Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 14, 1907, NEWS SECTION, Page 6, Image 6

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Feature of Course at State University
that it Growing.
The quality of the Pianos In this sale make the prices look small, and they are.
Design of case that is beautiful, tones that are the sweetest, action that is the most responsive
and longevity that is greater than any othei-s, are some of the reasons why the Pianos in our
i . i i i
i fin
Do Clothes Mako- tho Man? r'
' There Is aa eld savin that "ITI HOT THI CX,OTZKS TUT MAO
TH MAJt," that's rsry trae nonjh, ant wU fitting clothe do help to
make aa look a whole lot better.
There la another old eayl&r. which asys "TKBM It UAITT AW
XOVES- KI1IT BZHHTD A BAGGED COAT." Of coarse there la, hut a
great many of a only aaa tha raffed clothes and forg-et tho honest heart.
Good clothaa on a rood dresser oommajida preetlge It la easily oU
talaed. If 70 eaat pay eaah coma la and rat oradlV, '
tmMmi mi
f V j. hi art
MakoYour Own Terms
$15.00 Suits
All our Klf
t a a n Dollar
Suits, on sl
19.76. Then
aults are all
wool, made of
Cheviot and
fancy worsteds.
529 O'ciats
A great oppor
tunity to ave
money on an
overcoat. These,
coata art 5l In.
long and crime
In blacks and
$1 and $1.50 All-Wool
Underwear 49c
We have the biggest bargain In Oma
ha, bought of M. B. Smith lr. Co., of
the several trunk of drummers' sain
plea, worth up to $1.60 and $2.00 gar
ment, on sale at 4Stc.
Ladles' Dept.
SI 6.50 Coats
Ladles' long
coata. loose flt
tlnr reduced to
$12.60. Made of
all . wool cloth.
520.00 Coats
Save a cool
five-dollar lilll
and ret a bar
gain In an up-to-date
Must be soen
to be appreci
ated. CASH
Opt yni v iiwM'J LnJJAK
r r a m
Good Saint Nick Adds New Depart
merit -to Hii Store.
Paintings, DrawlDfi,- Stataary aaa
Artiatle Carlo Are o Exhibi
tion la the Retail Carlat
M Ileadqaarters.
That Santa Claus has added an "art de
partment"' at hla North Pole headquarters,
bealdea the vast storehouses of chimneys,
Iron pots and toys, is shown by the pic
tures and statuary on display In Omaha
tores for the holiday season.
Kven the calendars reflect the work of
finished artists this year and are far
uperlor .in every way to the art jroods of
fered in years paat. Whole windows of
pictures are shown and the manufacturers
have new processes which make the coplea,
elllnr at reasonable prices, fully as beau
tiful aa the original drawings In either
color, pen and Ink or waah. Among theae
are a vast number of subjects. Including
Indian heads, western acenea, heads and a
large variety of subjecta. The famous W,
U Taylor drawing from Longfellow are
back on the market again in a new soft
brown finish and are selling at reasonable
prices. One of the subjects which has
been a large seller is "A New Love." This
is a child picture, and represents a sleepy
little fellow resting on a pile of aofa cush
ions. Drawn close to the sleeping child is
a wide-awake t looking Teddy bear, where
the doll has nestled with children since the
toy babiea were first created. The doll in
the picture rests alone on the cushions for
the Teddy bear la the new love of children.
Stataary Has Fro at Seat.
Statuary la very popular. Perfect models
of famous masterpieces are shown In many
of the stores. It waa auch a collection of
atatuea which, when assembled In a show
window, nasaed resolution condemning the
board of directors of the Trenton Industrial
Art school for setting the fig leaf fashion.
They object strenuously to spending their
hard earned aavings for fig leaves. Apollo,
Diana, the Greek alave, Discobolus, Vensus,
Mercury and other big leaguers In the ex
clusive model circles, declared that most
of them made only a bare living and the
weather was so nice, they had no use for
the clothing and then the stores are steam
heated, wlndowa and all, and the un-flg-
leaved statutes do not suffer any more
than stuffed animate on muffs.
The Hercules .in one show window de
clares that he will never wear a fig leaf.
and when he heard that the keeper waa
going to put woolen underwear on him, he
aald he would break the contract first as
he ' wore It once In the , factory and
scratched Into the feather weight cla
with Bob Fttssimmona.
the merir of Texas Wonder you would
never surfer from kidney, bladder or rheu
matic trouble. $1 bottle, two months' treat
ment. Sold by Sherman it MoConneU Drug
Co. and Owl Drug Co., Omaha. Neb. Send
for testimonials.
Balldlns Permits.
Building permits have been issued to
i .""i , " ,or me awelling. Twenty
VgMP. L"niMurt.. KW; August Doll. reDuir
mg Mil Howard. $4,000: W. P Run-ell-E!7-'V:t,h
Franklin.. frame dweHlni'
aT.7i c V" ?aenDurg, brick flats. 6L
DcrniRriiiu avenue, s,uuu: A. Nelann
Twenty-eluhth mil raMJi iiso.n
IIS W-.,f SiJ- Xwenty-elghth
vmsm tv - , fHiUVV,
Stands First as Headquarters
..For Cudahy Products..
No question of this fact in the minds of those who
know. Very highest quality, very best assortment and very
lowest prices assured on both Fresh and Smoked Meats.
Special Prices This Week 'on
Rex and Diamond C Hams.
Rex fsst,
T7m California
Hams, lb.
Hams, lb.
Hams, lb.
Diamond C Hk,'ZU2c
Diamond C52SSl21c
Hams, pound
You'll Certainly Save and Be Satisfed If Yau
M i
Girls Taaht Botk' PrlrMlalM aad
Practice of Prcsiarlaar Cloth la
aad Fd aad Otherwise
"Keeping Iloase."
"My young folks dipped Into 'reports of
experimental stations' and got me very
much Interested, and now they come
bringing reports of the work in our own
state that are equally of Interest," said
Mra. Provldem. "A bulletin Issued by the
state university, Home Economics in Ne
braska.' shows who we are doing to
start the rising generation In the way of
knowing what they grow and eat foods
for, beyond the general reason that has
prevailed hitherto, that they were hungry
and so they grew and ate the things which
tasted best, if they could get them, and
Just as much of them as they could stow
away In that mysterious Internal economy
of their bodies, which In a dim way they
had been taught took charge of It and
made it Into muscle and heat; but how It
was done they had very ' little Idea or
very little care until that same internal
economy began to 'act up,' as the boys ex
pressed It, when they generally went to
the doctor, or mother, and ho or ahe poured
In some nauseous stuff, which the said In
ternal economy, rebelling against any more
supplies evidently considered particularly
revolting, but which they were taught
would siraightep them out. Either it or the
enforced abstinence from food and nature's
constant effort to right wropgs generally
brought the mysterious working force Into
subjection again, and they went on as be
fore with more or fess lapses until It gave
out entirely and there was no more need
of food.
Btady at the t'nlvrHy.
"Now the Industrial college of, our uni
versity starts every girl who may so elect
in a course clt study that mingles with
r regular studies as heretofore thongnt
necessary for the proper education of tho
growing woman certain work that teaches
her what should be done In home life and
how and why. The first year, while they
are studying languages, ancient and mod
ern; rhetoric, history, physical training
and chemistry, Apparently much as I used
to do, they are also learning how to de
sign and draft and sew garments of all
kinds. They don't simply make a dress
or a shirt waist, but they learn the princi
ples of how to fit it to the figure, the art
and . use in so doing, a study of the ma
terial of which U Is made, the quality and
value; 'application of the principles of art,'
the syllabus says, and that means, so they
tell me, an Idea of form, color and fitness
for use. In color they study combinations
and laws by designing and arranging
themselves In special work designed for
that purpose. A semester of this, my ,
daughter says a recent pupil there haa told
her, makes them to some extent proficient
In the art, the science and the practice
of clothing themselves, so that they can
use their knowledge and add to it later In
life with comfort and pleasure, never feel
ing ' helpless, in the face of 'nothing to
"This overlaps the second semester on a
study of foods, what are good and the
principles of how to cook them and make
them nutritive. The money value also
comes In here, as In the sewing, so it' Is
fair to suppose, they will know something
of what it means to have bread and butter
forthcoming every day and with the knowl
edge an added degree of consideration for
the parents who are providing It, Sewing'
and goods mingle all that second semester
Just as they do In the home. In the next
they learn further of the scientific combina
tions of foods, their preseryatlon, Invalid
cookery and a study of dietaries, which
means, so I am told, what the farmers call
a 'balanced food ration.' It is well that
they put Invalid cookery before study of
dietaries, for if it is true that nine-tenths
of our dls-eases a new view of the sub
ject which strikes one as very well put.
for there Is certainly lack of ease when we
are sick are the result of wrong eating,
then when they have studied the right
kinds and quantities of food to eat there
should be no Invalids and no Invalid cook
ery as a consequence. But I forget. It Is
one thing to know what people should eat
and another to get them to eat It, so they
probably will have to practice on them
selves and prove their theories by practice
a good while before they can make other
people take them up and understand In
valid cookery.
"All this goes on for the full course of
three or four yeara meanwhile, and during
that time they study, and as far as possi
ble practice, for this includes cookery and
house practice, and they know something
of ventilation, heating, lighting, water sup
ply, domestlo service, study of house plans
and house furnishings. A large field, the
doubter would say, and only theory, but
even a study of the theory of housekeeping
and home making elevates it to a level
with history and mathematics, 'readtn',
'rltin' and 'rtthmetlc,' and If undertaken
in the proper spirit, gives the prospective
homemaker a dtalre to do the right thing
scientifically, artistically and practically:
"And fur all this work the university has
built a fine new building especially for this
department of home economics, which also
furnishes a comfortable home for young
women while attending this school of agri
culture. For the department of household
economics has been -moved to the rtate
farm grounda, one of the finest and siht
lmt' places in the state, and this course
given Is a sub-freshman course In the
school of agriculture. This makes the
study of the preparation of foods go right
along with the study of the growing of
foods, and a course of camp cookery is
Included, designed especially for engineer-'
ing students, and open to men and women.
Additional Effort la atate.
"In addition to the university work, In
connection with the work of farmers' in
stitutes, which Is under the charge of pro
fessors connected with the School of Agri
culture, a Nebraska Boys' Agricultural as
sociation and a Nebraska Girls' Domestic
Science association has been This
started from a corn growing and corn cook
ing contest held In Lincoln several years
ago. The various school districts are form
ing branch cluba and the county school
superintendents are taking an interest In
forming them. Corn contests are held in
the various districts and counties, the best
contestants are entered for the atate con
test . and so tha work is growing. To
connect this work with the school bring
In the Idea of instruction in the proper
use and preparation of foods, in connec
tion with the education which haa hitherto
been deemed essential and the faint dawn
of the most important education of all,
how to live physically, as well aa mentally
and morally and spiritually, la dawning.
The most important, not because the body
la tha most important, but because it must
be wen in order that tha soul and mind
may use It as the engine for their work.
"Every . January the organisations of
agriculture hold their annual meeting' In
Lincoln, and then tha Nebraska Home
Economics association also holds its an
nual meeting. Then there Is a general
symposium of those who grow and tboa.
who prepare the foods that make possible
the work of human beings. Likewise
beings not human.
Arc appreciated In deciding which Piano yu will buy, you should be guided
simply by your musical requirements and your idea of true economy Our store
is crowded with the highest grade, in all the latest styles and designs, especially
attractive to Holiday buyers, and at prices so low that they will astonish the Piano
world. There are only 9 more buying days in which to purchase your Christmas
present, COT.1E SATURDAY and if you make a purchase we will make
delivery the day beTore Christmas
A quarter of a century hiw been devoted to the npbnHdino; of our extensive Piano Department. We offer facilities for Detection of
rianoa of every description which sure unsurpassed In thin nectinn. "QUALITY" is our watchword, and we are always on the alert
to offer our patrons only the "JJKST OK EVERl'THINO IN PIANOS. Our agencies embrace the most famous makes of instruments
in the world. We ran please the most modest, as well as the most fastidious buyer. In our new Display and Salesrooms you will
find displayed everything musical, from a violin string to a Grand Piano.
. We can and will save tho purchaser from 25 to 35 per cent on any small
Musical Instrument and 75 to 200 on a Piano. :: :: :: ::
1 What we say is true, and whatever promise we may make. is fulfilled. This sale will be a great shock to the folks
who claim to undersell us. While it wiH undoubtedly shock oar competitors, it will htighten ths pleasure of many a Neb
raska home. During this great Christmas Sale we are making such easy terms that most any salaried person can afford to
buy a Piano. Look over the following list and see if there is something you can usei
1 Upright Linderman $70.00
1 Upright $75.00
1 Upright Emerson. ...... .u .$80.00
1 Upright Kurtzman t . .$85.00
1 "Upright Stoddard .$90.00
1 Upright Wegnian, used one year
1 Upright Kimball $125.00
1 Upright Franklin $127.50
1 Upright Marshall $129.00
1 Upright Smith & Barnes. .$132.50
1 Upright Everett $138.00
1 Upright Bailey. $142.00
1 Upright I vers & Pond $165.00
1 Upright Behr Bros $107.50
1 Upright Fisher, used two years,
1 Upright Estey, used six
months $190.00
1 Upright Kingsbury $135.00
New Interior Piano Players, $275.00, $300.00, $325.00, $375.00, $450.00, $500.00, $675.00,
$1,050.00. Cabinet Piano Players $50.00, $65.00, $85.00, $90.00, $125.00, $150.00.
We carry a complete line of beth' upright and grands in Knabe, Sohnur, Chickering Bros.,
Fischer, Estey, Smith & Nixon, Wegman, Ebersole, Schaef fer, Price & Teeple, Haines Bros., Brevw
ster and Smith & Barnes.
I? Ml
Write for Catalogues, Terms and Prices
The Big Market's Advantages
When you buy f ronx a big meat market, you have many
advantages; you can always get exactly the cut you prefer.
The small market is usually just out of it. We have just put
in one shipment of 5,000 lbs., which enables us to offer you
some of the finest meat we have ever handledfat prices like
these :
Shipment of Geese, fresh country dressed, lb.. OJc.
Pork Loins, lb., 84c '
Salted Pork Roast, lb., OHc
Spare Bibs, 3 pounds for 25c.
Lamb Legs, lb., 9 He.
Lamb Roast, lb., 7c.
Lamb Stews, lb.. Be. 1
210 No. 16th Street Tel. Douglas 1798
spreading; in the state. The Lincoln
schools have put It In two; In one school
where there are no facilities for school
work the pupils do work at home undel
the direction of their teachers, and the
parents regard this with favor and ent
thusiasm. . Oeneva and Crete have .done
and are doing some work through the ef
forts of the women, Geneva this year hav
ing a regular teacher, and forty-seven boys
and girls taking the course. York has
started with a well equipped kitchen and
a teacher."
Bon Bon Boxes
Local Snpply Likely to Be Rxhaasted,
So I'opular Is the Idea, Say
With Chrlsnias only ten days off people
are beglnn'ns to give a thought to the
trees and other docorntlons and the supply
of evergreens that seemed so abundant a
week" ago is rapidly diminishing. All the
Christmas trees expected In the local mar
ket are here, and It will behoove tho par
ticular ones to make their selection before
the supply has been picked over any fur
ther. Commission men predict that the
supply will be entirely cleaned up from
the way the trees are going. Hollv Is flnc
this year, the leaves being fresh and green
and the berries thick and red. It comes
chiefly frcm Delaware and fells for 2)
cents a pound. Mistletoe Is not In yet, but
the first Is expected Saturday morning.
The ordinary will retail at about 23 cents
a pound, and the crown, or larger hunches
for more, according to the r-lae and quality
of the bunch. Evergreen wreaths arc nUe
and green and full, and retail according
to kize.
California navel oranges are cheaper Just h
now and better than they have been at
this season for several years. They retail
from 1 cent each to 40 cents a doien for
the finest. These oranges are a month
earlier this year tlian utual. o are better
matured, which occouuta for their quality.
Usually the navels are Just beginning to
arrive at this season and are forced ripe,
which la evident In the flavor. Lemons
are also cheaper than they have been for
a long time, selling from IB to cents a
dosen. '
The domestic chestnuts are all gone, e
i A 40c Cut Glass pat-
Btern Saturday, only...
The boxes are made after a very
attitictlve cut rlaas pattern and are
filled with dellclouii Marsh mallow.
They are very suitable for Xmas
gifts remembrances. See our wli'
dow display. They are on )C
special sale for Saturday fcOC
umy, fc
Fancy Csnfection Eoxes
for Xmas
We want you to call and see our -nag-nlflcent
line of Christmas boxes.
Come in fctatnrday ajid make your
imleotlon. We will lay It awiy for
you until Christmas. They range
In price from
75c to $10.00
Ue pa It id; lox ii special cantonier .
ready la mil or express tree al charge
The Stoke for dflicacif
151M. larniiiii hircct.
'Phoue Doug. 711.'
grocers may c still nave, ana me Jrer
Italian chestnuts are the only things lefL
Thee retail at 15 cents a pound. There la
also plenty of cider from New York, which
retails at 40 cents a gallon. Apples are a
mtla cheaper and are plentiful, the best
' Slowly this study of hums soouonilcs Is J eating varieties sUuig for i cents a peck
and the cooking and other apples from 30
cents up. t
An acceptable addition to the Christmas
variety of fruit will be a carload of ca
tewba grapes that Is expected Monday.
These delicious little red grapes have been
out of market for more than two weeks.
They will retail at 'A centa a pound.
Everything In the way of vegetables is
In market now and It is all of good quality.
Florida has been sending the tomatoes.
cept for a few barrels that some of theJJlJt tn.y Mr, higher than they have been,-
aellinc for 25 cents a pound. The new
Illinois mushrooms are in and are espe
cially nice. They sell for 75 cents a pound
Turkeys and chickens, ducks and geese
are plentiful and are goo They sell for
the most part with head and ftt on and
Hughes Grocery
14th and Douglas. 'Phone Doug. 1019.
o! H
Grocery Department
each i
each.... ,
Head Lettuce, Cucumbers, Spin
Cauliflower everything In Fresh V
Liquor Department
bottle of Wine with
very quart purchase f
Hitler's WhUkles.
Hpeclul for Haturday
P. F. Straight Whiskey
ttl.25 value)
Fine Port Wine (75o quality) fi
Call Ilouirhis 1010
Ask for Department Wanted
2 to better thlDgs In Groceries. If
j you are not getting th satiBfac
i Hon you desire In this line, try
p- Ve make a specialty of fine I
y, aUave you tried our
?."Pi1d3 of Omaha" Flour 3
t) We guarantee it to be the best on j
mo ui a i hci.
We are already stocked with a
complete line pf ChrUtmas gooda.
Our Wyoming Potatoes are decid
edly the best to be had. A trial
order will convince you that they
have no equal.
Everything fresh, pure and
clean. Prompt service.
Tel. Harney 341
Elmer A. Johnson
S 28QB Leavenworth St.
undrawn and there was a wide variation
in the retail price Friday morning. They
wholesaled, chickens at 10 cents a pound,
turkeys. U and 30 cents a pound; geese,
11 cents a pound, and ducks, 11 and l:'4
centa a pound.
When you have anything to seli adver
ttsa It in The Bee Want Ad Columns.
Our Tempting Display
Southern Vegetables
Resembles a inojflc garden, waved
Into existence by the wand of somr
epicurean goddcKS, containing a lux
uriance or eatables Well nigh n -
Navel Oranges, 35c sellerJ, i"'v
doz a3c
Aunt Jemima a Pancake Flour. ;i
pKgs HGc
Aclvo Pancake Flour, pktji. Uiic
Kellogg's Toasted Corn Flakes, U
pkgn asc
Maple Syrup, regular price $1.00, per
gal 11.85
Bent NebraHka Flour, per sack 91.30
Heat Minnesota Flour, per sack kl.45
Llpton No. 1 Tea, per Vii lb. tln...aac
Head Lettuce, 120 ueller, per
head 7Hc
Leaf Lettuc, 2 heads Be
Hut ton Kadlshes, 2 bunches .....Ac
Hot Houho Cucumbers, 3 for 85c
Dwarf Celery, It to V stalks to bunch.
per bunch 16c
Cauliflower, Red Cabbage,
Spanach, Fresh Mint, .Wuter cuss,
Wax Beans, Brussell Sprouts,
Egg Plant, Fresh Mushroems
At Xednccd Prices
Pork Loins, per lb to
Large, assortment of Christmas
Trees and Christinas Decorations.
Sommers Bros.
Exponents ( Good Living
astli and Farnam Sts.
HW.".!U t.-.- .-i.t v.t M
Tour Dinner will bs better It your
table Is aupplltd with aa order of oo
Fine Wine
Edelweiss Rye
Edelweiss Beer
'I'hone Douglas S77 for any kind
of Wine or Liquor. Orders de
livered to any part of Uie tit.
Hervry RohlffJ
Wholesale Ileer and Liquor Dealer
Ieavenworth St.
Estella E. Fend
Cakes, Salads, Etc.
Its The Be to Your Frleada.
V -