THE OMATTA. ' DA TLY. ' flEE ! .TUESDAY,- NOVEMBER 12, ' 1C07.' J Telephone Dcuglas 618 Beaches AU Departments. f Slanlid Buying Days Are Wrt You run no risk buying your blankets from us.; Our name as well as that of the manu facturer stands back of every pair of blanket j we sell.. - St. Mary's Aoolen Blankets, made by St. Mary's Wdok-n Woolen Mills, St. Mary, Ohio. Prices start at $4.25 a pair. : North Star Woolen Blankets, made by the North Star Woolen Mills, Minneapolis, Minn. Prices start at $4.25 a pair. Amana Society Blankets, made by the Amana Society, Homo stead, Iowa. Prices start at $4.75 a pair. New Bremen Blankets, made by the New Bremen Woolep Mills, New Bremen, Ohio. Prices start at $4.25 a pair. , Cotton Blankets 6tart at 48c a pair. kWe are headquarters for the genuine "Beacon" Blankets. Every pair bears the "Beacon" Ticket. See cut. Prices of Beacon Blankets 6tart at $1.75 a pair Buy your Blankets of Thompson, Belden & Co. SEWERS AND PAVING HARD rroblem of Their Comtrnction lace. Council and Engineer. FUNDS FOR BOTH ARE LDHTZD www Eirhtr I Tar BrUrr Of than That Responsible for the treet Corvrlae; Work Tkla Year. Correct Gloves The new tan and brown gloves are to be, found hero. They are here In all the various shades In vogue this season. We have them In best qualities, and superior makes. New pique, new overseam, new 'capes and new mochas. Any style, any length. Ask to soe them. Special $1.19. We have a splendid mocha glove with one clasp, suit able for street or shopping. In tans, browns, red, black and gray, per pair, 11.19. Main floor. See the Art Goods Window. We aim that this window should In a measui'9 tell yon of the pretty things to be found In this department. Dainty pieces of fancy work, most of them from abroad, are on display for this week. Will you see? Come Tuesday. Free Lessons. In Art Embroidery tevery day from 3 to 6 p. m. Ex pert Danish needle artist In charge. Materials should be purchased here. Second floor. Bargain Square. Men's Canton Flannel Working Gloves, leather lined, special, two pairs for 25e. Special sale of Womep'a Cashmere Hie, bargain square, basement. Fancy Combs. New fancy combs, an endless variety of new and beautiful designs. Flaln and fancy gold mounted combs. Shell combs, studded with beautiful rhlnestones. Beautiful imported shell combs, the Very newest designs. We are alaq showing a nice assortment of plain and fancy Barrettes. Aek to see them. Main floor. . Be U-11-0T Howard. Cor. 16th' Street. SIGNS ON STREET CORNERS ZxchuiT Francliiss to Be Granted by ' City Council. NATIONAL' COMPANY GETS IT Latter flcrares Cae4r..lon of Fatntlna; Advertisements am the Signs and Giving FItc Thousand Dollar Doad. . .. In committee of the whole Monday after noon the city council decided to grant an I thsy will join the balance of that regiment now In the islands. GIRL GETS WEDDING AT- LAST Foiled In Attempt to Marry fnr-lo She Picks r liar First 1.0TS. Demure little Teresa Havllk was not cheated out of having a Wedding yesterday merely because Marriage Urense Clerk Furay refused to issue a license for her ta wed her uncle, James Basek, of Tama, la Two hours later she reappeared at tha court house with a new swain, George Botdech, and as no legal objections could be' made she secured the desired license and she and1 George were married by Jus- exclusive franchise to the National Street , tica Cockrell 8lgn company of Omaha to maintain signs Th marriage of George and Teres was at Intersections' of streets where such ; a victory lor Cupid over Mammon. Teresa streets are grsded for one block or more ana Oorge bad been going together for oil , both sides of the Intersection, for but. when Uncle James, a wealthy ,.srn of seven years with right of renewal j Barn''1"" farmer from Tama, came to visit for an additional seven years, the sign to , tbm he and n, "later." Teresa's mother. 1 placed and maintained without expense ' aecla ' """"d o a snod thing for Te to the city, the contractors to right to attach advertisements, A bond of I5 0CO is to be given for faithful hrr lV toT P"' 4ecji.- went to the Thomas, by dismissing the writ of error, thus, in effect affirming the decision of the supremo court of Illinois. The problem of construction of eewera and paving In Omaha for the next two years Is one, which . the council and the engineer's department will have to solve In a short time and-promises to be far from easy, for the reason that city funds tor these purposes are limited. The sewer fund Is n better shape, since there is prac tically 93,Wfl available for the work of two years when th. bonds authorised this year are sold, but tho paying fund Is not in good shape and ell the paving that can be done in two years Is sucn as will only require the expenditure of $60,000 for In tersections. Twenty-three thousand Oollals of the available $oO,Cffl is practically ap4ro- priaiea at present for intersections of streets between that part, of the e'ty bounded by Jackson street oft the south, Sixteenth street on the west, Capitol avo nue on the north and Tenth -street on the east ... Some question has arisen as in hQ of the park commission - to appropriate money not available for the paving of In tersections of boulevards and streets abut ting on property controlled by the park commission. If the opinion of the city at torney stsnds, the Intersection fund will be required for the first "lme to pay for ths paving of these Intersections and as the boulevard Intersection -Is twice as wide as the Intersection of aif ordinary street the ' Intersection fund will be drained -If a few of the paving districts-Include many boule- jvard Intersections. ' I No more money can be voted for either sewers or paving, city officials say, until t the charter of the city is amended or the city pays off some of Its' bonds. The charter ! thy P"t out. cannot be changed until the next session of the legislature which meet In January, 1909. Before a bill to amend the charter can be passed the council will have made the levy for that year so It will be impossible for the city to vote im provement bonds of any kind before the fall .of 1P09, making the money available for usj !in 1S10. . . . .- out exnonne urt"JnI wouia oe a gooa ming lor Te- v-i- !,,...,: , h"r? r" to wpd nPP un" become mistress ?? Z??' bU , eau.1 ll pf hl Iowa '" Teresa very obediently " "J overruled. The jurr ' terrormanct of d.-ty and work must be . .ulZ, Pnea of Mis, Adams that he had . 1- W'l? 1 "'ne,r f hf ",,:?.Va, because of their relationship she refusV-d r.C"C8 0,,..h", l'ncle ' J' W' U""'. tm "TV. 'na c"mP'"e w to change her plans for a wcUina- and her Amon lne,e wa" a s" Winchester a. year, n ine rity annexes oiner territory. ,hnl1u,h.. . rlJ that had killed Fred Tslar. W CONFESSION OF STEVE ADAMS WHatf.s Allowed to Place It Before Jory Over Protest of At torner narrow. KATHDRUM. Idaho, Nov. 11. 8. C. Thlel was the first witness In the Stove Adams case today. He testified to the arrest of Steve Adams and his subsequent confession. Attorney Darrow Immediately Interposed an objection on the ground that the confession had been obtained by threats, . promise of immunity and promise of reward. The Jury-was excluded and McPharland and Whltnoy wero cross examined by Mr. Darrow relative to the way in which the confession was obtained, and It was ascer tained that the concession had been made to McPharland. After the examination of these two witnuseea Mr. Darrow renewed his objection on the same ground, but it was con testimony. He said Adams had told him in the some rtn. cart- itness . , a ..... . - : -- - 'iv i'ni n v yj uir.utn lu Jin n il . - th. frMchis. extends to the new part of. w nd whn the app.are(, at tne wanted to get a letter front him to deliver the city. Th. city Is to racelve 5 per cent . marrlage ,lcenae of(lc( tne ttonC t)m, ,wr those articles to him. Mrs. Adams told . J VTpl" ,n! m'an'r our-jfac. ia beaming with Joy. At first U- ",lnl'" 11181 n th. life of ths contract. eenM clk Furay thougnt tn? cha ln they had bm The owner of the, old Christian taber- ! groom8 was A ,clleme to enable the unoIe . farm near E Mania. saw . - T?- a - . ..-v.. -v ...u fr.,B,.i eirrci. to marry hr, but after warning Boxdech was gravted permission to mainta'n the of the troublo he would find himself In if p.c vn i April i. ne 10 waive aamagea he allowed anyone else to use his license, he issued the document and the pair made a bee-line for Judge Cockrell's office, where the ceremony was performed. Miss Havllk is a daughter of Peter Hav- should the city tear it down at that time, Appraisal Bill Goes Over. The bill of the appraisers for the aban doned Northwestern boulevard project was deferred for a week until further con ference of tho Board of Tark Commis sioners. , Property owners who quarreled over th. the day after Steve's arrest rled the articles oh the Lillard Baker City, Ore. DEATH RECORD Mrs. Faaa. Many Omaha friends of Mrs. Haas, mother of Mrs. M. B. Lowrle, have hot learned of the death of Mrs. Haas st Sherl- 11k. 1715 South First street, and she has been dan' w'ro' at the home of her daughter, worUIng as a packer at Paxton & Galla- Mr"' ,ulla E"ry, and her burial at Val gher's. ' j paraiso. Ind. When sh9 dii'd, Rev. Mr. Lowrie, president of the Presbyterian The fat. of th. alley In block 25, city, got , MYSTERY N FATAL SHOOTING "lo5tca, "minary. a"d his family were, in tog.ther and decided they would divide th. property between them If th. city would, consent to a lease. In the face of th. declaration of Councilman Elsasser that such action would be Illegal, th. majority decided to make the leas, as rafi'iested. Europe, and only recently returned, and to Motive for Act of Rotter of Thebautls tnla la, attributed the fact that the newa of Mrs. Haas death, which occurred Sep. tcmber 15. did not reach her old friends at once. Mrs. Unas was K5 years of age. She was born In New England of rugged old May Never Ft Ro-enled. NEW YORK. Nor. ll.-The mystery sur rounding the death early yesterday of John I'urltan. stock, being a lineal descendant of Th. reoort of annrslaer. trr th. n.nin. BJorltn.' and the possible fatal shooting of MIIe" Standish. She was a member of the ofwenr-lurth aTree was ras-ed fo ! Pul ' Thh'ud' th "-Tr-o.d son First Presbyterian church of Omaha. Her arhn. rin-lni.rI.t-J TI.m- Z ot tn millionaire broker, may never b. character and Influence drew hosts ahll. so' Interested property owners could b heard. ; The proposal of th. execiUor of the es cleared. That BJorlln, who was butler and ' friends to her. She had lived a wldaw confidential man in th. magnificent coun- , 'or forty-eight years. trv hnm nf th- Th.h.nil1. tn I . HI,. I I ftr 1,'llL.I , v . , I r! Led .J th ev !!t ITT 7" Whert the oc"rred. shot 1,1. em- Mrs. Wllhelmln. Ke.sler. wife of the Z Zni. ftlr? o tW T pioiet' 'on Whl18 the Utt" w -1-P'na- Ut. Ju.tuS Ke.sler. died Sunday at the Z LP t r . . t 17 a"d then killed himself. Is apparent. Abso- St. Bernard hospital. Council Bluffs; She Sixteenth and Seventeenth street, to the how,r. ha. been learned. The only per- children as follows: Mrs. Andrew PleuU-r. city In con.lder.tlQn of cancellation of 8on who could throw any light on th. case Mrs. Otto Kinder. Mrs. Adolph Brandes. "e"' ' U young Thebaud. and It Is not at all car- Mra. Fredortrk Tlmm, Charles Kessler. Over tha protest of Councilman Brucke, tain that ho ever will rov.r conaclous- Herman Kessler. Henrv Kessler and Miss It ... decided to pasa an ordinance oom- neas. The bullet which fractured his skull Annie Keeler. Mrs. Kessler had been a filing the thermal units required in gas wa. removed yesterday, but th. y.uth was resident of Omaha since 1S8T. and had a to be net in place of gross. Mr. Brucker still unconscious today. wlde clrcI ol- frIerds 8n was , Wom.ln said the change would cost the gas com-! Servants have, since the tragedy, .aid of larg. heart and did a great deal -f Zr pany between X12,)0 and ,:5.(H)0 and mlgtit that BJorlln several days ago became mo- the poor and needy. result In a suit which would render nuga- rose and began drinking heavily. He talked Th. funeral will be held Tuesday aftov- tory all ordinancea regulating tha aal. of , of killing every on. in the hou. and told noon at o'clock from the rey'dence of h.r : ' - I them that he had mad written list of son-in-law rut- vir,. ;in a-,,th i ..viu., wini r.ui -nau mi ui. neaa. enth street. Ilev. M. V. Higbee will offl- WIVES INFLUENCE BUSINESS Even the Pre.enee of. Their Photo, ffrnphs Inspire lfalnds to Sac re.sfal Deals. "Have you ever observed." Inquired a traveling rran at the Rome hotel, "the In fluency of men's wives In their business?" Apparently no one had observed par tlcularly and the traveling man proceeded to elucidate his thought. j "I travel over a territory from New York to Denver," he said. "I visit partlcally all ( the leading business men engaged In largu affalra In each city. For years J went over the territory without pm'lng any attention 'to the photographs, Which occupied posi tions In the cosy corners of the desks of bi-BV men'. '' " ' "Well, then I I met a little woman'lhnt I seemed to be Just a ttttle T.etter than any other woman I had 'ever' seen or read about and I got married." t Parried my wife's picture In my watelv (rise and I'd steal a look at it very fet nVriufes even when I was working on a tleal. It seemed to insrtra ma. . .-. - r . : t "Then I began noticing that I wasn't the only, mnn carrying around a woman's p'cture. I began to notice the desks of busy men... I was surprised to see the num. ber of desks on whjrri were kept pictures of wives, daughters -or sweethearts. They were In -all manner of shapes.' Some men keep tht m In a frame and have them stand ing back at the ' remotest corner of the dek. they are not In the way, but where they can be seen by the man at th. desk without any trouble.. Others keep them In a drawer, where-they, tan refer to them by merely pulling the drawer optn. I know one man that has u, specially made little panel In bis desk, which he can push back and see the face of his .wife. "I know, on. man. , the li..d of a big institution ri-lit here In Omaha who always looks straight at the photograph of hia wife whenever he la thinking hard on some big dHl. I've never ventured to ask him why he did it because I know. Hie wife is(a good business woman andT. believes It helps him even ,to look at hur photograph when be is figuring on an Important matter. "Omaha is particularly strong in this thing of having phqtographa on the deak. I shpuld say that of the hundred leading buxiness men I see here, more than half of tlium have photographs o(. their wives at tha backs of their desks. And of the other fifty I venture to say nearly all have tho pholo&rapha ln a convenient drawer." 3"-' -5. -ar-" hw hi BSCUlt A food to work on A food to smile on A food to sing on Energy and good -nature in every package. The most nutritious wheat food. M E0 In moisture and dust proof packages, NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY woman at a kitchen dance In Co jne I Bluffs and was Invited to go to the woman's room in the Arcndo, where ur rangementa were made to leave her a ay there. Erie was found by the police a couple of hours later and taken to the sta tion. 6he will remain at the Detention school by order of the court. BRING BACK THE STEAMBOAT (Continued from Page One.) mercial club arrived home during the day In time to attend the banquet. Othera ar rived during th. afternoon and evening, und long before 9 o'clock Monday- morning the acceptance numbered 170. If members continue to telephone for reservations an overflow meeting will have to he, held or many will be turned uway. R An Auto ColMxIon means many bad bruises, wh'ch Bucklcn'a Arnica Ealve heals quickly, os It does sores and -burns. 36c. For sale by Boaton Drug r- - i emitter Cigars Tou will enjoy one when out for a r'n In your auto. No finer flavored elirar made. The pure natural tohaoco, ubio lutely free fmm all inlurious flavors. Try It next time. Made In Omaha and sold everhere thrnurnut the Trans-Mlsslsslppl cou.try, o cents. Wm. Binderup Manufacture of tha 'Ktmltt.r," Prld. of aaiungs- ana "uon.y ctacr" Ctga-f 1832-84 Bt. Miry' Art., Omaha, K.p. A Half Century Tailoring Experience at your Disposal , IT'S WITHIN onr power to do thi-s in the tailoring line sufficiently brtter than does the average tailor to cause you to come here lor correct at tire. ., You'll find a tempting variety of sea sonable fabrics here both fancy and staple and large enough to satisfy every taste and purse. To ETen I'p Onr Medium Trirod Lines we hnve reduced the ' price on aany of our highest grade fabrics. You'll find a liberal assortment of J50 and $46 styles on the $10 tables and $42 and $40 styles on the $35 tables. Turners $8 to $12 Soils $25 to $53 j CHURCH DEFENDS MURDERER Methodist ronarreorntlon In Phila delphia Extends Aid to - ' "' A. J. Dctseh. PHILADELPHIA, Nov. 11. T7riri.e. cedentcd action was taken by the Rev. O. Blckley Bums, paster of the Union Metho dist Episcopal church, and Its official bonrd yesterday in conveying encouragement and sympathy to Andrew Jackeon Detach for tha killing of Harry Ferree. when he ahot throuRh the door of his wife's room. At the morning services the pastor otTered a prayer for the prisoner, afterward the Official boaids adopted the following reso lutions: "Resolved, That the combined offle'al boards of this church express unfeltned sympathy with our brother. A. J. Detsrh, and his family in their trouble and anxiety. We assure them of our esteem and con fidence and Christian love and stand ready to be of any service as we may be able to render." The church Is one of the largest in the city. ft. A. WHITNEY GOES TO UTAH Recover. Health and Deromei Super Inteadent of. I ulon Paclflc Further West. 6i , . rV' (Established Cures Mill You Slat p." WheeplngCough, Croup, Bronchitis, Coughs. Diphtheria, Catarrh. Confidence can be clacrd in a rem edy, which for a quarter t f a century has earned unqualified praise. Restful nights are assured at once. Cnsoloae la Boon to Asthmatic All Druggists Send stitf for tfflf- IKripttvi booklet. Cresolene Antiseptic . u 1 w , ..uiri.iui bar Irritated throat, of your drng(rlt or from as. 10s, In stamps. Hie Vape-CftsolKM Co l80rsttM8I..H.T. nrir icVsHTlii erm ARB WILLIAM JERnEMS' HONS. 200-11 80. 15th St. Qalck 8hlat Sbne Pollsti eantains no turpentine or acids, gives a satin finish, will not rub oft on he clothing. THREAT TO KILL AN EDITOR Black Iloudred Invades American Territory In Effort to Avenge His Deeds. KE-W TORK, Njv. 1i.-a death threat ! letter, said to have betn written by Rus sian nationalists, has been received by Ix)uls Miller, editor of the Jwls1i niiWs payer Warheit. The postmark Is Geneva. Switzerland. Th. warning explains that the Geneva de partment of the union of Rufsaian people, th. black hundred, decided at Its Isst meet- as revolutionist, be con C 11 Protests against paying th. costs of I paving of Forty-first street and 011 Thirty, third straet were overruled. T'oarth Cavalrr ('snlis FORT MEADB, S. D.JT-v. ll.-Speciul) W. A. Whitney,, formerly superintendent of the Wyoming division of the Union Pa cific, who resigned a few years ago be cause of falling health, has been appointed to tm ll.v rtnatHnn Af .ll.arlnl.nlnnl n , .L . ... ,. c..u. ..v. u. mi mai ne eauor, wno was known me tun envision or tne union raeifie. m. Bandes whll. omoe resigning ni srnrmer position he took damned t death for aldlnr the i.rR,.ii a long vacation, was hen superintendent erganlzatlbn In printing documents of the of transportation of th. Denver ft Rio ! government. Three . special agents have Grande and afterward superintendent of been delegated to carry out the threat and the union station at Denver. His health ' have left Moscow with rubles to defrsy Is completely restored and ho will enter ! the xpt-ies of the errand. Th. notice hn Paul had always hitherto been BJorlln's clat.. assisted by Jacnh Ha- ck. Interment uPn n,s new wrk November 16, when the , greatly disturbed the editor. The black especial favorite. will be at Prospect Hill cemetery. Horace M. Hall. Horac. M. Hall, 630 Srmih Nineteenth street, died at McCook of heart disease at 1 for Men, Women and Chi ilren It ta Pure It Is Porous It is Protective It la I I All Wool In All Weights t l II All Weight, for All Wants J 1 Write tor frnmnle$ and II T'o'k't of Parti ular$ f For Sale In Onial a hy ALBKUT CAUN State Agent. a writ of error was sued out In th. so.- Thomas Wlas Itallrond SaU. WA8H1NQTON, D..C, Nov. U Tb au- It Is retorted that th Fom rh . r.v.i.v Dreme court of th. United fitntea tiwlar wljl arrive at thia pot from the Philippine decided the controversy between SaraiHl ' ' ro' Sundar- 11,8 on- Hot ace R. Hall. Islands about December 1. Th. two troop. H. Leatha and Edward L. Thomas, grow ut the, S'xth cavalry vlbft -behind at thla ting out of th. coastructioq in VS70 of the post hav. orders to be in read'ness to start Belleville Cltv railway, conne.cins- Riiu. for tho Philippines by November 3, j her. vllle. HU. with East 8t. Lnula, ln favor or He ha1 "one to McCralt on business and was thore aeiied with a stroke of lwan r . . 1. 1 1 went to bring the body huine for burial. Mr. Hall, who recently came to. Oma.ia from Denver, was in the postcmce serWce PILE crilKD IX O TU 1 DY. FAZO Ointment is giiaranred to cu' any eas. of Itching. Dln.d. Bleedlnsj or pr trud ng Piles in C to 1 djr or money refunded, euo. Hi Ttlaf THS US a THASI MASK U CM THI WRAPrtH. TAXt 10 SUISTITITt. OZOMULSION Tas Ui Urn Oil Eawlsai "Par Eusllcan UAKAN-teOavWtMNf SSTa.1 i AO. i it. !. rl fc-tU TUB POORLY NOURISHED CHILD Is alray pJc, van, irritable and feeble , The rea.vna for the poorly aoun&bed child are many. It may be: Improper Digestion, Imperfect Aimilatioa, Lack ol Nutritive Liemears In tha Food Supply. The malt ol body growth under such conditions is ; General Weakness, Dcfictrrtcy in Sie, D.-foiniity of Structure Oiomulstou is Kature'g Food for BjI or Motiier. It in the Vpbuilder of tSe Date, and the S us t tuner ot the etd the Babe on Osomu2 sn, and it will prow to the full stat ure ol ixrlct physical development. Don't Wait until trvmorrow. 4 I Go to your Druggist A I 1 fi m b m 3 1 1Kb F003 VOCES GDOR -7 ln biMr-tOii, and m. IauUc OZOMl'irroitl LA h ik Yx UESi aa rtl new lorn. trouble.. He-was 6$ years Ot age and a, widower. HYMENEAL. Bradley-Hough' STL'RGIS, S. D., Nov. ll-(Spcial.)-Mr. William Rradky and lilts Nellie M. Hough, both of Elurgis. wera recently marrlrd lu Chicago. Mr. Bradley is well known throughout Meade county, having served two terms as county auditor. The bride Is an accomplished young woman and was superintendent of schools of Mrade county for two years. The newly married couple will reside In Sturgls and b. at home to their many friends after December 1. new d'vlaton Is taken into the fold of the hundred is regarded as pno of the most In 1 luun racnic. ins neaaqtiartera win m ' "urmni rwiruM in nussii. ana is the ona preme court and a certificate of probable " -an. im;n ninw me jewn massacre, last eaus granted by the supreme court. w. it. Bher'dan Is trainmaster of the Wyoming division at Green River and W. C. Heaver la fra'nrrmater of the line from Green River to Ogrten, with headquarters at Evanaton. E. N. Botsford will be as s'stant to Mr. Whitney at Ogden. These appointments are all effective November 15, when by order of President Hsrriman the line frnm Green River to Ogden will begin to be operated as a rart of the Union Pacific. All te mechan'cal, operat ing, engirre-tng. tax and supply Jejjart menls will be henceforth handled as part of the l"r.lcn Pacific. The Wyoming divi sion I redlatrlcted and the Wyoming, dl. Window Glass We do glazing. 'Phone our Paint Department your ord ers. Tel. Douglas 3425. Myers-Diiicn Drug Co. Paint Dept. 1416 Harney St. AUITSBMBWT9. AUDITORIUM NEXT SUNDAY AFTERNOON AND EVENING THREE BRILLIANT SOLOISTS (mi as. t. ioo box orrxca tiviidat, 14 th. A CRKIOHTON Ph"ne D'lu.laa 4M. ADVANCED VAUDEVILLE ! whereby the defendant was allowed his Ulf. ifj.'lCjf J'lj'ffll Hlh' fl'1 liberty on bati pending th. hearing In the "J.iJlVJ 1 "' ' 8,1 ' aupreme court. The- present decision of the court means that th. last of thos. ar rested for th. charge must serf, time In th. penitentiary. ' , - I Glov.a Mn.t Cerfe Time. BTURGIS, 8. D.i Nov. U. (Siiec'al)-. Word has been received here tht the su preme court of the stats of South Dakota haa affirmed th. decslin of the circuit court of this (Meadet cr.untv In th. rase of th. state against Rome Glover. This Is one of the eases tried during the last two years in which Olorer, Nlckerson and un Edlt.r Brrome. Mayor. BIOt.X TAIXS. 8. D.. Nov. ll.-peclal.) At a meeting of th. city council of P.irk- aton. F. D. eimirnsns, a regulirly sleeted I city cleik, tendered his resignation. This I was accepted and th. mayor appointed ! J. W. Feck ham. editor of the Parkstna Advance, to th. position. Th. appointment El OENK FOrGtriK; JiARRT GIXFrtri-. TRFD RAT & CO.. CHRIS RICH ARD!, MISS ALBA. OARDN'feR A. RKVERR. ML1.E MARTHA and THE KINODrtOME. . PRiCEB-VOo, Zoo, . Joa. ' Vs.on will now be that rt from North ! l .ma Have. wer. arrested chared .!r??LT??JVh' "Wa Platte to Rawlins, under It. U And, with .Ual'nM horse, belonging to T.awn ""or 'tk h 'h n'"B'w surerlntcndent. and th. Utah dlv's'on will . Bomari of Rig Bottom and A. K. Buchanan fj! ,,' ". A T. . , ? . Colllsloa Elevated. NEW YORK. Nov. 11 -A rear-end col lision occurred on the elevated at Bro.1 way and Thirtv-fourth street tndy. Nn on. w.s seriously hurt 6ovvral passengers tm cut by falling glass and others r somewhat shaken up. The collil'in ' corred Just north of the Thirty-third siroot lUUUO. , , be that part from Rawlins to Ogd?n. KITCHEN DANCE TO ARCADE Girl Vara There Is Tiber She Woman Who l ed Her ta Sfcnia.. Met President Marray 'ot III. RAI.T1MORK. Nov. M -The report pub lihd ik1v lhat President O. u. Murrav of the PalllTora at Ohio rallread asa lakrn III on th l ne while on an lnpecr on trip! and erimpelled to ai p at. Nw.cil, p... j was denied at nfflot here iir. iiunay U at his cCic as uauai. . J Nancy Smith, the U-year-oId g rl whi was taken by th. police from th. Ninth street Arcade Thursday Wight, told ths story 'of th. alleged attempt to induce her to lead a dlsruptahl. life when sh. was taken before the Juvenll. court Monday morning. Following her arrest th. wo ran who Invited her to th. Arcad. and who Is herself an Inmat. was arrested on a ehsrre of procuring and Is .til held at th. e ty jail. As a result ut th. evidenc. a?vn by th. title girl some mora arrest, prob- bly wUl follow. St.. said sh. met th. of ' Bu-rl'ng, Colo. Haves wss convicted and sentenced to thre. years In the pen! tentlsry two years aso. At the next term Nlckerson was convicted and likewise sen tenced to a term at 8lux Falls. At the ram. time Clover was tried and the Jury d'sasreed. At the October term. 14, Ol. rer was asaln tr'ed and convicted. Bub saquently. in December. 1. a mtln far a nsw trial wss mads and .rerruKd by Judge Rice. After the motion was denied. ueen nonorea wun II). appoiotment la a matter of satisfaction ta his brethren of th. preas throughout th. state. Charity Matter, ta Caaaa Vp. NEW YORK. Nov. 11. On the orraVen of the I wenty-fluh anniversary of the charity oraain- anon e'v'rtv of h' city a ritnfer'nn of national ' Interest w'U be held in Car negie tail no November IS JO and 21. which Is expected t. bring toether rh.rltv snd soCal workers futm all esrts ef the eoun ry. Tl.. renar'l (heme the vn n-- nss t b. held will b. "Th. wlf.r. .f th. Per." UOVU'd THE A I ER Tonight and nntil Tk. Big Musical .aoocss ' The Dclle ol Mayfair Thurs., Frl. and Bat. ' Th. Mons. .f a Tk.ttaa4 OaatUaa. Next fiundav . rroagaTca jtoET, in ma a. HeKi Tut Wiia your oociur but Ayer't non- ln Ki-kl ! (sraanarllla A m lr a I M IJ ft. . .u JlQjtUS cribei " ror rl. delicaw children. Atk vmi ii urn reuuimcnus ll wnco me Ciooa Conmllyoar Joe tot faty oAoaf meji. ' ,hl nl impure, and when the nerves gr calmaucn. H Ifou Truti him. and urntetdy. Afc him if It ald niture D at h unit. Follow hi aJuic. In buildingtipthereneral health. f fj;. OUR WOOD TODAY AT I JKa 2:30 AND !"?,v ir 8:15 P.M. 1 ' , i tots at Acts.' 1RUG TMcATiiM 'r ,., IK v 'Kr- tostiobt tAUT rBBromMAirca W. A. W3HECAH in a Ui4 Bwa.thsart of Tuea.: A Mllllonalr. Trama.