Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 09, 1907, Page 7, Image 7

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'12 New Brick Flats
Pays 21
on an rhveetment of 110.000 cash end
sume a 116.000 K ner r-i...- -..
ahl ta,o yearly. Rental 31CO) per an
i num. which will rav th intr..t nH
pay off the mortgage In 7V, years. Rest
juiiiinntt, steel ranges, gas stoves,
kitchen cabinets. Ground 170xH8 feet, on
. vurner ua ana iNicuoias.
iT 8o4h Wth St. Ground 53 ft front.
- 20 ACRES, $3,250.00
blocks from motor, In north part ot city
- nMlf (round. fre of Timber, win.
cannot be beaten 6760 cash, balance 1500
t. J ef, inmcn V lf cent,
r i Many smaller tract cheap." .
Patterson, 1623 Farnam
" .. ... '. : ' (19) m w
.FOR BALK-A Well built 10-roora frame
house, beautifully finished In hardwood;
hardwood Boora, -mantels, modern, bath
rontn "and conveniently arranged. Wlil
.... . Tory tow price, to ba removed
from present premises by purchaser. Ad
' dree:. C. Rowttr. Bca Bid.. Omaha.
, ; . '-" , , " ' flf) M317
lu'wfltrt "room mo3ern house at
permanent 1dwalk; beautiful lawn; large
- . ivi ins ii necvaiary.
. RooDl l. New tork Ufa Building.
i . (19) as
LIST your property with Chrta Bover. !2d
and Cumins St. 19 8
HEAV nEy A.T.71 XT'". trust rr
CUAH. E..wiLt,'AM30N, Free. WA
118) 93
R.BAT-n-Lot 17. blnck 81 Albright'
. Chroe adflition to South Omaha; 1125.
, J. I. Ca f. it Co., Haclne Wis.
' ' . 09) M7SC 11
' ' ' "
Tti Oaark Zlne and Lead Mining Com
pany of Council Bluff, la., otlors lor sal
all rt lands In Boone and Marion coun
ties, -Arkansas;, . consisting of 4,838.08
, acre,- toe-ether with all improvements
and personal property thereon, and will
-receive caata offers forthe same up to De
cember 11V 19ti7, at Its office In Koora S3,
Baldwin block, Council Bluffs, la., where
a full description, of said property will
be furnished to anyone wishing to bid for
same. Dated November 27, 1907.
" -r (20) M90S Ox
1 Colorado.
320 ACRE nehr TVhver, Colo., price 11,280;
terms, 1660 cash, balance nine years at 6
per cent. Chaa. B.. Wilson, Mondamln, la
(20) MSX6 9x '
" ; nsraatA,
la hereby given that sealed bids will be
received, and filed In the office ot the
county cleric ot Greeley county, Nebraska,
y'L t0- noon c tha 44tl, day of December.
1SKTT, for the purchaae ot the following
described land now owned by Greeley
county, JJebraaka. vis. Section, .23, la
township 18, ran go 10 and section 21, town
ship la. range 9, in Greeley county, Ne-braeka.-
Blus may be made for the entire
tract or for any subdivision of the same.
The board reserves the right to reject
any or- all bids, or portions of bids, . and
. readvertlee the above landy If the bids sub
mitted are disproportionate to the true value
J of the above described land. By order of
the Board of. Countly commissioners of
Orealey county, Nebraska, Witness my
hand and the eal cf said county t, Gree
ley. NelirasHBrthrs "aOtir tfay of November
a. r. i9ot.
. JAXE3 B... BANT.. County Clerk.
. ... . .' !: , OO) M73tDeo.
MR- INVESTOR 1 have a Boyd county,
Nebraska farm the! I must sell quick. If
. you have soms Idle money here la
bsrraln for some'pn. Addreai T (9. csrt
Of Bee. - ' (20) M7u5
- - - 1 .:c
To Brownsvlllij, Texas, via. Fort Worth
and Houston,. Tuesday', Deo. 17.. 8peclal
train with berths and meals cheap. Low
rates, but this may be the last excur
sion, to do not mis It. We still have
soma select land, but It Is going fast,
nd prices will double within a year.
Itates reasonable and terms to suit pur
chaser.. Go south, where they raise two
crops a year, and have mild winters.
Write us for , raitloulara. Texas Land &
Immigration Co., M0 Bee Bldr.
, (30) Ml 99 9
No Investments In farm lands are af
fected by financial flutrles. Put your money
where J,t will constantly Increase In value;
always free from risk. Wa ran sell you
any amount from 40 to B.000 acres of north
am Wisconsin's choicest . lands.
... O. K. INGRAM. Jr.
Rica Lake, Wis.
. . aMB Dae tix
We Were Correct
Wheil wa stated last June that our 7B,0i
are wa had for sale In southeastern
Wyoming would all be sold td actual set
tlers for farming purposes before January
t, 14. Every aura baa bean sold and the
pi-W has nearly doubled.
Va now have 0,0v0 acres well located
good farming land at a low price and easy
terms In tracts ofty sections. Oet In on
first ohotoa, xf this land. It will advance
U an acre before next sprang.
60-6S2 Brmadei Bldg. Dou. tm.
Jxx taallsuaaoaa.
Wa hare over fT.yis.OOO of other peoples'
mouey (ilacad saiwly, secured by good
thirtn; twenty-one years of business na
Investor with us has lust a dollar;, nor
taken ao stcre vf land.
- Wa now hava for 'sals " mortgages In
amounts from ftoO up, secured by good
If yoll "wish a safe loan call on us.
New Tork Ufa Bldg.
- .. uuiajia, in CO.
WANTEDClty loans.
- b
Patera Trust Co.
. (to &vl
MGlNfcf TQ LtfAN-Payoe Investment Co.
, IT!) T
LOW13T jJAjTB BemU, Paxton Blork.
aloxCT to loan on Improved Omaha prcp-
Taj. Doug. 10. i: N. Y. U
- ' - ; (111 MI01
VVANTKrv-Clty Joans anl warranta, W
Faruanw B:i.!lh Co., 1JJ0 Far. m 1st
- - C-
irtt nf on tpprovad cjty pr-neety. W H.ll
. (Continued.)
PRIVATB MnvpTvn Twx.k-r
(ta !4
IXAN8 on Improved Omaha property
O-Keefe R. E. Co.. iflOl N. X. Life BMg
(I2 S
f"0 TO 1,000 TO LOAN Private money,
no delays. J. H. Sherwood. W N. T. Ufe.
to 10.nno mMi forh7ly. F. D. Wead,
vesa JJiag., i!itn and f arnam.
WANTED To buy second-hand fumltura,
cook and heatlnv stoves, cameta linn.
leums, office furniture, old clothes, and
noes, pianos; learners, pea pillows,'
quilts and all kinds of tools; or will buy
the furniture of your house comnletn.
The hlaheat prices paid. Call the right
BT3COND HAND feed sacks. No amount
too large or too small.
tOl North 16th St.
. (2S) M7SB
WANTED To buy calves. Tet. Doug. 3S9.
(25) 100
BECOND HAND furniture bought and sold;
also machines of all kinds rented, 12 par
momn lei. uoug. t9'JO. () MK9
Highest prices for butter and eKS. Cssh
t merrnnnnise. Bend trial shipment. Tha
uenonu v-ompany, umana.-- (Ai UM
CASH paid for second-hand clothing, shoes.
eic. sva no. lain ot. : Tel. Ked S32b.
23 strong work horses at medium' prices.
Tel. Webster 2S3S. i2i) M0i5 14x
COMPETENT abstracter desires position
after January IB; would consider pur
chasing real estate and abstract business
on reasonable terms. Address Y 7 V cere
uea. (i7) M7S6 10
I AM a first-class rirurrist with vHt.eritrn
v references! hHve shnut IS OliA f went in
invest in a good-paying drug store, either
us iihii interest oi nuy ail witn easy pay
ment on balance. What have you? Ad
dress Y 81, care Bee. (27) M13S Jlx
EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and stenog
rapher. Addn-ss E, Omaha Bee, Council
Bluffa. (27 44
DAY WOMEN ftirnlshed free of charge.
Telephone Douglas 1112. (27) M41i
HOT'SEKEEPER for bachelor or widower.
. Mrs. R. Hall, Massena, la. (27) M132 9x
SITUATION wanted by man and wife on
rarrn or rancn, or would aorept position In
city. Address P 671, care Omaha Bee.
(27) M947 9x .
A STRONG young man of steady habits
desires a situation In a wholesale house
or factory. Address D 677, care Bee.
(27) MU2 10X .
YOUNG man wants place In drug store;
wnuieaaie experience, pharmacy gradu
ete; experience more than wains desired.
Addres Bee N 7ui. (27) 27 lBx
Omaha Railway Company, Omaha. Neb.,
Nov. 9. 1907 To the Stockholders: Notice
is hereby given that a special meeting of
the stockholders of the Kansas City 4c
Omaha Railway company will be held at
the ofllce ot the company. In Fairfield, N.
braska. at ociock a. m. on January 11.
1908, for tha purpose of acting upon the
question of selling tha railroad, property
and franchises of the company to tha Chi
cago, Burlington & Qullicy Railroad com-
Eany, the railroad and property aforesaid
eing now under lease to said company.
By order of the board of directors. W. P.
Durkee. Seerotary. N10d60t
ley. Kansas A Southwestern Railroad
Couiiiany. Omaha. Neb.. Nov. 9. 1907. To
the Stockholders: Notice Is hereby given
tltat a- apeclal. jneetliig of Ue ataekholdars
of the Republican Valley, Kansas 4k South
western Railroad company will be held at
the otllca of tne company in Omaha, Ne
braska, at 4 o'clock D. m. on January 10.
lsifl, for tha purpose of action upon the
question of selling tha railroad, property
and franchises of this company to the Cni-
cago, xsurungton viuincy Kailroad com
pauy, tha railroad and property aforesaid
being now undur lease to the said company.
By order of the board of directors, w. P.
Durkea. Bscretary. NIOdnut .
ley & Wyoming Railroad company.
Omsha. Neb., Nov. 9, 1907 To. tha Stock
holders: Notice Is hereby given that a
special matting of the stockholders of the
Republican Valley - Wyoming Railroad
company will be held at the office of ths
company In Omaha. Nebraska, at 4 o'block
p. in., on January 10, I'm, for the purpose
of acting upon tha question of selling ths
railroad, property and franchises of tlils
company to the Chicago. Burlington A
Quiucy Railroad company, tile railroad
loasa to said company. ' By. order of tha
board of directors. W. P. Durkea. See,
tary. NUklfiot
Railroad company. Omaha, Neb., Nov.
9. 1907 To the Stockholders: Notice Is
hereby g.ven that a special meeting of the
stockholders of the Oxford It Kansas Rail
road company wi. be held at ths office of
tha cosnpany at Omaha, Nebraska, at 4
o'clock p, ni., on January 10, for the
purpose of acting upon tha question of
wiring ths railroad, property and franchises
of tha oomuany to the Chicago, Burlington
& Qulncy Railroad company, the railroad
and property aforesaid being now under
lease to ths said company. By order of
the board ot dlrectoie. W. , Durkea,
Secretary. NlOdiot
western Railroad Company. Omaha, Neb.,
Nov. 9. IX'7. To the Stockholders: Notice
Is hereby given that a special meeting of
tha stockholders of tha Omaha and South
western Railroad company will be held at
the ohice of tha company at Omaha, Neb.,
at 4 o'clock p. m., on January 10, 190ft, for
the purpose of acting upon tha question of
selling the railroad, property and frsn.
chin, a of tha company to the Chicago, Bur
lington & (Jutncy Railroad company, tha
railroad and properly aforesaid beiog now
under lease to said company. By order of
the board Of directors, W. P. DURKEE,
Secretary. NlOdUut
Platte Railroad Company. Omaha, Neb.,
Nov. 9, 1907. To .tha Stockholders: Notice
Is hereby gives that a special meeting of
tha stockholders of tha Omaha and North
Platte Railroad company will be held t
the office of tha oompany In Omaha, Ne9.,
at 4 O'clock P. m., on January 10, iwot, far
the purpose of acting upon tha question of
Selling the railroad, property and franchises
of this company to the Chicago, Burlington
It Qulncy Railroad company, the railroad
and property aforesaid being now under
lease to ths said company. By order of
the board of directors, W. P, Durkee,
Secretary. Nl&dawt
. i .
received by the village of Craig for the
sale of tha 40. foot substructure and the
2o-foot wood water tank of the Craig water
works. AH bids to be filed with the village
clerk on or before I o'clock p. rru, Tuesday,
December 17, 1!T. The substructure con
tains about llOu) feet of lumber; the tank
Is a 2oxM thr-tnrh cypress tank; the suo
eesnful bidder to remove substructure and
tank from present location by January 15,
1. Ths right to reject any or all bids
Is reserved by the board of trustees. Ad
drees all communications to R. V. Whitney,
Village Clerk, Craig, Neb. By order ft tha
board of trustees of tha village of Craig,
Burt county, Nebraska- O. A. BIlAOtJ
BTONM, Chairmen Board of Village Trus
tee. Dd2t
llllery Horses and Draft and Pack Mules
-hlef quartermaster s Orttce. Omaha
Nebraska. November 11. ISC, bealed pro
poeala. In trlplloata, will be received at this
office until U o'clock m., central standard
time, pemmber 10, IMS), and then opened.
In the presence of attending Mddera, fur
I 9 Cavalry Horses. U Artillery Horses 94
Riding Horses, 4 Draft Horace. 71 Draft
UulM. Wheel and Lead, and 11 Pack Mules
fur delivery at Omaha. Ketiraaka. or otner
prominent railroad pulnts. The animals to
conform to specifications for cavalry and
artillery homes and mulra Uuited Stales
reaerves right to aceept or reject any r
kU proposals or any part thereof. Partic
ulars and blanks lor propsaais will be fur
nished an auplicauun.. Eaveteoea uauin.
lug propueaia to be ludoreod "f ropoaals fur
tiureee) or eiulea" and addieeaed Ut Aieif
)Lba Swob. CUef ejuartermaBter.
Istlon Psrlla
Leave. Arrive.
The Overland Limited. .a I SO am a 9 40 pm
l tie Colorado S-iDrse..a 1.90 Dm a BrOfl pm
Atlantic Expreaa ,. alO l am
The Oregon Eiprees....a 4'1 pm t:O0 pin
Tha Los Angeles Lim...all to pm 9 IS pm
Tha Fsst Mall a 9 90 am a 46 pm
Tha China Japan Malla 4 00 pm a I W pra
Colo.-t'hlMiro am a ' 06 am
Bst a A Stroms'g L'cal.bl2 :90 pm b 1:40 pm
North Platte local a ?: am a 4:46 pm
Chicago, Reek lalaad 4k Paria.
Chicago Limited a I 00 am
Iowa Iooal a ( so am
Des Moines passenger.. 4 00 pm
Iowa Loral bU:4oam
Chicago (Eastern Ex)..a 4 pm
Chicago Flyer a 6:00 pm
all .05 pm
a 4:90 pm
a 13 10 pm
b 9 ft pm
a l m pm
1:13 am
Rocky Mountain L't'd..all lS pm a I SO am
, X. ........ . Ml I, "I , T" '111
VKi. ana iexss r.x a 4:w pm
I.tnenln-Fstrhnry Tee ,h :! am
bl0:S am
isioait ureat Weiten,
Pt. Paul-Minneapolis ... 190 pm 7:0 am
St. Paul-Mlnneanalla ... f in era II M nm
Chicago Limited 6:06 pm 8:27 am
Chicago Express 7:90 am U:S5pm
Chicago RxRreaa 1.90 pm I SO pm
Mtaaemrl Fmctala. .
K. C. A Ht. Lv Exp a 9:00 am
K. C. A St. K- Exp pm
Chioaga V JVartk, wMterw.
Chicago Daylight .......a 7:26 am
St. Paul-Minn ExDresa.a 7:10 am
8 45 am
a 1:10 pm
all a pm
a 10: 00 pm
Chicago Local all: am :M pm
Bloux City Passenger.. .a 7.60 am a t.U Dm
Chicago Passenger a pm a 9:46 am
cnicsao ppelcal ilinpm
St. Paul-Minn. Limited. a 8:28 pm
Los Angeles Limited.... a 9:90 pm
Overland Limited alO.OO pm
Fast Mall
Sioux City Local a 1:60 pm
Fast Mall
Twin City Limited ..,.a:28om
Norfolk-Bonesteel a 7:60 am
Lincoln-Vork-Chadron .b 7:50 am
llpii(l'nnil-l Inpnln HA nm
a 8 ? am
a 8 k v am
aU:35 pm
a 23 am
a 04 am
a 9:90 am
a 3:86 pm
a 8:uo am
a 6:40 pm
alO 38 am
a 8:40 pm
slO.36 am
b 6:40 pm
b 1:3S pra
Casper-Shonshonl 8:00 pra
i-iastings-nuperior ...,..o 9 00 pm
Fremont-Albion b 1:88 pm
Illinois CeatraJ.
Chicago Express' 4
Minn. A St. Paul Exp..b
Chicago Limited a
Minn. A St. Paul Lmtd.a
7:15 am a 8:46 pm
7:90 am a 8:64 pm
o:ou pm a a sJ am
1:30 pm a 3:30 am
8:30 pm a 8:30 am
8:80 am all;16 pro
8:00 pm blO'.lS am
at. Paal.
7:23 am all:60 pm
8:w pm a 8: pm
9:68 pro a 8:30 am
5:1 pm all:00 am
St. Louis Express a
St. Louis Local (from
Council Bluffs) ...v....a
Etanberry Loral (from
Council Bluffs) b
Chicago, Alllvravka 4k
Chic. A Colo. Special... a
Cel. Js Ore. Express.. a
Overland Limited .a
Perry Local a
Bnrllagtoa, '
a 3:40 ptn
a 8:45 pm
a 8:46 pm
a!0:16 pm
a 6:10 pm
a 6:10 pm
U:11 pm
b 9:08 am
al0:15 pm
a 7:60 pni
blO:20 am
a 8:60 m
b i'jb'prn
7:25 am
11:45 pm
a 3:65 pm
8:80 am
all:30 am
11:30 am
a 6:30 am
a 6:10 pro
Denver ft California. ...a 4:10 pm
Northwest Special .....a 4:10 pm
Black Hills a 4:10 pm
Northwest Express ....all:59 pm
Nebraska points a : am
Nebraska Express a 9:15 am
Uncoln Fast Mall b 1:46 pin
Lincoln Local
Lincoln Local
Lincoln Local
Fchuyler - Flattsmouth.b 1:10 pm
pellevue - Plsttsmouth.a 8:00 pm
Plattsmowth-Iowa b 9:18 am
Denver Limited a 4:10 pm
Chicago Special .....a 7:40 am
Chicago Express a 4:20 pm
Chicago Flyer .a 6:30 pm
Iowa Local a 9:15 am-
St. Louis Express a 4:46 pm
Kansas City ft St. Joe..al0:45 pm
Kansas City & St. Joe,. a 9:16 am
Kansas City A St. Jo..a 4:45 pm
Chloakfi St. Paal, Minneapolis
Leave. Arrive
Twin City Passenger.... b 6:30 am b 9:10 pm
Sioux City Passenger.. .a 8:06 pm all:20ara
nmcriun iwii o s: am c 5:56 Dm
MlsMart raclSo. ...
Auburn Local. .....,...b 1:50 pm bU:26 am
a Dallv. b Dallv evcent .
day only, d Dally except Saturday, a Dally
except-Monday. .i-.. .un .:
. Join one of our Christmas Excursion to
Great Britain, Norway, Sweden, Denmark
and Germany, leaving Chicago weekly.
Excellent aervioe and exceptionally low
rates by the Canadian Paolfle ''Express,"
the finest, fastest and largest steamers
oeiween ot. iwrence ports and Europe.
Write for rates and booklets.
o. x. BcgiAiav. a. a..
832 Clark Strait, Chloago. 111.
Features of Trading; anal Prices on
Loaalagr Commodities.
NEW YORK. Den. 7 DT-THTn R,hti
18.6U0 bblS.: eXDortS. 18.708 hhl. . merltet'
dull and about ste.ily; Minnesota patents,
(6.2l6.6o; winter stralghU, 4,4fr4.6;
Minnesota bakers, H.6j&o.6o; winter extras,
83.eiku4.00; winter patents, 4.80i4.8o ; winter
low graces, is Rys nour. quiet: fair
tO good. 84.8M10.lll: rhnlr.e tn fun K 'Ak.t
6.40. Buckwheat .flour, steady; e-00fu3.10
per nu los. i
COKNMEAL Steady: flne'.whita and yal.
low. ll.jkxil.Jt: coarse. II H.wt ai- kiln rfrleri
83.66-Ofl.66. : '
RYW-Uulet; No. I western, 90o t- o. b.
New York.
117,131 bu.; spot market, firm; No. I rod,
H. 01T4 elevator; No. 1 red. 31.04, f. o, b.
afloat; No. 1 northern Duluth, 8J.17 t. o.
b. afloat: No. bard winter, 11.13H f. o. b.
afloat. Although wheat had an easy open
ing on poor caMes It later rallied sharply
on eeverlng bull support and closed Vc
net higher. December closed, ll.tiKV; May,
11.0S61.(S,; closed, 81.095; July, 8104
I. 04H; closed, 3104.
CORN Receipts, 4,800 bu.; exports, 99H
bu.; spot msrket, steady; No. 3. 6c ele
vstor and 6M4c f. o. b. afloat: No. 1 white.
6Vic; No. 1 yellow, ?Hc f. o. b. afloat.
iipuon market wss without transactions
closing W&iv not higher. December closed,
ooiu; may, aoc. .
OATS Recolpt, 71000 bu.; spot market.
Arm: mixed, it to ii lbs.. 64Ua: natural
w-hte. 56 to 3i lbs . timVAa: cllnned white.
13 to 40 lbs., 6Hjf(i6o.
mat oieaay; gooa to cnoicot 81.WVT1.10.
HOPS Quiet: state. 'common to choice.
im, mlf, 1906, 6.1jflo; pacific -coast, 1907,
fciUe; ltKI. 4tic.
PROVISIONS Beef, quiet; family, 314 60
1600; mees, 310 Oiw 10.60: beef hams. iTT.&O:
packet. 811.6'flT2.00: erxtra Indta. 122 "t
MOO. Cut meats, quiet: pickled bellies, 99.00
eri0 60; pickled hems. I'.oOvlO W. Lard, easy;
western prime, ."jib.oo: rrnnefl, eaey; eon
tinent, 8S 98; South America. 89.76; com
pound, 37.37MW.62Vfc Pork, steady; family,
f !0fmillW; short clears. luYHnjltOO; mess,
fit nwrie. t.
TALLOW-Jltsadyi alty (81 er Package).
IHc: country (packages free). tV'jVo.
RIPE Steady : domestic fair to extra.
tfr-c; Japui, nominal... -
CHt ;t-at-Htearty; stale tull cream, col
ored and white, October, best, lZc; weekly
exports. 6!7s boxes.
EGCJS Hrm; state. ' Pennsylvania and
nearby, brown and mixed, first to extra
firsts, lift ate; western and southern firsts,
?Ol'LTRY A live, firm: western chickens.
12a; fowls. 1AV turkeys, lftVyc; dressod,
essy; western chickens, 12&iIo; turkeys,
laqlici fowls. Vai-.
rrokakly ralr, with If Chaaga U (he
OMAHA, Decern her T, 1907.
Generally cloudy weather prevails In tha
central and western portions ef the oogfitry
this morning, and very llgtit rains are
falling In ths lower Missouri and middle
Miseteslppl valleys, and a rainy and un
settled condition eontlnuea In ths extreme
northwest. Temperatures have risen In all
sections since tha last report, except In
tha upper Missouri valley and north Into
Canada, where the weather Is wilder. The
out luck la favorable for continued mod
erate temperature la this vicinity tonight
and Sunday, witn probably fair weather.
Omaha record of temperature and pre
etpttAllon compared with Die CoiTeapoodlaj
day of the last three years t
17. 1911. jag t04.
Minimum temperature.... 19 3 94 H
Precipitation T .00 .09 .00
Normal temperature for today, 30 degrees.
Deficiency In precipitation since March 1.
198 Inches.
Deficiency corresponding period tn 1908,
lt6 Inches.
Defu-ieifL-jr corresponding period In 190J,
Lot Inches. L. W WLH,
Local Voreuasler.
SUectrle tamft Uuyrted, Cvtlv, JCJ & Jflth.
t .
Mott of Bntinen ll Done on the Sell
lug; Side.
Wheat Is (trady e Rem Illghrr at
V(veaiag, Xfmm te gaaw froua
. Untelde mm. (he Day
OMAHA, Dec. 7, 1)T.
Opinions on the exchange are quite
varn.'d, but most of the business Is done
on the selling side, on the theory that Hie
financial anu commercial conditions would
not permit any good advance. However,
publio trade Is light and the stock market is
much Improved.
Wheat was steady to some higher on the
start. Influenced by the late show yesterday
of strength In outside and foreign uiar
kwta Later a disposition to lake prutlta
eased the market off and the close was
on the decline. May wheat opened at H'iO
and closed at 94Hc.
The corn market was dull und weak on
heavy selling and no support came out to
check the decline. Liverpool was weak and
affected the demand, wnlch haa been th
only stimulus. May corn opened at 60Vc
and closed at 49c.
Oets opened steady and worked higher,
with demand stronger and very light ol
ferlngs. Good quality and graded oats
ere scarce and much sought for. May
oats opened at 61'c and closed at He.
Primary wheat receipts were sfo.ouO bu.
and shipments were 8t5,o bu., against re
ceipts last year of oWWO bu. and ship
ments of 1.243.0U) bu.
Corn receipts were 508.000 bu. and ship
ments were 18.000 bu., against receipts last
ear of 376,000 bu. and shipments of
Clearances were 26,000 bu. of corn, none
of onts and wheat and flour equal to V"V
OX) bu. ,
Liverpool closed d higher on wheat and
unchanged on corn.
Seaboard reported 208,000 bu. of wheat and
w, du. or corn taken for export.
Local range of options:
Artlcles. Open.j Hlgh. Close. Low. Yes'y.
Wheat I
1 ' I
87H 74 8714 - 87a 87
94'e 94v U 94S M
89 . M , 8! '89 b9
484 481 4SS 48 49
60 6o 4lt ' 4HH 60S
49'A . .49 49 49 4!
47 47 17H 47
61 h bl 61 6i
16 ' 46V. 4&H 4oVb 45S&
May,, .
' July...
Ontaha Cash Prices.
WHEAT No. 2 hard, 94ffc; No. 1 hard.
91(17b!tc: N'n A hor1 iLVA.lil. KT S
94o9tc; No.'4 spring, 60c. ' "
wrtiN s. new. t&c; No. 4, new. 4b
47c; No. 3 yellow, new, 48c; No. 3 while.
OATS-No 1 mixed. 4W47ei No 8 white,
47f,4t;ej No. i white, iV4c standard, 47',,
R i E NO. 3. 7Rc; No. 3. 7y73c.
Larlot Becelpta.
WhHt C.MHn Cm-
Ch!cft?o li 219 m
Minneapolis yi4 ' ...
Orrisihii. -j io 01
. , I -T 4W M4
Duluth 393
Fcatnres of the Trading and Closing:
Prices as Board of Trade.
CHICAGO, Dec. 7.-A Slsck demand for
wheat by exporters hsd depressing effect
today on the local wheat market. At the
close the May delivery was down He, corn
was oft IWTic, oats were Ho lower and
provisions were from 10c to 17VS0 lower.
Extreme dullness prevailed in the wlint
Pit during the greater part of the aeeelon.
Foreign markets were dull and about un
ahanged, and there, were few developments
hi the domestic situation to Inspire either
buying ur selling. Moderate weakness was
manifested during the first hour on selling
by several of the leading commission
houses, but lster a firmer tone developed
as a result of an advance at Winnipeg and
of a forecast for light shipments this woek
irom ine tanuDian ports and Russia. The
market Soon eased 4fT attain, however.
owmf. t0 week-end, Troflt. taking due to
some eitefi to an fcuirnce of export de
mand. The close was easy. May opened
MIPViC lower to a shade hleher at l m&rft)
1.01K,, sold off to 81.WH and then 'advanced
io ai.u;. -j-ne close was at 31.01Hg1.0Hi.
Clearances of wheat and flour were eqiisl
to 4S2.0O0 bu. Primary receipts were 866,000
bu., compared with S66.000 for the corre
sponding day pne year ago. Minneapolis,
Duluth and Chicago reported receipts of
623 cara, as against 716 lost week and 683
one year ago.
Increased receipts and a decline In the
price of live hogs Induced moderate selling
of corn, which resulted In considerable
weakness. Provision . Interests were the
principal sellers and demand came chletly
from shorts. The close wss weak. Mav
opened 4c lower at Mo. advanced to 5Hc
and then declined to fioo. Ths close was
st 66!S)a6y.c. Local receipts were 219 curs
with six of contract grade.
Oats were strong early In the dsy ba
JL rnwed purchases by lcadlnsr
bulls. The market later eased off, owing
to the weakness of wheat and corn. Mav
opened Ho higher at 63c. sold between
WsfctWiao and tno and closed at 6ilVc.
Local receipts ware 91 cars.
Provisions were weak on soiling by local
packers. Trade was active, there bolng a
brisk demand by shorts. At the close May
16c at 87.76 and ribs were 10c lower at 16 90
Estimated reeelpts for Monday: Wheat
,0rheadrn' r,: 0U 154 S"; hos
Lssadlng futurea ranged as follows:
Articles.! Open. High.) Low. Close. Yes'y.
' 6m
6.1 ,
61 S
. i"
it I
11 66
12 W
T 80 !
T 80
. 47X
It 67U
11 60
12 60
12 90
13 07
u 97Vsj ii m
T tt i
7 MM.
1 7
7 76
8 mi
2T7V4J T90
T 76
7 67
7 00
v o
No. 1 tOld. INew.
Cssh nuntstlnns were as follows:
FLOUR Easy; winter patents, 34.304 Ml
straights 84 40ii4.5: spring patents, 9r,.2.v
5.40: stralithts, 34 5"4 90; bakers, $3.3rt4 16
64HoRNN' ' 8,HC0c!'N' ylow. HQ
OATS-No, , (uHCe; No. t white, 619
RYB-No. I. T7e.
BARL;Y Good feeding, 94c; fair to
chnlre malting, 94cai,t4.
SEEDS Flax. No. 1 uorthwestern 11 12H
Prime timothy, 64.30. Clover, contract
grsdej, ',5.75.
.-PJ(iiYIBIN'8-6nort rIb-' (loose),
37My7iO. Mess pork, pel" hhl., gll 0059
W.1214. ,Lrd, per 1J0 lbs., 3 068.10. Short
Clear sides (boxed), IT.lwiJT.STH,
Receipts and shipment pf fluur and grain
ware as follows!
Receipts Shipments.
Flour bhls ,rt ti.m H
jytieat, bu,.. ........ H6.3HO 1)61.10
Corn, m 2i3..) 7 Mo
Oats, bu M M 117 00
Rye. bu... ,, t.U 107)
Barley, bu 414) 11,600
On the Produce exchange today the but
ter market was stesdy; creameries,' Pit
rvc; dairies. I77c. Egs. flrmt at mark
cases Included, J!tJj2So; firsts, tie; prime
firsts, SScj extras, 0. Cheese, steady at
ft. Lsela Uateval Maricet.
. BT' i-01.1'. 7 WHtlAT Weak;
track, No. J red, cash. 9!aWVtc; No. 1 hard.
y7cf c3; l5ecember. S5'?; ll.T,
COHN Ier; track. No. j eaisb. Me:
D.einber, olc; May, 63e; No. i white
ttimcfei . , '
rLOI'R Red winter patents H 4bfi4 V
extra fancy and straight, H3W04.66; clear"
S?&"4 00. '
aKr.8 Timothy, steady, W60f4 00
frfNMPAL-teady, 8 00.
BRAN Firm; sacked eaat track. 3106
HAY Steady; timothy, 8ll.6wJi8.00;
prairie. 39 0iffMo,
(Y1TTON Tlfe 61.1A
BAOHNO niee.
POl.'LTR T Weak; chickens, Us; springs
: turfc.v. Iiwc, ducks, ie, geese 'te '
PROVISIONft-Prirk, steady) lobbing,
ill io; lard, lower; prime, steady. t7.dL Dry
alt meats, .eedV: boxed ertra aborts,
I 63M,f clear ra.s M &f; mhnrt rleara W 00
Lauoo, ateadyf botd extra' ghort, fc.6o
clear rlts, 39 IH4; elwirt clears. 99
bUTTk-H uteady; crestnoty. fc'tf'J.yjc.
EdCiS Steady, 22c, case counL
Receipts. Bhipmepts.
Flour, bbla .co . $ ivo
Wheat, bu. 17,t"i0 EsOiO
Corn, bu 8. ) 1J)
Oats, bu 82,000 J8.000
Coadltlea ef Trade and Qeetatlnaa
Kteple aad raaey PredeeW,
Ft.'GS Fresh selling eggs, candled, 3So.
I I'TTKRCommon, In-; fancy tub snl
rcl's, l!i'Jle; creamery, Sle.
CHEESE New full cream, Wisconsin
twins, 17Hc; new full cresm brick 17oj do
mestic, new Swiss. l.Hc; new llni burger. 16
Vlc; young Americas. 17VkC
LIVE l'OULTRY-Springs. 64c; hens,
6Vc; roosters, . ducks, 8c; geese, la; tur
k y. ; pigeons, 00c per dos.
OKlXEl POULTRY -Spring, fancy.
c; hens, KeAc; roosters, 4c; decks. 9.?
gee 9c; turkeys, 16c
HAY Choice No. 1 uplsnd. 110.00; ma
dlum, 39.00; No. 1 bottom, to. 00: off grades,
from 1560 to .60; rys atraw. '.; No. 1
alfalfa, 111.00.
APFLES New orx Klnri. per barrel,
15.60; "i4one Such," per barret, 36 U; 99
ounce rippms, per barrel, 86.26; Maiden
Blush, per barrel, 16.00; Baldwins, per
barrel, 16.00; Greenings, per barrel, tO.OO;
western box apples, Coloradw Jonathans,
per box, 13 26; Colorado Crimes Ooldens,
per box. 13.26; Idaho Jonathans, per box
8.1.00; Idaho Winter Bananas, per box,
33.00; Washington Ben Davis. 32.00; Wash,
ton Northern Spy, per box. 13.00; Washing,
ton Greenings, per box, J.'.i; Washington
Baldwins, per box, 12.00; Washington Rome
Beauty, per box, 82.26; Waahlngton fall ap
ples, assorted, per box. 31.76itfl.8a.
POTATOES Per bu., 66971s.
CABBAGE Holland seed, per lb., IO
'(JNIONS Red Globe, per bu., 11096ci
Denla. per crate, 31. 60.
SWEET POTATOES Small bbl 1160.
BELTS Per bu., 8O0.
CARROTS Per. bu 76a.
TURNIPS Per bushel, 50a
PA fig NIPS-Per bushel, Tha
CELERY Michigan, per bunch. :tlM6o,
NAVY BEANS Per bu.. No. 1, 13.90 per
bu. ; Lima, 7c per lb.
ORANGES Florida, per box. la.uo? Pall.
fornla-Waahington navels. 33.00; Florida
Grape Fruit, per box, 16.76rrVO0.
O RAPES Concords, per basket. 19Ve;
Malaga, heavy weights, per keg, 34.0019
6. So; Malagas, medium weights, trr keg.
14 6"?i6 00. T
LEMONS Fancy. '300 and 81) slse. per
box, 14.50iio.00; extra choice. 800 and 30
slx, per box. 84.00i;4.W. 1
BANANAS- on Unions, per bunch.
COCOANUTS-Pet sack, 14.60; per doien.
FIGS AND DATE"! Pmvrn - flps,
7 crown, per pound, 14loc; Smyrna figs,
6-crown, per pound, 12gl3o; Smyrna figs,
4-crown, per pound, lifdllci California figs,
boxes, 10 csrtons, Kc; 1 California fls,
boxes, 12 cartons, 65c; California figs, bulk,
Sef pound, 6V4c; Hallowl dstes, per 'pound,
c; Khsdrawl datss, per pound, 6c; Salr
dates, per pound, f,c; Fard dates. 13
pound boxes, per pound. 8c. ,
No. 1 ribs. 14V,c; No. 2 ribs, 1114c; No. 1
ribs, VAo; No. 1 loin, 19c; No. 2 loin, 13c;
No. 3 loin, 8Vjc; No. 1 chuck, iVJc: No. 3
chuck. 6.c; No. 1 chuck, 6c; No. 1 round
IHc; No. 2 rourid, 7c; No. 8 round, 6',4c; No.
1( plate, 6 Vic; No. 1 plate, 6c; No. 1 plate,
re somewhat unsettled by freer offering
from sucond hands, who Seem desirous of
moving supplies of Immediate grades. (Quo
tations 1 a jib a from to 9c for California
fruit and from 6V4c to 81: for Oregon,
peaches very firm, with fancy yellows
quoted at UVtc.
CANNED GOODS Corn, standard west
ern: 76c. Tomatoes, fancy 3-pound cans,
11.16; standard 8-pound cans, 11.30, Plne
epples, grated, 2-pound. t.'; sliced,
tl.76&2.85. Gallon apples. 14.60. California
apricuts, ii .oiuil.tiu. Pears, U.U3 16.
Peaches, 11.9ufi.'t 16. L. C. peaches, 32 lod
3.15. Alaska salmon, rsd, 61.40; fancy
Chinook, flat, 62.16; fancy sockeye, flat.
82.16. Sardines, quarter oil, 13.60; three
quarters rnustard, 33.86. Sweet potatoes,
11.2;ifl.36. Sauerkraut, 90c. pumpkins, goo
tll.oO. Lima beans, 2-pound, 75c 231.35
onked peas, 2-pound. 65c; fancy, 11.26(91 45
NUTS California walnuts, per lb. 18o;
Imported aalnuts, por lb., 13 .J 16c; Tarra-
fone almonds, per lb., 18c; filberts, per lb,
3a; BrasUs, per lb., 13 & 11c; Pecans, per
lb., 12(tfil3c; peanuts, raw, per lb.. 7c;
peanuts, roasted, per lb, 8c; Italian chest
nuts, per lb., 8&e. ,
COFFEE Roasted, No. , 6cT No. 8a
lie; No. 26, 18c; No. 20. 14V4o.
SUGAR Granulated, cane, per sack,
!6.4;0 beet, 65; cut loaf, cr cubes. 4o:
powdered. 6.16c..
FISH-Hhllbuc. Jlc; trout. 18ct fc'ckerel.
10c: pike, He: pike, frefh froxen, ipj
Whitenah. Uttilc; buffalo, 14c; bullheads,
skinned and brassed, lie; Catfish, dressed,
17c; white perch, 7c; white bass. 15c; black
bass, 25c; sunflsh. StKlc: crappies, 69c'iwi i'cii ma, need irosen,-
6c; whllelish, frozen. Utilise; pickerel, freBh
irosen, leu, reu pnepper, ibc: noUlldOrs,
mackerel, l&3&0 per fish; codfish, fresh
frosen. 12c: red snnpper. 12c: flounders
fresh froieti, 12c: bnddo k, fresh frozen, lio
smelts, 13c; shad roe, 46c per lb.; frog legs,'
86c per dog.: green sea turtle meat, 26o
per 10.
HIDES AND TALLOW Green suited.
No. 1, "0; No. 2, 7f4c; bull hides. 60: green
hides, No. 1, 6c; No. I, Co; horse, 31.60i)JBC;
sheep pelts, 60ol.6. Tallow, No. 1. S4.l
No. 2. ti4c. Wool. lfcSac.
.1 ,. .. 1
Kansas City Grain and Provisions.
cember, Wlic; May, B7c. Cash: No. t hard.
WMir-; No, 1, 91jJ6oi No. red, 93Hc; No.
1, 9lru'2c.
CORN December 474c: May, 604e. Cash;
No. I mixed, ssfSlc; No - , 471890; No.'
1 white, 48MjS1c; No. 8, 48fi4Bc.
OATS-No. 2 white, 49fi60c; No. mixed.
48 40c.
HAY Steady; choice timothy. 811.fcoiwiim.
choice prairie, 89.5OHjl0.0O. '
Receipts and shipments of grain were as
Recelnts. fihlnm.
Wheat, bu 74 not oiir.i
Cum, bu 102.000 S4ao
Oats, bu... ,0(i 4.000
Kansas City - options:
I Open.) Hlgh.l Low, jciose.
Wheat I (
J"'y 8iH ( WViA
Corn .
May.........r.. BOU'eOHRO JU 60HB
July.. 60 Bo4 604 6.)u 44
Mlanrapolls Grata Market. Tin. 1wirdii. .
.......... - ,. . . .11. n 1 it 15-
cember, 81.04'4; May, WWU; No. I hard
11.031; No. 1 northern, 11.06S; No. 1 north-
em, ru. . norinern, si
FLOUIV-Flrst patents, .16.4ftj,.5o: second
niLtents. 16 xhi 40 flret r. u wi ,a.
second clcsrs, H.3Og3.50. ' '
FLA x EKEl Kb i r to good demand; clos
ing prices were I1.11U.
tirtAPi in duik, l.?baTO.O0,
Liverpool Grala and Prwvlsioaa.
easy; No. 8 red weeiern Inter, 7s ld- fu
tures dull; December, 7s 6d; March 7s
liud; May. 7s 10d.
CORN Snot quiet; prime mixed Amer
Icsn. 6s 6d: - futures s'eadv: nuMh..
juimtnal; January. 6s 2d. '
Visible Sepply of Cotton.
NEW O'KI.EANH. 1, .k. 1
Berrrtary IreMer'g statement of the world's
supply of cotton shows totsl of 4,023 11
bles. against 8.855,770 bales last week. Of
this the total of American cotton Is I in 879
bale., against 1.014.894 bales last weak. '
Peoria Grala Market.
r PVi Uti Til rw,. e -ir i vt .
- - - - 1 - uuii ana
lower; No. 1 yellow, STC-Vfiflc; No. 1. 12c: No
OAIH-Ouiel. No. 2 , white. . aVlLLe.. Kr.
White. 48ic.
RYE No demand.
Mllveaakee Gvavla M.rU.1.
northern, ll.v7il 08: May, 1.01 bid.
rhknd. 1, wHec-
PARLEY Ne. 3, 3102; ssrgple, Oi
vunn-nrra no. essn, tvTfl-lc; May.
6c asked. '
Dalath Grain Market.
DT'T.TTTH rw.i T Xln il-it v. . , m
11.06; No. M northern, 81-C3; December!, mr, f 1 w s-
ui-to arrive, esc; on track, 48c.
Toledo 9ee4 Market.
TOLEDO. Dec. T. SEED 4 "lover es.h
89 96; December. 39 76; March. H 9X Itm
vifry prime, 12.30; Alslka prima, 6 W.
Pablle Iftaktr laterraptra.
Public, speakers are frequently : Inter
rupted by people coughing, Thli would not
happen 'If Foley's Honey aad Tar were
taken, as It eurrs soughs gnd colds aad
prevents pneumonia and consumption. The
genuine contains no opiates aad is In a
reUosr Pfroagxa. ror agla by ail Am.
flat- . - - - ' . .
Good Cattle Strong-er for the Week,
Other Kindi Easier.
Best Grades of tt Sheep Mark Lower,
hat Medina Ktade Mow Sellere
' aad Lower for the
SOUTH OMAHA, Dee. 7. 1907.
Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Bluer
Oniclal Monday 6.2U1 1.718 8.6t6
Ofllnlsl Tuesdav 6,79 4.8W 1.8)
oinnisi Wednesday 8.762 . IS4 J..HI
CrT1clal Thursdav 8.4SS
Official Frldsy 1,169
Estimated Saturday 78
6.4M 1.963
8.20 '
f1 flsye this week.... 19 Art 84.477 f9.M8
flame days last week. .. .12.M2 . 14M0t 2S.6TT
Syime daya 3 weeks ago).l71 27.342 rS,440
Skme-days 1 weeks ago.. 30.888 17.149 61.2"!
Sams days 4 weeks ago. .13.814 14 IMS 61.2:'0
Bsmo days last year.. . .11,005 36.194 82.237
Tha following table shows the receipts of
cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha
for the year to dale, compared with last
years io7. itm. In. Dee.
Cattle 1,108.818 1,010387 $8,431
Hugs 1.2M.J5 1SS.67S
Sheep 1,971.464 3,073.136 94,677
The following table shows the average
price f hog at South Omana for tha last
everal day, with comparisons:
Daie. j 1907. 1906.1105.1H.1903.1902.1S01.
Nov, 27.,
Nov. In..
Nov. 29..
Nov; SO..
e. 1...
I'o. 2...
iJcc. , 3. . ,
Peo. 4...
Ieo. 6...
pec. 8...
t'ec, T...
6 02 i 7 4 20 " 6 73
6 07 4 72 4 49 4 24 6 02
4 83 4 47 e 6 10 1 86
694 4 41 4 31 SW
6 06 4 9I 4 43486 609
4 87 4 4 4 8." 6 08 8 9J
08 4 48 4 42 6 14 8 87
IS) 4 81 4 44 9 22 SHI
6 i: 4 84 4 42 4 38 6 24 6 06
I 16 I KM M 6 17 6 1
6 211 4 92 4 35 4 ST 6 03
4 m
t fi0
4 64
4 V
4 704
4 63
Sunday. ''Thanksgiving. ,
The official number ot cars of stock
brought In today by each road was:
, Cattle. Hogs.
C M. A St. P Ry 1
W'abash t
Missouri Pacific 1
C. A N. W. Iiy., eaat 1 4
Union Pacino System 1 11
C. & N. W. Ry.. west 34
C., St. P., M. A O. Ry 4
C., B. At Q., east 10
C. B. A Q., west 31
Great Western 2
Illinois Central 1
Total reoelpt 1 lit
The disposition of the' day receipt wa
as follows, each buyer purchasing the num
ber of head Indicated:
Cattle Hogs.
Omaha Packing Co : 77rJ
Cwift and Company.. 1.871
Cudahy Packing Co 10 1.846
Armour & Co....; 2,129
HllJ A Son 4
Fherlden Meat Co 67
Krey Packing Co U2
Haletad 12-'
Cudahy Bros 1.673
Klngsn ." 70-1
Independent Pucklng Co 14
Other buyers .- 7
Total ..: 11 8.727
CATTLEThe receipts of cattle today
were not large enough to make a market.
For the week the receipts ha"e ben vory
clogs to last year's record, sriowing a con
siderable gain over one week ego. Thre
hus been a fair mixture of both rangers
and fed stuff, so that the market during
the greater part of the week has been
fairly wall aupplled for this season of the
A feature of the week's trade' has been
the spread between the good and the com
mon kinds. However, that la nothing un
usunl for this season of Uie year, as this
la the time when packers want a good
Srade.of rangers and when there Is less
emand than usual for the common and
medium kinds. The result has been that
the prices on the better grades of both beef
steers and cow stuff have tended upward,
and at the close of the week are quite a
little stronger than one week ago. At the
same time common to medium grades had
a downward tendency, being weak prac
tically every day, so that at the close they
are -ereneraily- a-little -tower 4hew last week.
The same tendency was also noticed In
the feeder trade. The easing up of the
financial altuation brought In quite a num
ber of country buyers who kept the good
grades-Tif cattle very well cleaned up, giv
tag the market on that kind-an upward
tendency, and at the close of the week
prices are generally quoted a little stronger
In consequence. On the other hand.- the
common and medium grades, pertly be
cause they were not so much soug-nt after,
had a-easier tendency and are generally
a trifle lower now than one week ago.
Quotations on cattle: Good to choice
cornfed steers, I5.onu5.eo; f11" to good
cornfed steers, 14.60tfi0.00; common to fair
cornfed steers. 63.5M4,60; good to choice
range steers, 84.16r4.76; fair to good range
steers, 13..V774.16; aommon to fair range
steers, 3."tjfl.60; good to choice cows and
heifers, 3S.4nn.90; fn1r to good cows anr"
heifers, 32.5063 40; common to fair cows
and heifers, 31 2Wi k; good ' to choice
stacker and feeders, 14.004j4 60, fair to
good stoekers and feeders, 6.1.50tg4.n0; com
mon to fair stoekers and feeders, 12.6tj3.50.
Representative sale:
Ho. At." fr. Ke. At. Pr.
1. ........... 99 4 60 1 10 tw
1 , 4 T 6 144 6 60
7 feeder.. 956 1 66 , 1 cow 870 1 25
1 eow......l2u 176 6 cow 1068 1 10
HOGS Hoga looked 10c lower this morn
ing, but as it became apparent that the
buying demand was very good, the mar
ket gradually strengthened up, notwith
standing the fact that the receipt were
the largest of the week. The close was
active and not more than 6c lower than
yesterday, making the general market
today f qlOo lower than yesterday's' gen
eral market. ' The general run of weighty
hogs . sold principally at 34.62W4.ti6, as
against 34.79 yesterday. A few of the best
loan's eold up to 64 70 today, the top yes
terduy he vine been !4.T7tt- L)?ht liogs
old from H.6-H down.
The receipts of hogs thlo week hava
been the largest In several weeks, being
vsiy little short of the record of a year
ago. In gplta of - the liberal receipts the
market has had an upward tendency, al
though there have been reactions. After
allowing for the decline today the market
la still ISVjPSo higher than one week ago.
Representative sales:
Ko. At. .. He. At. 9h. Fr.
W 1)4 y 4 6 47 1(4 1 4 S4
.. 1 4 46 4 tdl 41'
II 1 130 4 45 tl MO .., am
?n .lt ... 4 45 1C ni ... 4 42 st
I I t IN IU 64 M 1X0 i iU '
10 Sl 140 4 67 St 61 Ill 30 4 I2U
14 I I 140 4 S M Ml 4 4 46
17. .......HI IN ... 4 Si
)a..l IM l 1M u i1 8 4 45
it M 40 4 M (6 m ... 4 46
let . 4 4W 41 l4 ... 4 M
. lit W 4 so n m ... 4 w
I 1 40 4 40 t, tofi ... 11)
it....... f 3M 4 4 , ' M 1M 140 t U
IS 11 40 4 64 . 44 Snl 1H
1...,..SJl ... IM U 78 ... 4 66
A Medium Size Outside : Office
We have two .cormected offices, one 9xl9i and. the'
Other 10xl9V2. These face 17th street, on the 6th" floor
and are ideal offices for anyone desiring a private room
and waiting room. The rent of. the two ig $31i)0 per
month. They have been newly decorated and are finished"
in hard wood and have running' water.
n Plaanatl xelnaiYclr aa an office) bulldlM and U in eyery way
th moat convenient In tta arrant ement. No offloea are Ytwr far
from tna elavatorf and tb elevator aarrlca U moat aatUfactory.
Tta'bulldlnf haa gained a reputAtion for cootlauoua cleasllntwa
and baa good Janitor aerUa. not only now and then, but all th
Uiam. Tta building La al ware kept In perfect repair.'
There ara gevergl cbolca mall offlcea available, wfcloa rent at
from 119. 09 to iaO.00. Tta occupanU of email office receive the
apt canful and aourtwus attention aa tne largest anata. , -
Tor offk
B. W. JB-tXER, 8 apt,,
.1 .
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SHEEP There were no fresh recrlpts of
sheep todsy, so that there was nothing
from which 4o base en estimate of th
market. For tho week tlio rrcelpfs hsve
been normal, showing a slight g.tln over
the previous week and not much change
as compared with a year ego. As Is to be
expected at this season of the year, the
srrtvslr) have consisted very lnrgly of
fed stuff, but still there baa been quite a
sprinkling of rangers. -
The market tin the .best grades mt- fnt
sheep have not,, shown any marked
change during the week. There have been
strong day and weak tlays, tiut at the
close the best gravies are TUt selling very
different from whet they were a wr-ciij
ngo. The ni.'illutn to fair graUasB, however,
are snfely l'"516c lower, and 011 some dera
have been rsther hsrd to move hn sccnunl
of pnrkers discriminating agalnet them un4
In favor of the fintaiind stuff.
l.Hnihs have suffered during the wseh
quite a decline and mitstde or The very
choicest kinds they are snfely I5o low
than a week ngr. The season of the year
I arriving when packers wanl a few
rlntit choice litmhs and stuff answering to
that description sells, accordingly, to very
good advantage. Thus on lldsv of thff,
week choice native lambs sold up to 14 .IS,
tho high prlco of the wetk, although the
market was lower on the general run of
the receipts.
It would be well for shippers to besr
In mind that ust before the. hutdaye pack
ers are never good buyers of the common
to medium grades of sheep nd Inmbs.
This Is the season of the year when they
are very likely to Jnolst upon having good
stuff Or nothing st all. It follows then
that half fat and Inferior grndt-s are bound
to soil to very poor ndvantetfe as com
pared to choice or finished kinds.
(Quotations on good to choice fed sheen
nnd lambs: IAmhs,' ' 1.1.7Sffi.0n; yearling
wethers. 34.76(56.!0; Wethers, 14.5tKiS4.65; ewes
Qiiytutlnn on feeders: .Good lambs, 15.00
(fn;.7fi; common lnnibs. 93 ntfH.60; yearlings
$1vri450; wethers. 3400-4 : good ewes)
I2.75oj3.25; common ewes, 11.2.ri2.2o.
Cattle and Sheep Steady Hogs IfUe
teen feats Lower,
CHICAGO, Dec. 7.-CATTI.ERccelpts.
800 head; market stcHdyj heov-s, J? .&iij.4o;
cows and heifers, 81. 154.70; TeXtuis, 88.u4
U3.u; calves, I5.ikv-i7.ji; - westerns, 13.0U49
5M); stoekers and feeirs. 12,4.ii.
' HOOS Receipts. 3(Mi0 hend; msrket I60
lower; light, 14.sW4t5.1Ni; mixed.- H.Oii'ffS.lO;
heavy, 14.fi46.0A; rough. 4iA'r4.7n; pigs,
l.9.v,4.s:; bulk of sales. 31.SiVij6.O0.
CHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 1.000
lnml; market steady; nstlves, 82.0O4t3.00;
westerns. 12.OOJH.90; .- yeurllngs. 34 .60j.a.iiJ
lotnbs, 84.O04(G.3; westerns, ll.lHMjt6.2R.
Kansas City Live Stock Market.
rcipts, 1.60 head; msrket uncniunged: chotc
export and dressed berf steers, (5 2Ti6.76;
fnir to good, 84.0SK(6.2i;. westnrn steers, 83 60
4.50: stoekers snd f.-eders. 83 ooil l.4t;
southern steers, 13.i.13; southern cows,
12.2iVa3.86; native cows, tlVXaA.ut; native
holfors, 12.6tj6.10: bulls, 33 3R6 4. 30; calves,
t,t.7.'iiu).76. Rtx-oipts for the wek, 11,000.
HOGS Receipts, 7,0o head: 10fJ
15; lower; top, 64.751 bulk -of. sales, 34 6M!
4.70; heavy. 4.6tti4W; packers. 94.6Mpl.75;
pigs and lights, 14.4U-4.T0. Receipts tor th
week. 58.0(10. T
SHEEP AND LAMIS No receipts; mar
ket nominally steady; 1 lambs, '16.0OJi6.25j
ewes and yearlln-gs, 14.261J5.0O; western
yearlings, 84.0W?r4.26; Western sheep, 63.6ifl
4.60; Blockers and feeders; tJ.otvtM 2R. Re.
eclpt for the week. 17.&4). -
St. I.onU Live Stock. Market.
ST. LOUIS. Dep. 7.-CA3TLJ-Reccipt.
700 head, Including 350 Texans. Market wa
steady; native -shipping and export steer,
36.4i.36; dressed tieef and butcher steers,
14 8.Vii5.75; steers under 1,000 lbs., tS.0O(SM. 60:
stoekers and feeders,- 82 2o&4.2f); cows and
heifers, 13.00'lfo.OO; ennners, 11.262.O0; bulls,
!:.0Mj4.50; culves. lfi.2f.i.00; Texas and In
dian steers. 13.0wjj6.10; ,C0W nnd heifer.
11.504.75. .
HOGS Receipts. 4,600 iiead. Market wag .
lower; pig and lights. 84.06&S C; packers,
34.tfrg4.9u; butcher and best heavy,' 14.800J
8 4 ... i
14 .1 1 . . . 4
n) t 9 4 40 -
M " SO 4
I IT! ... 4 M
64 4
6T 7 W 4 l4
4ci tm 4 a-.'n
M :..t'l 3M-4nt
rt o 4 h. i
Ml ll 4 ? t
u: 11 4 itm
tl J4 0 4
f. ist . . 4 rt,
Tl J'l 40 4 6!t
84 IM ... 4
66 J 19 I KtH
14. 1 4
Ht I"6 4 ?4j
(M H"l l'l 4 tt
u m 1.0 4 :t
4 4 ft st
t ra 4 t c.
T4 T4.1 80 4 4t
us list ... 4 43 't
Tit J.'t IM I (i'i
IM ) 4 C"W
TT lt to 4 4lt
14 K-T 10 III
7 M ... 4 4t
St. Joseph Live Stock Market.
ST. JOSEPH, Deo. 7. CATTLE Receipt.
105 head. Market nominal: natives, 84.0o!
6.0O ; cows and heifers, 81.76&4.6ti; stoekers '
and feeders, 13.2,' tOO.
HOGS Receipts, ,tc(9 head- Market wag
mostly 10c lower; top, 14.75; bulk of sales,
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipt, none.
Ijumbs, 152flr.00; yearlings, 34.l6JH-8i
wethers, 14.0o4.6."4)wes, lA3H.0O.
dlonx City Live Stock Market.
SIOUX CITY, la., Dec. 7. (Special Tele
gram.) CATTLE Receipts, ) head; mar
ket steady: beeveg, I4.00(jf5.l; , cow and
heifers. 32.CO&4.0O; stoekers and feedei-.
13.003.76; calves and yearlinica.Ai.0uia3.6u.
H(Xi3 Receipts, 6.8.K) head j : market 10)
lower; selling at M.a5sj4JO; bulk of sales, 1
14.tVJi34.6a. '
Stock In light. '
Receipts of live atock at the lx priw
Cattle. Hogs. Sheen,
South Omaha
Sioux City ....
Kansas City .
St. Joseph ...
St. Louis
; " .' .....
, 300 t .
...1.. .1,500 1 7.000
105 t.m
...1.609 62,829
Cotton, Market. .
NEW YORK. Dec. T.-4XDTTON Future
opened steady; December, 11.69c: January.
11.17c; March, 11.84c; April, U.41c, bid; May!
11.41c; July, 11.4.1c; August, ll.?r,c.
Futures closed easy;' December, 1L70O1
January, 11.30c; February, 11.2ifc; March.
11 37c; April, J1.40c; May. 11.46c; June, 11 410J
July, 11.37c; August, 11.17c. Bjiot close!
steady: middling uplands, 12.16c: middling
gulf, 12.40c; sales none.
HT. LOUIS, Dec. 7.-COTTON-F1rra; mla
dllng, llc; sales, 97 . bales; receipts, 4 -9
bales; shipments, 867, bales; stock, 14,64
a" nrT4cKBTN' VO!' T-OOTT?'V-ete1''
A Horrible Death
result from decaying lung. Cure coufTig
and weak ore lung with Dr. "King New
Discovery. 60c and $1.00. For al bf
Beaton Drug Co. ; ,v '
pac apply to
lUon All B9 Dqtldmr.