The Omaha Daily Bee EDITORIAL SECTION. ?z?jZs 9 to IB. Only 0 DAYS For Christmas Shopping VOL. XXXVII NO. 154. OMAHA, SATURDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 14, 1907. SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. JUST NINE MORE SHOPPING DAYS GREAT DOLL and TOY SALE-Seeond Third Fioors -SATURDAY PO DISCOUNT on DOLLS-Greatest Show J) q of All Manner of Dolls in the West No Such Bargains Anywhere. Come Early. 15 Off PRICES: FIFTY CENTS TO NINE-FIFTY M 1 Women's 'Neckwear Linen Collar, embroidered. In white 60o to 89 Jabots, short or long, of Mult, Chiffon, net " lace .' to 89 Bow of Lace In silk ; .1.M to 9e Lace Stocks, of Real Irish, Val or Fanry Silk 83.98 U 850 Collar and Cuff Sets. . 7 So to 8 So Coat Sets $e.M to 880 Chemlsetts 18.80 to BSo Chiffon Scarf, printed or plain lace Scarfs, from $10.00 to 880. Fancy Ribbons 35c ribbon for 17 6 Inch plain taffeta ribbon, beautiful quality In white, black, pink, red and green. 36c value Saturday ...17 Manufacturers' odd lots of narrow ribbon, In plain red, green, and fancy flowered designs, lust llio kind of ribbon for Holiday nsi, from V to Inches wide, worth up to 60c per bolt; Saturday bolt of ten yards 15o HOSIERY showing a, n elegant Una of plain silk and embroidered Hose. Also ime embroidered Hose for Christmas presents. Ladles' Fast Black Seamless Hoae. 19c values 12,j Ladles' Fast Black Imported Hose, 3 5c value Ladles' Hand Embroidered Hose, 60c value, tnree pair for..fl.OO Children's Imported Hose, 8 6c value 19o i HOLIDAY GLOVES EARLY SHOPPERS. BARGAINS IN TOYS A. B. C. Blocks, 15c kind 8c Tin Horn with bone mouth piece, for . 8c Toy Furniture Set, six pieces, 60c set for 83c 76c Air Ship, Saturday speclal33c Telephone Push Chime 10c Dicky Bird, 75c value, Saturday at . : 80c Doll Comb Set, 16c value.... 10c $1.25 Humpty Dumpty Circus Sat urday at 98c HERE'S A WONDER KALEIDOSCOPE TOP A mystery in col ors, wonderful, entertaining and educa tional. See demonstration and T(00 you'll buy one. 75c value Sat- ) 1' urday W ill STI N uenneus uig woccry VERY IMPORTANT Space limitations debar us from printing Saturday's specials. Look at Thursday evening or Friday morn ing's ad; these hold good for Satur day. Order Early. Ua.-antnejeje8fleBrirsjYarCTrri" Pianos! Pianos! THIRD FLOOR . Twenty-five' Factories Represented, Including the World's Best New Pianos S1SO i,nPd Savory Roaster BARGAIN SALE SATURDAY While supply lasts, all sizes LCI, and styles, up from UJv And 40 Green Trading Stamps. Come Early. 1 , " . lhi i en s I -mm ii i ri rn We are selling a great many Glove Certificates. They are convenient and save ft lot of trouble. Tttey give the recipient a chance to pick out own color and size. Even during this heavy selling our stock i3 still com plete. We are showing the largest line of men's gloves in the city. Ladies' Kid Gloves, $4.50 to $1.00 Ladies' Silk Lined Kid Gloves .$1.50 Ladies' Fur Lined Gloves, $6.00 and $5.50 Ladies' Wool Lined Gloves 1 and Mittens, $1.50 to '.. $1.00 Men's Kid Gloves $2.25 to $1.00 Men's Wool Lined Kid Gloves and Mitten. $1.50 to .75c Men's Fur Lined Gloves and Mit tens, $17.50 to $2.50 See 16th Street Window. Holiday Handkercliieis We are doing our bfit to make hiutdker chief shopping very easy for our customers this year. We have several booths around the store with different price handkerchiefs at each place and a large force to wait on you. Don't buy handkerchiefs until you see our large assortment. For Women For Men Ladies' pure linen Handkerchiefs, 50c rh: 10c Ladies' puro linen Initial Handker- :fs:.50?..10c Ladies' pure linen embroidered Hand kerchiefs, $1.75 to , 15c Men's puro linen Handkerchiefs, 50c 12c Men's pure linen Initial Handker chiefs, 50c IP to .., ,C A large line of Real Lace Handker chiefs, $10 to .... 1.50 !X?Z.?hr" V BOOKS and STATIONERY Our enlarged book and stationery department is seething with interest. Everything Imaginable In the way of dainty ad artistic articles that could be crowded under the caption Stationery shown at very modest prices. If you have an eye to the educative value of the gift you intend making your friend, give us at few minutes of your time In this splendid section. SOME SUGGESTIONS: 1 .. . Padded Books, bound in leather, each one boxed, many CQ 2nd Floor -CROCKERY AND CHINA--2nd Floo, 1 CHRISTMAS GIFTS of the world's famous authors are represented The Henry Alger ' Q I Famous Books for IQo book for boys IZC Girls, at . leC FINELY ILLUSTRATED BOOKS FOR CHILDREN Copyright Fiction All the One-Fifty 1 A6 Editons. for.: I.UU See Our Array of L.ate Books Another Table Holding Many SI. OS Books, lor 49c fife wffimlf Is Fine OoStiiiigMlcHdBoys You Shouldn't Miss Our Before Christmas Sale If you are looking for a stylish, elegantly tailored, high class Overcoat or Suit at a money saving price, you should act quickly. FOR SUNDAY SCHOOL TEACHERS We offer the Sunday School Teachers a beautiful seriea of small booklets, prettily bound and illuminated text, the famous Puts, famous HopsrW, illustrated, just the thing for your class 10c Christmas Ideas In Corsets Second Floor America's leading brands, long hip, or short hip, with or without hose supporters, corsets for the graceful, willowy, slender or rounded figure, every idea in conformity with the dic tates of modern fashions. Your choice Saturday Iteautiful American Beauty Picture FREE with every purchase Saturday. Hecond Floor A C Lovers of fine CMna always look our way wbea they bars gift giving- or horn needs In mind. IVs because ws show the lurat and most eatranclstr assortment ot the world's beet prodaots, from Eng-Und, France, Germany, Australia, Italy and Sweden as well as the best of onr.own land. There Is hardly a joy within the housewife's grasp more pleasing than the having- fine China ware. An exceptional opportunity is offered now In our moderate prloes. nt wr Many Pieces of China on Our SI. 00, 73c, 50c and 2So Bio Dmnerware Values sasi'ias-eSSEwia grata roRMER p.v, BVAnrh r-hina. full told treatment, (rood blaln . The Coronet, a pretty rose decorated French China shape, 100 piece Bet, 135.00 value,' Saturday . Handsome Electroliers, about fifty of them,' In all the latest designs and finishes, prices from $7.98 up. Some very handsome ones at $20 .and $25. All day Saturday . 16.98 set, strippled gold handles, 25.00 ; value, 'Saturday . . . 15.00 20 Off All of our ' Russian Ham mered Brass, . about 200 pieces of It, Jardinlers, Trays, Vases, Pern Dishes, etc. Satur day . . 33i Off All Bohemian Glass, gold deco rated Trays; Bowls, Vases, Sugars, and Creams, hundreds of pretty pieces from 68c up. aTda'at 20 Off For Men Our men's finest $35 and $40 Overcoats, now $25.00 Our men's finest $25 and $28 Overcoats, now $18.75 Our men's, finest $18 and $20 Overcoats, now . . . .$15.00 Our men's finest $25 and $30 Suits, now $18.75 Our men's finest $20 and $22 Suits, now .$15.00 For Boys Our boys' finest $8 Overcoats, sizes 3 to 1G yrs., now $4.98 Our boys' finest $8 Suits, sizes 3 to 16 years, now. . . .$4.03 Our boys' finest $5 and $5.50 Suits, with two pairs of trous ers, sizes 8 to 16 years, now ..$3.08 r PYROGRAPIIY Sect-rid FIsor S. W. Regular $1.25 Collar and Cuff Boxes, each Regular 50c Handkerchief Boxes, a limited quantity, each 69c 35c sassnaass-'iri-i-jmi ft PICTUR.ES Second Floor s. w. . Beautiful new lot of Framed Pictures, opened up for Saturday selling India Pictures for the den, Cupid Awake and Asleep, Modern Madonna and some very fine Pastels; prices from $1.00 to 25 "Nobody Loves Me," a splendid picture, 75c value, each 39 M$ House Coats Plain and fancy fabrics, cut in latest styles 7? S6.J5 Men's Bath Robes In plain and fancy effects $8.50, 7.50, $6 $5.00, $4.09 and Women's Fine Furs 1 3 We have made a sweeping reduotloa on all rur Coats, Txlt Seta, and Scarfs and Huffs. Our stock Is too large, we have marked them at about IUI rSUCX. FUB COATS. Wag $35.00. a nr now f UVmt e) wnao"w!!!-..0;.$45.00 Was $48.60, now $3i:;0 .$3.48 $5.95 $3.95 We a li.Sl; no a Was $10.00. now Was $5.95, now WOMEN'S SILK KIMONOS, BATH ROBES AND SAlQlES Women's Velour Flannelette Sac ques, pretty Japanese Patterns at 08c Women's Kimono Wrappers, made ot heavy fleeced flannelette, an assortment of colorings and neat designs, at 91.23 Women's Blanket Robes, made of heavy imported cotton blankets, large assortment of colorings and patterns, for $1.05 Women's short Silk Kimonos, Jap patterns, plain borders, for $3.05 Women's loug silk Kimonos, made extra full, large variety of styles, at flO.OO, $8.05 and $7.50 Women's Coats Loose Coats, broadcloths or Kersev, full satin lined at $9.76, $12 75 and (114.75 Tight fitting Coats of Broadcloth or Kersey, full satin lined, at 122.76. $17.76 and 914.76 lluldrcn stoats and Dresses Al One Third and One Ball Oil Regular Selling Price Not a coat or dress reserved; children's coats two to six and six to fourteen years. Was $2.98 now gl.OQ Was $4.95 now $3.30 Was $3.95 now $2,G4 Was $5.95 now $3.97 Children's' Dresses two to fourteen years: Was 98c now 49 Was $1.98 now...99 Was $1.48 now...74 Was $2.98 now $1.49 UBMTDR THIRD FLOOR Suggestions from Furniture Dcpnrtment for Christmas Gifts. No place In Omaha can you secure any of below named articles at such reasonable prices as at Bennett's Furniture Department. Morris Chairs, up from...... $1.08 Easy Rockers, up from $3.80 Taborettes 40c, 08c and $1.08 Pedestals 08c, $1.08 and up Music Cabinets, up from. 0.00 Ladies' Desks, up from $3.00 Medicine Caplnets $1.00 and up Cellarettes, up from. . . '. $3.75 Plate Racks 4bc, 62c, $1.78 and up Smoker's Cabinets i $1.08 Costumers, up from 08c Gentlemen's Desk Chairs, up from. ...$;. 75 Dressing Table Chair, up from 94.25 Mens Fine Sealskin... CAPS A Special Men's or Boys' Warm Cloth Win ter Caps, In any shape, fur undeiv bands, special for Saturday SOc Men's Genuine Alaska Seal Capss, worth $15.00 and $18.00. Saturday $10.00 Men's Genuine Alaska Seal Caps, made of large pieces, worth $6.00 and $7.60, un precedented values, aturday $4.90 and $3.90. Men's Fur Caps, Electric Seal, worth $4.00 and $5.00 Saturday ....$3.00 and $2.50 Men's Coney Fur Caps, selected ski oh, $2.50 values, Saturday 81.50 MEN S CHRISTMAS HAT SPECIAL 50 Dozen fine Soft and Stiff Hats, that sell regularly up to $3.00. nice, new, nobby, up-to-date styles, " 95 special for Saturday only 1 The famous Jno. B. Stetson Hats in all known styles. MaJn Stiff, $3.50 and $5.00 Main FUr Soft, $3.50 to $7.50 Fltor wgggiagamcsiggag6gg8aasagsaag'w?ajs;'a-r t-i-im m 1 HARDWARE -!M Special sale ia But Burners aaA Soft Goal Heaters tur day. 10 Alseoont Saturday BotMaf better for C&rtstmas preeenti. (iirtetmae Tree. Holdum . . .BSo Haiore, worth up to 1.1.69. while they la.-u levi-ry one guaran teed), at-h 0 Gillette'e Safety Koi j, has 14 l laden, needs no hunlntf or Klr.filnK $3.00 And 10 Oreen Tredlns Htampa, -.V e aim it urn Y 1 Ti(llim Sump. 114 1'o.ket Knive, all ) lrl.e from $4 00 I to .10o Stamps with any Knife over 5l Xotlilnff hflrr far boys than a nice Chant of Toole. Coma In neta or we will make up set to suit. Chafing Diaries, prices to B'l't every one. from tltt to. .1S And DouUle Ureen Traiiins N Lamps. gmoklnt Trays, ell prices from Ii0t to Ibo It's special on three-plce Sine; llar.Jla Carvln beta, reruia. I.(5 value, while they lat at Ice Pkatea, the famoue Baruy ec fcerry (beat made), prltvj up from tit And St) !rrn Trading btjiups. with any pair. f Sheet Music MAIN BALCONY I With each purchase Saturday you may select any piece from our counter free aa a souvenir. Complete Hue of teachers' works, in cluding all of the Schlrmer edition, Wood edition, McKlnley edition, sheet inualo; Instrumental and vocal. Excellent line ef "asy Teaching pieces." Book and sheet. This com plete department Is under the man agement of Mr. Frank K. Utraum, composer of "March of the Teddy ltears." Mr. Strauiu possesses a per fect knowledge of all muslo pub llshed. Piano albums: well chosen Christmas presents. We have the goods and our prices are surprisingly low. See our llnee ot Uualo Holla for Christmas presents. Hsar Mr. Stream play "Marca of the Teddy Bears." AOTVAI, KITS TOM 1TO Bvery tkliif that's up-to-date lreainlng, lillle uueen, I'd Kather Two-fctep than Walls Bill. Honey Boy, Ked Wing. lola. While You Are Mine new l.ove Me and the World Is Mine. Merry Widow Waltx, Forest Kins by the composer of "Mayor of TokTo Good Bye Annie Laurie, Just Becauee I Learned to Iove You by compoeer of "Tropical Moon" March of the Teddy Boars. Aleo one hundred other numbers st the same price 17o All the late Comio Opera Muslo la stock all the time. Piano tuning done by experts. Work guaranteed. What Is More Useful Than Rugs For Christmas We have all kinds and sties for less money than you can buy liiem elsewhere. Japanese Rugs, 30x80, for dens and halls each 1. IS and SBo Fur Bug, for parlors and llvlns rooms, 2k 60. at S6.7S, SS.60, SS.OO .and S3.48 Axmlnster Kugs, In all lxea and styles, lit 11. 50 down to 928S Bundhar Wilton Kuks. lixrt3. at VI A5 Bundhar Wilton Hun. 27x54. at S4.85 Closing out all Oriental Ruga at 3 3 Va 'e dlsiount. Wake your selection now and have them iald away, while we huve a complete variety. Drapery Section Most completa line rf Khlrt Waist Boxes in the west, upholstered with matting, burlap, figured rreton or gen uine' red cedar. In all sixes, from $1S aO down to aao Couch Covers, a big va riety, full else, in Ori ental patterns and Hag dad stripes, from is down to $1.35 CUT FLOWERS and CfflUSTr.IAS GREENERY Meats Meats 200 pairs of young mutton legs at Oc Fresh dressed roosters, per. lb 7V4o Pig pork loin, per pound.. H?c Pig pork shoulder roast. .. .6?4c Fresh leaf lard 10 lbs for $1.00 Prime rib roast, all bones out, pouud 10c Choice pot roast, pound 7c and 5c Imported Holland Mackerel, earn , ,'..7Mc Imported Norway .Mackerel, ea lOo Llngoni berries, two quarts. .U.V Imported Stock Fish, per lb.. 15c 6,000 pounds of No. 1 Bacon, nar row stripes, 5 to 7 pounds aver strip, pound l-!ic Sporting Goods Big sale on Jersey Sweaters and .Sweater Coats, any 92.75 or $ ! Sweater, special fl.M8 ' Air rifles for the boys', a real bar gain. Investigate, Saturday . . fSDc School Pennants, all styles rr ' prices, ..11.25. $1.00, 85c, EOc and itac Steel Roll Sidewalk Skates, special at ..Otto V -J-'L" ' ' ' rr:Tm SHOES SHOES Saturday' Offering of Seasonable, Stjlish Footw J Suif&Lle for Gifts or Personal Use. 'l00 Green Trading Stamps on all women's $3.50 to $5.00 shoes. 100 Green Trading Stamps on all men's $3.50 to $5.00 shoes. Auto boots for women, the proper thing to wear thes.' blustry, cold days, hand sewd, laced and button styles and so comfortable and bracing to the ankle for skating, pair $5.00 High cut storm calf laced shoes select 12, 14 niotor- . r .... t. .. I t?i telegraph linemen, don't neglect fV-fh'! ! this sale. In doing so you will j neglect yourself. $4.00 kinds $3.29 $5.00 kinds for . . .' $4.29 $6.00 kinds for '. $5.29 $8.00 kinds for $6.69 Misses' and children's high cut laced and button shoes, brace and ankles, keep the little limbs warra and the feet dry, made of gun metal ralfukln, corkfilled soles, sizes 8 4 to 11, $2.60 values, Saturday $1.98 Sizes 11 H to 2. $3.00 values Saturday . $2.29 And double Green Trading Stamps 'fl for men. twelve styles to SyV'fVy from, tan and black, 8, 4liliH and 16 Inch for drivers. Christmas Gifts ? Furnishings Mufflers, Reefers, Full Dress Protectors. All kinds of Mufflers, in every style and at every price, Auto Scarfs in pure m g silk Reefers in all colors, plain or brocaded, also fl IjO stripes $3.00. $2.50, $2.00, down to HJrj A complete Assortment of "Ways' Knit Mufflers," 50 and 25o IVIeiVs Pyjamas lVlcns Neckwear We are showing new creations every day, original and exclusive with us, large asHortment, correct and proper styles, $2.00 down to 50c SPECIAL FOK HATIKIIAY. 100 doz. fine silk tour-ln-hands, beau tiful assortment of colors and pat terns, regular 50c silks, Saturday 85c or 3 for $!.() Holiday Half Hose Men's Imported silk half hose, nicely boxed, K2.SO, $2.00 and $150 Men's Imported lisle half hose, Includ ing beautiful assortment of fancy col on., 91.UO, 7.V, ftOc and "J&c Silk, Solsette, etc., In brown, tan, pink, blue, etc., H.i.i. $.1, $7.60 and 010 Holiday Suspenders Singlo box, fancy unelastlc and fancy lisle elastic webs, kid ends nicely boxed, 1.50, 91.00 7.V, AOc, and Z&c IVIiiii's iStilrts Shirts that are sold by haberdashers at $3.00; beautiful :issortineut of colors and patterns, plain or pleated, and nobby new stiff bosom shirts, mostly coat btilen, collar attached or de tached, our regular $2.00 shirts, holi day prices SI .60 MEN S HOLIDAY SLIPPERS Largest line in Omaha and prices are the lowest, coiihloVring the quality. lila-ck and brown Imitation alligator and embroidered vamp CSo Tan and black Cubrelton kid, pulxnt ' leather trimmed, pair o Soft tsn and black klrixkln opera and Ut't-rrtt stles, suft uiul easy, tr el2( liand turn! velvet brown si 5 Lluck kid Hum, opera and Everett styles, pair f