THE OMAHA DAILY r.TTTC! MONDAY, PECEMr.ETC 0. 1007. :;.: :v:. VvVvr.v-:V:f nOMR ITIllllJHEm If you desire goods of alga faallty, le-w aeleee eat easy terms, it be Jieevee you tv trad. t TEE PEOPLES STORE XMk 1)U naBAM STB. PIANOS iUUK CLASS PIAEOB Beeeonaale Ttnni Large selected stock of Weber. Mehltn, Henry and 8. A O. Llnrlemnn, Fnit.r Co. Hchlller. KtTTBJn PIAJTO CO. Mfgre. esd Dealers 1513-15 Barney, Omaha PIANOS Ercrytlilni In Art and Music A. HOOPE CO. 1513 Douglas St., Omaha tianos J. S. CAMERON Manufacturer' State Agent -GRAND and UPRIGHT PIANOS 10-A No. 13th BU Omaha. Neb, Tat Had 2B4L PIANOS RCXUOJ.L1B ft muxlltjk plabo CO. piabos Mianuotam aed Btgh ' 6rade Plaaoe rtr m niiw la ee llil-1113 l'-nrnara St. Omnha. Neb. Ml'SIO BY MAIL Utastrsled Masie School, 1811 larnam V f(l Mualo by Mall KTW fi7t- than 10c . Mora of thg TVrflffM Piano Co.. Omaha. PHONOGRAPHS AJfD RECORDS Colvmbia Phonograph Co. woia asavioac 1 25c or4g to fit any Cylin der TalWIna- Maehlna Linaae Ton mow away money If you pay mora. Glrara, Rabber Gooda aid Draa-a. rracoriptiOA Aouaracr bibuantaaiL yrlnjea, Hubbar Oooda by Mall, out arloaa. Bend for frea oataioirua Band lul your mall ardara for drusa. JTrelgbt paid on. $19 lota. Cifu-a at rut niVwa. lo claara. Ic. Wyara Dillon Draff Co. DlJOS: , AIM7l .JWf-b and Fariam. 1416 Ha may. CANDY Craftsman s Guild Confections Cold by GEOBOD K0OEX8, 150a rarcant. BRBWEniES Alwaya Aak for Metz Bros. Brewing Co. f UlCCS KCG AD EOTTLE BEER 1 .OMAHA, WATER FILTERS. WATIl BY USIHO MIS. OOTM WATSB riXTSKI. C.H. UUBER, Mfgr. 1301 rarnam. u, Omaha. TELEPHONES IN OMAHA 17855 Subscribers NEBRASKA TELEPHONE CO. PHOTO SCPPLIES. JOt AKD SJtXVfS Of PHOTO SUPPLIES X.AVMT.B-V SOTTSB ' lit TI13S WI3I. The Robert Dempster Co., HOB. Rr' J AIRING ; Standard Shos Repair Co. u raaaaal do tba work, rlffbt. phona Dour 764T and a mil cfcl for your work. We aeU yoUatt, lucea and ahoe bdocIU tlea CLEAN INO AND DYEING. V are heaiiqu.ii irra for u:l claacluf, AyalatT, preaalng; aixt repairing- o( la- aiam anil geiitlrtiii'B'B clothtiiK. YOTna TADB lOMCITID THE; WARDROBE tOH Pantani Branch , Cf rice, 1711 Leavanwerth. T'l phona lou. 1729. ' LAI N nitlKS "TUS lltiW WAY" "Wa don't Iron ahlria at ail. Wi presa thm. Thia irtvea au attractive flnlah wiubout weariu out the Unao. . SYAJTS STEAM LATHfEBY tKt. UTt. Allaa B. KanUton. Mgr. all ltA St. TeL PonUa BSC TRUNKS AND LEATHER GOODS TRUNKS - uty Salt Cases, -fagi tod . luac faeket books nmpi a STnxE Tat. tf. IfJS. IM1 Flrmaai r.cr1 PUBLICITY DESIGNS Feather' roar nest Pl'R.MTl RE. OBCJUAED & WILHELM You buy here with perfect confidence, both in tha price and in the quality. - . SURETY BONDS, f v ' Lion Bonding & Surety Co. A loan Company with -Aaaeta in M.braaka. 314-315 I1W TOBX Z.XTB BTJXXBnrO. Telephone Douglas 552. MINES AND MININtf For tnformatloa oonoeralnaj lagltt cnata Balalog ta BrttiaH CoiaJabLa, addreaa F. II. KNIGHT Rooma 41-a0 Uolumbta Bldf. BFOXAVE, WASKIITOTOir. MONUMENTS ' MONUMENTS Largest Stock lri'the .West J. F. BLOOM & CO. ISIS rarnam 8C .. , Omaha FIRST IIATIQ'iAL BA1IK mOMAHAH Deposits S1Z000.000.00 BANKS United States National; Bank OP OMAHA, NEB. ; United States Depository ; lath' aaaa rarnam Sta. BANKS , OMAHA NATIONAL BANK ..OMAHA.. Capital $1,000,000 BANKS J. L ORANDEIS & SOUS BANKERS PAY 4 INTEREST ON DEPOSITS SAVINGS BANKS 4 Interest on Deposits CITY SAVINGS BAHK Omaha OFPICB FURNITURE Best Selection DESKS OMAHA PRRVTHG CO. 10th ids' Faraara Sis. INCORPORATORS X.BT BZPEBTI Incorporate Your Company. Money to Promote Good Propoalttoaa. THE MERCANTILE INCORPORATING CO. 314-318 WW TOH X.ITTB BTJIXiBIVO. EMPLOYERS' REFBRENCB AGENCY IB TBJS SAY OP 8rBOIAXJ8TS you wa.t. time and money eeleetlnc your hrlp. WI ABB PEOTAXHTB The beat ability In ttia city la Hated with ua. Give ua your need a let ua aaalat you no charge to employer WEST. BBP. .On ASS.' Snlt 7aa N. Y. Life. TeL Tony. 4883 REFERENCE AGENTS HIGH GRADE POSITIONS Keystone Surety and Reference gt. Inc. t M. S. CLOYS B, Oea. BCT. ' Suit 404 Bee Buildlns. IlKFKRENCE AGENTS HOW WOULD YOU X.IXB IIFIST1 to aecura your help, aavlnir you time and money. Competent Clerical, Sales and Technical Hlp furnUlird em ployrre, without charge. OTIABABTXB BBP. k SVBBTY CO., 'Phone Bad. 6444. 632-4 Braadela Bids'. OFFICE SUPPLIES .- !. Office Supplies XTerythlsf from a Pin to a ruinf Cabinet v , OMAHA PRINTING CO. v 10th and Paraara Bta' OFFICE SUPPLIES LOOSE LEAF DEVICES Pllinr Cabinet a, Pile a and Laflfera, Olfica rixtarta and SuppU.a of AU Blade. . Anchor PubXlstilna Co: ' 308 B. I8th BL TaL Soag. 664a. . TYPEWRITERS We will rent you a Typewrit er as low as $2.00 a riontk Central Typawrltar Eachanga : 107 Parnam Pb.aa ou. SO AUTOMOBILES .AXDAFKH J. J. D OUGHT & CO. . ; M tkoleaalo and Retail Safes and Antmoblh 181A-1818 VARSAH STREET Mall Order. N.tllr .".4 PrVm. GaVda WESTERN SPECIALTY CO. B0B:LM,AiD ""TBXBWTOBS Wholeeale Dealera In JaaU OrAec atajnaua ei AQ BOaAa Flrat Claaa AAanta Wauled (-XAllt. Wf 1111 ,.' Opportunities Practically all of the men who hay made a study of financial and Industrial conditions in the United States agree that the recent alleged panic will be far reaching in its results in many respects, the first of which will be to mark a decline in speculative activity and the loss to Wall Street of the financial dominance of the country. The exposure of the methods employed by "captains of industry" and "Napoleons of finance" in exploiting the wealth of the people and the invest ments in corporations for their personal benefit and gain have made it certain that for many years to come Investors 11I Beek legitimate enterprises for the in- vestment of their savings, to the rejection of Wall Street's speculative allurements. Omaha bankers' and business men who have been investigating conditions in the east are unanimous in expressions of belief that the tide of surplus wealth which has been directed toward Wall street for many years will soon take a complete turn and drift toward the west, seeking investment in farm land, city pro perty, building and manufacturing enterprises and in different lines of commercial and industrial activity. This is not the opinion of Omaha bankers alone, but Is conceded to be true by many of those who have prof ited in the past by the fact that Wall street has been the goal of surplus investment funds. - Under the circumstances, it is to be regretted that ' Omaha has not in the past taken advantage of oppor tunities for making itself better known to prospective investors. Possessed of advantages unequalled by any other city in the west, Omaha has not been properly advertised in the east. It is late, but far from too late, to grasp the opportunities offered to attract the atten tion of investment seekers who are looking, or soon JEWELRY AND WATCHMAKERS B.P.STHUN. BUataaat Bxaert AW. , !'. -C1S5 a;. .SS-aL. - is cpeciai attention 10 'JQ: :5i complicated and Intri cate repatnus. a 1 . work guaranteed. Boom a Paxtoa Black. 1 JEWELRY AND WATCHMAKERS Gustafssn Q Henrickaort Bnooeeeors ta P. B. yLOSBU Bj OO. Jewelers (EL Watchmakers 1A14 Capital Avaaaa. PHOTOGRAPHERS XXW &OOATXOB- WIAB BLSO. lath and Parnam PHOTOGRAPHERS MILLINERY RILEY SISTERS Exclusive v Millinery 517 SOVTH lath STREET OMAHA DENTISTRY MATTHEWS OBXwXBAXi AZBXBSS BBBTZST Xavcaat and Plaeat Baatal OttUm Wast of Chloaga Suit 4, Boahman Blk-, Itth and Dong. HAIR STORE SEE MONHEIT'S Bxox.vsrra xaxs stobb Par BvasytAlaa- la Bali Oooda, talg Work, Balg Breaatog, SwltoHas, wlga and Topeea. 1411 P ABB AM BT, OMAR A, BXB. Telephoaa Boaglaa UJX OPTICIANS Ttia H. J. Penfold Co. OTBCBBS POXZ.OW SCXBBTZPIO OPTXCZABS Sea Oat Baw Toils Leasee 1401 Kamam BL Omaha. Neb. Olive Oil, Candy, Mineral Watera. Imported Olive OU Street Pram Italy tl IS par gallon. Special prtoea to dealere. Agenta for Uuyler'a floe cendlee. Freah dally. Agenta for White Rock Mineral Water and Mountain Valley water. Myer-Xllloa Erng Oo. la and Parnam. Engineer aai Mfg. Machlalat. P. MELCHIOR'S UACK1KE WORKS MA.HTPACTtraXBO ABB BB. PAZBIBO OP ALA ZZBBS OP BLAOBTBBBT Breetlag and OooaolUag Bnglaaats N. K. Cor. 11th and Howard Bt, Omaha. WAGON BUILDERS MDREW MURPHY & SON ITlAGOri 0UILDE.R0 OMAHA. NEBRASKA BOILERS WILBOJI BTXAM BOILSS CO. Mlfrt. at TabiUr riae aae Flrt Sex BeSera II aaa Waler Taaka. Suk. aae Breecaiag 'ilmtFT?? -f) la4aWa..ter.Beaaal r 1 lii a., it r t I Said Partory 19th and Pierce Sta., Omaha MACHINERY SUPPLIES JOSEPH R. LEIIMER. . Keadanartara for BTerythlng Eleotrloal avallway, Bta am a4 Mill Bapyilee . Preeapt Kalfmeat aaA BatlafaoUoa Uaaxi 1118 PARNAM STREET ELEVATORS, SUPPLIES, ETC. J. R. KENNEDY Ptssenscr tad Frelsbt Elcviters , . SVrPLIXS aaA BXPA1B1NO ilM BMT.. - lee V. 1MB S alV jrwr-j x 107 S0VTH 16th STREET .Omaha Should will be, for fields for the lucrative employment of their earnings and savings, freed from the element of speculation. v The east should be told that Omaha is the best equipped city in the west, in the matter of railway fa cilities. Jobbing advantages, manufacturing opportuni ties and certainty of future, development. The east should know that the value of the pro ducts of Nebraska's farms annually is greater than the gold production of the world. The east should know that the packing plants of Omaha pay more for live stock each year than is pro duced in the gold roineB of the United States. The east should know that the Jobbing business of Omaha has more than doubled In a decade and that the manufacturing output has nearly trebled since 1897. The east should know that the death rate In Omaha is the smallest of any city, of its Bize In the world. The east should know that Omaha's educational ad vantages aro not surpassed anywhere in the country. The east should know that every Industry In Omaha is flourishing and that there is no overcrowd ing in any line of business. . The east should have a courae of Interaction on the advantages Omaha offers to Inventors and homeaeekers It Is up to the buwlnesa men and citizens of Omaha to , furnish this Instruction. , Kvery letter from an Omaha merchant to his enstorn correspondent should contain some data concerning Omaha and Its Interests. -""" Every Omahan who visits the east should he a walk ing encyclopedia of facts about Omaha's advantages and prospects. There Is no need of misrepresentation, no occasion for resort to boom methods. The facts are sufficient snd they form a potent argument in behalf of Omaha. Let tbt east know about Omaha The Market Town. PLCMBINO SANITARY PLUMBING T. F. DALFE nnanro, mot vim abb BTBAJC XIATPJa aA BWotrto Ptxtara Bepal Work a Specialty Wal IHmr. T43. 1807 Kowr St. CLEANING AND PLEATING PleatinsT-AII Kinds ....DYEINQ AND CLEANING.... RUCHINOS. BUTTONS, ETC. . . Send for price Hat and samples IDEAL PLEATING CO. SOI Booflas Block, Omaha, Bab. CORNIC WORKS Oemioe Bat. IB. Baaal Oalllas-a . X "CABTBB SBTBBT .BCBTAX. WOBBB PiaiaOa, Metal BMoXing, Taaka, Sky. Ua, Sheet Katal, rira Proo? Wla- Aowm. Large Btook of Metal CaUlns-171S-1S-IJ-I4 St. Harya Avenua TaL Doug. 402. Omaha, ELECTRIC SIGNS SBB VS POB ELECTRIC SIGNS Omaha Electric Light & Power Co. TBL. SOUOLAB 106B. FIXTURES, ELECTRIC AND GAS Gas and Electric Fixtcres TT BaWIBBBaB BJ SISa BN.BJfBl BLRCESS-RA.DE CO. TeL Deaf, ttl 111 S. 1Mb It, GAS WATER HEATERS Why heat up your coal range Juat to Sf w,ater when Gaa Water Heater will give you enough hot water for ' a eath In a few minutes. Wa aell them. OMAHA GAS CO. STEEL ENGRAVING, PRINTING, ETC KOTERA CI COMPANV Stasl And Copper Plat En. C raring. Embossing and Printing 1S9I Jscksss SU Oauks. Nek. ENGRAVING HALF-TONE & ZINC ETCHERS ENGRAVING i!KsTTl 1 !iti!-.-nvrvi?K j "4! I.I VI , . - I- n-rrr-n- - - ANIMAL PEED A. W. WAGNER ftnelessk sal art all Dealer la FEED FOR ANIMALQ TeL Doutlaa 1143 S0L3-5-7-9-U N. 16th St.. Omaha FEED FOR ANIMALS M. ROSENBLATT Wholeaaie by,-Bran. Oate, Paea BEST O RADIOS OP COAL Offloa, Coal Yard and Ocala Blarato Tel. 141L 1J2I Nicholas St. WHOLESALE SHOES Haywaxd Bros. Shoe Co.'s STANDARD FOOTWEAR AS PBOYZB BZBT BY TEST. 0MAIIA, : : : NEBRASKA I MOVING AND STORAGE OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO. MoTea, Packs and Stores Hoaaehold Oooda. laSS- isor ffiynch nromtf E WM . IIHIHUII"V .o an v.i 1 iiWF Not Overlook RESTAURANTS. DESIGNERS. Lcl us DRAW you a DRAWING that Will DRAW you trade. BL O. BtrBBELX. ft CO, Commercial Artlsta 8M N. Y. Life Douglas E149 BUILDERS. The Western Home Builders TOJS w ST IS"4 81-36 U. 8. RATIONAL BABX BZ.DO. Phoae. Boof. 4603 WHOLESALE AND RETAIL PAINT. Wa .M .nl. & m Lowe Bros. Mla-a MtandaMi w.i... a ad 8). ft K. Jtn-1 -T.n . a, irkn.. Call or write for color card. - vwuiime uaa 01 vanuia ayera-Diuoa Srof Oo. XBT0Sl PAIBTi lath and Paraam. 141 Barney. SIGN PAINTING. S, D. COLE SIGN COMPANY SIGNS af kvery Description 180B Donglaa St. TaL Donf. 851S FURNACES. AMERICAN FURNACE BTTIXT LISTS A BOILEB CLEAN, D USABLE, ECOBOMICAI. W. S. HEATON 1318 Ho. 84th Bt. 'Phona W.b. 308. COAL. Central Coal & Coke Co. Or OMAHA 15th and Harney PRINTING. Good Printing No Job too small. No Job too large And the same careful attention to details. OMAHA PRINTING CO. loth and Parnam Bta. PRINTING. PRINTING. 'Have Root Print It" UUMaiS Howard St, Omaha. Nebraska, Telephone Doaglae 1604 PRINTING. Oao. S. BaaU Albert Xlmmei 6NELL PRINTING Ct. PABTICVLAB PBHTTBBS 10 Booth lath St Omaha, Bab. Telephone Bong-lea S7S4 CO LOB WOBX -I- -I- EMBOBBZBO PRINTING. Imitation Typewritten Letters. Baaetloal Printing, Bo Job Too Large or Too Small. wobx kioat PkioBs uan ANCH.QH PUBLISUINQ CO. 308 Bo. lata St. TaL Dong. 3959 PRINTING. COBTZBEWTAI, PBIBT SHOP ALL WORK" Ooo " ,n " Cheaper than the Best. Get our estimates and save money. Telephone Bonglaa 4503. Boom 81 U. B. Bat 1 Bank Bnllding, OMAHA, 1 1 1 MEABASKA. PRINTING. TYPEWRITTEN LETTERS ABB TBS BEST BOOSTERS rot tovm Btiaiatfad Wa MA KB IMS PliAJr.UT BIBB MANGVM OX CO. Yeleyfccee laaS las ave. 13th St. naaaaaaaaaBaBBnaaani " " - m. REAL ESTATE. DTTMOBT. B BXTMOBT. JH. DUM0NT & SON KSTT. BTOCBB, BOBBS BE BY ALB, LOAMS, PXBB IBBTJBABCB , 1809 PABBAM STREET, TaL Bonglaa SM. OMAHA. REAL ESTATE. Payne Investment Co. CITY REAL ESTATE, LOABB ABB BEHTALS, X.ABB8 ABB RANCHES The "Alfalfa Land Man" Main Moor, N. T. U Bide- Omaha, REAL ESTATE. ALFRED C. KENNEDY SLKAX, ESTATE, LOAJTS, XB8VBABCS. RENTALS tot Plret Batlonal Bank Building, TaL Bong. 789. OMAHA, EBB. REAL ESTATE. M.w Boa.a 4115 Dodge Street Modern houne of 7 rimma and re ception hall; flnlnhed In oak down stairs, hardwood doors and finished floors throughout. Price, 11,750. Can make tcrmn to pood pHitv. JOHN W. ROBBINS 1802 Parnam Tel. Doug. SIS nmi, ESTATE. D. V. SH0LCS CO. Real Estate, Insurance 11 BOAXD OP TBADB TaL Bonglaa 4S. REAL ESTATE. iKtnla Barka , Chaa. Steiger BERK A CO. BEAX. ESTATE City Pronerty, Parm Lands, Loans, Inrestmants and Plra Insnranoa Office: IS N. T. Life Bldg. Tel. Douglas 7497. nEAL ESTATE. CALL POB OUB PLAT OP WEST FARNAM LOTS 914100 to 91,600 Each Harrison & Morton S13 B. T. Life TeL Bong. S14 REAL ESTATE. MORTGAGE LOANS 98,000,000 TO LOIS on Improved city wrieoUttydeiiyde"'re1 ,0an" Cftnb- C,0'eS W. H. THOMAS. S03 PIBBT KATIOHAL BABB BLBO. REAL EfTATE. ERNEST SWEET 813 SMw York Ufa Building Builder of High Class Rasidenoes Serena Bow Beady at 33rd and Barney (Farnam Hill Diatrlct) Baa Them Today HEAL ESTATE. GEORGE (ZL CO. Real Estate Abstracts af Title Investment Securities 1 601 Farnam SU Omaha. Neb. REAL ESTATE. Peters Trust Co. Mala Ploor, B. Y. Life Bldg, MORTGAGE LOANS, REAL ESTATE, RENTALS, MSIRAME REAL ESTATE. GARVIN DROS. Bar and sell Oollaot B.nta. Bant Property. BXAL ESTATE, Loan Money on Baal Estate. 1604 PABBAM ST. REAL ESTATE. BIRKETT & TEBBENS REAL EBTATB. SPECIAL ATTEN TION TO CABB OP PROPERTIES. INSURANCE, RENTALS ABO INVESTMENTS 423 Bee Bl.lg. 'Phone Doug. 4754. REAL ESTATE. Globe Land and Investment Co. BEAT. ESTATE and INVESTMENTS Parm and Bench Land for Sale ox Trade. 308 B. 18th St. Tel. Doug. SS68 HEAL ESTATE. G-Room Ho use Bath, Gas Crste and s Corner, fl,800 Hutchinson-Bollard Co., 1833 PABBAM. T.L Bong. 418 HEAL ESTATE. THE MCCAGUE INVESTMENT CO. BEAX, EBTATB, LOABS ABB INSURANCE 1SOS Bodga Bt. T.L Dong. 415 HEAL ESTATE. 8703 B. 84th St., New 7-Boom House, S. E. Pront, Corner Lot, 93,660; 9&00 Cash, 92S Per Month. J. W. RASP CO., 689 Brandais Bldg. Bonglaa 1653. HEAL ESTATE. eiG!MmgiiiiDi I Bui I r 1 J LJirt4 raNAM si.Ll U HEAL ESTATE. leva fwaeia Bt. TeL lug. aaa Shimer Cl Co. REAL BBTATB, XBYBSTMBBTS, BUtBTALS, IBBOBABOB BTLBBmS OP HODAta MOVKMB Omaha, Bebraaaa. REAL ESTATE. CHEAP IDAHO LAND I have 15.000 acres of Irrigated land In the Upper Knake River Valler. If interested call or write for terms. , excursions every lt sd Tuesdays. ,. W. B. PBABK Phona Bong. 3600 331 b.tUI. Bk. REAL ESTATE. O'Keefe Real Etfe Co. CTTY BEAX, ESTATE ABB PABM LANDS. INSURANCE, RENTALS ABB LOANS. 1001 N. Y, Life Rldg. . Omaha. REAL ESTATE. H. B. Payne. B. p. Bostwick. E. M. Slater PAYXE, BOSTWICK A COMPANY REAL ESTATE, RENTALS CITY LOANS, IB8UBANCB Main Ploor H. y. Life Bldg. Telephone Douglas 1016. REAL ESTATE. Russel & McKitrick Co. 433-33-34 Range Bldg, 15th B Barney Choice building lot. 119 cash, St per month. Uood cottage homes .'J cash, 110 per month. Modern homes 1100 cash, $20 per month. nEAL ESTATE. V. Farnam Smith & Co. Loans, Real Estate. Rentals and Fire Insurance 1300 PABBAM ST. Omaha, HEAL ESTATE. Investments, R.ea.1 EstsJe, Rentals, Mortyago Loans INSURANCE M J. KENNARD a CO. S09.IQ Brew Bleek. ' REAL ESTATE. Steal Batata Xnaoimnee Abstract of Tltlea Loans Rentals The Byron Reed Company BIB South 14th Street Pkeae 89 T OMAKA, BBS. nAL ESTATE. BENSON ta MYERS SIS M. Y. Life Blag, OMAH A Special attention given to prop arty for out-of-town clients. nEAL ESTATE. THOMAS DRENNAN rtrat Floor New York Life Bldg. Makes a specialty of handling property owned by eastern parties, and has ex clusive agency of every niece of prop erty on hi. books. team Meaey at the lewesl Cerront Bate et Interest HEAL ESTATE. BENSON W CARMICIIAEL Real Estate, Care of Properties, Insurance, Loans 648 PAZTOV BLOCK, OMAHA. REAL ESTATE. WRIGHT & LASBURY Real Estate and Insurance Tel. Douglas 152 504 South Sixteenth Street. REAL ESTATE. ELEVEN ROOM HOUSE Walking distance, on car line, rente at (35.00. DKt ' per month, for BeaOU National Investment Co. Thon. Bonglaa 6681. Bonglaa Block. REAL ESTATE. HOME BUILDER All work first-class, will draft your plana without extra expense, let us show you some of our buildings now Under construction. C. P. TRAVER " " "S 18S4 Paraam St. ABSTRACTORS. S. M. SADLER & SON ' Abatraotore and Title Examiners New Laeatlaa 288 Saath ISfh St ABSTRACT OP TITLES. NEALE& NORTON ABSTRACTS OP TTTLB Twenty Year. Experience la Omaha. 816 South Seventeenth Street, Be. Building. ABSTRACTORS. Midland Guarantee & Trust Co. Incorporated 1886 Abstracts of Title, Title Insurance 1714 Parnam St. TaL Doug, eat ABSTRACTORS. mEED ABSTRACT CO. Pli,V Arae. Offloa 1719 Fsrmsai Street, Oaaha. Nek. ABSTRACTS OP TITLES. BETTER BE SAFE THAN SORRY Ceta r?r?" Abstract 309 8. 17th Street LIFT! AND ACCIDENT INSI RAJ NCK TOM S. KELLY alanager Life and Accident Depart ments fur citate of Nebraaka. The Traveler a Inauraaoa Company Hurt fort. Conn. tiO Bee Bldg. Omaha, Neb.