Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 10, 1908, Page 9, Image 9

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city rRopfcnTv for si.r.
. (Crnt'aued. J
l.arg ten-roe. m linus in so- t! west par.
of dir. with fl"- lots. House has bull,
pantry, five r;,iHt Bnd is In oi condi
tion. Tao full lot in fruit, uc ,i t plum.
Ier. spple. graphs nd smJ) rru't. 4ood
ham for six cattle, hay mow Lots or
room for gardening and chickens. Mara- j
win'i"! "luun inree reiorse. ai
offered at J.t"".
Shimer & Chase Co.
W0 FVntm.
I long :7
1?-i-Mo7 10
$1,500 FOI? $1,150
On account of needing motif)- for other
fcuslneea, I will sell my two brand new
J-toom houses on Sfith avenue near
Spragu for Sl.laA erh: tn cash, balance
tSM per month and Interest- pi e Owner
41t N. d. before January H. Ui)-ir tx
Look at This
Aurora th street from school.
N. W. cor. Soth and Davenport; finest lo
cwtimi In Omaha for high ciaes fiate; cm
offer for quick aale for sl.Suu.
Sole A pent.
Douglai 11- Board of Trade.
( If" i 13 10
NEW modern cottage home built lf. oc
cupied aa a home, on West Farnam ridg;
full lot; price only tt.TSO; owner haa e
rured a better position away from Omaha.
r. D. Wead. 101 Farnam St.
U5i-M16 11
Only short distance from car: hat nina
rare, comfortable rooms; house newly
painted; good furnace; permanent walks;
large barn; lot 50x130; paved street; nice
trees; good neighborhood.
Addres K 870. care Omaha Bee
1 10 x
Her la a good home. 7-room, all modem
house on So. lWh. Is within 8 blocks of
ire de-pot. House iru built and la occu
pied by owner, and Is a fine residence.
For quick aale thla home la offered at
C5o0. Let us show you this property.
Shimer & Chase Co.
1 Fa mam.
Doug. S967.
1 MXi 10
A BARGAIN Ona of th most complete
and best located realdences In the city of
Council Bluffs, can be bought for less
.than tt would coat to build the houae. ln
Uulre. OTIS A 8HIOART, 1J7 Parl
Street, Ctuncll Bluffa, la.
Of) ETS llx
Threa practically new cottage on lot
2&IK ech. with city water In each. Would
rent for $30. Price haa been reduced from
tt.OOt to II ISO. Only three block to :th
0u ear.
'Phone D. JK.
HI S. 14th Bu
n Ui 10
1JST your property with Chris Boyer. Kd
and Cummirig St. 1) J47
FOB ALB Fruit farm. U acres, near
Florenca. tJ.KO. New (-room liouae,
brn well, etc
fc Be Bldg.
0 IKJt U
OWNER ursr SELL betorb satcr-
7 room and reception hall, all modern
frame houee. Interior finish hard wood
fLv1"1. liuxl ,l DLNTEE. within
1 block of car line. See ua at once and
make a cash offer.
.. (1- -IK 10
'W-BAIE1r'"cl,u, reaidene property
L-tD'y J, properties of all
kird at va-lous places, til Bee Bldg..
mh- (l-64 Ix
5-Room, Two-Story Cottage,
hif.OU-,i PPr"1 81 ; option
Jl. '. 'n,,n' room ,nJ "'"-hen on
first loor; two large rooms and hath on
aecond floor; large lot, nicely sodded: ce-
SiTsZ iwr'Unr"""1 he hUM- c'- to
HAaryOO. A HETDEN. 170 Farnam St.
a-ROOM rnodern houae In Kountie Place;
Carlor. halL alt ling room, library and
.h11.?n Jlni i)ooT- four W room,
UD1,1ir: Rood heating
plant . m-xU feet, on paved street-ii .v
' U U,e'- ffl7 N Y- Uf 'Phone' II.
T.RED ABSTRACT CO., establish
IT1 tarnam (1 kli
A l'm?iroZm rr,,tf two blof ks from car
on South , m St. Vbi, j. , growina d,V
reatdencea on West Farnam Tins i-otiil.
,,?Ji,'r,k''?th1 11 l natter of chu'J
of teoanta wh.n offered for rent At ibS
same time It 1. offered at theVxcer tV.ijy
Shimer & Chase Co.
1M Fartjam.
Doug IAC7.
e ki,a 4.AJtaiS rOR BALM
CALIFORNIA Will sail to people 10
a. rea each, beat Irrigated land oa earth
Will et to fruit Um for yon and fur
nish you work to pay fur u. Addreea
D Bee. J0-MlUx
ro.R SA1.E l.fta atrea choice firm or
t'Hk land in eaatern Colorado. Will sell
rl , " to jit cuatnmrr; $10 per acre
If sold s.m. Addrra Luck Bt.x 3. ur-l""-
t- (-M:S4 Ux
rSR?AiE-rJ,n rr n th fa
r.H J"001 vr valley; no waste
i?frv.. 'I tuildinga. threa mile from
TiVJt fc-"rll Frank N
taaal. tVafjni:. Mum. A.-1i(7S iu
1SLuV2l3A?r t0 u- "'rcl or
stooe and timt-r right a.ldrea. A E.
Eleo A haa a. Minn. (U.e-Mll Ux
aih Da a eta.
POR SA1 Ji-Northeast R-110-7J. Hide
ly. aoaia Dakota. Hi per iVr 12
"v- - - Caau (oineri, Perry, la
lr-Mllj llx
rop prrient plan: iwci crops rv fnr ,
land. while the land Is d"ihling In t alue
tll-WI Brandeis Building j
FOR SALE Beautiful small farm7of 4 ;
vi- mi nrrct oi line fruit : fine build
ings; H mile southeast of Putm Clir.
Neb; tak- IJS t Ws per at re than
the place la worth tf sold before March
1 1?'5. Address ST1S California Su,
Omaha. Nb. J'i-M10 lSx
M lscellaaeone.
WE have a number of iukI farm and
ranch propositions In western Nebrxsic
also properties e-f all kinds at various
pisrrs. see us before you inrect. B E.
M erer aV Co.. 4) t Bee Bldg. ? 114 Mx
FOR LEASE Rear rtw of kt fronting of)
l;h; well suited to - use as blaekF:nith
shp or laundry; factory, etc. F. D. Wead.
lil Farnam St. (S M161 31
160 acres on West Center St.. good farm
land with some hay and past ura t-rmm
house, tarn, granary, etc.
acres on West Idre St. near Alamito
San.lery I1ry farm, good Improvements
and some pasture land.
GhXiK'iE & CO., 11 FARNAM ST.
in im i
r to lir.nro made promptlv. F. P. Wefcd,
Wead fcldg, (th and Farnarrt.
' ta-M346
WANTED City loar.s. Peter Trust Co.
WANTED City loans and warrants. W.
Farnam Smith Co., 1130 Frnam St.
PRIVATE money to loan: no delays. J.
H. Sherwood. lft-7 Brandeis B.dg.
MONEY to loan on improved Omaha prop
erty. W. J PERMCDY 1NV. CO..
Tel. Doug 5ie.. fcis s. y. L.
(2T M3M
LOWEST RATES Bern Is. Paxton Block.
LOANS on Improved Omaha property.
O Keefe R. E. Co.. ln N. Y. Life BldK.
MONEY TO LOAN-Payne Investment Co
PRIVATE money to loan on improved real
estate N. p. Dodge' Co.. T714 Far
ram St, (2iTl6
WANTED To buy second-hand furniture,
cook and heating stove, carrtets, lino
leums, office furniture, old clothes acd
shoes, piano, feathers, bed pillows. ju Us
and all ktnda of tool; or wtll buy the
furniture of your house complete. Th
highest price paid. Call the right man.
Tel. Doug. i7L CS)-M774 Feb
WANTED To bTiy. scond-hand furniture,
cook and heating stoves, carpets, lino
leums, office furniture, old ciothes and
shoes, pianos. feathers. bed plllowa,
quUta. and all kind of tools; or will buy
the furniture of your bouse complete;
the highest price psld. Call the right
mail. Tel. Doug. 71. t)-MH61 F5
LIST your property for quick aale with m;
we have customer now for ISn.nuO busi
ness property or land who will pay
cash; another for tai.OOO deal for any
real estate near Omaha; another S1S60V.
F. D. Wead. Wead Bldg., IRth and Far
nam But. 3)-M15 11
SECOND-HAND feed sacks. No amtntit
too large or too small. asner. H I N. is.
, (S6 7
CA8H paid for second-hand clothing", shoea,
etc. e N. isth St. Tel. Red MS&.
2Ti) 3SL
LADY wants heated room and board, rea
onble. Address 7S care Bee.
(-6I-M952 11
WANTED Furnished house or cottage to
rent, reliable man and wife, no children,
beet of reference. 'Phone R A. H. Room
43 Drexel hotel. (36) M210 lOx
WANTED 6 or -room flat, furnished or
unfurnished, centrally located. Address
Q 7HH. cr Bee. 26 Mtol llx
WANTED Position by competent ad and
makeup or ou printer. Adurea or Phone
. T. Slvey, -vehiasna Cay, Neb.
y2')-M114 IPX
POSITION housekeeper, where no email
children; lady with one child. Mrs. S.
Wilaou. Havc-lock. Neb. (i7) MTbT llx
COMPETENT man want employement
ftom six on, evening. Addree W 71,
care Bee Kr MSW llx
YOUNG MAN. lb years old, row in real
estate business, desire position as
cashier or asbistaat caahier of bank;
eight years experlenue, good refer
ence. Box 40. Juleburg, Colo.
tap Man Kx
WANTED Position by :dy In drug
store, who Is pharmacy graduate; bav
had some general experience. Address
R. F. D. No. i. Box 40, Craig. Neb.
27) MTI lx
DAT WOMEN furnished free of charge.
Jelephone Douglaa Uli C7(-3K 1
WANTED Position by an experienced
saleslady, 6 year' experience. Address
B. E. D.. St. Mary e Ave.
GOOp, all round butcher. Al sausage ma- i
ker wants position; would prrler ihe
country. Address C. 7M Eee. 1
f?7-l lOx
WANTED Position a correspondent,
bookkeeper or other office ork. bv mid
dle aged man: capable of tak'ng charge
of office; at present employed, but wishe
to make a change. P. O. Box M7
:; Mi49 isx
WANTED Py student, young man. ti!ie
to work for board and room Address or I
call T. J.. Boyle college
WANTED Clerical position by a yomf i
man. year? old, who la familiar with
express rstes and experienced In general
office work; c:m also do stenographic
woik. AdJreas N 7J. Bee.
(27 e- Ml.V 12x
POSITION wanted by all round clerk, ten
years' experience In general merchandls-.
capable of management. reasonable
, wages best reference. AdUlres Y HI
care Bee. i27 Xf Kx
POSITION wanted by good blacksmith and
wagonmaker. W". Raymond. New Sharon,
1 -r-M1S 15x
SITT'ATION wanted by frgduate electrical
and mechanical engineer. Aasoclate
nemter A. 1. U. E. Addresa. O. T 6)4 N.
JSt (27i 11 llx
COMPETENT accountant, experienced In
all detail of mercantile and corporation
accounting, credits, correairndenc-e. open
ing 1-CK.ks. auditing. mag ng financial
tatemenis and balance !iets capable of
simplifying rumberaoan methods evls
Ing cr,nomical systems and eliminating
euperflunlca. warns emrlovment in
oreaha, or elsewhere. Addresa D M
I27I-MSS lix
LeGla-Androen Hardware Company
Omati. Neb . Dee. 14. lSe7 Nolle la htrttr
given to th tcx- holders af the Lee-Giaa-Aadr.eB
Hardware company that
tbe annual meeting of the atockholder of
tti aoa.pany will be iueld t th ofhoe of
aid comjny, corner of Nlntn and Har
ney street . la th city of Omaha in tbe
tat of Nebraska. 00 Tuesday. January 14.
A D . 14. at t o ciuck p. m for th pur
poae of elecuag a board of di. v-tora for th
company, to aerv ourtng the coming year,
snd to trans, t euch otnrr a mat
be preaeaiad at iirh meeting
teaJ H. J LEE. President,
Atteat: W. Si. GLASS. toMratarr
Ktirtpe Rulldcrs snd Material Men Jule
burg. Colo.. Jkti 7. 1is Scaled proprwals
will he reeived bv the Board of luunty
"ommls!cnr of SeJewick ccinty. Colo
rado, up to 12 otitic ncKn of-1!ie iMh day
cf January. IS, for the romplete construe,
tun nf a pile brlcg". about l.'n" feet loi,g.
across a portion of the South Plntte river.
ext ndina; from the south end of the new
State bridge at Julenhurg It the south bank
cf the South Pistte river.
Pesled preputials will e received by the
Board of County Commissi. ners of Sed
wik county. Colorsjo. up to n lj -k
noon of the 77th day of January, 1ii. for
tte furnishing of all material to huihi a
pile brnlg aboot l.i feet long, said ma
terial to le delivered at the north end of
tl at portion of the State bridge now built
t Julesbjrg. Colorado across the B uth
Pistte riv,r.
Sealed proposals will slso ho rocetved by
said hoard up to 12 o'clock noon of tli
KTth day of January. !?. .for the building
and furnishing of all labor ,n toe building
tf a piie brlcge about 1 iiho feet lorg across
portion of the South Platte river, extend
ing from the south end of the new Etete
bridge at Julesburg to the South bank of
the South Platte rir.
All proposals to be filed with the county
clerk, at her office In Julesburg Colorado,
at which office further Information in re
gard to such bMdge snd work and a copv
( f the plans and spec iflcaticns sr.d amount
of material required fr.r suld bridge will
be kept and can be seen bv tnv person
in t "rested.
The said Board of Conntv Commissioners
reserves ti e right to reject anv ard all
bh's offered.
By order of the Board of County Com
missioners of Sedtmlik count v Colorado
By C. W. WHITE. Chairman.
proposal will l received up to Tueadav
February Is. 1. at 2 o'clock p. m.. for
the construction of a hufijtng for the Elk
Buildlrg comptiny at York. Nebraska, com.
pltte, according to the drawings and speci
fications prepared by Tyler Brandt
architect, of Lincoln, Nebraska. Copies
of th plans and specif ii aliors n.av be had
at the iw'ftce of the architects, or the un
dersigned. The right Is reserved to rJe't
any and-ll bids or w-aive any defH ts. All
bids must be accompanied by a draft or
certified check Jor ihe sum of five hun
dred dollars flvionoi, payable to the Elks
Building company, Vork. Nebraska, which
will be forfeited If the bidder Is awarded
the contract and falls to enter into a writ
ten contract, according to the terms of his
bid within ten days from the date of said
award. Address all bids and communk-a-ttons
to F. E. LLOYD. Secretary, us et
Fifth St.. York. Nebraska JSd:t
Ing committee of St. Luke s church
Kearney. Neb, invite bids for the erection
of th superstructure of the new church,
according to the plana and specifications
on file at St. Luke Rectory. Kearney,
Neb. Sealed fi(6.s to be delivered rot later
than 10:30 a. m., February 10, lfcig The
building committee reserve the right to ac
cept or reject any or all bids. The suc
cessful bidder will be required to give a
surety bond for the satisfactory comple
tion of xhe church building bv October 1
VV. HOXIE, Building Committee. J7 Jt
Notice is hereby given that the annual
meeting of the stockholders of The Bee
Building company will be held at 4 o'clock
p m.. Tuesday, January 1. S. at the
office of said company in The Bee building.
Omaha, for the election of a board of di
rector for the ensuing yer and the tran
action of such other business as may prop
erly come before such meeting.
C C. ROSE WATER, Secretary.
JMltt DAS -
I Blow Pacific.
Leave. Arrive.
Th Overland Limited.. 1:50 am g ( 40 pm
The Colorado Expreaa.. i.bti pm a i:0u pin
Atlantic Express al0:16 am
Th Oregon Express a 4.:10 pm a 6:00 pm
Th Los Angeie Llm al2:65 pm i pm
Th Kat Mail ....a, iJu am a t.6 pm
The China A Japan Mail au pm bM pm
Colo-Chicago Special sli.lo am a 7:46 am
Beet'e A Stroms'g L cal.bli':8U pm b l:4u pm
North Platte Local. ....a 7:4! am a 4:46 pm
Cktcaaj Jt Northwest er.
Chicago Daylight a 7:S am all:48 pm
St. Paul-Minn. Express 7:o arn alO.iO pm
Chicago Local all & am a .2g pra
Sioux City Passenger. ..a 7:50 ah a !:JS pm
C nil ago Paasenger a 4:30 pm a !:46 um
Chicago Special a 6:t pm a 8:3 am
6t. Paul-Minn. Li ir. I ted. a hz pm a :. am
Los Angeles Limited a tM pm all. 36 pm
Overland Limited elC:u0 pm a ain
Fat Ma.ll a :04 am
Sioux City Local a l:aw pm a :S0 am
Fst Mall a 3.5 pm
Twin City Limited i (:b pm a fc.W am
Norfolk - Bonesteel a 7:i0 am a b: pm
Lincoln-Long Pin b 7:&0 am alO.ii an
Leadwood . Lincoln. .. ..a 1:00 pm a b.M) pm
Casper - Sboehonl a I: pm a b 40 pm
Hastings - Superior b l:u ;.n b I 40 pm
Fremont - Albion b 6:35 pm b 1 :S6 pm
Ihieage, Meek Islaad A Pacrtle.
Chicago limited a J M am all:06 pm
low Local 70 am a 4 SO pra
Dea Moines Passenger.. a 4:0 pm al2:M pm
Iowa Local bll:0 atu b lb pm
Chicago tEtern Ei)..i tllipm a!:15pm
Chicago Flyer a t.l pa a t.36 am
Rocky Mountain L'IM. .all IS pm a 2:50 am
Colo, and C ah Ex a 1:10 pm a 4.J0 pm
Okl, and Texas Exp 4 40 pm a l li pin
llllsiwl t ewtraL
Chicago Express . 7
:1S am t 1 (I pm
:20 am i:ti pm
'' pm I Si m
X pm a k.SO am
Minn. A St. Exp b 7:
Chicago Limited a f
Minn. St. Paul Lmtd.a 3
Chlcage Great West era.
St. Paul-Mlnneepoli pra 7 SO am
St. Pa Jl-Minneapuhs 7:30 am 11.H6 pm
Chicago Limited (:'( pin 6.17 am
Chicago Expreaa ":3t am ll.Sapm
Chicago Express 2:3) pm I.JO p:n
MUsenrl Paclfie.
K. C. A St. L. Exp a : am
K- C. a 6l L Exp all. IS pm
St- Louis Express a I J1' pm
bi. Louis Local tfrom
Council Bluffi : am
Etanberry Ixxsl tfrom
Council Bluffs! b bM pm
(a I rage, Milwaukee A St. Pa
Chic. A Colo. Special. . .a 7:2jai
Cel. A Ore. Exptess a i Ou pin
Overland Limuea a I is pm
Perry Local a 6:w pm
a 1:45 am
a 6 bv pm
a 8:30 am
all:15 pm
b;0:15 am
11 pm
a 3.2S pm
( So am -
all: uo am
Denver ft California a 4:10 m
Northwest Special a 4.10 pm
Black Hills a 4:10 pm
Northwest Express all 5 pm
Nebraska point a I 45 in
Nebrask Express a 1.15 am
Lincoln Fast Mail b 1:4j pm
Lincoln Local
Lincoln Local
L'.neX'ln Le.cs) .t
Schuyler - Plattmouth.b fcIO pm
Beilevu - Platis.-nouth.a ri pin
plitsmouth-lowa b :) am
Denver Limited a 4:10 pm
Chicago Special a 7:4o am
Chicago Expreaa a 4:20 pm
Chicago Flyer a : pi
low Lo'-al MS am
St. Louis Expies a 4 45 pm
Kansas City AV St. Joe .alO 45 pm
Kansas City at St. Joe. .a 1:15 am
Kansas City A St. Joe . a 4 45 pm
S 45 pm
a S 45 1 m
I 45 pm
aK'.li pm
a (:10 pm
4:10 pm
al2:ll prn
b ' am
10:14 pm
7.50 pm
blO:Dc m
a 50 am
b 1 so pm
a 7:25 am
all 45 pm
a 3 55 pm
I SO am
It SO am
all : am
a i Is am
a 10 pm
rairaao. St. Paal, Sllaaeaaells A
Leave Arrive.
Twin City I assenger... b ;3n am b Mo pm
Sleux City Passenger. . a 2:io pm al' S1ni
Emerson Local c 1.45 am c 5.55 pm
Mlaaaarl PaclSe.
Auburn Local b 3:50 pra bll:25 am
a Daily, b Daily except Sunday, e Pun
day onlv d Daily except Saturday. Daily
except Monday.
taprm Ida af ta ft Virflx
Firt Cabin Winter Rate S&S an.
Superior acx-ommodation available, bafety,
peed and comfort combined.
Write for particulars.
O. K. BKaT JA-MXaT, Oam. Agt,
S3S Be, Clark Bt Caloaara HI
Old Honesty Wins Old Hickory
Handicap tt New Orleans.
llastllag mila. 141 ts 1, Win Fifth
Rare al t.oa taaeles Rear W ,
40 to I. W las First Rare
t Oaklawa.
NEW ORLEANS. I.., Jan. Old Hon
esty, a 10-to-l. won the Old Hickory handi
cap, wnr'h fj.tVil to the winner, at the
Fair Grounds today. Little money was
placd on Old Honesty. Favorites won
thre races. M'i- Delsney. winner of yes
teida s fourth race at five and one-half
f jrlong-s. today um the fifth race, a handi
cap ut six furlongs. Weather clear; track
fast. Results:
F1rt rac five and one-half furlongs,
celling: Javette. fcl (Knernr. to 1. won;
Saiuawiw. lis; iLee, 4 to 1, second; Fres
outi. V7 iFlynni. 6 to 1. third. Time: 1 :i.S
Dor.aldo Aenes Wood, lraugirntion. Bit
terly. Ethel (arr. Divorcee. Minnie May,
Ansonia and Auspicious nlso ran.
Second race, n.ile and seventy yards, sell
ing: W arner Gris-well. , ( Powers i. II to
5. won: Grenalie, l6 iLlnyd), t1 to 1. sec
end; J. I. Dunn. .' "Flynni. to 1. third.
Time: 1 T3. Cl.arhc Thonipaon. Monere.
Creel, Fonsoluca. Flomaway, Hammer
away. T idor. I'roteus. G"orge Bailej . Mil-tiad-.
I'r'ncc Fortunatus and Don Hamil
ton also ran.
Third race, six furlongs, selling: Pedro.
t iMcCaheyi. 8 to 1. won: Higginhotham.
f.: (Sun. ten, 1 to R. second: Coonev K. (S
(Kennedjl. 7 to 1. third. Time: 1 :ii. No
cjuHrter, HawkamH, Sallv Preston. Gold
Proof. Ie Hesxke. Red Gauntlet. Ref.ncd,
Fraok Ixjid and Avaurtecr also ran.
Fourth race, rnile' and one-qjarter. Old
Hickory handicap: Old Honesty. 10 iLeel,
'.0 to 1. won; Teniaceo. ua tNotteri. C to 5,
second; Piantland. 107 iLlovdi. 4H to !.
third. Time: Ml'V FlMvlgny. Dcnna and
puss den a also ran.
Fifth race, six furlorcs. handicap: Miss
Delaney. S.' iFljnni 11 to F,. won; Coon, !'
i M' 'If sw on hi 6 to 1. second: Platoon. Si
iKennedyi r. to 1. third. Time. 1 :. Kea
tor. Chief Hayes, Kiainesha II and Our
Boy alFO ran.
Sixth race, one mile and three-slxtenths, Docile. Ifnj Powers i I to a. won;
John McBrlde. hU i Moleswortht ' 12 to 1'.
second; Sister Pollv, M iSjmt-rl 4V, to 1.
third. Time. r.07V Bellcvlew, Javanese,
Katie Powers and Jungle Imp also ran.
Forty.1o.Ose ttbot t las,
OAKLAND. Jaq. .-At Oakland today
Reene W wa the suprise In the opening
race, when she came home galloping, at
40 to 1. Koenigin Luise et all the pace,
but tired at the end, finishing aecond. In
front of Yo San. In the mile and a half
event two of the longest ahots of the race
fought It out and Iris only won In the last
lump. Tetanus appeared to be the winner,
but had to be contented with the place, with
Rotrou third. St. Francis had the speed for
the Rodero handicap, and in the heavy go
ing outgamed Burleigh. Plausible ran a
nice race, finlahing third. Results:
First race. Futurity course. Belling: Reene
W-, H5 (Fultont. 40 to 1. won; Koenigin Luis
30fi (Milleri. IS to 5. second: Yo San. 10
(I!rad. 2" to 1. third. Time: 1:1314. Bell
of Iroquois. Emma G. AmbltiouF. Mabel
Hollander and Ethel Abbott finished as
Second race, three furlongs, purse: Lee
Rose. Ill (Hayes). 1 to I, won: Rubla
Grande. 107 (Miller). to L -cogid: Sam
Shaen, 107 (Keoght, 15 to 1. third. Time:
0:36H. Averignt. Ieonard. Carmta,
Schmooer. Minorca. Prometheus and Opu
lent finished aa named.
Third race, one mile and a half. selling
Iris, 100 (Haycsi. .12 to 1. won; Tetanus, W
(Charboreaui, SO Is 1. second: Rotrou, 105
(MrClalni, 6 to 1. third. Time: l:4X. Grom
obl. Corrtgen. Byronerdale and King of the
Mist finished as named.
Fourth rare, furlongs. Rodero handi
cap: St. Franc. - Mr, cMentryl. ; to 2. won:
Burleigh, 120 iMittart. to Hi. second; Plasss
Ibie. iw tGiltwrti.-j 50 to 1. third. Time:
1:154- Adena. toe Cherry. Tvora and
The Mlet finished as -named.
Fifth race, one mile and a sixteenth, sell
ing: 'Mm Song. J!' iTMclntyrei. to 2. wont
Warte Nlcht. KB (Grotei, 6 to 1. second:
Mis M. Bowdish. M (Galingo). 1! to S. third
Time: 1:5J. Boloroan, Islellta, Mlna Gib
ecm and Jake Moose finished as named.
Sixth race, one mile, purse: Billy
M tCarrom. 9 to S. won: St. Avon. 103
Haves. 13 to Ki. second; Hand Me Down,
X iGilbert). 20 to 1. third. Time: I tfiW
Balnade and No Farther finished a named
Resalta at Santa Aalta.
LOS ANGELES, Cal. Jan. 9-Rutling
Silk, held at 10 to 1, won the fifth race
on the card at Santa Anlt today from
Ecamado, also at 10 to 1. with Bellmence.
the second choice, third. Giovanni Balerio,
the even money favorite, led to the stretch,
where he was ontrun, finishing fourth. ix
length behind Bellmence. Stanley Fay.
t even money won the fourth race at
even furlong In 1::4'4. equalling the best
previous coast record for that distance,
made by himself on Monday. Result:
First race, six furlonga. selling: Harvel
tye. Preston. 4 to H won; Rusclmo (1W.
Knapp. 10 to 1) second; L. C. Widrlg 1 103.
Martin, 1? to 61 third. Time: 1:12V Grind
Hone, Lackfoot, Old Settler, Connie M.
and Taraban finished as named.
Secon race, seven furlongs; selling: Ttra
Wen HOB, Martin, eveni won; Gateway
Preston, 16 to 1) second; Blake Mate
1107. Grand. 12 to 1 third. Time: 1:2M.
King Wllda. Bonnie Prince Charlie, Hell
Chamber. Prime of Orange, Daruma fin
ished aa named.
Third race, six furlongs; purse: Rambo
(. Poland. to 1 won: Round and Round
I'. Ross. H to l'i second: Dr. Simrall (Hi
Taylor. 12 to li third. Time: 113H. Nick
Stoner, La ton -a. Agreement. Virlando,
Mossback. Gc-orge Bvrnes. Decorator.
Pontex. Lancashlrr Lad and S. A. Car
lisle finished a named.
Fourth race, aeven furlongs: " Stanlev
Fay lire. Musgrave. eveni won; Critic fl'.iS,
Harty, 6 to li second; L'saro OK, Schill
ing, t to 5i third. Tim: l:24i. George 8.
Davis also ran.
Fit h race. seven furlongs. Belling:
Rustling Silk !T. Nelson, 10 to 11 won;
Esc&mado (104. McBrlde, 10 to II second;
Bellmence (Sl. Martin, 4 to li third. Time:
1 1SS Giovanni Falerlo, Golden Wave.
A.icassln. Head Dance, Master Lester.
Two Bill and Alice Carey finished as
Sixth race six furlongs; selling: Nor
folk (110. Schilling 5 to 2i won; El Carador
"110. Harty. t to 2 second; HaJton ll6.
Martin, even! third. Time: :1S Western.
Common Sue. Don Vlviant, Monta Rey
and Blue Bottle finished as named.
ana lalveralty lad Ira tee It Attltade
Toward Asm,
IOWA CITY. Ia. Jan. - Special.. -A
aenhation ha been precipitated In low a
athletic circle by an article publ.shed In
the Alumnus, Jie alomnl journal of the
Stale I'niverelty of Iowa, over the signa
ture of Arthur G. Smith, chairman of
the board of athletic control. The article
la a review of the foot bail aeasou Jjst
closed and the statement which haa
caused the sensation is the first authori
tative statement of the faculty attitdde
toward the Incident In the Iowa-Ames
game which resulted In th injury of K1rk.
Iowa star right halfback. Professor Smith
wr'ts a follows:
Tne game had scarcely openr (I h'lleve
it wae the sixth p'.ayi when tn A .Ties
pla)er fouled Kitk. who had s,gnhjed for a
fair catch. Hd the opposing player tack
led Kirk as he should have done by all
the rules of eH'iii foot ball, if he had not
seen the signal, the foul might have been
called accijentsl But no attempt was
made to tackle instead, the man, lowering
his head, strjtk Ktrk In tne stomach.'
rendering him entirely l.rlpleac for tome
time, and una r le to play, only in a weak
any, throughout the game"
The Incident referred to 1a the well known
one where Reppert f Ames fouled Kirk
of Iowa. Reppert wa remo ed from the
game, but AmeB succeeded In winning the
gme. 30 to 14 The student body at large,
and followers of the team, have believed
that the foul commitied was deliberately
planned and this statement by Professor
Smith indicates that a timtlar belief Is
held by the faculty of the State university.
Heretofore no faculty statement has been
It Is now believed that all relation be
tween the two institutions will be aevered
from this time on- Coach Cat 11 n ppers
to be the only member of the faculty will
ing to meet jiii ee next season. It 1s re
ported that the other m mi .era of the board
of control not only resist that the annual
fool ball games shall I- dropped but
all other contests as weli. In cae 1ms
policy ta adopted it seems certain that the
two Institution will not meet in aitletic
con teat fur at least five year, aa C'ude
WUila-ns. coach of fie Am s foot. ImII and
base ball tennis and their tiSiiur. l-ss b.-en
hired for fle more years twg'nning i.ext
fall. It 1 not believed that the two school"
can meet long as Will. ams remains at
State unlceratty authorities have se
cured evidence to the effect that Ted
Willeta. fullback on the Ams font ball
team, played f've years of foot hall before
the season which has just rloeej. An
nouncement of this fact has been made by
P-of A. G. Smith, chairman of the Hoard
of Athletic Control. W'.lets Is alleged to
have played two years with G-i"rell college
and four years at Ihe State Agricultural
Omaha TV III eaA ome Cracks ta
fflaax City Tssrsey.
Fojr ef Omaha's best bowling teams
tll leave Friday for Sioux City, where
Saturday and all next week the Iowa and
Northwestern tournament will lie held.
The four teams re the Met. S'orx. ljemp's
Fallstaffs and the Omaha Bicycle team.
The Mel team, now at the head of the
Omaha leag-ie rare and also the city cham
pionship, will line up at Sioux City with
Huntington. Klakeney, Iarnmen. Neale and
Pin-ague in the t-arn. The members cf the
Stort team will t-e Moore. Cochran. G. O.
Francisco. Anderson and Olerde. The rep
resentative of the Metropolitan alley will
Ik Walenz. Moore. Thomas. Remplie and
Berger as the Fallstaffs; and Drtnkwater,
HulL Kcyt. Hinrirh and fillbreath on the
Omaha Bicycle team. The teams are ex
pected to give a good account of them-w-lvea
at Sioux City and the training should
stand them well In hand for the American
Bowling Congress at Cincinnati.
Johaay Coaloa (.Iven Dorlalea Over
KM Marphy.
PFRIA. 111.. Jan. S Johnny Coulon of
Crura co won the decision over Kid Murphy
of New York in a ten-round bout ton grit
before the Peoria Athletic club. T'le fight
was one of the tastcst and 1-est ah" 'round,
mills n in the history of the roped
uri-na 'n Peoria. It was a mix anj t;o
frori the start to the finish. Coulon took
the lead In the second and maintained the
advantage tnroinrh the remaining nine
rounds. "oulon was aggressive and car
ried ti e fighting to Murphy corner.
Young Kid Farmer of Peoria knocked
cut Phil Berry of Chicago In the first
Buck Johnson knocked out Fred Hague
of Plulad lphia In the fifth round of the
k'cond preliminary, and Eddie l.aur of
peorln scored a knockout over Terry White
of Philadelphia.
rinal Score la 2,000 to 1,300 la Hla
PHILADELPHIA, Jan. 9 -The. 2.(V.
points Is 2 billiard match between Willie
Hoppe of Chicago and A. O itler of
Boston ended here tonight. Hoppe being
an easy winner. He made points this
afternoon to Cutler's !t2. and tonight he
ran out 4i points to Cutler's 17;. Cutler
j local in me innicii wns J.,vi points. 1 ne
maici; was ior j ne Desi run was ltx).
made by Hoppe.
The three teams of last night finished th
five-men bowling of the city tournament t
the Association alleys. The Metz Bros. Um
takes first place, and the citv championship
for 7-i. with a score of 2?M: the Gate
City second, with 2K3: the Indians third,
with 2.7sf.: the Reed Bros, fourth, with
2,765. nnd the Expressmen's Delivery Com
pny fifth, with 2 6.
Tonight, at 7. So, the following two-men
teams will bowl: Gjerde-Chandler. Zimmer.
man-Bengeie. Frush-Hinrichs. At :!tt,
Cochran-Frltscher, Nenle-Sprague. H. D.
Following were the five-men scores:
1st. 2d. 3d. Total
Keyt 178 hi? 1W SS7
Dtinkwater 1'iH lt 74 UJ
Gilbert !! m -JH bi
Hinrichs 17a i;w lilt
Hull 11 ltTT li7 515
Ml 8J9
lat- 2d
3d. Total.
1M 5M
ltW 5'i
'M 4
! 647
i'l 2.C5
3d. Total
lt;7 : 511
ii 671
j b:?
)ci.H bM
Greenl-af ..
A. C. Reed
Kt-ynulds ...
li. D. Keed
FrencMi ,
Johnson ....
Totals 11 952 !C2 2 7SS
The Jetler Gold Tops. after getting
thumped quite regularly of lale. llnally
took a brace ana won a aeries from the
Brodegaard Crown last night on the Met
ropolitan alle by rolling one of their
best games of the season, w ith Captain Ma
honey starting out to smash ah alley rec
ords with his -first game of 225. but in hi
next two games he fell away down, H. Prl
meau beating him out on total pins wltti
&6. Score:
1st. 2d 21. To:al
H. Prlmeau 216 161 lug
C. Prlmeau 17u lSii i:,7 617
Foley 1S5 i;ij Ki sVS
Grotte 1C1 leu 21.' 5.V
Mahoney S-tr. l-ti 144 55
Total Wi7 S. 2.74"
1st 2d. 3d Total.
Kageroerg l
Vosa l."J
Baker ltd
Llndrooth lfii
D. Rush Ids
101 fit
10 514
144 4'IP
IM 5)4
11 5K
Total. . .
...... K7
Tonight the Lemp Falstaffs will try to
top the Byrne-Hammers.
On the Metropolitan alleys last night th
Cubs chased the Tiger to tne tall timber
to the tune of two out ti three. Even King
Solomon could not hit the l.eadpim Our
tafson took the high honors with f f..r
three games and 2ol for single game. Th
11. 2d. SJ Total
Dick l.t 145 147 4l
Sedomon ; 145 15 177 si
Stafford 145 . 17 r." v.t
Totals 41S 4S3 4H l.Ci?
1st. 21. 3d. Total
Gustsfson 15g l"l i"i
Rosecrans J. !? 14 Ti 44-"
Lof 1! 1.:7 145 4il
Totals 437 4:n tk.", 1.;;
F. wry 4 aae I ader f oaeldeialloa.
j NEW YORK. Jan . That Rav Earv.
part in games not sanctioned by the Ama
teur Athletlc'union. is the dw-itljn of Bar
tow 8 Weeks, chairman of the executive
committee of the union. Mr. Weeks made
the announcement laat night after read
ing the evldf nee taken at lie heating on
th- charges brought against Ewry by
Matthew P. Hielfin. The board e.f gov
ernors of the union will meet within a few
days and It is expected that important
matter will b taken up. including the
Ewry case There is much dissaiisfdc'l en
In the ranks of the union. It ta said, and
important change are looked for as the
result cf thi meeting.
Atlantic Brat Malvern.
ATLANTIC, la., Jfcn. fi -iO-ci ,Th,
Atlantic School Basket Ball learn de
feated the warn from the Malvern High
school last night In a very close, eicl'lng
and well played game by a score of 25 to
23 The Malvern boy did n't get the run
of the game in the f rst half, w h:cli endel
11 tu In Atlantic favor, but in the last
half, the visitor took a brace and came
near winning out. The Totutns of th s
place defeated a flicked team of college
plavere by a score of 1 to In the pre
liminary. liver Cap ta Aato Winner.
NEW YORK. Jan. The Automobile
Club of America has c.frereei a magnificent
liver cup for 'l.e races which will talce
place at OrmonJ Beach during the week
beginning March 2 The cup aid go to the
winner in the 2-m!le class, whicn is open
to ali cars, but will probably develop into
a contest between rac.i g machines 8-v-eral
foreign cats are expected le c irrijete
In the race The ci:p. it is mid wi.i be
Itie handsoiuct ever effe red fur an aut
n.ob.Io race.
Deaiet ral-t olllns Match Close.
BOfTH BEND. lid . Jan i. -Will I.e.
metral and W ild Joe ' Culhns each won
a f-ell in a wrestiinc niatih li.-t r.
and truggled fifteen iuitiui.s without
I either e jriug ti e thud fV! Ie ineiral
I took the fall with a l.aif-Nela-n end
i c rotch hold :n : irriui. s i'l! e ur d
(the s-cr.i,d fall in .i m.nules w'tu a 1am
i nier-l'K-k (iela All aeen fr.em Billv LJ
I mrH. ir. i. uut uf fal.a
iHJ CToodcddx
Bottled fTsiN bond
"afis- :rL-v
nrilT TP IMC IV I Piri'P
tllllll lLi.U3 lA LLAuLl;
Cltihi Are PirVprl fnr ti Intsr.fitv
rnrit nv tttt-m ttavt papits
Orlsriaal and Others Want to Enter,
Vint Srntlnent la Against Ten
- or Tvrelve-f'lak Organ
isation. The Inter-City lengrue was organiled
Wednesday night at a meeting held at the
Walter G Clark Sporting goods house, with
a membership of eight teams. The organ
ization o ft!i league has hren held back,
wailing for the Ideal Hustlers rf Council
Bluffs, but that club Is 1n such shape that
no definite answer could be given A
movement 1 m foot for the fornrntion of
a Western Iowa league, and the promoters
want to Include Council B'uf's In the
league. I'ntil that matter is settled some
of the members of .the Ideal Hustlers di
recKfiale" rtd not want to tie up with the
Inte-Cily league.
Benson, Florence, South Omaha. Dieti
Athhtlcs, Pletg Association, Sterling!.
Merchants and Townscnds compose the
leaevie. the first four teams owning parks.
The eight clubs paid their guarantees and
Presideol Mctx appointed rommiitee to j
arrange schedules and to draft a constitu
tion and bylaw.
Several other teams desire membership
In the league, the Originals: Nonpareils
and Coronas, all standing ready to come
within the fold as roon as the Hustler
announce their Intentions. The league ar
ranged matters In such a ehape that the
Hustler could enter if they desired, when
one other team would be admitted, making
a ten-club league.
The Originals wi'hed to enter with per
mission to use Vinton Street park as their
grounds, and thl coulj be done by mailing
a twelve-club league, hut it wa decided
to strt with an eight-club lengue under
the circumstance.
President Metx haves In a few days
for California and no further meetings
will be ti 1 J until l.ia return, although the
committees -will get together to carry on
their work.
Basket Ball at . M. C. A.
The second game of basket ball of the
Assoc lt in Sia'e league i.erlcs will be
played tonight at the Young lien's Ghris
i tin association gymnasium between tne
: regular registerei team representing Hast
ings and Omaha The HaMir.s te am has
been under a yery ceimpeteni coach u.r
j the last month nnd is reported a playing
; a Oong. fast game. Some changes have
been made In the I'luaha team a&d It will
line up stronger than ever tonight. iTe
cedina: the league game the Tiger and
Crescents win battle lor supremacy. Fol
lowing is me- iiuiup ot teams
Johnson., i .
Benedict . ..
Forw aid
Cente r
...A. H. Hansen
Scaldt-ri by Siram
or aoorched by a fire; apply Hiuklen's Ar
nlc SeUv. Cure pile, toe, nd the worst
sore. Guarantex-a. 25c.' For sale by
Beaton Drug Co.
llrsldea ( kooilnc OfSrera Arrange-
taenia Are Made for Annual j
At the annual me-tlne: of te Omaha
Veteran f .Firemenr' ' association. held
Wednesday eenlng. the following were
elected e-.f flce-rs : President. A R
Tooger; first vice president. Zens Stevens;
e"ccnd vice president. William Altstadt;
etreiary, F. H Koester: treasurer, Julius
I Trell sclike. trustee- for thre"- year.
Charles Schuit and Julius P.othholtz
I The necreiary and treasurer annual r--I
ports were read. The treasurer's r"ie rt
fchows a handsome amount on hand.
The annua) parmuet '.f the association
will be given the latter pari of Februsiy
or IT.e fejie part of March. Tins banquet
I The Best Bitten Llqtaeuxr
-v.?-. .ftt II II -4 t f mm m I i V I I sV.V
f III' II 1 I I (I II I TZi I I II A W J I r
x r i r.s l isriaiisiitai t. f s a
" t ii i aril
errT-- j
L 1 J
is known to all lovers of
the good things of life as
the whiskey that
"Since 1857 99
has never varied in purity
and flavor. The stamp
that tells it was . ' .
Bottled in Bond
is the Government guaran
tee that it is 10p proof' ;
Every Drop Whiskey
A. Guckenheimer & Bros.
Distillers, ' ' Pittsburg, P.
1 1 ' '
will b" grn:i to nu'jher Veictans W.
j - Kellj. A. P.. Toosrr and Julius Trell.
scl ke were appo'htcd ue a fenmiitten to ar-
j range Jor the spread. A card of thank
f-"1 A- R' Tver. who cele-
hrat d his golden enhlinr Monda-. Jshu-
1 ary"6. which ws attended by the
Independent 'Make- a fioaal honlag
la Report a' t Hirers of
j Association.
i MITCHELL. 8. !.. Jan. -(Special Tele-
gia.'n.) One hundred nr.d fifty Independent
telephone men are In the city to attend tlta
fifth annual ooarention of the .South Da
kota Telephone association, which held Its
firtt session this afternoon at ' t n cloc k
and was opened with an address of wel
come by Mayor t'Tanson. President Ken
nedy followed with his addrfts in which lie
difceussed the physical connection with dif
ferent companies. Secretary Furk pre
sented his report and gave the statistic
cf the telephone huSines of the state
bet wen the U' 11 and the Independent om
f anies. The JJell peopl have npproximatelv
4c miles of toll lines in the st-ite. valued
at IK'i.CiOe; has seventeen exchanges, with
S.764 'phone Installed, valued at tX.IW.
The Indci.-erldent company owns and oper
ates lietwtri f,0'' and 7.000 miles of toll
l'nesj valued at S' .'prT'.OoO; nas f. exchanges,
with S2'i ilioncs installed, and valued at
II .(mo. sno. '
Twenty differnl supply companie have
extensive yxhiblta c.f vaylous materials
used In tel. -phone construction. Eight new
companies' -ere received into membership
al the afternoon session.
Telephone Company Elertlaa.
- KENEPAW. . V-b . J.Oi. -S. fPpe 'ml Tel
egram l The' Independent Tele
phone company held It Annual stockhold
ers' meeting here today after most
prosperous" yer's business. It dec.arcd
a dividend of S per cent on last years
business and increajwal Mhe capital toek
from 110.00 to 120,000. The following
board of directors will serve for the en
suing year: S. A. Westing, president;
D. D. Norton, vice president: E. E.
Schulte. secretary: R- H. Coplln. treas
urer; E. J. Latta. W. S. Parmenter. A. S.
Howard. G. W. Wolcott, Stephen chuites.
Honors for Living- and Dead.
BBA TRICK. Neb.. Jary S.-iSnecUil Tele
gram.) This afternoon a riierlal meeting
of the Bar association was held ai which
appropriate fesc.lutlons were passed con
cerning the late R. S. Bibb. In the even
ing a banqui wa tendered Judge Kelllher.
bout lrO leing In attendance. The judge
wa presented with a handaom cloclt as a
testimonial of the esteem In which he was
held and was al the recipient of numer
ous verbal boqueta. . .
Speelal Announcement Retarding th
National Pare Food ana Drag; Law.
We are pleased to announce that Foley-
Honey and Tar for cougha, colds and lung
troubles is not afitectad by the National
Pure Food and Drug law a It e-ontalns no
opiates or other harmful drugs, and w
recommend It as a. safe remedy lor children
and' adults. All druggirts.
Annourcements. wediTIng gtationery and
railing cards, blank bock and magazin
tlr dlng. Phon Doug. lfl A. I. Root, lac.
When you bave anything to sell adver
tise it in The-Bee Want Ad Col-nn.
Mississippi Maa Wants Then to Curry
a Mrsugr to Hla
As an example- of the peculiar requeat
aked e.f the tiie follcewing telcxram
in a good Illustration:
Chief e.f Pc.lice, Omaha: If Joh'n Mitchell
is tt gypsy c-amji tell bin. to wait until
1 cc :ne. Answer at onee If be 1 ie...
Ir.vt:gatlon revealed th fart'itat there
had been no gypsy camps in Omaha s.nca
last September, o, tnrefrre," Stve a ill
receive no ar.swrr.
Often Imitated but never e-ai'-ed the lei din f Bitten
inc 1946. Now the favcrile ar.j msct ULiveTsaliy
used la a'J f iT'.s ef the wir'.i. Alone a tonic and
bracer it Is unnva'lei and at a'.l limes eapecally re
freshing'. Gives reiiih for food, even to the dyspeptic.
Lajoyablc as a Cock I all
and Belter for You
A healthful hat. I U a t:r cl Uiierber;, beforg
nd after meals.
Over 7.000.000 kotUe Impoeted l ike I'nUe Slataa. .
At a.. C rt mtta '.(... w t, M inr Amrnt.
llld.l aalf kf B. I r, llkeC, Silt. T . ,
llTTirS II0THHS. 24 i!l., St.. New Tark. Sol; Afrsi.'