THE OMAIIA DAILY REE: FRIDAY. J A NIT All Y 3. 1008. PILL FOR POPULATION GOAL Meeting to Be Called by President of Real Estate Exchange. TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND IN 1910 Attend thi Big Organisation for Tfcle perlal Pr pone la Contemplated and All Art Invited to GlTe a Boott. flan are being made by members of the Baal Estate exchange to combine with Improvement clubs of the city and org-ui-Ize a genuine "Two-hundred-thousand club" for Omaha, every member of which will take off a coat and go to work. President W. T. Graham will call a spe cial meeting of representative real estate men and Invite representatives of the Im provement clubs during January. "I feci the securing of A0CO population for Omaha la only a question of every one going to work," said Byron Hastings, who hss been chairman of the Commercial club on publicity the last year, which committee published a booklet on Omaha. "I would not call It the Two-Hundred-Thotisand club," said Mr. Hastings, "'but there are rood enough names to gro around, fit. Paul has a 'Town Criers' club, while Chi cago simply says 'I Will.' One of the clubs attracting a lot of attention to a city In the south Is the "One Hundred and Fifty Thousand club' of Pallas, Tex. The most admirable advertising I have seen for the year came from Dallas. Seattle Is not overlooking a single bet, and Spokane has a club devoted to advertlnlng for new tenldeirits, which employs a special secre tary and a writer, who puts up first-class stuff from Spokane and keeps the city con stantly before the people. Home Mot Hullt Too Fast. "I think Omaha has not been building homes too fast during the last year for the Increasing pt'Pulatlon- Though some thousand homes were built, a few were torn down and the vacated homes are being occupied. Counting five persons to a fam ily the population should increase a full 5,000 each year and the balance Is reached." Members of the CommerciaJ club are be ing much Impressed by the advertising matter which arrives at the offices of Omaha dally papers front the "little towns ' out over Iowa, Nebraska and South Da kota. Kvery mail brings letters In en velopes which restmhle a Mexican bull fight poster. Kvery town has some special Una of boosting and special "town envel op" are so numuroui that Vnclo Sam Is becoming a great advertising agency for live towns. In connection with an organisation with the definite object of Increasing the popu lation of Omaha It Is considered likely a determined effort will be made to annex South Omaha and the Improvement clubs are determined to make Omaha a city which will be so good that "South Oma hans will want to come In." Linen Sill Remin ' fier thi ,f Bl. Sale ( r ofWh.te 8 Goods 't COME FROM BRANDEIS H Xo matter what the season, Brandeis offers the best THE BIGGEST BARGAINS Counterfeit Dollars buy trouble, but a genuine quarter buys Dr. King's New Ufe Pills; for constipation, malaria and jaundice. For sale by Beaton Drug Co. HOT CONTEST AT OMAHA CLUB Lata of I'.n tries for the IMaces on Board of Directors to Be Filled at Annual Meetlnft- A lively contest Is in sight for the posi tions on tha board of directors of the Omaha club to be filled at the annual meet ing January 18. There are four of those places and entries must be posted fifteen days In advance, so thm. time will be up Friday. Already C. W. Hull and Ward M. Burgess are seeking re-election and notices are up proposing In addition the following candidates: C. N. Diets, Joseph Barker, C. 8. Montgomery, Frank Colpetxer, James I Paxton. A petition la said to be In circu lation also for Joseph Baldrlge. Btmple Hemedy for l Grippe. La grippe cougs are dangerous, as they frequently develop Into pneumonia. Fo ley'a Honey and Tar not only stops the cough, but heals and strengthens the lungs so that no serious results need be feared. The genuine Foley's Honey and Tar con tains no harmful drugs and ts In a yellow package. Refuse substitutes. Lumber Firm Involved, CINCINNATI. Jan. 1. A petition In bank ruptcy was filed lust midnight against the Wlborg A Hanna Lumber company, which had previously made an assignment. The t,tltloners are the Southern Lumber com cany, the Swan Day Lumber company and ihe BrlKaa & Cooper Co., creditors. The assets were given by the company at i.m.00n: the liabilities 130.000. but the bank ruptcy petition charges that the concern la insolvent. Announcements, wedding stationery and calling cards, blank book and magulne binding. 'Phone Doug. 18M. A. I. Root, Ino. Ready ior Business nr ova New Location 314 S. 15th St. (Tour doors sooth of Beaton Drag Co. Best Men's aoea Known for $3.50 and $4.00 AT OTJB Walk-Over Shoe Store bargains in goods of high quality.' Brandeis buys on a bigger seale and sells in bigger quantities. Our great pur chasing power enables us to buy at lower prices than any other western store, and, quality for quality, we can and do sell for les3 money than any other store at any season of the year. Grand White Carnival Opens Monday THX TT5 TTY TT M VU I W , ft iU w a n m i r V 0 Mi Friday Will n EMM MIUAJ Be U MM It Will Be a Supreme Bargain Day at Brandeis! Small Lots and Odd Pieces Placed on Bargain Squares and Counters, Will Be Sacrificed at Prices Impossible Elsewhere. Such High Qualities Never Before Offered at Such Low Prices. EXTRA SPECIAL S 1H IN REMNANTS AND ODD LOTS Fine, new, crisp Embroideries on big bar gain squares all kinds in embroideries, insertions, bands and ribbon galloons many styles to select from, at ... ... 12 Remnants of Laces 1 Torchons, Vals. and Fancy Cotton Laces great bargain jffiS f" squares piled high anH Jq)P with them, at, a yd.- ",SU SPECIALS 111 OUR JANUARY SALE .L0MEKI No linen sale ever held in America has offered such extraordinary money saving bargains as these. It Is the chance of a Ufa time, as such prices may never be offered again. Beautiful Pattern Table Cloths, 2 and 2M yards wide and 2V4 and 4 or yards long, worth as high as $20, at .... JpO Fine Pattern Table ClothH, In all sizes, worth as high as 110 ao r0 at, each JOO.Uo Fine Pattern Table Cloths, 2V4 and 3 yards long, worth ' as' hlgh'aa 'fi0 Kt $F at. each A.OU Fine Pattern Table Cloths, 2 and 2j yards long, worth us' high as - CiQ $4 at, each OltlO NAPKINS All the 20-inch Mercerized Napkins, worth up to $1.25, at dozen, Bite. All the bleached Scotch Linen Nap kins, worth $1.50, at, doxen, $1.00. All the bleached Scotch Linen Nap kins, worth $2, at, dozen, $1.25. All the fine Huck and Damask Towels, f f worth up to 39c, I f at. each All the extra fine Huck and Damask Towels, wortn up to 60c, each 25c All the fine hemstitched linen Sheets, worth up to $7 pair, at All the hemstitched linen Pillow Cases, worth up id 1. 1 o pair, at IMAFKIIVS All the bleached 22 and 24-lnch All Linen Napkins, worth up to $5, at, dozen, $1.98. All the very fine Dinner Napkins, worth up to $10. at, dozen, $5. Full size crochet hemmed Bed Spreads, rA 7P worth to hMC-tC $1.50, each... ' eJ Full size crochet and satin Bed Spreads S:?p $1-1.98 398 98c inen Specials '" the Basement White GOOdS Sale '" Basement All the drawn work hem stitched Tray Cloths. Squares and Dollies that sold for f r 25c each, IjC at All the drawn work hemstitched drawn work Scarfs, Squares and Dollies, that sold up to boc each, at 25c All the drawn work, hemstitched Scarfs. Squares" and Lunch Cloths, that sold up to $1 each, at All the drawn work, hemstitched Scarfs. Squares and Lunch Cloths, that soul up to (1.2b each at 49c work, Scarfs. Lunch .old up 69c All the beautiful hand made Cluny Lace Scarfs, Table Covers, C o n t e r Pieces and Doilies go at less than half value. All the beautiful hand made Japanese and Mex ican Drawn Work and Italian Filet Pieces at less than half value. 40-inch White Lawns, the regular 15c and 19c Qualities, In long mill lengths, at, yard. . . . Very fine India Llnon, equal to the regular 25e grade off the bolt In useful lengths on sale at, yard Yard wide full stand ard light and dark Percales, long mill .lengths, 15c values on sale at, yard 7ic 12ic 61c Full standard Prints, in dress lengths, all styles and col- T 1 ors, at, yard. . 2C New Printed Batiste and fancy colored Lawns, regularly worth 15c yard: ad vance sale price 1 only, yard .... U2V Finest; lot of White Swiss remnants ever shown in Omaha, all size embroidered dots, figures, over - shot cable cords equal to the 35c imported qualities at, I P. yard UC Short mill lengths of heavy fleeced gray Skirting, sold oft the bolt for 19c yard Friday at, yard 8-4 and 9-4 bleached Sheeting, same grade as Lockwood and Pepperell, In mostly sheet lengths, at, yard . . ,24c 20c lip . Annual January linen, While Goods This great annual event opened Thursday morning. Its beyond a question the biggest bargain opportunity for se curing dependable linens, white goods and bed spreads that any Omaha store can offer Omaha people. The linens embrace the choicest imports from the lead ing linen centers of Europe. We pledge a bargain in every purchase. CRASH Regular fc Crash, per yard 3 Regular 0c Crash, per yard GV4 Hecrular 12V"n Crash, nor vard !) 1 Regular 14c Crash, per yard 11V2 TOWELS i Regular 8 l-3c Towels, each 5c Regular 11c Towels, each ,...7V2 i Regular 20c Towels, each 15c A Regular L'5c Towels, each ...10c 1 Regular 35c Towels, each 25 IVAJPKIISIS Regular 75c Napkins, per dozen 50( Regular $1.50 Napkins, per tlozeu $1.00 Regular $1.75 Napkins, per dozen $1.25 f Regular $2.75 Napkins, per dozen $2.00 jj Regular $4.00 Napkins, per dozen .$3.00 ! Regular $5.00 Napkins, per dozen .$4.00 f TABLE DAMASK Regular 40c Damask, per yard 29( I 9, Regular 50c Damask, per yard 39c F j llegular G5c Damask, per yard 50c ( Regular $1,00 Damask, per yard 69c i Regular $1.25 Damask, per yard 85T f $1.50 Damask, per yard $1.00 s; j m. nuuu ' m i m m a. f I Regular $2.75 Pattern Table Cloths, each $2.00 fi Reeular $3.50 Pattern Table Cloths, each fi I Regular $4.75 Pattern Table Cloths, each .'. . . .$3.00 t U Regular $b.00 1'attern Table Cloths, each $4,75 j Regular $7.50 Pattern Table Cloths, each $5.50 R Regular $51.50 Pattern Table Cloths, each $6.75 I Bargain Sale of Bed Spreads m Kegular ttoc bed hpreaus 65( ft Ll Regular $1.10 Bed Spreads .95 S Regular $1.25 Bed Spreads $1.05 n If Regular $1,-50 Bed Spreads $1.25 U I $2.00 Bed Spreads $1.59 II Regular $3.50 Bed Spreads S2.25 M Regular $4.50 Bed Spreads- S3.50 0 j! Regular $5.50 Bed Spreads $4.25 H I Regular $7.50 Bed Spreads $5.50 I h naii rrice csciie 01 I Ladies Suits, Coats and Furs 0off SOoffl Bargain Sales of Flannelette Gowns Bath Robes and Kimonas 98c Flannelette G owns $2.95 Flannelette Wrappers, for 59c for .....$1.89 $1.48 Flannelette Gowns $3.95 Eiderdown Bath Robes for 89c for $2.48 $1.98 Flannelette Gowns $6.50 Blanket Bath Robes, for $1.19 for $3.95 BIG CLEARING SALE OF FINE CORSETS All styles and sizes lor stout or slender figures ; leading brands on sale bargain Frio day . . . . 1! ' c 39-lneh wide White Lingerie Lawn, would be cheap at 25c yard one of the biggest January bargains ever offered J 1 at, yard. . . 2C Grand January Clearing Continues And with hundreds of Remnant Bargains, Makes Friday Truly Bargain Day at ,' so. u. TXOKTBOir, TllS Walk-Ova Man. Every Saturday Especially Tomcrraw Wa shall Mil ntca, frcab Saturday Candy Llcalt's) (or IM Haiuccibar, this Is a i0o assortment ut Cbouolalaa, Nuis and Fruits, sold Hatuf day only and In Una Btora Only la svsry my in tha United BUM UoaU out tor Imitations, (or tha marks' U full of thm bi't thara'a only n LlggnCs Fat urday Cnly blch ts tha aonuina and dll clous kind, tha kind that's suld la vary city Saturday only, (rash, tka, BllUiMAN McCV)XELL DRUG CO. Ogiui ltta ut Dodo Bts. OWL DHia COMPANY. Cm. ltt m LnM7 an,. Oataaa. jrtfe Our January Sale of Muslins and Sheetings Ready-to-Use Sheets and Pillow Cases. Our famous brands, yard wide soft finished muslins and cambrics are the biggest Panuary bargains In years, at, yard 54 G 7H 8 OC4 nd 10 CLEARING SALE of SILKS 1,875 yards of plain' and fancy silks foulards, 1 satins, Pongee silks, Louisenes and fancy 11 Iq taffetas, Japanese silks, etc, worth up to II .1 5!)c a yard, at; a yard Silks From Broken Lines 27-inch novelty silk, pretty fou lards, taffetas, 27-inch China silk, worth up to 79c 'IQ yard; Friday,.1 yard Our integrity 32-inch guaranteed black dress taffetas, made especially for thq dressmaking trade, beautiful finish, deep black, regular price $1.50 a yard; at, yard " . . , , 100 GREEN TRADING STAMPS WITH EACH TON OF COAL ' ANY PRICE FRIDAY BENNETT'S DIG GROCERY MONET SAVIlfO OFTEKS XV FIISI, HEW OOOD8 JOB. TETLE-TB TEAS. Oreen Label, pound tin 60o And 40 Ori-en Trading Stamps. Oreen Label, half-pound tin 30o And 20 Green Trading Stamps. Oreen Label, quarter-pound tin 15o Ana 10 Green Trading Stumps. BENNETT'S CAPXTOXi B1XIHQ POW- DE&, absolutely para, does not contain j alum. Monsy bavsa on Evsry Packaca. rT"--i i S-pound can $1.00 W&VStaSI ' And 1B0 Green Trading Ktampa. Lf'5i ? 1 i 1-pound can S4o J Tit' 1 1 1 B.i i ' And 40 Oreen Trading Stumps. il3"-5rll ' And 20 Green Trading HtanipH. 'i't-o' Camp ! ire Huked Ueans, laigM can. . . loo 1'm'A ! And 20 Green Trading Mumps. V- r j Blue Horax Starch, 24 -pound pkg. . .a5c And 10 Green Tmding Stampt). H. J. Heinz Kwcet Hcklrd Onions, pint S5e And 10 Green Trading Stumps. BLACK XlSniBlY SPECIAL. A large quantity of Die seuson's Evaporated Blin k rtuspberrles, pound 400 Thursday's Offerings Good for Friday. liuMY IJlSWs THE RKLIABLB TR V J Many New Lots Brought Forward. FREE A F"iften-Cent Pattern With Ladies' Home Journal Winter Quarterly 1.00 Dress Goods Remnants Big lot of medium and heavy weight dress goods, Panama's, Zibilenes, Fancy Suitings novelty dress goods, worth up to 75c yard all go in basement at, 10 yard IZfC Imported Dress Goods Samples 3 to 10 yards to match direct from U. S. customs house all wool, black and col ors $1 to $2 a yard. Prices, in basement, each. . . .12ll:C Prices on Main floor bargain square-, each . . .35t and 25c B R. A. N D E I S Friday is Remnant Day at Hay den'S ' IN OUR GREAT DOMESTIC ROOM 12 4c Outing; Flannels 5 12 4e FlnnnelettPS at 5 10c Bleached Muslin at 124c and 16c Toweling at "4c Prints at 2 "4c Apron Ginghams at '. 12 4c Percales at 5 7&e French Flannels, all wool ..1J Kemnants of all kinds of White Goods, up to l&c yard, at 5 KKOSI 0:0) TO 11 :00 A. M. KKMNAXT8 OF Silk Ginghams, Silk Organdies, Silk Warp Mulls and oth er Silk Warp Goods; also 2Bc Ander-' son's Scotch Ginghams, 39c Scotch Madras and other goods worth up trr B9c vard, all at yard 10i FUOM 2:00 TO 4.00 P. M. Another great sale of High Oradt Wash Goods, like above, at ,.7M Some Unmatched Silk Bargains IN OUR JANUARY CLEARANCE SALE FRIDAY I'KOM 8:30 A. M. 'TII.K 12 M. In Domestic Room, we offer Silks, Satins and Part Silk Fabrics In all weaves, colors and patterns. Over 5,000 yards In the lot to close at ard 15 FKOM 1:00 'TIM, B:00 r. M. A great assortment of Checks, Stripes, Novelties and Tlnln Silks, Including blucks. Values up to 66c yard, to close Friday, at yard 29 IN MAIN SILK DEPARTMENT FRIDAY 20 Discount On All Traveling Bags and Suit Cases Appropriate Oi; fur LadUtor (hntltmen We carry the belt line made, and th flnet ever ihown In Omaha. Soe our choice line of Kitted Bags. Suit Cae and Toilet Article. Alo our large line of Trunk "our own make." artletlo durable ana well built In every particular. Prices lotcor than inferior good usually stl OMAHA TRUNK FACTORY, 12u9 Farnam St. Bee Want Ads Produce Results FII 10.00 'Tll-Ii 11:00 A. M. All Kemnants of Silks, Waist, Skirt or Dress Pattern lengths, plaids, novel ties In Macks, on sale at from 33 1-3 per cent Discount Friday. Sl.OO PLAID AND NOV F.LTY SILKS, 27-lnch Taffetas and Pongees, at yard 50O 1.25 PLAIDS. CHKCKS AND NOVKLT1KS, 36 Inches wide, on sale at yard 79 FKOM 8:00 'TILL 1:00 P. M. Our $1.39 First Prize Taffeta. 36-lnchea wide, on sale, limit one pattern to a customer, for the hour at, per yard "$1.05 $I.OO IILACK PKAF 1)H SOIF,, 36 Inches wide, matchless clearing sale values, at yard . .89 Remnants of Linen IN OF It FAMOl'S DOMKSTIC KOOM flemnanta of Bleached, Unbleached and Silver Bleached, purely all linen Crash, Scotch and German, ranging In price from 75c to $2.00 per yard, in four lots: lot i .... . 2."r I'OT 8 49 MT 2 39 LOT 4 59 Remnants of Mercerized Linen, Half Linen and Cotton Damask, worth from 25c to 50c yard, In four lots: LOT 1 . . . 12 LOT 3 19 LOT 2 15 liOT 4 S5 Rem'nts High Grade Dress Goods FKOM 0:00 TO 11:00 A. M. We will sell 5,000 yards of High Grade Wool Dress Goods, -In remnants of from 2 4 to 7 yards, Panamas, Voiles, Broadcloths, Serges, Fancies. Crav enettes, Henriettas, and other fine goods, the1 best of the best selling pieces ranging In price from 75c to 39c yard, In four lots: lOT 1 25 MT 3 49 LOT 2 30 LOT 4 59C FKOM 2M0 TO 4:00 r. M. Another sale of entirely new goods like the above, prices will be: LOT 1 J5 . LOT 39 LOT 2 25 LOT 4 49i Men's and Ladies' Winter Furnishings AT JUST HALF PRICE FRIDAY Never before was a general offering of 50 per cent reduction made on Mich a stock of High Grade Furnishings. Hut we must have room for our immense stock of Spring Good's, and take this method of quick reduction: MKS'S HEAVY FLEECED UNDEK- LADIES' WOKSTED UNDEKSK1KTS, WEAK, worth to $1.00 garment, (. plain and fancy colors, sold up to clearing sale prices 25 39d 49 l-00, choice at 29 Rn(l 49 MEN'S AND liOYS' SWEATEKS, heavy wool garments that sold to $1.50, choice at . . . .490 and G9 MEN'S OVEKSHIKTS, In fine blue flannels, single or double breasted, that sold up to $2.00 69 and 98 C LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S UNDER WEAK, heavy ribbed or fleeced, that sold up to 75c at 150 25 37 ONE IUti SQUARE OF HOSE, Men's Women s and Children s regular ion values at 5 MEN'S 25c NECKWEAR and Sus penders, at 12 ii0 LADIES' KNIT SHOULDER SHAWLS, Pin In nr fnnrv rnlnrs railing tn 1 1 Rjv "a W.ym 25 49 and (fi'r at LADIES' AND CHILDREN' GOLF GLOVES and Mittens that sold up to 60c, Friday . . 1QO 15 and 25rt MEN'S SHIRTS A great lot of Men's Dress Shirts that have been on dis play In our 16th street window the past few days, all new black and white patterns in complete range of Bizes, values up to $1.00, extra special bar gains at, each 29 Grand Notion Sate Friday STAPLE NOTIONS AT 1-2 AND 1-5 REGULAR PRICES 5c Gold Eye Needles at 10 25c Needle Books at 30 5c Pins, per package 2H0 10c Dressing Combs fc rn Tonne, All nfnnn . i . . I I . . . .1 . v"ii"u !'"! an ruro, uu buiw ut, mauy oiutr oiajiie iNoiions at cori'e- per roll Jo ' ponding prices. EMBROIDERIES AND INSERTINGS worth 10c to 12 Yc yard, all go Friday In one great lot, at per yard 30 Start the New Year Right BT BVYIXTO TOM OKOCXKIXS AT HITDEN'l AND BATE TOUKSELr TBOM Si FEB CERT TO 60 FEB CENT ON YOUR X.IVINO EXPENSES. 200 yard Machine Thread at ....2 Pearl Buttons, per dozen lo Corset Laces, per pair .,10 Shoe Laces, per pair 10 ;i lbs. Best Pure Cane Granulated Sueur ror l.uo 1 Mars Laundry Soap for 5c lrt lb. Sacks Best White or Yellow Corn- meHl for 15c l-'nncy Jupnn tl(ad Rice, per pound 7 He I lb. can Fancy Sweet Hiixht Corn . .64.C u lb. can Golden Pumpkin, Hominy, Squash, Sauer Kraut, or liaked Iicana for 7 He 1 lb. can assorted SoupM for IVtC On Tlmn Yeat, per paekage 3e Condensed Cream, per can 4c Hurnhum'8 Hasty Jellyeon. per pka..Be lb. can lireakfast Cocoa for 20c Mincemeat, per pxekage Be Choice California, Prune, per pound.... Oc Cleaned Currants, per pound He Seeded Raisins, per pound 9c Fancy California Peaches, per pkg..l2Vo Seedless Raisins, per pound 7 He Fancy Urled Apples, per pound ...... in 3 Crown Muscatel Kalslns, per lb 1119 Lemon, OritnKc and Citron Peel, lb. lfro Fancy Creamery Butter, per pound ...2!io Fancy Ialry Butter, per pound 23o Fancy Country Roll Butter, per lb. l!5o Fancy Full Cream, white or colored Cheese, per pound 17M,a Fancy Full Cream Sape Cheese, lb. 17o Fancy Full Cream Y. A. Cheese, lb. 17"u Fancy Full Cream Brlek or Llrnburfrr Cheese, per pound 17ViiO OBANOES ORANQES OBANOES CKEAPEB THAN AfFLEg KiO size Highland Naval Oramres, doi.'.'B 17 size Highland Naval Oranges, d.iit.-'ift 1!00 size lllKhlaml Naval Oranges, iIoz.I'k) J3S size IllKhlaud Naval Oranges, Joz lnq Our regular low prices on all Fresli Vc-Ketables. NO NEED TO TRY, TRY AGAIN IF YOU JM HMDENS' 22 0, ! I'lllfffflllltMll IrffKslHtiff? G6e Omaha National Bank Capital $1,000,000 OFFICERS: President J. H. Millard Vice-President Win. WuJlac Vlce-Ireident C. F. McGrew Cashier V. II. HuchoU Assistant Cashier Frank Itoyd DIRECTORS: J. II. Millard, iuy C. Uartoa W. M. Iturgess J. E. ltaum Wiu. Vallae V. II. HuchoU A. J. hliiipsoii C. F. McUrevr I. W. Carpenter C. II. Drown. 13th Street. Between Farnam and Douglas. F. j frf ""4li na nervous man t)l 1UI who iind their powar to Naruac work and youthful vigor c "3 gone as a result of ',ver ork cr mental exertion should tak OKAI'8 NKHVK FOOD PILLS. '1 hey will K.aks you eat and sleep and be a man aKlo I Boa; 3 boxaa VS. SO bj malL XEBMAM as MoOONsElI, BHUO CO, Corner 16tta ana Dodra Sua. owl cava comfant, Cor. lti sua Htnu Id. Omaka. Nsa. DELLEVUE COLLEGE (UU t-i.t- CiH cil. Kl.utiar, pbllmophl. l nam, aCAbKMt A11 ccrdli. hifb Kkooi pmwm Iw Ulivu or ftuy olttr or umvai.iljr. KOUUAL, Si lHXlkl.u..uurr tui CONt.KVATuKY 1 liM,rir g BuAle. (Us, talc. viuhu. elocution and .ft. ON A HA Kj.s.SltClluNS-Kl.rlrl- lln. (n Burllo. Lob vallw.r. Vout Mud.rn Dormlton. AMmi rrMlacM Wtt.oMia, b.'U.iM .