Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 12, 1907, Page 6, Image 6

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Tire Omaha Daily Urn
F,4 fwrwih rMm- a e-ri
e'ee fiot'r.
fTf p. ,rnA-.,f .,.!. v), yr . M -
f.ani ri.. rd Pift4f, ofi year........ J 22
r,4 f" . ...... ....... I 2
rWriffor e, yee. .............
t'fVt r (!M-iW S,rfy, pr
ldr i fwWhwit PinHv. pef WeW '
fT.rifn f'-e (n'it S ihjf , p" V
,K-7rif Mi "rly, per we . r"
Vir ail errant! f irrnevte
Id delivery t Cl'V t'rilMo Ierlmrt,
(ar Tr. te fnnrrif
Pftutu Ore tT Melt Rf1Mn t'r,lr1f RjIMInSL
w Ttfrlf Horn mmirim
Washfnrti- s-awrtaentsj (Hrt M. vr.
rmfrir,1tr,pa rie,fr f- eaw sr,d ed
fiflal fnit eh,t1 h dsreeI. Cmarr
ilea, TiAltrrtfi trif rn.
ftarplt fy rlfsft, ltrM4 oe ,a1af a
parat.Ja TNs P PuMUMfiH Company.
fr.,!f ! pi( pttrn fe..vM I payment rf
wnil. fafs"! aMcSa, e c art
(mr.e of m1tii eharts;e, nt aeceotea.
tt of Nebrsa, f t'rnty, s. !
f.,' f' fnwlT, fefal mriSf
af lh fe F-ehltaMei iJtrfnMny, bote
SWnrn, Sy fritt ch atta emrebaf
Of f 'ilt and eml eyyrfe if Ja I'allr.
Mwitfif, fV'lr' afrit P-until f flrlMt
rtnrlf. lh mrtnifl fff
1 irro l. ........ tfAv
l. ....... Vt0 11. ......... MS
I,..,,,.,.. , ll. ...... W,10
4. .,..... 7A It.
I. ......... 1 tMI
M.ea it. ....." 9.n
1. mo ' it.......... w
........... ?40 H..
t. ......... 7.f 14. .,.(.... W.104
19. ......... ,0 , tfi. iiiniii 7,80
II mi 97, iW ,M, ..... in t7,00
11.......... 91,t9 . IT,.,....... It4
II fl?.8A0 II 99,99
14.,,.,..... rMftt If. i........ W.S90
!(,,, .i S7.M0 .. VtJbWt
Tal . i..... i.UMN
Lh tifisfllit n1 VfttrtnH ppiM. iMt
Not 1-n4t......i.. ,9
Vttor irfi.i.iii .. 7,i(a
fir(l Manaar.
(itcrlht In tut fffira and awofti to
bf(r m tMi li i)f f J'f'ffit r. )"f.
,KOBiCK 1' IH'NTfrti
Nntary Publlo.
ttbirlbara lavlna) tli IP ttfM
9rarllf akM hat a Tlia
ntallrd lham. A4roa ttlll ha
rhnaMf A aa lraaa(a4.
.' '. 111 is 'j vj i1 !'.";
lliay neem to t prodtmlnf etpry
thing but Bold In Ouldflpld.
"Whst Shall We Co KomV anks k
New York paper. Do your Chrlatmag
ahjiplnf. ,
Henry Jampa Ja going to tewrlte his
norPla. Why not ha tnetn traua
JatPd Into WnfcHsht
Do your ChrtRttnas shopping now.'
Make your tnotto, "tluy and Buy," In
ntpad tif "bye and bye."
Falrvlew ban again bpcorne a Mecca.
The tuh tof the Bryan bandwagntt
had eet In earlier than ever.
One tribute le enough for the Ute
king of Sweden. No monarch was
ever more beloved by bin aubject.
ChilntnifU I lelebrated fur nine
daye In Mekloo. They cannot have
any financial atringebc? down there.
"1 am Juat aa mm a of a acuator as
Depew or Piatt or f'oraker," aaya Hou
atof Jeff Dnvla of Atkaimal tCnactly.
It Is announced that Mm. Bryan hna
gone to Tarla "far e, long reet.' Mr.
Bryin should quit talking politics at
If John O. Y elder succeeds Si woll
ta the Clarke esse tie did In the
futnphrey case his record will be un-ti-oken.
"The republican party faces ft di
lemma," says the Washington Toot,
which apparently hever tires of calling
Mr. Bryan hamea. '
Reports show that the buckwheat
nop of the 4 ear Is the tatgeat on rec
oid. Vnder such clrcututtances the
severest panic losea Its terrors.
Colonel Bryan Is not !nltlng the
financial stringency was caused by his
dereat In . That ftiakea the
stHngency a little easier to bear.
An Ohio physician proponea to re
sort to grading to restore ft patient's
eyeatght. Grafting, by the way, Is
cured by the restoration of the public
A surplus of 1 l,000,0o la reported
In the Pennsylvania state treasury. It
U not explained bow the Ute ring of
capltol gratters fame to overlook such
an amount.
Cue of the finest balloons ever
manufactured In Tails escaped and no
trace of H can be found. Something
like that has happened to the Knoi
presidential bom
Oinahtli downtown district Is to be
, freed of street venders. Now tf the
council will only go another step and
rid the downtown sections of exaa
tsrstsd billboards It M perform
still more signal service.
Senator Dubois assures Bre'r Vryaft
that be Ujcotng through without op
penmen. Of rourse, this assurance of
the Idaho tstemag refer only to the
democratic eonvention. Bre'r Brjaa
111 meet plenty f eppoMtlea afver
Ihst vnt.
ltilrtg November l.tlS.418 cwble
t dirt were ecAud en the
rartma ennal as against ltt.40? tn
N'vAevnber of last yar. Kvety report
riii.:-hea addnlonal prx-.f of the pretl
J. -nt 'S wUdetn In placing the army In
ffcaue ef the worls
M. ronitR tr tWAStlAt. toi.titt.
Mffkelfy that will e etperlencefl
In fh etfempt ff eeenre any gnr41
trll' on the rorreficy nnim
will fc hetfer epprectftfed afff rea-ling
thn d1re rr.S'1 by Chsrlee Newell
Folr of New ersy Ivefore the Illt
r9 Mefwtbrrs' eselaflon at Cht
eag, 99 pfl?e(1 la The Be yeeter
4ay. Mr. fnUr l ft member of ron
gress anl has hfi for some years the
chairman of the hfmse committee on
hanking and enffency, which has the
doty of eonslderlng al hllte relating to
tntftmfj ehftfigee. Tear after yeer,
Mr. fowler hs ptopow1 bill for the
ptirpoM of adding the elerneM of elas
ticity to the enrrency system, bat none
of his meainres have been enacted Into
law. Ills addreee at the Chicago meet
ing shows that he Is very mnch per
tnrbed over the present system, and
would have It changed radically, If
oongrees could be brought to his way
of thinking. .
Mr. rowlef. Insists that both the sliver
and fulled States note are etnmbllng
block to the nation's financial su
premncy, and he would have them both
retired. II declare that ft great cen
tral batik Is polttlcar Impossibility
and not ft gdentiflo aeoeeelty. He pre
dicts that disaster will follow unless
the country abandon Its system of
bonrt-seenred currency. On that point
he says:
tin civilised eoiintfjr now hs a bmd s
eufd currency sucn as we bve, ami tit
civil lied country of cnfie(jnc ersr tfld
hare iwich a enrrefify, see)t on, and that
Is Jnfrafl, whfl eoptnil It from u, enty to
fetrufliate and discard It in favor of a crsait
The erwt te the pp) of rsflo.oo.wo afl
ffftm the fant that the use of all the cap
ital fppfehtd hf the bonds depoelted to
ccure our pr-oont hSnh eoles, Is lout be
Saime they are wholly unne ear ftod In
th-lr pr-"t nrt fHatloi ( an lln-
ml(lKted SUfee.
The remedlea suggested by Mr.
fowler sre along the line of the m ens
ures tirged tinsaccpssfnlly by hint at
former sessions of congress. Borne
features of hie plan have been en
dorsed by the American Banker' asso
ciation, while others sre opposed by
that organlratlon. Ills plnn provides:
The rlsht. slioufll be elven to tiatlohal
bank to Isiius snefnntint of credit enr
rency eaunl at least to their cepltnl. Those
two poWMra would have the effect of br I tiff
ins Inlo the national system prnctlcMlly
all the trust eompnnlos and s'als bsflht If
eur recent esprrlenpes tivs confirmed the
publlrt nplnlrtn (bat the required reserves
tif the natlonnl banks are none toe hlah..
If ouf banks were authorised to Corivert
their bank, book, credits Into bank note
credits, upon the demand of depositors,
there tisver Would be a currency fann
fttiolt as ws afs suffering frofn now.
A credit currency cannot In any wsr
lend to expansion, hut It would rathnf 'tend
td prevent espnnslon if put upon the ssme
footing In all respects ss checks and drafts.
Our currency will then be perfectly co
ordinated to the needs of business, bnln
neither too great nor too little, the cash
iers' cheeks Sprlnalnft- Into being with bus
iness needs and automatically dlsnppearln
precisely as checks and drsfts do.
Aside from any merit that may rest
I ft Mr.' Fowler's plafi, the country hs
been educated to place Its faith In cur
rency Issued ort the basis of govern
ment bond security. While It accepted'
the recent experience with clearing
house certificates In remarkably good
huhtor, It will require much more edu
cation before It would car to hftv
that system adopted as a regular fi
nancial diet
rtwMtjTioK nr kf,l kctiok.
Whatever may be said about defects
of the Atneilcun army It cannot be
charged with truth that It is not lit
fighting trim, or nt leant In fighting
humor. It bn been In that rondltlon
since It read this paragraph from the
president's latest message to congress:
Anton- the officers there should be se
vere examinations to weed out the unfit Up
le the grads of major. Front that position
en the appointments should b solely by
selection, and It should be understood that
a man of merely avcraae capacity could
never let beyond the position of major,
While every man who serves In any ataJe
a certain length' of time prior to promotion
to the nrxt rrade without gettln the pro
motion to the next grade should be forth
with retired. ,
The recommendation has already
aroused the opposition of practically
very commissioned officer of the
army, and while they are prohibited
from taking any part In influencing
legislation It msy be accepted as cer
tstn that all of thetr friends will be ral
lied to the work of bringing pressure
to defeat any measure that may be of
fered In congress In line with the pres
ident's suggestion. Th proposition
Is an assault upon long established
and revered precedent of the service
and the basis of nope of every West
Point graduate. As soon as a man geta
his second lleutenaht'a grade he knows
thet, In the ordinary course of events,
at the ago of 6i he may be retired as
ft colonel, even It he Is not more highly
honored by reason of some apodal ee
vice. Recognition of seniority In pro
motion Is accejited end approved by
the army as the fairest method of mak
tag such selectlonss. This Is recog
nised by the protests evoked 'by the
promotion of officers like General
Wood, Oenerwl Funston, General Per
shing aed others over the heads of
many officer of Ilk grade and much
longer servtc. . ,
Theoretically, the president's sug
gestion la without flaw, as It would
b highly desirable to hav the off!
cere of higher rsr.k elected by reason
of their special fltnesa, but even par
tial application t the plan of making
promotion by merit t generally erd
lted, ta rmy circles at least, as being
th chief source of discontent among
Officers. It Is charged, too, that th
weeding out frox-ess recommended by
th .president ts already being wccom
pllshed nder existing lawa regulating
th army. The provld tor severe
examinations to wed out the ucflt up
to the grade wf major. The lew pre
scribes that the moral, mental and pfcy-
e!-l efftrlenry f eah off!cf shall
be carefifly s.rntlnliM and provide
(hat rn.ndld'ftt who falls twice In tie
eAmlnflorn for promotion shaJt be
droppM ffom the service. At the pres
ent tfme fifteen, officers are on the
suspended list for thetr fallar to pas
the first eiamlnatlon. If they fat!
the seeonfl time they will f.e dropped
from the service.
Official of the army contend that
great progress Is being made In raising
the standard of officers and Increasing
the efficiency of the service, bat that
meh of the effect of thl progress
will be lost to th service If the pres
ident' plan of making promotion by
election I substituted for the pres
ent system.
A OOVT ttSDA r CLOU .to.
Considerable apprehension exist
throughout the city on account of the
threatened enforcement of th long
forgotten bin Jaw by th city authori
ties. Mahy people are much disturbed
over th situation, ftod some of them
with good reason. To check all city
actlvltle on Sunday would result la
hardship and privation beyond under
standing. In th matter of jnUX
wsgocs, alone, suffering would be en
tailed to an extent that Is scarcely con
templated even by the xealots who sr
pushing the movement. Shutting
down the street cars would cut off
means of communication and travel
would bo limited to such excursions
could b don on foot. In many other
way tUe cltitens would. bo hamporsd
without any return In th way of In
creasing good morals or good be
havior. Chief Donahue, acting under direc
tions of Mayor Dahlman, has devised
ft plan which will result eventually in
giving the Sunday law a thorough test
without unnecessarily embarrassing
anybody, On Sunday he will plaoe
under constructive arrest ft representa
tive of each of several occupation and
turn over to City Prosecutor Daniel
a list of name of these individual.
What proceeding will be taken by Mr.
Daniel has not yet been outlined, but
he will undoubtedly move with U due
expedition to secure an early test of
the law. in th meantime the busi
ness of Omaha will go forward with
out Interruption until th caso I
finally determined by th .court.
The effort In the first place was' so
manifestly Intended to harass th pub
llo that the determination of th au
thorities to defeat this phase of th
program Is commendable. It was not
alleged that the csus of morality or
good citizenship was .suffering In any
way through the bonobservanco of ft
law which has been neglected forever,
nor Is It expected that Omaha will b
any better In any regard through It
enforcement. Mayor Dahlman and
Chief Donahu are acting wisely In
taking steps to, teat the statute with
out unduly disturbing conditions that
exist. Whatever else may happen, the
enforcement of the statute In Omaha
will not be attended by th spectacular
sensational episode that have .marked
proceedings In Kansas City.
DlVIVtKtlS AfiD BAttK (LKARiyas
The dogged optimism of the public
In the last few months, In face of
marked disquieting conditions In east
ern financial circles", appears to have
been fully Justified. It Is now gen
erally admitted by students of flnanoe
and by the most experienced men In
Industrial and commercial affair that
a period of retrenchment In alt lines of
activity ts essential to th ultimate
prosperity of th country, but no on
contends longer that th nation I
scheduled for prolonged depression
which" would assume the proportion
of ft panic. Manufacturers and Jobber
throughout the country report that
while business la ft little slack, and
orders are being placed tentatively,
there Is nothing In the present condi
tions threatening to make permanent
any marked check In the country'
The announcement of the December
dividend disbursements and the bank
ctcarlnae of the Country for last week
sre two significant Indication ot th
tact that buslnees I again on th up
grade. The December dividends and
Interest payments will aggregate $87,
011,240, as compared with til, 174,
701 In December of l0t and $55,
485,641 In December of 1805. The
total Is th largest on record foe De
cember in spite of the fact that aev
eral'of the largest dividend paying
companies have passed their dividends,
owing to th stringency la the money
market. Nearly all ot the copper com
panies, whose dividends amounted to
nearly $5,000,000 last December, have
passed their dividends thla year. This
deficit has been made up and an In
crease over the rcord shewn by the
dividends ot smaller companies that
have had ft most prosperous year and
did Vot figure In the paying list last
j;ear. Railroad companies pay about
$40,000,000 ot the total December
Bank clearings tor the last week re
flect the 1 mo roved bualnea
conditions. Th total tor th
country for the first week In December
showed a Increae ot $740,000,00 a
compared wlta th fourth wek in No
vember. It was tlSM'0.00 greater
than for th third wek I. November,
$10$, 00, 000 larger than for th sec
ond week In that month and an eve
$100,06,60'greter than tor the first
week In November, when th "panic"
started. Th .situation ta definitely
encouraging. '
Councilman Zlmmaa ts moving: ta
th direction ot economy la tb ad
ministration of the fanda tr the
ti)'ntnac t Omaha' streets. Now,
If some one will on! take step to ae
rnre efflflenry, maybe w can ewrep
cms of. th note aad maxh of the
dast that sow nrvak Omaha' paved
street anything bat what thy fht
U be.
roefmaster Oeneral Meyer advo
cate a.poaul not In denominations of
10. 10, !, 30, 40, SO. 00. 70. 10 n4
cents and $1, $l.t0, $1 end 12. 10,
to b tftsde payable to bearer ftnd to
take tb place of th present money
order, which I tronblesom to tak
ont and botheraom to caah. Mer
chant hav long felt th need of some
fractional enrrency that can b need
lu place of silver, bat th new proposi
tion may not b warmly greeted by
conarree because It look Ilk adding
soother to th already numerous
forms of enrrency.
In th wisdom of the democrats
majority of the city council It I better
to bar Urge room In th basement
of th elty hall devoted to the storage
of junk rather than to permit them to
b nM In an emergency by ft military
company of which all Oman I proud.
It I too bad that th Tnartton ftlfles
were reduced to th extremity of ask
ing temporary accommodation of th
city council, bat It J wors that the
city council would prefer housing rub
bish to quartering a company of the
National Guard.
While everybody ftnd hi friends are
poking fan at th new golden mintage,
It Is not yet recorded that anyone tag
a yet refused to accept either an eagle
or double englo bocause of th In
artistic design on the sam. It I not
tb effigy of th eagle. stamped on th
coin that make It valuable, but th
fact that It contain gold equivalent to
It published value. This I what
give Uncle 8am' money ft real-stand-lag
In th world.
"Tb country," say th Philadel
phia Inquirer, "Is hoping that congress
at It present session will enact some
scientific, comprehensive and definite
measure which will plac the currency
on ft stable and satisfactory baa! and
endow it with th elasticity In which
recent experience, ha painfully shown
It to be lacking." It Is more probable
that th country Is hoping that con
gress will refrain from tinkering.
Th government is In the market
buying silver bullion and working the
mint presses overtime to supply the
demand for small coins. The 400,
000,000 standard silver dollars In the
treasury vaults cannot be used for this
purpose, a they are held for the re
demption of th silver certificate,
which no one want to redeem.
The Omaha Commercial club has
given It official sanction to th latest
Loup river power canal plan. Faith
In thl Instance I still' the1 substance
of things hoped for ana" dmaha will
conMnue to devoutly .pray that torn
day this faith may be Justified by re
alization. The farmer of. Nebraska are send
ing thetr hogs to 'market in much
greater numbers, although the price
Is lower than It ha been for many
months. While th figures are not
maintained vat a boom level, they are
still higher than they war three years
A Jawbon "has been unearthed In
Montana, on of th teeth of which
weighs four pounds. 8tlU, It Is not
attracting aa much attention a the
Jawbon of some of the live ones, in
Montana and elsewhere. '
The republican party wrtll do better
by going to the country next year-wlth
a record ot achievement rather than
one ot denial and evasion, Speaker
Cannon to the contrary notwithstand
ing. X
After six year of democratlo non
government, Boston has returned to
the republican fold. The municipal
accounts for the Interim will be bal
anced by the aid of th grand Jory.'
The hard-working: salesmen and
acleswomen hav filled to notice It It
there has been any abatement of trade
In Omaha on account of the panic or
tor any other reason.
flew the Trwwbl Bcta.
St. Louis Globe-Democrat.
So msrty different causes are assigned
for the pun to that it Is strung ths damage
was avoided so long. Many Insist that there
has txen no real panta. Rut all agree that
a tire waa punctured in New Tork stock
Katwektaat th Ftr A I Arm.
Brooklyn Esgle.
Senator Forsker ts declared to bs tba
"let-bsd-enough-elons" candidate. He will
not. Jiowewr, lt FTesldant Roosevelt or
Secretary Taft alone.' and both of tlim
appear t- t gls that they cam mak
fel sorry.
M.akat War K
Nw Terk Tribune.
It Is proposed that th grovernnaenta of
ths various states get together and adopt
a unlfera, system of railroad rstea snd
regulatt'na. It la supposed that thus
ths red principle of atst rights wuld
Its preserved, fut practically wbsra would
b th different between doing that and
having th earn thing don by th chosen
representatives of th states wh ar
assembled at Washing-tea tor that very
purpose ?
bifnlra t Pssltk.
rv -etprta Reoord idem.)
Williams jMntog Boss ts la a moat
pacific state tJ mind. Ha wants n flgM
Witt) Roger ftulltvan ot Illinois, and h has
ate quarrel with th "gpold buirs" Who bolted
him la 1!. He ears It Is the futur rs
rarea abt an wot th past. FVur years
ag-o k had no hop 4 twin th eandklat.
and h waa ta a thoroughly truculent state
of mind. Now ks Is looking forward hope
fully ta th araocrattc eon venison, and be
has we MMal an w grure and wants
ail vmn of tit patr t As tthr aa
Bs4 for neat raax's candidate.
DECEMBER 12, 100'
LI-LI'.... ,1 1....- . TPmU. !!.!
-vnc"r awotT wrw toaisc.
Hippm mm tmm f nrrewt f I. If Is) tfta
V-iaM thrraaaJk polio an a Hi plain rlotha
and snlfrrrm kept th 114 vw amnawment
ptawa In Orenfw Nw Tot from m!4
lIgr,t a-aftrMay until midnight Sunday.
Theater of all klnda. ermrarta. eiovln pic
ture and smtert movent ef atintur r.a
tora, ware outlawed and eloeed, hut th
Rslnaa' law hotels saloon which serr
a much a a sandwich with drink war
wide open and did an Immense b-rnes
f-uhlh? ritlmWTt appear fairly divided
en th aiiddn spnt of law efo-rewnvent.
yst oti fy t rem lata ar satisfied wltk th
first rshlMtlow of th bin Isws In opera
tion. Thoo who Mm determined to fore
observance of alt th dead lawa to he found
en th atatut books, so as to give alt
class a do of tho medlclna. Oie-half
of New Tork would slarrs on svtnday tf
th dllcatea shop eloed down; ye
th law aays,they must keep ctod. Vnder
th law prohlbKIng labor, aavs of necew
sltycn a Sunday. It la within th powsr of
the police to arrest eab driver and chauf
feurs. Tho running; of "ruM-nfk
coach" could b prohibited. They ar
Md by parsons bent upon plsir or re
creation. Under tho strict Interpretation
of the law drug atore ar prohibited from
Sailing aoap, perfume, far powdr and
other aide line en lundey th Mrt day
for th druggist In this lin of ood. It
la also em th atatut book that woman
cannot tw rotrg on thtr face w th
holy day. If the law wer enforced thy
would be arrested In hunch. It 1 a!nt
th Taw to do almost everything on Sun
day except to tak a drink.
While th energle of 'th pollc depart
ment are centered on tho blu tawe, pro
fessional law breakers ar doing a land
efllo buslneas. rtobbertos and burglarise
ar Increastn-r In great number. 'New
Tork." aaya th World, "la being Swept by
a tidal wav of crime. Thr have been
mor burglaries,' robberisa and larcenies
within two months than vr before during
a Ilk period of time. Burglary Insursnc
experts estimate that th loss by th-ft In
two month will amount to more than
3,so0.000 and that the lose for th year
1907 will be ti,0X,oW,
,rvVhll Commissioner Bingham dsn tea
that thor he been an unusual number
of burglaries and robberlee In tb last tw
months, be admit that the aUuation thla
year may b worso than In previous yar
because of the hard times. It explains
tho complaint of th Inauranc oompanl
by sayln many of their losses reault from
fake' robberies, committed by th persons
Insured, so that they may oolleot the In
auranc money."
A distinguished physician of Rome, Dr.
Oiuepp Bastlanelll, has ben In thla coun
try Investigating tn conditions under
which hie fsllow oountrymen of th labor
ik. i....a liva. Ha doesn't hesltats to
say that th tsnsmcnt hous environment
are decldsdly Issa conductlva to neann
thnn thos undor which th poverty
stricken workman dwells in Italy In
otbr worda, he would liav u to bellev
that a poor wretch living- in a cava at the
roadside, anywhere among the malaria of
th Campogna, 'is less liable to contract
consumption than in a New Tork tene
ment. II aays th Italian poor coma here
to esoaps malaria, of which they hav
drsad, and encounter a tar more deadly
dlseaa in tb "whit plag-ue." H calcu
late that abouL.20 pr cnt of those who
return tak back with them bacilli of, tubr
culosls, which ar spread among the cities
and vlllagea. Higher wagea in thla ooun
try ar obtained at the expenae ot health
and often life. , , .
Ooorgo Hyland of Troy lost hla brld in
th Subway yesterday. . They had been
married lea than twenty-four hours and
he gave an excellent Imitation ot a orasy
man at th Nlnety-alxth etreet station un
til, hla missing brld was found at Four
teenth streot. I
The Hylands started for Washington on
their wedding trip and at th Grand Cen
tral atatlon early In th morning- took an
uptown train, which they left at Nlnaty
sixth street, and waited for a downtown
cxpres. Mra. Hyland, who It petit and
pretty, got into a car all right. Hyland
was Just about to follow, when tho door
was alammd. H beat on th glasa, but
th train started away with hla brld.
Hyland, a ala-footer, waved money In
th air, offering- It to anyone who would
bring baok hla brld. Willing scouts started
after her, whll Hyland stayed at Ninety,
sixth atraet. From hla detailed description
a prtty girl, with a red hat with a pin
In It and low-cut shoes shs waa readily
recognised at Fourtsenth atreet Th fact
that eh waa in teare helped aome.
A suooessful soout took her back to her
husband and then, desplt th rowd.
cam a reunion. Tha Journey to Washing
ton waa reeuroaA.
Why a worn .a should want a mourning
gown and at th sam tlm a wedding
trousseau ia a queatlon that la agitating
euatoma offlc'.ala hare. aDs Florenc Todd
arrived from Franc th other day and at
tmptd to pass eaven truhka of clothing
under th foreign resident claus. for, al
though her horn la In New Orleana, ah
has Uvd for nv yeare In France. Th
law provldra that In aueh a case "a rea
sonabl amount" of clothing and peraonal
effecta shall enter duty fre. But th cus
toms authorltlea thought that aven trunk
fU ' wearing apparel. valud at 110,000,
afld particularly th Incongruous assort
ment ot funsral and wedding garments,
constituted more than "a reasonable
amount," and are holding th trunks.
n. i
Th belfry on top of Brooklyn's borotujrh
hall haa been In a quiescent stats for ao
many years thst a rood many folka were
atartled th other dsy when ths bell be
gan to ring aa a welcome to the first sub
way tram. Teara ago when folka In Brook
lyn heard th bell they began Instinctively
to count Its strokes to lesrn where th fir
was, for that wss th way th fir siartna
were given. At night a red lantern waa
hungdout on th helfry to indleat th di
rection of th fire. It was th custom also
to ring th bell in esse Brooklyn's great
annlverssry day psrsds of Sunday school
children had been postponed. Evn this
a aa discontinued aome year afro.
Mast rrstse b Otaoka.
BufTal Express.
Soma time ago tha off! ear of ths
Pennsylvania Railroad Company obtained
from th United Ptate circuit court of
appeal a decision declaring void aa ordr
by a lower court requiring tha company
to produoe certain bowk In uit brought
against It by an lndpendent coal com
pany. By declaring thst th court of
appeal had n Jurisdiction th Unitd
sxste supreme court ', in effect, that
th booke must b shown. It ts to b re
gretted that th question raised by ths
officers of th company that It couid not
be forced to Itself could not
be decided directly by th Vnitcd Slates
supreme court. That Boint, however, ts
conning betr th court ta other case
before iong.
Tkar ( lMk Ga4.
Pittsburg Dlspatck.
People Ira are a hi t get th aw
t2S gold place and tak tkeas bom for
lajeurely xaminaoKa are prarttcaOly unan
aaou ta tha effect that tbo eotea hsok Bret
I tt.enw
rr.sneviL sstii.
-Two Csl.fornlan hav andertakeei ta itr
far tw week rm a diet f cacroa, arvt
ther km far that thy may auceead.
AmerV-aa dentists are tha heat la the
world. If 0rmny wrnild rather hsv ar h
ml molar thae arknwwV1c th fset, all
right. v
' Jamea B. Hill ot Atlanta t th first negm)
tn th country t ra-ffrv a Crn1 hero
medal. A eherk for v waa sent a a r-wa,-d
for risking hi hfs In svrnj several
people In dsnger from a runawsy team In
Waehirgton B. Thomaa, M la tem
porarily tit take eharg of th affair of th
Sugar trust and Is quit likely to be elected
Its next president. I a multimillionaire and
Is abotit U years erf age. He graduated at
Harvard and hut chief hohrrr la golf.
Th youngest member ef th hous of
representative at Washington ta Harry B.
Wolf of the Third Maryland district, who
la but 77 years old. A few years ago. h
was selling papers on th street of th
Monumental City, and has rteen t hi
present high plac solely on hi own ef
fort. On January 11 president Bitot will argil
In favor of government by eommJaslon In
a dabat with Prof. Best of tha Harvard
law school, on municipal government at th
Colonial Club. Cambridge, Mas. Prof.
Beal will tak the negative aid ot th
argument and present hla new In opposi
tion. Th vlo president Is a close student of
cartoon, and thoroughly anjpy them, even
when they caricature himself. H say h
think lb reason for hlajnterest In car
tbona la that h I a third cousin of Homer
Davenport, - tha cartoonist, and- ha also
aaya that he realises that he Is a "great
subject for the picture makers."
Th German . emperor sent a special
courier from England with a mess of
congratulation for Dr. Adalbert Tobold, on
th oocasfon of th 0th birthday of the
venerable laryngologist. Th message also
conveyed th Information that a hereditary
titles had boen conferred on Dr. Tobold.
Tho empress sent an autograph congratula
tion, and similar felicitations were received
from hundreds of notable men, and from
nearly all the medical and scientific organi
sation In Berlin.
Fewer Intellect! Giants aa Fewer
Farensle Orators.
Philadelphia Inquirer.
The Blxtloth congress contains th
largest membership In th history of that
body and bas an unusually large Injection
of new men. Th senate, which will soon
contain nlnety-tw member. Is larger than
tho house waa for some year after the
beginning of constitutional government,
and It haa lost many of Its original char
acteristics. ' The senators are no longer
"ambassadora from the atatca," no Ion per
are men, whose namea ar on every tongue.
It would take an unusually well Informed
man some time to name one-third of -the
membership. The old leaders have almost
entirely passed away. ThS veteran are
now Allison, Aldrlch, Hale, Frye. Cullom,
Taller, and Daniel, the two latter being
democrats. All tha rest have taken their
seats since 1890, and only twenty all told
have Served mora than ten years.
In the house the veterans are Cannon,
Bingham, Payne and Dalaell, while Kelfer
la back from Ohio after a long- absence.
It Is a rare distinction for a man to serve
twenty yeara consecutively In the house,
and in the last two yeara death and other
causes have removed a number of the
veterans, while there are more than 100
absolutely now merw--It would be a hard
task for any one to nam fifty men who
have seata, and perhaps 'the average per
son could not mention score. -In these
days there Is less Chance for personal dis
tinction than formerly. The work ts
largely 'Hone In commute and the foren-
relc debates are seldom exoltlng. '" i
Forty yeara or ao ago congress waa
largely composed of veterana of tho civil
war or men who had come Into civil prom
inence during that conflict; Th men wer
mostly bearded and full of passion. Th
slightest spark would set off a volcano
et excitement, the bloody shirt waa waved
and vituperation was Indulged In with
great cheerfulness arid In unlimited quan
tities. Visitors to the galleries alwaya
asked to have polnteed out such men as
Blaine, Conkllng, Butler, Stephens, lunar,
and others who had become prominent.' In
tha aenata wer Sumner, Bherman, An
thony, Burnalde, Morrill, Ingalla, Edmunds,
Logan, Cameron, Brown, and at varloua
times two negroes. These men were the
leadera tn politics and statesmanship, and
they hav left no successors of their own
Not on of th veterana In either house
ts a noted 'speaker. Few of, them ever
talk at all, except In explalntMr aomejblll.
Tlia senate has beoom the deliberative
body, but the tloquenoe comes from ths
younger men from the prairies and th
far west, men eoms of whom were scarcely
born forty yeara ago, and th rest were
tn knickerbockers at school.
These changes are notable, but tho pass
ing away of th ancient regime ia not to b
lamented. There are, perhaps, fewer. In
tellectual giants, fewer forensic orators
than formerly, but, on the whole. It I a
body of able men. who are la Waahlngton
tor business. The lobby Is discredited and
the work of legislation la carried on per
sistently and, on the whole, very well.
An Unf fn!rt
Karo Corn Syrujj a better gyrus-
thin you ever tasted.
aa I "
is a fd sweet and bast fulfils
N every purpos for which
w can b used.
la 10c, 25c, 58c oir
v "V
w. N, V4smjfa v wvwvsw
Ct:2;2sl, CU2r.:st, l!:!!:st i:l E:sl v;j:r.!:i,' $7.50
VICTOR WHITE COAL CO., 1211 ftrua. JiL tt.-j 121
laajwlattlr r.dltwr -eare Iwfstra
tlaaj Swk I.
MlsinaatpoU JnniiL
T 'Saturday Kvnlng Pnat fca bl
aaklng ft rea.Vr th quMtlon. Ts Rooae
velt a menacw to tualfteasT Th Port ewn
f that It hf. reeetvMl rsalt. It e-w
parted i f-w handrad. It haa been ear
petard at th liberality ef tr.a revponaa,
it has received thowaand wner H rxw
pected hundred. Tha uaf ton waa an
swerM squarely by men In all walk of Hf
and the Poat says that with few raoep
tlon they brush asl.Ve the Idea that th)
pretfent la a menaca ta kaistn,"
Th effort to fix responsibility foe th
panh- on the president ha already tmamw
to react, "for." remark the Peat. If a.900
earnest, well written tetter from eoontrp
banker, farmers, merchants, lawyer, doc
tors and clerk mean anythia tka pre
dent I stronger with tha country toda
than he has ever ben."
Th opinion thua derived fror th perusal
f thla special correspondence la act a
matter of wonder. Tb attempt t sad SI
tha discredit of th financial panto upon
tha president and hia poitclea. lacked front,
Its Inception good sens. It assumed thai
the people are so Ignorant of publlo affair
that they would V-e gulled with a stnpl
but loud yell ef "stop thief directed to
ward th White Houea, They hav aX
ready learned that tha Amartean xmblldj
ha been in the study-toe" basin for th
last five years. Ther hav learned that
the publlo- estimate at what aDs th coun
try I broader than their eWn. Th asabtl
la wall aware ef th fact that thetr ar
many thing's tn thla panto for' which x
man or aet of men is raaponolbl. Th?
have learned Incidentally that they do not.
completely comprehend tha causes theme
selves, and that their puerile effort to
saddle It upon th president waa aa va
generous a it waa ansctentino..
A woman whose hatr U falling tm
write tn to 'ask what to do with It,"' said,
the anaks editor.
"Tell her to throw It away," replied th
sporting editor." HK. Louis Republic.
Dashaway I want you to meet th old
est Hpringer s-lrl. he Is tb most Intelli
gent of th three of them.
Cleverton. No, thsnks. Fv 'learned
more than I ought to know from the other
two. Lira. , :
"I see where a younc man somewhsia
married Ma motw cook."
"That wa a bad move very."
"Why aof
"Because she will always want to handle
the dough." Baltimore American.
"o Kelson ta deud. What killed htmT"
"You know he bad one foot In th
"Well, someone pulled hla leg." Harper'
"Your husband ataya out quite lata every
nlfht." said the tactless woman.
sYes," answered the patient wife, "but
I don't know that I blame him. You see. In
our apartment house people are permitted
to play the piano' until half past eleven."
Chicago Record-Herald.
"Why la It," asked Uie fox, "that you
always look so g-auntT"
"Ohl" replied the wolf, "It's all due to
th business I'm In. I always hav to keep .
away from the door until there's nothing
left In the house to eat." Catholic Stand
ard and Timaa.
"You shouldn't run after a ear during
th rush hour," said the conductor re
provingly. "Why notT" panted tha man addressed,
Climbing aboard.
"Tha abnormal chest expansion due to,
tha etforv to draw Into the lungs a suffi
cient aupply of . oxygen to repair the
waste caused by accelerated heart action
Crowds' the other passengers," explained
the conductor. Philadelphia Lodger. '
. t v
Thankertvins; Day. haa passed away,, , .
Th Christmas tlm la here.
And Boon we'll meet again and greet'
The glorious New Year. :
Prosperity sincerity
An atmosphere of Truth
In great debates now permeate
Our nieu and manly youtu.
Clod took away the other day
Our grand, good President,
And placed Instead at ' natton'a head
Hla special Instrument,
Man of the Hour, a man of power,
"Of whloh ther waa a dearth,"
Our guide and scout, without a doubt
Tha Greatest Man on Earth.
Fm crude at best, but from th West
I bring- this fact to you,
No other man can lead our clan
But Teddy, good and true; v
And spite of wealth and graftsra' pelt
And politics' creation.
We'll fix th rat and nominate
Our choloa by acclamation. , , , ,
You call u wild, but we hav filed '
Out protest, and the price is
Our honest vote -against the gloat I
Of grafters, trick and vice.
Our youngest kid look what ah did.
Our Oklahoma sister. ; 1
Coming event need no oommenta,
Prosperity haa kissed her. .
Avant the rum, exit th bum; ',
Our natton'a constitution -1 '
Is out of gear whan rum and, br .
Control for prostitution
Ths petrol' vote, then laughing1 gloats
O'er misery, sin and Borrow.
Yet vee are blest and Ood knows beat.
'Twill be a. brighter morrow.
And ao I aay let's work and pray;
Out If you know no prayer,
Juet work for Right, nor fear to fight
The grftere everywhere.
And have no fear, the Olad New Yaar
WtU fill each waiting aail
With Ood'a oaone, an Uarryowsn
And Teddy on th trail. '
Your for God and Home and America,
g syrup J
- tigkt do.
s jk'il:
irt kj i , i
- is