Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 14, 1907, NEWS SECTION, Page 3, Image 3

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Dozens of Dcautlful Dress Mats, worth $10
and $12.50, at
Absolutely every hat In the house below cost.
KERE 1508 Dounlas St. KE'RN
of IVIen'G Suits-audi Overcoats
All firsfclass stores buy their merchandise in advance of the seasonnatur
ally some lines become depleted soon the missing sizes can be re-ordered as
long as the manufacturer has the fabric when it is no longer to be had it is
called n "discontinued line" we have a number of lines which are now bro
ken in sizes the makers have discontinued them because the fabric is not
obtainable we have remarked them at a decided saving to you in order to
close them out in a hurry they are grouped into 3 big lots at 3 small prices:
Xot evsrjr t'ze
. t' ewjf $tyle,
hvt vr sM in
w : v ,4,1 many styfes.
V 'f,tJ. .-i'V ....
..a f ? L'. , I
We noticed en article-tn an Omaha flally , Thursday evening. rHj. 12th pur
porting to emanate from a repressntatlrs nesting of the retail driagglsts of Omaha
-t o urnns in n-iuin umi Himrmpni mon einpnaiicauy in so rar aa our drug
stores are concerned! The fact that there ia a pernicious and absurd law on our
iiuifB, in no ri-Ksnn wny mat law snoum oe openiy ana denantly viola'--' after
such violation haa been announced by the Board of Fire and Police of thia V, and
e do not propose to do .as the article In question atatea the Omaha druggists will
do. '
We did not attend the meeting and did not known there waa to be one held,
neither ere we taking advantage of that fact In thla announcement. Our Omaha
stores will offer for eale on grind ay nntll farther aotloa, only articles na4 for
msdlulna, and aa we have never sold llnnor on uaday or anr other da lor ut stha
purpose, we are not making any exception on that article, althnurh th nuhiin
mlKtit naturally assume that some drug atorea have not been adherlnv to th.f ml.
Wo might add for the benefit of many of the Omaha druggists, that we were
inrormea mat xne aeciaion otiuinea in me arxicie puBiiened waa not thatwlahea
ox ma majority, dui a large minority or mose present at the meeting. .
Rospoctf nllyauhmltted,
acHAErxK'S out pbiob xkt?o BTOmXS,
Omaha Cor. 16th and Douglas hits: 16th and Chlcmgo 8ta. loath Omaha N. W,
Cor. 24th and N Sts Council luffs Bth Ave. and Main 8ts.
P. B. There will be no change In the conduct of our So. Omaha or Co. Bluffs
atorea unless notified to the contrary. -
Candidates for President of State
Association Being Groomed.
Friends f Chancellor Andrews of the
State University Also I' rain a; Ulna
for the Place, Following;
(From a Staff Correspondent!)
. LINCOLN, Dec. 13. (Special.) Consider
able Interest la being taken In the coming
meeting of the State Teachers', association. I
to be held here December 25, zs ana zi.
Among the active candidates for president
of the association, It Is reported. Is James
B. Delicti, superintendent of schools at
Lexington. Ills candidacy, It haa been re
ported In Lincoln, ia being boomed by A.
O. Thomas of the Kearney Normal school
and E. A. Garrett of the American Book
company. Mr. Delaell desires the place as
a stepping-stone to the ofice of state su
perintendent. The report has also reached
Lincoln that many of the school teachers
desire the position to bo tendered to Chan
cellor Andrews of the State university.
Should this be done the teachers would only
bo following precedent, as both Chancellor
Can field and Chancellor MacLean were
made president of the association while
holding the position of chancellor of the
State university. Many of the teachers, It
Is said, will come to Lincoln urging the
chancellor for the position.
CopT of Two-Cent Fare' Law Wanted.
Horace E. Flack of the department of
legislative reference of Baltimore, haa writ
ten Secretary of State Junkin asking for
a copy of the 2-cent faro law, aa Well as
Information concerning its operation In
Nebraska. Mr. 'Flack asked also If the
railroads are contesting the law. The leg
islature of Maryland la considering passing
such 'an act.
Junior Normal Dinner.
Superintendent McBrien has. Issued the
following statement regarding the junior
normal dinner to be given here during the
teachers' meeting:
At the Junior normal conference held In
the oftlce of the state superintendent on
November 22, 19U7, It whs decided to hold
h Junior normal dinner at some time during
the Ktata Teachers' association. Since tlmt
time It has seemed tilting and proper to
Inelude the normal training high so'iool.
Accordingly, arrangements have been com
pleted for a Junior normal and normal
training dinner, to be given in tho banquet
hall of St. Caul's Methodist church at Lin
coln on Thursday, December 2fii at 6:45 In
the afternoon. This will be an old-fashioned
dinner, with everything on the table when
the guests are aeated a sort of home com
ing at the yule-tide. Former State Super
intendent William K. Fowler, father of the
' Ton don't need to .worry abont
thine (or Xmae. Come right Vera to
jaiDOLIT'S) pick out what yon wan.
' W carry everything you need. Buy
now pay altar January 1, Isua.
' Wen's Suits.
Men's Overcoats,
Men's Hats.
- Men's Shoes,
llou'i Pants,
lioys' Bults.
Youths' BuiU.
Youths' Overcoats.
' w.. f .f i
Junior normal schools and the normal train
ing Idea in high schools, will act as toast
master, and Mr. Irving 8. Cutter as master
of ceremonies. All principals, faculties and
siuaents or junior normal schools, pant.
present and prospective: all superintend
enis, instructors and student-teachers In
normal training high schools, and all
inenns or these movements are extepdeil
a cordial Invitation to attend thla dinner.
Governor Sheldon will be among those who
respond to toasts. The Junior normals and
the normal training high schools have no
more loyal mend than Governor Sheldon
Reserve Mates, at 75 cents each, bv ad
dressing mr. i. B. CTitter, 134 North Kiev
enth street. Lincoln, not later than Tues
day, Uecember at. The banquet hall will
not accommodate more than 200. By order.
Ing In advance you will make sure of t
place at this dinner.
ftxamlnatioas for Stat Certificate
State examination for professional state
certificates will be held In every county seat
In tha state, December 20 and 21, 1907, and
will be conducted by the county superln
tendents In connection wtlh the regular
nionthly examination for county certifi
cates. The following Is the program for the
Friday Forenoon Chemistry, general hla-
Friday Afternoon English, literati Sa
plane trigonometry, geology.
Baturaay forenoon ueology. physical
geograpny. i
Saturday Afternoon Psychology, rhet
Money to Buy Lincoln Farm.
TECUMSEH, Neb., Dec. "IS. (Special.)
At a regular meeting last night Hecka-
thorn post, Grand Army of the Republic,
of this city sent S15.75 to the Lincoln Park
association, which is buying the farm where
Abraham Lincoln waa born, near Louis
vllle, , Ky., to convert it into a national
park. The post decided to make July 14
IMS, an old soldiers' day Inasmuch as Gen
eral John C. Black Is to appear at the
Tecumseh Chautauqua on that date. An
Invitation will be extended Judge Estelle ot
Omaha and other noted Grand Army in on
of the state to be here on that occasion
and the Invitation will go to the Grand
Army- posts of this section of the state
A delegation of old soldiers will meet
General Black at the depot and escort him
to the grounds.
The following officers were elected for
the coming year: Commander, C. H. Hal
stead; senior vice commander, W. Itobb
Junior vice commander, J. A. Dillon; chap
lain, Thomas Goodman; surgeon, J. G
O'Connell; quartermaster, George War
ren; officer of the day, J. A. Cook; officer
of the guard, T. W. Wilson. Rev. P. C,
Johnson was chosen delegate to the state
encampment and J. A. Dillon alternate,
The post decided to observe Grant's birth
day on April 29, with proper sc. vices, and
Rev. Mr. Johnson waa asked to give an
address at a ' camp fire to be held that
Ladies' Suits.
Ladles' Skirts.
Lad Its' Waluts.
. ' Ladles' Underskirts.
Fur Coats. Furs.
, Children's Clothing.
Bur now, pay at your own con
venience. Your credit Is never limited
here. , ,
NO such terms as M down and
ennuytug questions salted. You
1417 Douglas.
nloon Men nt Oats.
FORT CALHOUN. Neb., Dec. .-(8ps
clal. In most towns In Nebraska the
saloon men are at war with the town ofn
clala over the Slocumb Sunday closing law,
but here the saloon men are quarreling
among themselves over the same law. Two
weeks ago Herman Wulf, one of the saloon
keepers here, telephoned Mayor Curtis tha
he wanted the saloons to close Sunday
evening at o'clock. The saloons were
closed. Last week Mr. Wulf asked the
mayor to close the saloons st 11 o'clock
during the week and to keep them closed
all day Sunday. Now Mr. Wulf haa
sign up forbidding minora In his saloon. I
has been customary heretofore to sell
liquor to anyone that carried the price,
regardless of age.
Dresel Bays Ankara Motel.
AUBURN, Neb., Doc. IS. (Special.) An
Important business exchange was made 1
this city today, when Robert Dyers sold
his stock In the Byers Hotel company to
Herman C. Drexei of Omaha. Mr. Drexe
Is an old hotel man, having been tn the
hotel business at Omaha for a good many
years. Mr. Byers is also an old hotel man
and Is known all over the state. He haa
been In the hotel business In several cities
tn the state and has always been success
ful In his ventures.
Korcek Aennttted ef Mnrder.
TEARNEY. Neb.. Dec. 13.-(Speclal Tele
gram.) Ludwlg Korcek la today a free ma
once more, according to the verdict of the
Jury as given In tha district court before
Judge Hosteller, after having been In con
sulfation for three hours. The verdict ren
dered Is according to the expectations of
majority of the people who have bean
following the case and who have listened
to the testimony presented. Korcek waa
tried for the murder of August Rows which
happened the 4 of August.
ArVorvtlle atill Lives.
ARBORVILLE. Neb.. Dec. lS.4(Speclal
It appeared In yeaterdsy's Be that A,
W. Shafer had moved to Polk 'and that
the whole tomn had gone over there. A
borvllle people simply want the public to
have tha facta. Nino families have moved
to Folk, seven of them moving their res
dences. Tha principal part of tha mer
chants went except one general atore. drui
store, blaik smith shop, consequently
have thirty-three families left yet.
Nebraska a Wanted In Iowa.
WATTHILL, Neb.. Dec. li.(Speclal.)-
I'reaton Davis was arrested and taken lnt
custody today by special Deputy Sheriff
Kelso of Pender. Neb., on a warrant from
Modale, la., charging the prisoner with a
tempted criminal assault at that place. The
accused haa been working- In thla locality
ror several wrens past and haa many ac
qualntenances here. He will be taken to
Jowa on the warrant to anawer tha charge.
Ceatrmllaatlea t Srheel Dlaevsaeal
hEAKAEI, Nb.. Dec. IS (Special Tel
egram.) Iht evening the meetings of the
Buffalo County Teachers' - association
Suits and Overcoats
tH&t we sold up to $12.00
4 !iwi!r
Suits . and Overcoats
that w sold up to $18.00
Suits and Overcoats
that we sold up to $30.00
Please remember that the garments offered in this sale were not bought for
HQnnniAl nupnoses th'ev are hot "lob lots" nor bankrunt stock Thev
X' X M L - ?4-
MA mi T-onuTn r ViirfH nunliiv noods.mnde bv renutable mnkafs-everv stvla Ov
ca i w wui . w y --i J x . . g f Si i 1
is right in: ract they, are so attractive and sold soreadily at t
I .i '';. it. X 1 1 il I
our regular; prices i iaai : iuoy syun ueuauio -uisuuiiviuuou
lines" and the -difference between this sale! and the usual
run of sales is that here, you getthe very.patterns that were
most popular, while in most "sales" you get what was al
most impossible to sell in the regular way Sia thi difference?
:. -l
5 i
V "V IV .1- "
1! r:
m r tv, i-i4.
Splendid Reduction in Boys' Qigh Grade Clothes
s - , . a . .. j a s
A uniform reduction of 20 per cent, on all our Boys' and Youths
Suits ( a fsw lines of Young Men's Blacks and Blues excepted) and over
coats Is offered during- this sale In order to bare the bargain giving
scattered oyer the Clothing Floor. Parents will note this as an unusual
opportunity to outfit their boys at prices less than moBt stores ask for the
ordinary kind of clothes. Better bring your boy here. Select his gar
ment mnd pay us our regular price, less 20 per cent discount. Our regu
lar prices are marked In plain figures and are never tampered with.
1111.11 . ii - - ""mil
For Gift Givers
Nothing like nice Haberdashery
snrh m ours for an Xmas preaout. Ko
place to get it like a man's store and
no man's store like the Good Clothes
Store. By way of illustration.
Smoking: Jackets S3. BO . np
Bath Robes '
LounfflnK Robes v.... S3. 50 tip
Fancy Suspenders .'.
Fancy Handkerchiefs .....OOenp
Fancy Hosiery 8Bo np
Men's Umbrellas . . . . . .91.S0 np
Beautiful Neckwear BOo np
and a beautiful assortment of suit oases,
bans, traveling nets, pocket books, purses,
etc. all moderately priced.
opened at tho normal school building:. The
main feature of thla evening's program
was a lecture by Joseph 8. Parks, presi
dent of the State Bxamlng- board, on "Tho
Centralization of Schools."
Auansvl Snow at Fremont Brlna-s.Out
Fla- Grain.
FREMONT. Neb.. Dec. 13. (Special.)
The annual corn growing exhibit and con
test . of the Podge county children was
held here today. . The boys and girls and
their parents were on hand to the number
of nearly 2,000. Extra cars weer attached to
the Northwestern trains and hundreds
more came In farm wagons, buggies and
even in automobiles. In order to be on
hand some of tho boys .were here before
8 o'clock. The exhibits were arranged In
the district court room, the seats being
removed for that purpose. The average
exhibit was the highest of any corn shown
In a county exhibit thla year, In the opin
ion of Prof. Zook ofv Lincoln, and the
aprons which were exhibited by the girls
alos good. An appetising display of bread
and cooked corn products was also ex
hibited by -them.
Elmer Johnson, a 10-year-old boy of Nlck
erson township, won the first prise In the
corn growing contest, Albert Furstenau
of Scrlbner was second -and Earl Klcffman
of Scrlbner third. The winner haa 350 ears
of corn from tho 100 kernels furnished him
and planted It late.
Ilplaeopal 'Woman's Anxlllaj-r Merti,
FALLS CITY, Neb.. Dec. IS. (Special.)
The quarterly meeting of the Woman's
Auxiliary of the diocese, of Nebrsska,
which was held In this city this week, waa
truly a most Inspiring one. The opening
service was held In St. Thomas church on
Wednesday afternoon at 2:30, followed by
an address of welcome by Rev. Oeorge I
Nelde, rector of the parish. During the
afternoon session reports from the various
officers were- read, also papers by Mrs.
John Williams of Omaha and Mrs. Barbara,
Qerlng ot Flattsmouth. Mrs. Williams'
paper was on. "The Presentation Service
of the United Offering at Richmond;" Mrs.
Q. Gcrlng's on "The Social Side of the
Richmond Meeting." Both papers were ex
cellent. Evening service waa held at 7:30,
with an address by Rt. Rev. Arthur L.
Williams of Omaha, bishop coadjutator of
the diocese. The following delegatea and
clergy were present from out of. town: Rt.
Rev. Arthur L. Williams, Omaha: (Rev. W.
l. Moor, Auburn; Mrs. Tier, Mrs. Greer,
Mrs. Bosfleld, Auburn; Miss Morton, Ne
braska City; Mrs. Gerlng. Plattsmouth:
Mrs. Gault, Mrs. Noe, ' Mrs. Williams,
Omaha; Mrs. Sloan, South Omaha.
Ford Mast Pay or Servs Time.
BEATRICE, Neb... Dec. IS. (Special Tel
egramsHarry Ford of Ashland, Neb., who
waa arrested here last, summer for selling
liquor without a license and fined 1100 and
costs, was brought from Ashland by Sheriff
Trudtt on a mandate from tha supreme
court. . At that time Ford" appealed the
case to the supreme court, which sustained
the decision ot the lower court and today
Judge Kelligar ordered defendant to pay
the fine or go to Jail.
Now Postmaster for Oxford.
OXFORD, Neb.; Dec. Is. (Special.) A
petition Is In circulation today requesting
tha appointment of E. P. Relchardt post
master of Oxford, to succeed J. L. Lash
brook, whose term expires the latter part
of February. The applicant was one of
our pioneer merchants, previous to being
thrown out of business by the city's recent
disastrous Are. Mr. Lashbrook Is the old
est postmaster In point of service In Furnas
county, having been originally appointed
during the early part of McKinley's first
term, more than ten years ago. He let It
be known many months ago that he did not
dsstre a reappointment.
Lid Is on In McCook.
M'COOK. Neb.. Dec. 13. (Special.) As a
result of the two sensational cases In district-court
here thi.s weeto coming from the
red light district of the city the sporting
house lid Is on tight and the mayor and
entlrs police fores are sitting on the lid.
About a score of sporting women have
been compelled to flee the town and' the
end Is not tn sight. The city Is Intensely
stirred up over , the district court esses,
which have cost Red Willow county about
$2,000, with the meager result of sending
one female prisoner to tho county jail for
thirty days, with an additional penalty of
$00 fine, while the male malefactor went
scot free.
Many mothers Instead of
destroying the . children's
stomachs with candy and
cake give the youngsters a
handful of Grape-Nuts when
they are begging for some
thing In the way of sweet.
The result la soon shown
. In greatly . bicreasM. health,
sLrt-uUi ajid inaatsJ activity,
"There's a Reason."
Read the famous . little
book, wTh Road to - YeU
TUle," la t-kgs, - .. .
Nebraska News Notes. ,
SEWARD A light snow fell here
night 'V
PLATTSMOUTH Horace G. Dun and
Miss Anna Swanson of this city were mar
ried In Omaha. .
GENEVA The stores have their windows
In Christmas array and they present a flno
holiday appearance.
SKWARD Merchants say that the Christ
mas trade Is good. More hlgh-prlceU toys
than usual have Lefn aold.
PLATTSMOUTH William A. Ooettsch
and Rose R. Kruin of Omaha were married
In thla city by County Judge H. D. Travl.
BEATRICEFrank Cleppenger has been
appointed superintendent of the Dempster
plant here to succeed James Applcbee,
BEATRICE Judge Kelligar yesterday In
the distrlrt court conttrrm-d 100 tax salt-s.
He haa been engaged In this work for the
last few days.
GENEVA Some rain, sleet and quite a
little anow fell laBt night. The moisture
waa needed and the covering of anow will
be fine for the wheat.
NEBRASKA CITV-Paul Smith and Miss
Ella Hendricks of Falls City journeyed to
this city yesterday and were united In mar
riage by Judge Wilson.
FAIRBURY C. E. Case was appointed
night policeman by Mayor Kavanaugh, yes
terday, to till a vacancy. Mr. Case served
two terras as sheriff ot this county.
GENEVA Barker's meat market has
been moved into the new room built by Mr.
Wight for It, with cement floors and every
thing arranged expressly for the meat busi
ness. BEATRICE Large crowds are attending
the poultry show, which la the best yet
held In this city. The work of scoring the
birds Is In progress by iiliermtui Whticomb
of this city.
PLATTSMOUTH Mrs. W. R. Adams of
Omaha visited the Nebraska Masonic home
today and made the Inmates exceedingly
happy by distributing a large number of
Christmas presents.
TORK Two well-known popular young
people from Sutton were united In marriage
at the Methodist parsonage by Rev. Alex
ander Bennltt. They were Clarence A. Ely
and Miss Emma Huber.
SEWARD All of the lands, houses and
belongings of the late Mrs. Mary Momtt
will be sold tomorrow at the front door of
the court house, (which structure she and
her husband helped to build) at public sale.
OREELET Six Inches of snow fell here
last night, which Is melting away thla morn
ing, filling the streets with slush. Farmers
predict that thla will save the winter wheat,
which was In danger of. being killed by
dry freeslng. '
STANTON At his preliminary hearing
before the county Judge, held here yester
day, Matthias Mueller, charged with shoot
ing and threatening to kill his 10-year-old
boy and his divorced wife, was bound over
to tha district court.
NEBRASKA CITY The Missouri Pacific
had another of Its numerous accidents here
yesterday When some three miles north
of here three cars of grsln left the track
and went Into the ditch. The wrecking crew
haa everything straightened out now.
PLATTSMOUTH The horse and buggy
stolen from the street In Louisville, this
county, last Thursday, have been found
In Raymond. Neb., where the thief had
driven the outfit and aold it very cheap. A
reward of tim la offered for his rapture.
WOOD RIVFR Mrs. F. C. Dodge died at
her home In this place, last evening, after
two hours' illness of hemorrhage of the
brain. Her husband died quite suddeoly
at Alliance last September, and her death
following so closely, makes the blow a
heavy one tor her onry daughter, Mra. I. C.
BEATRICE Invitations have been Issued
announcing the marriage of Dr. Bnmue)
James Stewart, phyeidan at tha terble
minded Institute at this place, to Miss
Nell Frances Morrow, which is to occur at
tha bride's boms la Lincoln, December 2s.
BEATRICE Davtd Pitt and daughter.
Biullv. have aone to London. KviUnd
where Mr. Pitt will attend tha reception to
be given to thai veterans of the British
army who fought In tha war with Ind'a.
. TUcx 1U U auns tk rtuuaiftdsr ef Ui
winter, and will sail from New York De
cember 14.
NEBRASKA CITY The Sons of Herman,
at their meeting last night, elected these
officers: President, Theodore Webering;
vice president, Henry IH-esch; secretary,
William Gebert; treasurer, Claus Koch;
managers, Herman Burger and Herman
BEATRICE A atranger supposed to be a
member or one of the "John boys gang
of thieves, waa fined $26 and costs at
Wymore yesterday for assaulting another
stranger. The fellow refused to give his
name, and Is In Jail serving out the fine
and costs.
PLATT8MOUTH-W. It. Lyman will have
a reunion of his family tn this county
Chrlstmaa day and among the 'other In
vited auests will he his son. Verner G.
Lyman and his daughter and two sons from
Cliee Foo, China, where he has beon a
salesman for the Standard Oil company
two years.
BEATRICE C. M. Murdock of Wymore
Is circulating a petition for the purpose of
having the present police officers removed.
It Is thought the pit It Inn is in the Inter
est of the temperance movement. It will
bo presented to the city council at the
next regular meeting.
BEATRICE Yesterday Oscar Wnsem, the
wrestler, received a challenge from Chris
Plerson of St. Joseph, Mo., to meet him In
Beatrice or any town In the state Wasem
may name. The challenge was accepted,
nrrt the men will probably meet In thla city
within the next week. .
" ' IRMONT-The first snow of the seasoq
If.. Inst night at this place, alxfut an Inch
and a half or two Inches. It Is still cloudy
and the snow is melting very fast. It
looks aa If It might rain today. The mois
ture la very acceptable, as It was very dry
and dusty before the snow came.
NEBRASKA CITY-Frank Greenrod and
Miss Clara K. Carstens, accompanied by
friends, came to this city and were united
in marriage by Judge Wilson. The bride's
parents live In North Branch precinct and
are well-to-do, while the groom Is a pros
perous young farmer living near Avoca,
Cass county.
NEBRASKA CITY-George W. James,
who lives at Union, sccompanled by his di
vorced wife, Lydla James, came to this cltv
yesterday and were remarried. Judge Wil
son offlclntlng. The reunited couple re
turned to Union, where they will brln life
anew. It Is stated that th little daughter
was the ncnt that Induced thm to patch
up their differences and begin life again.
NEBRASKA CITY-Melbourne Cnrrlker,
who has been In South Africa for the laat
five years, In the employ of a large ea.stern
museum, gathering specimens of birds,
plants, trees, etc., haa arrived at Booton,
and after attending a meeting of the orni
thologists, will come to this city to visit
with his parents. He is a graduate of the
high school here and of the slate -university.
BEATFICE Beatrice camp No. 27fl
Modern Woodmen-of America, elected these
officers last evening M. R. Davis, vener
able consul; A. E. Tangerman, worthy
adviser: T, J. Harrlv, hanker: A. J. John
son, clerk: J. F. Harkins, escort; H. R
Thomss. watchman: J. H. Martin, sentrv.:
C. L Reed, O. H. Vsn Horne, O. P. Rtilitrm
r"nnrers: C. P. Full. G. H. Brash, T. M.
Trlplett. C. L. Curry, physicians
PI.ATT8MOUTH The last dav of th-
open season for killing quail found' Dr
Walker and Mr. Camnhell on a hunt to ha-!
a few dosen birds. The doctor had a new
$120 shotgun and the other a (IB cats
loeus house weapon. When near Ed Hart
ley's -farm their dog set a large covey. Mr.
Cnmpbll got the first -shot and the bar
rel of hie gun burst and one of the niece
struck Dr. Walker Just above his loft eye.'
making an ugly wound and 'knocking hlr-
(Contlnued on Fourth Page.)
' Every
For Coat
ha lbs Mauio
McKibbin fur
quality f snout
from tix All split to
tha Pacific
J Atk you desks
Ii be will not
bow you out
bt sad write as
aad get the
sain of oos
bltSS 1 !
Special for Saturday
VsMBmssssamsBBsmssmsBZam '
Dining Chairs
Great Bargains
Solid oak leather seat Dining Chair. Hfcs cutj BMA oM, Mt clmU, ka
chair, like cut, golden ,ftwtd oak. ' leather cu,. fn!hed wUw?4
oak,- all framed to- seat, claw rent, early
,. , ,,. English finish, rgu- .oilt, regular prtco I3.H5
gcther, regular prlco lar j ,4J5.
IS.OO. sals price, .tl.85 price W.00 le price..... S.X&
Other lots of from one to five different designs
to select from -
IMIIer, Sf ewart I leaf on
413-15-17 South Sixteenth Street.
: 1 ' ' ;
'' " ' iKWlll' 77t MWLULLX.-!.KH!!V.'."iw ,a. I J.' - I l mmfm W WW Sill . 1)1 W. Urn.. I.
lOo Your Shopping Early
Saturday Will Bs a Bargain Event in This Great
" ""I" STOftX)
4 km
j 1313 OODGB 8T.
tassBti assisi j. ai a sf .
Toys, Dolls, China, Holiday' Goods, Etc., Etc.
Fine dressed dolls,
regular $1.60
values, at. . . . .49
Full Jointed, kid body
dolls, blaqtie bead,
fl values, at.. 40
18-Inch Ke steer,
Jointed dolls with
bisque beads, moving
eyes. $1.00
values, at 4Qk
Automatic engines,
automobiles, etc.,
everyone per
fect. 25
Boy's tool chest, com
plete, In bard wood
box; big value
t 30
Large size games In
boxes, slightly soiled,
'made to sell (or
$1.00, on sale
now 25
The Irish Mall hand
car. The real thing,
on sale Saturday,
on!y $3.05 -
Coaster Wagons, the
real thing; strongest
wagon made, on sale
Saturday ...$1.0S
Toy Trunks, very flue,
-$3.95 down to. -25
Bse Wan! Ms -Produce Results