Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 05, 1908, NEWS SECTION, Page 5, Image 5

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nev. ucorge A. t. Iroutman, Ml
nasnmgion, mo., Writes,
"My Wife and I Are Strong
Believers in Pe-ru-na."
, Catarrh and La Grippe. .
t Roy. o, A. E. Trontmari, -Mt,
Vahln?ton,Mo., wrlteit ,"My wife
nd I are strong bellereii in TeruDa.
0 r
Much More Appropriated by Council
to San the City.
I was l ured of a bad case of catarrh when
untiling else that I tried had any effect.
My wife was cured from a mm otu
of la grlpps, and we feel that the least
we nn do la to gratefully acknowledge
the njer(t of Peruna.
"ty wife Joins me In sending best
wlstjfs for your success."
? Tlirrtat Troublo. ',
Kev. If. V.' Tate, 9:'0 Lincoln Asenue,
Walnut Hills, Cincinnati. Ohio, writes
"For several years I have been troubled
with a peculiar spasmodic affection of
th throat. It would slexe me suddenly
and for a few minutes I would be tin
able to speak audibly, and my breath
would be greatly lnterferred with
would be obliged to grasp for breath.
I finally concluded that It was some
catarrhal affection which probably ri-
cited the spasm. It lnterferred with my
vocation as a preacher, attacking me oc
caslonally in the. pulpit.
"I had heard so much about Peruna
as a catarrh remedy that I determined
to try it. Aftfer taking two bottles, my
troubl baa disappeared. I feel sure that
I'eruna has greatly benefited me."
Rev. P. K. Bwanstrom. Swedish Baptist
Tastor. Box 228, Orantsburg, Wis., writes
that front the use of Peruna he Is per
fectly well, entirely cured of chronic
diarrhea and catarrh.
Peruna in Tablet Form.
For' two year Dr. llartman and his
assistants have Incessantly labored to
create Peruna In tabic form, and their
strenuous labors have Just beelT crowned
with success. " People who object to
liquid medicines can now secure Peruua
Tablets, which represent tTie medicinal
Ingredients of ' Peruna. Each tablet is
equivalent to one. average dose
:Ask your druggist for free Perona Almanac for1908.
Cause of Most Crimes, Declares County
Physician. Swoboda. ,1
Busy for Fiends to Proeare Drnn De
spite City aad Stale Restrictions,
V Whirh II W1H Try to
eO per rent
of the calls upon the
it.v physician Tor treatment come from
"dope" fiends is Oie startling assertion of J
rmitty Pljyslcian Swoboda. who lias been'
Investigating the prevalence of tho use
of drugs among the charity and criminal s
classes. ' ; J '(
"rYom'29 tl 25 per emit of the cases It)
the .county liORpital are traceable to the
use of cocaine, morphine or some other
drug." lie declared, "and the proportion
will iiold good at the city and county Jails.
Most of our criminals are 'dope' ftdnds and
ttiey commit their crimes while under the
Influence of the drug. It is astounding tha
waythe use of drugs Is Increasing. The
sale of-tt-except under certain restrictions
Is prohibited, both by state law and city
ordinance, but It Is notorious that any
'dope' fiend ran get all he wants without
any trouble. Something ought to be done
to prevent the sule of the stuff."
Dr. Swoboda has consulted with Deputy
County Attorney Magncy'ln regard-to the
State law'. The officers who have tried
to enf orce., tjj urainanc-e.dwlare, U Is viy
dlffiouHhwauae of the difficulty of secur-'
Ing cvftfeui". that will stand the test' in
the court.' Dr. - Bwoboda may call the
attention of, tliQ fire and poUee- board to
the emotions he, fh s exist in Umaliv
"I lme Jnn . ulnlr fiiy times in the
last ten days by charitably inclined people
to treat a woman at Thirteenth and Capitol
avenue, but there is nothing In the world
the matter with her but 'dope.' Hhe has
no trouble In getting all she wants. It is
bring smuggled into both the city and
rounty Jails and the prisoners seem to
have all they want. I have never allowed
any of It to go Into the county Jail on
prescription since I have been county
Cleaning- Windows With Whisky.
' Johii S. Cox, president of the Tennessee
senate, had an old negro servant who liked
his drink Just as Well as the best Kentucky
colonel In the lilun Grass State, One morn
Ing. Just after the cold spell brukc, the
darky said to Senator Cox.
, Marse John, eaid he, III Jes up an
lcan dose winders lis mornln'."
"All right, Caesar' replied the senator.
"1 so got ter hub a half tumbler of
whisky, Marse John. D're ain't nutlln' like
whisky, f of clean in' winders."
I he nun tumbler was promptly given
Caesar, who armed himself with some rags
and carried the whisky to another room to
begin work. A few minutes afterward,
Senator Cox had occasion to enter his
room. Caesar was busy polishing he win
dows. . The tumbler, was on the table, but
no whisky in It.
'"Why. Cuesar, what's become of the
whisky?" asked the senator. "I thought
you useT it in this work."
"So I does, Marse John; so I does," was
the answer. "Ye see, sail, I drinks de
whisky an' blows my bref agin the wln
defst" Judge. .
Mayor Jim Seises His Trnsty Pen and
Lends the Onslaught by Wkirk
Ins; Hla Own Office
they could scarcely stand. They have Only
thelr bruises and cuts for their psiriil. for
their fair "flueen of Tove" awards ta neither
Uie prise of victory.
"They hare proved themselves ravages."
said the girl. "I shall have nothing more
to do with either."
Tha rivals were arrested and taken before
Recorder Cadmus, who, reaariMng their
bruises and bumps, said: "You hate pun
ished each other pretty well. Pt Ml. I fine
each of you tin."
Mayor "Jim" In person Friday led. the
fortes of the council In cutting the amounts
Mowed for running tho jeveral city de.
partments which drsw their financial
nourishment from the general fund. ' Tho
amount set aside In the city comptroller's
estimate for running tho mayor's office
for 1908 was M.9C. In 17 it had been
14.687. Unhesitatingly tho mayor drew his
lead pencil and changed tha figures.
Cut it down," he aald, "to what U was
last year."
And they did It.
When the council finished the adjusting
prooess the total budget stood at J3D3,S0O.
and S8.5M was unapportloned. Lost year
I1M.611.W was apportioned for the same
Last year S10.WO was apportioned to pay
Judgments rendered against the city. This
year 141,320 was put down for Jhls purpose.
But City Attorney Burnam admitted that
probably it would take In excess of this
figure to -pay Ui Judgments. Thera Is the
Bemls case, which is now In tho supreme
court. This is a Judgment against tho city
for $12,000. and costs and interest will
amount to K.OOn additional. Bo the sum
of $.O0O was put In the apportionment for
paying Judgments.
Dr. Connell Makes 'Em Talk.
The Immense Increase asked by the
health department caused conslderabla dls
cusslon. This department was given xil.&ro
last year in the apportionment. It spent
in excess of $18,000, and then in December
an extra bill for $1,100 was brought In to
the council and allowed. The department
asked for $39,509 for 1908. Dr. Connell ex
plained that he wanted among other things
to hire six new Inspectors,
W have one inspector and one man to
do disinfecting now." he said. But since
the council passed the ash pit and the
garbage can ordinance I need at least six
additional inspectors to enforce these ex
cellent laws. You can't make the people
nut those things in unless you keep at
Councilman (Dr.) Davis thought there
would be little menace to the health of
the people of the city through failure to
construct ash pits. He further declared
that mucli needless expense Is Incurred by
the city through refusal of officers to
allow victims .of Illness or accident to call
their own physicians.
"In tho schools pupils have been refused
the privilege of being vaccinated by their
own physicians, but have been lined up
and vaccinated at the city's expense," he
said. "And I have been refused permis
sion myself to give first aid to the Injured
which tho po"ce took up In soma accident.
They had to be rushed to a hospital at the
city's expense."
MrGovern Wants to Be fthoirn.
Councilman McGovern demanded a de
tailed statement of tho expenditures of
the health office, which Dr. Connell did
not have and an item of $181 for groceries
In December seemed particularly excessive
to him.
In the end the council allowed the. health
department $16,900. The emergency hos
pital was apportioned $2,000 instead of the
$4,000 asked. The comptroller asked for
$13.lTS and got $12,2. An item allowing
$5,000 for cutting weeds was cut out and
where weeds need to be cut in accordance
with the recently passed ordinance tha
funds will ' be drawn from tha general
When it came to $1,200 for superintendent
of the market the mayor remarked that
he thought the salary had been cut to
$909. But It was not so. The council passed
an ordinance a few weeks ago abolishing
the office. The mayor vetoed it and said
he preferred to reduce the salary to $900
Instead of abolishing It. The council sus
tained his veto, but failed to reduce the
salary. So the marketmaster who, several
pointed out. "doesn't do anything," remains
on the pay roll at $100 a month.
Awsssti as They Stand.
The amounts as finally apportioned were
as follows:
Funds set Estimates
Department. aside. 17. for IV
An Insldloas Dancer. - -
- p of the worst features, of. kidney
trouble Is that It is an Insidious disease and
before the vlctlru realises his danger he
may have a fata,l'; malady." Take Foley'
Kidney Cure at the first sign of trouble;
M It correcjs Irregularities and. prevents
Bright'' disease and diabetes. All druggist.
1 -
.' s
C 1 e a r an b e S a 1 e
. - . . !
Only S3 Cent ss
1504 Farrmm Street
Chiracs Prod lay. roar Month
Old, PrAve n 'Hhls of the
Old Black."
Chlcsgo tias an Infant Hercules hi In
land Anderson, 4 months old, son of Mr.
and Mrs. U II. Anderson. 6348 .Jackson
The muscles of this prodigy of physical
development are. as hard as those of a
strong man. They stand out on his little
arms, Ugs and back In cords and knots.
His mother began working his arms and
legs up and down When he was a week
old. When S weeks old the baby could
grip his mamma's thumbs and hold him
self suspended In the air. Now he can
stand alone, let his body come to the floor
by bending his knees, and straighten up
again. He has not learned to balance
himself yet, or his mamma thinks he
could walk.
He bathes in a large bathtub. He all
but swims. He loves his bath and cries
when taken out. He haa. two baths a
day. One Is In water at .88 and the other
at VS degrees. He sleeps out of doors
with only a handkerchief over his head
and light covering. He has done this
when the thermometer registered 10 de
grees above xero. This Is the coldest
weather his short Ufa has known.
His wonderful strength Is shown In his
ability tn swing with one hand or two
upon his father's cane held in his
mother's hands. He can push his body
from the floor to arm' length. le can
crawl from one end of the house to the
Hla father Is a .teacher of physical cul
ture. He ha been a vegetarian for twenty
years. His mother's muscles are hard
Trom dally exercise. Blie has been a
vegetarian for eight year
Decision of Judge He dick and Solo
mon Will Appeal Case.
Fnllnre to Amend City Charter Pro
vldln for Da tie of City C om -
roller Fatal Detect (
Legislative Art.
Judge Redlck In the district court Satur
day5 morning decided the law enacted by
the last legislature creating the office of
county . comptroller and providing for the
merger of the city and county comptroller
ships were Invalid, and he ' announced he
would Issue an injunction' to prevent the
county board from expending any money
to establish the new office and from ap
proving tho bond of Comptroller-elect
'After the decision was announced Mr.
Solomon declared he would appeal lo the
supreme court In the hope of reversing the
decision, but he could not say what action
he would take In regard to resigning as
county commissioner in order that he might
make an offer to qualify for tho conip
trollershlp. Judge Redlck held with Mr. Solomon'
attorney on three of the four questions
raised hi the case, but on the fourth, which
was pivotal, he held the' law bad.' He held
the law providing for the consolidation of
the city comptroller's office with the county
comptroller was unconstitutional becausS
It amended certain section of. the city
charter without specifically naming them a
provided tn the constitution. He also held
the consolidation feature was one of the
principal Inducements to the passage of
the law creating the office of county
comptroller and hence that law, should fall
with the other.
Four Tolata of Attack.
Four points were raised by the attorney,
Breen & Irerdrnan, who attacked the va
lidity of tho law. First It was contended
rtie law was unconstitutional because It
was class legislation; second, that the
muln law amended sections of th statute
without speciflcslly naming them: third,
that the title was not broad enough, and,
fourth, that chapter xxtvll, the law pro
viding for the consolidation, was a cognate
act; that It Is unconstitutional because It
fll"d to amend the sections of the charter
relating to the duties of the city comp
troller and that chapter xxxvil was so In
separably conneotril with the subject of
chapter xxxvi. creating the office of rounty
comptroller, that It formed sn Inducement
for tho passage of chapter xxxvi, and If
chapter xxxvll Is unconstitutional chapter
xxxvl must fall with it.
Judge Rrdlrk held there was nothing In
the law creating the offlie of rounty comp
troller that would Invalidate It. But he
held It was in consideration of the fact
that the county comptroller would perform
the duties rf the city comptroller that the
legislature . fixed tho salary at $X.Vy for
services which the law required the city
to pay J7.tX) a year for.
Mrrsrr Matn Par pose.
Continuing the court said:
If we sre permitted, as held In many
other Jurisdictions, and perhaps not defin
itely denied In this, to consider matters of
Common knowledge with relation to the
lilstorv of the legislation under view. It
cannot be disputed that the main object
In the passage of the four chapters dls
russed upon the hearing was to consolidate
the offices of city and county comptroller,
and I am Inclined to think that this Is a
fair Inference from the nature of the enact
ments themselves. Such objert Is defeated
by the failure of the legislature to properly
provide that the county comptroller shall
be ex-cffflclo city comptroller and to per
mit the one chapter to stand without the
other would be to effectuate an Intention
thst never existed In the minds of the leg
I am not unmindful of the gravity of
the question involved In this case. They
are not only Important as nuestlons of con
stitutional Isw. but they sre Important as
arrecung the rights or he people who have
voted for the county comptroller, and
rights of the comptroller elected and the
persona selected by him to perform 'the
duties of that office; but when the ques
tiona have been given careful and con
scientious consideration and the court is
fully satisfied that the laws are unconsti
tutional. Its duty Is plain. A temporary
injunction win Do allowed.
Judge Redlck called Judge Kennedy in
to consult with him upon this point In the
decision and Judge Kennedy agreed with
him as to the conclusion announced.
In prefacing his decision. Jti.lge Redlck
Bald It was always the policy of the courts
to hold laws constitutional except where
their unconstitutionality
Fratnrea of the entl-naaal
l.onn Association.
The semi-nnniinl report of the Nebraska
Savings snd lsn sssoclatlon of Omsha
presents showing of business growth for
the last half of the year. At the begin
ning of this frnod the directors decided
to revise the bylaws and methods of
operation and afford better facilities for
saving and homr-getting. Although the
new rules did not go Into effect until
October 1. the impulse of the change in
creased tlie btiines of the association by
$1'4.iX. The rrport shows axeets of $173.KO.
A dividend rat. of 6 rer rent per annum
was credited to share accounts and $iV
carried to the rrs rve fund.
NY. B. T. Belt, managtr of the Nebraska
Telephone company, succeeds H. Vane
I-ane on the directory of the association.
Onr Jim Derides Attend the IWer
N'nt lira t Inn Meeting In
"Ions. Cllr
Mayor Dahlman will attend the Missouri
River Navigation congress In Sioux C1j
January and 2S. The mayor received
an Invitation Saturday morning from th
exeeutlve committee and has decided U
accept It. The committee asks him to N
one of th speakers and to this also thi
mayor Is not averse.
"I am going, sure thing," ssld the mayoi
"It Is one of the biggest things that hap
pened In this part of the country In I
long while and I want to be there. I n
going to try to get some of tho council
to go along. AVe want tn have . a good
bunch there."
Railway Notes anal Personals.
Krastus Young, auditor of the Cnlon fa,
rific left Saturday for Chicago.
E. K I.omsx, general passenger agent !
the Vnlon l'aclfic, leaves Sunday night fot
Chicago. .
The employes of the legal . department
of the Burlington, presented Charles K
Manderson. general solicitor, with a hand
some loving cup as a Christmas present,
engraved with thn names of the memheri
I tsltlU
of the department.
Mayor $ 4.f7.0O
Council 18.MW.G0
Comptroller U.OuO.OO
citv clerk
Legal 12.7Q0.UO
City treasurer 14.000.0U
Electrical '.. 6.$a6t)0
Building Inspector 6.SW.00
Holler inspector 1.860.00
Plumbing 1.740.00
License Inspector a. 63. (JO
Gas Inspector 1.630.00
Weights and measures. l,So.v0
Huperintendent market. 1.&0.00
Police court ... 3.260.00
City hall fuijd 16.000.00
ILiecuon expanses ,nw.w
Health department U.5X).oO
Emergency hospital .... 1.000.00
Judgment 10.0u0.00
Removing dead animal 1. 100.00
$ 4.687.00
18.000 00
12, 20 00
12.110. 00
2. 460.O0
V. 200.00
8. 260. Oh
i.soo n
2.600 00 1
1 fJii -A )
2 ,VW.W
Meals for prisoners I.Ono.oo
Advertising $.000 00
Premium on Donas l.ev.00
Voting machines V428.00
Ak-8ar-Ben lighting .... 2JO00
Annual reports 2UU.00
Totals $1 66.611.
statement ef Comptroller.
Tha department statement of Comptroller
Looser, of th condition of th general fund
up to December It, 1(07. 1 as follows:
Funds set Balance
Aside. Unexpended.
Mayor $4,687.00
Council 1I.UO0.00
Comptroller - UOuO.OO
City clerk lu.frrt.oo
Legal U,7tt.0
City treasurer 14.U00.OO
Electrical ."
Building Inspector 6.390.00
Boiler inspector l.sO.CO
Plumbing Inspector .... 1.7 40.00
License inspector 2,6). 00
Oas commissioner l.S-D.M
Weights and- measure 1.26U 00
Superintendent market l.JOO 00
Polio court S.260.00
Maintaining elty hall. .16.two.00
Emergency hospital .... 2.000.00
Election expenses ...... 4,600 00
Judgment 10.0u0.00
Health 11.600 00
Insiwrtor, street cut .. 1.870.00
Removing dead animals 1.100.00
Meals for prisoner I.0O0.0O
Advertising $.000.00
Prsmium on bonds .... U W
Voting machines 6 4 Jl 00
Ak-8ar-Ben lighting .... 2.6un.oo
Annual report SO 00
190 claims 4 973 M
Contagious diseases .. 1 6u0 00
Unapportloned amount 16.760.60
1.642 49
67. 36
444 00
S44 10
203. 67
57 21
a jj
34 J 10
2.S64 7
II. 74
9.136. 7J
Balance transferred VM 113.22
Totals $1M.8&4 4e
r-nnd Repaired for IftOS
The funds required by yth city in 1908.
as reported to the counfy commissioners,
are a follow:
Fire $190.000 00
Police 160.000.00
Lighting TO.uuO.OO
Library 26.000 00
Park 6u.000.00
Cleaning and sweeping 60.0H) 00
Public work department I.I&o.uiWjo
General 215.0. 00
School UH mills.
.$400. two. 00
Flarhtla; Rival Olsmlnaed.
Harry Downer and John J. Lee of Bloom
field, N. J., In love with th sams girl,
fougltt for her with b; knuckle. They
battered each other for a bajf rnyir until
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Blaetlctty, i "actaxliig.
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WaUa, at. (UaalB;.
Staet Ceastruc-
rractleal Irob-
lama la Con-
la rnmttatr.
rree Xaad Drawing-
Paispeuilts Draw-
aadea aad
Tba Crreek aad Be-
snaa rar f
Bendertng la ra SBATOiai
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