Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 29, 1907, EDITORIAL SECTION, Image 9

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    Sunday Bee
Cms Into th Horn
Best tiT. West
Our Inventory Sales will
be poshed with excessive
bargain vi or Monday,
preparatory to store be
ing shaped . up for our
great January White Car
nival Hold oil on your
"White Purchases" 'till
we ann6unce our sales
extraordinary, v
Six Attractive Specials from
Six Attractive Counters
FAXCV TOftCHOX LACKS, Insertions ,nd
hrfgrn to match, from one to four Inchon
wide, worth up to 10c a yard, at JC
18-lnch Corset
Cover Embroid
ery, worth up to
35c a yard, at,
' 15
Fancy mesh and
chiffon. Veiling.
In all colors,
worth up to 25c
a yard, at. .5
Black spangle and cut Jet trimmings, from two to
, six Inches wide, worth up to $2 yard, at 8
Fancy Stamped Pillow Tops, worth 50c, fof. . 19
6-Inch all silk
fancy plaid Rib
bon, worth up
to $1.00 yard,
at, yard . .19j
One-lot elegant plaid or striped effects, worth to
$.', fancy cheviot serges, broadcloths, Q C
etc., nearly every shade, Monday J
54 and 50 inch Novelty Suitings, beautiful col
ors, elegant weights, choicest styles, CQ
worth $1.00 to $123, Monday DUQ
Swell exclusive novelties, bought by our own
buyer in Europe, elegant French styles, bord
ered chiffons, all over designs, striped fabrics,
""the most exquisite collection of all foreign ma
terials for fancy evening gowns, mostly 4(-in.
to GO-in. wide regular price up to'
$8.50 per yard, Monday : I.
In many Instances w offer drsss patterns, not' mora than
ssvsn to eight yards of on dsslgn in thla aala.
Choicest all wool Waistings, exquisite styles;
stripes or plaid effects, offered usually, 4 Q
at $1.00, Monday fOC
One lot of fancy Silks, fancy Crepe do Chines, plaid
Taffetas, worth $1.25, fine qualities of Peau de Cygnes,
plain colors, lengths of black silks, plain
taffetas, 27-inch and 19 Inches wjde, thla
entire lot
Inventory Bargains
Sales in Linings
Wtsh Goods FlanneJoMes
Cloaklngs. Etc.
Suspenders at Half Price.
Every Style and Idea In
cluded. Men's Neckwear at One
Third to One-Half Off.
Men's Holiday Half Hose at
Almost Half Price.
Men's Reefers and Mufflers
Greatly Reduced.
S Fine Tailored Suits ?i
High grade suits of broadcloth, in all new
colors, and the latest mid-winter styles.
$69.50 suits, 2,75
$59.50 'suits : .
$4.50 suits
for. . .-. . .
$39.50 suits
$29.50 suits
$25.00 suits.,
for : .
Bnroa, CoOJS FJrS
87 Caracul 25-inch and Sw-inch walking
coats and 52-inch au$o coStsone half price.
$25.00 coats
$15.00 coats- J $19.50 coats
Three Hundred Fifty
Kersey and Broadcloth Coats
$15.00 coats' I $.19.50 coats I $25.00 coats-.
for 9.75 for 12.75 for -14.75
Furs, Scarfs, Throws -i Tics
' ' ' $4.95 Furs for . . .'$$.48
$7.48 Furs for $3.99
- $10.00 Furs for-........ $5.00
Lots of Things at Prices Impossible to Duplicate
"vrinri mTUVri H-V-" r
1 'It'"''' ,
Quarter sawed Oak
Dresser, polished
French beveled
ror llxlo
, ' ,'ui'r rtt liVT Tili fi
ar -
Solid Oak Chiffoniers with
12x20 French plate mirror,
case is 19 inches deep by 33
inches long. The only thing
cheap about this Chiffonier
is the price. It is made of
solid oak and strong and
substantially put O 29
together. Our , J4
price, only .
Monday and Tuesday Special Values
in China Closets and Buffets -
Bonne Femme Curtains with
long, full flounce at bottom, trim
med with large Battenberg me
dalions, 40, 50 and 60 inches wide,
only one to a window. Sell from
$00 to $12.50 each, in two lots
for Monday's Special:
All Curtains selling up to $5.00,
at $2.75
All Curtains selling up to $12.50,
at $4.95
Big Reductions on R.oom 4?ize
' 9x12, Sample Rugs
Brussels Ruga, room size (9x12), In
floral or- conventional patterns, all
colors, tan, red, or green, sell for
118.50, Monday,
AxmlnBter and Wilton Velvet room size
Rugs, (9x12), in artistic designs, rich
shades of tan, green or red, worth up
to $30.00, Monday, Jg y j
Come early and make your se
lections while we have a big
variety.: ..... ,j
We deliver Capitol Coal
Colorado!, Golden Ash, Illi
nois, Iowa, Missouri and
Cherokee Coals to points -in
South Omaha, Dundee, Ben
son and Florence in addition
to Omaha.
CAPITOL COAL, once tried
always used, p.r tm$7.00
Sample Sacks 30c
Green Trading Stamps with
all coal.
E- Sale Shoes, Slippers
Pink. Blue. Red. White and
Lavender. Kid and Calfskin
. . . Ilrown and black Castor Hurtle, pntrnt lrathrr and
vici kid, Thro ties pumps, Gibson tirs, sailor tics and
strap slippers; all included in this mile.
$4.00 dainty pink, blue and white calf skin and brown
and black Castor suede Gibson ties, hand turned
soles, S3.00
$3.00 patent leather Theo ties and Pumps, hand turn
ed soles, Cuban and French heels .3.29
$2.50 velvet kid and patent vlci kid, three and four
strap slippers, hand turned soles, Cuban and French
heels $1.80
$2.00 blue and white sea Island pumps and Gibson
ties, hand turned soles, Cuban heels $1.59
Nee Window Display Harnry St. Window.
Bennett's Best Coffee, 3 lbs. $1.00
And 100 Green Trading Stamps.
Bennett's Best Coffee, pound 330
And 30 Oreen Trading Stamps.
Bennett's Kxcelsior Flour, per
sack $1.65
And 60 Green Trading; Stamps.
New Table Layer Raisins, per
pound 200, 150 and lSHo
Diamond C Soap, nine bars ..850
Bennett's Capitol Baking Powder,
pound can for Mo
And 40 Green Trading Stamps.
Sweet California Naval
Oranges, dozen 45c, 250.,
20o and 15o
Finest Quality Hw Huts.
English Walnuts, Mixed
Pecans, Almonds, Brazils,
Filberts, pound ....850
10 Green Trading; St'ps.
New Nuts. English Wal
nuts. Mixed Pecans, Bra
Ells, Filberts, pound .SOo
Dr. Price's Food, 4 pkgs. . . . . .950
Basket Fired Japan Tea, pound 380
And 40 Green Trading Stamps.
'Australia tftalslns, pound 16
. And 10 Green Trading Stampa
New Conking Raisins, pound 10c
New Cleaned Currants, pound 100
Table Raisins, new, pound 20c, Uic,
and lSHo
Olives, large Imported, pint . . S5o
And 10 Green Trading Stamps.
Diamond S Preserves, large iar 88o
And 20 Green Trailing Stamps.
Menier's Chocolate Powder, can 85o
And 20 Green Trading Stamps.
Australian Valencia Raisins, per
pound 15o
And 10 Green Trading Stamps.
Blood of Grape Juice, pint
bottle for 9So
40 Green Trading St'ps.
New York Full Cresm
Cheese, pound S3o
20 Green TradlngSfps.
Fresh Roasted Peanuts.
per quart So
Bennett's Capitol Mince
meat, 3 pkgs. for , . . .flSo
10 Green Trading St'ps.
Granulated Sugar, Doublu Green
Trading Stamps. ,
Lincoln Butterine, two pounds 37o
Anl"10 Oreen Trading HtHnips.
Jersey Butterine, two pound 36o
And 10 Oreen Trading Slumps.
All r e 1 i n 1) 1 o
brands, some of
them are regular
$2.50 goods, in
cluding ever y
style; long hip,
short hip, Miigh
bust, v i t h or
without hose
supporters, a 1 1
colors, Monday
1 1 25c
Want to Write a Paper or to Make a
' ' '
Her' Geret Barcmn Which
Will Pmt Vol oh the Trmok of
Almost Any Infortnotloa
4 (ar Nothing.
WASHINGTON. Dec. 26,-Openlng Into
one of tho corridors' of the Congressional
library there Is a wide door over which
the following; Inscription might well be
placed:. "National Bureau of Informa
tion." If there Is anything you want very
much to know., write to the man behind
that door.
Pretty soon you will receive neat type
written note telling you what hooks have
been published on the subject of your In
quiry. W may even answer the question
In view of the fact that the man and his
. assistants are already besieged with people
wlio want to know things. It may not be a
good turn to them If the news of their
helpfulness Is passed along. Hut the work
they do Is so astonishing that It simply
demands description.
Th man behind the door 4s A., P. C.
Griffin, 'and his title Is long as his name.
Jle Is chief of the division of bibliography.
Though ills name and his title are long,
his memory is longer still. The reporter
asked him offhand for the best authority
on half a doaen absurdly incongruous top
ics. It was . f urnlsbed us promptly as if
Vr. Qrlffln had been a slot machine of
out of ths way Information.
When the reporter marveled Mr. Orlflln
dug up a list, a' partial one. of the topics
on which the American people have hun
gered tho last year for Information. These
Inquiries come from every nook ana cor
ner of the land.
' Who Ask and What.
Writers, lawyers, politicians lecturers,
editors, teachers, club women, students,
merchants, people of all occupations . and.
of all conditions, write to the library fr
Information on all probabe subjects and,
as It seems, on a good many ' of those
which seem Improbable. Turning over a
few letters on tha chiefs desk there was
found this group of Inquiries: For sources
of Information about the slave Insurrec
tion In Banta Domingo In 1791-1733; lor the
names of Arms engaged In the manufacture
of excelsior In certain states: for material
' to assist In the preparation of a biographi
cal sketch; for Information on the . best
way of catching mink.
Tha last request was from a southern
trapper and waa answered specifically, al
I though It Is not strictly In line with the
work of tha bureau. Of course, the ex
celsior Inquiry was turned down. The
library does .not distribute Information sq
much aa It tells where loCnd Informa
tion. ' .
These' Inquiries come by the thousand.
About 10.WO of them came last yer by
mall and these formed only a small ,mrt
of the total.
Of course the library Is primarily to serve
the members of congress, and while that
body 1 In session. Mr. Qrlffln and his as
sistants ar constantly digging up facts
and authorities for use In debate or In the
committee room. At all times of the year,
but especially during ths session of con
gress, the division of . bibliography -la con
stantly called upon not only by letter, 'but
by telephone 'and personal application for
literary steering. ,
Every bit of this service is freely given.
It Is. the right of every American with a
serious purpose behind the request to ask
the aid of the library In getting facts upon
any subject.
We may be forgiven If we prod the
national blrj into giving at least a mild
screech of pride, for this Is the only coun
try where such aid Is given. AndTne IV
brary at Washington is the only one In
AmerlcaS where the country at large le
served In thla way.
Examples of the Service.
For Instance, among hundreds of cases
take theaa few: To one of the justices of
Rhode Island was furnished a memoran
dum on land tenure In East Greenwich. A
member of the Virginia legislature sent an
inquiry for matter ranging from the at
titude of Massachusetts on nullification to
the .anti-slavery views held by southerners
before the war. The material was at once
assembled for him.
The Helglan m!nlnter applied for material
on American railways. Dr. Lyman Abbott
got Information about education in the
aouth. A member of the State Banking
commission of Rhode Island was supplied
with references on the banking laws of
this and of other countries. As for the
subjects upon which the people at large
consult the library their number Is as
tonishing. Here are a few of them:
Acetylene gas. Russel A. Alger, ancient
roada and vehicles. Angora gouts, artistic
Iron work, assaying, balanct of trade.
Balzac, bee keeping, black letter type, blue
books, Boston tea party, Barbara Krletchte,
cremation, church liturgy, care of dogs,
casting of lots, construction ojf passenger
cars, conversation of Napoleon III. at
Chlslehurst, costumes worn in California
In 1853, eagle stones, empirical formulae,
export duties, feeble minded children, fossil
horses, German university life, guano
Islands, great men whs were not studious
In youth, gifts of Mr. CarnegV, Incrusta
tion of boilers, home missions. Japanese
gardens, Jewish fiction, kites, Lemuel Rob
erts, manufacturers of plush, Mormon re
bellion, monuments of .the Abrursi, manu
facture of shoes, Napoleon's lust works,
moonshiners, petrified forests, ostrich farm
ing, personality, partial payments, person 1
appearance of George Washington, oysti
culture, poetry of civil war, port changes,
prominent Jews of America, ready reckon
ers, whereabouts of General Grant July
22-25. 1S70.
Some Inquiries are made so often that the
library has printed lists of books, of arti
cles and of references to the subjects dealt
with. For Inntanie, there are printed lists
relating to child lubor. to government regu
lation of Insurance, to railways, to t.usts,
to ship subsidies, to tariffs of foreign coun
tries, to municipal ownership.
Thousands of copies of these IUU have
been printed In order to supply the demand
for them. In addition the library has fur
nished typewritten copies of about 200 other
lists less In demand. If all this work doesn't
entitle the division of bibliography to be
called the national bureau of Information,
then there's n use trying. ,
With llnt Gurs,'
Modern science seems to spend Its t'tiie
undoing its own efforts. Take, for in
stance, so-called burglar proof safes.
The up-to-date burglar soon found that
by means of compreiised oxygen and scety
kene gas he could produce a tiante so hot
that the steel doors of a safe would fund
In It like lead in an ordinary gas Jet. In
addition the accessories required sre of a
handy stss, and there Is no noise. Observa
tion is all the safe breaker bss to avoid.
Now It Is suggested manufacturers should
add a simple, apparatus to 'the materials
used in making safes which would liberate
certain chemicals, rendering It dangerous
or even fatal to tamper with the walls or
No doubt in time the scientific burglar
will find a means of overcoming this, but
for a little wrTTle, at leant, protection can be
iihtalned against the scientific cracksman.
Vearson's Weekly. (
Happy Life of Knnaas Hoys Set to
Maslq. by A Tupclui Tron-bldmr.
When It comes down to writing broad
agricultural epics there Is nobody in the
country who can approach within a mile
of that benevolent Iowan, the Hon. James
Wilson, alias Tama Jim, the farmer's
friend. In the more limited field of bucolic
hymnody, however, Old Alfalfa Coburn,
head of'tltfc- Kansas State Department of
Agriculture, Is without a peer. Old Alfalfa
has once more cinched his grip on fame
and the affections o( the Sunflower state
by Issuing a circular on the Kansas hog,
which as a paean of pork and for its gen
eral all-around excellence as a tribute to
Kansas and an Intimation of the. merits of
F. D. Coburo would be hard to beat.
Hark how lie blends the subjects of his
song: The state which he has done so much
to make famous, the hog and alfalfa which
but to allude to la to remind all Kansans
(hat Farmer Coburn has been Its most In
defatigable promoter:
"In Kansas he (the hog) finds his fa
Tored zone his eldorado. For Kansas la
a corn orchard packed with grasses and
fragrant with 'the bloom of alfalfa, the
greatest forage plant vouchsafed by Prov
idence to men growing here In a pro
fusion elsewhere unknown. Hence It Is
that Kansas possesses more of these latest
model selrfubrlcating mortgage removers
than all New England and fifteen other
states and territories added."
Isn't Old Alfalfa an artist? Listen to
more: ,
"There is probably no other territory of
the same area as Kansas where the con
ditions of climate, soil, food and care are
more congnlal to the hog'a health and
wholesome development, and he Is nowhere
found i(o developed except among and by
a high order of people. High class swine
are unknown and impossible among a low
class people."
Another delicate compliment to his ador
ing constituency, flattery to Its soul. No
wonder the Kansans love Coburn, for Co
burn loves them.
"The Kansas hog, In iis sphere typifying
the good, the true and the beautiful. Is a
Joy. and like the utate that lends him as a
solace to humanity, is in but the morning
of his career. His one passport, every
where demanded and always sufficient for
entree to presidents, potentates or peasants,
is 'Kansas' on the rind." ,
Talk about your Virginia hams! What
song was ever poured over them like Old
Alfalfa's praise of the pork products of
Kansas? His ode Is enough to make one
forswear other bacon forever. Happy the
statewhtch has such happy hogs whose
life is ecstatic and whose death a boon
set en music by a Coburn. New York Sun.
Hard to Tell a Solon from a Stock
Broker Now.
F.rn of Flowing; Frock Coats njid
Black String; Ties Has Gone By
A Sprinkling- of Sack
Salts. .
Signal i'ampmmr to Rrsnat.
PITTSBURG, Dec. 28. The Union Switch
and Signal company has ordered employes
to report for work January, 2. The plant
was closed December 20 and had not been
expected to reopen until January Ku. TI.e
company has closed a i2u.000.0ou contract
wttn the Pennsylvania railroad for equip
ment of tb New York tunnel and has also
received a, laxge order from the Uaxrimao
WASHINGTON, Dec. ffl.-Not so very
long ago almost anybody could spot a sen
ator at sight. There was-something unmis
takably legislative about tho extra long
frock coat, generally unbuttoned, the ex
pansive shirt front, generally rumpled, tho
little black tie, generally shoestring brand,
and the big soft black hat.
But new and sometimes strange seed has
come up lt recent senatorial crops, until
nowadays It takes a good guesser to tell
a aolon from a stock broker.
The thirteen new senators seem to have
little personal use for the ojdtjadltlons of
dress: No flowing frock wluiample skirts
for them. As a rule their visible shirt
fronts are limited In area.
As for black string ties, they are scarcer
among the new senators than hair Is on
top of the vice president's head. If the
string tie has to depend on the new sen-
i ators for resurrection it will remain as
dead as the dodo bird, -
It Is true that the shirt front of the
honorable and vociferous Jeff Davis from
Arkansas does obtrude somewhat upon the
startled gase, but it Is soon overshadowed
by other And more salient points about the
Davis Behind Tillman.
Mr. Davis Is seated behind Tillman on
the floor of .the senate. In his speech
the other day his maiden speech, whioti
flowered too soon he stamped the new
green carpet Into holes; he pounded his
desk till he jiggled his notes Into hopeless
confusion; he roared himself purple in the
face and flung the Bise of his own family
(one wife and eight sweet children) into
the face of the president, who. he under
stood, "has only five at home.';
But stomp his hardest and assume his
most apoplectic hue, he still was behind
Tillman literally and oratorlcaily behind
Davis, father of eight, wears a gray suit,
the coat which is ample enough to wrap
at least half his babies bunting in. For
the senator from Arkansas Is a big man
amldshlp, even If but there! Let him
rest, purple and panting, where, like a
broken lily (Lllium tigrlnum) he lies be
hind Tillman.
Among the dark clad senators his gray
suit Is rather conspicuous. But then any
thing as big aa It necessarily is would
ltaturally be noticeable. The mind can
only experience sensation or gratitude
that his suit Is not purple, for Instance,
like his face; or green, perhaps, like but
again let him rest. He needs It.
Tillman ia m Frock Coat.
As for Tillman himself, after years of
sagging, dusty sack coats with bulging
pockets, he is quite glorious now In a long
frock coat adorned as to the lapel with
satin. As a .matter of fact, Tillman and
Piatt could swap coats If there were any
way of shrinking Tillman's or stretching
Vlatt's. Even though the likeness goes
only coat deep. It Is atartling enough to
those who remember Tillman's early ap
pearance In the senate." ' - "
There Is one Item of his dress which still
is peculiar to htm. fie carried his watch
In the right hand pocket of his waistcoat.
Most men carry the watch in the left
pocket, but as the South Carolina Are eater
has lost his left eye he carries his watch
on the right side. ,
La Follette, the other caterer to the gal-,
lerles, has been somewhat consplclous of
late by decorating his already effulgent
person with a yellow chrysanthemum.
Not a large one built on the lines of his
own high piled head, but a plain specimen
of moderate dimensions. Nothing, bow
ever, could be yellower. At least nothing
In the vegetable world.
Davis Is not the only new senator to wear
colors. Simon Guggenheim of Colorado
wears a dark business suit of Irreproach
able cut. The cutaway coat la about six
shades darker than that which clothes the
apopuectlo Arkansan and calls for abriut
half as much goods, the Colorado man be
ing rather spare than otherwise. He wears
a light cloth waistcoat and a four-in-hand
OoKKenbelm and Smoot.
Senator Guggenheim sticks to his seat
more closely than almost any other man
In the chamber, unless It Is Reed Smoot.
iAit while Smoot (In dark business suit and
red te) seems to be much occupied with
papers and writing, Guggenheim puts In his
time listening.
One would say that he was bent on gett
ing the hang of things, and that inside of
two months he will have acquired a better
knowledge of how the senate is conducted
that could penetrate the Davis conscious
ness In two years. But appearances may be
Borah is another new man who Impresses
the gallery observer as not only quiet and
dignified, but also alert and observant.
He wears a good looking black cutaway
suit and has noticeably well shaped feet.
His head also happens to be well haped,
and the man who made a name In Idaho
is likely to continue to be pointed out in
the senate even after the Haywood trial
has faded from the public mind.
The second seat from Borah is occupied
by Jonathan Bourne, Jr.; of. Oregon. He
wears eyeglasses rather' of tener than most
of the senators, that body being really re
markable for the absence of spectacled
members. Of course, many of them put on
glasses for reading and writing, but at
other times one can glance along tha rows
without getting a single gleam of specta
cles. Senator Bourne wears a long cutaway
suit of dark brown mixture. Its most con
spicuous feature is the large flaps on the
coat pockets. They give the gentleman an
air of being locked und padlocked, of hav
ing taken a reef In his communications, of
having all the 16,006.000 conspiracy stories
stowed away and the flaps pulled down
and safnty-plnned on the outside.
Beveriage In Sack Salt.
In his new seat on the center aisle, the
seat last occupied by Spooner, the grand
young man of Indiana 1. mellowly con
spicuous in a double-breasted blue sack
coat and a pensive air. On the first days
of the session he appeared In a truly noble
frock coat, appropriate alike to the ex
pression of . domestic and of legislative
achievement "bellttlng a husband and a
senator. But sine then he has worn the
sack suit.
Under the Beveridge desk there is a nice
fat. long footstool built on the lines of
an overgrown dachshund. Upon this the
"grand young man" perches his well-shod
feat and abandons himself to the rapt con
templation .df the same. His seems to be
the only senatorial 'footstool and With Its'
aid he achieves 'what appears to be a most
comfortable, if ' somewhat angular, atti
tude. --.'
'.Allison, in his familiar seat next to the
one chosen ' by Beveridge, Is another of
tho few who wear sack coats. His is a
dark mixture and his tie Is a dark bow tie.
Culberson of Texas, tha democratic
leader, also wears a dark mixture sack
suit and dark bow. But, though slender,
he fills, out his clothes better than docs the
rather wasted figure of the senator from
Iowa. There are no more carefully pressed
trousers in the chamber than those, of
Culberson, yet he Is a man whom It Is im
possible to picture as taking- undue con
cern about hi - appearance beyond the
necessity of absolute neatness.
Lodge ta Well Groomed.
Lodge Is one of the best groomed men
In the senate. He gives one the impression
of a race horse on edge with training.
Slender, nervous, intense, you can feel
the curb pull whenever his patlenco Is
taxed and that perhaps is not seldom.
He wears a cutaway business suit of a
dark mixture, with sometimes an ascot,
sometimes a four In hand tie. '
It is a common habit with many of tho
senators to store one or both hands In tueir
pockets until called for. Tillman, for in
stance, pushes back his flowing frock coat
into good slsed wings and thrusts his hands
deep Into his trouser's pockets whenever
he stands talking with any one.
Lodge instead pushes back his coat and
plants his left hand he has long, slender,
nervous hands far, back on hhilde, lingers
backward. It is a characteristic attitude.
To Dolliver of Iowa must be awarded
the distinction of wearing the most volum
inous frock coat In the s..,ute. He Is a big
man; though like many other legislators
he has the politician's stoop. But his very
long and very full coat Is big even for a
big man. .
It Is much more voluminous, for Instance,
than Is Heybum's, though Heybun Is a
Dig man, too. Henator l unom wears a
frock coat, but it doesn't contain much
more than enough goods to make a mere
patch on the. Dolliver garment.
Foraker Is another wearer of the frock
coat. And with It, at least at times, he
dons a militant red tie.
What Joe Bailer Wears.
Of course. Bailey of Texas wears a frock
coat. His tie loflks suspiciously iin if he
did not have to waste golden moments
tying It. But ready mades are by no
means so uncommon In the legislative halls
as the string ties have become.
Senator Aldrlch wears black, so does
Kean of New Jersey and fifty other Sena
tors, Including Depew, who Is always ac
companied outside the capitol by his silk
hat. The vice president, by the way, has
been sheltering his somewhat aparcely
thatched crown oven these winter days
under a Fedora of a light fawn color, un
mistakably suggestive of youth and spring
and the general exuberance befitting blm
who aspires to succeed the present six
cylinder occupant of the White House.
tho world tho owners do not siiy it is
but It certainly Is tho biggest to tie found
In this vicinity, and few persons, compara
tively speaking, huvo ever seen a bigger
one. To be exact, it is two'coal piles and
part of a third. The only reason it is not
In one pile is that the limit of stmidarrt
coal handling machinery was reached be
fore half of the coul was piled up, and
the company simply had to start u second
Pile. .
A million dollars' worth of coal Is not '
as Interesting to look at as a million dol
lars' worth of dlumonds would he, per
haps, but It occupies a whole lot more of
the landscape and Is worth JimtSjis mud!
In real money. Roughly estimated, each
of the two big piles that form the basis of
ths Edison's company 200.000 tons Is about
the slse of a full city block und about us
high aa a four-story houso with a man
sard roof. New York Herald.
F.aoagh Aathraclto Stored at Shady,
side, N. J., to iMt a Family
Ten Thonsaad Years.
Did you ever see a million dollars' worth
of coal? If not, take a trip to Shadyside,
N. J... some day an(K feast your eyes on
HX,V tons of anthrclte that the New
York Edison company baa stored up there
acajiut a rainy day.
Perhaps It Isn't tho biggest coal pile In
A Gennlne One from Mini Comes
Ont of the Desert of
Another Garcia message, this time "A
Message from Onrela," instead of to him,
cornea out of the desert of Arizona. It is
a message from the dead, and the man
who sends it was a hero who gave his Ufa
to save thoNo of others. The man was
dark skinned, and if he ftpoke any Knffllsh
at all It was done brokenly. He probably
drank more or less red liquor, and he cer
tainly smoked many cigarettes, for he was
a Mexican. !y his Intimates he was well
liked, but to most of tha railroad men in
thut purl of tho country ho wus only a
"greaser," with all the thoughtless con
tempt wrapped up In that biting epithet
Intended by those who applied it to Mm.
Jefus Garcia was the engineer of a min
ing railway train, and one day about a.
week ago he discovered that his train was
on Are. It was standing at the time near
the station in a llttlo Arizona town wlilt
a name one rarely hears this far eaut.
Two cars of powder for the mines were on
the train, and the engineer knw that it
was but a question of a few mhiteg be
fore It would explode and in ull probability
kill scores of human beings. Klther of two
things could be done desert the throttle
and save his own life or try to save the
lives of the people In the town ut the al
most certain cost of his own. He chose
the heroic course, and calling on tho reai
of his crew to Jump, which they did, he
pulled the throttle wide open and duHhed
for the r-pon fount ry. When the inevitable
explosion came the train was so fur from
the town that no one there was hurt, but
th hero with the dark skin who came
from the land of tomorrow was blown to
atoms. The grateful people of the town
cannot even deposit his body In a grave,
but they will erect a monument as a
lasting reminder of the splendid sacrifice.
The message of Garcia is thut courage,
truth, honor and virtue are not the exclu
sive attributes of men of one race or color;
that this divine humanity of ours takes
no account of the accidents of race or tho
geography of nativity, hut that It Is found
wherever there are men to ruspond to the
call of duty. The message of Garcia Is
that any blood shed for duty is the red
badge of earth's noblett courage. Thut is
a message worth dying to send, though
the loss of a single heroic life iike that is
the costliest toll that could be exacted.
Kansas City Journal.
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