TOE OMAHA DAILY BEE: MONDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1907. Want - ads AdfrrtlMmraU fer the ntnt ad rlimi will be take antll 12 ra. for the rral( raltlen aaa natll O . (or tk Moralig and gaaday cdltla I'nae mast irrtauir all ordrn for wants ads aad no advertisement will ba afrrptrd for less than lO ceats for tee flrat lasertlon. Rates apply to cither Tha Dallr Bandar Baa. Altvays count ela warda to a Ha Combination of laltlala or namb era count as aaa ward. CASH RATF.a lOR W1M ADS. nElilLAR CLASSIFICATION Oaa Insertion, per liar, 10 rents. Two or more consecutive Insertions, per line. il renta. Each Inaertlon made on add lays, 10 cents par line. 3U.B0 per line per month. I'KCIAI, CLASSIFICATION If roar advertisement la Inaerted nnder ray one of the classifications given below, It will be charged at the Col Uaing rates' One Inaertlon. 4 centa pep lines three to six consecutive in ser k.ona,' :i centa per line each laser tin a seven or more coaaecatlve Inser tions, U cents per line each Insertion SO cents per line per month. BARTER AJCD EXCHANGE. BtSIlSESS CHANCES. HELP WANTED FEMALE. HELP WANTED MALIC. Except A sents, Solicitors aad Bales men. OFFERED FOR SALE. Cows, Birds, Dogs and Pets. Horses and Vehicles. Poaltry and Eggs. fr'nraltnre. Typewriters and Sewing; Machines. Planoa, Organs and Mnalcal Itra meats. OFFERED FOR RENT. Furnished Rooma. Untarnished Rooms. Iloasckeeplasr Rooma. Board ins; and Rooms. WANTED TO BUY. Wnnt ads for The Bee mar be left any of the following drag; stores- oae Is "your corner droKarlst" they ra all branch oOIcea of The Bee aad our ad wll be Inserted Jast aa liromptly and on tha same rates as at the main oteee In The Bee Balldlag, venteeath aad Fa mam Streets. Albach. W. C, 40th and Farnam. Beranek, 8. A., 1402 S. 16th St. Beoht Pharn scy, 720 8. 16th St. Benson Phurmaoy, Hanson, Neb. Bemla Park Pharmacy. H31 and Cuming. Blaks's Pharmacy. 281 (Sherman Ave. Caughlln, C. R., 6th and Pierce. Sis. Clifton Hill pharmacy, 221 Military Art Conte, J. a , 21st Ave., and Farnam. Crlssey rhermaty. 34th and Lake Sis. Cermak, Emil, 144-6 & lath St. Eastman Pharmacy, 4046 Hamilton. Ehler, F. II.. 2802 Leavenworth, i'oator AinolUl. 213 N. 26th St. Frotag. Juhn J., 1914 N. 24th. X-lorenco Drug Co., Florence, Neb, Ooluman Pharmacy. 2oth and Lake. (jreen's Pharmacy, cornur Park Ave., and auciaa. (Jreenough, O. A.. 1926 8. 10th St. Greenough, O. A., 124 8. Unit St. Hayden, Wm. C, Farnam St. Hanacom Park Pharmacy, 1601 3. 28th Ave, ilolst, John, 6"4 K. 16th St. Muff, A. L., 2V24 Leavenworth St. King, H. S., 2228 Farnam St. Koniitre Place Pharmacy. S6o4 N. ilth. Patrick Drug Co.. Ii24 N. 24th fit. LaUtrop. Chaa, ."3., 1324 N. 24th St. Peyton, L. Kg 24th and Leavenworth. Haratoaa Drua Co . 24th and Ameii Ave. Schaefer's Cut Prl'-e Drug Co., liith and Hchsefor, August. 2031 N. 1th 8t. Nchmldt, J. 11., 24th and Cuming 8t. . ritorm Pharmacy, loth and Martha Sts. Wainut Hill Pharmacy, 4')th and Cuming. Walton Pharmacy. 2uth and Clraoe. Worth. O. 11.. 40th and Hamilton Sts. LODGE NOTICES. S Maaonie Funeral Notice. I.tembera of ' St. John's lodge No. 25. A... lent hreti and Accepted Masons, are re- Suested to sisemble at Masonic hall Tuea ay at 1 p. m. for the purpose of attending tr.e tuner;, l or our deceased brother, Adolph B. Iluberman. Members of alster lou"s and sojourning Master Masons are a!so Invited to Join with ua on this occasion, ty order of the master. CEHEimiNa, Secretary. ANNOUNCEMENTS We Guarantee YOU A TELEaRAPHt JOB. Union Pa cific dispatchers' wire and complete equipment of station blanks for practice Installed In our telegraphy department, Boyles Business College' Boyle Bldg.. Omaha. Students admitted any day. Get tha catalogue. Clr-8l SKN PAINTING-S. H. COLE. 1302 Doug- (1)-901 f HB C'TT GARBAGE CO., office 4th and I-eavenworth Sts. Tel. Douglas 1387. (D-603 AUT0M03ILES . For Sale or Trade, Reo Automobile. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO, . 1st Floor N. V. 1,. Bldg. Tel. Doug. 1781. (I) M702 BEND for our Hat of second hand automo- pues. pgHHiHT, 11 Farnam. (2) 9U3 BARTER AND EXCHANGE UP.TO-DAh"K stock of general merchan dise. Invoice $7,000.00, for eale at OS eenta on the dollar, for cash, or will trade for Income city property or land. Improved Iowa faroia for aale or trade, phone us what you have. KANE A VAN TUTL. 'Phones 113. Council Bluffs, Ia. (8) M902 9x FOR EXCHANGE; 240 acres, Henry county. Missouri; gently undulating, fine soil, well located; luc. 85,0i); price. StO per acre. Want mdse. for equity. H, 10. r)tx. Clin ton. Mo. (3)-M78 x J5. O. OANOFilTAD ran help yeu get In or out of business. Room 403 Bee Bins'., Omaha. 14) M A LIVE ONE. Have a rood mining stock to trade What have you? L isi, care Bee. 3)-M127 WAKTFTWre exchange 70 head registered Hxseford cattle for weetem range mares. Address N. Halaey, 105 Monadnock Block, Chicago. 3 M233 x WANTEJ-A lumber yard wall located. In voicing at about 830.OUS.Oo. In exchange fnr good fann lands at cash value. Ad-rt-ees N. Halaey, oJ6 Monadnock, Chicago. (8 M231 x ton SALE OR EJCCHANOE-Blackamlth ahop, tools, lot and rssldencs; good busi ness; want part cash; make olYxr. Box 143. MoDdamlo, la (3) MS 13z WIIX. TRACK Oregon timber land for took of hard wars. Swennlng. Panama, ! ISi M I2x BUSINESS CHANCES' DHUO BTOBEB for aale everywhere. F. V cvaiest, 707 N. T. Lite, Omaha, (44V-906 ' .RFJ TOU Intereated In good dividend paying eopper stocks: ruvw Is the golden opportunity for lovestnicut In flraT-clasi avcunviae: we bur and sell reputable srouas aoa seounuse Of every M. W. LEE CD. aad Broke ra. Dulath. Wan. (O-Mlst Q, Us 0"B of tba best frolt and confectionery auras la ottjr; small grocery end lunoh bveiiieaai In eoonecUwn doing business of H.' a niatli, Owner has etiier bualness, reaaoo fur aetlUig. 3i N. lsih. (4 sue lis. TOn FEHT TMacksmlth shop with some Ujlf in Benson. Inquire lvt & Jl.t Bt. 40 Jdifcllux WAjrrSTA partr with row to Invest Id a bualvese tliat will net you Jl.iuO au i aaaily. Addjeag 4, Bee. 14-MJS lx BUSINESS DIRECTORY Continued. 1 MONET MAKINf S1CCBET9-100 of them, every one a winner; 64 paren, 10 cnta. Standard Supply Co., Independence, Mo, (4 MST'i HI ROOMING HOUSE, 11 large rooms, near poatofflce; net monthly Income Inu to .o; great bargain for 8476. See J. E. Keyes, li,7 8. 17tli. t4 HliV lr. TH1RTT steam-heated rooma near pnst office; net monthly Income 8150: great bargain. Apply 107 8. 17th. t)-Mlw 1'rx ROOMING houses for aale. from smallest to larrest: ran loan part purchase money Oaborne-Hansrn Co., 441 Paxton Work, (4)-Ml J7 FINE RFJSTAfRANT and furniture, in eouthern Nebraska, for KBle cheap, on account of alckness, or would trade for farm stock with lento on good SO seres In southeast Nebraska. Address T 65, care Bee. (4) Miss lax FOR SALE General atore on Gulf coast line. Finest climate In l nited Btatea best bargain In southwest. Box 14. Sarlta. Tex. (D-M833 lzx WORLD'S GREATEST INVENTION Egg sterilising machine; dmonstrated at pure food show Omaha, Mannger with secures i Interest. No humbug. Hmitn, Tama, la. mi iax FOR RENT To responsible parties, best equipped dining room and kitchen In the city, having 125 steady boarders and get i per monin ror taoie Donra. naresa, Box nTfi, La junta, loio. t4 ihdjo nx FOR SALE Good drug stock In a pros perous mining town of 8,000 people; fine location; cauve oi selling, poor neaun. For full partlculare call or write to O. 8. Wood, M. D.. S2i N. Y, L. Bldg., Omaha, Neb. 4 n Xix FOR BALE OR TRADE Part furnlahlngs 3s-room hotel for 3i0 lot, small house, clara or amall grocery considered; mod ern house, good commercial trade, good town; rent 800 per month. Address Y S2, care Bee. H)-Mia lox NEWSPAPER FOR RALE For 27 years I have published the Hardy Herald. I want to quit about the first of the year. Good line or hand-power material and a clean, ensh business. Population of town 800. Ralph K. Hill. Hardy, Neb. Would anil on monthly payment to reliable party. (4) M120 16X THE new Palmer hotel and furniture for Bale, or furniture without building. This la without exception tho best hotel and hotel city between Denver and Lincoln: 60 rooms, 8-story, steam-heated brtek building; an elegant billiard hall In build ing; everything new and In good condi tion; doing all the hueineea house can do: hotel and billiard hull, clearing over 85,Vi0 a year: on account or neoith, must re tire; will sell for one-half the value, but strictly rash. Address James Rooney, McCook, Neb. (4) M118 17x A SNAP A No. 1 gas works In an Iowa , city ror aale; a money. maker for the rlpht party. Can be bought at a low price and good terms. Owner Is moving awoy. wouia mite some good income property in exchange. Address E. E Rowe, room 200, U. B. B., Sioux City. Ia. W M117 16x FOR SALE Best paying and located drug store in Missouri; must sen; eaay terma. Address lock box 4, Maitland, Mo. (4)-Mlll 16x FOR SALE or exchange; a first-class tail orlng and cleaning establishment. lo caled In Council Bluffa; a good proposi tion. Aaaress a. Vernon, Kertlck hlork, vriuauu, ifD. I4 IV1UVJ 10 I WANT to meet a capable man who will put some money with me In a deal which will give ua an Independent business Rigid Investigation invited and references exenanged. Address O 670, care Fee. (4) M140 10 BUSINESS CH A NCE For aale. or will trade for good Improved farm, a harness 'shop, Including bulldlnga and lot, located In good live town in South Dakota; good territory from which to draw trade, and good class of thrifty farmers; only ahop In town. Write care of postomce, Box ui. r uuon, e. u. (4) M793 llx MILLINERY HTORB- For sale or exchange; what have you for an up-to-date millinery store doing .good business In best location. Reasonable rent; will sell cheap If taken at once; mum pive up on account or atcknesa. Address i itt, nee. (4) M73 llx IF looking for a good reliable business with large Income on small Investment with no competition, which will bear n thorough Investigation, call 212 N. 17th pi. caraway. (4) M2J6 tx ROOMING HOI'SEB FROM T TO 40 nuuiwa; ukuk LIST ALWAYS; BAR GAINS. KEYSTONE, 404 BEE BLDQ.. 4 MS29 D23 TO GET IN OR OPT OF BI7S1NESS CALL ON WILLIAMS, 411 M'CAGUE cijilJl.-Nli, l&Tri AND DODGE STS. (4)-801 WANTED Printer with 8100; rare oppor tunity. Printer B.. Fremont, Neb. 4) M7S3 lOx THIS IS A SNAP Eighty aeree Jn Mlseouxi; will sell for cash or will trade; title, good and no en- cumurance. M tjb, care Bee. (3)-M12 Do You Wish to Make a Change IF YOU have a farm, home, bualneaa or property inoi you wiah to sell or ex change, write ua. GLOBE LAND AND INVESTMENT CO.. CO-M360 D21 FOR SALE An up-to-date blacksmith shop and feed mill; with or without tools and macninery; also a 6-room dwelling, res son for selling other business. Mrs. H. K. Lundt, Pleasant Lako, N. D. (4) M94 tx BUSINESS DIRECTORY Commercial Artists. H. O. BUNNELL & CO.. 823 N. T. Life. Asuugtes oiw. ta 807 Carpet Cleaning;. SANITARY Cleaning Co., 131 Farnam. (6-4K Cbattel L Cbaa. D. Stanton Loan Co., 601 Bee Bldg. Chuopodtat. DR. ROT,' R. t ISO Farnam St. Doug. 8487. W fi Chlmaer Sweep, CTTT chimney sweep. Chimneys, furnaces r" " k r vium ua repairea. l eL t0"- ()-4C78 U Oeasaerles. DAVID CO LB CREAMERT CO.', successor jvmin.w tciuery v-o., dmauS DeatUta. BAILEY MACH, 3d fir. Paxton. D. lose . tl HIS Jewelers aad Watchmakers. 1. P. STILLING Watch, clonk. Jewelry lepelrlng. -8 Paxton Blk. TeL 4S7. - i-H4 Dreaesaaklnaj. W FAMTTJZS-MUg Sturdy. Tel. Hamey - ti ij S JUST WAISTS and party drone. JOTl nl SO, K , . . . v. ... ya una jb M' DO WELL Dressmaking school, lrt Far. MMFS. WOODRUFF, 23 Kerllle Rlk. Tel. Fieri sts. ITO6A A BWOBODA. 14U5 JTwrnam. 5-4H HNDJRSON, llt Famam. TeX D. 1A . (6-4U7 H. HAITI, im Haraey. Tel. Dong, twjo, tk)-i Uetels. THII SC7ILITZ, European, llth aad Harney C 111 Leebamltha, 7 x-. Heflln, UA Farnam. Tel. IX fc).'C The man wanlinfl help and the man wanting work meet on common ground on The BEE want ad page USE BUSINESS DIRECTORY i tL'ontlnued.) Maslo and Langaages. PIANO lessons in your home. 'Phone Webster r.2. (a)-143 Machine Work. WE solicit your orders for all kinds of ma chine work and repairs. Accuracy and goon workmansnip guarsnteea. Auto matic work our BDeclaltv. Get our prices, Th. Bearing Co. of America. ISth and Nicholas Sts. 6 M162 uec n Osteopathy. JOHNSON INS.. tlTlY. L. Tel. D. IW4. Dr. Bowser, over 1502 Far'm. Tel. Dong. 6370. (5) M7C4 J3 Offlee "applies. FILING cabinets, files and ledgers, loose leaf devices and office fixtures and sup riles of all kinds. Anchor Publishing Co., 806 S. 18th St. Tel. Douglas 66A3. (u M867 Decll Prlntlnsj. BEFORE placing your 1908 calendar order don't fall to see our elegant Imported line. Lyngstad tt Jorve. printers, 16th and Capitol Ave. (6) 28 HIGH GRADE Imitation typewritten let ters and Job printing; no job too large or too small. Anchor Publishing Co., 306 8. Kith St. Tel. Douglas 6561 (B)-M7S J3 Photographers. TRU6SELL, 116 South lfitl St. (6j 924 Safea, Shutters, Eto. OMAHA Safe and Iron Works makes A specialty of fire escapea, shutters, doors and safes. G. Andreen, Prop., 102 8. 10th Bt, (6) 922 r Shoe Repairing;. RAPID SHOE REPAIR CO.. flnrt-claas work. 1618A Capitol Ave. 'Phone Red KM. (5) 926 SHOES repaired right, called for and de livered free. Standard Shoe Repair Co., 1804 Farnam St. Tel. D. 7M7. 5-MTC HELP WANTED FEMALE . . Factory and Trades. LADIES Our catalogue explains how we teach halrdressing, manicuring, facial massage, etc., in few weeka; mailed free. Moler College, Chicago, 111 (7)-MS91 12s Housekeepers and Domestics. WOMEN'S DOMESTIC GUILD, 1902 Farnam St. Cook, $7; housemaid, 86; no laundry. Housemaid, 86. Child's nurse, 85. Cook and general housework, 85 to 87. (7) M1SH 9 WOMEN for day work; housekeepers, waitreaaes, 823. Canadian office, 15th And Dodge. (7) 727 GIRL for general housework, 8090 Mercy St. Mrs. Wm. F. Baxter. Tel. Hamey 2861. (7)-M275 WANTED Chambermaid and dining room girl, cook and wife to handle kitchen; big wages for good, clean and willing work ers. Markle Hotel, A. F. Swart. Prop., ' Beatrice, Neb. 7 M235 11 WANTED Competent : girl for general housework; good wages. 1014 No. 40th St. (7) M693 x WANTED Good girt for general house work; three in family, klrs. A. H. Fet ters, 2711 Poppleton Ave. (7) "80 GIRL for general housework; no washing, no cooking. 139 S. Slst St. (7) 815 llx WANTED A girl for general housework. ton Mason Bt. (7) 863 12 WANTED Capable girl for houaework. Mrs. R. S. Hall. 8260 Farnam. (7) 912 9 WANTED A girl for general housework; two in romily: good wages. Applv Mrs. Shean, No. 4 Fort Crook. ' (7) M173 lOx LADY cook for hotel, must be capable of doing pastry as well as meat cooking. Hotel Vera. Wagner, S. D. (ill 215 10 WANTED Good neat girl for general housework, amall family. Call Hamey 210. (7) M221 14 GIRL for general housework: amall house, amall family: good wages; reference. Mrs. C. S. Stebblns, U0 Park Wilde Ave. Tel. Doug. 2594. (7) M223 EXPERIENCED girl for general house work; 2 In family. 1821 Cass St. (7) M222 10 Miscellaneous. LADIES AND GIRLS to stamp transfers at home; 81.60 to 83 dozen. 608 Paxton Blk. (7) M808 11 HUSTLERS wanted everywhere, 825 to 830 made weekly, cnstriDtiung circulars, over seeing out-dcor advertising; new plan; no canvassing. Merchanta Out-Door Adver tising Co., Chicago. (7) M884 lSx WANTED 1.000 girls to have their plc- lurea isaen hi tne iioxy Diunio, til; m. 16th. 26 photos 26c. (71869 12x HELP WANTED MALE Agents, Solicitors and Salesmen. WANTED Salesmen in every Nebraska city for apectalty line. Oooda guaranteed; demand increasing and permanent. High grade, ambitious men only. National Sales Co., 427 Kamge Bldg., Omaha. (9 MJ7 J4 MANAGERS or salesmen for a few branches, to aell "IT (improved aoaps). in different parts of the city and coun try. Rare opportunities offered. Our uninterrupted success In Chicago since 1876 and our reputation guarantee proper treatment. Address "IT'ci" makers, Geo. A. Schmidt Co., 4U5 North Ave., Chicago. (9) 728 ( CIGAR SALESMEN wanted In your local ity to represent us; exptri'ient unneces sary; PV per month and expenses; write for particulars. Monroe Cigar ", To ledo. O. (9) M0 13x WANTED A gooi all-around harness maker: steaoy jod; gooa wages, n. o. Kckdahl, W auaa. Neb. (9) M3U x I WANT a few men In outalde towns to aaslat In special work; no canvassing. Address J 618, care Bee. (9 661 9x AGENTS wanted to sell patented system for playing mandolin and guitar; shortest and most perfect system; can learn as easy as A. H. C; big profit. N a' tonal Bohool of Uualo, Sedalla. Mo. () M22x . . dewiest! aad Ofnoe. A GOOD male stenographer In R. R office. Address F 7. oare Bee. () M179 lOx Manager general mdse. etore, flMi Manager real estate office: most be well acquainted In Omaha. 81U0. tie vera! city solicitors, salary or com mission. If In nee4 of a position call on WESTERN REF. A BOND A88N., TNC. 723 N. Y. Life B14g. (9)-M234 t Factory and Trade. POSITIONS for drug men everywhere. F. V. Knleat. 107 N. Y. Life, Omaha. oji saw WANTED Men to learn barber trade; the demard for barbers greater than supply; graduates earn aplenfiid pay; tools given; wages Saturdays; few weeks complete. Call or write for catalogus. Moler Barber College, 110 8. 14th St. (9) Mm llx WANTED at once, ons onat and one pants and vest maker. Ceaia. ; pants and vest. 34. Carl P. LJndsorants. Hold res a, Nso. ( M748 ft!'M".IHJ HELP WANTED MALE Factory and Trades Continued. WANTED All plasterers to stay away from Seattle. Wash.; trade very dull; luO men Idle: bav no attention to advertise ments for plasterers. E. E. CUMMING, Secretory O. P. L A. No. 77. ()-71 9X WANTED First-class compositors for non union shop; middle west territory. Ad dress H-614, care Bee. (9) 817 11 WANTED-At once, 60 barber atudents to learn barber trade. Complete for only 81a lo those who enter within the next few daya. Can earn board from start Write, phone or call. American Barber college, mn and Douglaa sts. (91-M21J lOx Bllscellaneena. FREE Employment Bureau, supported by men find positions. Call 842 New York T Til J . M n win "ug. t afilu ueo. at U. S. Navy wants young men between ages of 17 and 26; men with special trades accepted up to 35 years. Good opportunities for promotion for efficient men. Pay 818 to 370 per month, prac tically clear of living expenses. Free I. .i ,.v.. Alaklnc of a Man-o'-Wai iman." Visit ur tuure-B wavy necruitinr station, SPECIAL OFFER Owing to the large number of clerical Bales and technical positions which we pos. IHvelv mii.l en . i . ( .. Ta .1 . n j T .. ary, we will make a reduction of 20 per cent to all registering with us during the month of December. We have several positions as bookkeepers, clerks and aalesmen at $05 to 3125. Theae Ml 11.1 V,. 1 1 1 - , GUARANTEE REF. AND SURETY CO.. w-i jtiranaeia ciiag. (9-MS09 U WANTED For a ranch In central Ne- urasiia, a single man, thoroughly ac quainted with the care of hoga on a large scale. Good wagea. Address with riJL-lLL.Vnl? ha Neb. (9) 720 8 HELP WANTED- . MALE AND FEMALE) WANTED Educated men and women ca pable of earning from 3200 to 810 per month, to sell the new INTERNA TIONAL ENCLYCOPBDIA In Nebraska, South Dakota and western Iowa. In quire at 718 N. Y. Life Bldg., Omaha, (1U M961 10 LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horses and Vehicles. ONE l-eat. two runabouts, ton bum. all rubber-tired, hack harness, one double express narness; one or two horses. v,ome in. ins narney au tstaoles. (U)-3X HORSES and cattle wintered. Address H, llassel, Irvington. Neb. (11) M738 lOx Poaltry and Eggs. GOVT, book free. Model Squab Co., Omaha. (ID M707 J2 HOME of prize winners, Barred and White Rock chickens, hens, pullets, white guineas, r-emn aucKi. Eggs In season. Duroc-Jersey boars. Mr. and Mrs. F, A. Van Antroup. Lohrvllle, la. (1D-M834 12x CHOICE Rhode Island Red cockerels; oeautiea; enner como, sibo a. (J. 14. leg horna; to close out, 81.00 each. E. Brack Havensvtlle, Kan. (11) M192 14x each; white Coachln bantam cockerels, 31, White Plymouth Rock hens 81 or 810 dot. Mrs. J. B. Chenoweth, Gove City, Kan. (1D-M228 14x BUFF Wyandotte cockerels, also Imperial Pekln ducks. Mrs. R. E. Thompson, Alli son, Is. (11) M232 16x Cows, Birds, Dogs and Peta. RED POLLED cattle for sals. C. M Chambers, Bartlett, la. (1D-M567 Dec21z FOR SALE My entire herd of registered Angus came. w. m. Marpin, creston, Ia. (11)-M887 13x FOR SALE Fox. wolf and rabbit hounds for partlculare address Turner & Rlffa, mo., n. r . i-f. ino. 4. , (Il)-M9i0 22x LOST AND FOUND LOST Saturday afternoon. In Brandela toilet room, large leather handbag, con taining money and valuable papers. Re ward for return to Bee office. (12)-M162 x FOUND J. Hansen, upholstering and fur niture repairing. 1612 N. 24th. Tel W. 3316 12-909 J 6 LOSTA-On 18th of July, between 16th and iirvciiwonn streets ana zftn and Turn ing, one diamond earring,' screw style, cut setting. Return to restaurant, 203 Cuming St., and received reward. Mrs. P. Nielsen. (12)-M171 lOx MEDICAL BEST nerve bracer for men. "Gray's Nerve Food Pllla,'" 31 a box, postpaid. Sherman aV McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. (U)-S33 RUPTURE CURED No knife, no reten tion irom Business. VJulck Cure Rupture Co.. over B. W. oor. 14th and Douglas, Omaha. (12) 934 FREE medical and aurglcal treatment at creigmon Medical college, 14th and Dav enport Bts. ; special attention paid to con finement cases; all treatment supervised by college profossors. 'Phone Douglas 1167. Calls answered day or night. (1-129 ANY poor girl In need of friend call or write to the matron of the Salvation Army Home for Women at 3824 N. 24th St., Omaha, Neb. (12) M10 MONEY TO LOAN ALARY AND CHATTELS DR. PRTBBENOW'S MONET loaned on furniture, planoa, horses, etc., any . amount: less half rates: perfect pri vacy and immediate attention, on any terma. payments suspended when sick or disabled. 214 Karbach Blk., 208 8. 16th Bt. (14 Money for Christmas Are you ready for the holiday season? Count the days from now until Christmas and see If you'll not be wise to preps re now. Early buying means best selection and choicest things. Come to the Old Re liable "OMAHA MORTGAGE." We will not ask you to begin paying ua back until February, OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO.. 118 Board of Trade, 11 h 6u Entrance. (14)-MT13 MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE and others without security; esay pay menta Offices In (3 prlnclpsl cities. Tol t.ian, room 714 New York Life Bidg. (14) W3 MONP.V to loan. Low rste. In sums to "U1UJ1 suit. 310 Bee Bldg. Tel. Douglas 2904. Union Loan Co. (14 MiA FOR A SQUARE DEAL GO TO TH ID PBOENIX CREDIT CO. For Chattel or Salary Leans. 633 Paxton Block. 'Phone Douglas 746, - (U)-93 FURNITURE, live stock, salary loana Dun! Green Loan Co., room 8, Barker Blk. (1) 43 Bowen, 703 N. Y. Life Bldg. advaaees private money en ohattela er salary; easy te get; no red tape. Yea get money same day asked for at small onst. &Pa evenings till a a). (14) ail H SXS3 MONEY TO LOAN Salary aad Chattels Coatlnned. rONEY TO LOAN- In sums to suit 810 Bee Bldg. Thone ivougias awi l Is XUX4 LOAN CO. (14) M103 26 EAGLE LOAN OFFICE Reliable, accom modating; all business confidential, lyil Douglas. - (14) 40 NEBRASKA Credit Co.. 214 Doard of Trade (14) Mt is CHATTEL, salary and storsge recelr loans, r oiey ixan Co., 1j04 Farnam 8 U4)-t OFFERED P0R RENT Boarding; aad Rooma. VTKJNNA hotel; private dining rooma; cafe. (15 944 DEWBI European Hotel, 13th and Farnam. (15) VERY desirable room, fine location, walk Ing distance, first class board. 213 8. Jfitb Bt. Ob) 724 9X STRICTLY modern furnished rooms, home coosuDg. foone tied tbus. sen Howard FURNISHED rooms and board at 513 south 28th St. (16) T8 BOARD and room close in; one large room, suuaoie ror two; aiao single room; rel erences required. 114 So. lith St. (16)-MV28 17x MODERN furnished rooms, wlthor with out, Doara, ton cnicsgo Bt. (16) M3K5 lux ROOM and board in private family; gentlemen. Tel. Red 5171. (16) M175 14 Furnished Rooms. TWO FURNISHED ROOMS for S young iiicn or i young taaies, witn or witnotil board. In private family; modern, with every convenience; price reasonable to inic9, can toaay. au Dewey. (15-M818 WE DO expert piano moving at lowest prices. Tel. Douglaa 1626., Sohmoller A ftiueuer i iano Co., 1M1-1313 Farnam. (15)-946 OMAHA VAN Storage Co.. pack, move, tore H. H. goods; storehouse 1120-24 N. 19th. Office, 1609 Farnam. Tel. Doug. 1669. (16) 947 HOUSEHOLD goods oacked. forwarded cheap freight ratea. movlnar and atoiase. Expressmen's Delivery Co., Tel. Douglas . (16) 949. FURNISHED room, very desirable. 640 a. Z4tn Bt. (16) M142 D15 WELL heated furnished room, single or ror ugni housekeeping. 2126 Sherman AVO. (16) M69S CENTRAL, steam heat, swell furnished large front room; hard to beat. 220 W. ZSd. (15) 466 WARM furnished rooma; new, modern nouse; near boarding house; 88 and 310. mi DO. ZStn Bt. (16) 446 24 FURNISHED pleasant south room, for gentleman. In private family; walking distance. Aaaress K. 6W, csre Alee. (15)-M131 lOx FOR RENT Two or three furnished rooms at 810 Worthlngton St., opposite Brownell Hall: reasonable nrices for the winter. Inquire on premises or at 440 Board of iraae Bldg., or 'phone Douglas 1510. (16) M118 10 LARGE south room with alcove anltable iww o, inrei genuemen preterrea aiv r arn&m Dl. ti&; ltx WARM south front room In new strictly muuern net, rnvaie lamny. wis lodge tioj nun n A w eiegani moaern rurnianea rooms, witn hot water; board if desired. 1703 JJoage Bt, (16) M168 10X a. BiKiuTLT modern furnished room brand new flat; gentleman preferred r-none uougias 2230. (lb) Mill 10 FURNISHED, steam heated rooms. 234 f arnam, 3d floor. 'Phone Douglas 4914. (15) 226 10 FURNISHED room, steam heated, private ramuy. 610 Bo. 17th Ave. (16) M507 14x TOR RENT To two young gentlemen with reisrences, a suite or two very desirable rooms in private nome in Kountze Place 320 per month. Address D 611, Bee. (15)-5S FURNISHED front room to gentleman wno ia rona or playing bllllarda. 1621 win at. Tel. Webster 4140. '16) M181 TWO south front furnished rooms. 2616 Bt unary s Ave. Tel. uoug. 6896. (161-M791 18x TO gentleman, well furnished southeast rront room with aloove; modern; pri vate family. Tel. Harney 2296. 702 8. 29th Bt- (16) 867 13 rnMIYIRTi TtT.TR mnrwt In nl. Plenty oi neat; ugni ana not water. iz a nr.w o. .... a.v . 3 DU lOf BIB 1. NICELY furnished rooms in new modern nat.. 214 N. 26th Bt. Tel. Doug. 8998. (15) 914 12 2118 DOUGLAS St.; good table board. (16) M826 1IX LIGHT housekeeping rooms. 808 8. 21st St. (16) MfciS 9x CI.KJAN rooms X! In tl rr week MO N, lth St. 06) MILS 14k Untarnished Rooms. THREE rooms, unfurnished. 1120 North lYtn Bt. (16)-90 THREE rooms for housekeeping. ICnquIre 1D1S n. ititn Bt. (16) M74 1UX FOUR rooms for housekeeping: all modern, Z1J6 Emmet Bt. (15) M948 14x Honsekeeplaa; Rooma. STEAM-HEATED furnished or unfurnished housekeeping rooma; u9 S. 19th St. O5)-M800 11 FOR RENT Two furnished rooms for Usht housekeeping, with all conveniences le.70 f arnam Bt. (16 1 M696 x HOUSEKEEPING Two handsomely fur nished, sunny rooms; first floor: modern. No. 8u8 N. 22d St., near Davenport. (16)-M127 lOx HOUSEKEEPING rooms furnished, also smsll sleeping rooms. 1713 Jackson. (16) MM 16X FOR RENT Two excellent modern fur nished rooma for housekeeping; 'phone In houae. 1674 Haroay St. (16 77t LIGHT housekseplng front room, aloove, furnished, 313. 622 S. t4th Ave. 05)-al8 llx THREE beautifully furnished rooms, pri vate family, first floor, modern (1st, steam heat (always warm). 213 N. 23d Bt. (16)-18 11 FRONT parlor for housekeeping, rang Far nam St. (16) MK9 10x THREE rooms to rent for light house- keeping; reasonable terma. 2672 Spauld ' Ing St. (16) 214 14 x FOUR or five unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping; furnace; walking distance. 2221 Burt BU (16) M171 14 Faralaaed Tlonsea. 8-ROOM furnished cottage; everything modern. Inquire 2106 Ohio. Tel. Webster 193. (16) M964 lOx II eases and Cottages. FOR RENT Detached f-room . modern house, good neighborhood, two blocks from Beuth 14th Bt. Una, Phone Maple C01. (14 M7 10 (108 M AflCT St., new modern 6-room house. Inquire Tut H. 17th s)t- Oiy M960 lOx sin.."ym! l,ynfir OFFERED FOR RENT 8-ROOM modern house, good location, 1.11 h and Vinton Sts. Inanlre 1411 Vinton Bt. (16) Ml 10X FOUR rooms. 15 N. 24th St. Martin Harris, 9 8. 13th Bt. (16 M1W 211 J CLARK 8T., d-toom cottage, modern except furnace. 20. 2210 Clark St.. 6-room cottage, modern ex cept furnace, vacant Ieo. 10, 81. 8207 South 21st a., 6-rouin cottage, city water, lis. 717 South Slst St.. 7 rooms, all modern. 3?0. 86t'2 Seward 8'.. 8-room houae, large yard. cltv water, 315. 802 South 29th St., 7 rooms first floor, mod ern exrpt furnace, 20. McCAGUK 1NVKSTMENT CO., 1X Dodge St. (15)-11 8TH houae N. of Ames Ave. on beautiful Florence blvd., 6 rooms, all modern ex- cept furnace, 825. Owner pays water. HARRISON A MORTON, 912-913 N. Y. Life. Tel. Dong. 314. (15)-908 FOR RENT Eight-room modern house. u iNorm 3it at., THOMAS BflENNAN. Room 1. New York Life Building. (161-952 "519 Parker street, 4 rosms; HI. 1S11 N. I4th. 6 rooms: 314. TURRELL & CO., Rm. 17, Patterson Bldg. (ID) Moll 6-room house modern throughout, location the best In .own. 211 8. Soth Ave. Tele phone Douglas 1866 for particulars. Wm. H. uoaemanii. (i) auni CHEAP RENT WARM HOUSES. 7-r. houso, 3239 Evans 311.50 7-r. house, 4713 Davenport 16.00 10-r. house, mod., 2913 Hickory 80.00 J. H. FARROTTE, 325 BOARD TRADEv (15)-18 FOR RENT Two six-room cottages, mod ern except furnace; one 325, the other W. H. THOMAS, 606 First National Bank Bldg. (15) M130 Wbt FOR RENT 9-room modern brick real dence. 1126 8. Slst St; :tf.00. Thomas Brennan, Room 1, New York Life Bldg. (16) M146 1910 Webater, 8-room brick flat, cloee In. roomers, newly decorated, large yard In rear, 345. 702 N. 4.ith, t rooms, all modern, on cor line, . 8. 81st, 7 rooms, new, all modern, near rarnam, HO. 22"1 Locust, 7 rooms, modern except heat, 325. 2717 8. 8th, city water, gas, one block east oi soutn end or Farnam line. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO.. 1001 N. Y. Life Bldg. 'Phone Douglaa 2152. (16)-M147 1609 LOTHROP STREET, 6 rooms, all moaern, izu.oo. 2038 Pierce street, 6 rooms, partly mod ern. 316.00. 2621 Burdette street, I rooms, city water, 11. uu. BIRKETT & TEBBENS. 423 Bee Bldg. 'Phone D. 4754. (15) M176 TWO nine well-Vteateri rooms vltVi rr wllk. out uoara; gentlemen preierred; close aown town. lei. . rjuz. (15) 910 9x 4-ROOM house and barn. 409 William St., in rear, 613. Chris Boyer, 22d and Cum ing. (15) 925 LARGE e-room cottage, modern except fur nace. 1534 S. 28th 8t. Inquire M. J. ureevey. -rnone riarney Z3ao. (15) 166 FOR RENT 4806 North 24th St., six rooms. moaern except iurnace. j.i. (10) Hbl TIOTTSF.S ln D,rt of ,h 'y- XiV u Crelgh Sons A Co.. Bee Bldg. ICV nit iiuuolo Tru.t Co N Y L(t9 Bldr 116) W1 Maggard Van A Storage Co., 1712 Webster. (16) 960 6-ROOM house for rent; modern except neat, us rticaory du inquire zui so. lllll. . no; SIS FOR RENT 8-room, strictly modern bouse. Bemls Park district, 3415 Charles Bt. Ap ply ouo jorown bik. (lo) w7 x FOR RENT 8-room modern flat, opposite nansccm rarg; ist. i-non boutn 7. (16)-954 HOUSES, Insurance, Rlngwalt, Barker Blk. (16) 160 SIX-ROOM house. 1717 Webster. s (15) M840 13 Offices. FOR RENT. Two fine, large office suites In the Con tinental block, choice location for physi cian or dentist. ALFRED C. KENNEDY. '209 First National Bank Building. (15)-783 FOR RENT Two large offices ln the First Natlonal Bank Bldg., having outalde en trances on i nirteentn Bt. (16) M928 16 FOR RENT Office room No. 7, Crounse block (opposite postomce) 3 per month. Apply to ionraa xoung, i&ii uoage Ht. (10) 61370 FOR RENT-Desk room in Bee office. City Hall Bldg., 417 N. 2&th St.. South Omaha. Apply to manager. (16) 184 GROUND floor office In Bee building for rem. very cneap. reiers Trust Company, (lb) 216 PRIVATE office with Joint uae of reception room, teiepnone ana stenographer, In new Brandels Bldg. Write in care of D 694, umana oee. ( oumi Sti SECOND floor 38x1 w; steam heat. Palace Clothing t-o., mi n ana uougias nt. (16)-623 ONE store room in new Scargo Bldg. In South Omaha, near postomce, with lighted basement, modern show windows and awninga; beat possible location. Hail Dis tributer Co.. 817 Firat National Bink Bldg. 'Phone Red 7406. (16) 962 FOR RENT Large etore room and base ment at 1646 Nortn )tn Bt.; (12.00 per month. Apply to conraa xoung, imi Dodge Bt. (16) MI70 OFFERED FOR SALE ANCHOR and Iron fencing; wire fencing 60 per foot. 206 N. 12th St. Tel. Red 614. IB) ISM Plaaoa, Organs, Maaloal lastraaseats. EXTRAORDINARY 'PIANO BARGAINS. A great holtdsy sale Is now on at tha warerooms of Schmollur A Mueller Piano Co. You will do yourself an Injustice If you fail to examine this wondertul siock before closing a aeai. isew rsieinrway, Steger, Emerson. Hardman, A. B. Chase, McPhull and 13 other makes are of fered at prices that lose sight of coat. Notice our bargains In used instruments. "60 Wagner upright, only 3 ao.w 3276 J. P. Hale upright, only 96.00 8u0 Kimball upright, ebony caae, only 116.00 t?0 Knabe upright, only 128.00 Harvrianme new uorlsrhta In mahogany, burl walnut and golden oak cases, 814t. lo snd ud. 3400 Voae A Hons, square, .a. Emerson, arood tone. 846.00 Btelnway, Chickerlng. Knabe and Kranlch A Bach, square planoa, 8nt. P, 375 and up. Terms. 13 to 310 cssh and B(k to 31 per week. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. We rent. tune. move, reualr and rennien planoa at lowest prices. Instruments se lected now will be held for Christmas de livery, if desired. Sr-HMOLLBR A MUELLER PIANO CO. 1311-1313 Farnam St. Telephone Douglas iJ3 (m M790 VAD O A Y 1. OnLaMn. .1... mlwvtnmt W use a one yesr; also piano piayer, witn music; jw. inquire uot vinton i. (16)-Ma60 9x PIANO Practically new. For sale, cheap for caan, bv young man ieaving ciy. Address H 664. care of Bee. (16) 923 20 Tyseverlters aaa 9twlag Maehlaes. FOR 8 ALE High grads secondLliand type writer; good condition; a bargain at 84 Call room U3, Bee Bldg. u) .l HO OIJVER TysewTlter. 835; nearly new. J N. 16th E (U)-613 11 g I OFFERED FOR SALE (Continued.) Hlaeellaaeooe. ' FOR CHRISTMAS Gas and Electric Table Lamps, Largest assortment in the city Always acceptable never too many Buy now Deliver when ready. "After-Holiday Prices." First Como-r-First Choice. BUKGESS GRANDEN CO., 313 So. 15th. ; (18) 448 WORTHINGTON . DUPLEX PUMP ' COO-gallon Worthlngton duplex pump, slie 12xlOHxll, for sale. This pump has seen about six months' actual service and Is in good condition; will sell at a bargain. Apply W. 11. Bridges, engineer Dee Bldg. ' (16)-670 ONYX SODA FOUNTAIN. One 12-ayruD lluuld: one 24-avrun Undid: one 16-syrup American; one 18-ayrup Lip plncott. All rehnished and silver plated. Every one a bargain. Monthly payments. Deright, 1818 Farnam St. (16) MioO DeelS WANTED You to know, that banana coffee and banana (lour are the moot wholesome and nourishing food products. Send 25c In siamna for trial Dirkita . Texas Food Product Co., Tsxas City, lexss. (10) MBZS llx SCIIULZE & BLATTERT Newsdealers and Stationers. Subscriptions received for any jperlodlosi published. A large variety of Christmas and new vesr cards. Ill So. 16th Bt. Tel. Red 2S4X (1 M900J6 POR SALE Several show cases, new pea nut roaster, isrgs entree mill, two large automatic oil tanks and store fixtures ton numerous to mention. Globe Land and Investment Co., Omaha. Neb. (16) 966 MOTOR CYCLE FOR SALE Special . mad ' motor cycle, coat 3300 to build, has Only been run about 800 miles, as good as new. will sell at a sacrifice. Address M 70S, care Be. . ..; (16)-226 FOR SALE New and second-hand billiard and pool tables, we lead the world in cheap bar flxturea; eaay payments. Urunswlck-Balke-Collendar, 407 8. 10th St. . 6)-96 DRUGS at cut prices: freight paid on all 313 orders; catalogue free. Sherman Mc Connell Drug Co., Omaha, Neb. (16) 971 FOR SALE Law library of the late Geo. W. polne. xi. C. btevens. Carroll, I a. (18) M864 13X SEND US your mall orders for drugs; rreignt paid on no lots. Myers-Dillon Drug Co., Omaha. , (16) 969 SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO. best mixed paint. Sherman McConnell Drug Co. (16)-79 HOMEOPATHIC remedies, wholesale, re- nil. Diirruisu ae mcLimnru utus vo 16tb and Dodge St., Omaha Neb. (16) 968 SECOND-HAND overcoats and firearms. Singer, 416 N. 16th. 06) 872 IRON SAFE, nice sirs, suitable for store or office, 8a0. 308 North 16th. (16) M782 J 3 HALL'S safea, new, 2d-hand. 1318 Farnam. (16) 777 HAY 67.60 per ton. Wagner, 801 N. 16th. (16) 776 XMAS POST CARDS S3 richly Colored heavily emnossed designs, decorated In rold: 10 assorted card "d wholesale Hat loc. uaiiatine Bona , Jorg, i'a. (16)-M137 I6X TWO heating atovea, best makes for heat one used six weeks; also hlgn-grade plana nearly new. No. 308 N. 22d St. lift) Ml 26 10X HIGH-CLASS X-mas gift. Our combination ice and roller skate for boy or girl. Practical, durable and neat. Sent bv ex press on receipt of price, 81 60. Extra plate 82. Alden Supply Co., Kansas City, Mo., box 725. (16IM110 14x FOR SALE Fine mahogany wall case. mahogany table. Dey time register, re volving racka and other fixtures. Dresher, the Tailor, 1615 Farnam St. 0K)-MI62 10 . i COLE'S Hot Bleat Stove for sale. 205 8. I 26th Ave. 'Phone Douglas 5266. I (16)-M155 lOx XMA8 present. Redpath's History Ency- rlopedla Brlttanlca. Webster's Diet.. monthly payments. Megeath's Stat Co. (16) MJ18 J8 PATENTS r. o. BARNELL. patent attorney and ma. chine designer. Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7117. ti7 975 (17)-875 LARSON CO. Book free. Bee Bldg. (17) TB PATENTS THAT PROTECT 8 booke for Inventors mailed on receipt or o postage. R. S. A. B. Lacer, rooma 29-89 Psrlflo Bldg., Washington, D. C. Established 1889. (17)-977 PERSONAL YOUNG man wants place In private family to work mornings ana evenings ror Doara and room. L 7u2. care Bee. (18) 224 L'x PLEATING BuSr,.Slnf' Dying and cleaning. aponging and shrinkin g only 6o per yard. Send for prices and samples. GOLDMAN PLEATING CO., 10 Douglaa Block. Tel. Doug. 1 ll) Vig Lleben, costumer, 1410 Howard, open eve. (u ) 1-1 OMAHA Stammerers' Institute, Ramg Building. n6)-963 YOUNG WOMEN coming to Omaha a atranaers are Invilea to visit the Young Women's Christian Association rooms, 161st Farnam St.. where they wljl be directed ! to suitable boarding places or otherwise I assisted. (18)-816 , , f A nM"F!TTP,re",ment "n b,th- Mme. L (18)-6vt) f XrARAnE ,nd bths. Room 1, 1204 JUAiSMUn Farnam St.. 2d floor. (18) MU4 D2S i THE SALVATION ARMY sollclta cast-off ' clothing; in ract, anytrnng you Co not need, we collect, repair and sell at 134 N. llth St., for cost of collecting to th worthy poor. Call 'phone Doui. 4136 and r. ill fall 1U - YRIN'GES. rubber eooda. hv mall- ei'!l rices. Bena ror free catalogue- Myero lllon Drug Co., Omaha. OS) 979 WE RENT, repair, aell needles for old sewing macninea. flto. Cycle Co., ror. 16th and Harney. (IS) stO PRIVATE CONFINEMENT HOME Mrs. ur. King, 1324 N. 24th. TeL Weh, a;V.9. (lai-sai IDEAL hair parlors, 204 Neville Blk.. Hth ana iiarney. Tel. Douglas 6IM (16) Ma ukii FAIR, healthy, satin f krx nestowed by. satin bain cream and Satin ekla Powder. Jbo, (16) REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE DCALERI, PAYNE INV. CO.. 1st door N. Y. Life. uougias iu. (1) SKI OEOROB A COMPANY. 1601 Farnam. TL Douglaa 7U PETERS TKUBT CO- X. Y. irff Ifldg ( ' Os-tias s f