. ) TIIE OMAHA DAILY DEE: THURSDAY, DECEMBER 12, D01 I ( X CMLN AND f RODt'CE UARIET rtlcei Are Steady to Strong:, with Wtttt Last. rosxiairEEa off on expobts Tl" . mt BaH I, at ,' Sraad tUl M Farelga Markets All Cwsae with Law Qao tatlams. OMAHA Dwembff It 1907. Oraln prices wars steady to strong thla morning, with wheat aoma tha weakest. fsrelcn markets ara out of Una for export Juslnsss, and cables wara Very weak on wheat. Wheat opened a trifle lower and remained weak during tha session! tha- market waa dull and showed no lira. xport business la at a standstill and foreign marketa all cama lower. May wheat opened at 9Ho and closed at 93Hc. Corn opened steady to strong and worked higher in response to higher cables ami soma interesting exchanges during tha sea son. Reeerpts ara growing; and tha volume o trad Ins has shown s good- increase this week. Mar corn opened -. at t&Wo and closed at eUHo. Oats opened strong and active and ad yanoed with corn, allowing a good spread from yesterday's close, Demand Is better and some good bidding was done. May oats opened at Bnfto and closed at 61Hc Primary wheat receipts were 1,026.000 bushel and shipments were 116, 000 bush els, against recelpta last ear of 701,000 bushels and shiomentei of 7 000 Corn receipts were 879,000 -bushel and shipments 100,000 bushels, . against re ceipts last year of 513,000 bushels and moments or 673.000 bushels. Clearances were 144.000 bOshel Of corn, 14,009 bushels of oats, snid wheat and Dour equal to 647,000 btiehels. Liverpool closed ffli& lower 1 Wheat and fed hlchar on corn. Seaboard reported 16.000 bushels of wheat and 24,000 bushels Of corn taken xor export. Local range of options: Arfcclra Open. Hliih. Low. Cot: TosT Wheat I Deo.... May... July... Corn lee.... May... July... Oats Deo.... 84 "'ftr- C?. 9-'H 93 93 ' 2T 8T7a So (Vj, sr. 47H t 4TH 4S 4Yi1i 49 5o 49 60 4K 4! 41 4H 49 47Vi 47H 47H 4TH 4T4 6M4 60 61 60 61 48 44) 46 44 4M 44 May... July. Oaaaka Cama Frleaa. VntRAT-Hi. t hard, Wc; "No. S hard, 90 Ce;,N. 4 hard, R;"jOOo; No. I spring, 93 4c:io grade, 8oii5o. Coal-No. S new, 47o; No. 4 new, 4&3 c; no grade new, 42tf5c; No. 2. yellow, win'"; wo. 1 wnita, 47b,hj4c. OATS-No. $ mixed, 4fc347e No. white, 47o; No. 4 White, tfjQt.c; standard oats, 47H4Ao. ' RX No,' S, mmc; No.. J. 7So. , ' , Carlo Receipts. . "Wheat Corn. Oats Chicago , Minneapolis .'.... v.. .. 17 f 201 8$ ......434 ... " umana Duluth . 18 -. ' 18 29 .202 " ... CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS Feat area ef t h e , Trad lag? and Closing; Prices on Beard of Trade, CHICAOO, Pec. 11. The local wheat market was strengthened today by reports of light Stocks of wheat in the northwest -. . . . . ..- . . ana . vj .an, aavance or more tnan lu 11 com. , .At the close wheat for May de Jivrr wu D SOliO, Corn was uu ic. Oata were o higher, and proTlalans 17 87 Mgher,, , , The wh .at market opened weak becauee f lower cablea and the decline In stock. At the! end of the first hour; however, all of ,the early loss had been resalr.ed . and during the remainder of the day. the maraei ruled nrm at a moderate advance. Newa enncerninc the atocks ot -wheat In the northweat waa decidedly bullish. One T aiiipatCQ aeciarea mat country, elevators keontaipea 40 per cept leas wneat tnau a 1 rear ao. This, with tha strength of corn. caused active covering by shorts and the market, closed strung and near the hl-h point.. May opeped shade to, & 'u o lower, VI e, advanced to 8l.0 and closed at 81.00 . Clearances Vf wheat and fleur were equal to 660.100 bushela. Primary recelpta were 1,025.000 buahela compared with 708,000' bunhels on the enrree ponding day last year. M1nnan apolla, Duluth and Chicago reported re ceipts el (68 oars; against 838 cars last Week and 416 cars one year ago. ' The cdrn market! wail weak at ttte open ing. In 'sympathy 1tH wheat, but )atr became 1 atrong on firm cables, hither prices for live hog", reports of much soft corn In the new croo and the fowa state report, which showed a loss of 81 pr cent In that state as compared with the crop of last year. The cloae waa atrona'. May opened unonatigaa to '-a iowr, ii gfyte, advanced to 6o and closed at 8864o. Ical receipts' were 101 care, wtih T 'care of contract grade. The oats market waa dull and prlcis wsra flsmsi In syrnpathy- with "corn and be cause of an improved demand for casn o-t. May opened unchanged, at 62c, anced te 68HO684&0 and closed at 62 p. Leoal recelpta wars 88 cara A rli ot 10 0 80a In the price of live lioss and eoverlng by shorts caussd a trong market for provisions. The buying itrong market for provisions, m uuymg r.f perk was PrclMly.good. . At tha cloe May pork, waa up 47o, al $18.S1? Lard Was Ida higher, a 87.16. Ribs were 17 o of pi May vaa t,t.H at tTlOv Wheat, IT .-cara crn, 102, cars; pats, ears; l. .uvu , . LaadlaaT utuwa nuifea mm luiwwii Articles.) Open. Hlgh'-jLow.. t Qoss. Iff. Wheat I .1. -1. j'.. I Vhea I ( I ' Deo....f, May...Mf'T-'VL J 10I961 i0 Julv... 1 94 94 - 98f 1 001 Cora i I Po.,..f S?W Mav...ft,ve'T14! MM 66'54tlJ 64 , aM&r. bMay. aJuly. bJuly. 62 61 47 63 61 47 44 44 rork Jan... 18 82 82 12 fWi1 It 8 13 2 12 60 12 86 T 78 1 75 78 May.. Lard .la... May.. 18 00 1 U -0 13 00 J 83! J2 T 90 1 95 . 1fc! 187 8 K 8 8 92 May... 110 I 97! 1 10 92 Ko, '2. aoid. bNeW. ru, nnntatlnns were as follows ' Fl.Ol'R Easy! winter patents, 84 304 80; tralKhts, 44 4j4: spring patents. 8".2u4t L4f: strals-hta. 84.f4 w; PaKra. vl.s.M.H.lft. WHEAT-No. 2 sprlnK. 2I.411.0; No. 8, 7c"i-l 1; No. 2 rid. 9iS.fiV3ff. CORN No. 8. 4eS3o; No. I yellow, OATS-No. I. ; No. I white. 4962o. n V r-Nn. I. Tftr. PAULEY Hoc feeding," fJTJJTSc; fair to holes iraltlng. frivSo. SiiEJJS FU. No. 1 northwestern, 81 10 Prime timothy, . 84.80. Clover, contract aradaa. 816 71. PROVlSIONaWWirt rlba, side", loose. M 7!a7 5o. traa tok per bbi.. 211 87!! 60. lMji. per 1 It's. s 16. ehort clear aides 2-oUowtns- were the receipts and ship ments of flour ana train: Recelpta Bhlpments flour, bbls.. 1.. ,.Vhi'H. bu...... Vr.rn. bu ' 'Oats, bu. live 87 90 17.40 .. K7.cit ,.4I4,6') ..8il,600 .. I Ort 10. 0 lOX.T'O 1 ! 72. 2-0 1.00 14.1J0 barley, bu fn the Produce exnsnge today the but tr market waa ateadM oreamarlea. Siftljo: dalrirs, 17tt'-fx' Kgxe. firm: at mark, cases Included, t-rtjAc; first), 3c; prime firsts, tJc; extras, 27a. Cheise steady; lljl2o. - g. Lewis General Market. an f ATMS rwn 1 1 Lmi V A T1 lrl.1... . B 1 -., n , track: No. 8 red. catf 9V''l'c: No. 2 hard, IV-til ;' Msy, 81; July, OOliN Hihr; traclt No. 2 cah, 61 63c; Dere,,ilvr, 61 c; May, 63c; No. 2 White, aitbu'to. OATS-Hi!er; track:. No. i cash, 40c; Ivtdv. iiuc: Nil. white. Mc. FIX1 l f ull. Red watrr patents 84 ir 4K6; extra fancy and straight. 84 goutfe; ci.-ar H.;; ''. t, . Ph.FI1 liiu.thv, SfadV: 83 6094 00. v ( i ikiN'MFAL Steady. O.00. IiKAN-litif , sacked east track, tl.060 .. . k, . . 11 AY rteaoy; iimoiny. wiriw.io; pralrj 8 lKi'N COTTON TIE-.ia HAiilN4l"c. Ill-MP TWINE 11c. 1'KovlSloNa fork, nigner; Jobbing. 81S.W. Iard. hihr; psme steam, tt m'. I r ealt meats. I. la'1'"; iMXd. extra shnris. f Xi: rlrar rlba. t M. tliort rli-ars. in (. Lw.un, higher; buxed, atra shurl, 8.6o; IW! ' W 6S ISfRUrti w sri I I I BW4 6r! 6SH 61 61 47 47 44 46 61 47 46 clear ribs, 19 87 ; short clears, (9 87H f"OtLTkY Dull: chickens. 7V4e: springs. 4c; turkeya, Uc; ducks, 8c; geeae, iiL'TTER Steady; creamerr. ?Co. Heoelnta Blilimenta. Flour, bbls itimo l!.0"O Wheat, bu i4.t0 1600 Corn, bu Gs.(9 UCQ Oats, bu 6S.0U0 17,000 MIW YORK GENERAL MARKET Featarea of ' Trading and" Prteea" Leadlag Comniedl tlea. NEW TOBK no 11 tri-i;HRecelnta. lB.Oti bbK ; exporta, 17,132 bbla. ; market dull and about steady: Minnesota patenta, V&6.00; winter 1raihta, l4.46i(H.66; Minnesota bakera, $4.5''(6.w; winter extraa, 8.17.110: winter patents. llSinTS; wlnlrr low grades, $z.Sy4m. Kye flour, stesdy; fair to tond. ItdiV.iS 15: choice to fani y. a.i"S640. buckwheat flour, steady; IXowtf 110 per J0O lba. COHNM KAl Bteady: fine white and yel low. Il.&fjil 3S: coarse. 11. 46411.W: kiln dried. $&H8.C6. K 1 E IXill; NO, 2 weatern, K00, X. 0. D., New York. WHEAT Receipt a, 142,000 bu.! exports, 75.014 bu.: SDot market firm. No. t red, 8100 elevator, and 81 01 f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 northern Duluth, l.l I. o. D. afloat; No. 8 hard winter, 81.10 f. o b. afloat. FTom a weak and lower opening, due to easy cables and bearish ArgnsUoa news, . wheat became qu)le Itrotig today, advancing over a cent on bull support, the strenrth of earn and active covering. Final prices were c to lo net hlfher. Haw (1 AC ll.lauA 7 f V -"V im Ming July, $l.lwfc1.08, 1.07. closed 81.07; closed 8l.tr.ii, tJUKN Itecelpts, 18,276 bu.; exports, 18. f34 bu.; spot market firm. No. 2, 68o elevator, and 64o f. o. b. afloat; No. t white, nominal, and No. 2 yellow, tibc f. o. b. afloat. The option market waa stronger with wheat, rinsing 'uo net higher. December, 67ttc, closed, (8c; May closed 66c OATb Receipts, 62,600 bu.; exports, 14, 8X6 bu. Spot market firm. Mixed, 20 to 32 lbs., 6(c; natural whits, 28 to 22 lbs., 67j 6c; clipped white, 82 to 40-lbs.. 6s'V(H(o. HAT-Steady; good to choice, 81.06fel.10. HOPS-rtteady ; state, common to choice, 190-, 1317c; Wit, 6c; Pactflo coast, 1907, Sfc'llPj 1K08, 4Sc. hlDK3 Steady; Bogota, 16019o; Centra American, 15jl9c. PROVISION) Beef steady; family, r6.00; mess, 210.001100; beef hams, 825.0027.00; packet 2UMil2.50; extra India, JiOaa oO; cut meats atuady, pickled bellies, I8.OW1IO.0O; Dtckled hams. 810 0Orflrt.f. . Irl atrady: western' prime, S..Vi).4ft; refined, steady) continent, 88.90; South America, IS.76; con tinent, 28.90; South America. 89.76; com pound, 87.878!7.2. Pork, ateadv; family, 818 00118 60; short clears, $16.7617.00; mess, $15.0O15.76. TALLOW Quiet; 'city (18 per package), 6c; country (packages free), 6i60. RICE Quiet; domestic, fair to eitra, J'y;c; Japan, nominal. BUTTER Firm: creamery specials, c; extrss, 29c; thirds to firsts. 2128o; held, second to specials, 22r28c; state dairy, common to fine. 2127c; process, common to specials, loftravic; weatern factory, -com mon to nrsta, lamjauc; imiiauon creamery, 2icao. CHEESTO Steady; state full cream, small mlnred and white, fine. 154ic; good to prime. 14315c; later made, .best, 111ixfl2c; com mon to fair, 9llc: large colored, 15o; white, 12c; skims, 10JfUo. BXiaS Firm; western firsts,. 032cj seconds. Jific. POt'ITRY Dressed, firm;, western chick' en, 13I8c; turkeys, lftgOSoi fowls, C13o. WEATHER IBT THE ORAI BELT Fair, Than Probably Rain or Snow and Warmer. OMAHA, Dec. IT. 1907. The esstnrh disturbance, noted' In the preceding report. Is moving off the upper Atlanllo coast, mis ajsiuroanue mi' Kv v.rv decided fall In tetnDera Itira avervwhere "east of the Mississippi river, with snows in the lake region and eastern states and rains along the coast. Fair and warmer weather'prevalle weat of the Mississippi river to the mountains, pntn and moi are aeneral in the ex treme northwest and throughout the mountain dletrlct this morning and rain or snow is probable in this vicinity late o-nfght-or Thursday, with warmer tonight. fimaha record of temperature and pre cipitation compared with the corresponding day 01 me last inree ' 1907.1904.1906.1904. Minimum temperature ..i 16 a 82 17 PreclDitation 00 CO. 00 T NnrmnI temneratiire for today 29 degrees. Deficiency in precipitation since' March 1. 7.04 inches. ' . . Deficiency corresponding penoa la tsva. 4.28 taohes. .. .-.w.. . - . t ' Deficiency . corresponding 1 period in 8S06, 2.19 tochas. ' , ' - ' U. A. WELsti. icai rvrecasier. Kauaaaa C14y.43ra4n PrevUloaa. 'KANSAS CITY. Deo: 11. WHEAT De cember. 91c; May, 9c; cash. No. 2 hard. K(ws; No. 8, wDJVic; no. rea, ro-vc; No. i, .asfitfiVsfl. s. . . , oorn ucmDer. tic: nir, iwg casa. No. 2 mixed. 48c; No. 8. 47$48c; No. 2 White, 4KBK5; No. 8, 4Ji"c. OATS No. 2 . white, 49o; No. t mixed. HAY-JChdlce timothy, steady, 8ll.00O12.00; choice prairie, 26o lower, 89.01KU9.W. BUTTEl-'reamery,-87ot packing, 16c. ' EQOS Extras, 2oc; firsts, 24o. Receipts- Shipments. Wheat, bu ...60.O1O 47.000 Corn, bu. r..-.; .4. u . 88,000 Oats. bu. 4,000 8.909 H'hese ' ouotatlons at Kansas City were reported , ty Lotsao A Br an, . I. Board .of iihub: ArUcles. - Open. High.) Low. Close, Wheat .May .., July .. 9f. 9f. .-, 9o 87 K .87 49!?r4 0 ; 49 4! 60 . 4 88 Corn May ... July ... 6A a4 60; Evaporated- Apalea u4 Dried) Fralta. NEW YORK, Dee, 11. EVAPORATE! APPLES-Market steady hvtone; fancy, 10 &10c; prime, kiCJc, and 1908 fruit at a-'-AflllC. " DRIED FRUITS Prunes are unchanged. with Quotations ranging from 4o to 16o for California fruit and from 7o to 7e for new crop Oregons B0-60s. Apricots are scarce and firm: choice, zac: extra choice at 28c and fancy at 243Se. Peaches are firm, with choice quoted at l?uii2c; extra choice at 12413c; fancy at l&ti'18o; extra fancy at 14i)14c. Raisins are some what steadier In tone, with looae Muscatel quoted at 7'7"V,c; seeded raisins at 791ic, and ixindon layers at xi.7wai.8U. Oils anal Rvaln. OIL CITT. Pa.. . Dec. 11. -OIL Credit balanoea. tl.78. Runa, 1.7,11 bbla. ; average, l.'2.ti74 bbls. Shipments, ,ta DOla; aver ass. 1174 hbla. SAVANNAH, Ga.. Dec. ll.-orLr-Tui- rh.ntlT)A firm. -44tuv ROSIN-Flrm; A, B. C D. 1190; B, 82t5t IM; f. iiwniw. o. z: h, r.-.nei'ns.oii: i, 63 76: K. 8480; M. 86.20; N, 28 00; w, 8.20 WW, $8.60. Minneapolis Grata Market. MINNEAPOLIS, Dec. 11 WHEAT- No. 1.. northern. $1.041.04; No. MAK.U.VH tl 1.11. FIH'R First patenta, 85.4(Xfr5.6i!: second patents, Vs6.t0: nmt clears, M-awo, second clears. r8.Swl.bO. FlAX Falr demand; closing prices were 81 .10; to arrive. II 10. BRAN In bulk. $30.7Mf21 .00. Coffee Market. NFW TOItK, Dec. 11 COFTrTE-Market for futures closed steady; sales were re ported of 12 7S) lage. March. 6.90c; May, 4ooc: July, e.OCc: Bptemher, 16o, end No veniber, 8 Sue. EiKt. steady; Jin. 7 Rio. c Santos No 4. 7Vc. Mild coffee, steady Cordova. 901Sc. Liverpool Grain aao Pravlateaa. ' LIVERItKL. Dec. IV WHEAT Spot weak: No. 2 red western winter, 7s ad Futures, easy; December, nominal; March, 7a 8d: May. 7s ,d. PORN Snot, nulet; prims mixed lAmeri- can, 6s od. Futnrea. quiet; December, nominal; January. 6a !d. reorla Market. PEOPTA. Ill . Dec. 11. -r COV" - Nsw, loacr; No. 8 yellow, iffAr- Vn, 8, , H-,. Nn. 4. 4ii4ic: no srade. Ql3o, OATS- Strong; No. 8 white, '60c; No. white 4:ttC. WHISKY On the basis of 61 SS for fin- tilled goods. i . . rialntb Urala Market. 'PL'I.tTH. Dec. 11 -WHEAT No. 1 hard. 41 CO: No. 1 northern, 2I."1; No. portnern. LK-ceniDer, sU'l OATS To arrive. 4c; on track, 48c, .. 'Toleda geeel Markat - TOLFOO. O.. ro. 11 -EEDClrtr. esh. V Dcembor, 8 90; Marco, 10tv Alsiiu, pnme, .au. clover Seeo, prime, Si J0. Dank Claartngra. OMAHA, Dc 11 T?ank clearings for today were Jl (wtH U and for the Corrvaiendlug aaie ii )r -,v.s,u.. NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS SBsnaBBBBasnaaSt Earlj Market ii Spotty, Irregnlar and DuU. CALL. MONEY RATES HIQHEE Belief That Expected Redandaney mt Cnrreney la Delayed Holds Specu lation Belly Near the Close. NEW YORK. Dee. 11. The withdrawal of effective support for prices, except In spotty and Irregular fashion, and tne dull, yielding tendency were the reflection of disappointment at the tardiness with wblrh the dislocation of financial affairs Is working towvds correction. It in clear that a apeculatlve party which started to advance prlcea and hold them over the end of the year counted upen Initiation before that time of tha reflux of cash reserves in the larger banking renteis nd a relaxation' of the stringency in all departments of the money market, which is a consequence, uonndence is unim paired -that, at a given stsge of the le storatlon of credits, there will be a aui den and heavy reflux Into bank reserves and something like redundancy of sup plies in tne credit markets. The Impression has taken hold of the speculative element In the stock market, however, that a miscalculation hfta been made of the period of arrival of these conditions, ana revised anticipations tra disposed to put it forward beyond the turn of the year. The tone of admonition of some of the banks to speculative bor rowers snd the running up or tne can money rate this week carry this unmis takable intimation. With a heavy detlclt below tha Ipsal reserve reaulrement still existing for the clearing house banks, with the persistence or tne premium on cur rency In New York and the continuance of shipments of currency to interior bank ing centers, to sey nothing of an unascer tained volume of clearing house certifi cates to be reckoned in the New York banking position, it is borne in upon the minds of speculators that present antici pation of easing conditions to come might prove premature. This Idea is strength-, ened hr the contemplation of tho large re nulrements to lie met before the end of the year -for maturing mercantile pftper and ror wnicn mesns mini do iouhu Insure keeping afloat commercial enter- irises. It is to Be rememoeren inei in .-.ma.t . i,h rv,i achieved bv the New York clearing house banks last week represented a bslance of receipts of foreign gold over further large shipments in Via IntarlAr and that these shipments aa rAin, nn In anlta of the apparent strength of Interior banks exhibited in tne reports to the controller or tne currency as of December 8. To keep open this antirca of rebanishment involves a strain on foreign monsy centers, and the threst of this is arousing some disquietude there. The German position, especially, Is re garded as delicate ana its passing eainr of the year-end period will be greeted with relief In all markets. The approach f tha vaar-and. too. fflvea rlS9 tO discus sion of various expected reorganizations and retirements botn or nanka ana ox in fluential Btock exchange firms, and denlsls f manv nf ha rennrts do not enuruiy deprive them of an influence on market sentiment. Such topics are accountable fur the special weakness shown in some individual stocks, which, in turn, are a mna,hal Influence nn the renerftl list Estate settlements and probable dividend prospects are other potent influences on special stocks. A dull recovery set In after midday, coincident with a decline in the call money rate, which culminated In a brisk rlae in ik. taat hour. Exceot In extreme cases. the early losses were recoverea im of the favored stocks were quoted fiia- l.lt.. annva veflterriAV'S Closing. HSAVy short covering in American Bmelting wss a feature and there was.aiso coiipiyu,ua -.- K aknarn Kv Ttpdlnar. Rt Paul, the Hill stocks, Southern Paciflo and. Amalga mated Copper. - ' - . r A - v..ni Total sales. . TIBT value. 82.098.000. United Sttes bonds were unchanged on can. ... Number of sales ana quotations on oiui were as follows i . . . . galas. Hlf. low. Cl-a Adams fJiprtei AmaltamatM Censer Am. C. A T.,. -4lv Am. O. A T. pfa. ex-tit. Am. CoUob Oil in 49.00 .8.70 4714 81 45V4 .. 44 r3 , K it rr (.-. 27 r Am. Cotton Oil pf..v -i Americas Expreas ,.,-..., Am. H. 4k U f4.'.. ........ Amarleaa' toe RMurttlaa...11.400 Am. l,lne Oil ..-...... Am. UnaMt Oil pto 100 Am. tMomotlre , .lfl Am. Locomotive f4 W km. B. R.. . tt.tA v... w K ' 1 l8-; , . . .. 1 8M4 t7 11 is .18 It 7 S. tl 7- n n M4 U SO a 16 71' Am. . A R. M Am. Bu- Rtflnlsf Am. Tobacco pft ctfs AnacanSa ktlDlng Cs Atotalaoa ,.... Atrhlsoa pft Atlintlo CoMt Uiis , Baltlmor A Ohio Bl. Ohio pft ... Brooklra R-pl Tr Caaatlaa PclHo Cantral of New Jersey Ctaeaapaaks Oolo. Chloaso Ot. W rtiloass A N. Wi Chicago, K. A sU T Chleaso T. T Chicago T. A T. pit. ...... 0.. C, C. A St. L Coloraoo T. A I Ootoi.de A Bo Colo. A So. 1st pft......... Colo. A So. M P't Oooaollaatet Oaa Cora FroSuota Oro yooeta pM. Doiawara A Haaeoa Del.. U A W Denver A RJ 0raa4a , 00 1"4. 1 8T.100 7 27 I S "0 71 ion M4 t"" 900 ' 100 1 H 9 10 7 7: 4U0 Um 148 l" iwj 70 M 0 8 r t HV4 7 136 14 17,000 103 W0 104 45 100 00 1.100 lo MO Mtt . 6414 . M 1 UH . 1 us i 4 U 19 IV MVj 44 4 4b4 It U It SI 11 . 10 11 t.7 8.10 111 114 H 438 ioi ,'t'o" 80 1U X. A R. O. pre Distillers' saaunues t- ts It I0H 16 S Kris -S Erts 1st pft trio 84 fd O.narml Klectrls ..rt 109 84 :-:::: ::::: A 10 018 1T2 lllli W. 8 9 , 1 174 , 10 ...... 100 83V4 tl U . ' L000 I3 914 99 , s,e 14 u ii 70 81 S4 SO ..A Ill , 1,100 61 41 M 1,900 to 8 83 pi 67 ST M 7U0 II. , 4J 16,00 ' ? 11 11 . ' 100 44 . 44 lit, , '4 100 4S 49 41 MOO 3t tt U , tf.aUO 1U 111 IK' 4 SJ0 74 76 7H M 00. 11 1 100 7 17 70 if . ,1S1.00 91 II t 10 74 , 16 16 IS tvO . 4 44 M , td-r U 11 14 4M0 M K M r-i " , li,no 71 7"a Tl4 ! 17 17 11 " 11. II . 13 ! 44 49 41 too lt lt m'4 i I0 15 U 11 , tl" 91E ' 111 114 U 7 79 7t , 90 , POO 1 19 19 71 , 4i. en . ss - 4 . II. HO r 46 7 tOO 14 11 14 ss 40 11 11 le ,.. Sti plO 4ti4 .42 . LtMO M to U 7 IS I SOS 15 1S 16 lu 74 74 71 .. tl.TJ 1!4 VH !' , 7 too 111 ' Ut U . tt IlllnoU Central Isternatlonal Papsr . Int. Paper pft International Pump Int. rump P'J Iowa Central Iowa Central pft Keneae Cltr K. C. Bo pft...... LouUrrlile A It Masicas Cantral Minn. A St. Loals.... M . St. P. A 8. S. M M . St. P. A S. A at Mleaourl Paclto pft. Mltaourl. K. A T If., K. A T. Pft Natlosal Lea N. R. R. et M. pft....... New fork Central M. T . O. A W Norfolk A W Norfolk A W. pft Nona American Pacific Mell Penaeylvanla People' e 0. P.. C, C. A Bt. U Praaard Stool Car.'. , Preoaet S. C. pld Pullman PaUca Car Reading . fce.d'og 1st Pft Raatiiig Id pfd Republlo bteel . Rppubllo Steel pft Rock island Co Hock Iilan Co. pit St. L. A S. P Si pit..., Bt. lJ)Ul W Bt. U. S W. pft ,. guuihara Paciflo So. Pacific pft ' So, Rallwer So. Rnllwer pft.. Toiaa A Pacific Toieoo, Bt. U A W...., T.. St. U A W. pft..... t'nloa Pnclfio tlaloa Poclfio pft , tl. B. ExpKa V. 8. Realty V. S. Rubber C. S. Rubber pft U.- . Steel V. S. Sloel pft V.-Cro. Chemical ..... Va-Care. Ckem. pft .... Wabeah Wabaek pft Wetie-rargo t . efforot Waatlnghouae Klootno . Western t'nlos W healing A t- W leconaln Central Win. Ceotrnl ptd. Central Ueather Central Leelaer pft Nerthora faclBo Great Nortbara ptt Interborausfc let. Met. pfd ....... ai..ahaftlcia Steel Total sales lor too tay, tu.SOt shares. Foreign Financial. LONDON. Itec. 11 The supplies of money were ample today to meet the moderate demand. Discounts were firm a fears of the Argentina gold demand. On tha Stock sxclianse the chief tnforma Hon of the easy tendency was the sharp rise In the money, rate in New York, in dicating that ths position there had not yet been alleviated, while the rise In the cur. rtmcy premium revived fears of further gtild demands here, lonsds tnererore de veloped while business in other departments slsrkened. Barlia and Paris selling addd to the Depression. American aecurtlle. oa' Ing to the weakness in Wall street, were oflVred at about partly, but found lew hurers In the forenorVp. The market ruled dull. Iter in the day the receipt of the New "Yin k openlua Quotation failed to stimuli, t activity, and Ui , cloav wa heavy. Ths carry-over rates f Ameiicaos were I ID I' . BKRUN. Dec. ll.-Trtidlng on ths Bourse todsy opened weaker In sympathy with New York snd other markets, but Im proved later upon fhe covering of shorts in the Coal and Iron snarea PARIS. Deo. 11. Price en UiO Pours today recovered, but were dull on the ad vance. New Yerkc Meaey Market. NEW YORK. Dec. 11. PRIME! MXH- CANTIL-7(ij per cent. 8TKR JNIl EAtJltAMilB Mteaoier. Wltn actual business In bankers' bills at 24.8620 4r4 8fJS for demand and at ft TONtM-7?!) for sixty-day bills; commeralai bills, 84 9 4.7KA 8H.V ER- Bar, Svc; Mexican aoiiara. c ... ... DONDo-oovtmnieiii, stesay: rauroaa. heavy. MONET on call, Strang at per cent; ruling rate. 20 per cent; closing bid. t per cent; offered at 8 per cent; time losns, firm: sixiy days and ninety aays, tv per cent; six months, 8 per cent. t losing quotations on conns were a follows: "' V. S. ret. Is, ret-..-vl"4 Hoe.- Vsl. 4a rT do coupon 1" U a M.,nal. 4s..... 94 U. S. It, reg i....l"l Men. e. g. 4e l do ceunen ......... 101 Men, cenrrat s. t C. S. a. 4a reg. ...Ill to 1st Ine 14 to coupon Ill Mlnn. A St. t- 4a... 74 Am. Tobacco 4a. IM., K. A T. 4a. ...... 94 do 4a , 94 to Ss It Atchison gen. 4 9. N. R. R. of M. a 41 7 do ad). 4s ea N. I. u. g. ls Atlauuc C U 4 4N. J.- C . 6a. HI Bel. A Ohls 4s 94 No. PaclSo 4a A00 de Ho Is 7 Brk. R. T. t. 4s W. A W. . 4s l central of Oa. to.... 0. S. la rtdg. 4s 2 do let lno U Pann. ct. Ia X"4 do d lno f... 44 Reading sea. 4s. ed. Id lno i:S. U A I. M. to..ll Ches. A Ohio 4.... 9t , Pt-.L. A A P. It- 4a. 71 Chloago A A. ISO... M St. L. S. W. . 4e... OH C. B. tTH. a. 4s. ... ft Seaboard A." U 4,. II C, H. I. a r. i. vo. recino en. do col. it 72 do 1st 4a etfa 17 CCO. A Bt. U g 4.. 91 So. Rallwar 4e 94 Colo. Ind. tt. aaf. A. ' Taa A P. le l' Colo. Mid. 4a......... 88 - T. St. 1a A W. 4a.. 4 Colo. A Bo. 4s....... tl Union Patiao 4s Cuba C M So or. 4s I). R. O. 4a.....i. 90 V. B. Steel St 6a tH Dittlllers' Sen. to 1 Wabash to l' Kris p. L -4a 85 to dob. B 47 do sea. 4s lim-weetern m. to u Japan 4s 71 "W, A U R. to 7t do 1 o 4n ctfs 16 "Wis. Central 4a 7 do 4 eerles. I Eld. ogered. t ' Boston Btoeke audi. Bonds. BOSTON. Deo. 11. -Call loans. 8H2 per oeit; time loans, 6Q10 per cent Offlclal closing on stocks and Donas; Atchison adj. to U Atlantis P to to 94 Bingham 4 Mex. Central 4a 7S ' Cal. A Hoc la too Ateuleoa M 70S Ontennltl N da pft Copper Rang Sl Boatoa A Albany.. l.'.lMwDalr W tv Bostos A Maine 114 Franklin 7 Boatoa Klerato4 1X0 Oranbr 7B Fltchbnrg pft Ill lal Rorala 1 Mexloaa Central 14 Maaa Mining 8 N. T.. N. H. A H...1II MichlaTta 1 Pere Marquatts II Muhaek 4 Vn ion PaclSo US Mont. O. Sk C.. ....... 1 Am. Pneu. Tubs 1 Old Dominion M Amor. Sugar POareola II de pft Wi Parrot Am. T. A T 103Qnlncy 71 Am. Woo lea IS Shaanoa 9 do pfd 71 Tamarack SI Hdlaon Elee. Ills So Trtnltr 11 General Klectrto .... jLUH tnlted Copper 7 Man. Elecuio PV. B. Mining... tv do p'd SI II.. 8. Oil 19 Mats. Oas 47 Utah Mk United Fruit ...11 J victoria 4 United S. M..... Winona do pfd MWolierlne 110 TJ. S. Steal fs North Butte 11 do pfd 87 Butte Coalition lis Ad Ten tun x Norada I Alkmei 9SCal. A Art tons 44 Amalgamates 4 anions torn. us Bid. . , London Clestng- gtocka. LONDON, Dec. 11. Closing quotations on Stocks, were: Consols, money ... '88 9-11 M.. K. A T V to account U U K N T. Central ttsk Anaconda 6tortol t W. ....... M Atchison 72W do Pfd .'.....81 do pft 17 Ontario A W It Btltlmors A Ohio.... W Pennerlvaala 18 Canadian Paclto .....lf Rand Mines t Cheaapeaks Ohio... Heading 464 Chicago Ot. W 1 Southern Railway ... 13 C M. A St. r .Kiel as pta De Beers 1 South era Peel Bo 71 Denver A R. a....... 8 Union Paciflo 11744 - do pft It to pft is Erie 11 V. S. Steel t do let pft Il to pfd , do ss pin , i"" paoetn lu Orend Trunk .'. ; 114 to pfd It Illinois Central ,....Ji n Spaolth 4s , 90 LoultTllI t N ,H- Amel. Copper 47 BiLVCK-uar. steaay. rrka per ounce. MONEY-lWt -perv'8titi- ' The rate of discount in' the open market for short bill is vtattf per cent) for three months .Bills, 5Y jficr. cent.,,,, t . ' Zfevr YerUMlnlng; Stocks. NEW YORK. Deei'll.CloSIng tjuotaUons on mining stocks wsrs:" Adama Can. ,t. . Little Chief 8 AllcS ...KW. Ontario ,..80 . ureece ..i j trpnir Brunswick Con. ,,-...; 4, Potoal II Conutock Tunnel .... t7 Sarage It Con. Cal. A Va. SS Sierra Ntrada to Horn 8ller 1 Small Hopes to Iron Stlrer 80 , .Sua tart 100 LeadTllle Cos 7 ' Offered. Wool Market BOSTON. Dec. U. WOOLr-Interest In the local market has revived with the Improve ment in the money market and better feel ing in the mills. Trading has been more ac tive than. lor several . week and a good movement In sample lots, lndloatlng prepa rations for future requirements. Is re ported. Prices remain firm, exoept In pulled wools, where transactions have been carried through at somewnat lower rates, The leading western quotations are as fol lows: Kentucky, Indlsna and Missouri, three-eighths Mood, K4jsc! ouarter-Dlood. 293i30c: scoured values, Texas fin twelve months, fine sis to eight months, tKa6c; fine Ian, nautxio; caurornia, north' em. S4fi65c: middle county. 4VjfSo: south ern, WinJfc; fall fleece, tSQiSo. Oregon, eastern, rso. i staple, ruajizc; eastern, no, , .uikln. caf,7rrv.. u. n ...... . BTffyKaOA, vallev. No. 1. (Otic: territory (scoured basis), fine staple, 72972o; fine medium staple, TQ&72o; fine clothing, 86ir6oo: line me dium clothing, fCQooc; nan Diooa. w7c; three-eighths blood. 63S66c; auartsr blood. IV&ta; pulled, extra. teOc; fin A. iSQ JOc; A ' supers, tujbo: ST. LOUIS, Dec. 11. WOOL Quiet ; me dium grades, combing and clothing, 21 So; light fine, lffSlOo; heavy fine, li,lc; tub- wssnea, ztKgoio. Cotten Market. NEW YORK. Dec. lt.-OOTTON-Futures opened steady; December, 11. ate; January, 1093c; February. 10.80c; March, 10.8oe; May, lO.HSc: June, l.90c; July, 10.64c; August, offered, lu.ooe. Root closed steady. 10 points higher: mid dllng uplands. ll.SCo; middling gulf, 12.20c; sales. 80 bales. GALVESTON. Tex.. Deo. 11. COTTON Steady, 12c. BT. LOCIS. Dec. 11.-OOTTON Quiet middling, llcf sales, -none; receipts, lr5 bales; shipments, 740 bales; stock, la. 7 jo bales NEW ORLEANS, Deo. 11 COTTON- fiDot Quoted lower: low ordlnarv, ic, nnminsl; ordinary, 8 9-lSc. nominal; good ordinary. Wi nominal; low middling, uc; middling, ll'ic; good middling. 12c; mid dling, fair, l-'Sc; fair, 13o, nominal; sales, 2.4M bales. IJVKRPOOU Dec. 11 COTTON Boot. good bualneaa; price li(14 polnta lower; Amerlrsn middling, rair, s.vta; good mid' dllng. A42d; low middling. b.bl; good or dinary, 6.46d; ordinary. 4 S6d. The sales of tha day were 16.00 bales, of which 1,500 were tor snecuistion ana export and In eluded 14.40V American. Receipts, ltOUO balea, including. 17, wj American Metal Market. NEW YORK, Dec. 11. METALS The London tin market wa lower with spot CiKited at i ids ana ruiures at cizo 10s. The local market was wssk In consequence, with quotations ranging from Sff.f-0 to 82M.MI. Copper declined to 9 6s for spot and 0 10s for futures in the Iondon market. Lo cally a further decline was repurted. Eleo trolvtio st 812.b7 ifHA 12 and casting at tU.624fl2.87. Lead declined to 14 7s td In tbs London market Locally the market waa weak and f points lower on the aver age, at t3tef3S0. Spelter closed at 20 lus In the Ijnndon market. Locally it was wesk at 84.2Sia4.35. Iron was lower In ths English market, with standard foundry quoted at 4os 4d and Cleveland warrants st tits 14d. Looally the market waa un changed. No. 1 foundry, northern, 18."9 jn it, no. , . ni oant jo. Boutnern, nomi nal. . BT. - LOUIS. Deo. 11. METALS Lead, dun at n isi; spelter, auu at S4 ra. Black' In Slgkt. Receipts of live stock at tha six principal western mtrteii yvsirruayi Cattle. Hog. Sheep. South Omaha 41 8.2uO 2,9u0 Bloux C1ty 1,7'W 4.6"0 Kar.sa City U.UD . .ll,o . 8,609 Bt. Joseph l.w 4,ti6 1.41 Bt. Louis ............. 4 XI 8.0 UMcago 22.UU0 20.UUO JU.OjO Total 64.4 - ti.it 44,118 Milwanken Oravla Markat. MTLWAITCEE. Dec. 11, WHE.4T Bteady; No. 1 northern, fl wjl.OO: No. northern. 81.4j" 07; Ma-r. 81 0u, bid. RYt: No. 1. siKasnc. WAR LEY No. t. il.OB- aamplss, ffceeJl.OO CvltN No. cash, BL'3iic; May, Us. 01IAUA LIVE STOCK MARKET Receipt! of Cattle Liberal, with Trade Slow and Lower. HOGS BACK TO MONDAY'S FIGTJP.L3 keep an Lamb In Terr l.lgkt Ra relpt, knt Demnnd la I.lakt and Trade Slaw at Steady Prices. SOUTH OMAHA, Neb., Dee. 11. 1907. Receipts were: Cattle. Hot. Bheep Official Monday 4.791 6,1 USft Official Tuesday .919 8.1M ! Estimate Wednesday 4.9U0 8,0 8.9U0 Three dava thla .V 11 S10 tl.4RS 12. Tt Barns days last week. ...14.723 W.Th4 17.14 Rama, ilova S meoke n lillK 9 872 24.78 Ssme days 9 weeks ago..l,f.35 18,748 2i. Same dava t wooka airn IB MA 7 420 43.1K2 Same days last ysar 21.068 23,4u6 83,47 ine following taUle snows tne receipis ot cattle, hogs and sheep st South Omaha for the year to date, compared with last year: isr7. mc uco. Cattle 1,126,448 1.0WI,2f 98.192 Hogs 8.150,874 1 2H2.478 JSI.BWJ Sheep 2,000,761 2,0W,07 98.818 The following table ahows tne aversno price of hogs at South Omaha for the last several day a, with comparisons: , Date.' 11907. 1908. 19G5. 11904.(1908. p2Cl-ri901. Nor. SO.. 4 841 4 So 4 SU 4 42 t 44 4 88' a 4 271 4 83 4 24 19 a , I 91 887 6 91 904 09 4 02 10 8 14 Dee. 1... 09 Deo. 8... 9 08 Dec. 8... Deo. 4... 8 22 8 24 17 Deo. 6... Dec. Deo. 7... Deo. 8.. Deo. ... Dec. 10.. e 8 06 8 121 4 40 Dec. 11.. 4 4 08 16 Sundajr. Thanksglvlnff. The offlclal number of cars of stock brought in today by each road was: t.aiue.riogs,Bnep. C. M. et St. P. Ry 8 8 Wabash . 2 I Mo. Psc. Ry 2 1 Union Paciflo System.... 67 86 C. A N. W. Ry. (East).. 6 C. A N. W. Ry. (West). .46 28 C. St. P. M. & O. Ry...l 4 C. B. & Q. (tst) 8 2 C. B. & Q. (West) ......61 24 C. R. I. ft P. Ry. (East).. 8 2 C. R. L ft P. Ry. (West) .. 1 Illinois Central 1 1 Chicago Gt Western 4 1 1 Total Receipts 198 109 20 Ths diannaltlon of the day's receipts wa a follow, each buyer purchasing the num ber of head indicated: Buyers. Cattle,Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co K6 14, 240 Swift and Company .... 842 1,494 46 Cudahy Packing Co L0S2 8,838 870 Armour ft Company .... 640 2,437 460 Armour ft Co., Denver.. 167 Vansant ft Co. 68 278 194 1S7 92 48 27 9 Carey ft Benton ., Lohman ft Co , McCreary ft Carey Hill ft Son F. P. Lewis ' Hamilton L. P. Husx Ktngan & Co Cudahy Bros, ft Co. .,. L. Wolf Sam Werthelmer Mike Haggerty J. P. Root ft Co T. B. Inghram Sullivan Bros , V. At. Brltton Lehmer Bros Independent Packing Co. Halstead Other buyers 1.676 108 123 94 141 9 t 623 19 828 9 272 1,243 Total 4.8S9 10.032 8.278 CATTLE Receipts of cattle were quite liberal for Wednesday, but with very large receipt at Chicago and liberal runs at other market points. Advloes from all mar kt were discouraging. Indicating light demands and very slow trade with prices very where lower. Buyers at thl point were disposed to take their time ana wait reports from otherpoints before doing very muoh business. The result was that it . m n'irr.v hefnra tha buyers went out Into the yards at all and considerably later then thai before thav aot down to business. Packers all seemed to have order for a few beef teers but, as noted above, ths trade wa very low and it was late In the day before anything like a clearance was effected. There were some good cat tle In sight, but even they were slow to move, buyers and seller being wide apart in their views. It wou d be sate to quote the general market fully 1016o lower tnan yesteruaj. Cows and heifers were also extremely .i.. anri Hull, and thev. too. were 1016 lower. Salesmen who were unfortunate In having something that buyers did not especially want found it very slow work unloading. This has been a very unsatisfactory week In the stocker and' feeder division. The country demand, which was quite good lest week, has dropped down to a very low point, with the result thut the market h flattened out badly. Prices enrlav Wert as much a 10UlrO lowr and the trade wa a drag even at tne aeciine. - i . , i An jtaTtl' flood tO ChOlCO corn-fed steers, I6.WV&5.G0; fair to good corn-fed steers, M.wwo.uu; common w iir .to.r. tl f,4i4.S0: rood to choice range steers. 4.1504. 76: fslr to good range steer. 8J.60ift4!5; common to fair range steers, m wiii.w, iw w vhwi.. ww-- heifers, 3.6C54.00; fair to good cow and heifers, 2.60ti 60; common to fair cow and heifer. W.Wi.V good to choice stock er and feeder. 84.0fi4.40; fair to good stockers and feeders, 3.60fi4.00: common to fair stockers and reeaers, si.owea.ou. Representative sales: BEEF STEEPS. He. t... ii... At. FT- No. At. rr. ... 7t6 I U It ..UM 4 66 ...III I id v im e ee ft , soa e ow .., 4 lht I U II... UU 4 W 84... It, 1078 4 99 t... 17 171 4 U M... 11 104 4 40 14... , 1141 4 10 110 4 0 1243 t 04 ..1411 8 1- Ml t It wa t it COS S T7t 9 H 9 UU 8 SS f HI IH 11 llL I tt 1 1010 8 40 1 UW 8 tt U 4.4 I 70 li 1142 8 46 to Mt I M I 8 to f liUt I 00 10 114 t K 10 Ill IM 1 lil 4 DO 1 428 I U0 HEIFERS. U 416 8 SO tt t40 8 76 1 4S0 t to U lot I It 1 817 t 10 CALVES. . t 475 t St t 878 6 I 1 m IH 8 Vim 8 40 2 140 I 71 ' 8 1W t 40 4i0 4 1 1 14 8 71 STOCKEKS AND FEKDFHS to 761 I It 8 160 8 80 II 11 8 U 1 tuO 8 tt 1 740 I II WESTERN 8 NEBRASKA. 2 cows 1130 8 00 2 cows 10 t 60 1 calf 20 6 85 1 calf 810 4 26 2 cows 1U24 2 15 1 cow 100 1 60 2 cows 1024 2 15 1 cow 1"jO 1 60 18 cows li? 2 90 1 bull 13u0 8 16 18 cows 1(06 2 75 2 cows Teo 2 00 1 cow 11 J 2 85 (cows 9-J 885 1 calf 260 4 "5 2 cows 1060 S 85 10 cows li"0 8 76 22 cows 1118 2 56 cows 1168 8 60 4 steers., ..Ii. t 50 cows 1070 8 86 8 heifers... IH !I6 8 heifers... 873 8 40 7 heifers... Kii 3 0 2 cows tf 2 76 2 cows lift) 140 20 heifers... f,9 20 cows 1160 2 65 8 heifers... K3 2 46 21 feeders.. 667 2 So 6 cows 924 2 86 2 feeders.. 776 8 RT. ( cows 1(36 2 86 4 cows 9s2 176 1 cow 4-0 1 26 14 feeder.. 714 8 00 10 feeders., etot 8 20 2 cows 1178 8 00 1 bull 1210 2 40 to feeders.. 765 S 24 21 cows..... r.2 ISO 15 heifers... 716 2 10 1 bull 140 8 00 9 feeders.. 806 8 66 t feeders.. 84! 8 66 8 heifers... 438 2 20 8 cows KM 2 76 I cows IU4 1 78 18 cow 1063 8 80 - A. T. Davis. Nebraska. ft cows 1032 8 10 8 cows 973 2 25 COLORADO. n cows 811 8 60 WYOMING!. 83 feeders.. 898 8 60 1 feeder... 943 00 83 feeders.. 637 8 60 10 steers. ..,ii ( 90 11 feeders.. !W6 1 90 40 feeders.. 812 8 88 2 feeders.. 812 8 00 13 feeders., obi I W 82 feeders.. 718 8 40 10 cows 8 2 20 88 heifers... ft'i 2 70 21 cows 920 t 28 19 steers.. ..loUS 4 00 9 rows 1062 8 60 21 feeders.. 961 2 7R 18 feeders.. SMI 4 16 10 feeders.. 6) 3 65 29 feeders.. 648 3 70 80 cows 927 2 75 E- Burnett, Wyoming. 22 feeders.. KM 8 60 8 feeders.. 988 2 00 22 cows 9if 2 25 40 cows 2 90 John Oliver, Wyoming." 8 cows SoJ 2 OS 2 bulls 1060 1 90 6 feeders.. "4 8 60 1 bull 690 J 10 cows Isd t 76 Oakley ft Ellis. Idaho. 80 cowa SU 2 00 C bulls 1400 2 60 20 heifers... 786 8 W HOGS Yesterday they took off'Uc, but put It back again today. In other worda, bugs today sold 15o higher than yesterday and the trade was active at the advance, everything in sight chsnglng hands st sn early hour Tt bulk of lh hog brought 4 60 4 4 42 806 4 93 4 43 4 $n 4 87 4 4 4 84 08 4 48 4 8 18 4 81 4 97 12 4 84 4 42 4 70 18 4 83 4 40 463 214 9?48K 8 16 4 87 4 29 4 47 4 84 4 8 4 23 8 21 4 2S 14 4 79 Independent Telephone Co. ..OF OMAHA. OFFERS TO INVESTORS FIRST MORTGAGE 30-YEAR GOLD BONDS DENOMINATION Si SI.000.SS00.S100 AT PRICES TPCff ' ' TO YIELD ? Descriptive CLnmlars TJpoa 2k4s.nsri. Xntortiewg Xavitsd. W. O. POOR, IDS. 4 Harney St. 4.454.50, A against 84 80JH 85 yesterday. It will bn remembered that on Monday the hogs sold very largely at 84.454.60, the ?ame as today. As hlrh a 84.60 waa paid or good heavy hog today, ss agalnat 4.45, the top on Tuesday, and lift, th .top on Monday, itepresentatrre Sales: Na Av". Bh.' Pr. Ka' Ah, Sh.' Sr., ..14 it t M ' 7 m a tt 1 i.ll .... tit S4 fW7 ..k tt en....- 140 t Bt 44 48 ... tM M IV ... 4 40 tt ! 4 40 St lt W 4 tO Tt 92t 1 4 44 IT........1M .... i 40 71.. T 10 4 14 It 147 . 80 t 40 St tl 4 tO M 10 ... 4 40 so i ... 4 ja 10 100 VI 14! 11 444 v..' t 10 71 Ml N III i 11 (a i 84... m. 40 4 44 ' St 14 ... t tt 44 itt St t St S7 140 4 SO St 171 ... t 44 61 87 SS 4 60 47......l!o '44 4 44 St SSS ... ttt 1 Si 40.4 46 . l......l'l ... 4 4 TT 18 ... 4 4 Tl m ... 4 So tl 1V0 ... 4 44 t ... 4 40 ' tt if to 4 44 TH ti U IH , tt........" l 4 4S Tt IJ4 ' 40 4 4 Tt til ISO 4 41 . 81. SO 4 60. 17. ...... .147 4 48 4.. V1 S 4 40 , it til 40 4 40 U n U I to ' tt T4 1M 4 44 14 M SO 4 60 tt 9M ... t 45 41 m 0 t M 44 f tt t 44 84 t4 40 4 60 h0 ...41 14 45 47 Ill 160 4 (.! 70 SSI 100 4 44 41 144 10 4 fciti T 84 ... 4 47ti II '...414 ... 4 tt 44 119 80 4 47 M 141 10 4 SB It F1 ... 4 41 14 M .,..,..140 . 40 ill 41 IM 40 4 47Si II 141 SO 4 It 41. ...... .f. TOO 4 10 ST in ,4 4 41 44 S ' SO 4 60 Tl It ... 4 M II Kl 130 tt 84 .870 ... t SS BH7EJ Receipts ot sheep were very light today, only fifteen cars belhg reported when the market open ad. Of thla number five cars were Wyoming range feeder,' so that the offerings of killers were very light for thla point. Still the market- waa alow and dull, there being an entire absenoe of the Ufa And snap that -might reasonably be expected to accompany such a light run. Packers seemed to want a few good killers, but their requirements were limited and by no means urgent. Btlll receipts were so light that hiust . everything changed hands In very fair season In the morning. The prioes paid did not show Any very great change as ' compared with yesterday. A reeder buyer paid -74.25 for range yearlings, while fat yearlings brought tt-WiiH oo. There were western fed lambs good enough to bring 85.75, with a bunch of good natives at 85.90 and a few native ewes at 84.10. Quotations on good to choice .fed sheep and i .lambs: Lambs, - t5.7rt?i 00; yearling wethers. 64.80fi4.5o: ewes. tS.7ktt4.10. Quotations on feeders: Good lambs, 5.00 D 5.101 common Iambs, S3.50uh.59; yearlings, 84.014.50; wethers, 84.0wu4.56; good ewes. i. ii4.i; common ewes, i.2.ea. Representative sales: No. Av. Pr. 1 native wether 160 6 00 74 native lambs 18 6 90 22 native lambs 100 6 90 44 native lambs ". 95' 6 90 12 native lamb 121 (90 2 native ewes, culls.....'. 100 too 60 native ewes V 147 4 10 400 western yearlings A wethers 102 4 60 87 native lambs 87 6 76 6 native cull , lamb 00 t 00 i 8 native ewe . 116 4 00 1 native buck' 1T.0 - 126 87 native lambs , 90 6 90 8 native cull lamba M 6 00 6 native ewes .-. 124 4 00 ' 135 western lamba 66 6 92 native lambs- 86 6 76 260 western ewes? " 84 2 65 i.14 western yearlings & wethers 81 4 (to 60 western cull ewes , 91 2 60 74 western lambs .' 65 6 JO 246 western, feeder ewes 64 2 75 New York Lira Stock; Market. " NEW YORK, Dec. ll.-CATTLQ-Re- celpts, 2,St0 head; market' alow; steers, stesdy for good to choice; medium grades trifle easier: bull and bologna cowa, VXtp 2&C lower; fat. and medium cow, dull to 10 off, about all sold; steer, I3.8DQ6 76 extra heavy. M.16; Christmas stsers, 6.80 bulls, ' 2.5u5j..75; cows, 2140fi8.S0: car of extra fat Ohio ,cows, 4.00. Export today. 2,800 quarter of beef; tomorrow, 2,250 qusrters. CALVES Receipts, l.r head: crime and choice veals, firm to 26o higher; others slow; barnyard calves, anil ana easier; westerns not wanted: several cars unsold; Veals, 86.00Siv.60; few tops, 29.75: culls, 28.60 (04.60: Dam yam caives, s-tfoTisuu; western yearlings, 12.80. Dressed calves, slow; city dressed veals, 8S to 14c per lb.; country dressed, 7iq'12c; dressed barnyard calves 64r7c. BHTSEP ' AND ULMBS-Recelpts, 11.875 neaa; sneep nigner; tnree cars unsold. Sheep, 12. 76-64. 60; few choloe, 26.00; culls, 2.omu!.t; lamb, tS.WW6.3a; choice, 84.76; culls. st.oosiAOO: yearlings, sa.w. HOOiJUecelpts, 9,034 head; market higher at 86.06ti6.26; soma outside sale at higher prlcea CHICAGO rrIVE STQCK MARKET Cattle Lower Ifegs Higher 8hep - aad Lambs Steady CHICAGO, Dec, 11. CATTLE Receipts estimated about 82,000 head; market 15uo lower. Cows. 22.75I&4.60; heirers. I2.6040.ii; bulls, 26tMa4 40;' calves, 83.0043.26; stockers and feedeis. 814OH4.60. IlOOa Receipts estimated about 20,000 head: market Z6c ti aher. Choice heavy shipping, 4-6O4.70; light butchers, H.H"Qi 4 90: lisht mixed. 14 toS4.75: choice light. 4 804.90; packing.' 84.i4it4.80; pigs, 3.5uft i ca.. v...iw r . . . i .. . ii c;.,.u oc BHEilP AND I.AMIJ8 Reoeipts eetlmattd about 20,000 head; market steady. Bheep, .rU"ii6.76; lambs, 8&.4u,26; yearlings, 1.20 tj4.40. St. Lants Live Stock Market. ' ST. - LOria, Mo, Dec. II.CATTLID Re ceipts, 4,600 head, including 600 Texans; market stesdy; native shipping anfl export steers, 6 4tt; ?8; dressed beef snd butcher steers, 84.9t'wC.&3; steers under 1.0U0 lbs., 3.00 (Zf4.46; stockers end feeders. tZZtoif .'A; cows and heifers. 3.0W.OO; canners, 1.601ia.2O; bulls. 2 0rt4 50; calves, g2.Wxtf7.o0: Texas and Indian steer, 2.66&6.10; . cows and lieifers. 1.50ti.75. HOOa Receipts. 6,000 head; rtisrkft SfV 45c higher. Pigs and light, 4.2&S4.oO; fxickers, 84 2M1H.76; butcher .and best icavv, 4 06iH - BHEEP AND LAM B8 Receipts, 2 5"0 head; market steadv to loc lower: natlv muttons. 4 0u76 26; lambs, HSfi6.60 culls and bucks, 2. Tya. 26: stac kers, 2.0(xa5.T5. Kaasas City Llv Stock Market. . KANSAS CITY, Mo.j D ll.-CATTLE-Re.celpts, 11.000 head. tncludtng-O0 head of southerns; market lower. Choice export and dressed beef steers, 5.4&4i6.75; fair to good.' 4, .) 80: ' western steers, 83.76n6.00; stockers and feeders, 83.00itf4.76; southern steura 83.604i4.40: southern cows. ll.!iVd3.00: native cows, lUqM; natlv helfera, 2.76.10; bulls, 3.0iia4.00; calves, 60. . ... ... H0O8 Receipt, 11, (K0 hed; market 16 26o higher. Top. 4 75; bulk of sales. 4.45 4.85; heavy. 4.45M 75: packer. 4.4O34.70; piss snd tights, 4 25-ff4 70. SHEEP AND LAM Ba Receipt. 8 WW head; market steady to weak. Lamb, 86 69 tl 10; ewee and yesrllngs, 84 2fca.9U; west ern yearlings, HKVo 10; western sheep. 83.60 OH 46; stocker and feeders, 3.o-y4 24. mi,,. St. Josepk Llva Stock Market. BT. JOSrTPH. Mo.,' Dec. U.n-CATTL&-Recetpts, 2 3T4 head: msrkst steady to 10o lower. Native, 84 O0ff.00; cows and heif ers, tl.TtWi'ttO; stockers and feedora, 3.'tl too. , . HOOtJ Receipts, 4 86 head; merket 1M 2fc higher; top, 84.66; bulk of sales, 84.4'xdl 4 65. BHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 1.418 head; market slow Lambs. 86 2;i.0O; yearlings. 4 25i4.o5; wethers, 4 04.66: ewes, 3.0ufj4.u(a - - . . Staax City l.tve stack Market. BIOUX CITY. Ia., Dee. U.-8po1a! Tele gram.) CATTLE Receipts. 1,700 head; market steady; stockers, slow;' beeves, 4.fcirst.75; cows and hrlfcrs, 82 -"-t.0u. st'H kero and feeder. (2 Ouv'tAb; calves and yearlings. t2jS.j. liOUS R-ooelpts, -410 hod.. market Uc higher, seillug at (livjKCw; bulk, 84.tfa4.46. 02IA1IA WnOI.ESALR XAHKtT, Caadltlan f Trade auael ttaotatlesie oai Staple) aaA Isaoy -rraolae. FOGS-Presh selling erg. Candled, SSo. HITTER Common. . lie; fancy tub sod rolls, l!(21c; creamery, 810. r, , . tt .? ?. t.- . . . , 1 . .ri m f .11 0.0.17 or 4 a w lull viveiu. tti,uuiwih twins, 17Vc new full cream brtok, 17a; do tnestlo, how Bwlss, lSo; new lUu burger, 14 tltio young Americas. 17kO, . , iia ruuuiti-ppringa, ec; nana, VSu; roosters, So: ducks, 8v; geese 8c i :ur kes, 13c: pigeon. Sue pr rlos. . DRESSED POULTRY Springs, fancy, 9c; hens, KffSVrc; roosters, 4c; ducks, 9 ; geesa. 9c; turkeys, 16c. HAY-Chotce No.' 1 upland, (10M tne dlum. 89.00; No. 1 bottom. 8.00: oft grades, from j.50 to 6.&0; rye straw, fl.W; No. 1 alfalfa,, ILOO. f nulla i APPLES New Tors King. Bar barrel. 8.60; "None Buch." per barrel, 5.86: 29 ounce Pippins, per barrsl, to.26; Maiden blush, per barrel, Sb.OO; Baldwin, per barrel, 85.00; Oreentog. per baroi, 25.00; western box apple. Coloradw Jonathans, per box, 8?S j Colorado Grimes (oldns, per box, ft-25; Idaho Jonatbana, per box, 89.00 Idaho Winter Bsnanaa per box, 88.90; Washington Hen Davis. 12.00: Wsslv ton Northern Spy, per bos, 82.00; Washing ton Greenings, per box, 82.00: Washington Baldwins, per box, 100; Washington Rome Beauty, psr box, 82.26-1 Washington fall piss, assorted, per box. II. 761.85. , VEOETABLE3. POTATOES Per u., StOTSo. CABAQa UollaAd assd, per lb, IO Unions Red oiob. tr bu.. 8(e6c: Den I a, ner crate, (1.60. ' . ... 6W1IET rOIATObK smtu hUL, S. so. BEETS Per btt., 89c. , CARROTB Per. bu., llo. TURNIPS Psr buehel, toe. PAHeNIPS-Per bushel. 76 CELERT Michigan, per bunoh. 85150. NAVT BEAN ItPer bu.. No. L (2.90 per bu.; Lima. 7o psr lb. TKUflUAb I nuns. ORANGES-Florida, per box. (3.00: CaW-fornla-Washlngton navels. 83.00; Florida Orspe Fruit, per box, M.7544.00. O RAPES Coucords. per basket. fttflfflOo; Malaga, heavy welgkU, per keg. (o.O (.60; Malagas, medium, .weights, per keg. (4.60&6.00. BANANAS Port Llmonst per bunch, (2.O0I&3.OO. LEMONS Fsncy, 200 snd 2f slss. per box, 84.6CKlj5.00; extra choice, 200 and 989 else, per box, (4 .0064.80. COCOANUT8 Pet ck, (4.W; pr dossn. "fIOS "ANti DATES Smyrna figs. T crown, per pound, )4fl5; Smyrna fl, f-crown. per pound, LylSo; Smyrna fig. 4-crown, per peund, livuc; California figs, boxes, 10 carton, 86c; California fie, box, 12 cartons, SSo; California figs, bulk, psr pound, Ho; Hallowt dstss. psr pound, sue: Khadrawl dates, per Dound. 8c: Belt dates, per pound, Fsrd . dstsa. 13- pound boxes, per pound. St BEEF CUTS. . , No. 1 rlbs,"l4Ho; No. 2 ribs, llc; No. 8 rlbe, 7Hc; No. 1 loin. 19c; No. 2 loin, ISc: No. 8 loin, 8Hc No. 1 shuck, H4c; No. t chuck, 6s; No. 8 chuck, 6c; No. 1 round, 8V4-o; No. II round, 7c; No. 1 round, 8Ho No. 1 plate, (He; No. 2 plate, (0; No. 2 plate, 4Sa4 ' MISCELLANEOUS. CALIFORNIA DiUaUJ JTRUITS-Pruriea sr somewhat unsettled y (rser offerings from Soconil hands, who seem desirous of moving supplies of Immediate grates. Quo tations rangs from So to Do for California fruit and from 6H0 to Su for Oregon. Psaches very firm, with fancy yellows quoted at 18c. , CANNED GOODS Corn, standard west ern 76c. Tomatoes, . fancy . 8-pound cans, (L46; standard 8-pound cans, 81,24. Pins, apples, grated,' 2-pound, (-.21X32.30: sliced. 1.7fa2.86. Gallon appiea '64.6U. California apricot, 82.ii5'a.3U. ,. I'sare. liUO-Jyj.lo. Peaches, 81.9u$i3 16. L.. C peaches, u.lHt 8.15. Alaska salmon, red, (1.40; fancy Chinook, flat, 2.15; fancy sockeye, flat, (2.16. Sardlnos, ausrter oll W W; three quarter mustard, S3.&. Sweet . potatoes, l.fctjl.Jo. Sauerkraut, sic. Pumpkins. io ttl.vO. Lima btans. 2-pound, 7c4tl.26. oaked peas, 2-pound, too; fanoy, (1.26(91. 44, NUTS California walnut, per lb., l(o( Imported walnuts, per lb., II V 16c; Tarra- ?ons almonds, per lb., 18c; filberts, per lb-, 8c; Braalls, psr lb., 13&14e; Pecans, per lb., 12tltc; peanuts, raw, per lb., 7i; peanuts, roasted, per lb., tc; Italian chest nuts, per lb., 89o. COFFKEr Roasted, No. (C, 26o; No. 20. Co: No. 26, 190 ; No. 20, Oo. (5.4 ;0 best. (6; cut loaf, o; cubes. So; powdersd. Use. FISH-HallbuT. . lie; trout, llo; pickerel, 10c: pike, 14c: pike, fresh frosen. 12c; whltensh, 14tlto; bulTalo, 4o; bullhead, sklnnsd and drsssed, Ucj catfish, dressed, 17c; white perch, 7o; whita baas, 16c; black isss, 26c; sunflsh. tQlKi; crapples, VQic; large crapples,' 16o l herring, fresh froxsn, 8c; whltedsn, fro sen, 13lic; pickerel, fresh froscn. 12o; ted .snapper, 12c; flounders, mackerel, lC6o per rlsh; codfish, fresh frosen, 12c; red snsppsr, 12ci flounders, fresh frosen. Uc: haddock, free if1 frosen, 12c; smelts, Uc; shad roe, 4io psr lb.; frog less, 860 per doa.j green Uirtls nieat, lia per id. HIDES AND TALLOWi-Oreen eslted.' No. 1, 7c; No. 2, TVrc; bull hides. o; green hides, No. 1, 8c; No. 2, 6c; horse J1.Wj'u3.GC( sheep pelts, 60c1.25. Tallow. No. 1, tMrui No. 2. (Vio. Wool. 1D2, Treasnry Statement. WABHINQ1X1N, Deo. ll.-Today's state 'ment of the treasury halrinces 'n the gen eral fund, exclusive of the (irAOOO.000 re serve, shows: Available cash balances, r.2,843.91i7. Oold coin and bullion, (30,221, bJi. Oold certificates, fa,193.1W. Illgh Honors For Wyoming Boy. DOUGLAS, Wyo., Deo. ll.-(wciaL-Charles Wilson, son of Dr. J. M. Wilson of this place, has gone to Kentucky to attend the annual banquet to Jh foot bajl team of the Kentucky - Military Institute, of which young Wilson waa captain for two seasons. The average "for the year have been made up at the Kentucky In stitute, and to Charles Wilson, wTjo grad uated last June, 1 accorded the distinc tion of receiving the highest average In his studies of any scholar In the school for the last thlrty-on years., he having attained te unusual percentage of 95 4-la Not since the college day of John Sharp Williams has a student of the Kentucky Institute attained anything Hke- Wilson's high average, and to young Wilson also goes the honor of having attained a higher average that Congressman William himself, who secured an average of 93 1-19. There Is still greater honor la ths achievement of young Wilson, for. tha rea son that he completed tbs four-year course In three years. Wilson was not only the leader In his class and college the Isst three years, but he was the star player on the foot ball team. He Is now engaged with his father in tha Irrigation and llv stock buslnssa. ( ' . . New Pythias. Oftten, MITCHELL, 8. D., Deo. U SpeokA.) The following are the -officer elected by the Knights of Pythias for ths sasuhvg year: Chancellor commander,' W. S. Broadbent; trio chancellor, Louis Beck with; keeper of records and seals. Dr. tu If. Daniels; master at arms, Ray L. Bran' son; prelate. Jar G- Mark bam; master of exchequer, Rrbert Burnet master of finance, Frank Wellsr. Ths Grand.. Army of fhe Republic have elected the following offloers: Commander, Dr. George' P. Dlx; senior vice commander, William Reiser; Junior vice commander, 8. H. .Morgan;, chaplain, J. H. Nolt; quartermaster, H, N. Cox; surgeon, H. L. Raymond, officer of the day, L. R. T"nhm; officer vf the guard, Owen Steehea. "