Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 22, 1907, Page 9, Image 9

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Situation Heavy and No Strength is
Developed. i
. i !
On U Willing: to Take the Bar
in Side, aa General Bmlnru
Praettcallr nt a
.. OMAHA. Nov. 21. 1907.
situation In the grain amrket In
heavy and no ntrrnrth 1 shown In option
or tha cash market. Nn on seems tn he
wnjjlng to take) the buying side, so long- an
tha bank and the generl hiinlnrii ol the
country ar at a standstill.
W'heat started moderately strong at ihe
opening, but aa non aa It cam on the
market Ihawol no trength. Selling wan
heavy. and without any aupport the mar
ket could not stand the pressure and 11j j I -dalloa
wu general. December wheat
opeiud at Ke and closed at Mc.
Com waa weak and the market wa dis
appointing to the long; faction, who liai
hoped to ahow eome atrength on the gen
eral wet condition that have prevailed
throughout the corn belt. Thi demand was
light and all holder were willing to aell.
Iecmber corn opened at 4Hc and cloeed
at Of.
i were weak anil slumped with other i
araio. but the dimnd for caah oata la
mm inc. aa the supply In the east Is
Krowlng short, December oats opened at
;4lJtL' at 4a;,c.
Primary wheat reoalpt were. 683,000 bush
els and shipments were 914,00 bushels,
against receipt last year of 751,000 bushels
and shipment of 724.WK) bushels.
Corn receipts were 29Z.0O0 bushel and
shipment were 1M.OV hushels, against re
celpta last year of Kxl.ftio bushels and ship
ment of 846,000 bushels.
Clearance were HH6.0uo bushels of corn,
r.00 buahela of oata and wheat and flour
"iual to 87,0o bushels.
Liverpool closed H'iYAiid lower on wheat
and higher on corn.
Seaboard reported W.0"0 bushels of corn
takan for export.
Local range 6t options;
ArUclas. Open. Hlgh. Low. qos. Tea'y.
Dc.... Mar...
Dec... May...
Dec... May...
S4 fiV Ki
1&i 9S'I 98S DSS 94S
?. wS w', 88?. m
4H 49 49 49S
6" . Wl, 4 J. 49 ftM
e" . ..M.. 4S 49S 498.
44'i' 44',. 4F, 4.V, 43
478. t 47i 47 47V, 47W
Ci ' t. 42'i V?k
Oanaha, fasti Prices,
WHBAT-No, 2 liaiyl. ?f92o: No. 3 hard,
SJ0oi Ko. 4 hard. Mtti-; No. 3 eprlng,
KfuMn; no grade. 7Vii;''':.
CORN No. 3 old. 51 Wv; No. 4 old, 4!S
'(Tfilt-: no grade lit . 47441'; No. 3 yellow,
61 VySfiL'tc : No X white, MijSliiv.
OATH No. 4 mixed. 40W41C: No. 3 white,
tiftetpttiac; No, 4 white, MViM1c; standard
oata, 43N'J'4IIV,c. - t
K Y K No. J. 71W72c: No. .1, (WTOc.
Vaalot Itvoeigt.
Wheat. Corn. Oats.
Chicago i 14S 111
Minneapolis 221
J'uluth i 7.U
mcAr.o (iiiAfx ami phoviio.h
Kca tares ml tar Trading and Closing
fric'ra.oM' Retard of Trade.
CHICAOO, NOV. Zl.-rWheat prices on the
local exchange declined 2c from the high
point today on selling caused chiefly by
the weakness of ilie slock market At the
close wheat for December delivery allowed
a net lose of l$lkc. Corn whs down
V. Oat were mu hanged. 1'rovislons
wet R'Sf7H! to 171,4C lower.
The weakneaa In thn wheat pit developed
after the market bad opened firm on active
buying; by aborts. I'rlces were soon weak
ened, however,' because of the slump In
Wall st rent and lliiuidution III the Decem
ber delivery. Otner bearish fotors were
liberal primary i receipts, poor export de
mand and a decline In the grain markets
of Europe. After price had dropped 2c
from the high point the market rallied on
renewed buying by aborts. The close, bow
evr..wae weak. December jtiponad mt"1,
higher at. MVtfOCh?. declined to flic sua
closed at flHftlVtv May opened VtfiSr
higher, at H.OWm1'-, void at $l.02& and
then declined to StlTc. The close waa hi
11.ttH. Clearances of wheat and flour
were eriuai to S72,HnO bu. Primary receipts
were Ctri.uou bu., against TtU.ouo bu. on the
unit day laat year. Minneapolis, Dululli
and Chicago reported receipts of 5tis cars
gainst 606 cats last week and 652 cars
one year ago.
Klrni cables ami wet weuther In the
corn belt caused moderate atrength In the
corn market early in the day. Prices, how
ever, soon weakened because of the de
cline of wheat and a prediction of clear.
old weather throughout the . rnrn belt.
The market closed weak. December open
ed t$V. higher, at 56Vtul&5;VtC., sold off to
MHc. and closed at We. May sold between
fSc and W-V4j6V.. and closed at 65V'
6oA,o. Local lecelpts were 14 cars, with 23
cars of contract grade.
Trade in oats was sinull and the market
held steady all day. December opened
ac. higher, at 4l"!,o.. sold off to 4tic. and
closed at Hc May sold between 4!4C.
and 6uMc. and closed at 60f(ja0to. Iocal re
ci'lpts were 111 cars. .
Provlslona were weak all day because of
lltcht ahlpments of meat and lard and lower
price for live hogs. At the close January
pork waa off 17',ie., at 112.50. Lard was
lown 10o.. at J7.K7H. Rlba were 54J7W1 .
lower, at $0.76S.riH.
Betlinated receipts for tomorrow: Vhnut,
! cars; corn, 1H4 crfrs; oata, 12 cars; hogs,
14,ot) head.
The leading futures ranged as follows:
Articles. Open. Hlgh.l Low. Close. I Yes'y.
t 'orn
1 ork-
92mi M
xi isnvrt'
WTil 1 u".
1 01s
it tbii (-( v;
1 02
54S! 55
5&S.55,fr!5tlili I
- !
' 4sV
' 4i I 4S
44 ! 46 I
! I i
l: ) I 12 5l I
12 TSI 12 W
- 4h,
12 S7Sa
12 V7V
; 62'
12 aw 1 12 ul
7 t.'S
6 5 I
" 7'
7 To I
t5 f
7 6T4
7 i
ti W
I 7
WlJ at TT
, yo j,
is) I
N 1
tish uuuUtions were as follows:
ri.Ul'R-Steady: winter patents. t4.v(i
4 J; wlnitr atralghts. I4 0iu4 66; spring pat
en!, ta '-'O'dG ai: aprliig stralghls, t4 fsi So;
bsker. li.Wi ib-WHKAT-No,
2 spring. ll.0UWl.oS; No. S
si-rirg. iuc((il uz. rso. 3 leu, sotfT-V-COP.N-No.
2. 67fcnc; No. 3 yellow
ATS No. 2, 4a; No. 3 white
UVK No. 7tio.
t4 A RL li Y iood feeding, 626"0i-; fair to
t Iiok-c malting, 7(-'oSc.
HrJKDS Flax. No. 1 northwestern, tl 02i.
Pinna timoiii), t4.20. Clover, contract
grades, t' 5o.
I'HOVliiioNS-Sbort ribs, sides (loose),
M. 75 M pork, per bbl.. tl2.12.60.
ijird, oer PO lbs.. tS.25. Short clear sides
1 boged . fT :r7 5.
l-'olbntlng were trie receipts and ship,
merits of flour and grain:
Receipts. Shipments
' t. W is 22,4m 52.100
Wheat, bj JA.(' 22,
Corn, bu 1K2.0S . 74,8n0
OmIS. bu l'A.&tl 151, J0
Jtye, bu 2.(
i,i,riey, b i urt.uo S.JUu
(in the Prvtiuce exchange lodav the hut-la.-
market waa stead) ; creameries. 21H
Y : dairies. yJ4c. Kga. steady; at mark,
rase tncUded. 17W.v-; firsts, Uc; prime
f) ls, 24 I'tteesy. ay. JJoUV".
Mllwaakro rln Market.
- I.oner; No. 1 northern. 1 1. Us t 1.01 : No.
2 iinrtlieru. tl4ai.0. kla). JlOOHitf
loos gskej.
BARLtV Dull: No. 2. .,.; sample, C5
t) (-.
I'tlK.W Weak; No. 3 'cash. 57', eiijc;
May, 5ic.
I'eorla Crala Market.
PKOlrtA. Nov. 2L CORN Higher ; new
No. 3 yellow, 5;-V: n-w No. 8, old,
u'.n-: new No. 4. &lc; no gi-ade. ",c.
HATS I'nchanged;, Xo. I while, 4tiNe:
.... 4 whlla, 42i4r. '
RYK No demand.
V llirfkvr-ll
Lle-ersioot Grata ana Provisions.
LIVERPOOL. Nov. 21 -WHEAT-tnot,
ied ; No- J red western, winter. Ts lid.
Future, quleft lieoember. 7a lHd; March
ks VV.t: Msv. is ISd.
CoRN-Spoi, steady; prime mixed Amer-
s T't'1 Future. ((. 1
Jsnunry.- 8 4V'
feature of Trading and friers on
- l.eadlac Commodities.
NEW YORK. Nov. 21 FUHR-Rer-eipM.
21.6.1 bbls ; export. 8..VA bbls. Maiket dull
Hit.l unchanged: Minnesota patents. 8.V26
M ; winter straights. $4.oO'u4 75; Mlnne
ola bakers, $4 Mr-.;6.ii; winter extras. H.e.-.'S
4 10; winter pnfent. $I85'"6'; winter low
grades. 8V75H4.(.. Rve flour, tedv: fair
good. 84.854i6.In: choice to fane v. 3.3u
iiuigwueal Hour filler, .. lwia.2o per
Urn !s
'nw. tl.4)V(il.4.';
Steady: fine white and yel
coarse, $.;1.3F.; kiln dried.
W. ".; 9fi
IIVK-Kaey: No.
f. o. b. New York.
western, 9Ki9l'ie
WH KAT Receipts. S.Vi.7nfl bu. ; spot mar
ket weak; No. 2 red, ; No. 2 elevator,
11. W f. o. b. afloat: No. 1 Northern Du
luth. l.l.'t- f. o. b. afloat; No. 2 hard win
ter. $l.(ii f. o. b. afloal. opening light on
cables, whenl broke 2 cents a bushel on
gloomy Wall street advices, coupled with
slop loss selling and a pack of bull con
fidence, ttood export buying checked the
decline, and final prices were onlv r.
lower. December. ll.dl'Vfi .1.02,, closed
$1.H4; May. I1.07Tl.(ilV closed $.lfH.
CORN Receipts. To.ntio bu.; spot market
firm: No. 2. Wx- elevator end tiMic f. o. b.
afloat. Option market whs easier with
wheat closing W"Sc net lower. Decem
ber closed io: Mav, K4(l4i4jc, closed 4c.
OATH Receipts, 111,510 bu. ; exports. 2.1(0
bu. 8ot market quiet; mixed. i'd.' lbs.,
52c; clipped white. 32cft4i;Hs, IMV41N'.
HAY Mteady; good to tihajce. l.l'if 1.15.
HOI'B yuiet : slate, common to choice,
1'iH crop, fuloc; Pnclllc coast. 1WT crop,
SJrUV: lw c rop, BtiTc.
HIDI-W-Dull; Cogota, lSlHV; Central
America, l:i'.
I.HATIfKR Steady ; acid. C5i27V-c.
PROY1HIONH Beef, steady;" family.
t14.6tnn5.0i; mess, tinoorri 10.50; beef hams.
t29.0f; packet. 1115012.00; city extra India
mess, t-2.i?7'2:i.Ol). Cut meals, steady;
Pickled bellies. tll.HWj.13.ol): pickled hams.
tlO.) 10.50. Dard, easy; western prime, ts.tjo
'jS.75, nomliml; refined, steady; continent,
t" 15; Booth America,; compound. t7.75
OtS.OO. l'ork. barely steadv: familv. tlf.fitKfr
tJ35); short clear, tliiJ'8l.25; mess, tl6.0O
(q 10.011.
TAI.l.OW-DuIl; elly 1$.' per pkg.). 68-lC;
country tpk(;. free). 51'HSc.
RICE Juiet ; domestic, ralr to extra,
STsiWie.; Japan, nominal. .
.JI.J.TRY Alive, dull: western chickens.
101111 ; fowls, .iKWHv: turkeys,, 12'wl5c.
DresHrd. stendy; western chickens, Keltic;
turkeys. liVfi'lHc; fowls, 10((iHc.
tll'TTKH Steady ; creamery, extrns, 2Sc;
thirds to Urals. 22fl27c; western factory,
common to tlrwts. lH'jlc: imitatln crcam
erv lirsts. 22V(rj3ie.
CHliKSK-Dull; stale. full cream,
small colored ami white. September, fine,
15'ic: sume. Ociobrr, best, 12c; same, good
to prime. lli.44ilijc; same, common to fair,
Willc: same, large colored, September, fine,
IBc; same, white, 14',c; same, large. Oc
tober, best, 11V; same, common to prime,
KfKJH Firm; western and font hern
firsts, ;iytfiie; seconds. 2ia29i'.
St. I.oala (irneral Market.
ST. I,t)flfl, No- 21,-WIIKAT-Lower;
truck. No. a red cash. 974c; No. 2 hard,
Wc'ntl.f'l; December, 9lc: Mav, tt.0")4.
CORN Lower: track, No. 2" cash 67Kc;
No. 2 while, 57'4c; December, 60c; May,
OATS Steady; Irsck, No. 2 cash 45c; No.
2 white. 47c; December, 45c; May, 48c:
Ff.Ol"H Dull; red winter patents. t4.75ti'
5.00; extra fancy and straight, 4.3iro4.i;
char. :!.4tg:i fin.
KKI' Tlmotiiy, steatlv. $4.S0fio.0.
t'UKNMKAI.-fitendv, tS.WI.
BKAX Lower j 'sacked east track. tl.COfr
HAY-Hteady; timothy. tl0.00!l7.o0; prai
rie. tlo.0tMr1o.2n.
PROVISIONS Pork. l,.l.l.l
tl2.,5. Lard, steady; prime steam, tt.25. Dry
rait meats, lower; boxc extra shorts, tf.oo;
clear ribs, tS.s7V4; --short clears. t.12'.
:ncon, lower) boxed extra shorts, t8.97Vi;
clear ribs, tu.75; short clears, tU.00.
POCLTRY-Steady; chickens. 7c; springs,
: turkeys, ll'ic; ftuck. c; geese. Sc.
BI'TTEIi-Steady : rreamerv, 24'o2K'tc.
1COOS itighpr, ..20c, caso . count.
Receipts. Shipments.
Flour, bbls 12,0et)
Wheat, bu .31.0IKI ' ' " 2k.0hD
Corn, bu. ,, ....32.W .. 12.O1KI i
Oats, bu 2,0no 3,00)
Kansas City Jralu and Provisions.
1 KANSAS CITY. Nov. 21.-iWHEAT-De.
"remhetvlJVJrl M a y . MSTtc ; cash; No. 2 hard,
wnc; rvtr. 3, :wfirst"o; .-so. reel, ItDnic;
1 No. 3. KHAMHc -
'' I 'II 1' V ll.nn,l,nr fk M . ., . i.
i, . ...... , , ... v , LUOll,
,o. j mixeo. ui-c, io. 3, 4S'y-uwic; ;so. 2
white. No. D, 49Hc
OATS No. 2 white,-45Sj'45V4c; No. 2 while,
4wiu45V; No. 2 mixed, 44el44Ho.
1 1 A Y I'nchanged ; choice tlmothv, tll.SO
f 12.00: choice prairie, 3.oor!).5t.
RYF iiwtl'
RYK KKitf 72.
B ITT BR St ead y ; creu nierv
ing. IMfcc.
.'ti'tc; pack-
HCiGS Firm; extras,
'"Re -
nrsts. 2:!c.
Receipts. Shipments. I
.'iS.OOD 17,000
Wheat, bu.
Corn, bu.
Oats, bu.
. ...44.0 1
2.000 l.ouu
Minneapolis Grain Market.
cember, t1.UA01.lfc; Mav. tl.OiVsl.OT: No.
1. hard, ll.ui'i: No. 1. northern. tl.Otl; No. 2,
northern, tl.ul'i-til.tiuV, No. 3. northern.
FLOUR First patents
putents, to.UO'yfi.lo; -tirst
second clears, t-t .504)3 70.
FLAX Kasy dcniaud.
Mirivi. ti
t.i.404M.tio: second
clears. tl.3ol(4.40;
closing tl lo'-fc: to
HRAN-ln bulk, tl8.2MjlR.5o
Ualath ir
lu Market.
Xov. ! U'lll-'.IT
Dl"Li:TH. Minn.,
mi. 1 northern. 11.01; No. 2 noitlu-rii,
9e: lH-ember, 11.00'i; May, tl.07.
OATS 4 Sc.
Wool Market.
BOSTON, Nov. a.-WOOI The wool
market locally continues to be dominated
bv the financial situation and trading la
very dull despite somewhat eaaier values.
The leading western quotations follow:
Kentucky, Indiana and Missouri: 'i'hree-elghtha-blond,
aV33f; tuaiter-blool, 28 J0c.
Scoured values, Texas: l-'ine. 12 months, 72
i'73c; tine, li to 8 months. il6n,c; rlno fall,
5j.'(i65c. California: Northern. tiS'fuiftc; mid
dle county, i'utL'c; southern, 5Jjrf)c; fall
free. 45CH.Sc. Oregon: Kasteni No. ! staple,
70C(t'72c; eastern No. 1 clothing. Mj7oc; east
ern average, Krtc-; vavlley. No. I, Suroti'-'c.
Territory, scoured baals: Fine staple, tifv
7,;c; fine medium staple. 7(fi7'.'c: rtne cloth
Ing. tsilitisc: fine medium ulothlng, liStfsi':
half-blood. t"'(ni7c; three-elghtha-blood, ,it.
; (luarterblood, 5U-'u6tic; pulled extra, 65fy
7is-; tine, 5X'tiiCi; supers, 50foxic.
ST. LtL'lS. Nov. 21. WOOI Slvadv;
iiiedlum grades combing ami clothing, tit
'ff-'.V-; light fine. 22-fj-2:ic ; heavy rlne, l7ilSc;
tub waished, 2fj:)tii-.
Hoatoa Klw-ki and Uoads.
bOHTON, Nov. 21. Call loans, N(mio ji. e
tent; time loans, trnl2 per cent. Official
closing on stocks and bonds: .
Atvlilftoo adj. 4 74 Adventure ... 7'
do 4a V Allouu &i
Mri. ( nlml 71 AiuIiuhmiI 1- '
' Atrklsun i Allaiilkc
4k p'd Hinghairi
lloalou 4t Alluii) l."i i'alumat a 11a. la i.
klil,,Q a- liaiue l u'i Ceuicsnlal y
Hilton IClavai II Copar Range rl1
Kttrhburt Jitd Daly Weet luv.
Mail. an ( rmral tSS Knanklln
S. r.. K. M. H...1M Oranb.- li
Hare MsnjuMt II lata Ki l 14',
Inlun PsuiAi: .W' Maaa Mlnlu t
Aw. Pneu. Tube 4 an, nlirvu '.'. I
Am. auger..., m Meaewk vr ..... 44'i
do pti I(w Moot. V. " 1
Aiu. Tel. a Tel M 'ald Uoatlmoa St
Am. W.kuiao. dereola 7,
do pli k Parrot '. S
Ediaou Kloc. 111. IK. Uulory Ti
tieootal Klectrlr lofi'a Huaauuli S
Mua. Kle lrk- Taniarai-k S7
do pld 5T 'many i
Maaa. Oaa 4t, I . g Miaing 31,
lolled Fruit WI" f. S. Oil a
tailed Sb-x Ma. h JH 1 uta i
do pfd Site, Vh-tene 4
f. 8. Steel Wiauas :.
do pid tn Weleerlne ,....!
in "a,
bank of F.nglaad Btateaarstt.
LONDON. Nov 21. Tins, weekly atateinent
of the Bank of England, shows the follow
ing - changes: Total reserve, decreased.
4.1.19S..OU0; circulation, decreased. 2!.0uo;
bullion, decreased. 4.1.410.540; other securi
ties, increased. 41s.oon: other depoaits, de
creased. A,1.5Sb.uuu. pubiio depuait. I11
rrfUMil. Jo ouo; notea reserve, tlecreased,
il.lii.ual. Government aer-ui itie un
changed. The propoitkm of the bank's re
serve total liability tnls eek la U.7 per
cent, t omiwred e llh 4e.52 per rent lasi
Baak of Fraacr klalraueat.
PARIS. Nov. 21 TTie weekly 'gtatemvnt
of the Bank of France how the follpa--ing
changes: Notes in circulation, de
citaaed. 7,67 lui franca: treasury deiiosiis.
iiureasvtd. 12.srj5.oiJU fraucs; general deceits.
uicreaKd. 7.775.0-JI fraius. gold III hand, in
craai. 4(i.iv fiknia; sliver in band. In
creased. 175 ! frau. : bills discounted, t.
creased. t'i k.j ' i francs. adauoe. dr
creaeed. II i25.(at fran3. "1'hiee per rent
rentes. !i" 15 francs i,h- the seeo'int. ri
rnange 011 loloh-n, 25 17 fi am s for checks.
Liquidation of Same Painful Char
acter is Again in Evidence.
Ftldeace that Many of the Sales Are
Collateral Held a 9ecrlty for
I.oa n-- Pre nil am on Car.
reney Ittsea,
NKW YORK. Nov. 21. Liquidation of
the aame painful character as for seveanl
days past was slill In evidence In the
stock market today and acute depression In
the stocks Immediately affected was oc
casioned by this selling. The weakness did
not embrace the Hat as a whole at any
time and the market showed some resili
ency In the late dealings which suggested
that responsibility on the part of profes
sional bears for part or the dav'a dealings.
Developments regarding the properties
whose securities were being sold were not
the motives for the selling so fsr as was
known. A process of cleaning up of credit
accounts by the banks was believed to
be In force and to Involve new relations
of strictness and Impervlnusness to influ
ence and favor such as prominent capital
ists of practically unbounded resources
have exacted from "the banks. The fact
that the banking situation in New York
Is at present In effect under the central
ised control of the clearing house author
ities through Its loan committee In con
nection with Issuing of clearing house cer
tificates, la advanced as explanation for the
enforcement of the new rules of procedure.
Whatever the cause, the fact Is patent
that the forced liquidation of loans bv
selling out of collateral In the stock mar
ket is In progress from time to time. The
process Is particularly obvious In securities
In which syndicate transactions have oc
curred. The acute weakness vesterdav
and today of the Atchison convertible fi
per cent bonds calls attention to the fact
that some tl5.000.00i) of this Issue unsub
scribed by stockholders was taken recent
ly by a syndicate of bankers. The Southern
group of railroads, the Erie, New York
entral. Pennsylvania, Raltimnre A- Ohio
and other stocks were under severe pres
sure (rum time lo time. The selling of
some of these stocks was partly Influenced
apparently by fears of coming dividend
reductions. A decided Impression was
caused by the report denied late In the dav
of the cancellation by the Pennsylvania of
? ''are order for locomotives. American
locomotive was directly affected bv this
rumor. The declaration of the regular
dividends on thn National Lead slocks
helped thu metal Industries to some ex
tent, especially American Smelting. A rise
In the price In Indon for copper also
conduced to this end. There was a feel
ing of encouragement perceptible regard
ing conditions In the Iron and steel trade,
which waa accounted for by the views ex
pressed by large numbers of leaders In
that trade who were present in the city
sua engaged In consultation over means
to conserve the stability of the trade. The
maintenance of the premium on currency
and a rise to above yesterday's figure
was an unsatisfactory Item of the day's
news and call money waa stiff again with
the calling- of loans in progress. This was
rather vaguely ascribed to preparations
for subscriptions to new Panama bonds
and treasury certificate, although no au
thentic dotalto were to be learned as to
the progress of those operations. Increas
ing Interest Is felt In the prospect of se
curing an installment of gold from the
Hank of France by the use of treasury
certificates as collateral. The Increased
strength of position shown by the Bank
or trance In Its weekly statement today
and the abstention of the Hnnk of Knif
land from advancing Its discount rate were
regarded as corroborative of the likelihood
of this transaction being consummated.
Bonds were heavy. Total sales, par
value. t2.44,OUO. Cnited States 2s declined
"i3" ' ,lie 4h 2 P"r cent on call.
Number of sales and ranue of prices on
stocks were as follows:
Salts. High. Low. Clnaa.
Adama Kxpreas t
Amalgamatt'il Copper
Am. t ar Foundry
do prd
Am. Col 1 on oil
do pfd
Am. Fnpreea
Am. tilde s Leather pfd..
Am. be Sarurltlea
Am. Ltnaeeil Oil
do pfd
Am. locomotive
do pfd
Am. Smelting at Hef
do pfd. . .'
Am. Surer Rat
Am. Tnbavc') pfd cerllf
Anaconda Mining to
do pfd
Atlantic foaal Line!
H. A O
do pfd
Brooklyn R. T
Canadian Pat-lftV
Central of N. J
Chea. & Ohio
Chi' ago Great Western
C N. W
.. H. St. P
"i lilvago T. ti T
do pfd
C. C, C. & St. 1,
Colo. K. A 1
Col.. g- Hnulhern
do tt pfd
do ld pfd
Coin Product rfg
do pfd
lel. lludaon
Uel.. U eY W
d. tc n. c
do pfd
Distillers' Seiurltlee
do let J'fd
do d pfd
(leneral Klei-trli-
Illinois Central
Inter. Paper
do pfd
Iut?r. Pump
do pfd
lows Central
do pfd
K. C. g'sithern
do pfd
I. , a N
Mexican. Central
Minn. St. L
M.. St. p. tc 1!. si... m ..
do pfd
MlMOurl Psclfli
M., K. - T
do pfd
National Lead
Nat' I II. K. of Mexico pfd.
N. T. Central
N. Y.. oat. aV W
Norfolk 4V Weatem
do pfd
North Amerlian
Perils Mall
People's Uaa
P . V.. O. St. L
Prted Steel Car
do pfd
Pullman Palace Car
do 1st pfd
do ft! pld
Republic lel
Jo pfd
R k lelaud Co....,
do pfd
St. L. A S. r. 2d pfd
Si. Lvula a. v
do pfd
Southern Pail lie
do pfd
Southern hullitey
do pfd
Tenn. Coal ii Iron
Tesae PaalHc
Toledo. St. u A W
do pfd
I nlon Pacific
do pfd
41. U0 40Vi 4.V,
r 2 :ch
ioi i
.V 174
" 811
24. w !,
'1 m,
.7X If.'
1.4( ft
lJ.MOO .10
U 14.-,
2.U00 rt'a
7 7'i
1 . 2 l.V
J 4.",
l. 1 IS'.
""I IT1, 17,
mi 42 41
i' , ' H,
4ml .',1 r,M,
.4. VM'.t 1.1
4' 17i4 '17',
i.7i ste,
.lw 1J4 i;it
M X!'t 21
7m 2S't -M
lew m 104
2-s 111', Hint
1.1"U 7, 7-
o ; ji
10" . S
2S S I
f, :
lOi !
;.tii ion, 7
.no :s, in, n,
7i 7o 71
1i JH4, f.S'e 117
If" TC 51 I-
l.."s 21', wl", :l
' fi'. M
:)' 34 at ::4',
24.7i aji, mi,
1,3( ip 2d, ;;
HO 3S', 3
ljl 2,1 -jo -yt
37. 1'.f Jos lieji, ,-i
4.70-I 74 71 72'.
4 :,4 ;.:i :,
'K 17 1,1-1, 141,
4.0 7- 77 S He,
i 12 !;-,
." .".7 :,su ...
tan' 121, us 'IS
V4 2i, 27S 2
hio 2', :r. 4
l. 12 12 . ,
.ni -. ,
.7i -,., w
3n 1'2 ! lcii,
2.71 lu', In mi,
M m
I'SI lMH, ,lt tl
( u t"i, i
: 17', 17, 17
4' :i.!', .11 11s
S7.9UJ llo lies
I". S. I-:ipree
V. S. KrU
t . S. Kuober ami
do pfd c,
V. 9. Sie.H M.:i
do pfd SJ.1BI
Va -Car.). Ckenilcal .ii
do pfj.. a-,,
W abaali
do pfd 1 y,
tVella-Kargo Kxpreaa
Weellnghouee tlecirlc hti
W t atern t olou t,feu
W A Lake hrle
- l
Wis (eairal .
od pfd
Slo.j hmld
Northern Paclflc.. ...
fireat 'NortB-rn pfd . .
H U', II'.
2 J 3 1 S
a.wpi in,.
lris mi.
4- Hi', u-c, m
entrsl Lea;her :.4io
do p'd &
lutar. Mel 1
dn ptd 1.IUU
Ea-dlvldead. xoBerrd
Total aalea tor the day. :.4J.?0" iharee.
Foreign Financial. i
I-ONDON, Nov. 21-Moncv waa In gou.l
demand In the market today, owing to
uieru.ratU.itM f,,r t.m i,.n,i. , .1. '
,7 , ...v.. vi mu. 1iik-UUIIIM
were firm, pending more settled conditions
iu the 1'iilted States. Healtntiun clinrac ter
ixed the early Hading on the slock ex.
cti&iige, but the aiinoimceitietit that the
discount rate of thn Bank of England would
not b changed infused moderate life ima
the market and price of British aecuri
Ilea, led by consols. Improved. Thev were
ltelped later by fair Investment purchase
and the better batik return, which waa un
expected, although the uncertain monetary
outlook checked a pronounced advance.
District railways mere weak on th pro
posed freali Issua of debentures. The deal
ing in America os were narrow, owhig to
tha liquldatUn of stock in N'w York, the
continued financial umest and the proa,
pexte Of reduced dividends. Prices stalled
easy and although th parity level wis ex
ced"d in the forenoon, 011 Imal covering
the martm mopprd oir the receipt ef rhn
Nea 1 01 k opriiing gui.laiion. Then llie
t'nlon racinc and Aiuthern T'aclnV Im
proved while borne shares sagged and the
market finished Irregular and uncertain.
eer York Moaer Maurket.
NKW YORK. Nov. 21. MONKT-i'rime
mercantile paper, nominally 7 to 10 per
cent: sterling exchange, strong with actual
business In banker s bills st t4H:4 H726 for
demand and at t4 THfH.'SWo for sixty dav
bMIs: commercial bills. t4.7Wri7(.
HI LVER Bar, MHc; Mulcin dollars.
HONPH Government. wrak; rallrosd,
MONKT On call, firm at ftUIJ per cent ;
ruling Tnte, 12 per cent; closing bid, g per
cent; offered at 12 per cent. Time lonns.
nominal; sixty days. IS pr tent; ninety
dava. 12 per cent: six months, s per cent.
Closing quotations on New York bond
were aa follows:
l R ref. as, reg...
do (-oup,Hl
do .1. re
d . (-nupen
do new 4a. reg . . . .
lo roupon
Am. Tooaeo 4a
do (a
Atrhliion gen. 4a
do adj. 4a
Atlantic roast L. 4s
B. A O. t-
,1T'4 1. A N ual. 4s .. . :
.log Manhanan t. g. 4
li"' . Central it 7S
.l4' e 1st inr U'i
.117 Minn. 8t. L. 4s so
111 M . K. A T. 4s :i(4
. do tda 11
. "S N. R. R. of . e. 4e 7i
. H N Y. Central ( ',
. "4 x. .1. central g. .e. 11 1
. i No. Pacific 4a. i
. " do to J
'do 3i
s Norfolk A W r. (1
PriKiklyn R. T. rt. ts H Ore. S. L. rfdg.
Central nf Oa. oa W Peitn. nv. ea..
do 1t Inc 0 Readlns gen 4a
1 ,
do M lm- S SI. L. A I. M. r. ee. lno
do .Id Inr Rt. L. A . K. fg. 4a 4H
Chee. A Ohio S 70', St. L. . W. eon. aa k
hlcagn A A. !',... 64 Seaheartl A. Line 4t at
C, B A Q. new 4a.. K' go. Pacific 4a 74
C. R. I. P. 4a ... M do lit 4a rertlf ;(,
do t-ol. fe 4 Mo. Rallvar Sa
c.C.C. A gt. L. g. 4a Pi T( A Pa. Ir a..n
Colo. Ind. be series A :t'a,,T.. SH t.. A W
4a of
. .. 7
. . .lui'
Colo. Midland 4a.
I'nton Partlft
Colo. A So. 4s
Cuba fie
P. A R. II. 4s ...
Distillers Sec. is. . .
Erie prior Ilea 4s.
do gen. 4n
Hocking Vet. 4',a
Japan 4'ts. eertlf..
do 2d series
do 4a
Bid. Offered.
7(0, do cv. 4a
K I 8. Steel ad be
sa V'ahash liia
'i do deb. B
f.- Western Md. 4s d"1,
H '. A Lake Rrle ts 7
Hi Wla. Centrkl 4a 7 !
,' Alchlaon it. 4a ',
;tS do te ',
77 later. Met. 4 Via U'i
I.oadou (losing Stocks.
1aXIK1N, Nov. 21. Closing qiiotslions on
stocls were as follows:
Cons- Is. money K M., K A T ZZ'b
do account ;uj N Y. central 17
Anscnnda (i Norfolk A Western... 1
Aichtetm 707e do pfd ss
do pfd I4 Ontario A Westers... rSt
B A O f'siiri.vlrsnls
Canadian PaclBc 144 Rand Mine 4i
Chee. A Ohio Reading 40i,
Clilcego O. W 7i Railway- 1"
f.. M. & St. P 7 do pfd ti
IS-Deers 17 So. Pacific 4',
ll. A R. O.; 17'jlnlftn raclflr U2VS
do ptd m do pfd Hi
Erie Mt V. 9. Steel... 'jja,
do lit pfd 3H do prd ti
do 24 Pfd 15 Vaha.h
Grand Trunk 17", do pfd lm,
llllnola Central If.'4 Spanish 4s
L. A N 2
HII.VKR Har, steadv. 27d per ox.
MONKT 4m per cent.
The rate of discount in the ouen market
for short hills Is 7 per cent: for three
months' hills. ttl per cent.
Xew York Mining Stock.
NEW YORK. Nov. a (llosfng uuotalions
on mining stocks were as follows:
Adama Con
I 'Little Chief..
l.'it Ontario
. T
. w
. 19
. t
. J1
Sierra Nevada.
Small Hopes...
Brunawlck Con...
.. &I
.. I
. . M
Comatock Tunnel.
Con. (al. A Va..
Horn Silver
Iron Silver
Treaaorr Slitrnirnl,
AVASHINOTON. Nov. 21. Today s state
ment of the treasury Imlancea In the aen-
eral fund, exclusive of the HSO.dOO.tii) gold
reserve, shows: Available cash balance.
tZT7. 768.075: gold coin and bullion, f?.21!),Hrt.;
gold certificates, $71.973,1411.
Bark Clearing.
OMAHA. Nov. 21. Bunk clearings for
today were $l,7.W,MJ.Kg and for the corre
sponding date last year $1,683,(29.80.
Condition of Trade and Quotation on
Staple and Fancy Produce.
15CJGS Fresh country, -1c; storage, 200.
It looks like 2fic for frcsli country egg
until after Thanksgiving.
BTJTTKR Common,' 18c; fancy tub and
rolls, 22c; creamery, aio, ,
CiIEE8-New full cream, Wisconsin
twins, ITHc; new full cream brick, 17c; do
mestic, new Swiss, bc nsw litnburger, li
tjlto; young Anierloaji 17',c.
UVE POUL.TRy-(Jprlngs. 9c; liens. 8c;
roosters, 4c; ducks. )0c; geese, 10c; turkeys,
16c; pigeons, 75c per doz.
DftESSEl)' POLLTHy Sprlssgas) fancy,
10c; hens, Sc; roosteif, 6c; ducks, Uc; geese,
12c; turkeys, 20c.
HAy-Choice No. 1 upland. $lf)00; 'me
dium, $9.00; No. 1 bottom, $8.00: oft grades,
from $o.a to $8X0; rye straw, $7.00; No. 1
alfalfa, $11.00.
APPI.KS New York King's, per barrel,
$j.60; "None Such," per barrel, $5.ift; 20
ounce Pippins, per barrel, $6.&; Maiden
Iiluah, per barrel, $5.00; Baldwins, per
larrel, $5.00; Greening, per barrel. $j.00;
western box apples, Colorado Jonathans,
per box, $3.2b; Colorado tlrlmes Uoldeus.
per box, J:j.25; Idaho Jonathans, per box,
$.1.00; Idaho Winter Bansnas. per box,
13.00; Washington Ben Davis, $2.0); Wash
ton Northern Spy, per box. $2.00: Washing
ton Greenings, per box, $2.00; Washington
Baldwins, per box, $2.00; Washington Rom
Beauty, per box, $.2: Washington fall ap
ples, assorted, per box. $i.75'1.8j.
POTATOES Per bit.. (&75c.
CABBAGli Holland seed, per lb., IB
ONION.S Bed Globe, per bu., tSGSSc;
Lrnla. per crate, $1.60.
KWKKT POTATOES Small bbl., $2.69.
BKETS Per bu., $0c.
("ARP.OTrt Per. bu., 75c.
TURNIPS Per bushel. 50c.
PARSNIPS-Per bushel.. Ttc
t'ELKRY Michigan, per buiuh, 25U35C.
No. 1 ribs. 14',,c: No. 2 ribs, ll'.c: No. 3
ribs, 7c; No. 1 loin, 19c; No. 2 loin. 12c;
No. o loin. S'ic; No. I clitink. (ic; No. 2
chunk. 5-'l,c; No. 3 chunk. 4,c; No. 1 round,
V'l No. 2 round, 7c; No. 2 round, OVjc.
No. 1 plate. 5c; No. 2 plate, 4r; No. 3 plntc,
ORANGES Florida, per tjox. 44 .It.4i4.26;
Florida Grape Fruit, per box, $i.754)(5.0O.
GRAPES Concoids. per basket. 2tf30c:
Malaga, heavy weights, per keg. $0,009
r.0O;, medium weights, tier keg,
$4 otltUa co: California gigprs, a.-ason 'about
over; some few Emperors of fair oualitv
: still
I.EMONS-Fant'y. M and
60 size.
box, $o.omutf.50; extta ciioli.e,
sixe. jier box, $5."''i0.
BAN A N AS- -Port i.iiiions.
$2.(" 'n3.ini.
w snd
per bunch.
COCOANL'TS Per sack. $4..
per dozen,
FIGS AND D8.TES - Biuvina
7 crown, per pound. HljWc; Smyrna
6-crown, per poujid. 12(8 13:; Smyrna
4-rrovwi. per pound, Knjillc: California
boxes, 10 cartuns, '.5( ; , California
f K.
ooxes, 12 tai-iuns Njc; California
kH lililk
per po ind, V; Hallow I dates, per pound
6V'; Kl.adrawl iluies, per pjumi. 6.-: fcslr
duies. per poui'd, 58,i.-: F?rd dates. 13
pound boxes, per pound. 8c.
arc somewhat tinseitlcd by ireer ofT.-rlnKs
from soronil hands, who seem desirous c
l.ioving supplies of liuuiediat.' grade, (jun
tatlnnd ritiigo from fr- ti. 9c 'or i 'jlir.iinU
fruit and from 5t-c 1" 8c ' for Oregon
Pea.'he very tir in. with fancy w owa
quoted at 13e.
t.'ANNED GOODS Com, .-luiKlard west
ern. 75c. Tojnaloes. lain y 3-puund cans.
$1.45; slundaVd 3-pound cans. $1.20. Pine
apples, uruled. 2-pound. $2 2Hi.3(): sliced.
$1.,5'9235. Gallon a'ple. ,4.5.1. Calit'
apricots, $2 ,i5'03.Ut. Pears. i2.W'u:: 15
l'eaches, $l.v'ilJ 15. I.. O. J,eai, $.. a
3.16. Alaska aisltnoii, led.; lacrv
Chinook, Hat, $2.15; faiic ao.-keye, Hut
$2 15. Sardines. .juarK-r oil. J36.i; three
iiiietrtcrs niuslaid, $3.35. Sw.-cl poluioes
$1.2'nl.;r. eatiei-kratit, c Piuupkiiis. icyj
4l$l ('. Lima b. ana. 2-pound. ;5 'atl "j
Soake.l peas. 2-poond. 65c: fancy. $1 2Vr 1 . tj
NITS California walnuts, par lb.;
imported walnuts, p. 1 lo., I;tl5-; Tana
gone almondi.. per lb., lc; riherta, per lb
13c; Brajils. per lb.. 13 14c, pecaii-, per
lb.. 12&13.-; peanuts, raw, per lb 7,.
peanut, rousted, per lb., $1; Dalian chest
nuts, per 10., 8 6 tc.
COFFISC-Roasted. No 35, ;,. Xo ,
21c; No. 25, lCc; No. 20, lt',c.
SUGAR Granulated, cane, per sack
3t;0 beet, $..; cut loaf, ,; cube. gLc:
powdered, 8.15c.
FISH-Hallbut, lie: 13-: pKker-
loc; pike, 14. ; pike, fresh fro,, n i,.'
whltetlsh. lttfiCc; buffalo, 14c; bullhead
aliinned and dressed, 12c: dressed'
lie; whit perch, 7c; white baa. 15c; black
baa, 25c; -Jaft(h. 6nc; crapples, tVcV
largo crrpl lie; herring, fieli froaen!
6c; whltfla, frosen. 13 lie; pickerel, fresh
froEen. lie: rd napper. 12c; flounder
mackerel. lS85c per flah; codfish. freh
froien. 13c red snapper, lie; flounders
frh frosen. 12c haddock. freh frosen Uc'
melt. 13c; shad roe. 46c per lh.; frog leg'
36u par doz.; green e t.irtl 25e
per lb.
HIDK8 AND TALJ.OW Oreen sailed
No. I. 7c; No. 2, 7V ball hides. 8c; green
hide. No. 1. 6c; No 2. e. hurts, $1 inyn ,)
hep pelt. 80c tr$1. Tllow. Ks. 1. 4'--
No. !.
"li ... U aaI i-evt -
5 Gold Bonds
of the
OeOalhia k Council Bliigfig
Street IRailvvay Co,
SBasassanaaWSgSBaaTgaaiBBBSMSaPea aaXa(BaaBBl aaaaaaaaaaBtaBBBaWSBMaasaaBBa
in $1,000.00 denominations.
Interest Paid Semi-Annually.
Full Information on Request. Call Up or Address
014 New York
Run of Cattle, with Prices
Showing- Some Strength.
Phcep and l.amli In ery Ite
crlpt Killer Active anil a tiood
Ten Cents H Igher Feed
er Mtendf.
HOl "I'll OMAHA. Nov. 21, 1!i7.
Recelpta were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Crucial Monday 5.17K 2.9ia 9,4.1
Official 'IMcsdav 6.t;4 7,238 8.921
Official Wednesday 4,7i:i :.i.l' 4.8.(7
Estimate Thursday 2,312 5,2(41 4,320
Four days this week.. 18. 837 18.:r.S 2.R'
Same days last week. .. .19.820 11.194 fto.iW
Hams days 2 weeks ago. .13. t;i n.tir9 Bl.ilJ
Same days S weeks ago. .20.271 8.4::i 00,4:15
Sume days 4 weeks ago.. 32.672 2oV4 so,4u&
Same days last year.... 241.101 15,01, 84.011
The following table shows the receipts of
cattle, hogs anil sheep at South Omaha, for
Iho year lo date, compared with last year:
1907. I'.me. Tnc Dec.
Cattle 1.075.&W 9fS1,73fi 113,645
Hogs 2,072.571 2,187,776 ...... 116. J04
Sheep 1.918,627 2,010,5441 81,919
The following table show the average
priors of hogs st South Omaha for the last
several days, with comparisons:
Date. I lt7. 108. 190S.;i9t4. 11908. 1902. 11901.
Nov. II... 4 ti
Nov. 12... 4 83 00
Nov. 13... 4 70 6 99
Nov. 14... 4 Si 5 98
Nov. 18... 4 94 8 06
Nov. 19... 4 99 10
Nov. 17... g 05
Nov, 18... 4 824
Nov. 19... 4 Ii3i K
Nov. 20... 4 62W ti 02
Nov. ... 4 48HI 10
4 U 4 89' 4 l 25 5 73
4 80
4 631
6 101
i 63
1 6
I 9
4 0i
4 73
4 721
4 801
4 67
4 54
6 21
4 a
4 641
A 7f
4 57
6 32
6 76
5 K3
$ 63
R 78
6 81
4 4!
4 87
6 (1
I 4 63
4 45!
4 4ii
4 S81
6 28
6 24
4 m, 4 54
4 46
The official number of cars of slock
brought la today by each road was:
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. U't'i.
C. M. St. P. Ry.
Mo. Pac. Ry
I'nlon Pac. System
C. A. N. W. (East 1..
C. & N. W. ()..
C. St. P. M. & O. Ry.
C. H. 4 Q. (East) ....
C. R. A: Q. (.West 1....
C. R. 1. P. (Kasti..
C. R. 1. & P. (West)
Illinois Central
Chicago Gt Western
Total receipts
....87 72 17 1
The disposition of the days receipts was
ss follows, euch buyer purchasing the num
ber of head Indicated:
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Omaha Packing Co. ..
Swift (t Co
Cudahy Packing Co. ..
Armour Co
Armour A 4.'o.
From Denver
Vansaiil V Co
UIiiiihi & Co
McCreary Carey
Hill Son
F. P. l-'Wis
Hamilton A Rothschild
I.. Wolf
Sum Werthcimer
.1. K Root A- Co
T. H. lnghram
Sullivan Bros
V. A. RrlUon
Cudahy Bios. .Vr Co
Otncr buyers
;iK 25
5.1-1 268,
7( :'. ::i6
5M 1 .7' hi 559
-li .... ....
CATTI.K Receipt of cattle tin miiining
only tiumbiicd eiglity-seven fr.'sli cars. Al
the same lime theie was a good demand on
ihe part of packer, so that the niarKet as
a whole was hi a good, healthy condition
and entirely sutlsluctoi y to the selling in
terest. The few beef steers on sale commanded
good, sieady prices and the offerings were
all cleaned up In very good sesun In lht
iimrnlng. Hood corn-red st-ers sold as
high hi $5.70. the .-.ariie price as was paid
for them yesn-rday.
Cows and heifers were iu iiiile active ile
mund and gci.eialiy sold iiulte a liltl
stronger than yeslerda . Buyers all
seemed to waul everything in eight and.
I as the offi lines were only moderate, it
! did not take llicni long to clean up pie'.ty 1
I iinien everything on sale.
i Tin re was no not w nil l.y chaiiKr In Ihe
: fei'der markei. Good cattle commanded
; uood. steady 1 1 ices at L ust and most of
1 the .n'cii!is changed liali.lM in f rati- ra- 1
I sou. 1
(quotations 1.11 cattle: Good lo choice I
I corn-ted stetr.-, $.'8ew5.7u; fair to good
j cui n-fed slerrs. $4.4' 'fl4.!i; coionioii to fair :
J corn-ted steers. ?2.7;.i4.4"; good lo choice
range iei's. !:l.7.yt4.ii; fair to- good range
steers. 8.;.2tvi:'.75; conn, ion lo fair rang. 1
Istccis. $2.7.v:;.2i; good 10 choice cows audi
j hieli ts. i:.' 'o:J 'Mi; fair to good cowa and
' i, cifers. $.' i"; comnuiii lo tuir cow s an. I
I heifers, $1.251.' 40: good lo choice Miocker
'mill feedeis. $3.751 4. 2S: fair lo gooil stock- 1
1 era and feeders. $4.25? 3.7a; common lo fair
st'M kcrs and feeders. $2.5if3.35.
I'.i presentat i c sales: i
No. At Pr. No. Av. Pr.
, 7 law, 4 ! I 44 5 on
. l:;: 4 I, 2 - 1172 5 Jo
' IS 8
1 tuws.
I t 1 . :;, 1 '..- 2
l t:WS AND HKlt'EitH.
! 17 2 4'. 1 ''4" 2 '
i V. 'ol 2 .5 ! I
, IIKUKR.-. i
I S te, - K it " 3 .
1 72" J 85 7 IS--I 3 35
1 1 17(1 8 l.
1M 0
Ifl 1 ;
13 feeders.. r4s 3 i t feeders., slo 3 ''
1 steer :.: 3 7T, 3 heifers... SHo 3 15
6 cows !s'3 2 5n 1 bull Ps 2 8"
4 calve.... 15 6 is. . 8 call es ... 370 3 M
4 heiiera... 560 2 25 3 heifer,.. . til 2 5l
10 feeders . 741 3 15 cows VM 2 fc.
1 bull ltl'-'. 3 & 6 calves...'. 21"' 3 75
341 heifer... V3 2 go 7 vow 1067 3 J
4 cows 8.17 2 M" 2 cow total 2 36
10 lows Sttl 2 4 14 cow tsg 2 8.
14 cow 85:. 2 8 5 cow 78 2 On
7 heifrr... 4i5 2 4
J. E. Kirk w ood. Nebraaka
10 cows SsU J 75 12 feeder.. Ml 3 'si
C. F. Sear. Nebraska.
'.1; cows 1021 2 7 6 cow...., 971 2 ('
F. Holm. Nebraaka.
2 cows .... 743 2 23
J. V Stilling. Colorado
J steers. ...1119 4 10 1 44 steel . ...1 122 4 10
tston Rroa., t'oiorado.
7 steer .. 1243 1 hi, t ... r. ..l' IIS
3 steer,. ...11 3 8 I alpei s. ... :"! t '10
$ K.WS 11 IS.
Life Bld0.
Yatnpa l.lve Stock Co.. Colorsd.i
oil feeder.. 101 3 3 30 8 feeders. .101 :
10 feeders.. 970 ;l Oil 124 feeders.. "70
.S feeders.. 842 .1 45 5 feeders.. S42
Diamond Cattle Co., Wvoinln.
Jo sleets.... !!il S 5.7 128 slier.... Wl
5:t s1eers....h;1 V.
John A. Shaffer, Wyoming
.'14 aleers....H47 3 Ki 3 steers. ...into
2 cows fwi .1 o ;t cow :C
7 cows PUS 3 10 5 bulls I2SS
Campbell Bros.. Wyoming.
1 steer liato 3 25 II feeder.. 87i7
17 feeders. . 978 3 45 I feeders. . !
9 steers.. ..1U 3 45 9 cows inn
3 cows 986 2 40 9 cows Hon
A. .V BothWell, Wyoming.
S3 cows M5 3 or. 14 cows !-.
3 4".
3 Oi
3 5
:t 75
2 lo
.1 .15
3 So
2 (l
3 50
2 (
4 bulls.
2 3d
Sswln. Wvonilng.
3 50 9 steers.. ..117.'
3 13 steers.. ..1113
Storm. Wyoming.
3 80 13 cowa HW2
2 .V
Patrick, Wvonilng.
4 Oil 18 feeders. . 97o
3 50 8 cows sh'i
M. I
30 heifers. ..Ill'
5 steers.. ..1032
A. N.
4 heifers. ..l'J7
3 cow 1070
A. H
48 feeders..' 918
30 heifers... 935
10 cows 107H
.1 4M
4 is)
3 00
bulla 151".
U. Ham
II steers.. ..1047 3
8otlth Dakota.
45 steers.. ..109S 3 51
3 cows KflS
10 cows 941
2 bulls 1275
3 no 2 cowa '.'5 2 50
3 (i 4 4 0ws 810 2 50
2 On 5 steers. ... 8M 3 mi
3 25 4 eteere loir. ! r.
3 steers.. ..1046
' " 10. 0 3 00 8 cows pi; j 3110
row" m 3 10 cows 94.5 2 00
40 feeders.. iW2 3 50
H. M. lyfts, New Mexico.
W cows 7,11 1 70 12 cows 813 2 65
HOG8The market opened thin morning
with buyers bidding decidedly lower than
yesterday under the Influence of very un
favorable report from other selling points
By reason of a pretty good local demand,
especially 011 Ine part of shipper, the hog
flnlly sold weak to Cc lower. This mean
that a considerable proportion of the hog
went at $4.45fH.5d, aa against $4.50&4.55 yes-
i-ro. wnen
n nncet timl.r ... . ., ... .1..,
waa reasonably active, so thai the early
in:cipi cuangea nana in verv ralr season
A high a $4,674 wa paid for good hogs
a against a top of $4.60 yesterday.
n-i?BmitaiiYe sairs:
No. Av. Sli. p,-.
! tit 14 4 So
II "Jfi ... 4 M
77 f.'.l ... 4 5
71 244 ... 4 ,V
It I'M 4
8 1)1 240 4 50
ill l 4 SO
S Mo 140 4
2 ... 4 0
IV, ... i fl
7 271 i 4 8.'
44 2 130 4
1 ;i ... 4 .mi
7 2-41 11 4 &o
45 117 40 I 02 'i
1 241 J 4
71 it- m 4 02'v
74 0 4 52',
t ft m 4 5'S
57 t ... 4 52'i
74 UO Mu 4 iV,
M !0 :Vt 4 521,
7 ..121 ... 4 52',
71 143 10 4 .-,21,
2.4 180 4 ,-,8
4 J44 40 4 $7
7 1(S 4 88
'f 3H ... 4 58
'4 141 ... 4 5f,
8" 121 ... 4
3ti ... 4
4 lit
4 80
4 80
4 4-JVi
4 42't
4 42',
4 4:,
4 4n
4 4.-1
4 41.
4 4i
4 4S
4 41
4 47,
4 43
4 471,
4 47 '4
I 47',
4 47,
4 47'.,
4 47',
4 47',
4 C
4 7d
4 r.-.
4 5u
4 in
4 M
4 to
1.1. .
71 . .
...... M
HI 214 2.l
: i ti
67 M Mo
84 134 ...
" 113 lo
7"i U t
ir. rs
II t.7 !40
r, ssi 211
tn 4')
77 J75 12.',
tl i7 4o
6 tS lo
4 5
4 la
.S1IE-E-P Receipt
sheep were very
of thoNe here I lie
of feeders. Th-
light tins morning.
greater part consisted
supply or Killer was hardlv large enough
to make a market. Aa packer were all in
need of both sheep and latnli everything
that would do to kill met witn verv ready
sale at prices that were at least 10c higher. I
In fad, some sales, If anything, looked I
hlrher than thai. Good fed wethers I
brought $4.75. ewes and wethers 84. o and
fair ewes $4. (si. Kverythiug offered met I
w ith very ready sale, the pens being cleared '
al an early hour. J
Theie waa aiao a flr deniand for feeder
and the few load on hand gnerllv met 1
with quit ready kale al steady prices.
Pretty decent feeder lamha sold up to $5.25,
niih ' at $3.00 and under. ;
(Juolatlon on good to choir killers: ,
l.amb. $5.75v (i: earllng wethev. 84.(;5
...1..: wetheis, 14.2. ii I 65: ewes, 33 55l)4.15.
QuotalJon oil feeders: (o.o.l Ijniliv $,'..)
iii.'iu: common lambs. $3.5oi4 5o; yearlings.
i iawi4.oo; wetners, 84 l;iXi4,:t.: 1..11H ewes
.' .(iiVi.2w: common ewes. $l.5y
P.eprcaenlailve sales:
4l Idaho Iambs
14 Idaho ewe
-1,1? ,(-, 1... - M . 1...
. 7
. '.,
. h"
. 97
. 14'l
. J32
. 135
. 54
. 58
. 13.1
. Ill
. l it
. v;
. 41
. 47
. 42
6 is.
4 5..
4 2"
4 75
4 i
5 fsi
4 .8 .
102 Irtaho ear, a lii-eM,lei-a . 7 4 N, 1
2 Idaiio yearling,
I! western wwlhers, feeders..
2 western bucks
'". Idaho lambs
:'l Wyoming lamhs. feeders...
2 Wyoming lambs. Icicli
2 Wyoming lambs, bucks
281 western ewe feeders
131 western ewe
57 Wyoming lamb feedeis
615 Wyoming lamb feeders
48 Wyoming luiub feeders
2 Is'.
4 I.'
5 I" 1
3Xi Y coining latnli cull feeders.. 37 4 5"
;or Wyoming. ew feeders 71 .t u.
se2t Wyoming ewe feeder 72 3
3"8 Wyoming ewe cull feedeis... ; 2 4i
38 wesietn lambs I 79 6 25
2!3 western ewes, and weihera... !12 4 4'
Kausa t il. Live Ntor-ls Slarkel.
ceipt i.isaj head, including D-i southerns;
market 5'if lc hlnlici : choice export and
dresKed iM-.-f atxers, $5..Ku.8o: fair to good.
$.l.i5.i ,; wlern steera. $:t 15j4.75; stock
era and feeders. e2.:ui4.iK.; sotilhern teer.
82.75tj4.25: oiilhcrn cows. $1..8rfjl.iai; native
cows. $1.7t4 ; native heifers. $..3"( 4 .".'.;
bulls. t..tii.4i J VO; calves. $7'4i'y.i 25.
HOGS Receipt l'.5("i head: markei opened
sljd; 1 losi'd loc lower: lop. $4.7u: bulk,
$4.5ii4.t4'i; heavy. $4.i,VU4.iiw; packers. $4.4
4 7'; i.ias and lighls. $4 :15H4 .i;7',.
SHFI.P AND I.AMBS-Reieipia 3 head:
maiket lamlie. ;,.ih.I.",. cues and
eailings, J4.oiKri4.80; western yearling.
14 .5'o 1.75: western an. ri, 8;.ifti4.riii; !... i-ie
and fredeis. H 's-4 35.
t. I, ual 1.1. atock Market.
! ST. LOI IS. Mo.. Nov. 2l.-CATrDB-lle-.
ceipl vju. Including 8i8 Texan; market
. steady lo el long; iiaiirs. $A 3oro6 (8); dressed
he. f and butcher steer. $4 SfpS is!; ateer
' under l.tsj poumla. $.l.5s'n4.5u; it.u k. r and
, feeders, $2 is rt 4.10: cows and heifers, $;'.i."u
. ...IS), catiner. $l.o".i 2.(l; bulls. $..0m4 .;
, eve, $:.(...(.; Texas and Indian sicer.
$2.eAua.27.; cow, and heifers. $1 2i.l "si.
1 HlHiS 1! c ipla 4.5(. head; market 5c to
1'v lower: piga and lights. $4.5(ati4 85; pack
I era. $l3.n 4.5; butcher and best h.-atv
I $4.i5fe4.95.
hllKr.P AND IM BS-Reoipi aiaj head
maiket at. a.l : native inuilons. 8f.iii5..i,
lamb.4, Ia.utstf6.85: cull and buck. $. issnii fs.
aiockris. Ii.(jj.;5.
81. Joaepb Live gtterk Market.
ST. JOSKPH. Mo.. Nov- '! iAM-ci I,-
Iteceipi ,WJ head: market steady: natter
"'"""'i; cow and heifer. $1.75'. t.wi;
si.M Kera arid reriler. $3 2&t4.'a.
HtXiS Re-elpt, I2 hed; market ic
lowei ; top, $l t,2l.; bu8. $4 44)40.
SHICKP AND LMfaS Bexeiyt. none;
lamb. U.:4 .J. vrllng. $5.(4)4.5.
long t Itr Lit
nlOl"X CITY. Nov
texk Market.
21 (Bp. 11 Tele.
iin 11111,0 -neceipi. 1 seo head. mr
kt ted; selling st 84 484r4 40; hulk. $4 8"
CATT I.PV- Re. eipts. pi l,e1; market
sternly; beeves. $4 4ore .75; cow and heif
ers, I2.ffi:t.85; storkers and fesd"r. $.'t.f
4.'; calves and yenrllngs. $.,.604 00.
Cattle xtead Unas alow te I. ever
Nheep Nteaatr lo Mtroag.
CHICAGO. Nov. 21 CATTLK Receipts,
islimated about 9Ai h.-ad: market ateady.
Steers. $ti.Tf 6.65; stockei s and feeders.
$2.4004.65: cows. $?.7544.50; heifers. XLYfif
5.00: bulls. $:.ljl.85; calves. $3 mifl 7.00.
HOGS Receipts estimated about ,i)
head; market slow to loilc lower. Choice
heavy shipping. $4.7514.85; light hutchsi.
$4.75ft4 V.; light mixed. $.!;. TB; chnlc
light. $4.;.'ia4.85; packing. $4.40o4.8; pigs,
$4.75it.8.-.; hulk or sales. $4.t)ri4.70.
SHEEP AND M BS Receipt s esti
mated ubotll 15.0011 head: market ateadv lit
strong. Sheep. Jl.linfrR.1ii; lambs, $:).2.V9.5i;
carlins. $t.2fo.lii.
Stock In Might.
of live stock nt the six prln-
a extern
markets yesterday:
Cattle. Hogs.
4 320
South Omaha
Sioux City ...
Knnsa City
Si. Joseph ...
81. Ixxils
. . 7,4I
.. 7ti
. . 2.1
.. 9.08I
.23.672 52.i9.l 2d.!o
Fair Friday
After Cooler Mibl, Maya
. tha Prophet.
OMAHA. Nov. 21. Ii7. .
The heuvy rslns have ended In Ihe lowci
Mlals1ppl valley and west gulf states, and
clcr weather Is general In that section
this morning. Rains continued dining
c ...... t. s.i ...
' " -,,,,rwn? (or ... insuiu 1 , riv er east
- " ' . " . . tvuif n r,. i ,,-1 ill,,. jju-
vails throughout those sections, with rain
falling In the middle and upper Atlantic
state. The weather I generally fair nd
cooler this morning in the Missouri vallrv'
and west Into the mountain, and will con
tinue fair In this vicinity tonight and Fri
day, with cooler tonight.
tjmah record of temperature and pt
ctpltutlon compared with the correspond
ing day of the last three years:
.,, , 1907.11106. 1905.1904.
Minimum temperature.,.. .15 23 33 :
1'reHpltation is. i,( ,
Normal temperature for today. 35 di -grces.
Deficiency in precipitation aim March
I. 6 o9 Inches.
Iericlncy corresponding period In 19o.
4.12 Inches.
Dellilcmy corresponding period In 1905,
Inches. U A. WKl.SH.
local Forecaaier.
Cntton llsrlc)t.
NKW YORK. Nov. 21.-COTT()-ru-lures
opened steady: Novcmbor. lo ROc. bid'
December, 14i.6orl..R9c; January, lo.V; Fel.I
ruary, II..2.U- hid: March. 10.29c; Mav, lOJIc
June. Iii.3.'4j lO.IRc: July, to.:m,: Augusl. M f '
ofTered; September, 10.10c, oftered; October"
Spot ( loted steady al 20 poinis hlgh. i"'
iiii.hillng uplands, ll.ioe; mhidliug s-ulf'
II. 315c. Sales. 3,no bales.
Fiiiures closed excited and Irregular
Closing bid: November, 10.7.V: December
10.84c: January, lu.44c; February. 10 47c'
.March. lo.R2c; April. In 56c: May. lo58ci
June, pi 5C : July, lu.iic; August, 10.47c.
GALVFSTON. Tex., .Nov. 21.-COTT0N
Higher: lie. W1
l.l l.Ri'OOI.. Nov. 2l.-Cim-ON-8pot,
moderate business done; prices 7 point
higher; American, middling fair, 8.50J; good
middling. ii.l4d; middlUig. 5.94d; low mid
dling. j.i!2d: good ordinary, 5.18d; ordlliar
4.58,1; The sale of the day were 6,18,-j bale's,
of which 5oo were for speculation and ex
ports, and Included 5,!ku American. Re
ceims. K.J lisle, all American.
1 riK. urm. .jtioialloiiH revised: Bale, e.4,'4
. bales; low ordinary, i;i4c. noiulnal; ordln
st. 1 ll-lGc, nominal: good ordinary. 9c
noiulnal: low middling. 10c: middling, ' 1otc;
wuu.i iiiiiiuiiiii. ii'a'' miuui In ralr. lit....
lair. IP,
,c, nomliial; receipts. 10,71)9; aloilc
ST. I.OCIS. Nov. 21.-COTTON-Steadv:
1,1 ddlmg. ld'.c; sales, none; receipts. 17:1
be es; shi nieiits, 13 hales; stock, Hotst
.81 eta
1 Markets.
Nov. 21. M KTAI.H Thi
Lomtoii 1 in market was 5a higher at 185 18
for sool ami 1: 15 for fulure. Loeall
the market waa unlet, wlih 'tuoiatious
tanglfig from $:o.25 lo $21.25. Copper wa
higiier in Loudon, with spot closing at 58
l'. 8d and future at 5 15a. Kocallv the
market wa dull and unchanged, with Ia1
miote l at $12.8717 1.1.12',; electrolytic. $12.26',
(112.8.',; cftHiiug, l2.37ta4-12.8J84, Lead waa
lower at JLl.l I.. in ihe London market, but
was weak locally lit $4.25'.4... Spelter wa
urn-hanged nt 21 lu the Kugllsh market.
Locally lite markei wa weak at $4.854H.9t
lion was lower in ihe Kngllsh market,
with stanUaid foundry quoted at 48 Td and
Clexclaiid warranls at 5 41id. Locally the
market ,-;' unchanged. No. 1 foundry
norlhein. $18.75; No. 2 roundly norliieio.
$L. clj 18 25; southern grades, nominal.
ST. Lot IS. Nov. 21.-MI'7TAI.H Lead,
.hill, $4.20; ap.llei-, dull. $4.85.
I Ktaporateil Apple anil Dried Frelt.
j Ni:W YfiRK. Nov. 21 KVAPORATKI
I APPI.KS Market continues Arm on light
loitering and a moderate demand to fill
jout November contract. Faucv are qtjoieil
1st l.'e; choice, loo; prime. 9(utic; I'.fig
! fruit hi '.iff 1 1.-
DRli:i KRl lTS -Prunes are unchanged,
j wliii .imitation ranging from 4', fjjll'-e
for ( 'ullfoi nlit fruit and from (ii4tJ7ie
j for iiicmoii. Apiicola are ateadv, with
choice unol.-, 1 at 21c; extra choice. 22 ';
, fancy, 24c. peaihe are moving, but tn
Ismail lots, with choice iiuotnd at l"j
I 12".,.-: extra choice. 1 2 1 I3 "tc; fan.,
, 14H IV; extra fancy. 14tj-14Vkc Ralaln
are lu fair demand, with loos Muscatel
(Hinted at 7S Si; aeeded raisins, 7
1 In'jc; London layers nominal.
Oil anal H ..(...
Pa., Nov. 2i -OIL- ( redlt 81-
noes. $1.78:
rur. 301.42 bl.le.i averaae.
Ul IMS bin.; anlpmenie.
t"s.(i, bbls.; aver-
age. id, x,.; hbis.
SAVANNAH. (; . Nov.
turpenl !ne. firm; 44'v.
21.-01 l,-8ptrll
KotVIX Firm, guole.l; A. H, ( f D
5 Iu; K. 8.1.14.; F. U K,; G. $0.1118 2f : II. $3 c
I. Uii; K, $4.73; 81. $.-..25; N to 90; W. (,
$4 :; W, G. U ki .
"agar and Molatars.
NKW YORK. Nv. 21. SI 'GAR Raw,
'liuel: fair refiniiig, 324,c; cenlrirugal, So
test. $.7j.:; niulasse, sugar. 2,soc. Refined.
lu.oi. .,, em ; io. 1. 1. Joe; rvu. a ii..-
No. 9. 4.25c ;
No. 10, 415c; No. 11. J.lia-; No.
13. tunc; No. 14. 4 85c: coiiCm-
I 12 lie
lionet a A. lu
mould A. fi.lic: init fnaf
crushed. i !dm: powdered, 4 : aranu-
4 .Is , culw. 5u6c.
t'otTea Market.
I NKW YORK. Nov. 2l.-4'OFFtK-Mrgi
for future steady, net uuchangad to i
I Points lusher. fecemrer IL.'n.:.,.-
8 70c: May, $.9uc; July, $ ..-: Sepi,r,hr
"aa.4aji'. Spot, fillet; No. J Rin. 6c; No. t
Ssntos 74e. Mild cuff, auil; Ci4v