Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 25, 1907, Page 3, Image 3

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Bait it Wlurt Will Teit Federal
Court'i Eijht
"'" r Vsjltod States Saareeae
Cwojrt l earned 4 aa ritmU
"1sT a- Slate Legal
Freo a Stair Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Den. (SpwclaJ Telegram.)
Attorney General Thompson today re
ceived a telegram from Benator N orris
F.rowa Indicating the action of th United
Btstes luprmii coart giving the date of
Nebraska permission to file a petition In
mandamus against th two federal Judaea
of Nebraska to compel them to remand the
suits Involving railroad legislation to the
atata court. Tha suit If successful -will
permit the atata supreme, court to deter
mine finally the constitutionality of the
l-eent passenger rata law, tha railroad
commission law. tha Aldrtch IS per cent
freight rata reduction law and the antl
pass law.
The controversy Is of vital Importance
not only tn Nebraska, but In many states
mhere the conflict between the state and
federal courts has been carried on over the
legality of legislation recently enacted.
In the case of Nebraska the suit waa
originally beg-un la the state court to en
force thrs laws.
Judges Munger and Hunger held the real
psrty in Interest was the Railroad Com
mission and sot tha state of Nebraska,
hence the federal court had no Jurisdiction.
The action of Uw United Statea aupreme
court practically Is a decision that the
state la the party In interest and gives
great encouragement ts the atata legal de
partment. '
'Mobs-aro, as" Preserve.
; Chief Deputy Oame Warden Carter has a
i plan wherro- ha ezpecU to interest the
j national . government in creating a forest
; and game preserve out of Fort Niobrara,
j In northeast Nebraska, which has new been
! abandoned. The tract comprises sixty
! squsra miles and la well Umbered and
J contalna a lake that would with the ex
1 pendlture of 11.000 be a natural hatchery.
1 Mr. Carter thinks if the government could
turn the land over to the state or go ahead
. on ft own volition it would be making the
' best possible use of the tract.
OUT YJraa ralfsrsu Reaiy,
Adjutant Genera! Bchwars has received
.notice from the War department that the
I new olive drab uniforms are ready for dis
tribution. The .Nebraska guard will not
- " " uura mm m, iaia supply OX
the old blue uniforma Is vet on
1 hese will be used up before new equipment
Is jiourM. -.
Adjutant Oeneral Bchwars baa been ap
pointed delegate to the national meeting of
the National Ouards' association at Boston,
January 13.
P-evfstac r re lark t Claasiaeatleaa.
F.eglnnluc with the first of the year the
Slate Railway commission Intends to get
down to serious business and revise freight
tatet by classification. In practically every
one of the hearings which have been heard
on an increase or decrease of rates on a
commodity, it has been the contention of
the railroads that It ia Impossible to tell
tbe cost of shipping any one commodity
snd therefore unjust for the commission to
chsnge any rate on any commodity. They
have argued that the commission should
take up thevnattcr of rates by classes.
The commission this -work is of
the utmost Importance and will require
careful study Jn order not to. disturb the
present industrial conditions existing In the
stste. The fraTurtfstttm realtaea the indua- '
tries of the atata have been built up under
a classification of ratea not baaed entirely
on the mileage,, and to change this system,
at least a part of the commission, believes
would be to upset the present system and
ork h-re par able damage. A few parties,
especially in Lincoln, have been hammering
' t lm rwimmtuiM . t r m.V. -,.. ka
' rely on a mileage basis. This proposition,
. however, has been severely criticised in an
. opinion by the Interstate Commerce com
. mission and tbe Interstate body has In the
past had considerable weight with the com-
' mission. Jlimt hnw Inn It will . - tk.
commission to complete this work the mem-'b-rs
have no idea, but It la expected to take
Ions; time, during which it is probable
n.any hearings will be held.
Creameries Ask Rehearing.
Tha centralised cremer1V hsve asked
the Railwsy commission to grant a re
hearing and modify the order Issued in he
ream service rase. The r jtlon for re
hesrlng was filed by the rarmers' Co
operative Creamery and Bupplyy company
and other creamery companies that had
complained of poor service given y the
Pacific Express company and railroad com.
ranles. The creameries aak the commit
s'on t require railroad companies to con
struct a "bulldli.g at the Union station st
Omaha to house cream shipments ' prior
to April 1, instead of prior to July 1, as
rdered by the commission. It Is alleged
that three-fifths af the yearly producta of
ream handled at the Union atatlon In
Omaha la handled prior to July 1. The
(ommlsatoa Is asked to require a proper
f xlt from the depot grounds to Ninth street
I y an approach from Ninth street Into the
t'epot grounds until the new grade or In
cline ordered by the commission to take
the place of the present approach to the
laduct is completed. The creameries ask
t'.ie commission to require the railroads to
give receipts -or bills of lading for empty
ream ran a, alleging that great delay and
lass cf property is caused by the present
method of shipping. The petition says
Tactically sll transportation companies,
except the Pacific Express company, now
tiv leorlpta. . Tbe commission hss taken
no action In the matter, but It is likely sides will be given a hearing on the
motion to modify.
Walttaa far latserlar.
Albert Guy, a merchant of l.banon,
wants to know how long It will be before
the oil inspector gets around to Inspect
ne barrels of oil ha has on hand for sale.
The oil was shipped In from Kansas, and
has not Ix-en teatad tn thia state. It would
. test l to send a deputy to Lebanon and
the Inspection fee would be at cents. Slate
Inspector Allen wrote Mr. Guy that a
tleputy would call within a week or two,
and lauilaued him not to use or sell the
til Until it was inspected, under penalty
t f IS fine, ta bis letter Mr. Ouy told the
Inspector ta aea that the ell was Inspected
at onee or answer for tha ooosequencea.
ark la lUlavela.
Governor Sheldea haa henored tha
requtsitlea of tha governor sf Illinois
for the return ta that state af Bud
Hrooaa, who Is wanted an a charge of
burglary. Breaks was aut on parole and
violated his parole, fie Is under arrest
In Omaha.
stssnosaoas Eaaalsyev.
The employes In tha office af tha aee
retary of state pre seated Secretary Jun
tl with a handaasns umbrella today for
I Christmas remembraaca. "
Carta M ssalaled.
George Carter Las again been ap
tolatad deputy gaaae warden; W. J.
J Brtrw. Sak eooMtitaaloner and IL Hunger
aa sneer deputy. The etrios of gams
pays I'.ls a year; O'Brlea and
Hunf Ta a aaaath each. Carter was
arposata4 gaaa wardea by Oovc
Xii-key three )rei a"i ml titm same time
Mm. Carter waa eppoat etoaos-rspwT.
The reappointment of Mrs. Carter has
not been announced.
l.larala Ueta Rasp at Last.
Bine the publiralkn of the complaint
of outside teachers at the little Interest
being taken In the meeting of the fate
Teachers' association, which begins here
tomorrow, the Commercial club and Un
coln teachers have gotten sney and every
one In Lincoln Is being arged to help boost
the meeting. The-prceMent of the Com
mercial club and tbe superintendent of the
schools have assured the people that they
do want the association here all the time
and the head of the Commercial club said
he had done everything the executive com
mittee of the Teachers' association had
asked him to do. Srrerat of the teachers
have reached town and by tomorrow night
It Is expected several hundred will have
arrived. While the meeting begins to
morrow. It Is probsWe haj the full mem
bership will not get hrTe until Thursday,
aa many of the tearhera will apend Christ
mas at home.
Baa leer's Sea la Hard Lark.
Woodruff Beebey, son of a banker and
nephew of an United States senator, ts
spending a sorrowful ' Christmas in Jail
here, beld on a charge of larceny. Beebey
Is IS. He ran away from home and came
to this city. Here he procured employ
ment aa a bell boy at the Lincoln hotel,
under the name of Ray Hatty. The boy's
identity waa revealed through a Christmas
card from hla mother, received thia morn
ing, bearing words xf lave and good wishes.
Beeley was arrested on a charge of
stealing at thei Lincoln hotel. He ran
away from his home In Idaho.
Rhodes arkolarakla) Exaaalaat lows.
The nexf examination of candidates for
the Rhodes scholarships In England will
be held in Administration hall. University
of Nebraska. Lincoln, on January 21 and 12,
19u, Follow ing is the time schedule of ex
aminations: Tuesdsy. January 21. 9 a. m. to 11 a. m.:
Translation from Latin Into English.
1 p. m. to I p. tn.: Latin prose.
4 p. m. to 6 p. m. : Arithmetic.
Wednesday. January a. m. to 11
a. m. : Translation from Greek Into
1 p. m. to 2 p. m.: I-attn grammar.
2:10 p. m. to 3:10 p. m.: Greek grammar.
4 p. m. to p. m.: Algebra or geometry.
Tkarstea teeaty People Daabt Story
f Discovery of Tongae.
PENDER, Neb.. Dec. 24 (Special Tele
gramsThe alleged discovery of a tongue
of the Olsen child is regarded here as a
most preposterous . conclusion. Neighbors
and friends of Olaen will move today to
protect him and his - family from what
many here regard as an entirely unwar
ranted aasault on his character.
BANCROFT. Neb.. Dec 24 (Special Tel
egram.) Sheriff Bauman left here today
for Fremont after making a general survey
of. the territory where the Olson child was
lost and completing plans for a second
search. This tlma.ards will be sent to
the owners of farms In the district where
the child might have wandered asking each
man to make a thorough search of his
own land with a view of discovering the
body of the child. It is thought If this is
done, the search can hardly be fruitless as
every man knows his own lsnd well and
would be able to make a careful search in
a short time. Some of the farmers are
objecting to this la, addition to what they
have already done, but it is likely the re
sponse will be general.
As at Pender, cltucena here have faith In
Mr. Olson and there has been a disposition
to criticise Sheriff Bauman and Sheriff
Toung for taking Mr. Olson to Fremont for
what the people beTe claim was a mere
sweating process. However, they feel sat
isfied that nothing has been left undone
that will aid In finding the girl. .
Sheriff Bauman, -bvfore leaving, said he
waa confident the mystery woujd be solved
in a week's time.
FREMONT. Neb., Dec. !4. (Special Tele
grsm.) Sheriff Bauman has sent the
tongue found near Rosalie to Dr. Lavender
of Omaha for microscopic examination, to
determine definitely whether or not it Is
from a human being. The only new clue
which developed in the disappearance of
little LUHe Olson waa.-the fact that a man
named Copple states lie saw two men,
apparently tramps. -an the vicinity the day
the child disappeared. It is the theory of
Sheriff Bauman that the child was as
saulted by tramps, its tongue torn out
and the child dying aa a result the mur
derers concealed the body.
Otoe Coaaty Hlgk Flyer.
NEBRASKA C1TT. Neb., rec. 24. (Spe
cial.) Blaine M. Talt,' a young man who
was born and ralaed a few miles south of
Syracuse, this county, has had a taste of
life that but few have enjoyed. He fol
lowed the pace set by "Coal Oil Johnny."
Talt. waa given a fine farm by his father
and aome eight months ago he came In
possession of it. or as Boon as he became
of age. He aold It at once, realising some
J2.000. Then he tried to get rid of the
money aa soon as possible and spent $1,000
per month with nothing to show for It. A
few weeks ago lie and a companion and
two women went to a school house west of
this c ity and defaced It. Beer bottles were
thrown at black boards, seala upturned, and
many other things done. One of the
women lost her furs and that la how the
perpetrators were discovered. An arrest
wss made and yesterday T"it went before
the district court snd received a fine of
1100 and costs. Alfred Deford. the other
young man. Is still out oijball, trying ta
raise money to pay hia fine should he es
cape ss lightly aa Talt. Mr. Talt la re
ported f9 have been twice married to the
woman with him, as the McCook records
show that a couple of the same name and
age were married t la-re a few weeka ago.
The women will be arraigned at the
March term of court.
Astell Rises frasa Askes.
AXT1-3J, Neb.. Dec. I. (Special.) In
the middle of August of this year two fires
wiped out fully three-fourths of the busi
ness art of Axtetl. There were left about
six business buildings. Today, four months
later, eleven fine store buildings of brick
and modern fireproof material have been
constructed in tle place of the rulna of the
old. One forty-four front building la In
process of construction'. One elevator of
sheet Iron has been rebuilt. The lumber
yard haa been rebuilt of fireproof material
and the town presents a beautiful appear
ance. Axtell haa alwaya pnded herself on
the progresslveness of her people. Located
midway between two oounty seats. Hoi
drege.and Minden, only ten and twelve
miles away, it haa strong competition, but
has profited thereby. It never haa had a
aaloon within lta Jurisdiction and none can
'' st signers enough to apply even if a
board favorable thereto could be induced to
rrant the lkwnse, "Within three miles,
atanda a country church which doubt la
the largest country church in the state
or Nebraska, the cburck property having
cost about tSSo.000.0u,
Holiday trade la repartee as' very good by
all the merchants, although raoat of them
did not have their store m condition to
prepare for their trad. .
Ortns Laxative Fruit - Syrup, jn new
Laxative, stimulates, but doaa aat tmtata.
ft la tha heat Laxative. Guaranteed or
your marey back. For sals by all drug.
Mills ta Mas II all day.
?JTb.l0i1B?- 8-A majority of the
mills af the Plitaburg district will rk
down tontg-ht far the Christmas helldev,.
AIJ, oowevjtt wUl.reawBt Jhurada rC-
l L lj'm Li mmmJ nnTial V
Matchless Values in All Kinds of Piece Goods
Likens, Lawns, Long Cloths, Muslins, Sheeting, etc., at Less Than Manufacturer's Cost
Prices Today Buying as we did direct from the manufacturers in large quantities for our
wholesale jobbing and retail departments before the big advance in price on all cotton and
men fabrics, we own vast quantities of these goods at a figure which enables us to offer
them to cur customers at prices which you'll find 33ys7c to 50 ft less than the same goods
are sold elsewhere.
8-4 Lockwood 20c
8-4Lockwood 22C
10-4 Lockwood 25c
8- 4 Pepperal 20c
9- 4 Pepperal 22
10- 4 Pepperal 25c
9-4 Rockdale VIV2C
9-4 Newburg 20c
9-4 Atlantic '..23c
9-4 Aurora 21c
$85,000 Stock Women's and Children's Coats at Half Price
Our winter is practically over, your's only just begun, the saving expectations of the thousands who have been delaying the purchase of the new winter
coat or fur in anticipation of this event, will certainly be realised in Thursday's sale; for never before in the history of Omaha merchandising have such
smJPle Thousands will save half . Be one of them. BUY EARLY, BEFORE ASSORT-
All Women's Coat that Bold at $10.00, splendid assort
ment of plain and fancy mixed fabrics, on sale Thursday,
choice $5.00
S13.00 Coats in Kerseys, fancy mixtures:, etc.. In Thursday's
Bale at "$7.50
AH $20.00 Coats, many fine satin-lined, in semi-loose or
tight-fitting styles, choice $10.00
All 925.00 Satin-Lined Cloth Coats on sale Thursday"
$300.00 Seal Skin Coats $150 00
$110.00 Beaver Coats at $55 00
$35.00 Australian Sable Coney Coats, sale price. .$17.50
Hundreds of Children's Coats at, choice
Childrens $10.00 Coats at.
uiiareu b tjoais at
Children's $3.00 Coats at
Women's Waists, regular $3.00
styles, on sale at, choice
rtLII J . . r, i . n
All Mall Orders Received Till Saturday Noon
WU1 Be Promptly and CarrfnUy filled at These
Prior, Except In Case of Hour Sales.
Hall County Jury Finds Him Guilty of
Murder Charge.
Attsrarrs Lar Foaaaatloa for Ap-i
peal af Caar Jarors Pat la
Entire Mht la Effort
to Reach Vera let.
GRAND 18UAX1. Neb., Dec. 24.-(8peclal
Telegram.) The Jury in the Wallace rase
retired at 11 o'clock last nlg-ht and at 1
o'clock this morning- announced that It had
agreed upon a verdict. The counsel, the
defendant and all lnterdeated parties were
Immediately summoned.
The verldct handed In by Foreman I'eters
was murder In the second degree. Either
this or acquittal had generally been ex
pected and the verdict met with a general
approval here.
It Is learned that there waa a wide
divergence on the first ballot. bein- for
murder. In the first degree to acquittal.
The Jury labored dUlrently all nlht and
many ballots were taken. AV'allage ap
pears to have hoped for acquittal. Ills
attorneys have indicate that they will
appeal on two Iristruottons of the court In
the main, though these Instructions as a
whole were last night generally regarded In
favor of the defendant. WaUage'e bonds
men were In the city this afternoon to re
new his bond.
"eak ws Kates.
L.EIQH The Leigh fira department will
give Its first annual bH ou New Year's
BEATRIOB-Mrs. R. C. Kvans. a pioneer
resident of this city. Is lying- at the point
Of death.
BE WARD Merchants report a prosper
ous trade, fully equal with former years
for December and the holiday trade.
BEATRICE Mr. and lira. Harry Town
send, a ho were married at Omaha laat
Wednesday, have returned home from their
BEATRICE J. R. Atherton and Mrs.
Etta O urney were fined and ouats for
disorderly conduct. They paid their fines
and iiro released.
NEBRASKA C1TT-Ths Missouri Pacific
In tins oounty lias not aaid Its personal
ta for last year, amounting to over 14,iao.
Heretofore this company has been tile first
to pay Us Um
BEATRICE War was received here vee
Urdar announcing- the death of Mrs. Itare
a farmer Kt-auioe matdrat, which occurred
at her home In Kansas City. She wal
7tvrr "hi and leaves a husband and throe
BEATRICE Mrs. J. 1. Maxvla and little
Months of Careful
New York buyer, and department heads, with plenty of cash at their disposal has re
sulted In the bringing together for this sals of the GREATEST STOCK OP WHTTI:
ical Interest to AlLBuyers.
Tremendous Bargains in Dainty Undermuslins
. . A reT'tWOTnrchaae of Moulin VncVncarmejU Mttirrxl from tbe manufacturer at leu Utan cost of production.
frP ,or Thursday sale of white. Into five great lots rah the bijrgeat kind of a bargain aarprtse. No lady
V?T w . J' hon,d fU dT-ntac of thia, the gTratct saving opportunity ever offered on high
quality Mnslla t ndergarroentii.
I.OT l LavtieV Skirt, CJowns and Chefhlne, made from
rinet nainsook, etc, handsomely trimmed with fine
lace, insertions, embroideries and ribbons., worth rec
tilarly up to $5.00 a garment White Kale -ff m
price Thursday, choice J. JJ
Urr 2 Ladles.' Gowns, Skirts and Chemise "elaborately
trimmed with dalaty laces, embroideries and ribbons,
generously proportioned and worth regularly fn
up to 3.00 a garment, sale price Thursday. . . .sOC
LOT S Ladle.' Coret Covers, Skirts, Gown, Drawers
and Chemise, values nn to 2.50 a garment, daintily
trimmed, splendid quality, undoubtedly the greatest
bargains erer offered at our sale price, m
Per IkTd 0"C
Corset Bargains
All Broken lines and Ouui and Knds
of Standard Corsets, such as Kabo.
w W 'C, Thompson Glove Kitting
and Nemo. etc.. 12. 0Q. $l.6o and
11.00 values, all clean stock, will be
sacrificed to make room for new
spring stock, at ern
choice for 4 UC
Security at 5c
Scorcher at
Abberville at 7c
Hope at gc
Lonsdale at 9c
Fruit of the Loom 10c
Greatly underpriced at 25c,
39c, 45c, 59c, 75c, 98c, $1.25
f. go jjq
fl SO
values, all colors, newest
gj gQ
child wre thrown from a buggy on lower
"way aaa eerioutsly injured.
Mrs. Marvin waa unconscious for several
hours after the accident occurred. She Is
-BEATRICE In view of the many depre
dations of petty thieves Sheriff Trude and
Chief of Police Moore are advocating the
establishment of a rock pile by the city
and county on which to put this class of
Individuals to work.
NEBRASKA CITY The Morton-Gregson
company, proprietors of the packing housv
here, have moved the headquarters of the
-; v iiihbu id mi point.
Meeara. R. W. Barnes and A. Uirin will
have charge of the office work.
BEATRICE U M. Pemberton. district
Judge, has announced the appointment of
E. J. Brown of York as his court reporter.
The new Judge will assume his duties on
January t and the appointment of reporter
will go Into effect on the same date.
NEBRASKA CITY-William II. Healvey
snd Mlas trllna H. Wlrth were married
this morning at St. Benedict Catholic
church. The bride is a daughter of one of
the wealthy farmers living south of town
and the groom Is also a promising young
the new rector of St. Mary's Episcopal
church, haa shipped lits household goods
here and he and ills family will be here
this week and he will hold his first services
next Sunday. This will be tha first rector
the church has had for almost a year.
LEIGH At the school board election only
thirty-six votes were cast for the lanuing
of bonds. Tills vote, although not unani
mous, expresses the general sentiment.
The bonds, which amount to $16,750, will
be disposed of as soon ss possible. The
new building will be erected on the present
BEATRICE Dsvld Neher. charged with
assaulting Jacob Meyera. a farmer living
near Piekrell. with Intent o do great bodily
Injury, was held to Die district court todav
tn -lts,n4B . '. a 1 J . ., i , ,, . ' .
... mi luiinniieu uaii ana
was released. One Dolerldge, who Is alleged
tM V . V. . , .
" .-t-n m uttiiu in i iic assault, was
fined 10 and costs.
COWMBI S-John Wysocski, alias Hoff
man, got a sentence of a year In the peni
tentiary from Judge J. G. Reeder on the
charge of larceny from ttie person. Abra.
Iiam Larue and Mike Kusli. convicted of
stealing cattle, have asked for a new trial.
The Jury has been discharged for this
term. The next term of court will begin
March I.
BATTLE CREEK A man giving his
name as Green drifted Into Battle Creek
last Saturday and proceeded to swindle the
merchants by the short chsnge method.
He was arrested and lodged In ths city Jail
until this morning, mhen the county at
torney appeared against him. He pleaded
guilty to drunkenness and swindling and
was fined IK) and costs and given thirty
days In the county Jail.
BEATRICE In tint of the cleverest and
most scientific wrestling exhibitions ever
given In Beatrice Oacsr Wasein of Lln-nin
won last night from Chris Hereon of Ts
coma. Waati. Iter son won tha first fail
in eighteen minutes snd Waaetn the last
two hi twenty-one and tmenty-flva minutes,
respectively. The "Dago Kid" and J V
Delinar of Lincoln gave a preliminary ex
hibition before I tie main event.
NEBRASKA C1TY-A telegram last night
from Chicago brought the ueas ul the
a ana
I .. .. . i : : s r
Preparation, Untiring Vigilance
up to 11.00,
Men's fine Cambric and Muslin Gowns,
.full eut, braid trimmed, mill- A fit
tarv style. $1 values Thursday
Men's Whits Lauadsred Shirts Regular
II. OS values, new. clean stock, all
slies, 14 to 18, any style you might
wish, fine linen losoms. reinfnrned
tnroughout, white sale price.
i nursaav
rinsCambrle Handkerchief s
7HC, c
25c, 19c, 15c, 12Vc, 10c 8V2c
50c, 35c, 25c, 19c, 15c, 12c
and 10c
25c, 19c, 15c, 12Hc, 10c, 8i2c
and 714c
19c, 15c, 12y2c, 10c and 8V2C
Unequaled Bargains at the
above prices.
death of Mrs. Margaret, wife of Fred Bos
trom. She was the youngest daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Elvln. was born and
reared to womanhood in this city, and un
til a short time ago made her home here.
Her father was for many years the ruling
elder of the Latter Day Saints In this dis
trict, and she was quite well known la
church circlea
BEATRICE At a meeting of the Ne
braska City presbytery, which was held
st Lincoln yesterday, the pastoral rela
tions between Rev. W. H. Kearns and tht
Kirst Presbyterian church in this city wert
dissolved, to take effect December SI. Rev.
vV. H. Keams was appointed moderator
of the session and the church waa granted
permission to till its own pulpit until the
next meeting of the presbytery. Dr. Kearns
ill assume hia new duties as slate super
intendent of missions of the church Janu
ary 1. The Beatrice congregation was
represented at the mwling br F. B
Sheldon and O. K, Reedy.
PLATTSMOUTH In Justice Archer's
court Tuesday Frank Benfer. William
Barclay and William Hendrickaon, three
saloon keepers here., each pleaded guilty to
the chsrge of violating the provisions of
the pure food law by selling liquors In bot
tles not labeled as to tbe amount contained
therein or the strength or ingredient of the
same. Each waa tned till snd costs, wh'.ch
amount they paid These are the first suits
of the filnd brought In this county by
County Attorney Kawls.
PLATTSMOt'TH While Frank Chechel
and his brother Adolph mere out hunting
rabbits today the formera gun was acci
dentally discharged and the contents lodged
in one of Adolph s It-gs, making a painful
wound. The mounded man was brought to
this city and Dr. T. P. Uvingston extracted
the shot and dressed the wound.
PLATTSMOUTH The funeral services of
the late John A. DoneUn were held at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. White In this
city Monday afternoon. The sermon was
by Cannon H. B. Burgess. The flora offer
ings were In abundance. The burial was
In Oak Hill cemetery. The banks in this
city mere closed during t lie services. A
special train arrived from Weeping Water,
his former home, snd among the large
number the pallbearers were selected.
PLATTSMOUTH J. F. Soper, aged 72
years, passed away In his home In Belolt
Kaa. Tuesday. His son, W. S. Koper, ei
this city has gone to attend the burial
YORK Yesterday's business at the
York post off lie mas the largest la Its
history. Stamps purchased In small
amounts amounted to nearly ;oo 00. arid
there mere five wagon loads nf mall
principally going Christmas packages,
sent to friends and relatives.
TORK The great eromth of York has
kept the York Electric Light and Power
company employes busy installing new
service and at times they have teen un
able to mire the new houaes and busi
ness blocks as fast as manu-d. Owing to
the great increase of business they have
had to purchase a 00-horsepvwer etiglne
and Instal a large new moUr. The York
artificial Ice company l.i about to move
its plant on the adjoining lot next to the
engine house of the York LlgTt and
Pomer company and will use tne enhaust
steam of the latter company, which has
heretofore bees allomed to wafts.
WACO The twins plague is devastat
ing many herds of hng In Tork county
Already many farmers have lost nearly
every hog and those mho have not tost
and Careful Selection by our
LOT 4 Ladies' Cbemlaea, Comet Covers, (.owns, Sklrta
and Drawers, full cut, daintily trimmed, made from
fine quality muslin, cambrics and nainsooks, manufac
tured to sen at tl.60, Thursday' ale price. fiQ.
choice C
LOT 5 "Consist of Corset Covers and Drawers, worth
well made, neatly trimmed, a most
unusual value. In Thursday's sale at, choice.
From 9: SO Till 10:80 A. M We will place on sale 100
dozen Ladles' Muslin G"-ut vry full, 76c values,
limit of two to a customer, choice 29
From 10:80 Till 11:80 A. We will sell Ladles'
Muslin Drawers, trimmed with lawn ruffles and tucks,
85c values, at, choice ,
Xss'a 'Whits xanaa Collars Ail clean,
high grade stock, such as Arrow brand,
etc.. regular lBo values, white Bale fzt
rice Thursday --'
Ilea's Uaea a? and kerchief a Largs site,
finest qualities ever offered, at white
sale prices, 16c, UUo, lOe, Cl.n
and J3V
Worth double, sale price, UHd lOo, 3(;
Grand Embroidery Sale
"We will open the "White Sale Thursday with the greatest
showing of embroidery bargains ever known in Omaha, Stock
will be divided into Six Great Lots Thursday:
1st Lot Embroideries, w'th
regularly to 10c yd.,S 1 q
2nd Lot Embroideries, w'th
regularlv to 15c yd., f" -at
3rd Lot Embroideries, w'th
regularly to 20c yd.,
Complete range of widths and patterns shown from the dainty
narrow baby sets to the wide
corset cover and skirt flouncing..
$1.50 Sateen Underskirts, choice 59
$2.O0 Eiderdown Dressing Barques, choice Thursday. '69
Women's Waists, worth up to $1.50, ill this sale at. . . .39c
Brook Mink and Coney Scarfs, $4.00 and $5.00 values,
at $1.95
From 8 till 9 A. M. Women's $4.00 Beaver Shawls.
at j $1.25
From 8 till 0:80 Women's Silk Underskirts choice,
at $2.98
From till 10 A. M. Women's $1.50 Wrappers, at. . -69
From 9 .SO tin 10:30 A. M. Women's $2.00 Coney Scarfs,
on sale at 69
From 10 till 11 A. M. Children's $1.50 bonnetts, choice
Thursday 49
Many other Bargains too numerous to mention in thia
great HALF PRICE Sale of Women's and Children's Outer
About Half Regular Values.
by cholera are selling off and say they
will not commence araln.
NEBRASKA CITY-William H. Healvey
and Miss Orllna A. Wlrth were married
this morning and after the ceremony a
wedding dinner mas served at the home of
the bride's parents, at which there were
1(0 or more guests. The bride is a daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Wlrth, one of our
wealthy farmers, and the groom Is also
well-to-do. After a wedding trip they mill
return and make their home 'near this city.
NEBRASKA CITY Jacob Beeman, a
young man. was arrested a few weeks ago
and brought to this city on the charge of
stealing a horse. He had gone to the stable
of a farmer living In Hendricks precinct
and stole a horse. This he rode for some
time and then went to another stable and
took another animal. In all his riding he
had simply gone in a circle, and when ar
rested mas but a short distance from mhere
he committed his first offense. The com
missioners for the inssne made an Investi
gation and pronounced him an imbecile
and he was taken to the asylum this morn
ing. Where he came from or where he
belongs could not be ascertained, but Otoe
county will have to pay his expenses for
years to corns.
NEBRASKA CITY-Fred A. Gunn and
Mlas Lydla Tyson were married here today
at the home ot J. A. Gunn.
NEBRASKA CITY The Salvation army
did a good mork in this city for the poor.
They took up a collection for the purpose
ot providing a Christmas dinner for the
poor and were so successful tlmt they were
able to fill seventy-two baskets with
Christmas delicacies, which they distributed
about the city. Through their efforts many
poor families were able to enjoy a good
Chris Unas.
SaJooas Ordered Cloaed.
HASTINGS. Neb., ec. J4. (Special.)
At 10 obtiock last night the city police,
acting under the advice of the city coun
cil In session, walked Into the saloons of
George Brandt and of Froscheuser &
Murhow and Informed them that their
licenses had been revoked and that It
mas necessary to close their places of
business at once. Last September tbe
proprietors above mentioned were fined
I DO each In police court for the Infrac
tion of tbe law. The fine was not paid,
as the case was appealed to the district
court. A recent decision of the district
court caused the case to be remanded
for a new trial and the matter Is now
Jadge slide Thirty jTJays to Brother
ho Was Fa rat ah Oaa
to rrlaosier.
George Brooks, alias Smith. Jones, Mon
roe et si., colored, who was arrested Sat
urday and wire is wanted at Chester. IU
for breaking his parole, wrote a note
Monday tihrht aid slipped It to one of
th prisoners who waa going- out of the
JalL MueoUnar hum to give ft to bis
brother, Brock. Too cote asked Brock to
4th Lot Embroideries, w'th
.regularly to 25c yd.,
5th Lot Embroideries, w'th
regularly to 30o fl -yard,
at lC St
6th Lot Embroideries, w'th
regularly to 35c yd.,
3c to 15c
Many Special Bargains in Men's an 4 Boys'
Clouting. Hundreds of Boys' and Youths' Suits at
lip hm a gun when the officers start to
take him to Illinois. The police got the
note and went out and g-ot Brother Brock
and Judge Crawford slipped him thii-ty
days on the charge of being a slippery
Physical Dim-tor mt T. M. C. X.
tertalas leaders of XI sat
Physical Director PenUand of the Tounc
Men's Christian association entertained tha
leaders of the night classes Saturday
evening with a splendid supper la one of
the private dining rooms at allien time tho
New Year's entertainment was discussed.
The stste meet was also considered as
well as tho formation of a purmancnt lead
er's club.
Messrs. Kavan. Treka, Ellis, Roberta and
Rasmugsen was appointed a committee tu
prepare- the program for the physical de
partment in the New Year's day reception
program. The committee met Monday night
and outlined the mork to be done.
A permanent leader's club also waa or
g an i red with these officers: Ryan, preai
dent; Roberts, vice president; Treka. sec
retary; Ellis, treasurer and Gerlgh, mana
ger. The association will set aaMe a room
for the use of the club.
The leaders will prepare the varknis
squads for the state meet which will be held,
at a place and time to be decided upon
OsTeaso Altered Asalast W III La at WILa
llasss. Colored siaa of Soata
The South Omaha police arrested
William Williams, colored, yesterday
morning- under the charge of forgery and
passing- a forged rue ok on H. Jtoihhols, a
clothing dealer on N atreet -. Tbe check
was one belonging to H. Kearns, a Polish,
laborer. It is said Williams stole the
check from Kearns and forged the nama
on the back and thsn pan ad it on Mr.
Batbhols after buying several articles of
clothing. Williams was arrested by Shields
and Tumquist cf the Cudshjf plant after
the forgery had been discovered.
Williams denied all knomleaga. ef tho
crime, but Mr. Rothbols ant HUds went
to his rooming bouse and found some of
the articles of clothing which hsd been
sold to Williams last Saturday. Williams
vainly tried to conceal his identita. Little
doubt of his guilt is entertained br the
Ths check was for fTT-sa. Tbo ansa had
3 ta cash at th titno of lis arrest.