THE OMAHA DAILY BEEi FRIDAY. DECEMNTCIt iX 100. 4 J. . . r. I - I i . ;. I i f in II' if" r GRAIN AND PRODUCE HARltT Thrice. Generally Hold Firm After Ad vance of Wednesday. - Wheat opens little easier lsaall Aaml .anifr Cora FimIi( Thraaah tha Market an Price-. Raled 4 rem a; eta Ooo i .., sjasaaaa. i jiT' '' ' ' " OMAHA, Dc. 12. 1907. Th HMrTeef held firm today, having rood fupport after the advance of yesterday. Felling haa been steady for several day psst and prospects are for a much better tnarket. Bulls sr. hi ore numerous on the floor and , predict stronger prices. u. "Wheal- opened easier after th strong S market' yesterday and' cablet on wheat ' .' were disappointing and did not help to f imlllli the advance. The general tons of ' the market Is mwah Improved, however, ' and predictions are for a higher market. May wlieat opened At tiQ and closed at Bojfco. Ccrn ruled firm and acted very strong;, Thore was little or no corn pressing ths market and som Rood buying was devel oped. Shorts coveied' stesdlly and halued to sustain th); higher prices. May corn p;nea at ii closed at 50o. Oats stalled firm and steady, but did Tot advance over yesterday's hlah mark. ltuying was strong by commission houses and outside Interests. May oats opened at Oi'-to ana closed at 51HO. . 1'rimsry w heat receipts were 1.076.000 bu. and shipments were 1x4.000 bu.. against re- oeipts last year df 887.0U0 bu. and shipments f 554.000 bu. ' Corn receipts were 471.000 bu. and shlp , ments were l4H,ouo bu., against receipts last rear or. ku,w ou. and shipments or uu.uw Clearanoaa were 14 000 bu. of corn. 4.000 bu. of oats aud wheat and flour equal to 646,000 . IJverpool closed H4d lower en wheat and Sd higher ort corn. Seshoard reported 73.000 bu. of wheat nd 24,0u0 bu. of corn taken for export, v Locsl range of options: A4ltclfgOpe,f Hl?h. tow. Cloia Tsy. Wheat I I .Dec.... M S SB f 8H , May.,. 93 92 93 93s H .fculy... fcify, t 88 Corn Pec Vt 44 8 H "'May... GN V 6 Ms 60V - July... 4V 60 1S 60 4SH Oa's Jc.... 47) 47H 4 47H foxy.. 6l 6l"4 611 61S 61H July... 4bH 4Cfc 4&S 464a 4W4 Omaha CaaU Prices. Tj-iTfiJAT No. I hard, 8C98o; No. S hard, SXjr; No. 4 hard, f&c; No. spring, sirlcr no grade. toXM&c. COl.N-'-No. 8 new. 4hc; No. 4 new. 4RH 47Hc; no grade, new, 4?-rM5c; No, a yellow, 4U60CI No. 8 white. 47v.'ii'tHo OAT; No. t mixed,. 47-47 Wo; No. S white, 4,,c. No. colored, 4tio; No. white, ,c; standard, 4'4V4io. RYD N, 2., l&Wwlto; No. 8, 749760. i C'arlot Kcoclpta. i Wheat. Corn. Oats. Chicago 17 205 144 MlnnettDolis ......... 484 Omaha 28 . 24 S2 luluth ..;. ' .i . ... -i CHICAGO GUAI.H AND PROVI8IOJTS Pm tares of -he T'smdtaa; mad Closing) Prices est Board of Trad. CHICAGO, Dec. 12. Ixwer oables and an absence of el port demand bad a deuress- ing effect tod ly on the local wheat market, the May delivery closing at a net loss of 44$ He. Corn was up Ho. Oats were Ho niKner. jfrovisiong were xwino nigner, iKiier. xroisinns wsrs twivo nigner. leutlment In the wheat pltwa. inclined be bearish all day. but tha strsngth of ?rn and prevision, tad a restraining In- uencs on would-be sellers. In oonse- to corn fluence quence ths y(luino of trad waa light. Th. market opered weak beoausaof lower fo favorable crop reports from Argentina! Beveral ralHo. occurred during th. day on t.- ... l.-uasa aVl 1 I ansa so 11 1 iliia MklaMit ls aauaksa n J ta 1 aim m s.7wui w uuiiiib iuo uai via baylag by Hading oommlssloi? house., but . ' iiButui .11 ... run nuu w , wuk , taking whlcli resulted In fresh dicline. 'Expornewi claimed that fci-elgner. wer. aot. bidding for American yhaaU but wsro . on lh other hand trying- to resell grain ,.1. ..,v,..i rtT i a wen aavanc. prougniouv- moaeracaproni- s: .i. : ..i wVi: r..r T"if "'rr"v' . at l.nwHl.Wa, sola between W14cal.WJ n,i .1 it (u. ii.onn. wneat ana nnur were equal to du. TTlrnarv receipts were I07&.ono bu.. mm. Iared with 887,000 bu., tho same day a year ago! Minneapolis, Duluth and Chlcsgd T re - portea receipts or b4 cars, against m cars last wmk and 627 car. a year ago. 1i corn market was strong all day on a brisk demand from shorts, which wssl based os firm cables, small receipt, and I hlsker crlcea for liv. hogs. Predictions of wet weather In -th. corn belt wer. also a tranrlhinlntf f-it.p Tha mnrlrnt olnaail trong. May opened a shad, to Httc Higher, at 6-'4"noc, sola at mho ana men advanced to 6J74)0. Th. clos. waa at ovh 6oo. Local receipt, wer. 206 cars, with 4 cars of contract grade, oats wer. firm on a moderate aemanai from shorts, which was Inspired by thai irengtn or corn, may openea uncnangea to a shad, higher, at 63H to 684i63o, ad- vanced to Wao. and clossd at tsrtic. Local receipts wsro 144 csrs. Provisions wsro strong on hlghsr prices for live hogs. Profit-taking sales caused snms reaction from th. high point of the 4lay, out in. close was urm. jaay pora was So higher at tha close, selling at 818.27H. ohliher at 87127 16 a6l60 blgner, at (.laH''-U. Ksilmated receipts for tomorrow are: wheat, 11.- cars: corn, ears; .hog ,al,OuaiasaaV Wheat, 11. cars: vorn, 208 cars; oata, 191 1 Loading future, ranged as follows: Articles. Open. Hlgh.j Low. I Close. Tes'y. Wheat D-o. W 93H 5H ' MH , afar i com? w4a l oo l x i oo 1 or-s l m't Jtaly SCHUSi 86H H Corn-. Deo. 64 - W B4H 64T, B3H -Mey' WJrAi, ' RVt iBH-iflReHfr July!' U.S'4 W. 6H 68 65i Osts aMay 5SS 641 6SS 63 6!!4 bMay elV 6 Mi 61H 68 bis, aJuly ' 47 ' 4 47 47 474 bjuly , 46 -46 46 46 45 Iork . Jan. IS 00 IS 0?H "88 8 18 82 May - 18 36 U 41 U ! 13 87 18 Zt1 lard tan. 00 00 70 TSO TS0 lay 6 0i 8 OS T 86 7 97 T 83 Sllbs Jan. T0T T(r t5's 8MI882H May 720780 7 18 7 16 ) T 10 No. 8. aOJd. bNew . Cash Quotations wer. a. follow.: VLOUR Eaay; winter patents. 4.S0i840: Ktnuxhts, 84.4uu46; iiprlng patsnta. ta.y!) 8.40: siraistits. 4 t"iiH.u; oaaers. u.sxuH.le WHEAT No. 3 spring. 81(10i; No. 3 Drins. 81 ("Kil.04: No. 3 re1. 8:i:0. CORN No. 8. 69J(10c; No, 2 yellow. 65TJ 6C. OATS-Ko. 8. 6wo;, No. I whit. 60J362Mc ItYFi No. 2. 7c. BARLEY Good fading. 6BST75C; fair to Cbolce malting x?T3c. eiiliDS Klsx. No. 1 northwestern, 31 10 J'rline timothy, II.3U. Clover, contract srrades. r.t W. puDVlSltiNB Shirt ' rlba. sides, looss. 8i' 7j7.r. Mesa pork, per bbl , 12.87j llf.). I-erd. per 1(0 lbs., la. 00. bhort clear Ides (boxed), X7 j7.!T7. Following were th. receipts and ship, ments of flour and grain: ' Receipts. Shipments T1-ur. bills tt.SKt JS.&X! Wheat, bu. ... 240 ...8U.4u0 137. el ...I.H6.1IO SPi M) .. 8 ' ii Corn, bu. Oats, bu. 1 ve. bu . llarley, bu ... 68 SuO .7i On the Prodjcs exchange todar the but ler niarsei was nrm; creanierlea gltl'JSr dalrivs, 17Ji'io. 1kk. steady; at mark. t-ases lncuilM, h jj4J . nnu, 23c; prime neis, c, niiaa, i , u. . , vneese, steady, 113 t. Loate Geaeral Market. ST. IX1'1S. Ihtc. . U-WHRAT Firm: track. ro. 3 red, oaali, WijS)!.c; No. t l.ard, SMV'UVi-V'tt; May, isualw; July l2c. (DRN-Hlaher: track. No. 8 cash. ESin rew; 6'c. oM: Ko. 2 white. 838Wc. n.w; ljfcerrher. 61c; May. 64'c. OAT3 rirm? irsca. wo. i cash. 60c; I white, bot-; josv, c-c. Kl.Ol 'H I ull. Red winter patents. 84 flog 4B6; extra fancy and straight. KK'u-t.iO; cl-nr j.i;pt w. pr'FD-TtHv.Uir. steady: 13 6OJ4.10. . oikNHKAL-Ut; tlw. HIIAN-H shtr; sacked; east track. 81.10 C-l it. . . ' 11 AY Steady; timothy. WOOfjns.OO; prairie, 15 l-fi. Ki (OTTOS'TIES-tlH H (.1INil-llt(l. 1'lWiljiU.J-Jfwal susdy; Jobbing, 13. I.ard sfesdy; lobbing, ft 00. Dry salt meats, steady; boned, ejttra shorts, 3 2; clear rib. $1.5"; short clears. 3S 0. Bacon, steady; bod, nlr srmrt, 39.."; clear Tlba, 89 37 V ; short clear 74 KH-LTRt - Stesdy; chickens. 7o; springs sijoj turkeys, . llHc; ducks, 8c; 7S7,C. HKMF TVVINB lie Bl'TTFR Steady; creamery. MH3c. EGGS Steady ; 23c, caae count. RerrlDtS. Bhlnmanta r-torrr DC is u.ku Wheat bu syl 79.00 J7.1 48.0 41 Com, bu ....... ......&.V,0 Oats, : on , 28.0OS KEW YORK GENERAL MARKET Feat a res of Trad lag a Prices oa Lading Csxssnodltlea. NEW YOrtlC. Dec. 1J ri.OL"H-Re-elpts. 1.T74 bbls. ; ekports. 4.4V7 rl)ls. ; market dull end barely steady: Mlnnpeota patents. 8n WS.CO; winter sirelghts. tt.4r1i'4.S; Minneanta bakers. 14.6'?io.0i: winter putras. V 76(4 in; wintor patents 14.80 ;4.RS; .winter low grades, 836Tj4.uo. rtye iiour, quiet; fstr to good. !4SiVi4.1S; choice to fancy. 85 JOG 40. Buckwheat flour, easy; 83.8 1.10 per 100 lbs. CUHNMFAl, Pteady: fine wmte sna yel low, tl.8f.4jl.37; coarse. 81.21Q1.80; kiln dried. RYEJ Quiet; Ho. I western. 90o, f. o. b. New York. WHEAT Receipts. 124.000 bu.: spot mar ket barely stesdy. No. I red, tl.OoH els-. vator: No. 1 red. 8101. f. o. b. afloat: No. 1 northern Duluth. 81.16H. f- o. b. afloat; No. I hard winter. l.Ks. T. o. r. afloat. Considering the weakneas ot foreign news today, wheat lost but little ground, toning snntalned by a good milling demand, pros pects for lighter northwestern receipts ana gnnd seaboard clearances. Prices were Hi&HO net lower. Denember, 81.81, clrtsed 8LW; May, 81 07 l-lgl.074. Closed 1.0nSi July closed W ' ix) km Kecetpts, ia.76 ru. ; spot margsi firm. No. 2. Ua elevator, and t I. o. b. afloat No. 8 whits, nominal, and No. 8 yellow, nominal, f. o. b. afloat. Option market waa without transactions, closing Ho to c net higher. December closed i;4c; May closed Ki'V- OATS-Receipts. 2.nno bu.: spot market steady. Mixed, 28 to 32 lbs., 64 He; natural hlte. m to 88 lbs.. 674rWc: ellQDSd white. 38 to 40 lbs., 58W9 CTkj. MAY Unlet: good to choice, 81.06(.10. HOPS Owlet: stste. common to choice. 107. 13W17o; 1J6, 6'tttc; Pacific coast, 1WJ, iKtinr; IP". 4c. hilkh ouiot: Bogota, isnc: tjentrai American, lSlc. fiuj v isiums ueer steady; lamny.; meas. 810.(1fll 00; beef hams, fI5.Oivat7.0O; packet, 8U2md12.0: extra India, 8i2.0(23 00; cut meats steady, pickled bellies, 8.00(i 10.60; pickled hsms, 810 0010 60. Ird, steady; western prime, 88.fjr8.&o: rennea, steaay; continent. 88.80: Bouth America, 876; con tinent, 8S.P0; Bouth America, 89 76; com pound. l7.87H4t1.62tt. Pork, firm; family, S18.0Ofil8.&0: short clears. 8i5.7Mill.00; mess. $U. 0516. 76. TaLixJW Quiet: city (82 per package), 6c: country (packages free), 64GHo. KItJB uulet; . aomestio lajr to exira. Wjtf'ouc: Japan, nominal. BUTTER Steady; creamery specials, MVbc: extras. 2o: thirds t firsts. 218o; held, second to specials, 124j2ftc; stats dairy, common to fine, 214j.27o; prooess, common to aneolals. 15fi23Uc; western factory, com I mon to firsts, lixg1c; imitation creamery, EQOS Flrni ( state, Pennsylvania ana nearby fancy selected white,. 60o; good to choice, 4.vaH8o: brown an( mixed fancy, 40c averago best, 8638c; Crst to extra first, 3VC35o; westora first, 514j36or seconds, lsia-nta. - PHiEfiB-Steady t state full cream, small colored and whits, fins, lto; good to prims, UnwlSc; later maa Best, iiirasc; com mon to fair, H'SUHo: large colored, 15o; rhlte, 17Hc: skims. HXifllo. : POlTT,TRY Dressed. Irregular; western chickens, J320o; turkeys, lBlo; fowls. WEATHER. XJt .THB GBAIJf BELT Probaklr Ral or Snow, witb Tern- rataro Unvaried i . OMAHA, Deo. U. 1807. Tha weather Is cooler In the Ohio valley j .1 .v.. i7.ti r,A n,ri ,nifa""t,1. A ie tuonfr cli now" """"'iJ?"1! P . J?n '". ' orthwVJt .tatea. . It warmer In tho northwest rougnout Z'",,y"a . .ZtUed ..?ro2u0nuSS XiA III U UUUMtIMOi aow " - - - - - nows and the Mtlook . tvrab'. for rain 2' noT.K,B hl"?.nn JfJL ? fTmnea: dav. with not much change in tempera- i ' . . w aa-av JW. With not much chang. i T . .rA t.rr.nerature and TT .t"'h "!?n.,i P?n- corr-5 clpHation compared jvi 1th th. corrw. oy of. tb. . last lAU, r". V , , .M in m Minimum T.mperatur ... i o corraoponaing .1908. I0O4. 28 : 7 Preoinitauon w .w w foe tnitiv S desrreea T, a in AraVlnlta5inB alnee March 1 Denolency In precipitation since aaarca x. I ' norlnd in 10O8 I i'""1'"" ' - '; rMl.lT,- rriaA In 1MB. 1 Dofloienoy corresponding parlod In isas. e M Inhaa la A., UKU loiKi-uii, Kansas Cir Grata aad ProvlsUas. KANSAS C1TT. Deo. 11-WHEAT-May. o: July. 880; cash. No. 8 hard, &Hc; i- H5960! 0 red' WH4Hc; I 4 RQTftWv CORN May, BOTfco; July. 61c; cash. No. I mixed. 48tc; rso. s, unuiwi m luixeio; No. , 4ra4HO. . OATS No. whits, 60c; NO. I mixed, 1 48'fcHHo. RVFrano. uiv nteariv! choice timothy. 811.6013.00: choice prslne, 8otK8S.60. niTTTBR Creamery, 87e; packing,1- 16. cwiuttru. aoui firsts. 24a.. . I Receipts, enipmetna. wheat bu 89.000 118.WJ0 Com. bu 62,000 86,000 Oais bu 4.0O8 4.W0 i i Minneapolis Grala Market. - MINNEAPOLIS. Dec. l!.-WHEAT-May. nnai' .Tnlv 11 n7U.4rt.07ia! No. 1 hard. !-W.: o. , rVZ ' I 1 U, s liuruioi s sy. wa'Oa" ,mt i l FLOUR rirst patents, jo.emuo.ovi patents, 85.t,?)4u; nrst clears, h.ccjilto; aacnnil elesxs. 88.80433.60. " BEfcll r lag, lair asmana; ..iv, vjt ar rive, 8110H. ) BRAN in bulk, iju.TtxaTsi.w. . Peoria Market. - TmrTTA. 111.. Deo. 18. CORN Mew, strong; No. 8 yellow, 684)640; No. 8, 4(Jlc; No. 4. 47r!T4c; no graae. siistw. OATS Strong; no. . wnus, ovaw.'io No. 4 white, 4!if49C RYB Dull. WHlSKY-llSS ' Liverpool Grala Market. LIVERPOOL, Deo. 12. WHEAT 8,"t Nn 1 red western winter easy. 7S 6Ha futures dull: December nominal; March, 7a 8d: May. fs 7d. ; ' rnRN-HDOt. prime mixea amenon, wm 5Hd; futures, steady; Dec,mbsr,. notninul I January, 6s d. ' Mllwaakeo Grala Market. MILWAUKKB. Dec. 18. WHEAT No. 1 northern. $1.4tri l-Os); May, 81.s. RVR-Nn 2 Mic: asinu e. &iiwo. CORN No. t cash. obsc; May, 6So bid Dalath Grala Market. DULUTH. Dec. U WHEAT No. t hard, $1 04'; on tracK. No. 1 northern, 81 034; No. 2 northern, 1W; uscerooer. . ai.wi; siay tl.OTIi. Toledo Seed Market. TOLKDO, O.. Dec. U.HKEDS Clover cash. 8.W; December,89 80: March, 810 OL', I Alalke, pnme, .ov. nniotny, prime, h-m, Boston Stork, aad Beads. BOSTON, Dec. It ?H loans. 8tl2 per rent; tlm. kans, ti'VUlu per c&nt. Omclal cUxlng on stocks an. I ivinds: closing Atrkl.oll Sdl. . t Atlaatla , . r34 Hmsbais , . Tl ;..l. a Hacla.. . 1H rm,nnl.l . M l w,r Kun .. .! Paly Waat .194 Fraaklla , Oranbr .'. .lit floral do 4a 4 Mti. Central 4a.. ..sue Af kluoa .. 14 .. U 4 pfd Bo'oa A Albaar. ... H Hoaioa Maine.. !,' Klat(4 . rui'takurs pti ... MU-an Cautral . .. S .. TS .. 14 1 Hu. Mining ... '-' Muhii.a .. t4 N, T . N. H. a H Fere II Moaawk I'nlon Pa. lo llb4 M.tnt C A C... Am. Arae. i h-m. pit 4 014 Donlaloa .. Am Pnea. Tuba 4 Oaraola Amr Suaar ritrot ., la .. 1 .. s .. u .. .. Tl to Bli . afi uincy ..Iv214 enanaan Am. t. T (nur woolea .... 4o t4 (U.u gl. ma. Hia aiacuic .. to fli M.M Oaa .. Hi la Tamarack .. ao . . 7 Trtaltr .. 11 ..bu Vait4 Coppar ... .. Ht' S. Miuiag .. j v. a on... .. 4Trua ..!14- Vw torU r4 WiBuaa .....,. .. Bl Wolvarm .. Mi Hon Butts .. 4 Rutu Ctwlttiaa .. .. I N.d .. M4Cil a Arlioaa.... .. to' Artauoa Coat. .... .. I44i .. 1 .. M v", ? ,0 p,d ... I n lied Fralt .. 414 ..114 No.! r s. ft fli .. is Aifeoiure Atlouaa , Aoi.iaantatad U.4. AakaS. .. 10 Treasary tat.aseat. WASH1NOTON. D. C. Dec. ll-Tods statemtrnt of ths treasury balances In th general fund, exclualve of the ItaO.OCO wv xld reserve, snows: Available cash bsl an, e. a jo.ii'i af.; sifi ruin ana bullion. SEW YORK STOCKS ANDBOSDS Day'i Political Newi Beceirea FaTor- able Interpretation. ornrao valijes are higheh Trade Condition Caaae Indastrials to Tarn Dewswarl aad Plaal Prices Arc Lower Thaa Wedaes' day's Close. NEW YORK. Dec. 12-Today's political news received a fa-orablc Interpretation In Wall street snd was signalled by many opening advances of 1 to 2 points, with the Harrlman stocks displaying the moat ac tivity and strength. The action of the market alarmed the short Interests and they bought extensively, giving an appear ance of great strength and animation to the trading. The initial price, however, ? roved to be the highest, as recent un avorable factors intruded themselves and the market lost about all it had gained. The . failure ot the bulls to follow up their advantage encouraged the bears to work dllgenlly to break prices, and by concentrating their selling sgalnst certain stocks In which special considerations operated the latter managed to bring about a general decline. The principal industrials, New York Central, Pennsylvania and Mis souri Pacific, were targets for this selling st intervals, with trade conditions and gossip as to expected dividend returns st- tending ths decline. These circumstances errectlvely offset the good effect produced oj me reiexatton In ca 11 money, the hlc i rats today being only about half, of that prevailing yesterday. "While the more abundant supply of funds on call relieved ths ooncern fell over the monetary condi tions to some extent. It la reenrntzed that ine neeas ot early large corporate reauire' ments and the necessity of the gradual iviitinnRni oi lmrjalrefl hanli reervea are influential factors to be considered in fu ture stock market operations. Reports from ths Interior of improved monetary condi tions are supported bv the llehter ahln- rnents from here, but the nnaitinn f the iw-ai nnu nas not Deen essentially favored by this develoDnient. min to tha heaw drain of eubtreasury operations. The banks "-.c iicv.ii o,uiv.'aw on mis account during the week. Time funds continue unauainaDis in large amounts, and rates, though high, are considered nominal. In Spite of . these unfavnrahla rlrraim. stances the market uhnu - fairly good account of Itself and showed svldence of support at opportune times. A .-. iniiunion or ins day's business was transacted at the high range of prices, the market thereafter ssgging In a dull and listless fashion until tha Hot .,.ll. .ti back to a parity, with yesterday's closing " uww. jine Dear attacks whlan Occurred at frenuant Inlmala day were aided In large part by ths tlmld- . " DU"" 10 rouse tha market from ItS letharSTV. and whan tha rnnn, nn. offered large amounts. r rtiffim ti,m aimiiK. ii . : . . "v"' -.i.iTj y. . "upporxmg oraers were withdrawn and heavy stop-loss orders Were Bonds wr firm TVito t ..u. HA. ...i..av B.U0.000 rnlted State. U regletered and 8s Thl i. . n ? ino 4 h Per cent on call, Ths 2s COUoon decllna 1. , Numbsr of sales and quotations on stocks Bales. Hlfh. Low. Clots. Adams KXsreaa . Amalniaatad Coyper lu . 4S.S0S 47 4. 44 .. LIU0 II MS am. Kj. a r v,.,,.' Ail. a r. p(d.., m Am. Cattes Oil Am. Cotton Oil efd. , A marl ran Bipraaa Am. H AL. P(d American Ice Becnrltlea...., Am. laoaeed oil Am. Llaaaed Oil pfd , Am. Lecemottra M Am. Looarootlve sfd... , Am. B. R o II too 17 17 17 1 11 400 Uti 14 s a, wo nA 100 1 iH 41 rs 74S, 87 71 B. sfd Am. Susar Raflnlag 11.1(10 100 uu Am. lobacco nrd otra . iuo 74 7114 72 JJVi Anaconda Mlniaa Ca 1 tat Atohlaoa 4. 400 Atchison sfd Atlantic Ceaat Line , 1,400 71 9 Tl 41 77 n 4 1 MS4 bammora Ohio 60. IV4 Mi a Ohio, pfd -MO Braov lrn Ranld 1. In ti 71 8 vaaadUs Paclllo W0 1(8 wuuiih new jersey..,-,.;.' ,. . Chaaapeeks Ohio 440 8 tl4 Chicago Ot. W... Laos t l 140 cnioago a K. W a, 40 134 1J6H 1S4 nicaso, M. a 8L r 8.7V. 104 lOS ' lot vuicaao 1 . a 1 . 8 l 01O4. T. T. Ofd., a... , Colsrade . l.TT; .1. i bh, iZ 86 14, Colorado A Bo. rW tu -80 . Oole. A 80, let pt4. la 44 84 veto, a bo. id pfd. Consolidated Oa Cora Products, rtg Cars Preduota pfd Delaware A Hudson Dal.. U A Denver A Rlo OraadS D. R. O. pfd Distillers' Securities Kris Brta lat pfd Brie M pfd Oenaral Electrte , Illlaola Central International Paper Int. Paper pfd...., Int. Pump , Int. Pump pfd.. A Iowa Central Iowa Central ptd. Kanaaa City Bo.. K. C. Bo-, pfd , Loul-Ylllo 4k M.. Mex an Central Minn. St. L... , St., St. PVA g. 1. M St., BU BT A B. I. M. pfd.. Missouri Pacllle Mlaaouri. X. A T at.. K. A T. pfd National Laid , N. It. R. ot M. pfd New Tsrk Central n. y., 0. A w Norfolk A W ,.. N. A W. pfd North American PaolSe Mall Paanarlvanls Paopie'a (iaa P.. C. 0. A St. L Proceed Stool Car Fraaoad g. O. pfd Pullman Palace Car Reading , Reading let ptd Reading 8d pfd Republic Stool 1 Republic Blaal pfd. Rook Iiland Co Hock laland Co. ptd Bt. U B. r. M pt Bt Leula 8. W Bt. L B. W. pfd Bouthara Paolfto Bo. Pacltc ptd Bo. Railway 80. Railway pfd Texaa A Pacific. Toledo, 8. L. A W T.. Bt. L. A W: pfd Vnloa Pactno Union Pacific pfd V. B. Biproaa V. 8. Realty U. B. Rubber V. A Rubber pfd V. B. Bloat V. A Steel pfd Va.-Caro. Chemical Va.-Caro, Cacm. pfd Wabaah Wabash pfd Wciu-Karao K , offered... WaatlDshouaa gleotrlo Wectera t'nion Wbocltns A U Wiaconaln Central a la. Cantral pfd Central Leather Central Leather pfd Northern Pacific Great Northern pfd Intorborough Mot. Int. Met pfd 8i " ioi "ii "ii" "iiii iii" iiisi i "ii" b 40 40 . 1.40S 15 II 14 U 8U0 14 84 '-"ioi ui iisii' too 4- 114 '"ioi '46", 'ii" ..... ....... ...... ..... i!o6i 'iiii ' A,7k Ht 141 tOO 85H Khi .tVO td 7 XTo6 'iiii 'ii?, atM) 8S 84 '"ioi 'iiii "ii icuoi '44' 'iiti 400 II 11 800 46 ' ' 46 'i!oi '" "ii" 81,400 U4 1UH '"ioi 'ii" 'iiii '.'.'.".'. ".'." ii'.M ij 1 'ii" " ioi 'iiii 'iiii 100 44 46 8,100 16 14 400 18 ii.ioi '? 'n IllO 104 10714 8u0 13"4 11 ouO 41 4 ""ioi 'ii 'iiii 78.IU0 1174 Hi '"ooi.'fr" 'iiii 700 M44 C 1.800 III 17 '"ioi '44" '44" two i4i a " i'ii 'iiii 'iiii T4S4 74 80 IO lis . 1.400 111 U4 18. 4. iss 431 1 ao 18 1H I34 61 10 H 11 II an 41 14 10 7 64 8T,ii a W 41 1 14 71 43 85 111 71 41 14 70 li 11 !' 74 14 46 . H l n4 to 1 4 40 lit 14 HSS4j . 74 0 14 14 40 85 M14 14 r) 4 1' too 41 45", 71 la 16 Tl too 1414 II 16 Bluaa-Shemald Bteel iui 44 Total aalaa for tha dar. 470. M0 aharea. L.adoa riostasr Rtsx-k. LONDON. Deo. 12. Closing quotation, on stocks were: Conaola. money da account ... Anaooada, AlcUlaon l 11-14 at., tc A T ! 14-14 N. T. Central.... ... 4 Norfolk A W ... ... T4 do pfd ...61 Ontario W .... .... 44" .... S4 41 .... 82 .... 64 .... 6 .... 47 ... IS .... 4 .... 74 ...110 .... 41 do ptd Baltimore A Ohio.... 64U, Pennsylvania ... Caaadlaa Paelle 164 Rand Mines Caeaapeake Ohio... Heading Chlcaro Ol. w.. 4-thcrn Rtlloir C. M. A 8t. P., Do Borra D. A R. O do pfd ta do let pfd do 8d ptd Orand Trunk .... llllnola Central . lu4 do pld 14 Southern PaclOo . i Inlon Pactno .... 41 do pfd ......... 1U. B Steal 8"4i l do pld 47 Waoaah 14 do pld 1!4 Bjanlsh 4a 47 " 10 11 o Louis. tile a N B1LVKR Bar, dull, d per ounce. tiMr-'4 per cent. The rate of discount in th. open market for short bills Is t per cent; tor three montiis' bills, i per cent. N.w Yark Mlalag Stcteka. NEW YORK. Dec 11 Closing quotation, on mining stocks were: Adanas Cos. 6 Leadrtlle Con. . Alice 104 Little Chief Breaco 10 Onlarte Uruunlck Cos. ..... 44 Ophlr CoaiaKKk Tuunet .... 11 Potoai , Cos. l)il. A Va 84 Savage Hots Oliver 1" Hiarra Nevada ... lroa Sliver 4S Small Hopes .... OOvrad. 14 . 41 . 114 . II . 14 . 44 .144 Baalc af Eaglaaa Btateaaeat. LONDON, Dec. 12. Th. weekly statement of the Hank of Kntiland shorn a the follow lrg changes: Total reserve. Increased AL7tt.tAi ilrculatlon, eocrwaaed Aiot,vuw, '4 bullion, Increaned CL404.KX!; other securities. reasiHi ti.j40.t"j otner oepoatts. ln- reaaorl 727. Ois); public deposits, decres,a C211.0; . notes, reserve. Incresaed l.Mi.- V'l Oovernment securities, unchanged. The proportion of the banks reserve to llsbill- tes this weX Is 4H.86 per cent, compared with 44.02 per cent last week. New York Mower Market. NEW TPltK. Dec. 12. PRIME MER- CANTIf.R PAl'KH T'ij per cent. BfBRUNU F.Xt-HAMit-lrreguiar, witn ctual business In bankers Mils at 4 i,w 4 gfvtf for demand and at 84 7ni4. TPf.5 for Ixty-day bills; commercial bills, S4..t. BILVHR Usr. 4ftC! Mexican dollars. 410. HtJNDS Governimnt, Irregular; railroad. rm. ' MONEY On call, firm at 4312 per tent; ruling rate. 12 Per rent; offered at 4 per cent; time loans, nominal; sixty days, 18 per cent; ninety days, iv per cent; six months, 7t8 per cent. (.losing quotations on ponds wer. as ollows: U. a ret. ta, reg... 104H Hotk. Val. 4Ha 'H do coupon lwi'l. a N. uni. 4a n . 8. U. ret lflVWaa. e. . 4a l do eoupon K'lw Mx. Central 4a 74 . 8. a. 4a. res 11' rlo 1st Inc 14 do coupon :.114 Mma. A Ft. L 4s... T4 Am. Tobacco 4a 41 M , K. A T. 4s do la So no la Atrhlion to. 4a X. n. It. ot 4. c. 4a 7W da ad). 4a... . H. T. ti g. mm . 4 N. J. C. s. 5a 11 . " No Pacific 4a M'i . Ida la 47 . liN. a W. . 4s . W o. g. U rfdf . 4a as . 48 Vena. c. 14' . 5A Keadlna sen. 4a 44 Atlantic C. L. 4i Bal. Ohio 4a. da ma , Brk. R. T. a. 4a..... Central ot Oa. 6a do IX Inc do Id Inc do 3d Inc . 4" St. L.. A 1. M. c. 6a..lOSV4 Vhea. A Ohio 44a.. CntcafO A A. IWa... C. B. A Q. s. 4a... C , R. I. A P. 4a... 4"4 t. u a r. fg. 4a. 11 SI St. U 8. W. 0. 4a.... ei I "gcaboard A. L. 4a . 47 80. PaclSc 4a 44 ?"4 do 1st 4a etfa 17 do col. 5a. CCC. Colo. 4 Bt L 1. 4a.. Ittio. RailwaT oa 47 Ind. M, aer. A. 44 Tita P. )a 104 Cols. Mid. M T., Bt. L. A W. 11 I'nlon PaclSo 4a.. ft do cv 4a 40 V: B. Bteel ev. 4a 4iWabah la 4 do deb. B 41 Western Md. 4a.. TSV4W. L. B. 4a.. 44 Colo. A 80. 4a t uba M . 14 D. A R . O. 4a..., . i: .11314 D'atlllera' 8ea. 6a. BHa p. 1. 4a . 4 . 48 .. T4 ,. 77 "do sen. 4a.' Japan 4a do 4H rtfa.. wig. Central 4a.. do li eerlen. 84S Bid. O0era4. F.relga Flaaaelal. LONDON. Dec. 12. Money was In better supply In the market today owing to gov. ernment disbursement and discounts wer. firmer. Americans were the brightest sec tions today. The overnight strength of Wall street, followed by the presidents announcement,, created a belief that the government's action against th. railroads, etc., would b. modified. Later Americana confirmed the advance her. and bears cov ered further,-and although prices closed a traction below the best the market nnlsnea firm. In other sections business was dull, Consols hardened slightly and 'Russians re ceived good support .from the continent. The uncertain money outlook, however, checked business generally. nt-itL,iN, uec. la. Trading on the Bourse today was somewhat stronger on mora ra vorabl. opinions of the monetary outlook. American shares Improved upon London advices. FAltlS. Dec. 12. Prices on the Bourse to day wer. firm. Bank of Fraaca Statemeat. PARIS. Dee. 12. The weekly statement or the Bank of' Iranoe- shows tha follow lng change: Notes. .In circulation, de creased, 100,376,000 francs; treasury deposits, Increased 2,860.000 -francs; general deposits, decreased. 36.U7&.900 franca: gold In hand. accreaaea s.o, rranca; silver in hand, de creased 2,514.000 francs; bill, discounted. decreased 78,300,000 francs; advances, de creased 7,475,000 franca Baalc Clearlntrs, OMAHA, Deo. 12. Bank clearings for to day wer. 11,913.60.17 and for tha corres ponding date last year 88,070,676.04. ' OMAHA WHOLESALE! HARKDT, . " Coadltloa of Trad, and Qaotatloa. oa Stapta aad Faaey Frodaeo. FOGS Frssh selling eggs, candled. XSo. H'lTIR Cemrrron, loo; fanoy tub and rolls, V.'nla; creamery, 81a. CHEfc.SK New full cream, Wlaoonsl. twins. 17Vao: new lull cream briuk. 17o: do- mestlo, nsw Swiss, 18a; n.w limburg.r, IS bloc; young Amerioas, lHO. LIVE FOULTKY-Sprlngs, 8c; hens. 8u; roosters, sc; aucks, so; geese, sc; tur. keys. Vic: pigeons, eoc per dog. OKKSbED POULTRY Springs, fancy. fo; hena, 8Gi;. reostsrs, 40; ducks, tc; geese. 80; turkey Si-llto,,, HAY-Cholc. tro.l upland, f 10.00; me dium. 88.00; No. I oot torn, 84.00; off grades, from 86.141 to 84U''Ty. straw, 1.W; to. aUaUa. tU.(). . s . rRUITat ' APPLES N.w tutx. Ktng-s. cer barrel. 15.60; "Nona Such," par barrel, $8 86; 80 ounce Pippins, " barrel, 86.26; Maiden Blush, par barrel, 86.00; Baldwins, per barrel, to.wj ursenwgs, per oarrei, Kvv; western box apples, Colorado Jonathans, par box, 88.25; Colorado Grimes Qoidana. per box, 88.86; Idauo Jonathans, par bos, 83.00: Idaho winter Bananaa, per boa. 8800: Washington Ben Davis. 83.00: Wastv ton Northern Spy, per box, 88.00; Washing ton Greenlnga, pat box, 82 00: Washingtoa Baldwins, per box, 88.00; 'Washington Rom. Beauty, per box. 82.26; Washington full Bp- pies, assorted, per oox. i 10,1. to. VEGETABLES. POTATOES Per bu..' 660T5o. CABBAOlu HoUand sssd, per lb., 19 ONIONS Red Globe, per bu., 8tO6c; taenia, per crate, BWliET POTATOES Email bbL, tl 10. BKiwTS rer DU.,. sue CARROTS Per. bu.. Tte. TURNIPS Per bushel, 600. - PARSNIPS Per bushsl. 7x CKLERY Michigan, per bunch, glltf Its. NAVY BSANt-Per bu.. No. L 82.W per bu. ; Lima, 70 per in TROPICAL FRUITS. vnaiuan rimiu f. w. j. sa.w. fornla-Wasklngton navels. 8300; Florida OiSDe Fruit- oer box. 46.7H1.00. GRAPES Concords, per basket. 8080c Malaga, heavy weights, psr keg, to.000 6.50; Malagas, medium weights, per kg, t4.60S6.00 B AN ANAS--Port r Llmons, per bunch. S2.0C(2l3.00. FIGS AND DATES Smyrna flas. 7 crown, per pound, 14tlSo; Smyrna rigs, -crown, per potuid, 12rflJc; Smyrna figs, 4-crown, per pound, lWUc: California flga, boxes. 10 cartons, 86c; California figs. boxes, 18 cartons, ooc; canrornia lis, bulk, oer Dound. 6V4o; Hallowl dales, per pound, 6c; Khadrawl dates, per pound, tc; Salr dates, per pound, 6c; hard date. 18- ootind boxes, per pound, tc. . LEMONS-Fancy, dOO and 860 slse. cer box, 44.tkKu6.00; extra choioa. 800 and 840 slse, per oox, s4.voo4.iw. COCOANUTS Pei Back, t4 W; per dogen. oc. BEEF CUTS. No. 1 ribs. 14c; No, 8 ribs, llc: No rib 7c; No. 1 loin, ,18c; No. 2 loin, I80 No. 8 loin, Bc; mo. 1 cnuck. 4o; No. chuck, 6c: N"- chuck, to; No. 1 round, ivw: No. 2 round. 7c; Ko, t round. 6o: No. 1 plate, 6c; Nix i plate, 6c; No. 2 plate, f MISCELLANEOUS!. CALIFORNIA DttliiD FRLITff-Prunes are somewhat unsettled by freer ofTerlngs from socond hands, who seem desirous of moving supplies of Immediate grades. Quo tatione range from 60 to 80 for Californii fruit and from 6o to ftu for Oreaim. Peaches very firm. ;Wiln . fancy yellows nuoied at isso. CANNED GOODS Corn, standard west era, 76c. Tomatoes, tancy s-pound cans, 41. to: siandara 6-pouno vsns. si w. Pins spples, grated, a-pound. 2H)'jji.0; sliced, 81.7iMiSo. tiauon a L Lies. Callfornt aoricola, t- iva4.iu. ' Psai s, K.lual.lS. Peaches, tl.svfe 15. L. C. peaches, ti.iutf 0.10. Aiuaa saitiion, . rca,; lane Chinook, flat, i.lo; fancy aockeys, flat, 82.16. Bardlnes, quarter oil, 84v; three' quarters muslsrd, la. a. Sweet potatoes, H i.&l.o tiaueikraut, jc. Pumpkins, Ho 1 41(A). Lima beans, 2-pound. locittl.m boaked piss, t-pouud, 6nc; fanoy, 81 2571. 48. ftO 16 Lauiornn waiuuts, er ID., 140 Imported walnuts, per lb., IX 'J 14c; Tarra gona almonds, ver lb.. 16c: filberts, osr lb. I8c; Braslls, per lb llt14c; Peuans, per ID., kviiu; utanutv,- raw, per iu tc peanuta, roasted, per lb., 8c; Italian chest buts. ier lb.. 8 b 8c, COFFEE Hossiad, No. 8C, 2c; No. 80, lie; ino. m. uk; rao. i. iittv. SUGAR Grauulatsd, can., per sack. la.t.v oect. a. tui luai, c; cuoea, 4Vto powdered. 8 16c. FISH Halibut. 11c: trout. 18c; pickerel 10c: piKe, 14-t : piae, irean frozen. Yic whltehab. 14 it 16c; butfalo. 14c: bullhead! skinned and ureseed, 18c; catfish, droaawd 17c; white perch, in; white bass. 15c; bis. bass. 26c: sunnsh. 4tKc: crapDlea. Buite largs crspplua. 15c; herring, fresh frosen c; whllenan, frosen, utflc; pickerel, free frosen, lac: red snapper, 12c; flounders, mackerel. lSiiioo per nan; codnsh. frea frosen, 12c; red snapper. 12c; flounders. smelts. Uo; shad roe, 4ac p lb.; frog legs, 80c per doa; ;raen sea ' turtl. meat, 86 per lt. HIDES J ND TALLOW Green sslted, Ho. 1. 7c; No. 2. 70: buj Mdes. 40 : area hides. No. 1, 4c; No. 2, 6c; horse, IX, sheep pelta, oOcew Talloi. No. L 4V4fc so. c ftc. Vi OOI. IMl'M. Coffee Market. NEW YORK. Dec, 12,-COFFEE-FM tures closed steady, net .unchanged to points higher. Sales were reported of 2ti.2oO bags, including 1 tinner at h.awuo iav Junusry. 6 m; Man n, e oc: May, 4 utx- juiy, b.kic; Bepteuioer,; par.toa, mo. t ,:; mild coffee, steady; Cordova, si- UMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattl Trade Very Slow, with Ten dency of Prices Downward. OGS HIGHEST SINCE BREAK Sheep aad Lambs la Light Receipt, Especially Goad Killers Lam be Folly Steady, with Feeltag a "beep Weak. SOUTH' OMAHA, Dec. It l"- ReceiDts were: Cattle. Hogs. Bheep Official Monday.... ... 4.711 I 6.128 12.638 ... 6.818 1 8.1M 6.7(6 ... 4.744 7.75 8, it ... 6.4AJ0 6,7u0 8,3t4) Ufficlal Tuesday ... Utlk-lal Wednesday t-auinate Thursday Four davs this week..K.854 27,773 85, f l &ame das last week. ...18.188 20.8JO W.2K1 line days 8 weeks ago..l0.i40 z,m aula days 3 weeks ago. .18.1)40 U.Voo 21. oi Bam. day. 4 weeks ago..l.8.'U ll.l4 6O.0W Same days laat year 28,otl &a,677 37,3t Ths following table shows tTt. receipts ol cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha or in. year 10 onto, compareu n year: 1907. 1W6. Inc. uic L'attl. 1.129.S3 1.081.848 r7.844 Hog. 8.1B7.1S8 2.a2.oa ia4.8 taheep 8,Oo8, 2,lf7,tl The following table shows the averaga prli'. of hogs at Bouth Omaha for th. last several days, with comparisons: Date. I 1807. 19O.1206. 1904. 1803. 102.1901. Dee. Deo. 8 08 I 86 lit 4!i t 84 8 17! I 67 Dec. t 91 I P6 4 08 Doc. Dec. Deo. a t 08 tot tio Deo. Dec. t 0 Dec. nl 14 Deo. t 08 1 1 Dec. 6 W t 18 Sunday. Th. official number of cars ot Block brouaht In todav bv each road was: Cattie.llogs.Bneep.ri sea. C. M. & St, P. Ry... 8 Wabash 4 Mo. Pac. Ry 1 I.... 4 80 a 4 87 4 4 4 8? I. ... 4 84 6 OS 4 48 42 4.... 4 6J t 13 4 81 4 44 6 ... 4 87 I 12 4 84 4 42 4 88 ..... 4 70 t 16 4 63 4 40 7.... 4 63 t 21 4 2 4 80 4 V 8... 15 t 87 4 29 4 82 ... 4 47 4 84 4 82 4 84 10... 4 83 8 81 4SS44ii II. .. 4 46 6 14 4 79 4 47 12... 4 70 (03 4 83 4 43 4 4 a. ii 'i t 1 a .. 8 .. .. 1 81 t 4 r. .. 5- ;r :: li 18 J Union i'acliic system 38 C. c N. W.- (East) 4 C. & N. W. (Wast) 87 C St. P. M. O. Ry 18 1:. H. ft y. (Hat).... s C. B. A Q. (West).... 97 C. R. I. dfc . (East) C. R. I. & P. (West).. 8 Illinois Central 8 Chicago Gt. Western. 8 Total receipts 222 The dlsDosttlon of th. day', receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing me num ber or head indicated: Buyers. Cattle.Hogs.Bheep Omaha Packing Co 4,264 640 260 1111 1.045 936 K2 1,31 6fi 1,068 2,152 298 4S lu . 77 44 84 40 726 84 ir.9 41 82 10 11 685 11 828 1 1.872 .6,276 6.472 8.434 G. H. Hammond Co Swift and Company .... Armour ft Company.... Carey 4V Benton w. I. Stephen Hill & Son F. P. Lewis Huston & Co ; Hamilton ft Rothschild Kingan & Co la Wolf Sam Werthelmer , Mike Haggerty 3. B. Root CO T. B. Inghram Rullivan tiros. , Halstead Independent Packing Co. Other buyer. . Total CATTLE ReceiDts of cattle have been oulte liberal all the week and today fur tilahad no esnentlnn thera balna 218 fresh cgre reported. Th. arrivals consisted largely or natives, th. same as an in. week, with warmed up steers, cows and heifers and feeders strongly in evidence. In fact, there was plenty of everything today except really good came, tne oner Inss of the latter class being rather light Th. market as a whole was In vary much the same condition as yesterday, that la very slow and dull, with packers' orders not at all urgent. It waa very lat. in th. morning before buyers made any attempt to do business, the market at no time aur lng th. dar nhowtng any scmblanee of ao tlvlty. Advices from other selling points were generally unfavorable, considerable decline, being reported. Th. fact that soma cattle laahlrned from this Dolnt sold very poorly at Chicago did not help th. selling Interests at this point. Fat cattle, even the best her., wer. siow sellers throughout, with prices anywnen from weak to 10c lower than yesterday. Some of the best cows brought prices that looked almost steady, but th. general market was easier and In a good many cases fullv 10c lower than yesterday. Th. feeder trade waa very much of a drag. In fact, as noted yesterday, It haa been pretty dull all th. week. Th. condl tion of th. market for fat cattle Is not such as to encourage the buying of feeders and th. market has declined for the wsnt of buying nupport from th. country. To dav It was llow and dull, with Drlces a lit tie lower, a good many of the light cattle selling a. .Tiuch as Zoo lower than, ten davs aro. Quotations on cattle: Good to choice corn-fed steets, tl.SO-ii6.60; fair to good corn-fed steem. 84.60ii4.b0: common to fa! corn-fed steem. 83.6td4.60; good to choice range steers, t (.0124.60; fair to good range steers, IS.dtxiTH.M; common to fair range steers, 83.Gu-ii3.4t: good to choice cows and heifers, 83. 4C03. 76; fair to good cowa and heifers. .4"ii'J.40; common to Ian "tw and heifers. 81.004x2. 40: good to choice stocY ors and feeders, t3.76!y-4 i: fair to good stockers and feeders, 83.268.76: common to fair stockers and feeders, 82.5093.26. Representative sales: BEEF STEERS. Na. 11.... t.... t.... U.... 40.... 14.... 81.... 4.... 8.... 8... 11.... 4.... 4.... 14.... I.... I.... II.... It.... 86.... a.... 8.... 14.... 4 ... 14... I ... 2.... 1 ... .... 7.... Av. Pf- No. At. Tt. .... 478 I 46 ...117 4 IK) ....loot 4 19 ....l'it 4 10 ....a "44 4 80 ....UN 4 tt urea 4 ta 1U60 4 44 17... 14... 14... U... 80... 16... I... 84... ....1IA4 4 70 ..,.1170 4 70 .... IHI 4 44 ....1174 4 46 ....1270 4 U0 ....1175 8 00 ....1U4 4 86 ....6141 6 46 ....IH04 4 44 COWS. , 1046 8 09 IS., 1048 I 08 J114 8 14 li41 8 10 444 I 10 1047 8 14 1117 8 14 4,4 8 16 1S I u 11 CO 8 81 447 8 84 l'0 I 15 i6 8 60 1416 I 11 Bis I 16 6 , i4 8 24 7 45 8 5 4 ....... 116 8 44 474 I 40 4 , 1145 8 60 14 104 8 60 14 i 8 46 1 , Ii4 8 75 11 , M I 40 41 444 I 10 I , Il7v I 00 8 1U44 1 00 HEIFERS. 740 3 64 28...... 6k4 t 78 I , Il 8 46 11 440 I 04 16 I) IM I , 6 8 40 8 loc.1 I 44 ..1117 I 14 ., 454 t 74 ' .. 7.U I 16 .. 444 3 78 ..l')41 I 40 .. 444 4 10 .1110 4 79 BTOCKEKS AND FEEDERS. 418 3 70 8 414 44 144 I 76 14 740 I 44 I 16 1 80 44 t 85 444 . 3 40 IT IM I 44 447 I 00 87 864 I 40 4M I 14 1 646 I 44 444 I 80 1 IM III 740 I to 9 I) I 70 T14 I 49 WESTERNS NEB R A SKA. 6 calves., 11 8 25 7 feeders.. M t 60 t feeders. 6 calves. .. 1 cow 883 t 60 194 6 25 ltr0 8 85 1 bull lJfO t 60- 14, calves... 80 I 7.T 4 feeders. .I't2 3 1 bull IHkO t 35 28 rows 92 3 85 2 bulls 1276 2 36 t calves... 2H1 3 ft 8 feeders.. 876 t 00 27 feeders.. BS8 I 40 7 heifers... s7 t 85 1 cow.., MO 1 75 t rows IwO 1 76 1 cslf 160 f 60 4 calves... 172 6 00 10 feeders.. 671 t 3 t cows ha3 1 15 4 feeders.. 442 t 80 t cows 12J I 10 I feeders.. 6 :i5 1 00 heifers... MS t 15 t steers... 8M I W 2S1 3 60 7ii 8 00 4 calves... 172 6 10 10 feeders.. 571 S 25 19 feeders.. X! 1 26 4 cows 7:7 i 00 4 cows 717 t 86 4 feeders.. 7u6 t 00 1 bull 16M) t 45 2 feeders.. ) 2 40 t calves. . t feeders. 4 cows..,. 2 cons.... 87 1 85 76 2 70 13 feeders.. l'K'3 8 66 11 feeders.. luM t 80 24 cows IM t 10 12 steers.... . t 70 11 cows 843 t 00 1 bull.. .1260' t 00 1 calf 2su 3 60 WYOMING 56 heifers.. 835 t 25 76 steers. ...1018 140 14 steers.. ..lot 3 4 16 t cows lVft t 90 t bulls 1218 t 60 Oakley A 3 steers ...1044 t 00 ...I'll 4 180'!3 120 ... '5 1 46 71 Steers 3 cows., 12 cows., 1 cow... ...!) J 40 Ellis. Idaho. 40 cows. A...lii3 166 41 cows 1009 1 55 A- Mcuowan, Idaho. 8 steers.... H"4 3 00 38 rows 911 196 88 rows 750 1 00 81 feeders.. 74 t 45 10 feeders. J 674 1 76 25 feeders.. (' 2 t 66 i feeders.. 9.1 t 00 2 bulla 1265 2 25 HOGS Hogs opened 15o higher this morn ing, with Hi. nral sales around 14.65. L'nder the Influence of th. very active demand on tho part of both packers and shippers prices rapidly strengthened up, becoming higher and at the best time fully 2ou hi tier, then eased off again, becoming quite a little weaker than tha beat tune The general market might beat be described fes J.jjiic higher. T'ie hogs sold very largely at Utx,u4 75, with a top at 84 80. It will be reinemlered that eaterday the bugs sold principally at Ittatfru, with a large sprinkling st 84 W and a lop st t4.0. l crtnv s srtvance retries tne marsei nara o Frld'sv of laat week, when the hogs sold In-prsctlrnlly the same notches as they did today. That means that nogs tonay soia high as thev hsve any day sine, th big bresk started. l.ste trains 01a not sen to goon i vantage. After the more urgent orders were Tiled ths market eased off, becoming loo lower than the good time or abotit like the opening On the cine buyers did not want to r7 over HA for the best bogs. Representative sales: No. An. h. tT. Ke. At. 8. fr. 4 64 44 ' ... 4 71 4 M IS HI 80 4 74 4 44 44 474 40 4 74 4 4.1 M 34 lf 4 74 4 4 44 140 4 TS 4 44 44 IS 40 4 74 4 48 41 114 4 74 4 44 14 r.4 . 4 78 4 44 77 t 40 4 71 4 64 44 U4 ... 4 74 4 44 44 144 44 4 11 4 44 41 r7 1 4 t5 4 45 41 ... 4 Ttt 4 45 41 14 ... 4 SO 4 45 tO 114 SO 4 40 4 44 14 110 ... i 40 4 44 40 51 ... 4 TO 4 74 II 171 804 4 7 4 T4 H 1 44 4 T 4 74 41 H4 40 4 70 4 79 44 144 IW 4 T4 4 70 44 Tl 0 4 TO 4 TO 44 . 140 4 TO TO . M IT 44 4 TO 4 70 41 t4 140 4 7 4 TO 44 U 1 4 TiH 4 70 44 14 SO 4 TH 4 TO Tl K4 140 4 TI14 4 70 44 ri 40 I Tt4 4 TO 44 t 4 7IV4 4 TO Tl l4 14 4 Tt 4 70 41 1l Itt 4 TT4 4T Tl Ill ... 4W4j 4 TO 44 44 4 T1'4 4 T4 44 110 40 4 TIH 4 TO 44 IM 44 4 TlVi 61 .. ...114 ...1J4 ....It .... ,...ll leS ...1 fri H4 14 lit 1)4 I4 ' r"0 X4 tut St.. 17... tl... 44 M 44 , 1 84 5 44 , 47 , M 44 74 .... 41 78 44 HI.... 47 44 .NO' r 44 M 10 ...84 ...M7 ...ri ...11 ...! ...201 ...Ii ...1 ' 81 44 44 T4 71 11.... 41 44 171 44 lrr SHEEP ReceiDts .f sheep this morning wer. very light only twelve cars bslng reported In. Of this number seven cars wer. Idaho ewes, .0 tnst in. aneringe i tA at, iff air, iinuatiallv Ucht. Th. f.W desirable fat iambs In sight chsnged nsnds very readily at fully steady prices. Good fed westerns sold largely at 16 .6. Th. feel ing on sheep was very weak, aus to very unfavorable reports from Chlcsgo. Boms or the packers bsd messages inaicaiina that there were good fed sheep at that rmlnt held sines Atonaav wunoui a diu. Had ther. been any .heep of consequence here they would undoubtedly hav. sold 10c lower at least . Quotations on good to choice sneep ana lnmha: Iambi 8a.7fy& 90: yearling wethers. 84!MV&'1.76; wethors. t4.fcKv". t3.76fl 4.0". RepresentatlT. sales: No. 21 wsstern lamb. A. :: 3 .. 8 ,.. 68 .. 62 ,.. 180 Pr. 6 8A 6 86 6 86 I 00 6 04 4 00 t ts 112 western lambs 163 western lambs 6 western lambs, culls 5 western lambs, oulla. 1 western ewe 40 western lambs r 81 328 western yearlings and weth- 4rTS 868 western yearlings and weth- 99 4 8S 488 t 76 178 5 86 6 00 1 75 6 76 8 00 t 76 6 00 ro 7 western ewes 97 22 western ewe. 184 72 western lamb. 84 S western lambs 76 63 western ewes 115 25 western lambs 80 IS western cull ewes and bucku. 103 163 western lamb. 71 1 western wether 90 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattl. Slow and Da H Hogs aad Sheep Steady. CHICAGO. Dec. 12. CATTLE1 Receipts estimated about 13,000 head; market sloa snd dull; steers, t.OCKa.80; cows. 88.7dS'4.60 , (, , . j F" Aa. 00 KA3U OA Mntuaa 1 1 o 1 1 .T 1 ,,, llj tin, rt-.. ,u , v . , t9kV,7 0K. .i.u.ri anrl feeders 81.40(4.50. HOGS Receipts, estimated about 20,000 head; market steady; choic. heavy shlp tilnr. 85 2ur6.2n: lla-ht butchers. 15. 20ft 5,; light mixed, 66.10j6.15; cholo. light, 15.15 6.20; packing, 84.y.lfi; pigs, 84.0C.c4.75; bulk or suiea, ao.ivtn'.io. SHEEP AND' LAMBS Receipts, estl mated about 80.000 head: market steady shewn. 33.6OS6.60; lambs, 5.4S.20; yearlings, 4.aA44.40. Kansas City Live RteoU Market. KANSAS C1TT. Dec, 12. CATTLE R. relnts. 1 800 bead. Inclufllnar 500 southerns l(vji'16o Tower: choice export and dressed beef steers, t5.004f6.76; fslr td good, 84.0041 6.26: western steers, t3.75fift.76: Blockers ai feeders, 83.004.50; southern steer. t3.60ifl 4.x; southern cows, 82.ztiiUB.i3; native cows, 12.7615)6.06; bulls. 13.0O5W.0O; calvw, HOflffirt.60. KOte Koelpts, 8,w need; &c nigner: too. 85.02i: bulk of sales, 84 76tt.0O; heavy 84.Kiio,tmH; - paoksrs, 14.7536.00; pigs and lights. 84.60(176.00. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 8.200 head; market 103H6C lower; lambs, 85.5il t.00; ewe. and yearlings, S4.236.7f; western yearlings, 34. 606. 00; western sheep, 83. 5n 4.80; stockors and feeders, 83.ooer4.a. St. LaaU Llvsr Stack Market. ST. LOUIS, Deo. Receipts, 1,800 head, Including 1,000 Tsxans; market stesdy; native shipping and export steers, 86.4(i.2f; dressed beef and butcher steers, 85.OO06.7T; steers under 1,000 lbs., $.1.00.76 stockers and feeders. I2.264M.26: rows ant heifers, 83.OXy6.lXi; rannara, tl.60CT2.19; bulls, 12.60i4.25: calves, 88 604r7.60: Texss and In. dian steers, JZvtC.lO; cows and heifers, 31.&Ofj!3.7S. ' HOGS Receipts. 6,600 head; market 16o higher: tags and lights. 84.ftVii6.10: Deckers. t4 6O$f.10; butchers and bsst heavy, t 860 SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 1,600 head; market stesdy; native muttons, tAOO ;4.ttu; iambs, 8o.7NQ6.0d; culls and bucks, 3.60S.OO; Blockers, 83.003.86. It. Joseph LIT Itack Market. ST. JOSEPH. Dec. 12 CATTLE Re ceipts, 2.281 head; market lower; nstives, 34.0uj.w; cows and heifers, 11.754j4.60, st-oc'icers sna - xeeejoTS, so.a&irri.tiv. iuxju nereipts, 4.168 Dead; market 40c r-ignerj top, mw. Bulk or ssles, 84.75rM.o. BHEEF AND LAMRU-Receipts, l.ftttj neao; marKet steady; lambs, 85.25'ffO.Oll yearlings,, Stoax Cltr Liv. Stock Market. BIOUX CITT, la., Dec. 12. CATTLE Rs eel pi a, uo head; market slow; stockers aieaay; Doevea. 4.wj(; cows and heifers, 32.0ji(i4.oo; stockers and feeders, 13.003,3.60 calves and yearlings. t2.0Oj3.4O. HOGS Receipts, 8,41)0 head; market 26o nigner, selling at ii; bulk, 4-i -o4.iO. Stock la Sight. wealsrn markets yesterday: - Cattle. Hogs. South Omaha f,400 .7u0 Sioux City i 700 1.400 Kansss City LtoO t.2o0 St. Joseph t.tnl 4.160 St. Louis 3.8fl0 ' 6.600 Chicago ., 13.WJ0 - 20,0u0 total 26.981 47,966 Sheen , 8.301 'i'.ioo 1.0H3 l.fkJO 20,000 M,S63 ' Ce-ttoa Market. NEW YORK, Dec. 12.-COTTON-Futur.s opened rirm; Liecemoer, ii.o&c; January, lie March. 11. lc April, ll.15-9U.16o; May, 11.17c;, June, 11. loo; July, ll,12o; August, 1U-&-C. t mures -closed steady; December. 11.68c January, ll.OOo; February, J1.15c; March ll.rSc; April. 11 26c; May, 11 27c; June, 11.24c; -July, U.2o; August, 10. Wc. Spot cioaen steaoy, o points nigner; middllni uplands, 12.Sfoc; middling gulf, 12.45c; sales l.Ait bales. LIVERPOOL, Dec. 18 -COTTON Spot, gooa iuainess aor.e; prices lu points higher American mlddliMg fair, t.88d; good mid dllng, 6.62d; low middling, f.sud; good ordl nary. 6.5od ordinary. 4.V6d. The sales n ths dsy were 18,uu0 bsles, of which 1,(00 were iur apnouiation ana export and In eluded 17.50U , American. Receipts. 19.000 bales, including U.40U American. Futures openea nrm ana Closed steady. ST. LOUIS., Pec. lX-COTTON Firm middling, UHc; uo sales; receipts, 1,068 nuius; Biupiuenia, - in oaies; slock, 15,091 bales. NEW OTU-FAN3, Dec. 12 COTTON Boot. nmiL lovt ordlnsry. 74ic. nominal good ordinary, Hlc. nominal; low middling, lie: miouung, it so; . gooa miaaung, JJHc middling fair, . Lc; fair,. 13o. nominal Bales. sales; receipts. 15.787 bales auCK, i40,oDi bales. Metal Market NEW YORK. Deo. 12-METAIa-Th London tin market was higher, with spot quoted ai avi-i oa aiiu luiures at aid lbs, Locally tne market was week and lowe and In sympathy, with Quotations ranrm. from tZ?.50oJ 50. Copper was lower In the Indnn mantel, at tM lbs for spot and o0 Is for futures. Locally the aiirl.t was weak and lower, with lske quosed at lis. wo 13. a; electrolytic, siz ;mj la.uo; ess lng, 3li otru leati declined to 11 1 sd In lnooii. uocmny tne market was weak and lower also, st 83 76. Spelter snsrea in. general weaanesa or in. ixin dm market, being quoted at 20 7s d lxoaiiy u was wean, at Th Kngliah iron market was hlghsr, wit standard foundry quoted st 4a M and I ieveiana warrants at oa. 1orally No 1 northern was quoted at 117.758:08 86; south ern grade nominal. T. IajL'IS. rc 12 M ETA LS Lead, lower, so. s. opeiier, wesg, 4 u. Dloeoaat Resaala. faeaaaged. . LONDON, Dec. 12. -The rat. of discount or tne liana ot fc-ngland remained un tiianged loda 41 7 per cent. BOY DISEASED BY AMBITION Thirteii-Yejr-01d Clitp Scornt Or f hanng-e for Batlneti. BUT EE GOES BACK TO TORMEB Ittle Fagltlva I. F.aad ay Jartslla Orlleer Rag.ged ta Oass. at olltalr. aad , Pratest. aa Restraint. Tha prlnotpal troubl. with Charll. Allen aged 18, Is that h. la too .mMtloua. Shakes pear, haa said something about ambition erleaplng Itself and falling oa t otner Bids. That's the way with Charll.. Charll. Is. to us. his own words, "half a orphsnU" HI father Is dead nd hi mothst couldn't take car. of him. Therefor, th Juv.nll. authorities took him In hand and plsoed him In th. Benson orphsnege. insr II. made a trip through th. Institution, Inspected .r-rythlng theroughly, talked to som of th. children and decided it was no plac. for sn ambitious young man Ilk. him self. Having unbounled fatth In that declara tion of th. rts-ht of .v.ry oltlsen to lib erty and th. pursuit of happlnas.. Charlls w.nt to a door whloh wag unlocked, opened It snd walked away. An hour later his so sen oe wa discovered. W.d.nsdar en. of Probation Offlcet Mogy's dsputles wsnt down to lilt Chlcsgo street, where CharUe had onos lived with s kind hearted woman. Th.r. Sh. found Charlie sitting In solitary -sad manly state st k tabls. H. was playing a gam. ot osrds. H. glanced carelsssly at th. young woman and than wsnt calmly on with his game. Charles), ta W.aehalaat. What aro you doing h.ra, Chsrll.r sh. saked. Charll. looked up with an nprsslon that said. "Beg pardon, ar you addressing mat" Sh. repeated her Inquiry. "I am plsylng a little gam. of osrds," h. replied nonohejantty, sa hs mad. a tow rspld movements of th. esrds In his game of Bolltalra. But you ought t. at th. orphanags," sh. Insisted. No," said Charila," I hay. no Urn. to spend In orphans ges. I'm going to get a Job and make money. I want to gat rich. rm going to Peoria, I csn gat a job in Poorla." Th. yoang woman thsn mod. an wo- quent plea for Omaha as a center of In dustry. It la muoh superior to Psorla as a plac. for work snd high wages, ah. de clared. Charll. paused In Ms game, shew ing that h. waa Interested In th. proposi tion. H. appearsd to be In deep thought. When th. young woman stated that sh. knew whers sh. could get him a Job, no capitulated snd agreed to go with her. Eventually h consented ts return to tha. orphanags whither h. was taken. 1 don't wsnt to waBts much tlm. wltn thaa klda. though," he Bald. "I got to get a Job snd begin to get rich." Millions of bottle or Foley's Hon.f and Tsr hav. been sold without any person ever having sxpsrlenced any other than beneficial results from Its us. for coughs, colds snd lung troubles. This Is beeaus. ths ganutn. Foley's Honey and Tsr In th yellow packags contains no opiates or othsr harmful drugs. Guard your health by rsfuslng any but th genuine. For sal. by sll druggists. EUROPEANS ARE GOING HOME R.tara ta Fata.rlaads ta neiponaa ta Raiaora af Work aa -Cheap Ltviagr. "Th xodus of foreigners from Kansas City Is big st present," said S. C. Sin clair, a Ksnsas City business msn who Is stoppplng st tho Paxton. "Thousands of these peopl. sr. leaving .very day .for their south.rn European homes. Th finan cial flurry was tho cause of many being out of work. Most of them hav nest sums of money laid up snd destr a trip to their native land. Then they he", re ceived report that there I a scarcity of labor all over Europe. They know that while wages there are not as . high as In America, th. cost of living Is not ss great. Som. of them will probably never rrturn to this country, but most of them expect to return. Many who sre going sre natur alised citizen of this country. "Ther. Is one great fear that mart of them hold In common, snd that fear has deterred many others from going. It Is th. fear they wW be , pressed Into the army snd made to serve three Sr five yesrs. Those who hav tak.n out natur alization pspers In this country sre rely ing on them for protection Sgalnst their being compelled to seYv In th army, In som of th countrUa Jt may protect them, but not In Italy.- B.-ery Italian born on Italy's soli owes hfs country thre years of military servlc and hs cannot escape It by going to som other country and be coming naturalized, becauss tt is an obli gation hs owed before h. threw off al leglanc to hi. own king, and any tlm h. sets his foot on Italian soli they will get him and th United States Is powerless to lntsrvens." ' "Dle-d at Fnaaaaaata" Is never written of those who our. coughs snd colds with Dr. King's Mew Dlsoovery. Guaranteed, too and 3L0O. For sal. br Beaton Drug Co. ' . Waal Market. BOSTON, Dec. 12. WOOLe-Interest In th. local market has rsvlved with th. Improve ment In the money market and betier feel ing In the mills. Trading bfcs been mors ac tive than for several weeks and a good movement In sample lots, indicating prepa rations for futurs requirements, Is re ported. Prloes remain firm, except in pulled wools, where trsnsartions hav bean carried through at somewhat lower rates. Th. leading western quotations are as fol lows: Kentucky, Indiana snd Missouri, thres-elghths blood, Hijlc quarter-blood, 2W?3Uc; scoured vslues, Texss fine twelve months, 7ft(i73c: fine six t." eight months, oti 60c; fine tall, 5Zo; California, north ern, 64f;ioc; middle oounty, 6gZo; south ern. 60&A1C; fall fleece, tttfHla. Oregon, astern. No. 1 staple, 7(ST72c; eastern, No. 1 clothing, dMjtfOo; eastern average, t73o: vslley. No. 1. tOiyuic; territory (scoured basis), fine staple, 72372c; fins ' medium staple, 7rMr72o; tins clothing, KiiW; fin. me dium clothing. fc'3; half blood, 6oir7o; three-eighths blood, 43&t-o; quarter blood. 63a(j6c; pulled, extra, 64?70c; fin A, tivy too; A supers, 60&Mc. BT. LOUIS, Dec. 12. WOOL Quiet ; me-, dlum grades, combing snd clothing, tlit 23c: light fine, lVoOOci heavy fine, Djloc; tub-washed, 2 iliac. Evaaarated Apple aad Dried Frajts. NEW YORK, Dec. 11 EVAPORATED APPLES Market Is Arm, but without quot able change. Fancy sre quoted at 12c; rhoice, Imiilac; prim., kAijSo; 1806 fruit, f,o for all. DRIED FRUITS Prunes are moving slowly and It la reported that som. con cessions have been made on the smaller sixes. Quotations still rangs from 4t;10o for California fruit and' from 7ff7o for Oregon a. Apricots sr. firm, with choice quoted st 22c; extra choice, 23c; fancy. 24 C260. Offerings of peaches sre very light, with rhoice held at l-'-ric; extra choice, IZH'filtV: fancy, l&ijliV'; extra fancy. It fc'Wc. Raisins are easy on spot, with loose Muscatel quoted at 7'(V7.r; seoded ralsna, 7'a9io; Lot don, tl 7001.8). Oil. aad Resia. OIL CITY. Pa.. Dec. IT -OIL Credit bal. anres. 11.78; runs, 114,112 bhls.; average, 1W.'.J bhls; shipments, 171, 204 . bbls. ; ev er. ie. 174 x bbls. SAVANNAH. Oa., Dec. 12. OIL Spirits of turiientlne, firm, 44"o. ROSIN Firm: A. H. C. tt.tMi. I74: D r.'.o4i-' TU,: K. 8?.ii:97H: K, 82'"l9TH t. t2 H(2.74A; H. ); I, U V5: k! 84.76; M, 85, N, t.lui VU, tti.tO; WW, t