TTTE OMAHA DAILY HEEi "WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 23. . 1907. CRM AND PRODUCE MARKET Interests Seem Inclined to Hold 02 Until After Holiday. KO FEATURE TO DAY'S TRAD 150 Prlee Aro la Goodl roeltloo far R all r Karons Visible .apply w Delded Dello Thl Week. ' ONIAHA. Dee. 24. 17. Ttie grain, market la-iUmoit featureless, with all Interests inclined to hold off until after the . bolidara. everl Urjf Lnes hav bet reinstated and prices stand In good shape, for a rally. The European visible supply show decided rlecreaae this with. Whm opened with, little or no feature The .crowd -I inclined to wait. Coramli Slnn i bouse were moderate havers and lis- dNMi up the floating wheat and the market sets easily with any buying. May wheat opened at H and clomd at II 01. . ' - Corrt prtd steady Jsnn" firm and worked soma MsrheT wltll good support. Demand for cash corn la good and aomc spirited binding was none . May corn Cpened at Se and closed at 5ZC. Oats opened1 siren and advanced steady on nood buying. Cash Interest sold May options, which ww- readily taken. May cats opened at 5I6c and closed at 5!Se. Primary wheat reeelpts were ?".(mo hush els and arilnnfs vera tZ2.00 bushels, against no rercipis or shipments last year on account t holiday. Corn receU's wer l.fC5.w bushela and Shipments were bushel aaalnst no receipts or shipment last year on account of holiday. Clearance Were 7M ono bushels of com. 1 bushels of oats and wheat and flour equal to lOJO.nrs bushels. Liverpool dosed V5id lower on wheat and 1 Mcher on corn Seaboard reported 19MW0 bushels of wheat and 4.000 buahe's of rom taken for export. Local rana; of options: Artlclea.l Open. I Hlgh.l Low. Close-1 Tes'y. shorts, 19 25; clear ribs, 69 LTVi; short clears, HI TTFR Higher: cr'smnrr. rMJ'-'H. EGGS Lower at flc, case count Receipts. Mhlpments FIKiit. bbls , t"Oi V heat, bu M a-ii Coin, bu ItVo" Oats, bu ;.) 14 "O 9v 74.M) SEW YORK CKF.RAI. MARKET lea lag fosinsOllei. NEW YORK. Dc 14 -FIXIR Re ceipts, K.2S7 I. bis.; exports. 6-7 bhls.; mar ket quiet but firmly held; Minnesota patent. K.j7u; Minnesota bakers, 14 iVj4.on: winter patents, I4.irtf5 25; win ter straights. H.v'i47o. winter extras, 13 75'u4 Si; winter low grades. 133?410. Rye, flour, firm; fair to good,; choice id Tan- v. so 2nn 4u. Hucawneai nour, suady. It 00 per 100 lb. tXiKNMhiALr-Frm; fine white and yellow. coarse, IllOfcl. il; kiln dried. 1J1Mj65. RTE Firm; No. 2 western, 81c f. o. b. New Tork. WHEAT Receipts. 271.000 bu.: exports. l.S3o. Kpot market firm. No. 2 red. tl.06 elevator; No. il red. II "i1 f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 northern Duluth. II ilH f. o. b. afloat; No. 2 hard winter. II. li I. o. b. ailoat. With the exception of a brief opening decline, due to cables, wheat was generally firm and hiaher all day on opening cov ering and strong northwest news. It closed lc net hiaher. D-cember. 81.07 jYOCVk. closed ll OTi; May; II 11V1.U-H closed Il l-H: July closed I1.0CV CORN Kecelpis. 11, -i ij.; exports, 1.10 bu. Spot market firm. No. 2 elevator. TJc, and jc anoat; ,o. 2 white, WV, and .No. I yellow. nominal, afloat. Option ntarkst was with out transMcllons, i losing Vc net higher. Lecemler closed 71c OATS Receipts. 1U3.500 bu.: exports; ITS OT to U Wheat I Pec... - May.. July.. Omv rec.... May... July... Oa's leo... May... July... 1 "S W4 I 46 W I 4i r l fil t . 4H! 1sj I SZNl 53 4-4' 4W 6S. 6l 4-! 4i 1 01 I 47V 4bW! r oi KM 57H tl 47H 52 45 NEW YORRSTOCKS AND BONlS Market Dull After Spurt of Actiritj at the Opening. MAST TRAD EES ARE ABSENT Re-port af (roller Skorrs that "trr Kislu Art Itoldlaa; Large Part ef BestrTH at Heme. bu. fSuot market easv. Mixed. lbs.. 54c; natural white, 3S to 32 lbs., &c; Tuv 'u:V, 0fll OS. Ponse. to the controllers call for Decern- 1 A n a tax s v v H vii"iv v w NEW YORK, Dec. 14. The Ftvk ex chanpe might almost as ell rot have been In session today for anything that was accomplished. There was a e'iglu spun of activity In the flrst hour and after that the market became lethargic The pre hollday Influence as partly responsible for this, although there was larking the usual trimming process caused by closing up of aicoums over the holiday, ruth outstand ing accounts being apparently at a mini mum. This probably explained tho com paratively small Influence of the money sit uation. There waa some special weakness In the railroad and electrical equipment stocks which waa traceable easily to the fears of cutting down of outlay by the railroads to keep pace with the declining tendency of earnings now clearly In evi dence. Reports of reduction of working forces In factories, or total shutdowns In some cases pointed to the ssme conclusions as to the course of Industrial affairs. News of the closing of a Memphis saving bank kept alive the bad Impression rausod by Monday's bank happenings at Atlanta and New Orleans. The abstract of condition of national banks thsoughout the country shown by r Wfsker. but Improve upon the easier ten dency of money. Sew York Msaty Market. NEW YORK. Dc. 24-FRIME MKRCAN- Tll.K PAPF.H 7Mj rr cent . BTERL.1NU E.tHANOK-lrr weak. m-lth fit tui. business In bsnkers' bills at 14 MS ti4 Mi for demand at M 79-r4 7.Vu for ixty-nT bills; commercial M'.la, 14 7X. MI.VKR Har. Uc; Mexican dollars, 41C. ' N'13 C.overnnient. steady, strong; itiro.-td. steadv. MONK Y On call, flrro: W4 per cent: clns- nc bid. per ctnt: offered at 8 per cent. Time loans. Arm; sixty dnys, 15 per cent; ninety days. 12 per cent; six montns, s per cent. losing quotations ca bonds were as Miows : IVl L A K. nnl 4s . Ma. e x lflHMsi Csstrsl . tulit so 1M lor tirB. t II U 11 III K. T. 4s..... Oaaaaiat raak rrtee. W H EA T No. t hard. 7c; No. I hard, c; No. 4 hard. Kg&2c; No. i spring, (MevWc; bo grade. 8Se. CORN-No. t, 4Se49nc: No. 4. sTHNSc: no grade, 44G47e; No. yellow, 60Hc; No. I white, 4Hs. OATB-No. t mixed. 7H'STHc; N- 1 white. 4T4c: No. white, 47W4c: atand ard, 47HptljUo. v RYS-No. I. 740?8c: No. S, TSSfflc. BARLEY No. 4, He CXvrtot Reertpts, Wheat. Corn. Oats 7H 617 429 ..JO 2S X S2 1M Hui'il-state, common to choice, lfc'7. U'u:7c; l!i. 54c; Pacific coast, Hillc. 1M, 4iic. M1DF Dull; Bogota, 16V917c; Cen tral America, lSVc. LEATHliH-Quiei; acid, UdT. PROVISlONf Beef steady; family. 115 08 515 50; mess. 110 &o-(j 11.00; beef hams, IJ4.60 JJ6M; pscket. tl2.6t4ill.00; city extra India mess. t-2.Ui'.3 00. Cut meats, quiet; pick led bellies, M.75al0.Su; pickled hams, t'jO.OO. Lard, easy; western prime. SaWi i0. nominal; refineil. easy; continent, IS. W ti55; Soutb America, W.25; compound. -..Z.WCt-VW Pork, steady; family. I1S.O0 6'IS 5i; short clears, 15.508.76; rneaa. lit. ,-J15 &U. HiK steady; domestic, fair to ex tra, ISdCHr; Japan, nominal. tallow steady; city, o?sc: coun try. 6S45P. POULTRY Dressed market easy: western chickens, Hij'Aic; turkeys, lgl7c; fowls, V4 ii'ic- kl rriiK Market firm, creamery extras. 2WuOVw.': thlnls to firsts. 214i"c; state dairy, common to fine, aCsc; process, com mon to special, iiuJc, western factory, common to first, 12.y3ic. t MB fcJSlv Market quiet; uncnanrea; state full cream, small colored and white fine and lnrge colored, i:vul4c; good to prime. 14'yni"sc: commen to fair. yiriiHe. EGOS Market weak: state Pennsylvania and nearby good to choice, 33&3ic; average best, 31&3c; firsts to extra firsts. XjAie; western firsts, Z7c; seconds, zoy-jbe. WE4THER IX THE GRAIX BELT . Chicago .... Minneapolis Omaha ..... Duluth Fair ad Warmer aad Then Colder Christmas. OMAHA. Dec. 24. 1907. Btormy weather, with rain, snow and hurh winds, prevailed throughout the lake m ir r.n m ilv awn ranviiinvi region. Ohio valley and. eastern states dur- CHICAGO AHD FHOVISIOSB JnJ twentv.four nours Bnd colder " and generally unsettled weather prevails Peatarea of the Trmdlaar aad ClastaaT east ef the Mississippi river this morning. Prieea mm Boari af Trade. Temperatures are much lower in the lake I n n n m .r4l a V a ninAe BloT I kaif new sa n U 1 M CHICAGO. Dec. 4 - An alleged scarcity I LIr.l i. V v,.. Va WlltMi IN IIWI mwcev a.aWKu aau flavalArwkn In thA nnft nWMaVT m-U II Mln aT rt . vanee of more than lo In tha price of wheat .KA.A rl- lmr-rllur. i that aectlon nera loaay. -orn waa up n-v- Vl ,nd this depression will extend over the were Ho lower. Provlglona were T7Vr3 central valleys, causing warmer weather Tha atrangth in th. wheat market de- br "iW Taloped to the flr-t hour. The report of oTana record oTmperatur. and pre- "m'1 E.?i7m" A ,T Tll7,I.X dpiutlon compared with the corresponding came from different sources and caused I , i& thru k,M active covering by short. One report de clared that cropa In the Canadian north west were (3 Per cent less than last year. while another dispatch asserted that 90 per rent of rh crop In Manitoba has already been marketed. Prices advanced steadily throughout tha last half of the day, the close oeing strong ana near me mg" mars. X of tha day. - May wheat opened HGc lower day of the last three years: 11. IK Utb. UQt. Minimum temperature.... 26 26 19 is. Precipitation 00 .00 .00 T Normal temperature for today, H degrees. Deficiency In preclcltatlon aln. March L 7.52 inches. Deficiency corresponding: period In 1906. 4.77 Inches. at II 044.411 04. advanced to ILOSlt and . i"c'eii.T currr.ponauiH perioo inij, i A -. , r- cm , ; v..... I Z.W1 Indies. ' L A. v i v. m I. U.MI wu-a.w. 1 1 I 1 1 1. V VI 1 wnr,i I , - . nd flniir ni xmil tn Vfi ll bmhilL Tha - . e . J-oai , r wrevasier. .treet l. Veatt" b. .Valn a - PTl.Io.a. decrease during the same time for last kamiau ciry, mo., Dec. 24. WHEAT year of t.500,0no bu. Primary receipts were May, I1.0"H; July, 9Hc; caah. No. 2, hard, !(A K.i ,in. - ViM., - v - .v 1 fuUTitjUe Kn 1 IUiTi97n- Vn 1. reH itJU.miv:u Minneapolis. Dulutn ana Chicago reported no. 3. sjMVic receipts of III car, against 7 last week t uns-L ncnangea, to c higher; De- and a holiday last year. Corn waa weak cember. 5zvc; July. KSc; cash. No. at the opening because of a liberal move- I mixed, 51V; No. J, HbihiCi No. 2, white, ment. but later rallied. In sympathy with I lVuf lHc; No. 1, ElVc wheat, and closed firm near the high point OATS No. 2, while, 48S4So; No. J, mixed. or tne day. casn corn aecunea aoout 10 i 474ic because of poor eastern shipments. Total hai-Bteaay; cnoice tunotny, ni-bovixoo receipts were C7 cars, with 21 or contract choice prairie, fy.u0ttw.tia. crade. Rye 7TSiwc. Liberal receipts and a slack: demand for blttkk Steady: creamery. TTVic: pack rraln caused some weakness early In the lnx. 27ti25c. day In the oats market, but these Influences I EOUb Vo lower; firsts, 2THc; extras. Sc. were later offset by the sharp advance. Receipts. Shipments. May sold off to IZc and closed at 53c. Wheat, bu. 77.OO0 Ss.ono The local receipts were 429 cars. Corn, nil , 66.0W fco.ono A We decline In tne price xr live nogs Oats. bu. 6,9. .ooo depressed the provisions market. At tha I Kansas City closing prices close May pork was off 7VC Ribs were Wheat 6c lower at I7.0CH- I Open. I High. Low. nose. Estimated receipts ror Thursday:- wneat. 57 cars; corn. ITS cars; oats, 242 cars;, hogs, I May S3 Oil head. - July Th niarket WI19 be closed tomorrow. I Corn Cnrlstmaa, -The, leading Jut urea ranged as follows: Articles. 1 Opeti. High.) Low. Close, I Tes'y. ber I wss regarded as reassuring as tf the condition of the banking fabric hole, the percentage of leirsl reserve to deposits standing on that date at Zl Jl per cent, compared wTTh 21 3 per cent on August Ti, and 20 80 per cent on Jvovember 12. last year. Although there has been a shrinkage of Individual deposits for the snorter period or R42.161.sx4k the government deposits have m the mesntime. in creased by T9 W4.SS0 and that factor must have affected also the specie and legal tender holdings materially, the decrease In holdings being only II0.I3K. i!i. Rut It Is In the Items reflecting the inter relations of the banks that the dislocation of the usual banking conditions are most sharply defined. The sum due from banks ana reserve agents has shrunk since August 22 by 1146.843.372 and since November IX of last year 1.1 4 M S4. while the amount due other banks and bankers has fallen H9.CX.ei7 since August 73 and slightly less In the yearly comparison. This Is the measure of the tremendous withdrawals of banking reserves of smaller banks which were on deposit In the reserve and central reserve cities when the shock of October passed Uirotirh the body of the banks. It ia the persistence of this condition which is given responsibflty for the persistence or tne premium in New York and tne em barrassments In exchange operations. The opinion Is growing that the way out of this state Is bv restoration by surplus or the New York banks by their own measures after banks elsewhere in the country are expected to resume their normal relations with the reserve centers. The accomplish ment of this result Is expected now to be delayed some time after the first or tne year. The high money rate In New York caused a violent downward plunere In foreign rates. it was seen wttn satisfaction mat ois count rates receded In Berlin where trou bles from an over-extended industrial po sition somewhat analogous to our own have been feared. The stagnnant condi tions Increased as the dav progressed. Fonda were stesdv; total sales, par value. rl.019.00. t nlted States bonds were un chanaed on call. js umber of sales and quotations on stocks were as ionows Sales. HI ill. Low. Close. l . 11. 4Hfc 4SV, . 1.60 K t A4ama Exprsas Amalgamate Oopper Imalramatt IB. C. at I Wheat I I I Dec. 9TI 98V 9Ci! 98 May , 1 04Aj . ft C6t,lf I 04V 1 9614 I 04! 1 06 July fet WV4 97 9SS Corn Dec 57 S7H 5V 67 May r7HrS 6H ITS M ffH July 5dSiW S7fc &V 6TV. Osta I ' a May 53. nH'STifrU W bMey SlS'VTttjto SlU 61 aJuly 47l 47 47 471, i bMar 45. 4M 44 4S' 12 4S 11 4S U 44 it tl May UlTn UN 12 r W U 50 I Lard -Jan. T79 T 10 ICS 1C May 1 US T IZH T 75 T 77V nibs I i- Jan. T2H I 7H I I7H I TH! - Mar I T I t6 T t T02H f I AlOOVJ PT!I 1004 SWAj S 90 jsl-S May sc ti4itiiT.'flti2 w 6HaB . July s2H 62Sj 52 62V 94 I OS R7H K44 5TH 47 la II IS U 12Vfr T TJi, 7!H No. 1 a Old. b New. Cash quotations were as follows KLOl'R Steady: winter patents, 14 vj 410; winter straights, t4.XT4.55; spring pat ents, ivaiRtv: spring stra ignis, s4.ffT4.ii6; bakers. IS iH 25. WHEAT No. t spring. 91 (: No. I spring. H0o4il W: No. I red. 97S&w0. CORN-No. 1. USic; No. I yellow. & (Jlw. OATft-No. I 4f?fcc; No. I white. 43txe HIE-NO. I. SC. Visible dapply at Oraia. NEW YORK. Dec Il-Bpeclal cable and communications received by Bradstreets show th following changes in available supplies aa compared with previ ous account: Wheat, fnlted States, east Rockies, decreased 1.243.010 bushels: Canada Increased 800.000; total I'nlted States and Canada decreased 543.000 bushels. Afloat for and In Europe, decreased G00.0CO bushels. Total American and European- supplies, decreased 1.143.000 bushela. Corn. 1 nlted States and Canada, de creased 757 000 bushels. Oats. I nlted States and Canada. Increased 51T0i(i bushels. The leading decreases and Increases re ported this week follow: Decrease Man itoba. 6H?at bushels: Chtcaa-o private ele vators. 13.000 bushels: Port Huron. 111000 bushels; St. Joseph. lTOffl bu.; Milwaukee, private elevators, aonno bu. I - Minneapolis. pr'vate elevators, bo.oju ou. Increases Goodrich. Ont.. 440.wn; Port land. Me.. 2!.0 bu : Omahs, '101.000 bo; Mitchell. 8. v., so.iw ou. Mlnaeapolls Oral Market MINNEAPOLIS. Dee. 24 WHEAT May closed at 11.11 a; July. 11 l?vrn iz; No. 1 hard. Il.iov,: No. 1 northern. Ilsv,: No. I northern. 1106- No. I wheat. 91 oiwai.OJVi. FIil R First patents. s.5ovi second natents. toiffcn- first clears. M IL'S 4 40 B UOOd reeding. : ra r to aecrnd cle.t. IS SMe M choice malting. 4j5c. BRAN -In bulk,, itiw-Max, no. 1 northwestern, n -!,-. . ik. IJ hiAlK 1 1.w- . . grideV'mw'- - llrerpool Grata Market. fM'it IBPJNS snort ribs, aides flnosei. I UVIKF1U Dec Z4. w hieat Prot. Is?ij7 12H- Mess pork, per bbl.. ;9 firm: No. 2 red wetern winter. 7s Sd. 12 1ZW Lard, per 10O 1 ha., 17.90. Short clear Futures. steady; reoembr, potnlnai aides fboxedl. I7.0ritfr7.95. Msrch 7s HSd: May. 7a VJd, Following were th receipts snd snln- ttJKN -foot, nrm: prime, m'xea Amen meats of flour and grain: Receipt a Shipments Flour, bbl tki lu) ! heat, bu '. hi 1 Corn, bu 75 0l (t, bu. ......:, w; vii Bye, bu !.. l.'oi Barley, bu 1S2 WJ On the Produce exchanae today the but ter market was firm; creameries. 2"fr-i': dslrlrs. U3oc lai, steady; at mark, cases Included. 24i-JV: firsts. tWiXo; prima nrsts, air. . iieese. steady, UtiiJc. csn. new. ;.s 4a; prime mixed Amerlrsn. old, 5s d. Futures, qulftj kejmper, noml; January. 5s IHd Peoria Market. PEORIA. Dec 24 COHN-New. lower No 1 yellow. 54i.'.c: No. X 5Sc: No. 4. 4!-'361Hc; no grade. 4?rTc. OATf Lwer:. No. I wlilte,. 4!H,4'Oj No. 1 wnue. ni'i'. RYK Doll. WHISKY On the basis of 11.13 for fin ished gitoda c. r. r. Aw Cottoa OU Am. Cottoa Oil fti AMsrloaa Kxyreaa An, H. L. pf , Amaiicaa Ioa aacarltiss Am. Unseed Oil Am. Llnaard Oil pfd Am. Lacomotlve Am. Uwomotlvs pfd... Am. B. a Am. B. fL pr Am. Surar RaSnlnx Am. Tobaceo pfd rtfs Anaeooda aUntaf Ce ' Atehlaoa Atcfalaoa pfd Atlantic Coast Use. bailUBora A Ohio. Hal. A Ohio pfd Brooklra Rapid Tr Oanadlaa Par like Centra! of N. I Cheaaneake A Ohio (Iricasa OL W Chlraco A N. W. r-hleaco, M. A W. P rbleaso T. T..- cairago T A T. pfd C , C. C. A St. L Colorado P. I Colorado a t-o Uolo. A Bo. 1st pfd Colo. A Bo. U pfd Conaolldatad Gaj Cora produJa rff Cora ProdueU pfd. rfg Dalaoaro A Hudaoa Pol.. L. W PesTer A R. O V. A R O. Bfd Plst!l!ara' gararlue 8r1 Brla U pfd Erie td pfd General Eleetrle Illnola Ceotral International Paper Int. Paper pld Int. Pump Int. Pamp pfd... Iowa Contral Iowa Contral pfd Kansas Cur 80 K. C. So. Pfd Louisville A N Meilcaa Central Minn. A St. L St., Bt. P A B. B. 14 ...... . M . Bt. P. A 8. B. M. ra. Mlaaourl Paciae Mlaaourl. K. A T M . K. St T. pfd National Uaad Nav York Central N. T.. O. A W Norfolk A W Norfolk A W. pfd Nortk Americas F-arlDc Mall Pennaylranla Peopia'n Oas P.. C. C. A Bt. L Pi saw 4 Btaai Car Proaaad B C. pfd Pailmaa Palace car Reading Reading 1st pfd Reading Id pfd Rapsblle Steal Rapublle Steal pta Rock Island Co Rock laiaod Co. pfd Bt. U A 8. P. M pfd Bt. Louis B W Bt. L. . W. pfd Soothers Paetic Bo. Pacific pfd So. Railway Bo. Railwar pfd. Taiaa A PaclSr Toledo. Bt. U A W , T., St. L- A W. pfd t'nloa Paciflc Vnloa Pacific pfd U. S. P-xpreaa. V. S Realtr V. B. Rubbw V. B Rubber pfd I'. B. Steel l S Bteel pfd V a -Carolina Chemical .... Va -Ctro. Item pld Wahaak W atak pfd Wr-Farfo Ea.. otfared.. Wcallnshouao Eloctrie .... Waatcro tnlos Whealms AUK Wlarocola Onlral Wla Central pfd Int. Metrooolllaa lnt m. pld Northern Pacific Gt Northern pfd Central Leather Central Leather pfd Kliiat-ghclWId Stool Total sales for tha day. 10 24j 4U so 1 11 St. Leals Gestral Market. ST. lXllIg. Dec. 24.-WHEAT FSrm track. No. I red. cask. II .4r.;1 w.' ; No 2 hard, 9Mj104: May. 1 (6; jui, v. CORN llrm; tratk. No. I cash. kutTtf; May, ttVc; July. io'c; No. a while, iC'xt 53S. OATS Weak; track. No. 2 cash, 4ic May. 5!ic; No. 2 white. 51VuTIV- FlAOl'R-Market dull; red winter patents I4 6W4 IH': exlr fancy and straight. 4 25ir t; cletr. elTMIWi. rFED TluiuUiy. market steady. 4.1' tXIRNMEAL Maraet steady, J W) BRAN-Market dall; sacked east track II j4j! . - HAY Msrket steady; timothy, .i,i 110j prs'rie, 9kri10 5. 1RN 4Xrro.M TIE8-IU4. BAOtllNO HSrS. H KM P TWINK-llc. ' P1 LTKY Kfrro; chkkens. 7c; springs Ac; tuikes 11V : dtH ks. a-; grse. y PRuVlION Pork, niarket loaer; Job bing. 112 1" 1-ard. lower; prune steam. 17 fei Iry aah weats, nutlt.-l steatly; boxed eir shorts, ISSOSl clear ribs. !.; clears. H TV bacon, matatt st-ady; boxed rxtia slloaskrt Grata Market. . MILWAVKEE. I'ec 34 -WHEAT-iull No. I northern, II oHl !-: No. t north ern. V en -vsv. 11 . asked.-- BARLEY Firm; No. I. II.'m; sample.. V3 (MRN-Ng. 2 cah, SHrSS: Msy, 'iic. asked. i 1 71 II14 SI I t t. rf is, rat de conpoa B. . re . do coapoa I i. k, reg.. do cotipoa Am. Tobacco 4a.. do M N R. R. of M S. 4a Tl AHhltoa n. 4s . N. T. C. I IH H i N. 1 c. g so us sit No. Pacific 4a 114 t do 11 v N. A W. a 4s M HH O. B. 1 rfd. 4a M Pens ct. IS -H Si Raadlng gea. 4a M 41 St. L, A I. M. e 6a. iri St. L A 8 P. ft 4a. 7ia "hea A Ohio 4Sa.. 'jst. L. 8 W. e. 4a.. so Ckirao A A. JSa... 44 5aboard A L. 4S... a" 2io. Pacific a 41 v. As 1st 4a eUa . 1 !4 Be Railwar aa et do ad). Atlantic C U 4a. . Kal. A Okis 4a... do ! B-k. R. T. c 4a... Central 4 Ca. la.. do lat Inc do td lac do Id Inc OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Killing Cattle of All Kindt Command Good, Strong Prices. HOGS SELL STEADY TO TEN LOWER Ms Fresh Reeelpts at Sheep er Uabi Reparled Today to Make a Market or F.stabllsh Qaelatlaas. SOVTH OMAHA. Dec 24. IMC. Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs Sheep. Official Monday i L740 ti-Uinale 1 uesday K6 IS47 7 L7iJ B. A t a. 4a. . n. I. A P. do col. M.. TfC. A ft. L. 1 4a. "Teni A P. la. Colo. Ind U. srr. A. iT.. Bt. U A W. Colo. Mid. Colo. A o. 4b Cuba 5a P. A R- O. 4a ... lhatillera Bee, la., Kne p. 1. aa do sen. 4a Rock. VaL 4tt Japaa 4a do 4Ha ctfa oo 14 aart . ... E.4. OSara4l 4 Vnloa Pacific 4a liw'a 1 ' do cv a SH IX 8. Steel Id aa 14 o Wtbaab la 14 1 44 do deb. B 44 U WaterB ltd, 4a M , MHW. ALLS TI , Wta Contral 4a, W TTH Atehlaoa ca. 4a 4 , M-a do ca, ta WS . MInt. Met. 4SS il Raatan Storks aid Boads. BOPTON. Dec. 21 Call loans. per cent; time loans, f'yfJlo per cent. Official closing on stocks snd bonds: Atchison ad. 4s II Amalgamated . do 4s S4 Atlantic Mri Central 4a Tiktntntkam Atrhlaon ft Cat. A Heels do pfd 45 Ontennktl .... Roatoa A Albany. ...11 (Vpjer hanga Roaton A Mama '. Hair Waat .... Ptwton Rleratad Ui Kranklla 11T Oranby 14lal Rcral ... V Maaa. Mining . II Mlrhlaas llj Mohaak 4 Mont. C. AC. HH Old Pomlnlao . l"T40aoola 101 Parrot Pltchburx pfd Meiican Central ... N T., N H A H Para Marquetta .. t'sloa Pacific Am. Pnea Tabs... Aster. Sugar do pfd Am. T A T Am. Wot lea 1' Qutacy do pfd 74ti Khaenoa Elian Electrla Ilia, .rh Tamarack .... Oeneral Electric 1 Trinity Maaa. Electrla I P. B. Mining. . V. 8. Oil.. .... l I .... triit'ub ....1UH Victoria .... n Winona .... t W olrarlno .. Nnrlh Butts .... 7 Buna CoalHl t ,Cal A Anaooa . . . . V' Arlsona Com. KX'-ITIdend. 45, I 414 S9 u Tw rt 17V4 it 1. 44t, 1 ....... V T7 H (4 l'S I1 4S 4 lit 4014 ...ICS 1114 Two days this week.... 2.5" K.27 I TS! Same dsvs last year 7.47 .47 9.147 frame davs I weeks ago..l0 7l0 1S.X , la.4-0 Same das I weeks ao.. 10.9TI 7 " 14.S'1 Same dsya 4 weeks ago.. I.4.-.4 8.44 a.4.4 Same daa last year !2 8.32 U4 The following table shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for the year to date, compared with last year: 19"7. 19" lno. Dec. Cattle 1.1&V.2S7 1 078 304 .81.061 Hogs 2.-'21..7 i.Sho.TW 144.415 Sheep 2.0J9.AI7 2.143.367 M.M The following table shows the averag" price cf hogs at South Omaha for the last several days, with comparisons: Date. I 1907. J90l.jl9O5 190.190J .190.190L Dec. II. .1 4 4HI I 051 4 RSI 4 41 I Dec. 14... I 4 25lfcj 06 4 M 4 29; 4 l Dec. 15 Dee. 3o. Dec. 17. lec. Is.. Dec. 19. Itc. 30. Dec 21. Dec 11. lec. 23. Dec 24. I 99 I 93 I 12 I I 6 111 4 111 4 Hi 4 4 I 09' I 761 4 421 4M 14 4 46 4 34 ; 9 4 27 9 4 tot 4 II I 22 4 47 I S IS 4 " I 18 4 91 4 S3v I 19, 4 94 4 23 I 11 4 4 5 4 13 I 4 Sgl 4 44i 4 I On, 4 98 4 S 4 W 15 4 44 4 91; 4 29 4 46, 4 18 4 X I 13 I 4.421 4 4hj r. 01 07 V 14 27 9 11 I 04 I Of had t hare - Teti a fsw good killer Tier they weuld "iitMtvosionably have sold at good, strong price A few sheep wti'ch were driven In sold very readily st a good strong price. They were ewe and brought 14. Operators on the market are beginning to predict a better' market with the coming of the New Tear. They argue that th panicky feeder have sold the most of etr holding and that the sheep and lamb still back Iri the country are In strorg hand, hence are not llkly to be marketed with undue hnste. At the same time a bel ter demaad fa anticipated, aa consumers are very1 apt to be tired of poultry bv the close of the holidays and will want to buv something different. For these rea son most everyone on the market Is pre dicting a better trade, with prices higher than at present. Whether they are right or not remains to be seen. Quotations on good to choice fed sheep and lambs: Iambs, 95 9nto: yearling wethers. 94ir.fi4.S0; Wether. !4 0S4iO; ewes. H.VItI Ti. Representative sales: No. Ar Pr. 91 western ewes M 40 f roses, l451r: pickerel, fresh fee. sew, red snspper. IV; flounder . essrkemL, 9tr per fish; codfish., fresh fro sen, lc; hsd dock, fresh fro sen, ip; rmelea. te; shad roe. V per lb ; frog legs, A par deal green sa turtle rrtest. 9f-c per lb HIDES AND TALIXiW Oreen salted. No. 1. be; No. ft. 4c; ball hMea. 9e; green unsalted. No. L 4c; green vnsalted. No. 9. 9-: horse hide, 1 (lyi W; slieep pslut, T5 fill on Tstlow. No. 1, 4Hc; No. ft, IV Wool. inos- SUPREME COURT SYLLABI. 14709. penlsmln T. Williams Agalnsl Chicago, littrllrrton A- Qulncy TtaJlaay company. Appeal from York Motlos) for rehearing overruled. , iedgwk-Jt, l i. When an engine is standing at a street crossing In a city and teams are continually passing and repassing near thereto, and th engine is suddenly started without asrnlng ahen a tesm. Is crossing on th public highway and Is In clos4 proximity to th eaglna, It I a question of fact for the determination of the Jury whether the engineer I guilty of negli gence In fs'llng to ring th iH or give other warning of U starting at tn en gine. 149--9. L. P. Albright against Tho State Life Insurance Company of Indianapolla, Ind. Appeal from Webaier. Affirmed. Cal kins. C. Where In a written application for life Insurance the' applicant agree that no statements, promises nor Information made CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle lrs( t Tea Ceats lllgker Hogs Weak ta Lswer. CHICAOO. Dec. 24 -CATTLE Receipt, about 5,or head at an estimate: market strong t.T lie higher: steers. MMtl; rows. t2.7t&4 50: heifers, MM'; bulla. i: xn4 90; calves. 00; stocker and 1 or given by th person, soliciting or taking 'T.TT; !1,4S"- , , ,. such application shall b binding on the tvj- tvtf.iiti "uranit-u at ut ic.. . company unless emooed tn the appllca head: market weak, 5tntc lower: choice I tion and presented to the' company at It heavy shipping, I4.r4 7": butcher, 94 9 1 home office aa a part thereof, tha applicant 4 65; light mixed. 94 4i'94.5: choice light. 1 cannot show that such application was con 14 ySM fi; pecking, 14 4"4 4S; pigs, $3-7o4 , ditioned upon an agreement not cootalnod 4.2c; bulk of sales. 14 4.VJ4 80. therein-, made by the ewent soliciting th SHEEP AND LAMP9-Becelpt about I application, that the company was to fnakd 1 009 head: steady lo 25c higher: sheep. 92 00 1 a real estate loan for tti amouat of the Ul l..t.. a t:G. Ul. w-.iinva II llIM HI 14!2. Homer H. Northup and (ttewart B. Rente, partner, doing buslnee aa Northup A Rente again at Edward W. Katbrtoa. Ap- f 1 ! peal from Furnas. Reversed And remanded. Epperson. C. 1. The verification of a pleading la not Jurisdictional and the failure ta verify Is unless object! un Is mad bfore Sunday. The official number of car of stock brought in today by each road was: CatUe. Hogs. C. M. St. P .. 4 8 Wabash 1 Mo. Paciflc 2 L'nion Paciflc I C, 4 N. W. (east) 1 C. N. W. (west) C C. 6L P.. M & 0 6 C, B. A O. (east I I C, Jl. A Q. (westi 7 C c-u . , ja OL KJ C, B. A O. (east I C, Jl. A Q. (westi C , R. I. A P. (east) Illinois Central Chicago Great Western.. Kaaaaa City Live Stock Market. KANSA, CITT. Mo.. Dec. ?4 CATTLE Receipts. 200 head. Includirg S0 south erns. Market lifiiiac higher; choice export ; and dressed beef steere. 9o.OO640: fair to good. ia.lLi4 .: wtstern steers. 13 5ta4 ; a oi j stockers and feeders. 12.004 20; southern , waived i steers, tf S-Wii Jfi: southern cows. t2 E4iS 25: , trial. native cows. I2.2.va4 (4); native heirer. li-loix 1 My correspondence, piaintirrs, wno are 4.S; bulls. I2.i4.00; calve. KOODOO. I real estate brokers, arranged with a land HOGS Receipts, I.1) head. Market 10c 'owner for a sale of his laud t a St ran gar lower; top. 14.40; bulk of sales. 14 454J4.55: and during the negotiation demanded a heavy, 4.4o4i4aj: packers, 94.454J4.65; pigs: certain sum as their commission, which, and lights, I4.0"4r4 60. I upon consummation of the sale was paid BHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 900 ; them. Held, that th plaintiffs will not be feeait Ml.V.t lOn K 1 K nr, 1. V.M KC AO- n aav that V. . .... h, ..t.1 " ismos, so .lutije.w; ewes ana yearlings, n ti , or ins venaor. trl W: wester yearHngs. 24. 2f-j6 no : western sheep, 13 &04J-4.36; stockers and feeders, 13 oo I U4.0U. 11 do sfd Maaa Oaa t'nltad Fruit t ailed 8. M do pfd V. 8. Steal do pld ........ AdTentur A lionet Aaked. Bid. Lesios Cloelag 9torks. LONDON. Dec. 24. Closing Quotations on stocks were: mat., K. A T M N - T. Central i Norfolk A W ti-i do pfd M Ontario A W '4k PeuntyloanU. 1(414 Rand Mtos Oooaola. rnoeef da account Anaconda Atthlaos. do pfd Baltimore A Ohio... Canadian Paciflc .... Chesapeake A Ohio.. a II Reading .. Cblcaao OI. W C. M. A St. P. Da Beers D. A R. 0 da pld Kris do lat pfd.... do td pfd Grand Trunk .. Ill I noli C.ntral Loul.Ttlla A H 114 Southern Railway ..lfl do pfd .. 1414 Southern Pacific .. .. I slon Pacific .. "H do pfd .. )Sf 8. Bteel... .. M't do pfd . MWahaah . . "H do pfd ..US Spanish 4s . i . Amal. Co 4 P4 44 U M4 47S It IS llli . 40 li . am . K4 lV . 10 , II . P!H 44 Total receipts 35 104 The disposition of the day s receipts was aS follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber or head indicated: Buyers. Cattle. Hogs, gtieep. Omaha Packing Co Ill Swift and Company 23 S0 ... Cudahy Packing Co 2M 2.2 93 Armour dt .ompaor....3 z,va Hill & Bon 11 Hamilton & Rothschild.. 28 Kingan A Co 140 J. H. Bulla 14 Lehmer Bros 4 Vlrey Packing Co H9 . Halstead 399 Livingston Root I ... Other buyers 25 ... 25 9X1 li IS - l't, :::::: ::::: ::::: I,T10 17 MI4 . K too r4 II MH t.7tl J14 704, 7H, t.100 t n t no ri s LOOO Tv 1' 7H ...... ..... ..... IS iis , It St T6 ' TtVj ' TSli l.te ttttj at in ..... ! 170 n "0 1 7V. 1 l.titO 1I44 114 J . L" 104 K1S l'Ti r 54 400 V 1 1S 1S l lV 4 B., Kx " " 'ssi i 1" 1 MO 1UH 14tlt 141 4 I r k4 w it M 4i tta tt tn fi 1S 14" SO V S4 4 is, 1400 il nr i 14 TOO U4 U 51 Uli n e ti 0 19 11 t 900 21 U U hi MO I1H II li US 14H U U tk K TI ion 111 HI lid 1.7V0 44 4"H 474, 4 100 M (4 54 lt d xt4 14.1J0 II " 'ta ltu 1144 S II 4i-0 UK, u 1 T5 100 41 41 43 ni 11"H 1!"S 00 74 II TI . 41 lot il II il KO CI 47 . 47 10 14a 14F. 141 . 100 S4 It t ..... 74 1 1 inn 4)4 s 10 14 14a u ltal 24 I-t s 14 10 . 1.64 71 T 7t, 1 . l.SSS 11 11 11", ) 14 17 S4 It 1S l4a 1 11 400 sr. r s;a . tl.lOU 111 114 11 CfMM r-i l, trt uar, quier. -ixj per ounce. U.t,l-4l4 per CT'TU. The rate of discount, in the open market for short bills Is rr "e-t; for three months' bills, 6H4H per cent. New York Btoolua and Boads. NEW TORK. Dec 24. Ooslng quoutlong on mining blocks were Adams Ob. Alice Brunaaick Cob. .. Comstock Tunnet ., Con. Csl. A Va.u. Horn SUear '. Iron Sllvar Loadrilla Cos. . ogarad. I LJttl Chief .(44) .Ostarlo . It pphir . 41 Potoaf1... . It : ara'- . e--.B(eTT Navada .. . " Pmall Hopes .... . n'lssaodard - . ... I .'..KO ...101 ... 9 ... 17 ... II ... 10 i. .11 Vtvn rs t- 47 97 a V ins 43 ' 14 4 II 4 54 4 It 71 ( S7 II 74 s II l' 41 i.i 11 14'k II - Baaks Bark fat Cansh Baals. BT. PAUL, Minn., Dec. 14. St. Psul and .oantts are Dow back on prac tically a cash basis, Baak CI earl age. OMAHA. Dec. 24. Rank rlMrlnn foe day wej-e ll.bll.l. uj arid for the day after vLiiauiiu iaii year t i i lo. Cottoa Market. NEW TORK. Dec 94 COTTON-Futures opened steady: December. 10.90c, bid; Janu ary, jusbc; renruary, 1041c; March, 10 62c; April, 10 5ac, bid; May, 10.55c; June offered 10 57c; July, 10.57c; August, 10.9010. 40c: October, offered, 9.9oc. Futures closed steady. Closing bid: rjecember, ll.Ooc; January, 10.31c; February,; March. 10.63c; April, 10.56c ; May. W.58c; June, 10 57c; July, 10.53c; August, tpot closed steady; middling uplands. 11.70c: middling gulf. 11 9ac. Pnien. ai bales GALVESTON. Dec. 24.-COTTON-Lower at uc. LIVERPOOL. Dec. 94. COTTON Snot. small business done. Prices 10 points lower. Anerican middling fair. 6.6M: mid dling, 6d; middling, 04d; low middling. aw, gooa orainary, ., ordinary, 4 NOd The sale of the day were 1.000 bale, of which 5t0 were for speculation and export and Included 2 700 American. Receipts were 4.4o bales. Including 99.600 American. BT. LOUIS, Dec. 24. COTTON-Market dull; middling. HSc Sales, none; receipts, 64S bales; shipments, pone; stock, 17,6ul bales. NEW ORLEANS,' Dec. 24 COTTON ripot. market quiet and easy: low ordinary. 7c nominal; ordinary, 7 16-16 nominal; good uruiiinry, i-c nominal: low middling, JOSc middling. llc; middling fair. 12c: fair llSc nominal. Sales, 2,uM bales; receipts X!al9 belea- .took KIU K. l. Wool Market. BOSTON. Mass.. Dec 24. WOOL TT. e local wool market still remains dull and prices hold firm. There have been some transactions In territory wool of finer grades and a demand for fine nulled wool Is reported. The rest of the market Is stagnant. Dealers and manufacturers do not anticipate a revival until after the new year. The leading -eslern quotations ran ire as ionows: jvemurxv, inu sna and Mis souri l riree-eignts ciooo. "pi5c: quarter I blood. l'!aa3oc. Texas. 12 months .yn'c, I fine. 6 to 8 months, ot'; line fall. (f.rafj3c t aniornia nortnern, M'uooc; middle county o"fcCc: aouthern. otyoohc. Oregon' eastern No. 1 staple A. ?; eastern No. 1 clothing t;iw; eastern average. (B'tiwx-; valley N i, wuv.'c. Territory. tvourefl tutsiai fine, staple. 7Sr72c; fine medium staple. t'i7(ic; gne clothing 65Cr:7c; fine medium clothing, Oi'i.tSc; half blood. OwSCc; threet,elgMhs bk.od, ri'itxlo; quarter tilr.od, tllijiif; pulled exlr. t5w7n.'; fine A. SgOoc; A supers. 4j Vt. 1X)1"IS. Mo.. IM-c. 21. WOOD Steadv; medium grades, comldng and clothing. 21 3 "3f. light fln. KVf.uc; hea.'y lifilOi-; tub waal.ed, ;ti'lI-K. Total ..819 7.452 St. Loals Lire flock Market. BT. LOriS. Mo. Dec. 24 CATTLE Re ceipts. 7"0 head. Including inO Texan. Mar ket 154TCSC higher; native shipping snd ex port steers IS OIKTiri X&- clreaae beef and butcher steers. 14 loCio 66; steers under l.OtO ! property upon receiving the authorised iium ft. A replevin srtion against a tenant for the possession ef grain due from him aa rent may be defeated by showing that the title and right to possession Is In a third person. 4. An agent, having authority to sail both real and personal property for a certain sum. cannot, without tha consent of his principal, take over to himself the personal lbs , 13 0074-50; stockers snd feeders, t2 Jfr 400; cows and heifers, I2.754J4.K; fanners. al.50flo.00; bulls 12 60yr4 50; calves 12 8tY7.00; Texas and Indian steers, !2.654j$.00; cows and heifers, 11. 6 03.75. HOGS Receipts. 8,000 head. Market steady ;plgs and lights, 14 4&4 7j; packer. 14 26414.75; buUhera and best heavy, K.9bttf 4. KHKEP AND LAMBS Receipts. brt head. Market steady: native muttons, I3.0(y5 .00: lambs, .twi25; culls and bucks, ti.Outii S.26. CATTLE Receipts of cattle were very light this morning, there not being enough lo really make a market. At the same time there was a little demand on the part of packers and a few desirable loads changed hands early in the morning at prices gen erally a little higher than yesterday. This was true of all kfrd of killer, steer, cows and heifers. Shipper will understand that It was the usual holiday market and that the good price prevailing were due entirely to the very light receipts. Seller who were unfortunate in having warmea-up stuff hardly good enough for killers found It rsther hard work unloading. There were no feeders of any consequence in the yards and there was no great Inquiry. As was stated yesterday, while the yards will be opened for the receipt of stock, there will market here on Christmas Quotations on cs'.tie: uooa to snoio corn-fed steers. I4.eo-irt.50; fair to good corn-fed steers, 14 .2f&; common to fslr corn-fed steers. I3.2r4i4.25: good to choice cows snd heifers. 3.i4.2&; lair to good cows and belters, 82.4v34.25; common to fair cows snd heifers. II. 234.40: good to choice. Blockers ad feeders. tiJOfilOO; fair to gooa stocaers ana teeuers. e-"v fv common to fair stockers and feeders, 82.64 6320. Representative sales: BEEF STEERS. M, At. Pr No. 1 Hi I 15 40 I m in it 3 WIS I K 11 t TIW I 75 II... 1 10tt) 4 on 41... k7 4 1(1 ... t S31 4 16 I lt4 4 45 II... 1 alU 4 t COWS. At. Pr. ...1111 111 ....11M IK ....1141 IN ....1W1 i 06 ...,UM 10 ...AM I (16 .... I It ....l4t 6 40 11."'.". 11.'.'.'.'.'.'. I. SO.... II... ii !1. 10.... 11.... . .. Ill 1 95 . . i.7 I 13 .. 171 I 14 .. lit 1 40 ..1110 2 fc' . . 470 1 60 ..1"T4 1 7S .. 131 I H . .It'll I 7t . . IK 1 75 . . 45 1 ..11411 100 HEIFERS. ..40 1 15 I .. IK I 1 .. 6u 1 00 4 .. 610 I It I iii BULLS. 1 l'0 I M I nut l te 1 12W 1 64 1 1670 1 ti J 1KI0 I 43 1... a(J I TO 1 ia I Ti 1 . lulO 1 T5 CALVES. ... 740 I 00 ... 4 I 10 ... Mi I 11 ...1USU I 14 ...1111 I 15 ...11W I 16 ... 711 I It ... M 1 Si ...1167 140 ...1151 I 40 ...1110 I 60 ... m i 6o ... m it ...671 I 60 ... 4t6 I 10 ... Ill I hi ... 166 I 40 I lM 9 76 1 I 00 1 14k I H 1 11.1 I 16 1 1IX I 16 1 UN I 16 1 1790 I 40 .... IK ID .... 144 I 60 .... TO I T6 .... t!0 4 00 .... IN 4 00 .. TO 4 M I.. . . ., . I 10 4 75 110 I 04 M I 00 IK IS 145 I 60 160 I 60 St. Joweph Live tock Market. ST. JOSEPH. Mo.. Dec. 24. CATTLE Receipts. 5.350 head. Market steady: na tives. I4.00ti5.75: cows and heifers. II. Tali 4 60; stockers snd feeders. 13.254 00. HOOis Receipts. 6,51 bead. Market 10c towert top, 84.55; bulk of sales, 84 45 fe 4 50. BMfcE.f L.AMHS Receipts, none. Market nominal; lambs. IStofcoTi: year lings. 84.104.40; wethers. 13.764.4. 95; ewes. 13.2538.7a. , , ' gloas City Live Stock Market. DitL a v.. i , i.'n... a,. idivibi 1 eie grsm.) CATTLE Receipts, 400 hesd: mar ket 10c higher; stockers, steady: beeves. H7H 40; cows and beirers, I7 (j.; stockers and feeders, 82.75tf3.70: calves and yearlings. 82.2fVai.40. HOUb Receipts, neaa: marxet 100 lower; selling at 84.20145; bulk of sales, I4.904i4.36. - Stook 1st Sight. Reeelpts of Ilv stock at the six principal western markets yesterday: cattle. . 835 . 400 . 3.90 . 5,950 South Omaha Blour City.; Kansas City.. St. .Joseph......... St. Lout. Chicago 7 . . 5,000 ..18.988 Hogs. Sheep. 7.900 6.000 1.900 900 6.618 . 6t 800 11.00O ... 51.219 8.400 'Mu 114 iwi r.; t&O 14", ius, ir 114 114V Ia 7 !4 1(2 400 aharea. I . . Ualalh i.rala Market Dl'H'TH. Dec. 24 -WlfRAT-No. 1 BC.rth ern. I107c: No. 2 northern, llt.; le centber. II XV,; May, It! OATS iSc. w I oaTe Market." NEW YORK, Dec 24. Ct IKKCB Maiket for futures opened steady at um I uni. ,1 ptices. wlikh was ab'"it in line with the j Kdroea.n niarkeis. Wtth loti.orrow and Thursday nulntsvs. tran.Bg was ery yuiet and prli--s eaard off s'tishUy tinder scat tered IKji1atioii. Ti.n tloa.- waa sta-udy. net urn handed to 5 puints lower Sale were reimrti-d of 5 T' bass. Including Iectrinl.-r t 5iStl"c: March. 5 TV-: Senteinhuc. I (t&c. Bjiul, uulet; Rio. No. I. 4Vc; Kaiiau Nt d. Sc. klUJ cuffw, iukt, Cuidcva, kljC. Korelgw Flaaarlal. LONDON. Dec. 24. Th demand for money tlie supply In the markel today and the rates were firm. Discounts were dearer on leported gold engagements for New York. The prospective Argentina requirements induced much caution. There was '.'.tllo business on the Slock exrhaiitte except in mining shsres. due to the carry over, but Hie niarket appeared healthy, the speculative account having been re cently much reduced. The general opinion Is that the lowest level has been touched. Price generally opened higher and. al though realisations over the holiday tauaed a setttsik. the final tone was ateal. American shsres. owing to the fall of prices in Wall street, opened considerably lower, but firmness prevailed In the forenoon. Quotations ruled above parity thereafter Iter business became very quiet, th New York o;en!ng became colorless and the niarket finished dull The weeklv state ment of the Rank of England a 111 be is sued Friday Instead of Thursday, owing to the Christmas holidays. PARIS. Ie ;4. Trading on the Borrse today was dull and there was a disposition I to rni'K over the holiday tomorrow. 1 FfeRLlN. Dec. 21. PrM.-vs t.n the Hour a J today opened slufgisli anj somewhat STOCrCERi AND FEEDLHal. 1 tM 11! 1 611 I 15 t 61 1 15 II 0 IN WESTERNS WYOMING. 1 steer Km I 75 13 cows 551 I 60 1 steer V10 I 75 1 steer : I 75 1 steer l'"0 1 75 6 steers. ... 90s 8 78 William Hill. Nebraska. 20 cows 9.5 I 10 1 cow M IE 1 steer 930 I 25 HoGB Shippers opened the market this morning by paying I4.tttf4.45 for such hogs as would answer their purpose. These prices were not to exceed 5c loaer than yesterday. In fact in some cases almost steady prices were paid for kinds that just haplnned to suit them. Packers on the other hand stood out for a still further re duction, and in the end closed the market pa lower. The bulk of all the hogs sola at HiS.Vti4.40. as against 84 4ti4 45 yester day. Ti e market was reasonably active, anil everything had changed hands by 10 o'clock, or soon after, in the morning. Considering that It was the day before a holiday the market was by no means in had condition Representative sales Metl Market. No. !.... 4... 47 7.. . 71 ... 41.... 14 ... 41 ... A'. Eh. .171 4 !) 4 !) n; ... 4 i' 1-0 ... 4 1 1-4 1:0 4 i r.i jwi 4 s: NEW YOr.K. Dec. 94 -MKTAl.S-Tht London tin market whs Irwer. with soot ouoted at a,UW lis and futures at l. lH-a'lv the n arket was eauv. with snot nuoleil ..I 1 Y 3 i'i)'? Ott d.orter K-.a tin- I chs-.ed 111 th- London market, with spot ouoted Bt t' l 's and fjtrn s at xSl 15. Lot-ally the market was u ijet. with lHke ou -4t-d at II! JTH-'T.J .5n. clvtrf.lvtli- at l: 'J. ti 13 271 and caat'tig at tlAi-'ol.'t.l2ti L.d m lower in English n-.arVcts at 14 h-c. t-to ne i-iiiMri n aa 111,11 ana anotner a 6 puints LiKlier on ll.c average at Ht-ViJ Oi. I j Fpelter was unchanged at 114 15s in the I 47 Icnd-in market. l--a;!v the market wss I 7 tiuiit at !4 1ot(i4.a). Th English iron nar- ' to ket aas steady, with Cleveland wa.-arits I at 4s 1"S-1. Locally no ciisnt'e waa re- ' ; porlid. No. 1 northern ' fi-undrv, tf lv 7b: No. 2 northern foundiy, !7,751S i; southern grades, nominal. ST. 1I IS Dec. 24 -METALS I-ad steady. 83 i. Speller, firm, 4.1t. t 1-J 1 211. 4 .OA V 40 4 l ... 4 tit . . 4 16t) 4 lit 4 l-t ..VI .. I I Ki a para ted Applra and Dried Fralla. NEW YORK Dec. :4.-r:VAfrtRATEI APPI ES Market was uiet. tih fancy ouuted at 11 'u 12c; (Jioiee. 1; prime, Vti -,c: !; fr-iit. Tllc. I'R'r.D FKt'ITS Prunes are quiet but stesdy. with quotation rastring frtun 6"; IV for California fruit lo 7(7c for tire gona Ariricnta are qalet but fins jn the ahsenra of Ininortsnt oflertr.g--. with choke iTioted at 2L'.'Sit ; choice. rnjc: fancy. ;4o Xe. Peaches sre firmly held w'th rr.oite oioted at l'ill"e; extra ehctce. U'Ct'i . luncy. 13a 13V. extra fancy. 1j14A. pa'sins sre rather easier in tone as the l.oMdav demand seems to have been satisried. IxviV mofx-atW are auoted at 77 7c; seel e I rttlsins, 7uSo and London layers, 1.7oj t; 4 .. 7 .. . . ... v.. . S .. .. 4 . . : . 57 .. 7. 4 :r, h' 4 c-'t 4-- 4 .2-1 4 - 4 r.. , 40 4 15 t -,s i I i: . IS 40 4 ; . :t ini 1 i ... 4 15 . i ... 4 ..I'7 ' 4 15 . ,:4 . U . rt i; 4 !5 . !Su 4 v. . '.;t i; 4 v. 4'- 4 . .4 ... 4 il . ;i-s 4 10 i-o an 4 If- .11 J.' 4 li . 1: ... 4 ;5 i l if 4 i: ..lii ... 4 jr. ..: t 4 13 . rt? 14 4 ii . 4 t.- 4 ! 4 15 - 4 . . t'l l 4 5 . fl Lw 4 W 4 15 4 4 U 4 5 tu 11; . . 4 IS 1' 4 1- I.w 4 t: m e 4 13 .,1 ki 4 ti r.t wis No. At. Ik. Pr. 13 ..iM 4 li 76 :7 14.1 4 33 71 'l 14L 4 15 rt tn 0 4 Si TS "1 140 4 U 63 rj l.i 4 35 4! !"7 4 4 IS 44 PT7 let 4 15 4W I'U IK 6 t:H 1W 4 15 IrJ 5-4 kJ 4 16 11 14 ... 4 14 74 4" 4" 4 Kit 7 ' , t i 4tt 4 lit 7t M 4 lit v 11 l'-j I r 44 fl t 4 JTt ! i:4 ... 4 SI '2 15 ... 4 17 &3 14 tM 4 ITt 75 14 4 17 1 41 41 140 4 17 'i ' 131 ... 4 17 I'll ... 4 J7s rO ,w i 4 ?7s ' ?" 1C" 4 37", . . !4 ...t' . ..! ' . . J": . !1 ..tit . .u: 4. 41. 41 4-L. 41.. t . "ti . TI . . ti.. 4- . tv . 7 . 71 . 65.. 'l II ' 4 f I 14" 4 17 1 I.-! 4T I J71, 151 ' 4 I7t 14 lh. 4 17'., I. 4 4 17', let 4 rt ... 4 rt 40 4 17t . . ID Jt 4 4" 4t 4 4- l 14) ' 4 4 f 4V 4 41 .. 4' ... 4 4" ... It) . 4 at 4 43 . . 4 46 . 4 45 B III 4 43 ...17, .174 .. 1.14 ..1-1 ...177 ...177 ...: ...l!!i . r4 .. '.? .. ri . 94 .. 1T .. bt ...174 .. in ... U 100 4 43 SHEEP There were no sheep here to day and nothing on sal- to make a mar ket, was Sum little Inquiry, and Total OMAHA WHOLESALE MARKET. Coadltions of Trade sal Qaotatloaa OB . Staplo aad Faaey Prod ace. EOOS Fresh selling eggs, candled, 84c. BCTTER Common. ISc; fancy tub and rolls." 176 !c; creamery, 81c CHEESE--New full cream. Wisconsin twins, 17Vc; new full cream brick, 17c; do mestic new Swiss, 18c; new llmburger, 159 19c; young Americans. 17c. LIVE, POULTRY-eSpringsj 7Hc; hens. 7Hc roosters, lo; ducks. 9c; geese, 9c; tur keys. 13c; pigeons, 60c per dos. DRESSED POULTRY Springs, fancy. 9c; hens, 94il437 roosters, 4c; ducks, 10c; geese, loc: turkeys, latJ7c, - HAT Choice No. 1 upland. IT0.00; medium. 19 00; No. 1 bottom. 89.00; off grades, from 5.50M. Hy straw, 17.00. ."no. i al falfa. 111.00. TROPICAL FRUITS. ORANGES Florida, per box. 82.25: Cali fornia-Washington navels. t:.80; Florida Grape Fruit, per box. ri.M-srs-OO. GRAPES Malaga, heavy weights, per keg, 14.50; Malagas, medium weights, per keg. 84 00. BANANAS Port Ltmons. per bunch, 82.00 45300. FIGS AND DATES-Srayrna figs. 7 crown, per lb., 14S15c; Smyrna figs, -crown, per lb.. Lollc; Smyrna figs, 4 crown. per lb, Rx&ni: California figs, boxe. 10 cartons. 85c; California figs, boxes, 12 cartons. 15c: California figs. bulk, per lb.. 6Vtc; Hallowl date, per lb.. 6c; Khadrawl dales, per lb.. 6c; Salr dates, per lb., ic; Farl dates,' is-id. ooxes, per lb. sc. LEMONS Fsnoy, J0 and 9w Blse, per box. 64. oo; extra cnoice. rju ana ieu sise, per box, K00 COCOANUTS-Per sack. 84.80; per dosen. 900. FRUITS. APPLES New York King's, per barrel. 95 as; "None Such." per barrel. 84 78: Bald wins, per barrel, 84.78; Greenings, per barrot, 14.75; western box apples. Colorado Jona thans, per box. W W. Colorado Grime Gold ens, per box, ISO': Idaho Jonathans, per box. iz tb: idano winter nananas, per box. IZ75: vtajRington ben Davis ii : wash ton Nortnern Spy, per box. 11.76: Washing ton Greer na. Der box. 12.00: Washlne-ton Baldwins per box. 11.75: Washington Roma Beauty, per box. il. 7&; wsshington fan ap ples, assoneti. per oox. i."ti.7. VEGETABLES. POTATOES-Per bu., IMrTSc. CABBAGE -Holland seed, psr lb., lfrlHc ONIONS Red Globe, pe. bu., lSi3t; uenia. per crate, sj.jd. SWEET POTATOES Small bbl.. 12 .10. CARROTS-Pr bu., 75c. TL'RNIPS-Per bu.. Kc. PARSNIPS-J'er bu.. Tic. CELERY Michigan, per bunch, X8?5c. NAVY ISEANS-Per bu.. No. 1. 82-W, Lima, 7c per lb. BEEF CUTS. No. 1 ribs. J4c; No. 2 ribs. 11c; No. 8 ribs. THc: No. 1 loin, 11k-; No. 2 loin. 13c; No. 3 ioin. !; No. 1 chuck, S'c; Nri. 2 chuck. -i-; No. 1 diuck. 5c; No. 1 round. I'.sc; No. 1. round. 7c; No. 1 round, No. 1 plate, t1-!. ; No. 2 plate, 5c; No. j piale, 4-ic. MISCELLANEOUS. CALIFORNIA DKlfc-D I'RL' ITS Prunes ara siuewhal unseltlej by freer offerings from second hands, alio ai-ein deslious cf moving supplies of Immediate grades. Quo tations langc from w: lo 9c for California fruit and from C'-c to ec for Oregon. IY. Lea are very nrm, Willi tancy ye.ior, HUoted St 13ic. CANNtD OOODtt Corn, standard west ern, 75c. Tomaloea, laucy, a-pouiid cans, U li, standard. I pound cana II Jn. Iine ai'ples, (.rated, X-pound. 8:-2".4 2.8v. tiked. ll.7iAi2.3u. (iallon applea. 8t.5.'. Calif'-rnia apruots. . t. b.uX5. I'eara. t-A'H'.lj. peaches. ILS-u.ii. L. C. peaches. I:itr 115 Al.-a cu in ton, icl, II. 4v; fancy Chinook. - flat, t-K-; fancy aockeye. Hal, tJ.15. oaruines, quarter bil, U.ou. tnrte- quaile7B na.aiara. 6a du baeet potaioea, , l;-iii.'i. raueiaraut, vfce. Purnhkins 9"t ; tjtl.oj Lima btwnd. ' 2-pound, 7U y II . i5. S keil btaaa. J-ptiund, 65c; fancy, 11.23'ji 45. NUTS i:iforiii aaltiuts. per lb. lsc; , imported walnu'.a. per lb., l'.(i!c, Tarra gons BiHioiids. per lb., 16c; fllber,, per lb , Le.-: Irkt.ii. tr lb., l.'.alfc-. lee an a, t er ' lb.. L-luc; tisnuta. raw, per lb., 7c; ! nut, roasted, per lb., 8c; Italian chestnuts, per II. . yVr. COFFEK Roasted. No. lo. J6c; No. 30. 21-, No. 2f.. I!: No. 2o. 14'tc JsL'OAR Granulated. cane, per sack. 5 4'i; beet, li -Hi; cut loaf, cubes, V; powdered, a. 15c FIkH Halibut. 11c; trout, lie; pirkerol. I0e; pike. 14c; pike, frh, frozen. 1-c; wntte fish. 14t ltx : buffalo. 14c; bullheads, fktniied and dressed. 13c; catfish, dreased, IV whit perch, 7c: white bass. 16c; biack bass, ie, s innnh. f-dV-; crapple. T7e; larg c rai p es. lie, herring, frrsh frozen, 6c; ahlteSsta for tha raal estata. 1454. Roy L. Stewart agslnst Charles E. Walker et al. Impleaded with Belle Fnrer. Appeal from Johnson. Reversed and plain tiff s action dismissed. Calkins. C. 1. When a mortgage purports to glva the amount, date of execution and maturity and tlie rate of Interest borne by the notes It secures, and la so recorded, the mort gagee may not In a suit against a subse quent purchaser of the premises who has no notice except such as Is afforded by the record, show that the notes Intended to be secured, matured at an earlier data or bore a higher rates of Interest than was specified In the mortgage. z. The statements contained ta a mortgage recorded by the mortgagee ar his declara tions to all subsequent purchasers; and ha la estopped as against one who has bougnt he premises relying upon sucn recora, to sssert that his interest is greater or his lien more onerous, than was described In such mortgage. 8 If a mortgagee accepts ana recora s m mortgage which describee the note It se cures as maturing at a later date or bear ing a lower rate of interest thsn Is actually named In such notes, th mistake le his; snd under the rule that where one of two Innocent persons must suffer, the one who has made a mistake possible la the one who must besr the loss, th mortgagee must suffer the consequence of such error, rather than the Innocent purcnaser wno aa re lied upon ths record. . 4. It is not necesssry for a purchaser? of real estate to personally Inspect the public records. He may do this by hk sgent or attorney; and a person who prepares in abstract of title from the record for- his examination, is ths sgent of sack purchaser. 14M6. Berard el al mhh a. R. Co. et al. Appeal from Richardson. Re versed and remanded. Duffle, O. Division Nt' a verdict which' (her Is hb competent evidence to sustain will be aet alde. r. The- measure of damages for lh de struction of a growmg crop is the welu of the crop st the tlm of lis aeeirucuon. 16460. State ex ret I'lcainara "' Sheldon. Original. Demurrer sustaipea. Writ denied. Sedgwick, c . t The aama neraon mav be the candi date of more than one political party for nomination at a primary election, but h cannot be the nominee of any party unles he receives the requisite number of votes cast by that party. 15242. Steele againsr eiaie. error. vo Affirmed. Barnes, J. 1. A vst six or eight feet deep and six fm.t in eonatructed of heavy OBK timbers, which Is partly sunk In the ground. having a hlngea cover, securea in imct u; s lock, and which is used for storing hides. swatting sale, as used in eecuon oi mo Criminal Code. ' 2. The fact that a witness tcst-nies to matters, on his cross-exsmlnstiori. which are somewhat inconsistent with his direct evidence, does not warrant the court in re jecting hla testimony altogether, for It is the province or tne jury io umcrun matter of the credibility of the witnesses, snd the srelght which should be given to their evidence. . 14IC3. World Publishing Company against County of Douglas et al. Appeal from Douglas. AtnriueO. Aines, v- ' i-nviaiou No. 2. ' A resolution set obt. fit ' the opinion, adopted by a county board and designating a certain newspaper al one In which the county treasurer shall publish certain no tices, does not In the c(reumtttces of tha esse constitute a contraot betsveen tha county and the proprietor of Wv gewspaper. sufficient to sustain the judgment, t 15336. State, ex ret Sundean against Jun kln. Original. Writ allowed. Sedgwick, C. J. If an individual has filed tha applica tion required by Section 6 of the Primary Election Daw and has auiy sjuanriea Him self to be the csndjdste of a political party, and the requisite number of member of another party fil a . petition complying with Section 48 of that Act.-asking that the name or the same person be also placed upon the ballot of their party, It Is th duly of the officer making up the ballot to place the ram of the person oo desig nated upon th ballot ot both political parties. 10ufe. Ogden against Sovereign Camp Woodmen of the World. Appeal from Douglas. On reheating- former Judgment adhered to; Judgment ef district court re versed and cause, remanded. 3 Caiklna, a. Division No. 2. 1. Where the facts sr disputed It is solely the province of the Jury to dt mine th same, snd whether the facts be) disputed or undisputed, if different minds m'ght honestly dtsw different conclusions front them the case Is properly left to tha Jury. . 2 A statement made by a part)- or his privy, suggesting any inference as to any fact In Issue or relevant fact unfavorable to the conclusion contended for by such party, Is relevant and should be permitted to go to tne Jury. 3. Testimony tending to establish A rele vant fait may not be excluded as cumula tive be suae similar, but louopentlenl facts are already In evioeuce, - -. l.VCr. State ex rtl. Castl against Bchroe tier. Original writ allowed, Sedgwick. C. J. 1. The provisions of ti e general election law (sections los and l'ff) for flllhtg va cancies in office apply to the office of aldaf -n'an of the city of Lincoln, there batng no special provision of ths act governing cities of that class, nor of the ordinances enacted thereunder which are Incxisistent therewith. 2. One apfolnted tn fill a vacancy In the office of alderman of a City ; of ths tirwt rl-ies having more than tV'" and lea than I '',. i Inhabitant. l.oIJi until the next general election (section l'C, general elec tion Uwi. which la the-next eleeMon st which the vacancy can be filled .(aectlon lii. to-wit: The next regular municipal election. . ' ZrUbUsbed 1974. LAMSON BROS. & CO. S Board ol Trd, Civ lea (JO GRAIN and PROVISIONS OMAHA OFFICEi , Room BOO Hrandfl Uldg. Tslephoa Douglas IStrf. C. E. HUNTER. MatrtQr Your Palrouadie (SoUcittil. C all and Se tg. , '' aiBaHBBaaassaaBavHSBBBSBMaBBaBKBBBi