10 THE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: FT? TP A Y. NOYEM HER 22, 1D07. Want - ads i'flfm rr the nut ad will he (ka watU far tTnlu edit! aad ant II P a. m. far the maralagc aad InUr dUlee. Out mast leemarair all rlen to want ui af UTtHlwanl will ha accepted far leaa thaa lO eeata fa the drat Insertlea. RiIm apply ta either The Dally ar gaaday Baa. Alwiri ceaat six wards la a ltaa. Combinations af laltlala ar aamhera I aa aaa ward. CASIt RATES FOR WART ATM. BEOCl.AB CLASSIFICATION Owe , Insertloa, per llaa, 19 eeata. 1'wa ar mare vttaseeatlve lasertlaas, fer llaf trill. Eira lasertlea made aa add days. 10 eaata par II aa. fl. per Una per meath. Waal ade far The Be mar he '' at aar of ka folowlaa- dra stores- aa la "year eoraer drajgalst"- tfcer are all krairh ameee af Tke Baa and rear ad will he laeerted last aa promptlr and aa the same ratea aa at tke aula efflee la Tke Bee Balldlac, e-eeteeath aad raraaam Itreeta. PEC1AL CLASSIFICATION It rear advertisement la laeerted ander aar of tke elaaalflnatloaa siren below, It will be chatrsed at tke fol lewlna rt'4est One lasertlon, 4 eeata . pes' One three ta alx caaaeeatlre in aeetloas, 3 eeata per llaa each laser llaa i eerea or mora eoaaecatlre ta pert Ions, 3 eeata per Uae rack 1 user lien SO eeata per llaa per month. BARTER AND BICHASCE. BUSINESS CHANCES. HELP WANTED FEMAI.B. t HELP WANTED DALE. - Kxcept Agents, Solicitors aad Sales j -a- : OFFERED FOR SALE. Cows, Birds, Dose aad Pecs. Horses aad Veklclee. Poaltrr aad Ea"S. K-nraltare. Typewriters aad Sewing Machines. I'laaoe. Ureses aad Masteal 1 astro meats. OFKKHED FOR SEXT. i Furnished Rooma. Untarnished Roms. Housekeeping; Rooms. Roardlns; aad Rooma. WANTED TO BUY. : Albach. W. C. 40th and l arnum. faeranek, S, A.. 12 S. 16th bt. Becht Pharmacy. i"20 S. 16th Bt. Benson Pharmacy, Benson. Neb. Uenii Park Pharmacy, 3;1 and Curn.ng. Blake's Pharmacy, 2816 Snerman Ave. Caughlin, C. K., Gtli and Pierce Sis. Clifton Hill Pharmacy, 2213 Military Ave. Conte, J. B., 31at Ave. and Farnam. Crisaey Pharmacy, 241 h mid Lake. Cermak. Emll. 1204-6 8. Uth St. Eastman Phai macy, 4oln Hamilton. Ehler, F. II., .Sn2 Leavenworth. l'uslur & Arnold), -IS N. ih St. Freytug. Join: J.. 1-14 N. Florence Drug Co., Florence, Net). Goldman Phi;i niacy, -Mil and Lake. Green's riiaAuacy, coii'e: Paik Ave. and 1'acilu. Ui'f in.nph. G. A.. P2S 8. 10th :. tirei noiish. U. A., littl a. I11 tjt- Uiixiiii., wiii. c. Ji'.u r arri.i"v m. lUsn.Nccin Park Phui t.-.avy, lioi ho. 2flth !) t. ,1.1m. u:: N. Hlh St. J'uri". A. 1... :. l.iHvemvc.rtli St. Km).-. II. 8. Kauiam St. )oi.i. .y.tT P'.ai-f P1i.ii i.iary, 31 N. iMa. I'm: 1 lr ix Co., Wii N. 1.4th 8t. I.uihi'op I'hax. li., l;e4 N. '.Mth 81. l'. wi n. L. -Mill a.il l.esven worth. !Jmi .iii'i l?ru. t'n.. 24lli ki.il Ames Ave. jyf. i s l ui I'ri.c ir Co.. 16th and Ci.rim.. fx l.iie.Vr, At:usl. -'71 N. ICOi Sr in I . J. 1 1.. It 1 1 and Cuming Stn. Hoiim I'i.itn-.iticy. 1 :t 1 und Marll.a hli Via;:, ui Hill Piiunirmv. 4ft h ai"l tlum.ng X'ull ir I Mill : ii;.n'v. ."Hli :ith1 Crate. ' ' Hn.i. llaniiiioii Stn i,. . illH AMI Fi'AEliAL MITiCES. Hi "I'l l.- ;!:. a u., .NriMinwr 15, 1S0T; ' Hi-s OcHiiH lid iiurii uuii one ihii 1.. ..ai..i...-!'. mii.n'. inoih.r und three I i.l.i.1'4 . .rr..i fiiiin ii-siilcncc, South Fif- .uii k.rii-'.. Sutimiiiy ui J p. ni. li. l iii. i u. oi i.jn cemetery. Frleudu rl'.i.l. j :L.li:s'.l Mrs. Juhn. S eilnc.idny morn- NiiviTil.tr .1". iWi. aKd ai" yi-ara. , 'mn:il i'iuiii fuiii ly icslrii-nce. 17 De- . .. . t lA.l.ll.- 11 ft Al'lllKlll It 2 II. 111. I . rti fiil, I-'oie.n 1 M n cemetery. J- lends j iled. I Int lnv 'TinilaV LODGE NOTICES. All officers and members of Ak-Sar-Ben lodao No. 173, D. of 11.. A. O. C. W.. are raqunstrd to meet St their lial!, Beventeenth and Vinton streets, Saturday afternoon, November J3, at 1 o'clock, to attend the funeral of Pister Pelma H truer. H LU ROCHEFXiRD, Chief of Honor. ANNA KARBCH, Recorder. AlARHIAUB LICENSES. The following; marriage licenses have been issued : Name and Residence. Age. Charles E. Logan, Parnell. Mo i4 Maud Buy iter, parnell. Mo 'M Arthur Miner, Omulia , i Mary Mansfield, Oinal.a '& Hiram A. Andrews, Davis Ranch, Wyo.. 43 Claru M. Fullertun, Davis Ranch, Wyo.. 4a Reouliird M. Bean, South Omaha 21 Kin ma Sxow, South Omaha 14 George W. Stevenson, South Omaha US Zella Burton, Soutlk Omaha 18 Glenn W. Hcnton, Omaha 2fi Alollia Coler, Omaha 13 Wllllain Nlcholls, Marshall. Mo 12 Mary Moore, Nebraska City, Neb S3 BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Births Theodora Aufdemberger. Ma son street, boy; C L. Mathsr, 14 Lrroy avenue, boy; Frauk McUuekln, loll bouth 'Pwenly-elhth avenue, boy; Jeriy Ma lioney, I'JIU South Thirteenth street, gill; Walter Howe, 618 Woolworth avenue, tioy; Joseph Drdlo, 2607 Center street, wy; Charles W. burnt. am. lLi.it North Tweutieth atroet, boy. Deaths Wylle Stewart Clemejits. 2ii4 Rraklna street, aged 4 years; Wlrllam Vo kan, 8t. Jusipli's liosoltal. sued 14 years; Mrs. J. bordeau. 8t. Josephs hospital. aed 3i years; Mrs.' Martha Anderson, 419 South Twentieth street, aged 67 years; Mrs. Mattle Johnson. I'M NortU hlxteenth street, asred fr'. years. ANNOUNCEMENTS MONDAY, DEC. , FIKST WINTER TEKM BOYLES COLLEGE The catalog-US Is ready. Ask for It. Bookkeeplruf. shorthand and typewilllng. telerpiiy and English. Address II. b. buyles, President, buyles Butldlitg. Omaha. (D M&64 SIGN PAINTING 8. H. Cole. wTllougTaT riUi CITY GARBAGE CO., o.Uce 4th and Leavenworth Bta. Tel. Douglas 1V7. t! '- T01 AUTOMOBILES SEXD for our last e seoond-tuuid autotno- ?LS. l'Smiau i. yaj-nap. rMj BARTER AND EXCHANGE I HAVS tha beat aad cknapoei. ranch prep oal.loa t-tfaaisutiia of acres, stock, haisca and mecmnery Included, to ax raaaure fur a small farm. The finest ' har lead, good luijirovemeots, LU acres Bikrr oulUvatioa. Also lavs 1 farms ler rata la Cmas eouA ty does to Pie I ta irisa .a. knag- lease siven to the right Huray. For panic ulars writs J. J'. Fuller, ItaUaw-oaUl. Neb. it-M tit . r RAD EH. THADES If yen nave same tuiiut fr aaia or uaot run us; i matuli afars"aAiiC- A ATT IlCVKSTaf KTTT Caw. 4a-xku Bea aus- Omaha. U-auet Dec. 1 BARTER AND EXCHANGE (Continued. FOR SALB OR EXCH ANGE m," slock of general men handise and frsme store building In wertern Iowa. Address P C. Omaha, Neb. (J) M47 D.lx FtH EXCIf ANfJE Well rontwl J-storr fram bulldlnc. Bit county tnwn In eajitrm Routh Dakota. J C. Moody, Pmrpr S. D. flV-;tx BUSINESS CHANCES BF.UI; OIEAP-BMt paylnf hrd u and Implement buKlness In the city, toifttth-r with tine lnlds property. Ad dress Co N. Kansas Ave. Topka. Kan. FOR RALJB l-room furnished house, line location; fall of boarders. Addree O 371. car Baa. (4J-8T5 NovSt MILLJNERT STORE for sale or exchange; what have you for sn tip-BV-data millinery store doing good busineea In best location? Reasonable rent; will mil cheap If taken at once; must give up on acoount of sickness. Address Y Ta, Bee. ti MS62 i'ix TO OCT IN OR OUT OF BfSINKSS CALL, ON "WILLIAMS, 411 MTAQUa BU1LJJ1NQ. 16TU AND DODGE STS. . (4-;0 FOR BALE Wholesale candy and lea cream b'lsioees; profits for 1907 are now over 12.700. $4,000; half cash, or $-1,600 all caeh buys tho business If taken at once; everything firnt-class; owner tired of bus iness. Will remain with purchaser until January 1 if desired. Address W. A. Hood. Sheldon, la. (l)-MJOl 2Sx FOR BALH-lood restaurant in live Sioux Co. town. Must sell quick. Invoice shout $1,000. Address C. lrugT. Mau rice, la. (4)-Mr?S :3x FOR SALB Cheap; three chair barber shop; good town, good business. Address, Y-l oaro Uee. (41 M14J i:x FOR 8AL.K Implement building and com plete new slock. In North Loup valley, good location, good country, and good people; price and terms on application. Address Y 90, care Bee. 14) M478 N?J.t Do You Wish to Make a (Jhange IK YOtl have a farm, home, business or property that you wish to sell or ex c.iianfe, write us. ULOBH LAND AND INV KSTM BNT CO., OMAHA, NEB. (4 1 M5D0 Deo. 21 FOR HA LK Two-chair barber shop with bath tub; bargain If taken at once. Frank Host, Randolph, Neb. 4)-M7iM Dpc. 3x DRI'd STOTIT53 for sale everywrioreTln. V Knlest, TOT N. T. Ufa. Omaha. (4o)-707 WITH 4 acres of highly mineralized land, situated In the heart of the Dixie mining district, Nevada; aisays from 3 to IS fert from the surface rhowlng IS to $40 per Ion, and a management known for honosty and hustle, the treasury slock of toe Chicago Dixie at 7 cents (p.ir value $1) is a "snap." Write or call. Chicago I'romotlon &. P.rokerane Co. (Iirancli ofllce), H01 Richards' Hldg., Lincoln. Nob. (4 M4I9 x GENERAL merchandise store; well estab lished business; must soli at a sacrifice; ill health. Address Y 170, care Bee. (4-M4rV) ix K. II. OANGEHTAD ran help you pet in or out of business. Room 403 Bee Bide, Omaha. (41437 A GOOD pool room and cigar store In thriving city for sale, cheap. Address Mo)ncux Olney, Samlpoinl. Idahfi. (4) M4.ifi 2ax DI'RN TUB ASH ES Ashes treated by our process burn readily; produce better fire nnd save tons of coal. For formula and full particulars enclose J5 cents. Ash Process Co., Omaha, Neb. (4) M499 C6x WANTED TO Ml 'Y Hardware stock In new town with future; agricultural sup port. Address A. J. Ru-chel. Hill City, S. D. (4) M498 2T A COMPLET-K job printing office for sale cheap. Addrers W 67.1, Bee. (41 M4S2 26x FOR HALE Dnu store; the owner must sell on account of poor hoilth; woul 1 consider trade on Rood lnd. Dorwart Scheldt Agts., Friend. N'h. (4i-M 417 26x BLACKSMITH shop for sale. Address C (170, euro Omaha Bee. (41 M4S6 BEST location in town f.ir a dentist; office rooms modern and up-to-date; can ar lanye for living rooms. If desired. B. K. Wilcox, Hotith Omaha. Plione S'outli 14S. 4)-M6'i 2:t FOR SALE In t-outhern Minnesota town of 12,000 population, a two-chair barber shop. loln a good business. Price, $!N0, if taken at once. Further Information, ad dress, A. A., Box 82, Iakefield, Minn. (4I-M514 27x GENERAL MERCHANDISE, Hardware, drug stocks and city property In exchange for land. Owners reply. Fremont S. Gib son, Mason City, la. (4) MS12 27x WANTED To sell one-third Interest In our Hdjustable. shade and curtain holder. Ob ject for selling, to install machinery to supply demand. Address. J. L. Smith & Son. Srtvannah. Mo. f4) M511 Ieet.t BUSINESS DIRECTORY Advertising Novelties. JJ1V X r XliJ ar.ppjy of ADVER ING NOVELTIES. Exhibition room AL WAYS SOMETHING NEW. WE AL80 CARRY EVERYTHING in the line of POST CEDS and booklets. Imported and domestic, for birthdays, Christmas, New Year's, souve nir.!, marine, art and comic, SPECIAL VIEWS of buildings, landscape and scenery reproduced from photographs. Write us for catalogue. FONDA BROS. & CO., lrJI Harney tit., Omaha. C) Commercial Artiste. H. O. Bl'NNEU & CO.. ir N. Douglas 61 U. Y. Life, (i) 70S Carpenters. . J. II. S1LVRPERSON, carpenter and Jib ber. Telephone Douglas 4086. Residence 80J6 Cuming 8t. t5)-M. 23x Carpet lleaalac SANITARY Cleaning Co.. 3313 Farnam. ;j--;o9 Chattel Laaaa. Chaa. D. Stanton Loan Co.. 601 Bee Bldg. ti 7U Chlropadlat. DR. ROT. R. 2. 150 Faninm St. IAuf. 47. I Creamer! ea. DAVID COLE CREAMERY CO.. successor to Beatrice Creamery Co., Omaha. toT 710 r Dmsasklsg. tS FAMILIES Miss Sturdy, 12S. Tel. Harney li-n M' DO WELL. Dressmaking School, 1IL1 Far Dam 8U ti 7ia MM1 WOODRUFF. 223 Neville Blk. Tel. Doug. U.O. U Mibs Deo U Celleetlaa Agsacy. COlLEfTIONB made everywhere. Charles t biiUiii, 401 Bee bldg. Tel. Doug. S3o7. (6 S3 Dec! Deal Is ta, BAILET A MAC1I, $4 fir. Iaxton. D. ltMi, (5-7U riariats. HESS & SWOBODA, 1415 Farnam. (6) III U HEN DKKtiON, 151 1 V arn ain.T elT D "l S i (5)-7l7 J. H. BATH. 1621 Harney. Tel. Doug. -71 Hat aeaevaters. NEW Stetson hats sold at half price. 224 So. 141b at. W. A. Rainaxii. Practical Hatter. 6 Ms; dill Hatela. TJIB SCHLITZ, European, lltn and Harney (6-71 Find a partner with money through aaSaaSS BUSINESS DIRECTORY (Continued.) Jewelers aad W a rr a as a leers. N. P. STILLINO Watch, clock. Jewelry repairing. I I Paxton Blk. Tel. 7. (6.1-739 Offlre SappUea. FILING cabinets. Hies and ledgers, loose leaf devices snd office fixtures and sup plies of all kinds. Anchor Publishing Co., 3U( South Ulh St. Tel. Douglas b:Z. (5) Mi7 Deo U Loekamltk. KET3. eta.. Heflln, .324 Farnam. Tel. D. 74. (i)-7H Osteepafhy. JOHNSON INS.. 418 N. Y. L. Tel. D. 164. 6)-73 Dr. Bowser, over 1602 Far. Tel. Dougr. $". (6) MJ85 Decll C. B. TRTJSSEL1 115 South lth St. (S)-734 rrtatlagr BEFORE placing your J90S calendar order don't fall to see our elegant Imported line. LyngRtad Jorve, printers, 16 and Capi tol Ave. it) 73 HIGH-GRADE Imitation typewritten let ters and Job printing-; no Job too large or too small. Anchor Publishing Co., IOC S. Uth St, Tel Douglas 6C2. (5) M13 Dec. 1 Safes, Shatters. ICto. OMIAHA Safe snd Iron Works makes a peclalty of Ore escapes, shutters, doom and safes. Q. Andieen. Trop. 102 S. inth St. (5)-7a Shee Repairing. RAPID SHOE REPAIR CO., flrst-class work. 1CHH Capitol Ave. 'Phone Red 991. x(C)-7.'6 SHOES repaired right, called for and de livered free. Standard Bhoe Repair Co., 1804 Farnam St. Tel D.-7567. '5) MK2 HELP WANTED FEMALE Factory aad Trades. WOMEN for day ork-, housekeepers, waitresses, $36. Canauian office, loth and Dodge. (7 727 MORE ladles and gills to fill holiday or ders decorating sofa pillows; experience unnecessary. Call forenoon sail S. 13th. l.7-397 24x WANTED Experienced salesladies for the following departments: Coats, suits, furs, waists, skirts. Manufacturers' Out let Pale, corner 16th and Howard Sts. (7 M555 23 Honsekeepera aad Domestics. WANTED A girl for housework ; no wash ing or cooking. 1329 So. 31st St. (7)-MH0 26 WOMEN'S DOMESTIC GUILD. 1902 Farnam St. Cook, no laundry, $30. Downstairs girl, 15. Colored housemaid, $u. Cook and hnuHemald, 2 In family. Nurse girl, $6. Girls for general housework. $5 to $7. (7) MWl 2!lx WANTED Experienced second girl at 560 So. 2Sth St; references. (7) M446 23 WANTED Hotel cook, steady position for right party. Telephone or write. Ar lington hotel, Rislns; City, Neb. (7) M'JSo Dec3x WANTED Competent girl for general housework; small family, good waa-es. Apply 1043 S. 30th Ave. (7) M528 WANTED Good girl for general house work; four In family; wages $(i per week. Apply 2237 Seward St. Plione Webster 622. (71-M516 23 Mlscel la aeons. WANTED good nurse girl, not under It years. 'Phone Harney 900. Call 33j0 Har ney St. (7) US 24 LADIES to copy letters at home; spare time; good pay; cash weekly; reliable; send stamps. Zeek Co., Morrlstown. N. Y. (7)-M532 24x SIX young- men at Y. M. C. A. want good reliable wash woman. Address B 675. tlee. C7) 560 21 IADIES AND GIRLS to stamp transfers at home; $1.50 to $2 dozen. 606 Paxton block. (7) M490 2 HELP WANTED MALE A cents, Solicitors aad Salesutea. CAN YOl' make good with Al soliciting proposition? Permanent In Omaha to right person. Call between 4 and 6, room 617 Bee Building. 9) -Mi5 ARE you out of work? Call and see us; good hustlers make good money. C. F. Adams Co., 1619 Howard PL (9) 729 WANTED Six well dressed men to travel, advertising and taking orders; only those who won't take no for an answer need apply; California trip; references re oulred. Call after 6 p. m , I'pdegrove, 1SU3 Farnam St. (9) w0 21x WANTED Experienced salesman for boys' clothing department. Nebraska Clothing Co. " C o.19 2T; toys. GOOD boys warted; ft ret cla T. Co., 211 8. 13th St. pay. A. D. ill 'SO Clerical aad Offlee.. Hotel clerk. $2o and expenses. Receiving clerk. $50. Rillinir clerk. $W. Exp. electrical sundry man, good salary. Htennsrapher, $t. WESTERN REF. POND AFS'N (INC.). 721-722 New York Life PH. () M5S 22 Factory aad Trades. POSITIONS for drus men everywhere. F. V. Kniest. 707 N. Y. Life. Omaha. 711 FIRST-CTASS horseshoer wanted at once. 416 80. 11th St., Lincoln, Neli. J. W. Sny der. (9)-Mii97 ilx WANTED An all round Macksmlth, at once. J. O. Smith. Fairfax. Mo. i9) M331 23x Mlaeellaaeaaa. OOOD PAY Men wanted everywhere to tack signs, distribute circulars, samples, etc. No canvassing. National Dt. Bu reau, Chicago, 111. (9)-M151 22x FREE Employment Burrau. supported by business Men's association; helps work men find positions. Cull 42 New York Life Bldg. (9) 828 Nov27 TELEGRAPHY-We t'ch ,u" inuijimai ill cessfully. We ab solutely guarantee positions. Operators sre In great demand. We need 10) more stu dents to prepare for positions. Station blanks and dispatchers wire furnished school by U. P. R. R. Co. Write st once for Important particulars. Address Omaha Commercial college. Omaha, Neb. (l)-M4il 23 POSITIONS OPEN FOR FIREMEN AND RARKEMEN; big pay and rapid promo tion; experience unnecessary. Apply a: once, personally or by letter, to National Railway Training Ass'n, 620 Psxton Blk.. Omana, Neb. (til Mi42 D7 YOUNG ntan to learn drug business W. Ax Plel. lsih and Farnam. t9 lJi i WANTED Man with amall capital to man age branch office In outside territory. Address 604 Observatory, Das Mi-men la. . mi-M 244 Nov2Ix ' LT "BEE want ads" tRJSRI HELP WANTED MALE l Iserllaaeen ntlnaed. TOUNG MEN ( propsre for examinatlsns for railway mail and other governmen positions. Superior Instruction by malL Established H years. 1'housands of suc cessful students. Xmple questions and "Hew Government Positions are Secure!" sunt free. Interstate Schools, Cedar Ra- plds.lovia- (9i M74 Dec. 8x LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horses and Vehicles. ONE S-ssat, two runabouts, top buggy, all mbber-tlred, hack harness, one double express harness; one or two horses. Come la Tho Harney St. Stables. (11-73I HORSES bought snd sold. Myers. 1114 Douglas. (ID S30 NJ7 WE are selling delivery wagons, teaming gears, buggies, carriages and harness etieapeer than any other firm in Omaha, Johnson-Dauforth Co.. 10th & Jones Sis. 0i-s.;9 FOR SALE Two tine young horses. Tele phono Douglas 3612. till MjIi 2x Poaltry aad EsTST. GOVT, book free. Model Squab Co., Omaha. til) M2a7 Decl 7 MONTHS OLD. single comb Rhode Is land Red cockerels and pullets, SI each. 4602 Center St. 'Phone Harney STX HI) M13S 22x Cowa, Birds, Dog aad Peta. FOR SALE Fox snd wolf hounds; dogs from I to Vi rnonlhs old $15 per pair; broke dons $10 lo $40. For particulars addrens Riffe & Son, R. TP. D. No. 1, Camden. Mo. CD) MJ53 25x RED POLLUD cattle for sale. C. M. Chambers, Bartlett, la. (U) JUi Dec. 21x LOST AND FOUND LOST .Bay pony and colt. Call Tiarney U4. P. Mackin. (12) 5o6 22x LOST In Brandcls building, between Courtney's lunch counter and Brandels balcony, brow n handbag containing small purse, money and rosary. Return to 319 Sherman Ave., Council BluffH, und re ceive reward. 'Phone Red 1938. (12) M569 24x MEDICAL BEST nerve bracer for men. "Gray'a Nerve Food Pills," $1 a box, postpaid. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. 18)-736 RL'PTl'RE CURED No knife, no reten tion from business. QUICK CURE RUP TURE CO., over S. W. cor. 14th und Douglas, Omaha. (13) 737 ANY poor girl in need of a friend call or write to the matron of the Salvation Army Home for Women at 3824 N. 24th St., Omaha. Neb. 02) Ml 06 FREE medical and surgical treatment at Creighton Medical college, 14th and Dav enport Bta: special attention paid to con finement cases; all treatment supervised by college profesaors. 'Phone Dougias 1167. Calls answered day or night. iswia MONEY TO LOAN AIiAHV ANTJ CHATTELS IF YOU BOJUiOW MONEY for Christmas from the OLD RELIABLE LOAN UEADQUARTEHS you will not have to make your (irsi payment until January. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO.. 119 Board of Trade bldg. 16tn St. Entrance. (14 M4as DR. PRJBBENOW8 MONEY loaned on furniture, pianos, horses, etc., any amount; leas half rales; perfect pri vacy and immediate auentlon, on any tortus, payments suspended when sick or disabled. 14 Karbacli Blk., 369 S 15th St. (14J ta Bowen, 703 N. Y. Life Bldg. advanoes private money on chattels er sal ary; easy to get; uu red tape. You get money same day asked for at small cost. Open evenings till (:3ft. C14 J41 MONEY LOANJ-D SALARIED PEOPLE and others without security; easy pay ments. Offices m 63 principal cities. Tolmau, ruoin 714 New York Life Bid;. (14-74a FOR A SQUARE DEAL GO TO THE PHOENIX CREDIT CO- For Chattel or Salary Loans. 633 Paxton Block. 'Phono Doug'os 743. OO T43 EAGLE LOAN OFFICE Reliable, acoorn modallng. all business confidential. UV.il DougOaa. iu1fl LOWEST ratea. cl-.atte.s or mlary, Ne braska Credit Co.. 211 Board of Trade. (14J 145 CHATTEL salary, and storage receipt loans. Foley Loan Co.. VM Farnam 8L (14-74U FURNITURE, live stock, salary loanjuDuff Graen Loan Co, room t, barker block. G-74 OFFERED FOR RENT Baardlae aaa Iteame, VIENNA boiel; private dinlnij rooms; cafa. (13J-747 DEWEY European Hotel. Uth and Farnam. (U TWO Uirge front rooms and alcove, tit: front. Board. 412 No. 22d St. (Id) 34402 Nov. 2i MODERN room; first class hoard. W.I R 4th Ave. (It M2XS DecS THE PLKASANTON-KeaJLifvJly fur nished rooma; besn horue cviosmg; rooms warm and sunny. 23:4 Hump". (15I-M44' r,x KurnliktJ IImibi. WE liQ exp'Tt piano moving at lowest prices. r.'l Douglas tii2a Si'lmiolltr A Mueiler Plana Co.. 4111-1313 Farnam. (1.V--7I9 OMAHA Van i. Storage Co. pack, move, sior H. 11. fooita. siorehoiiso, IL'i-24 N. lJitk Ollice. lwd Farnam. TcL Done "5171 Aro you llreil locking Ft H ROOM3 .' Sa'e tune and see us. OMAHA RENTAL (VjMF-ANY. Tel. Dous. iL N. Y. J If- Eldi. X (I'D Mj5d 22X FRONT room, steam hi at. UJO No. 2T' GSi MmJ NICELY furnished rooms In new modern tlat. 214 N. 2ith St. Tel. Douglas 3:s. (15) 176 21x TWO all modern furnished rooms, pefrlor floors. 2559 Dodge 6L Tel Harney MTi HOI SKHOU' s-oods packed, forwarded; cheap freight rales, moving anil llotase. Kxpresaincu's Delivery Co. TeL Douglas $4. .it--.;.: NEWLY fumlslied rooms, modern, piivat"; family, south front, for genilrmati or man and aife, walking distance. tinc reaoi. ajjjj. i4o4 Cupiliu Ave. (Lit M 157 22x X-T . . , " T . . . . jMii.i.i iiirmsnea sieam neaied rooms, iiO.Kl. i 4 ...... i cm c ... . St-. Flat 8. U I..I-. i. ..... I (15 MI.45 24x GOOD first floor front room, bedroom ad- Joining: desirable place for two or three iuug iwn. Alse oLher rooin.21. No. llilh. ; lui-jiij -n WELL furnlaiied souibraat froi.t room, SuitabU for one or teo gentlemen, inod sru, private family. 712 S. Ksih bt. (15) 643 27 Vi'-l" tjuT Htfli mil f TT H liVJBrlHif I OFFERED FOR RENT Faralaked Raoa FURNISHED room, very d.-slrable. 540 8. 24th St. (15 M142 D15 WE reeve pianos. Marard Van and Stor age Co. Tel. Doug. 14."t. Offlae. 1712 Web ster bt. (15) rjt , FOR RENT Nicely furnished front room In new modern house; private family; :ith. near Leavenworth St. Gentlemen preferred. 'Phone Harney 715. (1 17$ NEWLY furnished, steam-heated front room for gentleman. In modern house; private family; .412 per month. 204 DJdge. (151 122 FURNISHED ROOMS-.i1 St. Mary's ave nue. Tel. Douglas OSSi. (151 M145 22X NEWLY furnished, srinnv rooms; private family; modern. 308 N. 22d St. (li)-M.'U4 26x NICE large room. 624 8. 26th Ave. (151-4.11 2lx ELEGANTLY furnished rooms, private family; best location In city; reference re quired. 'Phone Doug. 4ul. (15) 430 24 THREE furnished rooms; heat, light snd balh. T;3 So. 22d St. (151 M4 J2x THREE front roams, newly furnished; niodom. 431 No. 22d St., South Omaha. (16) M507 21 lTnf ornlKhed Rooms. UNFURNISHED rooms; modern. 1618 No. Twenty-tilth bt. (If.) 1C0 FIVE rooms, part modern; no children. 4211 No. 21th St. (161602 Apartments aad Flats. AN APARTMENT, Daviuge Bldg., llth ant) Farnam. Apply Apartment No. I. 15)-TM UNFURN1SHEI Parlor floor three rooms, stove heat. 2603 Dodge St. (16) M415 24 x Housekeeping; Rooms TWO furnished or unfurnished steam heated rooms for rent. 218 No. 23d St. (! 973 21 FURNISHED rooms for light housekeeping In modern home. 11119 Chicago St. (15)-M140 2Cx THREE beautifully furnisher housekeep ing room; alo large southeast single room; private family. Hanscom park district, block from car. Harney 1348. (15) 417 24x FOUR rooms, furnished tor housekeeping or sleeping; one or all. 'Phone Webster 'jl3. 2Z26 Miami St. (15) 3641 FURNISHED rooms for housekeeping. 1712 Jackson St. (16) M131 22x TWO large front rooms, furnished, "mod ern and pleasant, bath. 2670 Farnam St. (15)-422 24 Farnlahed Hons re. FOR furnished house Inquire 2626 Cap. Ave. (161 M302 24x FOR RENT Six-room modern cottage, nicely furnished. 662 S. 27th St. Tel. Web ster 64G t (16)-M834 FURNISHED house on Park avenue, near Pacific. F. D. Wead, 1801 Farnam street. U5)-M493 22 Uoaaes aad Cottaajes. 3209 N. 35th Ave., 7 rooma, modern except furnace, $26. 4S03 N. 24th, I rooms, modern except fur nace, $22. 1705 S. 2th, 10 rooms, modern except fur nace $30. BEMI3. TAXTON BLOCK, 'hone Douglas 6S5. (16) M868 FOR RENT. 3126 Cass, 7-r., new, mod., $40. 4121 N. 24th St., 7-r., mod.. $25. 24U) So. 2oth St., 6-r., mod. ex. film., $18. 24o4 So. 20th St., -r., mod. ex. fum., $1S. 4024 Nicholas St., 7-r., mod., ex. furn., $20. 2itli and Ogden, Sts., 6-r., new, $13. 3iil0 Jones bt., 8-r., mod. and barn, $2C 1534 So. 28th St., 6-r., mod. ex. fum., 122 .1416 Iafayette Ave., 4-r. and roo. hall, mod., $20. 1902 Military Ave., 7-r.. mod., $26. 1706 So. 2Sth St., 10-r., mod. ex. furn. $27. N. P. DODGE & CO., 1714 Farnam, Bee Building-. (15) M563 23 FOR RENT Cottage; modern except heat; 2513 Bristol St.; $18. Tel. Florence 1082. (!) 24X FOR RENT Eight-room modern house. 414 North 31st St., $36. THOMAS BRENNA-N. Room 1. New York Life Building. ilii AflJo 8047 CAUFORNIA. 6 rooms, modern. $2000. Room 4 Frenxer Block, pteam heat, $14.00. JOHN N. FHENZER, OPP. OLD P. O. (15) M5S7 25 LARGE 6-room cottage, modern except fur nace. 1531 S. 2Sth St. Inquire M. J. Greevey. Phone Harney 2330. (16) 1.75 HOUSES. Insurance. Ring-wait, Barker Blk. 1 ost-'si FOR RENT 6-room modern cottage, 662 8. fith St. Tel. Webrtcr 045. (151782 FOR RENT 8-room modern fiat, opposlts Hanscum Park; $34. 'l'hone South 7. (li)-4l 1TnTTIT-r,'; '" Parts of the city. . Crelgh Sons Co.. lies Bldg. (15) 758 TTnPSiV-J In sll parts of the city. Teters UULOtlOTru C(i N y Lfe B,ds (15)-7d3 FOR P.ENT-4S03 North Mth St, ! rootns, modern except furnace, $22. (15)-M977 MODERN ft-room h"us, on car line, good location, f: H10 I.nko 3t. CL5) 357 T ' .1-. -., ..,fr.T, is; for rent; Martls blrxk. 16ih and We!srter. (15i M55I 21x 8-ROO.M house, modern throughout, loca tion the hei in nn. 216 S. STitn Ave. Telephone DourIhs lXSS for psniciilnrs. Win. 11. Bodemann. 1 i 51,'tiS FOR RENT 9-room lioiisr", TJie Norwood, i32S Harney St. Phone Harney Sut. ' (15i tX SIX-P.OOM brick modern. $17. 161 Maple. (131420 24x 7.0 N. 23d. 8 rooms, all model n, III). i 71 J N. 40ui, 9-roo:n. all nrod.-rn, $40. I i4ll fr.ar!". -roi:i,nll modern hew. $. i.'Ol Iajciis,, 7roo:n. niod"rn except hea:, ;5. 1LV! N. :C ti, 6-rojru. modem exrep; heal, $ik. D KLKl'E REAL ESTATE CO.. l'Vi' N. y. Life Bldg. Piione Douglas il- (15 W5 J4 NINE-rootn modern house, ft! No. Uth S'.. Call 'lelepl.une liarney Hi. (15V-M253 VACANT Reception hall, purler, dining room, bed ro"in, kftehen. bath room; in citidis fuel. v.at-r bill; $'6. 3il6 I.afaveiie Ae. Bemis Park. (l." M44 23; FOR HENT-8-roi ni. itnetly modern house. Bumis Purx district. Apply 6W Brown Blk. (15.-M 475 2t.x FR R K NT 2568 Cuming St., 5-room mod em collage ni tine condition, $:,0 month. Inquire lirst door west. (15) 413 2ix 9-ROOM house; modern; 708 8 S8th St.. $10. Tel. Douglas 85 for key. I15 M510 2x NEW four-room cottage. 3r.2S Grant St., " m !l) per IMOIlltl. Room 22. Pat ton, in R k nerson hik. (15-Ms32 22 ItS . t i.lr' THREE-ROOM coltajje; steam; 220 No. 23d. (li M4K6 NICE 5-romii ii.ttaire .12.50. Inquire W. Jr.. openscr, ion Miami. iu. 63ii T. x WHEN wnt'tig to advertisers, remember it takes but an extra siroke or two of the pen to mention t.ie fact that you saw the J in The bee. OFFERED FOR RENT It'iiutiniied. BsUMtasxa. WHOLESALE LOCATUTN N. W. on mar llth and Harney Sts.. s-atnry and base ment brink building, dfixas feef, hf'drsultr elevalor; enn make hmg lease ci fnvars ble terms Getirge On., mil Farnsm St.. nie-fct2 tt BALlj ROOM. 4 lodge recin. wlln ante rrwmi and kltcihen; all new and rlian; ETaterarty HulL op. Puralo Libra tr.. Telephone Aodltsrlum wlln staee. seats Kl. No liquor allowed In rremlses and no saloons In neighborhood Liw rnlalr. N. P. Doilge r Ctv, 1T14 Fsmsm St. TeL Doug, lilt OiiV-MIdi DESK room In n Brandels Bldg., with 'phons ami sienograpliic aervlee. Address O -554. care Bee. (U-M34 i SUITES of large lldit ofBees. very "it sble for daeter efflcea. In Ovnt'nentsl block. 15th and Iiouglaa Sts. Robt. H. Bennett, sgent. room 11. tTotiLtonia' Blk. (15 M3J7 FOR RENT Deak room In Rea offloe. cltf hU building. 417 N. 2Mb St- Soutk Omshs. Apply to manager. tli 14 ONE strre room In tw "Hmrgo building In South Omaha, near peatofrlca. with lighted baxement. modern show windows nnd awnings; bent ymnsibU location. Hall Dis tributor Co., n First Net I Uiuik B dg. Phone Red J4(. (U-765 21294 FARNAM ST.. ama brli k store room, nicely dorated, will leam for one year st J0 ter month. 206 North ltib St. lopuoslte new Csbn Bldg.), 22(60 feet, snd hallway ilT, feet: sLeam heat, gas snd electric light; wl'l put in modern front. See us for terms of lease. George A Co., ltd Fsrnarn Ht. (Ul-MUt 3 FOR RENT Second floor, 13x104: steam lies.l. Palsoe Clothing Co., H'h and Douglaa bt. WHEN you write to advertisers, kindly mention The Bee. OFFERED FOR SALE FeaelasT. ANCHOR and Iron fencing; wire fencing 6c per fooL 206 N 17th St. Tel. Red r.i. , H-VA Faraltare. SNAP Furniture of 6-room cottage, fom plete. and used one year, for sale verv cheap. Buyer can move furniture or leave It as It Is and rent the cottage, wfllch la modern, nicely located and loie In, at a very low monthly rental; barn In connection. 2526 Capitol Ave. (16I-M531 24x Pianos, Orgaai, Musical I n at r amenta, FORCED SALE OF STAND ARD SQUARE PIANOS 14 different makes, Including Stelnway, CJilrkerlng, Steck and many otln-rs to select from. Original pries $500 $000 $700 and up Forced sle price $25 $35 $46 and up These Instruments are In perfect order, fully guaranteed and will be accepted at full purchase price within 3 years from date on any new upright piano In our store. Investigate; call or write today. We also do expert tuning, repairing and piano moving. Schmoller & Mueller Piano Co., Stelr.way & Sons' Representatives. 1311 and 1313 Fat nam fc"L, Tel. Doug 1626. (16) 767 FINE upright pianos, nearly new; big bat gain; leaving city. 4i6 North 23d. (16) 146 21X PARTY leaving city wishes to sell $400.00 upright piano for $125. Inquire 2211 Cal ifornia St. U6 M;4 23 BUFFETT BARITONE SAXAPHONE; fine leather caae; used three months; bargain. 308 N. 16th. (16) M524 27x Typewriters aad Bewlsua machines. FOR SALE High grade second-hand type writer; good conaitloii; a bargain at $50. Call room 6u3, Bee Bldg. US) 6U ONE Remington typewriter. No. (, hi good condition, lor sale cheap. Call at Bee oDlce. ' vi6) 62Dx UleeaUaaeeras. GAS, ELECTRIC AND COMBINATION FIXTURES Largest, most up-to-dste stock at lower! prices In the city, select now. Delivered when needed. Inspection Invited. BURGESS GEANDEN CO. HI S, I&ln St Tel. Doug- CU. (1 76s MUST RAISE CASH $35 satin Hoed astra kan fur cape, $4; $35 diamond ring, $25) $ ring, $1- HURRY. Write It. Let. 22 Frenxer block. Tel. Douglas 10. U Mi5 23 ONYX SODA FOUNTAINS. One 12-syrup liquid; one M-syrup liquid; one 16-eyrup American; one Is-syrup Llp plncott. All retlnlshed and silver plated. Every one a bargain. Monthly pay meata. DerlghL 18U Farnam St. (16-AOik) Deo 15 WORTHINGTON DUPLEX PUMP COO-gallon Worthing ion uuplex pump, slas 12xl044xl0, for sale. This pump has seen about six months' actual service and is In good condition; will Bell at a bargain. Apply W. II. Bridges, engineer Bee Bids. (16) 570 800,0(4 good clean brick at $4 per 1,000; also doors, wli.dows. sheeting, lath, lum ber of the finest kind at less than half price; also two good steam-lieailng plants. Inquire J. I'. Connolly, Mum and Harney. (16) Mild. NIAGARA FALIS VIEWS in book. Some showinK winter und summer scenes; the ijint fulls, Whirlpool rapids, liore rail way. Ice bridge, etc.. Special Christmas ffei-, uuc, posiaiie or money older. C. W. Chan bcrialn, 42J Mans. Ave., Buffalo N. V. (16) M513 lix FOR SALE Several show cases, new pea nut lousier, laigti coffee null, two laras atrtomaiii: oil tanks and storu flxturea too numerous to mention. Globe Land and Investment Co.. Omaha. Neb. (16 7TO FOR 6AI.E New and arrond-hand billiard and pool tables. We lead the world In cheap bar fixtures; easy payments. Brunswli k-Balke-Collendar, 4u7 S. 10: li Ht (16j-7bS ' HOMEOPATHIC remedies, wholesale re. tail. Sherman & McConnell Drug' Co Omaha, Neb. (16) 771 ' SEND LS your mall orders-for drugs; iretani pa hi on iu iota. Myers-Dillon Drug Co., Omaha. (l)-772 SECOND-HAND overcoats and firearms Singer, 416 N. 16th. (16i 774 ONE pair gnnd light biiKgy harness; good as new; cheap. Mi Chicago St. (16) M139 22x SHERWIN-WI LIJAMS CtT best mixed paint. Shf.rinun U McConnell Drug Co. (16) '72 HALL'S safes, new, 2d-hand. 1818 Farnam. (16) 1 77 BALT-tl.OO per bhl. Wagner. 801 N. 16th. GD-77S DRUGS at cut prices: freljrht paid on all $11 orders; catalogue free. Sherman A Mc Connell Drug Co., Omaha. Neb. (1C) 777 $300 upright piano $12R; $ir, Orient buck board automobile $luo Trtlk rtiilck; am leaving city. Call 416 N. 23d. after 6p in. (16)-Ui 27x DAYTON COMPUTING SCALE. In fine condition; will sell cheap. e N. 16th. (16; M26 27 X IRON SAFE suitable for store or office; a bargain. 008 N. loth. (16l M525 27x POTATOES foe sal, car lots. Henderson Bros . Trser, . (16 M4o4 Nov2s PATENTS 11. X BARNELI. pAterrt attarnep and ma clilaa deeuaura. 1 axioo Blk. lei. Red T117. t (lt r LAJtSON 4k CO. Book free. sw Bldg (l7-7n PATENTS thai protect. Our I eaeks for In ventors mailed on receipt of c postage. R. HL A. B. Laoey. rooma ! Paclrts Bldg Washiss-tua. IX C. Esiablishml lltm, H7 M7J PERSONAL ANYONE having arv infnrnistlan regard ing John Sullivan, who dlnipt.rared from his home. North anth St.. Omaha. In 11, plrasa adiii eas Y 91, . cars of Bee HK-Ms4 3 iiLAU HBlLl m rx. 16th, it nr. (!! TOUNO WOMEN coming ta Omaha as strangera are Inrtted to visit the leung Women's Clu lntlan Association renma, 1S,J Farnam BL, where tbey will ha directed to suluUila hiMt ralag idacaa at otherwise assisted. (U lit SYRINGES, rubber pood a, by mail; cut Liioea. 8kh4 far free catalograe. Mntrt illlen Drug Co-, Omaha. C 7M AfASAnK and balha Room t, Uka CU MJS7 HorH WK RENT, repair, sell needles far eld sewing maclitnea. Neb. Cycai Co Cos. 1dU and Hsxnejr. OA MLa PRIVATE CONFTNEMKNT HOME Mrs. Dr. King. 1234 N. Mth. TeL W-n, fUA OH 71 LADIES and rem tie men are oerdially In vited ta ooma and see the greatest in vention of the age; pi r teats all mis-pls'-ed end evn switch wrecJia. slss en ables Vm englDeer to lake a siding while the. ira'o is in saoUoo. 12J Douglas Bu, Omana, Nsh. OJ-atA4 t2a PLEATING Dyelrig aad aear.mc epong-ing and shrinkrd ily Ac per yard. bend (e brice ar.d aaroplea. MUisAS PLEATING CO, I Ihuji J BlarJu TaL Douglas int, Q0-7U OMAHA HiBsinir LostiLcle. Rsmgs M'jlidjrc. ' qt)-7Ai THE gALVATION ARhTT mllclts cast-off Uotttn; tn far'. nytbmg yeu da not eed. v. o.cu rsair and Sen, al 111 X l'.'n Sl, far cost at collecting, ta the wir.r i-evr. CaU 'arie Doug;. 4115 snd agon wtU caO. tlSj 7B A ATI 57 ikh9 aanred naing Satin Skla Creaai aad Ismi 8Vtn Face Powder. 2ic (UP Ltr!n, mtcm rr. 1 (' Howard, open era. (1I-U6 WHX I. W. MrRea wrlie L. M. Glllisnie. (1IV-OJ7 23x REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE DEALERS. PATNS INV. CO., 1st floor N. T. Life. Doug Us 178L (19) 7x1 GEORGE A COMPANY. 101 Farnam. TeL Douglas TA. (1917IO PETERS TRUST CO., N. Y. Ufa Bldg. (li-791 L 6IBBERN8EN, room 208. 120 Ho. mT" 04) -M1S4 CITT PROPERTY FOR SALE. Think This Over Have you any desire lo own your own home and bo independent? Have you ever stopiwd to think that the longer you wait tho more you will have to pay for a home? Why wait until land has pone up so high that you can't buy it? Buy some now while it Is choap, then lot it incresse in valuo as much as It wants to and every time It goes up a notch that meuna a few more dollars In your pocket. Bu a placa intra you can nave a sunurban homo. Go out and ee Keystone Park; the most ideal spot In the state. It Is only three quarters of a mile from the end of the Benson car lino snd only a Ave minutes' ride from the center of Omaha. You can buy three or four acres In Keystone Park, which Is the most beautiful spot for miles around, for leas than you have to pay for the averajre 50-foot lot In the city. Think of It! You would have land enough to raise your own fruit and vegetables, keep a cow. have some chickens and be able to raise almost everything you would need to eat. How much could you save on your butter, eggs. ves;tables. etc? Think it over and you will see where you can live In a suburban home for about half what It costs you lo live In the city. Don't wait but go out today and see Keystone Park .. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., ' First Floor N. Y. Life. Tel Douglas 178L I D. V. SHOLES CO., First Floor Board of Trade. Tel. Doug. 1. (18 I) 540 21 EVERYBODY At $10 Cash and $5 MontWy Can Secure a Home by buying a lot on above terms, paying; for it this winter and building next spring. We offer some 40 lots. Just two blocks from car line si ores, etc., and In the finest residence -J0 be fo""rt at these prices. 1250 to $jU. The surrounding property is now well Improved and these lots are raplflly In creasing In value. You can't make as good $10 Investments elsewhere. Call or phona ue and we will show you the lots at any time, ' . , Rl'SSELL-M'KITRICK CO.. 432-33-34 Ramgn Bldg. Tel. D. H57 (Il)-Mi6 23 BUILDING SITE CHEAP A fine building site, 92x134, corner of Charlna and 41st streets; sewer, water, gas and paved street; three houses can be built on the site. Price, $1,400. PAYNE, BOSTWICK & CO., Sole Agent, Main Floor N. Y. Life Building. Phone Douglas lOltV fl 34 22 JOIN OUR EXCURSIONS Every Tuesday to Sunny South eastern Kansas. Tl.e best land for the money we evsr offered. I PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., N. V. Life Bldg., Omaha, Neb. (19 i 468 a f FOR SALE A well built 10-roora frams house, beautifully finished In hard wood; hard-wood floors, mantsla, modern batu room snd conveniently arranged. Will sell at a very low price, to be rsmoved. from presant premises by purchaser. Ad dress C. C. Rosswater, Be Bldg , Omana, (i9)-M.I $4,600 wlllUJ!l el-t s-room, modem house at 414 N. 81st bt.; east front, paved street, permanent sidewalk, beautiful lawn, largs shado trees. Easy terms If neca-sary. THOMAS BRENNAN. Room 1, New York. Life Bldg. (19) -7. J FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE Modern except furnace, on Ohio near 2-d St., renting at $i6. $LiU). . W. H GATES, tni N. T. Life. 'Phone Douglas 13M. . U)-6c9 23 REAl UBSJMS TITLH TRUST fr " CHAS. K. WILLlAkldON, Pr.a O, iU I)