Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 11, 1908, Page 10, Image 10

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Want - ads
Airfrtlwiifiit for tke want ad
rolama 11 taken antll II a. far
a evening rdltloa and nll . m.
-Cask an) nrcomnany all orders far
wt nds uf attrrtlHiarit will
Im arernted far lesa than lO cents for
tfc vflrat Insertion.
Rnten apply tllkrr Tke Dally ar
luiir Bra.
Always raaat als war 4a ta lla.
Combinations of Initials ar anmoera
raaat aa one vrard.
Insertion, ner line, lO rrata. Twa or
aare renaeentlva Insertions, er line,
rrata. Eark Insertion anada em add
fafii 10 rrata per liar. VI.BO yer
llaa arr montk.
yaar advertisement la Inserted aaitt
aaf aaa ,t tha elnsolf leatlono given
nelow , It will ba ekarared at tbc tol
low lag; rates Uat Insertion, 4 rrata
per liar, thrra ta als nsecntlvo In
sertion, B rrata trr llaa rack laarr
tloa arras ar snore roneeentlvo laarr
tloaa, U rrata prr liar rack laarrtloa )
B0 eante prr llaa par aaoath.
Except Aetata, Solicitors aad Sales
laws, Birds, Doars aad Peta.
- Ilarara aad Vekielea.
Poaltry aad Egg.
Trprwrltrra aad Sewing; Macklaes.
Planoa, Oraafa aad Maalcal lnatra
Faralahrd Rooama.
I afaralihrd Rooms,
lloaeeltreplag rooma.
. Hoard laar aad ' Rooaaa.
Waat ada for tba Baa mar be Irft
at aaa- af tke following; drag stores
oaa la "roar coraar dragTaYlst" tkey
are all braarb affleea of Tba Bra aad
roar ad will ba Inserted Jaat aa
promptly aad oa tka aaaaa vatea aa at
Ike mala ante la Tka Baa Bnlldln,
eventcentk aad Karaam Strcata,
Albach, W. C, 40th and Farnam.'
Beranek. 8. A.. 1402 B. 16th St.
Becht Pharmacy. 720 8. 16th St.
Benson Pharmacy, Benson, Neb.
Bemls Park Pharmacy. 23d and Chiming.
Blake's Pharmacy. 2ls Sherman Ave.
Cnughlln, n.,n th and Pierce Sts.
Clifton Hill Pharmacy. 2218 Military Ave.
Conte. J. B.. Slat Ave. and Farnam.
Crlssey Pharmacy, 34th and Lake Sta.
Cermek. Etnll, 1204-0 8. 13th St.
Eastman PharmUcy, 4046 Hamilton.
Khler, K. H. 2S"3 Leavenworth.
Foater at Arnoldl. 213 N. 25th St.
Freytag. John J., 1914 N. 24tki.
Florence Drug Co., Florence, Neb.
Goldman Pharmacy, 20th and Lake.
Oreen'a Pharmacy, comer Park Ave. and
Oreenough. O.A., 1055 8 10th Bt.
Oreenough. G. A., 124 8. 10th Bt.
Hayden. Wm. C, 1920 Farnam St.
Hanacom Park Pharmacy, 1601 8. 29th
HolRt. John, 624 N. lfith St.
Huff, A. I. 24 I,eavenworth St.
King. H. fl.. 2238 Farnam St.
Kountze Place Pharmacy. S604 N. 24th.
Patrick Drug Co., 1024 N. 24th fit.
J.athrop, Chaflcs E.. 1P24 N. 24th St.
IVyton. L. E., 24th and Leavenworth.
Saratoga Drug Co.. 24th and Ames Ave.
Schnefer's Cut Price Drug Co.. 16th and
flehsefer. August. 2081 N. 16th St.
Schmidt. J. II., 24th and Cuming Bts.
fiform Phnrmacy, lKth and Martha Sta.
Walnut Hill Pharmacy, 40th nnd Cuming.
Vaiton Pharmacy, 20th and Grace.
Worth. jO. If.. 40th and Hamilton Sta.
K KKTSCU M BR Mr. Anna; Friday, 7 a.
in., nt lur residence, 1940 South Sixteenth
Funeral Sunday afternoon, 3 p. m., from
residence. Friends Jnvtted.
VOHTHTUP The funeral of Mm. Eliza
P. Northrup will be held at -the realdence
f her. aon, A. D. Northrup, 1617 North
Twenty-fourth street, 6outh Omaha, at I)
O'clock a. in. Saturday. January 11, 1908,
Hev. T. J. Mackay officiating. Interment
tvi 11 be at Uxaalouaa, la.
TALBOT Rev. Canon R. C at the home
of tila daughter. Mra. F. Getty. 824
North Twcnty-CHconrt atreet. South
omnlut, January h, 190H.
Funeral aervlcea at Trinity cathedral, at
1:30. Saturday.
The following marrl&ge license has
been lnaued:
Name and Residence,
Paola, Mllone, Omaha
Lucia Noclta. Omaha
Peter Waaagla, South Omaha
Carrie Uleksaa, South Omaha
Klmore C. lluxtable, Da Moines, la.
Agnus Donnelly, Lea Molnea, la
August Johnson, Denver, Colo
MalhUda O. Johnaon. Pecataulca, 111.
... 22
... 1
... 24
... 19
,.. 21
... 19
... 88
... 87
... S3
... 2S
Roy A. Stattery, Chadron, Neb
Harriet K. Metcalf, Franksvllla, Wis.
WILXJAMS We desire to expresa our aln.
cere appreciation and heartfelt thanka to
the stonecutters of this city and friends
lor the many acts of kindness shown at
the death of our beloved father. John
Wllllama, Bona andpaughtera.
Births B. H. .Tana, 2234 North Eighteenth,
girl; John N. Fry, 4U8 Charles, boy- Au-
?;ust Forcht, SMI Camden avenue, girl Pr
i. H. McPhureon, Vinton, girl; W1I-
iam J. "Humpert, 1!)17 Vinton, boy; George
P. Haley, 4a Capitol avenue, girl.
Deaths Grace LymX Twenty-fourth and
Pratt, l&; GineVieve Talbert. (.3 Locust,
Infant; Nellie Hagclman, Omaha General
hospital. 19; Mary Bradley, St. Joseph's
hodpital, 60; Herbert A. Hornlg, 2737 8outh
Ninth. 2.
THE CITY GA1U1AUH CO.. office 4th and
Leavenworth St a. Tel. Louglas ija;
las. (1 aui
HOW la your chimney and furnace? Chlm
jteys, fuinacs and atovea cleaned and
feaalred. City Chimney bwmtp. 'Phone (D-Mif.4 11
6F.ND for our list of second-hand automo
biles. DKKIGHT. 18U Farnam. (2 2t4
FOR EXCHANGE Clear Arkansas farm,
creamery and feed mill clear, farm In
Nebraska. Write Acme Lxohange Co
Cherokee, la. (J JUii JUx '
WILL Trade 6.M gtlt-edge securltlra
dicwtrg t per cent, payable quarterly,
lor improved city or country real ratals'
vie UrandaU .fcldg. iS MiW Janll '
I HAVE a customer with the beat farm la
Dickey courtly who desires to exchange It
for some lueruaelile business; would pre.
fer stock farm rmpleinonte In good town.
Also one with ki ai res choice wild land,
for implements, hardware or general merl
cuanuute. F. M. Joallii. Frederick. 8. D
3 Ml4f la
A SPLENDID uuarter section of western
land, worth ti.tM), to trade for lots In
Omaha, preferably in Weal Farnam dis
trict, for building a home; or to trade
towards a dealraula bonia In Omaha. Ad
dress. H-M8, hee. (8 M174 lax
A BEAUTIFUL KuuO home In Denver to
trade for a home In Omaha, having just
moved here. Farnam district preferred
ddiesa, H-8G8, Be (3) UlTi 12x
; i
WAXTEIV-To sell or exchange either unln
cumbered lands In the oil belt of Okla
hrmia. a 4t-arr tract near Chesapeake
Heacli, near, Chesapeake l:ay, with good
spring water, rallwsy station on same,
ia mlls from Washington, D. C. ; lead
and sine iHnds In Arkansas, or equity In
a-ixHi lands and townsiles In Mlnns
snta for cash or good residence prop
erly, modern building. unincumbered.
III. hard C. Adame, Ilond Bldg Waah
lnglon, D. C. CD MS90 13x
tS-ROOM hotel, steam heat, gas, city
water, nnd 6-room cottage. In a good
Iowa totvn; sell or trade for land, city
properly or merchandise; hurry, this Is a
snap. F. A. Messmor. 908 Avenue B,
Council Fluffs. Ia. (3) M187
Have a good mining stock to trade. What
have you 7 L 034. car Bee. !)-2o
FOR exchange for lidw.. Implements, har
ness or gen. mdse., 1) acres land near
Ft. Morgan, Colo.; will nearly all Irri
gate and is plowed ready for spring seed
ing. (3) M218 1HX
FOR EXCHANGE Eastern South Dakota
land for stock of furniture or general
merchandise of 83,000 or 84.000; must be
good clean running stock; describe stock
fully In first letter. Address John Walk-
lln, Castlewood, 8. D. (3) uvjh i-x
TRADER, TRADES If you have some
thing for sale or trade write us; we match
401 Pee Bldg., Omaha.
(3) M21S J24
160 acres, fine prairie land; every acre can
be cultivated; price. 30 per acre; will
take two runabout and one touring cars
to value of 83,Owi or $3,2tO: other good
tradea to offer. Geo. H. Jackson. Floyd,
la. (3 M935 llx
FOR SALE One farm 80 acres, one farm
160 acres, both under cultivation; part
payment down. Address M. K. Smith,
Hartington. Neb. (3) M894 llx
FOR SALE or exchange for stock of hard
ware Improved farm. 276 acres. In Dunn
Co.. Wis. Write owner for particulars.
J. D. Clark, R. R. No. 3, Menomonle,
Wis. (31-MSSi llx
Do You Wish to Make a Change
IF TOU have- a farm, home, business or
property that you wish to sell or ex-
ihanirA write US.
(4)-M172 J23X
TO BUY or sell a business quick, write
.... . . . i r ti.jl. r limn)..
(4) MS69
FOT; PALE My part furniture and fur
tifHhls In all modern 60-room hotel.
Balttinu of furniture goes with lease.
Bar in connection also for sale. Only
hotel In town of 2,000. L. P. Mooney,
Mlnden. Neb. (4-M384 J27x
INVEST your money-In the wheat fields
or NOrtrt UBKOia. Ulna -vaiueu
ud every day. Address J. H. Wlesnor,
Ludden, N. 1. (4)-M648 12x
I WANT to sell my saloon at Blue Hill.
Neb., Tor casn only, i want, io-kii out
on account of sickness. Box 604 Blue
Hill, Neb. 4)-M130 21x
THE LITTLE Pacific short order restau
rant Tor sale or iraae. ior ruiiiecnuuorjr
or barber shop. Price 1300.00. W. W.
Davis. Valley, Neb. t4)-Mlll 14x
FOR SALE One three-chair barber shop
ST. M10 nO. 4tU CI. UlJVU luimnw.., ..n.
atreet car barn. Apply H. Tlmm. ,
(4) M118
FOR SALE Furnished hotel. 21 rooms,
A ki..ln.M horn Vnrilpn fruit. Harrl-
son House, Meadow filrove. Nzb.
(4) M592 12x
LOCATION wanted for a first class tailor
shop In a gooa, live lown. tuor i
179. care Bee. . (4)-M904 Ux
FOR SALE Fine bakery; big business;
best location In city; complete equipment;
2 ovens, 7 solid oak show cases, 8226 caah
reajtster. electrla fans, arc light, horse and
wagons, candy furnace and everything
complete to run a first-class bary.
Free from debt. Reason for selling, fall
ing health. Rent 195. Address J. Wheeler,
8u3 Frederick Ave., St. Joseph, Mo.
INVESTMENT For sale, on reasonable
terms, one of the leading coat mines near
Kenmare, N. D. A splendid opportunity
for Investment. Address W. E. Vadnals,
Kermlt. N.D. (4)-M973 12x
SNAP Bakery for sale cheap; cause
for selling, death. Answer quick. E.
E. Rollings, Red Oak, la,
(4) M978 12x
WANTED A silent or -working partner
who can Invest from i00 to 81.000. in
vestment will pay big returns and abso
lute security will be given before you
need to put In a dollar. Money secured
by real estate mortgage If desired. For
Interview address J 867, care Bee.
- (4)-M218 16
DRUG STORES for sale everywhere. F. V.
Knlest, 707 N. Y. Life, Omaha. (4) M906
FOR BALE A bargain, if taken at once,
only cigar factory In Atchison county;
good reason for selling. Address Gruber
Cigar Co.. Tarklo, Mo. 4) M201 16x
FOR SALE Good paying harness business;
stock, tools and fixtures at invoice price:
good building, with dwelling in rear;
located In good farming town; write for
particulars. Address A. Hants, Freeman,
8. D. (4) M199 lx
PBR80N of moderate means who wants
good returns for time and money in
vested write. L 871 care Omaha Bee.
(4) M992 18x
FOR SALE The hotel fixtures and fur
niture In an Iowa town of l.&uu, for sale;
ownes going Into other busineaa; a snap
If takn at once. For particulars address
C. J. Aaron s. Ogden, Ia. (4) M203 6z
FOR SALE A first-class meat market or
one-half interest; or market for rent; In
vestigate. C. W. Letchford, Council
Bluffs. Ia. (41-M701
v .
FOR SALE One J-chair barber shop with
bath room and fixtures, well and centrally
located In the thriving town of Walthlll,
Thurston county, Nebraska. Persona In
terested will please address Inquiries to
P. O. Box 206. Walthlll, Neb. (4) M242 IT
PHOTOGRAPH gallery, six living rooms,
store room, etc.. Sl.OoO. Box . Platte
Center, Neb. (4) M241 17x
FOR RENT Two story brick store building
In live Nebraska town. Centrifl location.
Address, I'uiun State Bank. Harvard,
Neb. 4 M247 17x
PARTNER with 115,000 to take Intereat In
profitable Ice buainesa and active manage,
nient In same. Also partner with !lu.0)
lo take Interest in steum bakery; a good
opportunity; no competition. Address
H. G. D., care Albuquerque Journal. Al
buquerque. N. M. (4 M2U 17x
GOOD country newspaper plant for sale
cheap; good terms. Box 138, Melvln, Ia.
4)-M246 17x
FOR SALE OR TRADE 810,000.00 stock
of general merchandise In one of the
best towns of northeastern Nebraska,
county seat; doing strictly cash bus
iness. Will consider section Improved
farm and cash. Address Y 1 3 care
Omaha Bee. (4 M283 13
FOR HALE New combined atock of hard
ware, furniture and farm Implements. In
voice $4,275; new 2-story frame building,
26xti0, furnished hall upstairs. Price 82.2uo.
Will lease store nuitn. will exchange for
western land, part cush. F. E. Stooks,
Hazard, Neb. (D-M263 17x
Tel. Douglas 3fxi5. SOU N V. Life Bldg.
(4) M693 F2
I wish to sell my outfit, first-class
plenty of work to a man who underatanda
It and will give a good lay out, George
T. Koerra, ;3u8 Arapahoe Ave., Denver,
Colo. ' MUt t&x
MEAT MARKET, nly one In town, and
exclualve Ice trade, for sale bv Elmei
Easter, Chapman. Neb. , (4) M148 16x
I WANT a partner who haa about $1,000
caah to invest in a sure winner; money
Invested secured by . real mi Ik be 'mort
gage; If merely curious don t anawer.
Address J S care Bee. (4) M168 11
ALL KINDS of baigatna In rooming
houses: eaeh loaned If needed. Kelly A
Stone, 'J Neville blick. Tel. Doiisiss (.
(4-M3u8 Ji
U SSEE want -
make you known to every
body in Omaha.
MOVING PICTURES and museum of an
atomy; Immense profts; small capital.
Call 61 N 21st. " (4)-MliW 16x
BARBER shop for sale In Longmont,
Colo., a fine shop, doing good business.
Reason for selling, owner must go to
lower altitadu. Address L. F. Morse.
Longmont, Colo. No. 317 Main.
(4) M166 18x
FOR THE best dry goods store opening
In the . state address Lock Box No. 102,
Oreene, la. (4) M142 IDx
82F0 WILL TAKE my 16-room boarding
house, furnished complete, doing a 83uO
monthly business, located on Main street;
best In city; Oelweln. la., -a railroad
center; cash only. Inquire of J. A.
Wright, 400 South Frederick street, Oel-
, weln, Ia. (4) M140 15x .
FIRST CLASS poultrr ranch. Telephone
Webster 656. Address J. H. Eaton, th
and H Sts., East Omaha.
I (4) M977 12
E. O. GANSESTAD can help you get rt or
out of business. Room 403 Bee Bldg.,
Omaha. (4) 2t
Elithty acres In Missouri; will sell for cash
or will trade; title good and no encum
brance. M 635. care Bee. (4) 2ti8
MILLINERY stock for sale by owner. Ad
dress Box 397, Berthoud, Colo.
(4) M267 17x
FOR SALE Stock of millinery for sale
cheap If taken at once; good rensons for
selling. Call on or address- Lydla Stre
man. Vlborg. 8. D. (4)-M972 12x
to Beatrice Creamery Co., Omaha.
Ckattel Loams.
Chas. D. Stanton Loan Co., 501 Bee Bldg.
(O) ZlO
DR. ROY, R. 2, 1B0 Farnam St
Doug. 97.
(6) 271
Carpet Cleaning;.
A. K. JETT, carpet cleaning. T-eLD. 409.
(b) aiiui lenii
EXPERIENCED dressmaker; sewing b
day In families: good work guaranteed.
Call evenings. Web. 1809. ) M651 J14X
MME. WOODRUFF, 223 Neville. Tel.
Doug. 61 1 0. x - (t Mt J IX
IN FAMILIES-Mlss 8turdy. Tel. Harney
1368. W iii .
M'DOWELJj Dressmaking School, 1623 Far
nam BU W e
BAILEY & MACH, 3d fir., Paxton. D. 10S5.
(6 ZiZ
HESS 8WOBODA, 1415 Farnam, (5) 276
L. HENDERSON. 1519 Farnam. Tel. D. 1253.
J. H. BATH, 1628 Harney. Tel. Doug. 8000.
(0 tit
TUB SCHLITZ, European, 16th and Harney
Jewelers and Watchmakers.
N. p. STILLING Watch, clock, Jewelry
repairing. 2-8 Paxton Blk. Tel. 4317.
, (5-27
KEYS, etc., Heflin, 1324 Farnam. Tel. D.
21 (6) 2190
Mnslo and Laagnagea.
PIANO lessons In your home. 'Phono
Webster 2292. (6) 283
Offlca Supplies.
FILING cabinets, files and ledgers, loose
leaf devices and office fixtures and sup-
ltes of all kinds. Anchor Publishing Co.,
8. 18th St. Tel. Douglas 6562.
(5) M368 Jll
. Osteopotky.
Dr. Bowser, 1502 Far'm. 'Tel. Doug. 6370.
(5) 971 Feb5
JOHNSON INS., 418 N. Y. U Tel. D. 1664.
C. B. TRU88ELL, 116 South 16th St.
Skoo Repairing.
RAPID 8HOB REPAIR CO., first-class
work. 1618H Capitol Ave. 'Phone Red- 994.
SHOES repaired rlgrht, called for and de
livered free. Standard Shoe Repair Co.,
1804 Faruam 8t., Tel. D. 7567. (6 282
of the time lost poking up the average
printer when you want a job In a hurry?
Ever try us?
Printers and Office Furnishers,
806-312 South 19th St.
'Phones: Bell, Douglas 6662; Ind. A1562.
(6)-Mlfi9 Jan2o
BEFORE placing your 1908 calendar order
don't fall to see our elegant Imported
Una. Lyngstad & Jorve, printers. 16th
and Capitol Ave. (6) 2U6
Safes, Skatters, Etc.
OMAHA Safe and Iron Works makes a
kpecialty of fire escapes, shutters, doors
snd safes. G. Andreen, Prop., 102 8. loth
St. Ci-287
Agents nnd salesladies.
WANTED Neat appearing ambitious
young ladles to handle our goods, $3 to
$10 made dally. Address Imperial Mfg.
Co.. Lelpslc, Ohio. (7) M143 Ux
Honsekeepera and Domestics.
WANTED Competent girl for general
housework, family of three. See Capt.
Buchan. room 1 Army Bldg., 2 to 4 p. m.
(7) M183
WANTED Young g!rl to asalst In house
work. 4906 Webster Bt. (7) M211 13
WANTED Competent girl for general
housework. Good wages. 4819 Cass St.
'Phone Harney 1061. (7) M1S1
WANTED An experienced girl for geiw
eral houaework; good wages, small fam
ily. Call on Mrs. Steel, 1318 So. 3oth Ave.
(7 236
WANTED A widow from 26 to 40 years
old On a big farm for housekeeper; good
wages, no objection to 1 or 2 children.
Address Y 180 care Bee. (7) M113 )4x
EXPERIENCED girt for general houae
work. Mrs. A. H. Fetters. 2711 Popple
ton Ave. 'Phone Harney 1728. (7 vil
WANTED A girl for general housework.
3t'U Mason. 'Phone Harney 2904.
(7-17t It
Housekeeper, ranch: general house girls;
$4 to $7. Canadian Office, lath and Dodge.
OIRL for general housework, 836 B. Uih
avenue. (7 M9t4 lit
WANTED A girl for general houaework;
two In family. lfcU Caaa faX. (7 UMi u
ads are dboortunities to
Hoaaekeeprra aad Domestic:
WANTETV-A competent cook. Mrs. R. S.
Hall, I224 Farnam St. . (7) MlfiS
1W2 Farnam St.
Housemaid, 85. , ,
Cook, 7.
Girls for general housework, from $." to
8. - (7)-M172 11
WANTED Experienced second girl for
family of two; good wages. 20.(7 Dodge St.
(7)-2.'4 12
GIRL for general housework; good wages.
2116 Blnney St. Tel. Webster 1015.
(7)-66 12
LADIES to copy letters at home; spare
time; good pay; cash weekly; reliable;
send stamp. Zeck Co., Alorristown, N. Y.
(7) M236 12x
Ageats, dollrltors aad Salesmen.
WANTED Solicitors to travel In nearby
territory. Prefer those who have had
experience with subscription hooks or
portraits. Address L 786, care Bee.
(9 M916
WANTED Salesmen to handle a first-class
line of money making specialties, exclu
sively or as a side line; salary or liberal
commission; answering give full particu
lars, where formerly employed, etc.; ref
erences with first letter. The Crescent
Oil Co., Dept. 8, Minneapolis. Minn.
(9I-M1H6 13
WANTED Traveling salesmen, by local
firm. Knowledge of our buslenss not
necessary, but must be sober and a busi
ness getter. Give age and past experi
ence. Address S 799, care Bee.
HONDO DIAMONDS Experts puzsled to
detect from th. genuine. Sample dia
mond free to those who act as our agent.
Hondo Company, Dallas, Tex.
(9)-M170 llx
EXCLUSIVE state right to sell four new
inventions; readv sellers. Will trade;
what have you? Box 404. Fremont, Neb.
(9) M238 12x
Clerical and Office.
Extension clerk, $60.
Solicitor, $."i0.
Billing machine operator, $50.
Exp. rental man, salary and com.
Office mgr., gen. mdse., $125.
Conditions are improving. If you need
a position, see us.
721-722 .New York Life Bldg.
(9) M2o8 11
POSITIONS for drug men everywhere. F.
V. Knlest, 707 N. Y. Life, Omaha.
SITUATION WANTED Young man, drug
clerk; pharmaceutical graduate; txper
lenced, reliable: best Kansas City refer
ences. Box 678, Fremont, Neb.
(9) M979 12x
WANTED Twenty young men to meet
Tuesday evening, January 21, at 8 p. m.,
and enroll In evening classes In struc
tural and -architectural drafting. Omaha
Technical School, "Otnatek." Room 3,
Wead Blk., 18th and Farnam.
(9) M2C4 22
Factory and Trndra.
WANTED A man that can make good
coats. Steady job. Apply to J. A. Gough,
Atlantic, Ia. (9) M145 llx
WANTED By competent harnessmaker,
work by week or charge of retail shop;
best of reference. Address C. 8. Cooper,
Morris. Colo. (9) Ml 28 14x
WANTED At once, good pants and vest
maker; prices 82 and $2.60; steady work
year round for right man. William Ha
nlsch. Clear Lake, la. (9) M198 16x
Clerks and stenographers earn from $20
to $06 per montn and old age or ten finds
them dependent upon the charity of their
friends. Draftsmen and engineers earn
from $76 to $1,U00 per month and old age
frenerally finds them captains of the big
ndustrles of the country, happy and con
tent In the knowledge .that they have been
doing something worth while. To which
class are you thinking of joining. Learn
to be a draftsman and later lo be an
engineer. You can do It evenings. We
want twenty ambitious young men to meet
with us January 21, at 8 p. m., enroll and
take up a course of study thai will muan
many dollars to them.
Room t, Wead Blk., 18th and Farnam.
(9) M266 22
on the Union Pacific R. R. If you learn
Telegraphy at our school, and also a place
'to work for your board while attending.
Union Pacific train dispatcher's wire and
station blanks Installed in the school for
practice purposes. Write for full Informa
tion QUICK. Boyles Telegraphy College.
18U3' Harney St., Omaha, Neb. Official
training school U. P. R. R. (9 624
U. 8. NAVY wants young men between
agea 17 and 26; men with special trades
acepted up to 35 years. Good opportun
ities for promotion for efficient men.
Pay $16 to $70 per month, practically clear
of living expenses. ' Free Illustrated
booklet on application. "The Making of
a Man-of-Waraman." Visit or address
Navy RecruUng Station. Omaha, Neb.
()-M&32 Feb 8
WANTED Men learn barber trade, few
weeka completes, 60 chairs constantly
busy, licensed Instructors, tools glvon,
diplomas granted, wagea Saturdays, po
sitions watting, wonderful demand for
graduates. Write -for catalogue, Moler
Barber College, 110 8. 14th St.
(9) M237 16x
BRAKEMEN; big pay and rapid promo
tion; experience unnecessary. Apply at
once, personally or by letter, to. National
Railway Training Ass'n. 620 Paxlon Blk..
Omaha, Neb. 9)-2i4 Jan8
FREE Employment Bureau, supported by
Business Men's association; helps work
men find positions. 622 New York fe
Jlldg; 9-XlM
WANTED Fia for constructing concreto
dam, complete; also, labor- only, Albion
el. i trio power plant: one large atore
building for rent, center Main St., mod
ern. F7' E. Brown, Albion, Neb.
(9 M214 12x
DOCTOR, you will learn particulars of a
practice worth $3.6u0 to $4,10 a year by
addreaslng V 182, care Bee. (41 MJM 15x
YOU can make $23 to $100 week In mall
order business; no canvassing: I made
$5,000 first year. Why work on small
salary? Free booklet; tells how to get
started. Manager American Mail .Order
Bureau, Detroit, Mich.
9 M234 Feb lOx
HUSTLERS wanted everywhere. $28 to $30
made weekly, distributing circulars, over
seeing outdoor advertising; new plan: no
canvassing. Merchants Outdoor Adver
tising Co., Chicago. (9 M243 17 x
WANTED Young men to copy letters at
home, $10 per week income. For particu
lars address. 0xcelalor Novelty Co.,
Bancroft, Neb. I (9 M249 13x
DISTRIBUTERS wanted everywhere. $2ff to
Hu made weekly distributing circulars,
samples, overseeing advertising; no can
vassing; steady. Address Reliable Adv.
Bureau, Chicago. (9) M244 12x
BKAKEM EN ; big par and rapid promo
tion; experience unnecessary. Apply at
once, personally or by letter, to National
Hallway Training Aaa n. 6-10 Paxton Blk.,
Omaha. Neb. (9 136 Feb7
WANTED Railway mall clerks Immedi
ately. $1.00000 yearly. Examination
here March 38. Coaching free. Franklin
Inatliute, Rochester, N. Y.
() M3I5 llx
WHEN wrlitn to advertisers, kindly men
tion The Bee,
Mlorellaaeoaa Coatlaaed.
WR want a few more men to assist In real
estate work In outside territory. 411 Bee
Bldg., Omaha. Neb. (9) 13514X
Horses and Vehicle.
ONE 2-seat, two runabouts, lop buggy,
all ruoer-tlred, back Harness, one double
express harness; one or two lmrsits
Come in. The Harney St. Stables.
Poaltrf aad Eggs.
SCREENINGS $1.26 per cwt. Wagner,801 n It
GOVT, book free. Model Squab Co., Omaha,
(ID M6SS Feb2
FOR 8AT.E Few more Rhode Island Red
cockerels. Anna carter, Ponca, Neb.
I HI MOT 16x
FOR' SALE Single Comb Brown Leghorn
rocKereis, i.w eacn. Mrs. tl. v. Jonea,
jnarqueue, kbd.i iiu yiMl lx
Cows, Birds, Dogs and Prts.
FOR SALE One pair of blood hounds
These dogs are trained and .are healthy
for price wanted. T. B. McDonald, La-
vlna, la. (ll M9 Jllx
POLLED Durham's and Shorthorns, pure
bred; rineeo cows, rirteen calves, ten
yearling heifers, few- bulls: bargain price
ror Duncn. t. i. course, nexionviue,
Wis. (11) B34 llx
IOUND Gold watch. Owner may have
same by proving ownership. Call at Bee
office. (12) Mis:
PEST nerve bracer for men. "Gray's Nerve
Food Pills," $1 a box, postpaid. Sherman
Sc. Meuonnell Drug Co., Omaha. tl3) rji
ANY poor girl in need of a friend call or
write to the matron of the Salvation
Army Home for Women at 8824 N. 24tli
St., Omaha, Neb. (12) M10
FREE medical and surgical treatment at
Crelghton Medical college, 14th and Dav
en port Sts. : special attention paid to con
flnement cases; all treatment supervised
by college professors. 'Phone Douglas
litw. caua atrwered day or night.
EAGLE LOAN OFFICE Reliable, accom
modating; all business confidential. 1101
uougias, (14) 940
to start the NEW YEAR right? Do Volt
want to pay up your landlord, grocer dec
tor or anyone you owe and pay all In one
piacer oee tne uuu umaha MUKrtlAUii,
sixteen years here that meafrs reliability.
119 Board of Trade Bldg., 16th St. Entrance.
loaned on furniture, pianos, horses, etc.,
any amount: less half rates: nerfect pri
vacy and immediate attention, on any
terms, payments suspended when sick or
aisaDiea. zit biroacn Blk., zw a. io tn St.
KATE in sums to
810 Bee Bid?.
Phone Douglas 2904.
and others without security;- easy; pay
ments. Offices In 63 principal cities. Tol
man, room 714, New York Life Bldg.
POD A cnnion nniT
For Chattel or Salary Loans.
633 Paxton Block. 'Phone Douglas 746.
' (14) 296
FURNITURE, live stock salary, loans.
Duff Green Loan Co., room 8, Barker Blk.
' (14)-298
CHATTEL, salary and storage receipt
loans. Foley Loan Co., 1504 Farnam St.
Bonrdlngr nnd Room.
VIENNA hotel; private dining rooms; cafe.
(16) 301
DEWEY European Hotel. 13th and Farnam.
(15) 301
LA RGB southeast room, also one other
room; excellent table board; 128 8. 2Eth
Ave. y (15)-997 12x
FURNISHED ROOM suitable for two. with
board In private family: close to car line
607 So. 26th Ave. Tel. Douglas 4930.
(15) M251 13
FnmUhed Rooms.
WE DO expert piano moving at lowest
prices. Tel. Douglas 1626. Schmoller &
Mueller Piano Co., 1311-1313 Farnam.
Sit still aid get rooms. .
We do the work for you.
Tel. Doug. SsSi. 3t N. Y. Life Bldg.
(15 MaiO llx.
kpEAUTIFUL ROOM-Hanacom park dis
trict, nrivate famllv. hom ,.i v.n.a...
fine location. Harney 1348.
(16) M986 Ux
IF you want good room see us. If you
want your rooms rented see us.
'Phone Red 3045. 642 Bee Rldg.
(16) M217 F9
OMAHA VAN, A Storage Co., pack, moveT
store H. H. goods; storehouse 1120-24 N
19th, Office, 16o9 Farnam. Tel. Doug. 1569.
HOUSEHOLD goods packed forwarded
cheap freight rates, moving and storing'
F.xpressmen's Delivery Co., Tel. Douglas
884. (15)-3od,
SOUTH front rooms In modern brick house
close in; 2208 Douglas St. (16) M781 11
BEAUTIFUL ROOMS, furnished; private
family. 2O06 St. Mary's Ave.
(lo)-M795 Ux
FRONT ROOM, first floor, bedroom ad
Joining; desirable for two or more; also
other rooms. 218 N. 19th. (15 M951 11
PLEA 8 ANT housekeeping, sleeping and
transient rooma. 2474- Harney Bt. Tel.
Douglas 4294. (15) if'Ml
2 OR 8 FURNISHED rooms; modern, with
kitchen privileges; adults only; refer
ences required. 2701 Woolworth Ave.
(15)-1!2 lSx
TWO a earn heated rooms reasonable: pri
vate tamlly. 2024 Webster St.
(161-222 llx
FURNISHED room, modern conveniences;
use of 'phone. 23u9 California St.
(1&)-2J 12
DESIRABLE rooma, 211 No. 19th St.
(16) M232 17
206 8. 26th Ave.,
two rooms m first floor.
(16)-M25I 13x
TJafnrntsked Rooma.
FOUR ROOMS, all modern, 2115 Emmet St,
(15)-M7s3 Ux
TWO connected rooms, first floor, for house
keeping. 2A Chicago. 'Phone Red fcVJS.
(lil 67 12
FOUR housekeeping rooms, modern, walk
ing distance. 2X4 Burt iiu (li 331 lag
Apartaarata aad Flats.
IIS 00 7-room flat, corner lth and Grace,
Otp. Stors brewer.. Inquire 410 8. l'HIi.
' (15I-1K4
FOR RENT Three or R-room, modern
heated fiat. Martls block. 16th and
Webater. (18) MJ64 17x
Honaekeeplng; Rooms.
FRONT ROOM: alcove; furnished; house,
keeping; $12. 622 8. 24th A vex
(IS) M1S3 15x
FOUR ROOMS, unfurnished, two blocks
from depots. 'Phone Red 6756. Ernest
Stuht. (15)-Mlnl 12x
TWO nicely furnished rooms for light
housekeeping. $12.50 per month. 416 N.
23d St. (16-I8i 15x
FOUR furnished rooms, steam heat, for
light housekeeping. 216 North 22d St.
(15) 229 16x
TWO nicely furnished rooms, complt-te for
light housekeeping, $12 per month. 2-US
Davenport St. (15) 22v) 16x
Mouses and Cottages.
EIGHT-ROOM house, modern throughout,
location the best In town, 216 8. 35th Ave.
Telephone Douglas 18B6 for particulars.
Wm. H. Bodeniann. (15) M393
J-ROOM house and bsrn, 409 William St.,
In rear, $13; 8-room house, city water in
kitchen, 6 rooms on second floor, 2fith
and Parker Sts., $14; store room, 1306 N.
24th, $16: barn, 1414 N. 24lh St., $t. Chris
Boyer, 22d nnd Cuming. (16) 230
720 N. 23d. 9 rooms, all modern, southwest
corner Burt; close to car and stores.
2020 Msple St.. 9 rooms, all modern.
'Phone Douglas 215:! for others.
loOl New York Life Bldg.
L (15)-740
R02 S. 29th, 7 rms.. gas. bath, etc., $20.
2418 S. 16th, 6 rins.. flat, $12.50.
3502 Seward, 8 mis., city water, $15.
8207 8. 21st, 5 rms., cltv water. $14.
3211 S. 21st, 5 rms., city water. $12.
823 N. 30lh, 6 rms., city water. $15.
1506 Dodge St.
(15)-M177 11
NEW 6-room co'.tage; bath, attic and cellar.
2521 Rees St. Tel. Douglas 4182.
(15)-M155 IS
$15.00, 2808 MIAMI, 8 rooms, modern except
heat; all newlv papered. Walt Invest
ment Co., 401 Bee Bldg. Tel. Douglas 45!)3.
(15) M9o
Maggard Van & Storage Co., 1712 Webster.
(16) 30f
FOR RENT 2222 N. 19th, 8-rf.ora modern
brick house. $25.00.
2025 Farnam, 7-room flat, modern excert
CHAS. L, SAUNDERS, 211 S. ISth St.
TTflTT'F'Q! In all parts of the city. Crelgh
ilfUOrjO Sons & Co., Bee Bldg.
(16J 311
BEAUTIFULLY furnished 6-roor- mooVrn
cottage, to couple with no children. In
return for room and board; walking dis
tance. Address M 872, Bee.
(1B)-M105 12X
HOUSES, Insurance, Rlngwalt, Barker Blk.
(lo) ;ilu
TTOTTSF.K ,n a Ptu of the city. Peters
uuuoriij Truat Co N y Lfe Bldg.
FOR RENT Five rooms and bnth room.
miH'iiy moaern except neat, rriee sin.w.
919 No. 27th St. (16) M209 12x
604 SOUTH 27th St., 12 rooms, all modern,
3929 N. 23d St., rooms. $18.
FOR RENT 6-room cottage; good cellar;
east front; south part of city: $12 per
month. C. M. Rnchmann, 436-37 Paxton
Blk. Tel. Red 2039. (16)-H
HOUSES, flats, Garvin Bros.. 19)4 Farnam.
(15) 316
FOR RENT Eight-room, modern house,
414 N. 81st St., $35.
Room 1, New York Life Building:
FOR RENT Two six-room houses, modern
except furnace. One $26, the other $22.60.
W. H. Thomas, 503 First Nat. Bk. Bldg.
(15) M250 13x
FOR RENT-982 N. ,5th Ave., 3 rooms and
pantry, nrst rioor, modern except heat,
$12.00. See them. (15) M253 12x
1S41 N. 24th, 4-room $13
TURRELL & CO., R. 17, Patterson Bldg.
(15) M&oj
8-ROOM, all modern house, on 50-ft.,
frontage; newly painted and papered;
216 8. 35th Ave.; $45.00. Inquire 1916 Far
nam or 'phone Douglas 4587.
j (15) M741
CLOSE In, 7-room, all modern house. $15.
bis B. 20th St. (15) M770 llx
BALL room and lodge rooms. Fraternity
nan, ism iiarney, opp. Publio liorury.
see janitor. (lt 186
2610 Cuming St.. 8 rooms, modern except
neat; spienaia place tor roomers; close In;
only o. . i
1317 South 3ld, 8 rooms, all modern, well ar
rangea; clean ana neat, in choice neigh
borhood: only $30.
8126 Cass St., 7 rooms, all modern, electric
ngni; newiy papered ana painted; only
N. P. DODGE & CO.,
Bee Bldg. Ground Floor.
( 161-228 11
FOR RENT Feb. 1, first class eight-room
mouern nouse; k.- in. otn ot., on Farnam
car line. 'Phone Douglas 2293 between
nours or lu ana 12 a. in. (15) 2-3 12x
WHEN writing to advertisers, remember
it takes but an extra stroke or two of
tne pen ta mention the fact that you saw
tne aa in 1 lie Bee.
LODGE rooms for rent. New Brandels
Bldg. inquire Room 819.
(15)-M931 14
Two Floors in Avery Building
Size 66x132
Ko ui oned for office snd storage, rood
trackage and protected with automatlu
sprinkler system.
Apply s Ilook Island Plow Co.,
Tenth snd Leavenworth $ts.
'Phone Douglas 491.
t-OR RENT Iiige office room in Crounae
Blk.. on lbtn St., opposite postorflce, at
$8 per month. Conrad Youn;, 1518 Dode
Bt. (IS) M1S3
DESK room on second floor, Wead Bldg.
F. D. WEAD, 1801 Farnam.
(15) M943 11
TWO fine, large office suites In the Con
tinental diock; cnoice location for physi
cian or dentist.
2(4 Firat National Bank Building.
GROUND floor office In Bee building for
rent. Very cheap. Peters Truat Company.
(16) 3 jo
DESK room, new Brandels Bldg. Inquire
Room 819. (15 M934 14
r . ,
ONE very desirable east front office In
Wead Bldg. U5)-MiM21l
FOR RENT Desk room, with or without
telephone snd stenographic service, In
new Brandela building. D-846. Bee.
(15)-M2&6 It
I-8TORT and basement. 22x100, 100$ Far
nam. Apply 814 First Nat l Bank Bldg.
(15 M5K7
MODERN store room In new Bcargo Bldg ,
$4th St.t South Omaha, p. O. Block hall.
117 First Nat. Bldg. 'Phone Red 7406.
u5j vm
Stores Coat Inn vd.
4-8TORY and bnsement building on Far
nam 81.. adj. M K. Smith Dry Gooda Co.,
bet. 9th and VMM Hts. ; equipped with ir
elevator, fireproof vault. R. R. track
and loading platform. F. D. Wead li
Farnam St., Tel. Doug. 1529.
1S1 HARNEY ST.. large room 20x50, auuiT
ble for club or store; heat and Janitor
1818 Harney St , small room suitable for
lunch, refreshment, candy store or office
heat and Jnnltor service.
N. P. DoixiK A CO..
Bee Bldg. Uround Floor.
t (15)-227 11
1812 Harney Bt., 32x100. one or two storte.f
suitanie ror storage, garage, laundrv, etct
8. S. Curtis. 1 Harney. ( 15) M739
R and Iron fencing; wire fenclna
foot. 206 N. 17th Hi. Tel. Red ll4
6a per
(16) 122
Pianos, Organs, Maalcal Instruments.
PIANO with Angelus plaver, first-class con
' dltlon, good aa new; will sell for less thai,
half price. 1204 Farnam 8t
(16-4? Janl9
GOING away: fine, nearly new upright
$350 piano, $125. 415 N. 23d St. - -
(16) 190 lux
Typewrltrra aad Sewing Machlnea.
FOR SALE High grade second-hand tvi.
writers; good condition; a bargain at":rt)
Call room 6o3. Bee Bldg. (16) 671
Largest, most up-to-date stock t lowest
prices In the city, select now. Delivered
when needed. Inspection Invited
313 8. 15th St. Tel. Doug. RR1.
, (16)-M537
FOR SALE Set of official records War
of the Rebellion. 115 volumes, cloth
fine condition. D. H. Talmadge. West
Union. Ia. (16)-M!30 12x
FOR SALE New and second-hsnd billiard
and pool tables. We lead the world In
cheap bar fixtures; easy pavmenls
Brunswick-Balk Collendar, 407 S. loth S;
FOR SALE 1.500 feet S second-hand wire
cable. W. H. Bridges, engineer Bee Rldg.
, (16)-M453 x
SEND US your mall orders for drugs;
freight paid on $10 lots. Myers-Dillon
Drug Co., Omaha. ogiut
IOWA Farm Mortgages for sale. Secured
on farms In southwestern Iowa. Five
year loans at 6 per cent Interest Squire
at Annls, 101 Pearl St.. Council Bluffs. Ia.
(1G)-M2f FeblOx
COAL AH kinds free delivered, same dav
as you order. Rosenblatts coal yard.
Tel Doug. 412. Retail dept., clean nut
coal, 6 bu. for $1. (16) M267
FARMERS Terry's new appliance pre
vents brood sowa catching eUickens:
cheap, durable, easily applied. Agents
wanted. The C. E. Terry Co.. Dept. K,
...T'ce, Jll. (lrt)-M2til Ihx
DRUGS at cut prices: freight paid on all $10
orders: catalogue free. Sherman
Connell Drug Co., Omaha, Neb. (16) 32,".
FOR BALK Several show cases, new po:.
nut roaster, large coffee mill, two large
automatic oil tanks nnd store fixtures,
too numerous to mention. Globe Land
and Investment Co., Omaha, Neh.
, (161-327
HOMEOPATHIC remedies, wholesale, re
Sherman ft McConnell Drug Cp,.
J6'" and Dodge Sts., Omaha. Neh. (16)-3
SECOND-HAND overcoats and firearm.
SJlnger, 416 N. 16th. . (I6W29
paint. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co.
UP AGAINST IT! Must sacrifice U-k. d'a
"J!l1 Ji.""' a, b(?'iy. $-W: '4-k. lo, ket and
stud, $25 each; ring with three fine U-k.
stones $,fk W. Richie, 1212 Harney 81.
.... RpJ Xlg- i6)-4.a so
HAY $1 per ton. Wagrfcr. SOI N Kith.
, (l)-332
HALL'S safes, new. 2d-hand. 1818 Farnam.
, 06)- :3i
C3? SALE Job lot of men's linen collars:
300 dozen; all In saleable condition: will
sell at a great bargain. Address. M
Bee: (16)-M7ti8 11
, ln'iWS N- 161 h St- (16)-191 Feb8
GOOD 6-hole Acorn steel cooking ranre $t
Apply 2o18 Davenport St. (18) 221 16x '
D. O. BARNELL, Paxton Blk., Tel. Red 7117
, ; (17)-33.n,
LARSON & CO.-Book free. Neville Bldg!
(17) 324
Inventors mailed on receipt of o postage.
Si"- ?i-Y.a "y- rooma 29-39 Pacific
Bldg., Washington, D. C. Established 1H69.
".f1?1? wr,t'n o advertisers, remember
It takes but an extra stroke or-two of
the pen to mention the fact that you saw
the ad In The Bee.
MAGNETIC trtment and balh. Mme.
A1V Bmlth. 118 N. 16th. 2d fir.
(18) 860
LIEBEN, costumer, 1410 Howard, open eve.
(19) 340
GENTS' and ladles' costumes. 3318 8. 20th.
Sack- (11-158 22x
A OENTLBM AN (single) owning and run
ning a fine home In the city, with com
petent, reliable help, wishes two other
gentlemen (single) to Join with, liltii and
Share expenses equally (about $50 each per
month); objfct, a high ass home for ea li
man at moderate exiwrise; only higli class
men conskh red (preferably collesc menc
best of references given and required. Ad
dress. D till, Bee.. (18I-M357
TI B SALVATION ARMY solicit, csat-off
clothing; In fact, anything you do not
5? L c"llec'- repair and sell at 131
. Uth St., for cost of collecting, to the.
worthy poor. Call phone Doug. 4136 snd
wagon will call. (18) 785
NEEDED at Child 8avlng Institute, six
dining room chairs, three rocking chairs
some dishes and cooking utensils. Frlemis
who can donate any of these articles wIT
please 'phone Webster 1991, or send tlinin
to 18th and Ohio Sts. (18) M173 15x
YOUNG WOMEN coming to Omaha as
irunor are invttea to visit tho Young
Women's Christian Association room
1616 Farnam St., where they will be di
rected to suitable boarding places or
otherwise assisted. (18) 915
SYRINGES, rubber goods, by mall: tut
rices, tsena tor rree cutaiogue. Myers
'lllon Drug Co., Omaha. (18) 336
WE RENT, repair, aell needles' for old
sewing machines. Neb. Cycle Co., Cor.
15th and Harney. (18) 337
ur. tiing, ix. ,iin. lei. Wen. 806U
. (18 338
OMAHA Stammerer's Institute, Ramea
Building. (16 339
MASSAGE Pd baths. Room !, 1204
BUtnOAUU Farnam St., 2d floor.
' U8)-M748 FS
VIOLINIST wants playing, experienced.
will tcacn Deginners reasonable. Address
P 789 Bee. U)-MB49 llx
A HOME for women during confinement.
" ,u, uaniei wnere mothers
cannot care for them. Mother Lee 43
Bancroft St. 'phone Douglas la.l. '
(u 226Feb9x
A BATIN skin secured by using Satin Skin"
" oin race rowder.
18 THERE a lonely middle-aged gentle-'
.. 7 - wuuiu use to cor-
reapogd with well educated Christian
lady, Addreaa J ta cat Be. ,-nr:8U"n