2 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: FRIDAY, NOVEMBEU 22, 1007. of fit. Paul, especially when the dls io la practically the tame? To I'ocrl floand Paints, j he further west you no the worio this ft. From Rt. Paul to Portland Is 622 ;ile further than from Omaha to Port end, and yet the rate from New York to f'ortland by wy of 8t. Paul 1 Icps than .y the wny of Omaha by 32 cents, 21 cents, 17 cents. 1" cents and 11 cents. Just why it lu;,l coW less to haul the freight farther by more than the distance from the Missouri rfr to Chicago will not ap pear to a lnymsy, especially when the rate from the Missouri river to Chicago Is so hlKh. The distance from Bt. Paul to Seattle Is HO mll greater than from Omaha to Beat :lt nntl yet the rnte from St. Paul is lower .o Brattle by the same figures aa for Port ard. Tin tlirouph rate from New York to Poml Point, Mabo, by way of Omaha li HI" per hundred, while by way of St. Pnul It Is but 4.15, a discrimination against Omnha of 32 centa. Here Is one of the . (rcatest mysteries of rate making. From Sand Point to Spokane the distance over the Great Northern Is seventy-five miles, from Spokane to Seattle It Is 339 miles, and from Seattle to Portland is IKS miles f jrther, yet eaeh of these cities takes the same rate as Sand Point. The Chicago roads auk a proportion of the through rate to Omaha of 74.7 cents for hauling first class freight 6"0 miles, yet out In Idaho, Washington and Oregon we find the Northern Pacific" and the Great Northern hauling the same first class freight 609 miles for nothing. In the MlMowrt Valley. In the strictly Missouri valley territory, as shown by t ho--diagram, the difference In favor of St. Paul and Bt. Louis, the Mis sinlRslppi river points, and against Omaha, Kansas City and 8t. Joseph, the Missouri river points. Is just as marked. The sta tion numbered on the diagram are re ferred to In the tables. With six exceptions In all the rates displayed' they show dis criminations against Omarta, although the naul by way of Omaha Is shorter. In these tables will be found some mors of the va garies of the rate maker. "Why, for exam ple, should the rate to Fremont on first class freight from New York by way of St. Louis be 23 cents per hundred pounds lower than by way of Omaha? And why lhould the first class rate from New York to Schuyler by way of Omaha be only 7. ?ents higher than the Fremont rate, while :he rate by way of St. Louis to Schuyler s 24 cents higher, thus reducing the dis crimination against Omaha In Its Own terri tory to 6 cents Instead of 23 cents? How carefully the proportlo'nals are main tained Is Indicated by the fact that al though the haul from New York to Schuy ler by way of St. Louis Is seventy-four miles longer than by way of Omaha, the cost of firth class freight from New York by the Mississippi gateway Is 1 cent per hu 11 red pounds less than by the Missouri river gate. It takes some nice discrimina tion to reach these close distinctions. To Dunbar, Neb.,' which la nearer New York by twelve miles through OmaVa than through St. Louis, the first -class rate la 35 cents In favor of St. Louis.. What chance has an Omaha Jobber to do business In Dun bar, which Is fifty-seven miles from Omaha on the Missouri Pacific, and forty-seven miles from Lincoln on the Burlington, against a St. Louis Jobber with a 35 cent .freight differential In favor of the Mls- V?i. river point? Ilnrllnsttosi "All the War." k-r., fViland, which Is Burlington "all the Way1Mbe discrimination against Omaha in favor of St Louis is 15 cents, 13 cents, 11 cents, 8 cents and 7 centa on the five classes. Tobias, another town that is Bur lington "all the. way," has only 8 cents first class, 7 cents second class and 8 cents . third class In favor of St. Louts aB..:nt Omaha, and pays the same on fourth and fifth class, no matter how It comes. In each of these cases the haul by way of . Omaha Is the same. ' What tort of figuring made the first class rate to Harlan, la., from New York the tame, either by St. Louis or Omaha, then put a difference of. 1 centt In favor of Omaha on second class freight, and a dif ference of cents, 6 cents and 2 centa In favor of St. Louis on third, fourth and fifth classes respectively ? The difference In the haul In favor of Omaha In the case of Har lan Is sixty-eight miles. All this has to do only with the through rates. The local rates are even more re markable for their discrepancies and In consistencies. A study of the tables and diagrams will well repay the time put In on them. Guild to Attend llrsrlsg. J. M. Guild, commissioner of the Com mercial club of Omaha, left Wednesday evening for Kansas City, where he will attend the hearing of Omaha wholesalers and Jobbers before the Interstate Com merce commlKsloners. Mr. Guild wfll not be a witness In the rases, but will hear Uie testlmony and probably go to Chicago later, wheie an important hearing Is to be held. Secretary McVann of the Grain ex change Is attending the Kansas City hear ing and mill be an Important witness for the shippers. .GOOD DAY M MRS. BRADLEY (Continued from First Page.) fraln. The way may he filled with dif ficulties and troubles, hut we will win If v itlently, truly keep our purposes in view. This letter was signed "Your own hus band." January 21 he expressed confidence In winning in the divorce matter, and added: "I believe we will live together and enjoy each other all the better for the little troubles that now beaut us." ! HYMENEAL. . Ferrell-I.ymaa. TAPOR, la.. Nov. 21.-Speclal.)-Marrled November 20, at 'the home of the br'de's lrents. Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Lyman of Tit-.r. Mr. Allle Ferrell of Randolph and Miy Thera Lynan. Rev. Teter Jacobs of Silver City officiating. They will live at Randolph. "Staying power" is one of the essentials to success. The ability to "hang on" "till the last cat's hung" has won out for many a man, otherwise handicapped. You can store up energy and "grit" from the right kind of food. Grape-Nuts contain the vital elements, from wheat and barley, that make for endurance and clear-headedness. It is fully cooked ready to eat; is quickly absorbed and begins at once to repair waste tissue and store up energy for the "long strong pull" that wins. "There's a reason." Read "The Road to Wellville," la pkffs Combination of To Via 1. 2. Omaha. 1. Bt Paul. Yankton, Inference B. 1 va, Omaha. Omaha. 2. St. Paul. Canton, Difference 8. D vs. Omaha. Omaha. . St. Paul, Cheldon, DlfWcm-e la vs. Omaha. Omaha. 4. ' Bt. Paul. Sioux City, ID (Terence la vs. Omaha. Omaha. 5. Bt. Paul. Fonda, Difference la vs. Omaha. 24 170 1SS ,152 18 lf. ii 14S IS 10 las hr 11!H 170 1146 110 25 172 HI 149 109 '176 111 a in 181 147 1144 118 104 6V, To Via 2. Omaha. , 11. Bt. Louis. BK Sioux City, Difference Neb vs. Omaha. Omaha. 12. St. Louis. Oakland, Difference Neb . vs. Omaha. Omaha. ' 13. Bt. Tnuls. Fremont, Difference Neb vs. Omaha. Omaha. 14. Bt. Louis. Schuyler, Difference Neb vs. Omaha. Omaha. 15. Bt. Louis. David City. Difference Neb vs. Omaha. Omaha. 18. St. Louis. Seward, Difference Neb vs. Omaha. Omaha. 17. Bt. louls. Ashland, Difference Neb vs. Omaha. Omaha. IS. St. Louis. Crete. Difference Neb vs. Omaha. Omaha. 19. Bt. Louts. 1 Dunhar, Difference Neb vs. Omaha. Omaha. 20. Bt. I.nuls. Tobias, Difference Neb to. Omaha. 184'l5n 118 175 145 113 6 1S1 1172 149 143 117 1111 175 145 125 113 152 97 23 20 16 1183 117 178 1116 !1S2 150 1120 177 144 1115 182 172 148 1116 142 112 10 167 13S 10) 152 15 12 !1H2 162 150 133 118 106 20 16 187 1152 ilfiO I US 113 35 25 !1G8 161 1128 120 lhj To Via 2. Kan. Cttv. Bt. Louis. Difference vs. K. City. 1S4 149 115 81. Coming, Mo 1147 120 87 29 22 Kan. City. Bt. Louis. Difference rs. K. City. 172 140 120 110 32. Amasonla, Mo....... 147 25 20 Kan. City. Bt. Louis. Difference vs. K. City. 178 14 113 63. Cameron, Mo 147- 120 93 31 26 20 Kan. City. Bt. Louis. Difference vs. K. City. 192 1S2 158 161 12S 120 S4. .Washington, Kan 10 Kan. City. Bt. Louis. Difference va. K. City. 172 110 110 86. Hiawatha Kan 147 120 20 17 Kan. City. 28. Bt Louis. Atchison, Difference Kan vs. K. City. Kan. City. 26A. Bt. Louis. Holton, Difference Kan vs. K. City. Kan. City. 7- Bt. Louis. Ottawa, Difference Kan vs. K. City. Kan. City. W- Bt. Louis. West Line, Difference Mo vs. K. City. Kan. City. . Bt. Louis. Mound City, Difference Kan.. vs. K. City. Kan. City. 40. Bt. Louis. Fort Scott, Difference Kan vs. K. City. Kan. City. 41. Bi Ix u s. Pittsburg. Difference Kan vs. K City. 169 13S 120 108 147 b3 13 15 176 144 (112 ,157 130 99 13 19 14 176 149 112 il72 141 110 !l75 li2 va 110 1U0 154 21 13 10 1U 154 116 164 1135 It 19 19 1S3 156 118 161 1136 lb3 20 15 16 160 126 139 luS II 85 21 18 PARCELS POST IS DEFEATED) Proposition Oeti Black 'Eye from Re tail Implement Dealeri. POSTMASTER GENERAL IS OPPOSED John W. Newell aael All O fleers Are He-Klected for One Year and Omaha Selected (or Next Mectlag Plaee. John W. Newell of Lynch, president. K. P. Byars of Valley, vice president. J. D. Ringer, South Omaha, secretary. C. A. Wagner of Omaha, treasurer. J. W. Newell, delegate to National' Fed eration. E. P. Byars. J. W. Newell. A. Bpooner, C. Van Zyl, directors for three -years. These were re-elected officers of the Ne. breaks and Western Iowa Retail and Im plement Dealers' association Thursday morning. The next meeting ot the asoaciatlon will be held probably In Omaha during the third week In November, 19u8. The association went on record as op posed to the proposed parcels post law as advocated by postmaster General Meyer. The objections were based on the ground that the law would only benefit the cata logue houses and that It was but the opening wedge for the serious Impairment of retail business In communities from which the rural postal routes radiated. A resolution was Introduced opposing the proposition advocated by the National As sociation of Implement apd Vehicle manu facturers to make the due dates on Imple ments changed to the discount date of June and October 1 of each year. The resolution brought out an animated discus sion, participated In by one or two repre sentatives of the National Association ot Implement and Vehicle manufacturers, who Insisted that the adoption of the resolution would be counter to the action of the Na tional Association of Implement and Ve hicle dealera. The usual resolutions of thanks to the local committee ot arrangement, the Job bers of Omaha for courtesies and to all participants In the program and to the trade and dally presa Xor courtesies, closed the proceedings. Wlssw rasa I'roMcatloa. SIOI Z KALL8, 8. D.. Nov. 21 (Special.) I Mrs. H. A. Bradfleld. widow of the drug clerk who died In a Sioux Kails hospital I us the rcault of a guashot wound received Class Rates from Via Omaha and Via St. PauL Mate To I1S1HI 97 116 U lOHj.14 Mitchell, B. D invd 1 lao m HI. w 12' 11 1643 m 7. Armour, e. V.... so 74 1 1 -.er M " Omaha. Bt. Paul. Scotland, Difference 8. D vs. Omaha. Omaha. 9. Bt. Paul. Run'g Water, Difference S. D vs. Omaha. . Omaha, 10. Ft. Paul. Parker, Difference 8. I) vs. Omaha. 7eH 11H IS04 m 1673 m 15-S m 1579 m 63 3 V Via Omaha and Via St. Louts. jDlsfe To 8 W 7S 71 1524 m isy m 21. Chester, Neb.... 2 2 14HS m . 22. Endlcott, Neb 23. Wymore, -Neb 24. Table Rock, Neb ' 25. Falls City, Neh 46. Ute, la 1M in 6 14 0 m 1524 m 11 14W m 1554 m 14!9m 1673 m 144 m II 563 m jl4.'l6 m 97 15BS m V. Herndon, Ia 11 1479 m 1551m 28. Harlan, I 13 10 1463 m 1475 m 29. Red Oak, la ' 80. Hamburg, 1 97 21 16 1520 m il562 in Favor Omaha. Via Kansas City and Via St. Louis. Dlsfe To 1467 m ... . Madison, Kan Gates Center, Kan 1440 m 19 13 11416 m 93 17. 15 12 3 6 67 68 Independence, Kan 16 11 P3 90 78 76 45. Coffoyville, ,Kan 3 2 ?3 46. El Dorado,. Kan 15 12 . , Arkansas City. Kan 12 10 48. McPherson, Kan 69 l 67 . ,4.9- Bt -" """i - Kan vs. 60. Newton, Kan.... . ,51, V Ichlla, Kan . 62. Kingman, Kan 63. Anthony, Kan 13 10 12 CV ot Class Kates from Station to State. Huron South Dakota Pierre South Dakoti Helena, Rutte, Anaconda, eto Montana Montana common points) Missoula Montar Bt. Regis Montana Plains Montana Sand Point , Idaho Spokane Seattle and Tacoma Portland , Washington! Washington1 .Oregon! Omaha to Billings, S83 miles. St. Paul to Billings. t92 miles. Omaha to Portland, l.tui miles. at Trent on Hallowe'en night. Is taking an active part In the prosecution ot Henry Hendrlckson, a prominent busi ness' man of Trent, who is charged with having fired the shot, and, who now Is at liberty under a bond of 115.000 pending his trial In the state circuit court of Mood count next March. ma Brought to Chicago under a promise of marriage and then deserted was the ex perience of Eva Patten, a pretty 19-year-old St. Louis girl, according to her story told the Cottage Grove avenue police. The girl, stylishly dressed and apparently of good education and family, was found cry ing In Wabash avenue by a policeman. When taken to the police station she told of having been deserted by her sweetheart, with whom she had eloped. The girl said she came to Chicago frorn her home with Cornelius McEwen, supposed to be a wealthy young man. tier parents bad objected to her marriage New York City Vli Dlst'a Omaha. Ft. Paul. Omaha. 111. 12. II. 14. It. I. ;21 h.75 139 102) HI il7 m 1 lf9 119 90 7BV4'(1638 m J X 18 20 12 6 1211 179 140 1VIH KlVfc 168 m l2no 164 1 Wi 97 81 1746 m 18 15 12 H ZH '210 178 184 1"8H "4'UM9m 113 159 121 91 70 1 11712 m Tti "IT" IT" 1t tw.l (214 178 m 10m 82tJlfw m) '216 164 128 W 83 1737 m I 1 9 12 9 0 ?1" 171 13ti OS 80 122 m il3 1152 1113 82 70 1162 m 1 27) 1 22ir "To 1 Omaha. Bt. Paul. Difference vs. Omaha. Via Dlst't Omaha. Ft. Louis. Difference vs. Omaha, Omaha. Ft. Louis. Difference vs. Omaha. Omaha. Bt. Louis. Difference vs. Omaha. Omaha. Bt. Louis. Difference vs. Omaha. Omaha. Bt. Louis. Difference vs. Omaha. Omaha. St. Louis. Difference vs. Omaha. Omnha. Bt, Louis. Difference vs. Omaha. Omaha. St. Louis. Difference vs. Omaha. Omaha. St. Louis. Difference vs. Omaha. Omaha. Et. Louis. Difference vs. Omaha. Via Dlst'e Kan. City. Ft. Louis. Difference vs. K. City. Kan. City. bt. Louis. Difference vt. K. City Kan. City. St. Loula. Difference vs. K. City. Kan. City ll99 Bl. LrfUlB. 1,188 unrrerence vs. K. City Kan. City. St. Louis. Dlfferenca vs. K. City. Kan. City. St. IxjuIs. Difference vs. K. City. Kan. City. Bt. Louis. Difference vs. K. City. Kan Clr - Louis! i206!173 129 L'liiririlld M -( K. City, i 6 6 Kan. City. Ft. Louis. Difference vs. K. City Kan. City. 8t- Lotus. Difference vs. K. City. Kan. City. St. Louis. Difference vs. K. City. Kan. Citv. Bt. Louis. Difference vs. K. City. New Vork to the Northwest. Rates in Cents Per 1U0 Pounds. Route. JLUi. Via Omaha Via St. Taul 2i6j 1S6 H6 106' 84 7 10 w 1 Difference vs. Om. 35 22! 2jJ 15H Via Omaha Via 8t. Paul 2411 2i 161 1 120 tJ) U 149 11 J Difference vs. Om. 21 HI 121 10 -II Via Omaha Via St. Paul 3101 2ol 203 170 159 34') 2M 234j 21 1 17 Difference vs. Om. 16 U 195 164 31 207 1X1 Via Omtiiia Via St. Paul 40 251 2S5 231 1 3:i 3'V HI Difference vs. Om. 69, 61 44 Via Omnha Via St. Paul 440 36X 2V 145 215 3S5 3291 266 Dlfftrence vs. Om 65 3 a) 26 Via Omaha Ma Et. Paul 40 366 36X 2W 312 3o 244 2o4 7 127 i Difference vs. Om.l -!! 7- : 1 661 40 SB ia ornana j Via St. Paul 447; 415 3l II 3 258 241 207 16 3,.y 21 ; Difference vs. Om. 211 17 15 Via Omaha Via St. Paul 447! 415 3NO 313 258 361) 1 ftrt 243 207 196 Difference vs. Om. 32 i! n 15 11 St. Paul to Portlund. 1.925 miles Omaha to Seattle, 1,4s miles. St. Paul to Seattle, l.ga miles and McEwen had proposed the elopement. When they reached Chicago, she aftld, her companion announced that he did noV care to marry her. but that he would find a good place for her to live. I'ndecelved by the proposal Miss Patten staggered to a seat In the waiting room of the Polk rtreet station. Recovering her full senses, she struck the man repeatedly In the face. A crowd quickly gathered, but McEwen escaped before the spectators could salze hlm. At her own request Miss Patten was cared for at the Harrison street police annex until she received a reply to tele grams sent to relatives In St. Louis asking assistance. We have secured the agency for Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup the new laxative that makes the liver lively, purifies the breath, cures headaches and regulates the digestive organs. Cures chronic constipa tion. Aak us about It. For sale by all drugglsta Ill- I 2- ! 14. 16. I' - 1 !19 1fi4 131 W 79 1661 m 191 159 128 93 77 jl672 m ii'F.rrrT"i"T" i ll!2 160 126 92 77 11548 m 1SZ 161 Uo 90 74 1641 m 10 6 2 8 ) 117 1E5 121 I 91 76 11.1:1 m 162 135 1105 80 67 11614 m l 26 20 18 IF" T JS7 1R5 118 9A 74 1521 m 152 125 97 72 60 I 1474 m 35 30 21 "l8"l4j 17 156 118 .Tl74l1601 m ! I 68 1 67 j 1450 m I 0 25 26 2". 17 1169 1S9 108"7965 1473 m tl67 140 US 73 62 1540 m 2 1 6 T"T 173 142 110 81 HT 14G9 m lfiO U4 10O 70 69 11619 m 13 8 10 11 7 167 137 log 78 64" 1451 m 1167 140 103 78 62 1618 m I '3 3 6 "T" I ilffl 138 107 78 64 1462 m 1147120 93 68 67 1470 tri I 21 18 14 To"" "T" jl7 137 107 78 64 1402 m 147 120 93 68 6J, 1467 m II 20 17 14 10 " T 111. 12. 8. 4. 6. ! '210 169 131 98 ii jm 160 128 06 81 I 9 9 S 8 2 1199 168 131 86 80 I1S8 1154 124 91 75 11 14 7 6 4! 199 ' 167 135 99 83 I " 184 158 U7 93 78 117 llQK tirtft car it ,"T I " 1158 I127V.I 3 78 II ! 11 15 7 7 7 216 177 "138 104 88 " 199 167 134 ' lul 86 J " To TiTtT . !222 188 150 116 99 212 178 144 111 98 10 10 6 5 6 2" 176 143 107 92 ' 206 j 173 13a . Iia 90 13 4 2 2 l '"1 ''l-e iiaq Ik t 1105 I 90 . jj r rrrr ! 206 177 " 138 104 f8 " -Ha I I II 6 " 213 178 143 108 T 2ti6 173 139 103 90 6 5 4 T." i 220 1S3 148 113 K ' 217 182 148 113 86 X H ZT: : '223 1'6 150 116 99 " 217 1S2 148 114 96 I 6 3 2 2TT" THI3 DIAGRAM REFERS TO THE TABLES, 6HOWINO LOCATION OF STATIONS. OUTPUT OF PACKING HOUSES Marketing; ot Hoars Takes a Bla; Drop from Last Year's Flararea. CINCINNATI. Nov. 21. (Special Tele gram.) Price Current says: There Is a con tinuous deficiency In the marketing of hogs compared with last year. Total western packing was 845,000, compared with 315.000 the preceding week and 625,000 last year. Since November 1 the total la ' 860,000, against LSlO.ouO a year ago. Prominent places compare as follows: 1907. Chicago 21V.0O0 Kansas City 96.00 Omaha Su.ooo St. Ixiuls 68.001J St. Joseph 39.UO0 Indianapolis ?5.0u0 Milwaukee 48.000 Cincinnati 18.000 Ottumwa I2,0ii0 Cedar Rapids 24.ouO Ploux City la.rtoo Pt. Paul 26. UO Cleveland 27.000 1906. 31ll.0"0 176. 0W 80, 10 96 urn 80, COO 68,01 V SS.OiO 30.0 23 oon 43.000 35,000 Only One "Bltuns Qt'IWIXK" That la LAXATIVE Bromo Quinine. Look for the signature of E. W. Grove. Used the world 0er to cure a Cold in one day. 250. DEATH RECORD! Angnat Charles Xperht. August Charles Specht, aged 71 years, died at his home in Los Angeles, November 16. and the funeral was held Sunday. His brother, Chris Specht, formerly of Omaha Is now living In I.os Angeles. Charles F. Caswell. DENVER. Colo.. Nov. 21-Charles F. Caswell, associate justice of the Colorado supreme court, died today of paralysis of the heart after a week's Illness. FIRE RECORD Louie Llpi Company. CINCINNATI. O.. Nov. 21.-The Louis Llpp company's plumbing manufacturing establishment at Wlnton Place, a suburb of this city, was destroyed by fire late last night. Three buildings were gutted, causing a loss of fO.COO, partly covered by Insurance. The origin of the fire Is not known. New Revenue Collector. SIOUX FALLS. S. D.. Nov. ZL-8peclal.) W. A. Simpson of Flandreau. after hav ing filled the position of deputy Internal revenue collector for the southern dis trict of South Dakota for two or three years, recently tendered his resignation. It now la announced that Damon Oreatorex of Hartford has been appointed his suc cessor and will make Sioux Falls his head quarters. Haalam Aecnaed of Theft. NEW YORK. Nov. tl.-James S. Haslam. manager and confidential man for Edey. Brown at Sanderson, bankers and brokers of 2 Wall street, was arrested today on a charge of stealing a g00 check from his employers. A member of the firm said that thefts aggregating 820,000 will be charged against Haslam. TO THE POLE BY BEAR Ships, Rnuoona, Sleds and Doss ranned I'p for Bear Power. Captain Roald Amundsen, the explorer of the Northwest Passage, Is the latest aspirant for the honor of discovering the North Pole. Captain Amundsen has a new scheme. He Is not going to take any chances with airships, motor sleds, or any other artificial achievements of modern In genuity. His motto Is: "Back to nature." He proposes to use things that are at home In Arctic conditions. His motlvs power will be polar bears. The normal polar bear as he Is found at large would have some disadvantages In the role of a domestic animal. His temper Is not amia ble, and It would be hard to keep hlm In a proper state of discipline, even with a club. The only effective argument with him Is a gun. preferably at long range. But Captain Amundsen proposes to employ bears that have never heard the call of the wild. He Is having them trained as cubs, so that by the time they grow up they ought to be as docile as horses. When he takes them north a trip to the pole wll' be a mere erasure Jaunt for them. The colder and meaner the weather, the better they will like ItJi'y they come to a break In the Ice such as the one that stopped Peary, they will enjoy swimming across. With seal flesh for their food they ran live on the country. According to Captain Amundsen, a bear Is ten times as strong as a horse' and can haul as much aa a hundred dogs. With six bears, therefore, he will have sixty-horsepower, or 600-dog-power. Moreover, when tamed, polar bears are "tractable, reliable and affectionate." Even If they should eat their master In a moment of forgetfullneas, no doubt they would regret It afterward. The Norwegian explorer la prepared to if' . "If "ARROW CLuecce ensues COLLAR Quarter bisee, iy: each, a for 93c. iuitt. etasesv 4 ce.. Hilar, f rMs., .,.4 M.n.rvl, H.ln. c.ja.'. It; -Ji. i. -3 T . T.u.UfU vP' - u ..jnmwa give five or six years to his experiment He proposes to use Nansen's ship, the. Fram, If he can get It, or one like It. He expects to take the Bering strait voute and watch his ehance as his vessel drifts across the polar basin to make his bear dash for the pole. If Commander Peary, Mr. Cook and the other explorers who are headed that way do no crowd In ahead of him. he may secure the unparalleled honor of car rying off both of the two great priiea AM(JIRMEHT8, BOYD'S THEATER Friday Xlght and Saturday Matinee and Bight CK11L1I riOKMAI rresents OTIS SKINNER m Tata HOo or tkb rAni.T Maxt Tuesday and Wednesday TaTD rOPUItlB aCUalCAI. tTCCE THE ISLE OF SPICE CUflOHTOrf 'Phoi.. Douglas ADVANCED VAUDEVILLE Daily in-tin-, 2:16; every night, 1:11; THI1 WEEX Burrows-Lancaster Co.; Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Barry A Co.; Four Ptcalo Midgets; Oeiger at Walters; Muel ler & Mui-ller; lckwood at Brysun; the BalzauM and the kluodroiiie. Uflces, 10c, 25c, 50c. AUDITORIUM Roller Skatlna All Ihk HWk . - ' p w" m Afternoon and Evening. RACE FRIDAY NIGHT 4 Admission, 10c. . Skates, 20a liNUG THEATER Toalg-ht Balance of Week tlnoola J. Carter's Scents aca.tirniaca BEDFORD'S HOPE anday JUI OUT OT COIXEOX. sate rmaiiTiiiiihritsaeTst, iff 4 n II I K al U BURWOOD vacuus TfiniV IT Floreaoe Kodena and lUUnl A I Company) raulua and 2 ! ts Tom Brant- 'Al ArJR ferd) Hart Trio) Caraaai iwU ftllU Yarlok aad Lt I.oaaa 8.4C II Oraee Ormai Zarl Q, In P l Kicks t rioHn. I J -Ti 111. , OBBAT aVOTB 1