ic. ino7. m KABVUfl Feather your neat 141 FinJflTlBE If you deslr gooda of alr tnality, lw prtoe Hi y taraii It b boTH you iy trad at THE PEOPLES STORE lata an AXXAM BTTSL 1'IANUS iliuh ox. a as pianos Reasonable Term Larue eelected atoek ef Wbtr, Mehlln, Henry and 8. O. l1ndeman, router Co. Prhlller. ViTTllVfl riAKO CO. Tf-rre. and Dealer 1813-15 Xaraey. Omaha PIANOS Everything la Art and Music A. H08PE CO. 1513 Donglas St. Cmaha PIAXOS J. S. CAMERON Manufaoturar' Stat A (ant GRAND and UPRIGHT PIANOS 104-S Ha. 15th St. Omaha, N.B. T.L Red 2 641. PIANOS HVtLIiEl PIANO CO. fiaxob Maaufa-t-irra and Dnalara la Xtg-h Grade Plaxtoa U-rrr W rianaa la Sleek 1)11-1213 Frira St. Omaha. Neb. MLSIC BY MAIL .'illustrated Music School, 1611 Farnam a jnuaic oy man CJ Ina than 1 On fpi Elrtt elffarant X tate them at tha store of the Perfleld Pta.no Co., Omaha. PHONOGRAPHS AND RECORDS' Columbia Phonograph Co. O-old 1 H onload Sao- irtp. to fit anjr Cylln- ( 7n Talking Maehlna fJ Uu a You throw J orda der mada away money If yow pay mora. 1821 FARNAM ffTalaT Glsjara, Robber Gooda and Dngi. Freaarlptlon Aootuaoy Guaranteed. Bvrlnaee. Rubber Gooda by Mall, oat prices. Bond for fre catalogue. Sand a yoar mall orders for drug. Freignt pai on. via iota. Cigar at out prToea. 10o el rare, to. X7ra Suloa Dro Co. ttuaii r. AIlTTl lfMt and runam. 1416 Ramay. CANDY Craft Guild smans old by georoe xooxxs, . .. ... -,...m. BREWERIES Alway Aak for Mctz Bros. Brewing Co. FAMOUS KEG AND BOTTLE BEER OMAHA. WATER FILTERS. drink ruu, itpaxxx-xxo water bt tjbxxo MIS SOURI WITH TIITBU, C. D. BUBER, Mlgr. 1S0X Paraem . St, Omaha. TELEPHONES IN OMAHA 17355 Subscribers NEBRASKA ULIFHONE CO. PHOTO ' SUPPLIES. jobbers aid laiitiM or PHOTO SUPPLIES laboest woven XX TKB WIl'I. The Robert Dempster Co., 181$ FARNAM BT. OMAXA. HOB RF.A-VAIRIWQ Standard Shos Repair Co. 104 farnam We do tb. work light, phon TVttig. Ibtt and w. will call for your work. TV a aeii pollah, lacaa and shoe apeclai tlaa. CLEANING AND DYEING. We are headmiarter fur all olaaulaft dyeing, preealag and repairing of la dlaa and gentlemen's cloihtna;. TOVI. TA49I BOLIOITBD THE WARDROBE 10H Farnam Branch Offloa, 17!$ Leavenworth. Telephone Doug. 1TJ. LAVNDIUES aW WAT Wi don't Iron shirts at ail. Wa pres. them. Thie giea aa attractive finish Without wearing oat Um liuea. BYAJisr err bam unrsiT tit UTi ADam B. BaaaUtoa, ttr. Sll M. lltA Bt. Tel. oH-laa aft. TRTNKS AND LEATHER GOODS TR.UNKS ouey' S.H Caart, taqi tad I lac fachrt Baaki FIFXING STHM.K TeL Beaa. int. ttn f araeai PUBLICITY DESIGNS PtRNITCRE. ORCHARD & WILHELM You buy here with perfect confidence, both in the price and in the quality1. SURETY BONDS. Lion Bonding & Surety Co. A Home Company wltli Aeaeta In Bebraaka. 314-315 BZW YOBX UT1 BUZX.BXBO. Telephone Douglas 552. MIXES AND MIXING For Information conoernine; legiti mate "'"''l la Brltlah Columbia, artif r a F. II. KNIGHT Soomi 419-20 Colnmbln Bid?. CfOKAHB, WASHINGTON. MONUMENTS MONUMENTS Largest Stock in the West J. F. BLOOM (SL CO. 1813 Farnarn St. Omaha BANKS FIRST NATIOHAL BANK O VI AH A Deposits $11,000,000.00 BANKS United States National Bank OF OMAHA. NEB. United States Depoaitorj lath aad Farnam Sta. BANKS OMAHA NATIONAL BANK .OMAHA. Capital $1,000,000 BANKS J. L. BRAHDEIS & SQH3 BANKERS PAY 4 INTEREST GN DEP3SITS SAVINGS BANKS 4 Interest on Deposits CITY SAYINGS BANK 1ri and Dauflaa Sta Omaha OFFICE FURNITURE Best Selection DESKS OMAHA PRITIG CO. 10tk Bud Farnani Sta. INCORPORATORS LET EXFSKTS Incorporate Your Company. Money to Promote Good Propoaltiona. THE MERCANTILE INCORPORATING CO. 314-31S II YOBX IilTB BUXX.BINQ. EMPLOYERS' REFERENCE AGENCY VX TUIS SAY OP 8PECIAX.ISTS you wast, time and money aelectlng your hHp. WB ABB BPXCZAZiXSTS Tha beat ability In the city la Hated with ua. Give ua your needa let ua aaalat yu no char to employers, WBST. BSP. fc Ora ABSB. Bnlt T8a tr. Y. Ufa. Tel. Pour- 43 REFERENCE AGENTS NIGH QRADK POSITIONS Keystone Surety and Reference Agt. Inc. B. B. CXrOYBB, Oea. MLfr. Suit 464 Be. Bulldlnj. . RKKKUKXCK AGENTS. BOW WOULD YOU Z.IKB EXPEBTS to aecure youc hrlp. Having you time and money. Competent Clerical, Salea and Technical Help furnlahed em ployers, without charge. GUARANTEE BEP. ft SURETY CO., Phon. Bad. 6444. 633-4 Brandala Bldg. OFFICE StI'PLIES Office Supplies rerytMng from a PLa to a Pllla Cabinet OMAHA PRINTING CO. 10th and Farnam ' Bta OFFICE SUPPLIES LOOSE LEAF DEVICES rUlnr Oablneta, Piles and Led r era, Offloa rixtnraa and BuppUaa of AU Xlada. Anchor ra.illlsiilria Co. 308 B. 18th Bt. Tel. Dour. 6568. - TYPEWRITERS We will rent you a Typewrit er as low as $2.00 a month. Central Typewriter Exchange 160T Par&aa Pboua Dour. BOS AUTOMOBILES AND SAFES J. J. DERIGOT & CO. Whole m4 Retail Safe aa4 Autoiuubliea 1814.1818 FARM AM STREET Mall Order, Novelty aad Prria. Kaoai. WESTERN SPECIALTY CO. BBOXBBB AJT6 DIBTmXBUTOBS VV holesaie lalers In VOYBLTia, nisUVal OOOBS aLali Ordaa SappUa ef All Klao Flrat Class Agents Wanted OMAHA. NKB. Opportiiities Commercial organizations In Omaha and the busi ness men generally should take full advantage of the opportunities offered by the enforcement of certain national laws, the effective operation of which will greatly benefit Omaha and the territory tributary, if the opportunities offered are properly and promptly grasped. The new federal rate law puts an end to future rebates jind freight discriminations. It will prevent favored shippers from securing special rates by which they have been enabled to haul Nebraska products to the east and return them in manufactured form, mak ing a profit by both transactions, a double profit that came out of the pockets of the Omaha and western consumer. With the enforcement of fair and uniform freight rates, no excuse can longer exist for shipping Nebraska wheat and corn to Buffalo or Niagara Falls and having It returned In the shape of breakfast foods and other manufactured articles. The double freight tolls Involved in such process leaves a margin of pro fit that should prove sufficient Inducement to the establishment of cereal and other foodstuff mills In Omaha or vicinity sufficiently large to take care of all the cereals grown in the Omaha territory. What is true of cereals applies with equal force to the leather market and its industries. Under the present system, the hides of the beef supply of the nation are shipped from Omaha to Massachusetts and returned In the form of shoes and other leather pro ducts on which western citizens pay the double profit. The consumption demand for shoes and like leather products in the territory tributary to Omaha is suffi JEWELRY AND WATCHMAKERS H.SnLUNU. Diameaa Expert Watch, Clock and Jewelry Repalrlnt. - -i LUinllvaaaru aa-aiu- v rate repairing, a i i 'flWja work ruaranteed. Kooxa u ruin aww. JEWELRY AND WATCHMAKERS Gustifaon H Henricksofi Buooeaaora t. P. B. TXODHAW aft OO. Jewelers & Watchmakers 1614 Oapltol Arenna. PHOTOGRAPHERS HEW LOOATIOIT WIAD SX.9Q. 18th and Farnam PHOTOGRAPHERS 107 SOVTH 16th STREET MILLINERY RILEY SISTERS Exclusive v Millinery 317 SOUTH I6th STREET OMAHA DENTISTH Y MATTHEWS OBIOIBAX. PAIBXEBS SEBTIST Lea-feat and Fine Dental Office Weat of CMcare Salt 4. Buahman Blk., ltth and Dour- HVIH XTOIIF, SEE MONHEIT'S BXOLUBTYB XAXB STOBB Far BTerythlnr In Xalr O.oda, Xalr Work, Xalr breaalna;, Bwltoh.a, Wire and Topeea. 1411 FAB If AM BT., OMAR A, BTEB. Teleplion. Douglaa 8333. OPTICIANS WX LB AD. OTXEX8 FOLLOW 8CZEXTTFIC OPTXCXAJTS Baa Onz Haw Torto Lanaea 140S Farnam St. Omaha, Neb. Olive Oil, Candy, Mineral Watera. Imported OUve Oil Dlreot From Italy 11.25 per gallon. Special prloea to dealer. rnta for Huyler'a flna candiea. Freah dally. Areata for White Rock Mineral Water and Mountain Valley water. Myers-Dillon Drug Co. lath aad Farnam. Engiaetr and Mfa;. Machinist. P. UELCHIOR'S MACHINE WORKS HA.XUFAOTUBZBO ABS IB ' PAXBIjrO OP ALL KIXD8 OF 1CACKIVBBT Eraotlng aad Coasultlng Bngtaaar N. R. Cor ISth and Howard St.. Omaha. WAGON BUILDERS ANDREW MURPHY & SON Wacom Builders OMAHA, NEBRASKA BOILERS W1LSOI BTEAM BOLLElt CO. Mian, at T staler flat aad rire Bex BeUen Oil as walrr Taaaa, Slacks aad Brcecala realrUM ;) Sad Band Bailer Beafkl aael Factory ISth and Pierce Bta, Omaha MACHINERY SUPPLIES JOSEPH R. LEDMER. Xeadatuurtar for Beery tblag Blaotrlcad an Fvaaap way, areeaaa aad Mill BappUea . Prompt Bhlnmaat ' aad SattafaoUoa ttnarantaad. iiiaad. 1118 FARNAM STREET ELEVATORS, SUPPLIES, ETC. J. R. KENNEDY Passenger and Freight Elevattrs VPPL1ES and REPAIRING Fhaae Douglaa 887. 104 X. ISth BV. life 2 J , . n for Omaha's cient to Justify the establishment in Omaha of the largest shoe manufactory in the world. The same facts exist and the same arguments may be applied to nil of the vast amount of raw materials produced In the west. Two objections naturally offer to the plan. One Is "power" and the other Is "Money." These objections were for a long time considered insurmountable, but they no longer obtain. The Omaha Commercial club has given Its unqualified endorsement to a power pro position, after a year's careful study and Investigation, which promises, when adopted and developed, to put Omaha on an equality in this respect with the factory cities of the east where cheap water power Is the chief source of their success. The developments incident to the recent financial flurry in Wall street and the east answer the money question. Omaha leads the country in the point of stability of its financial institutions. It Is certain that under the rulings of the Treasury department and the determination of the bankers of the country whether or not currency legislation Is adopted by the present congress that hereafter the surplus resources of Ihe Interior banks will be more largely retained In the in terior cities. The east understands this and eastern capital Is looking for western investment, where re turns are assured and freedom guaranteed from the methods that have been employed In Wall street, to the disturbance of the financial condition of the entire country. There Is to be no lack of funds for legitimate enterprises and business Investments In the west and Omaha should lose no time In making Its advantages known. Let the east know more about Omaha, The Market Town. PLUMBING SANITARY PLUMBING T. F. BALFE PLTJMBnrO, HOT WATBB) AB3 STEAM HEATING) me and Electrlo Fixture Bepalr Work a Specialty T4L Pour. 74S. 1607 Howard St, CLEANING AND PLEATING Pleatins All Kinds ....DYEINO AND CLEANING.... RUCHINOS, BUTTONS, ETC. Eend for price list and aamplea IDEAL PLEATING CO. 901 Douflae Block, Omaha, Bab. CORNtt; WOHKS Cornice Sat. 18S9.' Bta el OelUmffa XV X. CaATIS -BXEET BCXTAX. WOBKS Plniala, Metal Boofinr, Tanka, Bky Urhta, Sheet Metal. Fire Proof Win aowa. Larffe stook ef Metal OaUlnf 1718-2-21-24 at Mary a Avenue Tel. Dour. C02.. Omaha. ELECTRIC SIGNS BBX US' POX ELECTRIC SIGNS Omaha Electric Light & Pawer Co. TEL. DOUGLAS 1068. FIXTURES, ELECTRIC AND GAS ' Gas and Electric Fixtures fj Wholeaala and Retail BIRCESS-CRANDE CO. Tel. Deal. 31 Sit S. IRh St, GAS WATER HEATERS Why heat up your coal ran ice Just to heat water when a Gas Water Heater will give you enough hot water for a bath In a few mlnutea. We eell them, OMAHA CAS CO. STEEL ENGR4VING, PRINTING. ETC KOTERA ta COMPANY Stel and Copper Plate En graving. Emboaaiiiji and Printing Kit Jackson St, Onaba, Nek. ENGRAVING HALF-TONE h ZINC ETCHERS ENGRAVING ANIMAL FEED A. W. WAGNER Wselttale Rdsll Dcaltr la PEED FOR ANIMALS ' TeL Dauflaa 1142 601-3-3-7-9-11 N. 16th St.. Omaha FEED FOR ANIMALS M. ROSENBLATT Wholaa! Xay, Bras. Oat. Feed BE9T GRADES OF COAL Offloa, Coal Yard and draia Blerator Tel. 1412. 122 Nlcholaa Bt. WHOLESALE SHOES Hayward Bros. Shoe Co. 'a STANDARD FOOTWEAR KAB FXOYBX BEST BY TEST. OMAHA, : : : NEBRASKA MOVING AND STORAGE OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO. Me, Pack aad Store Household Goods. Paoa Douglaa 1&&6 10)7 Fa inn. jIii Development RESTAURANTS. DESIGNERS. Let us DRAW you a DRAWING trial Will DRAW you trade. X. O. BUfiKELL k CO., Commercial Artlsta S22 N. Y. Life Douglaa E149 BUILDERS. The Western Home Builders Will Baud Tonr Horn, for Ton and Let Yon Fay for It Like Bent 81-36 V. B. HATIOBAX. BAHX BLDG. Phona, Dour. 4603 WHOLESALE AND RETAIL PAINT. We are aola aranta for Low. Broa. Xlra Standard Paint aad B. as X. Jap-A.-X.ao, P. k 8. Mnkote aad a complete Una ef Yaraiafe Call or write- for oolor card. jaryere-DUloa Prn Oo. DBTJOSi PAIBTl lth and Farnam. 1416 Karaey. SIGN PAINTING. S. D. COLE SIGN COMPANY SIGNS of Eyery Deeorlptlon I3a Dearlaa Bt. Tel. Bon-. 8518 FURNACES. AMERICAN FURNACE BUIXT LIKE A BOILER OXtEAB, DURABLE, ECONOMICAL W. S. HEATON 1318 Bo. 84th St. 'Phona Web. 308. COAL. Central Coal & Coke Co., Or OMAHA 15th and Harney PRINTING. Good Printing No job too email. No Job too large And the same careful attention to detail. OMAHA PRINTING CO. ' loth and Farnam Sta. PRINTING. .mm?m -fmm PRINTING. "Have Root Print If 1210-1311 Haward St. Omaha. Nebraska. Telephone Dotigla 1604 PRINTING. Urea. B. BseU Albert Blaua SNELX PRINTLVQ CO. PABTIOULAJB FXIXTBBB 810 Bonth 18th St., Omaha, Be a. Telepkoae Douglaa 6764 OOLOB WORK -I- .1- BMBOSSTXe PRINTING. Icuitaeron Typewritten Un. FTaaoaJ Frtatlar, ?a Job To Large e Too Small. FBIOXS BIOB ANCIQR PUBLISHING CO. 306 Bo. lata Bt. Tel. Dong. 39S6 PRINTING. CORTIEERTAL PRJBT SBOF ATT. WAR K Aa Good aa tha Beat Get our eatlmatea and aave money. Telephone Donrlaa 4603. Boom 81 U. S. Bat'l Bank Boll ding, OMAHA, I I I I1UIAAII1. PRINTING. TYPaCWRITTaCN LETTERS ABB TXB BBBT BOOBYBBS FOB TOD B8iaeiB WX kUIl TXB FXBFJBOT BVTBTD MANGVM A CO. Talepa IMS 18 Bo. lata Bt. DKIIi ESTATE. Payne Invcstcient Co. OTTY BXAX ESTATE, Mall AJTD XBBTAJ.B, LABTDB AXD XAXOXXS Tha "Alfalfa Land Men" Main Floor, N. Y. U BKlg.. Omaha. REAL ESTATE. ALFRED 0. KENNEDY XBAX XBTATB. LOAXB, IBBUBAXCX, BEBTAL8 BOB FUwt Rational Bank Building, TaL Dong. TS8. OMAXA, BEX REAL ESTATE. Bew Xouae 4115 Dodge Street Modern hou of 7 rooms aixl re ception lia.11; flnlnhcd In onk down stairs, hardwood doors and finished floors throughout, l'rlci', $4,7 E0. Can make terms to (rood partv. JOHN W. ROBBINS 1601 Farnam Tel. Doug. BIS REAL ESTATE. D. V. SUOLES CO. Real Estate, Insurance 110 X0AX9 OF TXADB TeL Douglaa 49. OMAXA. REAL ESTATE. Lonla Berka Chaa. Stelgex BERKA . CO. BBAL XSTATB City Property, Farm Lanfle, Loan, lareatmenta and Fire Xasuranoa Office; S N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel. Douglaa 7487. REAL ESTATE. CALL FOX OUX FLAT OF WEST FARNAM LOTS 1,800 to $1,600 Eaek Harrison & Morton SIS B, Y. Life TeL Dongi B14 REAL ESTATE. MORTGAGE LOANS $3,000,000 TO LOAB on Improved city property. If desired loan can b. cloaed without delay. W. H. THOMAS, 503 FTBBT XATIOXAL BAXX BLDG. REAL ESTATE. ERNEST SWEET BIS Bew Y.rk Life Building Builder of High Class Residences Se-reral Few Beady at 33rd aad Xaraay (.Farnam Hill District) Baa Them Today REAL ESTATE. GEORGE (EL CO. Real Estate Abstraota ef Title Inveatnaent Surttta 1601 Farnam St Omaha. Neb. REAL ESTATE. Peters Trust Co. Mala Floor, R. Y. Life Bldg, MORTGAGE LOANS, REAL ESTATE, RENTALS, INSURANCE REAL ESTATE. GARVIN BROS. Buy and Ball REAL ESTATE. Collect X.ata. X.nt Property. Loaa Money oa Baal Batata, 1604 F ARB AM ST. REAL ESTATE. BIRKETT & TEBBEIVS BE L ESTATE. SPECIAL ATTEN TION TO CARE OP PROPERTIES. INSURANCE, BENTAL8 AND INVESTMENTS 423 Bee Bid. Thona Doug. 47f4. REAL ESTATE. Globe Land and Investment Co. BEAT. ESTATE and INVESTMENTS Farm and Banoh Land for Bala or Trade. 306 8. 18th St. TeL Dong. 6563 HEAL ESTATE. G-Room House Bain, Cat Grate and a Corner, $1,800 Hutchinson-Bollard Co., 1633 FARNAM. TeL Dong. 419 REAL ESTATE. THE MCCAGUE INVESTMENT CO. REAL ESTATE, LOANS AND INSURANCE 1506 Dodge St. - Tel. Dour. 415 REAL ESTATE. 6703 N. 84th St., New 7-Rooin Xouae, I, E. Front, Corner Lot, $3,650; $500 Cash, $36 Par Month. J. W, RASP CO., 689 BrandaU Bldg.. Douglaa 1653. REAL ESTATE. fUl rt-oaa lBaraaca2JB5 QS mm i yo- F M M A M At. J HEAL ESTATE. imi Faraaxa . TeL Dam. ea7 SKimer Q. Cha.se Co. BBAX. XSTATB. INYBBTMJIBTB, XXNTALS, IBBUBABOX BBTt.PBBS OF MODBBX XOtTBBB Omaha, Xebraaka. HEAL ESTATE. J. X. DUMONT. 1. X. DUMOBT. J. H. DUMONT & SON SHI XBTATB, BTOCRS, BONDS RENTALS, LOANS, FIXB INSUXAJICB 1608 FABBAM STXBBT, Tel. Dengla o. REAL ESTATE. WALNUT KILL Nine-Room Xouae, aonth front, larg. lot, water, light, only half block to oar. $3,350. Bss na for terms. O'Keefe Real Estate C. 1001 N. Y. Life llldg. Omaha. REAL ESTATE. H. B. Payne. 8. P. Boatwlck. K. M. mater PAYNE, BOSTWICK A COMPANY REAL BBTATX, RENTALS CITY LOANS, XBSUXANOB Mala Floor x. Y. Llf. Bldg. Telephone Douglaa lOlt. REAL ESTATE. Russel & McKitrick Co. 433-33-34 Xamg. Bldg., 15th at Barney Choice bulldlner lot. $10 caah, 15 per month. Oood cottage homee 25 ensh, $10 per month. Modern homea $100 cash. $20 per month. HEAL ESTATE. V. Farnam Smith & Co. Loans. Real Estate, Rentals and Fire Insurance 1380 FAXXAM ST. OMAXA. HEAL ESTATE. Investments, R.eeJ Estate, Rentals, Mortgage Lofens INSURANCE M. J. KENNARD &. CO. 309-310 Brown ntonk. HEAL ESTATE. Baal Xatat axuroraiio Abatraot of Titles . . Lena Rental The Byron Reed Corrip&ny BIB Santa ltth Street Fhoa B87 REAL ESTATB). BENSON (SL MYERS SIS N. Y. Llf Bid.. OMAH A ' Special attention glvon to prop erty for out-of-town client. HEAL ESTATE, THOMAS DRENNAN Ftrex Floar New York Llf BId(. Makes a apacxalty of handling property owned by eaatem parbiea, and ha ex clusive agency of every piece of prop erty on his book. Leans Meaey at the Leweat Csrmt law ef Interest REAL ESTATE. BENSON CARMICHAEL Real Estate, Care of Properties, . Insurance, Leans 643 FAXTOX BLOCK, OMAXA, REAL ESTATE. WRIGHT & LASBURY Real Estate and Insurance Tel. Douglas 152 , 504 South Sixteenth Street. REAL ESTATE. ELEVEN ROOM HOUSE Walking distance, on car line, rent, at $36.00 K'7KIll per month, for M uv National Investment Co. Phona Douglaa 6691. Boaflajr Bloek. REAL ESTATB. HOME BUILDER All work first-class, will draft your plana without extra expena,' let ua ahow you some of our bulldlnga now under construction." , C. P. TRAVER, TstnlV J REAL ESTATB. CHEAP IDAHO LAND I have 25,000 aerea of Irrigated land in the I'pper Knake River Valley. If tntereated call or write for terms. Excursions every 1st & 3d Tuesdays. W. B. FRANK Phona Doug. 3600 381 Neville Blk. ABSTRACTORS. S. M. SADLER & SON Abatrac.or and Title Examiner Hrta Lacadoa 101 Soil IS la IX ABSTRACT OF TITLES. NEALE & NORTON ABSTRACTS OF TITLE Twenty Yeara Experience In Omaha. 816 South Seventeenth Straat, B. Building. ABSTRACTORS. Midland Guarantee &, Trust Co. laeorporated 1885 Abstracts of Title. Title Insurance 1714 Farnam Bt, Tel. Dong. 888 ABSTRACTORS. MEED ABSTRACT CO. 171 raraaai Street, Oaaha, Nek. ABSTH ACTS OF TITLES. BETTER BE SAFE THAN SORRY Get a fprppff Abstract 305 8. 17th Street I.1FU AWlJ ACCIDENT INSt'RAWCH TOM S; KELLY Manager Life and Accident Iepart inenta for Slat of Nebraska. Tb. Traveler Inanraao. Oompaay Hartfort, Conn, ' IIP Bee Bldg. Omaha, Nb.