THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: THURSDAY, DECEMBER l1 1907. Telephone Douglas 618 Reaches All Departments. A Corset for Christmas . j It is rather a pleasant surprise to receive, a pretty Dorset as a present. Each corset may be bought with the understanding that after Xmas our expert fitters, will be pleased to ex change or fit it. "We find the straight back corsets excellent and when they are properly adjusted, they are comfortable beyond question. The long graceful Jmes they give the fig ure are admired exceedingly. These models are selling freely now and the demand for them is Bteadily increasing. Second Floor. Q&ndsoma 75o Pompadour Silks; 24 inches wide, Thursday 25c a Yard. Beautiful pompadour silks at less than, they coat for the raw material. A Bale that ahould be of Interest to every woman -who ha allk to buy for fancy worlt, bags, cases, evening waists. In fact, whole gowns for evening. ' Exquisite fabrlo, lustrous, toft and ellng-lng In the lovely pompadour pat tern a. Cream ground in floral aVesJgns, delioate hued flower scattered ovr the surface. Bnm In dainty pink, heliotrope, ciel blue and light blue, Tour thole ISe yard. Women's Fine Tailor Made Suits at Reduced Prices Lovely Silk Kimonos : . A most useful gift prices, $8.60, 110.50 and 112.50 eacn. n e. t . M ninv- with 8 black, brown, tan. bearer, grey and white, famous for quality, fit and durability, per pair 31.15 P & L 2 clasp Glove,' extra selected skins, and Paris point stitching, In black, brown, tan, red, nary, green and white, per pair $1.50 Valuer's washable Kid Gloves, made In full pique, in white or tans, per pair $2.00 Bath Robe Blankets A Bath Robe made out of one of our beautiful Bath Robe Blankets is lady or gentleman. It need not be such an expensive one either. We have $3.00, $8.50. All It requires tor trimming is a cord which costs you but why we say ours is the best in tne Howard, Corner 16th Street. BOURBONS MAY PICK CHICAGO Democratic Committee Selects Conven tion. Citr Tomorrow. DENVER IS-TOQma ITS CLAIMS Uea-ardea as Teo Fa fraaa jpaater of .. -. Population Kansas City ' and t. Lanls Make Jim Flakt. , i - ! WASHINGTON.. D. C, rec. U.-AH the preliminary preparations f,oi; th meeflnjg of . the democratic national convention . com . mlttee, which will 'be held ''at the Arlington hotel beginning at 13 o'clock tomorrow, have been completed, and it is now believed that It will be "possible tor the committee to complete tomorrow. Its work of select injf a time and place for holding- the con vention. The meeting will be held In the 1 large auditorium at the Arlington hotel, which will accommodate not only the com mittee, but the spectators. The only con test will be over the place of meet Ins; and the present indications are that It m 6J . will beld a pretty light. ' , Bo far there has been no active canvass among delea&lea here In the Intereat of any city except Denver. ' The delegation which cam to Washington tn the hope of ' securing the republican convention for that city, has remained over and Its members ; aVe urging upon the democratic committee ' men the advantages of the Colorado cli mate. The delegation has been strength ened by the addition of C.,F. Wilson, who holds ths proxy of the Colorado member of the committee, and who Is devoting all of his energies to securing the convention 'fnr the centennial state. ' Denver Is making tha aame offer of tlOO.000 as a bonus, that was made to the republi can committee. Many of the committeemen aeem favorably Impressed by this offer and the only point urged against Denver is Its distance front the oenter of population. It Is expected that Louisville and Cleve- ; land will also be active candidatea, and bera believe ' that tn tha' end the lake city ' will make the same proposition that It made to ths republican committee, which was to furnish a haU and pay all the ex penses of the convention: In that event It will secure the vote of many committee men. Kansas City has decided not to ex tend an Invitation and the same Is true of fit. Louis. some members hope Chicago will extend a substsnttal Invitation, Bo far, Chicago occupies apparently the 'same attitude to wards ths democratic, convention that; It did towards the republican, and some m.'in- Dlamonds, vCopley, Jeweler, ni S. 16th. Timely j " Turning . ss I Henckers Emperor Razor, $2 each edrw.wthronw v your money away on ehap affaire. Then we have lewer priced good,' raxora. Manicure Sets, Shaving Sets. Scissor Sots Table Cutlery. Carvers for , SCHOLL SAWS &VlEw.rl t iv.k ,a Urr 0DM ,or mot pawer fir larger boy. rz - xocket Knives mn f mill ..liver and pearl liandled .olMor knlv.a miss eur Pu.-set Kme Hale. Mm.ratier, Tool Cabinet ,T gilt or beet Manual Training ToIj.. Itemeinber. ths rush your sei.ction now. fer Christmas JAKES f-IOalTO:. & m:i CO 1511 Dcoe Sf. ' Laces for Trimming Christmas Gifts. For all kinds of fanoy work. There are ptn cush ion a, aprons, handkerohlefs, collar and cuff seta, face chamois, jabots and numerous other Christmas articles to trim. Than there are the dolls to dress, and for all theee laoe la needed. Perhaps you will prefer real Valenciennes for some of these dainty articles. We have some choice patterns In real laces. Laoe of all kinds to fit all requirements. A bit of real Ducheaae or Rose Point laoe for neok and sleeves would make an elegant gift. Come and see these pretty laces, , .Main floor. Special Clearing Sale of all he Fashionable Evening Coats . Wooltex coata ara Known tha country over as being rep resentative of all that stylish and new la Women's Wearing Apparel. $35. fO Evenlnt Coata at $42.50, 'colors tan and champagne. $40.00 Evening Coats at $25.00, colors apricot and leather. $30.00 Erentng Coats at $20.00. Gloves for Holiday Gifts Short Kid Gloves atrand stitching, in Valuer's Verlalne a 2 clasp Real Kid Glove, neatly stitched, in black and full line of colors, per pair $1.75 Valuer's jst. quality, a 8 clasp Glove, perfect in style, quality and fit, in black, white and all shades, per " $2.00 Glove Certificates sold here. Main Floor. city. West Basement. B-lt-U-07. WALKER GIVES HEAVY BOND Caart . Uiaraniw treat Company far J. Dalsell Brawn. Same SAN FRANCISCO. Do. 11. David F. Walker, president .of the Insolvent . Cali fornia Safe Deposit and .'Trust company, accused of smbesslement, was today. , re leased from custody on 178,000 ball. J. , 'Dal sell Brown, vies president and ' general manager of the institution 1 still In Jail, the bonds offered for his . release'' by a surety company having been rejected by judge Dunne on the ground that the com pany already had gone security for so many accused persons that he- -preferred to have- Brown secure ball elsewhere. : HARRIMAN -SICK WITH"? COLD L Resort He la Serloaslr III Dented at His Offlca la New York ' C,tT NEW YORK, Dec. ll-i-B-.H, Harrlrhao Is suffering from a edld and has not bean at his office sines Monday. , A report that Mr. Harrlman Is seriously ill was denied at his otflcs. It was aatd that he "has a and la taking care of It.". Receivers far Exposition. r.JCHMOND, Va Pec. 11. Judge Ed mund WeddlU of the United States circuit court last night announced 4 he receivers "or the ' Jamestown Imposition company. They are Messrs. Alvah M. Martin, late director general of the erpoirttlon; Kdward T. Lamb of Norfolk and William M. Oeckies of Washington. Mr. Harry Bt. George Tucker Is appointed attorney tor the re ceivers and ths Natlonsl Bank of Com msree of Norfolk IS made the deponttorv for all funds received. A bond of 1f,bJQ is required of the 'receivers. : . Western Paciae Changes. BAN FRANCISCO, Dec. lL-The Western Paoino railroad directors met yesterday aud formally accepted the resignation of W. B. Baitnett as a director and general attorney. The resignation ef-Marlel Cert as assistant general attorney was also, ac cepted. Warren Olney, jr., who. has been a director of the company for several yesrs, was appointed general, counsel. William A. McOee. u San Franolsco and Oakland capitalist, vas elected a director in place of Bart net t. .. . . . Man Kill Wife and Self. MINNEAPOLIS, Minn., Dec. ll.-Wblle his two little children slept- In art adjoluing bed, Oeorge fiRlmson. 'PM9 Girard avx-nue north, shot his wife to death as she lay in her bed. and then fired a bullet Into his own brain. The tragedy occurred some time Monday night, hut was not discov ered until late yesterday, when the police broke Into the room to discover why the two children were standing at tha window rcaow A L . uryinsT. . Detralt Wishes Fleet Well city council last night adopted resolutions to be sent to Hear Admiral Bvans, -wishing him uoaspeea on tne erpeamon to me racltia. wnicn 11 is to begin December M, sod direct i raising of the Sags on the city hall Ing tha on that date. r5k Tips for Gift Buyers Em Safely Razors, the latest Makes Barnes fi Perry's Skates Lathes tor Boys Netcr before have WA alhr.fayrk Bti'H aura tr- vtrittty of patt'rns. AU prU 9ln li r, a n t-J a A . . ComblnaUon Hunt , Ku'itZ Zon every one euaraiu.5 1'on i ,rt"t ! sver shown lir. Just th for the man of the house or his sur s on. ne oin.r mau s son. Hoo:s la Neihlng but ths Your Loy knows what hs wai.ta. Wi show a full line. . shopping Is on. delay. Make Bargain Square in Basement. ' SpeoJsi sale e f women's aud ' chil dren's hosiery, knit mittens, men's work ing gloves, shlldren's leggings. .Jo n't full to see them. WAIT for our great special sale of men's shirts. Tlie .opportunity of the season. certainly a most desirable gift for pretty ones for $1.76, $2.00, $2.60, 60c. See our line and you'll know Howard, Corner 16th Street. BANKER SHOOTS OFF HEAD Tragedy Follows ' Collapse of Cali fornia Trust Company. T. 0. SADLEEE BECOMES .VICTIM Manager of the ' West Gael Branca at Ban Francisco FoanI Dead in ... His Office Deed Is De liberately rUaaed. .. BAN FRANCISCO. Cal.. Dee. lli:-Bloodv tragedy has developed from the 'crash 'of the CallforhiaTSafe De1pos1rUn4lirust ctffrt-pany.- Tt -tHway Sadder; manager if the 'west end ' branch ot the defunct1 Institution-at 1531 Devfsadero street, blew out his brains last-eight while locked In his office. No explanation has yet been' -made of Badleir's accounts, but it Is known that ha Was heavily Involved personally In the failure. Ever since It was known that the bank could not survive he has been greatly depressed. Badleir's method of suicide was most gruesome. He made preparations deliber ately and used a shotgun which Is kept in the bank for protection against robbers. Both barrels of this weapon, loaded with buckshot, were discharged and the whole top of the suicide's head was blown away. Special Policeman Pierce, according to his custom, made a thorough examination of the premises but a few minutes before S o'clock, looking through a window he Saw the body of the manager sprawled on ths floor in a pool of blood and brains. The victim was so badly mangled that he could scarcely be identified even from the lower part of the face. Ths body was taken to the morgue. Badlelr was a single man, 'aged 0 years. He was one of J. Dalzell Brown's most confidential employes and had full execu tive authority of the west end, of which he was made manager some time ago. When Brown wss. arrested Badlelr was present and tried vainly to prevent the police from taking his superior to prlsbn. So far in the investigation of the de positors' association nothing improper baa been found Ift Badleir's direction of the bank's sffairs' in .the western addition and no charges have been made against him. When J. Dalzell Brown, who Is still in 7 the city prison, was informed that Sadlelr 4iad. committed suicide he threw ud his hands and exclaimed: "My God! How did he do itt. Did he shoot himself t" On bsMng told that his surmise was cor rect. Brown said: ,. , "I was afraid of that." . - FIRE RECORD. Pfaa Maaafaeturlna- Cantnany, CINCINNATI. Dec 1L-A spectaouUr firs almost completely wiped out ths .big plant of the Pfau Manufacturing company, makera of plumbera' supplies. In Reading road early today. The lire was within a quarter of a block of the recent conflagra tion which wiped out the Kroger grocery warehouse and other large concerns. Ths Bremen by hard work kept the blase from spreading to planing mills closely adjoin ing. Tenants of houses In the rear of the burning plants fled from their homes and policemen carried sleeping babies from a raw of frame tenements on West Twelfth street, passing through dense smoke to do so. All were rescued. The loss is tlS.OOO to J150.0CO, partly Insured. ' re Fires la Tahaoea District, NA6HVILU0, Tenn.. Deo. U.-A Hop klnsville, Ky., dispatch says the Plsnters' aasoclatlon prising house at Pembroke, Ky.. was burned early today. The building con tained3Q,CU bushels of wheat, but no to bacoo. Lose about 3.000. Tha firs caught from a defective flue. A Ore at Hopklns vllie this morning caused a loss of 112,000. The news of ths fire caused great alarm. BASKET BALL, WITH MISSOl III Nebraska, glaas la Centraet far New sear's Maht, 14NCOLN, Neb., Dec. 11. (Srjeclal Tele gTain.A banket ball game Uilwcvn Ne Wreaka end Missouri universities on New Voir nisht has been 'heduled by- Man, ger Ka$rr of the local team.' Ths date f. r (vv i..llr, whl,.h (, ao)Ut to start on an extended western trip dur- . - data was accepted loy Mr. Kagrr linnieliatpy. It u urult-r-stooil thai Chi. ij university has aiao akn.l fur S gaiua in l.tiieolq during the lu.lidsys. If piayi, theae two names pri.iiilM to be the beat Iritercoll.-itlate baakt ball 'contests ever pullad ott in Lincoln. TROOPSARE TO KEEP OUT Soldieri WUl Uot Take Sidee ia Labor ControTefiy ia Ooldfielo'. WILL NOT DECLARE HAETIAL LAW Mlaa Operators Caaelder Poetaanlas; Opealasr Mines t'ntll tker an mUsloners ArHre Pram Waaalnctoa. OOLDFIKU), Nef ., Dec. 11. By direction Of the secretary of war. Adjutant General Alrsworth has directed Colonel Alfred ftey nolds. In eommanfl of tha federat troops at Ooldf laid, to .Causa to . be publicly posted here an order from tha War department to the effect that he Is to take no sides In ths trouble, and tolntrrfers with no person' In any way unlsg,such a course becomes ne cesssry to proteot life- after violence has been committed?' The netloes kre posted In consplcu6us places on pie main streets, The Mine Owners' .association will meet tonight and It la" possible that. In view of the anticipated coming of the three com missioners who left, Washington today and the posttlt-a assurance now that martial law will not te' declared, the determination to reopen the rnlnes tomorrow will be aban doned. : a :- Gold to ray Mlrs. John S. Cook.' of the John 0. Oook and Company bank., stated today at noon that the bank Is taking up fhe sctip issusd In Ooldflsld to the ambnnt of $75,000 and would be prepared to meet the payrolls With gold after Monday. This announcement doubt less will have the effect of Inducing some members of the Western Federation to go to work at once. " " Vincent St. John, ' a recognised leader ot the Western Federation ot Miners, who has been In ths Miners' hospital, laft the camp several days ago. It la stated that several other leaders among tlie local miners have departed, It Is asserted that Vice Presi dent Mahone tomorrow may change - the whole situation, provided trouble ia avoided In the meanwhile. A conference between Governor Sparks and Colonel Reynolds was held this afternoon. . Fnnatoa )(ios far information. SACRAMENTO, Cel., Dec. ll.-Oeneral Frederick Funston passed through this' city at noon on his way to. Obldfleld, Nev where he goes to Investigate the causes that have led to the, calling cut. of the troops to quell any. possible trouble on the part of he striking miners. . "I am going to Nevada simply to fa miliarise myself with the situation, so as to make a report of the. conditions there to the War department .at Washington," said General Funston. . .. . , "f p to the present time neither the de partment at Washington . nor I, myself, has been able to get much Information of a' definite character as to what .Is going on there. I Intend to .- Interview the gov ernor and get his view on the situation. I will also talk wtth-tthe leading citizens, the mine owners' "and itha .mlners themselves.- When I return -1 shall make a full report of -the situation to the War department. Up to' the present we have Been largely1 In the fog."-": General Funston SM' 'ha would not taks command of the troops -irngag in any of the movements. 'V i ' r Commissioners 3o to'' Goldfleld. WASHINGTON, 'rjec'.' jf.pAsslKtan'f Sec retary Murray of the Dpa(meht of Com merce and Lbor?' tfharlas' P. : Neill, com missioner tt lahof, w4J'.'1,erD,rt Knox igmlth c6mnleFionll,Ip'''c,'Pora,,on8 teava wiaslnS3r'al, crobaf hl"aftri noon' for Ootdfield,'1'i4uv.'!3W male a thor ough investigation o'f (fit' trouble between the miners and j'fhlne' operator at that place. Secretary'1 Murray and Commis sioner Smith made this announcement after 'a conference with' President Roose velt today. " President Roosevelt Is anxious to ascer tain the exact conditions 'at Goldfleld. He has given to the commission a letter of instructions, , broad In It a character, and wjll enable the commission to make any such investigation lnto'affslrs at Goldfleld as It may determine Yhe " letter Is brief, simply directing the commission to proceed to Goldfleld Immediately and to mak an inquiry Into affairs as they exist there and report to him personally. The letter also dirocte all civil and military powers to fur nish the commission with any Information they may possess. ' Tha members of tne commission left this afternoon at 1:40 o'clock. They have no Idea at present how long they may be en gaged in the making of the Inquiry, but re gard it as Improbable that they will return to Washington much under two weeks. While the president discussed the matter Informally with member of the commis sion, he gave them no concrete instructions beyond those contained In his letter, leav lng the method of th Inquiry to their dle crotlon. t Troons to Prevent Riot. Th following Instruction -was sent to ths commanding officer ' of th troops now at Goldfteld today by order ot th prealdent: The troops are not sent to taks the part of either side in a purely Industrial dis pute, as long as It. is kept within the bounds of law and order. They are to be neither for nor against the strikers or the employers. They are' to prevent riot, vio lence and disorder under and in accordance With th constitution and the laws of tha land. No mm la to be interfered with ss lung as he conducts 'himself in a peaceful and orderly manner. A statement was made at tha War de partment that -there was no intention of withdrawing th troops from Goldfleld. not withstanding tha dispatch of ths commis sion from here. Th troops, according to th department will be kept at Goldfleld so long as the commanding officer believes their presence Jieoesssry for the malnten snce of order. Federat law Ba dorses strike. DENVER, Colo., Dec. 11. Official en dorsement of the miners' strike at Gold field was given yesterday by the exeoutlve board of the -Western Federation of Min ers. The following telegram was sent to Charles H. MacKinnon, president of ths Goldfleld Miner' union: . "Executive board recognises Justice of your position. Will render all possible as sistance." I" Foate Held 1st Holdaa. PIATTSMOVTH, Neb., Dec. 11. 8pe lal.) Homer Foster, charged with at tempting to hold, wp and rob Iawrenoe Smith tn South Bead, this county, wss given a trial before Justice M. Archer in this city today and bound over to the dis trict ourt. The evidence showed that the two men met In Omaha for the first time and that Foster tnld Smith that he had Tlicro t& Only Gnu VJTO THE WOALO OVCft TO AJwsts remember tha fall Dame. tot this signatura oa every r. been husking corn near South Bend and they could both get work there. After their arrival in South Bend they went to a saloon among r'her places and, after tak ing a few drinks. Smith departed for ths depot to take a train, leaving Foster In the saloon. Foster soon followed and when near the depot caught up with Smith and demanded tjlra to "dish up." Smith told him hot to shoot and gave him a $5 bill and some change, but that did not satlsf Foster snd he repeated "to dish up." Smith then drew from his hip pocket a knife, Instesd of money, and struck him with It, th knife making an ugly gash, whloh bled profusely. Smith learned that Foster did not hsve a revolver, so he succeeded In getting his money baok. Then he attempt 1 to take Foster to town and turn him ovei to the officers. The evidence of other wit nesses corroborated th testimony of Smith. PACIFIC ROADS GO CLEAR (Continued from First Pag.) tors are playing, of course, the politics! gam and both are adepts lit that gam. Bra -era aad Daalmaa Attend. Mayor Brown of Lincoln, an Intlmat per sonal friend of W. J. Bryan, and on of his closest advisers, Is In Washington to attend th meeting of th national demo cratic committee, whloh convene at th Arlington hotel tomorrow. Mayor James Dahlman of Omaha, national committee man from Nebraska, has telegraphed to Chairman Tom Taggart that he will arrive In the city tomorrow morning to attend th meeting of th committee, which expect to complete It work In a day. Ex-Governor Osboms and wlf of Chey enne are at the Arlington, Governor Os borne being national democratic commit teeman from Wyoming. The governor will support Denver In Its claims for th na tional democratlo convention. Tha fight for the national democratic con vention Is between Louisville, Chicago and Denver, with the chances in favor of Chl csgo, although Roger Sullivan, natlona' committeeman from Illinois, declare tha. Chicago does not want the national demo cratlo convention, one national conventlot being enough for Jt In a year. Ther are those, however, who believe that tho dale gate would rather go 'to Chicago than either to Louisville or Denver, because of th ability of that city to take car of such a convention. There Is little or nc enthusiasm among the leaders of the demo cratlo party here gathered. They look upon the nomination of William Jennings Bryan as a foregone conclusion. Minor Matters a Capital. Th Interstate Commerce commission to day announced that the hearing of case of, complaint of the Applegat St Lewis Coal company against the Chicago, Rock Island ft Pacific Railway company will be heard December 23 at Davenport, I a. Senator Burkett has made application for the extension of the free delivery service to Tabltha Home, Lincoln. He recommends that a alight change be mad in the star route carrying mall to College View so that TaMtha Homo can be served by the carrrler. The department has- consented to make a prompt Investigation, and If possible to ' comply with the senator's wishes In the matter. Senator and Mrs. Brown attended a din ner given tonight by Vice President and Mrs. Fairbanks. ' , , ' Victor Rosewater, who has been In Wash ington for the past two days, returned to Baltimore tonight. He probably will visit Washington again befor leaving for home. Senator Charlee - Saunders ha can to New York on his way to Omaha, j i Postmasters appointed: Nebraska, Ame, Ilk. Holt county, itfiles W.' Holcomb. vice G. ' . W. Holcomb, resigned. ': Iowa: Aurora, ' Buchanan- county, Milton W. Knapp. vice F. E." Jackway, resigned. South Dakota: Lowry, Walworth county, Oeorge H. Hoffman, vice J. W. McGilvrey, resigned. Rural carriers appointed: Nebraska Allen, route , Ray F. Snyder, carrier; Burton Black substitute. Sartorla, routs 1, Roy C Kinsman, carrier; no substitute. Iowa Pella, route 6, Marsh C. Grant, car rier; Anna B. Orant, substitute. South Dakota Conde, route 1, Arthux M. Wor.1, carrier; L. D. Robertson, substitute. Frankfort, route 1, .Philip Jones, carrior; George F. McCart, substitute. Manafleld, route 1, William F. Nlerman, carrier; Charles C Bemdt. substitute. The First National bank of Saratoga, Wyo., has been authorized to beglu busi ness with 126,000 capital. I. C. Miller la president and Gustave Jensen cashier. . NEGROES GATHER UP WEAPONS Whites of Pickens Conn';, Alabama, Discover Plot. Kaico Raid and Caatnra Arms. BIRMINGHAM, Ala., Dec. ll.-The white man ot Pickens county, hearing that negroes were preparing (or an attack on th whites for th killing of a negro sev eral daya ago, raided a lodg room and secured thirteen loaded shot guns. Three hundred shells were confiscated. The leader of the gang of negroes, said to be getting ready for a riot, was reported to have boarded a train for Birmingham and efforts havs been made to have him stopped and placed under arrest. Nobody was killed. Sixteen negroes ara In jail charged with participation in the excitement. . COLDS CAUSB HB AD ACHE. LAXAT1VB BROMO Quiniae removes the cause. Used the world over 10. cure a cold in one day. E. W. Grove'a signature on box- 26e DEATH RECORD. Hsv.' Michael A. Ilerrlaaa. ORANGE, N. J., Dec. 1L Rev. Michael Antonlus ' Horrlgan Of ' the Benedictine order is dead at 'the home of his mother here. Father Horrlgan hss been head of his order in Kansas City, and suffered a atroke of paralysis there a month ago. Ftarlng another stroke he came east ami to his mother's home. He wss born In Ireland, but cams to America when a boy and was educated at the Benedictine col lege of St. Joseph in Ohio. Ills work had all been In the west. Mrs. J. B. Orianell. GRINNELL, Ia., Dec. ll.-(Special Tele- jrram.) Mrs. J. 3- Grlnnell, widow of th founder of this city, died at her home here early this momlr.g of hesrt failure, he bad recently celebrated nor eightieth birthday and was in apparently good health, having been out to a meeting only yesterday. She is the lajt of the original organisers of the Congregational church here. Her maiden name was Julia Chapin. Sha was married In 1812 and came to Grin, neli in 1864. CURT A OSLO M CMC OAT. Iook S&o. Ten Shopping Days Till Christmas Silk Stocking Sale ...BEGINS WEDNESDAY... f . Pure Thread Silk, in black and,oolors. An extensive purchase, in two lots SILK Black and colors, per pair 51.3' Dainty box with eAah pair. Thomas Kilpatrick 1 Co. I David Oradley Are now doing uoineso at 31 Pearl St. Council Bluffslovai AMISBMESTS. Engagement Extraordinary! . -H fciel Theater! ALL THIS WEEK THE LIFE ASD PASSION i OF "CHRIST 5 . POSITIVELY- THB 'ONLY: SlJTI?0, PICTTURE OF TfE r . Great fibers ' 49,584 SEPARATE HAND COLORED PICTURES ,. Oeautlful-Instructiv-e-Orloinal - "A MOTHER'S DUTY TO BRING HER CHILD" 10 A. M -U P. MY 10 A. M. 11 P. M, Any Seat "10O AnV Seat Endorsed toy Prasa and Pulpit. Christma Present Suggestions Get Shoes They're Useful A useful present Is always acorpta blo, therefore buy those which art moat acceptable. , If not shoes yet. slippers. W ahui furnish you with tlmost anything la the line, owing- to our eilrnelve stock a4 -there Is -not a.salosman In the bouse bur What wilt assist you In rriaklng- a suitable selection. ? Iliar Ar a .Few .J Subfie stionsi. Slippers for father 'er brothor,' ' from ........ . ... .1 . . . i.oo t aa.oo House Slippers or Romeos for mother, from Jt .... . 9140 to 95.00 And an endless variety of snoes and slippers for boys, misses, girls and ths smaller children, all displayed tor your inspection. , , n Drexel Slios Co. Ill) Farms St 3 Call Us by 'Phone WtoisYvaf yon wast ' . aomctlilng call 'Pboao 'tit aad oaak tt koowa through a Ba Want Ad. IA IlOUltKE'S BAH AI. KtsanqVaKTDSI , u tutua jsADa ok msi a arECiAXTT tl 16tb Street. Ifandaomely. .. Embroidered, PURE SliLI Black arid 'catori, per pairT.";i Dainty box withfch pair 1 0 AMUSEMENTS. OOYP'S THEATER- TONIGHT FRIDAY. RATURPAY SATURDAY M ATINKIC . TUM GSEAX aVACXJIO COJaXDT cHeouehs TH B 8 A M E GR EAT CAST. stundav, alcnday. Tuesday Next CHAB.JLX8 BIUIVaKAK rreseaal FRANK US-o?; DANIELS j TATTOOED MA V. Music by Victor Herbert, boolc by Smith gt 'ouler. Sams. Superb Pro duction and Co. of CO as seenjit ths Vrlterion Teatar N. Y., forf tCiareeks. Peats Now oh 6ale. A iin iTniMii'MH a w v m m w a,a V GREAT Roller Skating "Exfeffciifon ALL WEEK.' Prof. ALBERT TYAlVtZ Thuraday will be Indies' Da!y-All aoies aamuiea f nt.l. Admission kates ' i. .... .10 It Tioh Bong-las 494. 4 ' ADVANCED ' . VAUDEVILLE atatlae Ually, t:li. ' ' Efery Kig-tt, BUS THIS WEEK linenne tJIrerjot AV Co., Lea Amatls, 1'untoiid s M Instrels, 1 Three Yoacarys. Four Harrys, Adoipll Zink. Tosvea, and ths Kiuodroroe. ' Prices 10c, Jdio and .ibe. KRUG THCATEU ail Vl i'rk.a. U-26-6fl.75c. MATISEsi ODAT 89 CE9TI , WOOD&IVAED . TWO MERRY TRAMP3 I hur ANITA. " TiStl75T TOUAT h 2:30 AND 8:15 P.M. Wright Huntlmrton Co.. "Mystlcus," Lllllsn Reid V Co., Donovan & Arnold. DeQraw Trio, May Hamlrfcoa.; Earl O. Hltas. Pictures. -'. Co GeleYoUp NOON OAY; LUNCH We "CALUMET Prompt (Services