Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 05, 1908, NEWS SECTION, Image 1

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    Fhe ' Omaha - Sunday
330 VHVl'JO 3H
H sMap
Irish Priests Put End to Practice of;
Cattle Driving. !
As Meant to Securing Belief it ii
Woeful Failure.
Mr. Birrell vVill Make Concessions to
Catholics in New Bill.
Rlrkarl C. OToaitr af Krna
rjsra (ealraela rrraral (iadl
Ilea with Ttnirr af Farty
Year A mo.
DUBLIN. Jan. 4. (Special. I Now that
a atop ha been put finally to the rattle
driving campaign there are few person
In Ireland to be found to Justify It. It
la certain that aa a means to the end
desired tt was a woeful failure, for In
stead of hsstenlng the breaking up of the
grass land and their division into farms
It only made It Impossible for the gov
ernment to grant the demands of the
people who had taken part In this agita
tion. It I an open secret that the agitation
lias been stopped solely by the influence
of the clergy, who were opposed to It
from th first, and It Is also pretty well
understood that Mr. Btrrrll, the chief sec
retary for Ireland and one of tin- most
Influential members of the cabinet, has
been so Impressed by the Influence for
good pf th Irish clergy that he lias
promised to make substantial concession!
to them In the new education Mil which
the government proposes to bring forward
at the coming session of Parliament.
There could be no greater tribute to the
power 'and the diplomacy of the Irish
clergy than this, for when Mr. Birrell
went Into office as minister of educa
tion he was the representative of KnglWh
Nonconformity, and his education bill,
which was throv-n out by the lords last
year, was an example of all that was
narrow and lntolerate In Its deallnga with
both the Anglic en and the Catholic
schools. Mr. Birrell gave public evidence
the other day of his change of heart by
traveling from Dublin to Armagh spe
cially to take lunch with Cardinal Logue.
Clergy ta Caatral Schaels.
The details of Mr. Birrell's promise to
the Irish clergy have not, of course, been
made public, but I am Informed that
when the new education bill Is Introduced
It will be found that the Irish clergy
will be left In cont.l of the schools In
the districts In which the Catholics are
In a large majority, which means, of
course. In the whole of Ireland, with the
exception of a few small districts In
lister. It la also stated that Cardinal
Logue has been able ta obtain very great
concessions for bis coreligionists in Eng
land. .The irony or the situation la that
the government cannot deny to the Eng
lish churchman what It grants to the
Catholics of England, and we have the
curious spectacle of the Tory Anglicans,
who are the blttereat enemies of Ireland,
preserving one of their most cherished
institutions by the grace or the hated
Irish Catholics.
Mr. Birrell has also recognised, even
If a little late In tha day. the serious con
dition of the small farms of Ireland
brought about by the failure of the potato
crop In many districts and the damage
done to the oat crop by the prolong!
wet weather at harvest time. He has
authorised boarda of guardians to ob
tain supplies or seed potatoes and s-sd
oats and to eell them at coat and on easy
payments to small fartnera In their dis
tricts. The guardlana are suthoried to
borrow money for thla purpose, and the
advancea to the farmers are recoverable
with the local taxes over a period of three
Irelaad la Prsgreaaisg.
A very gratifying account of the progress
of Ireland Is given by Mr. Richard C.
O'Connor, president of the Hibernian bank
of San Francisco, who has recently visited
his native land after an absence of forty
year. He waa thus enabled to make an
unbiased comparison of present day con
ditions with those he left, and his conclu
sions are all In favor of today. He notes
especially tha Improvement In houaing and
In general comfort among the laboring class
and the growth of temperance, especially
acneng the young. He also notes the great
advance In manufacturing industry and
declares that there is a great market In
America for Irish broods, which are prac
tically unknown outside of the Irish com
munity there. He suggests a vigorous cam
paign by Irish manufacturers to Introduce
their goods to the American markets and
declares that It will be richly rewarded.
Itathconralh, Dear Mullingar, has supplied
one of the most remarksble ghost stories
which haa come out of Ireland for a long
time and it seems to be fully authenticated.
A woman named Mary Devanny went to
the police a few days ago and told the fol
lowing story- She was In bed when she
drrauu-d that her mother, who bears the
Same name, appeared to her. covered with
blood, and bade her get up and IcaVk for
her body, telling the younger woman that
she had been dead and unburied for sev
eral days. The young woman was so Im
preased by the vision that ahe dressed at
once and went ta her mother's house, where
ahe learned that her mother had left a
week ago to visit another daughter. No
anxiety bad been felt about her absence,
aa alie had Intended to stay several days
The daughter then hastened to her sister s
houa and learned that hrr mother had
never arrived there. After hearing this
statement the police instituted a aearch of
the countryside and eventually Mrs. De
vanny's body was found lying In a ditch.
Brie had bees dead for about a week and It
Is auppoaed that ahe fell Into the ditch in
the dark i hrr way to hrr daughters
hvuse and was killed. '
Irish Barries Passed Is.
A vigorous pi-otexl la being made, not
only by the people of Ireland, but by the
F4igllsh protectionists, at the action of the
Admiralty In connection with the extension
of the Admiralty dock yard at Haulbos
line. Couuty Cork. The specif (cations In
the original advertisement of the contract
called for th use of Irish limealan and
tt was estimated that about would
have fa sen spent tn Ireland on quarrying
and preparing the stone for this great
undertaking. At the last aament. on the
represents tloaa af oee firm of contractors,
the specification waa changed to admit the
eubstltuttoa of granite for limestone with
out ssyugj anything about Its origin, and
iw the firm which caused the alia rat Ion
. t.,riUaud. oa sacwod Pa a
ndar, Jaaaary a, IIM..
1908 dsUuar 1903
srx' jo ' nz, nra -iwir w
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SO Z 8 own
12 13 14 15 16 1Z 18
19 20 2 22 23 24 25
26 2Z 28 2930 31
VICI N4TY Fslr Sunday with rising tem-
tXiR NEBRASKA Fair 8unday. with ris
inic temperature.
FOR IOWA Fair Sunday, with rising
Tempersture at Omaha yestepdaj :
Hour. Tf.
b a. m U
a. m
AT 11 a. m
QJr T::::::::::
.1 2 p. m 33
3 p. m M
4 p. m S3
B p. in 31
p. m XI
7 p. m SO
Judge Morris dlschsrges the Caleb Pow
ers Jury, which was unable to agree and
refuses ball, fixing the next trial for
July. X. Page 1
Lsbnr leaders In Butte, Mont., go to Jail
at once to serve sentences for contempt
of court. X. 9
Miners throng the Nevada hills looking
for work and the backbone of the strike
Is believed to have been broken. X, Page 8
Troops are In possession of Muncle. Ind.,
with martial law declared and S.000 idle
men In the territory. X, Pae 1
Soldiers will remain In Thunder Butte
reirion for abundance of caution In car
ing for the Ute. X, Pags 1
Police of New Tork hope to solve the
Harrison pond mystery end are closely
Investigating the sets of the husband of
the dead woman. X, Page a
What Is thought to have been a bomb
w as exploded In the basement of the First
National bank of Kansas City, Injuring
nine persons. X, Page 1
Bloody fight between Chinese Tongs at
Pan Francisco, costing Uvea of fifty per
sons, has been ended by Six Companies.
X, Page a
George A. Pettlbone has been freed of
the charge of complicity In the murder
of former Governor Steunenberg
x, pars a
President of the Chicago Board of Edu
cation hopes to be able to prevent mem
bership in the schools by any member of
a Greek letter society. X, Page a
Much anxiety Is felt for the safety of
the Canadian Pacific liner Mount Royal,
with a passenger list of 400. X, Page 1
House cleaning Is In prospect for Idaho,
President Roosevelt having asked for the
resignation of Surveyor General Eagleson.
X, Pag 1
Confederate veterans ask congress not
to push bill for pensions for them.
X, Pag 1
Frederick Wheeler of Los Angeles la
mentioned as candidate for presidency on
the prohibition ticket. X, Pag 1
Congressman Pollsrd has a conference
with Secretary Taft over vhe situation In
Nebraska. Asalstant Postmaster General
Hitchcock to manage Tart campaign,
X, Pag 1
Ex-Governor Boies Is slightly improved
at El Paso. X, Pag X
State Railway commission at Lincoln
files suit for penalties against express
companies. X, Page S
Regent C. J. Ernst says he examined
the vouchers preaented from the state
university for psyment and containing
items of personal character, but did not
know they were Included. X, Pag 3
Irish priests put sn end to practice of
cattle driving and British government will
make conceseions to Catholic In educa
tion bill In return for this action.
X, Par 1
Earl of Yarmouth, through his solicitors,
Indlcstes he will fight the suit of the
countess for annulment of his marrlsge.
X, Pag 1
Editor Harden says he will appeal his
case to the supreme court of the German
empire. . f
Omaha t anks destroy evidence of recent
money emergency by redemption of prac
tically all their cashiers' checks.
X, Page 1
Judge Redl k of the distric t court holds
Invalid "county comptroller lass, and
Comptroller-elet t Solomon will appeal to
supreme court. X, Pag S
District Judges decide to tall for a
county grand Jury to be lm panne led In
February, but disclaim present wave of
reform Induces the action. X, Pag f
Half a day Is spent by attorneys In the
Teast-Sutton land trial In argument of
one motion. L Pag 41
County Assessor-elect Shrlver and one
deputy will devote time to terminal tax
and all property, church and charitable
Included, will be listed. X, Pag 4
County Physician gwoboda declares use
of opiates Is astounding and their pur
chase Is easy, despite 'awe restricting It.
X, Pag f
Live stock markets. TX, Pag S
Grain markets TX, Pag 8
Slocks and bonds. TX, Pag S
NFS' Yi'KK ..
LIVKHPimil .
LcK!)V . ..
H c VH1 nr.
. KMhoaia
MmLrecanla .
. Perntvlvaala
. Panaoaa.
Fariser tiee.ll.e ef Iowa Is Slightly
laaprwied at El rasa,
EL PASO. Tex.. Jan. 4-Although ex
Governor Horace A bolea of Iowa passed
a bad night he la somewhat better today
and attending phyalclana wired relatives
thev need not come until the patient began
sinking. He ts suffering with pneumonia
and was removed from th train her
anile en route to California
Will Meaek LlarsJa Meaday avad
Will Caaae at Oae
LINCOLN. Neb.. Jan. 4. Wllllasa J
Bryan Is expected In IJncotn next Monday
morning, la th afternoon he will leavs
for Omaha where h will address th
democrats at a banejuet Monday vaolcg.
The ha U loar $nJ&l&J& T aw.
Beautiful Marble Structure in Kansas
City Damaged by Explosion.
Only Two in F .v 'aition and
vc ,ie.
Bank Officials Inclimed to Charge Act
to Crank.
Piece af Pipe Believed to Be Part
of Bomb Foaad la Baseairsl
Damage Belldlag
KANSAS CITT, Mo.. Jan. 4.-A con
sensus of expert opinion tonight Is that
the explosion In the beautiful marble build
ing of the First National bank here this
afternoon wss caused by dynamite or
some other high explosive. A piece of
pipe, believed to have been part of a
bomb, waa found late today In the wrecked
A motive Is lacking, but the bank officials
snd the police Incline to the belief that
the exposlon was either the work of a
crank or that a bomb had been secreted
In the basement by would-be robbers for
future use and had been touched off pre
maturely. No arrest have been made and the police
are without definite clue upon which
to wortt. Joseph Pech. a Hungarian car
penter of this city, one of the ten injured,
was taken to the police station this even
ing and questioned by the police. No
charge was preferred against the man. He
satisfied the police that he had no con
nection with the affair, and was soon re
leased. Pech, said he was passing the
building and was cut by flying glass.
The loss Is placed at riO.000. confined al
most entirely to the basement. None of the
Injured Is fatally hurt and the injuries of
only two are considered serious. The list
Elbert Ward, negro porter, cut and
bruised; serious.
Ixgan Wilson, bank clerk, blown across
basement, cut; serious.
tJeorge W. Evans, member of wholesale
drug firm of Smith snd Evans, cut by
flying missiles while walking on opposite
side of Baltimore street.
Val Jean Brightwell, clerk, cut on head
and face.
J. D. Wilson, employe of United States
and Mexican Trust company, with offices
across the street from bank, cut on face.
R. M. Klapmeyer, bank clerk, cut on head
and face.
Joseph Pech. carpenter, passing building
st time of explosion, teeth knocked out,
face cut.
R. W. Cole, knocked senseless by concus
sion. J. Donaldson, bank clerk, cut by glass.
Charles Grant, bank clerk, bruised.
Cans of Explosion.
John F. Pelletlcr, superintendent of the
fire Insurance patrol, who was In the
banking rooms at the time the explosion
took place, and E. F. Swlnney. president
of the bank, are authority for the state
ment that the explosion was the result of
a bomb set off by some person unknown
to them. At first it was supposed to have
resulted from leaking natural gas. Neither
was able to -rive any cause for the com
mission of the act.
The bank was crowded with customers
at the time of the exploslor these with
the employes probably numbering 250 per
aons. A panic ensued and there was a
wild scramble for the street door.
The First Nstlonsl bank building was
one of the most beautiful structures In
the city. It was only finished last year
and cost close to Sl.WO.OiiO. The main floor
was occupied by the bank, which Is the
largest financial institution in Kanaas
City. The two upper storle are occupied
principally by real estate and law firms.
Bomb Snr Mala Vaalt.
Investigation developed that the bomb
had been placed In a toilet room in the
northwest corner of the basement twenty
feet from the main vault. The toilet room
was 18x20 feet square snd was separated
from the adjoining room by a three-Inch
plaster partition. This partition was sup
ported by a stel post. The bomb struck
this post with such force that It bent it
a foot out of position; wrecked the parti
tion and plumbing, and sent a cloud of
dust up the wide stairway leading to the
banking rooms. Half a uoten basement
windows with the steel rods protecting
them were blown out Into Baltimore ave
nue and across the street. The building'
; wss shaken aa If by an earthquake and
I its force may be appreciated from the fact
that tt was felt In all parts of the city.
Mr. Pelletier who was standing at the
paying teller's window when the explosion
shook the building, said:
1 "Following the explosion there was a
( great volume of smoke and dust, which
poured up the stairway into th banking
I room. The bank was unusually well filled
! with people. At the moment of th explo
j slon, the crowd turned and rushed for th
j south door, leading into Tenth street. I
; called out In a loud voice for quiet, shout
I Ing that there was no danger, and rushed
I for the stairway.
1 lajared Maa Retrstd.
I "When I reached the stairway powder
j and smoke was pouring up the entrance
' way. I groped my way down the stairs
and at the bottom found Ward and the
I negro porter. 1 carried him upstairs, where
I others took care of him. and returned to
the basement and wss aoon able to make
an investigation. The amell of powder and
I the hole in the basement . made by the
explosion made it certain fhat tha explo
aton had resulted from a bomb being set
off. There was no trace of the bomb
thrower and as yet we hav been unable
to find any tangible clue t the manner in
whkh he placed the bomb.".
Logan Wilson, another of the Injured,
was In the basement at the ttme. He waa
blown clear across the basement and
probably through the partition, a distance
of twenty feet. When picked up he was
unconscious He was removed to the
emergency hospital and so far ha been
unable to five. any account of what hap
pened. J. Donaldson, another peraon injured,
was working In his rage In the ranking
room. He was rut by glass thst bad fallen
from a chandelier. Every one concerned ts
at a loss to find a motive for the explosion.
Vice President Abernslhy of the bank sug
gested that the bomb might hav beta
placed by a d'sgruntled depositor unable
to withdraw his funds during the recent
stringency. Jobs Hay, ei-ehlef of polio,
who visited the sre. said th explosion
undoubtedly was cataed by dynamite. This
theory was supported by Alexander Hea
der sob. assistant chief of the fire df part
man t. Others advanced the Idea that th
explosion was combination of dJynagUla,
Attorney t.rneral Flasa It rrrwsrf
o Reply to Alleantlons af
President Ripley.
WASHINGTON. Jan. 4 -A sweeping de
nial of the i haiRes by officers snd counsel
and more particularly by President Ripley
of the Atchison. Topeka Santa Fe rail
way upon the government and the court In
connection with the fining of that road
taOAtf for granting rebates Is contained In
a letter to President Roosevelt made pub
lic today by Attorney General Bonaparte.
The charges are denounced as unfounded
and unjustifiable, and Insofar as Mr. Rip
ley's statements affecting the trial Judge
are concerned. It is stated they "constitute
unwarrantable reflections upon a Judicial
officer respecting the discharge of his du
tirs." Mr. Ripley's statement Is quoted et length
and In It he alleges that the Bants Fe
Investigation was "a general Inquisition,"
that the proceedings were "frivolous and
vexatious and originated In ill will toward
the company."
The attorney general concludes his letter
as follows:
"It has been the consistent policy of the
department to discourage and, so far as
possible, prevent newspaper controversy
between Its. subordinates and those whose
enmity they might Incur through the faith
ful discharge or their public duties and
its course In this Instance has been In ac
cordance! with this policy. But 1 feel It
my duty In closing this report to ssy thst
the charges made by the officers and coun
sel of this corporation against the United
Slates sttorne'y In connection with the
matters In the present report spicar to
have been unfounded and unjustifiable,
and the comments and suggestions con
tained In Mr. Rjpley's letter regarding the
Judge who tried and sentenced his corpora
tion constitute unwarrantable reflections
upon a Judicial officer respecting the dis
charge of his djtles as such which are
wholly Indefensible, ' both in form and sub
stance, and deserve the condemnation of
all citixens solicitous to protect the dig
nity and Independence of our courts."
Police llopefal that Harrlsoa Pes
Mystery Will Finally Be
Cleared Vs.
NEWARK. N. J.. Jan. 4 Now that the
Identity of the body of the "Lamp Black
Swamp" murder victim has been established
as that of Mrs. Whllmore, the police are
hopeful that complete solution may be
reached. The dead woman's husband la a
prisoner, held ostensibly as a witness, but
the police sre investigating his movements
since Christmas day, a few hours before
the body of his wife was found.
Whitmore has admitted that he quarreled
with his wife shortly before she disappeared
from home because of attentions which she
accepted from another man.
It la likely that several letters which have
turned up since the body was identified as
that of Mrs. WnHmore may have an Im
portant bearing upon fixing the respon
sibility for the woman's death. Borne of
these letters which were signed with Mrs.
Whltmore's name, were written several
days after the body had been found. Th
evident intent of the writer of the letters
was to mislead the relative of the dead
woman that she was still alive and well.
The police take' the ground that If they
can trace the writer of three letters they
1 will be Justified In holding the person on a'
I direct charge of murder. They have pro
I cured samples of the handwriting of the
dead woman's husband, which will be sub
mitted to experts for comparison.
Llratenaat Hassard af Seventh United
States Infantry Deep In
DETROIT. Jan. 4. The warrant Issued
yesterday for the arrest on a charge of
forging a check for S4S.W for Lieutenant
R. 8. Haxxard of the Seventh United States
infantry will not be served until after
Haxxard has faced the court-martial which
convenes at Fort Wayne next Monday,
which will try him on five counts Colonel
Cornman of the Seventh infantry declined
today to turn over Lieutenant Haxxard
to a local detective upon the forgery war
rant until after the military officers have
disposed of the charges preferred against
him. It became known today that Miss
Msy Masseth, a Sl-year-old girl, who lives
In the vicinity of Fort Wayne, called at
the fort last night to see Lieutenant Hax
xard and notified Colonel Cornman that
they were married last Monday at WaJker
vllle. Ontario, ne says that Haxxard, who
Is O years old, told her that he had been
married, but was divorced.
Caaadlaa Pari Llaer Moaat Royal
with Four Haadred Pasaea
gers I aheard From.
PORTLAND. Me.. Jan. 4. Another hope
that the missing Canadian Pacific steamer
Mount Royal, with Its 400 passengers and
crew, might be towed Into port, wss dis
sipated on the arrival here today of th
Allan steamer Hungarian. As the latter
ship was twenty days out from Glasgow
and a week overdue, shipping circles in
London were led to believe that it had
fallen In with the Mount Royal, which left
Antwerp December 7 for Bt. John, and ex
pected to hear it was being towed into
Portland. No trace of th Mount Royal
was seen by the Hungarian. The Allan
liner had a hard paasage. due to heavy
hard winds, but suatalned no damages.
Uersnaa Editor taarlrted af Libel
Will Proceed ta gaareme Co art
of Empire.
BERLIN. Jan. 4. Maximlllen. Harder,
who was yesterday found guilty of libeling
Kuno von Mollke snd sentenced to four
months' Imprisonment, has appealed to the
supreme court of the empire on the ground
that rnfmairi.."?. illegally excluded from
tne t'ld ,n handj-reral other technlcall
Farmer Saar Heavy Loaa.
SlOl'X FALLS, 8. D.. Jan. i.t Special )
Fire, whtrk started by the overturning of
a lantern In his barn, caused a loss of be
tween S2.S0O snd S3 00 to John Borman. a
prominent Hutchinson county farmer. Th
barn In which th fire started was con
sumed, together with thirteen head of rat
tle, five horses and about 1,000 bushels of
feed. The horses were worth over SJM
each. The besvy loss was covered by only
s comparatively amall amount of Insurance,
ha csrrytr.g. It Is stated, Insurance In th
sum of only ST50.
Malvera gflM vxlaalag.
MALVFP.N. la. Jan. 4-'Spe.ial Tele
gram Malvern wna frem atiei andoau in
a baakst baii srana todas by th ore of
ZS la la. Maivara baa no( lea a gam this
e .
Confers wilh Secretary Over the
Political Situation in Nebraska.
Assistant Postmaster General Hitch
cock to Manage His Campaign.
Seth Bullock Tells Easterner They
Are Political Tenderfeet
Both Civil aa Military Aathorltles (
Oplsloa They Have t raaed t Be
a Problem aaa Have Ac
quired Work Habit.
(From a 8taff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON Jan. 4.-(8peclal Tele
gram. ) Secretary Taft and Congresaman
Pollard had a long Interview last night rel
ative to the political situation In Nebraska.
According to Mr. Pollard, the secretary of
war expressed himself warmly over the In
tereet taken by his friends in the Prairie
stale in his campaign and their desire to
lead off In his endorsement. On being
questioned, the representative from the
First Nebraska district admitted that
Frank H. Hitchcock, first assistsnt post
master general, had Joined the Taft fnrcea
and that he had been placed in charge of
the secretary's Interests In the southern
states. This will be news to the politicians
and newspapers in the east. New York and
Washington papers having Information
that Hitchcock had been asked by Taft
to take charge at his campaign In the south
and east, but the first assistant postmaster
general had taken the matter under advise
ment. Congressman Pollard, however, says
that Hitchcock has climbed Into the Taft
band wagon and will hustle for the south
ern votes. -
Secretary raft has accepted several In
vitations to make addresses. January 10
he will speak before the People's Forum "in
Cooper institute in New Tork. January 14
he will address the Ohio society of Phila
delphia. The Tippecanoe club of Cleveland,
O., will have a dinner on AicKlnley's birth
day, January 29. at which Mr. Taft will
ape ale, and on February 12 he will address
the Lincoln club of Grand Rapids, Mich.
East era Politicians Easy.
Apropos of Mr. Hitchcock's selection ss
Mr. Taft's Warwick In the south. Captain
Seth Bullock, the picturesque United States
marshal of South Dakota and hunting com
panion of the president, persists that Mr.
Roosevelt will be renominated at Chicago,
notwithstanding his emphatic declaration
that he ia not candidate nor would he
accept if nominated. ' Speaking to some
eastern political managers Bullock says:
"I have been much amused at some of you
chaps who are posing as manager try
ing to set up the pins. Th trouble about you
eastern fellows who try to play this game la
that they are apt to gat fooled. I have
watched them try to play the game with
much amusement, not claiming, mind you.
that I know It all myself. But the game
of politics as we play it out west is not a
Job for high school cadets. Some of you
fellows who think they are setting up the
pins do not realise what has happened un
til after the returns are tn; then they dis
cover that th boys have been having fun
with them.
"The trouble with th average eastern
man, as I observed his work in western
politics. Is thst he takes too much for
granted. The man who believes everything
that is told him In politics doesn't belong
in the game. Don't count any chickens un
til they are hatched and then ybem are of
hawks. Men who wouldn't lie sbout any
thing else in the world will fool a man
in politics by promising to do things and
then fail to do them. Many of them mean
to do exactly what they promise, but
another fellow comes along and he tells
a story so much smoother than the first
one told ' that the men who made the
promises get carried away and before they
know It they have broken their promises,
and then of course they haven't the nerve
to admit to the first man that they have
seen a new light and he goes on relying
on a broken reed. So you see It is not a
game for a tenderfoot. The college pro
fessor In politics sounds good, but there are
many brands of politics."
Canfereace Over Utes.
A conference was held today between
Secretary Garfield of the Interior depart
ment. Assistant Secretary Oliver of the
War department. General Bell, chief of
staff. Captain Johnson and Commissioner
Leupp of the Indian office, relative to the
Ute Indians, who broke away from their
reservation In Utah and are now in South
Dakota .
Captain Johnson, who was sent west to
examine Into the condition of the Utes
and report, said in substance at the con
ference today that there was nothing In
the Ute situation to disturb the- mind of
anybody. He reported everything quiet
and the Indians were working on the rail
road. Commiaaloner Leupp said that there was
one troop of cavalry at the Cheyenne River
agency, composed of sbout sixty men, and
that they had gone Into winter quarters.
"The troops are perfectly comfortable." he
said, "and if they were not well hoased
they would probably be transferred to
either Fort Meade or Fort Robinson. The
Indians had a strike the other day, but it
was abort lived. Already they are display
ing the white man's aptitude for securing
better financial arrangements, ahlch seems
to Indicate that they sre getting along.
There Is absolutely nothing to do but to
let time work Its own solution for these
Miss Bryaa la Waiblailos.
Miss Grace Bryan, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. William Jenninga Bryan, who Is a
student at Holhns Institute, Holltns. Vs..
and is spending the holiday season with
! Vf- Mr. f,,.,.r t n,u. .J
Hill, was the guest of honor today at
luncheon, followed by a theater party this
Thar haa been approved to the slate of
South Dakota school sections aggregating
1.440 04 a -res In the Huron land district,
fkaaes far Hats Clerk.
Th Interstate Commerce commission to
day announoed that examinations will be
held by etvil ervla boarda tn various
parts of th United States January 2 for
poatttaa sf tariff clerk tn the commlaslon
office. t Washington. This position psya
SLinO per year and Is open tn men only.
Applicant must lndloate In their applica
tions U;at they are thoroughly conversant
wllh th Inlriracl f various railroad
tO&UAU4 S aasood Paga.)
address ta Vsten Will Be
lasaed with View ta (astasia
SIOUX FALUS. S, D.. Jsn. 4 tSperial )
In accordance with action taken at a re
cent meeting In Sioux Falls of the demo
cratic leaders of South Dakota, an address
to th voters of South Dakota now Is
being prepared and will be made public
In the near future.
Owing to the division In the ranks of th
republicans of South Dakota, who are
divided Into stalwart and progressive fac
tions, the democrats profess to believe
that there is a good chance of electing one
or more of the nominees on their state
ticket this yesr. The bitter fight between
United States Senstor Klttredge nd Gov
ernor Coe I. Crawford, the leaders of the
stalwart and progressive republican fac
tions, with the successor of Senstor Kltt
redge as the bone of contention, has
caused the democrats to believe that with
the right kind of generalship they may
themselves succeed In capturing the United
Ststes senatorship.
The democrats would like to see elevated
to the United States senstorshtp Hon. An
drew E. Lee of Vermilion, ex-governor of
South Dakota and if he will consent to
become a candidate they pledge to him
the support of every anti-republican voter
in the state.
One of the plans most discussed by the
democrats of South Dakota is to the effect
that ex-Governor Lee shall tie placed upon
the ticket aa the denjocratlc nominee for
governor, and that every effort be made
to elect him; but, falling In this, to csp
ture as many members of the next legisla
ture as possible In the hope that matters
may so shape themselves In the legislature
when the election of a United States sen
ator comes up for settlement that the'
former popullstlc governor of the state
may be the recipient of ihe senatorial toga.
Nevada Hills Cove-red with Mea Wha
Are Looking Far
GOLDF1ED. New, Jan. 4. From ap
pearances today H would seem that the
backbone of the strike is about broken
and that all mines will be In full opera
tion possibly within ten days. The hills
sre full of miners applying for work and
they are deserting the Western Federa
tion of Miners by the score. They ay
they are tired of waiting on the federa
tion and can see no Successful end to
their fight and Intend to apply for work
before their places are taken by imported
miners. Mine owners sre employing for
mer federstlon men along with those im
ported. WASHINGTON, Jsn. 4 A report of
the situation at Goldfleld. Nev., was made
to President Roosevelt today by the mem
bers of the special commission which he
sent there, including Assistant Secretary
Murray, Commissioner of Corporations
Smith and Commissioner of Labor Neil.
As the result of the report the president
dispatched a letter to Governor Sparks
of Nevada When this letter haa had
time to reach the governor it is the in
tention to make Its content public at
the White House. It is stated that this
letter will set forth the situation as re
ported by th commission.
Jadge Morris Permits Mea ta
Whea Agreement I F'oaad
GFORGETOWN, Ky.. Jan. 4. After be
ing out more than forty-eight hours the
Jury In the case of Caleb Powers, tried on
a charge of complicity ln the murder of
William Goebel, today reported for the
second time that they were unable to agree
upon a verdict and were discharged by
Judge Morris.
Judge Morris this afternoon overruled the
motion of the defense to permit bail. He
fixed July ss the date for the next trial.
After the discharge of the Jury court was
adjourned till afternoon, when the defense's
motion for bsll was hesrd. The Jury stood
ten for scquittal and tmo for conviction.
J. L. Price, the foreman, and J. V. Rena
ker. the Harrison county Juror, held out for
conviction. Powers waa showered with con
gratulations. There csme near being an acquittal. Mr.
Renaker made the proposition to Mr. Price
to vote for acquittal. Price held out. 'al
though a sick man. and Renaker aald he
would vote with him. C. J. Marshall first
voted for conviction, but soon changed. J
Twelve Cam pa a lea Assemble to Pre
Teat Farther Rlotlag by
Street Car Mea.
Ml'SCIR Ind.. Jan. 4 Twelve com
panies of infantry, one battery and accom
panying hospital ard signal corps of the
Indiana National Guard are gathering
here under orders from Governorj Hanley
to maintain peace during the strike of the
employes of the asreet ratlway. Cars be
gan running on regular schedules and
there has been no disturbance.
INDIAI.'APOLIS. Ind.. Jan. 4 Governor
Hanly at noon today Issued a martial
proclamation placing Major General Mc
Kee in complete control at Muncle. Gea
eral McKee has twelve companies of In
fantry, one battery and details from th
signal hospital corps of the Indiana na
tional guard with him at Muncle.
(a leas Mob Sarsrlard ta See Him
Saddealy Wield Clab Amasg
CHICAGO. Jan. 4 Dreaaed In the gaiij
of a rabbi Policeman James J. Roach, last
evening dispersed a crowd of hoodlums
who a short time before had stoned Rabbi
N illiam Colb, pastor at th BR-hur Choli m
temple. The policeman upon being told of
the attack on the rabbi decided as a bit
of strategy to don the rabbi's robe. Koach
waa promptly showered with missiles by
the mob when he appeared on the street.
Angered at th attack the police mar.
forgot his costume and wielding his club
with suddenness and vigor put the sur
prised mob to flight.
Members af Nashville Blveaar, Caa
federate Veteraae, t'rga ."aagiesa 1
mea ts Ossaa Them.
NASHVILLE. Term.. Jan. 4 At Its meet
ing last night the Frank Cheatham
I bivouac, I nltea c onreotrat vrtaran.
adopted a resolution requesting sojthera
representative In congress to do all tn
tbtr power ts defeat tha proposed pea
s Ion ing sf eotifsdarsts soldiers by th gov
eniment. The resolution say in part:
We do sot nasd th paternity of th
government. W consider tha duty of the
rnaoectlve states formerly composing the
Confederal State of Ameli a, to car for
worthy, needy confederal soldiers out of
thMr stsUt trsasurtas. as many of them are
now doing wlin graat Ussraiujr, - -
Only Handful' Still Remain Outside
Banks of Issue.
Valuation of These is But Fifty-On
Thousand Dollars.
All Evidence of Emergency Destroyed
in Omaha Channels.
Oaly Heasea Last ( her It Is t la I
Hrraaae Some ( saatry ( as.
temrra Are low ta
Hetara Them.
Of all the thousands of dollars of
cashiers' checks issued by Omaha and
South Omaha national banks during th
first weeks of November but S.M.&.'S re
main In the hands of the people of Ortiah
and the west and the hank would be glad
to cancel the outstanding checks on sight
If they knew where to get them.
Some of the banks have larser amounts
I'Utstanding than others, owing largely to
the fact that they have leen sent out ef
lmalia, some of them to make up th
payrolls of mines in Wyoming, and are
Slow to find their way back. Others bars
been sent to oountry banks snd have noe
been forwarded to Omaha for cancella
tion, but within thirty days every chei-sj
will b cancelled.
The following are tl amounts outstand I
Ing from the eight clearing house banks: j
First National $ V) '
United States National 1.5o
Packers National 2.124
Merchants National S.iM
Nebraska Nationul S.noa
Union Stock Yards National in.ona
Smith Omaha National 11. ("t
Omaha National U'.4fi5
Total VAMa
Loan Certificates Caarelled.
Besides cancelling the cashier's check
the loan certificates have been can.H-lledi
and the settlements between banks ara
made in cabh instead of clearing hous
certifk .-ilcs. Many of the lnks have not
paid a cashier's check over the counter for
a month, wiuie cithers never see. one now
except when it comes in from the country.
That the banks are anxious to cancel tbs
checks and forget they were ever Issued
was shown when The Bee was collecting
the amounts outstanding. One hanker
aald. "Walt Just fifteen minutes. I think
I know where we hsve S10 worth of
checks at one or the big houses of the clly
which have never been used. I want to
telephone to bring them In and we will
cancel them at once."
But sometimes the checks are slow In re
turning. Thousands of dollars worth ara
circulating among the miners of Wyoming;
where an Omsha bank make op the pay
rolls for three Isrge mining companies
Of all the checks outstanding In the mines,
but s of them appeared in the clearings'
for Saturday. Many of the country banks
are said also to be holding back the rash
lei's checks cf Omaha banks, and the ac
count may have to be kept open for a
month or two montha.
Exact Amount Never Disclosed.
Though the Clearing House association,
never has made known the exact amount
of cashiers' checks issued by Omaha banks
it Is estimated at between l.50,000 and ITOO.
O1X1, while it is said that less than 76 per
cent of the amount issued was put in cir
culation, many thousand dollsrs worth be
ing held at the hanks.
No more checks will tie Issued by any of
the Omaha banks. Probably the last
checka Issued were theme taken out by tha
Merchants' National hank two weeks ago.
when checks and currency were sent to
I Wyoming to pay the rolls of three big
1 mining corporutions.
"Some of our checks will never coma
back." said an official of the First Na
tional bank. "Of the i0 which we hav
standing lout, probably fl0 or more will
never be redeemed, but are kept as relic
of the horrible prosperity panic of 1SP7.
Only a day or tao aso we were nttc fe
! S35 worth luf checks for 'samples' by a
Philadelphia bank, and they were charged
to the bank, but will never return."
'Conference Held by Officials Deter-
slaes I pa a Precast ions ry
Mraaarc-a for ( tea.
WASHINGTON. Jan. 4. -A conference
was held In the ciffu-e of the secretary of
the Interior to determine what shall be
done with the troop of cavalry stationed
at Thunder Butte station. South Dakota.
In order to maintain peace among the
Ute Indians at and near that place. As a
result the troojis will be retained where
they now are durlnR the balance of the
winter and In the: spring It la expected
that all the Ties will gn bark to their
reservation In Utah. There were present
at the meeting today Secretary Garfield.
Commissioner Ieupp of the Indian bureau.
Assistant Secretary of War Oliver, Gen
eral Bell, chief of staff, and Captain John
son of the Second cavalry.
At th conference it was stated, that all
the young men of the tribe with one or
two exceptions have gone to work on
the railroad being built ntir Rapid City.
S. D . and that titers is no warlike spirit
among them. The troops. It Is said, ar
merely allowed to remain where they ait
at Thunder Butte aa a precautionary meas
Csrsaral Paslahmest Agsla Marly la
Be Permitted la w YorW
NEW TOr.K. Jan- 4 -That tne rod will
again become an Integral part of educa
tion In New York City Is expected ss th
result of an Invest Uai ion made by a spe
cial committee of the school hoard It is
expected thst the commute will report
in favor of corporal punlshrr.eet under cer
tain restrictions. Not only have th teach
ers cf New Tork been asked regarding
their opinion on corporal punishment, but
th committee has asked and received
opinion from hundreds of teacher In
almost every city in America. The teach
er ara overwhelmingly In favor of re
stricted corporal punishment. In twenty
six ef th thirty-nine largest cities In th
country, th committee learns, corporal
punishment is allowed and th investiga
tion of Dr. Earner E. Brian, United States
commissioner of education, leads that offi.
Hal to express the oplrkn that corporal
puulanment Judiciously administered Is pro
ductive of the bast rttXuj tn moat of in
large cities.