ith ami .4flh,
Chicago and TVavertport streets. These lota
are on grade and In a locality where there
is demand for. new-residences . and where
valuo of land la vrlcreaalng. iou can
build Ttv" jru.od dwfliiriga on thla piece of
groumi. fronting inn on me niiuii'Tura
' ami two tin i'lxrao- street-.
tiw threo fta-ffw.ront on Ihe Boulevard
ought to-be cheap mi.; fl.Ooo eueh. and the
two front a rn UliAoturn mreet- should bring
i H"asi ft.-'Ki. in owner nceua fotne mony
frctty badly and we will auhmlt an offer
f ij( cash for the five lota.
- City -water, aewer and itaa In Ciicaso
atrei-t pahl fur. and rurtting in place.
ViY claeift.pTorieMy we. -think nt audi
aj trlKe-yot .are wttlnir more Itinn your
- money's- wort,h but rome- In And talk it
' ve with us. Owner to sell.
Rathar eU the whole pi-ce. but might
' :V;0.iMRylander & Co.,
jrg K. T. Life Huildlng.
4 '' (1KI-WM.I 18
Nrnr .ar', 3Btlj-'hd UaVennort: nnthlna:
fne for IiikIi class flats and blocks
from poarnffKev-can offr for few days
i'SS. aoara 'of ' Jrmle.
(1! M;23 it,
j. .it . ;jt.i.
, tikf,' lnU sjiia,' 'vh corner; has tl-room
iii'Uin ud rooiti ri' liuil.l two more; .want
v.n.'Vu-riceL is,iv....
:r- , u'- wF.l). WEAD,
iM'ta-t llldih. lkth-'and 'Farnam.'
1 . ri:?'"fVK-ROOM COTTAGE",.
' Hranit new 6-Toom coMasea, 1(C2 and lint
:an -sunt -i Avj.r' rile raiee room, ele
tunlJy .mithod; afiti-ndMv hHfdware; best
. iilartiBtriK; ftill Awrnvhted cellara; comblna-
nn sn und eleytrlc light Ixtures; imuer-
. ina r.r pateris in uu - win pe rurniHiied;
.'Uli'a i-Bat front Tirls: nermancttt cement
. shlQwalki'tn afreet;- lyhiK ti block adjoin
' fin- ,)cW''7ubvv'il'iliuiJ of, the
i-4y ': V.nre a gfeat deal or Improvements
are contemplated iind already arranged for
(ht;.vHiOK sescin; v"'y U nilnu.tca' ride
-.jHieUtrav. t J'rK"" $?.!. and S2.&0;
ternra, . VOJ cuhul baluoce . t"r montli.
Jvook at ..tlju liolibes; examiue them care
fully; ll'.fi wine -apjU aee. mm . . ,
't . , : -Ci-O. CAKl.BEKO.
. - : ll .N. Y. Lifo HldK.
t!9 MW 15
FOU HALE-rltr 17, block 32. ' Albright's
chisteA arid., Honor, oinuha; iimi. j, 1.
Case V:, Kacine, Wla
(19 M2 17
Will .buy ?"ii city lot, Mxl.12, large brick
barn ami small cottage, next to northeast
' norpw- of Will and Leaven worth Sts.
.'Room 1 New Yprk Lite Building.
t :: ' '. . (iD-103
Nina-rom bouse, modern excep? heat;
baa etectA'lc liglrts; plenty of fsult; on
nurtih'CMh, stititli of Lake. f2.6K). ,
;. r v V. -D, WEAD,
Wcail Block. 18th and Famnm.
, 1 Oi M630 IS
LIST your property with Chris Boyer. 22d
s,ntl Ctnnniing St. ' (19) 347
.J . 1 llQV til
' ' 1 SLA. Prompt service. Get our prices.
V . ltliV Kaj-nam (ll)-MUI
r '
Has full .porcelain, hath, marble wash
bowl, hot ani dd water, gas and electric
fixtures: floors nicely polished: south front
lot, 1"X126; cement walk. Itmi cash, bal
.rjue,JJHnllilJr ' .oflP. -
-Wead BliK-k. 18th and Farnam.
r '.: ' .' . 1 im-MHi'w
vahm & uAntii u!ut for aim
' "
llaisioaotai. .
, IF ,1'uU WANT to uae a homestead or
I'-Kiieo Aaliusra, linn.
-C2U) -J4141 lix
...... . . . Nebraska.
lonRAIiK-BeaiStlfQl small" farm.' or 3V.
sk-re tias acres of fine frDtt; fine Uullu-
tng; H mile southeast of Pawnee Cliy.
-. Neb-; will taiie V&.w reaa iier acre lljan
' tb 4t;e wtnh if suid before Marcu
'. l!"lJui '"AduAjnt '19 CalUoima 81.,
..' OBrahg. fo'cb: .. - (2j) Mil lu
" ' ''' ''' Nertki Dakata, '
"jje"' u"s tioliea. valley, Norlli- Dakota
.laud, JJ.. r.-H'e. -1. J. McMaluxi,. 212
; Eidicoa i.ldg. tiU Paul, Mlliu.
. ..- - v( MO lax
'i wtll Bell two-thirds Intereat In 4,0
a rea of rln timber land for Sw.OuO. These
lafdt.f Ve fart of fine white pine
JatmKfr', weH lra-at. . lsd valuable aafter
CMttlnsj tlmVsr. 'lttlo perfect" Address W.
j. Covk. 'JaahMP' exchange building, Port
ia.nd. ,Ore.- u0 MJ feb.lOx
3: '
:'. t W iasesxslav.
. V
I.ANlSs Lsnds Lands Wa have some
vslyablq (luuroved and uouupreed lands
''tbat jnust be converted Into cash. "1(itse
land's were taken to secure !ut.tobtflnesa
r... hy tM bank. Call pr writ CiUaens
State. rarvk." Vlm.M -rs,;?y
- (20)-M3Ux
.y.USN writing tq advertisers. . remember
..It (aer Vulcan; ,extr stroke . or two of
Vhe.ffen lo snentMn'the fact that yau saw
. !.. ad In TUav Mm.., ...
3 eVllawoIIavaowva,
- s : ':; -
WE haie Jiumbe-r .of ood farm and
raneff' irovosHluna 1n weaiern Nrlira.ti,
also properties of all klnda'at various
. ulaees; e before oti in veal.' B - K.
' Vherer At Co., ill Bee Bldg. 2iHlM 14 x
v. -krwgTERNFARaftJaKDa'
Wop rttsmit plan; taio crops pays for
Un. whtfe tr land 4s lonbHng In value.
;-'. t"' '--nrj BuHdJB. '
"-!V (J)-M4o
Mlee1lanea Cont Inaed.
ri'KAP fanas and hmM In the south.
wlw'n vahics re adanetnc ,1hrouch
manufacturing and arrlcultural i r lop
Tttrnt; lfw priced Inml for all piiip-tes.
catil arid hog do welt; good giaps
lands; fine oj ning for dairymen: tru k
raising retnnia large proflls: good mar
kets and , transportation farillttes; towrt
arid cities IneTeastng 'In rHpolatlon and
'ealth; publications glv'ng detailed In
formation uMifi rcinent t M. ". Ri,h
ard.". Ixind and Indnslrial Agent. South
ern Hallway. Washington. I V.
Uio Mr.s 10x
i:in to made promptly. F. D. Wead
Wead HiiiS: lth and Jrarnam.
WANTUD City loans. Petcra
Trust Co.
WANTED City loans and warrant!. W.
Farnam Smith Co.. 1.120 Farnam St.
policy to loan on Improved Omaha" city
proiHTly and farm landa In Cuss, 8.irpy,
Laiuglaa and VanhinKton rountlea.
SKI First National Bank Rhlg.,
Mt lMx
PRIVATE money tu loan; no delays. J
U. Sliei wood, 616-vj? liraij: B'.df.
Paxton Block.
LOANS on -improved Omaha property.
OKeefe R.TC Co., luol N. Y. Life Bids.
MONEY TO LOAN Payne Investment Co.
- -2 2S2
TRIVATE money to loan on Improved real
estate. N. P. Dodge & Co., 1714 Far
nam Bt. 15
Will pay caah for from 1 to 10 acres with
improvements. Btaie location and price.
Ad.lress 8 Kit Bee. (25 M558 1!
WANTED To buy second-hand furnUure,
cook and healing stoves, carpets, lino
leums, office furniture, aid clothes and
shoes, pianos, feathers, bed pillows, qmlcs
and all kinds ef tools; or will Uuy tl,
lurniture of your house complete. The
highest price paid. Call the right man.
Tel. Doug. 971. (26) M774 Feoi
SECOND-HAND feed sacks. No amount
too large or too small. Wagner, 81 N, 18.
(26) 357
CASH paid for second-hand clothln shoes,
etc a N. Ikth St. Tel. Red
(25) 3fil
WANTED To buy, second-hand furniture,
cook and heating stoves, carpets, lino
leums, office furniture, old . aiuXbe, ixid
shoes, pianos, feathers. be(t"f rttiowst
Muilts, and all kinds of tools; or will buy
the furniture of your house complete;
the highest prices pa!d. Call the right
man. Tel. Doug. 3971. (2t.) M!81 F5
DAY WOMEN furnished free
Telephone Douglas 1112.
cf charge.
WANTED Position ' Js" correspondent,
bookkeeiM?r or other office work, by mid
dle ied man: eapable ef takini; charge
of office; at present employed, but wishes
to make a change. P. O. Box M7.
(27)M14 15
WANTEIWrk in -Omaha by young
tnan; heat referencea; ex-school teacher:
position mtist have future. K M. Meeker,
Box 26. Lincoln, Neb. ' t27i -Miit H'x
POSITION wanted by all 'round' clerk.' ten
years' experience in gnneral merchandise,
capable of management, reasonable
wages, best referencea. Address Y 181,
care Bee. ."it ,(27i M2W llx
POSITION wanted by good blacksmith" and
magonmaker. W. Raymond, New Sharon,
la. (27 M14d 16x
COMPETENT accountant, . experienced In
all details of mercantile and corporation
accounting, credits, correspondence, open
ing and closing books, auditing, making
financial stateinenla and halunce sheets,
capable ef simplifying cumbersome meth
ods, devlslnif economical systems and
eliminating superfluities, wants employ
ment In Omaha or elsewhere. Address
D eti4 Bee. (27)-M20 17x
WANTED By student, young nian, place
to work for board and room. Address or
call. T. J., Boylea college, (27i ens I7x
Jeannetln P. Becker to Sheldon 4,'.
tloriiam, lota 9 and hi, block J,
. Becker & Frederick's add t J,W)
II. H. Flurries to John (1. Dennis, lot
1, block Hanscom I'litcm
Lewis Betts to Susie Bella, lot ir Hall
Place ,
Frank Betts to same, sublot 1, taxlot
T, 29-15-13 ,
Iewia Uetta and wife to Susie May
Betts, lot , Hull Place
Jennie O. Stroud and husband to Carl
,D. Brown, lot 17, block V
& He.wlen'a add
William P. Thomaa to William H.
Thomas, lots i and 7, block (9, Flor
ence ,, y-.' ,
Peter Bloom to Daniel J, Creedon,
part lots 12 and 13, Sunnyslrta add .
Nebraska Buvings and loun associa
tion to Peter Bloom, same
I'nion National bank " to J, W,
Thomas, part eVa ae' 8-14-13 ,
Kline Mathieaen lo A. M. Williams,
As lot 11. block 84, Benson.,..,
Nancy E. Curlson to William J. Swn
lioda, nt nW lota 13 and 14. block
2. Oil hard Hill
Dundee Realty company to Lucy M.
Faii-he. lot 6, block kg. Dundee Place
John O Rotirke to Anna Williams, iii
( neW nwV a-16-li .
South Omaha Iirid company to
Omaha Cooperage company, part lot
11 block 311. South Omaha
International Harvester eompanf to
Cninu Pacific. Railroad company,
part fovemnient lot 4, S-15-13
Aultman, Miller at Co. In same, part
Isaac 6. and Florence P. Leavltt to
W. I ficlbv and Benjamin B. Clapp,
lot S. block 116, Dundee Place
Frank A Furay. county treasurer, to
J J. Fiirgerald, lot 2ft, block 1, and
lots 12, 14, 15 and 16, block 2, 3outh
Exchange Plate
Charles !. Ilinioas and wife to rhllip
H Heed. I 5, blo, k If, Und I .t 6,
block IS. West Alhrir-ht
Frank C. Mj-aso in C"''i "
Thoina. lot 6, block 13, West Al
bright Barali J. B.irruts to Philip S. Re d.
lot 1. block 10, Wesi Albright
Robert O. Fink, county treasurer, to
Ciiarlea 1 Thomaa, lot 5, bhv k lu,
and lot 6. block 13, West Albright..
Leslio E. Hicks to Lewis S. H- ed, lots
.7 to 12. block 13. Went Albright
Lucy C. Harding to same, 1hi 1 to 5,
and other lots. West Albilgnt
Charles L. Thomas to Plnllp S. Reed,
lot . blink 15. West Albnglit
Alma R. Miller and huaoand to tane,
lota 11 and 12. bla.k II. West Al
bright A. R. Drexel and wife to aaine. lot 10,
block 11. West Albright
Charles I. Thomas to same, lots 1 and
, block 11. West Albright
B. F. MiCord and wlte lo eame, lot
7. block 11, West Albright
W. C Bouk and wife, lo satue. lot ft,
biock U: West Albright
W'llllam I Peabody and wife tn
tame, lota 1 tn 5, and 11 lo 24, block
11. West Albright
W. A. Smith to Peter F. Petersen,
lots 13 and 11 Bboles" subdivision..
.": 8.658
" 64ioccaaor to Dr. H. L. RtmacclottL)
Offioo and XearptWl.- asia Mssia
Callg Promptly Answered at A!I Hours.
ko Offioo riiy as?.- a-.i., ..L
', &. jvuMaa ftAta, baill, n;B.
Frid? Builders and Material M-n Jul-a-butg.
Colo. Jan. 7. ! Sealed trotalt
will lie rerrivij by the Hoard of lounty
t'ornmissioners i.f fi.iK k county. Cd"
ra.lo. up to 12 nil'ik noon of fie itli day
of January. for the complete construc
tion of a pile bridge, about 1 ' f'-H. long,
a'-rone a nton ol the tiouth I'lniie rivi r.
extending from the south end of the new
Plate bridge at Julesburg to the south bank
of the 80111I1 J'latte r'ver.
Peiilivi piopi,tals will l- received by the
Hoard of County Commissioner of fetig
wick county, Colorado, up to 12 o'clock
noon of V.- 27lh lav of January. :. for
the of ail material to build a
pile bridge about l.nV feet long, said ma
terial to lie delivered at the north end of
that portion of the 8tate bridge now hirilt
at Juleshurg, Colorado, acrosa the Smith
Platte rUer.
Sealed proposals will also be received by
said iN.ard tip to 1J o ilof k noon of the
27th day of January. 1:"S. for the building
and furnishing of all Inhor In the building
of a pile bridge about 1.iTi fret long across
a portion of the tJoutn Platte river, extend
ing from the south end of the new Slate
bridge at Juleshurg to the south bark of
the Pouth Platte river.
All proposal to be filed with the county
clerk, at her office In Juleshurg. Colorado,
at which office further information in re
gard to sich bridge and work and n copv
of the plana and specifications and amount
of material required for said bridge mill
be kept and can be seen by any person
The said Hoard of County Commissioners
reserves the right to reject any and all
bids offred. .
Hy order of the Hoard of County Com
missioners of Seciga l k county, Colorado.
By C. W; WHITE, Chairman.
Chlef guartermasler's Office, Federal
Building. Chicago. Illinois. January 11.
1. Sealed proposals. In triplicate, subject
to the usual conditions, will lie received at
this office until 12 o'clock, noon. January
21. 19, and then opened, for furnishing
ami delivering at either 1 lie Chicago, New
York or Philadelphia Depot of the Quar
termaster's Ih'psrtment. V. S. Armv, 2.lf1
gallons Neatsioot oil; subject to increase
In quantity f from 20 per cent to ay pvr
cnt. if desired by this lepartment. The
tight is reserved to reject or accept anv or
all proposals or any part thereof. Prefer
ence will be given to article of domestic
manufacture, conditions of quality and
price I Including In the price of foreign pro
duction or manufacture, the duly thereon)
being equal. Ppeclf icatlons, blanks for
pro(osals and full Information will bo fup
nisbed upon application at this office. En
velopes containing proposals to be Indorsed
"Proposals for Neatsfoot Oil, to lie opened
January 21. I." W. W. Robinson, Jr.,
Chief .Quartermaster. J15-16-17-1S
I'Bilosi Pacific.
The Overland Limited. .a s:6o am
The Colorado Express. .a 3:5u pm
Atlantic. Express
The Oregon Express a
The Los Angeles Llm....al2:55 pm
The Fast Mall a 9:30 am
The China & Japan Mail a4:00 pin
Colo-Chlcego Special ali:10 am
Beat'e & Stroms'g L'cal.bl2:3 pm
North Platte Local a 7:42 am
Chicago at N or tk wester.
Chicago Daylight a 7:25 am
St. Paul-Minn. Express. 7:50 am
Chicago Local all 30 am
Sioux City Passenger.. .a 7:5u ah
Chicago Passenger a 4:30 pm
Chicago Special a 6:00 pm
St. Paul-Minn. Li ill I ted. a o.2i pm
Los Angeles Llml.ed a 9:90 pin
a 9 40 pm
a 5:00 pm
al0:15 am
a 6:00 pm
a 9:15 pm
a 6:45 pm
a 6:50 pm
a 7:u5 am
b 1:40 pm
a 4:45 pm
all:4S pm
al':i"J pm
a 2:28 pm
a S:2X pm
a 9:45 am
a :23 am
a S:tO am
all: 35 pm
a t:23 um
a 9:04 am
a 9:20 am
a 3:35 pm
a H:U0 am
a 5:40 pm
alO:35 um
a 5:40 pm
a 5:40 pm
b 5:40 pm
b 1 :35 pm
a 3:45 pm
a 8:55 pm
a 8:31 am
a. 30 m
Overland Umllcd...
Fast Mall
Sioux City Local...
Fast Mail
Twin City Limited.
..aio:Uu piu
..a 3:50 pin
.'.'a iVsVpiii
..a 7:50 am
Norfolk - Bonesteel...
Lincoln-Long Pine...
Deadwood - IJncoln..
Casper - Shoshonl
Hastings - Superior..
...b 7:50 am
..a 3:00 pm
..a S:-- pm
..b :fl" rn
Fremont Albion b 5:35 pm
Illinois Central.
Chicago Express a 7:15 am
Minn. & Bt. Paul Exp. b 7:20 am
Chicago Iamtted a ) pm
.Mlon. - 4 St. Paul i-intdi 2 :J0 pm
Chicago, Kork Islantl
St Pacific.
Chicago Limited a 3:00 am
Iowa Local a 7:00 am
Des Moines Passenger. .a 4:tf pm
Iowa Local bll :40 am
Chicago (Eastern Ex). .a 4:40 pm
Chicago Flyer a :i0 pm
Fociky Mountain L't'a, .all :15 pm
Colo, und Cal. Ex a 1 :10 pm
OI;l. and Texas Exp. ...a 4-:40 pm
Chicago Great Wester.
all :h5 pm
a 4:30 pm
al2:30 pm
b 9:55 pm
a 1:16 pm
a 3:35 am
a 2: DO am
a 4:30 pm
a 1:15 pin
Bt. Paul-Minneapolis..
St. Paul-Minneapolis..
Chicago Limited
Chicago Express
Chicago Express
Missouri Pacific. '
K. C. ac St. L. Exp ...
K. C. & St. L. Exp ...
:30 pm
7:U am
;ii6 pm
7::w inn
3:33 pm
7:3?) am
11:35 pm
:27 am
il 3ft pm
Z:30 pm
..a 9:00 am
. .all:l pm
a S:45 am
a 6 50 pm
St. Louis Express
...a C.30 pm a 8:30 am
Bt, Louis L.ocai (irom
.Council Bluffs) a 9:30 am
Btanberry Local (from
Council Blnffs) b 6:00 pm
all:15 pm
bl0:15 am
Chicago, Milwaukee A Bt. Paul. V
Clilc. die Colo. Special. ..a 7:25 am all:50pm
Cal. & Ore. Express. .a 6:00 pm a 8:25 pm
Overland Limned a 9:5s pm a b-.VU am
Perry Local a 6:ij pm uil.uu am
Denver & California..-
Norrtiwest Special
Black Hil'.s
Northwest Expreas .....
li brasl.a points
Nebraska Express
Lincoln Fast Mall
Lincoln Local
Lincoln Local
Lincoln Local
Schuyler - Plattsmouth
Bellevue - Plattsmouth
a 4:10 pm
.a 4:10 pm
.a 4:10 pm
all:i pm
.a 8:45 am
.a 9:15 am
b 1:45 pm
a 9:45 pm
a 3:45 pm
a 8:45 pm
al0:15 pm
a 6:10 pm
a 6.10 pm
al2:ll pm
b 9:0s am
al0:15 pm
a 7:50 pm
blO: am
a 5:50 am
b L30 p'ni
a 7:25 am
all:45 pm
a 3:55 pm
a 8 30 am
alt :i0 am
all:) am
a 6 :o am
a 6:10 pm
b 3:1(1 pm
a H (Hi nni
jlaTtsmoui n-iuw
Bellevue-Plattismouth. .
Denver Limited
Chicago Special
Chicago Expreas
Chicago Flyer
Iowa Local
Bt. Louis Express
Kansas City &i St. Joe.
Kansas City St. Joe.
Kansas City & Bt. Joe.
b 1:18 am
.a 4:10 pm
.a 7:40 am
.a 4:20 pm
.a 6:i pm
.a 9:1." am
.a 4 45 pm
.al0:45 pm
-a 9:15 am
.a 4:45 pm
Paul, Mlaaeapolls at
b 9 10 pm
alO:," am
c 6.55 pm
Twin Cltv Passenger b 6:30 am
Sioux Ciy Passenger. ..a 2:06 pm
Emerson Local c 1:45 am
Mlaaoarl Paclfle.
Auburn Local
b 3:53 pm Ml:23 am
a Daily, b Dally except Sunday, c Sun
day onlv. d Dally except Saturday, e Dally
excert Monday.
Impress 1.1ns of tb Atlantic
F1r.t Csbin Winter Rate $55 up.
Superior accommodation available. Safety,
speed and comfort combined.
Write for particulars.
O. E. BESJAJatTjr. Osru Art.,
38 Co. Clark St Cblcaro. CI
civABaTS tTBtrurs r tu axabio
!. Sos, lars, f r . a
rebraarjr I te Artl IT, I,
esaatf a.a. rouus aaly io0 at aus us. laelusiaa
ara nrin Kl argOIAL t'EATLRES: ataalalra.
Ca4lt, Savllla. Al'r. Malta. 1 tlaya la rpt 4
ta Hslf Land Conatanueaple. Atavoa koaa. iaa
(tiri.ra. etc TOI'RS UOI NO THE WJI1U).
410 TOl'ItS TO KlllOPK
Blast comprekanslva soft attract evae affaaai.
if. C. CLAHk. rimi Bi( . N.w York.
Coos Into th Horn
Best West
Cornhusker Foot Ball Squad Must
Take a Third Ballot
Talk of FmployluB Professional
4 nor It for the Has Rail aj-4m on
Aeeonat of I mi r"a rle-
strnn T.j?rTtnee.
LINCOLN. Neb., Jan. ;j. (Special Tele
gram.) A second canvass of votes cast
for the next captain of the Nebraska I'nl
verelty foot ball team hy the Athletic
board last evening resulted once more In
no election, none of the three high men,
Cooke, Matters and Harvev, having re
ceived a majority. The board ordered a
third election. Should no choice result
this time.. the board will elect the captain
Itself." This situation, la unprecedented In
university athletic history, as Is the con
test ftr the place.
The seven members who were not given
the "N" sweaters at the last meeting of
the board on account of their neglect to
settle tralniiig-table bosrd bills and other
similar expenses, were granted the letters
this time, having come, to a satisfactory
arrangement with the management. The
men are Captain Weller, Ewlng, Frum,
Beltrer. Cooke, Minor and Johnson.
"N. C." sweaters were awarded to the
members of the cross country tram. lJist
year's dlssstrous busa ball season may re
sult In the employment of a coach for the
team this spring. - The matter was left In
the hands of the baseball committee and
the manager, who will report as soon as
possible what can be -done toward secur
ing a competent Instructor 1n tho national
game. The baset ball, sehedtfle promises to
be an unustially difficult one.
K KTS OX THE Rl 9illn TR.4SK9
Montgomery, 1 to 9, Wins Third 14 ace
at l.oa Anurles.
1X)S ANGELES. Jan. 14. Montgomery,
the shortest priced horse of the year.' being
held at odds of 1 to 9, won the third race on
the curd at Santa Anita today in easy style
by four lengths from Domtnus Arvl, with
J. R. Laughrey third. Fo high was Mont
gomery rated that J. H. Laughrey, the
second choice, was held st odds of 20 to 1.
Three favorites, two even choices and a
second choice won the six events on the
card. Results: .
First race, five ahd one-half furlongs:
Bamboo (112, Boland, 4 lo 1) won. Harcourt
(115, Schilling. 2 to 1) second, Ed B. 112.
Musgrave, 6 to 1) third. Time: : Spar
kles, Barney Oldfield. Diamonio, Malnal,
Godfather, Sombro, Port Hamone, Suxeraln
finished as named.
Second race, three furlongs: Parndlko
Queen (110. Burns, evenf won. Madlne Mus
grave (110, Musgrave, 6 to 1) second, Mattle
Russell (110, McCarthy. 4 to 1) third. Time:
0Xi. Belle of OrHss. Bold. Silk Hose, Ban
Bose, Miniature, Vlvon, Lady Mazagan fin
ished as named.
Third race, one mile: Montgomery (lOFi,
Dugan, 1 to 9) won, Domlnus Arvl (hfi.
Burns. 30 to 1 1 second, J. R. Laughrey (1"S.
Boland, 2d to li third. Time: 'Llvl
vlus, John J. Rodgcra, Nadsu, Onata Wa
tana finished as named.
Fourth, one mile; '"Marker (PI9, Schillins.
2 to li won, Anihedn '( H". Dugan, 4 to 1) sec
ond, Mary F. Ht Burns. - 2 to 1) third.
Time: 1 :3uMt. OrtTene nlso ran.
Fifth, mile and un eighth: Rip Rap (104,
'Burns. 12 to 6) won," A vontellus tli9. Schill
ing, 12 to 6) second. Oiovanni Balerlo (101,
F. Ryan, 10 to H (bird. Time: 1:53V Ed
Sheridan, Joule's Jewell. Invlctus. Sinnk
Springs, Donhart. Prestolus, Anvil. By Play
finished as named..)
Sixth, five filrlotign: Inspector Bvrd (110,
Burns. 2 to 1) won'Margle D. (10.1. C. H.
Schilling, 9 to 2) second. Louis Cavanaugh
(110. Horner, 15 to 1) third. Time: 1:!.
Annette, The Belle!" MaTYair, Artie Rlpey.
Nelllta. Tlalolee, V1(ra, ' Lltholin and Uar
rlck finished as narrdV
' NEW ORLEANS, iTaji. lL-'ea flier clear.,
track good. Results:
First race, three TUrlongs: Arlonette (100,
Martin, 18 to 61, vi'hnf Pfnion (110. Lloyd.
6 to 1), second; Cutlhing din. 'Alex.' 5 to 1).
third. Trine, :.' -'After All. Miss Snack,
Mollle Stark, Smart. Miss Hapshurg, My
Ijidy Frances, Mexzo Soprano, Glorlule,
Cenlna and sie also ran.
Second race, s!X' furlongs: Polar Star
(li!i, Brusw-ll, 15 t li, won; Bulkhead
(!':. Glos. 75 to 1), second; Burking Boy
(109, Powers. 3 to Ti, third. Time. 1:19.
Caucus, Major Mack. Banrldge, Calole.
George H White, Pidk Cap. Harrington.
Amontillado, Epitome and Waxiiaw also
Third race, "seven ' furlongs, selling:
Hancock (If 3. McOahcV, 10 to 11. won;
Crafty 110. Powers, IS to 61, second; Rap
pahannock (108, Lee. lft to 5), third. Time.
l:3rt. Heart, of Hyacinth. Monero, Ienl
gree, St. Noel. Creel, Ablagton. Apple
Gold, Young Stevens, J. D. Dunn, Pry
tinla and Ale Meyer also ran.
Fourth race, six fufinnga, handicap; Pe
dro (95, Morgan, 2 to l). won; Tiding (109,
Sumter, 11 to 10), second; Platoin (93, Ken
nedy, g to l).i third. Time, 1:16. Chief
Huyes, King Plate, Pasadena and Flntail
lso ran.
Fifth race, one mile "and seventy ysrds:
Delphle (K14, Powers, I ti 1), won; Hawk
ama (1(8, Koermer, 8 to 1), second; Nancy
(!. Sumter. 25 to D. third. Time. 1:4V
Ttvnlina, Adesao- and Sponge Cake also
Sixth race, mile and sixteenth, selling:
Granada (ICS. Powers. 6 to 1), won; Zp
ango (105. Ijee, 7 to 10, second; Donna
(1 64. Jletmeasy, 8 to 1), third. Time,
1:51H. Mortil.ev also ran.
OAKLAND, Cal., Jan. 14 Results;
First race, six furlongs, selling: May
Amelia tlod. Hayes. 12 to 1), won; Silver
Wed.ili:g (105. Miller. 7 to li. .. second:
Hercditus din, Klrsolibaum. 10 to li, third
Time. 1-lHHd. Excitement. Agnnlla, Sal
vage and Prince Brums finished as named.
I .Second race, threw furlongs: Rubia
'iranile (10H, Miller, 8 to'5, won; Carmisa
(lot. Hayes, 20 to-l. second; Patois (les
A. Walt-h, 7 to 1). third. Time, 0:26. Al
ice Collins. Ornate, Yolo, Mabel Foun
tain, Galilee, Col lice and Minnie Bright
tlrdshed as named.
Third race, five and a I. alf furlongs,
purse: Palaroita (99, Ktrsehhaum, 6 to '),
won; Smiley Curbed .(93, Gilbert, 6 to 5
second; Clerne (k8, A. Walsh. 11 to 5)
third. Time. 1 :(. Expectant, San Pi
per and Asteria Ileife finished as named.
Fourth race, me mile puree: Plausible
(D'l. Klrschbaum. 15 to li. won: BanioHal
(103, Miller, 9 tu 5l,- second: Dollle Dollars
(M. Hayes. 1ft to it. third.- Time. 1 45 Billy
Pullman. Bryan, and , Sahara finished as
named. . . . - ,
Fifth race, one Tnlle and a sixteenth
selling: Ramus (110, Mlibr, even), won
I.ampadrome (103, Hayes, 40 to 1), second
Tetanus (91. Charhoneau. 1 to 1). third
Time. 1:61 Lassen. Mlas May - Bowdish
Mldmnnt. Milleong and Rosy Light fin
ished as named.
riixlh race, one mile and a sixteenth, sell
ing: The Captain tUH. GiilH-rt. 11 to 5i
won; Arconrt (Pit 'Millet- in to 1 1. second1
Graphite do,', Htldehrand. 5 to It tlihd'
T ine. l:t2. Ethel ' AhlaTtt. Maxireaa!
r urxc, . B. Gates. Aiarlc and Ed. lj
burn also tun.
Uaaket Hall ' Warriors ' Will Meet
Wednesday .Mscht.
The next basket ball game of note to be
plaeil l-i a will h' that ht-lween tile
Omaha Young Men's flnistlan Ans clntion
ta 11 and the Yor!t Young .Men's Christian
A ss.M-liiilon team, which will be laved
Wednesday night. Judging from the re
ports w ide jfiave been coming In York has
a strong tram and f'ould be aide to give
the otvaha boys qjite a hustle, for the
York team has Leen putting in some laid
licks In special anticipation of the Omaha
game. Weieeri, who was formerly a aul
siltute for Omaha, has been given the posi
tion of forward on the Omaha team, be
cause of the spl ndid siiuwing he made
;.ifl IlaKiings last Tbt.rsday. With
the other . forward filh-d liy Al Hansen.
Omaha has a p:ur of forwaids hard tu
becil. .
As a preliminary to the basket ball game
Physical Dirt-dor Pcntlaiu! will put on
an exhibition by the entire niebl class of
tho k'yinnastum departr.ient He may put
on a hockey p-amc, w'.ih li is about as ex
citing as baakvt ball.
Many Omai a base ball fana and lovers
of all sons of stmiiIs have nsver se,.n a
basket ball game and here is a chance to
see a good one. R. !'!;( ball la more on a
line with foot ball tban it la of bae ball,
but It furnish, s good isrt. and when
played by lopnotch teams la an interesting
game to watch.
A sua tear Match with French.
NEW Y'ORK. Jan. 14 The National As
sociation of Amateur-Billiard l'luyers has
at-c:c t.-d Miiigeatiou of lite French as
sociation for an inlerciiionai inaich. l'ii
libal acct ' talic e lias tt-cu mailed la (lie
French club The matches will taka plsce
at Ihe I.iederkrans -club about the mldrtl
of April. The games will be at H.2 balk
line and the balls rsed xffl be those used
In France, which are a trifle larger th,an
tne American ball.
( allforala Roy Lasts hat FItc Pteaada
la float at aea.
OH DEN, 1'tsh. Jan. 14-Battling Nelson
of Chicago scored a clean kncnkcti. over
Jack Clifford of Crass Valley. Cel.. at the
Orand Theatre Iwre. putting Clifford to Ihe
floor for many sm-oiu4s- o er the count in
the fifth round of a scheduled twenty
round contest. Clifford broke a bone In
his led wrist In the first round. Outfought
as he alaays Is. Nelson, head down and
flsls busy, kept coming everv second of
the five busy rounds snd finally In the
midst of a hot rally n.-ar the ropes, put
over a short right nrperrut that caught
Clifford flush on the point of his jaw.
The California boy went down flat on his
back, his head hitting the floor with great
force and It was two or three minute
before he regained consciousness.
The fourth round was Clifford s. al
though Melsnn appeared Ihe stronger. In
the fifth Clifford swung bis right snuarely
on Ndson-'s chin. It did not stop the
Dane a second and In Ihe next rally he
hooked bin right, on the Jhw. Clifford
sinking tn the floor completely out.
Clifford weighed 133. and Nelson about
Des Moines Ronler Leads ladlvldaal
Claas hr Two PI as.
. PlbrX CITT. Is.. Jan. 14. -In Ihe Iowa
and Northwestern bowling tmirnament to
night. Fanton of les Moines stepped Into
,the b ait of the individual bowling, making
a score ol !:'.4. He liettered the mark of
Rempke, of Omaha by two pins. In Hie
evening Sioux Cliv teams and a oulttette
from Dentson bow ed five-men, two-men and
iiKltvidual cxetits. Ihe meeting wtll rlo-e
toiiiowoi' night, when the priae money will
be distilbiiled.
Among the larger scores trmde In doubles
were hy Biuggeman snd Albnrtson of Des
Moines. Willi 1.147; Williams snd Fsnfon.of
Des Moines, l.taa; and Flanagn and O Diin
liell. with 1.1'C.
In the five-men events the Blue Moons
of Sioux City made 2.31ft:' the Orand of
Sioux Citv, 2.372; the Ciiints of Sioux City.
2317; and the Dcnlson. la., club, i.ttft.
There were no large scores in th Ihdlvld
uala besides Fantnn's.
I'nlveralty Decides to Withdraw From
Writers Athletic Conference.
ANN ARBOR. Mich., Jan. 14 The Bftard
of Control of athletics tonight decided trr
withdraw the I'nlveralty of Michigan at
once from the western conference.
The Besolm's Mixers took another Jump
toward the top of the Metropolitan league
race last night on the basement alleys by
taking three games from Cain's Stars. K.
A. Schneider was high man In his team,
with 187 for single game and 539 for total.
Captain Cain was high for the Stars with
li'4 for single and 4S3 for total. Scores:
1st. 2d.. 3d. Total.
F. W. Schneider
R. A. Schneider
151 152
471 4S2
1st. 2d.
194 LU
94 153
149 143
42 1,407
3d. Total.
ItiO 4S3
109 35
138 - 430
Cain ...
Straw .
Total 437 4-5
The Independents won two out of Ihree
games from the Dailv News last bight on
the Metropolitan alleys. Martin of Ihe
News team was high on totals' with 540.
Tonight Omaha Bicycle comaany vs.
Lemp a Falstaffs. Scores:
1st. 2d.
3d. Total.
Oocbn .
81 843
1st. 2d
3d. Total
Slawson 154
Rice : ........ 10
Patterson ". 182
Griffith 151
Martin 195
153 449
137 479
Contracts and Releases.
NEW YORK, Jan. 14. President Pu-lllam
of the National League of Profeaaional
Base Bull Clubs today notified the presl
.iiii r.f the cliiba of the leaarue of the fol-
I lowlne contracts and releasesv
1 Contract: With Philadelphia Walter
Warlck. Releases: by Cincinnati to Co
lumbus (A. A.), Fred Odel, Roy Hltt. Ar
thur T. Krucger: Hy Pittsburg to Roches
ter E. L.I, William D. Duggalby. K. J.
Anderson; by Pittsburg to Wheeling (C.
L.). Harry Huston.
City I.caaue to Be Resrgsaliei,
Y'ORK. Neb., Jan. 14. (Special.) York
maintained and aupported a city league
last year and base ball enthusiasts contem
plate reorganizing the city league, one
team representing each ward lh the City.
Chit of these players It Is claimed York
can select a team to represent the city of
York lu a stale league. The new ball
grounds adjoin the East Hill park and are
easily accessible.
l.lpton Has Not Challenged.
NEW Y'ORK. Jan. 14. The Associated
Press has received the following cable
gram from Sir Thomas Llpton:
SALVE ISLAND. Ceylon, Jsn. 14. Asso
ciated Preaa. New York: Cntrue. Have
not challenged. Too early. Slxe of boat no
(Signed.) L1PTON.
Pportlagr Gossip.
Hughey Jennings Is a manager who does
not believe In fining men. If they re
fuse to behave he simply lets them go.
- Jeffries' papa says Jim won't fight;
mamma says the same thing: so does his
frau; Jim says likewise. That ought to
settle It. "
Jimmie Brltt, since he drew that tl.M
house in Honolulu, has expressed a sincere
desire for a fotirth meeting with Bat Nei
aon. He figures thst even that will draw
better. v
Ira Beldn and Bill" Klwert of the
Pueblo team are two noted Western
leaguers who will bowl st ,ihe Amer can
Bowling congress tournament In Redland.
Elwert was formerly one of Belleville's
best est ten pinners.
Bresnahan will, without doubt, remain
in New York next season, and the chances
for the Cardinals or the Reds getting him
have ben cut off. McQraw would hardly
let Roger go as long as Bowerman has
been traded.
Brooklyn has strong hopes of getting
George Brown, F.bueta, waata the ex-Olant
badly, as he Is afraid Harry Lumley s
broken leg will never mend-. Lumley,
though, sends word to the Brooklyn mag
nate that Ills M D. assures him that he
will be O. K. by sprlngtlmt.
Robert Simpson, professional golf cham
pion of America, Is fully practicing or.
the Omaha Country rluh links for Ihe win
ter tournament, which la soon to be held
in California for the coast championship.
Mr. Slmoson has a new outfit of clubs,
which he made hlmsolf for the tournament.
Hughey Duffy holds a world's bate ball I
record In addition to his great ban In x av- '
era! the year he was champion busman.
That rcc-ird ts seven passed balls In One
Inning. You kaow, Huthev sisrted out at
a ralvtwr early In Ms career, at Hart
ford, Conn , where the former manager
o' the Phillies made his record.
The Germans bowl and play base ball,
the French star at aiitom-ibillng and fen
cing, the French-Canadian play ivs
hockey, the Swedes snd Norwegians take
to ski running and jumping, the Italians
ahow ability as fighters and spaghetti
raters, the English play cricket and cness,
the Scotch get excited over golf, leaving
nothing In ihe categpry of sport for the
Irish to specialize on. Naturally eneiich.
they spread out through ths whole and
specialize on everything until they surpass
sit Other nationalities.
Hon in Aval raaaaeala.
Tou can avoid pneumonia and other serl.
us result from a cold by taking Foley1
Honey and Tar. It stops th cough and
expels th cold from th system as It is
mildly laxstlvc. Refuse any but th genu
ine In th yellow package. All druggists.
Babies strangled
by croup, coughs or colds are instantly re
lieved and quickly cured with Dr. King"
New Discovery. 60c and II ft). For sale
by Beaton Drug Cp.
By usiag th various department of Ths
Bee Want Ad Pages you get aulca returns
at a small expense.
Senator Burkett Filei Endorsement of
Hammond for Collector.
orne AnaiUallaaa Confirmed, bat
That of ttlatrlrt Attorney It ef erred
to K Hired ae's Committee, and
Carahle .flays Something".
(From a StaTf Correspondent )
WASHINGTON. Jan. 14 -(8pecial T le
granl.l The gage of battle which henstor
Norrls Brown threw down on Saturday
by recommending W. B. R' depity
sttorney general of Nebraska, for collector
of Internal revenue, for the district of
Nebraska, was accepted yesterday on the
part of Senator" Purkett, trho filed with the
president the recommendation for the ap
pointment of Ross L. Hammond of Fre
mont for collector. "
For months the two senators have
sparred for thel rlndlvldiial candidate.
Early In the summer Sehstor Brown an
nounced his fealty to W. B. Hose, former
chairman of the republican state com
mittee, and likewise Senator Burkett es
poused Ross Hammond s ' cause. In his
efforts to crcar the political atmosphere
Senator Burkett became Infererted In se
curing a place for Mr. Rose which he
believed would be acceptable to that gentle-
1 msn by offering him
place "on the dis
trict bench of Alsska. This offer Mr.
Rose very promptly turned down, on the
ground that he did not propose to go o
far away from home. It ts understood
thst one or two other places here In Wash
ington with the Department of Justice
Were suggested to Mr. Rose and which
were as promptly negatived by lilm.
In the beginning of the session' Senator
Brown, believing that Mr. Rosa had. won
recognition by his Work as chairman of
the slate committee, labored Indefatlgnbly
with his colleague to acquiesce In the
appointment of Mr. Rose. Senator Bur
kett, however, had pledged himself to Mr.
Hammond and under these clreunist Ances
a compromise was not to be thought -of.
All Compromises Rejected.
Even a- lottery was suggested, putting
straws and other means proposed to solve
the riddle, but none were satisfactory to
the divergent Inlerests, and the recommen
dation of Mr. Rose and Mr. Hammond
became a foregone conclusion! Senator
Burkett held a long conference today with
the president, haying ascertained that Air.
Brown had made the first move In what
promises to be a stern struggle for su
premacy between the senators. What
transpired at this conference but two men
know-the president . and Senator Burkett.
the latter refoslng absolutely to be Inter
viewed on the subject except to say that
ho, had been sent for by tho White House
srld that he had recommended the appoint
ment of Mr. Hammond.
Another chapter In the famous visit or
visits of R. B. Bchnelder and Ross Ham
mond to confer with Senators Burkett and
Brown was contributed today by one who
has Intimate knowledge of what took place
kt the first conference. It seems that Mr.
Schneider and Hammond went ' to Lincoln
to labor for the reinstatement of T. L.
Matthews, brother-in-law of R. B. Schnei
der and former I'nlted States marshal of
Nebraska, whom the president had removed
because of tne latter' method of carry
lug out the sentence of the court against
Richard and Comstock In land cases, they
being taken to the Omaha club, here
they remained for a number ot hours in the
custody of their attorneys. . i
..Hammond. Says He. Wants otlng. :
At that meeting, so the story goes, Mr.
Hammond was asked whether he was a
candidate for any office and he replied that
he was not, hi only desire being to see Mr.
Matthews reinstated or reappointed to
some position that would be In the nature
of a vindication. This, the senators said,
they could not do. because It would he a
slap at the president, and the could
never be a parly to that.
This terminated the conference, to be
later renewed by Mr. Hammond coming
forward as a candidate for the position of
collector and requesting the support of the
senator. Senator Brown at that time. It Is
slated, "came out openly for W. B. Rope.
Later Senator Burkett took up the cudg-el
for the editor of The Fremont Tribune and
the parting of ways between the two sena
tors began.
Now that Issue Is Joined between Burkett
and Brown, dally visit of either one or
both of the senators to the White House
will ba Jn order. But" what the president
will do In the final analysis Is something ' sixteen republican members of Ihe Ohio
upon which any person may speculate with 1 delegation In the house wore present at a
much Interest. There Is a campaign on In - dinner In honor of Secretary Taft at the
which the White House Is very greatly In- ! Arlington tonlgltt. Representative Bannon,
terested and It may be that the present col- : who. It Is understoodt has until nov 'fa
lector, Mr. Stephenson, will be permitted j vored the nomination o . Senator Forakcr
to continue In office until after the presl- for the presidency, was mio uf Ilia number,
dendal .election., certainly until after th j and not only .-spoke In advonacy of the
renubltcan national convention. 1 Taft boom, but declared that nine-tenths
th Dakota Men CoaBrmed.
Today the senate confirmed a larse
number of registers and receivers of land
offices In South Dtikota, Including C. B.
A If or d for surveyor general of that state.
It also confirmed A. M. Nixon as post
master at MUlbank and John W. Jordan
as postmaster st Presho, S. D. These
confirmations arje the result of th lottery
entered into between Senators Klttrldge
snd Gamble, who, like the senators In
Nebraska, could not agree upon candi
dates for the places and the president
stepped in and manipulated the " ma
chinery so that each senator from South
Dakota coal) get his shsre at the "pin
counter." Senator Gamble.-member of th
'W point with rlde lo the end- ,
less number of cures w have . .
effected. We havs been the m'Ui
means of restoring thousands of afflicted
men to health and strength. The c hinge
In hundreds and hundreds of cases we hate
treated has been marvelous. Blighted
lives, blasted hopes-, weakened and debili
tated systems and nerous wrecks have
been restored to specimens of phyalcal
perfection. Our many years of close
study, supplemented by an exteni.fve prac
tice, enables us to give you the best
methods of treating and curing such ail
ments. We have a special system of
'treatment that is a powerful and deter-
mined medicinal corrective where men'
characteristic energlea have been do-pleted.
W treat ssa only and cur promptly, sat and thoroav-hly, kad at th
lowest cost, BXOnCHTTT", CAT18KH, Ktt'fOOS PCBlLITY, BLOOD
seelai Blaeaas aad waaaaa aad taatr ooapUoafloiia. ,' '
Consull Frfl3s.S," iAi
Call and Oe Examined Free or;. VVrlt?-,
Office Hon A. hi. to 8 P. M. guuclay 10 I f)av,y. ' ,
1308 Firnam St., Between 13th and 14th Sts., .pm'ahaNeh.'
IRMaWsatlr EsUbUsbcd Ja maJa. NhraakV,' .-'".
public lands committee, took the pi-eltien
that to play don In li e ipnkcr"t. rttd-.rc
the fiomln-nlons for eg aters wmV't"t elv
ers 1'V holding up nonilTi st Ions w ould be
"IM-anut 1-olHics." , ancjc h:ujiJc b 11 au to make , sL (svgrattlc tx-potlt .by
the . committer., tit) d d-ex iaft.JYvdn.'Mlay.
. .This aioftiiug . wbeu, J)lt,rirwuiiu)ai,n . vf
E. E. Wwgncr ef laivJi ', ,!)., imo
up l'fore die . jurMclnry lyuuiutt'C of u,..
senaAa. , of w lib 1 Souatur- KAllrJdso Is :it
member, Clmimian Clareiu-c Chirk,, of
Wyoming, who returnee! from. thai st.
estenlay. referred the nomliuiil"l of Mr.
Wagner to a suli-coriuiiU.lo',- covw-Uig cf
KitLrldgo. Nrlsn ,of .iiiuota.. fcrd.,Mny
tior of Maryland. SpsUr . WVltsUlge. it. s
well known. Is an outspoken opponent of
Mr. Wagner, who -was H4TMlatsI dialing n
recess of emigres. . . ,v - .
When Senator Gamble Uaincd- tha(t M'
Iriend.. Mr,. .Wagner. . Juid -t. Arun - tlx
gauntlet, of a sub.ceamilUeo-wlttv.iils bit
ter opponmt, Soaslor, KlUrtdge,- ps t hssr
man. the sir bcrame bunUcL. with ex
clamations. rVnator. GamMc skat In g that
he would fight for Ue smtiruatiea- c(
Wagner bef.e the .sub-commidonsand Ah
full comiultsco, and -If 4haA roanilttce
should report -aautlnst ihe .aoarnatiiliin .of
Mr. Wagner ho. woxdd, 4skn the tvaltcr 4e
fore tho ente . sn,l?inak", Hie W'ef.' light
he knew . how for-Ills friend, ataat whom
not. a olngle vliarg -liaa 1 en -Hado, -ccpt
that Wagner Is Iwian44i)y b.ic yH)able lo
S'iiator Ki4trlilsf. 1 -ja-v . ,
Farmers .far JTnstal Battta, '
Tim fsrmcrs nl Jbotf' f rh-rids'ivlHi . st
ir nihil the furnier; Ibth-ulo-'at- .IJrokrn
Bow In IccerTber hd vet ltlao-d themrrlvcs
on record as favoring the Innncllaie t-as-sage
of a safe end t oA v.ii fit . fioeut .av
Ings bank system), ant-lhay bare petitioned
their it presentallvoa In ronttsoas to-work ':
that end. Senator Itrow'n 'tbday pres'enled
a petition in (he senate aigned by a larg?
numbe r or Cuater (Vunty r-lticlens. Tin
same otgunl7.htlon lias wsVed for the pas.
sage of a bill now before Ihe senate wh let
provides tor agrlt ulltirttl high schools'.' for
die teaching of agi IctlH tire ln 'coiilai y
schools of the country tinder Tfir! super
vision of the national govermnrrtt.' -County
Superlnlendent H.' M.- Plhckney of Custt t
county Is a leader of tire movement In
Custer county. Senator Brown today sub
mitted the petition. 'tgcthrr wlti, One aVk
Ing that ' everything' possible he done l
secure the ' passage 'of' the ' parcols " pn,st
messure of the rosttiips'tcf1 gi'nrHl. ' ' '
Homestead,,. Rill Passe .lloaae. .
, Representative Morylell HajrtJ yie tins,
saae. In the bouse, txxlay, of Uvs. bill pro
viding that second bonv sleatl. entries may
be made hy pernoirs .who frivm -any vcituse
have lord or forfeiled .their Jiclor." ojjjj-li's.
provided that Ihe roviaion ,of .th. act
shall not apply to. pcrsnns) twtiosb .fctrVncr
entries, canceled. fci (taVd'..o,r re
linquished for a, vaiiiablc;cu!i!deralicn A
similar hill has been . rt pnrd rom .' the
senste puljlo lands 'eotiiniittcc'
.Nebraska CommlaaAl'an On neenrd.
The Nebraska Su,t Kali-way v.QrOnilssion
la In favor of the passage f a UU intro
duced In dip senate by Senator Vi1n. of
Oregon, dealgned to give "the jiiiii stale
Commerce ctuninlsaiun power, qver the In
crease or decreuso or any Inloltstate rates,
in a letter to .Sfnalpr Bruw-n,. . Secret ary
Clark Perkins of the.' Nebraska conimlwidn
declares that thscorHmisslon" rnalixea fully
the Importance', of ' Ue.vpro$dHloi 4 trt ; Ihe
state law provWoig filial .'tuo 'changeo'esn
be made- In state TatAs hntll afler ' die
application ' ap'd' a. Jicm'ing liaji'' bi;n . had
before-the conitnissiuu wlueh pajitH-a. upon
the application.' " He lilated In chl ' Idter
that the Nebraska commission hopes tho
Inturstute Coojuatrice' .roirihilsslori -wfrV be
given .tfie Brtrrie; liOMtVr He flaciaWtrtilhat
the onjy way ip wjJicdi'an i cxcesidj-e' inter
state rate uu.n te.ayokleJ undrr tlicf pres
ent law is by an appeal to th courts for
ah order restraining" the enforcetn'ent of
aucrf a ..rate' bfrrtl ' a,r'er-,,a?-ielit Irrg-rs-fore
the corrimisslnli: -nT-- ' wllitrf lx annoylm;,
expehslve and diffh tilt,' it' not iifir-osslble
In many Instances. Bcnalov. .' Rr.iiWb sub
mitted, the letter, to Hie senate- today .and
asked for unanimous, consent tt hhVe It
printed In' be'5si?'eliiral rftiword.
Senstor Brown today Introduced bills In
the United States senate providing for an
Increase of Ihe pensions of Thomas 8.
Wlnetear ol Burwell and Ira D. Marston
of Kearney to IW nor
Iowa Man la Land Office. .
Samuel V. PrwudfU of Iowa, first assist
ant attorney tn lb office of die attorney
general Of thtr Interior-dupartiuHiit; has
been appednted asslatnnt ctirn'ifilssioncr Vif
the general land office. . ' ,
Twelve of the sixteen . Keiuibllcans
PneaAt at Bssaart sa tire- '
retary's Honor.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 14.-Twelve of the
of his constituents favored the- candidacy
of the secretary. The dlnnef as 'originally
planned was to liave comprised the eilUre
republican rejaresentatlon of sixteen mem
bers, but there were four absentees, these
being Representatives, Cole. Mouser, Weems
and Douglas. ' Messrs. ' Cole and Mouser
are absent in Ohio ttiid-Mr. sWej-pis is 111.
Representative Burton (ted toast master
and speeches were madu by the twelve
piembers present and by. the. chief guest.
Secretary Taft. There was not a dissent
ing voice, all of the speaker declaring
themselves in favor'. of, the. secretary of
war. Mr. Boton macU a report on 111
situation lu Ohio,. hu b. he declared, was
moet satisfactor. '-"'-'..'? !.jJt$t.&M
s. -Uf- -. ; V ; .: - -; -,
'. ' ' .,"("'.' '
' ' '- at-
. - :. 1U A . Jr , l