THE OMAHA DAILY REE: TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 10. 1007. i i Want - ads Advertisements for the want nil minimis mill t? Iiikrn until 13 m. for the cie. tins edition and until 9 . m. for the morning and Sunday editions. ( erh must arrompanr orders for nant ada and no advertisement will ! nrrcplrd for leaa tban 10 cents tjr the first Insertion. Itntta apply to either The Daily or Biuidny lle. Alni ronnt nix nurdv to a line. mliliintlona of Inltlala or notubera count aa one lisrili C..II RATE Fllll WAUT ADS. lir.l.ll.AR CLASSIFICATION" Ont Insertion, per line, lO orate. 'wo or more consecutive insertions, per line, rents. Knrh Insertion, made on odd Unva. HI renta per line. S1.B0 per line per month. Want nds for 'I lie Bee may t eft at anr of the fulonlig drng? atoree one la "jour corner drnaalet" they lire nil branch. olHeea of The Bee and onr ml "ill lie Inaertaal Just aa promptly and mi the aame ratea aa at the toniii nr'He In The Bee Building, cm cni eulli und I'nrmn Streeta. in;i li. CLASSIFICATION II your mM rtlni'iarnt la Inaerted nnder any one of toe clnsslncntlons Riven hrlnn, It "III lie rhjtrned at the fol IiiivIiik rates i line Insertion, 4 centa per line three to els. consecutive '.n aeetiona, : centa per line each Inaer tloni seven or more conaecntlve ln aertiona, Si centa per line each loaer tlmii centa per line ier month. II 4 R I Kit AND K.UHASGE. III ilF. CHANCES. HELP WANTED FEMALE. HELP WASTED MALE. Except Agente, Solicitors and Sales men. OFFERED FUR HA I.E. (ows, Uirda, Doae and Pets, llnraea and Vehlclea. Poultry and Eggs. I'll rnltare. Typewriters and Sewlna; Machines. Plnnos, Orgnna and Mnalcal Inetru- iiientM. III'I'KIIKU FOB. HEST. I'nrniahed Booma. I nf ai'tilahcd Kama. Housekeeping Kooma. - Mounting- nud Booma. WANTED TO U. ' Alb:.-h, W. t "d l''r"ain' beraiitk, S. A.. 1WJ S. In!-11 le-clit. Pharmacy. i20 o. lwlli hi- Benson Pharmacy, Benson, Neb. Beiois 1M ik Pharmacy. iiJd and Cum.lifc. Rial.'. Pharmacy, 2M Sherman Ave. ' ;i';nlili.. -'. and Pierce stB- ... Cliftoa Hill I'liarmucy. 2213 Mlllta.y Ave. Come. J. B., Ave. and tariiatii. Cr.asey Pharmacy, -itn :.nd Luke. Ccrinak. KruU. 1-14-6 S. 12th fat-'i phai'nia. y, Jli Hamilton. l-.Iil. I". H.. '.'2 Leavenworth. 1 osUi .i Arnold!- 213 N. !th St. Frm '.ay. John J.. 1914 N. ilth. Florei:,:o Dug Co.. Florence, Neb. ii. daman Phcnnacy, 20th and Dak. . Grecn'a riia.Vuacy, comer Park Ave. ana I'aulrlc. , , ilv-nom;;',, (J. A.. 10-5 S. 10th S.. Oreenough,- . A., 1624 S. lth bt. IJay-.Bn. Wiii. C. -920 Farnam h... liansoi m I'aik Pharmacy, loOl bo- 29tu Ave. Ji!!, John, 624 N. liiih SI. Huff, A. I... 2!i'l I.iavoiiworth bt. KniK, II. S., -JSIH Karnain St. Kdiinlra I'la.-p Plnu-macy. 3'4 N. -4tn. Faii-d'k Uiu Co., WKS N. 24th bt. l.athrop. Chas. K., K'-'-l N. 24th St. J'i'VMii. L. K.. 2iUl and Leavenworth. Safhtoga Uniit .'o., 24th aud" Amos ; Ave. BrhuefKr'a Cut Price Drug Co.. loth aua CllK'UKl. , Shaefor. Jkususl. CQ21 N'. St. lii;i'n!i:t. il.. 'J4'h and lu-nlng Sis. jJi.wra r ImrniiH-V.' !0th and Marina Sis. V. ali.ii'. liiil Phuriiiaoy, loth und Cuming. .i.'t .ii Piim in.n-y. 20th and Grave. Wdilli. U. H.. Ui and HamlUou Sts. DF.ATUM AND FUNERAL NOTICES. DON' AlIOE Michael, Sunday morning 5:15 Funeral Tuesday morning 8:30 from fam ily risiduuce. ioal Parker bt., to Bt. John s Catholic ohuivh. He leaves to mourn his los Mi wir and five children, John, Edward. Jloao, Airs-. -I. H. Dempsey and Nora. 11 ERGKN Rose, Marie, beloved daughter ol Mr. and Mrs. Philip P. Mergen, No- vemlivr i7, lWi", aged 3 years 7 month 21 davs. Funeral from residence, i'21 South Hal cyon avenue, Penson, Neb., to St. Hernard a ilnirch at 3 p. m. Tuesday. Interment St. Marv Mugdalenu cemelory. Friends ln vltud. 11HOCK Thonia.8 A., Sunday morning at 1 :30 o'clock. Funeral Tuesday at 2 p. in. from resi dence, 2o.l3 Norih Twentieth street. tlaViSgPtn BIRTHS AMI DEATHS. Uirtlis Harry Withrow, 3313 Dewey uve uur. girl; ilamp N'orwell. 4:i lluucroft alreet. hoy; Hid Hainpoore, 4o3 liancrol't aireet. boy; Charles Clinkenbeard, 414 Kraneis street, boy; Carl Fioderlckaon, 618 Pancroft sir Jet. gill; W. 13. Davis. lUo North Seventeenth. street, boy; Alonzo Holiday, l.WK South Fourteenth alreet, hoy; Albert Boynton. Omaha General hospital. twin girlii; J. T. Sliuridan, 1313 Georgia avenue, boy. Deaths -lnfan1: Konto, 7o9 North Thirty second street; Fled Benson, Counly hos pital, aged, M years; infant Negethon, 4.o0 Soriii Twepiy-Iourtli street; Lulu I Dunn, St. Joseph's hospital, aged 34 years; Mar jorle Caroline long, 2212 North Nineteenth street, aged 2 years; Rose Marie aiergen, 121 llaly.iiion .street, aged 3 years. t'AKU UV THANK". desire to express our hcfarlfclt thanks to the neighbors, and friends who so kindly assisted us during the slcnes and death of our mother, also tor the beauutul floral .'fcrings. MRS. LAl'RA WATKii : .Ol S K, I I ELLA KEMP. ..I.BERT KEMP. A 1 .1111 R KEMP, i.. K ETTA KEMP. M It H I AUG LICENSES. The following marriage licenses have been Issued : Nmiin and Residence. Age. Vera D Vere, Chaina, N. M 30 Mabel Orel man, Ihama, N. M 4 Clinton Q. Dodd, Lincoln ii udesta- Brown,-Ianooin 19 Joseph Oruntorad. South Omaha 27 Mary Vocck. bouth Omaha 20 Ceoige E. Rrtchey, Kansas City, Mo 33 Anna M. Smith, Kannaa City, Mo .. .. II .. 16 .. Zi .. 20 .. 23 .. 23 .. 40 .. 21 .. 27 .. 19 William G. Henry, Omaha , Lottie M. Donah, Omaha , Homer Guiles. Council Bluffs, la Bonnie Barton. Council Bluffs, la Theodore L Clark, Omaha Clara P. Hanson, Omaha William F. Smock, Omaha Emma Roach. Omaha Benjamin D. Kennedy, Omaha... Eithel MayFowlor, Omaha lienrf C. Logemann, Bennington. Neb.. 21 Minnie Wulf. Bennington, Nab 23 Henry J. Crampton, Omaha 44 Elli.betii Mclntyre, Omaha 18 Cleveland W. Sullivan. Saline. Kan 3, Ollle Evelyn Wilson, Humboldt, Neb.... Arthur Rlehardaon, Omaha 2S E1U Owens. Omaha 18 Joseph Nadobiy, Omaha 32 Victoria Ooielaaska, Omaha 27 Henry Hoecker. Benson. Neb 21 Mane Youngblood, Benson, Neb ii W. R. Callan. Kansas City 24 Anna May Aaeleford. Kansas City 26 ANNOUNCEMENTS. bIGN PAINTING d. H. Cole. Douglas. (!) i THE CITY GARBAGE CO.. ofilce 4th and Lt oi. worth a. Tel. Douglas 1:7. (i'-701 WHEN writing te advertiaera, remember it iak? b;ii en extra atroka.or two of the inn to met tion the fact that you aav taa al in Toe Be. ANNOUNCEMENTS it 'mil murd. DAY SCHOOL NIGHT SCHOOL LiOYLES SCHOOL BOVLES BUILDING, Omaha pofikK'-ejilnp Shorthand And Tp?wrlt!nc Tf lfKiaphy, Er.gli.1!. Students enrolled every i.ay. HiB rat;. Unfile free. Address 11. P. iioyler. Pr'sidcnl. Omaha. CI1) AUT0M03ILES SEND for our list of second-hand automo biles. 1H.K1GI1T. 1SH Parnam. ii) TO lfi'7 ltfn Touring Car, In 'Mrst-class condi tion; M il m il or trade for leal relate or land. Our rice low. PnyAe Invest ment Co.. First Floor N. V. Life. Tel. 1 )oi i K 1 aJJM : i , 2) '-0 IN BARTER AND EXCHANGE FOR SAI-li OR TKAItK C10 'atl'rs of land m northeastern Urown county, 6. V. Price K.'i 00 per acre. Jack Jiudlth. Uox 213, Sioux City, la. (3)-Mlo0 21 rTKADES. TP.ADE.4-lf you have some thing f"T sale or trade write lis; we maitn everything. WAIT INVESTMENT Co, 308-110 Pee UldB., Omaha ( II-M140 toc. 1 riVK-tlOO.M furnished Tat. RcKlna music box, moving picture outfit, museum of anatomy; want horse, Jowelry, printing, tailoring; offers. 613 No. 21st St. t3)-M'.KH I9t BUSINESS CHANCES MlLI.IKEUY STORK for sale or exchange; what have you for an up-to-date millinery store doing? (rood business In hist heat ion? Reasonahlo rent; will sell ch"np if taken at once; must gie ui) on account of sickness. Address Y 73, Uee. 14)-: M:tffi ffin I NEED a iiipalile man U) help me take up n proposition that will Rive Immediate returns; small muoiMit of . money nerded; investigation will convince you. Address M i;i:i, care pec. (D-MHTillD I WANT several parties to join me in back inn a proposition that will make us thou sands. A few dollars apiece monthly Is all that is reuuired ; ri(dd Investigation courted. Address N 62'J, care Pee. (.4) -377 lfl WIU, SELL CHEAP Pes! paying liard- wme and imphment business in the city, I toK'tiier with tine Inside property. Ad ' ihtsa b2j N. Kansas Ave. Topeka. Kan. (D M324 23x :AKE YOl" Inlerested in the moving pic tine show business '.' If so, better have I a talk with us. AVc know a splendid lo I cation. Jf you have some crln, we have the Knowledge, so Pis get togeiiier. Time Is precious. Answer quick. Ad dress N jSli, earn Bee. 14) M3"4 19 FOR SALE Gilt edge first mortgages on Omaha real estate and Nebraska farms, drawing 6 rcr cent In amounts of $500, M.OOo. $1,500, up to $5,000. Address 13 67S. He,.. (4) M'JDl 21x (STHAMHKATED, 30 rooms. A money maker. Cheap for cash immediately. Ap ! ply The Huston. 107 S. 17th. (!) 401 Wx ' TO GET IN OR OCT OF BCK1NKS9 I CALL ON WILLIAMS. 411 M'CAGUB i BUILDING-, loTH AND DODGE STS. (4) it FOR SALE Wholesale candy and Ice cream n'mlness; profits for 1!07 are nor over f J.7'N. $4,C0O; half cash, or $3,500 all cash buys the business If taken at once; everything; first-class; owner tired of bus inesa. Will remain with purchaser until January 1 If desired. Address W. A. Hood. Sheldon, la. ifo M901 2x FOR SALH-Giod restaurant in live SUhix Co. town. M'Jst sell quick. Invoice bo ut $1.0(0. Address C. Druger. Mnu riee, la. (1)M328 23x FOR SALE On account of sickness we will sell our slock and fixtures, consisting of books, stationery, news, tobacco and clgais, confectionery, etc. The only book, stationery and news stand" In the cWf.- In voice about 3,om; will sail for part cash, balance on time with good' security. H. U. Tuttle & Co., Little Falls. Minn. (4) M995 Jlx FOR RENT Or for sale at sacrifice, hrl.-U store 30x60, with fixtures for General merchnndlne; health falling, owner closed out nice cash business; fine opening and chance of lifetime If taken quickly; splendid location and live business town. F. L. Luddcti, Princeton, Mich. (4) M993 21x FOR SALE Cheap; three chair barlier shop; good town, good business. Addrcsa, Y-U.6. care Bee. (4) ail!9 22x FOR SALE 20-room furnished house, fins location; full of boarders. Address O 571, care Bee. (4)-V75 NovZSx FOR SALE Implement building and com plete new stock, in North Loup valley, good location, good country, and good people; price nnd terms on application. Address Y 90, care Boe. (4)-M873 N2IIX FOR SALE Bowling alley; almost new; for $5. Address Box 15. Altu Vista, la. (4) M939 21x Dltl'G STORES for sale everywhere. F. V Knlest, 707 N. Y. Life. Omaha. (40) 707 WANTED Partner; manager for moving picture and museum of anatomy; small capital; no experience needed. Phone Red 6677. 4)-909 lUx WITH 412 acres of highly mlneralired land, situated In the heart of the Dixie mining district, Nevada; assays from 3 to 12 leet from the surface showing $5 to $40 per ton, and a management known for honesty and hustle, the treasury stock of the Chicago Dixie at 7 cents (par value $1) Is a "snap."' Write or call. Chicago Promotion & Brokerage Co. (branch office), 201 Richard Bldg., Lincoln, Ne.b. YV M149 2,x GENERAL merchandise store; well estab lished business; musty sell at a sacrifice; 111 health. Address ' 170, rare Bee. (4t-MI5o 2Cx E. G. GANGESTAD can help you get In or out of business. Room 403 Bee Bldg., Omaha. (4) 437 A GOOD pool room and cigar store in thriving city for sale, cheap. Address Molvmux & Olney, Sandpoint, Idaho. (4) M455 25x BUStNLSS DIRECTORY Commercial Art lata. H. O. BUNNELL Dougiaa 61 4D. CO., J22 N. Y. Life. (5) 7oi Carpenters. J. H. SHAR PERSON, carpenter and Job ber. Telepl'.oiie Dougiaa 4os6. Residence, 2020 Cum lug Si. (6) ai366 gilx Carpet CTeanlnc BANITARY Cleaning Co.. 19U Farnam. Chattel Leans. Chas. D. Sianton Loan Co.. Mj Bee Bldg. . W til Chiropodist. DR. ROY, R- :.Uw Farnam St. CI97. Creameries. DAVID COLE CREAMERY CO.. successor to Beatrice Creamery Co., Omaha. (5) 718 Dressmaking-. IN FAMILIES Miss Sturdy, Tel. Harney ISM. 46) 714 M DO WELL Dressmaking School,. 1621 Far. nam bt. (5 la MM E. WOODRUFF, 123 Neville Blk. Tel. Doug. 5170. $h M86S Dee 11 Cellectlea Aareacy. COLLECTIONS made everywhere. Charles E. bmlth, 4ol Bee BUlg. Tel. Doug. 17. (6 3t Dec! Deatlata. BAILEY & SIACIL Sdflr. Iaxloa. D. 10S1 (5-7U Hat Heaaeatcm. NEW fitetson bats sold st half price. 230 to. I4ui bi. W. A. Rttiruwn. Practical littl (6 Msl dJl OSDB j The small which needs "BEE want ads" BUSINESS DIRECTORY (Continued.) Florlata. HEE3 & SWOBODA, 1415 Farnam. (5) 710 L. HENDERSON, 151 Farnam. Tel. D. 1353. 45)-7l7 J, H. BATH, 1623 Harney. Tel. Doug. (5)-718 Hotele. THE SCHL1TZ, European, l'ith and Harney (o)-71 Jewelers nnd YVntchmakera. N. P. STILLING Watch, clock. Jewelry repairing. 2-3 Paxton Blk. Tel. 43G7. lS)-720 Office Soppllea. FILING cabinets, llles and ledgers, loose leaf devices and office fixtures and sup plies of all kinds. Anchor publishing Co., 306 South 18th St. Tel. Douglas !,":. (51 aiatfl Dee 11 Lorksuiltha. KEYS, etc., Heflin, .224 Farnam. Tel. D. 2874. (5)-721 Photographers. C. B. TRUSSELL, 115 South lfith St. (E)-724 Oateoparhy. JOHNSON INS., 418 N. Y. L Tel. D. 1664. (5)-72 Dr. Bowser, over 1D02 Far. Tel. Doug. 6370. (6) M985 Dec31 Printlnc. BEFORE placing your 190S calendar order don't fail to see our elegant Imported line. Lyngstad & Jorve, printers, 16 and Capi tol Ave. i6)-723 HIGH-GRADE Imitation typewritten let ter and Job printing; no Job too large or too small. Anchor Publishing Co., 3o6 3. 18th St. Tel Douglas 5562. (5) M139 Dec. 1 Safes, Shatters, Ete. OMAHA Safe and Iron Works makes a specialty of fire escapes, shutters, doors and safe. O. Andreen, Prop. 102 S. loth St, S-7:5 Shoe Repairing;. RAPID SHOE REPAIR CO., first-class work. li'4 Capitol Ave. 'Phone Red 994. (51-7J6 SHOES repaired right, called for nnd de livered free. Standard Shoe Repair Co., 1SQ4 Farnam St. Tel. D.-7567. 6-MI02 - HELP WANTED FEMALE Factory nud Tradea. WOMEN for day work; housekeepers, waitresses, $33. Canadian office, loth and Dodge. (7) 727 WANTED A lady Gordon pressfeeder at ome. Anchor Publishing Co., 306 So, 18tli St. (7) M607 MORE ladles and girls to fill holiday or ders decorating sofa pillows; experience unnecessary. Call forenoon 2311 8. 13th. (7)-397 i!4x ! WANTED An experienced marker and assorter, who Is raidd and ' accurate; wages, $15 per week. Address Y 16S, Bee. I (7)-al4e2 21 Honaekeepera an Domestics. WOMEN'S DOMESTIC GUILD, 1902 Farnam. St. Cook, no laundry. $:w. Downstairs girl, $6. Colored housemaid, $3. Cook and housemaid, 2 III family. Girls for general housework, $5 to $7. (7)-ai372 19 WANTED A girl for housework; no wash ing or cooking. 1329 So. 31st St. (7)-M440 25 WANTED Experienced second girl at 5G0 So. 2th 6t; references. (7) M446 23 WANTED Girl for -general housework; good home. 'Phone Douglas 6100. 2611 Pierce. (7) 876 lSx GIRL for general housework; no washing. 3315 Burt St. (7)-M?94 39x WANTED Hotel cook, steady position for right party. Telephone or write. Ar lington hotel, Rising City, Neb. (7) M956 Dec3x WANTED Experienced girl for general housework; small family; goo -rog. Tel. Harney 2694 (7) -870 IS WANTED Girl for general housework. Mrs. Updike, 3S01 Farnam St., (7J-163 lSx WANTED Good girl for general house work; no washing. Mrs. R. W. Brecken rldge, 1310 S. 3oth Ave. (7) 432 2o WANTED Girl for general housework. 1025 S. 35th St. 'Phone Harney 1152. (7) 133 20x WANTED A cook; wages $6. Mrs. John L. Kennedy, 4o6 S. 40th St. Tel. Harney 625. (7 434 20 Hlacella neons. WANTED good nurse girl, not under 16 years. 'Phone Harney 990. Call 3330 Har ney St. (7) 116 24 WANTED Lafy or gentleman to correct papers for tuition. Boyles College, Tel. Dong. 19S4. (7)-MM7 21 HELP WANTED MALE Affenta, Solicitors and Salesmen. CAN YOU make good with Al soliciting proposition? Peimanent in Omaha to right person. Call between 4 and 6. room i7 Bee Building. (9 Mvtf ARE you out of work? Cal) and sen us; good hustlera make good money. C. V. Adams Co., 1619 Howard St. (9) 729 $30 PER WEEK. B. B. Roberts. Call Sat utday. Megeath Stationery Co. (9) M914 19 WANTED Young man with some experi ence aa salesman. Apply clothing depart ment Nebraska Clothing Co. (9 4)9 20 Clerical anal Ofllee. MALE stenographer wanted at once. $36.00 to start. 404 Bee Building. (9)-M441 19 WESTERN REF. BOND ASS'N, INC. 721-722 New York Life B'dg. Bookkeeper, mercantile, ISO. Office manager, $100. Extension clerk, 76. (9)-M4J8 19 Bays. BOY. not under If years of age, to delivsr packages. Nebraska Clothing Co. (9) 931 It GOOD boya wanted; flrat claas pay. A. D. T. Co., tit B. 13th St. (9) TO BOY of 1 or over for bowling alley work; good wages. Apply at once. 1313 Har ney . (.) M413 Faetary sal Trades. WANTED Men to learn barber trade; few weeks completes; alxty chaira, constantly' busy; licensed Instructora; tools given, diplomas granted, wagea Saturdays, posi tions waiting, wonderful demand for grad ates, ratalogoe free. Moler Barber Col lege. DO 8. ltth St. (IO-M147 ax POSITIONS for drug man everywhere. F. V. Knleat. "t)7 N. f . Life. Omaha. m FIKBT-CLABS horseehoer wanted st once. 4" So. 11 Ui St., Lincoln. Neb J. V. Buy dee g ()-Mt7 MX business is HELP WANTED MALE Factory and Tratlea Con tinned. WANTED Non-union cylinder nnd Gordon pressmen. Nebraska I'rlntlng Co.. Lin coln., Neb. i9 MUM Dee. 6x WANTED Non-union cylinder and Gordon pressmen. Nebraska Prlnllnt? Co.. Lin coln, Neb. (9t M'C2 21x WANTED An nil round hlai ksuiith, at once. J. O. Smith, Fairfax, aio. (9 1 M.131 2?.x WANTED Managing printer. Address Thj News, Missouri Yullev, In. (9) 5134 lux M laeellaneoaa. TFT VClt VPHV Wo teach It suc 1 ljL.r.AlliAl 111 CPSfuiiy. We ab solutely guarantee positions. Operators are In great demand. We need )0 more stu dents to prepare lor positions. Station blanks nnd tlsn itclier's wiie furnished school by L". P. 'it. R. Co. Write at once for important particulars. Address Omaha Commercial college, Omaha, Neb. (91 M 459 23 POSITIONS OPEN FOR FIREMEN AND liARKEMEN; big pay and rap.d promo tion; t-xperience unnecessai y. Apply ut once, personally or by letter, to National Railway Training Ass'n, 620 Paxton Ullt.. Omaha, Neb. M."42 D7 GOOD PAY Men wanted everywhere to tack signs, distribute circulars, sample's, ftc. No canvassing. National D st. Bu reau, Chicago, 111. (9) M151 22x WANTED Delivery man; must furnish bond. Alamito Sanitary Dairy Co. (9)-M414 19 FREE Employment Bureau, supported by business Men's association; helps work men find positions. Call 42 New York Life Bldg. (9) 828 Nov27 WANTED Man with small capital to man age branch office In outside territory. Address 1XM Obsel .4tory, Dcs Mclnes, la. 19) M244 Nov22x YOUNG man to learn drug business. W. A- Plel, 18th and Farnam. (9) 124 Six YOFNG MEN to prepare for examinations for railway mall and other government positions. Superior Instruction by mall. Established 14 years. Thousands of suc cessful students. jvmple questions and "How Government Positions are Secured" sent free. Interstate Schools, Cedar Ra pids. Iowa. (9i M754 Dec. fix WANTED Young man us assistant man ager of woman's cloak nnd suit depart ment. Must have retail experience. Good position for a young man with ambition. Apply to H. Swanson, Nebraska Clothing Co. (9) Ml 44 19 LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horses and Vehicles. ONE 2-seat, two runabouts, top buggy, all rubber-tired. !,ack harness, one double express harness; one or two horses Come in. The Harney St. Stables. (1D-73I HORSES bought and sold. Myers, 1U4 Doughs. OD-830 N27 WE are selling delivery wagons, teaming gears, buggies, carriages' and harness cheapeer tnan any other firm in Omaha, Johnson-Danforth Co., 10th & Jones Sts. (ID 8S39 Poultry nnd Eggi, FOR SALE Single-comb Buff Orpington cockerels from priaowlnnlng stock. Ad dress Robert F. Buck Grave, la. J' (U)-M2u2 N21x GOVT, book free.- Model Squab Co., Omaha. U)-M267 Dec3 HIGH CLASS Houdan cockerels; big, healthy. ' vigorous; also single-comb brown leghorn cockerels; prices consist ent with grade of stock. Fred V. Green, Ft. Calhoun, Neb. (11) M989 21 7 MONTHS OLD, single comb Rhode Is land Red cockerels and pullets, $1 each. 4602 Center St. 'Phone Harney 3528. (ID M13S 22 x FOR SALE 50 pairs Homer pigeons. 1512 N. 2fith St. (11) 123 20 Cows, Birds, Dogra and Pets. FINE family cow, fresh, tv-ntle. 2507 Cass St. UD-M143 19x FOR SALE Fox and wolf hounds; dogs from 9 to 12 months old $la per pair; broke dogs $30 to $40. For particulars address Riffe & Son, R. F. D. No. I, Camden, aio. (1D-M453 25x LOST AND FOUND STRAYED from 42U and Redlck Ave., Wednesday, brown pacing mare, DoO pounds. Reward for information or re turn. Fred White, Florence, Neb. (12) (21 20 MEDiCAL BEST nerve bracer for men, "Gray's Nerve Food Pills." $1 a box, postpaid. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. (13)-736 RUPTURE CURED No knife, no retell lion from business. QUICK CURE RUP TURE CO., over 6. W. cor. i4th and Douglas, Omaha. (13) 737 ANY poor girl In need of a friend call or write to the matron of the Salvation Army Home for Women at N. 24th 8'.., Omaha. Neb. G2) M10 FREE medical and surgical treatment at Crelghton Medical college, 14th and Dav enpoit Sts.; special attention paid to con finement cases: all treatment supervised by college professors. 'Phone Doug, as 1167. Calls answered day or night. i3)-l MONEY TO LOAN SALARY A NO CHAT I ELS FOR A SQUARE DEAL GO TO THE PHOENIX CREDIT CO. For Chattel or BaUry Loans. 633 Paxton Block. 'Phone Douclas 715. (1U-J43 Plenty of Cash Open an account with us. Wa give you CASH: no checks; but cold hard CASH. Te-ms to auit. Liberal rebate if paid be- foro date. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO.. 119 Board of Trade Bidg., st the head of the lblh St. entrance. U4i -M90C DR. PRIBBENOW'S MONEY loaned on furniture, pianos, horses, etc., any amount; less half rales; perfect pri vacy and Immediate attention, on any terms, payments auhpended when nick or disabled. 214 Karbach Blk.. 3oy b litti SL (14) LS Bowen, 703 N. Y. Life BMg. advances private money on chattels or sal ary; easy lo get; no red tape. You got money same uay asked for al small" Open evenings till (.30. (14) :u MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE and others without security; easy ta inents. . Offices in 63 principal cith-a. Tolman. rocrn 714 New York Lite Bldir. (14)-740 EAGLE LOAN OFFIC E-Reliable. accom modating, all business confidential. '.3'4 uouglaa. il--747 LOWEST ratea, chatters or salary, Ne braska Credit Co.. 214 Board of Trade. (14) 5 CHATTEL, salary, and storage receipt loans. Foley Loan Co.. 1jo4 Farnam bL U4) 74o IF YOU BORROW MONEY for Chrlstmaa from the OLD RELIABLE I.OAN HEADQUARTERS you will not have to make your Dial payment until January. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. 119 Board of Tieila Bklg. 16th bt. Entram e. C14J Mlv mrWi'tlKhw ust the one MONEY TO LOAN talory and llinttels Continued. Ft'RNITCRE. live stock, salary loans Duff Green Loan Co., room s, P.nrkr block. 14)-7lO OFFERED FOR REN1 Donrdlnsr nnd Booma. LARGE front room, with alcove or parlor suite, with board: everything new ami strlctlv modern ami private; home cook ing. 123 Will St. (15) M171 1! VIENNA hotel; private dining rooms; cafe. (15 717 DEWEV European Hotel, 13th and Farnam. (15)-74S FURNISHED rooms, with lewd. 241L Capitol Ave. (15) M191 Nov20x ' TWO large front rooms and alcove, east front. Bourd. 412 No. 22d St. llu) M403 Nov. 23 MODERN room; first class board. M8 S. ?4th Ave. Qu) Mifro Deci THREE fine large rooms for couples; board If desired, at 1703 Dodge. (15) 103 IS'x THE FLEASAN TON Beautifully fur nished rooms; best home cooking; rooms warm and sunny. 2:124 Harney. (15)-M444 25x Fornlaheel Rooms. OMAHA Van & Storage Co. pack, move, store H. H. goods; storehouse, U'0-24 N. 19th. Office, lbn9 Farnam. Tel. Doug. 1559. US) 750 WE DO expert pluno moving at lowest prices. Tel Douglas 1625. Schmoller St Mueller Piano Co.. 1311-1313 Farnam. (15)- -749 HOUSEHOLD goods packed, forwnrdnd; cheap freight rates, moving nnd storage. Expressmen's Delivery Co. Tel. Douglas ;tf)4. via) Tnl FOR RENT Southeast corner room in pri vate family; with or without breakfast, at 2i56 Douglas, Tel. Hartley 3650. (13)-ail03 21 NEWLY furnished rooms, modern, private family, south front, for gentleman or man und wife, walking distance, pi ice reason able. 24o4 Capitol Ave. (15)-ai157 22x TWO all modern furnished rooms, parlor floors. 2339 Dodge St. Tel. Harney 3875. (15)-2S6 WE move pianos. Mansard Vnn and Stor age Co. Tel. Doug. 1416. Office, 1712 Yeh ster St. i (15) 733 NICELY furnished rooms. 1915 Capitol Ave. (15) M193 Nova) ROOMS in modern house; gentlemen pre ferred. 12S S. 25th. (13)-aiS54 20 FOR RENT Nicely furnished front room In new modern house; private family; 29th. near Leavenworth St. Gentlemen preferred. 'Phono Harney 715. (15) 878 NEW furnished room In new modern house; hot water heat, with or without board, one block north of Farnam car. 107 So. 31st St. (15) 877 lSx PLEASANT,, warm room; modern. 520 N. 23d St. (151-9.9 20 NICELY furnished rooms In new modern fiat. 214 N. 23th St. Tel. Douglas 39118. (15)-976 211 NEWLY furnished, steam-heated front room for gentleman, In modern house; private family; $12 per month. 2608 Dodge. (15) 122 FVRNISHED room, very desirable. 510 8. 24th St. (15) M142 D15 ROOM for slnglo gentleman, modern, fur nace heat. 1712 Davenport. (15)-M333 l!x FURNISHED rooms for housekeeping. 1712 Jackson St. (15)-M131 22x NEATLY furnished rooms in modern house; under now and Unproved manage ment. 2013 Farnam St. (15) 16S lkx SUITABLE rooms for young men, cheap. 1920 Capitol avenue. (15) 164 lSx FOR RENT Three nice basement roftms, partly furnished, easy walking distance; rent $12.50 to desirable tenant. C. W. Blixt. 40S N. 26th St. (15)-ai394 19 FURNISHED ROOMS-2616 St. aiary's ave nue. Tel. Douglas C695. (15) ail45 22x NEWLY furnished,- sunny rooms; private family; modern. 308 N. 22d St. (15)-M314 2x FURNISHED room to lady, south part of city; references required. Address O 5S7, care Bee. (15) ai294 19 FURNISHED steam lieated room in pri vate family; two blocks from Rome hotel. 610 S. 17th Ave. (15) ai6 19x NICELY furnished rooms for rent: splen did location; board If desired. 718 South 29th street. (15) M390 19x TWO furnished rooms, with bonrd, for two young men or two young ladles; private family; modern, with every convenience. Call today, 3u25 Dewey. (15) 4ol 20 NICE largo room. 524 S. 26th Ave. (15) 431 24x ELEGANTLY' furnished rooms, private family; bf.-t location in city; reference re quired. 'Phone Doug. 49ol. (15) 1 24 THR.EE beautifully furnisher housekeep ing rooms; also large southeast single room; private family. Hanscom park district, block from car. Harney 134N. (15) 117 24x FOR RENT A new 5-room cottage, strictly modern, furnished or unfurnished. 3127 aiason St. Tel. Harney 1342. (15) 436 Cafurulahed Booma. UNFURNISHED rooms; modern. 1618 No. Twenty-lifth St. (15) 1C9 Apartments nnd Flats. AN APARTMENT, Davldge Bldg., ISth an Fainam. Apply Apartment No. 2. 15) 754 FOUR rooms, furnished for housekeplng or sleeping: one or all. 'Phor.e Webster 8oo3. 2:'6 aiiaml St. (15) i6fi UNFURNISHED Parlor floor three rooms, stove heat. 26o3 Dodge St. (15) M415 24x t NICELY furnished rooms, complete for light housekeeping, $12.00 month. 2018 Davenport. 413) -Ms'.ll 19x Housekeeping; Booma. ! TWO furnished or unfurnished steam i neaiea rooms tor inn. .is j-.o. .o'i di. (15) 973 21 SUITE of front housekeeping rooms. soS S. 21st. (Ill M37 19 FURNISHED rooms for light housekeeping in modern home, it:!; OiUago St. (13I-M140 22x ONE ncalV f urnl.c 1 1 run:, for light (U-167 18x STEAK ! 1 KATKV) modern rooms, single und '- oiLle, hoard if di sii- d, at "The Bot-U 107 bo. 17th. (73) lo3 Dx TWO large front rooms, furnished, mod I nil und ;-teusaiit, Wth. 2i.' Fat nam St. I ID) 11 24 Houses and Cottages. 32'0 N. 2Cth Ave., 7 rooms, modern except I urnacr, t-5. 4S'3 N. 24th, 6 rooms, modern except fur nace. $"-'. 1705 8. 2m h, 10 rooms, modern except furnace-!. BEMIS. PAXTON ELOCK. 'hone Dojglas (15) M858 FOR RENT Eight-room modern house. 414 North Slat bt . t i THOMAS BRENNAN, Room L &jr York Life Building. U5)-M1U mxsxsssssssrx OFFERED FOR RENT Ilonaea and Cottages 1'ontlnned. FOR RENT. Five rooms. S4' Camden Ave.. $x.A Six rooms, ;tVW Chicago St., Kith, closet; new. $i'..'i. . , ,, Five rooms. 403 North 2Mh Ave., bath. Closet : new. $25.'". Eight rooms. 712 South 31st St.; bath, closets; furnace. JT'.eO. Seven rooms. 2Mi Ames Ave.; bath, closet; new. J2V0C. Five rooms. I's3 North 23th Ave; bath, Ch set. $20 00. Five rooms, 29J3 Seward; bath, closet. $H '. G. O. WALLACE, BROWN BLOCK. (15) 170 IS i 5-ROOM .cottage; city water: 1"1 No. 2.1d St., phone D 5729. (lal-fllH 8-ROOM house, near 24th St. car line; 5 teom house "1st and Evans. Phone Red 47il. C. P. Traner. (Ui Mi,.7 ll FOR RENT 7-room cottage, modern cx eeot furnace. Lr4s Davenport. 1-5. JOHN W. BOBBINS. FAItN M ST. i mi m i ii i FOR RENT Seven-room all modern house .In the West Farnam d'strlct. Price $o. Shinier & Chase Co., loo.) Farnam St. Tel. Doug. 3S67. .(15-M3M 20 LARGE 6-room cottage, modern except fur nace. lo34 S. 2Mh St. Inquire M. J. Greevey. Phone Harney 2330. (16)-15j HOt'SES. Insurance. Rlngwalt, Barker P.Ik. (15-V,1 FOR RENT 6-room modern cottage. 56: S. 27th St. Tel. Webster 645. C5 763 FUR RENT 8-room modern flat, opposite Hanscom Park; $.',4. '1 hone South 7. U5)-46? TIClTTtlP I" Parts of the city. UUUOUO Crelgh Sons & Co.. Bee Bid.;. (! 75S TIfTT?h"!(i! I" a" parts of thecltv. refers LUUOlJOTru,t Co N y. Life Bldg (15) 75!) 10-ROOaf modern house. 2!il3 Hickory, $3,000. 8-room house, c'ty water, il.fvt). J. il. FARROTTE, 323 Board of Trade. (13t-M133 22 FOR RENT 403 North 24th St.. six rooms, modern except furnace, $22. (16)-M977 FOR RENT Six-room modern cottage, nicely furnished. 662 S. 27th St. Tel. Web ster 645. (15) Ms34 MODERN 8-room house, on car line, good location, $30 2110 Lake St. (15) 337 8-ROOM house, modern throughout, loca tion the best In town. 216 8. 35tn Ave. Telephone Douglas 1S66 for particulars. Wm. H. Bodemann. (151 M'Ui FOR RENT New 5-room modern cottage, near two car lines. Inquire Bnkerv, aos N. 24th St. (15) M342 1.1.x FOR RENT New seven-room cottage, 1101!) Spruce St.; full cellar, with furnace; modern Interior. Particulars, 'phone Harney 2C75. (15) M346 19x FOR RENT-9-rooni house, Tho Norwood, 3326 Harney St. 'Phone Harney SoS. 05)-435 SIX-ROOM brick modern, $17. 1616 Maple (15) 120 4X 703 N. 40th, 9-room, nil modern, $lo. 3411 Charles, 9-room,all modern, new, $33. 2201 I,ocust, 7-room, modern except heat, $25. 124 N. 2fith. li-room. modern except heat, $18. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., looi N. Y. Life Bldg. 'Phone Douglas 2152. (15) 439 24 NINE-room modern house, 2052 No. ISth St. Call Telephone Harney 819. (15)-M253 Bnlldlnsjs. BUILDINaSFOR RENT. All or part of the 6-story and basement building now occupied by Carpenter Paper Co. HARRISON & MORTON. 913 N. Y. Life Bldg. U5I-M934 Halls, Lodge Rooms, Lite. NEW dancing hall, best floor In town, stage and balcony; also three lodge rooms. Fraternity hull, opposite public library. Only private party hall centrally located, free from all objectionable features; no liquor allowed on premises and no saloon In same block. N. P. Dodge & Co., 1714 Farnam St. (15) ai336 19 Offices. DESK room In new Brandels Bldg., with 'phone and stenographic service. Address 0-554. care Bee. (15) M349 THREE offices on second floor of new Conservative building, 1614 Harney St., modern and conveniently Bituated in tho business center; oak finish; best of sun light; heat and Janitor service furnished; can he leased separately or ensuite. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 1704 Farnam St. (15) M462 19 2 SUITES of large light offices, very suit able for doctor offices, tn Continental block, 15th and Douglas Sts. Robt. II. Bennett, agent, room 11, Continental Blk. (15) M357 FOR RENT Desk room In Bee office, city hall building, 417 N. 25th St., 8outh Omaha. Apply to manager. ' (15) 134 Stores. ONE store room In t,ew "Scargo building In South Omaha, near postofflce, with lighted basement, modern show windows and annlngs; best possible location. Hall Dis tributor Co., 317 First NatT Bank B dg. Phone Red 74o. (15)-765 LIVE GROCERY" aiAN. Best location In the city for large neigh borhood grocery; people to use tho goods are there; need live niun with ample stock to supptv them; A-l store room. BEMIS, 3u6 PAXTON BLK. (16) M161 19 FOR RENT Second floor, 33x100; steam heat. Palace C'othlng Co., 14th nnd pouc)aa St. (1.1)-623 OFFERED FOR SALE Fencing;. ANCHOR and Iron fencing; wire fencing 6c ner foot. 206 N 17th St. Tel. Red M4. (16) 768 Planoa, Organi, Mnalcal Inatruinenta. FORCED SALE OF STAND ARD SQUARE PIANOS 14 different makes. Including Stelnway, Chickering, Steck and many others to select from. Original price $500 $000 $700 and up 1 Forced sale price $25 $35 $45 and up ) These instruments are in perfect order, i fully guaranteed and will be accepted at full purchase price within t years from date on any new upright piano In our stoie. Investigate; call or write today. We also do expert tuning, repairing and piano moving. jSclimoller & Mueller Piano Co., Stelr.way & Sons' Representatives. ' 1311 and 1313 Fat nam St., Tel. Doug. 1625. (16J-767 FINE upright pianos, nearly new; big bargain; leaving city. 416 Nurth 23d. (16) 12a 31X PARTY leaving city wishes to sell $. upright piano for $125. Inquire i'ill Cal ifornia St. (16)-M454 23 Typewriters and Sewing; Machlnea. FOR SALE High grade second-hand :yr writer; good condition; a bargain at ! Call room 603, Bee Bldg. (16 671 ONE Remington typewriter. No 6. In good condition, for sale cheap. Call at Uee office. i)-429 Miscellaneous. GAS, ELECTRIC AND COMBINATION FIXTURES largest, moat up-to-date atotk st lowest prices in the city, aeleit now. Delivered when needed. Inspection Invited. BURGESS GRANDEN CO.. US 1 15th BL Tel. Doug. 61. (16,1 -J OFFERED FOR SALE M IscrllnneonaC on tinned. Ml "ST RAISE CASH-J.r. satin lined astr.i knn fur nil, $o diamond ring. $.'; J.5 rinK. 15. IH'ItKV. Write R 1-m. 2.' Kleiner block. Til. Douulas 19. lt; - M iS 23 ONYX SODA Fur.NT.MX9. One U-syiup liipinl; one :i syrup llipild; one pl-syiup American; on., K-syrup l.lp plncott. All relinlshed sn, silvi-r plated. Eveiy one u burgain. Moiithlv pavmentsj lxright, li Fain. mi ft. ( 1 :i - M liio Dec 15 FOR SALE-O.irhmd hard cal heater. Apply Chlnmo St. (HO lej lex WORTH1NGTON DUPLEX PUMP Gifl-gallon Worihingion duplex pump, sue LxldViXlO. for sale. This pump has se. it about six month:!' actual service and is l.i good condlti'in; will sell at a bargain. Apply W. 11. Budges, engineer Bee Bldg. (16) 570 SOO.ofO wood clean brick at $4 per !.(; also doors, wu.dowa, sheeting, lath, liini In r of the tint at kind at less than halt price; also two good steam-heating plants. Inquire J. P. Connolly, MntU and llarnry. (16)-M416. FOR SALE-Several show cases, new pea nut roaster, laige coffee mill, two large automatic oil tanks and store, fixtures ton numerous to mention. Globe Laud and Investment Co.. Omaha. Neb. (16) 770 FOR SALE New and second-hand blll'ard and pool tables. We lead tho world In cheap bar fixtures; easy Payment. Brunswlck-Balke-Collcndar, 407 8. 10th St. (16j-7ii9 FOR SALE Goo, I stove and folding bed. U11S Douglas street. (16) M443 21x HOMEOPATHIC temedles. wholesale, re tall. Sherman Ac McConncll Drug Co, Omaha, Neb. (16) 771 SEND US your mall orders for drugs; freight paid on $10 lots. Myers-Dllhvi Drug Co., Omnha. (16i 773 DRUGS at cut prices: freight paid on all $11 orders; catalogue free. Sherman & Mc Conncll Drug Co., Omaha. Neb. (16) 777 FOR SALE Two Round Oak heaters. 2018 Davenport. (16) M393 20x SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO. best mixed paint. Slisrman & McConnell Drug Co. (16J-773 ONE pair good light btnr.y harness; good ns new; cheap. i919 Chicago St. (161-M1S3 22x in, hi, i.i v.-wvauuuiBBioit;. riiuup ieo -.... -. ,,.. .... pi' I ii,); ej inx DAYTON computing scale, fine condition, big bargain. 21 N. ltith St. . 416) SKI lSx HALL'S safes, new, 2d-hand. 1S18 Farnam. (10 777 SALT $1.00 per bbl. Wagner, 801 N. 16th. (1HJ-775 POTATOES for sale, car lots. Henderson Bros., Traer, la. (lfi) M404 Nov25 NAILS. $1' keg. Star Box Co.. 1W7 St. aiary's Av. (16) M159 Nov21x SIX-FOOT cigar floor show case at a bur gain. 3oS N. 16th St. (16-ai!n 20x SECOND-HAND overcoats and firearms. Singer, 416 N. yth. (161774 GERMAN heater, used 3 months, burns either hard or soft eonl. Applv 112s S. 31st. (i)iti-, i" PATENTS D. O. BARNELL, patent attorney and ma chine designer. Paxton Blk. .Tel. Red 7117. (171-780 LARSON & CO. Book free. Bee Bldg. 4.17) 781 PATENTS that protect. Our 3 books for In ventors mailed on receipt of 6c postage. R. S. r A. 11. Lacey, rooms 2!l-39 Paeltlu Bldg., Washington, D. C. Established lstitf. 17t ai7S2 PERSONAL YOUNG WOMEN coming to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit the toutig Women's Christian Association rooms, loi6 Farnam St., where tney will bo directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. (18) 915 SYRINGES, rubber goods, by mall; cut trices. Send for free catalogue. Myers illlon Drug Co.. Omaha. (18) 7s8 f AQ'iJ AfJF, and baths. Room 2. 14 JUAOOXiUXJ Furnani St., 2d floor. (IS) M36J Nov26 WB RENT, repair, sell needles for old sewing machines. Neb. Cycle Co., Cor. 13th and Harney. (18) M135 a. r a rjTPTTr!,r,'atment and bath, airne. 18)-60 THOaiAS WILLIAM FALCONER, eldest son of Peter Falconer, Liverpool, Eng land, would like to hear from Thomas William, James, Christina and Helen Fal coner. Address care L. Blalherwick, 13 Court street, Newark, N. J. (18)-ai445 21X PRIVATE CONFINEaiENT HOME Mrs." Dr. King. 1324 N. 24th. Tel. Web. 3.o9. (Ui)-7b7 LADIES and gentlemen are cordially In vited to come and see the greatest In vention of the age; prevents all mis placed and open awitch wrecks, also en ables the engineer to take a siding while the train is In motion; 1320 Douglas St., Omuha, Neb. (18) M264 22x OMAHA Steam Paste Co., manufacturers pure flour paste. 2210 Cuming. Telephone Douglas 1521. (18) BURNS, chaps, sores, chafing, tender skin healed by Satin Skin Cream. Try It. c. OA) PI FATINCl BuUorm,KRuclflng, 1 Lbfl I lltJ Embroidery. Dyeing and cleaning, sponging and fhi Inking only 5u per yard. bend lor price and samples. GOLDMAN PLEATING CO.. 10 Dougiaa Block. Tel. Dougiaa 1931 (10) 7K3 OMAHA Stammerers' Institute. Ramge Building. (16)-7Ka THE SALVATION ARMY solicits caat-off clothing; In fact, anything you do not need. We collect, repair and ael), at 114 N. Uth St., for cost at collecting, to the worthy poor. Call 'phone Doug. 4133 and wagon will call. (18j 785 ANYONE having any Information regard ing John Sullivan, who disappeared from lis home. North 3"th St.. Omaha, in 1695, please address Y 97. care of Bee. (18)-M9T4 22x Lichen, costumcr, 1410 Howard, open eve. (18)-126 REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE! DEALERS. RUSSELL &. M KITR1CK CO.. 482 Ramge. t PAYNE INV. CO.. lat floor N. Y. Life. Douulaa 1781. (19)-789 GEORGE & COMPANY. 1601 Farnam. Tel. Douglas 751 (191-790 PETERS TRUST CO., N. Y. Life Bldg (19-791 I. 61BEERNSEN, room 208. 120 So. 16th. (j -M184 CITY PROPERTY FOB SALE. BRAND NKW COTTAGE Southeast corner 29th and Meredith Ave.; will 1- rent.-d if not sold this week. Price only 2,2.i' f Hi chsIi. balance liku rent. F. W. HEAD, luul Farnam St tV8) 425 20 FIX-ROOM COTTAGE ONLY $2,330. Corner Martha and 11th St. boulevard. ACT QUICKLY. 9-room modern house and full east front lot. In Hanscom Plate, leased at $30. Prlee only Via. SNAP JOHN W. BOBBINS. Iv3 FARNAM BT. (1KI-M174 1 FIVE ACRES $1,250 6cth and Browne Sts ; cultivated. F. D. W EAD, 1U Farnam 8l Ui)-42J U