TIIE OMAHA ' ' DAILY BEE: SATTODAY. .TANXARY 11. 190?. DON'T WAIT TOO LONG-YOUU SIZE AND PERFECT riT IS HERE IN GREAT VARIETY NOW-BUTT HURRY --' "krj iyV , - t i 9 j H 1 u a. ELEVENTH TTT7 A T7 TTTiTfT) TT SEMI-ANNUAL JiliAJJLfJi. "li liwU VliL MEN'S. BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S SUITS AND OVERCOATS REDUCED ONE-HALF On Saturdety, January 11th we will commence our big twice yearly Bargain Carnival. Our method has always been, when a season was almost over, to clean up all the small and broken lots at an actual reduction of 1-2 the regular selling price in order to open the follow ing season wiih a clean, fresh stoclv and our thousands of customers know that when they come to this store they get only the most stylish and up-to-date garments. THE SEASON JUST ENDING HAS BEEN VERY SATISFACTORY But not as good owing to the mild weather and recent so-called panic as we had anticipated and prepared for. This leaves us with an unusual assortment to offer our patrons during this sale. Come early come expecting the greatest clothes bargains ever offered in Omaha come expecting something different from the general run of sales come expecting Tionest reductions as quoted below come expecting all these things, and you will not be disappointed. A TT TTT J Hats greatly it' duccd-va bargain event you don't meet every day. Read the items below. Men's S7.50 Suits for $3.75 Men's $20.00 Suits and Over coats at '. $10.00 Men's $10.00 Suits and Over coats for ..$5.00 Men's 522.50 Suits and Over coats for $11.25 V-A "IV"' ' t" '- ' ''"v i .; f Men's S12.00 Suits and Over coats for ..$6.00 Men's S25.00 Suits and Over coats for ..$12.50 Men's S15.00 Suits and Over- C A Men's S30.00 Suits and Over- CI C Hfl coats for 4JU coats for vpU.UI Men's S18.00 Suits and Over- C A fif Men's S35.00 Suits and Over- (T 7 Cf coatsfor s)UU coats for , 4)1 .JU -v- - - - .. 1 CHILDREN'S CLOTHES at M AL1F- PRICE A remarkable opportunity to cut your bojV clothes kill la fcalf. aad yet have faim clad in the beet wearables " tie market affords. Furnishing Goods and Hats at "Worth While" Reductions "We are making decided reductions these'days in all departments. We are determined to close out every broken line if price slashing will do it. Read the" few items quofed below. If what you want is not there it is no cer tainty it isn't in the store. -Come in, you will be surprised at the bargains. Children's $3 Suits .for $1.50 Children's $5 Suits and Overcoats for $2.50 $1.50 and $1.75 Star and Manhat- 1 15 tan Shirts . $1, $1.50 and $2 Stiff 75c Boora Shirts, odd lota of known in ait pa. at Children's $&50 Suits and , Overcoats for , ,$1;75 Children's $5 Suits and Overcoats for $3.00 Children's J4 Suits and Overcoats for $2.00 Children's $7 Suits and Overcoats for $3.50 Children's $4.50 Suits and .Overcoats for Children's $S Suits and Overcoats for $4.00 Mm All our regular $5.00 Lounging and (J Z Bath Robes $J Broken lines $2, $2.50 tl Stiff and Soft Hata. all hapee and colora, on ! at 25c Wool Hose, per pairl5e, or two for. . Broken lines of $1.50 95c Soft Hata. cor rrct Kispy black and colors All our 50c and"75c Nfckwnax. exeoeptav M plain blark or ' white. I for $1. J J C or, mmcn . All our $2, $1.50 and $1.25 Caps, All Caps worth up to 75c IP. 1 at ill Jl 1 1 Tor II II I YOUNG MEN'S CLOTHES at HALF PRICE Our young men's tlothea have long aet the pate la Omaha. We are Just aa anxious to clean up the tmaU lots In this department as anywhere hence these prices. Young Men's $7.50 Suits and Overcoats' $3.75 Young Men's $12.00 Suits and Overcoats $6.00 Young Men's $8.50 Suits and Overcoats $4.25 Young Men's $15.00 Suits and Overcoats $7.50 Young Men's $10.00 Suits and Overcoats $5.00 Young Men's $1S.00 Suits and Overcoats $9.00 Y.ung menV$iiO Overcoats- most beautifully made and sty ish to the last degree at i w w j, $10 BOARD SESSIONS TO BE OPES Eailwaj Commiision Lays Down Rules for Transacting: Its Business. COXIXiEfCES KAY BE FRIVATE rraak Barker, tfca Wefcatfr Coaatr llaratm, TaJken fraaa Wwrk ! aiemllarr Mat Plaveat Ik CII. (Prva a Staff Correspondent.) UKCOi-.N, Jan. lft-ipclal- Th anotton by CommiaJonr TVUHama befor tha Ilailwajr oommtasion provldina that all regular and aped! aeaatona of the com Bitaetoa bf open to th public bas bera aHJoptewi. The rules are aa followa: 1. Tbat preliminary mattcrm. such as tba rdtna of c-orrrspondnoa and informal oonfwonoa da not rant scithln tte aoope f tha busliiros of th rai of tha koard except iDrtdntail!F In eontMirUun m 1th Um iuaina brfora tha board tor actioa. t. That aJl ooanarl and ad-lce tKat inlcht (r br tba aoenabera of the board eiuior on Indindtial reapanaiMlitr or aft- In formal consultatiiAn owt not com within l sooim of U bustneoa of a formal sea tioa of lb board. j. Tba-t th wuttXrrt matter of oorra tondaan tbat ta such aa to require th at IMitton of tha rocninlaatun ts SYnrralljr un Srrscood without Btrrarntatton of the tune ja a araaion ot'nir board and at a a-saloa f tha oatrd oaily thoao mattpra steoeaaariljr JEE FGOD VALUE CF leer's Cocoa u attested by 10 7 Year of Constantly JLd i Increasing Sales A feS Highest Av Awards jf Hv:" in Wa. 17. aa4. OAoS We have always maintained the highest standard in the quality of our cocoa and choc olale preparations and we sell them at the lowest price for which unadulterated articles can be put upon the market. Dr & Co., Lli FaVahhAed I7S CT23TH. KiH tome up for otnidcratton ilh repert to mhich there may be deaired formal official action which involves a vote of the eora mis!on. That matters of advice and cqunart. auar srestion. Information, etc.. that ouroe to the cummiaston are not In the nature of burt nru that comea oeoeaaariljr before a es sion f'f the board. a. That by anortal aeatrtons of the board is meant all eeaaiona that are held wiUi a view to official action escept the rerular aevvtons that are held for the en roe purpose at the prescribed hour on Tuesday of each week and adjourned regular meetings. fc. That any -matters considered ly cor respondence or in conference may In the dtiwrettvn of the, board and ha members be omitted entirely from reference or con aidcstton at sessions of the hoard. 7. That the hoard at any Hme exercises tn privilepre of conferring on any wlnt of busi ness uninterrupted and unattended by any one If they so clioose. That such may be deeic-nated an executive conference or con sultation, confmed strictly t the members of the hoard and la In n sense a session of the board. Railway CwaasalawiM Kallaed. Th Missouri Pacific raflroad secured a temporary reatrainlna; order from Federal udx T. C. Blunter today ta prevent the railway com mission from eollectinf' penal ties for a failure of the company to com ply with the commission's order in the lianley Elevator company case. The an swer day ta set for January U, at which time argument will be made for a tem porary injunctiom The temporary re stralnlna: order also prohibits the Manley Elevator company from coins; abead with the work of building the sidetrack. The commission ordered the railroad to furnish tha elevator with a sidetrack. T. B. Crandoa of Chicago and Peter Whit ney of Omaha, tepreaentlng the North western, and Acting; Tax Commissioner Helghleymaa of tha Missouri Pacific road, applied to the Ran road commission today for blanks to be submitted under the ter- j mlnal taxation law. Other Nebraska lioei hava accepted the law before and have re ceived their blank. a. Tha applkatiou of Vnivereity Place for an order from the commission compelling the Rock Island to build a depot on Its line at that point was beard t- the com mission today. Stryker Gets His Maarr. For the execution of Harrison Clarke. Geoi-ge B. 8tryker baa been paid by War den Beemer 1U.. The bill Included Si V for the execution, tl'-b tor battertea. S2.?u fur railroad fare and stf cents for dinner. The warden paid the bill out of his own pocket and preaented the came to the state J today. , 1 Barker 4a.lt a Wwrk. Prank Karker. eentanced to be hanged January IT. w as taken off of his work to day b-Warden Beemer and confined to h's cell. . For the iirsl time Barkar seems despair of escaping the g&.lluws and sblk i be has alwas been cnparatlve!y silent ' snaa at the rion be baa been mors so tha last day or two. Julate liamer aad Tom liamer, his atturncya, have not given up hope, ttieugn the supreme court haaout el given tLu any reason to expect it will lake any furtUee Botk-a of the caae. The court allowed them to tiW lcformal!y the bill of exceptions snarely to be looked o-er. .Hara Will Stands. The Horn will rase, wck-k baa been o befora County Judge Coagrarw tor three f wvrflk via m-Mw iwur m taw wi mi beaefk'iary of the will. Mr. A Fievalier. Tbe amount Involved ia betwerw VW.&'a and U Mra Horn left all of her propert to Mrs. fihevalier. who cared for hr dur ing hrr declining da a. with the proviso that aits was to tars for Mra. Odell. an other fTiaod. during her llfellrba. Two Lrrs f tha Acad womatt con Levied the pro batioa of the will an tha ground that Mra liura waa insane. Tha ' teatmoay takaa fUlad LM pagea aad aver M wit r. were examined. Representing Mrs. Sheva tier were Roe A Maggl and Hallack Rose, while for the contestants appeared Judge Rfesa, Judge Strode, Ed Strode, Judge Tib bet ta and Walter Anderson. Dlwerr Bwwsas IIass Taw m. , Martin W., Dimery. private ifcretary to Governor Sheldon, went to Beaver Cross ing, his old borne, last night and attended the annual meeting of the Commercial club of that hustlii.g little place. While Beaver Crossing has a population of about l.. It has a Commercial club with a membership of forty. The club baa recently secured a lighting plant and is now, so Mr. Dimerj' aaid, working for some kind of a factory j which will use up the surplus commodities in that vicinity. Kvery house In the town, he said, iaa a living well on the premises and the Blue runs right through tbe cor poration. Mr. TJimery addressed the club. Fa 'lard lee PmuI Prask. Congressman Pollard is attending to a Utile "official business" in tbe First dis trict 'just at this time. During the last two or three days a number of poTTtldans and others have received letters from tha congressman, sent out la the usual "offi cial business" frank envelope. These let ters In effect state that the congressman baa beard that numerous people bave been mentioned aa probable candidates for bis job, and be writes to find out the sentiment of tbe community and whether be can de pend upoa the recipient to stand by him in the coming contest. " Stale Waats Bow da. State Treasurer Brian baa written letter to all the bond firms he knows about tell ing them the Stale Board of Educational Lands and Funds will on January a be in the market for tKW. w orth of bonds. This investment is for the permanent school fund. At this time titer is about fiSKKiO in the permanent school fund, but by tha time the board ta ready to invest there will be mux h more. SUN AY . DINK Er(Rka. BARGAIN Harlaa He. arms te Alavaka. YORK. Neb., Jan. lo. (Special.) Hon. N. V. Harlan, attorney of Alaska, has Just ietuined from Washington, D. C. where he answered charges made by the governor of Alaska against him, preferred by rea son of Mr. Harlan refusing to drop the prosecution of the Guggrahelmer people for aa Affair growing out of a railroad Clearer braia and Heady aerve always follow the aw of Powtam ia 4are of coffee sutnetimew ia a 1 try mark rd manner. CXfin- Jhe drag ia cof fee, laterfrrew with digewtiowv, aad if rowMln.ued 1 to how la aonae fixed diseaar. Tbe perfect twite of miatd acd body tbe post er to ac complish something worth while, makra a lot of differ, rare with osie's earning r a pa rity. If it's worth while to you. try the change to Poatum say, two weeks. YoJ kavowv "There's a Reaaoau Read Tbe Road to M'eil tUle," la pLf. . .. Quality! Quality! The one essential which the bousewife should keep in. mind when ordering groceries is quality. There are several good reasons for this. Tbe most important one to the ordinary family is economy. Good food is more nutritious and necessarily goes farther. The human system is kept in better condition when supplied with food that is pure and fresh. The grocer who handles the best grades deals on a closer margin and never overcharges. Therefore it is economical to deal with him. Place your order this week. M. -RACHMAN Corner Sherman A venae and Corby Street. Telephone Webster 175-1 876. ff c right-of-way contest. Mr. Harlan will leave at once for Alaska. While at Wash ington cltiaens of Alaska sent petitions there explaining the situation to th en tire satisfaction of the authorities. KILLING IS HELD JISTIFIABLB fsrsser't Jsry Investigates Death of Leeaar1 Mwrtww. KEARXET. Neb. Jan. it. (Special Tele gram.) Louis Brilcy. who went by the name of Morgan Lewis and who shot and killed Leonard Morton last night, was ar rested pending the inquest, which was held this afternoon. The Inquest waa completed this afternoon at 4 o'clock. Some ten cr twelve witnesses were examined. The gen eral run of lite eviJt-noe was that br-.ley had been scared all evening, believing that some one waa after him, although he lad not been in ar.y troable as far as could l-c determined. Tile evidence did not show that Morton and Brilty had ever had any preceding trouble up to the time of the killing. A large pair of brass knuikjcs which Morton had tarried waa introduced at the trtal. wCn-h gave still more evi dence that Morton had been hunting trouble aid the testimony of tbe witnesses also showed that he bad been In a quarrelsome mood and was evidently hunting a scrap when he entered t!e hotel. The past of th prisoner wss not taken up. At 4 o'clock the Jury turned in a verdict that Leonard Morton was killed by Louis Bnlev in seif-dt-fense. The prisoner will not be released until Saturday In order to give the authorities an opportunity to look up the chargea "Tha dead man. Leonard Morton, is a Kearney boy. having been known in the city for over ten years. He was about 3 years old and for the greater part of the last five years has been away from here, returning Just recently, and since lecentbt-r Si hss beea tending the water softener at tbe I'nion Pacific Temr Staaar la aersr ao' aaUdawa, aa waaa your table la aappUsd wita aa order of FiieJYittc Edelweiss Rye Edelweiss Beer 'Phone Dooglas 877 for any kind of M in or Llq-r. Orders df, livered to any part of tbe city. Henry Rohlff, Wholesale Beer and Liquor Dealer . 507.69 Leaieawortb Si. OMAliA. XEIi. Special Sale Peanul Brittle, Ti?Sr The more you eat of our Peanut Brittle the more you want There is an after taste that creates a desire for more. There is a great difference in Peanut Brittle. Ours is made from the best high grade Spanish Peanuts, Granulated Sugar and choice Creamery Butter. H is orpwded full of delicious peanuts, giving It a rich, snappy flavor. Be sure and get a box Saturday. Take one home with you. SPECIAL VOn SATURDAY OXLY. - Per Pound Bog , XSC Ibll XX'&- 151S-20 Farnam Street TnESTOrtEfOfi Dmririr; Phone Douglas 711 Bpacial Vaala eValote Znaasr Baaaay Hi aa, ta a, aa. rrice ; ruary 1(L the is said to have threatened j to shoot six or seven people, but declared today her shooting is over Barnhart's leg ' still troubles him somewhat. ' Mrs. asraaarl Oat wa Ball. NORFOLK. Neb.. Jan. W SpUI Tele gram. e-Mra. H. F. Bamhart, who has been ia Jail at Madteoa since Cljistmas. a ail ing trial far shooting bee fcjsba&d here, was releaaed on Si.A tond scried by Ovaries Aritiad-L a Madiaoa buUher. Sie was Immediately reaxrealed upon arriving at Norfolk aad jailed. Ti.e second arrest was on a peae warrant signed by former Mayor John Friday, who ia aaid tu have been threateixol. Late today Mra. Brn hart agreed to k-ave town if allowed to go. aU.e wcat to Creightoa ta await trral aa- BilLROtl) SI ED FOR DAMAGES Harpy Seeka ta Rerster far lajaartiaa Aaalaat Tax C'allvetlaw. PAP1L1JON. Neb.. Jan. 10. (Special. County TXasurer Morrison has commenced f uit in district court against the Union Pa cific Hail road company for U0 80 dauiages for wrong" u!ly enloining the collecUon of tbe compaay s taxes during the years 1X4 and 1K6. The New Store A Trial Oraar la tha most convinc ing arrument that we can offer, with reference to the quality, purity tnd P cleanliness of the goods we handle aj and our method of doing buslnesa We have a fine and complete line of S!tp!i tBi fitej Groceries. Tib!e Celictcles. Fruits vA YeK!ib!et. Try a sack of our "Pride of Omaha" four. You will be Impressed with its stiptrtorlty. Our famous Wyoming potatoes are the best grown. Xon't fail to Include them In your order. Our Prices Are Right. Our services rrompt. We guaran tee courteous treatment at all times. We still appreciate your patronage. Tel. Hartley 841 Elmer A. Johnson 2S0B Leavenworth St. Flree Alaasr Kallrawd Llae. OGALLALA. Neb-, Jan. 1. i Special Telegram A high northwest wind dur ing tne past three days has resulted in the t'liion pacific engines setting fires in the meadows near here and burning a gooj many Lay atacaa. tbe wind earryitig the fire in the air and igniting stacks of bay il fet-t from the track. Stsllil tkwrek la Ba Dedicated. PERU. Neb, Jan. ! Special The new Baptlet churt h, hk h w as br gun irt July, is to be appropriately odioau-d Sunday. The atructure is aa elegant mod ern bulldiijg with a commodious diuitg kaiL a fibs study and excellent Sunday a school rooms ia addition to the main au- dttorium and Christian Endeavor room. The building as now completed, wVu fur nac and eleetric ligtitlng, cost ths churcb 7 i(. It is situated right In the shadow ef tbe State norma: school build ings, being within a short distance of the mala college entrance. The dedicatory servicea will consist of four sessions, the momicg service with dedicatory address by Er. O. A. Williams of Lincoln, and an address by Mr. i-- E. Bennett, preaideut of the IjDcoln Young Men's Chrtitian arsoclayon; the student rally in the afternoon; the fciioWkj,lp meeting follow leg the rally, and the final dedicatory service led by Rev. C. J. pope of Grand Island in th evening. Mr. A. Lansinj of Omaha wlil sing at the dlf- The moat awarchlng analysis caa- not adequately convey to the ml nil the elements In TsfetaUsa aad lruits Imparting thst incomparable aense tif taste, wholesomonesa and flavor best acquired by the palate's Indulg ence. Fresh Mushrooms Spinach Caulifliwer Wax Etans Ripe Tomatoes Head Lettuce Cucumbers Green Onions Green Pepfer Red Cabbage Crisp Celery Saturday Specials Standard Cora, per can as Strictly Fresh Krgs. per doxen. Sva (juaaer Oats, three packages Walter baker's Chocolate, per ib..e ic jar Cudahy's Beef Extract. Jur.CTe i(o Jur Armours Beef Extras!. Jar : prl&g Chickens, per pound. Spring Ducks, per pound Spring Oeese, per pound LtVxe real. pj , ... vKa L . ...UlsaF Soramcr Bros. EisearsiJ si UU Uviaf 28IK and F'arnatrrt Sin jB fj 1 -I .1 . Health-Economy tCot utitord aa FeaxLu P- 1 oiumG !ovdcr . nt hv Tsal V aT , Ft