Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 15, 1907, NEWS SECTION, Page 4, Image 4

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Special Piano Bargains
This WeW at
Of -Instruments taken in trade last week. These have
been cleaned, tuned, regulated and jolished, particular
attention being given to the interior parts to make them
One Upright Piano, old
style $55.00
One Upright Piano, "Kim
ball" .. $88.00
On Upright Piano "Muel
ler" $110.00
One Upright Piano,
"Camp" A.. $135.00
One Upright Piano,
"Fischer" ...$150.00
One Upright Piano "Som-
mer" $165.00
One Upright Piano,
Wheelock" $200.00
' On terms of $10.00 cash
.and $5.00 monthly.
One oak Packard Organ,
latest style, high top and
". mirrors,reduced to $45
Other Organs and Square Pianos, Kimball, Shoning
er, Cottage, McPhail, Woodbridge, etc., reduced to from
$10.00 to $25.00 on terms of $3.00 to $5.00 monthly. Out
of town customers should telephone us at once for particu
lars dorf't put it off or the one you may want may be
'sold. ,
- We are also quoting bod rock prices on brand new Weber, Henry
A H. a. Lindcman, Mohlln, Foster Marshall & Wendell, Ludwlg,
Schiller, (iabler, Cecellan Hajrer Planflu, Lindenian l'laycr Pianos,
'and may other pianos of established reputation. We ask all intend-
ing buyers to inspect our stock, it will surely pay you and we'll not
run after you at the home or office. No commission to pay salesmen,
no collector to bother, our class of customers don't need a collector.
' Let us furnish you a fine piano Christmas, a present to the whole
Opart Evenings until Xmaa
Manuf aoturera and1 DoaUrs In Artlstlo Piano I
IS 13-1 S Harney St. -:- -:- OMAHA
'Phones-Ball. D-7319. Ind. A-1319
Hut you'll have to move quick! We've filled one whole window with
$30.00 trid $35.00 Suitings and Overcoatings
And we're going to make them to measure for a few fortunate men
For 325.00
' Will yon be one of these men?
'When these Suitings and Overcoatings are gone, your chance is
gone. .
I Remember, these goods are $U0.00 and $35.00 quality and the
tailoring will be $.10.00 and $35.00 quality.
, Our $50.00 Suit and Overcoats, to order, now for. . . .$40
Our $15.00 Nulls and Overcoats, to order, now for. . . .$35
Our $40.00 Suits and Overcoats, to order, now for. . . .$30
- Our $28.00 Suits and Overcoats, to order, now for. . . .$20
Perfect fit, style and satisfaction guaranteed.
MaeCARTHY-WILSON Tailoring Co.
Near S. W. Cor.
ttetickel's Emperor Razor, $2 each ?ry
your money' sway on cheap affairs. Than wa have lower priced food razors.
Manicure Sets, Shaving Sets. Scisser Sets
r- Table Cutlery, Carvers fr 2,.TRo",
Pocket Knives.
allver and pearl handled scissor knives.
mlsa our Pocket Knife Sale. Remember,
Tool Cabinets...
Hevnual Training Twols..
jlemeraber, the rush for Christmas shopping Is on. Don't delay. Make
your selection now. v
MIES K0RTON & SON CO., 1511 Dodge St.
Daghestan Rugs
w x&v
dnstry; consequently genuine
'1 v u-iirm nn tli trtarLet TKor. n
being the prayer design with arch
, .uiniciurui v m u iii or. i neu again, tne medallion feature Is
repeatedf without the prayer design; at any rate the rug ia always well
covered with some geometrical figures, never left plain
These ruga are very beautiful and we have a large assortment of
medium rriced one bought especially for the Christmas demand.1
. I I.
Here are a
-7io-i Daghestan
) i5-J
.145 .00
r0rchard & Wilhe9m
l.tin-m llnrnpy
One oak, six octave Estey
Organ, looks like new,
latest style, . reduced
to $55
16th and Farnam.
r i
Timely Tips for Gift Buyers
Safely Razors, (he Latest Makes
Carney & Berry's Skates
Turning Lathes for Boys
the LltUe Polkn to the larger ones for
yvwer iir larger Doya.
Never before have we shown suoh an Im
mense variety of patterns. All prices
Combination Huntlnir Knives Don't
every one guaranteed. ,
The largess line aver shown hereA Just the
gift for the man of the liouae or his son.
or seme ether man's 'son. Nothing- but the
bem teela In them.
Tour boy knows what he wants. Wo show
a full line. '
.Were practically the first
Oriental Hugs brought to
. this country. They have
never been affected- by
outside influences and are
woven today exactly .in
the same way as they have
been for centuries past.
The large demand does
not seem to have forced
them to adopt modern
lllptTinila nf rircraniiaA ?n
Daghestan Rugs are extreme-
a .... i .... .
uuu ucmuo, me principal one
like figure at one end and medal-
few of them:
4x5 Daghestan
J Sxa-
. . .$.'7. to
. . .$o oo
. . .1 JI.V0
. . . y
. . .IliO.OO
-.iXt-4 1
Put In Busy Hours Shopping All Day
Ilrarln Moaday to Prolong Their
Pervlre Vntll Oi30 to olve
Santa llaaa m Fair
i x
The crowds In Omaha stores reached
the true Christmas proportions Saturday.
Monday the stores will begin keeping- open
until 9:30 p. m. and continue until Christ
mas. Saturday was' a very busy, day all
through Peoplo came In from the sur
rounding country on sll the morning trains
and the city shoppers were out In force
also. The 'crowds In the stores indicated
that there Is going to be a good deal of
fairly parly Christmas shopping.
The stores reported that the amount of
goods sold waa fully up to the usual
standard. People from the country came
with empty suit cases, telescopes and car
pet bags and carried them away .bulging
full. Quantities of goods were sent out
by express, freight and mall and the city
delivery .wagons were literally . swamped.
The crowd was a warning to shoppers that
every delay In buying Is now dangerous
as It brings the final crush that much
nearer when the late shoppers, like the
foolish virgins, will And that they haVe
been caught sleeping.
Never have . the windows of ths stores
been so resplendent with beautiful and
elegant goods as now. Every department is
showing its finest ahd the displays are posi
tively bewildering.
One of the Interesting places Is the china
ware department. One can get anything
there at almost any ' price.' The " Scotch
motto ware Is proving popular. It 'com
bines usefulnesn with moderate price and Is
distinctive for the homely motto and
maxims burned Into the ware. "Tsk a cup
o' tea; Its's unco refresliln," Is the legend
on the side of a pretty tea pot that sells
at $1.4S. "Some Jiae meat that, canna eat
and some wad eat ; that want It; but we
hae .meat ana we can eat. sae let the
Lord be thanklt" Is the optimistic sentiment
which appears on a plate that sells for
95 cents. Irish china cups and saucers
In many pretty designs sell at about $1.50
Endless Variety of Toys.
The toy departments this year contain a
seemingly endless variety of things to
make the hearts of the children glad. The
Teddy bfar, however, threatens to drive
out the sheep, horses and elephants which
are made in Germany and have monop
olized the Christmas menagerie from time
Immemorial. The mechanical toys are
made In greater variety and In finer quality
than ever ' before. There Is one steam
engine with belt attachment to run a drill,
lathe, grindstone and other machines, which
sells, for 120.
Fancy lamps Jn china, bronxe Of Iron
are made In very pretty designs and at
remarkably moderate prices. There Is one
of really artistic model and beautiful color
ing at 13.96. Oaa or electrlo attachments
are sold with these and they are In great
Something attractive and useful and that
will Increase In value with the years Is
a little book called "Baby's Realm." It
If bound In white and decorated with hand
embroidery. There are pages for baby's
weight o be recorded from time to time,
a place for baby's first picture, first tooth,
short 'dresses, first steps and so on. It
costs S3.
Evening; at Theater
Dasqset and I
Good Til
Followed by
i General
After being well entertained at the Bur
wood theater by the regular program of
vaudeville the Fraternal Order of Eagles
llKtened to an excellent address by Orand
Worthy President Theodore A. Bell of
Napa, Cal. Mr. Bell was twice elected to
congress from California. Judge Ben Baker
presided and Introduced Mr. Bell. Mr. Bell
said. In part:
"Omaha Is the geographical center of
the universe, and I think the next national
convention of the Eagles lodge will meet
in Omaha. Publicity 13 the Eagles' slogan,
for where we are best known ths Eagles
are the best loved. Occupation cuts no
figure with the Eagles. Love, respect,
charity and benevolence are the things
we most prize. We are the greatest fra
ternal democracy that has ever appeared
In the world. A few bad men In the order
cannot hurt us. Jhe line between decency
and Indecency Is marked In our lodge. We
must earn an honest living. The fraternal
orders are" all working for one end more
happiness and less tears."
Alter program and speeches at the Bur
wood a banquet was held at the Paxton
hotel . cafe. P. J. Barrett, state deputy
grand worthy president, acted as toast
master, and the following toasts were re
sponded to:
P. J. Barrett, state deputy grand worthy
preKldt'nt, toastmaster;
W. W. Dodge, "Meaning of F. O. E."
R. H. Olmxied, "Why I Am an Eagle."
Judge A. L. Button, "FraternallHm."
J. M. Tanner, ' The Bm-lal Hour."
A. S. Ritchie, "Patriotism."
orge F. West, "Omaha."
Theodora A. Bull, our grand worthy pres
ident. Jock Ryder, "Nebraska."
Beyond Baying; Woman Did It, the
Victim Will Faraiah No
Frank Doskll, a Bohemian who lives on
the river bottoms near. Castellar street,
walked Into the residence of C. L. Cun
ningham, 2405 South Tenth street, about
o'clock Friday evening, bleeding from two
long gashes in his abdomen, which bad
been Indicted with a raxof. Seeing (lie
condition of Dutkn, the police station was
notified by Cunningham, and the patrol
wagon and Police Surgeon Fltzglbbons
were hurried to the scene. Dosktl was re
moved to St. Joseph's hospital nearby, and
when he was exsmtned It was discovered
that his clothes hsd been cut nesrly Into
ribbons, and several slight cuts about the
chest and the two long gashes In his ab
domen showed the vlclousness of the at
tack of his assailant, whom Doakll claims
was a woman. Nothing more could be
learned from him relative to the affair.
As none of the vital organs were Injured,
It Is expected that he will recover.
Dahlman Democracy Preparing Go
t National Convention
la State.
' The Dahlman Democratic club held a
meeting last evening at Its rooms to tske
action regarding the call for the demo
cratic national convention. The club passed
the following resolution:
Whereas. The democratic national com
mittee has decided to hold the democratic
national convention for J in Denver on
July 7. .
Whereas. This club Is duly gratified and
apreiiait.-s the efforts of lit honor. Mayor
James C. Dahlman, In Ins fight to hold
this convention In the west.
Whereas. Ths club keenly appreciates
that Nebraska has the honor of being the
slate of winch lite next nominoe la a
ciux.n. Therefore be It.
Resolved. That a committee be appointed
to immediately make arrangements for a
bitei:!! uain for toe. K.-itmintHiaihiit of the
memhors of tbla club and their friends to
attend the national convention.
It Makes On af the Most KffertlT
Combinations In the.JVew
- - Blanae.
A smart type of Mouse Is Illustrated In
the models of the cuts though tha lines and
details of the two blouses are Vastly dif
ferent . Here fine cream net finely em
broidered In cream is combined with
coarse filet net of the same cream heavily
and boldly, embroidered in cerise silk, and
touches of cerls taffeta are used In the
blouse design.
In black and white was an effective
French blouse of finely tucked white tulie,
trimmed in black filet embroidered' in
black silk. The embroidered filet was set
together -with black Chantllly and its edges
were finished with a little black ball fringe.
Bands of dyed cluny lace or embroidered
filet net made up over white and trimmed
in self-color satin make comparatively 'in
expensive and smart blouses, repeating
ths colors of the frocks with which they
are to bo worn, and blouses entirely ' of
heavy lace, such as cluny, dyed and made
over white and quite severe save for big
frog or cordellere trimming down the
fronts, are chic with cloth street frocks
in the same color.. .
A Utile gold or silver Is very frequently
-used upon the costume blouses, brightening
the darker ones, and a transparent collar
and gulmpe is almost Inevitable, though
Is may be excessively shallow.
I)anrrona Baraery
in the abdominal region Is prevented by
the use of Dr. King's New Life Pills, the
painless purifiers. 25c. For sale by Beaton
Drug Co.
Appoint Committee to Take Charge
of Sunday Opening;
Last night the retail cigar dealers and
poolroom owners hel a meeting to per
fect an organisation for the purpose of re
sisting the attempt to be made to closs
their places on Sunday. George Rogers
presided, and, after debate, appointed a
committee consisting of J. T. McVlttie, C.
C. Cannam and Ed Robertson to take
Charge of the defense of any. cigar dealer
or poolroom keeper arrested for having
his pines open On Sunday.
Ihs merit of Texas Wonder you would
never suffer from kidney, bladder or rheu
matic trouble. $1 bottle, wo months' treat
ment. Sold by Sherman & KcConnell Drug
Co. and Owl Drug Co., Omaha, Neb. Send
for testimonials. ,
Balldlnai Permits.
W. B. Long has taken out a permit for
the construction of three brick flats at
W7-W-6.11 North Twenty-first street. The
excavation is started for the flats, which
are to cost $10,000. Mrs. A. T. Healy has
a permit for a brick dwelling at Twenty
eighth and Douglas streets to cost $2,0U0.
Do People Turn Away?
Ton Can Be Instantly Freed from the
Humiliation of Knowing that Others
Detect Bad Odors on Your Breath
Arising from Indigestion, Smok
ing, Drinking and Eeating.
Trial Vsckage to Prove It Bent rrea
Breath perfumes do not strike at the
root of the evil. They only conceal the
odor for a time. But charcoal kills the
gas that csuses the odor, purifies the
food lying In your stomach and Intes
tines, facilitates the process of digestion,
acts as a mild laxatrve, gives tone to the
system; In short, gives you a ilean bill
of health. And all the charcoal necessary
to obtain these results you fa.a get In
a box of Btuart's Charcoal Lozenges, price
The uses of charcoal are many. In art
and electricity It Is constantly used, but
It is especially valuable where absolute
purity of product la required. As an ub
sorbent and disinfectant It has no equal.
That's why you will invariably find H
In every watr-fUUr.
Stuart's Charcoal Lozenges arc made
from pure willow charcoal, with a slight
mixture of honey to render them palatable.
They will filter your blood fur you, des
troy every particle of poison and Impur
ity, absorb all the gas In your stomach,
give you a sweet, clean breath, and re
lieve you from the awkward feeling you
aro bound to have when you detect by the
expression of other people that they smell
your bad breath. Many hp are fond of
oiloas avoid eating them because of, the
odor they leave. One of 'Stuart's Charcoal
Lusenges immediately kills this, noA
ever. The same appll to smoking,
drinking or chewing.
We are so convinced that you will find
these lozenges Indixpenslblee after once
Alng them, that we will send you a
sample package by mall, free. If you will
send .your name and address today to
K. A. Stuart Co., 2b0 Stuart Bldg., Mar
shall, alien.
& Omaha's Largest and Finest Jewelry Establishment jj
t, L l ''
you do not look over our
6tock is unusually largo
Same, with
entlcman's open face thin watch, 20
year ense," lK-jewel movement
Bracelets Make Popular Christmas Giits
The popularity of elbow length sleeves has likewise made
again popular the bracelet, and with this in mind the designers of
Jewelry exerted ever effort to giye effects in bracelet wear that
would be strikingly new and attractive.
Our display shows that the circular and oval bracelet of
heavy band gold will no doubt lead in popular favor. But your
selection will be confined to no one style, for we made certain
that we should include them all.
Plain Roman or Bright Finish Bracelets , $10.00
Engraved Rose or Green Finish Bracelets $15.00 to ......
Fancy Diamond Bracelets $25.00 to $1,000
Every Article Sold is Fully Guaranteed, and We'll Cheerfully Refund Money If Any
Until Xm&s
Kavs Boot rrlat is.
A. U. Jtltchla rem'd to 803 Brandels Bldg.
Mlashart, photographer, 18th & Farnam,
J, A. Xsrrso. Tailor, 808-10 Brandels
Bide, will make a suit to please you.
Ws always have Rock Spriny Coal.
Central Coal and Coke Co. of Omaha, 13th
and Harney streets.
Woman Wants Child, but not Man
Grace Trimble has filed suit, for divorce
from Harry Trimble, charslns; him with
cruel treatment and false accusations. Bhe
wanta the custody of their child.
Chlsf of Staff Reports for Duty Lleu
enant Colonel W. P. Evans, the new chief
of staff of the Department of the Mis
souri, has reported for duty at army htad
quarteis and entered upon the same Satur
day. Army Recruiting- Station Lieutenant
Leon t. Roach of the Sixteenth United
States Infantry has been aaslgned to duty
temporary as recruiting- officer In Omaha
during the absence of Lieutenant Colonel
Savage on leave.
Voluntary Bankruptcy William V.
RlUy of Omaha, giving his occupation as a
clerk, has filed his voluntary petition In
bankruptcy In the United States district
court. . He gives his liabilities as $505.7
and his assets as nothing.
Troops Arrive at loft Des Moines The
Second sijuadron of the Second United
States cavalry has arrived at Fort Dei
Moines from Thunder Buttes, S. D. Com
pany K, Sixteenth infantry, which has
been doing garrison duty at Fort Pes
'Moines, returned to Fort Crook Saturdsy
Maa Bays Xls Wife is. too Cruel Ivor
H. Fhlpps has applied to 'the district court
for, a decree of divorce from Anna M-,
declaring the cruelties of his wife liavo In
jured his health so he hud to give up his
former occupation of railway brakeman.
He says a year after they wern married
she begun accuse him wrongfully and once
assaulted him with a knife. Finally he
had to leave home, ha says.
Boy Osts Z,str Broksu Seeing- Saata
Claus As Theodore Johnson, 1518 Nurth
Nineteenth street was fulldwlng a Santa
Claus wagon through the streets Saturday
afternoon, he got hold of a horn, which
the hundred other boys wanted and they
Immediately piled upon young Johnson with
the result that his left leg was broken be
low the thip. He was attended by I'ollce
Burgeon Fltxgibona and sent to his home
In sn ambulance.
Sionists to hold two Meetings A mm?
meeting will be held under the auspices of
the sisters of Zlon Gate No. TO Sunday at
2:30 o'clock at Myrtle hull. Fifteenth and
Douglas streets. A detailed report will be
given of the proceedings of the i lgHlh in
ternational congress of Zionists at The
Hague. Another meeting will take place
Sunday evening at S at the Russian syna
gogue, Twelfth street and Capliol ave
nue, under the auspices of tho Dr. llertil
Nordaue Gate, for tlis same pjrpose. Elec
tion of o tllcer s will be had.
Suit to Maks Car Company ray Ka
therlne Downing lias started suit In district
court gairLSt the Omaha Council blurts
Street raiay fur tu.uuu for injuries sh
charges ere caused by the starting of a
street 'car, while sue was in the act of
hoarding it. In her petition she vuys she
rilDICTMlC Tliat Magic Word that joins
Lliill v I Itlia all hearts in good will. And
to satisfy that good will we have purchased the
largest, choicest and best stock to be found in this
part of the country. You will make n mistake if
stock in making up your Christmas lists.
and offers some rare bargains.
Watches at Attractive Prices
Ladies' Chateialn Watch, 14-K, heavily engraved, with
Diamond 875.00 n1 l P
Ladies Chatelain Solid Gold Watch S&2O.00 nl I'P
Ladles' Chatelain 2 0-Year Gold Filled Watch. $8.00 nd P
Ladies'. 14-K Gold ' Hunting Case, with 16-Jewel Elgin
movement $20.00 nd l'P
Ladies' 25-Ycar Gold Filled Hunting Case, heavily ornamented,
with 17-Jewel movement $25.00
Ladles' 20-Year Gold Filled Hunting Case, with Jeweled
movement $10.00
Gentlemen's open or closed face, 14-K Gold Thin Model, with
16. Jewel movement, fully adjusted $75.00 nd t'p
Gentlemen's open face, Thin Watch, 26-Year Uold Killed Case,
with 16-Jewel movement $30.00 l'P
Gentlemen's open face Watch, 20-Year Case,- 7-JeWel Elgin
movement SS.OO
15 - Jewel Elgin or Waltbam movement.
open face Watch, 7-jewel . Elgin or
Diamonds, Ihe
$2.50 Boys' Watch...'. $1.75
-Carat Perfect White Dia. Ring $130.00
i 1-Carat Perfect -White Dia. Ring. .$175.00
IVi-Carat Perfect
Airicie rurcnasea uoes not rrove Just as
Jewelers and Diamond Importers
was stepping on a Sherman Avenua car
at Fourteenth and Farnam streets, when
the car started and she was thrown back,
tearing open a wound caused by an op
eration she had undergone a few weeks
before. Bhe tried It again and was thrown
against the rear guard of the platform and
Injured her spine. She finally got Into the
car and paid her fare for the trip.- She
says her Injuries will affect her health
Damag-as Asked for Quarantine Suit
tor K25,OuO has been started In district court
by August Schmltt against the city of
South Omaha and Health Officer Enill L.
DeLanney, for alleged false quarantine for
smallpox at his home, 825 North Thirteenth
street, South Omaha. Schmltt sAys in his
petition, November 20 the health officer
came to his place and put up a "small
pox" sign card and ordered the house in
quarantine. A few days later he says he
left the house- and was arrested and put
In jail by Chief Briggs. He says he is
Still detained, though he denies he or any
one else In the family has the smallpox.
He declared he offered to prove this by
three reputable physicians. Ho claims the
damaKS tor false arrest and detention from
German l'ross-9 tl trh oa Caavas
Makes Admirable Work for
Newest among the articles of fancy
work for Christmas gifts are those dons
in the German cross stitch on canvas. It
Is in a measure a reproduction of ths old
time cross stitch embroidery which our
mothers and grandmothers used In making
their samplers, but with the addition of
clever geometrical designs done In pretty
combinations of bright colors.
Then are letter cases, handkerchief
cases, por folios and In fact almost every
article for the dresser, desk or sewlngr
basket. In the regulation bureau acces
sories It seems as if there never' were such
dainty and pretty things. .
Pin cushions there are which are marvels
of beauty, and bureau ' covers In Cluny
squares that would dress up even the plain
est dressers. Bags seem to be shown lu
an abundsnce of designs and materials
and there Is n on present that Is at once
so practical and welcome as a bsg of some
Sufferers from GALL STONES
The Myers-Dillon Drug Co., ICth and Farnam Sts., Omaha, Neb., are exclusive '
agents In this territory for Frultola, This wonderful new discovery In the field of
medicine Is curing people every day of appendicitis and gall stones.
- Omaiia, Neb., Oct 10 HOT
Myers-Dillon Drug Co., Omaha, Neb. f ' 1,07
Gentlemen: I suffered fur more than six months with what I supposed ta fea
stomarh and bowel trouble. I tried every remedy suggested to me all of this
time without receiving any benefit. 1 saw your advertisement of Fruitola and one
of your clerks advised me to try it- I took the Frultola In connection with TraxcT
as directed, and the result was astonishing. After taxing one but tin of Frultola
more than a hundred Kail-stones were removed. I continued the use of Frultola
and Traxo until the cure was complete. The satisfaction of having my healLh
restored is worth more than money to me, and 1 am correspondingly grateful to you.
I have recommended Frultola to a great many of my friends and la every
Instance, as in iny own case, it has done more than you claim for it.
It will give ma pleasure to allow you to use my name in your advertising
fuurs Gratefully. W. C. HE V DEN, "uvcrnsing. .
Mgr. "Omaha Branch" John Ound Brewing Co.
Stop suffering- today call or writs to Myers-DlUoa Drug- Co, let and sTaraam
J Omaha, Use about this great c ttrs X ruito la,
Our watch
.. .$9.00.
Best (or Christmas
White Dia. Rinir 220.00
15th rxntj
' Streets
Stickpins Are the Fad Jnst
So Are Especially - Ac-'
So many men are making a .collection of
stickpins nowadays that the Christmas shop-,
ping for the mala members of one's family ,,
should not be such an irksome task as here
tofore. There are so many different stylos
at moderate prices. Round and pear shaped
corals seem to head the list in popularity, ;
and they range In price from 36 to tJO.
Men are wearing much larger stickpins .
Uian they have for the lust few years,
cameos being in high favor. Many of the
seml-pieclous stones are also much worn."
lapus lasutl, amason (a stone which ' re
sembles a light colored ' turquoise),'1 arid'
malachite are considered smart. 1 ' v'
Among the expensive pins, one Which 'was ,
particularly attractive was - a gold horse '
studded with small diamond. -' It cost-$70.
Horseshoes set with diamonds are-always; -good
and hey range In price- from HS to r
I1C0. '
His Lsckr Afterthoaaht.
The poet had written the line:
"Oh, why should ' the spirit of . morla't r
be proud?'
Then he was about to enumerate a f aw '
of the thousands of reasons why human
beings should indulge a proper feeling of .
pride over their history, their marvelous
achievements and the sublime deeds of the
great and good men who. In all ages of ,'
the world, have served as beacon llgius for . .
their fellow men, when a thought, struck
-Shucks!" he said. "That sort 'of thing''
won't go. If you want to hit the popular,
taste you've got to do the lugubrious. Ji ll
bore for the reader's tears!" "
So he trumped up a lot of reasons why
people should be sad, mournful and hum- '
tile, and his poem lived. Chicago Tribune.
Noncommittal. ;
"Young Mrs. Jorklns Is a very' hard
woman to pump. She always gets out of
giving you any information When you ask
her anything.
"I heard she was very close-mouthed.
"Vou know, It was reported that she and .
her husband did not get on 'Very well i.
gether, so when I asked her quite casually,
what her husband gave her th other day
for a birthday present (to see if they were
on good terms), I couldn't tell from i her
answer whether he had given her, ahand
some piece of bric-la-brac or whether they
had quarreled." i
"What did she say?" . ;
"She Jusl said, He gave me a Jar'"'
Baltimore American. '