THE OMAHA , DAILY BEE: KATltKDAW .TANUAUY 11, .Inns ) 1 (I ! $1 I; ! fr EAL ESTATE HEAL, r.STATR DRALERR'. PATNB 1SV. CO.. Douglas J7SU let floor N. T. Life, iy 31 JNO. T. BARTLETT, S51 lsr Nut. Fk. Pklg. ' ; ' Qi MS47 JmtWx . OEORQB CO. . , Ml Farnarrt.. Tel. Drfuglas 7: HJ PETERS TRCfeT, CO.. N. Y. Lit Bldg. CITY FROPERTT FOR Al.m 'FINE Modern ,IIome for Small Sum Klegant lJ-rnom modern house, rontaln 'hft furnace, ga. hot and cold water rmn nectiort on three floors, bath, toilet, lava tory, -laundry, cemented cellar, apartmenta for coal blna. fruit and vegetable storage, etc. Two beautiful mantela, oak and hard pin flnlah. Two eaat front lota, nicely ter raced, fruit, ahade, permanent walks, etc. Klnoat locatlort and surroundings, one block from Farnam car. Thla cholca home of fered for only t5.3iin-eafl than half Ita coat. Dwifer determine! to aell at once and will nake any reasonable tcrtna. Be u today .or partleulara. . (or partleulara and aubmlt offer. KUSSELL & M'KITKICK CO., 4o2-"tt Ramge Bldg. 15th and Harney. (19 1SS 10 Look at This Acroas lh etreet from High achoot. ' FIRST TIME OFFERED. '$$ FEET N. W. cor. 2'th and Davenport; finest lo cution in Omalia, for high class flat a; can offer for qvikk alu fur WM. E. ROMANO, 80I0 A (rent. Doi Eta a ISIS. 3:9 Board of Trade. (19) lid 10 ; $3,500 NEW 8 ROOM irOUSE WEST FAUN AM DISTRICT tlouss 8031 Davenport St.". h tin Vest Ibulo ciitruiK-o. ton hall, parlor, dining room and kitchen on flrat floor finished In oak, ouk flmira; four rooms and bath on second floor; largo full-bricked bnsemont, oullo' cellar . un trance In cement walks, asphalt 'tmved at red. close to Central boulevards the lucntlon la very dcslrnblo and In walking distance down town. Owner has put tli. price down In order to mike a (inck sale;; house la ready to move Into. HASTINGS ft HLiLiiN, 1704 Farnam St. . (191324 11 NEW modemcottag Vome built lu, oc cupied na a home, on West Farnam ridge; f nl r- lot; prloa only W.TTjo; owner haa se cured a better position away from Omaha. 1". l. Wearii- Ptl Farnam felt. . (1S)-M168 11 A UARdAlN One of lha moat complete and best located residences In tho city of Council' Bluffs, can be bought for less than It would yrtat to build the house. In quire,; OTIS & BHl'OART, 117 Parl Street, Council Bluffs, la, 09-M178 U LIST your property- with Chris Boyerr 13d ana cumnnng at. iw-ja FOR SALE Fruit farm, 15 acrea, near Florence, ' $3,300- New '.'(-room .bouse, barn, . well, -etc. 1 "s- CREIGH SONS Co.. fe Bee Bld. , (19)-M11 12 3WNER Wl'ST BKLJi BKi'DRB BATUR' f ? - DAY. " 1 rooma and reception hall, alt modern '1 a mo tiouHe. Interior fmtah hard wood. .oriit-r tot looxl'jo ft.. In BL'NDEK. within I block of car llnu. See at once ami A, OBWRJti & CO.", Nidi FARNAM ST. j il I'M 10 OWWElf of 88'fl.''Yr0nfaKe on S4th Ht. near Miami haa special place to use money and w y h nrn. opiruuiu aiu 10 Duua on. jrriae only laiju,. t . V. v'ad, 18D1 Farnam St. tlil)-Ml0 11 DUAL. ESTATK TITLE TRUST lv CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON, Pres. CO. (19) 314 1 LOTS AND NEW HOUSE FOR 800 , , CASH. Balance same as rent, only 4 blocka from anica Ave. car, achodl, church, grocery tore, or lota ouxiCT n. for V0 each. OEOHGE & CO., WW FARNAM ST. . (1M 193t 10 S8.000 will ,buy . full city lot, 611x132, large brick barn and small cottage, next to northeast Corner of loth and Leavenworth Sts. THOMAS HRENNAN. Room 1 New York Ufa Building. a-iM l-ROOM modern -houae In Kountie Place parlor., hall, sitting room, library ami kitchon on flrat floor, four bed rooms and buth room upstalra: good heating plant; 3jxl24 feet, on paved street 3.4jff w. 11. oales, sii in. v. I J re. 't'hone 11. KM. , - (19 13)1 10 TUB RSICD-ABSTRACT CO., established 114 ' fuinpt aervlc. . Got our prices. IT10 Farnam Mlil FOR BALM Lot 17; block 32, Albright' citutuav-add.,' South Omaha; Jlbo. J. Caae 'f M. Co.. 'Racine, Wis. (191-M240 17 WHKN'yotr write to advertisers, kindly mention jot km. REAL ESTATE b lAiMlrf LA US rRM Jb us KOR SALU . , , ; .... Cllterail. :.LIFORMA Will aell to 20 people 10 ;nnes each, beat irrigatea lend on earth Will set to fruit trees tur you and fur' nlah you work to pay for t, Addreaa 11 Ik uaro ree. ' t-ui Ui8 U Calorad. FOR M I AC x.Wv acrea cuoice rarm or Htoclc land in eastern Colorado. Will acil l'ait or all to suit cuatumer; iu per acr ' if sold aoon. Address lxk Box 2i. Ijur prise. Ni b, (Jt) M.:'4 l-'x Mlaatnota, TOR bAl.K-Farmof 3U) acrea in the fa' iiiiuia Hnnsolu river valley; no waste land, fair buildings; three miles from market; a snap: write to Frank Nes tasal. Seaforth. Minn. (Ju)-JJ.5 Ux IF YOU' WANT "to Use a homestead or slaua and timber light addreaa A. E, i-Uen Aalmws, Minn. (2u Mill Ux " JHbraaka. . WESTERN FARM LANDS, t'lop payment plun; two crops paya for lanuV while ll laad is doubling In value. NATIONAL 1NVESTMKN' CO.. tol-to JJrapdoi Building. v. 7 (W-M408 FORBALE BauUfitl email farm, of :(' acres lia 8 acrt of fin fruit; fine build ings; ' nill eoulheaat of Pawnee City, Neb ; will take ta.U) less per aci than lha ulec la wortli if eolii before March 1 . lW Addreaa 3319 CaUfornia St., Omalia,. Neb. t2u Mlug l6x WHEN -writing to adrvertlaera, remember It takes but an extra stroke or two of in pen to mention l tie fact that you saw lb ad in Th Ba. , Oreaoaw A SNApviN ORWION TIMBER. I I will a.-! I a two-thirds Interest in 4,000 teres jf pl limber land for 8-0,0m). These .and have 46.Uuo.ouo feet of fine while pins umUr. well located. Iind valuable after lulling tluiuer. Title perfect. Addreaa W. ) Cuk.. timbvr excliange building. Port land. Oregon. i.JJMM Feb lOx - - - !, ,-ata Datawta.- VOR SAU'-'ortheaat 23-110-Tt' Hy county, Houih Dakota, $11 4u per acre; $j0w cash, balance back on land al 6 pr rent optional. IS- 'O. Castl (owner). Perry, la. . - " (Ju) MUI Ux M lacwIlaaiMKa. WE have' a numbr of good farm and ranch pruposiituiia In western Nebraska, also properties ef all kinds at various tlacaa; ace us befor you incest. B. E. lrr Co., HI Be bldg. t-Vj-lSl llx REAL ESTATE FOR RENT Faraa, Haea ami rattar Utat4a. Ton REMT-Furm and atnrk ranch -con sisting of b arrra. 114 ill-a from "Mem. Orrnd building, plenty of well an.1 run ning water, abundance of paat'in ami hav; about 1.K af-rca under cultivation, with an acres of alfalfa. For further par ticulars, address Michael Gallagher, O'Neill, Neb. (21)-MW9 12 FAKM8 KOR RENT. acrea on Mit renter St.. good farm land with some hay and pasture, a-room houae. barn, rranary, etc. no acrea on West Dodge St. near Alamlto Sanitary Dairy farm, good Improvement and some pasture land. UEOKUE Ac CO., 11 FARNAM BT, (21 194 ! CITY PROPBRTV. : FOR LEASE Rear enn of lot fronting on 13th; well suited to Use as blacksmith shop or laundry; factory, tc F. D. Wead, Idol Farnam St. (21) M181 11 REAL ESTATE LOANS flOO to $10 OIK) made promptly. F. V. Wead, vvead mag., iin ana tarnaui. , (I-M34 WANTED City loana. Patera Trust Co. CS)-349 WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith Co., 133U Farnam si. , (& 330 PRIVATE MONEY NO DIE LAY, OARVIN BROS., WH FARNAM. (221364 PRIVATE jnoncy to loan; no delays. J 11. Sherwood. 61S-S17 Brandal mag. , (3)-M180 MONEY to loan on lmprovedJOmaha prop- " W. J. DERMODY 1NV. CO.. Tel. Doug. 6108. . . B N. Y. L. (St MJM LOWEST RATE&VBemlS, Paxton Block. (22)-355 LOANS on Improved Omaha property. K. Co., J001 N. Y. IJfe BldB. O Keefe K. MONEY TO LOAN-Payna Investment Co. (.'Z)-ja-- PRIVATE money to loan on Improved real estate. IN. f. Dodge & Co., 17H Far nam St. (22) lii WANTED TO BUY WANTED To buy second-hand furniture, cook -and heating; stoves, carpets, lino leums, office furniture, old clothes and shoes, pianos, feathers, bod pillows, quilts and all kinds of tools; or will buy the furniture of your house complete. The highest price paid. Call the right man. Art. lAiug iviiiv rcu WANTED To buy, second-band furniture, cook and healinK stoves, carpels, lino leums, office furniture, old clothes and shoes, pianos, feathers, bed pillows, quilta, and all kinds of tools; or will buy the furniture of your house complete; the highest .prices paid Call the Tight man. Tel. Dodg. ' 3971. . (25) MSffl F LIST your property for quick sale with ma; wa have customers now ror soo.uuu Dust news property. or land who will pay cash; another for 2,000 deal for any real estate near Omaha; another 15.00U F. D. Wead, Wead Bldg., ,18th and Far nam Sta. (3))-M159 11 SECOND-HAND' feed sacks. No amount too large or too small. Wagner, 801 N. 14. () 367 CASH paid to second-hand clothing, shoes, eto. aw m. istrt st. Tel. Kea () 3' WANTED TO RENT LADY wants heated room and board, rea sonable. Address VDB care Bee. (26)-M952 It WANTED 6 or -room flat, furnished or unfurnished, centrally located. ' Address O 798, car Bee. (j)-M!)fa lis WANTED SITUATIONS, POSITION as housekeeper, where no small children; lady wun one crina. Mrs. . Wilson, Havelock, Neb. ()-M767 llx COMPETENT man wants emolovement from six on, evening. Address W 791, from six cure Bee. YOUNO MAN, 25 years bid, now in real esiaie Dusinesa, aesirea position as cashier or asaiatant cashier of bank; eight years' experience; good refer ence. Box 40a, Julesburg, Colo. (27 M981 12 WANTED Position by lady In drug store, who Is pharmacy graduate; have had some general experience. Addreaa R. F. D. No. 2. Box , Craig. Neb. . 27 M7 12k DAY WOMEN Yurnlahed fre of charge. (27-3til Telephone Douglaa 1HJ. WANTED Position by an experienced saleslady, 5 years' experience. Address ' B. E. D., 6i St. Mary's Av. (27)-965 18 GOOD, all round butcher, Al sausage ma ker wants posttlen; would prefer the country. Address C,' TSi. Bee. (I7)132 lOx WANTED Position as correspondent, bookkeeper or other oftice work, by rnkl die aged man; eapable ef taking change ot office; at present employed, but wishes to make a change. P. O. Hex 47. , . R7)-M14 IBs WANTED By student, yeung man, plaoe to work for board and room. Address or call. T. J., Boylea college. (27 Ml 12x WANTED Clerical position hy a young man, 25 years old, who la familiar with express ratea and experienced In general office work; cnu also do stenographic work. Address N 873. Bee. IS M10U 1ZX , : r- POSITION wsnted by an round clerk., ten years' experience in geaeral merchandise. eapable of management, reasonable wagea, best references. Address Y 181, car Be. (27) M200 Ht POSITION wanted by good blacksmith and wagonmaKer. w. jtaymona, rxew pnaron la. ' (271-M148 15x SITUATION wanted by graduate electrical and mechanical engineer. Associate member A. I. E. E. Address, O. T., 814 N. 22,1 St. (27) 181 llx COMPETENT accountant, experienced In all detaila of mercantile and corporation accounting, crcdlta, correspondence, open ing books, auditlntr. making financial statements and balance sheets, cupable of simplifying cumbersome methoda. devis ing economical syrums and eliminating superfluities, wants employment In Omaha, or elsewhere. Address D Sot Bee. (27) M28 Iflx LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF SALE OF HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT BON 1S Sealed ropoula will be received by the District Board of School District No. three until 13 o'clock noun, the first fUty f February, A. D. laJ. for the purchasv of $io.l4) of the bonds of School District No. three of Harlan county. Ne braska, said bonda duted January first. A. D. Issued for the erecting on the pres ent site now owned by said district a new IiIkIi school building and , furnishing and heating tiie same, rliiirl Umds run from five to nineteen years from date bearing Interest at the rale of six per cent per annum, payable annually at the fiscal agency of the state of Nebraska In th city of New York. Said bonds mature aa follows: $2,500, January first, 1 -13. and $2 every second year thereafter. Each bid shall be accompanied with a certified check for $1.0t, payable to W. Pierce, treasurer of said district. Number children school age, 4.1. last complete awiussmeut of district, $229,674. No other Indebtedness in this dis trict. Proposale should be directed to C T. Simpson, disector, Oi leans. Neb. The board reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Dated at Orleans. Neb., this eigiith day of January. A. D. 19u8. P. W. Shea, Moderator; C. T. Simpson. Director; W, P. Pierce. Treasurer; J M. Johnson, Edcar L. Means, Mrs. J. Ij. ItBUHia. School Board of Dis trict No. three, at Orleans, Neb. . JUD-t STOCKHOLDERal' MEETINO. Notice Is hereby given that the annual meeting of the stockholders of The Bee Building company will be held at 4 o'clock p. iu., Tuesday, January 14. 19u8, at the office of aald company In Th Be building, Omaha, for th election of a beard of di rectors for the ensuing year and lha trans action of such other business aa way .prop erly come before such meeting. ft C. ROSEWATER. Secretary. J2dl4t D 8c a LEGAL NOTICES (Continued.) NOTICE TO RRirxiE CONTRACTORS. Rildse F.ullders and Material Men Jules- burg. Colo.. Jan. 7, I. Scaled proposnls will be received bv the Hoard or irfttimy Commiasionera of Sedgwick counly, Colo rado, up to 13 o clock nKn of the xin nay of January, 1SK. for the complete construc tion or a pile bridge, about l.twt reel long, across a portion of the South Platte river, extending from the south end of the new State bridge at Juleslmra to the south bank of the South Platte river. Pealed propoaala will be received by the Board of., County Commissioners of Sedg wick county,- Colorado, up to 12 o'clock noon of the fith dav of January, 190s, for the furnishing of all material to build a pile bridge about l.nfvo feet long, said ma terial to be delivered at the north end of that portion of the State bridge now built at Julneburg, Colorado, across the South Platte river. Sealed proposals will alao be received by ssld hoard up to 12 o'clock noon of the 27ih day of January, Itittt. for the building and furnishing of all labor In the building or a pile bridge alxnit l.flftt feet long across a portion of the South Platte river, extend ing from the south end of 'the new State brldgn at Julestnirg to the south bank ot the South Platte river. ' All proposals to be filed with the county clerk, at her office 1n Julesburg, Colorado, at which office further information In re gard to such bridge and work and a copy of the plana and specifications and amount of material required for said bridge will be kept and can be seen by any person Interested. The said Board of Countv Commissioner reserves the right to reject any and all bids offered. Hy order of the Board of County Com missioners of Sedgwick courty, Colorado. By C. W. WHITK, Chairman. J10d17t NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS SEALED proposals will be received up to Tuesday, February 18, 1908, at 2 o'clock p. m.. for the construction of a building ?or tho Elks Building company at York, Nebraska, com plete, according to the drawings and speci fications prepared by Tyler & Brandt, architects, of Lincoln, Nebraska. Copies of the plans and apeclflcationa may be had at the office of the architects, or the un dersigned. The right is reserved to reject any and all bids or waive any defects. All bids must be accompanied by a draft or certified ' check for the sum of five hun dred dollars ($500.00), payable to the Elks Building company. York, Nebraska, which will 'be forfeited If the bidder Is awarded the contract and falls to enter Into a writ ten contract, according to the terms of hla bid within ten days from the date of said award. Addreaa all bids and communica tions to F. E. LLOYD, Secretary, 115 West Fifth' St.. York, Nebraaka. ' J5d7t STOCKHOLDERS MEETINO Office of ee-uiass-Anoreoeen Hardware Company, Omaha, Nab., Dec. 14, 1907. Notice la hereby given to the stockholders of the Lea-Olaas-Andreeeen Hardware company- that the annual meeting of the stockholders of me company win ds neid at the nfnees of said company, corner of Ninth and Har ney atreeta. In the city of Omaha, in the state of Nebraska, on Tuesday, January 14, A. D., 1908. at I o'clock p. ra for the pur pose of electing a board of dl:Jctors for the company, to serve during the coming year, and to transact such other -touslnes ws may vm iiremiwii b such meeting. ... . (Seal) . H. J. LEE. President AlUst: W. M. GLASS. Secretary. D15d30t REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Charles H. Nelson and wife to E. W. Carlson, lot 11. block 149. ' South Omaha 2,300 louisa t. Ambler, executrix, to Thomas. Rochford. lota 18. 19 and 20. Ambler Place .-, 30 fatricR J. McGovern, Jr., to Patrick J. McOovern. s45 feet of lot 3. block 13, South Omaha 650 Chris L.. Anderson and wire to Blanche F. Owen. -Iota ft and C. R. M. Stone's subdl vlaion . . . . .-. 3,500 Koy Wilson to R. F. Proliaska. lot 12, El'.lBtone Park Place 300 Benton ti. Betebepner. and wife to Charlea L. Thomas, lot 18, block 9, West Albright . Maud. O'Neill to Ida O'Neill, lot 7. Swetnam's subdivision 1,000 iranK iiooiittle- and wife to Nellie S. Hahne. Jot 6. block. 14. Isaac & Selden'a addition. . 1,050 t Tea u. ana wire to minuee . Realty company, s "4 of nw of sw-4, 18-16-13 .;.T... ...... Charles A. Austin and wife to Pun-, dee Realty company, lots 1 and I, block 76, and lots and 7. block 7. Dundee-Place ...... . 1 SOS Margarcd C. Tuttie et al. to same. lot 19. block 78. Dundee Place.. 78 uuy it. Fratt and wire to L,ouia N. Oonden. lot 3. Field Club sub division J.500 f ermnana Kiauscntea and wife, to 'i neoaor i noiinjonann, ell reet of wA of lot 16. block 448. Grand View 2E Anna S. B. Eastman to Hattle B. i;ni1lke nlOO reet or lot 2. lilncU 2, West. Omaha 7,500 Susie Kelts to Lewis He Its, lots 7 and 12. Hall Place Emma C. Johnston and hushand to , Frank O. Olsen. lots 1. 2, 3, 15 and 16, block 6, Spring Lake Park Edward Phelari and wife to John 3. Ryan, lot 18, Wagoner & Phelan's subdivision Mary B. Hanson and husband to Vmll Anderamv. lot "3 hlock 1. Brown Park 500 John W. McDonald, aheriff. to W. K. F. Vila, lots IT and 18. block "F." Saunders A Hlmebaugh'a addition. Total .$20,649 HAND S A FOLIO FOR TOILET AND BATH It makes tt e toilet something- to be tk Joyed. It rem aves all stains and roughness, prsvent prickly heat and chafing, and leaves the skin white, toft, healthy. In the bath it brings a glow and exhilaration which do common soap can equal, iropartii g tht vigor and life sensation of a mild Turkish iath- Am. Goces and J)itvociTt D. C. SCOTT. D.V.S. (Successor to Dr. H. L. Ramaociottl.) ASSiarTAJTT KTATB. TBTIraT ABIA W. Office and fospltal, 8810 "ttasoa txt. Calls Promptly Answered at All Hours. erkoa Offlc Karny9S7. flmjhl Msk Has. Douglas tiaii w ta v RESORTS. HOTELS PONCf DC HON . . . St. Auguatln Alcazar su Auguatia OR MONO . . Ormond-oa-tha-Ualifax THCBRCANCRS . . . .Palm Beach ROVAI, POINCIANA . . .PalmBaack ROVALPALM , .Miami Tnt COtONIAU. ..... .Nsaaau . ( Bahama laUods) 1 10 MILES NCARCR CUBA. .' Tka aew nil line alona Florida Kmr wB m a aiwsaoa t ksitKa Ky, naaexiiag wuk aasmaiap fat Hsvsaa and Ky Wed. alter Janury 15th. r or utormuiaQ nUtns to BckeM, hotel saoa, rpsos is Minriins snd parlor esri. nitisir nauam. Was r aosir I FLORIDA CAST COAST 130 AoM St 143 Fifth Ave. Chicago New Venn a Ir. A'jauiiTigisT. Vla. - - - T OCEAN STEAMSHIPS class's cmuiia m -a-kabio iO TQE ORIENl rtbraarr " At It. 11ms. ftatr toulas onlf "S. iBelaslig tbor. sicunloM. trMOlAL rATURS: Mvtolia, C4i. Ssrlil. aiftora. Malta. 1 Drs la Brpt m tka Half LaoS. fooatamiaapla.. Jkltauc Kama, taa Rlrlsra, etc. TOUHS Rolf XD TBS WOltUa 40 TOlltS TO El'ROPK noai aiFliuMis ut4 tUiwiiri . (rs, t. C Ci-AKk. flaiu Sia, Jiww York. DlsUiut Store Open Saturday -Night . Until 10:00 OtClock. FORMEHLY n.ffoSGOFIELD U la(UK&SOITCq Saturday Will Do a We are lound and Determined Not to Have One Winter 01 xiew apnng uooas, wnicnw attach sacrificing prices that I EXTRA SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY ? Sts7o3&?Ml ' TAILORED SUITS. Made of good broadcloth or unfinished worsted, and all wool cheviot collars, mostly black, sold regular at $22.50, $25.00 and up to $30.00 FINAL CLOSING OUT PRICE.... All Our High Grade TAILORED SUITS At Half Price fM.OO TaUored Salts, at ............... $50.00 Tailored Suits, at $45.00 Tailored HuiU, at $30.50 Talloml Suits, at ' 935.00 Talloml 8nts. at $29.75 Tailored Suits, at 27.50 25.00 22.50 10.75 17.50 14.85 ALL SCARFS OR MUFFS NOTES 05 OMAHA SOCIETY Mrs.' Douglas Welpton Entertain! , Ltmcheojn Party. : .. ; CLUB MEETINGS MAKE FULL WEEK Informal Etria!nrant tor Vialtlasi Women Oaly Thins; Schednled Astele (ram Begalar Mertlaga and Impromptu Affairs. Mrs. Douglas Welpton was hostess at oh of th smart affairs Friday,, when she entertained af a prettily appointed lunch, eon. Dainty shades oplnk decorated the tbl. , A, law ccntrBijcaui pinK. carna tions ws used while tTie plate cards were designed with a variety ot pink flowers. A delightful .featur i the Uunchson was tha reading of d jlmfeftck breach guest, Including something of Interest about each ona present. Following luncheon tho after noon was spent In sn Iriformul good time. Those present were Miss Hazel Smith, Miss Fatjnle Howland, Miss Margaret MoShane, Miss Gwendolyn WhU, Miss Sophie Shir ley, Miss Martha Dale,' Miss Hasel Love land, Miss Estelle Brown, Miss Margaret Stcphan, Mrs. David ,McCulley, Mrs. F. W. Blabaugh, Mrs. Harry Jennlson, Mrs. Walter Dale and the hfiatess. ; t'harnionte Clab. Mrs. B. I Kemper entertained the Char monte club Friday, . Mts Kthal and Miss Grace Conant being guests of ihe after, noon. Three tables wer plaped ,for six handed high five. Those present wero Mr. Ralph Moody, Mrs. J. H. McDonald, Mrs. Hal Roberts. Mrs. Guy French, Mrs. Hel mer, Mrs, . Harry jennlson., Mrs. Harris, Mrs. Hubert Hicks,' Mrs. Albert Edgbert, Mrs.' George Morton, Miss Hallie Paterson, Miss Alice Bnell, Miss Mabel Hicks, Miss Mabel Stephen, MUn ' Fannl Howland, Miss Nina Crias,' Miss,' 'Lucille Dlmmlck, Mlsa Alice AuUl..Ml5s Maud Marriott and Miss'pulsy Rogers.'. . ' . ' ' Jaalor Brldg t'lnb. Tha Junior ' Brldg club wss entertained this week: at the hom pf ' Mrs, OaorBe Redtek, the-gueBts being Miss Iuey Updike, Miss Hasel Connell and Mlaa Natalie Meyers of Dubuinie, J, '.The membt-n present were Mine Mary Alice Rogers'. Mis Ann Brown, Mlsa Helen' Davis, Miss Eliza beth Congfhm, Miss Mabel Marr, MUs Ruth Moorehead, Mrs. Earl -..Kipllnser, Mm. "Louis Clarke, Mrs. Harry Montgomery and .the hostess. Tha nuxt meeting of the club will be Friday at the home of MUs Mary Alice Rogers. ,',. Dinner Partr. Mrs. F, E. Deldrige and daughter, Miss Mabel of 8t. Imls, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. B. Edgeler of Twenty-sixth street and Sherman avenue. In their honor Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Ruby gave a dinner Thurs For Men FASHIONABLE OVERCOATS GREATLY REDUCED WE HAVKV't't in stock about 1 50 Overcoats in the sea son V-latest models, made of the finest fabrieg that have-heretofore sold on the mere showing of the gar-,, ments tlieniselves. Every ont i an . individual hand-tailored, full-fashioned coat, selected for its quality and atyle, made to sell to critical men who pride themseves in the cut and quality of the clothes they wear. ,W.T,BOURKE MEN'S FASHION SHOP 519 South Sixteenth Street Near Harney Street 15 iO DOITGLalS ST. J llliuULS Final Closlne-Out Day of soon an nana, ana in oraer louccompiisn iiuj we wui sen au our will certainly be amazing. " " ' ; All Our High Grade COATS At Half Price o - $75.00 tCvrning Coats, gQ $55.00 KvrnirtK Coats, g Q $0.5() Street or Kven- lf ffT ing CoatM, at IJalW $S5.00 Street or Even- If Rft liitf Coats, at I IsUU $25.00 Fitted or Looae I A PA Coats, at y IsCsUU $22.50 Mtted xr Lootte II OR Coats, at ll-fcV day evening at their home, 263 Cummg street. The table wa3 prettily trimmed with pink and red carnations and covers were laid for Mrs. B. Edgeler, Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Snellbacker of Council Bluffs, Mrsj Cunningham, Mrs. D. B, Bummers, Mrs. F. E, Deldrige, Miss Mabel Deldrige, Miss Ruth Edgeler and Mr. and Mrs. Ruby. I Frldar Clab. Tha Friday club was entertained thla week by Mrs. Edward Rosewater when those present were: Mrs. T. C. Brunner. Miss Dunster. Mrs. H. P. Deuel, Mrs. J. E. Eyler, Mrs. J. D. Foster, Mrs. John Guild, Mrs. E. Hahey, Mrs. Frank B. Kennard, Mrs. U 11. Korty, Mrs. H. J. Palmer, Mrs. Andrew Ross, Mrs. J. H. Royce, Mrs, Ben Robidoux, Mrs. Fred Pearce, Mrs. Van Ness Smith, Mrs. Everet Smith and Mrs. Walter Wilklns. . Orialnnl Brfdsre- Clnb. Mrs. Eva Wallace was hostess Friday at th meeting of .the Original Bridge club. Luncheon preceded the afternoon game of cards and ferns prettily ' decorated thft luncheon table. Mrs. Edwin T. Swobe was guest of the club. The members present were: Mrs. Bam Burns, Jr., Mrs. Thomas L. Davis, Mrs. W. T. Burns, Mrs. John Lu Kennedy, Miss Ella Mae Brown and Miss Flora Webster. K. K. K. Clnb. Mrs. W. H. Gould, Jr.. was hostess Wed nesday afternoon at th meeting of the K. K. K club. High-five was played, the flrat prise being won by Mrs. Frank Hum. Refreshments were served at ona long table which was prettily decorated at one nd with an Imitation snow-man; Favors of snow balls filled with candy were at tho plate of each guest. The next meeting of the club will be held at the homa of Mrs. Frank Hume. The La Douzalne club was entertained Wednesday evening at th home of Misses Mauda and Inec Bonnell. Those present were: Mrs. Richard Skankey,. Miss Blanche Moore, Miss Grace Montgomery, Miss Beat rice Klntner, Miss Jo Lyman, Mlsa Fay Lyman, Miss Sue Red fluid, Miss Edyth Marley, Mlsa Emma- Allen, Mlaa Nelli Winn, Miss Maude Bonnell, Mlsa Ines Bon nell. . Clnb Meeting. (Mrs. George Nowns entertained the Idoal club Thursday evening at her home. High five was the game played at tour ttbhn and prizes were won by Mrs. E. A. Winn and Mrs, Hurst! The next meeting of tha Club at the home of Mra. E. A. Winn the evening of January lia, Mra. Henry N. Peters entertained a bridge club Thursday afternoon. Luncheon preceded the afternoon game of cards. The table was decorated with ferns und cams tlons. Covers were laid for twelve. The Young Ladles' Hur.niony club gave a dancing r-"'y Wednesday evening at Ba rlglit's hall In honor of MUs Sudye Oold grabber, whose marriage to Mr. Louis Alien of New York t.'lty take place on January 34. About forty couples were present. Who Know Formerly n.lf.scoriELD U IVCLOrUCiSUiTfe ClMA kD lia lia u u u u u u gWWgtl Thousands of Tailored Suits. Coats and Furs Garment in Our Stock When We FITTED OR LOOSE COATS. Made of all wool kersey bradcloth or mixed materialsid fitted or loose styles collars are black, brown, tan and mixtures 1 1 SAA K A A AA sola regular irom w.ov w ou.vv, s- All Our Fine FUR COATS At Half Price , o $125.00, Fur Coats, , Qg gQ $85.00 Fur Coata, g Q $75.00 Fur Cats, JJ-J gQ $0.50 Fur Coatg. yg $55.00 Fur Coats, g-J gQ $00.00 J'ur Coata. g Q Q AT JUST OPJE OFFICE, 1503 FARNAM LOUP. RIVER JPOWER SCHEME Maps Sboivlns; Plan indorsed by Com nierclal Club for Possible ' ( ! ' i Development. Maps hav been published by the' Ne braska Power company, wjiich has received th hearty endorsement 'of the Omaha Commercial club, : showing the possible de velopments of the Loup river power and giving an estimate of the successive devel opment. . ' ,'' , ' i Th first development, near Columbus, would furnish 80,000 horse power. and would cost mors than th successive develop ments.. Rut it Is estimated that th flil year tnat 50,000 horse power would be sold at $25 per annum, a total of t!,-j(i,u00. TI14 expenses for the first year would be $430,000 and the earnings IX.OOO. The maps show proposed reservoirs and propose that the second development bg made near Schuyleri the third In the Maplo Creek valley, fourth near Fremont and the fifth at or pear Omaha. The combined ca. pacity would be SiO.OOO horse power. Dlsaraeefot Conduct of liver and bowels, In refusing to act, I quickly remedied with Dr. King a Now Llf Pills. 25c. For aale by Beaton Drug Co, . 1 .m,",i t "' 1 "1 1 - - " ' 'PHONE . PTub-'5 '1-"'-Doug. 429 fft rit- ' " Y 1 n4"" i , Pest y Vv V. 6. W. Hull CO. 20th AND 2001 Us. to the TON IZARD The Reductions are oiTered owing to 'tho continued warm weather, and not wishing to .. carry over from one season "-to' an other, we will sacriiico all the m-ofit and some cost. - ? ;. . Your Size Is Herd ; ' -.'. rOBMJSaLT vow $22.50 OVERCOATS : 815.00, $25.00 OVEItCOATS $28.00 OVERCOATS $30.00 OVERCOATS $33.00 OVERCOATS $35.00 OVERCOATS $38.00 OVERCOATS $40.00 OVERCOATS $45.00 OVERCOATS Pon't wait your size . Store Open Saturday 1 (k . Night . Until J ; J ... , ... i- .-. i 10:00 Olock.'; ' f P3 ' '"g '3 -A 1 -a I '-ta wS $ l 4 ' - a . .ft 4 -- Announce Our tfirst "Showing .-1 iuu wcwa wvn-m ppa,f (, ' ' . ; " 1 5 V""' " t . 1 ! -ft All Our Fine -j FUR SETS, SCARFS -DR MUFFS' At Half Price! $125.00 Fur Seta, at $05.00 Fur Sets, at $75.00 Fur Sets, at G2.50 47.00 .3760 mm $50.00 Fur 8't, " 25 OQ $;5.0O Fur . Seta, ' "f Cfi at : . $19.50 Fur Ret 8, at rv 9J5 HALF PRICE M 'PHONE Doug. 72 MRS. SUNDERLAND GETS FLATS Ifrcnre Posarsalon af tbe fteorftrla, bnt Tenants Are - MM! In ' the, Air. , In the- matter of -the-suit of Mr. Marl Sunderland against J. and E. Cloyer and Mrs. Josephine Harpon-to regain- posses-, slon of tho Georglavriais on South Twenty-' nliUh street negr Paffc., Judttmtint has: been given In favor of Mrs. Sunderland and she la again In full possession of tho premises. Just, what they present, tenants of tho property will do is yet to ba de termined, as well as to wnether the prem ises will be continued J(bo operated as a, private hotel. The, tenants hav not yet been given notice to vacate and f It 1 thought that " some orrangemcAt'' wllf yet be made whereby It. will be continued aa a hotel. 135 finely tailored suits to measure 116 Sat. MacCarthy-Wllsuri Tailoring Co., 304's. li nnlldlaa; Permits. ' " 8. D. Mercer company. Ah- and Lafayette aven,ue,. repalra',l'o,i,frame dw lintr, JiJOt); t. W. lrlnn, ,' Wit Half Cass, frame dwelling. tl.COO; K. m Peters Trust company, 3IU South Fifteenth, repairs' to brick building ... 91O.K0 .$13,150 ... $21.50 v.$24.0Q ; $20.00 $27.00 $28.50 . ........ . may be sold early. -.ih-wi-1"" - i i iU..iK I -..i , n.r,