THE OMATIA SUNDAY BEE: JANUARY 12. 1908. 4 HELP WANTED MALE Mleeellueeiaa CBtBae. TOUNO MO', LISTEN 1 1 Cl-rks and si envgrs phers run from $ to 1-6 Ir month and old ire often finds thm dpfrdi-n upon the charity of their friends Draftsmen and ogin.ers earn from IS n $1.(1 tier month and old ace s-nerMy una ibern captains of tha big 1 Industrie of tha roiintrv ,m r.r,- idd con tent In tha knnIH(i. that tf.ey have bn doing something worth while. To wMch class are. yon thinking of Joln!n. Levrn to ha a draftsman and later tn b an engineer. Tou ran do )t evett'iig. We want twenty ambitious young nw-n to meet with ua January 21. at 8 p. m . enroll fciid take up a rouraa of study thaA will uw-aa many dollars to them. OMAHA TBf.'HXKAL SCHOOL, . "OMATEK." Room $, Wead itik-. wii tuid Iwrnam. ti.iut 22 WE GUARANTEE TOO A TELEORAPHT JOB on the Union Pacific R R. If vou learn Telegraphy at cur school, and also a place to work lor your board wnile attending. Union Pacifio train dispatcher's wire and atation blanks installed In the school for rracllce ourposee. Write for full informa ion CL'ICK. Boylea Telegraphy College, lh Harney SL, Omaha, Neb, Official . training school U. P. K. R. () 624 i . V. 8. NAVT wants young men between ages 17 and 26; men with special trades acepted up to 36 arm. Good opportun Itlea for promotion for efficient men. Fay $16 to $.0 per month, practically clear of living expenses. t re liiustraied booklet on application. "The Making of Man-oWrsman." Visit or addrees Navy Kecmiw&g Station, Omaha, Neb. () aivu reo s WANTED Men learn barber trade, few weeka completes, 10 chairs constantly busy, licensed Instructors, too.s given, diulomae granted, wages Saturdays, po sitions wailing, wonderful demand for graduates. Write for catalogue, Moler UATber louege, iiv a. ltm m. ) MXS7 lz KX51T10VS OPEN FOR FIREMEN AND BRAKEMEN: big ray nd rapid promo tion; experience unneceaaary. Apply at once, personally or by letter, to, National Railway Training Aaa'n, (On Paztbn Blk.. Omaha, Neb. ts H4jan FREE EriDlorment Bureau, suonorted by BusineFS Men's association: helps work- I find posltiona. 6X N. X. L. Bldg. mag. almj Dfrf'TnR. vou will learn rartlculara of a I practice worth to , a year by addressing T 183, care Bee. (4) Mi:5 lix TOXT can make $25 to 1100 week in mail oraer business; no canvaasing; t made I li.OOO first year. Why work on smitll salary? Free booklet; tells how to get sinrted. Manager American Mall Order! Bureau, Detroit, Mich. i () M214 Feb lOz DISTRIBUTERS wanted evenrwhere. IS to rtrt mniA wec-klv dlfttrlbutlnr clr-culm. I samples, overseeing advertising; no can-1 vassing; steady. Address .Reliable Adv. Bureau. Chicago. (8) M244 12x POSITIONS OPEN FOR FIREMEN MEN AND rA&rs to Nitional BRAKEMEN; big pay and ra Hon; experience unnecessary. once, personally or by letter. Railway Training Asa' n. 620 Paxton Blk Omaha, Neb. (9) 136 Feb7 WANTED Railway mall clerks Immedl- ately. 11.000.00 yearly. Examination here March 16. coaching rree. rank. in Institute, Rochester, N. Y. (9) M2S5 lix WE rant a few more men to assist In real jr."1 w.nrkJn !.rt;lde "rrjjr-. 411 Bee Bldg.. Omaha. Neb; (9)-1.15 lix - 1 MEN CAN MAKE tlt. Pr nlptit pllln wiriirr eiliu .uiTiciiTn, du unrj ' i ' j i jeat - ented cans and try It. Vestern Tin and aspan Mfg. Co.. 1013 Walnut St.. Cin cinnati, Ohio. (9) 401 12x WANTED Men to travel, advertise and distribute samples for wholesale house; salary. t'A per week: expenses advanced. . . M. A. Smith, secretary, 61-B, Con:o Work, Cblcago. ) rj : 111 l LARGE concern of high standing, estab lished over fifty years, desires to nego tiate with reliable man to manage sales office; salary basis of II. MO yearly and extra commissions on ail Business, pay able monthly; applicant must furnish gocKT references and have tl.OuO cash or bankable' paper. Secretary,' Box 2ti Dioomiiigron, 1IL ryi MJ i I2M MOTOR CTCLB or horse and buggy i hi ii.Biicti our salesmen ior iravenna ajid 1 . per month and expenses, to take or l ders for the greatest portrait house In me worm, write for particulars. R. D. aaanei, iept. r.4, Cblcago. - ( 3 lix wn "r-r.nn: business men want your brJUns handling their money; buy or sell nothing; begin without capital; plana and m-operatlon 11 monthlv throe month.- dime for detail letter ansv.'ering any quea- ii"n: am auccessTuiiy conducing business dally. Georie "W Pursell, Broadway, Pueblo, Colo. (9-3n 12x TOI'NG men wanted who desire to earn better salaries and do more congenial work. If able to read and write, and ambitious to succeed we can qualify you for a position as mechanical, electrical, steam, civil or mining engineer. asohit-ct. etc., etc. Write at once, stating position wanted. I. C. a. Box IMS G. Scranton. Pa. (9)-35 12X VOL-TA-IC DIAMOND3. AViuiJVS! edo",n;,rttVdjUcVged! a send for Illustrated " cataloe-ue. R n Arons, sole owner, 8.1 Liberty Ave.. Pltta- ourg, t-a. (( 3 12x tv vTcn.. r,... . " fo, !, "V." or c1 T fpr view photographer. 'Phone or write ft n r. . . . . . . - -- i"iua. rremoDi, jeD. jjammoro hotel. (S1-MSS5 13x WJSt,"il,Ut y.-Uilfl1"l J'amonds: don't fall getting our liberal offer. 16 daily, sure 'Carbon Diamond . Co., Syracuse, N. Y, .Mention paper. (9) S71ix GOOD PAT Men wanted everywhere to mix signs, aisinnuttt circulars. samDloa. etc. No canvassing. Addresa National D stribuUng bureau, loo Oakland Bank Building. Chicago, III. (9-75 12x COME BOUTH-Poeition In every line: sal aries $3) to f monthly; demand for help arraier man me supply; pay When posi tion Is secured; stamp f.r particulars. national tarpioymeat Association, Cen tury mug., Atlanta, ua. (8)- CIVIL BKRV1CE EXAMINATIONS will soon be held In every slate; full Informa tion and questions recently used by the rumn-iion tree, tciuninian Correspon. dence College. Washington, D. C. (9 HELP WANTED MALE AD FEMALE. H A GRADUATE NURSE and ern t 00 to xrA.un fer week. provide H'ime S:udy Course lectures. Hotipltal prac- iice wr.en aesireu. r.mpioy ment ror stu. der.ts and Kradjates. largest training 1" nooi m tne worm, vs nie totay. t ree 1 . Ani. r an Tra'ning School Nurses.' j .r:nj cms . .moago. nvH tua izx WANTED Educated men and women ca- . paoie ot earning from 10 ' rr month to sell the new INTERNATIONAL r.vuuirioii in .Nebraska. South Wkota and western Iowa, liouire at 718 IV. T. Ufa Bldg.. Omaha. NVu. (10V MtCS 14 LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horses and Vekl-lea. MB HAVE BUYEliS every day for horsee. If vou have any you want 10 dlapoae of. We buy and sell on commission. The Harney street Biaoies. iui-mi.k Cwa. Bird a. Dogs aad Pet. FOR SALE One pair of blood hounda. Tliefce doga are trained and are beaittiy for trice wanted. T. B- McLKinaid. La- MILt'llKIU, Ia (ID MJ! JUx vina, la. POLLED Durhams anJ Shorthorns, pure brru: fifteen cows, fifteen calves. ten yearling heifers, few bu'.is; bargain pr ce for bunch. F. T. isoarae, sex'onviiie. Wis (U-4j4 l. I'saltry aad Ego. SCREENINGS SLS per est Wagner.Ml a 1$ wit FRtE poultry book with Incubator cata logue at ueo. xl. V o., lata narney bv. t FviR SALE Few more Rhode Island Red tvx kerela. Anna t urter, rim. reo. (lit M197 1X FOR 8AI-K Single Comb Brown Leghorn cixkrw!. i ft eai a. Mrs. it. v. jjnea. klarquetle, aa. (LU-MXl tea LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Ieltry F.gge WHITE leghorns an1 Barred Plymouth Rcks: 6-T0 evtra Hn rorirreie ana pun-wa at r. o to W earn. Wsndy Lee Poultry Furm, Florence, Neh. Telephone Florne 162. UH OOVT. boo free. Model Bquso - -. omena. tlle-M Febl . LOST AND FOUND FOUND Gold watch. Owner may have Same by proving ownership. Lall at nee office.. . U2)-Mia LADT finding muff Saturday at Bennett1 store, return to thia oriloa ana rtcwn liberal reward. No questions asked. tl:i ail ux I8T Dog collar necklace, set with amy- thists. on ornmM nignt, iwrmurr Finder rewarded If same Is returned to 1716 Hickory SL, Omana. 'Phone irnT 8944. (U-w 1 LOST Lady's handbag, brown alligator. containing keys with red runner on; re tum to Bachelors hotel. Qg)-MUr MEDICAL BEST nerve bracer for men. "Gray's Nerre Food Pills." II a box. post paid, Sherman & McConnell Drug Co.. omana. uji ANT poor girl In need of a friend call or write to the matron of the Salvation Armr Home for "Women at r?4 N.-Wtb Bt,. Omaha. Neb. (Bl-"- FREE medical and surgical treatment at Crelghton Medical college. Mtn ana just. nnnt-4 fit nl1 attention TaWl tO COn ftnmont f'nmvm- all treatment SUOeTVlSed by collega professors Phone Douglas 11G7. Calia aiwered day or "'J1 DR. HTTTrHINP'N Fpec'alM of women and children. VTA Burt Bt. t-none iou- las JO. MONEY TO LOAN ALART AID CHATTELS EAGLT2 I)N OFTICK Reliable, accon modating: all buslneaa confidential. 1731 Douglas. (14) &: A7V7 1 JJ X- to start the NEW TEAK ngniT do yon want to oav ud vour landlord, grocer, dre- Inr or anvon von owe and oav all In one placeT See the OLD OMAHA MORTGAGE. sixteen years r.ere irat means renuoiuiy- OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO., 111 Board of Trade Bldg.. 16th Si Entrance, (14) 371 DR. PRIBRKNOWS MONET loaned - 1 furniture, planoa. horses, etc.. or a nt; less half rates; perlect prl- trct Iramediate attention, on any terms, payments suspended when sick or disabled. ii troacn uik., om a. ow t" r I TO I.O A Money J 'Phone Do TO LOAN-LOW sums to Bee Bids:. Douglas 2904. UNION LOAN COMPANT. U4 291 MONET LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE and others without security; easy pay menta. Ofrices In 63 principal clt'es. Tol man, room 714, New Tork Life Bldg. (14 2S7 FOR A SQUARE DEAL GO TO THE PHOENIX CREDTT CO. For chattel or Salary Loans. Ta w-n T-llrwlr 'Phnaa nniltrlaai TiK " (H)-290 . FURNITURE, live stock salary, loan. Duff Green Loan Co., room 1, Barker Klk. (14) 231 CHATTEL, salary and storage receipt loans. Foley Loan Co., 1504 Farnam St. 04-2W OFFERED FOR RENT Boatrdlaiar aad Roeaaa. VIENNA hotel; private dining rooms; csfe. (16) 301 DEWET European Hotel. 13th and Farnam. '" LARGE southeast room, also one other ... . , Ave. (16) 997 Ux FURNISHED ROOM suitable for two. with board In private family; close to car line. Wl so. 15 tn Ave. leu Douglas w. (15) MSI 13 BOARD and room, close In, large room suitable for two; also single room; refer ences required. 114 a 19th St. (16) M435 IS Farmlahed Roonaa. WE DO expert piano moving at lowest prices. Tel. Douglas 16J6. Schmoller & Mueller Piano Co.. 13U-1313 Farnam. (tt)-303 Sit still and get rooms. "THE ONLY SYSTEM." W do the work for you, OMAHA RENTAL COMPANT. Tel. Doug. 3bKl. J6 N. T. Life Bldg. (15 M330 Ux BEAUTIFUL ROOM-Hanscom park df." 1. PlYi ftril-JiT- Prtvllw. fine location. Harney 1148. (15) M9M tlx I LT you want good room see us. If you want your rooms rented see us. I CITT ROOM RENTAL CO I 1.1 IX w 'I! 11U.11AU I 'Phone Red 4. 641 Bee Blda. . (lS)-Mii; Ft OMAHA VAN Btorage Co.. pack, move, store H. H. goods: storehouse 1120-24 N 19th, Office. 109 Farnam. Tel Doug. IK (16 H FURNISHED room tnodsrn, close In. 710 8. 17th Ave. v (Ifir M433 14x ROOM with private family. Park Ave steam heat, bath, use of 'phone) break last II oeairea. i-uone narney istiz (II) tllx NEWLT furnlahed front room; private family, ail modern, io&i til. alary s Ave, TVL Douglas ec.a. (IS) aj 13 LARGE, comfortable room, modem con veniences; private family; breakfast If desired. llOti So. ZKlh HU 'Phone Har ney 1H9I. . (16 412 lix FOR SENT A first-class front room In private family; Dam. neat, ngnt, tele phone; three blocks from Bee Bldg. 7U2 8. 17th Ave. (16) Ml III TWO large rooms, all modern, nice lor a tion; gentlemen preferred; breakfast If desired. 649 South Mlh Ave. (1S)-M30C 11 VERY desirable newly furnished front room In strictly modem flat, easy walk ing distance, hot water heat, electric lights, telephone, etc. lelC Harney. 05) M 171 18x ROOMS FOR RENT, furnished or unfur nlshed. Oil Douglas St. (16) 442 lux HOUSEHOLD goods packed forwarded cheap freight ratea. moving and kiorina Exprvaamen s Delivery Co., Tel. Loupi 164. . lit Mb WHEN n doubt aNiut rooms THE ONLY SYSTEM Saves You Time and Monrv and You Get What You Want. OMAHA RENTAL COMPANT. TeL DoJg. awL SUi N. Y. Life Bldg (it) 43 UX SOUTH front rooms In modern brick house close in; SjM LHuias Ut. (16; 11 BEAUTIFUL ROOMS, furnished; private laoiiiy. sai bl Ave. (16)-M796 Ux FRONT ROOM, first floor, bedroom ad Joining; doairabie ror two or more; alio other rooms. Xi JV ism. (A JdKa U PLEA8ANT housekeeping, sleeping and transient rooms. .4.4 liarrwy gt. TeL Douglas 42 (15 M4l I OR S FURNISHED rooms; modern, wl-.h kltohen privilege; adults only; refer ences required. 2701 Woolwor'h Ave. (U)-Jg 16x TWO steam heated rooms reasonable; pri vate lainiiy. Att v eoater bl i6)-ra ix FURNISHED room, modem convenience; uae of 'phone. 23 California Sl (16-21 U ONE large southeast room with aloove, suitable for married couple; modem, com fortable. TeL Doug 637. 324 N. 17th 8L (15-i Ux OFFERED FOR RENT Fwra lhed Raas DESIRABLE rooms. 111 No. lth St tl -IJ1 lis. V 8. Sth Are. two rooms on ftrt fleot. (16- MJnt Ux BEAVTIFVL room and alcove; also nicely furnished front room on first floor; per manent pPe only; would rent unfur nished. Furnace beat. ga. bath, tele phone; walking distance, car one block. L6J Bt- Mary a Ave. U M43J 14 WANT a nice, homelike room, private fam'ilv, well heated, all convenience, rea sonable. Call Koom 7, Bushman block, or phone Webster 33S. tl& Mlsl 14k NICELT furnished room for two respecta ble young men; modern conveniences; north part. 'Phone Webster low. ll MJn in FOR RENT Four, all modern, furnished moms, for gentlemen, single or en suite. HIM Dodge St. (lo MJ lx FTRNISHED room: prlvata family. V St, Marys Ave. t!5 402 Ci FURNISHED or unfurnished rooms to let. a21 Harney Bt. (15 4S7 ltx Catfwralalteel Raaa. FOUR ROOMS, all modern. 2115 Emmet Bt, U M7K3 11 x TWO connected room, first floor, for house keeping, tixt Chicago. 'Phone Red 6.26. FOUR housekeeping rooms, modern. Walk ing distance. 23 Burt St, U? rSSi lix TWO or three unfurnished rooms, modern, 2th, near Woolwortn Ave., will rent only to ladiea. TeL Harney HM. tial M4JU 14 4 'ROOMS, modern. In residence. No. 3801 N. lTtii St.; telephone Webster 31. U5-M4u7 lKx TWO rooms In modern cottage. 1411 Capl tol Ave. (15) 3US Lix ROOMS FOR RENT, furnished or unfur niahed. Jll Douglas St. (15) 443 lux Ayartaaeats mad Flats. 11 00 T-room Tat. corner 16th and Grace. Opp. Stors brewery. Inquire 410 B leth. (la; io4 FOR RENT Three or g-room, modern heated flat. Mart's block, lftth and Webster. U5 MJ64 17k 2611 SHERMAN AVE., 6-room, new modern flat, oak finish, combination lights, fur nace, cement basement, water meter, CKJl &09 South 24th Ave., 7-room modern flat, oak finish, nice decoration, hot water heat, combination lights, full cement base ment. H7.&0. HASTINGS & HETDEN, 1704 Farnam St. ' (lo Heaaekeeplag Rooms. FRONT ROOM: alcove; furnished; house keeping; iiz. sa o. 24tn Ave. (IS) M153 Ux FOUR ROOMS, unfurnished, two blocks from depots, f hone Red 67a8. Ernest Stuht (16) M151 lix TWO nicely furnished rooms for ligrht housekeeping. IIXsD per month. 4H N. 23d SL (16) Ue Ux FOUR furnished rooms, steam heat, for light housekeeping. Ill North 22d St. (16) 228 lSx TWO nicely furnished rooms, complete for light housekeeping. 111 per month. 2-ili Davenport St. (16) 2) 16x THREE front rooms, partly furnished. neat, light, modern, 121.00. C04 . It-tn St. (15) 114 1 Ferwlahed Hsshs. FURNISHED house, will rent my home. I rooms, west tirnam district, ior months and probably longer to desirable parties. Addrees P be Bee. (16) 160 14 HssMS aad Co tt agree. EIGHT-ROOM house, modern throughout. location the best in town, a s. Etn Ave. Telephone Douglas likA for particulars. Wm. H. Bodemann. (15) M393 4-ROOM house and barn. 40 William St., in rear, lis; g-room bouse, city water in kitchen, I rooms on second floor. 26th and Parker Sis.. 114: store room. 1306 N. Hth. 116; bam, 1414 N. 14th SL, 3. Chris uoyer, Z2d ana cuming. (16) 230 730 N. 23d, rooms, all modem, southwest comer Burt: close to car and stores. 1X120 Maple St.. i rooms, all modern. Phone Douglas Z152 for others. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., loOl New York Life Bldg. OS) 740 m 8 29th. 7 rms.. gas. bath. etc. 130. 2418 S. 16th. I rms., flat, 112.50. sw'-' Seward, rms., city water, 115. I'.v'i S. 21st, 5 rail., city water. 814. 3111 S. list, i rms., city water. 812. S3 N. 3oth. 5 rms., city water, 115. M' CAGUE INVESTMENT CO., 160 Dodge St. (151 M177 11 NEW 6-room cottage; bath, attic and cellar. 1 tteea bu Tel. Douglas 418. (15 M155 16 S15.00, SSOS MIAMI, 8 rooms, modern except heat; all newly papered. V alt Invest ment Co.. 401 Bee Bldg. Tel. Doi.glaa 4.9S. (15) M9s IMS, Davenport St., S rooms, 825. 2236 Famam St.. 8 large rooms, 825. 8715 N. th St., 8 rooms. SiO. 4 large room, 108 8. 14th St.. S3V JOHN W. BOBBINS, 1S02 FARNAM ST. U5 297 13 SOMETHING FINE CLOSE IN. Ell N. list St.. a splendid 9-r.. rtrlctly modern, pressed brick house, with tile bath and vestibule, oak finish, and floors, elegant plujmblng and light fix tures, nothing finer, only 847.50. See ua for special Inducements thia week. PAYNE. BOSTWICK & CO.. Main Floor X. Y. Life. (15) 52 12 FOR RENT Feb. 1, first class eight-room modern house; 617 N. 40:h SL. on Tarnam car line. 'Phone Douglas IWt b'tween hours of 10 and 13 a. m. 15) 228 lix FOR RENT l-r. cottage, strictly modern except furnace. 15th and Parker. -r cottage, water, etc., 25th A Blnney. 813. Xew 7-r. strictly modem house. CId and Grace, 127. W. G SHRIVER. 1023 New York Life B!dg. (15)-272 U TOR RFNT New. 8room brick house. v - cant Feb. 1; modem and complete In every respect at 1511 S. h St. Inquire of the owner at 15f9 8. 29ih BL (15) 270 er4 SOUTH 27th SL, 12 rooms, all modern, SAO. i-r. strictly modem, steam heated flat at Hth and Nicholas Sts. $sa N. 23d St . rooms. $11 BEMI3, PAXTON BLOCK. (15)-!74 FOR RENT -room cottage; good east front; south part of el'y: $!2 ter month. C. M. Bachmann, 43( 37 Pax on Blk. TeL Red te9). (15)-l HOUSES, flats, Garvin Bros.. 1604 Fsrns-n. (lit 31S FOR RENT Eight-room, modern houe, 414 X. 31st St.. SIS. THOMAS BRENNAN. Room 1. Xew York Life Building. 16)-!17 FOR RENT Two six-room houses, modern except furnace. One $3i. the other f 6.'. W. H. Thomaa. 603 First Nat. Bk Ri lg. (15) MinO lix FOR RENT-983 N. th Ave.. 1 rooms and pantry, first floor, modern etcept h-at, $)I0. See them. (15t MJ53 lix REDUCED RENTS. IM1 N. 24rh, 4-room $13 TURRELL 4k CO.. R. 17. Patterson Bids. tli) MSjo I-ROOM, Ail modern house, on !-f t . frontage: newly painted and papered; 216 S. 6ith Ave.; $45.00. Inquire 1918 Far nam or 'phone Douglas tin. (15) M741 CLOSE In. 7-room, all modem house. $45. lis 8. 2mh SL (I5i-M;;e Ux BALL room and lodge rooms. Fratern tv hall. 1K18 Harney, Opp. Public library. See taiutor. 06I-18 FOR RENT 6-room modem eottsge, T14 8 Sot b St. (14 UJUt 14x t-ROOM oottage; city water; $7. Breen A Bloom, 4U1 Bee Bldg. (16) M44a 14 NEW T-roocm house uat finished. Inquire lill BouUi Lth 6c lix OFFERED FOR RENT Ileweee a ad Cotata Ca NFTW WEST TARNAM HOI SB. I I have lust completed and win lease to I good tenant, at an attracilve rent, tne I modern hou! at 4115 loiUe St. first story I h nlc finlah with nwiit on hail, living room, dinina room and kitchen, oak floors. I tiKNt nxm finished in attic, tin, eiccrric lights, high grade plumbing, cemented eel- l lar with furnace, laundry and servants toilet. This house Is very complete In all I Its sppolntments. PRK IT. JOHN w. KOtJiH-NS, 11 r a mam tw. (Is) t II SPECIAL RENT BARGAINS. 411 Lafayette Ave., l-r.. city water, c! tern, gas throughout, reduced to lid. ISnl Leavenworth. 4)-r , new, strictly mod ern, reduced to I2T.F.0. till S. 10th, 7-r . It vw, strict:? modern - i . i . . a ,M i ea 1411 s i7u. 7-r, city water, only 1111 Miami, l-r modern except heal, a snap at I2S. ... 64 s. Zfctn, ip-r., ail mooern, warning distance, only 140. 1004 Farnam, splendid 11-r., all modern i v. . n -.1. i :c Nearly all houses on our list can be rented now at reduced prices on account of winter, it win pay to see us II you have any thought of moving. Payne BoStWlck & Co. Main Floor New Tork Life. Real Estate. Loans and Insurance. (II) 401 11 RIG ROOMING HOUSE. 101 N. ISth, The Hillside one block from P. O.. 1 rooms, splendidly located for a boarding ana rooming nouee, wun team heat. etc.. only 176. PAYNK, BOSTWICK CO., Main Floor N. T. Life. 15) 4 II A MODERATE sited fine home In perfect condition; modern, location Ideal. Inquire I 711 Patrick Ave. (U.) u FOR RENT 5638 Harney Bt. two new 10 room modern houses, all fitted for gas or electric fights, hot water heat, best of plumbing. Inquire T. J. O'Brien, ms Harney St., or Henshaw hotel. Tele phones Harney 1094 and Douglas 12R. (15 412 FOR RENT. CIS Dodge 9-room all modern house, just completed, very nice location. ?f. 117 6. ith Ave., 9 rooms, all modem. !"A 145 Park Ave., 8 rooms, all modern, 130. a Hurt St.. 11 rooms, all modern. 140. 27SO Capitol Ave., rooms, modem, good condition, S3. 1712 Parker, I rooms, modem, good condi tion. HB. 4246 Burdettn, T rooms, eltv water. S10. THE BY PON REED CD.. Phone Douglas 2D7. . US 8. 14th Bt. l)-7 IX FOR RENT S-room modern cottage. 714 8. 30th. (16) M2 14X FOR RENT ESS N. 19th. S-roora modern brick house. U6.00. 3025 Famam, 7-room flat, modern except C11AS. L. SAUNDERS, 111 S. Wh St. Oo) M9 TTnTTdTQ " par of the city. Crelgh (15 311 BEAUTIFULLY furnished 6-roor- modern cottage, to couple with no children, in return for room and board; walking dis tance. Address M 72. Bee. (ltr)-M105 12x HOUSES, Insurance, Ringwalt. Barker Blk. (15) 31 TTDTTQPCl In 11 Parts of the city. Peters LJ )Lo Trust Co., N. Y. Life Bldg. I (15) 313 FOR RTTVT Ftv rooms nrt bnth room. strictly mcKlem except heat. Price 11600. 1 JVO. ITth St. (16) M3ll lX I FOR RENT 8-room modem house. 1702 California St., E. A. Smith, 'phone Doug- SO. (10) M 118 13 FOR RENT. 2021 Locust, 7-room in..uern house, 820. Kl S. 33d, 7-room modern house, 122. 3"7 N. 41st. new hous4 modem. 830. 1609 Georgia Ave., 8 rooms, new flat, 142,60. J. H. SHERWOOD. C16-a7 Brandeia Building. (15) 41 11 FOR RENT 7-room house: 2123 California SL: all modren. in good reuair: 130. Ap- I ply at M N. ISth St. (15) M440 I .- PLEASANT, detached, all modem, 8-room hous large bath, marble and porcelain fixture, economical furnace, barn. 3:!i Marcy. TeL Webster 1798. (16) J1 lix FOR RENT 5-room house, water and gaa. Xal7 urant oL Tel. Webster Ikn. (16) 302 14x HOUSES TO LET. 1(4! S. 16th Ave.. 8 rooms, modem, 844. 1022 North 17th PL. I roorha. I16.50. lit Spauldlng St., I rooms, partly modem. 111. :4 N. 33d St.. 4 rooms, gaa. city water. 112. . Lain ft , a rooms, city water, til. 1615 Dorcas St.. I rooms, city i-ilr, 12. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO., 13J0 Famam St. Telephones. Bell. Douglas 10S4, Independent A1064. - 05)- 2241 CHARLES, 6 rooms. 817. I1S4 North 21st. 8 rooms, modem. S20. 7u2 North 5vth St., water heat, SUS. 23 Capitol Ave.. 9 rooms. 8)0. 4158 DavenporL 7-room brick. 840. Steam heat 8 or rooms. JOHN N. FRENZER, Opposite Old P. O. (16) 2K 12 FOR RENT L room modern cottage. reasonable, pnone couth. ZIm. (151448 12 1621 WIRT ST.. 8 rooms, modem, furnace. gaa, electric lights, bath, new paper, steel range, connected to not water tank, win dow shades, M? MJ. 2217 Lake St , 1 rooms, all modem. 830. 1117 South Soth Ave.. 8-room. modern. 840. 3013 Sherman Ave., 7-room modern except heat. S3. 4113 North 2Sth Ave., 8-room, city water and gaa. u. , 1 . . M o ' a . i.i o nui 1 11 v-ruuin. moaprn except heat. 822.50. S618 North 2Sth SL, 5-room, modem except neat. K3. ffi' Parker St.. 8 rooms. S3. 15.9 North 2ih St., 5-roorn, modern except neai. tJJ. HASTINOS A HETDEN. 1704 Farnam S (U) GOOD HOUSES FOR RENT. 4111 Farnam. 7 rooms modem, good re- i pair and near.y new, mo. I 4101 Fa-ram, 7 rooms, modem, bam, good 1 repsir, S30. S- -"'h room? Mi, lain bath, fur : bar e. ess. good repair. S3. S"l N. 4!st PL. NEW. 6-room, modem, lift. 114 N. 27th Ave. --vd 6-room modem. bath. gas. furnace. 12.50. 714 B. 3nh, 6-room cottage, bath. ?n. I''" Mirml. -reoTn. bath gas. hirn. I'M. 8. 2fith St.. 7-room flnt.. rodern, $11. 17 N 1:5th, 6-room house, $35. 3317 Dewev Ave.. 6-ro,.ni lae, $15. 2,.i 8 l'h. -ronm fiat. r" S" N. 27fh Ave., 4 rooms. $10. 91 Ames Ave.. 6-room flat, t9. lift 8. 20 h Ave.. S-room flat. $7. 111? Martha. $ rooms. 83.60. GARVIN BROS., 1004 Farnam. 05 V $2" PER MONTH-83 Pierce St., 6-room cottatre. $30 per month. rll Wirt St., 5-room new cottage. per month, 2123 California St., T rooms, mi dern. $V ner month, 521 S. 24th Ave., rooms. modem. ' $T2 50 i-r month, 3126 Cass St., 7 rooms modern.' $35 per month. 71 Park Ave., 1 rooms, mooern GEORGE tc CO.. 100 Famam St. (1S)- $20 PER MONTH. 823 Pierce Ft.. -room cottage. $20 per mo., 2612 Wirt St.. 5-room new cottage. $3' I er mo.. 212$ California SL, 7 rooms, modern. $50 rer mo., 521 8. 24th Ave., 6 rooms, modern. $32.50 per mo., $126 Cas St., 7 rooms, modern. $35 per mo., 710 Park Ave., $ rooms, mod ern. GEORGE sr CO- 1601 Farnam fcjjg HOUSE BARGAINS 14) Cuming St.. 8 roor:is. modem excel I ha it; stlendld place for roomers; cloae in; on.y ti. 1317 South 32d. S rooms, all modem, well ar ranged: clean and neat. In choice neigh borhood; only $30 $1? Caaa St.. 7 riome. all modern, electric lght; newly papered and painted; only $4. N. P DOrvjE a) CO., Bee JSldg. Oreund Floor. OS-28 U OFFERED FOR RENT wo aad tTe-ttaaree 4?eatlwed. Murard Van d Btorsra Co 1711 Webeter. lu st ...... Balldlaga. troir enoma for rni vw firm tvAla Bid. Inaulre Room 111 (16) MS81 14 F1VE - 8TORT and basement brick building. northwest corner 11th and Harney alrwrte; Z'' square Teet of floor spare. Long lease ran be arranged. GEORGE CO.. 11 Farnam. (Ue-M447 14 Two Floors in Avery Buildins ,,. , D1Z8 UOXIOJ Equipped for OTfl-e and storage, good trackage and protected With automatic "i":r -' "' Apply Kock Island Plow Co. Tenth and Leavenworth St a 'Phone Douglas 491. OS-M741 OFFICES TO LET Suite of offloea second floor, ISth afreet Ida, close to elevators; suitable for doe- tore, dentists, lawyers, etc, Paxton bldg. Office with use of large furnished recep tion room adjoining, fine comer suite. Me- Cague bldg. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO Tels, Bell, Doug. 1064; Ind. A10S4. 1320 Farnam Street (15) ON 1ST floor. Board of Trade Bldg., large windows, facing 16th SL; vault accommo dations, etc. GEORGE ft CO., 11 Farnam PL (15) ON ISt FLOOR Board of Trade Bldg, large windows, lacing 1 ith bt.; vault accommodations etc. GEORGE & CO.. KOI Farnam St. (15) FOR RENT Large office room In Crounse Blk., oh I6tn St.. opposite posioince, at IS per month. Conrad Younk. 151S Dmln SL (16) MU1 DESK room on second floor, Wead Bldg. F. D. WEAD, lv& Famam. ' (U) M943 11 TWO fine, large office suites In the Con tinental block: choice location ior physi cian or dentist. ALFRED C. KENNEDY. 209 First National Bank Building. (16) 111 GROUND floor office In Bee building for renL Very cneap. reters trusi tympany. (10 j-w DKSK room, new Brandele Bldg. Inquire Room BIS. it ONE very desirable east front office In Wead Bldg. 15 M9U 11 FOR RENT Desk room, with or without telephone ano stenographic aervice. in new Brandeia building. D-444. Bee. (15)-M2S5 11 St S-STORT and basement, 12x100. 1001 Far nam. Apply ut r irsi isst 1 uinn Micig (U) M6S7 MODERN store room In new Scargo Bldg. 14th St.. South Omaha, P. O. Block halt 117 First NaL Bldg. 'Phone Red 7408. (15)-M11 4-STORY and basement building oa Far- nam St., adj. M. E. Smith Dry Goods Co. bet. 9th and lvtn Bts. ; equipped wun aa elevator, fireproof vault. R. R. trackage and loading platform. F. D. Wead. 1S01 Farnam SL, TeL Doug. 1629. C5)M157 1818 HARN'ET ST., large room 20x50, suita ble for club or store; heat ana Janitor service. If IS Harney St., small room suitable for lunch, refreshment, candy store or office; heat and Janitor service. N. P. DODGE & CO.. Bee Bldg. Ground Floor. (15) C7 11 1811 Harney St., 32x100, one or two storlea; suitable ror storage, garage, laundry etc. S. S. Curtis, 1808 Harney. OS) M739 1117 FARNAM ST.. 10x80 ft., brick stor age room in rear, good basement, 3t ner mo. 206 N. 16th SL. 12x60 fL, opposite new Cahn Bldg: lease one year. GEORGE & CO.. 1601 Farnam St. (II) 2!?7 FARNAM ST SfxflO feet, brick atorage room in rear, rood basement: 13 j per mo 208 N. 16th St.. 22x60 feet, opposite new Cahn Bldg.; lease 1 year. GEORGE CO.. 1601 Famam ft. (15) OFFERED FOR SALE FeaelBg. ANCHOR. and Iron fencing; wire fencing v. rw-r fooL ZuB 10, Kin Bi. iri. nea "14. J , . m. 1 .in; t. : Flamos, Orgua, SdaalcaU Iastraaaeata. PIANO with Angt lus player, first-class con ditlon. good as new; will sell for leas than half price. LA4 Farnam St. (16) 8(2 Janl9 GOING away: fine, nearly new uprighL $-9 piano. $126. 416 N. 13d St. (181190 I5x STARR Cabinet Grand for $126. Call 2231 California St. (161 MaoS 18 Typewriter aad lewlsg Ma.ek.laaw. Typewriter Sale Tuesday, January 14, only, we offer ten No. 6 K'-niington typewriters, the kind we sell for $45 and $.'0. at $29. leas than wholesile price. We will sell only ten at this price and only on one day, Tuesday. January 14. Mail orders wi'l be booked In order received. We will substitute If de- 4r.,1 fimilh Pivmipr nr an Oliver and if you don't think that you have the best bargain you ever had call lor your money Lack. CENTRAL TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE, 1G07 Farnam. Phone Doug. 805 (16) 25 12 FOR BALE High grade second-hand tyre wriiers; good condition; a bargain at .60. Call room o3. Bee Bldg. (U 4T71 M laeellaaeewa. GAS, ELECTRIC AND COMBINATION FIXTURES Largest, most up-to-date stock at lowest prices In Hi city, select now. Dellveled when needed Inspection invited. BURGESS GRANDEN CO., SU 8. 15th SL TeL Doug HL (16-M6J7 FOR SALE Set of official records War of the Rebellion, 115 volumes. club, fine condition. D. H. Talmadge, West Union, la. (16)-kl0 Ux FOR SALE New and second-hand billiard arid pool tables. We lead the world in cheap bar flrturea: easy paymenta Brunswick-Balk Celleadar. o7 i. lOia SL (ll)-fc FOR SALE 10 feet scond-hand wire cable. W. II. Bridges, engineer Bee Bldg. (.16) M4b s BECONTHANT overcoats and ftmtartna Blcger, CI N. 16th. (il IS OFFERED FOR SALE Mlerellaaieowe Coat I a. wed. SEND US your msll orders for druas; freirnt paid on lie lots. iyers-n mion Drug Co.. Omaha. (lt JC4 IOWA Farm Mortgases for sale. Secured on farms In southwestern Iowa. Five year loans at I per cent Interest 8qulre Ann's. Wl Pearl St., Council Mluff. la. (N-M24 FebVx OOAL All ktnda free delivered, same day as you order. Rosenblatt's coal yard. Tel. Doug. 412. Retail dept., clean nut coal, t bu. for tl. (IS) MX7 FARMERS Terrv's new appliance pre vents brood sows catching chickens; cheap, durable, easllv aprlied. Agents wanted. The C. E. terry Co.. Deft. K, Tlce. III. (1) M?l lx DRUGS at cut prices: freight paid on all 110 orders; catalogue free. Sherman Mc Connell Drug Co., Omaha. Neb. (ll S?S FOR SALE Several show esses, new pea nut roaster, large coffee mill, two large automatic oil tanks and store fixtures, too numerous to mention. Globe Land and Investment Co.. Omaha. Neb. (Ill 1?? HOMEOPATHIC remedies, wholesale, re tail. Sherman McConnel! Drue Co.. ltth and Dodge Sta.. Omaha. Neb. (16) 1 SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO., best mixed palnL Sherman St McConnell Drug Co. (1)-S. VP AGAINST IT! Must sacrifice V-k. dia mond ring, a beauty. 15": Vk. locket and stud. S3 each: ring with three fine VV. stones. 176 W. Richie. 1211 Htrnev Ru Tel. Red 361. (Hi ,is SO HAY SS per ton. Wagner, ail N lfith. (IH)-lil HALL'S safes, new, M-hand. 1S18 Far-iam. (i-asi FOR SALE Job lot of men's linen collars; 30ft d.nen; all In al-able condition: wHI sell at a great bargain. Address. M Bee. (1C1 MTSfi 11 DAYTON COMPTT1NG 8CALK at . tur gain. 90S N. 16th 8L (1D-191 Feb! GOOD -hole Acom steel cooking rsn-e. 115. Apply IOIS Davenport St. (lfi 2!1 lx FOR SALE One 40 H. P. Fooe gasrline en gine In first-class condition. Smith Br ck Co.. lid and Woolwortn Ave. , (!) 35S Ux ICnDATT "t4 Eastman, good as n JYUL-AIY halt rrice. A. M Nlsnd. ew; SfC soutn m. (161-M?7 lx H " "'!"; lr' that "t rle'rt- Ies fe eream, Creme de LI as? A 'KiencU u.BCAery: ladies nnd men equally delighted. For sale at all stores, or 50 cent box sent prepaid: sample free. John son Perfumery Co.. Distributers. Tel. 5i77. 1111 Famam SL. Omaha. (16) 213 Ux FOR SALE We have a mlcellanonus as sortment of unclaimed fre'irht which will be sold to the highest bidder Wednesdny morning at 10 o'clock. January 15. Pacific orage and Warehouse Co., 815 Howard Bt (lfi)-3Sl 11 FOR SALE One S35 combination writing desk and, bookcase. 812. 26:ft Bt. Mary's .'.ve. lei. tiong. 4491. G6 M44 13x STOCK of stationery at a sacrifice -y:u n. Z4tn St.. so. Omaha. (16) 460 12x PATENTS D. O. BARNELL, Paxton Blk., Tel. Red 7117. (17 1 33.1 LARSON A CO-Book free. Neville Rldg. (17 3J4 PATENTS THAT PROTECT-4 books for Inventors mailed on receipt of 6c postage. R. S. & A. R. Lacey, rooms -3 Pacific Bldg., Washington, D. C. Established 18rj. (17) 335 PERSONAL rAONT!TTf! treatment and bath. Mm. qg) 8-iO LIEBEX, costumer, ltl? Howard, open eve. (is J40 OK NT 8' and ladles' costume. ST! I p. with. Back. (18) 168 22x A GENTLEMAN (single) owning and run ning a line nome in tne city, with com petent, reliable help, wishes two other gentlemen (single) to Join with him and share expenses equally (about 150 ea-h per month); object, a high e ass heme for ea h man at moderate expense; only high claas men considered (preferably college mem: best of references given and required. Ad dress, D 811, Bee. OS) M357 THE 8ALVATION ARMY solicits cast-off clothing: In fact, anything you do not need. We collect, repair and sell at 134 X. 11th 6L. for cost of collecting, to the worthy poor. Call 'phone Doug. 413 and wagon will call. (IS) 7S6 XEEDED at Child Saving Institute, six dining room chairs, three rocking chairs, some d'shes and cooking utensils. Friends who can donate any of these articles will plase "phone Webster 1991, or send them to 18th and Ohio Sta (18) M173 15x YOUNG WOMEN coming to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit the Toung Women's Christian Association roowii 1516 Famam St., where they will be di rected -4o suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. (181915 SYRINGES, rubber goods, by mail: cut prices. Send for free catalogue. Myers Dillon Drug Co., Omaha. (1 336 WE RENT, repair, sell needles for old sewing machines. Neb. Cycle Co.. Cor. lith and Harney. (18) 337 PRIVATE CONFINEMENT HOME Mrs. Dr. King. 1314 N. 24th. Tel. Web. S.v.3. (18)-33 OMAHA Stammerer't Institute. Ramge Building. (16 339 l OO i nf and baths Room t 1204 Farnam SL. 2d floor. (18)-M74k F3 VTOLINIBT wants playing, experienced, will teach beginners reasonable. Address P 789 Bee. tl) M9(9 l!x A HOME for women during confinement. We find homes for babies where mother cannat care for them. Mother !.ee, 4 3 Bancroft SL 'Phone Douglas 19: 1. (U) :2i FeWx IS THERE a lonely middle-ared eentle man aomewhere who would like to cor respond with well educated Christian lady. Address J 862 care Pee. (IS i M752 Ijx MARRIAGE PAPER, highest character. Incorporated. 11th year; l.""n memrrs: pap I'M: a per sealed; send 10c. R. K. Love. Box Denver. Colo. (It) 348 12x VOL-TA-IC DIAMONDS. Unequalled for brilliancy and hardness: sold only to wearers; not sold to jewelers; no agents: send for catalogue. B. E. Arons. sole owner. 928 Liberty Ave.. Pitts burg. Pa. (Ill 364 Ux I APPLY Satin Skin Cream to wet skin, win dry. Secures ratlny. smooth skin. 15c. (18)- BUPEHFLUOUS HAIR, warts and moles permanently removed bv electricity; con sultation free and confidential: all work guaranteed. Miss Allender, C24 Bee Rldg. (18) CLIENT with $3 000 to $S.TO0 to Invest In Omaha Improved pronertv. If a bargain. ISAAC N. WATSON "Phone Douglas 601. 1710 Famam (W.-M470 VIOLINIST wants playing: exnerienced will teach beginners reasonably. Addrees P7 Bee. (Is) 474 lkX REAL ESTATE KKAL EITATE DEALERS. PATXE INV. CO.. 1st floor N. T. Llfs Douglas 178L (19) S41 JNO. T. BARTLETT. 821 1st Nat. Bk. B dg. (is) m4i janx PE7TER8 TRV8T CO.." N. T. Life Bldg. ( )-4l , GEORGE A CO. 1601 Famam. TeL Douglas 764. (19-S4i city raorxiTT roH ai.k IXCLT'SIVK tenitonr to district managers: liberal contract to write our wage earners' combination health and accident cert in cat. Addresa World Accident assocla Uod, 6ul W. O. W. Bldg.. Omaha, Neb. ' REAL FSTATE CITY PHOPF.RTT FOR AI.K (Coatlfne4.t VACANT North front on Davenport 81 , rear lith.; permanent walk; 4. East front on Sfith St . near Leavenworth. 13x156, 1700. South front on Chicago Bt near 4lh. A'xiJi1; . caah, balance 110 per month. South front on Spencer St.. near Kih. 46 feet front age. 153, easy terms. North front on Fort Bt., near 24th, Mxl32. S46U. .easy terma W. FARNAM SMIT1I & CO. I 1C0 Famam Stree. TeUihone: Bell, Douglas 14- Independent, AI0C4) 09) GARVIN BROS. t HOME BARGAINS. - 1710 and balance on easy payments will buy new. 8-room modem dwelling at 2211 X. ISth SL It's a beauty and a bargain. Call for particulars, 83.750 Is price asked for 4301 Famam. a 7-room modern house, barn and lot front ing three streeta. Want an offer. S6.2K will buy the nearly new modern dwelling of T rooms at 4111 Famam. Look It ovei and ask for terma, ..: will btiv 1101 Miami St.; 8-room dwelling, slate roof. bath, gas, sewer, city water, bam Part terms. tZM" will buy a nearly new modem dwelling of rooms In Hanscom park dis trict. Part terms. See ua INVESTMENTS. Price 83.600, rent 1466. A double flat a) llio-ias 8. 7th Ave., paved street: neai wholesale district and depots. Bargain. Pri.-e Z . rent 89:i. A nearly new moW em brick flat, within easy Walk log dla iTice SX.OT0, rent 31.300. Good flats tn walking distance on paved street. InveaAM gata thia. CHEAP LOT8 ON PAYMEXT& S7C0. Home place, nice south front lot! 0.1 Lake St., west of Win SL. street t paved In spring; cement walk, aewer and t v.a.-' now In Monthly paymenta, 8700. lith and Boulevard, north of Burs dette. choice building lota. Monthly pajse monta. , 10 near SMt and Vinton St.. rho!o building IMs, on grade. If desired will sell on Monthly Paymneta. GARVIN BROS., 1604 Farnam. 08) $3,500 8-Room, new and strictly modern, neat two car line and In good neighborhood, all readv to move Into; S3d and Webster Bis. I also Lave three with the same number of rooms, of different plan for the same price at 36th and Hamilton SL Look at these houses and aee If you can dupli cate them any place In Omaha for the sumo monev. Thf buildings would be a good; Investment prcpt'sltlon for any one, aa they rent for 83s each. " G. W. GARLOCrf, 3310 Hamilton St. (19)-310 lix REDUCED IN PRICE Six-room all modem cottage, walking dis tance, near All Saints church. Must bt) sold. Buy it for 13.100. Shimer & Chase Co 1008 Famam. Homes. Douglas 1S67. (19) BARGAINS 40 acres, eleven miles northwest, $4,801 10 acree. with house, close in, $3,800. Southeast comer Fourteenth and Dorcas, S1.4O0. 6oxl2 east 3116 Franklin, $600. Hxl44 feet, northeast Thirty-six and Web ster, sightly, $4,600. Near loth and Cass, house, $3,800. Near high school. $.M0: rental, $7,600. ! new brick houses. tl.(0; rental. li.OOO. 1 9-room frame, $1.2Ju rental, llO.Ouu. 5 brick houses. $1.8-0 rental. $16,000. $ new brick houses. Jl.eyj rental. $'$409. 6 brick stores. I1.5u0; rental. $12,500. Frame store, $2,700 rental. $ll.5o0. Farnam St.. $2.10o rental, $21,000. Money to loan on first mortgages. JOHN N. FRENZER, Opp. Old P. O. (19) 9 1 KOUNTZE PLACE . Always desirable winter and summer, nearly all the streets are paved; per manent walks, convenient to good schools, churches snd stores. A Beautiful Place to Live The largest, most uniform residence addi tion In the city; large lots 50x154 FEET $750 TO $1,150 Located on Locust. Blnney, Wirt, Spencer, L4hrop. Emmet and Plnkney Su., be tween Sherman Ave. and 14th SL Select your lot now and plan your new home later; terms. Office open Monday evenings until 1:10. HASTINGS & IIEYDEN i 1704 Farnam St. Bee Bldg. (19 . Look at This Across the street from High school. FIRjJT TIME OFFERED. 33 FEET X. W. cor. 20th and Davenport; finest lo cation In Omaha for high class flats; ca4 offer for quick sale for 12.6mA WM. E. ROMANO, Bole AgenL Douglas U19. iJ Board of Trade. (191441 11 FIVE BLOCKS FROM HIGH SCHOOL -room cottage, on full lot, handy to high school, splendid repair. Pick it up fur $1,850.00. Shimer & Chase Co. Inside Bargains. 1609 Farnam. ' Douglas SSI7. (18) A CHEAP LOT FACING HANDSCOM PARK $1 .150 for 40x160 ft., on Park Ave., one half block from carllne, cement walk. A special low price for Immediate sale. Id. v rati sale GEORGE 4 CO.. luOl Famam St tll 66x140 VACANT 0. E. corner ttth and Grace. Want aa offer. W. II. GATES, Ifl N. T. Ufa. 'Phoos Douglas UH OJ s