Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 12, 1907, Page 9, Image 9

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(Continued j
$150 CASH
Ton can have, your choice, of five -rom
houses, located on 37th St., Just north of
Dodge; houses Not. IZh 1, 125, 129 and
IB North 37th St. These houses have been
newly papered and painted, new plumbing
with bath put In, all fixed up In first-class
shape- This Is an opportunity you should !
net miss. Tries of houses 1,X) esch.
1704 Farnam St.
Bee Building.
Strictly modern house, very bst ms,ter al
and workmanship; built lor a home; pol
ished ' hardwood flnian; south front on
Msln Central Eoulevard, four blocka
frelghton university, seven to high schojl
and only twelvs blocks to business center;
room for two more houses; will sell all or
part at a bargain.
. 1. Conner, Owner.
- 233 Nevllls Blk. . ,...
(1)-M8BS 12
LOTS $750 TO $S0O.
YTm only have a few lots left in this ddl-
tlon. be sure to look them over at onoe.
South fronts on Lothrop, V.
' North Ir .nts on Eir.met. 760.
West fronts oh Blierninn Vve., flrvt.
Excepting corners a trifle higher, all lots
btlxl'il feet, with vatr. benui tinu le.itcn,.
walks; 'will rha. terms.
Remember this addition Is built up with
Lit nsw homes, which makes It vsry deslr
.79 rarnam St.
Bee Building.
. 09) Mjol ii
Let at ?th and Fori Els., only $23.
U. O. PiCKUQUlST., k.4 8. Mh St,
FOn BALE A well built 10-room frama
bouss, brauilf ully Or.lslica Id hard wood;
hard-wood floors, mantals, modern bath
room and conveniently arranged. Will
sU at a very low price, to b removed
from present premises by purchaser. Ad
dress C. C. Rosswatsr, be bldg., Utnaha.
r . (i9)-M3.f
t,l8T your property with Chris Beyer. 2'd
and Cuming Bta 'JPt 784
" $3,000.
8-R00M nOUSE.
Hons has 4 largo rooms on first floor
and 'bedrooms on second floor; strictly
all modern but furnace; large east front;
wfoot Jot, with fine shade trees, room to
build another house; close to Sherman ave
H(rS.sa4'Dtdge St. ear lines.
UtH Fornam St. Bee Building.
. (11 MKu 14
' will buy elegant s-room, modern house at
'414 N. S1st St.; esst front, pavHl street,
permsnent sidewalk, beautiful lawn, laign
shad tress. Kssy terms If necessary.
Room J, N?w Yoip l,Ujt bldg.
' - y- 1 (lit) -793
FOR' SALE Modern store bldg.. 6 living
rooms. U.O.; bargain. 'Fhone vvser
.TWO town lots In Texlco, N. M.. three
blocks from depot; one Is corner lot; both; partly paid for: will sell cheap for
cnah, or trade for lot here. Texlco hss
about 1 200 people and Is the terminus of
the Relen outoff snd the proposed Brown
wood road. Ju F. Patterson, Doug-
. Jas ; 1)-MK74 13x
- Choice Prairie Land
For sale: several sections of choice prairie
, land 2o miles esst of ftenvcr, Colo., cheap;
easy terms; will sell In quarter sections
If desired, a W. Price, Spirit Lake, la.
CAl MmHx
'VC have for sale lands In all sections of
the slate; for growing grain, fruit, suar
beets, potatoes, melons and any kind of
vegeiablevi irrigated or unlrrlgsted, Im
proved or unimproved Also have a Hat
. of stocli ranches. Write for partlculsrs.
Vara land & Investment Co., Tolteo
" Bid.. Denver, Colo. (&)) MS4 Hx
LOANS on Improved city property. W. H.
' Thomas, k6 First Nalloual Bank Bids.
WANTtD City loans. P.t.r. Trust Co.
' t-..ti ait cmmtv ..,.,, .h.. win
.TOR BALtr-County warrants that win net
the Investor ht.iH rale of Intereat; slo
some silt-edge farm morigsses on valu
bis I arm lands. None of liietn exceed
one-third value of the land, open even
. . ins. I nloa Loan A Investment Co . ail)
' lino Bldg. (aa)-M77s IS
U.fAKi.otA, TO LOAN on business and resl-
. oance property in uinsna; lowest rates;
oence Property J" Z . iTTLTn'
no lUy- i hoxnaa lueuiiati. Room N.
IMfk v . li.) fss
WANTED City loans and warrants. W.
. isrcaiu BuiUh st Co.. UW Farnam 8u
r . .- liC-7W
LOWEST RATaJ-Bemla. Paxton Block.
. (lg-.lj
. . . " a!i-43
Loans on Real Estate. Hid;.
Buy 1st and id mines. 'Phone Dou. 29n4.
(221411 Novll
LOANS on Improved Omaha property.
O'kscfe R. S. Co., 1001 N. Y. Life Bldg.
. (t.)-7W
500 TO B,0CO TO I)AN-Prlvste money;
no d.l.ya J. HT Sh.rwoed. 7 N Yr.fe.
MONEY TO LOAN-Fayne Investment Co.
U( to no.orn made promptly. F. D. Wead,
Wcsd Bldg., 1Mb and Farnam.
' (zn-Mwij
ANTED To buy second-hand furniture.
va,u '""'.,ii"'-
lsums. of ties lurnlture, old clothee and
- "bX sni .,0ki Jt 1 bd p
quilts ana eu kinds of tools; or fUl buy
ti,e iwinituis vt your nouse counpiet.
' Tne big hest prices paid. Call the right
aunt ieU Doug. I$U.
' ' (it) Mill Dtcll
B1TCOND-H AND furniture bought and sold;
7 also machines of all kinds rented, t: per
' month. TsL, Doug. &8a, (Huj MbSs
CASH raid far aeeond-hand clothing, shoes,
eta. tt No. lia tt. Tel. Red U.S.
WANTED To buy calves.
Tel Detig. W3.
PKKB. Highest rrlres fsr butter snd egirs. Cash
i t more itk s dies. Send trial ahlpuient. The
jusivpeti voaipany. omaaa. . i -tl
WNTrD--To buy, a house to move T !.
AWMlas SaM, LUy-U.J3 U
WANTED A furnished houM for the win
ter; mum be thoroughly m.xlom; Fsrnam
or Hsnsoom park; U fur v
nely married couple, with the verybee..
Of reference. Addreee J 4, care Bee,
WANTED-Furnished or unfurnished room
wjlh board: Hmicnm rark district. Ad
dress. S. 6"J. care Bee. M.U U
WANTED Two rr three furn'shed rooms
for light housekeeping: northwest part of
cltv preferred; flret'claes reference-. Ad-
dre W-8 csre Bee. (2 MO Kg
BATi.priAn man. M rears' eXDerlence In
rsiei and larlrrs. "wishes situation as
"sn with mercantile establish- ,
f . t.r"t employed In R. K. I
office. Address F 495, cars Peo. i
tr) M.J7 in
EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and cashier: references. Address M AM. care of
Bee t.!7 Mo4 16X
WANTED Position as stenographer and
ofllce cUrk, by eipsrler.ced young man
wl.h good refeisnc. Address, O. 4-, on.-e
Bee. CTr- Mo7 1X
EXPERIENCED bookkeeper w.ttnts set of
books to keep evenings; moderate fee. .
Address M 501. Bee. C7t MiktlZx
SITCATION wsnted by colored man as
porter. Tel. J44I Webster.
' (2T)-MS6d x
WANTED By Isdy with experience, col
lecting, copying or corresponding to du.
Call Tel. Douglss HV (?7)-g37 U
WANTFD Py msn yesrs of age, fair
education, temperate habits, s'tustlon as
clerk, or work In wholesale house; good
references. Address D HO csrs Bee.
(27) M8.3 14X
Alfred O. Parker to Chris. Andersen.
lot 4. block 7, Credit Fonder t
Emma Visiter and husband to Nathan
rt- '
W j
Perl's, sub lot I In tax lot u, eoo.
10-16-1.1 S.
Chns. W. X'ndorhlll and wife' to Law
rence, E. Lane, lot 7, block 1, Vates
& HempfOs addition J.RW
Arthur b. Tebblns to John Hstrcrnlk,
lots 70 and 71, Firestone's suud. .. 605
Solomon J. Firestone and wife to Ar
tl.ur B. Tebblns, same M0
Anna Bennett to George W. Plutner,
lot 1. block 1. lot 1. bloc , lot 1,
block 4. Kendalls addition 1
Irving 8mlth and lfe to Emtl Krauae,
part lot 13, barkers allotment .. 1
W. D. Lane to Catl'.erlne Daly, lot
6. block 14. Hanscom Place
Willlom T. Laly, jr., and wife to W.
VJ. Lane, same
James II. McCulloch and wife to
George Parks, part nw4 84-13-1 ..
Charles R. Sherman and wife to Otis
Carter, lot s, block 1. Myers, Rich
ards & Tllden's addition
William Salisbury to G. N. Hyps,
lot . in Replat block Bemls Park,
Caroline B. Howard and husband to
John Safarlk. lot , block 130, South
Paul F. Nlndel to Fred Nlndelt ono
half Interest in lot 20, block s, Or
chard addition '.
Elisabeth Tubman to John A. Hall,
lot 17. block 8, Hansrom Park ....
Henrietta S. Carter and husband to
JUr.nle C. Chspman. lot 21, block 10,
Brigga Place
George T. Morton and wife to Ida
M. Hardy, lot 1J, block 5. Kilby
P. ace
rr IT. P.m snd wife tn Minnie B.
Pnvis, lot 13. block I. Orchard Mill,. 8,800
J. W. Thomss and wife to William
. Purgess, nVi lota 6 and 7, block ii.
Highland Place .-
A. 3. Kneklnrhsm and wife to E. C.
Kurd, trustee, lot a, block 2. Pull- .
man Place. . 100
Emn a C. Johnston et al to B. E.
Meek, lot 6. block 4, Spvlnn Lak
Park 75
Nellie C. Brennun to Blanche Burdlck
lot 11. block 4. Dupont PI ice 1
H. C. Ilartry and wife to William H.
Thorp et al. lot 34, LMllstone Park .
Place , TW
The Brown Realty & Investment Co.
to Harry Reuben, esst 36 feet of lot -
7, block 11, original plat Of Omaha ..
Total ........
ninahi Railway Company. Omaha.. Neb..
Nov. 9. liHiT. To the Stockholdeia: Notice
Is hereby given thst a special meeting of
theh4lder. of ..n.a. City a
Omaha railway company wm o ieio at.
the oihce of the comi any In t airfield, Ne-
hrisk.. at 1 o'clock a. m. on January 11.
lift, for the puipose of sctlng upon the
' . ... . .. . ,, . . . j
question of selling the railrooj, property
and franchises of the compsny to the Chi-'
ny, .r'V7,da,ryopeVr;-0.ttforeama
being now tinder lease to said company.
by ordur of the Doaru oi utreciors. v. r.
Durkee, Secretary. NIOdfiOt i
ley, Kansas A Southwestern Railroad
Company, Utnaha, Neb.. Nov. 9, 1WI. 'lo
the Stockholders: Notice Is hereby given
that a special meeting of the stockholders
of the Republican Valley, Kansas & Souih
western Railroad company will be held at
the office of the company In Omaha, Ne
braska, at 4 o'clock p. m. on January 10,
18.8. for the purpose of action upon the
question of suiting the railroad, property
and franchises of this compsny to the Chi
csgo. liurhngton & Qulncy hsllrosd com
psny, the railroad and property aforesaid now under lease ts the said company,
by order of the board of directors. W. P.
Durkee, Secretary. - NlOduOt
ley V Wyoming .Railroad company.
On. aha, Neb., Nov. . Ij7 To the Stock
holders: Notice Is hereby given thst a
special meeting of the stockholders of the
Rspubllcsn Valley & Wyoming Railroad
company alii be held at the of the
company In Omaha, Nebraska, at 4 o'clock
p. in., on January 10, 1D08, for the purpose
of acting upon the question of selling the
R.Uro.d om'p'any. Vh.
and property aforesaid belna i
I . 1 1 1 "n .1 1 iiv'.i 1 IIU ' . I , i 1 1 1 m v.
the railroad
now under
lease to said company. By ordur of the
rt , ir.-,r ilf p nu.k(.,
V??'11 or lrector- w- AJurM.o, cro-
Railroad company. Omaha, Neb., Nov..
. 19f'7-To the Stockholders: Notice Is
hereby given thst a special meeting ef ths
stockholders of the Oxford A Kansss Rail
road company will be held at the office of
company at Omaha. Nebrsska. at 4
c)fck p"; on w, jftjS. for the
I purpose of acting upon the question et
selling the ratlrosd, property and franchises
ot tne compsnv to tut t-nieago, Durunsmn
& Qulney Rallrosd company, the railroad
fena.e ".We .rpany Br ord,?dS. ,
the board ef directors. W. P. Durkee,
Platte Rallrosd Comosnv. -Omaha. Neb..
fs'herebith.T Slf'r.tJn.1
the stockholders of the Omsha and Nortn
Platte Railroad eomnanv will be held at
the office of the company In Omaha, Neb.,
at 4 o'clock p. F4-, on January 10, 1j01. for
ll.e purpose of acting upon the question of
selling the railroad, property and franchises
of this company to the Chicago, Burlington
Qulnry Railroad company, the. railroad
snd property afsresatd being now under
. ThVard of dlrectoV!;: W. "p. Durkee:
lease to tne ssin company, cy orner 01
1 wesisrn liallresd ( ompa v. umini. ceo.,
Nov. s. i7. To the Stockholders: N )tice
Is hereby g'ven that a anectal meeting of
the stockholders ef the Oraihs ar.d South
western Rallrosd rempany will be held at
the office ef the con rsny at Omaha. Nsb..
at 4 o'clock p. m., on January IS, ii0. lor
the purpose of acting upon the queatlon of
fr,i,,, e, ,n, company to the Chicago. Bur-
1 Ilnrton at Qu'.ncy Railroad comrany. the
ra Irosd nd property aforesaid being now
lun,,rr '' o ',' fomp'ny. By orSee of
the board ef directors. W.
masler. Fort Mscksnxle, Wy., Oct. U,
1KW Ssaled proposals la triplicate will be
received here until 10 a. m. imojuti'n
aso and et. Paul, depot quartermaster St.
Lou's and at thla office., at which latter
place all Information may be obtained. V,
B. it-acnes the right to accept or reject any
oe all uroQopals or sny part thereof. En-
I rlnaa Btaraaali In sealed etivelooes marked.
I "Propcssls for Wster Vs'n. stressed
. IT. WU. D. DAY 11, u. aL. U. S. A.
... .r. 7, o" .- - Mulee. W heel arn lyeea. sna 11 t sea sau es.
esst lion water mi n from LT. S. reservoir , J. V.ii,r, st Omaha. Nebraska, or other
ntZJ:n.tLZ SJaJ at emcAl ? chfrm to speciflciTlora for cavalr aid
"r. 1"'."-V'LC.k artillery horses and mules. United Sales
, . , .mw la 1 w.T ,ni Mnnni-ii.v at r a i n n -
.J. O. Modeer (f).
, Antelope, rseiigii
,J. D. Miller (f...
ttantttr, Harrlsmirg
ltalne, Brewster ...
Boone. Aluton
Bos Butie. Alliance
,.H. A. Downer -
Moyd, Butte
Brown, Alnswnrth ..
buffalo, Kearney ..
Burt. Teka:nsh
butler, David City..
vses, nttismnutn
ledar, Harrington
Chase, Imperial ...
...C. D. Qulnton tr)
...D. K.. MfFatlden
-r.C A. Rosseter
..J. W. McLsn'el
...C. O. Sanderson
...Anton J. Ksspar
Cherry. Valentine .
Cheyenne. ;aney .
Crisy, Clay Center..
Colfax, Schuyler
Ctim.nt, West Point
ster" Broken bow H. F. Kennedy
ikota. Uakota City J. P. Rockwell
,wes. Cl.adron lewls K. Mots
lawr,on, Lexington
I'euel, Chsppeil ..
Dixon, Fonea
Lodee. Fremont ..
... 1 1 .... I
Walter Clark (rl
a ii mmii in
A. Battnian. 1r..
Douglas, Omiiil .
lnjndy, Benkleman
Fillmore, Geneva
Franklin, Bloomlnrton ...I. F. Wairath
Frontier, Stotkvllle W. O. Hlotmsn
Furnas, Biaver City A. D. Bonham
Gage, Beatrice L. Trude (rl
uarneld, Buraell A. A. Walters
Uofper, En wood
Grant, Hyannla
Greeley, Ureeiey ,
Hall. Grand Island...,
Humtlton, Aurora ...
Harlan, Alma
Hayes, Hayes Center
Hitchcock, Trenton ..
Holt. O'Neill
Hooker, Mullen
Howard, et. Paul
Jefferson, Falrbury .
Johnson. Teeumeh
v., irl
H c iiMiniiiir
' James Chlrns'de
H. V. M'ner (f)
i Kearney. Mlnden ....
....Ass L. Ransom
vpniiaift r.UK' Of n-ni II,
Keya tafia. Sprlngvlev...B. A. Painter tf(
Keitn, o.a!ia!a
Kimball. Klmhall
O. E. Forsllnsr
Knox. Center
.J. L. Burns (t'r
II V Hnairlamt
1 ancaster. Ijlncoln
Lincoln, North Platte".'.'.'.,!. Ia Miltonberger
J-ogn, uandy
Irfiup. Tsvlor
Msdlson, Mailaoh ....
McPherson, Tryon ...
l!srrlck. Central City
Naneet Fullerton r
Nemsha, Auburn ....
Nuckolls. Nelson
...M. R. Her (f)
...J. M. Rabb (r)
...Fred Rohrs (r)
...John A. Jones
...Ed H. Fisher
Otoe, Nebrsska Cltv
Pawnee. Pawnee flu r it Pnti n
Perk'n, Grsnt
Whelps. Holdrege ,T N. Outus ff
r Tirw, r'un Cj. J. IfUJPr
Platte. Columbus C J Csrrlg (d)...
Polk. Clsceola jW. Eblera lof)
Pen Willow, McCook IT. I. Peterson
Kicharnson, Falls City W. T. Fenton
Roek, Basset t .Geo. D. Marsh
Saline. Wllher Henry A. Greer
Ssrry. PaplMlon a. J. Spearman
I Fcptt s Bluff. Gering!!!!!!j. P. Westervelt'
I R-wsrd. Reward .lolin rt'lt.n (rl
raunders, wahoo Jerry Pa'ley. (d)
S-wsrd. Sewsrd
..John G'llan (r).
Sheridan, RushvlMe
Sherman Ioup City.
F1'ut, Harrison
Stanton. Ptnnton ...
'j hayer. Hebron ....
Thomas, Thedford ..
fhurston. Pender ..
V-l ev. Ord
W- shlngton, Blair -.
...L. A. Beckwilh
...Ia A. Williams
...E. H. Lvnn (rl
! w?yn. wavne
Grant S Mears
.'.'O. P. Hedges (r)
T ebter,
Red Cloud
v-h..ler Rsrtlett
York, York .......J. H. Afflerbach
mtono llt .rnilTn ntf 1 TT I
' s i. n i hv "ii viii i ii iiiift-ire
Council to Take Up Matter of Nev
Viaduct on Q Street.
fteps Will Also Be Taken to
Enable City to Sell Tarlsigr
intersection and Skewer
:( " Bonds. "
... rt -
It Is expected that the council wilt take
top the Question of the new viaduct over
q street, between Twentv-slxth anl Tw.n'y-
Tt J. VYj
urgently needed for two years. Last sum -
i. A ,
. " wvv v ..u... . '-
nnlt.1 f r rr. ,ka It a f m ft mr faaViloe Vint
points to make It safe, after a fashion; but
there Is no telling when some accident may
th PrP' " ' P'.Umb CU"
serious damsge. The Union Pacific and
the Union Stock Yards company have re-
Mix half ounce of Concentrated
oil of pine with two ounces of
' glycerine and a half pint of good
whiskey; shake well each anU
use In doses of a teasoonf ul to a
tablespoonful every four houia.
Thle le the formula- prescribed
by the renowned throat and lung
specialist who estaollshed the
camp tor consumptles In the pine
woods of Mains, and whoso e
markable cures attracted wide
spread attention among the madl
cal fraternity. He declares that it
will heal the lungs and cure eny
cough - that la uurabie and will
break up an scute cold In twanty
four hours. The Ingredients can
be secured from any prescription
drugglBtiat a small cost and la
. easily mixed at home.
Be sure not to buy the ordi
nary bulk oil of pine nor patent
medicine Imitations frequently
put up In wooden boxes; they will
produce nausea on secount of the
' Impurities they contain and fre
quently do permanent Injury to
the kidneys.
The real "Concentrated" oil of
rilne le put up for medical use
n half ounce vials Inclosed In
small tin scrswtop esses which
protect It from heat and light.
It Is also said to be an excel
lent remedy for lumbago and all
forms ef urle acid rheumatism.
For thla purpose It Is taken raw;
a few drops on sugar night and
By the Reyal Mall Steamers of the
Canadian Pacifi; Railway
Salllas froaa Vsscosrer, B. O.
gsssvilieS sr?ios ts tas or.sui se itsr w
era, .? si Uaia. gstp-ns wt csiss t
goisrM of Jas. Tsas siMsirs sis is
U.tcst ssisou Aamti asS tha Isr
StsBMr Btvatess.. sae sum s cssis
.AcuArs s&is. at ts Istsi-SAsSiAis rst
railings sssiii srsrr tea Ssrs.
tasBsrs Moss. Mlowsrs tit Asraafl forsj
lt .is iise is Aiwuslls; seailsal aacww
aaSsilou. Sal 1 ia A- sscs s BtsstS.
r ar. raias isistsiaiiee sss iiiatst Ira, as
fir u
A. C. IMIW, Osstrsl Aseata
(U gsiit CUrk Bt . Cltlcsca.
tillery Horses and Draft and Pack M iles
Thief Quarter-rasters Office, Omsha.
Nebraska, November 11, 1W7. - Sealed pro
posals. In triplicate, will be rsceiteu a 1 4
office urtH 15 o clock m., eentrsl standard
time, December W. 107. and then opened.
In the presence of attending bidders, f r
1 a s in Hatsea 11 Art'llsry Horses. M
Riding Horses. 4 Draft Horses. 71 Uraft
reserves right to accept or reject any or
sll proposals rr any part thereof Par tc
ulsrs and blanks for prooosaie will be fur
nished on application. Envelopes contain
ing proposals to be Indorsed "Propose s (or
Hoists or Mules" and addressed to Major
Titos. Ewobe. Chlc Quartermster.
14 -DC-M.
Adams, Hastings..
County Officers Elected
. E. Horjpner (f) Geo. M'sen (fl
.Geo. Fiuher (rl John W. I-amson
r... J. M. WUson irl. 8. Page tr..,...
...Robert Hakeley (rl... E. A. 8andall (r) D. C. Norrls (r) W. Turner (d; .'.
...F.d Kans (p) J. it. ru..m tr u. K. Walters (pi. Charles Hlley tr)
...A. Wlker r Fred Molltlns (fi...., C. Mounts trt U A. Heny (f)
...Tom Coleman p)....J.- A. bnlder (rl S. A. Rtchatdson (ri.L. Is,le (pi
...O. F. Plersall (D....T. W. Le Long (dl...H. 8. Jarvls in C. W. Potter idi....
...alter Ha nirtns .r..ti. K. Haaee td) E. A. Miller r) F. M. Hsllowell m.
...I t. Phlpps i( Victor L. Fried r)..Jolin O. I srson (r).. H. H. Bsnler r
...F J. West r) U J. Coufsl tdj M. J. Holland d....K. C. Roer (d)
F. 15. Sculater tU...W. B. Rneencrans
d).. Henry Hoese (rl M. . Woods id)..
W. C. Hill in M. H. Prall (....
d)...W. D. Armstrong tti.J. T. Keeley (rl...
(rt)..W. R. Woitd (di H, T. Dorsn (rl...
(fi..W. N. Ochsnor (ft....W. F. rles (t. ..
(di..J. li. O Callajhan (d.i M. F. Rhonka (d.
. W. H. Harsttck
(r)...J. K. t arsneo (r) 3. plgmaa in
(rt....W. J. Mannln ir...W. U Ross (r).
(r)...'l no., b. oi.Kn (nr...Chas. Naylor (d
rin.,. TL a! ilan 11 A AT KlnnkBV Irl... W A Tnrtftl. M PC M Vn,l Irl
v. K. Rouaeush (d.E. Delatour (d)
- , ivniiim kav in n k. nice m
(rl. John H. Knoell (d)-.J. A. l'onanuo (at
Kdwln F. Bralley (r). Frank A. Fuiay (rt.. rt. M. Hsverlv (r).... Chsrles Leslie (r). ... Robert 8nilth, (r)...
J. J Gallstner (rt... Lanlel L. Ouin (rl... MUlon Earl if) W. C. Hsmllton (r)
H S l'ae (f) C. F. Buehrt-r lfl....LT. F. Ktan.trd (rl....W. R. Fulton (r) R. F. Benedict (r)..
(fl....E. Arnolds (f) Tom Robertson
(r)..R. I. Imuran (ft G. J. Dold (flf h. P. Pyle (f) E. P. Frown (r)....
(D....J. B. Phillips (rt B. K. Morgan (r)....R. II. Rohr (fl T. Hedges (r)
J. A. bamiird rt....B. H. Conlee (ri H A. ttraff'ird r)...J A. yue'n (rl
(r) vv. v.. ioiw (rt I. u. iiem-nen
ri. i r-ierce in.
(fl H. A. Oell (fl... ...... John J taze
(rl.. John Simpson (d)....F. A. Houston
.John Ward .(r) w. u. beaneia tr)
(r).. Louis Anderson (r)
. J. H. Jensen (fl.
. . . . L. A. Wilson (p). ...... T. Hurt (pi w. i itioen tpi ... u. uewis tri i-.a uervm ipi f. V" -.
...,C W. Thurston 'r). John Hnnev ...... T. L. Msrrln (d John Mctawley (d F. O. Marts .rt n. R. lielllnpex (J J. C. Beisina (d).... ....... "''''':XM"'
. .. Wm H. Sutton f f ). . . M. tr. OMilley (f)...W. P. Toohey (f ). .. . Johrf C. Byrne (f. I. ...Jas. J. Harrahlll (fl. James P. PelVy f F;ncls (rt...J U brannen I tfj
sames bunkel i ). T. P. Boenm (d)..... . neore Poell (d) J. H. Mulim -dt F. C. Ijintrman (dl. . H. A. Biwsrds (rt . Margaret Brown tr C. E. Baldwin (in... J. i.ue ou.iii land (i)
" H Youn (CI ....O. Wanek (ft. D. Baylor (ft G. F. Washburn (r)..r. Jeffe-. (f) U C. Uenowavs (fl-.g. C. Steohenson trt h, bercsren (r) . . J. M. Woouaiu til
.' T W Carroll if) .. E. J. Long irl F. v . Stevens (r)....u. hi Bhelburn (U....A. C. Ellis (fl Tho-ss Klrlley (rl. y. V. L nt1ey r) Heor Reed IN....." R. - Ownaiin trj
J W' Dettv (r).....iL. W. Enyeart fr)....John S. Wise (r) Edwin I-oomls (r) C. O. 1-a'rd (dl Mrt-rsr-' W. st trt. George Kttatton JacoO i.a.aoach
...Clsrk Marsh (r) Harvey Ford (r) John H. Brown (D..J. M. Williams (fj.... W. F. Miles (r) C. U Llttel '... J- .;rrl-r (r) . A. b. ". J
C E Hall"(r). . J. C. Harnish (ri....W. P, P'mnr r) . C. J. Malone ( J. A. Harmon (f)....L. K. Skldmore (r).. en. e .Ink (r)... M. I. Norton (f) . i. V. ti.wn tr)
""' u I. ii t. ;re Yrt r?. M. Barnebv (r)....W. A. Walker in r P Mereure (r)....f. f. HfWltt (r) 1 laeer Tucker (d)....
. F. O. Hoxle (rt
, F, L. Brewster (t)..
.C. T. Dillon (dV...:
. Phil B. Clark (f)....
v ..ivai iii X'.
G. A. liallard. .(C
(rt lienry Voslor (dl.
O. A. Panlelson (rt
Irl IV C BprrV (rl
W. K Pawson (r)...
(r). Ray C. Langbord (r). F. R. Elliott (r)...
- ,
..,G, A. EVSns (p) . rrougnweil tr). u. u, -neemn
... J. J. Clements (r)....F. A. Petsrson (r)...G. E. Richardson
T. L. TMxon (r)....
E. L. Thomas (r)..
I- H. Kuper r)
(r)....Chas R. imler (r)..
(rt F. M. Cook (r).:...
(Jeo. W . I'otts (dl.
)..... Henry Erlcsori (fl.
n T. TlAlimA -
. J. B. McDonald
((;.... Iiriuiaii fit-till ii.
, Lculs Held (d)., John Graf
C. H. 'Anderson (r). J. N. Norton (p)
(D...C. Nadon (r)
(dt....J r . j ord (dl.
B. F. Ix-onard ir).'...F. UHutton (r).... Martin Hr.ann (r)
S, A, Shestak (f).... Alois Sl?r"eka (f)....J. A. Wild (r) J W. P-sb8ta ir)...
James Invllson (rt.E. I. Ireland (d) J T. P-tpv i J. R. W!on (r)
C. J. Flcenec d) A. W. Flmelund
(r)'.! G. W. Sampson (r..M. H. McHenry
E. J. Newton (r) John Sti'ipWer
..... E. J. Newton (r) John Su'ipler
(D..P. T. Johnson (p)....ue f. an leek
(D...R - A. Hlddelson (rf...C. F. Pet'Minsen
T). Jordsn (r). .. E. F. Pontius (r)
(n. . Charles S. (r).C. fi. Keynoins
W. C. Ftahm (r) E. W. Ross (r)
(r)..R. R. Copsey (r) w. A. Miller (r)
Psiealy prom1Se ,o pUl n, . ..rn
s structure. The plans te n
perfected and approved for some time and
the steel should, be out In sixty days
easily from the time of placing the con
tracts. The mayor and the council have
been advocating Sa ordinance ordering the
road and the stock yards company to put
In the structure. It Will be debated whether
a clause should ppt be Introduced condemn
ing the present viaduct after a reason ible
time Is given to begin the work, and thus
make the two oompanles l'able for dam
ages to any parties or corporations who
might wish to. make-;vse of the v'aduet. It
Is likely that, suchh action would bring the
Influence ct- kric'Omaha &' Council Bluffs
Street Railway "company o bear on the
railroad, as they . are the largest corpora
making use -i wie street. -me pscms
t " ' cons-derablese bf the
tion making use pt the street The packing
viaduct for their Jocal trade, and the for-
1 . , . ,h ij h .
bidding of the use to them-would be a
hardship they would probably seek to re-
move. ... ,
atrencthosilsic Credit of City.
Another question for discussion is a means
of strengthening the credit of South Omaha
so that the securities offered for sale will
And a market.' Lest week the Danish
Brotherhood refused to purchase the South
Omah Intersection bonds. Consequently all
paving operations projected will have to
be suspended until such a time as the Inter
section fund :1s replenished. The work on
the sewers Is at a standstill, with two ex
ceptions, because of the lack of bidders
for the 150,000 sewer bonds. It Is projected
. .in r stuck ner (rl..r rea r evernrm irt..AiorrL rutwr tu; . r. vjn ,u i. "-ritritj mq u i. ai nsnu ta i r. v - n. ...
.A F Townsend (rl.. Milton Rhodes (... J. C. S'ratn (rl J. B. Fklpner Cr)....H. L. Uoyes (if 'T T wi-ier fr)....W. A. Posey (rt.... .H. K. Hammond (r). U. II. 8q
C F Klrkman (d)...eo. McCawley (d)..J. A. McMillan (r)..H. W. Klrby (r) L. IL Pteele (dt- Nc'"' 7. VannnnT tri r- els r-o.-tom (r) J. M Csll
Pat Dorcey (d) . CM. Rllfer tr) N. E.'Macklln (r)....H. S.. Smith (rl Paul G. Riedler (dl. ! -ed , nke (d) E. W. Tarrsni tat...w. Racely r) Tr. Ream
'a Button (rl S. J. W. Brown r)..R. Sorenson (ft H. Gud-nundsen (rt Flmor King (r) Kvs B Srhuman (rt. C. J. kelson (f). ..'...(', IK Bun
V-i.,.. ...!,. ia .Tnhn F Whits irl M. R. I lonlncott fr).. G. C. Marshall (dl.. Tho-ias ITnMer (rl..M. C. Orover (r) J. A. F"B',es (d).... W. C. JI H'll (r)....10. C
raising the interest to per cent as an""" br nowded hou-e at the Boyd last
Inducement to purchasers. This may bs I ',,ht- 1.lllt " ' "Hlngllsh to the core.
done by ordinance.
The city hall Is likely to be tied up aga'n
by the contractors, for they refuse to yield
possession until they get pay for certain
extras In their contract. .The administra
tion thinks the contractors Should for:e.t
the rent, which the pity la now pay ng. s ncj
July IS, for lack of the rUht to use the
city hall.
Ma arte City Goaslo. '
The city expended 1414.60 for street repairs
Is st wssk.
Ed Bsrker wss Sentenced to thirty days
for petit larceny last Saturday.
Frank Wilson of Des Moines ts the guest
Of his sister. Airs. WH.Ism Frank.
Miss Mabel Housman rece.vtd honorable
msntlon In the prise bread contt.
Miss Alia Gilchrist won the prise washer
at the recent pure food show In Oina.ia.
Mrs. D. Benson, f irmt rly of South O r.a!-a.
Is seriously 111 at the Omaha General hos
pital. Mrs. A. W. Jones. Thirteenth and Boule
vard. Is much Improved since her recent
Oood reports have been heard from Mrs.
Clara Bralnard since her arrival In Los
Angeles. Cal
i-.tu tor Amas. Until December 15, one
Ufe-slze picture given with one dozen best
photos at Petersen's studio.
Mrs. Oordon Qulnn. 170A Missouri avenue,
will entertain the Willing .Workers of th
Christian church Wednesday afternoon.
The msn of he club will mx st
the coal offices of M. D. .ttn B n
Tuesday evening to consider reorganisa
tion 1 Mrs. H- B. Whalan, 614 North feeven
lunih street, left yesterday for a visit
of some duration with relatives at Sioux
City. - w
Leon Hlnxley. Twenty-sixth snd Monroe
streets, broke both his wrists by falling
from the top of a freight car. where he uai
been riding. Eaturday afternoon.
We now make dellverlea of Bennett's
Canltol coal d'rret from South Onahe
yards to sll parts of South Omsha a d
Albrlrnt. Telephone Douglas 137. The Ben
nett Compsny.
It Is reported that the South Omaha pack
ers 1-ave rut on about (00 men. . Th e 'a a
small cercentsgs of msn employed. Thsy
will be put on spsln as soon as the ship
ment of live stock Incresses.
Al Powell nsrrowly missed losing his evs
fi.rM rs'irisy -"orr-ina bv the etp1oo
ef h'.s furnsce. He wss wesr'ng gl s e si d
thav mere atronc enoush to turn the flames
ef the STDlosinn from his eyes. His l ands
and wrists wees quite ssverely burned
ft Vsj Hares
the meHte of Tesss -Wonder you would
never suffer from kidney, blsdder or Then
matle trouble.- tl Lottie, two months' treat
ment. Sold by ftttrun McConnell Drug
Co. ard Owl drw, Co. Testimonials wna
sell bottle.
Fver swsn r"Mie. Your locstlon - Just
suits tho other fellow, and ths ether fellow's
locstlon rr.ay Just suit you. If you want to
maks a aaap if you want to find out how
numerous ths other fellow is explain your
situation through The Bee want ad columns
and something will be pretty sure to hap-
W F. Button (r)....
(r. R. Wilson (r)'
.C. E. Rruekman (f) -
. R. H. Rlcs (ft.. i
M. E. H.isfto tr)
S. B. Morehead (r..Oeorge Trscer r.
K. P. Sweeney (it.
Mrs. Anna Storm (p). C. A. Just (r)
; J. v. PettUohn (r.
E. Bowker (rt C. C. Csrrlg (J....
(i. A. Ireland (rt 1-Tsnk Hansen
W. H McOsffln (d)..
(d A. J. Peeeon trt.
M. H. Dodga (d) John A. Olsjn rl...'.T. S. Ail'eon (r...
A. Martin trt
I. N. I.aypart (rt
James Tucker (V
H. C. Psliner (fl W. B. Smith r..
Nell H. Mapjs Id).... J. L. Woods (rt
(d..Lnuils IVwald (dl....
' er (d).
A. R. Humphrey (rt. d. B. Malr (to M. R. Foster r) if M. Plnckney trt .
P. C. Stlnson irl ... Aclalr (r.t W. W. Kentnuer trt..Mary Qulnn d
C. Ii. Savers (rl L. J. F. Iseer (d)..Jsntes F,. Clspp (r)..Jenn r.'lls tn
Ifaae Woolf (dl
it. vv. uronn in. jonn m. Muriey tu
K. J. Stlnson (r) I,uke Munav (at....
(r)...Oeorpe Ixsey (fit- J. E. Thompson (r
n;...ueorge o. iooa in..
iLi..M. D. 'Smith (f)
. P" T
(r).. C. C. Boyd (r O. N. narney (r)
- . James Livingston (rt - -w (rt....
Y red L. Carrlco (r). Carl Holmes (r)..
.11. A. Dano (fi..-.
T. I Rogers (fl,...
H. H. Protidy (d..
.Calvin' Keller (rt...
, i . J. Cosgrava (r).
, W. C. Elder (r)....
P. N. faundra (fl.
J. 8. Ear (rl
Goorge E. Prosser
tpi. v.. ia v-upp ii;.
(r).W. Bates (d),.,
. W. H. ricld tr).
. G. A. Atrnew (f t. ..... Lewis Patterson (r)..John Per.n(rPr f). p. Oosnell (f)
. G. W. Wlllson (D....A. F. Kluse (rl M. J.-Flaherty (D....M. H. Huff (r)
.Sam Teare (1 tV. C. Perrlott (f).... R T. I s-is-ford (f)...c F. P'es'ns; (r)..
,K I ShattucX (r)...J. M. Hnll (r) M. W. Carter (r) W. F. Groves (r)...
August Young (d)....W. W. Wilson (d)... E. H. FlnHan (t( ....W. runn ri
.F. j. Evans (r) Frank A. Barlon (r). J. B. Brooks (r) W. M. Pyle (r)
T. r" Tt rr Cfl T; r TlM-tr lr
(d).. George T. Kelly ().. W B. Chllvers
..John Rstterman (dt.. C. M. Onwther dv
H. H. Campbell (D...T. W. Flllmsn (p)...
t naries CKStta (D....J. ivioore in t.:. A. norers trt
.1. H. Hutchlnps (d..John Oagnon (d) Charles Lore (d)..
(d. E. E. Placek (d) Henry Miller (r)..
(D...H. B. LerMtter (r
ffr.. H. N. Colmsn (r)....
iff.. H. N. Colmsn (r).... Don Owartney (rl...
tri.J. ii. r.omunas (r)..Amy i. tuewart (rt..
(p' J. A. AnTler (p)
A. j... fchnurr (d).
(d).,ti, i-tunter (rt n. r. rentner (r)....A. t. witter (ft.
I. W. Edson (fl G. W. Hutchison (f). H. C. Scott (rl...
Arthur Wray (r) O. A. Baker (r)
At the Theaters
"The Belle of Mayfalr" at the Boyd.
"The Belle of Mayfalr,'" an English mu
s'ral con-edy by Charles H. li. Brook
fleld snd Cosmo-Ha rllton; music by Les
lie Stuart. The principals:
The Eail of Mount Jilghgate
Mr. Fred Rlvenhall
Honorable Raymond Flnchley
Mr. Harry B. Burcheer
Sir John Chaldlcott, liaxt. M. P
.:. , Mr. Rluhard F. Carroll
Comte de Perrler..Mr. Ignaclo Martmettl
Hugh Uvredlth Mr. Fletcher Norton
Sir Ueorge Cheatham, K. C1...1.'
Mr. Wlnfleld S. Treeman,
Charlie Goodyear Mr. Arthur Nestor
Bandmaster Mr. W. W. Benedict
Simpson, footman to Sir John
Mr. Frederick - Lyon
Bramley. footmnn to lord Mt. High-
gate Mr. M. J. Connoly
H. 6. H. Princess Carl of Ehbrensit-
steln Miss Lora Lleb
The Countess 0 Mt. Hfgligate
Miss Msdpe Melbourne
Lsdy Chsld'eott Miss May Mooney
Jul's, her daughter ...... Miss Lisa Ryan
Duchess of Dunmow -.
. Miss Margaret Rutledgs
LAdy Gilssop....
Lady Violet
Lady Jsy ,
I.sdv Paqu'n....
..Miss Josephine Rellls
....Miss L'lllan Veaer
.Miss Vtv'an Rushmore
.Miss Mildred Douglass
Miss Marie Poffev
1 aoy L,ou se...
Lady Lucille Miss Gladys Montague
Atay t-ecer itomnson
Miss Violet Von Nlcholls
Isdy Ilsyward M'ss Emll Monte
Plncott, Julia's maid. I... .M'ss Vers fauei
Cupid Miss Rose Otttnger
Ferhapa the worst 'that could be said
about this London Importation, which was
Apparently very . lltue Change nas been
made In the lines or the music when "The
Belle of Mayfalr" wm adapted to the
American stage, and It still contains some
lines that could be brightened tip from
the standpoint of an American audience
by glvlntr them , a little more ef Yankee
buoancy if this could be done without
losing the cockney flavor thst runs
through the entire production. Not thst
ths lines are devoid of wit, for both acta
abound in brilliant flashes, some of which
reach the audience only on the rebound,
but much of the humor of the p'eee has
such a strong local tinge It Is hard for
one who Is not a Londoner to grasp Its full
meaning. Thla happens only In one or
two places and the audience Is ready to
forgive It because of the abundance of
beautiful music the- composer hss sand
wiched In between the lines.
Both the comedy and (he music are
on a aomwhat higher plane than that
of the average American eomlo opera, and
It took ths audience a little while Co get
Into full sympathy with the play. The
second act ts. full ofjthe catchiest kind
of music, and Miss Faust as Plncott
started a storm of applause In her duet
and dance with Mr. Lyon. She , was is
called seAsrsl times. The demonstration
was repested for a song by Mr. Nortm,
the debutantes and ths Little Buds an I
again when Miss Lleb sang "And Ihe
Weeping Willow Wept."
The Gibson girls, Including the duchess
and the debutantes, scored another tri
umph in a tuneful song, Why Do Thy
Csll Me a Gibson Girl 7" which was sup
plemented by some clever reproductions
of well-known Gibson pictures, In whioh
Mr. Burcheer aided. Ths act Is a unique
one and It wss encored half a do:n
1 u )
Cooking Teachers
exeUla Uut tUi b tks
ttfiuttuc of Justus roa
Lkblf k tins m cstfr Ju
ef tke ftnatuc
ILxtract of Beef
the modern alt to better nd duaper cook
In r- fsrx Food, m klrhlr csiicectrAtcs.
tlut a mull 4Biotitf will ImtJirt fall,
rich fUrot to Soup,S4uca and fUitDha.
in Nebraska
.O. Evans f)
J. W. Lupfer (ft
U H. Willis (f).t
C. E. Wsrd tri.
O. W. uirigmlsd (rl. f. A. IHiu!" (
W. If. i rnui-h (rt.... ptta Froohs tri.
. .
S F Phillips (r J P. llsmird ti. u. v . Miiv..i-'i ("
Mver" Brsndvlg (rl . Henry Bisndlrg (rl. ...!. -i"y vri
riorence Johnston (II John M ilsictn.-r (Ti.t.m.l v.. tr
A Ressoner (r)...C. A. F.twarjs (D....J. l.uiivs (i)
fC Nelson (d. W. E. Pint (r). . . tr'
K. T. Rtii td...
tru.altetn Ulisner iu'
. J. M. Robertson (r)..lC M. fkiennKhsentd Mary K- Foster (d .
MHlr (d)...-
,,J. A. Willis (fl teocla Fletcher r..
..P. II. Young tdt tU Karta tr.
..John Dougl.ertv (dl.. xy Rltchlel. Jr.. 1
,. A W. Hall (rt'. 1 athrop "....
..J. H. Costello (dt....r. J. Vog!tsne (.1V
J. 11. Costello (dt
. . H InhnBoTI Tl 1 A Tll'niCr 111
(Jeorgs Poole (rt -rillte A. I'avls (pet).
..jonn muis in a v. iceu
. K. Ohermsn (dt j ' Mstien (rl.
W. G. Shrlver (r...
v a Yorter (ri.
Luner Uowell (r....
R. J. McKeag (fl...
Elmer Weston (ft...
K.. W. Towns (r)
W. P. Hall (f)
W. J. He-nnMIl (rl...
Maud Porter if)
H, Vauck (f
Fd M. Short (r.....
Thomas Scott tT----F.
J. Mundav tf).--Arra
I'nv (r.
I. T. Hathef.ay (r).
J. L. Ji nkens tri....
(f Mark Holm (fl t.- T. Vost (ft
. r-"'-imsn (D...R. C. carriBH u-
A. N. Coffey (r) M H. Carman (rl
later N. Johnon (r). Kdwln Curtis m
J. B. MeConrell (r). tiene. Richm"d (
A. Newman ifl ..--t (Tt.
H H. Pstker (r).... AliiP Wilkinson (r)..F. H. Cunnlnithamir F. M. Wooidrldga ()
G. O. Payha 'ft l . a. M.i . .. ' J- 1 Peeley (f, James K. KUiartt U)
V. R. C. Miller tr).. O R. Bowman (rt.- . 8. Scott (rt . A. Mattiiewg (r)
(r)O. A. Bacon (r) wnia-u Ebrlght (r). Paul Mvycrs (r) F. H. Uinaiey tr)
..W. Monlne
ncer (p). Florence Fay r)
uth (i)...... '. L .y;uue tr)
. . P. W. Ru
FianKie Kelley (D.
... rr TavIoT (d)..
. t ) I CarrlngtonJr.,(r)
Ida M Possernun t'
R C. Kinsr (rl
. k' M. Avery (r)
1 T. Miller frl
F.. E. Trson (rt
rl..E. r. Iulclfer (rt... Frank Ptlprer (r"o ...
f-ell Clark (d)
rr J. Ieehrov (dt..
.,. Newcomer (pf LI1H Cole (d)
r--'ev ri.,..( Icuills b.uaienrviw
v n ' YiMd chi t t Oliver (dl..
rt i ir) C. O. Ammnn (r..
7. 1. Fehm'dt (O....T1 G. Hool.lns (f).
E. A. Gow (r H. A. Coll'ns (D..
Ceo-ire H. Cornell (dl J. W. Mensel (d).
v- " mil, fr) Agnes T arkov (r).
ft. FV Bernecker (dl V. tt. Koch (r)
t'ltohor (d) C. L. Hopper in
TwU Pechthold fr) rt A. Hendrlcksnntp'
j h B'er (r) A. F. Becker (r)
A. E. IJttell (r)
Nelllo W, Castor (r)..
W. O. Downing (r).. Alice Floror (r)
times. "I Know a Girl," a catchy air, J cess during the week. M'Ue Martha Is
lung by a male quartet, also proved a I German maiden who does stunts on a trap
'ilt. Aside from these numbers, which . eze, and Is well worth watching.. Misa
ound special favor with the audience, j Alba is unmlstakeably Tankea, and her
there are an unusually lsrge number of forte Is Juggling heavy balls of steal, oonlcal
tuneful songs In both acts. shot, and finally holding a .cannon sus-
The comedy of the play Is largely fur.jpended from .her Ueth while tt Is fired,
nlshed by Mr. Rlvenall as an Impecunious , Bhe 4 -hfly bu, wom.n .nd .Ives ns
English esrl, and by Mr. Carroll as (sir
John Chaldlcott, a brewer. What plot
there Is surrounds the love of the son of
the earl and the daughter of the bre-ver,
the parents being life-long enemies. The,
buoysncy of Mr. Martlntt1 gives spice
to a number of situations just when It Is
most nevded. Miss Mooney also assumes
a comedy part satisfactorily and has a
good voice, which she used to advantage.
Mr. Burcheer and Miss Ryan have some
love scenes which which are not over
done and sing beautiful love songs.
The plsy is well staged and the chorus
appears in a number of dances of artistic
merit. The engagement closes Wednes
day evening with a matinee Wednesday.
"As Old Sweetheart of Mine" at Krsg.
Of tho two laige audiences that U
nessed "An Old Sweetheart of Mine," at
the Krtg theater Sunday, there was not
one but felt that the time and mony had
been well spent. The drama la full of
human Interest and portrays thst alwsys
Interesting life on the plains, where brav
ery, love, pathos and all other human emo
tions are unaffected by the formalities and
conventional, ties of polite society. The plot
's laid on a ranch In Texas, and the char
acters, for the moat part, are cowboys and
Mexicans, whom, to Judge from their act
tng, must sometime have had some real ex
perience in ranch life. W. A. Whltecsr
assumes the title role, and It would be
difficult to suggest -any improvement In
the way he plsis the part. He Is recog
nised by all with whom he comes In con
tact as a man of superior parts, and ss
one of the cowboys puts It, " even the
mules llk him." A tenderfoot lady from
New York, Margaret Lee, by name, hap
pens along and put up at the ranch.
When she meets Mr. -Whltecsr they are
both much affected, as It doesn't tske them
long to recognise esch other as old sweet
hearts, for whom the course of true love
never did run smooth. On that account
he had resigned his commission In the
army and gone west and had long since
been given up for dead by his friends In
the esst. They tslsd ever ths psst In an
affecting manner, and there seemed to be
no doubt but that they could take up the
broken ' thread of love and yet weave It
Into something good, but for the fact that
Whlttcar had taksn on a "Qreaser." or
Mcxlcsn lady, for a wife. While Mar
garet wss there a Mexican was shot un
der circumstances that made her appear as
a ro-4-dsrer,and In order to protect her
Whltecar was about to swear that he did
the murder. At the last moment, how-
rvr, a Mexican girl proved that White
car's Mexican wlfs did the murder whet
she wss drunk. In the last art the Mex
ican wife confessed to her husbsnd thst
she never had loved him, and the feeling
seemed to be mutual. Margaret ami
Whltecar took advantage of the sltustlon
and left the rsnch together, Intending to
go back to civilisation and begin all over
again. The play Is well stsged, ths lead
ing parts are well taken and the support
Ing company la strong.
Va a tev tile at the Orpfceam.
This Is essentlslly ' woman's week" at
the Orpheum. Three of the sets ars by
womsa singly, and ths success of two
others depend in a large measure on the
women Involved, so the greater, part of the
show depends on these repreeentstlves of
their sex. It would pot do to say ths
"weaker sex." for at least two show that
they are stronger by fsr thsn the ordinary
man. and neither of the other three looks to
bo anything like fragile. And each of them
Is handsome In hsr way, and a dlfferen
nationality Is repressnted by each. M lie
Eugenie Fougere, who comes direct
from Paris to Onsha to begin her engsgs
ment with the Orpheum .folks, has been in
America before, but not long enough to
thoroughly master the language. She si g
la French. In Italian and to some extent Ir
English. But hsr pantomime Is French
and Is piquant and enjoyable. She 1
dainty, clever and comical, and hsr vim
In Psiis Is easily to be understood. Ths
she was not extremely populsr with th
Sunday audience augurs well for her auc
C. Heart well (r).-...
. W. U Staple (f)
J. O lrwls (r
.ft. Weesner (r)
1". M. Kllllk (pi
J P. Hsmird til'
M. W. l.KAier (t)
lutiwcil tri
! ii u)
l.. It, v . t-VH tdt
i. Linti. i i. Minn n r
' "
K. E. Hilton (rl..
iM....a.,ta tr)
J. A. Hill (r).
. J. C. Itay u
J""'. .V,
J. V Mcl'snlol (d I. . a. "" tri
C. H. R Edwards (r C M. V. I Wt (r
C M. Prlckett tri. ... f . 1A a a .ai
I V. fnrk (dt i ... k. -' W
F. E. V an Antw rrptr i- ,r'
iVV.'lV.Vn ; . -
I- McMillan (rt .. .vc. .a.
V. UF,,
r. aue tr)
.Joi.n Robinson (!).....
11. btiiiin vr)
William Panders (r) A. P. 0Mrd ()
i h. uaie (r) ti tri
W. II. Iesrned (pet),- ' tr)
C. O. Hr'ibfsky (r)..T. C Mctieiy it)
B. M. Huseong trt...N. !' joi.usihi tn
K. li. Henuerson (ri. G. K. v..uHiii.on tpeU
D. 9. Hasty (rl I. 1- HuvyUig U)
A. I. l'ethoud (dl... J. vj. lve.u U)
J. J Pirman (r)..... Ueoisie ouia,i (pet)
W. W. Watson (r).
e (rl...
Joel Hull (r
v . . i .,e...,ro (f.
. W. Peiry tr)
l i,ai iv onil (r)
Jas. A. buitord (pelt)
. v. . a., i-yauiis tr)
- r. uruee (fl .
J. J. Ivvaiie tr)
W. Ilrseelgesser (p)..J. F. McNulty (dj
A. J. Watch (r) H. fj. Kindred (D
B. W. Benson (r)... R. Tooley (r)
..LcnJ. k urson (r)
. U. C. Frliunell ir)
.. t.. ii. Aiinouee ir)
,.C, N. Kaistene tt)
. ,G. W. Coitlns (tV
C. T. I'lerce (d.
d Howe (r)
x: i. billing (r).
....P. S. Talmsr (f) ,
... EL 11. Celke (d) 1
J H. Jones (dl.
F. I. R"5.slter (dt....J. A. Ceuly td)
It. K. Dearlxirn (p)..M. Dr. Woeppel (r)
iinuw turner, trt. w. a. ajwijt tri
John A. Crook (d)...Goo. W, Keneker (rt
l.. a. w nite (r) I
J. W, Fulirer (nk Joseph Slmecak (pet)
H. 1. Patterson (dt..R. B. Armstrong U
L. A, Sopher (r)
C. E. Scrlven (r) ' -ed l Wolt (rt
C. a Bemls td) H. J. Wertman (r)
w. Mltcneii (r) J. o. Kimore (r
E. B. Cornlna (ni....A. 8. Main (r)
John E. Mitun tr)....J. K 1'hlnney (4
nearn i) i.ouis uern (at
ulres (TV
ender (r
dy (rt
Pierce (rt
Robert Jones (r).... J. J. Wlll'ama (r)
Geo. H. Overlng (T..IL T. Hall (rt
A. B. Codding (r).. .J. E. Smith (rt
exterior evidence of the great strength she
possesses. Mies Revere "assists Mr. Gard
ner in his turn and more than shares
honors with him. her singing being equally
as good ss his dancing, while she make
much of his comedy go. Miss Constanca''
Wlndom helps Frsd Ray and Lou Bentor.
In a Roman travesty which Is vsry funny,
especially the,, personal appearance of Mr.
bingle on the bill are Mr. Chris Richards
from London, a most remarkable eccentric
dancer and a comedian who Is funny, and
Mr. Harry Gllfoll. whose contribution 11
most snjoyable. ' The klnodrome offers a
series of views of the great Victoria fall
of the Zambesi river, which deserve closest
State Will Seek to Recover f (JOO, TB4
for Ise of Railroads y
Federal Troops.
ATLANTA, Ga., Nov. 11. The elatra ot
the state of Georgia against the federal
fovernment for the use and occupation of
ihe Western eV Atlantic railway Immedi
ately after the civil war. aggregating
.600,756. will be pressed to an adjudication
ind settlsment at the approaching session
.f congress' If possible. Bills providing for
this will be presented by Senator Clay god
Renret-rntatlve Livingstone.
The claim la based on the use by United
Ststes army officers of the road from May
a1, 1S66. to September 25, 195, for the trans
portation of troops and supplies. The
revenue of the road were also collected
by the offlecrs during that period and
held by the government.
A Crnel Mistake.
Is to neglect a cold or cough. Dr. King's
New Discovery cures them and prevents
consumption. 10c and 1100. For sale by
Beaton Drug Co.
Romor that Assail Report of Labor
Leader Is to Bo Preceded, by .
NORFOLK, Va., Nov. 11. Following tht
arrival here today of President Samuel
Gompera, the executive council of th
American Federation of Labor held a four
hours' session. The report of Mr. Gompera,
which will be read when the Federation
convenes at the Jamestown exposition, and
other matters of Importance, were dls-
' cussed. It Is Intimated that Mr. Gompera
nas a surpnes 111 siurv ig wnicn ne wm
give utteisnce in his address prior to the
esdlng of his report, but those who msy
be acquainted with Its Import bavs noth
ing to ssy.
One of Ihe
of tba happy home of to-day b rtsi
fund of information at to the beat methods '
of promoting health and happiness and
right living and knowledja of the world's
best products.
Products of actual excellence and
reasonable claims truthfully presented
and which have attained to world-wide)
acceptance through the approvtl of tht
Well-informed of the VforLl; not of India
vidualt only, but of the many who have)
the happy faculty of selecting and obtain
ing the best the world gtlord.
One of the products of that data, of
- known component pxrtt, an Ethical
remedy, approved by physician and eon
mended by the Well-informed of th
World tu a valuable and wholesome family
laxative is the well-known Syrup of Fig
and nixir of Senna. To get itt benerkij
ejects alwayt buy ttie genuine, nianu
factored by the California Fig Syrup Co.,
&ly. and for sale by all leading druggist