8 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: FRIDAY. JANUARY 10. 1003. . Want - ads ralaasa rrll taken autll 1 SI aa. ike pvriilag edition ! antll U . n. 4 nh ntast accompany all rdrra for naat ada aad aa a4rrllwair will br accepted fop Iru It crule far the first liisrrtlau. Rntra apply (a eltkpr Tka Dully ar Sunday Rrr. tlnt)i rout ale ward ta a liar. I amhlaatlona at Initial or nombrr ruant aa oaa nt4. cah rate FOR wit A OS. RK(.t LAK 1 1, AXslFICA TIO Ona Inarrtlon, prr Hap, IP) prats. Twn or it rrnli. Knrk Insertion mad on odd lay. IO renta prr llap. ,'91. SO art llap per anoaik. PEt'lAI, CI.AMIFICATIO If an? one of tke r laaalf lea II on a nlvpa below, It will bp rbargrd at tkp fol lunl( ralrai Uac laaprtlon. 4 ernt prr linp. tkrpa ta sis cnnrcutt"U ln rrtlon. a mil par llap pack I vr tioai arven ar atorp eouaroutlvn Inapr llone, IS ppnta prr Map park lnaprtloa SO crnte ant line prr montk. B4HTRR AMI) KICIIANtiK. IILIR CIIAME. HELP WtMTKD FKMtLB. IIKI.I WA.M KD M il.K. Except Agrnta, Sallrttaaa aad .alee mpn. OI'KKHK ion "ALE. ana. Birds. IHius and Pet. Ilnrapa aad Vrklrlra. Poultry aad Eg, Furniture. lypewrHrr. aad Krwlug Macklara. rianoa, Organs and Maaleal Inetra tnaata. OI'FKHF.D FOR RENT. Furuiabrd Itoome. t afaralaked flooma. Wl aila fop tke Bra may ka left at aay at tka following; drag atorra aae la "rear rorarr drngglat" tbpy are all braat-h afflcpa at Tke Fire and aar ad will be luarrtrd iaat aa promptly and on tbe eame ratra aa at I bp mala onire la Th- Uea Building, tttralrralk and Fnrnam Strerte. Alijaeh. H. ('.. 4li and Furna:n. Kei stick, 8. A.. I.- S. 14th Kt. Hr. Ill Pliainiacy. 7:o 8. 10th St. I.triion Pharmacy. Benfon, Neb. Meinia Paik Pharmac) , 3.'ii and Cumins. H'.uKt's Pharmacy. 2816 Sherman Ave. t 'a ita:lil!n. C. R.. nth and Pierce 8t. Clltton Hill Pharmacy. 2213 Military Ava Conte. .'. B 31st Ave. und Farnam. ('nsaev Pharmacy, 24th nnil Lake Sis. crmilc. Emll. LU4-G 8. 13th 8t. J'tir.an Pharmacy. 4046 Hamilton. 1.1. Irr. F. H I'tstJ Leavenworth. Colter, & Arnold), M N. S5th St, Kryis, Jin J, :H N. 24th. Florence Drus Co., Florence, Neb. Goldman Pharmacy, 2dth and Lake. 'f!en'a I l arinucy, corner Park Ave. and I s. Inc. Gieenough. O. A., Uft, S loth Ft. Girennuph, G. A., 1624 8. 10th St. Mavdn. Wm. C 7920 Farnam St. Ilanscom Turk Pharmacy, l.'-Ol 8. th Hoist. John. 6''4 N. Ifth St. Huff. .v I... r"4 Leavenworth 9t. King. H 8., 223 Farnam St. Kountxe Place Pharmacy. SSM N. 24th, Pntrli k PruB Co.. 1U24 N. !h St. I.ithrop, rharlen E.. 1?24 N. 24th St. Peyton. I... E.. 24th and Iavenworth. Snratoaa Drue Co.. 24th and Amu Ave. Schofer'a Cut Price Drug Co.. ICtb and Chtoo. firhaefer, Anaust. MSI N. lth Bt. Schmidt. J. H.. 24th and Cumlne St. , Storm Pharmacy, 16th and Martha 8t. Walnut Hill Pharmacv. 40tli and Cumlne. ""alton rharmarv. 20th and Orace. Worth. O. H . 40th and Hamilton Bt. HEATHS Aim FCJERAL NOTICES. l.YN.N Grace, axed 25 years, 9 months and 21 days, January t, 1906. Remains He In state a Hoffman's under ricrtaklnir parlor. Sixteenth and Jones a'reets. FuneraJ Friday at 1:00 p. m. from lloffman'a L'ndertaklna; parlor. Blxtronth and Jones, to Forest Lawn cemetery. Friends Invited. MARTIN-Infant son of Mr. and Mrs. I'harlcs W. Martin, 2716 Jones street. BIRTH9 AND DEATHS. Hlrths U J. Hoffman, K9 North Twenty fifth, hoy: O. A. Small, 2101 Farnam, boy: Max tirutlwiieyer. 201J Dorcas, girl; lile Miller, 271 Hamilton, boy. Death U Howell, St. Joseph's hospital, M; Mary 8. T)elehanty, 13H Bouth Eleventh, 4T; John Williams, 2423 Poppleton avenue. 72: Lottie Frits. Fortieth and Poppleton avenue. 26. MARRIAGE LICENSES. The " .HowlriK marriage license lias fci-en 'aued: Name and Residence. Age. Vojtetk Zadina. Omaha 6g Marbafa Jatnbor. Omaiia 57 Harris P. Christian, Kansas City, Mo.... 22 Violet M. Young. Kansas City, Mo 22, CARD OF THANKS, t We desire to express our sincere thanks and appreciation for all klndnesa toward JS and floral offertns.s during the recent Ineas snd death of ou mother, Mrs. Care Una larson MRS Lt 'THEIR JOHNSON. MIH3 EMMA LAK8ON. ANNOUNCEMENTS 1UE CITY GAKBAJE CO., office 4th and Leavenworth tits. Tel. Uouglas" 1387 it-asi SION PAINTLNO-8. II. COLE. 1302 Doug. (1) 26J liOW is your chimney and furnace? Chim neys, fumacea and atoves cleaned and repaired. City Chimney Hweeu. 'Phone Uug saw. (U M924 11 AUTOMOBILES 8EM) for our list of seiond-hsnd automo- nnes.pEKlUHTISl Farnam. (.'-i4 BARTER OR EXCHANGE UR EXCHANGE Clear Arkansas farm 1 reamery and fed mill clear, farm In Nebraska. Write Afme KxchangS Co C herokee. la. (1 M6;s J Us "' WILL Trade 16.0u0 gilt-edge securities drawing t per cent, payable quarterly lor Improved city or country real estate.' 4rs Brandels Bliig. tJ( M7SU JanU I HAVE a customer with the best farm In Ikkay county who desires to exchange It for some merrsntile business; would pre fer stock farm Implements In good town Also one with no acre choice wild land' lor implements, hardware or genrral mer" cnsndise. F. M. Josl.n, Frederick, 8 D (3I-M147 la ' A SPLENDID quarter section of western land, worth t:.0n. to traiiv for lots In Omaha, preferably In West Farnam dis trict, for building a home; or 10 trade towards a desirsble home In Omaha Ad- dress. H-SM, Bt. (3)-M174 1JX A BKAt T1FI L U.OM home In Denver to Cade for a home In Omaha, having lust moved htre. Farnam district preferred Address. II Uee. t3i-U7 12x f AN TE1 To sail er exchange either unln cunibered landa in tiie oil belt of Okla lioma. a 4o-acre tract near Chesaieak Mearh. near. t'ti't-ke bav. with good ajinng water, ruilaay station on same Is miles from Wsshlngton. It. C; I, Mj and sine lands In Arkansss. or equity in good lands and townaitre In Mmae sola for cash or good residence prop arty, modern bulldir.g. unlncumlerfd Richard Adams, liotid HI. Ik . Wash ington. V. V. (3i-M'Mi A 1JVE ONE. liar good mining sttx k to trade. What have you? L tt, rsr flee. 3 2& ROOM hotel, steam heal, gas. city water, and e-room rottac in a go,,d tewa town; sell or trsde for land, city property or merchandise; h'irry. linn !a a nap. F A Mesamore, bj Avenu.. H a-"-.' iJI'iffs. U t3-MlS7 BARTER AND EXCHANGE tContinued. FOR exchange for hdw . Implements, har ness or gen. mdse., 1H acres land nar Ft. Morgan. Colo ; will nesrly sll Irri gate and is plowed readv for sprlntr seed ing. CU MJ8 1iX FOR EXCHANGE-Eastern South Dakota lam! for stock of furniture or general merchandise of 13. On) fir I4.0HO; must be good clean running stock; describe stock fully in first letter. Address John Walk l.n. Castlewood, 8. D. (3) M974 12x NEW s-roorn house in MlnnespolK built bv owner for home; finished In oak. all floors birch; 3-niinute street car passes door; owner Is rirusgt't and wants to lo cate In Nebraska; will trade for good drug business In Nebraska: no ngents; will deal with owner. IU. MrConneli, Route 2. Elgin. Neb. tt M714 lox TRADES. TRADF2S4 If yoH have some thing for sale or trade write us, we match everything. WAIT INVESTMENT CO.. 4il Dec Bid., Omaha. (3-M21S j:4 THE owner will trnde well Improved farm of acres for il.OnO or tt.witl drug stock In Neb., nolng good business; will take inortgnge on fsrm for balance; no apenls. U D. McConnrll. Route 3. Elgin Neb. (3)-M721 llX FOR general merchandise, by owner. 30 seres highly Improved, vety best land; 2S acres alfalfa. 4 crops per year; near largo town; give full description to get answer: equity $17,uon. Address Y i;. caro Dee. (:t-M71S lOx r)R TRADE WITH AI TOS. 10 acres, fine prairie land; every acre can he cultivated; price. f.l( per acre; will take two runabout and one touring cars to value of (,01) or 13.200; other good trades to offer. Geo. 11. Jackson Floyd, la. (3i M 36 llx IK ACRES 2 miles from Burwell. Neb all in valley; largo frame house; frame barn; all outbuildings frame and up-to-date; fenced and cross-fenced; 70 acres under cultivation; 40 acres In alfalfa; 10 acres of best meadow land; balance In pasture; as good a farm as there Is in the valley: owner desires to quit farm ing and will exchange this property for a good hardware stock; stock must be clean and up-to-date; price. I12.UU0; will take back on farm 14,000 tfieocssary. C. I. Uragg. Burwcil. Neb. (3 M720 10 FOR SALE One farm 80 acres, one farm NS0 acres, both under cultivation; part payment down. Address M. R. Smith, Hartington, Neb. (3 MSiM llx FOR SALE or exchange for stock of hard ware Improved farm, 27S acres, in Dunn Co.. Wis. Write owner for particulars. J. D. Clark, R. R. No. 3. Menomonle, W's. f3)-Ml llx BUSINESS CHANCES Do You Wish to Make a Change IF YOU have a farm, home, business or property rnai you wish 10 sen or e- .-t..inf, tl.rltu Itm GLOBE 'LAND AND INVESTMENT CO.. UMA1IA, C. 15. (4I-M1TJ J33x TO BUT or sell a business quick, write riiiurein, 43 uranofis uios., .'innn. (4) MS.19 FOR SAIE My part furniture and fur nishings in an modern w-room noiei. Balance of furniture goes with lease. x Bar In connection also for sale. Only hotel In town of 2,500. L. P. Mconey, Mlnden. Neb. (41-M3S4 J27x INVEST your money in the wheat fields 01 XNOrtn ISlHOia. lnu a 1 kuihb up every day. Address J. H. Wlesnor, Ludden, N. t). (4)-M846 12x IF you are a member of the "Centra) Mo bile Car-Sign Syndicate" It Is to your in terest to write to me at once. Valuable Information for your good. Address In strict confidence. Address K, 7!. care Bee. (4)-M128 10 I WANT to sell my saloon at Blue Hill, iseo.. lor casn ouiy. imih .0 pu out. on account of sickness. Box 504, Blue Hill.. Neb. (4)-M120 21x A DRITO Stock, about $3,000. for sale on easy terms, locaieu in a kwu .hibu iuu In Nebraska. 86 -acres of land with a small house. located near ueiievue. inbd. i-rice, ija per acre; very easy terms. H. D. BEECROFT, Room 22, U. 8. Bank Bid.. Omaha, Neb. (4)-M127 10 THE! LITTLE Pacific short order restau rant for Bale or traae, tor confectionery or barber ahop. Price 1300.00. W. W. Davis. Valley. Neb. (4)-Mlll 14x FIRST-CLASS restaurant for sale cheap If taken at once. 1 nis is a oargain tor sure. Write or telephone. R. II. Malony, Red Oak. Ia. (4) M115 10 FOR SALE! One three-chair barber shop at 44i ISO. Z4in B(. linoa location, near street car barn. Apply H. Tlmm. 4-M118 FOR SALE Furnished hotel, 31 rooms, . -.1 n IT.. gOOU UUIIUI:.., u.111, vciurn, nun. liai 1 1- son House, Meadow Grove, Neb. (4 M592 12x LOCATION wanted for a first class tailor shop in a good, live town. Address Y 179. care Bee. (4) M9u4 Ui FOR 8AIJ0 Fine bakery; big business; best location In city; complete equipment; 2 ovens, 7 solid oak show cases, t'Si cash register, electric fans, arc light, horse and wagons, candy furnace and everything complete to run a first-class ba ery. Free from debt. Reason for selling, fall ing health. Rent 19D. Address J. Wheeler, boa Frederick Ave., St. Joseph, Mo. (4-Mi 15X INVESTMENT For sale, on reasonable terms, one of, the leading coal mines near Kenmare, N. D. A splendid opportunity for Investment. Address W. E. Vadnals, Kermit, N. D. (4 M73 12x SNAP Bakery for sale cheap; cause for selling, death. Answer quick. E. E. Rollings. Red Oak, Ia. (4) M978 12x WANTED A silent or working partner who ran Invest from fjOO to tl.Ouu. In vestment will pay big returns and abso lute security will be given before you need to put In a dollar. Money secured by real estate mortgage If desired. For Interview address J Si, 7, care Bee. 4 M216 16 DRUG STORES for sale everywhere. F V. Kniest, 707 N. Y. Life, Omaha. (41 M906 FOR SALE A bargain, if taken at once, only cigar factory In Atchrson county; good reason for aelling. Address Grulier Cigar Co.. Tarklo, Mo. (4) M201 16x FOR 8ALB Good paying harness business; stock, tools and fixtures at Invoice price: frood building, with dwelling in rear; ncated in good farming town; write for particulars. Address A. Hants, Freemsn, 8. D. (4I-M199 lx PERSON of moderate means who wanta good returns for time and money in vested write. L 71 care Omaha Bee. (4i M992 13x FOR SALE The hotel fixtures and fur niture in an Iowa town of l.Gon, for sale; owner going Into other business; a snap If taken at once. For particulars address C. J. Aarons. Ogden, Ia. (4) M2u3 16x FOR SALE A first-class meat market or one-half Interest: or market for rent' In vestigate, c. W. Itchford. Council Bluffs, la. (4) M701 INDUSTRIAL AND MINING STOCKS BOUGHT AND SOIJJ. ROUT. C. DRUESEDOW & CO " STfMK BROKERS. Tel. Douelas 3M5. ic'J N Y. Life Bldg OMAHA, NEB. (4) MS.3 F2 TO HOUSE MOVERS. I wish to sell my outfit. first-clssa, plenty of work to a man who understands It and will give a good lay out. George T. llorts. ;3 Arapahoa Ave., Denver, Colo. -:i-MU4 lox MEAT MARKET, only ona. In town, and m lusive Ice trade, for sale by Klinei Easier, Chapman. Neb.t (4l M14S Ihk MOV I. Ml IMCTURErf and n.uuiim ,.r I atoniv: Immense orofta: amall ..mi-i Call 7.13 N .'1st. 14I-M15S U ' I WANT a partner who has about 11 OuO (Mil to Invcf! In a sure winner; money Invested secured by real estate 'mort gage; If merely curious don't answer. Address J hb9 care lies. (4) M11S 11 FOR THE best dry goods store opening In the stste addrefs Lock Box No. Ki. Greene, la. (4-M142 lix BARBER shop for ssle in Longmont, Colo., a fine shop, doing good business. Reason for sailing, owner must go to lower altitude Address It. K. Morse, Longmont, t'olj. No. 117 Main. 14 Mli,i Us ( f BEE want - - w " e-- - w im - ak jar m . m. M AV n, j make you known to every- a . , do BUSINESS CHANCES tContinued.) $250 WILL TAKE my Itt-room boarding house, furnished complete, doing a $J) monthly business, located on Main, street; best in city; Oelweio, Ia.. a railroad center; cash only. Inquire of J. A. Wright. 400 South Frederick street. Oel weln. Ia. (4) M140 15x FOR SALE Stock of hardware. Invoicing about $4.50; will give liberal discount for cash if sold quick, or will take good, un improved western Nebraska or Kansas Isnd, at actual cash value, as part pay and balance In cash. Address Y 83, care of Bee. - (4)-MS07 JlOx I'IRST CLASS poultry ranch. Telephone Webster 855. Address S. 11. Eaton, olb and II Sts., East Omaha. (4 M977 12x E. O. OANSE8TAD sn help you get In or out of business. Room 4'j3 Bee Bldg., Omaha. (4) 2A THIS IS A SNAP. Eighty acres In Missouri; will aril for cash or will trade; title good and no encum brance. M CJ, cr.re Bee. - (4) 2ii8 ALL KINDS of bargains In rooming houses; cash loaned If needed. Kelly A Stone, 230 Neville block. Tel. Douglas 4W4. (4 Msu3 .118 FOR SALE Stock of millinery for sale cheap If taken at once: good reasons for selling. Call on or address Lyrtt rVre man. Viborg, S. D. () M972 12x BUSINESS DIRECTORY Crea merle. DAVID COLE CRF.AMERY CO.. successor to Beatrice Creamery Co., Omaha. (5)-2fi9 ('battel Loans. Chas. D. Stanton Loan Co.. 501 Bee Bldg. (5) L',0 Chiropodist. DR. ROT, R. I, 150S Farnam St. Doug. (M97. 10) ia Carpet Cleaning. A. K. JETT. carpet cleaning. 'Tel. D. 4096. (5) Minj Feb7x Drrumsklsg. EXPERIENCED dressmakers sewing b' dav In families; good work guaranteed. Call evenings. Web. 1809. e) M551 J14x MME. WOODRUFF, 223 Neville. Tel. Doug. 5170. t5) M367 Jll IN FAMILIES Miss Sturdy. Tel. Harney 1368. (5)-273 M' DO WELL Dressmaking School, 1623 Far nam St. (5) 274 Dentists. BAILET MACH.ldTlr., PajUon. D. 105. (5) 272 Florists. HESS A SWOBODA, 115 Farnam. (5) 276 L. HENDERSON, 1C19 Farnam. Tel. D. 1263. (oj-277 J. H. BATH, 1S23 Harney. Tel. Doug. 3000. (5,-278 Hotel. THE SCHLITZ, European, 16th and Harney (5) 275 . . Jeweler and WatchmaWere. N. P. STILLING Watch, clock, Jewelry repairing. 2-3 Paxton Blk. Tel. 4317. (5)-279 Lockamltha. KETS, etc., Heflin, 1324 Farnam. Tel. D. 2974. (5)-280 Mnsle and Lisgnifn. PIANO lessons In your home. 'Phono Webster 22S2. (5) 2!3 V Otflca Soppliea. FILING cabinets, files and ledgers, loose leaf devices and office fixtures and sup plies of all kinds.- Anchor Publishing Co., iOi 8 18th St. Tel. Douglas 5562. (5) M368 Jll Ostropotby. Dr. Bowser, over 1502 Far'm. Tel. Doug. 6370. (0) 971 Feb!. JOHNSON INS.. 418 N. Y. L. Tel. D. 1664. (5) 24 Pkotograpka. C. B. TRUSSELL, 115 South 16th fit. 2S6 Sboe Repairing. RAPID SHOE REPAIR CO.. first-class work. 161&H Capitol Ave. 'Phone Red fr'4. r (5-281 SHOES repaired right, called for and de livered free. Standard Shoe Repair Co., 1804 Farnam St., Tel. D. 7567. (5) 282 Printing. EVER STOP" TO THINK of the time lost poking up the average printer when you want a Job In a hurry? Ever try us? ANCHOR PUBLISHING CO., Printers and Office Fumiers, 306-312 South 19th St. Phones: Bell, Douglas 5662; Ind. A1562. (5 M169 Jan'Jj BEFORE placing your 1908 calendar order don't fall to ere our elegant imported line. Lyngatod & Jorve, printers, 16th and Capitol Ave. (o 28S Safes. Shattpra, Ete. OMAHA Safe and Iron Works makes a specialty of fire escapes, shutters, doors snd safes. G. Andreen, . Prop.. 102 8. 11th St. (i)-287 HELP WANTED FEMALE Agents and Balealadlea. WANTED Neat appearing ambitious young ladles to handle our goods. $3 to $10 made dally. Address Imperial Mfg. Co., Letpslc, Ohio. (7) M143 llx Housekrrprrs aad Domestic. WANTED Girl for general housework; family of four. Tel. Harney 2806, frjOL' California. (7)-M795 WANTED Competent girl for general housework, family of three. See Capt. buchan. room 1 Army Bldg., 2 to 4 p. m. (7) M1H3 WANTED Young girl to assist In house work. 4SSJ6 Webster St. (7) M211 13 WANTED Competent girl for general housework. Good wages. 48i9 Caas Bt. 'Phone Harney 1051. 7 M181 WANTED An experienced girl for gen eral housework; good wages, small fam ily. Call on Mrs. Steel. 1318 So. 30th Ave. (7)-2i WANTED A widow from 25 to 40 years old on a big farm for housekeeper: good wages, no objection to 1 or 2 children. Address Y lis) care Bee. (7 MU3 14x EXPERIENCED girl tor general house work. Mrs A. 11. Fetters. S711 Popple ton Ave. 'Phone Harney 1728.. (7 6JI WANTflA competent cook. Mrs. R. 8. Hall. 3224 Farnam St. (7) M163 Housekeeper, ranch: general house girls; 14 to $7, Canadian Office, 16th and Dodge. 7 M740 GIRL for general housework; good wages. 2116 Binney 81. Tel. Webster 1015. (7i-96a U WANTED A girl for general housework. iulj Mason. 'Phone Harney 244. 0-17 1 r ay m Umaha. -v i HELP WANTEDFEMALE Honeekppupre and Donipatlri Cont'd WOMEN' S DOMESTIC GUILD, 11C Fur 11 am St. Housemaid, $0. Cook. $7. Girls for general housework, from to M. (7I-M172 11 GIRL for general housework, 6'Jfi 8. 24th avenue. (7)-M!e3 L'x M tare llaaeon. j r WANTED Trimmers, makers and prepar ers. Apply Superintendent, J, L. Brandels A Sons (7 M1.W 10 HELP WANTED-MALE Agrnts, Solicitors aad Salramrn. WANTED Solicitors to travel In nearby territory. Prefer those who have had experience with subscription books or portraits. Addros I. 785, caro Bee. (9I-M916 1 WANTIiD Salesmen to handle a first-class line of money making specialties, exclu sively or as a side line; salary or liberal commission; answering give full particu lars, whore formerly employed, etc.; ref erences with first letter. The Crescent Oil Co., Dept. 8, Minneapolis. Minn. (91-M196 13 WANTED Traveling salesmen, by local firm. Knowledge of our buslenss not necessary, but must be sober and a busi ness getter. Give age and pant experi ence. Address S,7Hu. care Bee. ' (9)-M915 HONDO DIAMONDS Experts puxzled to detect from the genuine. Sample dia mond free to those who act aa out agent. Hondo Company, Dallas. Tex. ()-M170 llx Clerical nnd Office, , POSITIONS for drug men everywhere. F, V. Kniest, 707 N. Y. Life, Omaha. (9) 288 AMBITION without the opportunity is of no value. If you have ambition to better your con dition we will be glud .to see you. We can place high-class office people. V.ESTI1.HN REE. t BOND ASS N., INC., Jl'1-722 New York Life Bldg. (9 M213 10 SITUATION WANTED Young mail, drug clerk; pharmaceutical graduate; txpur lenccd, reliable: best Kansas City reter ences. Box 078, Fremont, Neb. , () M979 12x Factory and Trndes. WANTED A man that can make good coats. Steady Job. Apply to J. A. Gough, Atlantic, la. , (!) M145 llx WANTED By competent hnrncssmaker, work by week or charge of retail shop; best of reference. Address C. 8. Cooper, Morris, Colo, ('.I) Ml 23 14x WANTED At1 once, good panls and vest maker; prices J2 and $2. 60; steady work year round for right man. William Ha nlsch, Clear- Lake, la, (9) M1S8 l6x , Mlscellaneona. POSITIONS OPEN FOR FIREMEN AND BRAKEMEN; big pay and rapid promo tion; experience unnecessary. Apply at once, personally or by letter, to National Railway Training Asa n, 620 Paxton Blk., Omaha, Neb. O) 244 Jen MANUFACTURERS. ATTENTION! We have doxens of first class traveling salesmen in our office every day looking for proi'ltalle aide lines. Personal interviews get good men. Send sample lines at once; don't wait to correspond, as now, is-the time to place your line. . ,n - MANUE'ACTURETRS' AGENCY. . Ill S. Sixth St. Minneapolis. Minn. (9) M679 10 FREE Employment Bureau, supported by Business Men's association; helps work men find positions. jtlZ New York ' ra Bldg (, WANTED Bida- for constructing concrete dum, complete; also, labor only, Albion electric power plant; one large store building for rent, center Main St., mod ern. F. K. Brow n, Albion, Neb. (9)-M214 12x DOCTOR, you will learn particulars of a practice worth $3,610 to V0 a vear by addressing Y 182, care Hew. (4) Ml'Q I5x WE GUARANTEE YOU A TELEGRAPHY JOB on the Union Pacific R. R. if you learn Telegraphy at our school, and also a place to work for your board while attending Union Pacific train dispatcher's wire and station blanks Installed in the school for practice purposes. Write for full Informa tion QUICK. Boyles Telegraphy College, H'fl Harney St., Omaha, Neb. Official training school V. P. H. R. (9) 624 HUSTLERS wanted everywhere, $25 to $30 maae weeKiy, aisiriuuting circulars, over seeing outdoor advertising: new plan, no canvassing. Merchants Outdoor Adver tising Co.. Chicago. . (9) M722 Wx U. 8. NAVY wants young men between ages 17 and 25; men with special trades acepted up to 25 years. Good opportun ities for promotion for efficient men. Pay $16 to $70 per month, practically clear of living expenses. Free illustrated booklet on application. "The Making of a Man-of-Warsman." Visit or address Navy RecruiJng Station, Omaha, Neb. . (9) M832 Feb 2 WE want a few more men to assist In real estate work In outside territory. 41b Bee Bldg., Omaha, Neb. (9 135 14x POSITIONS OPEN FOR FIREMEN AND BRAKEMEN; big pay and rapid promo tion; experience unnecessary. Apply at once, personally or hy letter, to National Railway Training Ass' n, 620 Paxton Blk., Omaha, Neb. (9,-135 Feb7 HELP WANTED MALE AND FEMALE. WANTED Young people preferably high school students to do work durlngsiare time; any one who will devote 30 minutes dally cau earn 12 to $3 weekly. Send 25 cents for sample and particulars to Box 141 Madison Square Station, N. Y. City. HO) M766 lox LIVE STOCK FORALE Horses and Vehicle. ONE 2-seat, two runabouts, top buggy, all ruber-nred, back Harness, one double express harness; one or two Uuiacs. Come In. The Harney Bt. Stables. (1D-2S9 Poultry nnd Eggs. SCREENINGS $1.25 i-er cw t. Wagner,801 n 16 n-:9) GOVT, book free.. Model Squab Co., O.naha. (11)-M68 Feb2 BARRED and White Rock cockerela some good onea for 11 00 and $2 0, each. Suale Keating, Council Bluffs, Ia. UD-M38 1(1 f FOR SALE Few more Rhode Island Red cockerels. Anna Curler, Foncu, Neb. (Hi MM 16x FOR SALE-Single Comb Brown Leghorn cockerels,, fl.ov each. Mrs. II. W. Jones, Marquette. Neb. (11) M'J02 16x tow, Bird, Dog aad Pel. FOR SALE-One pair of blood hounds. These dogs are trained and are heaithy for price wanted. T. H. McDonald, La vtna. Ia. (11, MJ&9 Jllx FOR SALE Splendid Galloway herd burl and nine females, some with calves by their side, registered. A span at $47i. Shortage of feed. R. V. Lee, Sutherland, Ia. (11, M717 lox POLLED Durham and Shorthorns, purs bred; fifteen cows, fifteen calves. ten yearling heifers, few bulls; bargain prtr for bunch. F. T. Nourw, Hextonvllle, Wl. (.U,-S4 11a miiir mil j'kMHi LOST AND FOUND LOST On Jsn. 3 A white and red enam elled gold pin with the letters V. C. '04. Reward for return to Bee office. U2--!9 i rOUND Gold watch. Owner mav have same by proving ownership, fair' at Bee office. 02-Ml; IX18T College fraternity pin. Januory 4. with Greek letters II. T V. on fuce, slid Initials C. F. 8. on buck. Call Webster Sis! (12)-M171 lox MEDICAL I'EST nerve bracer for men, "Gray's Nerve Food rills." $1 a box. postpaid. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., Omaha, (i;ii LSi ANY poor girl In need of a friend call or write to the nuitron of the Salvation Army Home fo Women at 3S24 N. 2ltli sr., Omaha, Ned (1J,-M1 FREE medical and surgical treatment at Crelghton Medical college, 14th and Dav enport Sts. ; special attention paid to con finetiient canes; all treatment supervised by college professors 'Phone Douglas lio7. tai.o ai 1 e red day or night. (Ui- l'.l. MONEY TO LOAN SALAMI AND CHATTELS EAGLE IX)AN OFFICE Reliable, accot v modatlng; all business confidential. K"U1 Douglas. (14) 9K- DO YOU WANT to start the NEW YEAR right? Do you want to pay up your landlord, grocer, di o tor or anyone you owe and pav all in one place? See the OLD OMAIIA MORTGAGE, sixteen years here that means reliability. OMAHA MORTGAGE IXJAN CO., , 119 Board of Trade Bldg., 16th St. Entrance. (14)-3-i Ji ft TO LOAN Monev-TK-n- m w a 1 j 'Phone Dougl -LOW sums to Bee Bldg. Douglas 2!4. UNION LOAN COMPANY. C14)-2!i4 MONEY WANED SALARIED PEOPLE and others without security; rasv pay ments. Offices in 6J principal cities. Tol nian, room 714, New York Life Bldg. (14) 297 FOR A SQUARE DEAL GO TO THE PHOENIX CREDIT CO. For Chattel or Salary Loans. 633 Paxton Block. Phone Douglas 715. 1.14) 290 FURNITURE, live stock snlarv. loans. Duf t Green Loan Co., room 8, Barker Bill. (10-208 CHATTEL, salary and storage receipt loans. Foley loan Co., 1504 Farmim St. (14, 2M WHEN writing to advertisers, klndlv men tion The Bee. a OFFERED FOR RENT Boarding and Rooms. VIENNA hotel; private dining rooms; cafe. (lf 1301 DEWEY European Hotel, 13th and Farnam. (13, 302 LARGE southeast room, nlso one other room; excellent table board; 123 S t'i Ave. (15,-997 12x Furnished Rooms. E DO expert piano moving at lowest prices. Tel. Douglas 16i5. Schmollcr & Mueller Piano Co., 13H-1313 Farnam. , (16,-303 BEAUTIFUL ROOM Hanwom park dis ttict. private family. Inline privileges, fine location. Harney 1348. (15,-M'.i86 t2x IF you want good room see lis. If you want your rooms rented) see us. CITY ROOM RENTAL CO.. 'Phone Red 3045. 542 Bee Bldg. (15, M217 F9 OMAHA VAN & Storage Co.. pack, move, store H. H. goods; storehouse 1120-24 N. 19th, Office, 16o Farnam. Tel. Doug. 1569. (16)-34 Do as others do IOOKINO MIR ROOMS. Let us do It for them. THE ONLY SYSTEM. Saves time, money and worrv. OMAHA RENTAL COMPANY. Tel. Doug. 381. 308 N. Y. Lift. Bldg. (15,-M2i5 10X HOUSEHOLD goods packed forwarded: cheap freight rates, moving and storing. Expressmen's Delivery Co., Tel. Douglas 8t4. (15)-306 v . . TWO elegant rooms; modern, walking dis tance, reference rquircd; board if da aired. 2024 Webster St. (16) 704 9x SOUTH front rooms In modern brick house, close in; 2208 Douglas St. (15, M781 11 BEAUTIFUL ROOMS, furnished; private family. 2005 St. Mary's Ave. (15)-M79G llx FRONT -ROOM, first floor, bedroom ad Joining; desirable for two or more; also other rooms. 218 N. 19th. (15) M961 11 PLEASANT housekeeping, sleeping and transient rooms. 2474 Hartley St. Tel. Douglas 4294. (15) M941 2 OR 3 FURNISHED rooms; modern, with kitchen privileges; adults only; re.er ences required. 2701 Woolworth Ave. (15) IS! 15x Unfurnished Rooms. FOUR ROOMS, all modern, 2115 Emmet St (15) M783 llx TWO connected rooms, firBt floor, for house keeping. 2220 Chicago. 'Phone Red 67231. (15) 967 12 THREE w ell arranged rooms in good neigh borhood to small, deBirable family Ad dress, A 792, Bee.. (15) 998 9x Apartments and Flnta, $18 00 7-room flat, corner 16th and Grace Opp. Ston brewery. Inquire 410 S lnh' (ld)-l4 ' Housekeeping Hooma. FRONT ROOM; alcove; furnished; house, keeping; $12. 522 8. 24th Ave. (15)-M153 lux FOUR ROOMS, unfurnished, two block from deputs. 'Phone Red 5756. En est Stuht. (15i-M161 12a TWO , nicely furnished rooms for llglit noueKecjiii0. i4.au per mum n. 45 23d St. (16) ls.i 15x Houses and Cottagpa. CHEAP RENT-WARM HONSES 7-room house, 3239 Evana $12 50 7-room house, 4713 Davenport ,.. 15.n1) 10-room bouse, modern, 191$ Hickory..!. 30 0 J. H. PARROTTE. 33 BOARD TRADE. (15) 3o6 EIGHT-ROOM-liouse, modern throughout, location the best In town, 216 8. 3.1th Ave. Telephone Ixiuglaa lsi.g for particulars. Win. 11. Bodeuiann. (15) M3H3 720 N. 23d. 9 rooms, all modern, southwest corner Burt; close to car and stores. 220 Maple St., 9 rooms, all modern. Near 36th and Ames, 5 rooms, new. 'Phone Douglas 2152 for others. OKKEFE REAL ESTATE CO., IO01 New York Ufe Bldg. (15) 740 Ro2 8. 29th. T rnis . gas. bath, etc., $-0. 2418 8. 16th. mil., flat, $12.50. 3.102 Seward, 8 rms., city water. $15. 3:o7 8. Ut, 6 rms., elty water, 1)4 3211 8. 21st, 6 rms , city water. $12 323 N. .Vth, 6 rmi., city water. $15. M CAGUE INVESTMENT CO.. 1506 Dodge St. (15I-M17T If NEW k-rnom cottage; hath, attic and cellar, "621 Rera Bu TeL Douglas 4182. U5)-M156 LI OFFERED FOR RENT iloaaea and t'nltaara Continued. 4-ROOM house and bun, 4"9 W illiam St., in rear, fl.1; J-rootn Mouse, cttv witter In kitchen, MIS N. :'41li St.. $11; barn. 1114 N 141 h St., 13. t lit is lloT, 2'.d ai d Chip- j ing. n:,i-M7'vt iJl'ifK. 2t08 MIAMI, 8 looms, modem rcepl t heat; all rtewlv papered. Wall Invi" mciu Co., 401 Ilec Hldg. Tel. Dio'ulas 4 (1,'ii-MW. Mnggard Van A StoraRo Co., 1712 Weh-der. (IM-ons FOR nKXT-Il': N. lfth, .-i.,or.i iroiletn tirii'k house, tS 00 2"JT Farnam, 7-room Hal. modern except brut. CilAS. L. SAUNDERS, 211 S. nh Pt K,-M K. HnPsNl-'S! I" sll part of the rltv. Crolgh llln 1 Sons & Co., Bee 111 lg. (I .J-.H1 BEAUTIFULLY furnished 6-ror-r- modern coltuge, to couple with no children. In return for room snd board; walking dis tance. Address M 872. Bee (I5)-M116 L'x FOR RENT. 2fith Ave. and Sprague, six rooms, nicely papered, new. during winter, $18 I17 Mlnml. 5 rooms, mod., with barn. $.. C. O. CARLBERG, 911 N. Y. Life Bldg. (l;i M41 HOUSE!?. Insurance, Rlngwalt, Barker Ulk. (ir.i-:ti5 TiniTSsF; In all parts of the cltv. Peters llUUr1 Trust Co., N. Y. Life Bldg. 151 113 GOOD HOUSES FOR RENT. 4112 Farnam, choice 7-r., modem, $W. 4101 Farnam, 7-r., mod., ham, $'i. 1337 8. 27th, good 6-r.. modern. $15 2101 Miami. 8-r.. bath, gas, barn, $2'. 6i'7 S. 34th. 6-room cottage. $15. 2321 8. 16th, 5-room flat. $Ui. 21u 8. 2Sth Ave.. 3 rooms, 7. ' GARVIN BROS., 1601 Farnam ' (15-M109 10 FOR RENT Five rooms and hath room, strictly modem except heat. Price $16.00. 919 No. 27th St. (1.1) M209 12x 604 SOUTH 27th St., 12 rooms, all m.xlcrn, $00. 3!29 N. 23d Pf . 6 renms, $18. BEMIS. PAXTON BLOCK. (16)-711 FOR RENT-fi-room cottsge; good cellar; east front; south part of city: $12 per month. C. M. Rnchmann, 426-37 Pax:on Blk. Tel. Red 639. tla)-2S HOUSES, flats, Garvin Bros., 1601 Farnam. tir.i .nr. FOR RENT Eight-room, modern house, 414 N. 31st 81.. $.15. THOMAS BRENNAN, Room 1, New York Life Building. (15)-,117 r REDUCED RENTS. 1841 N. 24th, 4-room $13 TURRELL & CO., R. 17, Patterson Bldg. (In) M05S 8-ROOM, ail modern house, on f,0-ft., frontage; newly painted and papered; Farnam, or 'phone Douglas 4j87. (1.D-M741 CLOSE In, 7-room, all modern house, $43. 618 S. 2(th St. (15)-M770 llx BALL room and lodge rooms, Fraternity hall, 1816 Harney, Opp. Public library. See Janitor. (15) 186 Buildings. LODGE rooms for rent. Bldg. Inquire Room 819. New Brandels (15)-M931 1U Offices. Two Floors in Avery Building Size G(ixl32 Equipped fr office and storage, good trackage and protected with automatic sprinkler system. Apply llock Island Plow Co., Tenth and Leavenworth Sts. 'Phone Douglas 491. (15,-M742 FOR RENT Large office room In Crounse Bill., on 16th St., opposite postofflce, at $8 per month. Conrad Younw, 1518 Dodge St. (15) M162 DESK room on second floor, Wead Bids'. F. D. WEAD, 1801 Farnam. U5)-943 11 TWO fine, large office suites In the Con tinental block; choice location ror pnysi cian or dentist. ALFRED C. KENNEDY. 209 First Nutlonal Bank Building. (li, 318 GROUND floor office In Bee building for rent. Very cheap. Peters 1 rust Company, (16)-32o SUITE! of offices In Omaha National bank: best of Unlit. L. D. Spalding, Supt. Telephone Douglas 230. (15) M642 in DESK room, new Brandels Bldg. Inquire Room 819. (15i M930 14 TWO very desirable cast "front offices In Wead Bldg. ( iti .MI2 11 Stores. 3-STORY and basement. 22x100, 1M3 Far nam. Apply 314 First Nut 1 Bank Kldg. , (15)-.M:.s7 4-STORY and basement building on Far nam St., adj. M. E. Smith Dry Goods Co., bet. 9th and loth 81s.; equipped with an elevator, fireproof vault. R. R. trackage and loading platform. F. D. Wead. xol Farnam St., Tel. Doug. 1529. (i7.)-M1.'i7 1812 Harney 8J:., 32xl(A), one or two stories; suitable for storage, garage, laundry, etc. 8. S. Curtis, I81 Harney. il.1i M7M9 MODERN store room In new Scargo Bldg., 24th St., South Omaha. 1. o. Block hall. S17 First Nut. Bldg. 'Phone Red 74';. (1.H-MU9 FOR RENT 2-storv brlcj; store room, 25x 100, In town of 1.200; a first-class opening for general merchandise store; furniture and shelving (modern) for sale or rent. Address the owner, R. J. Finch, Aratialmc, Neb. M-V-Ml'"' OFFERED FOR SALE Fpuolng. ANCHOR and iron fencing; wire fencing 5c per foot. 206 N. 17th St. Tel. Red "14. (I6i-3-'2 Pianos, Organs, Mualt-Hl Instmifteiita. PIANO with Aiig lus plaver. flrsi-i lass con dition, good as new; will sell for lets tluiu half price, lad Farnuui St. (16181? J.inKI GOING away; fine, nearly new up.'Uht, ,"6) nlano, $125. 411 N. i.ld Ki. (10)-!9 lf,x TypenrllPra and Sewing Machines. FOR SALE High grade ecc.ind -hand tyie wrlters; good condition; a liari;a n at Call room 6(3. Bee liMg. Gti)-71 M r.crllaneou. (JAS.ELE(TH1(3 AND COM 1 51 X ATI ( er FIXT Ull ES Largest, most up-to-date stock at lowest prices in the cltv, select now. Delivered when needed. Inspection levlted. I JU KG ESS (J KAN I) EX CO.. 313 B. 15th at. Tel. Doug M. ;6)-.M6.i7 FOR BALE Set of offl.l.tl rec rda War of the Rebellion. 116 volume. dull, fine condition. D. II. Talmadsv. West Union. Ia. ( I61-M!M) L'x FOR BALE Two printing outfits, two newapaper presses, two 10x15 Job prcssej snd everything coinpiete for two news paper offices in small town; $.Oi each. C. A. Miller, Newman Grov-. Neb (16i-M72 10x FOR BAJ.hi New and second-hand billiard and pool tabjje. We lead the world In cheap bar fixture; easy payment Brunswick-Balk Colindax. 407 8. bxji St. tl6-,26 OFFERED FOR SALE VI larrllnnroii l onllnnrd. FOR SALE !.") feet second-hand lr I'.UIe. W. H Bridges, engineer Bee Bldg. (16) -M4..3 x SEND U.I your mm) orders for drugs; freight paid on liu lots. Myers-1 il'loii Drug Co., Omaha. H61 "jt , DRUGS ht rut price; !rilsM paid on all Ih orders: catalogue free. Sherman A Mc Connell Drug Co.. Cinahn. Neb. 1fi 3.V. FOR SALE Several show ens", new nut roaster, large coffee mill, two latge automatic oil tanks 1111,1 storo flxtmes. too numerous to mention. Globe lind and Investment Co., Omaha, Neh. (1HI-327 HOMEOPATHIC remedies, wholesale, re fall. Shermnn Mc otmell Drug Co , Mill and Dodge Sl , Omaha, Neb. tliil-S SECOND-HAND overcoats and firearm. Singer, 416 N. 16tli. ilti (- .!.? SHERWIN-WILLIAMS I'll, hestnTlvd paint. Sherman A McConnell Drug Co. 16 1-. ;.?) UP AGAINST IT! Must sa. rlfice U-k. cViT niond ling, a benuty, $.v; ',-k. I... k.-rsnd stud, $2.1 each; ring with three fin,. 1. u stones. $7R. IV. Richie, L12 lliirnrv Si Tel. Red 3T.I6. (16 )-.; SO HAY-I'l per ton. Wagner, sol N P'.th. ( 16 1 232 HALL'S safes, new, 2d-hand. IS18 Fiimam. (I61 ;:i FOR SALE .lob lot of men's Hncn collars 3nn dnr.cn; sll in saleable condition: wli sell nl a great bargain. Address. M iy. lee. (Iiii-M7tVS II DAYTON COMPUTING SCALE sTV l-Hr" gain, .low N. lUth St H fit 191 Feb PATENTS D. O. BARNELL, Paxton Blk.. Tel. Red 7117 U7)-3.l LARSON & CO.-Bnok free. Neville Bldg. 1171-3:4 PATENTS THAT PROTECT-4 books for inventors mailed on receipt of 6c postage. H. S. A A. B. l.acey, rooms 29-39 Pacific Bldg., Washington. D.. C. Established m..i 17)-J.1.'. PERSONAL M AONETK? '""''nient and halh -u.HUMilli smith, lis N. 15th. Mine, :d fit. 111,-smi L1EREN, costumer, 1410 Howard, open etc (18i tti ' GENTS' and ladles' costumes. 3318 8. SHIi .Ba- , (181158 22 x A GENTLEMAN (single) owning and 11111" nmg a fine home In the city, with cum petent, reliable help,, wishes two oilier gentlemen (single) to Join with him and .share expenses equally labout $.10 each per month): obj.ct. s) high c ass home for ea It man at moderate expense; onlv high clai-s men considered (preferably college men 1 best of references given and required. Ad dress. D 611. Bee. (I8)-M357 THE SALVATION ARMY solicits .nsl-off clothing; In fact, anything you do not 5,;, collect, repair and sell at 131 'V'1 St., for cost of collecting, to Un worthy poor. Cull 'phone Doug. 41.16 and wagon will cull. ONi 7K5 NEEDED nt Child Saving Institute. k dining room chairs, three rocking chairs some dishes and conking utensils. Friends who can donate any of these articles will please 'phone Webster 1WH, or send them to 18th and Ohio Sis. (18, M173 lf,x ALWAYS fresh. Satin Skin Cream, never dries up, spoils, shrinks or changes. 20c (IS 1 YOUNG WOMEN coming to Oma!,ans strangers are Invited to visit the Young .nns cllrltl11" Association roonn 1616 farnam St., where they will be di rected to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. (18) 915 SYRINGES, rubber goods, bv mall: cut pr cee. Send for free catalogue. Mvers DIMon Drug Co., Omaha. . (1813:6 WR RENT, repair, sell needles for old sewing machines. Neb. Cycle Co., Cor. 15th and Harney. (18) 337 PRIVATE CONFINEMENT HOME-Mrs. Dr. King. 1324 N. 24th. Tel. Web. ,,v.i. OKI 33H OMAHA Stammerer's Institute, Ramge Building. (16i-;!!i MASSAGE vnd hath- 'i 2. iiot u1.111n.u11j Farnam St.. 2d floor. (1K)-M748 F.1 WANTED Your power of attorney to stake mining claims In Alaska. Address BenJ. Bitrgs, 713 N. 72d St., Seattle. Wash. (18) M744 li'T VIOLINIST wants playing, experienced, will teach beginners reasonable. Address P 789 Bee. ,18) MH49 llx REAL ESTATE REAL E.STAT 10 DEALER!. PAYNE INV. CO.. 1st floor N. Y. T.ife Douglas 1781. j (19) ;;4I JNO. T. B.MITLETT. 221 1st Nat. Bk Bl.lg" (19)-M247 Jan26x GEORGE & CO. lu'il Farnam. Tel. Donglas 7"l. (191-312 J PETERS TRUST CO.. N. Y. Life Bldg. 09,-311 CITV PROPERTY FOR All'. FINE Modern Home for Small Sum Elegant 12-room modern bruise, contain ing furnace, gas, l.ol und cold water con nections on three floors, bath, tollut, lava tory, laundry, cemented cellar, apartment for coal bins, fruit and vegetable storage, etc. Two beautiful mantels, oak and hard 1 iiur mono. ivu eaer rront 101s, nicely ter ; racwd, fruit . shade, permanent walks, etc. j FlncHt location and fcurroundlnga, 0110 blink from Fui nam car. This choice home of I fi-red for only $.1,ii)i-l,s than half Its cost. 1 Owner delerinlned to sell ut oiicm and will nuke any-reasonable terms. See Us toaay for particulars and submit offer. KUSSELL & M'KITHICK CO., 432-31 Uainge Bldg. lith and Harney. (19, 18(i lu OW.NEK MAKlXd C'HANGK, SAYS SELL Seven-room, ull modern house with hot water heat. In fine Hernia Park residence district, on lot 4-x lf.s. Price $J,76o or owner wld consider Omaha acreage In ex change. Shimer & Chase Co. MS Farnam. Dong. 3fci7. (1)-M206 10 AYE AY A XT TO miY A Lumber yard In eastefn Nebraska. Mini be In good town and worth the money, COXXEK & UEALY, 331 Board of Trade, (iinaha. t (I9)-M212 10 OWNER (jf W ft. frontiige on 2'th 8L, near Mian.i lias eclal 1 lace to ue money and says sell. Splendid site to ,i,d on Pile, only. !'. D. Wead. 1801 Farnam St (1:')-M1W 11 IJEAL EXT ATE TITLE TRUST fu lt ( HAS I! WILLIAMSON. Pre. CO. - !) 344 13 LOTS AND HOI.BB lR$8oO Balan. e same a rent, only 4 block from Ames Ae. car. school, church, grocery .lore, or ..Ih 6..X127 ft for W) each GEUKGK A Ci 1.. l.io FARNAM ST. - (191-193 10 $. OuO I will buy full city ,,, t,;,,,, , b bain and amall otiag,. , northeast corner of I6H1 and Uavenworth Sta THOMAS BRENNAN. Room 1 Nw J-orl. Ut9 Jmlldlng. -. (ui-at